#Peris such a lad I love them
birdinabowl · 5 months
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Putting him in the microwave
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
maybe something like interviewer asking her sexist questions and the boys stand up for her , after that interview she feels insecure and the boys comfort her . that's just an idea you don't have to write it !! <33
I hope you like it, and I'm so sorry about the delay 😭 I couldn't find my footing with this one, and I hope it's what you wanted ! Have a lovely day 💙
The One Where They're There For Her
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Pairing - One Direction x Reader (6thmember!female!reader)
Fandom - One Direction (Directioners)
Summary - A particularly sexist interview decides to reduce you to just a sexual being and makes no effort to hide his misogyny. But the boys are there to support you.
Warnings - sexualization of the lgbt community, sexist comments, swearing, (honestly I hated myself for writing some of the comments here,and I'm so sorry)
Being a part of the biggest band in the world comes with certain responsibilities. Not responsibilities that come along with signing a recording contract, but those that a person deems themselves responsible for. For example, as the only female in a boyband, a female with a fanbase as large as yours, you took it upon yourself to always stand up for what's right, and to be an ally for the causes close to your heart.
That meant that your social media was often flooded with information about important causes, or your opinions on issues like feminism. Was it always well received? Heck no. There were people filled your feed with hate and comments calling you the most horrible names and labelling you a 'man hater' and a 'bitch' But you didn't let it get to you. On most days. On days like today, it was all you could do to keep it together. It had been a tiring few days, touring, recording, performing and doing an endless amount of interviews and photoshoots. It was safe to say you were on the last of your nerves, having battled your way through a makeup artist who had insisted on pointing out your flaws and had used a shit ton of makeup to cover them up. You had battled a photographer who had not hesitated to tell you that if you didn't look more feminine people would think you were turning into a man.
Before you could retaliate, Paul had dragged him away and told management to cancel the photoshoot, and find another photographer before grabbing the six of you some sandwiches and had let you all go back for a quick power nap at the hotel. Then in about half an hour he had woken you up, to get you ready for another interview. That's how you were here, in a white jumpsuit and a black blazer jacket, paired with black heels. Another day, another interviewer that got on your nerves. But this one, this one was different. This interviewer was different, but also the same. Another misogynistic man who thought he was entitled to stare at your ass and cleavage, and eye fuck you as you settled into a seat in between Niall and Zayn.
Settling in, you crossed one knee over the other, plastering a fake smile onto your face, as the man leaned back in his chair, throwing you a sleazy smirk. Noticing the look, Zayn shifted so you were out of view of the interviewer, but in view of the audience. It was in moments like this that you were a 100× more grateful to have your boys. They were well aware of how sleazy some interviewers could be, having had plenty of experience with them, and Zayn and Louis in particular were very protective about the way you were treated. Squeezing your thigh softly, he leaned back a little, lips settling into a thin line as he looked at the interviewer with a cold look. A little behind, Louis threw the interviewer a dirty look.
"So, One Direction! Congratulations on the album, as you all know its out on November the 22nd, with eighteen new songs, including the singles Night Changes and Steal My Girl Speaking of stealing girls, do you think I could steal your number Y/N? And may I mention, you look ver, very hot in that outfit" The interviewer joked, throwing you what he thought was a sexy smirk. (P.S - it wasn't) Answering with an awkward laugh, you shook your head, as Niall tensed up beside you. "Aww come on, your'e a pretty girl, I'm a handsome guy, let's go out sometime" he pressed on, ignoring the growing anger in Harry's eyes. "That's umm, nice. But no thanks, I'm not going to go out with you" was your answer, as you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. Picking up on your nervous tic, Zayn moved his hand to rest on your knee, stopping it from bouncing up and down.
"Aww come on baby, what is it? You like girls or something? Because I wouldn't mind being a part of that action either" the sleazebag chuckled, ignoring the disgusted look Liam sent his way. "That's rude" Liam said, while Zayn tightened his grip on your knee. "Oh come on lads, are you telling me the idea doesn't appeal to you? Two women together, mm, makes me all excited just thinking about it, especially if one of them's Y/N" That comment was all it took for Louis to stand up, turning to the man and saying in a voice much rougher than his usual voice, "Alright, that's fuckin' enough, what the fuck is actually wrong with you?" he was backed up by Liam, who stood up, going to tower over the interviewer, whose eyes had lost some of the sleazy look in them. "All you've done since we walked in here is make those disgusting comments about Y/N, and it's sickening. Have some fucking respect" he practically spat.
Behind him, Zayn took your hand in his and pulled you to your feet, noticing the slight glossiness in them, leading you back to the dressing rooms, while Niall, Liam, Louis and Harry stayed back to continue to snap at the interviewer. "That is no way to treat a woman, and not only are you disrespecting her, you also made those god awful events about seeing women together. Your'e a shame to every single person in this room by talking like that" Harry continued, glancing over his shoulder to check if you were okay.
"And no, it doesn't excite us, because we are not assholes, and you are, a disgusting sleaze who does not deserve the job he has. Fuckin loser" Niall chimed in, standing up and storming out. Louis stood up as well, turning to directly face the cameras and the cameramen and sound technicians, who had all looked shocked when the man had made his comments towards you. "I sure as hell hope you have that on record, so you can see just how fucking sexist this industry is to women. Y/N does the same job as us, works just as hard and has the same number of awards, nominations, and records and yet you decide to only focus on her body, clothes, love life and sexuality. Get a fucking life" he spat at the camera, before walking away himself, eventually followed by Harry and Liam, who apologized to the outraged fans before leaving themselves. As they made their way to the dressing rooms they could hear the audience telling the interviewer to apologize to you, their anger at the way you were treated echoing through the building.
Walking in, Harry caught sigh of you curled up in one of the armchairs, with Louis sitting beside you, while Niall and Zayn talked to a furious Paul. "He had no damn right to treat her like shite, and you need to make sure that he knows those comments were un-fuckin-acceptable" Niall was saying, looking angrier than Harry had ever seen him. "And to make those sickening comments about wanting to get action? Can't we sue him for something?" Was Zayn's reply, glancing over his shoulder at you to make sure you were still okay. "We can't sue him, atleast I don't think we can, but I'll have someone let the smug bastard know that he needs to learn how to respect a woman" Paul said, before leaving the room to give the six of you some time together before you had to head back to the hotel.
"How're you feeling darling?" Louis said, moving over and patting your knee so you moved. "I'm okay" you mumbled back, letting Louis settle in next to you, leaning back to rest on his chest. "He had no fuckin right to say any of that, and don't you let it trouble you for a second" Zayn added, pouring out a cup of tea for you and for Louis and Harry. "I don't care about what he said, I couldn't care less, but it was just so frustrating, sitting there and listening to him just sexualize a whole community of people. You've got to be in a really sad place to think of shit like that. That's what annoyed me. You think I give a damn about what he said about my clothes or wanting to take me out on a date? It was the way he was talking, like he was sure any woman would be glad to have him that irked me. He's really tiresome" was your reply, as you reached forward for a sip of your tea. "That's the right attitude love. Haters gonna hate" Harry said.
"I know that. But I just wish I could punch him once, which sounds mean, but he does kind of deserve it" Niall said, earning a laugh from you. Niall was never usually aggressive, and even now, he wasn't particularly rude but it was rare to see him wanting to punch someone. "It's okay Niall, you don't have to. I can do it myself, but I won't" you replied, leaning up to squeeze his hand. "Besides, Ni, if you went and punched him, I'd do it too, and then we'd all go to jail" Liam chimed in, scrolling through his twitter. "Twitter isn't happy either babe. #stopsexualization and #Y/Ndeservesbetter is trending already" he added, showing you his phone. "If it means some of these sexist asses get their heads out of the sand, I'm happy. But I dont want to to think about it now" you replied, cuddling closer to the warmth radiating from Louis's body.
"Okay, we won't talk about it. Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Harry asked, standing up and walking to the door "No I want to go to Nando's. Anybody else hungry?" You asked, to nods of assent from the boys. "I'm starving. Those stupid sandwiches didn't fill me up at all" Zayn said, standing up to grab his coat and wallet. "I know and I'm craving some hot Peri Peri chicken with some fries. Do you think they'd let me put the lemon and herb sauce on the fries?" You asked, standing up yourself, earning a laugh from Louis. "Your'e an international superstar babe, I think they'd give you some lemon herb sauce" Liam joked.
