#Peach Beach Splash
hug-kiss-marry-kill · 2 months
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jessiefan2016 · 1 year
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Team Crimson!
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dailyspicyfigures · 3 months
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Ryobi ; Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash ☆ Insight
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innerfare · 21 days
Summary: a collection of short drabbles about reveling in nature with them. Includes collecting seashells, making snow angels, picking flowers, climbing trees, cloud watching, stargazing, and more. Names in bold are those I originally built these around, but I decided to expand it to include other characters I could imagine in these scenarios.
Characters: Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid, Shanks, Beckman, Mihawk, Robin, Nami, Usopp
Genre: fluff
Climbing out of bed before dawn because neither of you can sleep, having a cup of coffee, and walking hand in hand down the beach, stopping to bend down and pick up rare seashells to add to the collection on the bookshelf in your bedroom, not talking much at all but simply admiring your shared bounty in the pale dawn light as the sun creeps over the horizon.   
(Robin, Law, Beckman) 
Waking up to fresh powder blanketing the ground and jumping out of bed, barely getting your boots and one of his coats on before you’re outside, romping through the snow. Falling into a snow bank with your arms out, giggling as you make a snow angel, grinning even wider when he surprises you by laying down beside you and doing the same, letting his inner child show through for a brief moment. 
(Zoro, Law, Kid, Mihawk) 
Wandering through a flower field and picking some of the more beautiful blooms that catch your eye, sprawling out on a picnic blanket in the late morning to bask in the sweet scent, enjoying the breeze as it ruffles your hair, weaving some of the flowers you picked into a delicate crown that they wear proudly while the two of you share sweet kisses. 
(Sanji, Nami, Sabo, Corazon) 
Meandering through the woods in search of the tallest, most impressive tree, him giving you a boost up to the first branch to get you started before climbing up himself, staying behind you the entire time so he can catch you in case you fall. Finally piercing the canopy and poking your heads up above the forest, his hand on your leg to keep you steady, the two of you grinning as birds fly by, basking in the afternoon sun. 
(Luffy, Ace, Sabo) 
Escaping the chaos of life and climbing a desolate hill, sharing a late afternoon snack as you stare up at the clouds and point out different shapes, saying, “that’s you,” when you see a funny one. Arguing over which one of you gets to be the dragon cloud, your argument turning into roughhousing and the two of you accidentally rolling down the hill, him laughing and kissing your cheek when he knows you’re okay and then starting the argument again. 
(Luffy, Sabo, Usopp, Kid, Shanks)  
Waiting until late evening to meet beneath a peach tree, speaking at first in hushed tones, worrying someone is on to the two of you, eventually forgetting about all of that and settling into easy conversation about nothing and everything simultaneously, him jumping up to pick a peach for you to have as an evening snack, you taking advantage of the last bit of light to carve both of your initials into the tree trunk. 
(Sanji, Sabo, Beckman, Mihawk) 
Sitting out on the deck of the ship long after everyone else has fallen asleep, climbing into their lap once the two of you are alone, both of you staring up at the sky and picking out constellations in the night sky. The conversation eventually shifting from actual constellations to the ones you two invent on the spot, with wild fables to go along with them. 
(Ace, Usopp, Robin) 
Tossing and turning in bed, waiting for the clock to strike midnight, sneaking out as soon as it does and meeting them at the spring just inland. Stripping out of your clothes and diving into the warm water with him, splashing each other and floating on your backs, losing track of time and hurrying back to the ship when the moon dips below the horizon. 
(Zoro, Robin, Nami, Shanks)
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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slippingkim · 1 year
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~ bath sex with sunoo ~
**✿❀ nsfw ❀✿**
You are Sunoo are on your 3rd vacation together, this time in barcelona. You two get back from a 3 hour trip to the beach and desperately need to get all the sand and dirt off your selves. Sunoo suggests a bath knowing entirely that it wasn’t just going to be a normal cleanse.
“How about we quickly wash up y/n?” Sunoo says in a tender tone as you both walk in the hotel room. “Sure” you say in a shrug. Sunoo escorts you to your luxurious hotel bathroom, closing the door behind him with a spicy smirk on his face. You start stripping off the clothes that were almost glued to your body from your sweat. Sunoo gets visibly hard from seeing you slip your black panties off that he almost forgets that he’s supposed to be doing the same thing. You start heading towards the shower until he clasps onto your wrist, pulling you back towards is chest. “Wha-“ you say confused. Without a word Sunoo points to the bathtub that’s barely big enough fit you both. Sunoo starts filling it up while you start sliding in giving him an annoyed glare. Sunoo slithers in on top of you, taking both the under sides of your thighs abruptly making you two fall into missionary. You immediately get wet, now looking up at Sunoo giving him permission to do whatever he wants to you. He slips his length into your needy pussy and starts moving inside you at a tipsy pace. “F-fuck baby” he lets out followed by a pretty moan. Sunoo starts banging his hips against yours getting faster and faster. His length hitting your sweet spot every time he’s in far enough. Your moans could probably be heard 4 doors down. That’s how passionately Sunoo is fucking you right now. Now Sunoo is going faster than before “Ahng” “Hmph” “ngh” he almost screams because of the self inflicted overstimulation on his cock. You can now tell he’s been hard for you all day with the way he’s handling you right now. Water splashing and splattering all over from the shear speed Sunoo is fucking you at right now. Finally Sunoo releases inside your throbbing hole while your eyes roll all the way back in your head. You both panting heavily, knees weak and sweat dripping rapidly down your temples. “Thank you so much y/n.” “You’re welcome peach” you say still huffing from your surprise treat that Sunoo gave you.
I hate this lol 😄 but I hope yall enjoyed!!
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kaycode1999 · 11 months
LMK Sun Wukong x Fem. Reader
( Takes place just after the end of the last episode where everyone is at the beach. Reader is MK’s sister figure - around 25)
Wukong and Macaque settle into silence and Macaque starts eating the frozen peach popsicle when he notices Wukong staring off. He follows his eye line to see Y/N sitting on the sand reading a book and noticing Wukong has the most love sick expression on his face, a devious smirk makes it way onto his face. " No way." He says causing Wukong to snap out of it and turn to him, " What?" Wukong questions. " You have a thing for the kids sister!" Macaque says, Wukong was grateful it wasn't possible to see him blush. " What?! No I don't... why would you even-" Wukong starts but is cut off by the " I know you're lying" look Macaque gives him, Wukong glares at him for just a second before giving up. " So what if I do? what does it matter to you anyway?" Wukong demands crossing his arms. Macaque chuckles, " It doesn't really" he says " Though it IS kind of ironic that after all the effort you put into getting rid of your own mortality that you ended up falling for a mortal.”. " Yes, thank you captain obvious. l'm well aware of that." Wukong says glaring at him and Macaque chuckles at his anger, " So?" Macaque says. " So what?" Wukong questions, " Aren't you going to go talk to her? Make a move or something?" Macaque asks.
“ I-,” Wukong starts before slightly shrinking in on himself with a defeated sigh “ I don’t know if I can.”, Macaque raises an eyebrow at him confused at where this shyness was coming from. “ Why not?” Macaque questions, Wukong starts rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “ It’s just… I’m afraid to mess it up, alright?” He says avoiding eye contact “ I’ve made so many mistakes in my life, how can I be sure I won’t mess this up too?”, Macaque’s gaze softens slightly in understanding. “ You can’t.” He says, Wukong glares at him “ Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence.”. Macaque rolls his eyes, “ What I’m saying Wukong is that you can never know what’s going to happen in the future. All you can do is try your best.” He says. “ Oh.” Wukong says blinking in surprise and the anger completely dissipates, he looks away seeming to get lost in thought. Macaque rolls his eyes again before opening a shadow portal beneath Wukong who makes a questioning noise before falling through it. Wukong falls from at least a foot in the air down to the sand just a few steps from Y/N. The landing causes sand to splash up and Y/N quickly closes her book shielding it from the sand with a surprised yelp.
Y/N looks over seeing Wukong laying in the sand, “ Oh.” She says in surprise setting the book down and quickly getting up. She rushes over helping him up as he turns to the side spitting out a mouthful of sand, Y/N puts her hand up to her mouth trying to cover her laughing but it doesn’t work. “ I’m sorry Monkey King” Y/N laughs “ I didn’t mean to laugh at you.”, “ It’s alright.” He assures while brushing off his arms. “ You know, you could wash off the sand in the water?” Y/N offers with a smile “ I’m pretty sure Mei and MK are about 5 seconds away from dragging us in anyway. What do you say?”, Wukong looks at her in surprise but quickly finds himself frozen as he stares into her gorgeous Y/C eyes. After a few moments he realizes he’s been silent for too long, he clears his throat before nodding with a smile. “ Sure.” He says.
The two walk into the water, and almost instantly getting pulled into playing with Mei and MK ( with red son just a little bit away pretending he isn’t having fun). They end up spending just over an hour just messing around playing whatever water based games the kids want to play before heading back to the sand. Monkey King starts shaking off the water like a dog getting it all over Y/N, and Y/N just gives him a look of disbelief. Monkey King freezes and cringes realizing what he’s done, “ Oh, sorry.” He says. Y/N smiles and laughs waving off his apology assuring him it’s fine, she picks up the beach towel drying herself off before putting on her cover up. Just then, Tang starts yelling something about the snacks and drinks being gone. Y/N rolls her eyes, “ Fine, I’ll go get some more.” She calls before turning to the Monkey King “ Would you mind helping me?”. “ Of course.” He says, the two grab the drink cooler and the bag of snacks heading back up to Monkey King’s home.
