#Percy: I need a job that will give me the most amount of money as soon as possible
dark-elf-writes · 4 months
Werewolf boy being so *angry* about Harry being treated so poorly by his relatives (if they can be called that) and just trying to scent Harry as much as possible at the end of every year so no one will touch him.
And Harry just. Shattering because no one has ever laid such a heavy claim on him. Claimed him so throughly as theirs. And he can’t help but cry at how he could have had so much more.
It always breaks them a little bit to send Harry back. To have him snatched away from them by hands that hold too hard and leave bruises. All of them are more than a little clinging in the days leading up to the end of term and Harry hardly touches the ground once the last day comes with the werewolf boy all but carrying him to get just a little more of his scent on Harry before he is taken.
(He wants them dead. Wants to kill them. Wants to make them hurt like Harry hurts. But he can’t. for as much as it might help he would be locked in Azkaban or put down the minute he showed any aggression and Harry had already made it clear that he couldn’t lose any of them after the chamber incident.)
Harry practically in his lap as he scents him on the train, muffling sobs into his shoulder as they draw closer and closer to the place that will never be a home to him. The others try to hide their pain in the moments when Harry isn’t crying. Try not to make it worse. They see George step out of the compartment to punch a wall. They see Percy with blood around his nails from where he picked at the skin too much in his anxiety. They see Hermione wiping away tears of her own only to give Harry a bright smile and promise to write when he looks at her.
They see. Harry does not.
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corruptedmind · 2 years
Really, dude? [Leo Valdez]
Genre : Fluff, Funny
Summary : Y/N has had a crush on Leo since the moment she saw him. They were best friends now. What happens when she tries to confess her love for him?
"How about no?"
"How about yes-"
"No Leo. I will NOT help you make vibrators to sell them online and get money"
"But imagine the amount of money we'll get. We could buy new shoes and-"
"Shut up before I tell this to Percy and make him drown you in the camp's lake for corrupting me"
"You're the most disgusting minded creature I know, woman"
"But does HE know?".
Leo sighed in defeat. He knew I won this argument too, like I did always. He had this stupid idea to make vibrators and illegally sell it to people outside camp so he could get money and buy a new playstation.
Being his best friend, it was his job to annoy me and pull me in in all of his antics.
Some of them were good, and I would gladly accept making vibrators but if anyone found out we'd be in more trouble than usual.
"Why don't we just hang out near the lake for the day?", I asked.
"The same lake your brother was supposed to drown me in?", He raised an eyebrow and put a hand on his hip.
"Oh my Gods you're so smart, McShizzle Man Daddy Leo", I said in a high pitched voice trying to mock him.
"See lady, when you say that it isn't hot-"
"You sound like this though"
"No, I don't. I sound hot"
"You sound like a bitch"
"A hot bitch"
"An ugly bitch actually-"
"Y/N! LEO! THERE YOU ARE!!". Both of us turned behind to see Jason running towards us with a small smile. His blonde hair swept behind as he ran. His purple shirt tight against his muscles.
"Stop eye-fucking him, Y/N. He's already taken", Leo whispered into my ear.
I looked at him and smirked, "Don't worry. I'm into scrawny guys".
"Wait really-"
"Hey Y/N, Leo". Jason finally reached us and softly panted. He brushed his hair to the side and gave his respectful smile.
"Wassup?", Leo and I both said it in unison, but that was a natural occurrance.
We're best friends, we share one braincell.
"Percy and I decided to hangout at the Posiedon Cabin. We wanted you to come too", Jason looked at me and said.
"You're not gonna invite me?", Leo gave a fake hurt expression.
"It's a hangout for the seven of us, and we decided to invite Y/N too"
"You're going to invite me in my own Cabin?", I raised my eyebrow at Jason, making the boy beside me laugh.
"We'll come, but we also have to go to the lake before the night", Leo cut him off and took my hand.
"Someone's getting jealous", I wiggled my eyebrows as we both set off in the other direction.
"No man can let my mamacita look at them like that", He crossed his arm and winked at me.
I laughed loudly and patted his arm. Just as I was about to comment something back, his sister Nyssa called him.
"Hey Leo! We need your help in making the new catapults!!", She said as she hulled a sheet of celestial bronze over her shoulders.
Leo looked back at me. "I'll see you later, Ma'am", he bid his farewell with bowing down and hopping off to his sister.
I smiled at his retreating figure with loving eyes. He was truly the best person I had met. From his cute features and charming personality, falling in love with him was easy.
"He's so oblivious, yknow", I heard a voice from behind me. I turned to find Piper and Jason standing side by side with their eyes on Leo who was now going back to his cabin.
"No, Pipes. I'm just good at being platonic"
"You flirt with him mercilessly"
"Which shows how platonic we are"
"Y/N, you should confess-"
"No, Piper". I cut her off. "After Calypso, I don't think he's ready yet". My arms circled around me as I give myself a hug.
"It's be a YEAR, Y/N", Jason softly said.
I just shook my head at him sadly and looked at his cabin. The nights where he cried in my arms, lonely and betrayed after his sudden break-up hurt me alot.
Calypso had broken up with him at dinner. She didn't explain at that time, and that hollowed Leo up. He wasn't okay after that. Calypso had left camp the next day and that left Leo's head filled with doubts.
I knew that if we ever got together, Leo would just hurt himself more.
"Lets just go and have lunch". I started walking away with my head down.
Lunch had finished in a blink of an eye with Percy talking on and on about how Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid were the best movies in existence.
The talk from before had drained away my happiness and left me numb. I didn't eat much, but i didn't care. My fear for Leo's feelings increased with each passing moment.
Percy opened the door in front of me, snapping me out of my daze. As I entered my cabin, I saw Annabeth and Piper setting up the sofa with a bunch of board games. Drinks and popcorns and chips were set on the table beside.
Just as I sat on the couch with my knees up to my chest, a loud voice came from the door. I turned around and saw the rest of the guys come in. Frank entered first with a look of regret on his face with Hazel and Jason following him with small smiles. Just behind him a scrawny guy popped in laughing loudly
Instantly my mood became better.
Leo must have teased Frank making him pinch the bridge of his nose and silently sit by my side. Frank turned his head to me and frowned.
"Out of all the guys at camp.... You choose him???", He whispered.
I gave him a big smile, "Yes Zhang. Yes".
Leo then instantly came beside me and pushed Frank to the other side of the couch and sat beside me. "Hey Mama, long time no see", he wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh.
"Yes, and I missed you very much", I said and rested my head on his shoulder.
I felt him stiffen under me, but just a second later he loosened up. Resting his back on the couch, he became comfortable by my side.
"You okay, Y/N?", He softly asked me, not to get any attention.
"Not really. But after you came I feel better", I confessed.
Leo didn't reply back, but I could feel him smiling big.
Minutes later, Percy decided we all play Uno. In short, it was a mess.
Piper used charmspeak on all of us and Hazel used her magic mist to fool us what card she had. In the end Annabeth won with all the guys whining.
We played another game of Uno, but now without the three girls. I sat in beside Leo in the circle and continued my game. Though it was absolutely chaotic, with Percy and Leo continuously cheating, I loved having Leo beside me.
Two hours had gone by. We'd ended playing charades in which we had a girls vs boys match.
Of course the girls won.
As the hours went on, I naturally came to Leo's side without him questioning me. We comfortably sat on the couch with his legs over mine.
"Ahhh I had fun today", I heard Leo say softly.
Turning my head towards him I smiled, "Yeah. It was good. But look at the time, I guess we'll have to go to the beach tomorrow".
Leo suddenly pushed his face towards me and looked at me with wide eyes. In shock, I pulled my face back and stared at him back with my own wide eyes.
"Lady, when have we ever followed the rules of this camp? You literally sneaked out with me a bazillion times to go to Bunker 9. What's stopping us now?", He wiggled his eyebrows at me.
I laughed and pushed his face away from mine. "You make sense. So.... After dinner?", I proposed.
"Meet me there by 10", Leo winked at me as the conch horn blew for dinner.
Of course I blushed at his small action, but thankfully he didn't see me as he stood up at the sound of the horn.
"LET'S GO DEEP THROAT OURSELVES WITH SOME FOOD YO", Leo cheered and ran out of the cabin to the dining pavillion.
Just as I was about to follow him out, I heard Annabeth calling me. "Hey Y/N".
"Yeah?", I turned back to see her and the rest of the guys looking at me with concern.
"I don't wanna seem nosey, but will you ever confess to him about your love?", She frowned.
Of course she wanted to talk to me about this.
"I don't know, Annabeth. But at the moment, this is the best option-"
"Please, I'm no daughter of Athena but that is the best option", Hazel got up from her seat and looked at me right in the eye. "We all can see how much the both of you like eachother".
"T-The both...of us??", I tilted my head.
What did she mean by 'the both of us'?.
"Yes. The BOTH of you. I know you both spend more time with eachother than what we see, but all the moments we both see of you I know Leo likes you back. Heck, I feel like you're all on his mind", She explained.
I looked down at my hands. Suddenly feeling insecure about myself as I remembered who was Leo's first girlfriend.
It was a Goddess for fuck's sake!!!
I remembered how beautiful she was when she was still at camp. Her beautiful long blonde hair that rested by her face perfectly. Her almond eyes that could make anyone dreamy. Her pouty lips that made her look like a doll.
I had none of that, and that was what Leo fell in love with.
His standards were too high, and I didn't even reach it.
"I don't really know, guys. He fell in love with Calypso who broke up with him out of the blue. If we were to ever date, then he'll just be too paranoid about me leaving him", I softly said.
My mood that was once good, going down the drain abruptly.
"But you'd never leave him. He just has to learn to trust you, and that's something you both have to work on", This time, Percy was the one to speak.
It was rare to have him give any advice, but I knew what he said was right. A relationship works only when both the partners work together, and Percy had alot of experience with Annabeth throughout the years.
I looked down and nodded, a sudden burst of motivation flowing through me.
"I'll confess to him tonight. When we're at the beach", I announced with confidence.
"But won't the harpies be there?", Frank asked looking around.
"Don't worry, Y/N. You go ahead with no worries. We have your back", Jason got up and smiled. "Now let's go to eat, we're getting late".
Dinner was done fast, with all of us sitting in our respectful tables since it was dinner.
At about 8, we all head back to our cabins for the night, but with my plan to confess to Leo, Percy and I were up.
"So, should I wear this?", I held up a red frock in my hands and directed it towards Percy.
He was laying down on his bed propped up on his elbow. "Little Sister, you're not going on a date, you're going to a hangout", he yawned.
"But I'm gonna PROPOSE-"
"But does he know about it?", Percy raised his eyebrow.
I sighed in defeat and sagged down on my bed. It was 9:30 now, and thirty minutes were left for me to meet the love of my life.
"Hey Y/N", I heard Percy call me out.
"Mmm?", I grumbled.
"Wear anything you want. Keep it simple and probably put on something you know he would like", he said from his bed.
"He likes the colour red", I stated.
"That's why you took out your red frock....", I could hear the smirk in my brother's voice.
"I know, stupid. I'll just wear a hoodie with some sweatpants. I don't think he'll really care".
"Don't you have one of his hoodies with you...?", Percy finally sat up and looked at me with bright eyes.
My eyes widened in realisation. I got up from my bed and walked up to my wardrobe to find one of Leo's favourite red hoodie he had given me one night when we were at bunker 9.
"I like what you think, brother. Now I shall go change". I picked the hoodie up with my black sweatpants and went to the bathroom for a quick body bath.
I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a messy ponytail. I didn't put any perfume on, since the scent of Leo was already driving me crazy.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I blushed crazily.
I was going to fucking CONFESS to a boy!!!
I rubbed my cheeks and went out of the bathroom to find Nico lying on my bed as Annabeth laid beside Percy.
Annabeth noticed me coming out of the bathroom and smiled. She then looked at Nico, "I called him to shadow travel you safely to Leo".
"Yo", I greeted the emo boy.
He simply nodded his head and got up from my bed.
Nico and I too were very close friends after I found out about how he had a crush on Percy. It always made me crack how Percy just wasn't Nico's type.
"Come on, Nicola. We have a boy to confess to", I said as I put on my vans.
"I've already confessed to my boy. And please, stop calling me that", He groaned.
"What? Nicola???", I smirked.
"I will cut your breasts off-"
"Okay! Let's go Death boy", I cut him off and dragged him out of the cabin.
Soon, we were in the shadows.
I didn't necessarily hate shadow travelling, but it's side effects were horrible. Though we had just traveled a small distance, I felt nauseous and lied down on the ground.
I was about to thank Nico but he disappeared as soon he left me. I scoffed and got up from the ground, making my way to the beach.
The sound of the waves made me smile, and the smell of the sea water calmed me down.
This was my element, and I loved it here.
As I smacked a branch away to see the sea, my eyes landed on Leo who sat on the sand. The moon was right in front of us, with stars shining brightly above us.
I smiled and walked towards the scrawny boy.
"Hey Leo", I greeted and sat down beside him.
He looked at me and smiled, not responding back. The look in his eyes was enough to tell me he was thinking about something. And that something wasn't good.
"You wore my hoodie", he stated.
"I love this hoodie", I smiled at him.
"Hmm", he hummed and looked up at the stars.
His eyebrows suddenly turned into a frown as his eyes scanned the sky. It seemed like a memory passed in his mind, reminding him of something bitter.
Why would a beach make him sad?
Just as I thought that, I remembered he and Calypso met at an island, a beach... Maybe he was remembering his days with her on the same background.
"Are you.... still thinking of... her?", I hesitantly asked.
Leo let out a deep sigh, his eyes becoming cloudy. "No matter how much time goes by, I'll still think WHY she left me. Was I seriously THAT bad that she had to leave so fast? Did I really treat her so horribly that she broke up with me in front of the entire camp?".
I simply listened to him as he spoke, denying his words in my mind.
His voice wavered as he took in a sharp breath.
A moment of silence past through us, the sounds of the waves only being heard. I decided to break it.
"I don't really know where you came up with all these thoughts but we all know those are all lies", I started. "You were probably the best boyfriend to her, so caring and loving and considerate. You were the first one to be there for her in THOUSANDS of years. I can't really say why she broke up with you, maybe she has her own reasons. But what I know that it isn't even one that you said".