Laughing, the six of you made your way to the car, with Harry and Niall squishing you in between them, as Louis sat in the back with Liam, and Zayn sat in the front with Paul (he was driving thank GOD) "I'm proud of you darling" Harry chimed in suddenly. "I am too" Niall added. "You know I am" Louis said, before Liam added "Always babe" and Zayn turned to smile at you before adding, "We are all proud of you, and we always will be, not only because you do a damn good job of not listening to the haters, but because you do what you think is right" "Awh come on, your'e gonna make me cry" you mumbled, leaning into Niall's shoulder. "Almost makes me feel bad for teasing you about having an extremely low spice tolerance the last time we were at Nando's Haz" you smirked, earning a roar of laughter from the boys.
"That chicken was spicy love!" "It was lemon and herb with no peri peri!" "And it was spicy!"
And just like that, you were back to messing around with each other. Sleazy interviewers would come and go, but your boys were always there to support you. Always.
A/N - Thanks for reading ! I'd also like to apologize on the behalf of this fictitious interviewer I made up, I felt so bad while writing some of this 😭 anyways, I hope this is what you wanted! Enjoy !
Tags - @zaynkissbot @gucci-hazza @bxtchboy69
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omgkalyppso · 3 years
It's 1 AM — happy belated birthday Owain! I wrote some owainigo / laslodin ? Intended as being able to be read as an S support for Laslow and Odin. Written to recognize Inigo as bisexual and polyamorous and Owain as a trans man. Vague about Owain's sexuality because he currently has his sights on Inigo only.
It had been a long time since Laslow had felt like dancing; even recently, he’d wondered if he’d ever want to again, when they’d fallen into Valla and all hope had seemed lost. Yet when Xander had ordered he and Peri enjoy themselves this eve, he’d had a week for his dancer’s garb to be refitted — the clothes he’d arrived in — now matching a soldier’s girth and shoulders. He was not the spritely lad of years past, and wondered whether he looked like a fool.
In the least, the steps were as familiar as breathing, and the melody of the drums was known to his heart, even if the tune wasn’t the same.
His mother — his birth mother, whom he’d only known for such a short time, so much of her dancing was made for battle: relief in victory, love in anticipation, heart in loss. She remembered music of happier times, but those dances hadn’t translated into his tiny feet, so used to the sound of war drums.
He found his dancing riled the spirits of some, who watched or tapped a foot, mimicking a step or two, and Laslow felt further from them than he ever had before.
They were going home. He was going home.
This crowd would only be a memory.
He wondered where he would find himself: would it really be the world left in relative peace where Grima lay sleeping? Or would his intent send him spiraling far and away to the land of memory, nightmares and blight? Would Owain even wish to leave Nohr? It suited Odin Dark so naturally. He seemed happier as a mage, and through magic, his own and discovered, Owain had even managed to mold his chest into a form that brought him joy and comfort.
Inigo wondered whether Owain would hold any apprehension in sharing this version of himself with old friends and family.
Some would say Owain had no understanding of shame or embarrassment, but they’d never read his stories aloud, or seen him as a young bashful man who knew little and less of how to present himself. Still, Owain had grown, had carved himself and the world around him in ways that had secured their victories as of late.
Inigo knew that it was his own insecurities over returning that truly alarmed him.
Meanwhile Severa knew what she wanted. She always had. Her heart might be large enough to reserve pieces for all who showed her kindness and some manner of discipline, but she could never stay away from Morgan and her parents. Her home was known and waiting.
The song ended and he shared a soft laugh with his liege, a man whose trust and generosity he was on the cusp of betraying.
Public celebrations were a favorite of Owain’s. He had learned to handle a crowd, and could often find a group or three to regale with tales of victory, honor and suspense. There were jeers at times, but less when the people were joyous and relieved. Perhaps not all understood the challenges that had weighed upon their liege lords and borders, or their fabric of reality, but they knew strife, and wanted to believe it could be felled by a hero — why shouldn’t he be that.
He’d been shouting over the music for so long, that he’d nearly missed Elise’s voice marveling excitedly, “Hey! Did you know about this? He told me his dancing was a secret.”
While the Xander hushed his sister and they chittered on in silence, Odin Dark also fumbled in his tale, glancing, for a moment, to where Laslow spun daggered discs on his wrists. Owain might have trailed off entirely, and taken the time to watch as much of the performance as possible, whether to jeer or jest or compliment, but Odin had an audience, people who would think him missing or worse in the weeks to come, and so he dove back into an embellishment of the beasts they had defeated. He could watch Inigo dance again. He was sure of it.
The tents were relatively empty when the witching hour came to pass. The masses had retreated to the castles and campgrounds, manor houses and taverns where guests and guards were making due. A flutist was speaking with Laslow, a dancer by his side, correcting his posture, of all things. Owain sat on the edge of a fountain, and watched until his friend noticed, as Laslow turned away, red in his cheeks and upon his neck. He stopped their performance swiftly, seemingly assuring the dancer that he would remember to practice. It put a pinch in Owain’s brow, mournful that he’d spurred his friend toward another broken promise.
“You were watching then?” asked Laslow, spinning a ribbing at his side through his hoops so that they would lay at his hip, jingling.
“Even those whose ears I captivated with tales from the saga of Odin Dark, could look nowhere else!” He chuckled as Laslow sat by his side, shifting slightly, as the costume left little protection against the cool damp stone of the fountain. “If only you’d told me, we might have coordinated our performance!”
“I’d make a poor archrival then,” Laslow teased. “If I weren’t stealing your audience.” He stretched, and Odin watched how the bulge of his belly and triceps marked Laslow for his latest manner of fighting — reserved, sturdy, and strong. “And still, not one enraptured lady to request an encore, nor a single suitor to waylay my evening with a flower or three.”
“Only me,” Odin said mournfully, shaking his head.
“Only you,” Laslow agreed, smirking, and he saw how tired Owain was then, and hoped it was his performance, regaling the public with magic and mystery, but he knew it was the war, the ever present ones they’d fought through. He wondered if he would ever feel so comfortable as to compliment his friend, the growing wrinkles at his eyes, the stubble of his beard, the mouthwatering line of muscle revealed by his boastful outfit. He licked his lips. “My vexatious tormentor. Are you headed to sleep?”
Owain saw that the question had two answers. The first was an affirmative, though he would go to his room and stare at the ceiling, perhaps retreat to the library and spend his last few hours in this realm reading more and more of foreign magic as their time grew short. The second was a negative, and perhaps he and Laslow could find somewhere that drink still flowed, and they could pretend to lose themselves in tankards while he made a show of failing to find them dates and he either made a friend of the barman or annoyed him until they were both ejected into the night. However, something inside him overflowed, and Owain found himself seeking to fight the beasts of trepidation and consideration — perhaps he had already won, and it was their blood that had filled him with their ferocious candor as he asked, “Do you know I’m in love with you?”
Laslow’s eyes blinked wide, lashes casting a flickering shadow across his cheekbones.
“Owa—Odin,” he objected. “You can’t—” He huffed, frustrated, taking to his feet. “We fight against each other with every step.” He hid his eyes in his hands and then slowly adjusted his head as he admitted aloud, “I fight against commitment with every breath.”
“When do we not fight towards a common goal — against the forces of darkness, together?” Owain asked with a small smile, leaning forward to rest his forearms on the insides of his spread knees. “My confession need not change anything between us, it certainly doesn’t mean to change anything about you. My affection has grown even as you’ve found joy and rejection with your strings of lovers. And I’ve found that I can love you — that I do,” he swallowed, “love you. I’m saying it too much now.”
“There is nothing consistent in our lives,” Inigo said, sad and distressed. He wrapped his right arm around himself, squeezing at a shoulder, too muscled to feel right going back into his old life, too scarred to hope that wherever they found themselves in two days time that there would be the peace and family he’d hoped for. “I have gone days feeling as though everything around me is temporary, and others believing that this is what is real and it is me who doesn’t belong. We nearly failed. We—”
He hesitated as Owain stood before him, reaching out carefully to take hold of either of his elbows.
“We didn’t,” Owain said, calm and sure.
Time passed. Neither man could say how much. Patiently, Owain did not force an embrace, but he did rest his temple against Inigo’s, rocking his face towards him as he whispered, “And you’ve had some consistencies in your life. And me in mine.”