The two make pleasant small talk on the way up to the temple and quickly pack up the snacks and drinks. Y/N reaches into her bag taking out her hairbrush, “ Here, while we’re up here might as well brush through your fur.” She says. “ Huh? What for?” Wukong asks confused, “ You don’t want it to get all matted and gross after being in the water do you?” She says. “ Oh, Uh..” he starts stuttering nervously and Y/N smiles, “ Here.” She gestures to the couch “ If you want I can brush it for you.”. “ Ok.” He says quietly and he avoids eye contact as he walks over taking a seat on the couch, Y/N starts brushing through his fur. The first minute or so Wukong is pretty tense out of nervousness, but he quickly starts to relax as she brushes through his hair. She takes a few minutes going through his arms back and head, and by the time she’s done his whole body is warm and relaxed- so much so he is almost asleep as she finishes up. “ There.” She says setting the brush down “ Just one more thing.”, he hums questioning with his eyes still closed and a content smile. It takes him a moment to process her lips are being pressed to his, his eyes shoot open in surprise as she pulls away and he could swear his heart stopped beating. He mind was racing a million miles a minute but all he could end up getting out was, “ I guess you heard Macaque and I talking, huh?”. Y/N chuckles at his surprise, “ Something like that.” She says smiling at him “ I had a feeling you’d be a little too nervous to make the first move, so I decided I would.”. He breathes out a sigh of relief and smiles, “ Well I appreciate that.” He says cupping both of her checks looking deep into her eyes “ Though I hope you won’t mind if I make the next one.”. Y/N smiles and nods, Wukong gently pulls her into another kiss. After a long few moments Wukong pulls her to sit in his lap tilting his head when he kisses her again deepening the kiss. After a few more passionate kisses Y/N pulls back resting her forehead against his breathing slightly heavily, after catching her breath she just smiles before wrapping her arms around him in a hug and nuzzles her head into his neck. “ You know, I’m glad to know you like me too.” She says, he hums in agreement giving her a light squeeze. The two stay like that for a few more moments before getting up and holding a hand out to help Wukong up, “ We should probably get back with the snacks before everyone starts getting angry.” She says helping him up. The two grab the snack and drink containers and Wukong holds out his hand, “ Shall we, m’lady?” He asks. Y/N smiles and takes his hand as they start back toward the beach.
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multicolour-ink · 11 months
On Land and Sea, Is Where We Embrace
(Mario x Mermaid AU ending)
Sorry I could not resist 🤭 This is a fic for my ending of my Mario x Mermaid AU. Takes some inspiration from The Little Mermaid. I know it's a bit early to show off it off, but for this particular moment, I could not get it out of my head for various reasons! Hope you all enjoy.
* * *
The day was won, but so much uncertainty still hung in the air.
Mario gazed longingly at the princess on the beach as she spoke to Toadsworth, his smooth red tail lazily dipped in the water. His rock perch was the closest that he could get without being seen.
But he wanted to.
Luigi stayed in the water, pressed up against the same rock as he looked up at his brother. He felt the hurt that Mario was feeling, and yet his heart also wanted to tell him that this was all for the best. But he knew that it was not what Mario wanted.
Their parents watched the scene from some ways off.
"She did save the boys from that monster", said Mia, as she looked at her husband.
Pio sighed.
"I know I've been a fool. All this time, I just wanted to keep them safe. But I realise now that I needed to let them choose their own paths."
He raised his hands slowly, and cupped them downwards at the water, sending a golden ripple of his magic towards his eldest son.
As soon as the light came into contact with his tail, Mario jumped up, feeling a warm tingling slowly transforming his appendage. He gasped, as his tail was once again transformed back (now painlessly) into a pair of legs.
The smile that radiated from his face was one of pure joy, and he looked up at his father with such gratitude, unable to even speak through his emotions.
Pio just smiled and nodded. This choice was now his son's alone.
Mario immediately leapt off the rock and swam towards the beach as fast as he could. Peach heard the splash, and raced down to find Mario emerging as a fully formed human. She smiled so wide, and ran up to embrace him.
And then as Mario held her tight he felt a pang in his chest. Looking back, he saw Luigi had followed to the water's edge, cautiously trying to stay back, but with a look of longing that stung Mario to the core.
He ran back, not even caring that he couldn't graciously enter the water anymore, and pulled his brother into a tight hug.
"I know this is what you want", said Luigi softly. "We'll be fine."
Mario shook his head.
"I'll come back here", he choked. "To this beach. Every single day. And we can hang out together. Just like always."
Both felt the tears on each other's shoulders.
"Just be happy", said Luigi.
That was all that he could say, and what either of them could say as they held each other for what felt like the longest moment of their lives.
Mia looked at Pio. Her husband nodded, and sent a ripple of magic again. This time towards Luigi.
By this time, Mario had untangled himself from Luigi's arms (his mind and body fighting against it the whole time) and had begun to turn away when Peach gasped.
He saw her pointing, and whipped his head around just in time to catch sight of Luigi being surrounded by their father's magic. The light grew brighter, until it vanished just as quickly, and Luigi's tail was gone.
Trembling slightly, Mario watched as his brother sat up and pushed himself up from the sand, revealing that he too was now standing on his own pair of legs. The three of them could only stare in wonder. And only after that Mario was running again to catch Luigi in his arms, as his younger brother took a shaky step and then instantly fell forward.
"It's a lot harder than it looks", Mario laughed. His emotions coming back in full.
Luigi chuckled through his tears, and breathed heavily as he pressed his forehead to his brother's.
They heard Peach approaching. Mario looked back at her and smiled. He stepped back and took his brother's hand in his, gently guiding him away from the water.
"I believe you two have met?", Mario chortled.
The three of them laughed together and shared a hug.
It was all ok now. Their new lives were just beginning.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 1 year
omg i loved your dark bam imagine!!! is there any way we get some more, like how he manipulates the media or her and ends up with her?? sorry i just love it so much and you’re literally so talented!! no rush in it! have a wonderful day/evening/night/morning idk just have a good ig ❤️❤️
Can’t Stand Losing You (Pt. 2)
Whatever was going on between Bam and you was impossible to make heads or tails of. He only seemed to complicate things for you further when he gives you a surprise over dinner.
Bam Margera X Fem!Reader
(Dark, Angst, Fluff)
3.3k Words
Warnings: Obsessive behavior, suggestive content, paparazzi, bribery, possessiveness, lying, kissing
An: Thank you sosososoos much for this request!!! You are so sweet thank you!! I am so happy that my fic captivated you so much! All of your love for my work means so much! <3 I felt like the conclusion of the original fic was a little vague, so I was so happy to expand on it more! I am a sucker for the dark stuff so keep those requests coming! XD (links to parts 1 and 3)
“Hey, is this, like- Star Magazine?” Bam feigned high pitched valley girl upspeak as he pressed the phone against his ear with his shoulder. “Mmhm. Yeah, so I’m at Venice Beach, right? And I see this guy- total dreamboat- and he’s with some chick, and I’m all like, ‘Who’s that?’” Bam thrummed his a against the wheel of his Hummer, parked about a block away from your house.
Summer was brutal in LA, and swimming was one of the better ways you could cool off. Usually, you and Bam blended in with all of the other ridiculously hot people that hung out there, so it wasn’t an issue. You would splash around and Bam would end up chasing seagulls or face planting into the wet sand hard enough that he was sneezing out sand for weeks. Relatively quiet stuff (by your standards).
This wouldn’t be the case for long. “So I go to get a better look and you’ll never guess who it is!” He grinned, hearing the operator lean back and say something to someone just out of reach of the receiver- they were sending people. The operator returned, eagerly listening, “Who did you see, miss?”
“Bam Margera!” Feigning the voice of an excitable female fan, he could audibly hear the guy sit up in his chair as he continued, “And he’s shirtless too! What a hunk!” Taking a second to collect himself, Bam continued with his act, “Yeah! And, like- I think he’s with some model lady too? I dunno…maybe she’s his girlfriend or something?”
“Are dudes really wearing that kinda stuff nowadays?” You joked, peering at the cleft of Bam’s ass crack that showed over his low swim trunks. Never in your life had you seen anyone wear them that low. He shrugged as you walked through the parking lot, past a couple of vans parked right where the sand met asphalt, “What?” He was several shades lighter than the sand you popped your folding chairs onto, his limbs dappled in multicolored bruises from skating and stunts. He looked like a bad peach. Scoffing, you flicked your sunglasses open, replying to Jim in a jokingly sarcastic tone, “You’re practically exposing yourself, Bam. You are such a slut!” Bam sat down in the chair next to you, “Yeah, you’re one to talk.” Well he did have a point there- you weren’t exactly dressed conservatively yourself.
