#Paul Giacoppo
whynot-animations · 2 months
DC Showcase: Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth! (2021)
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therese-lokidottir · 11 months
The Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes & X-Men Evolution series watch
Panther's Quest written by Paul Giacoppo
The episode begins with the Avengers going over the footage of when the Black Panther saved Captain America from Zemo. When they're able to get a clear image of him Black Panther arrives at the Avenger's mansion and attacks. After a brief fight Black Panther yields, reveals himself as Prince T'Challa, and states that he wants to test the Avenger's abilities. T'Challa needs help to reclaim Wakanda from M'Baku fearing for the good of Wakanda and the safety of the world. When T'Challa shows the Avengers that M'Baku has allied with Grim Reaper from Hydra and the arms dealer Klaw agrees to help.
The Avengers board the quinjet and set off to Wakanda. However, when Tony flies through one of the jungles, they are quickly shot down, leaving them stranded. T'Challa and Tony have a brief argument, and T'Challa decides to confront Man-Ape alone. Iron Man sends Captain America to watch his back, even though the rest of the team disagrees with Tony's idea. Iron Man is confident that everything will work out fine. The group is then immediately attacked by Wakadan soldiers.
Klaw, M'Baku and Grim Reaper are discussing their plans when the guards come in and inform M'Baku of the intruders. While travelling in the Jungle Captain America and Black Panthers discuss things. Cap questioned why T'Challa asked for help at all if he was just going to fight M'Baku alone. T'Challa expresses his feeling of failure when he is unable to do anything for his father and says he knows Cap must understand. Later the rest of the Avengers have shown that they were able to fight off the Wakanda guards and when they see up close their technology the know they can not allow it to fall in the hands of Hydra.
The Black Panther arrives to challenge M'Baku to fight for the throne of Wakanda, but M'Baku refuses sending two of his guards to fight instead. Meanwhile, the rest of the Avengers battle Klaw, Grim Reaper and the rest of the Hydra footman in a vibrant. During the battle Klaw's sonic weapons go off in one of the mine shafts destroying his body and transforming him into a being made of of sound energy. During Black Panther's fight, Captain America steps in to fight the guards so he is free to challenge M'baku head on.
During the battle between Black Panther and M'Bau, M'Baku nearly wins using the same comic device he used to cheat in his fight with T'Chaka. However, the battle in the mines can cause enough of a distraction for T'Challa to pick himself Back up and defeat M'Baku. T'Challa claims his throne with Wakanda's celebrating his victory. Back in the mine, Ant-Man can identify what's happened with Klaw and see his form is being maintained by his sonic weapon. He asks Wasp to keep Klaw distracted while they come up with a solution. Iron Man and Ant-Man come up with a plan to stop Klaw, with the help of a wasp that distracts him. They seal Klaw's sonic emitter inside a Vibranium container, hoping to contain the vibrations or cause an explosion. Iron Man is successful in stopping Klaw.
Now that T'Challa has become the king of Wakanda, the people of Wakanda are preparing to get rid of outsiders once and for all. However, Black Panther realizes that outsiders have both helped and harmed Wakanda in the past. Therefore, he decides that Wakanda cannot go back to its old ways, which were exploited by Man-Ape to cause trouble in the first place. Instead, Black Panther decides to create a council of Wakanda people to help govern the country while he leaves to join the Avengers.
I had a lot of fun with this episode. Tony makes a complete fool of himself several times, after how he acted in the last episode, I am here for that.
But really this is such a great episode for Cap'. Showing not only his loyalty and honor but his for the people attitude. Something that is just so integral to the character. The connection and allyship Cap and T'Challa are able to form in this episode are really nice.
it is interesting seeing the contrast between this series and the MCU. T'Challa does admittingly kind of use the Avengers in a bit of deceptive way. He does more or less apologize for it in the end. Assuring the group that he knows their trust is something he has to work to earn.
Yet again this show does great work on the action sequences on this show. Not only are they just well choregraphed but they do a great job at interspersing multiple ones at once.
The colors and lighting in this cartoon are top notch. This show actually has a good grasp an color theory. With recent actions cartoon I've seen the last few years they have a bad habit of just turning the saturation up and down but EMH will be creative depending on the environment, I love it.
Shadowed Past Written by Bob Forward & Jules Dennis
Rogue has a nightmare of a woman running away from a castle while shouting at someone, asking what they have done to her baby. She is chased and tries to keep the baby safe. Unfortunately, she loses her grip on the baby who falls into the river below. When Rogue wakes up the others have come to her room to see if she's okay. She tells them this has been a recurring nightmare since coming to the institute, and now for some reason, she knows that the bay in her dream is Kurt.
Xavier comes in to help. He reads Rogue's mind revealing that the woman was Mistique and the man was Magento. Kurt was indeed the bay lost in the river and found by two of the locals and taken in. Kurt wonders how Rogue may be having a memory of him. Xavier says that it is possible Rogue absorbs memories when using her powers. Kurt asks Xavier to read his mind in hopes of finding out more but Xaviar says not tonight.
The next day Xavier speaks with Mistique as Darkhölme, who is still the principal, I guess. He tells her about Rogue's memory and asks her what she and Magneto were doing and if it was worth the loss of her son. Mystique tells Xavier to leave, he does though it is revealed that he read her mind to find the location of the castle and sends the information to Wolverine.