He waited longer, breathing deeply while his friend calmed in his arms, and then Inigo was lifting his left hand up to Owain’s hip and the mage smiled, letting his hands creep around the small of Inigo’s back, locking them together. “If I declared that I would dedicate my life to you, very little would change … and I think that’s very telling.”
“I feel good, with you,” Inigo murmured, tucking his face into the curve of Owain’s neck, “but my trysts don’t last and you—” he bit his lips, and as they rolled back into place he felt them pout against Owain’s skin, almost a kiss, “you’re too important for me to risk in a bout of bad behavior.”
Owain snickered. “Are you asking me to make sure you don’t grow bored? I think no matter what awaits us after tomorrow, I can promise it will be interesting.” He tossed his head back, and smiled wider as Inigo admired him; it was a wonderfully new feeling. “Do you think Odin Dark would settle for less? That the tale of the Avengers of Righteous Justice would end here?”
“Avengers?” Inigo repeated, pulling away from the embrace.
“I don’t forget my friends,” Owain assured him, but Inigo continued.
“And, really, I rather hoped that my tale might end. In some manner of the word… I want to rest. I want to feel the relief that these people felt, that our parents felt when their journey was over. To find a stage to dance upon, perhaps a student to apprentice while I’m still young enough to perform.”
“Then we will find it,” Owain said with conviction, his hands on Inigo’s shoulders. “A place where Selena can be a tired old general, or an extension of nobility, where our friends are close, and our families closer still, and where I study all the magic that has ever beset us with worry — that of gods, and dragons, and travel between realms—”
“Is this why you sought to be a mage?” Inigo balked, holding the dips at Owain’s elbows.
“All to keep us safe,” Owain said cryptically, blue eyes flickering with withheld words. “I will work tirelessly to make that peaceful realm you dream of, friend.”
“I can’t expect you to vanquish evil on your own,” Inigo said, a measure of wonder on his face. A puff of air passed his lips, joy and shock and hope twisting his lips first in a frown and then in a smile. “Very well then. Together, this time. We’ll start this tale together, as we’ve always been.”
“Then—?” Owain prompted, hopeful.
“Of course,” Inigo assured him, pulling himself into Owain’s space again, this time to plant a kiss on his warm lips. “I’ve loved you too. You need only look to your side — if you truly wish to take me as I am … then you will always find me here.”
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bigsteeb · 5 years
this is gonna be a long post so bear with me, growing pains got a b i g emotional reaction out of me & I need to share my thoughts & feelings about it because jesus fucking christ.
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ok first things first, someone hug this boy immediately. he’s sat in his room, still in his pajamas, in day time watching dog copter. this whole scene is just steven going “lol I’m sad, I’m gonna comfort eat & stay in my pajamas & watch a kids show I watched when I wasn’t as sad haha” & it’s not only upsetting, but relatable too fuck. his room is a mess along with him eating ice cream at what I assume is morning… making it his breakfast? geez steven. also idk if it’s just me here but in this shot he looks… bigger? like ignoring his body size shifting later on in the episode he looks a lot wider than he usually does when paul & drew board episodes to me, he’s rivalling etienne & maya’s steven’s wideness. did he… get chubbier from comfort eating? how much time has passed since together forever for him to put on weight if he has? this could literally just be steven slouching or his pajamas making him look bigger but as someone who is an advocate for the body positivity shown in su & suf it has me curious. I want to hug this soft, sad boy. It could also be due to how steven’s design fluctuates through the animation process, it’s never really on model all the time. 
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the grunting noise he makes in this scene is very distressing, as are other moments from the episode too. a glimpse at the glow-bracelet he proposed to connie with is enough to physically pain him? fuck me man. is he leaving his room where there’s already ice cream… to get more ice cream? sobs. also the puns in this shot. I cant? slow burn?! you’re evil crewniverse. not to mention his body size changing throughout this scene, god this poor lad.
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screams, this was when I started worrying. the boy is now in an environment he has never been in before & is feeling extremely uncomfortable & vulnerable. look at the lines under his eyes, his sad eyebrows & pout I hate it. also don’t even get me started on this part. the slight raise of a voice being enough to send him into panic?! fuck I hate how much I relate to that. 
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here’s where I immediately broke, no god damn pun intended. seeing steven’s skeleton, steven’s fucking skull, like this pained me. that crack on his skull is from fucking jasper in jail break. I can’t express all of the visceral emotions that were going through my body at this. there was intense sadness for steven, extreme anger at jasper & the gems for allowing shit like this to happen to him. turns out he’s not as resilient as we thought he was. each hit he takes physically breaks him & then his gem instantly heals his wounds, my heart fucking broke at this. think back to everything that happened to him, everything that physically hurt him. it broke him I can’t deal with it! then there’s what priyanka says to steven next;
“you seem to of made a series of miraculous recoveries, but that doesn't change the fact that you experienced trauma. you’ve recovered physically but, have you recovered mentally?”
this part here along with her reassuring him that there’s nothing wrong with his brain, how childhood trauma can have an impact on how your body responds to stress & how you act in your social life, the usage of the word “cortisol” too. this stuff being in a children's tv show is incredible. the writing for priyanka describes trauma simply enough for kids to understand, but for adults to fully realise too. folks, steven has ptsd. there wasn't one bit of sugarcoating about it or nothing, this is canon fact & it hurts me. for so long have I wanted steven’s emotional issues to be alked about, to not only be brought to steven’s attention but to the audience’s too.
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everything that has happened to him has built up to this moment. this moment where his behaviour & coping methods are finally making sense to a large majority of the fandom, & to steven himself. he’s hurting; physically, mentally & emotionally, & he isn’t coping well what so ever about it. his emotional support system is complete garbage, no one regularly checks in on him & folks just take steven at face value like “oh yea glowing pink? he’s fine it’s just steven” but he’s the bad person?! I hope a lot of you out there who genuinely believe steven is a bad person re-think yourselves after this. dealing with trauma is tough as shit. some days you even wonder if that one thing that fucked you up is really worth being labelled as trauma. I still can’t believe this is the route they’re taking, if he doesn’t get some form of therapy by the end of future I’ll be furious.
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then things begin to spiral as he remembers what happened with connie. he clutches his chest in pain & begins changing size over intense amounts of stress & it was extremely distressing to watch. steven immediately reassures connie that this isn’t because of her, but because of everything else that happened to him. however. I believe that that’s a slight lie, he wouldn’t of spiralled if he hadn’t of remembered the proposal, steven you fucking himbo. he continues to reassure them both that he’s fine, just that he needs them to leave so he can calm himself enough to control himself.
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then this happens.
this was fucking intense. he means this literally in 2 ways btw. his body size shifting over the stress he’s feeling is a danger to both connie & priyanka in this moment, but it’s also because of how it started. being around connie hurts him. he’s not mad at her though let me make that very clear, just that thinking about what happened when he tired to propose to her is sending his head in a fritz. he did what he did full of confidence in together forever, for connie to then make him realise how silly he was being. these two are destined for each other, but that advice from ruby & sapphire has really fucked with him. he looks up to those 2, looks up to garnet, their relationship is so strong & stable. for them to give him that advice & to then scream “DO IT!” in his face is incredibly tasteless imo.
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then greg gets here. I knew connie was calling for either greg or the gems when she was on her phone as she left the room, fuck yea connie I love you. the breathless, strained “thank you” from steven towards connie for calling his dad? g o d. connie telling him she’ll be there for him when he’s ready?! g o d. these next boards were done by rebecca, I knew immediately when I saw steven’s face. it makes sense that rebecca boarded these, because fuck. 
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how do I move on from all of the stuff I’ve been through? how do I live life if it always feels like I’m about to die!?
I’m tearing up as I type this. when I first heard the leak of this audio I so badly wanted to believe it, but to also believe it was fake too. I was an emotional mess off & on for about 3 days over it because I couldn't stop thinking about how fucking distressing it was. like… shit steven. he seriously feels this. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain he felt just saying this in front of his fucking dad. he is hurting badly. this boy, this sweet sweet boy we’ve watched grow & develop into the person he is today is distraught about his future & life. it is… soul crushing to watch this. a group of friends of mine have found joking about the episode as a form of coping with the intensity of it & as much as that’s valid as fuck, any joke coming from this episode feels morally wrong to me. I can’t bring myself to join in it feels terrible even thinking about laughing at it to cope. I love them all, but I can’t bare myself to join them. this moment ending with greg comforting steven, telling him he’s here for him & all of his struggles, got me weeping. greg is possible the best father figure I’ve seen on tv, let alone a kids tv show. he’s amazing.
