#Penthouse Season 2
carveredlunds · 3 months
i know everyone has said this before, but the dubai penthouse is a concrete cell with huge dining tables and muted colours and tastefully modern décor that is actually soulless. the dubai penthouse audibly creaks and groans so often that louis and armand just call the sounds "the groan" and ignore them. the dubai penthouse is a monochrome empty space where louis and armand can't decide what to put on the walls to hide the cracks. louis and armand act out married life like a sitcom couple with their matching pyjamas and their double bed and their handholding when really they're both in this loveless sinking ship of a marriage because louis wanted to hurt lestat and armand doesn't think he deserves better than this. the dubai penthouse is a place of stagnation and bitterness, a prison of their own making. there is a rock garden full of rocks just like the ones louis was buried beneath. there are books up high in the rock garden room where armand can fly to grab them but louis can't reach them because armand keeps knowledge out of louis' reach. where's your coffin? daniel asked. you're standing in it, louis said.
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theinfinitedivides · 29 days
going to freak out about my bestie Daniel again by talking about headcanons but to me he's like. not only half-Armenian half-Irish (yes Molloy is an Irish surname but Eric is Armenian people. so what do we do we make the sensible choice and split the difference. put that shit in your fics my rep is lacking) but also Jewish. not necessarily practicing but yk. it's called his mother grows up in the US in a household where her father's Armenian Orthodox and her mother's Jewish and takes a little bit of both but mainly from her mother and then she meets his raised-Catholic nebulously-agnostic Irish-American father and gives shit a shot. and here's Molloy in the midst of it all, born to wreck marriages fail at parenting his own kids and get his shit absolutely fucking rocked by two vamps in the 70s
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showmey0urfangs · 5 months
The saddest moment of episode 1
I can't believe Loumand are considering selling their Francis Bacon triptych. 😭
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Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion is my favourite art piece in the Dubai penthouse. The bright colours balance out the dark greys of the rest of the room so well.
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Don't do Armand! No price is high enough for this masterpiece!
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solace-flower · 3 months
louis at the end of iwtv s2
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ditch-lily · 3 months
Devil's minion fic rec list!
these are just a few recs I was putting together for some friends. this list isn't exhaustive, it's just what I've clicked on and enjoyed so far. the tag is updating at lightning speed right now (bless you all) so there is absolutely a bunch of amazing fics I haven't read yet!
btw these are majority show canon. I haven't read the books. also I made categories that made sense to me, if they don't make sense to you don't worry about it just ignore them lol
Post season 2
Dubai penthouse immediately after (turning daniel)
hold me like water (christ, hold me like a knife) by sahwen (6.7k) the vulnerability of armand in this one is so intriguing. I really loved it
in the detail(s) by infinitevariety (6.7k) a favorite line so far ‘armand curled up like a dying spider’. that's exactly him right after louis leaves
The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning by trinityofone (1.9k) daniel gets turned, but with an added power
Post turning daniel
two truths and a liar by andrealyn (9.9k) daniel goes on a book press tour and armand turns up
what's it called when a young guy pays old men for their company by chaosandteo (1.3k) daniel's daughters find out he's a homewrecker 
Couch Surfers' Honor by tihsho (1.3k) two things in my head: 1. armand curled around daniel like a creature 2. the way daniel stops drinking to bitch at armand I'm shrieking 
During s2 (alternate canons)
how memory makes monsters into myth by blueskiddoo (5.9k)  alice is armand theory, wip but I'm BIG EYES over it. I love the set up so far
the spiral is unspooling by reedroad (60k) wip but pretty hefty already (60k!). the devils minion chapter incorporated into the past of the show, with daniel uncovering his memories of armand. very good read with lush world building. my fav thing in this is how daniel is written, and his daughters popping up in the fic. 
Past hijinks (post s2 canon)
you're sharp alright by LuckyDiceKirby (4.4k) mid 2000's daniel gets picked up by a weirdo at a bar :) it's a pattern
Post season 1 (before s2 came out)
outcast of all this night by gaypiratedivorce (37k) long and fun, armand follows daniel back to new york and stalks him while he writes this book. "Please don't tell me Louis dumped you and now you're fucking with my work to get back at him."
icarus' life has only just begun by andrealyn (15.9k) daniel gets de-aged (on purpose by armand) he wants to live a life with him from the beginning again 
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heliza24 · 5 months
A few Armand thoughts that currently have me in a chokehold:
1. The building in Dubai only “groans” when Armand is around, and specifically when Armand is mad. Some of my favorite times I’ve noticed it include when Louis tells him to go take care of Daniel’s room in ep 1, after Daniel slaps Louis in episode 5, when Daniel tries to put Dr Fareed “on the record” in episode 6, and when he declares “this session is over” after Daniel starts pressing Louis about the rats in episode 7.
2. This, along with the fact that Armand is literally controlling the windows and balcony doors with his iPad, really adds to the feeling that he’s holding both Louis and Daniel hostage in a trap of his own design. When he mentions the interior designer that pitied Louis and his separation from the natural world and added the tree to compensate? That was definitely Armand’s idea, to make the captivity a little more bearable.
3. I’ve always wondered why I find the Beethoven Sonata 14 to be such effective scoring at the end of episode 7. There are a lot of contributing factors I think— it’s dramatic, it’s recognizable and therefore builds suspense, it’s used in the beginning and end of the episode as bookends. But it feels so *right*— even though I LOVE all of Daniel Hart’s original score. But here’s the thing. Armand controls the diegetic music being played in the penthouse. That’s established in ep 2 when he turns it on before Daniel and Louis have dinner. And when the sonata is first playing at the beginning of episode 7, Daniel and Louis are back in the dining room (being served by Armand/Rashid). So we can assume that the music is diegetic in that scene, and that Armand is controlling it. When it comes back in the moment of conflict and reveal at the end of the episode 7, the music is nondiagetic. It’s not playing literally in the room for the characters, but is part of the score. But we’ve already established that Armand is controlling it. It’s like his control has suddenly spread to the entire narrative that we’re witnessing. He’s in control of the whole show.
4. This is kind of a separate thought and more oriented towards season 2, but Armand is always styled— costume but also especially hair— to match whoever he’s romancing at the time.
I kind of assume the Dubai aesthetic is what he has chosen, and Louis is more matching him (see above points for my reasoning on that I guess).
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But when Louis meets him in Paris, he’s perfectly positioned aesthetically to be attractive to Louis (especially coming off his experience with Lestat). He looks mature, capable of leading the coven. He’s suave, with his well fitted suits and slicked back hair.
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In the 18th century flashbacks (god I can’t believe we are getting to go back to the 18th century, my favorite of all historical eras) he is matching Lestat like, down to the color palette.
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But in San Francisco (and forgive the bad quality screen grab for these, I don’t think we have any high quality stills of this yet) his hair is light and curly, and he looks a fully 5-10 years younger than the Paris or Dubai scenes.
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Because he’s matching a 20-something Daniel.
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*proceeds to internally combust*
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themeraldee · 1 month
The Price of Love - Part 2
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[Masterlist] [Part 1]
18+ Only | 3.8k | Homelander x fem!Reader | Early Season 2. Voyeurism. Dark themes. Breaking and entering. Manipulation. Fraud. Gaslighting. Office sex. Unprotected sex. Homelander being his own warning. I'm not really sure how to tag this properly tbf.
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Homelander’s devious plan starts when he perfectly times when both you and your spouse leave your apartment empty. He knows you’re at the Vought tower, assisting Ashley in organizing photoshoots for the next issue of Vought Sports. Just the thought of that makes him roll his eyes. He’s got a four page feature with the Yankees, something about the importance of baseball to the American population. 
No. He can’t get distracted like that. Not when he’s already been so careful. Work can wait. 
He lands on your small balcony, testing the door handle. It budges immediately. Homelander grins at the revelation. You’re clearly one of those people who don’t think to lock the doors and windows just because you’re high off the ground. He’d have thought that after knowing him you’d know better than that. 
Homelander steps into your apartment. He’s planning to be thorough with his little impromptu visit. It’s only fair. Thanks to your job you have pretty much unrestricted access to his penthouse. You’ve seen what his space looks like. He should get to see yours too.
The first thing that hits him is just how this space doesn’t smell like you as much as he’d want. He can almost taste the bitter scent of your spouse in the air. Yuck. Homelander immediately walks through, exploring the kitchen, the living room for anything substantial at all.
There are letters with angry red words, shouting about bills being past due. Medical bills pinned to the fridge with some generic city magnet. Coupons and budgets all crammed on the small space on the fridge. Clearly, something isn’t working. Homelander has zero sympathy regarding your spouse but he cares about you. He doesn’t want you to suffer and with him, you’d never again have to worry about unpaid bills or having a roof over your head. 
He scoffs to himself. What kind of irresponsible and unreliable spouse have you got? You’re clearly working hard, he sees you relentlessly keep your head up at work and with your position only rising and more responsibilities being piled up on your plate he can imagine you earn a decent wage.
Clearly, it’s being drained somewhere. Whoever your spouse is, they’re a good-for-nothing leech that’s holding you back.
He could pay them off. Threaten them. Torture them. Kill them even. A thought that sends a thrilling shiver down his spine. But no, this has to be your decision. You need to be the one to decide to leave them. You need to seek him out. 