Mystique eavesdrops on a conversation between Rogue and Kurt confirming that he is her son. She sends Pietro to deliver a note to Kurt, asking him to meet her in the new mall construction area. Kurt decides that he'll go to find out more. Meanwhile, Pietro is shown to pass on the information about the meeting to Magneto who is at the castle. Not soon after Wolverine arrives at the castle, but Magento has already fled destroying the lap and setting a bomb to destroy the rest of the castle.
Kurt meets Mystique wearing a hooded cape. She reveals herself as his mother. which takes Kurt by surprise. He demands answers from Mystique, but The Brotherhood interrupts them. Mystique tries to get rid of them, but Quicksilver ignores her now following Magneto's orders. They knock Kurt out, but the other X-Men arrive, and a fight ensues. Rogue acquires Avalanche's power and tries to stop Mystique from escaping. Mystique tells her that it's too late for answers, transforms into a raven, and flies away.
Xavier informs Logan, Scott, and Jean about Mystique, Kurt, and Magneto's genetic research. Rogue's memories were Mystique's. They don't know if Mystique is Kurt's mother or what happened in the lab. They decide not to tell Kurt. Kurt confides in Rogue about his suspicions regarding Professor Xavier hiding the truth about his past and real parents. Rogue tries to reassure him that the Professor has a good reason for keeping some things secret. Rogue suggests that they can keep looking together and that they will find the answers someday.
So, this episode did end up bothering me in the weird casualness the characters have with each other. Because this episode begins and ends with Mystique as the school principal. Everyone goes to that school and they're just okay with the woman who tries to attack and kill them being in the same building all day long.
We get some classic Chuck being shady keeping so much from Kurt. Not telling Kurt about his mom, personally it makes me suspicious if he didn't already know something before Kurt even came to the institute.
Kurt gets a bit more to do this episode than normal. I like the bond he forms with Rogue this episode is nice seeing their differing feeling on things and the allyship the make in the end to find the truth.
Again this show can have pretty good action scenes always stepping up the animation for them. Though this episode it was a bit of a shorter one.
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thecomicon · 4 years
DC Showcase 2021-2022 Short Film Slate Announced
DC Showcase 2021-2022 Short Film Slate Announced
The DC Showcase short film program will continue. Warner Bros. Home Entertainment announced Thursday the new slate of shorts to be included across upcoming DC Animated Movie releases through 2022. Each will focus on one of the following DC Comics characters: Kamandi, The Losers, Blue Beetle and John Constantine. Each film will be produced by Rick Morales, with Matt Peters and Paul Giacoppo…
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold Clip Streamed
Sneak Peak at Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold
IGN has posted a trailer for the upcoming DC animated film titled, “Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold,” on their official Youtube channel.  For those who are unaware, last October, IGN revealed that the next animated DC film will feature a crossover between Batman & his friends from Batman: The Brave and Bold and the Scooby gang from Scooby Doo.
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tiefighters · 7 years
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ILM Shares ‘Star Wars Stories’ at Gnomon
ILM’S Paul Giacoppo, Charmaine Chan, and Jay Machado discuss their career paths, making Rogue One, and much more. 
From the opening shot until those final moments before the Tantive IV takes off into hyperspace, Rogue One’s visual storytelling takes center-stage in a big way. The credits run long for a reason, and that’s because hundreds of people at Industrial Light & Magic worked tirelessly to bring every major visual to life in a way that felt both “classic” and new at the same time. Last month at Gnomon University in Los Angeles, three of those visionaries brought their work to an audience of eager visual effects students in a special presentation called Star Wars Stories: An Evening with ILM. ILM’s Paul Giacoppo, Charmaine Chan, and Jay Machado brought decades’ worth of experience to their discussion.
Machado was on the modeling team for The Force Awakens’ Millennium Falcon, and created the award-winning Imperial Star Destroyer that we see rise from the shadows in Rogue One. Charmaine Chan spoke of her history at ILM, illustrating how careers grow and change on the company’s campus. Giacoppo is behind some extremely recognizable work that reaches back decades over the history of Lucasfilm and ILM; the crowd was hooked when he showed off his visually memorable “Hulk Smash” shot from Marvel’s Avengers.
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But while their extensive careers could take up an entire editorial on their own, the focus of the evening was visual storytelling, and how ILM created Rogue One. Giacoppo outlined the overall objective of what the team wanted fans to see and understand: “The idea behind our work on Rogue One was that it had to have the visual feel of the classic 1977 Star Wars, but have a new vision as well.”
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When it came to seeking out inspiration, the team had to look further than the usual standards. They began with concepts by Ralph McQuarrie, Joe Johnson, and several others that defined the look of Star Wars. These angular, expansive, and recognizable styles still reflect throughout Rogue One, but the team looked at what they could do differently as well, because the story in itself was different from the norm. “[McQuarrie and Johnson’s concepts] were part of what the visual language of Rogue One was,” said Giacoppo. “But it was a different kind of movie. It was a true war movie, about people with a mission to complete. So it’s not exactly a ‘hero’s journey,’ and we had to change what we were doing in order to tell this different kind of story.”
Giacoppo dove into set design, then, showing off digital recreations of classic sets that were created by John Knoll, ILM’s chief creative officer and a staple of Star Wars creativity. Knoll, attempting to explain how characters would move through various scenes, created digital set tours practically overnight in order to explain his vision.