Leo looked at me, the stars shining in his eyes. He really looked pretty tonight. His hair naturally ruffled, with a small stain of grease on his cheekbone. His elfish ears poking out from his hair.
"I don't.... I don't really know what I would do without you, Y/N", he said softly.
"Haha we were meant to be", I joked looking away, a small blush appearing on my cheeks.
Leo then stood up, stretching a hand to help me up. I took it and dusted my pants as I got up.
"Let's take a walk", Leo announced and took my hand in his.
I gladly intertwined our fingers and went closer to his side, know him making the first move was very rare. I smiled by his side as we took slow steps, a comfortable silence hanging over us.
I was sure we had walked for about fifteen minutes, but I really didn't care. Being by his side alone in silence was the best thing I could wish for. Though not possible, I snuggled further into his side, making him chuckle.
I rested my chin on his shoulder and looked at his face. He was seriously very beautiful. Each curve and bump made my heart beat faster. His eyes drowned me further into the love I held for him. His nose just seemed more kissable that night. His lips twisted my stomach, building fantasies in my mind.
"Gods you're beautiful", I muttered softly.
Leo looked at me in shock and then pointed at his chest. "Me?", He asked.
I simply nodded and smiled at him. Under the moonlight, I could see his ears getting red.
"You're also very cute, señor bonito".
"Where are you getting these Spanish words from, señorita", Leo flushed.
"I've been learning", I said.
"Anything for you, baby", I winked at him.
Leo blushed agressively. "You're becoming too much like me".
I laughed heartily and walked ahead, dragging Leo with me. We walked for a few more minutes till a different atmosphere settled around us.
Our pace slowed down till we stopped and faced the sea. Our eyes lingered at the small waves coming to the shore.
It slowly dawned to that it was time.
It was time to tell Leo about my feelings.
Though I was absolutely nervous and my heart bet faster than when I faced monsters, I tugged Leo's hand to face me. He turned and tilted his head cutely.
A second went by as we just stared, but then I did it.
I kneeled down in front of him as my left hand went in my pocket while my right held his.
His eyes were wide in shock, but I didn't let that stop me.
"Leo Valdez, Son of Esperanza Valdez. I am here today, or tonight, to tell you about something important", I started. But the moment I found my flow, I let my heart control me. The love I held for Leo from the moment I laid eyes on him finally were free.
"I remember the day I had come to camp, after being rescued by Jason in my school. You were there, talking with Harley about something he wanted to know. You seemed so passionate about what you loved, and I understood that when I sneaked into the forest that night to find you in bunker 9, building. I couldn't believe how we immediately clicked after the first words we shared, and how fast I felt connected with you."
"I was heartbroken when I saw you and Calypso kiss, but that day I understood that what I felt towards you wasn't a simple crush, but true love. To see you happy with her made my day. Just to see you genuinely happy and smiling made ME genuinely happy and smiling. I never expected myself to experience such healthy love towards a person who was already dating. But the day she broke up with you was one of the worst days I'd experienced. I felt so much rage towards her for leaving you. All I could see was you crying in my arms. I hated her, Leo. But I just couldn't blame her"
"After that day I started feeling us getting closer. Not physically, but emotionally. At those times I knew the love I held for you was correct, because you never made me feel bad. You understood me in ways no one ever had. You embraced my weird self, and slowly molded into my other half. Leo, it was YOU who made me feel loved and happy. You being you made it so easy to love you back, and I know that I'll keep loving you no matter where your heart lies"
"Tonight, I don't want you to force yourself to love me back, but tonight's the night where you get to know how LOVED you are. If you don't like me back, that's really okay. But please know, that I will always stay by your side no matter way. Leo Valdez, I am absolutely in love with you. Will you please be my lover till eternity?"
Finally, as I regained control over myself, I looked up at Leo.
Tears were streaming down his face and I heard him ugly sobbing. He agressively wiped his nose with his hand as his chest rises up and down.
Worried, I got up and cupped his face. "If my speech of love was that bad, you could just say so. No need to cry", I said wiping his tears away.
His eyes locked to mine, and the next moment he was embracing. "Y/N, you have no idea what you make me feel. I really can't believe a person is capable of making me feel so... Needed. I-... You're seriously the bestest friend I've ever had", he sniffled.
So I'm being rejected.
"I'll keep being your best friend no matter what, Leo. You're my official permanent buddy", I said making him laugh.
He pulled away from the hug and cupped my cheeks in his long hands. He smiled softly and scanned my face. "Thank you for everything, Y/N. Thank you for being their at my worst. Thank you for making me feel loved. Everytime you stood by my side, I just fell harder for you".
"Yes, Y/N. I love you too. And I'd love to be your lover for eternity", He spoke with a wide smile on his face.
His confession made my ears burn, my heart race against my chest. I looked at him with wide eyes.
"Is that a yes?", I asked.
Leo laughed, "Yes, it is".
I broke away from him and laughed, my own tears coming out of my eyes. Two years of loving him, and finally he was mine.
"I love you, Leo Valdez", I said.
"I love you too, Y/N", he responded.
His hand circled my waist, pulling me close to him. At the close distance, I could feel his heart beating as fast as mine was.
"Can I kiss you, mi amor?", His accent slipped out, making me blush.
I looked up at him and let myself smile. Getting up on my tip toes, I leaned in to carefully set my lips on his. A shot of electricity passed through my body, though the touch was so soft.
My eyes closed down, and Leo pressed into me. We didn't move, we just stayed like that. Lip to lip, as our love finally reached to the other. Breaking away to get breath, I looked at him again.
"I forgot to tell you, but you look very fuckable in my hoodie, Y/N", He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Really, dude? Not even five minutes since we confessed"
"You love me like that, though".
"True true".
"So....now what?", He asked looking around.
An idea sparked in my head. "I tell everyone you rejected me and then we make out at lunch in front of everyone".
"Oh I have the most perfect girlfriend".
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llendrinall · 3 years
As we all know, Charlie Weasley could have played for Britain had he not gone off chasing dragons. There’s a lot of gold that comes with being a good international player. What do you think it would have been like if the Weasleys were doing better financially?
Frankly, I don’t think things would change all that much. Not everybody is a Ronaldo or a Messi (to draw parallels with football/soccer) making really stupid amounts of money. At least during the first few years, until Charlie became a Big Name, he would make money, maybe even tons of money, but I doubt it would be enough to change things significantly.
Mostly I think Charlie would be very unhappy and Percy’s break with the family would be much more intense (what! After the way he behaved in canon? Yes, more than that. Percy would be the next Charlie, getting a job far away and visiting home rarely).
The question here is: why are the Weasleys poor? There is a quick and dirty answer, which is that JKR wanted a rich=bad, poor= good - noble, structure. But she didn’t build a reason as to whyit is so. (There is also no reason why the Malfoys are rich, but money has inertia so we can half buy it). Thus, she accidentally made the Weasleys come across as reeeeally financially irresponsible and the creators of their own poverty.
Let’s look at the money. Supposedly, Hogwarts is free for all students, which makes sense because a significant portion of those students will me muggleborns and I can’t imagine how that conversation would go with their parents (“Your child is gifted! Magical! Now let us take them for 10 months of the year and give us money”). Hogwarts budget must come from the Ministry and the expenses are supervised by the Board of Governors. This, together with how big the Ministry infrastructure seems to be, makes me think that taxes in the wizarding world must be pretty high.
(US readers, double whatever number you are thinking).
Let’s say… 40% of income at the very least. That’s a big chunk for the Weasleys, considering they only have one salary. Since Arthur is overlooked for promotions, we can guess his salary isn’t high. He is head of a department, but it’s a joke department.
The books hint that the Weasleys own the land they live in. If they were renting the Burrow, and it would be hilariousif their landlord were Malfoy, then the house should be in a better state and they wouldn’t be responsible for the gnomes or the ghoul. Since there was no dramatic subplot about Malfoy trying to kick them out, I will assume they own the house and the land. Maybe they have a mortgage on it? One with ridiculous high rates, for argument’s sake.
So that’s most of the money accounted for. What other expenses do they have? According to the ONS the average UK household, after taxes, has a budget as follows (simplified):
Housing (rent, interest and upkeep) – 33%
Food and utilities – 20%
Transport – 14%
Recreation – 12%
Holidays – 11%
Restaurants – 7%
Other – 3%
Let’s say that the mortgage has an insane rate, so 40% of the budget, after taxes, is going there. But we can scratch transportation right away since they have apparition and side apparition and, more importantly, they have nowhere to go. The kids are homeschooled and the one person in the household who has to go to work everyday, can simply apparate right before the office. So that 14% of transportation can go to the housing budget.
Next, food. The Weasleys have many more children than average so the food expense should be higher. On the other hand, they have a lot of land. Supposedly a plot of land of 24x30m (80x100 feet or, for the Americans, about the size of a small Starbucks, the kind that is integrated inside a business) is enough to feed one person for a year in an exclusively plant-based diet. My experience is that a plot of 10x10 meters (32x32 feet or a small Subway shop) can feed a family of 4 if they supplement with eggs and milk and they are smart with the crop distribution.
If the Weasleys kept hens and an orchard, they could keep the food costs low enough that the large family size wouldn’t matter. Plus, during the teenage years, when the calorie demand is higher, the kids are in Hogwarts 10 out of 12 months of the year.
This still leaves them with a very small budget. But considering the only thing magic can’t produce is a) food b) a property deed, almost everything else can be procured with a spell. Furniture wear and tear? A reparo will take care of that. Kids are growing and we need bigger beds? Transfiguration. Clothes? Buy the fabric and use a spell. Maybe it won’t be pretty, but it will be cheap. There will be many luxuries they can’t afford. No eating out, no holidays, no fancy broomsticks. And there are some unavoidable expenses, like school supplies (although books could be reused). Although with the exception of Ginny, there are 2-3 years between children so they have time to save. The moment a kid reaches Hogwarts age they have to make a big investment of wand, cauldron, etc. and then they can write them off. The high taxes also mean they have services like free healthcare and free education with board and room.
It’s a difficult situation. But notice that it’s one that I have created myself. We don’t know if they have a mortgage and we don’t know the tax duties. I’m just coming up with reasons for the expenses while not giving them supplemental income, like Molly selling preserves and whatnot.
I still think that things shouldn’t be so tight that they can’t afford a new wand for each kid. Yet Ron went to Hogwarts with Charlie’s old wand and spent a whole academic year with his wand broken. The Weasleys should had been able to afford a wand. Sure, they just bought Ginny’s school package, but Harry gave her some of the books. It might set them back, it might mean no new robes for the family, but they ought to have that money. Books you can reuse and hope the content is pretty much the same. Wands, you cannot. With broken wands, you are putting your child’s education and even life in danger.
Ron didn’t get the new wand because it was useful for the story that his wand was broken, but the internal logic of the story speaks of extreme economic irresponsibility. Despite all the excuses I tried to come up with (high taxes, high mortgage, Molly is working all day at the garden) not giving Ron a new wand points at a situation of extreme financial ignorance.
So, if Charlie went the Quidditch route the Weasleys would do a bit better, they might pay off their debt, but I don’t think they would be able to grow savings because they simply don’t know how. Charlie would have the added stress of not only performing well in his job but also being the main bread-winner for the whole family. Percy, who is quite observant, would have constant fights about what he considers unnecessary luxuries. He would resent his father even more and he would accept the first job that took him out of the country. The twins would probably resent Ron and Ginny a bit, since they would be the ones to experience having new things.
Charlie would have to make truly astounding amounts of money so that his earnings overcome the family’s blundering of the budget.
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mairen-marionette · 2 years
📓 !!!
Okay so, this one is for how Billiam managed to obtain Butler and why he was there in the first place, more or less. Might end up making this after all, might end up splitting it up a bit, but here it is: 
For background, Billiam and Hubert have already found/renovated/built the mansion, but they are having troubles with money and well, dealing with a few things from their not-so-distant past. So they need money, and while Billiam could in theory get a foot into the investment business, they still need money to so as well as collateral to back it up. Not to mention the fact that they're living with the Egg and have that to appease.
Long story short, that's how the crime arc starts, for Billiam at least. Or rather, after he comes from town one day, it starts something like this:
"Okay Hubert, don't freak out but I met these guys..."
"Ok-ay...Billiam, what did you do-?"
"They're bandits and they'll give me a cut if I join them, at least for the meantime."
"...welp, we're dead."
The first few jobs go well. Billiam is the distraction or the person with the getaway horses, for the most part. A lot of the time, the robberies are relatively minor things and don't usually involve a hold up. No one has died, yet. All divvied up the money is all a very good amount for each of them. Until some of the other guys start getting impatient, getting greedy, especially the ones with a gambling problem. And as that happened, others in the group become paranoid.
Billiam sends a letter home to Hubert about once a week.
Fast forward about a week and it all comes to a head when they end up in some small but apparently well-off town in the middle of the desert. It wasn't even a planned stop, or a planned heist- they just happened upon the town that day and when one of them heard the town had a lot of money and gold in the vault...well, why not?
But before they do, they are simply a group of travelers passing through. And of course, they go to the bar for drinks. And that's actually how Billiam ends up meeting John John the bartender and his brother, Moon. He doesn't initially pay much attention to the child (aside from subconsciously keeping track of him) but the quiet little child does seem curious about him and Billiam doesn't particularly mind too much, so he lets the kid hang around him for a little bit before shooing him off. Billiam also happens to catch the attention of the one other Piglin hybrid in town, Sheriff Sherman Thompson. At this point in time, Billiam hasn't met another Piglin hybrid before. The conversation was...interesting.
Later, the other bandits have Billiam scout out the bank, pretending to be an investor. The robbery is planned for later that night, when the townsfolk are sleeping. No one was supposed to be there. The plan was for half of them to wait with the horses outside town while the rest robbed the bank.
It all ends up going wrong, badly wrong, for many reasons:
Number 1: Percy was there, having come back to check on something. Number 2: Several in the group were jumpy and very, very ready to open fire. Number 3: Moon had followed them there and they didn't notice. And lastly, and most costly, number 4: Crops was out, and he was hungry. 
