#Partial Melting of Ice on Lake
thorsenmark · 27 days
A Partially Frozen Over Peyto Lake with a Backdrop of Peyto Peak and Caldron Peak (Banff National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A view looking to the west from the main overlook of Peyto Lake.
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dont-f-with-moogles · 9 months
The Farthest Sea
Word Count: 1249 Characters: Levi x Hange, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie Canon universe
The giant salt lake lay before them, surging and rippling its blue flanks. Masses of white clouds were draped above, leaving only tiny windows of sky to spill shafts of light upon the scene. The water shimmered where each golden spear struck its surface. Amidst the cry of gulls overhead came the wild roar of the waves. Hange watched as a great crest rushed towards them, charging with all the ferocity of a thousand white horses. As the cavalry neared their position, they stumbled and collapsed into foam upon the sand. The swirling mass of water melted away as the tide dragged backwards, only to swell once more as though in preparation for a fresh assault.
Amazed, Hange dropped their boots behind them and walked until the soft, warm grains which clung to their feet became earthy and moist. They rooted themself firmly at the water’s edge, relishing the pleasant squelch of sand around their toes. As a flood of ice water lapped around their ankles, Hange gave a scream of delight.
“It’s freezing! I-incredible!”
There came a howl over to their right where Connie was hurling handfuls of saltwater into Sasha’s eyes. Jean, tired and thirsty from the long ride, reprimanded them both.
“Why do you two always have to act like such idiots!” he seethed, stooping over the glistening water and cupping a handful of it to drink.
On Hange’s left side, Armin stood open-mouthed. It was as though the young Scout had never fully allowed himself to believe in the existence of such an entity. He had long dreamed of discovering the sea and yet, now that it lay before him, it seemed to astonish him with its indisputable materiality. He drifted towards it with the rapture of a sleep-walker. Behind him, Eren and Mikasa held their boots out of the waves’ reach, unsure whether or not they should follow. 
Only Levi remained by the base of the cliff.
“Woo hoo!” Hange cried. With unrestrained delight, they plunged their arms into the cold sea and flung handfuls of water over their hair and face. Hange gave a wild shake of their head and wiped their mouth. The substance had left a bitter tang upon their lips.
“Wow, is this actually full of salt water? Huh…” For their attention was immediately seized by a dark object lurking in the shallows. Through their smeared glasses, Hange struggled to discern the identity of the creature. Cylindrical in shape and no longer than 3 inches, it was certainly unlike any fish Hange had ever encountered. The organism seemed to drift lazily with the current, giving every impression of being dead. 
“Hmmm. What could that be?” 
“Hey Hange!” Levi called out from the sanctuary of the cliffside. “You shouldn’t touch it. It might be poisonous.” 
Only partially registering what had been said, Hange waded out further into the water. They lifted up the mucous creature and held it out before them. Its body had a greyish hue and was covered entirely with tiny holes. It dilated like a long sigh, oozing foam in their hand.
“Wow!” Hange gasped, swinging around to Levi with their discovery. “Look!” 
Levi, who had not stirred, narrowed his eyes in disgust. “The hell is that? Titan shit?”
Hange had hardly opened their mouth to correct him before he relented. “I know, I know. Titans don’t defecate…”
“Oh good. Looks like I finally taught you something!” Hange bent down to the water once more, then brought the bizarre creatures closer in an effort to scrutinise them. “I’m not sure what these are though… could it be horse shit?” Levi’s mouth was pulled into an indistinguishable line.
“How have you got two of them?” 
“I think they like me!” Hange grinned.
“They think you’re one of their own,” he quipped at them. Hange had their back to him, absorbed in their study. Despite himself, Levi drew a step closer to the water before planting his feet firmly into dry sand. 
“At least the air here is clean…” he conceded. “…and the view isn’t bad…”
Hange gazed over the endless expanse of ocean. Sea and sky merged into an immeasurable translucent plain. The journey to the beach had been long, but it was incomparable to the notion of crossing these waters. How could one ever hope to reach the other side of the sea and survive?  Hange turned to Levi but found his eyes were upon them.
“…it’s incredible, isn’t it?,” Hange answered finally. Then a smile crept across their face. “You should see it from here!”
“I’m fine where I am,” Levi remarked coolly.
His protest was to no avail, for Hange swung around to face him. Levi grabbed at their hands, prising them away from his arms. Undeterred, Hange seized a handful of his green cloak, urging him forward.  “Come on Levi! This research is for the good of humanity!”
“Like hell it is!” Levi snarled as they grappled, “you just want to torture me with that stuff!”
He conceded by one step before quickly unlatching the metal clasp at his shoulder. Hange, who had been tugging at the material, stumbled over backwards with his cloak in their hands.
“I’m holding you responsible for getting that cleaned, Shitty Glasses.”
Hange stood, the cloak now clouding the water at their feet, and clung to Levi’s wrist. He attempted to writhe out from the grip of their icy fingers, but Hange’s grip upon his arm tightened. Their free hand sought his shoulder, steering him ever closer. Levi shuddered as seawater soaked through his shirt. Then something cold and slimy touched the back of his neck.
“Huh?! Get that filthy shit away from me!” 
Hange’s breathless laughter was in his ear. 
“So Levi, what do you think?”
“I think I’m going to drown you in this damn lake,” Levi snarled.
“Ah, but do you really want to risk being in the water for that long, Levi? It only takes one piece of poisonous horse shit to touch you…”
He refused to answer them. Either his anger had peaked to such a degree that it had rendered him speechless, or he had somehow become both awed to his new surroundings and startled by the very notion of being awed. Hange’s laughter slowed. Their hands were still on him.
“Mmm?” Hange glanced to their right. Eren had waded out into the water, ahead of Armin. He was pointing to the horizon… to where, according to Grisha’s memories, their enemies lay. Hange dimly wondered how their world might be perceived by someone waiting from across the farthest sea. Did these same divisive waters appear as blue and beautiful to them? Did they ever look upon the island of walls as a prison filled with innocents? Or were they forever fearful that these caged beasts would one day escape their long entrapment…?
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Hange weighed these same thoughts years later, from where they stood upon the dockside. This time the waters looked different. The sea stretched out before them, an infinite plane of blue burnished with red light. A few feet away, the hydroplane was grounded and bathed in heat. The island stood a little beyond forever. Hange had never before recalled feeling so far away from home. For now, it was a place they would never return to. 