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the final scene right here is lovely. greg making steven a hot chocolate & listening to him vent, reassuring him over his worry for his future. this right here is exactly what steven needs. someone to talk to, someone he could trust to talk about his feelings to. this the start of his support system, tag on peri from in dreams, bis in bismuth casual as well as connie from the past few episodes & it’s already looking great! even when greg eased him about being there for him steven still feels guilty about him leaving his tour, leaving his tour because he got a phone call from connie about his son being in need & steven feels guilty about it. fucking hell man. I did enjoy how the episode ended though, with that little moment between the both of them;
“just get some rest kiddo. you don’t have to solve all of your problems in one night.”
“yea. thanks dad.”
it’s a great message too, all of your struggles can’t be dealt with all at once. I’ve used a similar analogy before but it’s like removing a dead tree. you have to deal with all of the little things surround this issue first before you get to the deep, harder stuff. along side the message about trauma they’re both very important messages, I’m glad they exist in the show.
one more thing before I end my thoughts & feelings over growing pains.
this ending shot;
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as soon as I saw the frog mug my mind raced back to the promo for this scene, & this whole moment to come entirely. if you remember this moment has the first set of leaked audio within it, the audio of the gems basically cornering steven about him not opening up to them. christ pearl even gets mad at him for his gem building a wall behind him, protecting him from them. it’s common knowledge, I hope, that steven’s gem reacts to his emotional state. pearl herself has said this;
“I think your gem is reacting to your state of mind.”
his gem building this wall? it felt like steven was being threatened by them. this scene now has awful connotations with it. because since we now know what the pink mode is doing to steven, how actually painful it is, think back to these;
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yea. fuck the gems. I’ll let it slide if steven, greg or priyanka haven’t told them about what happened at the hospital. but if they do know, if they know how much it hurts steven being in his pink mode & still press into him about it I’ll see red. with steven’s trauma & now ptsd being cemented into the show I fucking hope garnet, amethyst & pearl get held accountable for what they put on him as a kid. that shit will not slide with me if they don’t. do not condone what the gems put him through. do not condone the gems for making steven feel like he had to be his mum for them. just… don’t. please.
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toomuchchelsea · 4 years
you and eric dier have a baby, take him to the training center, and the players play with the baby and you and eric are very cute 🥰
enjoy, darling x
“Be careful with him, Sonny,” you warned, watching the footballer swing your baby around in his arms. You turned back to Eric, teasingly rolling your eyes. “I don’t know how you convinced me bringing our newborn baby here so he could meet the team would be a good idea.”
Eric laughed, shrugging. “Aw, what’s the worst they could do? Half of them have kids. Besides, how long were you planning on hiding the little bub at home?”
“He loves it at home!” you argued.
“He also loves it with his Uncle Harry,” Eric chuckled, nodding to where Harry was holding the baby, making silly faces at him and getting him to laugh.
“Does he eat solid food yet?” Dele asked you, making you shake your head. “When will he be able to?”
“In a few weeks.”
“Can I feed him some peri-peri chips?”
You shook your head, laughing. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, mate,” Eric inputted.
“What about some beans on toast?” Ben asked, butting in the conversation.
“I swear you’re all trying to mess up my baby’s digestive system,” you teased, watching as Hugo took hold of the baby and everyone surrounded him, wanting a peek.
You had to admit, this was nice. As much as you loved your baby, having a minute alone, with Eric’s arms around you, was nice.
“We did good, didn’t we, my love?” he asked you sweetly, planting a kiss on your forehead as you two watched the lads fuss over the baby.
“Yeah,” you agreed, a large smile growing on your face as you nestled into Eric’s chest. “We did good.”
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alright makin a lil masterpost of ocs i need names for currently, after the first two i’ll put the rest under the cut. if you’ve got name ideas leave a comment or send an ask! but don’t dm me
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1) Froggie, designed by me. I don’t have story ideas for them yet I just care them a lot. I have NO idea what names I’m looking for for this one
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2) batcatboy designed by jayisalone. He’d probably have a dramatic cheesy name like ebony darkness raven whatever her name was yknow
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3) tv head by shelbopoly. He’s in a relationship with Aetius but they were absolutely clueless about all the flirting he was doing for a while and it’s funny. Looking for another Dramatic kind of name
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4) monster detective by @/peris-art-zone. I’ve been thinking about straight up just naming him Lad so yeah I’m looking for silly names for this guy
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5) dragon fruit by liuphrog. they are baby :’3 they deserve a cute name
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6) sea bunny by @/youronlydrpepper. i’m not sure what kind of names i’m looking for for her either tbh!
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7) cute witch by meowtownpolice. i did buy her on an impulse so i’m not totally sure what i’m doing with her yet but she is lovely and i love her she deserves a fun name. maybe something that starts with s? unsure
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8) ehehehe wizard cowboy, by me c: i also have no name ideas here
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9) demigender adopt i got today by pastel-balloons. i only just got them so i don’t really have ideas yet! she’s very sweet and energetic so that’s what i’m looking for in a name for her
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sambinnie · 3 years
1. On bank holiday Monday I woke two of the housemates at 4.15am, and we made a pan of hot chocolate and opened the door to hear the dawn chorus. One of them sensibly remained on a chair in the garden, insulated against the early May morning with a duvet and blanket and thick onesie; the other walked out with me, into the dark, and we tramped the streets together, along the silent pavements, towards the river and fields.
We discovered that a large ivy-covered tree is home to a bat colony, members of which flapped silently about our heads in their haste to return before full dawn. A cuckoo was audible across the water. A starling clicked its beak and jittered up and down the branch. The housemate called me a boomer.
Of all the odd things I miss from last year, it’s the silence of the roads that is the greatest loss. At 6 o’clock in the morning there would be almost no traffic at all; now the birds are almost drowned out by the constant roar, even some distance away. Whether it’s hormones or poor emotional processing or a rational reaction to a damaged world, I feel angry at the traffic. I’m not saying it would necessarily be a 100% smooth process, but I do wish the world could be run by peri-menopausal, menopausal and post-menopausal women for a year or two. Just to see.
2. I am still obsessed with Orlando Wood’s short book Lemon (I was banging on about it back in February), and am so grateful to have so many people in my life who care about those same ideas. We’re in a left-brain cycle of culture at the moment, he explains: the left brain has a tendency to “isolate parts from the whole and to see them in the abstract… It likes to break things up into smaller parts, to categorise, and therefore favours the familiar, consistency, repeatability and predictability”. It also “prefers to see things in terms of simple and linear cause and effect. It prizes utility, power and control, and its ability to abstract and isolate things from their context enables it to manipulate the world”. What’s that you say? Wider cultural discourse and rights of individual groups, inability to have dialogues about, you say? Mmm. 
My favourite part of the book is when Wood breaks down two adverts: Heineken’s ‘Water in Majorca’ from 1985, and GoDaddy’s 2018 ‘Make Your Own Way’ ad. Remember that? No, me neither. ‘Make Your Own Way’ is full of colourful images, isolated people, or tiled with images of themselves to make a ‘conveyer belt’ effect, and clean-face words which could be applied to almost any product or company (watch it to cure your insomnia/trigger a panic attack); everything is buzzword-y, inspirational, keynote, statement, unilateral, and utterly, utterly devoid of humour, humanity, or engagement. 
One of the most striking things about Wood’s ad breakdown is that, once you’ve read it, you can’t stop noticing how in, say, three ad breaks within an hour-long programme, there might be one advert at most which doesn’t fit this left-brain pattern. Adverts for products as diverse as cars, period reusables, white goods, clothing catalogues, insurance, snack food, and supermarkets all, to some extent or another, fit the mould: bright images, little human connection, bland Instagram visuals, large slogans, spoken-wordlessness (better for the global market), a vague puff of do-gooding, and absolutely no wit at all. The only one I’ve seen recently attempting anything different is Maltesers, about a breastfeeding mother and her mother-in-law, which I admired for the milk-leak and loathed for the Hahahaha, aren’t women awful to each other?.
It’s draining to imagine the flat meetings and endless audience segmentation that enabled this ad trend: this sector engages on social media in the evenings and this demographic prefers a friendly looking home and our audience here is more about food as a pleasure. I’m loathe to break it to them, but for all that laser-focused research you are all making the same ads. And as Wood exposes so brilliantly, those ad campaigns are costing more and more to receive less and less engagement. Congrats, lads. 