But you couldn’t help it. It was a perfect day, and you needed to get a tan for your next photoshoot for some swimwear company. Reaching into your tote bag, you grabbed the bottle of sun tan oil. The sparkly hibiscus flower on the clear bottle flaked pink glitter off into your hands as you poured some out, rubbing it onto your shoulders and back. From behind you, Bam watched you with fervor as you massaged it in. He chuckled suggestively, “You need some help with that?”
“Haha. Very funny!” You rolled your eyes, “I am more than capable of applying my own lotion, thank you.�� Reclining in his seat, he chuckled, “Eh, was worth a shot.” Your eyes drifted along the sands, the sounds of the waves like silk over your ears. It was quiet, as usual, while you people-watched. Mom with her kids, some bitch from the Real World getting into a fight with her boyfriend, guy with a camera- typical stuff. And it seemed that that day, for once in a very long time, that everything was normal. You and Bam made fun of the surfers when they wiped out, he got fly-by shat on by a seagull, and everybody had a really great time.
Bam would have an especially good time a few hours after you left.
The silver magazine rack creaked as Bam flipped through it, humming to himself. By now it was night, and the dim light from the dirty little corner store that he stopped in filtered out onto the street though the glass storefront. Tapping his foot impatiently on unswept floors, he scanned through the tabloids for anything with his face on it.
Jackpot! His eyes went wide as he snatched up the thin, papery tabloid. Bam flipped through it, his eyes scanning every page. And there you two were, a picture perfect celebrity couple. A damn sexy one too, he thought, eyeing your exposed skin. The bold, bright pink text screamed at him from the front page, “Just like Paradise! Bam Margera spotted with girlfriend Y/N at Venice Beach!”
Grabbing a candy bar, he got his purchases and had them rang up at the counter. Not even waiting to drive back to his hotel, he kicked his feet up and read by the light of the dashboard. “Hmm…” Furrowing his brow, he thought about slipping that camera guy a twenty next time to make sure he got more flattering photos of him.
With all the flashing lights and media people, you really felt like a big shot as you walked down the red carpet. All the guests at the premiere were all dressed up so nicely, in their dazzling dresses and fancy suits- and then there was Bam, who was always too good to dress up for anything, especially these kinds of things. It meant nothing, you reminded yourself, as he snaked his arm around you. You two were going together to mess with the media, that’s it. Sure, Bam bought your dress and shoes and made sure you looked like total eye candy when you were with him, but it would be just the same as when Steve and Chris make out on the red carpet- it’s just for fun.
“Hey Bam! Over here!” Some reporter lady with the most egregious hair to body ratio you had ever seen beckoned him over, sticking a microphone in his face. “Who are you with tonight?” His arm around your waist pulled you a little closer, feeling the purple velvet of your dress, “Well, this sweetheart right here is my girl, Y/N. Ain’t that right?” You giggled and smiled, playing the role of a smitten girlfriend well.
What did trip you up, however, was when Bam brought his face close to yours for what you thought was going to be a kiss. Instead, he planted two little pecks on your cheekbone, before licking a hot stripe up from your jaw to your temple. “Ah!” You couldn’t help from exclaiming in surprise as he snickered, the spit rapidly cooling on your face. The lady seemed shocked, but not as shocked as you were. And just as soon as that happened, you were whisked away to the next flock of people asking for photos of you two. You whispered to him, “I swear to god, Bam- if that makes me break out after this…”
The premier was fun and all, but Bam decided that the movie sucked and you dipped halfway though. After sneaking pas the other guests, you silently ducked out a side door in the theater, walking down an alley that was illuminated only by floodlights. He looked you up and down, the look behind his eyes unclear due to the cool sunglasses-at-night look he was sporting, “You wanna get ‘somethin to eat?” You thought of what was nearby, not wanting to chance it with the paparazzi that seemed to follow you everywhere recently, “Yeah, maybe…do you have something in mind?” The grin he gave you after your question made you a little uneasy.
Your jaw dropped when you saw where he was taking you. It was one of those romantic, fancy restaurants with lighting so low you could barely see your plate while you were eating. “Bam! This is…you- you can’t get in here without a reservation six months in advance!” He just smirked in response, not hesitating as he squeezed past the crowd of expensively dressed people, leaving you to follow him like a lost puppy. Leaning against the lectern, he smirked expectantly at the Maitre D, “Reservation for Margera?”
“I’m sorry, sir. We don’t-“ Just out of your sight, Bam palmed a couple hundreds to the tuxedo clad man. He paused, thinking for a second before nodding. “Ah, yes! Come right with me, sir.” You gawked at the lavishly decorated restaurant as you walked, Bam’s hand around yours like he thought you couldn’t keep up with him on your own.
It was beautiful- really the kind of place he would pick. You could’ve sworn you were in the castle of some medieval vampire prince as you were seated on the second floor balcony, overlooking the large dining room. Gold candle light danced off of the crystal chandelier in the center of the room, complimenting the purple velvet that was everywhere, from the upholstery on the seats to the large, draping curtains over giant windows. Everything matched, from the dark stained wood of the tables to the black jackets of the servers and the cold, metal railings you were seated near.
You listened to Bam as he animatedly told you about his trip to Vegas he just got back in from, “Yeah, it was crazy! I mean-“ He rolled up his sleeve, showing off his most recent tattoo in the low light, “I got this done by Kat Von D.” You leaned forward to get a batter look, squinting at the design. He smirked a little, your forehead almost touching his. His voice got a little softer as he continued, “After that, me and Dunn visited the AVN Expo- had a blast.”
“What’s that?” You sat back, picking idly at your food. He seemed a little surprised at the fact that you didn’t know, his voice returning to its normal register, “You know, the porno convention.” You raised your eyebrows, your eyes widening. He chuckled at your surprise, a glint in his eye, “Yeah! There's pretty much naked chicks everywhere there! If I’m being honest, I think that’d be a great j-“ His attention was turned to the waiter who was with glasses and a bottle of wine for who knows how long, “Oh, thanks.” As he bent down to pour them, Bam paid him no mind, his smirk audible in his voice. “Anyways, as I was saying, it is a hell of a good time. Maybe next year I could get you Ron Jeremy’s autograph.” You giggled a little as the waiter fled, “That would be great! I wish I could come with you!”
“What do you mean?” Bam asked, his tone shifting as he raised an eyebrow at you. You pressed your lips together, “I mean- I'm just usually pretty busy with work. It’s not like I could just take time off.” Chuckling, he leaned back in his seat, glass of wine in hand, “Oh, sure you can’t.You have the money to go wherever you want. I go to Finland, like- three times a year!” He took a sip of his Pinot Noir, “Why don’t you go to…the Caribbean or something?” Idly picking at your food, you replied matter of factly, “Well you know people in Finland. It’s not like I have buddies in the Caribbean. I can’t even get a day off until November!”
Reaching into his pocket, he wordlessly passed you a white envelope over the purple silk tablecloth. Your head tilted to the side as you took it, opening it with your well manicured nails. Bam had an air of coolness, watching you with steepled hands as your eyes went wide. To your shock, inside the envelope were two light blue plane tickets to Westchester, Pennsylvania. The flight was tomorrow. He smiled.
It seemed that no matter what time of year it was, Westchester was cold. Your LA blood wasn’t used to the chill, forcing you to shiver against Bam, the cab’s heat blasting on you two. “I can’t believe this…” You grumbled, pulling his coat that he gave you around you. The fur on the hood felt nice against the cold back of your neck as you seethed, “My boss is gonna kill me, Bam!” He tsked, affectionately pulling an arm around you. “Oh, shut up. You know you love this.” His voice had an endearing tone as he held you close enough that you could smell him- beer and cigarettes masked under the cologne he wore to impress you. You were too cold and tired to fight, instead opting to try and sap any warmth from him and the car's air vents until you got to your destination.
The windows were steamy by the time you arrived at what he dubbed Castle Bam. You were half awake, exhausted from the long flight while he grabbed not only his but your luggage, quickly scooping you up in his arms and shutting the car door with his foot. There was no doubt you were awake now. “Ah! Bam!” He cackled as he sprinted up the driveway and into the house carrying you.
Someone sitting on the black leather couch in the living room sat up when Bam called out to him, “Hey, Dunn!” You were unceremoniously dropped into the couch, with Bam still wearing his shit-eating grin, “Meet the princess of Castle Bam!” You rubbed your eyes looking up at the stranger across from you, “Mmhm. Hi.” Nodding, he put a hand out to you, “I’m Ryan, nice to see you. God- Bam’s been talking about you nonstop.” You shook his hand and smiled back. He seemed friendly and comparatively normal next to Bam who stared holed into the back of your head with a weird look in his eye. Tossing a handful of clothes at you, he swiftly left and went upstairs, presumably to his room.
“Put these on. I have somewhere to be tonight.”
Bam smirked, leading you through a side entrance in the venue through a packed hallway. It felt like one of those things you shouldn’t be doing, but you did it anyway. “Y/N, this guy’s probably the coolest person you’ll ever meet.“ Giving a nod to one of the security guys, Bam led you up a set of stairs, squeezing past people, giving you the rundown.“His name’s Ville Valo, and his band’s called H.I.M. Got that all?” You nodded, trying to show that you were listening. He smiled, reaching a door at the top of the stairs, “Good. Now, don’t make an idiot’a yourself.”