Long story short, Billiam ends up being the only survivor out of the group who went into the bank and flees back to the rest of the group with the money- and a small child who happened to get caught up in the whole thing. And when they see that he's come back alone...all hell breaks loose.
Billiam somehow manages to escape with almost all of the stolen money from both the bank and the other heists, his own horse, and the small, terrified child who he didn't even mean to grab in the first place.
“You alright kid? ...oh, right, you uh...you don’t talk...okay, okay, it’s okay. Hey, I uh...I have an offer for you- you see, I still need to get some more money, and if you help me, I’ll give you a portion of it and bring you back home. How does that sound?” The kid looks up at him, and nods. And that’s how Billiam gets a little assistant for the time being. 
And for the next week or two, it all goes well, even with Billiam’s former companions, Sheriff Sherman Thompson, and Crops chasing after him. He grows attached to the kid, but still fully intends to give him his share of the money and let him go soon. 
Instead, the other bandits catch up to them first and Moon gets hurt in the crossfire, badly. Billiam now has all of their money, more than enough to set him on the path to riches, but Moon is hurt and there is no way he’s leaving the kid in that state, and that’s how he ends up taking Moon home with him.
Hubert hadn’t seen or heard from Billiam in weeks, so when Billiam came home the man is both relieved and furious. So he rushes down the stairs, “Billiam! Where the hell have you been?! I thought you were dead-” and then he sees a still very hurt Moon in a very, very distressed Billiam’s arms.
“...Hubert, I uh...I got our money. Please help me with the kid.” In the end, though he meant to go back to the town and Billiam did mean to return him, that’s not what ended up happening. Instead, what happens is that it takes Moon a long time to recover from his injuries, especially when he repeatedly falls ill for the next couple of months. He ends up staying, though he does mean to return home eventually, if only to tell John that he’s alright. That doesn’t happen.
What happens is that Moon stays, and after that, well, the rest is history. I may end up writing this all out properly eventually, but we’ll see. 
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pikelanette · 4 years
hey friends!! been a while, I know... but hey, here’s some modern AU perc’ahlia! inspired by the prompt ‘carnival’ and kind of sad but also kind of happy (my favourite)
Pairing: perc’ahlia Words: 4580 Rated: T Link: ao3
a modern au about winning bears at carnivals
The first time Vex’ahlia saw Trinket, she let out a delighted chuckle.
Gilmore was showing them all of the prizes the kids could win at his shooting game at the annual Emon carnival. He’d pulled it all together at record speed. Apparently, his diner was going through just a tiny bit of a dip in visits, so he wanted to lure in some more families with younger kids by participating in the carnival and plastering his logo on everything he sold. He told Vex and Vax about it a couple of weeks ago and flirted with both of them until they gave in and promised that they’d help out. Vax would help out at the waffle stand and Vex was going to run the shooting game stand a few lanes over.
The game was fairly simple: customers had to hit a couple of unicorn-themed targets with a small plastic gun that shot tiny squishy balls. If they couldn’t hit any, they got a consolation prize, a discount for a waffle at Gilmore’s other stand. But if they did manage to get some hits in, there was a variety of small, cute prizes for them to pick from. And the biggest prize was a huge bear plushie.
Vex’s eyes shone brightly as she looked the bear over. When her brother saw what she was looking at, he snorted. Then he reached out and took her hand. He got it, of course.
When they were six, their mother took them to a carnival. The big prize for one of the games was a huge bear plushie just like this one. Weirdly realistic, kind of menacing, absolutely perfect for her. She’d spent a stupid amount of time trying to win it, but money was tight, and when she noticed her mom’s guilty expression every time she opened her wallet, she let it go. It didn’t stop her from walking by the stall a couple of more times, just to see the bear. She made up a story where she’d rescue him from his carnival prison and he would be her best friend. Together, they’d go an adventure. Vax too, of course. He was part of all of her adventures.
Quietly giving up on that bear was a turning point in her life. It was the moment she realised that her mom needed her help. Her mom needed her to be strong and happy with the tiniest things. Her mom needed her to stop wanting things.
Vex’ahlia never stopped wanting things.
She hadn’t thought of that bear in years. Her life had a bunch of other turning points that kind of took the spotlight away from it. Losing their mother to cancer. Moving in with their horrible father. Finally leaving his house the second she and Vax turned eighteen.
That last one got their lives onto a better track, though. Things got better after they left the Vessar family behind. It was rough at first, of course, trying to make a living, but they’d saved up money while they still lived with their father for that exact purpose, so things never got out of hand. They took any jobs they could for a while, and then they went into the food business. They opened their bakery when they were twenty-four. Thanks to Vax’s creativity and Vex’s eye for business, it took off after a year.
It was a little poetic that the bear came back into her life after all that.
She walked up to it and patted one of its arms, greeting it like an old friend. Gilmore had no idea what was happening and his head was too full to ask, so he just told her to get acquainted with the place before the opening the day after and dragged Vax off to see to the waffle stand.
Vex watched them go with a smile on her face and turned back to the bear. “It’s you and me again, buddy,” she told it. She grabbed its paw and shook it. “Nice to finally meet you. This is going to be fun.”
And it was fun.
Their bakery hadn’t made it through the selection process for the food stands at the carnival, but this way she could still show her face to prospective customers. People knew her as Vex from the bakery, so every time she chatted with them and handed out prizes to the children, she knew that she was putting her bakery back into their heads. The bakery was open, of course; their employees were running it during these weeks. Vex knew exactly how to pepper that fact into conversation.
Gilmore’s game was deceptively simple, so most customers left with a nice prize. The discount system worked too: Vax told her that most of the people who won a discount code showed up to get their waffles and spent some extra money on drinks and special toppings. Gilmore’s business was booming. And according to JP, the bakery was seeing customers too, despite the carnival.
The shifts were very long, but Vex didn’t mind. After the carnival she’d be beat for a couple of days, but for now she was thriving. She loved commerce. She loved carnivals. And Vax brought her waffles.
She ran the stand by herself, which kept her very busy during rush hours, but she preferred it that way. She liked having full control over the entire place. It reminded her of the first year at the bakery, when Vax and her were the only people keeping the place together. It was a little weird not to have Vax there, sometimes, considering that comparison, but every time she felt that she could just turn to Trinket.
She named him Trinket because all of the prizes were trinkets, and because he was adorable. Every morning when she came in, she patted him on his arm and told him good morning. A few days into the carnival, everyone knew that Vex had made friends with the giant bear at the shooting stand. She would stand next to it when the children were shooting and pretend to talk to it about how incredible their aim was. She’d frown and nod like she was listening to a response and tell the children that Trinket thought that they were awesome. No one came close to winning him, of course. You needed seriously good aim to get all of the targets, and for the big prize there was a time limit too.
Of course, some people couldn’t resist teasing her about her friendship with the bear. Like the handsome engineer who fixed broken games all day
He caught her eye as early as the second day of the carnival. He was called in to fix the Wack-A-Mole came right opposite to Vex’s stand and Vex absolutely did a double take when he came walking up.
He was wearing the same blue uniform as all the other engineers at the carnival did, but there was something different about him. He held himself as straight as a rod, every movement efficient and sharp. He wore glasses, golden-rimmed, and his shoes might be well-worn, they were clearly very high quality.
Money, she concluded with a surprise. You didn’t usually spot people with money doing jobs like this. He must enjoy it.
There was a lull in business around the time the engineer worked the Wack-A-Mole, so she had all the time in the world to send glances his way and check him out as he worked. He disappeared behind the machine for a while, but eventually he came back out, covered in grime and dirt and slightly sweaty. He wiped his hand over his forehead, still holding a wrench, and then he looked up and stared straight at her.
He looked eerily composed for someone who had just done some very dirty work. Something inside of Vex jumped to attention.
The engineer turned back to the guy running the Wack-A-Mole without saying anything and told him that there shouldn’t be any more problems with the machine. Vex made sure to busy herself at the till as they said their goodbyes, somehow knowing that he wouldn’t just leave. And she was right. Footsteps came up to her stand and halted, and when she looked up with her customer service smile, she found the handsome engineer.
“You must be bored,” he said. His voice was smooth and perfect, like whiskey down her throat. Lovely.
“It is rather quiet at the moment,” she replied, her smile fading into a more sincere one, “But the past half hour has been pretty entertaining.”
He smiled back. “You have a pretty intense stare.”
She leaned against the counter. “Being subtle is overrated, don’t you think?”
“Oh yes,” he said, “It has a time and a place.” He smiled again. “I’m Percy. I’d shake your hand, but…” He wiggled his grimy fingers. “Perhaps some other time.”
“I suppose we could do introductions without the traditional handshake,” Vex teased, “I’m Vex’ahlia.”
“Vex’ahlia,” he repeated, “Nice to meet you. You work with Gilmore?”
“Temporarily. He’s a friend. My brother and I own the bakery on sixth.”
“You didn’t get a spot with the stands?”
She shrugged. “Too many applicants. We’ll try again next year.”
“Shame. You make a mean cinnamon roll.”
Vex laughed. She was very proud of their cinnamon rolls. “You’re a fan, are you? I don’t remember seeing you around. I’m sure I would.”
He patted his head. “Is it the hair?”
He did have a very distinctive shock of white hair. But they’d already established her opinion on subtlety.
“That, and your face.”
He snorted and shot her a look. She just grinned back at him unabashedly.
“My sister usually picks them up,” he said, ignoring her compliment, “We have them for our Sunday brunch.”
Vex smiled. “What a lovely idea. We also have a great brioche every week. It makes for some really delicious French toast. Perfect for a brunch.”
He arched an eyebrow at her. “Are you trying to flirt me into spending more money, Vex’ahlia?”
She laughed and sent him a mischievous look. “I merely want you to have the best brunch experience as possible, Percy. We just happen to offer the best product.”
He looked her over and waved his finger at her. “You’re dangerous,” he concluded.
“Absolutely. But you don’t look like you scare easily.”
He grinned. “I do not.”
“Then I expect I’ll see you around.”
“You’d be wise to.”
“I am so wise.”
He came by every day after that. Usually, he just chatted her up during one of his shifts. His work took him everywhere around the carnival and he passed by her stand often enough to just have a brief moment to flirt with her. He was a good flirter. She was enjoying herself.
The first time he caught her doing her little act with Trinket in front of some kids, he hid his laughter behind a fist. It was busy, so he didn’t say anything at the time, but when he came back later that day he had a twinkle in his eye that told her that he hadn’t forgotten.
“You never introduced us,” he said as he approached.
Vex sighed, catching his meaning, and patted Trinket on his arm. “Do you hear that, buddy? We’ve made Percy question himself.”
“Well, the two of you are clearly very close.” Percy leaned against the counter, cocking his head at her. “A man can’t help but wonder if there’s a reason you didn’t want us to meet.”
She crossed her arms. “Not every guy gets to meet my pet bear.”
“You wound me.”
She laughed. Over the days, Percy had really made an impression on her. There was something about the way he looked at her, something sharp and perceptive, that made her feel seen in a way that she usually didn’t. Plus, he could dish it out as well as he took it. That was rare, in her experience.
She was called away to let some kids play the game and his gaze drifted over to the targets. Sometimes, when he watched someone play it, he started tapping his fingers against his thigh. There was a nervous energy to him when he watched someone shoot.
Vex smiled to herself and told Trinket that the girl was doing incredible. Once the child left with her prize, a plastic unicorn the size of a microwave, she sauntered back over to Percy.
“Just do it,” she said.
He turned his gaze on her. “Do what?”
She nodded to the game. “Give it a try. You clearly want to.”
He laughed.
She absolutely adored his laughter.
“It does seem fun,” he admitted, his eyes still twinkling joyfully.
“Well, go for it.” She winked at him. “Give me your money, Percy.”
“You won’t even give me a discount?”
“Percy, I am a businesswoman.”
He snorted and flexed his fingers, looking back at the targets. “Alright. Sure.” He dug into his pockets and pulled out some coins, depositing them in Vex’s outstretched hand. She put them in the till as he picked up the tiny plastic gun. It looked ridiculous in his large hands; a hilarious sight that she was trying not to laugh at. She didn’t want to break his concentration.
He weighed the thing in his hands for a second and then brought it up. His fingers flexed one more time. Then he pulled the trigger.
He hit the first target easily. “A strong start,” Vex told Trinket appreciatively.
His lips quirked up into a lop-sided smile, but he didn’t look away from the game. He shot again.
By this point, Vex was watching him with a bemused grin. He was good. Where did he get that kind of aim?
She checked the prize ratings to see what he was going to get if he kept this up.
He missed the next one and cursed, but Vex felt a rush of relief as she realised he wasn’t going to get a perfect score. She patted Trinket’s arm.
He hit the next three, then missed the last two. All in all, it was the best score anyone had gotten as of yet.
“Impressive,” she said as he put the plastic gun back down. She turned to the prizes to pull down an extensive embroidery set (unicorn-pattern included). “Much experience with fire arms?”
“In a way. I work at the paintball range just out of town.”
This man really loved to get down and dirty, huh?
She held out his prize to him. “That’s pretty cool. Is everyone there as good as you are?”
Percy tentatively took the embroidery set out of her hands, looking at it like it was a lost child he had no idea what to do with. “Not really. But they’re decent enough.”
She laughed at his expression and his blunt confidence. The sound of it drew his gaze back to her, and he sent her that enticing half-smile again.
“Well, I’m certainly impressed,” she told him, trying not to blush. Her heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled at her like that, and it was ridiculously embarrassing, even if he couldn’t tell.
Percy hummed and looked back at the game. “Don’t be impressed yet.”
She arched an eyebrow at him, but he didn’t give her an explanation. Instead, he got back to work, leaving her with a wave of his hand and a row of question marks on her mind, the embroidery set tucked underneath his arm. The question marks disappeared soon enough, because business picked up again after that.
Something in had changed, though. After that, he tried the game every day. He started hitting the fourth target pretty quickly, but the last two still eluded him. They were pretty challenging, and the little plastic gun clearly wasn’t his preferred weapon.