3. Speaking of left- and right-brain world views, as so often happens this episode of Hidden Brain popped up serendipitously, with the wonderful host Shankar Vedantam interviewing Iain McGilchrist about his 2010 book The Master and His Emissary. It’s just over 45 minutes and is worth every second — McGilchrist is so clear and insightful about how to tell what type of brain is leading at any given time, what we lose in a left-brain society, and what we need to do about it. (I went back and checked and only then saw the book is in Lemon’s bibliography. Bliss.) 
4. For various reasons, a small toilet room here has been stuffed with balloons for the last week. It’s absolutely staggering both how not one of us thought to remove the balloons, instead bobbling through them to reach the facilities at any given hour of night or day, and also how immensely relaxing it is to go in there since they’ve been removed and humanely destroyed (I assume). It’s A Squash and a Squeeze in action, a life philosophy I cling to pretty robustly and find pays dividends. A housemate pointed out recently that whenever they are travelling in my car, they play a game to see if they can ever see another car in worse condition, and they say they never, ever can. It’s the Squash and a Squeeze philosophy that, in part, enables me to drive the dented, rusting, bubbled, scratched, lichen-furred, beloved piece of garbage I do, having previously had no driving license for almost two years after my seizure. It’s such a delight to drive any car at all. 
5. We’re rewatching Ghosts, which of course I recommend, and I suddenly realised that the Captain (Ben Willbond) is the speaker of possibly my favourite newspaper-based gag in the entire run of The Thick of It. Please watch all of Ghosts and all of The Thick of It, then perhaps The Death of Stalin? All thoroughly excellent, and the latter two contain my favourite kind of Muriel’s Wedding-type comedy, where I am tearfully wheezing with laughter one moment, then gaping with discomfited horror the next. 
6. I made Nigel Slater’s cardamom-spiced rice pudding this weekend, (although I times everything by 1.5 except the rice, which I up to 200g) and it was as good as always, if I say so myself. Cardamom, like capers, coriander, and pistachios, is an ingredient I’ve only come to love as an adult — I often long to make cardamom buns but am in such an emotionally entangled relationship with my sourdough starter that I never have yeast in the house, so have to rely on my favourite local coffee shop for a hit every now and again. If someone wedges themselves against the fridge door this weekend, I might attempt these. 
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onlylowercase · 4 years
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Certified baby, also... in both his official full-arts hes touching his hair so i guess he likes to touch his hair? lol @princessazuraofnohr​
My otp for them: Xander/Laslow im predictable I know >w< My brotp for them: Odin/Laslow Lucinia/Laslow [I see them all as siblings ] Any other ships: Selena/Laslow Niles/Laslow Peri/Laslow My favorite nickname for them: I don’t have one but when Im writing and Laslow is his fake name I usually choose Azur instead of Inigo because I like that name better sdlghlsgh  My favorite AU of them: Im fond of “Im getting a assistant job to help support my sick mom Olivia, and my boss is Xander and hes hot” which I feel like I’m ALWAYS thinking about that.. My favorite outfit they wear: Dancer..  Defining color: blue or pink  Would I date them: If he is being faithful lol First impression: “Hes cute”  Current impression: absolute baby lad one of my top 10 fe characters  Which Pokemon starter they’d be: hm..howabout just any pokemon? Roselia
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My otp for them: Dimitri/Dudue    My brotp for them: Dimitri/Sylvain  Any other ships: Dimitri/Sylvain Dimiri/Ingrid My favorite nickname for them: “Dimi”  My favorite AU of them: College AU where theres just so much drama between the other colleges  My favorite outfit they wear: His timeskip outfit is so nice I love the fluffy collar on the cape  Defining color: Blue + Black  Would I date them: ok, i do like dimitri but I feel like we wouldnt go together well lmao-so no First impression: “Wow hes so hot in his time skip” , im a simple gay im sorry  Current impression: Ok so I do like him. BUT the fanbase has made me lose a lot of liking for him. The fanbase just turns him into a feral monster all the time making him do gross shit constantly and I just cant stand it. Part of this is why I cant stand Felix X Dimitri.. I still wanna like him and I have to force myself to look pass the fanbase of it. Hes not my favourite 3-houses lord anymore, after i played his and red eagles I cant help but love Edelgard Which Pokemon starter they’d be: Litten
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My otp for them: Hilda or Claude?? My brotp for them: Claude Any other ships: Slyvain lol..  My favorite nickname for them: “Long leg boi”  My favorite AU of them: Same college au from the Dimitri au My favorite outfit they wear: Time skip again is just good >:3  Defining color: p u rble,.,  Would I date them: oh n o .. hes .. not my type First impression: Oh myg od.. I thought he was so fucking ugly and that he was not a main character at first... Then when I played the game I thought he was an actual asshole and listed him as one of the 2 3houses characters I hate [hes now been replaced obviously bc i dont hate him at all now]  Current impression: He seems like a really nice guy and HE IS NOT ugly but his pretimeskip hair IS.. I havent played Golden Deers yet oops.. All I think of when I see him is 1. long leg 2. slyvain supports 3. GTAV mod - i just imagine he curses a lot and its funny to me Which Pokemon starter they’d be: poppilo because i think poppilo is ugly and turns into a NOT ugly pokemon in its final     Thanks for asking owo
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hollyoaksloversx · 5 years
Suspicious Minds...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (8th-12th July 2019)
James and Harry’s relationship hit a serious rough patch this week as James continued to struggle with his own jealousy. Keen to keep Harry out of prison, and knowing that Sadie held the key, Ste tricked her into returning to the village, telling her that Harry was dying. Although annoyed at being lied to, it looked like Sadie might just agree to act as Harry’s alibi, until Liam found out that she was back and threatened her safety if she didn’t scarper. James soon worked out what was happening and confronted Liam over his involvement with Sadie in front of Jesse, Courtney and Grace. Deducing that Liam must have been involved in the hit and run, James demanded that Liam explain himself, but Liam simply admitted that, whilst he had bribed Sadie, he had only done it to ensure Harry was sent down. With Liam’s story sounding convincing, doubt over Harry’s innocence continued to creep into James’ mind. After an argument about the situation, Harry announced that their relationship was over, telling James he couldn’t be with someone who didn’t trust him.  
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Meanwhile, Jonny and Stuart set Ste up on a date with Jed, a fellow member of their far right group. However, Ste and Jed struggled to find any common ground and Ste soon made his excuses to leave when he received a text from Harry. To complicate matters even further, Harry told Ste that he still had feelings for him and the pair almost kissed. Sadly for ‘Starry’ fans, a reunion was not to be, and Harry decided he wanted to be with James, and even told him about the kiss so that they could completely start a fresh. James agreed to put the past behind them, and Harry’s day got even better when Sadie finally agreed to act as an alibi. However, James got a touch of the green eyed monster when Harry insisted on meeting with Sadie alone, and spiked his drink to prevent him leaving the flat...
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The following morning, Harry was in a terrible state, and whilst James tried to brush it off as him simply having too much to drink, Marnie wasn’t so sure. After searching through the bin, Marnie discovered a discarded packet of tablets, and confronted James over his actions. It turns out that this isn’t the first time James has taken to drugging people...
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Elsewhere, Peri and Yasmine were down in the dumps over not being able to afford a holiday abroad. Luckily for them, Tom was on hand to help, and invited the pair, along with Prince and Romeo to meet with him to discuss an idea he’d had for a new business. The foursome were intrigued as they headed off for the meeting, but they were quickly left dismayed when they discovered that Tom’s business idea was a kids Summer camp! As if his mates’ lack of enthusiasm wasn’t bad enough, Tom had to contend with Prince and Romeo snipping at each other, with each refusing to be involved if the other was. The following day, a fight broke out between the lads outside Price Slice, resulting in the Summer displays being broken. As inflatables burst and sunglasses fell to the floor, Walter and Martine surveyed the damage to their tat stock and suggested that Prince and Romeo work in the shop over the Summer in order to pay for the damages. However, the lads soon discovered that they couldn’t hack Walter’s authoritarian ways and decided that ‘Tom’s Turtles’ maybe wasn’t such a bad way to earn a crust after all!
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In other news this week, Mercedes and Liam continued their affair but were horrified to realise that someone was onto them - Grace! Goldie tried to get closer to Joel by offering to help prepare for the ‘Hollyoaks in bloom’ competition and finally, Maxine turned into the ultimate bridezilla as she prepared for her wedding. 