From how much you heard Bam fangirling about these guys, they were kinda…underwhelming looking- you expected something a little bit more Sisters of Mercy. You walked into a room of maybe five guys, just sitting around, drinking beers and waiting to get called onstage. “Hey, Ville! What’s up, man?” He plopped down onto the little floral upholstered couch someone must’ve fished out of a dumpster next to maybe the most beautiful man you had seen in your life as he shot a nod to Bam. You were beaconed over, and you squeezed in between him and the arm of the couch, practically sitting on his lap.
From the far end of the couch, Ville leaned across to you, giving you a once over with half lidded eyes. “Pleasure to meet you” His voice was gentle, with an accent that was remarkably European (though you couldn’t place exactly where- you’re a model, not an encyclopedia). He gave you a lipsticked smile as Bam turned to you while you were distracted, taking your face in his tattooed hand and gripping it hard as he suddenly pressed his face against yours. Your eyes went wide as you felt his tongue against yours, freezing like a deer in headlights. This isn't something friends do. You couldn’t figure out where your mouth ended and his began until he pulled away from the mess of flesh with a cocky grin, “LA’s finest.”
He gave Ville one of those looks that say more than words ever could. Seemingly unphased with Bam devouring you like a lion eating a gazelle on the Savannah, he laughed a little and got up, pleasantly gesturing for you to follow him, “Here. I’ll show you backstage.” And he led you down the stairs and through all these corridors, Bam still holding you close the whole time like he was afraid you were going to float away. “And this,” Ville gestured to a door that was labeled as his dressing room, “is where it all happens.” He glanced back at you, making the kind of eye contact that insinuated things. This clearly displeased Bam, him shooting a look back at him. Ville just chuckled, but before anything rash happened, someone came and got the band to bring them out onstage.
The dark, desolate car ride home after the show was underscored by the music playing from the stereo of Bam’s orange Hummer. He had 24 CDs and about 22 of them were H.I.M. The green numbers on the stereo blurred in your vision as you squinted, trying to tell the time. You could see that it ended with ‘Am’. Sighing, you closed your eyes and let your head hit the window as the music washed over your brain like river rocks, the singer going on about his “poison girl”, whatever that means. Behind the wheel, Bam smiled, glimpsing over at you from the dashboard light. So much had been going on, and you just needed to not think too hard for a little. And you got back to the castle and headed upstairs and before you could realize it you were in his bedroom. It wasn’t too bad- his black sheets felt so nice and the room was comfortably dim, exhaustion claiming you. Friends share beds all the time anyways.
But out of the corner of your eye, you spotted something hanging out from under his mattress. You thought to yourself- he was in the bathroom, so it wasn’t like he’d notice if you snooped a little. Quietly rolling off the bed, you bent down and wiggled out the pink, papery object. Your eyes went wide as you stared at it. It was one of those celebrity tabloids- with you on it. Perplexed, you lifted the mattress up more, wondering why in the hell he’d collect this kind of thing.
Oh god. Your heart dropped. There had to be at least twenty under there. Some were from before he even met you, and others were as recent as the previous week- just tucked away down there like prison contraband. Your mind was racing so fast that you didn’t even notice the sound of the bathroom door opening as Bam walked in- not until he leaned over you and put a hand on your shoulder, making you jump. Whipping your head around, you were face to face with the fabric of his gray pajama pants and the bare skin of his stomach, close enough that you could feel his soft skin on your eyelashes as you stared at his heartagram tattoo. You still clutched one of the tabloids in your hand as you panickedly looked up at him, gesturing to your findings. “What- what’s all this…?” He sighed, kneeling down to get eye level with you.
“Y/N- Y/N. Listen.” He took one of the magazines scattered on the floor into his hands, seeming earnest as he spoke, oddly calm, “I only buy this shit cause it’s funny. I mean- they say all this ridiculous shit about us!” Flipping through one of them, your eyes scanned the pages. Everything that was written about you was…oddly sweet, endearing even. Something seemed to click in your head. He liked you- he liked you. He was trying to impress you this whole time. Silently engrossed in what you were reading, you mused “Is it really that bad…?” Bam’s eyes flitted up to yours and you almost seemed to smile as you turned it over to read the cover, “Just like Paradise…Bam Margera spotted with girlfriend, Y/N, at Venice Beach.”
You were just barely- no, less than an inch away from each other as your eyes met his. And you kissed him and it felt good- so much better than that kiss before. It was soft and sweet, in a way neither of you were really expecting it to be.
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starsarefire824 · 9 months
A little sneak peek of a "thunderstorm" prompt I received. I should have it up tomorrow! Yay for getting back to writing!!!
Mike peers towards the sky as he swipes his raggedy beach towel along the back of his neck in an attempt to dry his soaking curls. His eyebrows raise, unsure, and turns back towards Will, who’s still floating on his back in the creek, owning the small swimming hole that’s nestled under a scraggly bank of trees with his entire body. 
“I don’t know, man,” Mike urges. “We might want to head back.” 
Will peaks one eye open against what’s left of the sunlight and grunts in dissatisfaction. 
“But the water’s so warm today,” he complains in a gentle grumble, the sound of water splashing off his body as he stands. Rivulets of water slither down his friend's face and over his well built chest. Mike’s eyes fasten on his taught waist, and how his swim shorts hang lower than normal on his hips. After a long second, Will catches his eye and blushes, instinctively pulling up his shorts and heading for the grassy edge that meets the sandy shore where he stands. Mike blinks and clears his throat, quickly turning around and focusing on putting his t-shirt back on. He curses how his neck pricks hot and wishes he might just disappear inside the clean cotton, still warm from laying on a rock in the sun for the last couple of hours. 
He can hear the sound of a towel roughening over Will’s skin and the zipper of his jean shorts and waits until he comes to stand beside him. 
Will brushes his grown out chestnut tendrils back from his face and smiles. Shy and sweet the way he always does. It’s senior year, and there’s nothing left of Vecna except for ash and a classified case file stored away for good in the White House; an evil specter so certainly destined to fade from time there’s no longer even a medical record or a newspaper article that mentions the name Henry Creel.
Along with his tormentor has gone Will’s boyhood of gangly limbs and ill fitting clothes, a mother’s haircut, and peach fuzz along his jaw. Gone are the crayons and plastic dinosaurs and stuffed tigers. Instead, senior year has brought the shading of a beard when he doesn’t remember to shave and art skills so finely tuned he was accepted to his three favorite schools. Turning eighteen has brought broad shoulders and strong hands. Hands that make Mike shiver when they linger at the small of his back when they hug goodbye.
Not that he’s noticed or anything. 
Not that he’s paid too much attention.
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venusiananthology · 27 days
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚La délivrance˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Aphrodite, Cytherea, Cyprogenes, Urania, Areia. These are the names that they call me, the beautiful men and women that surrounded me when I arose from the ocean. I am told that for years I was a small pearl, and then a very large pearl, and that now I am me. Who am I? My hair is long and it is blonde, the color of the orb shining down from the blue canvas which lies above the surface on which I stand. My hair is the color of the sand, the earth on which I first stepped after leaving the rock on which I am told I called home for twenty years.
The people on the beach celebrate my arrival. I watch them from the rock, and as my head turns, they whoop and cheer, and I smile a full grin in return. Unlike my initial welcomers, they are small, and they seem flawed. On the inside that is, they have these flaws which I can almost reach into with an invisible hand and read like a scroll. Wait, what is a scroll? I seem to have this inner knowledge of things that I have not yet encountered. My mind tells me that a scroll is a form of written language and that it is made of papyrus. What is papyrus? Oh, I have so many questions it seems.
My skin is very similar to the large men and women that I encounter on the rock and the small men and women I see on the beach. It is of a tan olive tone and it is freckled, almost as if I had been lying in the sun for many an hour, allowing it to give me kisses that formed the freckles. When I noted this to the men and women on the rock, a floating man with a crown of light looked as if he was blushing. It seems as though these freckles on my body are indeed some sort of a kiss, if I am deducing correctly. When I noted this in my brain, that the man seemed to blush, a woman next to him floating on a cloud hit him on the shoulder. Jealousy, a concept I am sure I will encounter in the future.
When I look down I see two large lumps on my chest peaked by two pink flower-like buds. I lift them up to see below them and my sight catches two thick legs with wide calves under a stomach which hangs slightly over them. My belly is pudgy and smooth to the touch, with soft, blonde peach-fuzz like hair growing on top of it. I reach below my stomach and above my legs to see what lies there in the space between them, and my eyes alight with shock. That is when the three graces who helped me out of the oyster laughed and placed on me a white silken robe and instructed me that I should only consider the area that I had just discovered when in the privacy of my own company, or of someone I loved very much.
Love. I hear the word and am immediately enamored with the concept. I may not yet have experienced much, but this I know: Love is the fated, the prophesied, the always-will-happen magnetization of two beings that creates fire and sparks and consumes entire cities in its search for inspiration. I seem to have some control over this concept of love, as I can feel the connections between the people around me. The grandest of what I am told are the gods stand before me and I feel a warmth radiating between them, like nothing in creation could separate them from one another, like nothing could stand between them and live to tell the tale.