Homelander continues with his little exploration trip. Already forming a plan in his mind. What he saw the other day wasn’t coincidental. He feels a rift. Ever since that night he watched you pleasure yourself to the thought of him he knew it wasn’t a one-off. But for the first time Homelander gave you the ammo. He told you to your face that he’s interested. He allowed you to lean into these fantasies at the cost of having no leverage in his petty mind.
He can’t wait to put his plan into motion. 
Looking through the rest of your apartment should make him feel upset, agitated. Instead Homelander walks around with a huge grin on his face as he looks at the few framed pictures on the wall. They’re old. You don’t look like this anymore so decidedly your spouse hasn’t done anything worth remembering in recent times. Perfect. This is all working perfectly towards his plan.
Your spouse doesn’t value you. Clearly. He notices more signs of this behavior throughout your belongings. The cheap perfume that he smells on you everyday is so uninspiring he’s never even heard of the brand. The makeup is cheap, terrible enough quality that should only be used by teenage girls that are discovering themselves, not for a professional woman like you. Your clothes tell a similar story. You have a few nice outfits that you wear to your job. You only ever dress nicely for him. The rest of your closet feels like plastic, uncomfortably stiff and scratchy, it’s unlikely to last another season.
You will have none of these issues with him. Homelander will buy you only the best. Top of the line. All designer, original or handmade. Anything you’ll want, it’ll be yours. Only the best for his lover.
The more time he spends in your apartment the less he’s angry and upset about your initial rejection. He sees it now as a cry for help. Secretly, in between the lines you were rattling the bars of your prison begging him to save you.
And oh he will. 
The cherry on the top is the cheap ring that sits on your bedside table. No special case for it, no display, you don’t even carry it around with you. Maybe unconsciously you know how little your spouse values you. He picks it up to feel it. Cubic Zirconia on a small sterling silver band. Less than $100. Homelander scoffs at the cheap representation of your bond. So easy to scuff and crush. Maybe it directly reflects your marriage. 
Homelander leaves your apartment exactly the way he found it and over the next few days he watches. He watches you interact with your spouse, looking for any chink in the armour of your marriage and oh my does he find plenty.
Your spouse doesn’t deserve you, they don’t treat you with the same respect you give them. There’s room for insecurity to worm your way into your brain. He knows that now. You have sex at most once a week and even then it doesn’t look like it scratches the itch for you. Don’t worry, he’ll have you writhing under him in no time.
But it needs to be at your own pace. He knows you’re loyal to a fault, you’ve proven yourself with such quality over your time working for Vought. You won’t leave your spouse without a good reason. Besides betrayal. You clearly can deal with a non-spectacular life and even less remarkable sex life. But betrayal? A total annihilation of trust? Well, he knows you won’t be able to shake that off.
With that, he sets his plan into motion.
Nothing he does is by his hand of course, he needs to be invisible in all this. Instead he pays lackeys and he bullies Vought employees into scamming your spouse, stealing your shared banking details without them knowing any better.
Over the next month he periodically withdraws a sum of money from your shared account, slowly making his plan come to fruition. He keeps you busy at work. Really busy. You don’t have time to keep up with your household and worry about budgeting. You pull away from your spouse—a bonus he didn’t see coming. It’s even worth the stress it’s causing you. Each day you come in with dark circles under your eyes, tiredness just seeping out of your pores. But it’s okay. You can go through a bit of hardship while he plans your rescue. Things always get worse before they get better.
At the same time, your bills are going up, rent has skyrocketed—something about a new ownership, company you wouldn’t recognise as it’s outlined in the letter that came in the mail. More than ever now, Homelander sees you not skipping any overtime. Good, you spend most of your time with him now. He watches the late night arguments you have with your spouse about pulling their weight and how you can’t do everything yourself. Yes. Yes, it’s finally happening.
You haven’t even seen the main act.
When the next medical bill comes out and there’s not enough money in the shared account he waits it out. He’s planted all the seeds. All the money periodically taken out by the planted escort services. The bank statements laid out plain and clear. The call logs coming and outgoing to the same establishment. Your spouse’s lack of interest in sex with you only reinforced this notion.
Homelander isn’t there to watch the fall out. He’s too excited. Already waiting for you to spring into his arms at a moment’s notice. 
But you don’t.
Each day he gets more and more irritated. You should already be shouting his praises, showing him your signed divorce papers but instead you’re moping around like a sad dark cloud, raining oh his parade. 
Okay fine, he’s gonna have to nudge you a bit. It’s not going exactly according to his plan but that’s okay, he can adapt.
The next time you bring over some talking points for him to read and memorize, he stops you. He stops you from spilling out your rehearsed words, his gloved hand raised tearing you out of your mindless monologue you’ve been told to parrot back to him. You blink up at him, a little confused. You haven’t had many interactions these days so Homelander can’t blame you for acting like a deer in headlights.
“Hey, you okay? You look tired. Are you sleeping fine?” He gives his words the perfect amount of care and softness. Breaking through the shell you’ve put up around him. He gets it, you’re trying to be a strong woman—ladidadida. Normally he likes that about you but now you’re messing with his plans.
You sniffle and he smells the waterworks before they even burst the dam. One little question and you take two steps back, your back hitting the wall of the meeting room and you slide down onto the ground. Whimpering out a little wet ‘no’ you bring your knees up burying your face in them.
“Hey hey hey… what’s wrong?” He lowers to the ground in front of you.
“Everything’s wrong. My whole life is falling apart!” You sob into your knees. You start spilling as if he’s the first person to ask you how you’re doing. You rattle off an unintelligible ramble of hiccups, sobs and half-spoken words. 
Homelander was lucky that you still had your face buried in your knees because he could not stop the grin spreading across his face as he heard you hiccup the word ‘divorce’. After the little indulgence, he trained his face back into a sympathetic pout and he ran his hand down the back of your head, petting your hair.
“Slow down, say what now? Did you say you’re getting divorced? What happened?” If only Vought productions could see this Oscar-worthy performance they’d be making more interesting movies than the cookie cutter action flicks he has to waste his time on.
“Yeah…my…well, my ex now. They cheated on me. I mean they poured all our money down the drain, spent it all in a strip club or on some escort or whatever. Fuck. I don’t even know. I don’t want to know the details.” You look up at him and in that moment Homelander has never seen anything more beautiful. The tears in your eyes, the swollen red rim around them. All because of his doing. This is the start of a new chapter. 
A chapter dedicated to you and him.
He stops himself from smiling widely, he’s meant to be supportive now. Sympathetic. He nods as you continue.
“I’ve been breaking my back just to afford the insane rent and bills and this is what I get back?!” You flip flop between bouts of rage and fresh tears bursting at every other word. 
“Shhh, shh come here.” Homelander pulls you in close to him and back on your feet. He lifts you off enough where you feel the floor underneath your feet but most of your weight is being held up by him. As if he’s saying ‘you don’t have to carry it all on your own’.
“I’ll help you, okay? Anything you need. I’m here for you.” He cooes into your ear, rubbing soothing circles into your back as he hugs you close to him. 
Homelander knows you’re meant for him. But to actually have you in his arms for the first time is different. He wants to bury his face in your neck and inhale as much of your scent as he can. And forever carry that with him.  
But he doesn’t have to wish. Instead you pull away from where you buried your head in his neck, you place your hands on his jaw and you forcibly kiss him. Take the air right out of his lungs. Homelander immediately squeezes his eyes shut, doing his very best to not moan out loud. That’s it! Finally, he’s got you right where he wanted this whole time.
He squeezes you closer, his one hand slides down to your thigh, hoisting your leg up. And like the good, obedient girl you are, you bring your other leg up with him, wrapping yourself tight around his waist.
The taste of you is sweet and salty at the same time, the pure flavor muddled with the tears your ex doesn’t deserve. It doesn’t matter, Homelander kisses you desperately regardless. Hungry for the taste he’s been dreaming of for months. 
“Do you still want me?” You breathe out, less actively sobbing and choking on breaths, now the tears are just freely going down your cheeks.
“Always.” Homelander looks at you in reverence. You’re welcoming him in so freely. He doesn’t even need to push you to it. That’s how he knows you’re perfect for him. Barely just free out of the prison he rescued you from and you’ve already come running to him.
“Make me forget.” You kiss him again and Homelander swallows up everything you have to give. He pins you against the wall, his hands gliding from your thighs to your ass, the leather of his gloves sliding up the sleek fabric of your skirt. Through it he squeezes handfuls of your ass, before pushing the fabric up and out of the way.
“Please…make me feel good.” You sound broken and in need of good fuck that Homelander’s sure you haven’t had in years. Right, he can totally do that for you. He supports your weight easily, pinned between his body and the wall. One hand slides down from your ass, giving himself enough room to slide in between your legs, cupping your pussy. 
“I will. I will. Don’t worry about anything anymore. I’ve got you.” His fingers pinch the sheer tights and with a snap, he rips the fabric, immediately pushing your panties out of the way.
He brings his hand to his mouth, biting the leather of his glove by the fingertips, pulling it off his hand. His bare hand goes back down in between your legs immediately dipping his fingers in your wetness. He feels how excited you are. How for the first time in years your body is finally gonna feel satisfied. You yearn for this. He can almost taste it. 