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5 Things We Learned This Week:
1. Actor on holiday? Need an excuse for their character’s absence? How about sending them to Bible camp? Breda seemed to have a whale of a time there this week! 
2. James likes to live life on edge. What sort of person makes pancakes in a business suit?
3. A 4 poster bed can fix everything. And it’s definitely going to prove Sylver’s love for Mercedes and ensure she never cheats again. Erm...
4. Some people just cannot be taken seriously. Poor Tom. Not one of his mates seemed interested in his kids Summer camp idea and he soon demonstrated that he had absolutely no authority over his new employees. To be fair, I struggle to take Tom seriously as a grown up, too. He’ll always be that little boy who played with his Max Mission doll...
5. Hollyoaks residents have finally worked out that lurking in the alleyway of doom is dangerous. Now, they lurk behind a newspaper to eavesdrop. See Liam Donovan and Tom Cunningham.
This Week’s Cast:
Bobby, Breda, Brody, Cleo, Courtney, Damon, Goldie, Grace, Harry, Jack, James, Jesse, Joel, Jonny, Liam, Marnie, Martine, Maxine, Mercedes, Mitchell, Peri, Prince, Romeo, Sadie, Sienna, Ste, Stuart, Sylver, Tom, Tony, Walter and Yasmine.
Blasts From The Past:
Amy Barnes, Lily Drinkwell, Harley Frater, Mac Nightingale, Frankie Osbourne.
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cyclone-rachel · 7 years
Gem Legion AU fusions:
Superman + Brainy= Unakite, as drawn brilliantly by @peskyshortcake (stable, formed often. Brainy obvi loves fusing with Clark, once he warms up to him. Nervous, but hiding it by being overconfident, basically, is this fusion’s personality.)
Mon-El + Lightning Lord= Dickite (weapon= jousting lance)
Brainy 5 + Brainiac 1.0= Tektite (probably never happens.)
Supergirl + Phantom Girl= Blue Mist Chalcedony (weapon- kamayari) (Sinnamon roll, for sure. Enjoys making fun of Clark, is a little bit too enthusiastic when fighting which leads to her basically being the definition of this trope.Gets drunk on power sometimes, but really has a good heart. Cute as hell. Probably stable, fun to hang around and actually gets stuff done. Likes wearing princessy clothes and being adorable while also wielding a gigantic weapon)
Winema + Astra + Brainiac= Mint Diamond (basically Ragyo Kiryuin, in appearance and personality.)
Shrinking Violet + Cosmic Boy= Purple Goldstone (weapon- trench mace)
Bouncing Boy + Lightning Lad= Uvarovite (weapon- lightsaber, because again, hell yes, why would they not) (from Pesky: so show off-y and a giant nerd and annoying. Once Mahogany Obsidian wanted to stab them just so they could unfuse already. Unstable.)
Superman-X + Triplicate Girl= Peacock Ore (weapon- Kora sword)
Superman + Lightning Lad= Spessartine (weapon- tactical shield. was originally going to give him something else, but this fits much better) (probably unstable, kind of a Sugilite-type, big and an asshole with a short temper who really likes showing off. Starts out just annoying and dumb, ends up being violent and a bigger asshole than usual. Has the ability to conjure ball lightning)
Timber Wolf + Shrinking Violet= Melody Stone (weapon- sword breaker dagger)
Triplicate Girl + Cosmic Boy= Stephanite (weapon- Quadrens)
Saturn Girl + Phantom Girl= Spodumene (weapon- double-headed scythe, like Maria’s weapon from RWBY) (quiet and gentle, probably appears creepy to those who first meet her. Mainly stays to herself unless confronted. Has devious tendencies, although tends to be more affectionate to those she’s close with. Is actually optimistic most of the time, surprisingly, and has a tendency to bottle up her stronger feelings to “keep up appearances” and appear more put-together. Probably stable)
Superman + Bouncing Boy= Umbalite (weapon- grand lance) (probably pretty stable, and like the definition of a gentle giant in that he’s really fun to be around, and obviously on the taller side, but he can take command and go into Ruby soldier mode if he has to.)
Brainy 5+ Cosmic Boy= Barbertonite (from Pesky: very bossy and arrogant, but really cares for his teammates more than he’s willing to admit. He gets *devastated* whenever one of the other Gems gets poofed into their Gem.)
Winema + Alura + Astra= Fuschia Diamond 
Timber Wolf + Phantom Girl= Snowflake Obsidian (weapon- braid tassel battle scythe) (fuses a lot, because their components are *History of Japan narrator voice* Good Friends and often get paired together to guard the Headquarters or while on missions out in the field. Stable. Kind of intimidating, likes to act tough, is really a big cinnamon roll. Good fighter too, prefers stealth and disguises but is not afraid to throw down regardless of their opponent’s size) 
Brainy 5 + Lightning Lad= Bowenite (Brags about himself a lot, obnoxious, no filter for what he says. Surprisingly flirty. Does care about people! Just doesn’t like admitting it, or being vulnerable.)
Superman + Supergirl= Lead Pipe Springs Agate (weapon- poleaxe) (previously Pietersite) (Precious celestial child, seriously, what a pure adorable dork. Also really likes punching people. It’s a Ruby thing, but Tanzanite’s taken a liking to it as well. Sees the best in people, very protective of Gems and humans both, even though they have a difficult time integrating with humans. Useful and stable, probably formed whenever Tanzanite does get to reunite with Ruby. Uses words/phrases like “golly” and “gee whiz”)
Saturn Girl + Bouncing Boy= Iolite (weapon- Bat’leth, because Bouncy is a nerd and he’d jump at the chance to get to use a Klingon weapon, even though he doesn’t act like a Klingon at all) (The epitome of peacemaker/mediator for the team. Doesn’t want people’s feelings to get hurt, and really dedicated to making sure people get along and have a good time. Stays neutral during conflicts. Maybe stable.)
Superman-X + Brainy 5= Teal Agate (from Pesky: 12th level intelligence AND the ability to see into the future? Not a good combination, especially when one of them is a huge grump. Obviously unstable, but gets less so once they start getting to know each other in the barn.)
Lightning Lad + Cosmic Boy= Cordierite (weapon- stun gun baton) (Obvi these two work very well together, their fusion is stable and gets the job done without any real trouble or unnecessary heroics. Not fun to face on the battlefield, because of his fighting skills and ruthlessness in fights, as an ally he’s far better, but probably not the best for assignments that require idealism instead of pragmatism. Also protective of young kids, like Anatase.)
Astra + Brainiac 1= Green Diamond (These two cooperate a lot more before the loss of Pink Diamond than after it. Before, they’re TERRIFYING. Cold and unforgiving and relentless, working more-or-less in sync. Definitely not someone you’d want to face. After, Blue Diamond’s response to Pink’s death is a wedge driven between them, and Yellow is not taking any of her melodramatic bullshit. But Blue can still be plenty ruthless, when she has to be, and when she is they do work together decently well, for feuding dictators.) 
Superman + Superman-X= Purple Garnet (Stevonnie-type situation, uses sword and shield because they’re not usually stable enough to form a proper composite weapon. If they were, their weapon would probably end up being a buster sword, though.) (also drawn brilliantly by @peskyshortcake) (from Pesky: if they have something to focus on doing? Good. Once they’ve accomplished their goal and have nothing else to do? Completely violent and unstable.)
Timber Wolf + Triplicate Girl= Rainbow Obsidian (weapon- 5-pronged trident, because more prongs makes everything better. also apparently this is the type of trident that Aquaman wields in Batman v Superman and subsequent movies. which is interesting)
Bouncing Boy + Superman-X= Linarite (weapon-double-bladed sword)
Lightning Lad + Saturn Girl= Hureaulite (weapon- basically a larger version of a Vajra) (Authoritative, less warm of a Mom Friend than Ruby/Pink Topaz, but still somewhat in that role, along with team leader in a way. Formed often, good and useful and stable, Alunite and Pink Topaz have known each other for a long time, and work as a team perhaps the most.)
Superman-X + Supergirl= Winza Sapphire (weapon- glaive)
Saturn Girl + Cosmic Boy= Spirit Quartz (weapon- dual sickles) (Again, because they’re two of the founders, they work almost as well as Hureaulite, and the only reason they don’t work as well is because they don’t see each other that often. Again, a Mom Friend fusion, more stern and a stickler for rules, but still deeply cares about their kids.)