The man is old and he is gray, but he is strong. He is curly haired and his cheeks are incredibly sculpted. I sense in his eyes a grim duty, it seems as though he has suffered much in the past and lived through many stories. I look into his eyes and scenes flash before me and I feel that I am him, birth in a cave to an earth goddess mother, blood splashing before me as my siblings are thrown from my fathers stomach, marriage to my sister-bride, goddess of the ceremony. And then suddenly the visions end, and I am smitten with the man. My face forms into a small grin as I stand before him, and suddenly the woman to his side forcibly introduces herself as Hera, queen of the gods. I am suddenly taken back to reality and put in my place, and my feelings for the supreme god are completely stifled.
The woman is my height, about nine feet tall, and her skin is olive but there are no freckles about it. She is completely smooth like porcelain and her body is slender, very much unlike mine which has curves and rolls all about it. It seems as though the man with the sun on his head knows not to place any kisses on the body of Hera. She then introduces her husband as Zeus, king of the sky and bringer of lightning and thunder. They both tell me that they are to be my care-takers in this world, and that I am for all intents and purposes their daughter.
I am taken aback once again, for I did not think I was to have a family, but it seems as though the gods before me, the large squabbling family full of intrigue and drama and scandal are to be those that I call mine. The graces bow before me, one blonde, one brunette, and one ginger. They tell me that all shall call me Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, love, and desire. They gift me with a beautiful golden belt and inform me that it will cause all who see me to adore me with a sweet passion, that all will consider me to be like jam on the lips, like lotion and oil rubbed onto the skin, like a flower in a meadow that they feel their own soul within, reflecting, like a pearlescent mirror. I smile with glee, I am to be she of love and beauty.
The graces take me by the hands and lead me down stairs carved into the side of the rock and I stand on the last one before glancing down at the ocean before me. I look at them and ask, am I to swim? They laugh cheerfully and explain that no, swimming is for the little people on the shore, and that I am not one of the little people, I am one of the big people. I take a step into the water, and to my surprise, my feet walk on top of it as though it is a solid surface. I begin to walk across the surface, but I am too happy to walk! I break into a sprint and somersault across the ocean before reaching the shore. The people gather around me and cry out in joy, for their goddess has arrived and she has in her heart a love for them which nothing could stifle.
I reach down and hug any whose arms offer embrace. I am offered figs and pomegranates and grapes and I eat of them like a starving dog. I am starving! I have never eaten before! As the juice drips down my face it lands into the sand and from the sand flowers protrude between the grains. I look behind me and see that the earth where I walked has also sprouted luscious flora. I feel in my bones because of the flowers that not only am I she of love and desire, but I am she of fertility. I shall be there to grace the winds when a child is placed into the womb of their mother, I shall be the whisper in the trees when said child is delivered to their eager family. I shall be there.
The graces follow behind me, giggling like children, and get my attention. They tell me that it is time to go to my new home on a mount called Olympus where I will be paraded like a trophy among the gods of this earth and that I will find my place among them as the newest daughter of Zeus and Hera. The rest of the gods follow behind us in a line of splendor and awe, the people on the beach look to their divine creators and some faint with the joy of a believer. The graces once again take me by the hand and lead me to my place within the procession of the immortals. We stand on the beach and my feet begin to feel light as fog forms beneath all of us, the gods. Suddenly the fog stretches out like a large yawn and overtakes us. I float upward and find myself in a throne made of clouds on a surface of clouds where all the gods sit on their respective thrones.
I am grouped with the graces, who I now assume are my ladies in waiting, as their thrones are smaller than mine but still stately and worthy of an immortal. A white bird flies out of nowhere to my side and chirps a melodious tune. My hand reaches out to touch the bird, and it flies up to land on my finger. I call this bird dove, my dove. I sense that it is mine. I look to the front of the cloud and see Zeus and Hera sitting upon their thrones, each holding the hand of the other as the cloud takes off into the sky. On the fist of Zeus sits a bird much larger than mine with a razorous beak and a head of white feathers but a body of gray. Its eyes flicker to me and I am scared by it. I must look away.
Behind the throne of Zeus lies a large beast of brown fur and two large horns. It is called a bull, as I am told by the man sitting to my right when he notices me staring at it. He looks at me and licks his lips, he is nine foot tall like myself and has a statuesque body that is oiled and laden with scars from what I can only assume are the fiercest of battles. His hair is long and braided and the darkest of blacks, it lays to the side over his shoulder and falls onto his chest. Oh. His chest. His pecks are like marble and they lie above a stomach of abs. This man has no woman to his side, and I feel that I am allowed to be smitten with this one. I ask him jokingly while pointing to his figure if he’d like to see my stomach too, and he replies with a smirk that he’s seen much, much more. I can’t help but blush the same way Helius did when I hear him say that.
The cloud finally arrives on the misty peaks of a mountain with a trail leading up. One by one, the gods get up from their thrones as the cloud pushes into the side of the mountain and dissipates as the immortals begin their ascent to the peak. I hear a melody enveloping the group as nine nymphs, I am told they are called the muses, start to encircle the procession and sing a song about the day that Aphrodite was born. I am brought to tears by the sheer beauty of the epic tune which describes me and the day that I emerged from the oyster. The graces take me by the hands once more and lead me up the mountain, explaining that I am too delicate to walk up the winding path on my own, but then I remember that I am also Areia, and insist I go on my own. The graces comply.
I look around me as I walk on and watch as the grass at the bottom of the peak of Olympus grows into trees and shrubbery and flowers and lakes and rivers. Within the green and blue I make out nymphs, Oreads, the spirits of this mountain. They are playing in the water and chasing one another amongst the branches. I see them cackle at one another's jokes and kiss like lovers. Suddenly one of the nymphs jumps from the forestry and runs through the procession, and behind her is a man with ovine legs pursuing her passionately. He calls out to her like they are in a lovers quarrel, and before my eyes the nymph stands in place and sprouts roots and a trunk and turns into a tree! Oh what a glorious land this is that I stand on!
We reach a clearing, and sitting in this clearing is a large palace of marble, it reminds me of the man I sat next to on the throne of clouds, large and proud. The procession continues into the palace, and I look around to see the space decorated with rugs of oriental nature depicting on them great battles and meetings of lovers and the emergence of gods. There are potted plants everywhere, and on their urns, I see similar paintings. There are shelves carved into every wall and within them I see scientific devices of all shapes and sizes, I also see scrolls which I assume have knowledge only the eyes of immortals are made to see. Incense burns in every corner attended by nymphs and they all look to the procession to watch me in veneration.
Zeus and Hera glance back at me as I look around at all the nymphs with love radiating from my heart, and they beam at me with the loving embrace of parents watching their newborn come home for the very first time. The man from the cloud comes up behind me and places a hand on my waist as he speaks. He says that this is all for me, and refers to me in name as beautiful. We converse as we walk on into the main auditorium where the court lines into a half circle. Zeus and Hera walk onto the stage and begin a speech.
I look around myself and observe the rest of my family fully for the very first time. The first person to catch my eye is a  woman of my height, so I can only assume she is another of the greater gods. She has long brown hair and stands in a full suit of armor carrying a large spear. I feel a sudden pain in my forehead as I look upon her and notice a scar on the forehead of Zeus. Her eyes are deep set and the color of the ocean, her nose is slender and has a peak in the center, almost as if a sylvan hill of green sits upon her face. She is as beautiful as any goddess. Thalia, the ginger grace, tells me her name is Athena.
On the other end of the court, I see a pair of twins who look exactly alike, the only thing separating their appearance being gender. They have the same young, impish features of almond eyes and thick cupid’s-bow-like lips. The man has a crown of light smaller than that of Helius but still blindingly radiant. The woman has a small glowing crescent which floats above her head. Euphrosyne sees my curious stare and notes that they are the day and night dualities called Apollo and Artemis. Artemis’s imposing body causes a reaction of warmth in my own, but I look to her side and am disappointed. A lesser goddess standing at seven feet tall is at her side and holds her by the hand. Another pair in which I am unwelcome.
I listen to Zeus for a while addressing the procession but my curiosity again takes my attention away. Standing next to Athena is a woman who looks just like Hera except her features are rounder than Hera’s striking avian features. Her chestnut hair is twisted up into a bun and she wears a green toga fitted to her waist with a rope that hangs down her legs. Aglaea, standing at seven feet tall like her sisters, tugs me by the robe and I look down. She whispers to me that the woman I am looking at is called Demeter. Holding Demeter’s hand is a man that the man on the clouds tells me is called Poseidon. He wears blue and his long beard of white trickles into water that dissipates into fog before it hits the ground.
At the back of the procession is a dark and brooding man wearing black that nobody will tell me the name of. Finally, the man on the clouds places his chin on my shoulder and murmurs softly into my ear that his name is Ares. Suddenly I hear my name from the mouth of Zeus, and my attention is caught. He announces that because so many have already offered their hand in marriage to me, he shall be the one to decide who I am to be in matrimony with. I lower my eyes in disappointment. I was just born today and already I am to be bound to one man. I feel my eyes swell with tears as a man walks from behind Zeus, ugliest of the gods. He wears a beige toga and holds a large hammer in his hand. I am not excited for the announcement I expect to come.