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Giacoppo then dove into characters that were created digitally for the film, focusing first and foremost on K-2SO, who he says has been part of the Rogue One story since its original pitch. K-2SO varied greatly from past on-screen droid companions, who were so often cute, or at least a little more friendly-looking. “He’s intimidating, he’s really stealthy, and he’s huge… and he was always an Imperial enforcer droid.
“There was a lot of time spent with the texture artists to get those same materials and weathering we’re used to in Star Wars,” Giacoppo explained, noting the details that showed Kaytoo’s age and length of use.
The team took designing Kaytoo very seriously, spending hours on specific details about how he would emote. The team looked at more eyes than one can count on two hands, then went through tests of how they would move — if at all — and how Kaytoo looked when expressing himself. “There was a big push to have a part of him blink, and to have a part of him move his mouth,” said Giacoppo, noting that such a thing is a rarity among Star Wars droids, who often reflect a much more industrial feel in design than most AI-driven beings within the genre. “But it just didn’t feel like Star Wars. See, he’s all blinking and jittering around… there’s too much going on.” With animation supervisor Hal Hickel’s guidance, the team ultimately went with “this sort of more impassive mask”, said Giacoppo, allowing fans to read and “project” emotions onto Kaytoo as they got to know him.
As a special bonus, Giacoppo showed a tiny clip of K-2SO playing with toys that paired with some very familiar audio from Alan Tudyk’s Wash in Firefly (“Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!).
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ILM’s Jay Machado, a hard-surface modeler and texture artist, was a welcome and familiar face that evening. As a Gnomon alum himself, Machado’s post-grad years have been more than exciting. For Rogue One, following his Millenium Falcon re-creation, Machado was tasked with creating iconic ship-looks once again. To set the tone for the talk, Machado showed off that iconic opening shot from A New Hope, where the belly of the Star Destroyer sails over the camera in pursuit of Princess Leia’s Tantive IV. “We wanted it to feel like the exact same era,” said Machado. So, his team at ILM went to the root of all builds to recreate and design ships in Rogue One. “For the ships, we went up to the archives, we took lots of photos, we scanned things, stuff like that — all to get the ships to be just right,” Machado told the crowd. “There’s a few people still working at ILM that we were able to talk to, like [long-time ILM VFX artist and supervisor] Dennis Muren, who [shot] much of this originally, and that really helped when it came to making it accurate.
“What I was surprised by is that the original Star Destroyer is only three feet long…a lot of the panel lines are drawn in with pencil. And we wanted to match that so that in a way, you could watch Rogue One and seamlessly start A New Hope.”
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As far as new ships went, Machado noted that the tasks were just as difficult, but worth every grueling second. “Working with Doug Chiang and the art department, we had to design [the new ships] in a way that felt familiar so that they would blend in seamlessly with the ships we know and love.” Machado highlighted the U-wing, Krennic’s ship, and the new TIE strikers, stating that they were kind of meant to “compliment” the U-wing, with forward-sweeping panels and a unique, planet-specific use.
What may have been most exciting was the creation of new ships to the canon, like the Ghost from Star Wars Rebels, which featured on screen twice in Rogue One. “It fell to me to actually [build the Ghost] and it was kind of a secret project,” said Machado. “Well, at first it was a secret. Nobody else was supposed to know about it. I was supposed to do this quickly, and I had to design it in between my daily work so that people within the office wouldn’t start getting suspicious,” he joked. There are panels and pieces that might look familiar, too — parts of the Ghost might look similar to the Falcon, and that’s no mistake.
One other major ship from Rebels that ended up in Rogue One came all the way from the Knights of the Old Republic games, originally. Hammerhead cruisers, which Princess Leia worked with Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger to steal for the Rebellion in Star Wars Rebels, played an integral part in Rogue One, and Machado was among those responsible for their finished designs on the big screen.
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Charmaine Chan’s presentation focused more on the process of growing her career before and after ILM. As an up-and-coming artist who veered off the trail that her parents originally wanted (worry not — they were ultimately supportive either way), Chan hit the ground running by creating work early and producing it every day. Since joining ILM, Chan has worked on more movies than one can count — a once-over of her IMDB page shows credits for Transformers, Captain America: Civil War, Jurassic World, and more. But her beginnings were in Web development.
According to Chan, she learned HTML, CSS+, and more “so that I could build Spice Girls websites” as a little girl. As that hobby grew, Chan broke into graphic design, then Flash animation. (As someone who started her career building Star Wars and N*SYNC fansites, this writer can relate.) “That’s what really started all of this, because I started watching movies closer and learning what it took to compose a full shot. There’s lightning, texture, and all sorts of details to consider, which I found really interesting…it really helped me move into this form of art.” Chan took those skills to the next level, learning visual effects, making motion graphics (“You know, like, DVD menus!” she joked) and eventually applying for a digital research position at ILM. “That gave me a really great overview of what the VFX process is,” said Chan. “I got to touch the shots at the beginning and the end.” From there, she kept working her way into a position at ILM that has grown and spanned over a decade, leading to her work as a compositor today.
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The night was a wonderfully informative look at how the story of Rogue One was brought to to the big screen with stunning, modern, yet familiar visuals. One of the biggest surprises for this writer was learning about the sheer scale of people working on each Star Wars film. Hundreds of names scroll down through the credits after every film, but there’s just something unique and different about putting faces to those names and realizing just how many people it takes to make our favorite galaxy far, far away come to life.