It was Vex’s favourite part of the day. Percy would come by, usually bringing her a drink or a snack or just a snarky comment about someone at the carnival, he’d hand her some cash and then he’d try the game. He didn’t get frustrated when he couldn’t hit everything, but he was never truly content with his work either. He just stared at the last two targets sometimes, cogs in his head clearly whirling, trying to figure out how to make this work. But he never stayed too long – he always got back to work right when he was supposed to. Percy was nothing if not punctual. Plus, he loved his work here. She could tell from the way he talked about it.
Vex was having the time of her life. Not even her brother’s teasing about Percy could dull her sheer joy.
Then one day, Percy hit the eighth target.
Vex couldn’t deny the way her stomach dropped when the squishy little ball hit the target. Percy looked better than he ever did, staring at it with a fire in his eyes that made him seem invincible. But Vex couldn’t focus on it, because she was too busy clutching the huge artificial bear beside her.
Percy brought up the gun again, and part of her wanted to call out for him to stop. Panic hit her like a freight train and she held her breath.
He missed.
Vex breathed out and tried to still her shaking fingers. Percy was frowning at the target, clearly discontent. She laughed to relieve some of her own tension.
“Don’t feel bad, darling,” she said, “The last one is a real killer. I think it was made to be impossible.”
“Nothing is impossible,” Percy said. He eyed the ninth target again, still holding the gun as if he might try again.
“Until when were you on break?” Vex asked quickly, “Five to? Because then you should be getting back to work.”
Percy nodded and put down the gun, turning to smile at her. “You’re right. I’ll see you tomorrow, Vex’ahlia.”
“Looking forward to it.”
She waved at him before he disappeared into the crowd. Then her smile dropped from her face.
She tried to shake off the tension in her neck and shoulders. She was doing customer service, for God’s sake. She had to look welcoming.
She plastered her smile back on and tried to forget.
She thought it worked right up until Percy came back the next day, a smile on his face and his money already in his hand. Immediately, her shoulders tensed up again.
She smiled back at him. “Back to give it another try, then?”
“I’m going to get it one of these days.”
“Oh, well… There’s only five days left. You might have to concede.”
Percy handed her the money, his eyes already on the targets. “Not I, Vex’ahlia. Not I.”
Vex’s heart was in her throat from the moment he picked up the gun to the second he put it back down. He still couldn’t hit the ninth target, but she was getting seriously nervous. He’d managed to go from hitting the first seven to the first eight in… What, three days? There were still five days of the carnival left. The ninth target was definitely the hardest to hit, but, contrary to what she said before, it wasn’t impossible. He just needed some seriously good aim and a healthy dose of luck.
She looked at her bear. She felt jittery and uncomfortable, like she’d had too much caffeine.
“Are you alright?” Percy asked, a worried frown between his eyes.
Vex almost jumped. “What? Yes. I’m fine.”
She was being short with him, but for some reason he was annoying her right then.
He didn’t seem to pick up on it. Instead, he just nodded and said his goodbyes before heading back out into the fray.
Vex couldn’t calm down for the rest of the day. She kept glancing at Trinket, standing beside her all big and strong and dependable. She wouldn’t admit to it, but she’d been secretly thinking about taking him home after the carnival was done. She was sure she could give Gilmore a fair price for him. After all, she was now at an age where she could indulge herself. She could have the huge bear plushie if she wanted to. She could take him if no one else did.
After her shift ended that night, she looked up Gilmore. She couldn’t help herself.
“Shaun,” she said, making her voice and smile as warm and inviting as possible.
He arched an eyebrow at her, already suspicious.
Vex dropped the act. She frowned. “Is there a way to make sure that no one wins the main prize?”
She was about to repeat her question when he held up a hand to silence her. “That’s illegal,  Vex. We’re not doing that.”
“But is there?” she pushed.
Gilmore sighed and stepped up to her, sending her one of his own signature dazzling grins. “Vex’ahlia. Darling. If you mess with the mechanics of my game, I will snap your neck like a twig.”
Vex repressed an angry pout and turned away from him. “I was just joking,” she snapped. She straightened out her shirt and left him.
The next few days, she had to physically restrain herself from biting her nails while on shift. The jittery energy she’d felt the day Percy hit the eighth target was a constant now. She kept bouncing her leg and rolling a coin between her fingers. She did breathing exercises to keep herself from rushing the customers, but she couldn’t help the turbulent river of nervousness that coursed through her own body. The sight of Percy’s white shock of hair in the crowd was no longer something that she looked forward to. Instead, every day she crossed her fingers that that day he’d be too busy to visit.
He never was, of course. No, he showed up every day, at a different moment, catching her off guard just as business lulled for a moment. First, she’d draw him into conversation, asking him about his work, his family, his hobbies, anything. She flirted excessively, trying to keep his attention fully occupied. But, about five minutes before his break would end, he’d hand her the money and pick up the gun.
She hated him a little bit in those moments. Couldn’t this guy take a fucking hint?
But he still hadn’t hit the ninth target by the time the last day of the carnival arrived. Vex dared to be a little hopeful. The odds were against him, at least, and she’d talked to Gilmore about taking Trinket home after the carnival. As long as they got through this day, her buddy would have a permanent place in her living room. But she hadn’t yet cleared out a spot. She didn’t have that kind of confidence yet.
When Percy came to the shooting stand that day, it felt like the moment that the entirety of these two weeks had led up to. She kind of felt like there should be a crowd for this. Someone should be paying attention, at least. Instead, everyone around them was just having their regular fun. Someone was cackling at the Wack-A-Mole stand. A mother was chastising her child for holding their ice-cream a little loosely. In the distance, they could hear the excited yelling of people on one of the more exciting rides.
Percy smiled at her as he gave her the money for the game. “One more try,” he said conspiratorially.
Vex forced a laugh that sounded hollow to her own ears, clutching the money in her hands.
She refused to hold onto Trinket as Percy picked up the gun. Instead, she crossed her arms, hunching her shoulders a little. She felt small, and she hated it. She hated that she cared about this. She hated that she couldn’t talk about it.
She was six years old again, walking past that carnival game just to steal another glance.
Percy hit the first five targets easily. He moved in a smooth line now, quick as a dancer. He was beautiful.
He took a breath before he hit the sixth. Took a second. Hit the seventh. The eighth.
Vex’ahlia held her breath. Her heart was racing. For some reason, fight or flight was kicking in, and she had the incredible urge to break something. She wanted to punch his pretty face.
Percy angled the gun. He moved his hand a hairbreadth. Settled.
Vex followed the little ball with her eyes as it shot towards the ninth target. She watched it sail right into it with an audible plop.
Bells went off. She was pretty sure a confetti gun covered the entire place in colourful paper. She didn’t care.
Tears rushed into her eyes. She was six years old, and she had to walk past the carnival stand. She had to give up the bear.
She looked up and caught the tail-end of an adorable dorky victory dance that Percy was doing. He had a grin on his face that could light up the night sky.
She turned away quickly, palming at her eyes to get rid of the tears. She took a deep breath.
She was twenty-seven. It was time to give up the bear.
“Congratulations!” she said, turning back to Percy with a smile.
His grin had faded into a content smirk. “I knew I could do it. I just had to get it right.”
“It’s a real feat.”
She tried to keep her voice peppy. Percy was a good guy. She liked Percy. It was just a bear.
He was basking in his own satisfaction. “Can I come pet him?” he asked her, a tease to his voice.
Vex forced a laugh and waved him over to the stand’s entry point. “Of course. He’s all yours.”
Percy entered the stand and stepped up into her space since the first time she met him. He was a little taller than she was, and he smelled like oil and caramel apples. He had her favourite smile on his face, but she couldn’t enjoy it.
She turned her face away and led him to Trinket. “Here he is! The man himself.”
“An honour to finally meet you,” Percy said, patting Trinket’s paw with his hand.
Vex bit her cheek.
“So,” Percy said casually, glancing at her, “What are you going to do with him?”
She blinked slowly. “What?”
“The bear,” Percy said, “Where are you going to put him? He’s pretty big.”
“Where am I going to put him?”
“Well, yes.” Percy turned his body towards her and crossed his arms, smiling down at her. His eyes had a boyish glint to them. “I’m not going to separate a lady from her pet bear. What do you take me for?”
Vex needed another few moments to wrap her head around what he was telling her. “What? You… What, you’re… You’re… Wait, you’re giving me the bear? You won it.”
“I think you’ll give him a better home than I would. Besides, isn’t this customary? Winning a prize for your date?”
“You…” Vex’ahlia let out a laugh. All of the tension she’d accumulated dispersed in one cackling bout of laughter. When she finally wiped the tears from her eyes, Percy was looking at her a little weird, although not at all displeased.
“I didn’t know we were on a date,” she said finally. Her hand reached for Trinket instinctively, and when she touched him, she knew that she could finally take him home.
She was twenty-seven. This bear was hers.
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sailorquinn · 4 years
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『 hunter schafer. twenty one. trans girl. she/her. 』 oh heavens, is that SAILOR QUINN from MAIN STREET i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them - GREEDY & - IMPULSIVE. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool WAITRESS AT SUNRISE DINER AND LOCAL PSYCHIC and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been + WARM & + QUICK WITTED. i hope i see them around again! 『 pepper. twenty four. est. she/her. 』
ABOUT THE MUN. the 2000 claymation film chicken run radicalized me hi, hey, hello, everyone my name is pepper and i am at work 😔 but i am also currently slacking off from work to write this 🤠 we love to see it. the duality of man. a bit about me is that i would lay my life down for hunter schafer !!! i am so excited to finally play her this has been my dream since i laid eyes on her,,, that and to take her hand in marriage but i digress. fun fact number 2, i have just started skins at my big age and i hate tony with a passion!!! i’ll fight that little punk i swear !!! fun fact number three, i have an irrational fear of humanoid beings with gills, looking at you sharkboy !! thanks for traumatizing me as a kid buddy, someone had to do it !! this fear also includes the deep from the boys, that weird fish guy that that one lady banged in that oscar nominated movie, and gill from kim possible. all of these fish men all my living nightmares, thank you for coming to my ted talk 😌 (honestlee,,, why is this such a common trope in media. who started this,,,why do they hate me). and finally, the most important thing you need to know about me, is that as a child i thot that god looked like king trident from the little mermaid. i think we can all relate to that, right? right. okay moving onto the love of my life, ms. sailor quinn.  
BIO. winks with my third eye 
everyone in mapleview knows about the quinns. the family has been here probably nearly as long as the town has and is pretty well known for their eccentrics. let’s just say the quinns were definitely, understandably, some of the first women in the history of mapleview to be accused of as being witches, an act of which they made the good ol’ mapleview history books for. this is a fact that sailor often looks back on with pride. honestly, it was one of the only things that made going to history class worth it, because despite how painfully boring the class was in general, sailor could never get tired of the startled looks of her classmates whenever her ancestry was brought up.
nowadays the quinns are arguably living a less exciting life than the good old days of being accused of sorcery. instead, they’re psychics. fortune tellers, if you will. you can find their family shop on main street, and if you’re ever feeling particularly divinely inspired you can stop by for a reading and a few charms or some crystals (they also offer sagings and exorcisms) . the third eye has actually become a bit of a tourist attraction actually, well, as much of a tourist attraction as you could find in mapleview, due to the actions of sailor’s mother. 
to put it simply, sailor’s mother had plans bigger than mapleview could offer. around the time the she was eighteen she left the town for hollywood. now, you would think based in this information that venus quinn had big plans of being on the big screen maybe. or that perhaps she had the voice of an angel and wanted to sing on the radio. you would be wrong. 
sailor’s mother became a reality tv show psychic. as you can guess, the psychic community loves her. that is, if love involved a myriad of curses being put on you and maybe a bit of voodoo. okay, she’s universally despised by psychics pretty much everywhere. i think it’s to be expected. 
sailor was born into this legacy. as you can guess, it was a pretty heavy cross to bear. she was born into a b-list fame that meant her mother had to call her own paparazzi, that sailor herself simply had to be homeschooled to avoid the ‘mobbing’ of perhaps fifteen avid fans max, and that every morning in their grand living room her mother would let her hate mail fuel their fireplace. sailor would occasionally have her face plastered on tlc, or her voice would be heard as her mother made a ‘heartwarming call to her family at home whilst on tour’ but to put it bluntly, sailor was more of a prop in her mother’s fame than anything else. and it was bargain shop fame at best. but apparently still enough scrutiny that her mother felt the need to take her out of the public eye when she came out and began to transition. 
sailor came out to her mother at the age of nine and before she could even reach the age of ten, her mother had shipped her halfway across the country to mapleview to comfortably transition in a town of strangers and in a household of people she’d only ever met at argument fueled holiday parties. her mother swore up and down that this was to make sure that sailor could transition outside of public scrutiny, so that she could have her privacy in this time and not have to deal with the media hounding her down during such a vulnerable period but sailor couldn’t help but feel abandoned by the whole situation. it felt like her mother was hiding her away, like some sort of dirty little secret. it felt like she was ashamed of her, even if the woman swore up and down that she accepted sailor as she was.
sailor moved into the top of the third eye with her her aunts and grandmother and was welcomed into this clan of women with open arms. as mentioned earlier, most of sailor’s experience with her aunts and grandmother has been brief exchanges between her aunts screaming at her mother for being a sell out, her mother hollering back about them not supporting her, and her grandmother pretending to cast a curse on her mother from the head of the dining room table. you know. normal family gatherings, but not enough for you to truly get to know somebody. but it is within the quinn women’s household that sailor finally found her footing. she finally felt like she belonged. her aunts and gram taught her everything they knew and nurtured her lovingly throughout her transition. they gave her her first job working front desk at the third eye, made the place she felt like her mother abandoned her feel more like home than her mother’s place ever had. and she is painfully loyal to them for it. when her mother finally reached out to sailor at the age of sixteen, finally inviting her back home, sailor simply refused. and she’s been here in mapleview ever since.
a few years ago sailor’s mother moved back to mapleview to attempt to repair their relationship. to put it frankly, her views were plummeting quickly, and along with feeling some amount of remorse for her deteriorating relationship with her daughter she also thought that perhaps making her show a mother daughter act would bring some of the attention back to it. sailor has pretty much refused to speak to her, but she lives around sycamore way in a large house on a hill. 
despite sailor having no plans to break into the reality tv business, she really has no idea what she would like to do instead. she is currently content to just continue working at her family shop, and occasionally take up a few of the shifts at the diner as well. she likes money, and she certainly has ambitions to make more, the how is simply up in the air at the moment. honestly, life would be a lot simpler if she could see her own future. 
or well, anyone’s at all. 