Hange turned, their cape whirling about them as they strode away. They were slow, dragging footsteps at first before becoming quicker, more urgent… until the drumming of their boots drowned out the thudding of their heart. 
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the-oricami-curio · 1 year
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Ice Lily
Nymphaea glagos
Ice Lilies are native to high salt content bodies of water that exist below freezing temperatures. These arctic plants are not rooted in the soil of the sea or lake bed, and are instead freely able to float along the surface of the water. This has caused specimens to float along coasts into warmer environments. While above freezing temperatures will not melt an Ice Lily they struggle with the many competitors in these warmer areas, never gaining a foot hold. However, highly magical regions, such as the Feywild, may have small populations of Ice Lilies in their lakes and shores.
Ice lilies may look like a sturdy foothold for one trying to cross a lake, but when touched or hit (AC 14), they show their fragility, exploding into hundreds of icey shards. Each creature within 10ft of the exploding lily must make a DC 17 Con save or become frozen in place. A creature frozen in this way takes 3d8 cold at the start of each of their turns, and is partially entombed in ice, becoming grappled until they are able to break out.
Breaking out of the ice requires a DC 16 Athletics or Acrobatics Check. Alternatively, the ice can be broken with 14 points of Fire or Bludgeoning damage. The ice will freeze solid any liquid within the explosion radius, creating a passable walkway. This Ice lasts up to a day in above freezing temperatures or forever in below freezing ones.
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bears-wolves-dragons · 5 months
My experiences with wolves
This isn't even like, a kin thing. This is real.
My experiences with wolves are oddly reminiscent of the book The Wolfen, and I don't like that.
The first time, I just found tracks around the lonely lake shore. It was a warm fall day and the tracks, which had no human tracks near them, went all along the shore. I also found some scat.
This time, on a warmer winters day, I found tracks everywhere in the thin snow/ice. On the lake itself. On the trails. Off the trails. Clear, clean, obvious wolf tracks. You can tell it's not from dogs because they're too large, and not as rounded.
This time, I went with my boyfriend. We had just washed his truck before we got there. When we came back to his truck, parked right near the old highway, there were muddy smears on the hood. There were tracks all around, and an area where an animal had clearly rolled and lost some fur in the partially melted ice; it was melting and refreezing while we were out, depending on the sun.
I took a bit of fur. It's black and long and fluffy. It's not dog fur though, and the fact that it was big enough to put its paws and chest on the hood of a lifted pick-up truck is something else. We didn't see, hear, or even smell anything off.
All i know is that wolf had crossed our trail, followed it, and came back without us seeing it. It also probably marked his truck, so it might show up in town now too.
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rashmi-rattan · 20 days
Exploring the Seasons: Summers and Winters in Kashmir
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Nestled in the northernmost part of India, Kashmir is often referred to as "Paradise on Earth." This breathtaking region boasts a diverse landscape, from verdant valleys to snow-capped mountains, and experiences distinct seasonal variations. Summers in Kashmir and winters in Kashmir present stark contrasts, each offering unique experiences and mesmerizing beauty that captivate visitors from around the globe.
Summers in Kashmir
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Summers in Kashmir, spanning from May to August, are a time when the valley bursts into a riot of colors. As the snow melts, the region transforms into a lush, green paradise. The temperature during this season ranges between 15°C to 30°C, providing a pleasant respite from the scorching heat experienced in other parts of India.
One of the most iconic attractions during summers in Kashmir is the famous Dal Lake in Srinagar. The lake, with its shimmering waters, is adorned with traditional Shikaras (houseboats) and floating gardens. Tourists can enjoy leisurely Shikara rides, taking in the serene surroundings and vibrant markets on the lake. The Mughal Gardens, such as Shalimar Bagh, Nishat Bagh, and Chashme Shahi, are in full bloom, showcasing meticulously manicured lawns, terraced lawns, and a myriad of flowers.
The town of Pahalgam, known as the "Valley of Shepherds," is another summer haven. Pahalgam offers breathtaking views of the Lidder River, verdant meadows, and opportunities for adventure activities like trekking, river rafting, and horse riding. Similarly, Gulmarg, renowned for its picturesque landscapes and the world’s highest golf course, becomes a vibrant meadow in summer, ideal for golfing, gondola rides, and trekking.
Sonamarg, meaning 'Meadow of Gold,' is yet another destination that shines in the summer. The region is characterized by its golden flowers and lush green fields, and it serves as a base for various trekking routes, including the famous Amarnath Yatra.
Winters in Kashmir
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Winters in Kashmir, from December to February, transform the valley into a white wonderland. The temperature often drops below freezing, ranging from -2°C to 8°C. Snow blankets the region, creating a magical landscape that attracts tourists seeking a winter wonderland experience.
Gulmarg is perhaps the most popular destination during winters in Kashmir. Renowned for its world-class ski resorts, it attracts skiing enthusiasts from across the globe. The Gulmarg Gondola, one of the highest cable cars in the world, offers breathtaking views of the snow-covered mountains and valleys below. Besides skiing, visitors can indulge in snowboarding, snowshoeing, and other winter sports.
Pahalgam also takes on a new charm in the winter months. The snow-clad mountains and frozen rivers create a picturesque setting perfect for snow trekking and ice skating. The Aru and Betaab Valleys near Pahalgam are particularly popular for their serene beauty and tranquil ambiance during this season.
Srinagar, the heart of Kashmir, doesn’t lose its charm in winter. The Dal Lake freezes partially, and the sight of houseboats surrounded by ice is a unique experience. The Mughal Gardens, though covered in snow, offer a different kind of beauty, showcasing the stark contrast between the structures and the snowy landscape.
Sonamarg, although less accessible in winter due to heavy snowfall, remains a breathtakingly beautiful destination. The town and its surroundings are covered in thick snow, providing opportunities for winter treks and snow camping for the adventurous souls.
Summers in Kashmir and winters in Kashmir offer vastly different yet equally captivating experiences. In summer, the valley is a vibrant expanse of lush greenery, colorful blooms, and pleasant weather, perfect for outdoor activities and sightseeing. Winter, on the other hand, cloaks Kashmir in a serene, snowy beauty that turns the region into a playground for winter sports and a haven for those seeking peace and tranquility amidst nature's icy embrace.
Whether it's the blooming gardens and gentle Shikara rides of summer or the thrilling ski slopes and serene snowscapes of winter, Kashmir never fails to enchant its visitors. Each season brings with it a unique charm, making the region a year-round destination for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in its natural splendor and cultural richness.