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wits-writing · 5 years
Earth’s Mightiest Retrospective Ep 30: “Welcome to the Kree Empire”
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(Directed by Boyd Kirkland, Written by Paul Giacoppo, Original Airdate: April 22, 2012)
As I’m writing this, it’s the day my recap of the EMH episode “459” was posted and gave me a fresh reminder of the parts of it that bugged me, namely that Carol Danvers never got to confront Mar-Vell for deceiving her the entire time they knew each other. This episode rectifies that by making it the central conflict of this episode Carol’s and giving her way more time to shine than her debut episode did. When we catch up with her here, she’s become a part of the newly formed government organization SWORD (Sentient World Observation and Response Department). To sum up, they’re like SHIELD but exclusively deal with alien threats to the planet and operate out of Kang the Conqueror’s former flagship, the Damocles. Carol’s giving a tour of the ship to their US government liaison, Henry Peter Gyrich, with some details about how they haven’t managed to gain full access to the ship’s mainframe yet.
Gyrich’s there to determine whether SWORD is accomplishing anything to do with their mission statement of detecting alien threats to see if they’re worth keeping around. Carol introduces him to SWORD Commander Abigail Brand. Gyrich’s tells Brand about the money being spent on the organization and maintaining a spaceship they can’t even operate, especially since they haven’t dealt with a single alien threat yet. Since the EMH-universe isn’t without a sense of ironic timing, a Kree warship arrives right as he’s talking about that. Yon-Rogg commands the ship and tells SWORD they’ve come to either conquer Earth or wipe humanity out to do it, declaring the planet part of the Kree Empire.
Carol’s sent down to Earth to see if she can stop the Kree invasion, marking the debut of her superhero identity as Ms. Marvel (this episode was in production and aired before she claimed the “Captain Marvel” title for herself in the comics.) She goes into action sporting her original Bronze-Age outfit, thankfully without the gratuitous midriff window. Before she confronts the Kree, we get a brief conversation between the ones who’ve decided to come to the planet’s surface, Mar-Vell, Yon-Rogg, and Ronan the Accuser. They discuss how Mar-Vell discussed humanity’s value and “warrior spirit” to their leader, the Supreme Intelligence, though the others decide to wait for Ronan’s judgement on what to do with the planet. Carol flies to them and finally gets to confront Mar-Vell about his deception with the added element of him apparently betraying his promise to keep Earth safe from his people.
The time in this episode between Carol and Mar-Vell focuses on her anger at the betrayal and him justifying Earth surrendering to the Kree as the only way humanity can survive. The battle with the Kree on the planet escalates as Ronan appears before the United Nations building to offer humanity a choice, surrender or perish. The Accuser’s met by three of the Avengers, Iron Man, Hulk and Skrull-Cap. They’re already prepared to fight, but Skrull-Cap initiates it the second he realizes his race’s ancient enemies are laying claim to Earth. He keeps insisting “Earth will never surrender”, an outwardly very Captain America line that takes on a different connotation with the information we have as the audience. Ms. Marvel’s the one that really gets to shine in this fight. She refuses to accept Mar-Vell’s ultimatum that this will be the only path to Earth’s survival against “what’s coming.” Her energy absorption powers grant her the key to victory when she battles Ronan. She takes in the power of every blast he throws at her and uses that power to knock him down, winning the day.
The battles with the Avengers and Carol against the Kree on Earth are only one front of the invasion that gets covered this episode. Abigail Brand and Gyrich get the B-Plot aboard the Damocles to deal with the remaining Kree forces on the alien warship. Brand strategizes around the Kree foot soldiers that get teleported to SWORD’s base while keeping Gyrich safe, while letting him know every bit of her irritation at him. She gets her chance to fight the invaders when they bring their prisoner, an alien hacker named Sydrin, on board to give them access to Damocles’ computers. When Brand learns the Kree are waiting for Ronan’s order to attack the Earth, she pretends to surrender and takes them all out with her own powers. Her statement to Gyrich about them, “Who said I was human?”, is great. She frees Sydrin and tells him he can work for them from now on if he helps them take down the Kree’s communications so they can’t get Ronan’s order to attack. Once Ronan and the other Kree leaders are defeated on Earth, she claims their warship as SWORD property and proven her organization’s worth to Gyrich.
All the Kree forces, Mar-Vell included, are taken to Prison 42. Mar-Vell tells the Avengers that their refusal to surrender will only make the Kree view Earth as a threat and another attack is imminent, but the heroes get the last word saying they’ll figure out a way to handle it. Tony and Carol discuss her actions fighting against the Kree and offers her an official spot on the Avengers. She accepts while saying she’ll be keeping to her responsibilities with SWORD as well. Skrull-Cap gets the last word in on this episode as he goes into a private location to contact his people, telling them to move up the time table on their plans in reaction to the Kree’s own invasion.
While no one ever gets a second chance to make a first impression and “459” remains disappointing as an introduction to EMH’s version of Carol Danvers, “Welcome to the Kree Empire” does well to make up for what that episode lacked. Adding in the stellar debut material for Abigail Brand and SWORD makes this an all-around stunner of an episode.
Next time, we meet the Heroes for Hire.
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rebelsofshield · 6 years
Star Wars Resistance: “Descent” -Review
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Time is up for Kazuda and his friends as the First Order cracks down and the fate of the Colossus hangs in the balance.