HEADCANNONS.  are you a virgin? why are you planning a sacrifice?
 this is the song that inspired sailor, no i cannot explain why. 
sailor’s mother name is venus (vee), her aunts name is persephone (percy), her other aunts name is circe (cece) and finally her grandmother’s name is luna. both her aunts are unmarried and her grandmother is widowed. 
that said, sailor does have a father despite the fact that i didn’t once mention him djsdjk he is an artist and he loves her mother to death honestly. their relationship is almost completely based off of the relationship of cassie’s parents from skins, so yeah they can’t keep their hands off each other and sailor’s father kenneth often paints her mother nude. most of these paintings could be seen on display in her old household, so sailor really did just grow up seeing her mother butt ass naked every day. sometimes it be like that i suppose. 
sailor has three black cats. she calls them the muses and their names are calliope, clio, and urania. basically, whenever there is a black cat at the pound sailor makes it her mission to them home because the stigma against black cats that keeps them from getting adopted?? wack. sailor will adopt everyone of them. 
is currently still living above her family shop is kind of interested in finding an apartment to move into instead. is in the market for a roomie or like three!! all interested parties please apply. 
is actually kinda a con artist. honestly, her whole family kinda is but shh, don’t tell nsdkjsdjk none of them can actually see the future but aunt percy (who says she can see the future, but honestly while sailor does believe her aunt percy is also a bit loony so sdjhsdj who knows what the truth is?) and her grandmother. cece, vee, and sailor tho?? all faking it until they make it. honestly sailor is pretty good about it, although she doesn’t actively see the future she does believe in everything she practices for the most part, and it shows. that says, since she is frankly, a magpie when it comes to money and literally anything mildly expensive she will offer rich people tarot readings without any hesitation and proceed to make the whole thing up as she goes along. if sailor judges them to be bad people (aka rude, the kinda people who don’t tip, snooty, assholes) she will give them a horrible reading to instill the fear of god in them and charge them extra for some good luck charms to ward off their impending doom. but if she likes them she will read the cards as they are and do her best to give them good advice based on her gut. her only saving grace is that she has pretty good intuition anyways, so a lot of what she says tends to be right even if it’s just shots in the dark. (her aunt cece is worse though, she looks up all her clients online before they come to see her dskjdsjk all of her predictions are educated guesses based on her research)
the type to crush and crush hard. falls in love every other week, and gets her heart broken just as often. honestly, sailor tends to fall for anyone who is nice to her, or gives her attention, or whose attention she wants. she is constantly on tinder mostly for fun. tends to treat the app more like a game than anything else, goes out on one night stands a hookups at least ??? 3 times a week. will make cast a love spell for the guy who told her to stay dry when she left the grocery store or the girl who smiled at her on the bus. 
cannot drive but has a license. if you see sailor behind the wheel, duck. she drives a cute little sky blue bug though. it has eyelashes on the headlights. 
colours her hair whenever she is even mildly stressed. by default at the moment it’s a pretty silvery blonde, so she tends to colour the ends often depending on her mood. 
actually can sing unlike her mother, you can probably catch her at any open mic nights in town. she has a little guitar that she’s covered in flower stickers and named aphrodite.
that little frowny face florence pugh was making throughout the entirety of midsommar,,, unhappy sailor content. thank you for coming to my ted talk. 
the type to go to church and pretend to be overcome by the holy spirit just because she’s bored on a sunday sdkjsdj 
your girl is vegan and bisexual, we love to see it. 
PERSONALITY. feeling cute today. might commit acts of hubris
CHEEKY. 99.9% of the time sailor is joking. she is the type to generally tend to be in a cheerful mood no matter what, always laughing or making a dry joke. doesn’t tend to often be in a bad mood but when she is it says something. very witty honestly, tends to be quite funny and the type to go out of her way to make someone laugh
GREEDY. sailor loves money. she absolutely adores it. she’s kind of a magpie when it comes to material things, the type to go to antique stores and thrift stores and clear them out of absolutely anything that interests her. a shameless pickpocket and minor thief, but only when it comes to large corporations or people who look like they have a summer house stashed away somewhere. definitely snatched some sort of expensive little statue from her moms place the last time she went to visit a la fleabag. is probably still looking for some place to sell it online, but honestly also kinda wants to keep it. she’s named her no head nancy and she is currently sitting on sailors desk as a paperweight 
WARM. all faults aside, if you ever need something from somebody sailor is the one to go to. need a ride home from the club? sailor will come and get you in ten minutes. feeling sick? sailor will be over at your place with some vegan chicken noodle soup and a charm for good health. need someone to cheer you up? sailor is doing a chicken dance on your front porch. she is ultimately kind, and if you are her friend especially she will be there for you until death. 
IMPULSIVE. that said sailor does pretty much everything she does without thinking. she is actually, surprisingly enough, a bit of a planner when it comes to life and finances, like she is pretty organized considering how scattered her personality is otherwise. but if sailor gets a whim to go somewhere or do something out of nowhere, she will do it. commitments be damned. the type to suddenly get up and leave mapleview one day to live in hawaii for a year and learn to scuba dive yk. will send you postcards tho. 
this is my first time playing sailor so if this is a mess and contradictory it’s because i am too 😌 thank you for coming to my ted talk.
WANTED CONNECTIONS. god doesnt respond why should i
EXES. give. me. ANGST with this please. the more dramatic the better. it’s been a hot minute since i had a good ex connection so maybe something where they dated in high school or even more recently. where they’re trying to be on good terms but some angsty feels linger below the surface, or where they’re on really bad terms and can’t hide it. the kind of exes who keep going back to each other, or who can’t leave each other alone, jealousy, and all that good stuff yk 
BEST FRIENDS. pls. i would love for sailor to have like four or five of these honestly, just a little squad. these could be here roommates!! or not!! i plan on putting in a wc for her roommates honestly, so look forward to that. 
REGULAR CUSTOMER. someone who sailor is either milking dry or is just trying to reassure. she comes to their place in the middle of the night to sage the place because they swear they heard a ghost. they have a urgent skype call because they broke a mirror and want sailor to go over their future one more time to see how it’s been affected. sailor makes a lot of money off of them and either feels guilty about it or not even a little bit guilty about it depending on their relationship. 
OTHER REGULAR CUSTOMER. this is someone who sailor regularly serves at the diner. rip to them because she is horrible at it. they find sailors order taking pencil in their soup. sailor is constantly getting their order wrong. sometimes she sits down with them and steals their fries as she talks their ear off. sailor is honestly probably too comfortable with them considering how bad she is at her job, but she definitely considers them friends. 
A CRUSH. open to ladies, theydies, and gents! someone who sailor has a big ol’ dumb crush on. this is the person that sailor thinks of whenever she does a love reading, the person who she gazes at longingly whenever she sees them. she also probably talks their ear off whenever they see each other. big heart eyes atm, but sailor knows it probably won’t last more than a month. right?
EX-CRUSHES. that makes me think omg, i’d love to have some people sailor used to have a crush on. people she had a crush on in high school. people she had a crush on last year. just people she used to be obsessed with who she is completely over now sdkjdsjk maybe they’re friends now and sailor doesn’t know what she saw in them in the first place. maybe they’re enemies omg 
OPPOSITES ATTRACT. i’d like someone really grounded to be friends with sailor. like just someone with their shit together who isn’t as airy and whimsical as her. sailor makes them loosen up a bit, and they make sure sailor doesn’t end up dead. it’s a balance. 
i think that’s all i can think of for now but honestly i’d also love to see a bully sailor used to have a s child, someone who thinks psychics and astrology and everything is bs just so sailor can like !!! debate with them about it yk, someone who’s a fan of her moms show, someone who maybe comes to sailors open mic nights religiously, a neighbor maybe like just the person who lives above the shop beside the third eye and sees these women baying at the moon during the summer solstice and is like ??? fuck i gotta move, previous one night stands, fwb, ewb, uh someone who bonds with sailor over occult stuff???
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50 things I’ve learned this year during a global pandemic/general life advice from your local teenage train wreck :) (Pt. 1)
1. It’s okay to let go. Of things, people, old interests, even your past self. It doesn’t matter. If it isn’t benefiting you anymore, it’s okay to let things go.  
2. No relationship is worth pursuing that doesn’t match your energy. If someone’s not matching the love you give them, pull back to match their energy. That way, you save your energy for the people in your life that do. Most times, the people who do match your love and energy are the one’s that are in it for the long run and will be there for you. 
3. Stop caring what other people think about your interest. Often times we have so much shame for liking what we like. Why is that? If it isn’t hurting anyone, then why does it matter that you have an obscure taste in music, books, movies, etc.? Stop apologizing for what you like!
4. It’s okay to not want to grow up, even if that’s all you wanted to do as a kid. You don’t have to grow up. 
5. Going off of that, if you’re a “gifted” or “mature” kid, it’s okay to mourn your childhood you never had. Watch that show that you never did as a kid and fall in love with it. Finger paint with no exterior motive. Read way below your reading level. Reread Harry Potter or the Percy Jackson series. Play outside. You deserve it. 
6. “Kids” shows, including atla, lok, etc. often have more complex and interesting plots and characters than most “adult” shows these days. Don’t dismiss something just because it’s geared for a younger audience. Watch and learn from them. 
7. The changes you want to happen don’t suddenly happen. They’ll happen after many months of trial, error, and consistency. Take baby steps and celebrate small victories. 
8. You’re body will always be imperfect, and it’s okay. You’ll eventually learn to accept it once it doesn’t change so fast during adolescence, but don’t feel pressured to. It’s okay to not like how you look, just don’t let it keep you from enjoying life and your body from serving it’s purpose. 
9. Most high school guys don’t want a serious, long term relationship yet. They all have to mature a little bit for that, and it’s normal to feel frustrated about it, but don’t blame them too hard for it. You matured at a faster rate then them, and they still need a little more time. The best thing to do it wait for it. 
10. Questioning your sexuality is a normal part of life. You like guys? Good! You into girls? Great! It literally doesn’t matter, and God doesn’t really care either. There’s nothing in the Bible against it, and he made you that way right? Why not embrace it! Asami was your first gai crush? WONDERFUL! me too! Want to label yourself? I’ll respect and support whatever your decision is! Don’t know or don’t want to? Also perfect!
11. God (or whatever you believe in, or don’t!) made you imperfect for a reason: to embrace those imperfections and grow through them, to improve. Why would God put you on this earth if He didn't think that you had a reason to grow closer to Him through your imperfections? Make sure you use and acknowledge your imperfections, because they’re your lifeline to Him in prayer. It’s what you need to improve on, and ask help for, and that’s okay! (Spoiler alert, even when you do this stuff and work super hard, you’re human, and you’re still gonna mess up and make mistakes! Perfection wasn’t intended for humans, and I don’t believe it ever will be!)
12. When summer rolls around, get a summer job. Go down to the local ice cream place and ask if they’re hiring. Get an application and fill it out nicely with good handwriting. Then, take it back and wait. If they say yes, great! If not, that’s good too! Keep looking! Once you’ve found a place, settle in. Learn how things work. Learn how to do your job good and effectively. Immerse yourself in it. Then, have fun. Name the machines. (Big Bertha the waffle iron, or Fernanda the flurry machine, etc.) Name the ice cream flavors after your favorite fictional characters based on what they’d order (Aang is cookie dough, Obi Wan is mint chocolate chip, etc). Make new friends there and schedule your shifts with them. Get them in on your games too! It makes it more fun. Take time to show them your names for the ice cream flavors and machines, and maybe start using the names as abbreviations to make orders more efficient. Make sure you work only how much you can handle, even if that’s once a week or seven days for nine hours each. Whatever makes you happy! If you work in customer service, make them smile. Give the little kid extra sprinkles for wearing a fun mask or stickers if you have them. If there’s a tired mom, help her out by prioritizing her order to get out fast if possible. Whatever helps them. Thank the customers that tip! Then, get your paycheck in the mail and save all your tips. Put it in the bank and save it for college or when you need it. (Make sure to buy yourself something nice with the money sometimes too!)
13. When in school, don’t feel pressure to over achieve all the time. It’s okay to do the bare minimum sometimes. If you have an A, why are you worrying about if it’s a 95 and not a 98? It’s still an a, and that’s great! School is there to help you learn, so don’t force yourself to do extra busy work for a little extra credit (unless you absolutely need it!).
14. Take time to learn and do other things outside school that you may not be getting credit for. They’ll serve you in the long run! You like to write fan fiction? Keep writing! It’s helping! You love a sport? Good! It’s keeping you healthy while teaching you real life skills. Most of these things are gonna stick with you forever, so keep doing them and don’t let you passion fade away.
15. Write letters to your friends that live far away. Even if they don’t respond, they will appreciate having something that’s harder to lose or accidentally get deleted. Make the letter nice with pretty paper or colored pens or stickers, and spray your favorite scent on the envelope. Then seal it with a sticker and send it off. They really will appreciate it. 
16. Splurge on your own Spotify premium account and make a playlist for each mood. Make one for studying, working out, singing at the top of your lungs, one for when your happy, sad, etc. (You can also search my name, Hana Zainea, to listen to any of my playlists and see if we have the same music taste. If so follow me there and I’ll follow back to see your playlists!) Listen to your music and take time to enjoy it. Set aside ten to fifteen minutes just to do that. Let it flow through you and wake your soul up. 
17. Learn how to make handmade gifts. Wether that’s learning to make necklaces, earrings, bracelets, crochet, knit, or even make a nice card with hand lettering, learn how to make at least one solid handmade gift. It’ll give you a new skill as well as let the other people in your life that you love them. Handmade gifts are valuable and kept forever no matter how good they look. 