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dmsonline · 26 days
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xtruss · 2 months
Why Are These Emperor Penguin Chicks Jumping From a 50-Foot Cliff?
The First-of-Its-Kind Footage, Taken in January 2024 Via Drone, Captures a Rare Event that May Become More Common as Sea Ice Declines and Penguins are Forced to Adapt.
— Photographs and Video By Bertie Gregory | By Rene Ebersole | April 11, 2024
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Emperor penguin chicks jump off a 50-foot cliff to take their first swim in Atka Bay, Antarctica. Photographer Bertie Gregory used his drone's powerful zoom lens to maintain distance from the captivating scene.
Like a group of teenagers crowding at the top of a cliff, waiting to see if someone will be brave enough to jump into the lake first, hundreds of months-old emperor penguins gather at the top of an Antarctic ice shelf towering roughly 50 feet above the sea.
Motivated by hunger, the fledglings peer over the edge, as if considering whether they might survive a polar plunge from such a height.
Then one bird goes for it
For the first time, experts have filmed emperor penguin chicks leaping 50 feet off an Antarctic cliff. The incredible footage will appear in the series "Secrets of the Penguins," which will debut on Earth Day 2025 on National Geographic and Disney+.
Some of the onlookers crane their necks to watch it plummet and splash into the icy water below. Seconds later, the chick surfaces and swims away—off to fill its belly with fresh fish, krill, and squid. Gradually, other fledglings follow, tumbling and flapping wings built for traversing water, not air.
Filmmakers producing a documentary series called Secrets of the Penguins, which will debut on Earth Day 2025 on National Geographic and Disney+, captured the extraordinarily rare scene by drone in January in Atka Bay, on the edge of the Weddell Sea in West Antarctica. It’s the first video footage of emperor penguin chicks leaping from such a high cliff, according to scientists.
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As climate change melts sea ice in Antarctica, more emperor penguin chicks are breeding on the permanent ice shelf—forcing them to jump from higher heights into the ocean.
“I cannot believe they caught it on film,” says Michelle LaRue, a conservation biologist based at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. LaRue, who did not witness the jump, had visited Atka Bay to consult on the film crew’s third year of documenting emperor penguin behavior, from egg laying to chick fledging.
Ordinarily, emperor penguins nest on free-floating sea ice that thaws and blows away each year, not on the ice shelf, which is firmly attached to the land. But lately, some colonies have been nesting on the shelf. Scientists theorize that the shift could be related to increasingly earlier seasonal thawing of the sea ice caused by climate change.
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At about five months old, Emperor Penguin chicks began to shed their down and grow their adult feathers, preparing for a life spent partially at sea.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the world emperor penguin population, estimated to be about 500,000 birds, as near threatened due in large part to how climate change is impacting its icy realm.
In early January 2024, in the final weeks before the sea ice broke up at the end of the Southern Hemisphere summer, filmmakers spotted a group of chicks that LaRue thinks were likely raised on the ice shelf waddling north toward the cliff. Curious about where they were headed, the filmmakers dispatched a drone for a bird’s-eye view. Gradually, more chicks joined the dawdling group, growing in numbers until there were a couple hundred standing at the top of the bluff.
‘I’m Gonna Have To Go’
Gerald Kooyman, a research physiologist who has spent more than five decades studying emperor penguins in Antarctica, says he has only seen such an event once—more than 30 years ago.
“Drifting snow had formed a gently sloping ramp from the sea ice onto a grounded iceberg, and a flock of departing chicks had marched up the ramp onto the berg,” Kooyman writes in his book Journeys with Emperors, published in November 2023.
“They were stopped by a 20-meter [roughly 67-foot] cliff over a sea that was sometimes open water and other times crowded with ice floes.” Over the course of a couple days, almost 2,000 chicks assembled at the ledge.
“Finally, they started walking off the cliff,” writes Kooyman, an Emeritus Professor with the Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in California.
“Not jumping or leaping, just stepping out and falling head over heels, sometimes doing two flips before hitting the water with a resounding plop.”
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Most of the fledglings survived the jump into the icy waters. The chick on the left that fell into a crevasse used its beak to climb out and leap the rest of the way.
This phenomenon is rare, say scientists who monitor penguins from satellites in space. Peter Fretwell, a British Antarctic Survey Scientist who has studied Satellite imagery of the Atka Bay emperor colony for several years, occasionally sees penguin tracks going north toward that cliff. He theorizes that the chicks in January may have followed one or two vagrant adults that “went the wrong way, basically.”
Juvenile emperors usually fledge from the sea ice, hopping just a couple feet into the ocean. But these fledglings found themselves in a tricky location for entering the water while likely feeling extremely hungry, the scientists say. Their parents had already gone to sea, sending the message that it’s time for them to fish for themselves, and the chicks had been sitting tight waiting for their sleek, waterproof adult feathers to grow in, replacing their down.
“When they get to this cliff face, they’re like, ‘Alright, I see the ocean and I need to get in there,’” LaRue says. “This does not look like a fun jump, but I guess I’m gonna have to go.”
Resilient Birds
While the scientists do not think the cliff-jumping incident was directly related to climate change warming Antarctica, Fretwell says the continuing decline of sea ice on the continent may force more emperors to breed on ice shelves, therefore making the behavior more common in the future.
Scientists have been concerned about the sudden decrease in Antarctic Sea ice since 2016 and the likely dire consequences for emperor penguins’ long-term survival.
“We estimate that we could lose the whole population by the end of the century,” Fretwell says. “It’s heartbreaking to think that the whole species may be gone if climate change continues on the path that it’s on at the moment.”
LaRue remains hopeful about the emperors’ ability to adapt, and she considers the recent high dive caught on film a testament to their hardiness.
“They’re incredibly resilient,” she says. “They have been around for millions of years; they’ve seen lots of different changes in their environment. It’s a question of how rapidly they’re able to deal with the changes that are happening—and how far they can be pushed.”
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sughoshperur · 8 months
Planning a winter getaway in Uttarakhand? Make it unforgettable with Paragliding in Bhimtal
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Dreaming Of A Winter Escape? Consider Bhimtal Paragliding!
Melt your heart in a Snowy Bliss…
Uttarakhand, nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, offers an enchanting winter escape for travelers seeking adventure, serenity, and breathtaking landscapes. While this northern Indian state is renowned for its snow-capped mountains and pristine beauty, there's an exhilarating experience that can add an extra dimension to your winter holiday: Bhimtal Paragliding. 