(Review Contains Spoilers)
After his actions with Poe Dameron and helping to rescue Hype Fazon, Kazuda has attracted the attention of the First Order to Yeager’s crew. When Pyre and his soldiers arrive to arrest the team, chaos breaks out with Kaz, Neeku, and Yeager making a break for it. Tam, still believing in the good of the First Order, turns herself over to be prosecuted. Separated, the escapees must find a way to contact the Resistance for help and Tam must face the interrogation of new First Order agent, Tierny.
After a season’s worth of sneaking, secrets, and hijinks, Kazuda is finally exposed and the full might of the First Order is unleashed on him and the Colossus. Writer Paul Giacoppo wastes no time and places the viewer right in the action from the start. The result is a little jarring, but it is refreshing to see an episode of Resistance with such a break neck sense of pace. “Descent” is relentless and as a result it makes for an incredibly entertaining and even tense episode. After last week’s bizarre bumbling, The First Order is once again at the top of their game and our heroes have to rely on their wits and skill to escape the chaos.
Director Bosco Ng keeps the chases and shootouts tight and dramatic. For maybe the first time in this series, we feel like our central cast is actually in danger and may not make it through the day. Whether Resistance is really ready to kill off anyone outside of background pirates or Stormtroopers is a question for another day, but “Descent” does a great job of upping the ante regardless.
Much of this comes from the extended amounts of season long payoff we see come about here or is teased leading into the two part season finale. Kaz finally revealing he is a Resistance spy to Neeku is welcome and Neeku’s inability to process this information works much better than most of his humor. Doza finally getting to stand up against his First Order manipulators in a tangible way is also cathartic, but one can’t help but feel a little worried for him. The poor guy’s still in over his head. Kraglin and his pirates even make a welcome return. Might Synara help save her friends from the First Order? That would make for a very satisfying climax to the multiple plot threads in this season.
One plot point that continues to be a standout proves to be Tam’s conflicted feelings regarding the First Order. While it does seem a bit strange that she would trust herself with a group of Stormtroopers that are actively shooting upon her friends and coworkers, Resistance has done a good job so far of establishing Tam as someone who believes that this government has their best intentions in mind. The pirates and chaos of the Colossus make her feel unsafe and her father’s history with the Empire makes her more inclined to trust that a fascist government might actually care for its citizenry. As a result, her conversations with the scene stealing Agent Tierny end up being some of the best moments of the episode. Tierny blends ruthless competence and intelligence with a deceptive level of empathy and compassion. How she slowly peels away at Tam to find the information she wants while espousing First Order propaganda that she genuinely seems to believe is fascinating and even a little unnerving. It also doesn’t hurt Tierny’s case that some of the people Tam is close to have been actively lying to her about their involvement with a rival faction. Giacoppo presents a young woman who is believably unsure of where she stands and who to trust and voice actress Suzie McGrath does a great job of bringing this to life. It is unclear of how Justin Ridge and the rest of the showrunning team for Resistance will close out Tam’s arc for this season, but the groundwork has been laid for some really interesting developments and hopefully the series isn’t afraid to follow through.
“Descent” ends with Kazuda and his remaining free allies stuck underwater with no hope of help coming from the Resistance (which to be fair, they do kind of have their hands full right about now.) Synara and her outlaw allies may be on their way to help, but the reality of the situation looks pretty dire right now for our heroes, but good thing for us, that means we have an exciting two weeks ahead.
Score: B+
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uncomicmas · 4 years
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WARNER BROS. ANIMACIÓN, DC Y WARNER BROS preparan cuatros nuevos cortos animados para el 2021-2022. . Los queridos personajes de DC Kamandi, The Losers, Blue Beetle y Constantine son el foco de cuatro nuevos cortos animados de DC Showcase para su lanzamiento por Warner Bros. Home Entertainment en 2021-2022. Producido por Warner Bros. Animation, DC y Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, e inspirado en personajes e historias de todo el icónico canon de DC, el nuevo cuarteto de cortos se incluirá en los próximos lanzamientos de DC Universe Movies, con la excepción de Constantine más largo corto. . El corto de Constantine servirá como ancla para una recopilación que se distribuirá en 2022. Se publicará más información más cerca de las fechas de las calles individuales. . Los cuatro nuevos cortos de DC Showcase son producidos por Rick Morales (Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge). Dirigida por Matt Peters (Justice League Dark: Apokolips War) a partir de un guión escrito por Paul Giacoppo (Young Justice, Star Wars: Resistance), Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth! será el primero de los nuevos cortos que se lanzará. El thriller post-apocalíptico se adjuntará como característica adicional a Justice Society: World War II en la primavera de 2021. Lanzado en 2010, DC Showcase se componía originalmente de cuatro cortos animados: The Spectre (23/2/2010), Jonah Hex (27/7/2010), Green Arrow (28/9/2010) y Superman / Shazam: The Return. de Black Adam (9/11/2010). Un corto adicional, Catwoman (18/10/2011), se adjuntó el año siguiente al lanzamiento de Batman: Year One. Para 2019-2020, DC Showcase regresó con cinco cortos: Sgt. Rock (6/8/2019) Death (22/10/2019), The Phantom Stranger (17/03/2020), Adam Strange (19/5/2020) y el Batman interactivo: Muerte en la familia (10 / 13/2020). . . Fuente @warnerbrosentertainment . . #dccomics #batman #dc #dcuniverse #suicidesquad #joker #harleyquinn #superman #justiceleague #comics #wonderwoman #batmanvsuperman #thejoker #gotham #jaredleto #margotrobbie #dceu #benaffleck #theflash #brucewayne #flash #comicbooks #superhero #marvel #manofsteel #henrycavill #thedarkknight #marvelcomics #deadshot #arrow https://www.instagram.com/p/CKnP2FknQpe/?igshid=1iwulgnvavq8
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batmannotes · 7 years
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Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave And The Bold DVD
 The ultimate crime-solving combination reunites when Batman joins the Mystery Inc. gang to catch a gaggle of villains wreaking havoc in Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment, the all-new original film will be distributed January 9, 2018 by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment on DVD ($19.98 SRP) and Digital. 