18. If your best friend lives far away like mine does, plan a monthly bsf subscription box. You can send each other a letter and a few little self care gifts once a month. It’s soooo fun and I can’t recommend this enough. 
19. Have photos that you like printed in physical form and hang them on your wall even if it’s just with tape. You’ll like being able to see and access happy thoughts and memories easily and have them hanging on your wall instead of sitting in your camera roll. 
20. You don’t have to keep up with social media. Delete it if you want, or limit your time on it if you want. Sometimes the “connection” we experience through social media isn’t always healthy, so monitor your use. 
21. Have a screen time widget on your phone and keep track of it. Try to cut your usage down by half an hour every week and eventually reduce it to the amount of time that you’d like to spend on your phone without being excessive, whatever that looks like for you. 
22. Meditate. This isn’t anything religious or spiritual, and it brings many benefits. It’s basically you setting a time aside to think for yourself. You can use one of the hundreds of guided meditations on youtube, or listen to theta waves/meditation music or just find a quiet place. Find a place where you know you won’t be disturbed, and then start to let your mind wander. What’s bothering you. When you turn off you mind, what’s the first thing that pops up? What keeps you from just being? What do you need to focus on in order to help yourself feel better? What are some things that you regret that are weighing on your heart? Now, what is your desired reality? Where do you want to live? Who do you want to meet/live with? What do you do? What do you act like? What do you have to do to make this happen? If you pray/are a christian, ask God for help with this desired life. (Remember, ask and you shall receive!)
23. Get yourself a hydro flask or any other durable water bottle, specifically a 16 or 32oz one. This way, it’s way easier to keep track of how much water you are drinking. A 16oz bottle is one pint and a 32oz one is a quart. Four of the 32 and eight of the 16oz are a gallon. Start by trying to drink a quarter of a gallon (2 16 oz or 1 32 oz) then a half, then three quarters, and eventually you’ll be drinking a gallon plus of water a day. (Put stickers on it to motivate yourself. Trust me it works wonders having fun stuff on there. Makes it enjoyable) 
24. If you’re able, make and give gifts often. It brings more joy than expected. 
25. Get rid of clothes. Toss all the old ones out. Reinvent yourself. Invest in pieces of clothing that are timeless (crewneck sweaters, cable knit sweaters, tan and brown colored dress pants, nice wool coats and sweaters, etc.) You’ll have these forever. 
26. Maintain your physical appearance. Make sure to change your clothes, follow proper hygiene, use lotion, etc. You’ll feel much better, trust me. You don’t have to use expensive products or put on a full face of makeup either, but putting some effort in will make you feel much better about yourself. 
27. Find a tea that tastes good to you. (Preferably without caffeine so you can drink it whenever.) Try everything! Then get yourself a nice mug and have some at a dedicated time each day. Relax and enjoy a constant in your life. 
28. If you’re into it, research and try reality shifting. I’m not going to go into depth in this post (that would take awhile) but if you’re really needing an escape but can’t go on vacation due to money, time crunches, etc, you can shift to any alternate reality that you’d like. Further in depth post about this to come. 
29. Read. Anything. A book, and article, the paper, the news, even the back of a cereal box. Think about it. What did you learn? Anything? 
30. Never accept criticism from someone you wouldn’t go to for advice. 
31. Call your parents if you live away from home. If not, spend more time with them. They love and miss you. 
32. Same with your siblings. 
33. And grandparents.
34. Find a way to remember your home town. Know it like the back of your hand. 
35. Read Shell Silverstien poems. They’re funny. 
36. Have a piece of jewelry that you never take off. Keep it to remind yourself of your sanity and to remember yourself. 
37. Cry of you need to. It’s bad to hold it in. 
38. Series you should read (even though some are nerdy): Harry Potter, Percy Jackson/Heros of Olympus, The Hunger Games, The Red Queen Series, The Giver Series, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit. 
39. Standalone books you should read: The Book Thief, The Fault in our Stars, They Both Die in the End, Where the Crawdads Sing, The Scarlet Letter, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, The DaVinci Code, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, Out of my Mind, Love that Dog, The Unfinished Angel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet
40. Shows you should watch: Avatar (Even if you’re a casual fan of the fandoms) : The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, The Mandalorian, The Office, The Clone Wars, Parks and Rec., Stranger Things
41. Standalone Movies/Series you should watch: The Notebook, any of the Disney classics (specifically Lion King, Hercules, and others during that era), the Harry Potter movies, the Hunger Games movies, The Star Wars Movies, All of the Pixar movies (specifically Soul and Coco), Ten things I hate about you, the perks of being a wallflower, Clouds, If anything happens I love you
42. Artists to listen to: Norah Jones, James Taylor, John Denver, Anson Sebra, Ed Sheeran, The Paper Kites, The Artic Monkeys, Conan Grey, L. Dre (for Lofi) Song recs are on my Spotify haha (Hana Zainea) 
43. Invest in good supplies for art. It’ll make a difference.
44. When something feels off, clean your bathroom. Not your depression cave of a bedroom. Your bathroom. Trust me. It helps so so so much to have on clean space. 
45. Have a cohesive scent. Like lavender? Buy lavender everything. Use it in lotions, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, candles, etc. You’ll have a scent that people will now associate with you and you only. 
46. Learn how to cook while your at home. Ask your parents if you can go to a nutritionist and learn what foods nourish your body the best. Eat them and let yourself feel good about what you put in your body. 
47. Learn how to do basic home improvements while still at home. Fix toilets, clogged drains, clean ovens, showers, sinks, etc. You’ll be grateful. 
48. Don’t do drugs/drink. It’s not worth dulling your senses to miss out on your wonderful life. 
49. Annotate your books. It makes you engage more and you’ll like looking back on them. 
50. If no one is looking, you should totally cart surf down the isle at the grocery store. It’s the little things that count. 
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gringoslur · 5 years
Curious Beginnings: Mollymauk (Part 1)
I’m re-watching campaign 2 focusing in Mollymauk’s behavior and trying to analyze it. I don’t know i will continue this, or the reaction that this might get, but here it is. It’s a simple way to divide canon/fanon Molly that i enjoy doing, so just...you can read it and comment your opinions if you want. Sorry if there’s any mistakes or nonsense in my writing, english isn’t my first language. (next part) (all parts)
The first encounter is easy: both Molly and Yasha enter the bar where the rest of the group just met. This is interesting because it makes you think why Molly, who is just leaving invitations and selling the event, needs security there? Did something happend in the past that made them do this together or is just simply two besties deciding to do a walk together while they spread the news of the circus? Matt mentions how Molly jumps from table to table ~the tiefling engaging in some distant conversations, leaving a slip of paper, walking to the next table. Gauging the atmosphere, not leaving a slip of paper, and quickly moving on~ this honestly makes me think that something DID happend in the past and thats why Yasha is there, especially because Molly is a tiefling and he has a bold personality. But he can read the situation and remove himself from it quickly before having to deal with the consequences, even if he is someone that a lot of times tries to be persuasive. Matt mentions that the table where the group is, is very awkward and tense. Taelisin asks if he sees any coin and Matt answers that no. The combination of awkwarness, tension and no coin is not good for someone that is trying to sell something, but Mollymauk for some reason still decides that he will talk with this group. Which also means that the other tables that he did not engaged a lot with, it wasnt for the lack of coin or the amount of awkwardness\tension.
As someone who is introvert, Mollymauk's attitude is ridiculous but i know it works, he is fantastic at his job. Even if has a very strong presence, and he notices that Jester and Beau are the ones that seem to be more able to communicate with. When Jester asks if he performs, he says "AH......i'm less of a performer and more of an intermediary for these parts" you can feel his brain going around and changing the tactic to not lose the excitement that Jester is showing, thats why also he might not be so comfortable in what he is saying, unlike his first rehearsal speech "I do on occasion perform...ah...i can read fortunes-" he doesnt go too deep into anything, either because he's throwing things and seeing if he can catch anything or because is possible that the perform part is not that truth, or at least he's not that confident in selling that part of himself. So he goes with what he knows: fortunes. When Jester responds to that very excited, his seller confidence and ego go high again. (Jester) "You are so smart!" (Mollymauk) "thats what they tell me". And he sits down, completly confident on whatever he plans to do. Sidenote: he does this in the middle of Beau saying "I don't...think...". She kind of fascinated with this event and seemed very interested in the "good time" that Molly was selling without any animosity, thats it, until the mention of the cards. This is where this relationship starts to shift in the one that we all know.
Now, he's looking for coin. And Jester is right there. (J) "Do you know my name?" (M) "What is your name?" (J) "Jester" (M) "I know your name now!" *both laugh* ah, thats so fucking cute. (M) "And we are friends now!" like yes, Molly wants money from her, it might be kind of fakey, and thats not actually a bad thing in my mind. He's doing his job, trying to live and make others have a good time while he does that. I do think that he likes Jester, she seems a very nice client, i'm sure that he has to deal with some assholes. His job is engaging with the public, we all know that that is a nightmare. He introduces himself and then Yasha, adding that "she's a charm!" and then laughing. This happens, i think, because for him, Yasha IS a charm, he loves her. But he also is very aware of the importance of looks and presentation, which makes his words funny if you don't know her. He continues trying to sell the forture, and he is very sure on how much he wants: this is business, this is his nature and he is in his sauce.
Ok, let me stop a moment because...i knew that doing this was gonna kill me because of the Yasha and Molly moments but man, this is an early start. When Molly is trying to do the fortune for Jester, Yasha says her first long sentence "He's really quite good, you all should line up and get your fortunes told". Sure, she is selling the business but she's also selling his friend's "talent" and this is just such a sweet thing to say.
Fortune moment. Insight and sleight-of-hand. Matt focuses the insight in "what this person, Jester, wants". The proper reading consists in giving the client what Mollymauk feels that they want, again, gaining money but also making the other person happy. First card: Silver Dragon. "Pure, virtue, wonderful human being!" Love that, go secure: the bs that the horoscope always sells and makes the person happy. Adventures in your future, you have a destiny! (queue to Yasha doing "ohhhh" with Jester. guys this is so cute). And then Taelisin, or Mollymauk decides to grab another card when he hears about the snake adventure: the serpent card. Oh, he is now sitting in the throne of his own bullshit and he loves being the king: "i'm a simple vessel for highter powers"'. Jester can't be more happy. Curious and suspicious Caleb tries Detect Magic, nothing shows up. Without actually knowing how this fortune thing works, he whispers to Nott "he's bullshiting her". Tealisin laughs. But i can see also Mollymauk laughing to be honest. And then, the Eye card (which is interesting because there's so many mentions of eyes in this campaign), "you've already found the clue" which we know its true, because of Beau, the card and the Gentleman. Mollymauk was looking for a mysterious route, Taelisin at least knew that this was the beggining for Jester and this was the group that will be with her. He says that the specifics are much more expensive, and i cant blame him for looking for more money. Then, as the master seller that he is, he makes the compromise of doing an extensive reading if they show up at the show.
The barmaid comes back with Yasha's ale and is on the house, because Yasha is intimidating as fuck. Both Molly and Yasha seem celebrate this and i can already see how this dynamic works and how they unite to get the most money and the least cost, honestly? bestie goals. Why the fandom doesnt have more stupid adventures of these two doing this kind of stuff?? gay disasters. and talking about gay disasters, Beau asks what Yasha does, and she answers that she puts the tent because she's very strong, but doesn't do anything in the show. She doesn't seem to make a big deal out of this. Molly immediately jumps and with some fancy language, he basically says that Yasha is "capable of keeping issues contained", implying the trust that they have in Yasha with their security, an important job in their line of work.
He shows even more of his skills of selling with Nott and Caleb, saying that they are gonna waste MORE money if they don't go to the show. He sells it so naturally that if you don't stop and think for a second on what he's saying, you totally buy it. I think that something similar happens with Percy in the last campaign, people think that he's really smart even when his plans mostly fail and sometimes what he says is just bullshit-but the confidence is what makes it all great.
Do you guys remember the moments where Fjord tries to make Beau more charming? that's exactly what i'm seeing with Molly and Yasha. I do think that they have those kind of conversations, especially hearing their goodbyes. (M) "You are all the most charming people that i've met in-" and then Yasha tries to clumsy copy it (Y) "Yep, nice to meet you all. You're so, uh, wonderful". Mollymauk, without laughing or making a joke of it, or at least i don't feel it, gestures to Yasha saying "Charm! Pure charm!" This feels like someone seeing their best friend trying to do the best and he encourages it. His interventions make Yasha's awkwardness less awkward, and shows his support.
And then they leave.
(I just watched one hour of the first episode, if someone likes this i can continue)
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All the personal asks plz
Alrighty then!
1. Any scars?
Mhm, pretty much all the scars I have are burns. One is from burning the side of my arm on an iron my mom had  standing upright that I brushed against trying to reach something on the counter behind it and I’ve got one or two other scars from my culinary class on my hands from trying to put a tray in the oven and bumping it on the rungs above the ones I was putting it on. I burnt my hand day one of actually cooking. Yes I’m a disaster.
2. Self harmed?
Absolutely not. One, I’m too scared of pain, and two, I have uh… An unpleasant history involving someone else threatening self harm to make me do what they wanted, so… It’s a really sore spot for me.
3. Crush?
I honestly have no idea.
4. Kissed anyone?
5. Coke or Pepsi?
Neither they make me physically ill
6. Someone you hate?
There’s a LOT of assholes at my school but the person I hate the most is probably my dad for reasons.
7. Best Friends?
Mhm! I’ve got a handful on this site but my IRL best friend is @theansweris-a. She doesn’t really get on tumblr anymore but if you’re reading this I love you friendo and have a good day! :D
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
hahaha fuCK NO. I’d rather not get addicted to something that can and will kill me and throw my money at people to sustain it. If someone offered me either I’d probably flip them off whilst slowly backing up and getting tf out of there because NO.
9. What’s your dream job?
Author/Illustrator with some VA work and Video Game directing on the side.
10. Ever been in love?
I have. It was with someone I didn’t have a chance with and who would be an absolutely awful lover to me since we weren’t compatible emotion-wise so I let it go. It was hard, but I did it.