His lips part and he moans at the feeling of your pussy just inviting him in. So hot and wet just for him. He strokes the back of his fingers up and down your slit, making your legs buzz with excitement. All nerves coming back to life. He sees that in you, the way you light up. Your heart rate elevated, breaths shallow, your muscles twitching. Homelander takes pride in the way he can make your body sing with just a few well-placed touches.
He turns his fingers around, gently, precisely, rubbing circles around your clit. He kisses you. No, he devours you. Parting his lips, he pries yours open, licking the taste of him into your mouth. He grunts into the kiss, moaning with each press of your lips. Each time you shove your tongue into his mouth he shudders, full of want. 
His fingers eagerly move down, pressing two digits steadily into you until he’s knuckles deep, grinding them into your pelvis, shallow strokes in and out. Crooked upwards and thick inside you.
He’s so hard it hurts. Achingly throbbing against the uncomfortable rigidity of his suit and he cannot wait to just fucking bury himself into you.
As if you were reading his mind your hands blindly and clumsily reach for his belt, unclasping it. Eagerly with more dexterity than he expected you to have in a moment like this you undo his pants, pulling them down along with his underwear.
Homelander hisses through his teeth, throwing his head back as your hand touches his aching cock. It’s so overwhelming he barely catches your awe at seeing it. 
“Oh fuck… Can I have you? Please?” You squirm in his hold your hand wrapped around his cock, stroking the head up and down. 
Jesus. You’re begging for him so easily. He could cum just from this. Your hand, warm and soft around him, stroking his sensitive head all while you’re beginning for him to take you? Good god, if he knew you’d be this pliant he would have had your ex killed in an ‘accident’.
“Course you can.” He mutters out, strung out on the pleasure that’s sending sparks up his spine with each twist of your wrist. He takes his fingers out of you, sucking them clean. God you taste good. He definitely needs to come back to that. He shimmies his pants down lower, releasing his cock fully. “Course you fucking can. It’s yours.” Straining he whimpers out, positioning his cock right against your wet cunt, the head spreading you open. “I’m yours.” He almost sounds close to crying. All that effort was so fucking worth it. You are so his. Who else could you want after you’ve had him. He’s so close to euphoria he forgets that you were crying a few minutes ago.
He wraps both arms around the underside of your thighs pinning your knees closer to your body as he sinks deep into you with one push. You’re so fucking wet and warm for him he could cry out of happiness. You want him so bad!
“Fffuck me, that’s tight.” He utters, all broken and whimpering as he buries his head into your neck, inhaling the scent of you like he wanted to earlier while he stills his hips, his pelvic flush against yours.
He’s so overwhelmed with the physicality of it all. Even through all the layers he feels the heat of your body, the thrum of your muscles and the rhythm of your heart. It’s intoxicating. 
He pulls out just to sink himself into you again. And again. And again. The feeling of splitting you open with each slide of his cock gets him so worked up, his own breaths coming out stuttered. 
“Homelander please… just… fuck me. Need it.” You beg him to continue, and as much as he’s enjoying the warm welcome on each wet, loud slide he gets it. You just need him to pound you hard and make you forget. Erase all memories of your shitty ex and the mediocre sex you’ve learned to live with. It’s okay. You’re with him now. And everyone knows there’s nothing mediocre about him.
Homelander kisses the plea out of your lips stepping a little closer so that he’s sat deep, deep inside you. Every thrust of his pelvis is a short snap but you feel it so deep it rattles your spine with every move. The way he’s got you angled is just about rubbing his pubic bone into your clit and he can’t help but grin at the way he’s already feeling you desperately claw at him, trying to hold onto reality.
You moan for him sweetly, your body quivering around him. And he doesn’t relent. It’s frantic, sharp and needy. This is about that quick release. He will have plenty of time to explore your body and make you cum a thousand times over later. Ideally from the privacy of his bed where he can watch you from every angle.
When he feels you clench and pulsate around him he stutters, one of his hands landing on the wall, making a dent in it. More than anything he wants you to cum. He wants to show you how much better he will be to you. The pure euphoria of feeling you cum on his cock pushes him over the edge. He moans a deep guttural sound into your neck, parts of it muffled. As your pussy deliciously squeezes around him in a stuttered rhythm he empties himself into you. His cock gives you one last spurt inside before he slides out, letting you get back on the ground to regain your footing. 
He’s mildly delirious and the next thing he wants to do is take you up to his penthouse and hold you close. He craves the intimacy of the afterglow.
Unlike his fantasy you don’t look to be ready to be swept off your feet and carried to his penthouse for some quality cuddle time. You look almost horrified.
“Oh my god…” Homelander watches with a frown as you push your underwear back into place, your skirt down over your thighs. You try to make a sense of the torn, tattered mess of your tights but you decide it’s better to take them off. He takes the chance to tuck himself back in while you sort your clothing situation and the turmoil in your head.
Before he can even question what has you so upset you continue. “I’m so sorry. That shouldn’t have happened.” What was a warm buzzing feeling that made his whole body vibrate pleasantly just turned to ice. 
What the fuck do you mean it shouldn’t have happened? 
He doesn’t get a say in again as you continue before he recovers from the blow. “I just fucking used you. I’m sorry. That’s—That’s terrible! I’m no better than my ex. I–I—” You visibly panic, your eyes wide as saucers and looking around almost everywhere but him.
But your eyes land there anyway. He almost laughs with relief. This is your problem? How cute.
“Nothing like that happened. Hey, none of that talk. You’re perfect. You’ve done nothing wrong alright?” He took one step closer, his hands immediately cupping your jaw from either side. Only one hand ungloved, using that one to feel the skin of your cheek as he tenderly strokes you. 
“I want to help you in any way I can. How about you move in with me until we sort this out, huh? I don’t want you staying with a person like that. Come on, I want you safe. And Vought’s got some great lawyers that can help you with the divorce.” He deploys his sweet tone, so persuasive, charismatic and charming. He knows what he’s doing and already you’re melting into his hands. Good. He grins at you. “Alright, sweetheart?”
You nod with your big watery sweet eyes and it’s then he knows that he won. Fair and square.
You were his long before you even knew it.
Finally, you recognize it too.
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cbrownjc · 3 months
Thoughts and Speculation after 2x07 (Spoilers):
A lot of people have said that this moment from the Season 2 trailers might actually be caused by a fight between Louis and Armand in the penthouse:
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gif credit: @hermit-frog
And I have to say, after watching episode 2x07? I think they might be right.
Because if you know the book, you know that it is at the very end of it, like literally the last few pages, where it's revealed that Louis knew the whole time about Armand's role in what happened to Claudia. And they break up.
And so I think the same thing is coming next week on the show. Only in the show's regard, Louis knew of Armand's role, as we saw here -- but then was made to forget the actual full context of just how involved Armand was.
Because, as I pointed out on Twitter, this image from the trial --
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-- is quite something. You have both the writer and director for the Théâtre des Vampires not on stage for this whole thing. Very much underlying the fact that this is a theatrical play that is being put on. As we saw, there was even a real, actual SCRIPT for this whole thing!
Like, how much more could the show have been pointing to what was really going on here? Trust a writing staff of playwrights to be meta about all of this. 🙃
Because the ending of this trial was written and locked in long ago. And who is the one that usually says when a play or film is locked in and finished?
The Director. (And yes I know producers and studios do too, but Armand is very much all of that wrt his role for their little theater as well).
BTW, Santiago and the coven did NOT expect Armand to do that to the audience. Saving Louis was very much off-script. And if Armand really had no power here, the coven could have just taken Louis off stage and killed him another way. The only reason they didn't was because Armand was very much not powerless in all of this.
Like, I love Armand's character, I really do -- now. But that is something that only came about after I read the books from Queen of the Damned forward. For the first two books, I very much did not like him. And, particularly when it comes to the Paris part of this story, that is where we are with his character right now. I know why he's doing what he's doing, I understand it. But I can't defend it.
Louis probably figured things out before San Francisco in 1973. He probably knew Armand's full role in what went down, same as in the book, after it all happened. But it was his suicide attempt that had Armand redact that knowledge from Louis' mind. The clues for that being the case are all there after episode 2x05.
Because, at the end of the day, even knowing Armand's full role in Claudia's death, Louis still mostly blamed himself for it all.
As we see, things are slowly starting to come back to Louis, but he's not fully there yet. And I think this whole memory thing is a more literal interpretation of the veil that descended over Louis' mind after Paris in the books.
A veil that only began to lift once Armand revealed to Louis that Lestat was alive. As we've seen, Louis knew Lestat was alive back in 1973. I'm not sure if he does so now. But maybe this isn't about knowing if Lestat is alive or not. Maybe it's just Louis thinking he needed to be punished because of his own role in failing Claudia -- and staying away from Lestat was part of that self-punishment. Because that view is a feeling I got when watching episode 2x05 and Louis not wanting to speak to Lestat. His refusal to speak wasn't out of anger IMO, but more fear and even sorrow.
The show is very much sticking to the beats of the book with all of this, and not revealing things about what happened that were revealed in later books. So I don't think Louis fully knows what was going on with Lestat during that trial. I wouldn't be surprised if we learn he still doesn't, since he never learned it in the first book.