Super sleuths Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Fred, Daphne and Velma join forces with the world’s greatest detective, Batman, when they discover that villains from both of their respective rogues’ galleries have also combined efforts to terrorize the city. With Scooby snacks in tow, the crime-fighting teams encounter classic Batman foes (Joker, Catwoman, Riddler, Penguin, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn) and allies (The Question, Aquaman, Plastic Man, Martian Manhunter) along with a bevy of fiends from Scooby-Doo lore (Spooky Space Kook, Gentleman Ghost, Miner 49er, Ghost Clown). As always, you won’t know who the ultimate villain is until those “meddling kids” pull off the mask! 
Avid Scooby-Doo fans know this isn’t the first time the Caped Crusader has partnered with Mystery Incorporated. Forty-five years ago, Batman (and Robin) were the featured guest stars in a pair of The New Scooby-Doo Movies. Premiering in 1972, the renowned detectives worked to solve crimes together in the hour-long television movies entitled The Dynamic Scooby-Doo Affair and The Caped Crusader Caper. 
Diedrich Bader, who voiced the Dark Knight in the fan-favorite Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated television series, reprises his role for this all-new film alongside the longtime Scooby-Doo voice cast of Frank Welker (Scooby-Doo & Fred), Grey Griffin (Daphne and Black Canary), Matthew Lillard (Shaggy) and Kate Micucci (Velma). The guest cast includes Jeff Bennett (Joker), Jeffrey Combs (The Question), John DiMaggio (Aquaman), Nika Futterman (Catwoman), Nicholas Guest (Martian Manhunter), John Michael Higgins (The Riddler), Tom Kenny (Penguin, Plastic Man), Kevin Michael Richardson (Detective Chimp), Tara Strong (Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy) and Fred Tatasciore (Harvey Bullock).
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 Jake Castorena directs the teleplay by Paul Giacoppo, based on a story by supervising producer James Tucker. Michael Jelenic is the producer. Executive Producer is Sam Register. Benjamin Melniker and Michael Uslan are Executive Producers. 
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therese-lokidottir · 11 months
The Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes & X-Men Evolution series watch
Meet Captain America written by Paul Giacoppo
Well, this episode starts off with Kang watching old film stock of Captain America before transitioning to The Howling Commandos fighting Hydra trying to infiltrate one of their bases. Captain America and Bucky arrive to add. Those two do end up making it through to the castle where Hydra base is located before being attacked by a giant Cyclopes monster. Inside the hydra base, they come across hydra weird experiments. the red skull reveals himself revealing that he has found a stone that allows him to access the Bifrost where he has been capturing monsters. Cap and Bucky can fight off the monster and send them back through the portal but the red skull runs off. They pursue him and both manage to get on the Red Skull's jet before he escapes but during a fight, skull sets the rocket to self-destruct. Bucky kicks Cap off the jet but he isn't able to and Cap falls in the ice. Pulling back Kang is disappointed as he is unable to figure out what's causing his timeline to start to collapse all he knows is that Captain America has something to do with it. While he attempts to leave his base he love Princess Ravonna but she ends up getting caught in one of the time anomalies and starts to fade in and out of existence. Kang swears with this he'll do whatever he has to do to save his time and Ravonna even if he has to conquer the past
This episode was pretty neat. It was cool to see the Howling Commandos, which her included Nick's father Jack Fury and pre-adamantium Wolverine. All the creature designs were also really cool and unique. If I had had criticism because the introduction is so action focus I feel that there ended not being a lot of time to really establish Steve personality. He's determined and brave but compared to the last three who all did have moments that really established who they are Cap feels like he gets least. This is in contrast to Kang who actually does get a strong sense of who he is as a character.
Something funny about this episode is that it's set in WWII but they are clearly not allowed any kind of reference to the Nazis. Everything is the Hydra Octopus logo. Red Skull even refers to the Allies by name but nothing about nazis. I remember reading something a few years back the creators basically had a choice between depicting realistic firearms or Nazis but they couldn't have both. I don't know if that was true. Censorship standards sense the earlier 90s basically prevented any reference being in children's cartoons so it's actually some EMH manage to get away with as much as they did.