In this article, we'll explore the thrill of paragliding in Bhimtal and provide essential information, including paragliding prices and costs, to help you make your winter getaway unforgettable.
Bhimtal: A Winter Wonderland Hidden In Uttarakhand
Bhimtal is a charming and picturesque town situated in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, India. Its reputation as a winter paradise is well-earned, and here's an elaborate exploration of what makes Bhimtal so special during the winter season:
Snow-Covered Landscapes: Bhimtal, much like other hill stations in Uttarakhand, experiences a transformation during the winter months. As temperatures drop, the town and its surroundings get blanketed in a layer of pristine, powdery snow. The once-green hills, pine forests, and rooftops all glisten under the winter sun, creating a surreal and enchanting landscape. This transformation into a snow-covered wonderland is one of the main draws for travelers.
Serene Ambiance: Winter in Bhimtal brings with it a sense of tranquility and peace that's hard to find in the hustle and bustle of urban life. The crisp mountain air, the sound of snow crunching beneath your feet, and the sight of the Bhimtal Lake partially frozen over all contribute to a serene and calming ambience. The quietude and the sense of solitude that winter brings make Bhimtal an ideal place for introspection, meditation, and relaxation.
Winter Sports: Besides the scenic beauty, Bhimtal offers opportunities for various winter sports and activities. You can indulge in snowball fights, build snowmen, and even try your hand at ice skating on the frozen Bhimtal Lake if conditions permit. The local markets are dotted with vendors selling warm woolens and hot beverages, adding to the festive atmosphere.
Local Festivals: Bhimtal is known for its vibrant cultural scene, and during the winter months, you might have the opportunity to witness local festivals and fairs. These festivals often include traditional music, dance, and art exhibitions, providing a glimpse into the rich Kumaoni culture.
Cozy Accommodation: The town's accommodations, ranging from cozy homestays to luxury resorts, are well-equipped to provide a comfortable and warm retreat from the cold. Snuggling up by the fireplace with a hot cup of tea is an experience that adds to the overall charm of Bhimtal in winter.
Paragliding In Bhimtal: The Ultimate Winter Adventure
Paragliding in Bhimtal offers an exceptional experience with its panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and the Bhimtal Lake. As you soar high above the valleys and forests, you'll be treated to an awe-inspiring vista of the Himalayas. Paragliding enthusiasts will find Bhimtal to be an ideal destination for their winter getaway.
Paragliding is an adventure sport that combines the excitement of flying with the serene beauty of the natural world. When you paraglide in Bhimtal during winter, you'll experience the thrill of taking to the skies in crisp mountain air, against the backdrop of snow-covered mountains and forests. The rush of adrenaline as you lift off is only matched by the sheer awe of witnessing the Himalayas from a bird's-eye view. To book your slots for paragliding visit Universal Adventure.
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>> Nag Tibba trek in Uttarakhand is of moderate difficulty level and can be attempted by beginners. Wondering how long is the Nag Tibba Trek?
Affordable Adventures: Exploring Bhimtal Paragliding Prices
The Bhimtal paragliding cost may vary depending on the operator, duration, and any additional services offered. Paragliding in Bhimtal offers two exciting options: the Short Fly and the High Fly. Let's elaborate on what each option includes and what you can expect:
1. Short Fly :
   - Paragliding in Bhimtal price for a short flight is ₹1,599 per Person.
   - The Short Fly is designed for those who are looking for a taste of paragliding without committing to a longer experience.
   - It typically includes a brief but thrilling flight, usually lasting around 5-10 minutes.
   - The Short Fly is an excellent choice for first-time paragliders or those with time constraints who still want to experience the excitement of flying.
2. High Fly :
   - Paragliding in Bhimtal price for a high/long flight is ₹5,999 per Person.
   - The High Fly is the premium paragliding experience for those seeking a more extended and immersive adventure.
   - This package often includes a longer flight, lasting anywhere from 25 to 30 minutes or more, depending on weather conditions and flight path.
>> What is the time of paragliding in Bhimtal?
Bhimtal Paragliding - A Winter Adventure You'll Cherish Forever
A winter getaway in Uttarakhand can be transformed into an unforgettable adventure with Paragliding Bhimtal. The combination of snow-capped landscapes, clear skies, and thrilling paragliding experiences makes this destination a must-visit for those seeking an adrenaline rush and a memorable holiday. Don't forget to explore the local paragliding operators in Bhimtal, and be prepared for an experience that will leave you with lasting memories of the Himalayan beauty.
>> Which place is best for paragliding?
So, gear up for an unforgettable winter adventure, and let Bhimtal Paragliding take your Uttarakhand holiday to new heights!
Follow me on LinkedIn and Facebook for more adventurous places and packages.
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thorsenmark · 2 months
Spring is Coming to the Icefields Parkway (HDR)
Spring is Coming to the Icefields Parkway (HDR) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: That's what later came to mind when I looked at the HDR image I took at Bow Lake that morning in May. This was a look across the partial melting surface of ice on Bow Lake. Off in the distance are peaks of the Waputik Mountains including Bow Peak, BowCrow Peak, and Crowfoot Mountain (I used peakpagger.com for this based on the GPS coordinates and azimuth I captured in the image data). For this image, I took five images exposing at different levels and then combining for a final TIFF using HDR Efex Pro 2.
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gorez · 1 year
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Ocean Worlds
Earth isn’t the only ocean world in our solar system. Oceans could exist in diverse forms on moons and dwarf planets, offering clues in the quest to discover life beyond our home planet.
The worlds below represent the best known candidates in our search for life in the solar system – because where there is water, there is the potential for life. As you dive below, take note of each body’s ocean world status and its potential to sustain life as we know it.
Terrestrial Planet: Earth
Our home planet, Earth, is the only body known to have life. Called the “ocean planet,” Earth’s surface-land-to-water ratio is 29% land to 71% water.
Ocean World Status: Active – Dynamic ocean, known to support life
Dwarf Planet: Ceres
Scientists estimate that Ceres consists of about 25% water, a fraction of which could be in a liquid state. There are also clues that Ceres may have salty liquid below the surface and that it could have preserved an ocean deep underground. Data from NASA’s Dawn mission is continuing to provide new insights.
Ocean World Status: Possible – Evidence of an ocean, biological potential unknown
Moon of Jupiter: Europa
Scientists strongly suspect that a subsurface salty ocean lies beneath Europa’s icy crust. Tidal heating from its parent planet, Jupiter, maintains this ocean’s liquid state and could also create partially melted pockets, or lakes, throughout the moon’s outer shell.