But as I said here, it was clear as day that Lestat wasn't himself during that trial. Physically and especially mentally. I didn't even guess that the show would be that obvious about it, but they were. All very much hinting about what was really going on with his appearance here.
And Louis himself might, just might figure that out for himself. Especially if Dreamstat might appear to be back in his mind again. Because Dreamstat is very much Louis' subconscious. And I think Louis' subconscious knows something important is missing wrt all of this.
It was nice that, at least in the end, someone chose Claudia. Madeleine could have escaped this but chose to die with Claudia instead when she didn't have to. Her little middle finger to the crowd gave me a smile.
They did not do the full reveal of Claudia's diaries and what was in them on stage, which I seriously thought they would. They gave a hint about it, but more so in episode 2x05 than in here. Which means that, in a later season, we're still looking at that reveal from Merrick happening it seems. But then again . . . there were some things I suspect got left out on purpose because the actual (attempted) murder of Lestat was very much glossed over for us, the audience, during that trial sequence. We are very much set to revisit that whole thing during The Vampire Lestat adaptation in Season 3, of course. But I think even more will be revealed about that there then I originally thought.
And finally, Claudia. They said in the Inside The Episode they wanted her to go out with as much strength and defiance as she could and yeah, she did. But in the end, I still think she was angry, sad, and hurt by it all, which she had every right to be. Because at the end of the day, she never should have been made and was made for all the wrong reasons. But being turned so young made her a fierce and pure vampire though and though because she never had enough time to have lived a human life to have those types of morals and outlooks fully imprinted on her. That was always one of Claudia's core traits wrt her being turned so young, and she still had it here. And yes girl, you will haunt things after this -- particularly your parents.
In fact, it probably very much was your voice Louis heard calling him back in 2x05, wasn't it?
So, for a penultimate episode, this was very, very good. And things are very much going to explode next week. I knew Louis going Carrie/Firestarter on the coven would happen in 2x08. That moment always screamed "season finale" to me. Santiago picking up Claudia's yellow dress is also significant, as I think we'll see Louis' POV of that moment with Lestat about it.
And the break up between Louis and Armand might just be much more violent than it was in the book as well.
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sonofcelluloid · 5 months
Assad Zaman every time Eric Bogosian is about to say that season 2 ends with Armand taking Daniel to his penthouse and freaking it sloppy style:
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wlwcatalogue · 8 months
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Chinese GL Webseries & Shorts for the Wuxia-Uninclined
Have you ever wanted to venture into the world of Chinese GL webseries and short films, only to find yourself at a loss about where to begin, or intimidated by the unfamiliar tropes and terms of the wuxia genre?
Well, worry no more! Here's a selection of non-wuxia webseries and short films curated by yours truly. Now you too can enjoy the lavish costumes and location shoots of these Chinese productions, so rarely seen in F/F works outside of feature films and the occasional TV series~
By the way, these are all translated and subbed by the inimitable Douqi (@douqi7s), whose immense contribution to the English-language baihe fandom is surely in breach of anti-monopoly laws. Offer up your thanks at her Tumblr and Twitter!
At-a-glance list
Ye-Mu Season 2 (1 hr 20m total, 2023) - standalone
The Vampires (41m total, 2022)
Ye-Mu Season 1 (27m total, 2022) - standalone
The Lost World (1hr 5m total, 2023)
Short films - order corresponding to the pictures above:
A Tale of Yearning (5 mins, 2022)
"She Brought Colour Into My World" (2.5 mins, 2023)
"I'm Her Weapon" (3 mins, 2022)
Miss Shen and the Woman Warlord (6 mins, 2023)
Women's Script (5 mins, 2023)
The Caged Canary (5 mins, 2023)
The Beauty of the Law (6 mins, 2023)
Flowers Bloom; Flowers Wither (9 mins, 2022)
Commentary under the cut!
FYI, I've opted to link directly to the subtitled versions since they're probably more difficult to find than regular anime, TV series, movies etc. If a link is broken, please refer to Douqi's blog directly.
Important note for the uninitiated:
It’s a bit difficult to talk about canonicity in relation to live-action works made in the PRC, as things which would normally be used as evidence of canonicity all fall under the censorship regulations— explicit references to romantic relationships or queerness, declarations of love, kissing etc. are all off the table. So while these may not look canon in the most traditional sense, they are intended to be read as such and should certainly not be dismissed as queerbaiting or yuribait. Also, the creators can get very imaginative, so this is less of a problem than you may think – see the entries on Ye-Mu Season 2 and The Lost World in particular!
1. Ye-Mu Season 2 / 叶穆 2 (32 episodes / 1hr 20m total, 2023, dir. Zhang Zhiwei) - MyDramaList
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(Note: Despite the name, Ye-Mu Season 2 is completely unrelated to the first season; the only thing the two share is the cast, crew, and focus on Penthouse-style melodrama.)
Determined to take revenge for her mother's death, Xu Baiqing (Sheng Wei) marries a wealthy and much older businessman in the hope of finding evidence to put him behind bars. But first she must assuage the suspicions of his cheerily hostile second daughter, moody youngest son, and estranged eldest daughter (Ye-Mu Zhixia, played by Wang Laoji), the latter of whom Xu Baiqing dated in university and who is currently seething at the sight of her former girlfriend marrying her father...
If you want to get a sense of the potential breadth of Chinese GL webseries, this is a pretty good place to start. It does a decent job of matching the tone and presentation of a melodrama you might catch on TV (and in fact looks higher-budget than some I can think of), while committing to something that can’t be done on TV yet— namely, featuring an F/F exes-to-stepmother storyline and delivering on the drama inherent in such a premise. Of particular note is how the framing and behaviour of Ye-Mu Zhixia is very much consistent with that of a male romantic lead; thanks to some clever writing, it’s basically impossible to deny the nature of her relationship with the main character. They don’t even lean on the plausible deniability afforded by the label of “friendship”— in fact, in an early scene she is incensed when the protagonist refers to her as “[her] only friend”. There are a few caveats – the main character ends up in a lot of scrapes that her ex-girlfriend has to save her from, the reveals are often rather unsurprising, and the story shifts more to a mystery focus around halfway – but it’s still worth checking out if a Korean-style melodrama with an F/F take on a romantic storyline sounds appealing.
 (CW: violence, murder, attempted sexual assault)
Note: See The Lost World (below), from the same creative team, for an even more impressive example of Chinese GL pushing the limits of censorship.
Links: MEGA / Internet Archive (compilation)
2. The Vampires / 吸血鬼鬼盲盒 (7 episodes / 41m total, 2022, dir. Zhang Zhiwei) - MyDramaList
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(Note: Spoilers for the first 15 minutes or so, because otherwise the summary would be “They end up locked inside with the monsters on board”, which wouldn’t tell you much more than the title already does)
Every night, Tianyue (Ye Miao/夜喵) has been having dreams about the mysterious cruise ship docked at the pier. Convinced that there is treasure hidden inside, she and her exorcist-cultivator girlfriend Xiao Ling (Wei Miao/微渺) sneak on board only to find that they are trapped there until the sun comes up. Things don’t seem too bad at first: although they run into two vampires – the cute, cheeky Xingming (Yang Fuyu) and her elegant mistress Su Tanya (Sheng Wei) – they are able to call a truce, on the condition that the humans help search the ship for the latter’s beloved (Fu Cha, played by Wang Laoji). But when Fu Cha wakes up without her memories, it is clear that something is terribly wrong, and that the ship and its inhabitants harbour more secrets than expected.
For a webseries, The Vampires takes a while to get started— it’s a bit difficult to tell what kind of story or indeed what kind of tone it’s going for just based on the somewhat campy and comedic first section. But after that wobbly beginning, it manages to pull itself together to tell a compelling – and sometimes genuinely tense – tale about a motley band of humans and vampires, and the truths they have to face together. While the ending is no happily-ever-after, I found it satisfying and hopeful, and surprisingly affecting. Also, a bunch of the characters have real polyam energy, and this is reflected in the narrative beyond mere flirting!
(CW: abusive parents)
Links - MEGA / Internet Archive (compilation) / YouTube (compilation)
3. Ye-Mu Season 1 / 叶穆 (12 episodes / 27m total, 2022, dir. Zhang Zhiwei) - MyDramaList
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(Note: Ye-Mu Seasons 1 and 2 are standalone stories; each season is entirely self-contained and the second season is not a continuation of the first.)
The head of the Ye-Mu family has died, leaving the next generation to squabble over the inheritance. It's a web of secrets, lies, and hidden resentments, as the characters dig out old grievances and fresh accusations in a desperate attempt to one-up each other. They're tangled up together to an almost incestuous degree, and indeed, the F/F subtext here is the ambiguous relationship between eldest daughter Ye-Mu Nanzhu (Sheng Wei) and second daughter Ye-Mu Nanmo (Wang Laoji) (rest assured that they are at least not biologically related).
Those who prefer darker stories and don't mind the pseudo-incest or other content warnings will find a melodrama which makes good use of its short runtime to deliver on twists, turns, and an explosive - if tragic - conclusion. That being said, the story is about the family drama in general, so do note that while the relationship between Nanzhu and Nanmo is narratively important, it is not fleshed out in great detail and certainly not the focus of the series.