Brainy 5 + Brainiac 4= Hiddenite (gosh, the Most Unstable. think Malachite, smarter and soooomewhat less powerful, but just as dysfunctional. terrifyingly smart, thinks intently and can’t be bothered to focus on any single thing. Would be hot if they weren’t so evil.)
Alura Zor-El+ Brainiac 1= Orange Diamond 
Lightning Lad + Triplicate Girl= Purple Impression Jasper (weapon- tuning fork)
Supergirl + Saturn Girl= Charoite (weapon- bardiche) (very much a Mom Friend, because Kara also does feel sort of a responsibility to Kal, Kell, and Peri, having to keep them in line all the time at the barn, and Imra feels that way with regard to the other Gem Legionnaires. Very good at knowing when to give hugs. When provoked (or when her ‘kids’ are attacked) she will fight, and fight very well, but she prefers not to most of the time. Probably stable.)
Brainy 5 + Shrinking Violet= Maine Tourmaline (very smol, shortest of all the fusions on this list. Will fight you if you make jokes about their height. Too smart for their own good, but not arrogant about it like Zoisite. An inventor, spends a lot of time tinkering either in the Super-Gems’ barn or at the Gem Legion West base. Enjoys insulting opponents while fighting them.)
Supergirl + Shrinking Violet= Purple Mica (weapon- cleaver)
Timber Wolf + Bouncing Boy= Pietersite (weapon- chainsaw katana. I can’t believe these are actually a thing that exists, but here we are) (an even bigger weeb than Benitoite, did not think that was possible. the embodiment of this trope, can actually back up the ‘kung fu’ part because his components are both good fighters, despite some beliefs regarding Benitoite about the contrary. probably unstable, because of the trope linked is likely not the best person to be around)
Supergirl + Lightning Lad= Kornerupine (less of an asshole than Spessartine, but similar situation. Really show-offy, super powerful with a really bad temper when they hold in their anger for too long (because of course they have a lot of anger and grief. lost family, lost friends, etc. these two have been through a lot, and could probably bond thanks to it), like
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that’s them during a fight. Has to let out all their anger before they can really unfuse or calm down again. When not like that, surprisingly cool to be around, likes doing tricks with their weapon for the others’ amusement.)
Brainy 5 + Phantom Girl= Tree Agate (another cute nerd. so many cute nerds. probably a bit shy sometimes, worried about how others think of them, but still adorable, easily scared/excited, likes warm hugs. They don’t fuse often, but I’d say they’re probably stable)
Alura + Astra + Brainiac= Chocolate/Brown Diamond 
Superman-X + Lightning Lad= Viridine (weapon- hooked baton)
Phantom Girl + Shrinking Violet= Covellite (weapon- fauchard fork)
Supergirl + Brainy 5= Brochantite (the cutest, dorkiest fusion! loves everyone. gives so many hugs, especially to Clark. goodness gracious. probably has a cute ponytail and nerd glasses. The most precious and pure cinnamon roll. Stable.)
Bouncing Boy + Triplicate Girl= Drusy Quartz (weapon- basically like Pearl’s trident that she got in Bismuth) (The first fusion Ruby sees, cheerful and goofy and working together very well because Benitoite and Ametrine are so close. As a fusion with a Quartz, naturally inclined toward fighting, combined with Benitoite’s sense of strategy, makes a deadly effective fusion when they need to fight enemies. Most stable of all Ametrine fusions.)
Mon-El + Brainiac 4: Coprolite (weapon- combat cross)
Winema Wazzo + Alura Zor-El= Orchid Diamond (most ‘mom’-like of the Diamond fusions, and probably the second-most stable, yet still someone you don’t want to meet in a fight. However, she was even better with strategy, and is a terrifically effective leader. Winema may have looked down on Alura’s compassion sometimes, but she still respected her as a fellow Diamond)
Superman + Timber Wolf= Black Star Sapphire (weapon- spiked yo-yo)
Brainy 5 + Saturn Girl= Zoisite (looks sweet, is the most obnoxious Gem ever. Brainy’s Insufferable Genius-ness cranked up to eleven plus Imra’s telepathy- epitome of “I know something you don’t”. V. unstable, probably only formed once because nobody else could stand them)
Winema + Alura + Brainiac= Golden Jubilee Diamond
Superman + Phantom Girl = Red Phantom Quartz (weapon- Whirligig Saw) (previously drawn by pesky as Spectrolite) (gosh, Howlite brings out a more playful and mischievous side of Clark, that’s not often seen because he usually is afraid of being judged by the others or having to control his stronger emotions. But Howlite, being who she is, convinces him to let go a bit when they fuse, and they have so much fun being Red Phantom Quartz together. Enjoys human stuff like Mike Krol concerts, scares people for fun, but nothing too extreme. Probably shops at Hot Topic. Very much a sinnamon roll. Has Hades-from-Hercules style fire hair, parts of them are transparent because, y’know, phantom)
Bouncing Boy + Brainy 5= Green Topaz (Basically Cooper Daniels, adorable chubby nerd. Has extra arms for more video-game playing. Wears Kamina glasses. Very stable, everyone likes having him around.)
Superman + Brainiac 4= Orange Banded Agate (weapon: this thing)
Mon-El + Lightning Lad= Cummingtonite (weapon: vibrator)
Alura Zor-El + Astra= Purple Diamond (Most harmonious of all the Diamond fusions, as they’re the closest relationship-wise, but there’s still some resentment/jealousy on Astra’s end that prevents them from being 100 percent stable. Very powerful, intelligent, authoritative, but also a measure of compassion that complicates things. Iffy moral compass, for sure, has an understanding of justice but probably Lawful/Chaotic Neutral at best)
Supergirl + Triplicate Girl= Dragon Vein Agate (weapon- stingray spear)
Saturn Girl + Shrinking Violet- Eucryptite (weapon- bolo rolling knife)
Lightning Lord + Superman-X (for @fire-night-sky)- Lightning Ridge Black Opal
Timber Wolf + Lightning Lad= Anatase (weapon- Macuahuitl, because apparently these things are made with obsidian! which is neat) (Surprisingly stable and useful. Mostly Mahogany holding Alunite back from doing anything really stupid, and Alunite appreciating how powerful and cool Mahogany is, so they cooperate. Gentler than usual when it comes to protecting children, a stoic, silent type. Fusses over people when they’re sick or injured, spends a lot of time brooding in the bubble room, watching over the corrupted gems.)
Superman + Saturn Girl= Serandite(basically Eve Baird from The Librarians, bosses people around and wants them to “FOLLOW ORDERS!” but really actually loves them and is a Mom Friend when things are going the way they’ve planned, or just in general. Probably stable, most of the time)
Lightning Lad + Phantom Girl= Phenakite (weapon- Rupture’s laser-scythe from The Flash) (somehow these two are actually good friends? and thus probably a stable fusion? But they’re also the definition of this trope, in that they really enjoy messing with people. Also has shades of this trope. A fun fusion to be around, but approach with caution because they’re probably planning something involving exploiting your weakness. Also somewhat of a shipper, Ruby and Peri being one of their favorite couples to tease and attempt to get together.)
Timber Wolf + Superman-X= Purple Mohave Turquoise (weapon- jawbone club)
Bouncing Boy + Cosmic Boy= Sodalite (weapon- sword mace)
Phantom Girl + Superman-X= Blue Labradorite (weapon- pickaxe) (More stable than most would think. Literally never touches the ground, because they move like a ghost, hovering everywhere. Spoopy glowing silvery-blue eyes. Cares about people deep down, but also enjoys giving them a good scare. Howlite, if she’s more in control, will hug and comfort people they scare, but Kell will just give them awkward pats on the back. Enjoys watching horror movies and laughing at people who get scared watching them)
Brainy 5 + Triplicate Girl= Ammolite (Unstable again, can’t stay fused because of conflicted ideas. Lots of conflicting thoughts but still very dedicated to making sure stuff gets done. Talks to themselves a lot, has a weird sense of humor.)
Superman + Shrinking Violet= Red Beryl (weapon- Tessen)
Winema Wazzo + Astra= Hope Diamond
Supergirl + Brainiac 4= Purple Onyx Agate (weapon- Kotaha)
Phantom Girl + Triplicate Girl= Purple Plum Jasper (weapon- ranseur) (so good and pure! Like a lot of other Ametrine fusions, unstable due to the presence of too many gems. Enjoys having fun, doesn’t like fights much, so is mostly summoned for mundane purposes. Likes playing with peoples’ hair.)