Zeus reveals to the court to the return of gasps and awes that my husband is to be Hephaestus, god of the blacksmiths. Hera reaches her hand out for me, nodding her head, and I walk forward as the eyes of the procession watch me. I see the envy of all the men following my figure as I continue onward onto the stage where I am to be married and sent to my bedchambers like a cow to the slaughter. Ares looks at me with a melancholy gaze and I sense in him a similar disappointment, as it would seem our places next to each other on the clouds was a cruel joke meant to fool me into thinking I was to be his. I could have accepted being his. But this man before me on the stage, I cannot accept being his. I stare into his eyes, and I see nothing but a passion for his work, a passion for his craft. It is as if he is the only man unaffected by me, as his heart has already been won over by another.
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leonsleftbicep · 5 months
Okay I am eepie but! Before I go honk shoo! Fluff prompts!
(vessel = any of the guys ; Ves = it him 🫶)
vessel is sick and the others have to take turns taking care of the boyfriend
someone comes home with a bouquet flowers and!! flowers on the hair!! on the mustaches!! inside their books!!
Ves playing piano while the others watch? dance? (i am a sucker for piano V sorry 😔)
matching outfits please. pijamas. ridiculous socks. idk. it's cute 🥺
OOOooooOooOooooohhhhhhh first kiss? any pairing (iii or ii would be funny with whomever)
honesty just ii flustered. he's so Sensible and Responsible, it's funny when he gets all sillay hehehe
ivy peach.... being poked like a marshmallow
vessels taking a nap 🥹
vessels sharing a meal 🥺 food is so!!
vessel reading a book/story out loud while the other three are all cuddled up against him mehehehe :3
Oh! someone's birthday!!!! that's fun!!! party hats yeaaa
Dilfs! ivy and ii doing Old Men activities together (like idk feeding birds) while iii and Ves are destroying the house (either because they decided to cook and things went wrong ; or because they are exploring each other's bodies yeaaah weee woooo)
bakery au! ivy decorating cute heart-shaped cookies (maybe the Echoes are helping) for the guys 🥹💙
With Lotus!
she had a bad day and is being comforted and lulled to sleep by her dads 🥺
they are all spending the day at the beach collecting shells and pretty rocks 🥹 Ves is info dumping about Ocean Facts™ ; iii is annoying ii and trying to splash him (and failing. ii is loving it though) ; ivy is making a sandcastle and using Lotus' pebbles and shells as decoration 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Liddol Lotus visiting the recording studio for the first time and sitting on ii's lap at the drums. Her head barely pops up 😭 iii says she's almost as tall as ii. He gets hit in the head by a drumstick.
Uhhhh is this. Enough? Okay? Usable? Idk but there you go! I got Extra Soft on Lotus, just can't help it 🥹🪷
yeah i just ate that
and yeah i am using it
oh and you wanna know what else!
i am going to line this up in my milanote with a set day on the calendar for each prompt and i am going to draw the hell out of it…
well i might have to rearrange it for the 4th 7th and 8th because i have some stuff to do those days but eh
heres a bonus! i might draw lotus at different parts in her growth because of the wacky fact that she ages 2.5 years ever year
Thank you Darya!!!!! 😘
edit: i wanted to add that on the dilf prompt i read out the “or because they are exploring each other's bodies yeaaah weee woooo” and then tehe’d like a teen girl in an early 2000’s disney film
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moorebeanz · 1 year
Oopsie ;3 am I streaming?!
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1128: Peachy Sunset (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
6:45 p.m. at Smash Beach........
Peach: (Sighs Very Sadly as She Lays her Head onto Mario's Lap)
Mario: What's wrong, dear?
Peach: Summer is coming to a close. (Eyes Starts Sparkle in Sadness) And so is Peach Month.......
Mario: You do realize it's supposed to be a celebration of a fruit with the same name, right?
Peach: I know that! (Stsrts Twiddling her Fingers Around) It just feels nice to have your name be associated with a month long holiday. That and my love for peaches doubles my disappointment even further than- (Eyes Widened Once She Hears Mario Snickering Before Pouting at Him) And what seems to be funny to you, mister?~
Mario: Ohhh nothing of sort~ (Smirks Playfully at his Girlfriend) Just admiring how adorable you are is all~ (Boops on Peach's Nose)
Peach: ('Gasps') Excuse you!?~
Mario: (Boops on Peach's Nose Once More) You're excused~
Peach: (Starts Pouting Some More) Don't you start! I thought we've already established that YOU'RE the cute one in this relationship, Mr. Mario!~
Mario: And I was under the impression that you're a lot cuter. Not doing a very good job proving me otherwise by the way.
Peach: Kinda hard not to when you're shamelessly teasing your loving princess right now!~
Mario: Hey, in all fairness, you've been going around showing my cuteness off numerous times now. (Forms a Satisfied Smirk) So I consider this payback.
Peach: So you're admitting that you're a cutie?
Mario: (Eyes Begins to Widened at the Realization) W-What!? N-No! I didn't- See, what I meant to say was-
Peach: (Raised an Eyebrow at Mario in Silence) .........
Mario: ('Sighs in Defeat') I got myself into that one, didn't I?
Peach: (Casually Shrugs) You said it not me. (Smiles Brightly) But it's fine. I still love you~
Mario: (Smiles Back at his Princess) Love you too, dear. I never said this as often as I should, but I'm really happy to have you and everyone else in my life right now.
Peach: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as She Hugs Mario Very Lovingly) Honey~ I'm happy to have you all in my life too!~ It's always been one of my dreams to have a big family of my own someday, and have you guys as one always managed to put a smile on my face everyday I wake up in the morning.
Mario: Even Bowser?
Peach: To extend, yes. He's still a massive headache though.
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly) You and me both~ Don't worry, I'll always be here to protect you, mi'lady.
Peach: And I'll do the same for you too, my sweet, handsome teddy bear of a prince~
Mario: (Raises an Eyebrow) Teddy Bear, huh?
Peach: You'll always be adorable in eyes, okay? Sue me!~
Mario: Nah. I'd rather give you my loving instead, of that's okay woth you, of course~
Peach: (Giggles Softly) Absolutely~
The couple leans forward to give one another a kiss on the lips until three splashes of water suddenly hits Mario on the back.
Mario: (Immediately Gets Himself Up From the Impact) GAHAHH! What in the-(Suddenly Hears Mischievous Laughter as He and Peach Turns Around to see Sonic and Hat Kid Standing in the Mid Distance with Water Ballons in Their Hands)
Sonic: (Forms a Cocky, Troublemaking Smirk on his Face) Hate to ruin such sweet romance moment, but we're in the middle of a Water Wars and you guys are it.
Hat Kid: (Smiles Brightly While Sitting Behind Sonic's Head) Catch us if you can!~
The duo quickly runs off, leaving their parents in the dust.
Mario: (Stares at the Kids Running Off With Deadpinned Look on his Face) We finally have some alone time and they pulled a cheap one on us? I'm starting to get too old for this....I.
Peach: Oh don't fret, honey. We'll continue our alone time in the bedroom later. In the meantime.....(Pulls Put Water Spary Guns For her and Mario to Use With a Competitive Smirk on her Face) Let's show our babies who they're messing and get our payback. (Toss Mario his Water Gun)
Mario: (Catches a Water Gun Peach Gives Him Before Forming a Smirk.of his Own) Let's-a-go. Ohhhh kids!~ Where are you!?~ (Starts Chasing After Spnic and Hat Kid)
Peach: (Follows Behind her Prince) We just wanna talk to you two with water guns!!!!~
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minato-division03 · 1 year
Miku’s Thoughts on Okinawa Division
Tumblr media
Ace Douglas
“What the— isn’t this guy the ambassador of America? What’s someone like him doing in a foreign tournament? I heard he really hates this country… so why is he even in the lineup…? So weird…”
Miku tilted her head and focused on Ace’s overall figure. Surely enough, in her peripheral vision, she caught the faded pumpkin color and peach-colored stars that surrounded his body. She blinked quickly and focused again. This time, along with the orange-tones from before, they were now joined with yellow stars, though so pale in color that they resembled the segments inside a plump lemon. But more importantly, dark garnet-red stars joined the bunch. Small in shape, but the sheer amount overtook the other brightly lit stars.
I wonder what kind of grief you went through to have this kind of color combination around you now… This pain that you have… just what happened…?
Evelyn Rose
"Oh… So I’ve toured through the U.S. several times, and whenever I’d visit California, Evelyn-san would get backstage passes and meet with me. And she’d drag that boyfriend of hers along… Her energy’s a bit much, but her enthusiasm really… it meant a lot despite what was going on around me.” Miku shook her head and smiled. “Imagine my shock when she made it big on the big screen. I really enjoy foreign films and the fashion scene, you see. I hope the entertainment industry isn’t as harsh to you as it was to me…”
Huh… is that it…? Miku thought. She watched as the faint imagery sun-yellow sparkles and daisies as well as the marigold-colored bows that surrounded Evelyn’s body.
Miku blinked once. Then twice. Then she closed her eyes as she shook her head. When she opened her eyes, the same lights, sun-colored daises and marigold bows still floated around Evelyn’s body.