(CW: suicide, ableist trope (spoiler – disabled character turns out to have been faking it), ableist language)
Links - MEGA / Internet Archive (compilation)
4. The Lost World / 夏夜知道风的甜 (1hr 5m total, 2023, dir. Zhang Zhiwei) - MyDramaList
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(Note: Spoilers for the purpose of flagging triggering content, as it’s particularly easy to trip into for this show. Also, some vague spoilers for later episodes in order to highlight in order to highlight the themes etc.)
This webseries feels like two shows smushed into one: apart from the very beginning, the first half is a gritty, bullying-focused take on university life, while the second is a true-blue romantic comedy (aside from one blip – see the note below for details). But even if you’re wary of the bullying, I would still recommend watching the back half – which is basically standalone – as it’s a very funny and heartfelt story about two childhood friends finally getting their act together. Without further ado, here’s two blurbs!
From episode 1 onwards: After saving a classmate from the class bully, popular college student Xia Huaichu (Yang Fuyu) is subjected to a lengthy harassment campaign by the latter. She is suddenly faced with having to protect her reputation in the face of false allegations and fake nudes– despite the fact that all she wants to do is focus on reconciling with another classmate, a high school best friend whom she had previously lost touch with (Mu Qingfeng, played by Wang Laoji). From episode 14 onwards: Childhood friends Xia Huaichu (Yang Fuyu) and Mu Qingfeng (Wang Laoji) are caught in a weird gay purgatory where each has feelings for the other, and suspects that the other has feelings for them too. But both are exceedingly stubborn and want the other one to take the initiative in confessing, leading to ridiculous displays of I-don’t-care-isms and lots and lots of UST. (Does anybody use that term anymore??)
As you may have guessed, I’m not too keen on the first part of this show, nor the decidedly unnecessary attempted rape segment, though that’s partly on me for not checking the content warnings beforehand. And yet I’m very glad to have stuck with it, because the second half is not only hilarious, but also a masterclass in censorship-dodging that needs to be seen to be believed. Not just in terms of the suggestive scenes, of which there are many, either— the story is literally about two women starting a relationship and having to reckon with parental disapproval, homophobia, and other obstacles which platonic friends wouldn’t have to deal with. I honestly don’t know how this ever got approved, and can only applaud. Bravo.
Note: For those who want to avoid the triggering content, I’d recommend starting at episode 14, but make sure to skip episodes 19 and 20 as there is a foiled rape attempt.
(CW for entire series: bullying (incl. violence, fake nudes), sexual harassment, attempted sexual assault, fatphobic language, homophobia
CW for episodes 14-24: attempted sexual assault in episodes 19-20, homophobia)
Links - MEGA / Dropbox
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Quick note: Click on the English titles for the subtitled versions, and the Chinese titles (which are really just the video titles) for the originals. And yes, although the majority of these are shampoo commercials, they really do hold up as short films in their own right. Give them a try, you might be surprised!
A Tale of Yearning / 一见误终生,不见终生误 (5 mins, 2022, dir. Liu Yun Rui/流云蕊) – A bittersweet story about a literature-minded young woman (Sheng Wei) and a Chinese opera performer (Ai Ye) who bond over their love of fiction, only to be torn apart by harsh reality. Tragic ending, but I liked the more literary turn of the dialogue. Shampoo ad. (CW: homophobia)
“She Brought Colour Into My World” / “她走后,我的世界又失去了颜色” (2.5 mins, 2023, dir. Zou Hui Qu Le/走回去了) – A very restrained short film (actually, more like a music video) set during the late Qing era, wherein a sheltered young woman (Xiao Yu Za/小宇咂) falls for her female neighbour, recently returned from studying abroad (Sheng Wei). Lovely use of music and visuals to create a dreamlike atmosphere. Tragic ending. Not a shampoo ad.
“I’m Her Weapon” / 我是你手里的一把刀 (3 mins, 2022, dir. Liu Yun Rui/流云蕊) – A moody, interior piece about an assassin (Ai Ye) who yearns for some sign of affection from her handler (Sheng Wei), only to be left devastated by her new assignment. Surprisingly not a shampoo ad.
Miss Shen and the Woman Warlord / 我们是孤独行走的钟,但也要做敲响希望的钟 (6 mins, 2023, dir. Liu Yun Rui/流云蕊) – I’d like to describe this as being inspired by the story of Mai Jia’s novel The Message and the aesthetics of Kawashima Yoshiko (1990), but most Tumblr users would probably find those references deeply unhelpful. Basically, a female spy (Sheng Wei) disguises herself as a male soldier and infiltrates the mansion of a Republican warlord. There, she meets the warlord’s daughter (Ai Ye), who quickly realises that there is more to the promising young officer than meets the eye. Shampoo ad.
Women’s Script / 纵使“科考”无女子,无碍红袖书香,星辰有光 (5 mins, 2023, dir. Liu Yun Rui/流云蕊) – While sailing down a river, a girl (Zhi Chun He/至春禾) catches sight of a woman writing poetry on the riverbank (Sheng Wei), and is fascinated by both her beauty and her flaunting of the rules against women’s literacy. Shampoo ad. (CW: domestic violence)
The Caged Canary / 如果这是一场骗局,那我也只愿意输给你 (5 mins, 2023, dir. Liu Yun Rui/流云蕊) – The protagonist (Ai Ye) is sent by her parents to beguile a wealthy young man into marriage, but ends up developing feelings for his modern-woman sister (Sheng Wei) instead. Shampoo ad. (CW: attempted sexual assault)
Flowers Bloom; Flowers Wither / 她们一个被铁链禁锢,一个被男装束缚,直到救赎彼此 (9 mins, 2022, dir. Qian Li Min/千里明) – Takes the romance between a cross-dressing noblewoman (Du Ruo/杜若) and her supposedly-mad stepmother (Rou Lian Cheng/肉脸橙) to tell a story about the restrictions placed on women in historical times, and how resistance, even when futile, can still have meaning. Tragic ending, obviously. Not a shampoo ad. (CW: domestic violence, misogyny, accidental misgendering, gender dysphoria)
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nayziiz · 8 months
Team Dynamics | LN4
Summary: To celebrate the launch of their 2024 car for the upcoming F1 season, McLaren hosts a masquerade gala event that sees two souls connect and lead to a whirlwind romance. Unfortunately, the pair realise soon after that they are to work together quite closely after they agreed it would only be a one-night thing.
Warnings: Smut, alcohol, one night stand, unprotected sex
Pairing: Gemma (I don't like writing with Y/N or reader) x Lando Norris
Series Masterlist
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Lando's decisive hand grabs Gemma's, and with an unspoken understanding, he leads her towards the exit. The vibrant energy of the party fades into the distance as they collect their coats, preparing to venture into the cool night air. Stepping outside, they scan the surroundings for the approaching Uber, a temporary refuge from the lively chaos they've left behind.
The car arrives, and they slide into the backseat, the leather cool against their skin. The quiet atmosphere inside the vehicle contrasts with the echoes of music and laughter lingering from the event. A sense of anticipation hangs in the air as the driver smoothly navigates the city streets.
In the dimly lit confines of the car, Gemma feels the echo of her own heartbeat, a rhythmic reminder of the intensity of the night. This intimate encounter with Lando has stirred something within her, and she grapples with a mix of excitement and longing. This connection is a rarity for her, only the second time she has found herself entangled in such intimacy.
The silence between them is heavy with unspoken desires as they navigate the city's labyrinth of streets. Gemma steals glances at Lando, her curiosity and yearning evident in her eyes. Sensing the unspoken tension, Lando's fingers find their way onto her lap, a silent invitation for a connection that transcends words. His fingers curl and intertwine with hers, forging a tactile link that speaks volumes in the quiet confines of the car.
As the city lights streak by, Gemma and Lando share a moment of quiet connection, fingers entwined, hearts entangled in the echoes of the night. The anticipation lingers, and in the soft glow of the passing streetlights, a subtle understanding forms between them—an acknowledgment that this shared journey extends beyond the physical confines of the car, weaving a thread of intimacy that binds them in the enchantment of the night.
The Uber glides to a smooth stop outside Lando's apartment building after a ten-minute drive through the city. Lando, maintaining the air of confidence that has marked their connection throughout the night, guides Gemma inside with a subtle yet possessive touch. His palm rests on the small of her back, a gesture both protective and suggestive, as they make their way towards the entrance.
The lobby of the apartment building welcomes them with a hushed ambiance, a stark contrast to the lively scenes they left behind. The elevator doors open, and they step inside, the anticipation mounting. Lando's hand, still resting on the small of Gemma's back, subtly guides her closer as the doors close, enclosing them in the privacy of the elevator. The anticipation builds, and as Lando confidently presses the button for the penthouse, a signal of the exclusive destination that awaits them.
With a quiet hum, the elevator ascends, and Lando's fingers trace gentle circles on Gemma's back, an unspoken reassurance in the intimate space. The elevator's soft chime signals their arrival, and as the doors slide open to the penthouse foyer, Gemma takes in the luxurious surroundings. The foyer, a prelude to the opulence within, leads towards the penthouse doors. Lando, emblematic of his wealth, produces a set of keys to unlock the entrance to his London home.