Ocean World Status: Active? – Possibly a dynamic ocean, could support life
Moon of Jupiter: Ganymede
Ganymede is the largest moon in our solar system, and the only moon with its own magnetic field. Recent studies indicate a large, underground saltwater ocean is present at the Jovian moon. Ganymede could in fact have several layers of ice and water sandwiched between its crust and core.
Ocean World Status: Locked – Trapped ocean, unlikely to support life
Moon of Jupiter: Callisto
Callisto’s cratered surface lies at the top of an ice layer, which is estimated to be about 60 miles (100 km) thick. An ocean, which is thought to be at least 6 miles (10 km) deep, could be directly beneath the ice.
Ocean World Status: Locked – Trapped ocean, unlikely to support life
Moon of Saturn: Enceladus
Scientists predict that a regional resevoir about 6 miles (10 km) deep lies under a shell of ice 20 to 25 miles (30 to 40 km) thick at Enceladus’ south pole. This underground ocean is thought to feed the moon’s impressive jets, which spray from deep fissures (called “tiger stripes”) in the moon’s surface.
Ocean World Status: Active – Dynamic ocean, could support life
Moon of Saturn: Titan
Titan is believed to have a salty subsurface ocean – as salty as the Dead Sea on Earth – beginning about 30 miles (50 km) below its ice shell. It is also possible that Titan’s ocean is thin and sandwiched between layers of ice, or is thick and extends all the way down to the moon’s rocky interior.
Ocean World Status: Locked? – May have a trapped ocean, unlikely to support life if ocean is trapped
Moon of Saturn: Mimas
Research suggests that Mimas has either a subsurface ocean or that its core is shaped like a football. If Mimas is hiding a liquid water ocean, it lies 15 to 20 miles (25 to 30 km) beneath the moon’s impact-battered surface.
Ocean World Status: Possible – Evidence of an ocean, biological potential unknown
Moon of Neptune: Triton
Active geysers on Triton spew nitrogen gas, making this moon one of the known active worlds in the outer solar system. Volcanic features and fractures mark its cold, icy surface, likely results of past tidal heating. A subsurface ocean at Triton is considered possible, but is unconfirmed.
Ocean World Status: Possible – Evidence of an ocean, biological potential unknown
Dwarf Planet: Pluto
A world of many unknowns, Pluto could have rings and perhaps a subsurface ocean. Data from NASA’s New Horizons mission will provide new insights about this unexplored world.
Ocean World Status: Possible – Evidence of an ocean, biological potential unknow
Infographic illustrating water in the Solar System
Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Kim Orr
Published: April 7, 2015
Historical Date: April 20, 2017
Editor's Note: Last update. April 19, 2017.
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dont-f-with-moogles · 2 years
The Farthest Sea
The Farthest Sea Word Count: 1249 Characters: Levi x Hange, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie Canon universe
The giant salt lake lay before them, surging and rippling its blue flanks. Masses of white clouds were draped above, leaving only tiny windows of sky to spill shafts of light upon the scene. The water shimmered where each golden spear struck its surface. Amidst the cry of gulls overhead came the wild roar of the waves. Hange watched as a great crest rushed towards them, charging with all the ferocity of a thousand white horses. As the cavalry neared their position, they stumbled and collapsed into foam upon the sand. The swirling mass of water melted away as the tide dragged backwards, only to swell once more as though in preparation for a fresh assault.
Amazed, Hange dropped their boots behind them and walked until the soft, warm grains which clung to their feet became earthy and moist. They rooted themself firmly at the water’s edge, relishing the pleasant squelch of sand around their toes. As a flood of ice water lapped around their ankles, Hange gave a scream of delight.
“It’s freezing! I-incredible!”
There came a howl over to their right where Connie was hurling handfuls of saltwater into Sasha’s eyes. Jean, tired and thirsty from the long ride, reprimanded them both.
“Why do you two always have to act like such idiots!” he seethed, stooping over the glistening water and cupping a handful of it to drink.
On Hange’s left side, Armin stood open-mouthed. It was as though the young Scout had never fully allowed himself to believe in the existence of such an entity. He had long dreamed of discovering the sea and yet, now that it lay before him, it seemed to astonish him with its indisputable materiality. He drifted towards it with the rapture of a sleep-walker. Behind him, Eren and Mikasa held their boots out of the waves’ reach, unsure whether or not they should follow. 
Only Levi remained by the base of the cliff.
“Woo hoo!” Hange cried. With unrestrained delight, they plunged their arms into the cold sea and flung handfuls of water over their hair and face. Hange gave a wild shake of their head and wiped their mouth. The substance had left a bitter tang upon their lips.
“Wow, is this actually full of salt water? Huh…” For their attention was immediately seized by a dark object lurking in the shallows. Through their smeared glasses, Hange struggled to discern the identity of the creature. Cylindrical in shape and no longer than 3 inches, it was certainly unlike any fish Hange had ever encountered. The organism seemed to drift lazily with the current, giving every impression of being dead. 
“Hmmm. What could that be?” 
“Hey Hange!” Levi called out from the sanctuary of the cliffside. “You shouldn’t touch it. It might be poisonous.” 
Only partially registering what had been said, Hange waded out further into the water. They lifted up the mucous creature and held it out before them. Its body had a greyish hue and was covered entirely with tiny holes. It dilated like a long sigh, oozing foam in their hand.
“Wow!” Hange gasped, swinging around to Levi with their discovery. “Look!” 
Levi, who had not stirred, narrowed his eyes in disgust. “The hell is that? Titan shit?”
Hange had hardly opened their mouth to correct him before he relented. “I know, I know. Titans don’t defecate…”
“Oh good. Looks like I finally taught you something!” Hange bent down to the water once more, then brought the bizarre creatures closer in an effort to scrutinise them. “I’m not sure what these are though… could it be horse shit?” Levi’s mouth was pulled into an indistinguishable line.
“How have you got two of them?” 
“I think they like me!” Hange grinned.
“They think you’re one of their own,” he quipped at them. Hange had their back to him, absorbed in their study. Despite himself, Levi drew a step closer to the water before planting his feet firmly into dry sand. 
“At least the air here is clean…” he conceded. “...and the view isn’t bad…”
Hange gazed over the endless expanse of ocean. Sea and sky merged into an immeasurable translucent plain. The journey to the beach had been long, but it was incomparable to the notion of crossing these waters. How could one ever hope to reach the other side of the sea and survive?  Hange turned to Levi but found his eyes were upon them.