Mutant Crush By Katherine Lawrence
The episode starts with The Blob, aka Freddy Dukes, being offered a place at Bayville High by Principal Darkholme after his performance at a monster truck show. On his first day, Freddy meets Jean Grey and falls for her. During lunch, Freddy while trying to sit down accidentally flips a table, causing a food fight and destroying the cafeteria. Jean talks to Freddy about controlling his powers and invites him to meet Professor Xavier. Later, Freddy finds a picture of Jean and Scott in Jean's backpack, tears out Scott's part, and keeps the piece with Jean in it. Fred asks Jean out, but she declines. He gets angry and takes her to talk privately. They fight, knocking over scaffolding and causing Jean to pass out. Later, Fred ties her to a chair for a candlelit dinner. Jean calls Professor Xavier for help. Meanwhile, Wolverine and Xavier watch Kurt and Kitty play football. Xavier gets Jean's call and sends Wolverine to find her. Rogue tells Scott she wishes for a deeper connection with someone. Kurt teleports Scott away to search for Jean. Wolverine attacks Blob, who knocks him out. Scott blasts Blob, but he throws Wolverine at him and Scott goes down too. Jean hits Blob with a filing cabinet, making him angry. Rogue absorbs Cyclops’ powers and attacks Blob, knocking him out. She runs off, and Wolverine stops Jean from following. Kitty and Scott agree they owe Rogue.
This episode was just okay. Watching The Blob's socially awkward and extremely short tempered was sad to watch. Rogue character development was interesting. But right now I have to say I'm a little confused about what characters what and how much they know about each other, because it's a little vague.
I really just can't think of much to say about this episode, sad to say. I don't feel like the main X-men characters had much development. I will say this is another episode that had some strong 00's vibe. Just the layout of the lunch room and the fashions on display was so new millennium.
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moviesandmania · 6 years
Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold - USA, 2018
Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold – USA, 2018
Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold is a 2018 American animated feature film directed by Jake Castorena from a screenplay by Paul Giacoppo.
In an old, condemned theater, Scooby-Doo and the gang are trying to catch the ghost of Perpetto the Puppeteer, who has been robbing precious jewels. While Fred has rigged a net trap to catch the Perpetto, Scooby and Shaggy burst in on him before he…
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold DC Animated Film Announced
Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold DC Animated Film Announced
IGN has posted an official trailer for the next DC animated film, which will feature the Scooby gang meeting Batman and the Justice League based on their appearances from Batman: Brave and the Bold.  The film titled, “Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and Bold,” will feature familiar faces such as Aquaman, Plastic Man, The Question, and Martian Manhunter.  Some of the villains both teams will face…
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tuskenium · 7 years
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ILM Shares ‘Star Wars Stories’ at GnomonILM’S Paul Giacoppo,... http://ift.tt/2eLuEhG
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opticalpodcast · 11 years
Behind the Magic: Creating the Kaiju for "Pacific Rim" (by ILMVisualFX)
Although "Pacific Rim" begins more than a decade into the battle with the city-destroying Kaiju, in this video the visual effects team at Industrial Light & Magic will discuss the process of creating the incredible race of alien monsters from the earliest stages of concept and design. Enjoy the video!
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wits-writing · 5 years
Earth’s Mightiest Retrospective Ep 20: “The Casket of Ancient Winters”
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(Directed by Sebastian Montes, Written by Paul Giacoppo, Original Airdate: May 15, 2011)
The dangers the other realms connected to Asgard and Thor gets displayed in this episode as we meet the dark elf Malekith the Accursed. In the “cold” open, he’s tasked by Enchantress to retrieve an ancient weapon of the Dark Elves, the titular Casket of Ancient Winters. While the task is taken as repayment for Loki reviving him after his people were wiped out, Malekith takes the first chance he gets to use the Casket for himself. He freezes Enchantress and Executioner in place, then unleashes the full force of the Casket’s magic onto Midgard*.
Once again, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes falls into the pattern of having a small portion of the team involved in the main action, while a smaller group takes care of the central threat. Thankfully it’s not as dull to cut back to the team fighting monsters this time around, since the groove of the team’s dynamics are firmly in place by this point in the season. The New York City half of the story starts with Janet, Clint and Hulk enjoying some summer fun poolside at Avengers Mansion before the magical winter starts enveloping the planet. Which leads to two amusing bits as Hawkeye says they “need to move the team to the west coast” (a nice nod for fans) and Hulk getting stuck in the pool as it freezes solid. Once ice monsters start rising from the mystical snow, we get some good bits from every hero fighting in the city. Captain America Breath of the Wild-style slides in on his shield to save some civilians. We see Ant-Man’s still using Ultron as an asset in the field at this point. Hulk calls out Hawkeye and Wasp for leaving him frozen once he catches up with them. The big highlight for me is Human Torch and the Thing from the Fantastic Four cameoing to assist in the fight.
All those amusing bits never overstay their welcome or detract from the central arc of the episode, Iron Man and Thor arguing the merits of science versus magic. These two and Black Panther end up being the ones who go directly to the source of the storm and find Malekith. Before that, we see Thor lamenting the monsters created by Earth’s sciences that he’s been fighting on a regular basis since joining the Avengers. That’s the initial spark for the debate between Iron Man and him, carrying through to the end. Thor’s brash methods for dealing with the villainous Radioactive Man (not that one) exacerbates tensions between him and the Armored Avenger before they discover what’s happening with the Casket. Hearing his teammate bring up legends of the item’s wintery powers serves as Iron Man’s own lead-in to bring up the times Enchantress and Executioner have nearly wiped the team out.
The journey to stop the Casket brings some more variant suits for the Avengers with it, as Iron Man and Black Panther don versions of their costumes better suited to the arctic. They discover Amora and Skurge’s frozen forms, Tony makes a remark about how Thor’s on a “first name basis” with the villains. When they confront Malekith, he lets them understand the full scope of his plan. His return from the dead has granted him a connection to the afterlife that he’s channeling through the Casket. It will cut Midgard* off from the rest of the Nine Realms and allow him to revive the entire race of Dark Elves, revealed emerging from the ice monsters attacking New York.