“Penthouse? I thought you said apartment?” Gemma comments.
“Didn’t want to scare you away.” Lando mumbles, his hand trailing up and down her spine and finally resting on her butt.
“Do you have butlers too?” Gemma teases.
“Not usually.” Lando shrugs. “My housekeeper has the night off, actually.”
I’m way in over my head here, Gemma thinks. As Gemma steps into Lando's opulent London penthouse, the stark contrast between their worlds becomes even more apparent. Lando's affluence is undeniable, evident in every meticulously tailored detail of his attire, from the sleek suit to the polished shoes and the glint of carefully chosen jewellery. It's a world that seems a million miles away from Gemma's own, represented by the thrifted dress she carefully selected from a humble charity shop and the shoes that carry the sentimental weight of her college graduation.
“I hope you’re not appalled by that.” Lando comments when he sees her eyes wander.
“No. Not appalled. I didn’t know what I was expecting, honestly.” Gemma admits.
Gemma is met with an interior that echoes the minimalism of a high-end design magazine. The furniture is sleek and contemporary, with a distinct lack of personal touches. It's a stark contrast to the warmth and lived-in feel of Gemma's own modest belongings.
Gemma, momentarily taken aback by the minimalist aesthetic, begins to shed the layers that shield her from the night's chill. She gracefully removes her coat, a humble garment from her recent thrift store find, and hands it to Lando. In the act of hanging up their outerwear, there's a subtle exchange of worlds—a fleeting moment where their differences, both in material wealth and personal style, hang in the air. Yet, in the midst of this juxtaposition, there's a palpable connection, an unspoken acknowledgment that their individual worlds are converging in the quiet expanse of Lando's penthouse.
“My Monaco apartment is much more homier.” Lando comments. “I don’t spend a lot of time here, except for when I'm here during the winter break.”
Gemma's fingertips delicately graze the headrest of the charcoal grey couch as she explores the refined simplicity of Lando's penthouse. Her eyes trace the lines of the furniture, taking in the sleek design and the absence of personal artifacts that typically define one's living space. Lando observes her with a curious gaze, trying to decipher the thoughts flickering across her face as she studies her surroundings.
In the quiet interlude, Lando reflects on the encounter that brought them together. From the moment Gemma approached him with her lighthearted joke in the corridor, he sensed a refreshing genuineness about her. She wasn't swayed by the trappings of his wealth or status. Her lack of recognition, combined with her genuine curiosity and absence of probing questions, conveyed a down-to-earth authenticity that set her apart.
As Gemma explores the penthouse, Lando appreciates the fact that she sees him not as a symbol of affluence, but as a person. The initial anonymity provided a rare glimpse into a connection untainted by preconceptions. It becomes evident that Gemma is not here to exploit or be enamored by the opulence surrounding her. Instead, she treats Lando as a fellow human being, not as some mythical figure elevated above the rest of the world.
Lando's curiosity about Gemma's perspective deepens, and a subtle smile plays on his lips as he watches her navigate the space. In her unassuming presence, he discovers a sense of connection that transcends societal divides—a connection grounded in the shared experience of this night, the quiet exploration of a penthouse, and the unfolding of a unique bond between two souls who met amidst the serendipity of a bustling event. 
“It’s quite grey.” She states, her candid observation about the predominantly grey surroundings elicits a chuckle from Lando.
“That it is.” Lando agrees.
“Could do with some colour.” She continues. “Papaya, maybe.”
“Thanks. I’ll run that past my interior decorator.” Lando nods.
“I just hope it’s not the same interior decorator who styled it like this, because, wow!” She adds, gesticulating her displeasure for the colour palette and furniture. Lando laughs at her as she stumbles over the rug and lands comfortably on the couch. “Not a very pretty couch but very comfortable.”
“That’s good, then, no?” Lando jokes as he makes his way to sit next to her.
“I suppose so. Kind of depends on what you do with the couch.” She teases, winking at Lando.
Their eyes lock, and a brief pause hangs in the air, charged with unspoken tension. In the next instant, Lando seizes the moment, grabbing Gemma by the hips and effortlessly pulling her onto his lap. She straddles him, and their proximity intensifies the connection between them.
“What? Kind of like this?” Lando asks her, brushing her hair out of her face.
“Mmh. It’s a good start.” She nods.
Lando kisses her again, but gentler this time. Her hands rest lazily on his waist before they slowly start moving up and start unbuttoning his shirt. His hands slowly move down to her hips as he pulls her closer. She can feel his bulge pressing against her through his dress pants and it instantly arouses her. His hands move down her thighs and up the inside of her dress. He pulls her dress over her head, breaking their kiss for a brief moment. Her underwear matches her burgundy dress and suits her complexion. She gasps at the coldness that hits her skin as she shuffles the shirt from his shoulders.
“You’re so beautiful.” Lando tells her when he gets a good look at her body and meets her eyes again.
“All girls are beautiful when they’re pretty much naked.” Gemma mumbles, suddenly growing shy. He kisses her again and pulls away.
“Oh, don’t get shy now.” He assures her and plants several kisses down her neck as her hips grind against his.
His hand grips the hair in her nape and gently pulls her head back as he kisses her Adam’s apple and down her chest, over her collarbones and then to her covered breasts. A soft moan escaped her lips as she grinds harder against him.
“You really are beautiful.” He mumbles against her skin, sucking on the skin just above her left breast.
Her hands struggle to find a resting place and eventually land in his curly brown hair. When he’s done sucking on her skin, he helps her unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. He lifts himself ever so slightly off the couch to pull down his pants to his ankles. She immediately spots his hardened cock still covered by his briefs. Gemma slides off the couch and takes off Lando’s shoes and socks and proceeds to pull his pants off completely. When she attempts to straddle him again, Lando lays her down on her back and returns the favour for her.
He takes his time to undo the straps of her heels. When he’s chucked them aside, he proceeds to kiss her ankle and then her calf and then her inner thigh. She wriggles under his touch and breathy kisses and pulls him up for a kiss on her lips.
Lando pulls away for a second as he watches her body shiver when his fingers trace her arms and shoulders.
“This is a one time thing.” She warns him.
“I’ll make it good then.” He counters. “Maybe you’ll be running back for more.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Gemma teases. “I don’t run.”
Lando stifles a laugh at her self-deprecating joke. He loves her humour and how easy she gets back at him, like it’s such a natural thing. He grabs her chin in between his fingers making her look at him.
“No strings?” Lando asks her, even though he really hoped he’d see her again.
“No strings.” She confirms.
“You tell me to stop at any point and I will.” Lando informs her. “Words. You’re so good with your words, so use them.”
“Yes, Lando.” She agrees and he smiles at her answer.
“So obedient.” He gushes.
“Don’t be a tease.” She warns him, her nails digging slightly into his biceps.
Lando caves at her words as he moves down and kisses her stomach below her bra and teases her pantyline before he curls his fingers around her lace panties and pulls them off.
“Such a pretty sight.” He whispers as he throws her panties aside.
He leans over her and unclips her bra, allowing it to fall off her shoulders. Gemma throws her bra to meet her dress and panties close to the coffee table. Lando’s fingers trail her thighs and move towards her hole as her legs spread wider. His fingers tease her folds, but he can feel her already clenching and wet.
“You’re so wet already.” He whispers before sliding a single finger into her. His words make her shiver.
After a few strokes, he inserts a second finger and Gemma instinctively starts thrusting her hips onto them. His fingers are completely covered by her wetness.
“You’re so tight.” He mumbles into the skin of her neck as she arches her back. She grips onto his curly hair as his pace increases, tempting a third finger. She moans into his neck as she seeks her climax thrusting harder onto his fingers. “What do you want, Gem?”
“You.” She breathes. “I want you.”
“What do you want me to do?” He asks as she moans yet again.
“I want you inside me, please.” She begs, her breathing fast and shallow as she nears her climax.
“Anything princess wants, princess gets.” He assures her as he removes his fingers from her and removes his briefs.
He runs his glistening fingers over his hardened shaft, lubricating it. Gemma peers up at him as he aligns himself between her legs.
“Please, Lan.” She begs again, her voice strained and clinging to her climax.
Her words send him into another dimension as he enters her. She instantly moans, but muffles it against his chest as he thrusts slowly. As he continues to thrust, her moans become louder and more difficult to contain. She grips onto his biceps as he brings her closer to her climax once again.
“There’s no one else here, you can be louder.” Lando tells her in between thrusts.
“Please, harder.” She pleads against his shoulder, her grip tightening on his arms.
Her pleas are heard loud and clear as he thrusts harder, louder groans escaping his lips. They continue with their moans and groans until Gemma combusts, her limbs shaking from her erratic orgasm.
“Where do you want me to cum?” He asks, not intentionally mischievous, but rather genuinely asking so it would be easy to clean.
“Inside me.” Gemma quickly answers, not realising the seriousness of Lando’s question.
Her dirty answer sends him right over the edge as he erupts within her. He stays in his position for a few moments as he catches his breath before sitting upright and pulling her into his lap. Gemma clenches her thighs together as his juices seep out of her. He reaches down and uses his fingers to push it back in, careful not to overstimulate her. She’s still sensitive and groans as she feels his finger wipe up his cum and slide back in. This continues for a few minutes before they’re able to catch their breaths and calm their heart rates.