“...it’s incredible, isn’t it?,” Hange answered finally. Then a smile crept across their face. “You should see it from here!”
“I’m fine where I am,” Levi remarked coolly.
His protest was to no avail, for Hange swung around to face him. Levi grabbed at their hands, prising them away from his arms. Undeterred, Hange seized a handful of his green cloak, urging him forward.  “Come on Levi! This research is for the good of humanity!”
“Like hell it is!” Levi snarled as they grappled, “you just want to torture me with that stuff!”
He conceded by one step before quickly unlatching the metal clasp at his shoulder. Hange, who had been tugging at the material, stumbled over backwards with his cloak in their hands.
“I’m holding you responsible for getting that cleaned, Shitty Glasses.”
Hange stood, the cloak now clouding the water at their feet, and clung to Levi’s wrist. He attempted to writhe out from the grip of their icy fingers, but Hange’s grip upon his arm tightened. Their free hand sought his shoulder, steering him ever closer. Levi shuddered as seawater soaked through his shirt. Then something cold and slimy touched the back of his neck.
“Huh?! Get that filthy shit away from me!” 
Hange’s breathless laughter was in his ear. 
“So Levi, what do you think?”
“I think I’m going to drown you in this damn lake,” Levi snarled.
“Ah, but do you really want to risk being in the water for that long, Levi? It only takes one piece of poisonous horse shit to touch you…”
He refused to answer them. Either his anger had peaked to such a degree that it had rendered him speechless, or he had somehow become both awed to his new surroundings and startled by the very notion of being awed. Hange’s laughter slowed. Their hands were still on him.
“Mmm?” Hange glanced to their right. Eren had waded out into the water, ahead of Armin. He was pointing to the horizon… to where, according to Grisha’s memories, their enemies lay. Hange dimly wondered how their world might be perceived by someone waiting from across the farthest sea. Did these same divisive waters appear as blue and beautiful to them? Did they ever look upon the island of walls as a prison filled with innocents? Or were they forever fearful that these caged beasts would one day escape their long entrapment…? ... Hange weighed these same thoughts years later, from where they stood upon the dockside. This time the waters looked different. The sea stretched out before them, an infinite plane of blue burnished with red light. A few feet away, the hydroplane was grounded and bathed in heat. The island stood a little beyond forever. Hange had never before recalled feeling so far away from home. For now, it was a place she would never return to. 
Hange turned, their cape whirling about them as they strode away. They were slow, dragging footsteps at first before becoming quicker, more urgent… until the drumming of their boots drowned out the thudding of their heart. 
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marialeto · 2 years
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Photo of the day
September 7th, 2022
Photo of the Day
Silver Island Range (Mountains)
Where are you might find mountain men, explores, and wagon trains cross it’s peaks and valleys.
And circling the entire range is 54 miles of road.
The mountains are said to be made from limestone sediments from the bottom of a long vanished sea. The silver Island mountains were partially submerged by the melting ice age glaciers that created Lake Bonneville, whose shoreline can still be seen etched on the slopes of the area. After the limestone layers are raised high enough, volcanic activity covered them with lava flows such as can be seen at Leppy Pass and Volcanoe Peak.
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marketingtamil · 2 years
Type of Rain
Rain is a meteorological phenomenon that involves water. The water in the ocean, lakes, and lands is evaporated with heat and rises to the sky, creating clouds. Then, due to a particular temperature in the air, the water that is condensation in the clouds falls as rainwater. that's normally called rain cycle action.
Rain droplets of water are condensed as a result of evaporation. During the water cycle formation of clouds takes place. Rain is also called precipitation. it is a basic type of rain.
It's known simply as rain when the drops are about 0.5 mm in diameter, drizzle when the drops are smaller than that, and virga when the drops are so small they don't reach the ground.
Snow is a solid form of precipitation, basically little clumps of ice crystals that fall from the sky. also called a western type of rain.
when the atmospheric temperature is below freezing, water vapor in the air turns to ice. It forms around tiny particles of dirt that have been carried into the atmosphere by the wind, creating ice crystals. These tiny ice crystals stick to each other, producing snowflakes. When enough ice crystals stick together, the snowflakes become heavy enough to fall.
occurs when the temperature in the clouds is warmer than that on the ground. Condensation falls as rain and partially freezes, and the precipitation that reaches the ground is a mixture of snow and water. Crystal type of rain.
The shape of these ice pellets is usually globular and their diameter is usually around 5 mm or 0.2 inches. The size of sleet can also be smaller as it is formed as a result of freezing raindrops or the freezing of mostly melted snowflakes
Sometimes rain encounters a layer of freezing air on its way to the ground and solidifies into raindrop-sized – or larger – ice pellets known as hailstones. It is precipitation in the form of small ice balls or pieces with a diameter of 5 to over 15 cm.
This precipitation often accompanies thunderstorms. It can damage and destroy buildings, crops, machinery, and living things.
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aisla229 · 3 years
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Finished the first arc of the tabletop rpg game I’m GMing, I can finally post all the art! More about the worldbuilding under the cut:
Sauris is a white moon who’s visible surface is mostly composed of clouds. It orbeting around a gas giant, Caelophy. Millenias ago one of the pieces of the crust rolled over in the sea, exposing its side to the sunlight above, past the violent chemically active (and colorful) clouds inbetween. Life boomed on the continent, giving birth to complexe lifeforms such as plants and animals. Currently, civilisation is on the verge of an industrialisation, with a wide and diverse range of trades, for the first time spanning the massive and entire continent.
The active Inner Cloud layer, in an event called the Cloud’s Shift, can burst outwards. When it touches the continent it is believed to be the cause of creation of magic, causing all kinds of odds events as well, like making felines walk on two legs, plants change color, or give mysterious abilities to hidden creatures.
Any magic needs to be cast with a magic circle, each categorised by naturally occuring sigils at the centers. There is 13 known sigils, each named and tide to the planets and moons of Sauro. However tides are about to move, with a few wary travellers coming across a 14th unknown sigil, with the only proof of it being a reserved kid and a suspicious necklace.
Dinosaurs are the prominent life form on Sauris, with only a few mammals (mostly rodents and our beloved humanoids), fish in the rivers, and giant insects in the bogs. Here is a world where dinosaurs are found as locomotion, pets, food, and terrifying predators. It being very cold on Sauris, all year round, they also all rock some fluffy feather/proto-feathers coats.