11. Last time you cried?
Last Sunday trying to explain to my mom why our preacher and the church we go to has completely fallen out of my favor for it’s very loud blatant ‘LGBT people are bad abortion is evil insert other white conservative stuff here’ ‘cause she doesn’t know I’m LGBT+ (and it’s going to stay that way) and I was trying to explain to her why I would never say invite my LGBT friends to church because they would be mercilessly persecuted by people who call themselves followers of God then spit in his eye by doing the exact opposite of everything he’s asked of them. Yes I still feel really strongly about this.
12. Favorite color?
13. Height?
How coincidence, I just got it measured today! 5′6, FINALLY OFFICIALLY TALLER THEN MY MOM MUHAHAHAHAHA
14. Birthday?
November 17th!
15. Eye color?
Milk chocolately-brown
16. Hair color?
Dark brown
17. What do you love?
this is so open ended hjkfjfjkhgkjh okay then I love girls, video games, anime, writing, drawing, reading, and animals.
18. Obsession?
My top 3 in order of obsession; Kill La Kill, RWBY, and Kingdom Hearts.
19. If you had one wish, what would it be?
For every single illness, disease, syndrome, disorder, and so on to have a cure. From Cancer to Asthma. Both because I have so many incurable diseases/disorders and because I know there are people out there who have things so much worse than me in that department.
20. Do you love someone?
I love all my mutals, friends, and most of my family including extended family. 
21. Kiss or hug?
I’ve never been kissed so I don’t know anything about how that would be so I’d say hug because I love hugs!
22. Nicknames people call you?
Derpy, Slurpy, D-Slur, Resident Cinnamon Roll (That’s my actual nickname on a Revue Starlight discord)
23. Favorite song?
this is like asking me to pick my favorite child uhhhhh… This Life Is Mine by Jeff Williams, it just means a lot to me.
24. Favorite band?
i know no bands by name
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you?
….Okay, uh, this is gonna be really hard to decide because a LOT of bad things have happened to me. I’ll go with the more physical choice because I’d rather not dump too much of my emotional baggage onto yall. One time I was being prepped for surgery and they needed to get the IV in. (for the record I’m shaking pretty badly right now from thinking about this) They had to stab my arm with what they called a ‘Bee sting’ (it wasn’t a bee sting it goes almost down to the bone) that had numbing stuff in it and they were trying to find a vein they could put my IV in but they couldn’t find one (okay now i’m typing really fast so I don’t have to think about this for long) and they kept stabbing my arm over and over again. The thing is I have a serious phobia of needles that sends me into panic attacks, I’ll go lightheaded I’ll lose my hearing and so on. So I was trying to put a brave face on despite my parents not even being there but they would. not. stop. They didn’t give me a break. It was one stab then another then another then another. I was having a full blown panic attack, I was almost crying. Then they seemed to get it. They left me for a bit and my parents came in. My arm started swelling. They HADNT got it. My arm was being filled with whatever my IV was. They came back in with the beesting. They started stabbing me again but on the other arm. I couldn’t keep a brave face anymore after thinking they were finally done. I started to cry and sob and the panic attack I had that day was the single worst I have ever had. It got worse. They missed a vein entirely and instead hit a bundle of nerves. My hand started involuntarily twitching as pain unlike any I’ve ever felt before or until now wracked my arm. I had actual trauma from this, the night after the surgery I kept feeling ghost pains of the stabs in my arms, I had to sleep on my stomach with my arms wrapped around my front just to make them go away. I’m still extremely traumatized of this to this day. I never want to have surgery again. I never want an IV again. 
Okay that got away from me there I’m sorry I kinda was having a panic attack while writing that. Anyways moving on.
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?
This is gonna sound cheesy but meeting @theansweris-a. She’s the sweetest and kindest person I have ever met in my entire life and I feel so incredibly lucky to call her my friend, though knowing her she’ll see this and reply with ‘No U’ because we always end up in a shouting match of ‘YOU ARE A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING’ ‘NO YOU’RE A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING’ 
27. Something you would change about yourself?
I definitely would lose weight. Not because of societies bullshit but because I legitimately want to lose weight so I can actually get strong and build up some muscle, I WANT TO BE ABLE TO OPEN GATORADE BOTTLES GODDAMNIT
28. Ever dated someone?
Nope, I’m closeted and have no interest in even pretending I’m straight by dating a guy, I mean I know some genuinely nice guys (all of them dorks) but they’re all just my friends though they are massive goofballs and I love them very much. (Entirely platonically)
29. Worst mistake?
I… Don’t think you guys wanna know that. It’s nothing bad its just depressing and I don’t wanna be more depressing then I already have been.
30. Watch the movie or read the book?
Depends on which is better, like I’d rather watch the Chronicles of Narnia than read the books because the books are honestly terrible but I’d rather read Percy Jackson than watch the movie because the movies are incredibly unfaithful to the books.
31. Ever had a heartbreak?
32. Favorite show?
Kill La Kill!
33. Best day of your life?
My cheesiness never ceases but the first time I actually hung out with @theansweris-a IRL at the mall. I remember being SO excited for it but also nervous that how easily we talk to each other wouldn’t translate into real life and I remember spotting her walking up and practically shouting her name before running up and giving her a big ol’ hug whilst crying happy tears (I know i’m sappy shut up) and then when we were let loose to walk around we quickly discovered that we clicked almost immediately and incredibly well it was just the best thing ever. Like, in that one day alone we spent six hours in that mall just chatting and buying stuff and having fun and we left the mall with like three different inside jokes despite it being our first time meeting in person since we first met. Hi my name is Derpy and I’m a big ol’ sap.
34. Any talents?
I’m pretty good at writing, I can type really fast, and I can play the harmonica.
35. Do you wish you could ever start over?
Absolutely not. Things are the way they are for a reason, and even though I’ve been through a LOT it’s because of all that that I’m the person I am today and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.
36. Any bad habits?
Yeah, I’m a nail biter.
37. Ever had a near death experience?
Yes actually, when I was 3 or 4 we took a plane to California to visit some relatives and I almost walked out of the air hatch one the way out, I remember this vividly even though it was a long time ago. If it wasn’t for the flight attendant grabbing me before I fell out, I wouldn’t be here today.
38. Someone I can tell anything to?
@theansweris-a and @my-words-are-light, they’re both really good listeners and have helped me through a lot of stuff.
39. Ever lost a loved one?
My Great Grandpa Ritch died shortly after I was born, there’s a lot of pictures of him smiling and holding me while in a hospital bed and hooked up to oxygen.
40. Do you believe in love?
Oh absolutely, 100%. I mean if you know me you already know that I have just ABSURD amounts of love in my heart and I genuinely believe that it exists.
41. Someone you hate/Dislike?
Wasn’t this already a question?
42. Are you okay?
Mostly, yeah. I have some stuff to work on but I’m honestly at the best i’ve ever been!
43. Relationship status?
I’m a Single Pringle
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the-coolest-mallard · 5 years
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Write your RPer Resolutions for 2018! (What are some goals for yourself as a writer? Improve descriptions? Plot with more members? Etc.)
1. Be part of a big plot that causes an event. I want one of my characters to be involved/cause it or idk. I really want that.
2. I want to go through a whole arch for my characters. That would be super satisfying to go through that process.
3. Plot with more people. I feel like I stick with a few members and I want to expand that in some way. It would probably lead to some interesting things.
4. Have a short fling type ship. I feel like I always want to go for something permanent and lengthy and never try other things that develop my characters. But how about a dramatic short thing that goes down in flames.
Write at least one resolution, or “goal,” that you have as an RPer for your character(s) 
1. Goal for Celia: I want her to accidentally turn someone she cares about to stone and see the consequences of it. Is that a goal or a plot arch? Haha idk. My goal might be for her to be comfortable enough with someone to consider something beyond just a friendship. She’s really far away from that.
2. Goal for Vinny: have him cause a town drama somehow. He literally blows shit up. I want to cause some some sort of panic. I also do want to see his character grow a bit. He’s very rooted in his grumpy sort of persona and not liking most people thing. So my goal would be to have him open up to a few more people maybe.
3. Goal for Louie: I want him to get into a huge amount of trouble. That’s what teens do right? I want him and some friends to do something monumentally stupid. I’d also love for him to be manipulated by someone evil. Or I don’t know just get into some ridiculous trouble with people like Andy or Mitte. Let’s cause some mayhem.
4. Goal for Jasmine: Have her run for the board next elections. Also have her real name revealed before that. I mean that’d be ideal really. But have the whole plot happen and even better: have someone come to Agrabah with Jasmine. I really really want to explore Agrabah. Agrabah is really my main goal to go into with her.
Write at least one resolution IN CHARACTER for your characters. What do THEY want to accomplish or change in the New Year?
1. Celia: to get rid of her curse. That’s what she wants to accomplish. desperately.
2. Vinny: to create his business and work with animals and not really deal with people.
3. Louie: get a fake ID and start a job at the Court to get mad MONEY. His long term goal is to become filthy rich of course.
4. Jasmine: wants to do well in her classes and continue to remain unknown as a royal.
List one or more characters you have never interacted with that you would like to do so
man I have so many characters I’d love to interact with. I’ll just go down the list with everyone’s babes.
Phoebus: I think he’s one of the few mk characters I haven’t interacted with, and I think he’d be interesting. Plus I get the feeling a couple of my characters could have brushes with the law so...idk. 
Merida: I honestly don’t think I’ve actually interacted with Merida? Which is kind of a shame because she’s super interesting. I know it’s weird to say but I feel like she and Louie might agree with each other on things. Maybe? He’s not exactly super pro magic cause he’s kind of a jerk. idk. so that’d be interesting. Of course she’s also going through some serious shit so I guess that would change things too. Idk but Merida.
Cruella: I’ve tech interacted with all of Avarick’s characters I think, but I really want Louie to meet Cruella ngl.
Jake: hmm what would be interesting there. Jake and Vinny? I don’t know. I don’t know much about Jake yet I have to think about that but I’d love to write with him.
Jiminy: please give Celia some therapy. She could probably use it the most though she seems the most put together. Isn’t that wild? Idk. Her or Vinny they could both use some therapy sessions. 
Mateo: you know what would be funny? Sicking Louie on him and having him be the ultimate Elena defender just: “How DARE you do that to THE PRINCESS OF AVALOR!!!” it’d be so fucking funny you know? Why don’t we do this?
Percy: I’ve pitched this so Celia should meet him. I think it’d be super interesting.
Lena: Though I hate that her name is my name lmao I think she and Louie should maybe meet?
Ken: I’ve never met Ken and it is a true tragedy. I know I say Louie to a lot of things but Louie is in the closet and doesn’t even know it. Cause he’s dumb. I���d love for him and Ken to have a chat.
Deb: I think of Chloe’s characters I’ve never interacted with Deb? I’m not sure who I’d throw at her but I’d like to succeed and interact with all of chloes wonders.
Lumiere: hello new person. I love Lumiere! I’d love to throw Celia or Jasmine at him, see what happens really and what sort of direction you take him in.
Woody: for real I need to meet the sheriff somehow. Someway. Let it happen. Arrest one of my kids. Or just be their friend. That works too. Oo or maybe Celia and Woody after she’s been used as a vamp snack. 
Amelia: big fan of the character. I think she and Vinny could make really great friends potentially. 
Duchess: I think technically I’ve met all of jaby’s, but I’m not sure if I’ve really written with Duchess? Duchess and Louie? Louie loves fashion so that’d be fun. He’s poor of course so he’d have a crazy envy of her but yeah. 
Raksha: I have never officially interacted with Raksha I think and that is a tragedy. I’d love for her and Celia to chat or even Raksha and Jasmine. Or I don’t know. I’d love to just have the ladies hang.
Gregory: god I see him from a distance and I admire him. What a wonderful sunshine-y character. I’m not sure yet who I’d throw at him but I’d love to brainstorm something fun. Ooo actually maybe Jasmine. Jasmine and Eeyore take on politicians or something. That could be super fun.
Jessie: Big fan of the character. I’d love to interact with her. Dunno with who but I’ll brainstorm that one.
Reese: He seems like a real sweetheart. I’d love for him to be friends with Celia or something.
Marisa: I think otherwise I’ve interacted with all of Mckala’s in some way probably. But damnnn. Give me your other mermaid. Maybe wiiiiith Celia? Idk that could be interesting.
Frederick: WOW YES! First of all I love his fc. Just personal love. Second, can he meet Celia and be her friend? Or more importantly can Louie meet him and discover his sexuality stuff? God idk but I’d love to meet him.
Lymantria: Never met her I don’t think and I’d love to change that! Uhhh perhaps let Jasmine and Lymantria meet?
Megara: One of my fave characters from Hercules gd. Please let’s write her and idk Jasmine? Jasmine loves powerful women and so do I.
Simon: I think I said in a voice thing but he seems like an interesting dude. I’d like to meet him somehow.
Shere: Idk have we had Shere interact with one of mine? I don’t think so. Not yet. Let’s do that. Oo let Louie ride a tiger. Yeah? xP
Ralph: man I love Ralph as a character. I think he and Celia could make some good friends. idk. I’d just like to meet Ralph in general tbh.
Sofia: Sofia and Jasmine. And someday perhaps Sofia and Elena and Jasmine and Isabel for a Princess Squad gathering? Idk I just like the idea of uniting the royals.
Elsa: I still maintain Elsa and Vinny would be an entertaining thread.
Shock: I have yet to meet her but she could be yet another bad influence on Louie if we wanted her to be. Or 
Dewey: in other news, we need to have the brothers interact lmao I suck.
Plotting Exercise! Pick one of the resolutions/goals in #2 and plan a rough guideline to how you could accomplish it. Here’s an example. EXAMPLE OF A MOCK PLOT: MILO FINDS A MERLIN’S OBJECT
Para One: Louie goes to Andy for a fake ID
Para Two: Louie uses that to work at the Court and ends up meeting someone sketch like Desoto or idk Shock or someone.
Para Three: Desoto convinces Louie to be a drug handler guy on the side of working at the court.