“Your ex clearly did not appreciate you enough.” Lando mumbles as he kisses her shoulder.
After another few quiet minutes, Lando can feel Gemma’s body relax in his embrace. He sits her down on the couch as he gets up, his semi-hard cock on full show for her. She avoids looking at it as he pulls on his briefs and disappears down a hallway. She’s unsure of what to do and attempts to stand, but his juices are still seeping down her thigh and landing on the couch’s material. Lando returns to the living room with a washcloth and some clothes.
“Let me clean you up.” He tells her.
He kneels in between her legs and wipes up his cum with the washcloth before discarding the washcloth on the coffee table.
“Do you want your underwear?” Lando asks her and she’s finally able to look him in the eyes.
“You can keep the panties.” She tells him with a crooked smile.
She’s the one, she must be, he thinks as he smiles at her. He pulls one of his t-shirts over her head. He then slips on a pair of sweatpants onto her hips. This can’t just be a one night thing, his thoughts trail. They’ve sobered themselves up enough to both realise that a one-night-stand may not be the endgame for them.
“Do you need anything? Water maybe?” Lando asks as he stays kneeling between her legs.
“I’m alright, thank you.” She assures him with her fingers caressing his cheek.
“Then we should maybe get some sleep.” Lando urges her as he gets up and extends a hand for her to grab.
Gemma, caught in the moment and sensing a shift in the atmosphere, gently takes Lando's hand. With a silent understanding, he leads her down the hallway to his room. The air is charged with a mixture of anticipation and a newfound intimacy as they enter the space that holds a different kind of quiet.
Once inside, they find solace in each other's arms. The ambiance is soft, the only illumination coming from the gentle glow of ambient lights. They settle into a comfortable embrace, the warmth of shared connection enveloping them. The earlier intensity mellows into a tranquil intimacy as they exchange soft words and tender gestures.
Cuddling together, they allow the calmness of the moment to wash over them, creating a cocoon of shared comfort. The world outside the room fades away, and in the quietude, they find a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of the night. As the rhythmic rise and fall of their breaths synchronise, Gemma and Lando gradually succumb to the tranquillity of the night, drifting into a peaceful slumber wrapped in each other's embrace.
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showmey0urfangs · 7 months
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BALLY GILL, Viewties Magazine (2023)
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sad-boys-book-club · 2 months
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"&" Ampersand - A Literary Companion
Selected stories with the themes of Bastille's upcoming project "&" Ampersand. And, of course, a love letter to my favourite band.
Intros & Narrators: Wallace, David Foster. Oblivion: Stories. Little, Brown and Company, 2004./ Nancherla, Aparna. Unreliable Narrator: Me, Myself, and Impostor Syndrome. Penguin Publishing Group, 2023.// Eve & Paradise Lost: Bohannon, Cat. Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2023. / Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Alma Classics, 2019.// Emily & Her Penthouse In The Sky: Dickinson, Emily. Emily Dickinson’s Poems: As She Preserved Them. Harvard University Press, 2016. /Dickinson, Emily. Emily Dickinson: Letters. Edited by Emily Fragos, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2011.// Blue Sky & The Painter: Prideaux, Sue. Edvard Munch: Behind the Scream. Yale University Press, 2019. / Knausgaard, Karl Ove. So Much Longing in So Little Space: The Art of Edvard Munch. Random House, 2019.//
Leonard & Marianne: Hesthamar, Kari. So Long, Marianne: A Love Story - Includes Rare Material by Leonard Cohen. Ecw Press, 2014./ Cohen, Leonard. Book of Longing. Penguin Books Limited, 2007.// Marie & Polonium: Curie, Eve. Madame Curie. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2013./Sobel, Dava. The Elements of Marie Curie: How the Glow of Radium Lit a Path for Women in Science. Atlantic Monthly Press, 2024.// Red Wine & Wilde: Wilde, Oscar, et al. De Profundis. Harry N. Abrams, 1998./ Sturgis, Matthew. Oscar: A Life. Head of Zeus, 2018.// Seasons & Narcissus: Ovid. Metamorphoses: A New Verse Translation. Penguin, 2004./ Morales, Helen. Antigone Rising: The Subversive Power of the Ancient Myths. PublicAffairs, 2020.//
Drawbridge & The Baroness: Rothschild, Hannah. The Baroness: The Search for Nica, the Rebellious Rothschild. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2013./ Katz, Judy H. White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-racism Training. University of Oklahoma Press, 1978.// The Soprano & Her Midnight Wonderings: Ardoin, John, and Gerald Fitzgerald. Callas: The Art and the Life. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1974./ Abramovic, Marina. 7 Deaths of Maria Callas. Damiani, 2020.// Essie & Paul: Ransby, Barbara. Eslanda: The Large and Unconventional Life of Mrs. Paul Robeson. Haymarket Books, 2022./ Robeson, Paul. Here I Stand. Beacon Press, 1998.//
Mademoiselle & The Nunnery Blaze: Gautier, Theophile. Mademoiselle de Maupin. Penguin Classics, n.d./ Gardiner, Kelly. Goddess. HarperCollins, 2014.// Zheng Yi Sao & Questions For Her: Chang-Eppig, Rita. Deep as the Sky, Red as the Sea. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023./ Borges, Jorge Luis. A Universal History of Infamy. Penguin Books, 1975. // Telegraph Road 1977 & 2024: Kaufman, Bob. Golden Sardine. City Lights Books, 1976./ Wolfe, Tom. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. Pan Macmillan Australia Pty, Limited, 2008.
Original artwork created by Theo Hersey & Dan Smith. Printed letterpress at The Typography Workshop, South London.
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platoapproved · 2 months
Okay so I'm looking back on season 2 and having some Thoughts about Dreamstat.
In 2x01 Louis says "he came by invitation," which is be backed up by how he consciously dismisses Dreamstat in 2x04. But in my opinion, it all gets way messier when - in 2x07, deeply shaken by talking about the trial - Louis hallucinates Lestat in the Dubai penthouse. It's SUCH a jarring moment; Louis' unreliability is at the forefront of the audience's mind since he has just admitted his version of Claudia's turning from 1x04 was inaccurate. Then the audience is shown that Louis is omitting things, particularly continued hallucinations. (We also see him have further non-Lestat hallucinations in 2x08 when he is plotting his revenge).
With all that in mind, I'm inclined to think that he's way less in control of Dreamstat than he insists he is. Louis says otherwise, but this is the Unreliable Narrator Show™.
So. Why I was thinking about this in the first place...
I see lots of people bringing up Dreamstat's reactions to things, mostly in a context of being angry with Louis. And I get it! Dreamstat is mocking and cruel. But I also think it's wrong to blame Louis fully for those things? At least, to blame him in the way people seem to do.
These are not things he is choosing to think, or that he is saying aloud. They exist only within his own head. Dreamstat is all his Louis's worst instinctive reactions and snap judgments, vocalized internally (we just see and hear them as the audience).
His paranoia while being romantically pursued, an understandable response given how things went down with Lestat:
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His self-loathing (always comes back to the self-loathing with Louis :c):
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His frustration while having an argument with his companion situationship:
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These are Louis' thoughts, yes. But they're gut responses, all emotion, without filter or reasoning.
And I just can't wrap my head around thinking less of Louis for having these responses. It's a very honest and unflinching depiction of someone whose response to trauma (both from his relationship with Lestat but also, like, his entire human life) is kneejerk resentment and pettiness that he very VERY rarely vocalizes.
Even as Dreamstat is mocking Armand's romantic overtures, Louis is continuing to have discussions with him, to ask him what he needs to be happier in their relationship. Armand wants him to come around more, he shows up to the disastrous dinner where he fights with Santiago. Armand wants to bring flowers and apologize, Louis hears him out. He is CHOOSING, in spite of the cruel automatic responses of his thoughts, to treat Armand with as much fairness and gentleness as he can.
As a side note, I really read Dreamstat's laugh in the museum scene much differently than others on here. A lot of people seem to see it as Louis mocking Armand's history of sexual abuse. But Dreamstat only scowls through all that (which is, again, not great but it is understandable, given how Lestat deployed his Magnus story to win Louis back after exploding in anger, and the whole setup for Armand talking about his past is him explaining why he is not like Lestat). Dreamstat's only real reaction comes when Armand has moved on from that part of his speech, to discussing the vampiric cycle of violence.
The line he reacts to is Armand saying "Magnus who begat Lestat, Lestat who begat Louis, on and on, and on and on." And Dreamstat... doesn't laugh? I see people describing it as a laugh. He yells 'HAH!' in the angriest, bitterest, disbelieving voice. To me this is not Louis being unimpressed or mocking Armand's trauma, it's him adamantly refusing to be included in the narrative as a part of vampire culture / as a victim. We know Louis does not like people labeling him as a victim or abused. We know he wants to opt out of all Claudia's searching for vampire culture and vampire history. To me this moment is not at all about Armand, it's about Armand implying that Louis is connected with the covens, with a larger narrative of vampirism, including a narrative about makers exploiting and harming their fledglings.