Just a super bright yellow… and a slightly orangey shade of yellow, are you kidding me…? There’s no way that’s all there is…
Rashaad Young
She sighed in relief when she peeked into the photograph of the dark-skinned bartender. “So I don’t really go to his bar since I’m not actually old enough to drink, but I do stop by when Reiaki and Queen Card’s there too. He’s pretty chill and he’s easy to talk to, he tends to just go along with the conversation. Reiaki’s told me he used listen to my music a ton, too… that’s flattering…”
Though barely visible in color, Miku caught the faint hues of bright ocean blue, apple green, and mint green bubbles around Rashaad’s figure. The blue and green bubbles were soothing, almost like calming the storm.
Miku almost flipped the photograph over when she caught sight of something that definitely wasn’t there before.
Within each of the tinted bubbles were rushing waters of the ocean, the waves splashing roughly against the restraints of the bubbles. Almost the color of dark sapphire in contrast to the pale and bright colors.
Miku blinked. What on earth… there’s hidden darkness and anxiety somewhere in him? And it’s strong even though he presents himself so laid back… Dammit…
Liberty Guild
“Thankfully, this entire team seems… more or less friendly and easy to get along with. I have no idea what an American team is doing in the DRB, but oh well. What can you do? I still got a job to do, and I intend to see it through…”
“I did love performing in Okinawa during promotion seasons when I was active. Okinawa fans always welcomed me enthusiastically, and of course, the beaches of Okinawa are beautiful. I’m really glad that being with Queen Card and Reiaki allows me to still visit Okinawa only on university breaks, though….” Miku sighed. “Entertaining people like them always pushed me to do my best with my career… And I know these three liked me during my idol activities… I’m sorry I couldn’t keep it up and had to let you all down…”
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dangan-kagura · 8 months
Why I Love Senran Kagura
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I need to use this blog for things besides Danganronpa stuff. Now, for the first time, I’m finally gonna talk about something related to Senran Kagura.
If you’ve never heard of Senran Kagura, it’s a series of anime-based games involving big breasted ninja girls. The theme of the series is of course fanservice and the genre depends on the game, but officially the main games are of the beat ‘em up genre. For this blog, I’m gonna talk about how I got into Senran Kagura, what I love about it, as well as the downside about being a fan of the series in the 2020s.
How I Got Into It
I can’t remember if it was 2016 or 2017, but one of those years was how I found out about it. I went to Youtube and saw someone’s video of Ikaruga’s story in Shinovi Versus. The gameplay is kinda what caught my attention. It was an anime game that wasn’t an RPG. At the time, I had learned about the Neptunia series from the same Youtuber (who closed his account in 2017 I think) and even though Neptunia is a series of RPGs, I wanted to be a part of it because I loved its fanservice moments and its concept of being a parody of the video game industry, so I played their hack ‘n’ slash spinoffs.
Moreover, at the time, I stopped playing Guilty Gear because I couldn’t tolerate how people were favoring Blazblue which I didn’t think was as cool as Guilty Gear, and also because I couldn’t stand to see the fandom obsessed with Bridget. So trying to find a new series to replace Guilty Gear was almost challenging because most anime games aren’t fighting games, for the majority, they’re all RPGs, and nothing came close to what Guilty Gear is like. Senran Kagura however was a beat ‘em up/hack ‘n’ slash game, which were genres that I was more into. As soon as I found out about the theme being fanservice with big breasted anime girls, I probably thought to myself, “Holy shit! I gotta play this game!” By summer 2017, I finally got the opportunity to play Senran Kagura Estival Versus and have been a fan since then.
Now, I’m gonna explain what I love about this series.
1. Gameplay
The main Senran Kagura games are action beat ‘em up games. Its gameplay is similar to games like Dynasty Warriors and Streets of Rage, but without the mission-based stuff from the Warriors series. A key thing is Shinobi Transformation where the girls will change into their ninja outfits and have increased stats and the ability to use Ninja Arts which work like super specials. At the end of each stage, you’ll usually fight one of the other playable girls, and as you do, using Ninja Arts will cause the opponent to strip their clothes. If successful, you could strip your opponent until they're only in their underwear, or even until they're fully nude.
The spinoffs are also interesting. There’s Senran Kagura Bon Appetit which is a rhythm game, Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash which is a third-person shooter involving water guns, Senran Kagura Reflexions which I can’t really describe since it’s not an action game, and Senran Kagura Peach Ball which involves pinball. Out of these four, Bon Appetit and Reflexions are my favorites.
Basically, because of its gameplay and different genres, I saw Senran Kagura as a series that stood out from other anime games, since the majority of them are RPGs.
2. It’s Rated M for Mature
Since stripping is something you’ll see in the series, of course it would have to be rated M by the ESRB. By comparison, most anime games are usually rated T, which feels just as average as playing your typical Japanese RPG that isn’t rated M. Like, I mentioned that I do enjoy certain Neptunia spinoffs, but the fact that the series is rated T wasn’t enough to satisfy me. So because Senran Kagura was rated M, again, I saw Senran Kagura as a series that stood out from other anime games. Strangely, only the first game Senran Kagura Burst, released for the 3DS in 2013 (localized) that game was rated T, so Burst is not quite as explicit compared to the sequels.
I mean, the fanservice in the sequels are a little more explicit. Like, when you strip the girls naked, there’ll be shining lights where their breasts and private area will be. The only time the series ever showed the girls’ breasts was in the OVA. It was quite shocking to me and felt more like I was watching High School DxD. While I do have some taste in fanservice, even I have limits and High School DxD was too much for me to handle. Why would I be into Senran Kagura fanservice? The answer is in the next section.
3. I Hate My Little Pony and Can’t Stand Bronies
This next section is quite longer so heads up.
I’m not ashamed to admit it, I don’t like My Little Pony and don’t take very kindly to that subculture of adult male fans. Now before you come after me ranting that I should at least consider watching Friendship is Magic, I already have 10 years ago and didn’t think it was that good of a show even to this day. Literally, MLP looked like a really cheap kids cartoon.
It’s like this, when I compare My Little Pony to some of my favorite childhood cartoons, like the ones by Klasky Csupo (e.g. Rugrats, The Wild Thornberrys, Rocket Power, As Told by Ginger) MLP just falls flat for me. Everything from the songs, jokes, writing, animation and art style, it has no appeal to me. And knowing the real kind of target audience that show has, no way in hell would I wanna be an enthusiast for the franchise. Yet it sickens me to see that there is a group of people out there who actually have a thing for it. There’s other things about the show I don’t like, but I’d rather not talk about it here. And I would share my other taste in childhood cartoons, but maybe some other time.
Now you might be wondering, what does this have to do with being a Senran Kagura fan? Easy. To me, Senran Kagura is my way to counter all the brony nonsense I see on the internet. Ever since I learned about bronies in 2014, I only learned about the toxicity they came with, such as making dark humor jokes and fanfics that depict the ponies as serial killers. And it might not be toxic, but I was disgusted from seeing bronies make dubstep remixes of songs from the show. It was so ridiculous, I didn’t wanna trust dubstep nerds out of concern that all dubstep nerds are bronies. Moreover, the majority of bronies don’t seem that interested in other kinds of kids cartoons (except for SpongeBob), by stereotype, bronies would instead talk about their taste in violent video games.
Things only got worse years later. In 2016, every time I went out in public, I saw lots of people wearing shirts that had that mascot guy from the Fallout games. Obviously it was to capitalize on the release of Fallout 4, but I was suspicious that these people were all bronies, because I was aware that there was a Youtube series called Fallout Equestria (or something) which if I’m right depicts the My Little Pony cast in the Fallout series setting. I mean, I probably thought that because I was also aware that there was a pony mod in Skyrim, so in other words, I couldn’t trust fans of either The Elder Scrolls or Fallout due to suspicion that everyone in their fandoms was a brony. The fact that I don’t trust bronies is pretty much the reason why I chose not to play either of those two games.
There was no escape from bronies, they were everywhere on the internet, and I don’t just mean p0rn sites. Later in 2014, I was visiting TASVideos to see tool-assisted speedruns for my favorite classic games. Yet some people on the site were bronies that I didn’t want to interact with. 2015 was the year I learned about Twitch, and sure enough, there were occasions when in the comments, someone would try to put a pony reference and I didn’t think of that person as trustworthy, because I figured that person was your typical brony stereotype, someone who would watch an episode or two for an hour, and afterwards they would play their favorite violent video game. Since then, I’ve done my best to avoid anything related to bronies, even if it was something like avoiding The Living Tombstone’s music.
Basically, ever since I learned about bronies, I lost all faith in humanity. It's one reason why I hated the 2010s. It’s also one reason why I don’t have many friends, because I don’t want to make friends with someone who actually likes to watch a cheap-looking cartoon about ponies that is meant to have a little girl's target audience. But my prayers were answered when I got into Senran Kagura years later, because I knew that it had what a man like me is looking for. I don’t get off on ponies, I get off on big breasted anime girls, and thankfully, I don’t think anyone I’ve met in the Senran Kagura fandom has admitted that they’re bronies, and frankly, I don’t even wanna know. So when someone throws brony or pony shit in my face, I’ll do my best to ignore them and just think of Senran Kagura instead. So long as I’m a Senran Kagura fan, I’ll think to myself that it makes me a better person than bronies. And if you’re a brony reading this, I do apologize if I might’ve offended you or sounded prejudiced.