The seasons no Sauris, are divided into two summers and two winters, spending a large portion of the year partially obscured of Sauro by Caelophy. The highest temperature is around 10°C , and the lowest -30°C
Here on the continent:
- The Tower of Almonious: A distant land discovered by a great sorcerer who has constructed a massive tower on top. Not much is known to the common people of Sauris, and stays inaccessible even today.
- Pol Malleo: An Active volcano, that unlike the ones on Earth does not eject lava, but a hot water-like liquid. Said liquid, named Azura, has a bright blue-turquoise color that glows a powerful green when it comes in contact with certain gases. The jets can go as high as 50 km high in the sky, forming a long colorful trail as it floats away.When an eruption occurs during Altieme, the droplets of liquid tend to freeze instantly in contact with the cold air, forming icicles that drop on the land below, often causing great problems as they bullet the surface.
- Tiacus Mire: It is currently the land in which resides the biggest city of Sauris; Aegyp. It also has the biggest lake: Great Ophora. During Primaestas, the majority of its land gets flooded, creating humid bogs, prospice to massive creatures, such as insects, Spinosaurus, and water dwellers like the massive mosasaurus.
- The Isles of Breviq: It probably has the most unique land shapes of the entire Continent. Long, relatively thin pillars of land have slowly come apart from the main land mass over many centuries, resulting in its numerous islands appearing to float between the clouds. The people of Breviq are known for having tamed the difficult beasts of the sky; riding pterosaurs.
- Pol Incus: The tallest mountain of Sauris, and so the tallest point of the entire moon. Its difficult climb has challenged many minds to reach its freezing top where the air grows thin. Temples and even old artefacts lie across the peaks or hidden under it’s rocks, proving the curiosity this mountain has always inspired.
- Thyreophor: The biggest land of Sauris. Thyreophor is most defined by its lush forests with massive trees and year-long colorful plants capable of holding under massive amounts of snow. It still holds the title of largest population in total.
- The Sdomorphia Wild Plains: Long stretches of grass and brush-like plants extend for as far as the eye can see. Sdomorphia is the land of nomads and the biggest of the animal kingdom: the Sauropods. It might not contain many streams or lakes, but it’s vast stretches borrow perfectly for herd hunting.
- The Austro Tundra: Unlike the other more South lands of Sauris, the Austro Tundra’s soil never melts away. Its rock-solid earth and ice makes it difficult to build houses on, but it has not stopped villages from sprouting even on the coldest land.The Austro Tundra is the land of Theropods, having the biggest number of raptors alike, many of which have prized feather coats.
- The Coelorus Coast: It has some of the biggest rate of precipitation of Sauris, standing on the right side of Pol Malleo against the strong air currents brushing the clouds below. Perhaps from the warmth created by Pol Malleo, the snow in Coelorus tends to melt a lot quicker than the other lands, and with the high amount of rivers and streams lining the soils, it also is one of the most fertile places. The steep sides of the volcano create perfect ranges for step agriculture, and primarily corn and rice.
- Cephalia: It currently has the title of the land with the biggest number of farm-land. Cephalia is often defined as the most friendly populace. With its loudest voices being farmers and workers, it has a particular streak of freedom and carelessness attached to its name.
- The Shantung Sway: A land carrying its own ecosphere, the people of Shantung have remained centuries without connection to the rest of Sauris. The current path to its land is extremely recent and trades have yet to be initiated. Apart from a very few explorers that have left Shantung to see the lands, and all described as fairly eccentric, interactions have been minimal so far.Shantung has been described as odd and fairy tale-like. With plants that glow in the dark, upside-down trees that prevent snow from reaching the ground, and weird spiky structured rocks. With bizarre animals, dinosaurs naked without feathers, small floating octopus creatures, and long leg-less organisms that slithered like tree branches.
- The Tenonto Canyon: The great divider between Malleo and Incus, the canyon expands down as far as can see, battered with wild winds and dangerous looking tornadoes beneath the clouds. A single bridge has been built on the closest edges, where the trade route quickly bustled with life, and ultimately created Mer, an unique city split in two across each side, one in the Tiacus Mire and the other in Thyreophor.
I’d like to say a big thank you to the players for being so patient and being so invested in this world i created, I love you guys. And thanks to anyone who actually read this!
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if only to be near you
A/N: my second contribution to @astriexxe‘s flower husbands advent series! i swear for my last prompt i will post it earlier in the day askdfkl, time got away from me haha. anyway, here's day 12 with the prompt "lake!" title is from the song "My Heart With You," particularly the Pentatonix version!
Warnings: self-confidence issues, self-worth issues, touch-starvation, flirting, panic (both the gay variety and the regular kind), hand holding
Summary: Jimmy tries to convince Scott that his ice powers aren't as bad as he thinks. Scott is unwilling to believe it at first- but things work out better than expected.
AO3 Link
Scott wasn’t sure how Jimmy managed to drag him outside. He had planned to hide away in his home so that he couldn’t hurt anyone, but then Jimmy smiled bright as the sun and suddenly Scott found himself following Jimmy (at a safe distance). He led him to a lake on the outskirts of Rivendell- the one he had initially froze. The icy patches were still there, and Scott cringed a bit at the snow and ice spikes that had spread onto the once fresh green grass. Jimmy was still grinning blindingly bright, and while Scott usually loved the sight of his smile, something about it made his insides twist with anxiety. Why was Jimmy bringing him to a place of his mistakes? And why was he smiling about it?
“Jimmy, why are we here?” Scott asked, wings held tightly against his back as he tried to shrink in on himself. Jimmy frowned for a moment, reaching out to Scott- then stopped when Scott flinched away, and gave him a small, understanding smile. Scott hated having to stay away from Jimmy. He was so close, Scott could take the extra steps to reach out and touch him, to let Jimmy comfort him and hold him close- but he couldn’t risk it. He couldn’t hurt Jimmy because of his own selfish want for closeness.
“Well, you seem to think your powers are the end of the world,” Jimmy started, speaking gently.
“They are,” Scott huffed. Jimmy let out a soft, exasperated sigh.
“They don’t have to be. They’re only bad if you let them be bad,” Jimmy said, stepping aside and gesturing at the lake. Scott looked at the partially frozen lake with a grimace. He turned to look back at Jimmy with blatant confusion.
“I don’t understand,” Scott said, trying to keep panic and irritation from creeping into his tone.