Against the overwhelming power of Malkith’s magic making him difficult to hit and the growing arctic blasts from the Casket, the three Avengers start putting together some strategies to take him out. Thor explains that Dark Elves are weak against metals like iron, though T’Challa discovers vibranium works as well. It ends up leading to Malekith getting one of the best villain lines in Earth’s Mightiest Heroes so far when Iron Man tackles him from behind, “Your armor has very little iron in it.” With the vulnerable spots they can exploit lessening and the overwhelming winter winds threatening to freeze them in place, Thor and Iron Man are at a loss for what they can do to stop him. Black Panther, who’s been serving as the in-between for them regarding science/magic through the episode, tells them their best chance will be to find a way to combine their powers. Tony tells Thor to channel his lightning through the iron that does exist in the armor to exploit Malekith’s weakness and destroy him.
Right as they manage to close the Casket and begin the standard “we both saw the error of our stubbornness” interaction between Tony and Thor, the thawed Enchantress blasts them from behind. She takes the Casket for herself and leaves the heroes behind, promising Thor her plans will come to fruition soon. The episode closes as Thor attempts to open a portal to Asgard in order to stop her, something repels him. The God of Thunder can’t return home.
“The Casket of Ancient Winters” brings in an entertaining threat with Malekith as an elusive, overwhelming force the heroes need to overcome. I’m usually happy when anything related to Marvel’s Thor brings in elements from Walter Simonson’s legendary run on the character. Malekith and the Casket are two major pulls from one of that runs best remembered story. The heroes in New York elements kept this episode moving at a decent clip and the poolside hangout at the start gave us our first look at Clint out of costume in this series, which was honestly a bit jarring at first glance. The set up for the culmination of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes season 1 with Enchantress remains compelling, especially with the new wrinkle of Thor being locked out of his kingdom. As the one-off episodes of this season go, this is on the stronger side.
Next time, we witness the battle for the Cosmic Cube.
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rebelsofshield · 6 years
Star Wars Resistance: “The New Trooper” -Review
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When a chance encounter with the First Order becomes an opportunity for espionage, Kaz goes undercover as a Stormtrooper in a fun and surprisingly humorous episode.
(Review Contains Spoilers)
The First Order’s presence on The Colossus is now in full swing. Regular inspections are now routine and TIE fighter patrols are a constant in the skyline. While some may feel safe with the added security, others like Tehar refugees, Kel and Eila, quickly find themselves under increased scrutiny. When an interaction with a Stormtrooper on patrol goes awry, the two enlist the help of Kaz to help get themselves out of trouble. However, an unconscious Stormtrooper presents opportunity in addition to danger and Kaz jumps at the chance to get more out of the First Order.
Like last week, the best aspect of “The New Trooper” continues to be seeing how the different citizens of The Colossus approach the presence of the First Order. Its strongest sequence actually occurs right towards its start. Resistance is such a high energy show that zips along through different characters, plots, and goofy set pieces that simply getting to see our central cast sit down to have dinner together is a refreshing change of pace. It also helps in that it contextualizes the larger themes of this latter half of the season well with its characters. We have already established that Kaz has reasons to distrust The First Order and Jarek is a war veteran who gave up a lot in his fight against The Empire. While “The First Order Occupation” showed that Tam welcomed the added sense of safety that The First Order offers, writer Paul Giacoppo goes a step further here. Tam reveals that her father supported her family by working in an Imperial Factory. Jarek’s assertions that The Empire was purely evil offend her and doesn’t ring true to her own experiences with the former regime. It’s a smart exchange that provides a more nuanced approach to how fascist governments like The First Order can win over regular citizens. With Synara out of the mix for the moment, this stands as the most intriguing dramatic thread at the moment and Resistance would be smart to continue to pull at it.
The accidental capture of a First Order Stormtrooper and Kazuda’s undercover work are less dramatic, but certainly entertaining. There is plenty of fun slapstick in seeing the Tehar kids and Yeager’s crew drag around a barely conscious trooper about the station. There’s plenty of Weekend at Bernie’s-style sight gags and Neeku’s unexpected talent at knocking out the hapless soldier is pretty hilarious. Resistance can be pretty funny when it nails the timing of its jokes right and “The New Trooper” shows this series flexing its funny bone more than most so far.
Kazuda going undercover proves to be similarly entertaining. While we may not learn a whole lot more about The First Order or its plans (final moments with Yeager aside), getting to see Kaz really get to put his spying skills further to the test makes for a fun episodic plot. While the First Order at times maybe seems a bit too easily fooled by a trooper acting so out of character, it makes for some fun moments of subterfuge and trickery. It also comes with the revelation that mental reconditioning is apparently a fairly common practice used to keep erratic troopers in line. It adds a further layer of horror to the lives of these men and adds an extra layer to character’s such as Finn who may have been subjected to these acts in the past.
We end “The New Trooper” with a warning from Yeager that The First Order may be looking to turn the Colossus into a crucial stop on their wartime supply line. It’s a revelation that makes sense and offers a temporary explanation for why they would spend so much effort into taking control of this station. That being said, with a fleet as large as The First Order’s it seems likely that they would need more than just this one station. Maybe others have folded easier or less well defended? Maybe Pyre and Vonreg aren’t as important as we thought? Who knows, but the pieces are starting to fall into place.
Score: B
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