The Downside About Being a Fan
This won’t be divided into sections, I’ll try to briefly explain the recent downside about being a Senran Kagura fan in the 2020s.
Basically, the series creator/righteous boobage producer, Kenichiro Takaki, left the series’ publishers Marvelous, and it was announced that Senran Kagura 7even was canceled. Why? Well, since 2018, the latest PlayStation games with sexual themes, which mainly includes anime games, have been given censorship regulations. For the localized PS4 release of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal, a minigame where you can tickle the girls and kiss them ended up getting removed. This new regulation, to my knowledge, caused Senran Kagura 7even to face development hell since they knew that what they intended for the game was not gonna be approved. Fans like me were pretty upset about this.
Currently, the latest game in the series is Senran Kagura Peach Ball, released for the Nintendo Switch in 2019. Since then, there hasn’t been any new kind of announcement for a new installment to replace the unreleased Senran Kagura 7even. But that doesn’t mean new games aren’t being made. In 2020, Kenichiro Takaki released Kandagawa Jet Girls before leaving Marvelous. It has the same fanservice theme Senran Kagura is known for, and I like that it’s a racing game. Of course, the game is rated T so it's been toned down, and unfortunately, it's a stand-alone title so there isn't a sequel. And in 2021, Senran Kagura got to have a crossover game with Neptunia. While it doesn’t have a lot of characters, it’s probably my favorite Neptunia spinoff, I say Neptunia because Idea Factory, not Marvelous, own the publishing rights, not to mention the setting is more related to the Neptunia universe. The only other latest news regarding Senran Kagura comes from the Japan only mobile gacha game Senran Kagura New Link. Since it probably won't have a localized release, obviously I don’t get a lot of news about it (to my knowledge, the latest update for New Link includes a crossover special with Azur Lane).
Getting back to the reasons I got into Senran Kagura, some of them are for the same reasons I got into Danganronpa. For that series, I love its gameplay (the class trials I mean), the fanservice and the series being rated M. With Senran Kagura not doing well recently, I really hoped that getting into Danganronpa would be a new kind of love. Boy was I wrong, the Danganronpa fandom was not what I was expecting it to be. I thought fans would have the same point of view as me and were into things like the fanservice and which girls were their waifus. Instead, the fandom would make headcanons that certain characters were gay, and before I knew it, the most popular Danganronpa ships involve either yaoi or yuri, any straight ship just gets a ton of hate.
Not only that, but there have been recent occasions on TikTok where I would meet a western Danganronpa fan who is also a brony. As I said, I do my best to ignore those kinds of people and just think of Senran Kagura. Yet the fact that Senran Kagura isn’t doing so well makes it hard for me nowadays. Not only was Senran Kagura my remedy from having to deal with bronies, but I now like to think of Senran Kagura as a remedy from having to deal with all the Doki Doki Literature Club nonsense I’ve been seeing in the Danganronpa fandom. I’ve already written a rant about just how terribly awful DDLC is, yet I didn’t think the game would be THAT popular in the west. It makes no sense to me that today’s gamers and otakus (at least in the west) would think that a visual novel about suicidal anime girls would be something enthusiastic. It’s not, suicide is not okay and should not be enthusiastic!
I mean, chances are, it’s probably gonna be like that no matter what kind of anime fanbase I end up joining in the future. Like, if I get into a new kind of series and find out that the majority of fans are making memes using DDLC references, that’s not cool to me and it might make me lose trust in the anime subculture. Heck, I’m not even sure if there are people in the brony subculture making My Little Pony memes using the DDLC setting. That’s just fucking toxic and it’s enough to make me think that DDLC fans are no better people than bronies. Me? I don’t get off on ponies and I don’t get off on suicidal anime girls. I get off on big breasted anime girls. If I had to choose between seeing the DDLC girls kill themselves by stabbing themselves multiple times with knives or seeing Katsuragi sexually harass her classmates in Senran Kagura via groping, I would much rather see Katsuragi grope the other girls. Yet because Senran Kagura doesn’t have a new installment, it makes it hard for me to counter DDLC’s western popularity.
Even so, at least Neptunia is still doing well. I mean, I’m trying my best to not get too involved with that series’ fandom. Like, I don’t want to come across anything hateful regarding Neptunia ReVerse having some censorship issues. I mean, the later games after that one don’t have any other issues, and frankly, I’d rather not find out. But even so, it’s not a big fandom like with Danganronpa, but at least I haven’t met anyone who calls themself a brony. And seeing cute girls transform in magical girls is still and always will be better than watching cute girls commit suicide. So if I wanted, I could use Neptunia as another remedy to deal with bullshit from either bronies or DDLC, but even with Neptunia still going strong, it doesn’t come close to being as sexy as Senran Kagura.
Overall, I love Senran Kagura no matter what is happening to it right now. Yet being a fan of the series in the 2020s has become difficult for me. There aren’t any new games, and in terms of what other anime games are out there, they don’t come close to what Senran Kagura is like. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop playing the series. I’ll still play my favorite installments and spinoffs no matter what happens to this series.
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senorincognito69 · 1 year
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Beachy peachy mood
Peach, peach, peach.
Manip by Hhhyyyiii
The sky was grey.
The Autumn cold had already consumed the heat of Summer.
The vacation was over, but the young woman, still in her swimsuit, stood on the shore, looking out at the sea, not feeling like leaving while her companions packed up the car. Cold waves licked her feet, but that wasn’t what made her shiver.
The weight of a dark hard seed in the middle of her chest.
On top of her head sprouted a pair of tiny green leaves.
Was it really that strange to desire another mundane life other than the human one? To just wish to rest worry free, as a bystander to the passage of the seasons? To reject the stress of the city in favour of the joy of the root?
The leaves thrived in her scalp, growing larger, shaken by the wind like the rest of her hair. She squatted down as she began to shrink and the squishy inflating sounds claimed her rear. The sensible curve of her fit buttocks gently and gradually expanded, round and thick, tugging the swimsuit. Around and beyond that area, climbing her legs and belly, her skin was mutated too, turning into a coat of soft velvet orangey tones.
Peach tones.
Another wave splashed, her name sounded in the distance, something was dropped in the sand behind her. The transforming woman took a glance back with the shine of melancholy in her eyes. She saw the man that was to be the only witness of her end staring back at her deforming form with an open mouth, the same guy whose name was written near the hearts tattooed in the fruit skin covering the tender fruity flesh of her swelling butt.
Her words were an omen.
“I don’t think I’m going back…”
With a grunt the peach-woman drops to her knees, the weight of her arse a toll too big to be withstood by her shortening limbs. The chills of the changes made her moan, her ass kept growing, her belly joined in with the swelling and the rest of her seemed to slowly be becoming nothing around the more or less spherical shaping of herself.
Smaller by the second she fell backwards, sliding out of her swimsuit.
The guy she might have loved, witness of her change, was fast enough to reach the fruit woman when some woman still remained in the fruit. So helplessly small she had become that she was easily lifted with two hands while still shrinking into her proper size. The guy could only look down, speechless, shocked, incapable of understanding how or why, or to try and fathom the absurdity of a woman becoming fruit.
Laying on top of those palms the peach-woman continued her metamorphosis. The fruit skin claimed her entire body, her hair fell out, leaving only the green stalk and its two leaves. Limbs tinier than twigs. A moaning face, flattened breasts and gaping vagina stretched in the front surface of the fruity sphere.
With a diminishing  gleeful voice wired with pure lust she spoke her final goodbye without any apology, regret or demure.
“Peeeeeel meeeeh…! Eeeeat meeeeeh…! Plaaaaaant meeeeh…! Leeeeeet…! Leet meeeeh flourishhhhhh into a niceeeeeeeeeeh PEACH treeeeeeeeeeh!”
The peach spasmed with pleasure in the guy’s palms as the unfathomable transformation came to it’s only possible finale. Limbs and tits nothing, a smiling face vanished in velvet, the pussy, gaping in orgasms, spat peachy juices onto the guy’s hands. It wasn’t malice, but the inertia of surprise, which made the guy move his hands when he felt the sticky liquid.
Plop in the sand.
Down there the changes concluded, the wet pussy twitched a final few times before sealing. A single twist of desire on the beach, one single maybe misstep of a whim, all the woman needed to get herself completely gone. All that remained was a ripe tattooed peach, a tasty desirable fruit, that wished nothing else but to grow into a tree somewhere with a good view of the sea. Which isn’t so disgraceful if you stop to consider that most fruits do not get any say in such matters.
This caption was part of a batch of captions from the Shoebox tier of my Patreon. I do not own the rights to the original images, if the owners requests their removal I will remove them. If you would like to help Senor Kinky Studio produce more TFerotica consider using one of these links: www.patreon.com/senorincognito… app.gumroad.com/senorincognito… senorincognito69.fanbox.cc/ ko-fi.com/senorincognito69 And don’t forget to fave, watch and comment! 8D
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