“Freeze the lake more!” Jimmy said with what was probably meant to be an encouraging smile, but all it did was make Scott’s stomach drop.
“You want me to freeze it more?! Why?!” Scott asked, voice coming out more shrill than he meant it to as he subconsciously backed further away from Jimmy.
“Cause it’s pretty! Plus there’s not enough ice to skate on right now,” Jimmy explained, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Scott blinked in absolute bafflement.
“You think the ice is- can you even skate?!” Scott asked incredulously.
“Well, no- but how am I supposed to learn if you don’t get a move on!” Jimmy said with an encouraging smile.
“But I can’t make things melt yet!” Scott protested.
“Then we’ll always have a place to skate until you do figure out how to melt it!” Jimmy replied with unrelenting optimism.
“Jimmy…” Scott trailed off uncertainly.
“Oh c’mon, it’ll be fun! And pretty, like I said! It’ll match you- I uh. I mean your empire! All… elegant and clean and bright and pretty. Yeah,” Jimmy rambled. Scott’s face tinged pink at the way Jimmy stumbled over his words when he called Scott pretty by mistake. Because surely that had to be a mistake. Right? He covered that comment up pretty quickly, after all. But all the same… Scott did feel a little better about his ice magic when he heard Jimmy talk about it.
So with a deep breath, Scott stepped out onto the lake. The water froze beneath him as he walked, and instead of wincing at it like he usually did, Scott tried his best to admire the patterns of frost that spiralled out beneath his feet- and maybe Jimmy was right. The ice was pretty, maybe his magic wasn’t all that bad after all. He found a smile creeping over his face as he turned to face Jimmy again. Jimmy was staring at him with an awestruck expression.
“Beautiful,” Jimmy breathed out, and Scott’s face turned pink again- but that was probably just the cold, right?
“I uh. Yeah, the frost is kinda pretty,” Scott managed to get out, feeling a little embarrassed at the attention. Jimmy jolted, his face flushing slightly (he must have been cold too).
“R-right! The ice. Very pretty,” Jimmy replied, voice slightly strained and sounding as embarrassed as Scott felt. Deciding not to dwell on the awkward moment any longer than necessary, Jimmy stepped out onto the ice with Scott. He initially slipped a little, but managed to catch himself.
“Jimmy, I don’t know if-”
“It’ll be fine! Just gotta get the hang of- oh!” Jimmy’s sentence cut off with a yelp as he stepped on a section of ice that wasn’t as solid as the rest, and it suddenly gave way under his weight. Horrified, Scott watched as Jimmy suddenly disappeared beneath the surface of the water. With a gasp, Scott instinctively rushed forward to help- only for his steps to spread the ice back over. What had he just done?! Now he had frozen Jimmy beneath the ice, and he couldn’t melt it, and anything he would do would just freeze the lake more- and sure Jimmy was part fish, but the icy water would surely kill him and it’d be all his fault-
Scott’s internal panic was cut off by the sound of rushing water, and he turned around just in time to see Jimmy leap up out of an unfrozen part of the lake with his trident. He landed on the ice in a crouch in front of Scott, water streaming down him in rivulets. He stood up, and Scott caught himself staring at the way Jimmy’s tunic clung to his chest before he forced his gaze up to his face with a shake of his head. Luckily, Jimmy didn’t seem to notice, too busy wringing the water out of his cloak.
“Bit of a chilly swim, guess I should be a bit more careful where I step,” Jimmy said with a chuckle. Scott startled slightly, remembering that Jimmy had just taken a dip in freezing cold water and wasn’t even shivering.
“Aeor above- we need to get you inside and into dry clothes before you get hypothermia,” Scott said with an undertone of panic, wanting nothing more then to pull Jimmy close and wrap him in his wings to warm him up- but with his ice magic, Scott would only make things worse.
“Scott, I’m part cod. I’m fine,” Jimmy said, sounding a bit exasperated.
“Being a fish doesn’t make you impervious to hypothermia!” Scott said, the panic giving way to full-on hysteria. Jimmy looked at Scott with a baffled expression.
“Scott, cod don’t freeze. It’s something in our blood- I literally don’t get all that cold,” Jimmy explained with a laugh.
“You- but- but what if magic ice is different!” Scott protested. Jimmy sighed, giving him a gentle smile.
“You didn’t hurt me, Scott. Your magic isn’t bad, and neither are you. Besides, it’s not that often I get to show off my trident skills like that,” Jimmy said with a shrug. That last statement startled a laugh out of Scott, and Jimmy’s smile grew bright at the sound.
“It was… kind of impressive,” Scott conceded with a sigh.
“I don’t think that was the only thing you found impressive,” Jimmy said with a teasing lilt to his voice and a smirk. Scott felt his face burn bright once again. So Jimmy had definitely noticed him staring at his chest. Great.
“I uh. You sure you don’t want to change into dry clothes?” Scott asked in a squeak.
“I mean, you certainly seem to be enjoying the view… but the wet clothes are kind of uncomfortable,” Jimmy said with a chuckle. Scott was dying, he was dead, onto the afterlife. Scott made flirtatious comments all the time, how could he barely function when Jimmy made similar comments towards him?!
“I’m sure I’ve got something here that will work for you,” Scott offered, keeping his gaze anywhere but on Jimmy as he walked back to the lakefront. Jimmy quickly followed after Scott- and Scott didn’t comment on how much closer he was to Scott than before.
“It’d probably be cozier too, Rivendell wool and all,” Jimmy replied, keeping pace beside Scott. He wanted to reach out and take Jimmy’s hand more than anything- but he couldn’t risk it. Anti-freezing blood or not.
“Was this all a ploy to steal my clothes? Cute,” Scott teased, trying to get back to their usual dynamic and ignoring the way he longed to reach out and touch Jimmy.
“No, but I’m not complaining about the results,” Jimmy replied with a soft laugh, making the decision for Scott and grabbing his hand as they continued to walk. Jimmy’s hand was warm, so different from the cold he had now accustomed himself to. His heart was racing, but Jimmy didn’t instantly tear his hand away- Scott wasn’t hurting him. He wasn’t hurting him! He could be close to someone again. Or at least to Jimmy. Which in the end, was what mattered most to Scott.
general mcyt taglist (ask to be added so you’re tagged when i post mcyt fic!): @corazon10000 @damiensaidno @franticfandomfanatic @gattonero17 @hetapeep41 @meowdy-pickles @space-ace123 @vyeoh 
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dmsonline · 26 days
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