Para Four: Donald finds some of the drugs stashed in Louie’s room while cleaning it. Cue explosion/fight and punishment
Para Five: Despite disappointment, Louie sneaks the hell out and continues to try to make more money and goes back to Desoto/whoever the drug dealer guy is.
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thefallslegacy · 7 years
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Before I start, I’m going to reiterate what I said in my most recent non-sims post - does anybody know someone who takes CC requests and would be willing to convert some ballet shoes (pointe and flat) from a TS3 set to TS4? I’m only after them for the second half of the generation, so it’s not super urgent, but they’re the closest to the real thing I’ve seen. Which, as a ballet dancer myself, is a big deal. I want my sims to have the right kit. Anyway, that aside, on with the chapter.
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Thalia: Saturn! Wake up!
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Saturn: Woah, woah, hold on a...
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Thalia: I got the letter.
Saturn: And... Come on, don’t keep a girl in suspense.
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Thalia: You’re looking at the academy’s newest trainee.
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Saturn: That’s amazing! I knew you could do it.
Thalia: Uhuh...
Saturn: And I mean that for real, this time.
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Saturn: Look what the cat dragged in.
Edeline: Hilarious, Saturn.
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Edeline: So, you said something about preparations for a party?
Saturn: T got into the academy, and I want to give her a good send-off.
Edeline: The one for agents?
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Saturn: Mhmm.
Edeline: So what do you need me for?
Saturn: Your parents used to have really good parties for your relatives, right? I mean, I don’t want a big get-up but...ideas?
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Persephone: You really think this is an inside job, then?
Jupiter: I don’t know. My first thought was that it’s just the guys who killed Dad and Granddad coming back to finish the job. But the amount of access to my documents and my flat suggests it had to be one of our people. Then again, if what you said about them wanting me around so things don’t change is right, trying to kill me isn’t in their best interests.
Persephone: Typical life of a bodyguard. You get hired to stop one assassin and end up tracking down another.
Jupiter: They need to know I’m not just a pawn either way. If I’m right, we catch the person who’s doing this and eliminate them in the same way that my granddad’s right-hand-man-come-double-agent was. If I’m wrong, the orders I’m going to give will bring us closer to solving this anyway.
Persephone: Orders?
Jupiter: Wait and see.
Persephone: Okay then...
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Jupiter: Hang on a second.
Persephone: What?
Jupiter: I need to know more about what I’m walking into.
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Persephone: Alright, here we go.
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Persephone: Ethra Wallis. She’s after those simoleons, that’s no secret. But she’s not stupid - she climbed the ladder to get here and she has no problem playing the long con. If she makes a choice that seems to mess with her good fortune, it’s only because she knows she’ll have even better fortune when the dust settles.
Jupiter: What’s her job?
Persephone: She’s our corporate tie, and she handles the finances.
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Persephone: Zoe Trejo. She comes from big money - old money, that is. Most of what she has comes from her late father’s exercise brand. Some people think she was responsible for his death but my money, pardon the pun, is on her brother. She’s a brilliant tactician, murder just isn’t her style of play.
Jupiter: So...dependable. In a way.
Persephone: Yep. Not predictable, though. None of these people are.
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Persephone: Kellan Broussard. Can be a little absent-minded. Badly dressed. He likes to think he runs the show because he supplies the weapons. The best way to control him is to make him think he’s in control.
Jupiter: Anything else?
Persephone: He’s vegetarian.
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Persephone: And, finally, Duke Connors. He was third in the pecking order, after your grandfather’s right hand man, in charge of hiring in for whatever jobs we couldn’t get done ourselves. He hired me, actually. Your grandfather trusted him.
Jupiter: And you?
Persephone: Me? I think he’s a slimy entitled pervert who deserves to be hung by his toenails off the roof of the tallest building in San Myshuno. But that’s not in my job description.
Jupiter: How do you know all this?
Persephone: Just word of mouth, from very reliable sources. I haven’t been here that long - I was only recruited a few months after we met. I might be just a humble bodyguard, but I have my means.
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Persephone: Alright, let’s begin. 
Jupiter: I brought you all here today because I’ve been detached from the running of things. And I thought I should remedy that.
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Ethra: We would respect it all the same if you chose to step down, Mister Falls. After all, family members don’t usually take their deceased relative’s position.
Jupiter: Whatever I do, the people who targeted my family will still be after me. If I step down, I step away from the protection this position offers me. And I refuse to go back into hiding.
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Zoe: What about elimination?
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Persephone: Think, Zoe. If we eliminate one, the rest are going to retaliate. And we can’t kill all of them.
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Jupiter: Ethra, I want a full review of our accounts.
Ethra: All of them?
Jupiter: Yes, all of them.
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Kellan: *mumbles*
Jupiter: I want you to do a full inventory of our weapons. Who supplies them, who uses them, things like that as well. Can you do that?
Kellan: Hmm? Oh, yes, yes.
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Jupiter: Duke, I’d like you to investigate the backgrounds of the people we’ve hired in the last six months. Not including Percy.
Duke: Very well. May I make a suggestion?
Jupiter: Go ahead.
Duke: I think you should increase your security detail. One bodyguard is certainly less than your grandfather would’ve had.
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Jupiter: I... I don’t think that’s quite necessary. 
Duke: Hmm... Shame.
And that’s a wrap for this chapter. I’ve got everything planned for the next couple of chapters, so I’m crossing my fingers I can still go ahead with my plan to write a bunch ahead of schedule. Thanks for reading!
CC Credit:
obisims, wildlyminiaturesandwich, blogsimplesimmer, sondescent, grimcookies, catplnt, plumbobteasociety, coliswonderland, nolan-sims, pixeldreamworld, pxelpal, puresims, theplumbobarchitect, patronusxcharms, peacemaker-ic, averagesimblr, thinksimlish, meyokisims, skadisim, saudade-sims4, deeetron-sims, riice, pixielated
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axiom-of-man-blog · 7 years
Chapter one:Year 44 DE (Dawn of Eminence)
A man said to the universe: “Sir, I exist!” “However,” replied the universe, “The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.” -Stephen Crane
I wake up to her standing over me in my bed, pale, eyes glazed over, her hair a mess and her night gown clung to her sweaty body.  She’s ghastly pale, heavy bags under her eyes. She is gaunt. “Icarus.. I.. I need to be buried..” she says at almost a whisper                I rub my eyes as I start to rise out of bed. I can hear the birds chirping outside my window. Blades of light came in, slicing up my room.  In the morning cheer, a walking corpse seemed out of place. She puts her cold, clammy hand on my shoulder; she reeks of booze and BO.                “Icarus, I need you to bury me. I’m... dead. I shouldn’t be here.”                “Mom, have you been drinking?” I say.                “Honey… Please. I need this.”                Her hand slices into the heat of mine as I bring her to the basement. My mother suffers from a delusion ever since the accident and her reincarnation. Reincarnation: a stupid flowery name for when someone dies and their backed up mind is placed into a new body that has been either donated or sold and have plastic surgeons reconstruct the face and body as close as possible -- if you are rich like us, that is. So she, in fact, isn’t wrong; she died. She should be dead. My father never had those last moments erased before the “reincarnation”.  So because my mother’s mind is more frail than most she has a depersonalization disorder. It’s what happens when, “I think therefore I am” turns into, “I think, but I am not.” So the only way she can rationalize this is to insist she is dead and demand us to bury her.  This happens once every few months.  She won’t let anyone touch her to try and erase the memories. It’s too much of an embarrassment to have her go to counseling for an important man like my father. So he found his own solution. We bury her.                She squeezes my hand as I unlock the basement door and take the steps down. The basement is lavish, large drapes covering walls to look as if they are holding out the light. A hardwood floor that reflects the candlelight and always empty pews. It was a priest short of being a church, or a killer short of being a bad horror movie. In the center of the finished basement we have a casket with a hole underneath. I help her in and as I close the lids.
“Thank you,” she sighs as she is enveloped in darkness.                I lower the casket into the hole with the automatic mechanism.  This has to be done or else she won’t eat or drink. What’s the point of a corpse eating? So we have this ritual so she doesn’t actually die. It takes a day usually and she is rejuvenated and perky. Then the cycle starts again.
               As I sit at the island in my house’s large open kitchen I rub the bumps at the base of my neck. This is where the stim implant was put into me. Usually they are put in around the age of eighteen, My father had one put in me when I was 8. Almost losing his wife he wanted to make sure his son had the same insurance. So since eight I was connected to the global network. My memories everything I am stored in a computer as well as a small chip in the implant under my skin. My life reduced to ones and zeros. It’s strange to think of life being reduced to a series of electrical synapses in our brain. A series of on and off switches that when amassed together is who we are. My thought is broken by the babble on the little TV on the kitchen counter “Jason Carway, the owner and mastermind behind Prometheus Systems, announces his plan to make his implants universal and available to everyone.  Some say he is trying to bring the classes together, others say he is trying to make humans irrelevant, while James says he is just trying to make the world a better and safer place.              “Jason Carway is pushing for mandatory installation of his implants now that most jobs require you have one. Later, is the black market body trade becoming an epidemic? More later at –“                “That’s enough of those assholes,” I thought to myself. I sat there, eating my bagel in silence. After moving from the city years ago, I thought it was way too quiet. There was always a hum of busy noise. Car horns, people yelling. It took me awhile to realize that it isn’t any quieter up here -- just a different kind of noise. Instead of insufferable noise of the human habitat, I am listening to the sounds of the natural habitat. A myriad of sounds, bugs buzzing, birds singing their songs, the occasional wolf in the night; all of them trying to assert themselves, sexually or territorially. It leaves an earthy taste in my mouth as I listen to the racket. It doesn’t mix well with my bagel.
I decide to go next door to see my uncle, Henry the local eccentric hippy prepper. It’s still cool despite being mid may. The luxury of living up in the Adirondack Mountains, some of the woods higher up there is still some remaining snow. The last of the waning corpse of winter; holding on for dear life.   I hear a “thwap” as an arrow sinks into a target and my uncle looks at me grinning.                “Hey there, Icky. I think I can finally best you and your hawk eye,” He says as I approach.                “We will see, old man,” I reply, grabbing my bow off the picnic table. It’s a light instrument resembling a recurve bow, although it’s made of an alloy that gives it more power than the compound bows of the past.                I draw, aim, and release all in one quick motion.  My three fingers moving with machine quickness, the arrow sinks in next to one of my uncles, stripping the feather off on one side.                “I’ll be damned,” he says, “What the hell kind of sorcery are you working with, man?”                This is an old tradition between us trying, trying to best each other, trick shots. It started after he read me lord of the rings as child to help me sleep at night.  I became enthralled with Legolas, the elf, and wanted to start learning to shoot bow and arrow. My mother objected, my father was indifferent, and my uncle leaped at the opportunity to teach me something.  Having no children, he projected his need to be a father on me, even though the man was near his 70’s without ever having a reincarnation. It’s rare to see anyone that age, despite the medical advances making it easy to live regularly to 100 years or more, unless they are of the pauper class and can’t afford it.                  “Your old man is still out of town?” he asks.                “Yeah, It’s been 3 weeks now.”                He examines an arrow’s feathers. “You know I don’t agree with what he does.”                “I know. I know.”                “Never liked a man who profits from war and suffering,” He comments more to himself than to me.                “I know he’s your father, I know Carol fell in love with him years ago, but he is married to his company and his vision.”
We talk about this a lot, my absent father, my broken mother, how I should feel about it. He knows that complex emotions are not tangible to me.  He is quiet for a moment, rolling the arrow back and forth in his hands.
“The Freethought Movement, they have it right. We should not let technology take our humanity away.”                I stand silently. Politics aren’t my thing. Prometheus Systems wants to standardize the singularity. They want everyone to be “connected body and mind” to their network, to live forever in a paradise that we create here. With a fee, they back up everyone’s memory so they can live in any body they want or without a body and just transmit themselves to other people who act as puppets temporarily, Echoborgs, or green eyes. When an AI or someone wants to be somewhere without leaving their home, they control them and they see through these special contacts that are standard issue. The contacts glow green when someone else is in control. Essentially people can bi-locate; they can always live forever as long as the money flows in to keep their minds backed up on a hard drive somewhere. They acquire people from agencies that hire people as their job to let someone control them for a certain amount of time. It’s a shallow job that can put you in a lot of danger. Green eyes tend to be targeted by the Free thought Project and its sympathizers as people who have betrayed their humanity. There has been a few bombings at donation centers, These centers people can go to and sell their body to be used to house someone who has died, They essentially turn the body into a puppet that is controlled by the stim implant. The person they were is effectively wiped off the earth. The poor do this because it pays well, they can set up their remaining family for years depending on the body. There is always a shortage in usable bodies. “They want to make the rich immortal and wipe out the poor.” That is how the Freethought Movement summarizes it. They see Jason Carway as a false profit promising a false salvation, while the world sees him as a messiah.                “Governor Percy has it right, He is having a protest down in Austin Texas, I am surprised that state hasn’t seceded its already like another country.” Governor Cornelius Percy  has fought technological progress since long before he gained office. Texas is one of the only states where it isn’t mandatory to have a stim implant to work. They donation centers, and any enhancements are highly taxed. “Texas is a state of humans, A state with a soul” Is Percy’s slogan that you hear everywhere.   “There’s no room in this world for a man who thinks he’s a god,” He declares as he draws back his bow. I notice his pristine shape; it always takes me by surprise. The muscles in his arms work like tight cables as he knocks his arrow and draws. His stern but friendly face focused a crooked nose, and a silver pony tail hanging to his mid back. The arrow is loosed and strikes the target, piercing a quarter he had glued there.                He grins, “Think you can hit a penny at 40 yards?”                “Of course,” I say.
               The thing about memories is that they aren’t corporeal, they are malleable. Every time you unpack a memory it changes. Like clay, it’s the same item, same memory but you leave imprints and it’s never the same. Human memory is fallible and prone to influences. It’s what makes last memories so ephemeral. The thing about last moments is you don’t realize they are the last. It’s just another day you take for granted in the obdurate gyre of your life. We want certain moments to be evocative, that’s why we taint them with happiness when we recall them. The fact is there are places you have been, people you have talked to for the last time, and their features have already faded from your mind.
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