No, Louis isn't perfect, and his handling of Armand is not perfect. But I think people are way too harsh on him for this scene and just in general. He is not his worst thoughts. His actions are much, much, much, much more important. He chooses Armand. I think he chooses to be as careful with Armand as he knows how to be, given the tools at his disposal. Yes, there's a horrible gremlin (ha, see what I did there?) in the bottom of his brain that tosses up vile mean judgy nonsense, but Louis then elects to ignore all that and be as kind as possible.
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queenoftheimps · 3 months
Why I Think The Season 2 Finale Is Gonna Be Even Rougher Than We Anticipate
Something I am increasingly worried about as we approach the Interview with the Vampire season finale:
What if Louis knows that he doesn't know everything? What if that's what he prefers?
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Most of the audience suspects Armand was involved in the trial. Daniel definitely does. There's clues already there that this is the case. I've seen chatter online about how next week will, presumably, be when Louis realizes the truth and splits with Armand.
...however. When Louis confronts Armand about his memories of 1973, Armand tells him Louis asked him to erase them. Louis initially pushes back, but seems to accept this.
Except: why would you ever accept that as an explanation -- unless you knew that it's something you would do? Or possibly even something you'd done already?
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Armand, as suspicious as he is, has been laying some groundwork that Louis is deliberately taking part in altering his own memories: "The pages we tore out of Claudia's diaries -- we did most of those together!" Which Louis seems to confirm is true.
I think part of the issue is that Louis' evasiveness is being attributed to a desire to protect Armand & continue seeing him as the love of his life. And it may be true to some extent. But also -- I think it's at least partly to protect Louis from the weight of his own guilt over Claudia's death.
Because if Armand is guilty -- if he has been plainly, obviously guilty for decades, if Daniel can catch it from third-hand evidence 70 years later -- and it happened because he wanted to have Louis to himself, how do you even process that? How do you handle knowing that Claudia died a horrific death because of a romance she herself called you out on? After she told you that this man threatened her and you denied it?
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Hell, how do you process it when she's condemned by testimony from someone you failed to kill? When Louis tries to convince Daniel that he really did intent to kill Lestat, that Claudia was the one who couldn't burn him, is it because he can't handle feeling responsible for Lestat being alive to testify against her?
Truthfully, I wouldn't really blame Louis for not being able to handle that level of guilt, and we know he winds up spending several years draining drug addicts as a coping method before ultimately attempting suicide. Being able to forget all of it, and forget that you'd forgotten them, would be appealing. (And I think it's noteworthy that Louis only seems to be willing to question Armand about his memories of 1973, which occurred well after Claudia died.)
That said: I have concerns about what this is going to mean for present-day Dubai.
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Daniel clearly can tell something is up and is gunning to dig in. But Louis keeps shutting him down hard. ("Armand sold you out-..." "I'm talking now.")
We also have seen what happens when Daniel digs into something that Louis really doesn't want to talk about. When he asks for Claudia's missing pages, Louis deliberately seems to trigger his Parkinson's. When Daniel makes comments about Lestat's letter, Louis starts digging into Daniel's memories of Alice (which also seems to worsen Daniel's tremors, though that may not be deliberate).
So what happens if he starts pushing in on something that Louis has gone to great, deliberate lengths to forget about? Something that ties into the worst event of Louis' life, something he still feels tremendous guilt over?
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Raglan James' line about "You fear Armand. You should fear the other one" feels like a shoe that hasn't been dropped yet. I've been pretty steadily predicting that Daniel is going to have some sort of massive medical issue in the penthouse, but I'm slowly wondering if Louis may be what triggers it (possibly by accident). Hell, I even kind of wonder if Armand suspects something like this could happen, which is part of why he's been so adamant about always being nearby, cosplaying as Rashid so he can run in whenever Louis gets upset.
I don't know, I would love for the finale to be as easy and simple as "Daniel helps Louis see that Armand is guilty, Louis dumps Armand". But this show has never been about easy, simple situations so I suspect we're in for a rough time.
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sleepingdeath-light · 7 months
relationship hcs ; vox
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requested by ; mezzanottespazzatura (13/02/24)
fandom(s) ; hazbin hotel
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; vox
outline ; “Would it be possible to get some relationship hcs for Vox? Smut is optional, I just need more content with this man and I can't wait for season 2 hhhhhhhhh-”
note ; this may be a smidge shaky as i’ve never written for him before but this was fun to write either way so i hope you all enjoy it ^^
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
though his busy schedule keeps him from being as physically attentive as he might prefer to be with you, vox does his best to make it up to you as best he can — granted this usually just means him attempting to buy your favour and forgiveness through lavish gifts and dates, but its the thought that counts… right?
this habit of his means that, over the course of your relationship with vox, you manage to acquire quite the extensive collection of lavish gifts — including, but not limited to: a wardrobe of clothes from hell’s top designers and brands that’s so large that it takes up several rooms in your shared penthouse (including all of the shoes and accessories to match each outfit), all of the latest voxtech devices and services at arm’s reach no matter where you may go, whole rooms dedicated to your interests (no matter how niche) including items that you thought were impossible to get ahold of in hell, the best skin and hair care items that money can buy (and that are suited to your exact preferences and needs), a veritable army of robots dedicated to tending to your every whim and need (kitty also gets lent to you by val on occasion but vox prefers that you use the bots he had made specifically for you), and so on…
unless he’s in a very intense argument with one of the other vees or locked into a meeting with other overlords or potential investors that requires his full attention, vox always has an eye on you — watching you through your television, your phone, the security cameras in your home, and every single device you walk past throughout your day
he claims it’s for you your own safety — after all, he’s been very public about your relationship and there are plenty of sinners that would gladly kill or kidnap you just to mess with his head and try and take over his territory — but really it’s because he’s a deeply insecure man that is both terrified of losing you to someone better than him, and extremely quick to anger if he sees anyone getting too close, too friendly, with you for his liking
in other words: your boyfriend is jealous as hell and, try as he might to hide it behind his usual facade of complete control and perfection, it’s extremely obvious to you and everyone else who has known him for more than ten minutes
as mentioned before, vox makes no attempt to hide your relationship from the public and very loudly and proudly claims you as his partner wherever and whenever he can — this partially to maintain his public persona of the likeable and respectable business mogul (hence why a lot of your dates involve frequenting spots where reporters tend to hang out so that he can show off just how much of a doting gentleman he is) but it’s also his own way of marking his territory and letting any potential suitors of yours know that you’re already very happily taken and that they have no chance of taking you from him
when it comes to pet names, he tends to default to either just calling you your name (or a shortened version thereof) or something more traditional like ‘honey’, ‘darling’, or ‘sweetie’ if he’s feeling particularly sentimental — likewise he prefers to be called his name or something similarly traditional by you in public (but the moment the two of you are alone he does tend to soften up quite a bit and will respond to anything you want to call him, so long as it’s said with the intention of being affectionate)
after a long day of work, or attending to val’s tantrums whenever they occur and knock his schedule out of wack, vox loves nothing more than being able to come home and rant to you about it all — cussing out everyone who has ever wronged him, no matter how small the offence, whilst you nod along encouragingly and rub his shoulders and urge him to sit down for a moment before he paces a hole into the carpet is, oddly enough, kinda therapeutic for him and it becomes something of a routine for you two
he thrives on praise and affirmation and loves it when you wrap your arms around him, play with the hem of his jacket, and tell him how amazing he is at everything he does in life: the perfect boyfriend, the best entertainer in all of hell, one of the most powerful overlords in the pride ring (bonus points here if you shit talk alastor and emphasise how much better at everything vox is), a man worthy of being praised and feared, and the list goes on — he’ll reward you in kind once you’re finished, of course, but he’s more than happy to push back his next meeting by a half hour or so if it means getting to bask in your adoration and praise for a little while
he texts you periodically throughout the day — usually when there’s a lull in his work, when he’s bored during a meeting, or if someone has just done something so exceptionally stupid that he needs to tell someone and you’re the only one that will understand — and for as much as he goes on about being super busy all of the time, he always responds to your texts within a minute or so of them being sent
you’re the person whose input and opinions he trusts the most out of anyone else in the pride ring: you’re the person who he bounces his latest ideas off when he’s just at the planning stage and something isn’t quite clicking, you’re the one he rants to about his frustrations with alastor and the other vees because he knows that you’ll always listen to him and help him calm down before he causes another blackout, you’re the first person he shows a new upgrade or outfit to because he always wants to look and feel his best for you, etc., etc.
you’re one of the few people that gets to see vox both at his best as a talented and capable overlord, and at his very worst when he’s on the brink of tears and one wrong word away from plunging the entirety of pentagram city into a blackout — you’re there to stand proudly beside him as the loving and supportive spouse to his confident and inventive businessman, and you’re also there to console and reassure him as he frets about alastor’s return and what that means for the empire he’s built in his absence
he’s not the most physically affectionate person in the world, but he can appreciate the basics: having you curled up on his lap when he’s working at his desk (or resting his head on your lap when you’re at home and you’re listening to him talk about something or another), kissing you before he leaves for work (or having you peck his screen whenever you visit him at the office), and resting a clawed hand on the small of your back or on your waist as you’re walking around or just standing side by side
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