Superman + Cosmic Boy= Star Ruby (weapon- maigasa parasol)
Bouncing Boy + Shrinking Violet= Alexite (weapon- Koummya dagger)
Superman + Triplicate Girl= Mystic Fire Topaz (weapon- trident shield)
Bouncing Boy + Phantom Girl= Carletonite (weapon- cane sword) (basically think Tina Belcher from Bob’s Burgers, kind of deadpan nerd that everyone loves and supports. Nice, but can get ruthless when the situation calls for it. Has a collection of erotic friendfiction that they write while they’re fused. Stable.)
Brainiac 4+ Dr. Londo= Ludamite (actual worst parent ever. end of story.) (weapon- whip chain)
Brainy 5 + Timber Wolf = Diaspore (so. goddamn. emo. mostly angsting about being a failure to his managers and whatnot. Mahogany’s aggressiveness plus Peri’s intelligence would make him a really effective fighter/strategist who’d be very invested in protecting his friends and making sure they feel like they matter. Unstable)
Supergirl + Cosmic Boy= Tschermigite (weapon- Goedendag)  
Triplicate Girl + Shrinking Violet= Purple Sage Agate (weapon- trident dagger)
Supergirl + Timber Wolf= Blue Obsidian (weapon- spiked naginata)
Lightning Lad + Lightning Lord= Cymophane (weapon- double-sided lightsaber) (used to form a lot  and be stable when it was just those two and Ayla alone in the Kindergarten they were created in, now Alunite just feels gross and weird fusing with Black Lace Onyx)
Saturn Girl + Triplicate Girl= Dragon’s Breath Fire Opal (weapon- trident axe) (Since they’re the least close among the group, they don’t fuse often, but because they do tend to get on well it’s a nice bonding experience for them. She’s kind of a Sardonyx, cheerful and showy, tending to be wrapped up in herself a bit because there’s so much love there, what with Pink Topaz’s compassion and Ametrine’s love expressed through her components loving each other. Unstable, but only because of the amount of people in the fusion)
Winema Wazzo + Brainiac 1= Champagne Diamond 
Superman-X + Shrinking Violet= Sapphirine (weapon- Rakuyo)
Timber Wolf + Cosmic Boy= Hausmannite (weapon- wolf tooth mace, because that name alone)
Supergirl + Bouncing Boy= Hauyne (weapon- Vaji war lance)
Lightning Lad + Shrinking Violet= Johachidolite (weapon- Castanas)
Saturn Girl + Superman-X= Color Change Sapphire (weapon- buugeng. these things look super rad. just sayin’.)
Phantom Girl + Cosmic Boy= Purple Jade (weapon- sabre)
Supergirl + Mon-El= Diaboleite (weapon- Ji) 
Brainy 5 + Lightning Lord= Maw Sit Sit ((from Pesky) Very sneaky and clever, but rude to everyone except for Clark and Kell. Is always overly flirty with the two of them, and is constantly touching/kissing them. But nobody really likes them because they’re a douchebag. Clark is lowkey jealous, whenever they fuse? Because Onyx always makes a big deal out of it, and their dance is very sensual, and he doesn’t like seeing his Peri with him)
Saturn Girl + Timber Wolf= Oligoclase (weapon- buzz-axe)
Superman-X + Cosmic Boy= Taaffeite (weapon- bar mace)
Emerald Empress + Brainiac 4= Sea Sediment Jasper (weapon- Toclafane, because of course her weapon is a big metal murderball) (so much evil in one body. probably has really great hair, that she doesn’t deserve because…she is evil. an excellent planner, combination of these two tropes. Forms when both of these two are trapped on Earth, although as Emerald may have served under Yellow Diamond, they might have met before.)
Superman + Supergirl + Brainy 5= Elbaite Tourmaline (weapon- Halberd of Devastation) (one of the only 3-Gem fusions that would actually form regularly and work well. These 3 love and support each other a lot, between Clark and Kara’s more familial bond, Kara and Peri’s best friend bond, and Clark and Peri’s romantic bond, there’s a lot of love to go around, and their fusion reflects that. They have different ways to go about things, but in the end they share a common goal, so. Very good fusion to have on your side in a fight. Very good fusion to have as a friend. Hugs Kell a lot, even if he doesn’t think he deserves it.)
Superman-X + Supergirl + Brainy 5= Boulder Opal (weapon- this but it can shoot lasers or something)
Superman + Superman-X + Supergirl= Mozambique Purple Garnet (weapon- basically this thing) (as they were meant to be the ideal team, I’d say this fusion is stable. The addition of Kara helps, as she keeps Clark and Kell from going too far on either side of the emotional spectrum. They do the cheerleader pyramid when they fuse, which is Kara’s idea. Also, hugs Peri so much.)
Superman + Superman-X + Brainy 5= Harlequin Opal (weapon- upgraded sword + shield and sci-fi-style armor) (gosh, so much protective family love for Kara, which is a major reason why they work so well together.)
Winema + Alura + Astra + Brainiac= Satanic Hell Diamond 
Lightning Lad + Saturn Girl + Cosmic Boy= Rainbow Solar Quartz (weapon- this thing, but one side has more jaggedy edges, because Blue Goldstone’s mace)
Diamond fusion appearances:
Yellow/Blue- older Natalie Dormer
White/Blue- Michelle Forbes
Pink/Blue- Laura Benanti or Erica Durance
Pink/Yellow- Tilda Swinton
White/Pink- Terry Farrell
White/Yellow- Cate Blanchett
White/Yellow/Blue- Michelle Pfeiffer
Yellow/Pink/Blue- Barbara Hershey
White/Pink/Blue- Helena Bonham-Carter
White/Pink/Blue/Yellow- no real-life equivalent
White/Yellow/Pink- Susanna Thompson
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firebunnylover · 7 years
Hannah Watches LOSH - Timber Wolf
So I started to make gifs for the reviews because I found I was taking way to many screenshots in particular scenes in this episode. If anyone knows a good reference/guide on making gifs of parts of an episode with just one program that don’t stutter in tumblr and stay the same duration as the source, and the recomended sizes for images in text posts and, lemme know. I’m probably going to start assembling all images because i love them all and i hate how text posts kill the quality.
And this time I’m including the keep reading option.
Timber Wolf
The way the episodes starts off before the theme is on Rawl, focusing on Dr. Londo, and old man, with his robots, pursuing a werewolf like creature.
From an artistic standpoint, I found the planet’s environment very Halloween like. But here, writing wise, we get a dark glimpse of the show.
After the show’s theme, we cut to what is essentially a space version of the sea cucumber. Lorsax. Not sure how it’s spelled. We’ll just call it Space-Cucumber.
Lightning Lad is still the proud jock we encountered in the previous episode, as he cuts off Superman in mid question.
However, karma kicks in early by proving that Space-Cucumber is immune to lightning, and having a tentacle snag him.
The distress message, Dr. Londo does look panicked and anxious. Easy to believe he is in need if you’ve haven’t already seen this episode.
Oh Saturn Girl named Space-Cucumber Globby. Okay.
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And it looks like Superman is coming out of his shell. He snarks back at Lightning Lad the very words he was told earlier playfully. That’s a good sign.
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Garth u loser.
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Creeping Cat B5.
And we get him insisting that Bouncing Boy used the system that he made to assist him, which results in one of my favorite funny moments.
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That results in the ship hyper blasting off. And crashing onto the planet.
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While we get our first hint at the Saturn Girl/Lightning Lad ship.
Upon landing, Bouncing Boy and Brainy are holding animosity towards each other judging by the facial expressions.
Lightning Lad seems to have the unquestioned position as the leader given Cosmic Boy isn’t in the picture. Makes sense given he’s a founder, but I think Saturn Girl is better.
Can’t help but smile at the confusion of Superman’s 21st century slang.
When Dr. Londo tells them about the Creature, he says it destroyed everything, including his team. I honestly can’t tell if he’s making that up or not, regarding if he had a team in the first place. More of that in the overall review in the end.
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Ok, clearly the picture was several years old, given the hair was still dark for Londo.
Upon meeting Dr. Londo, Saturn Girl seems to be the hesitant one of the group, while the rest bought what he said. Obviously her powers give her an edge on the situation, but she is more observant than the others.
Thus return to more fighting B5 and BB. B5 is a stickler for order and doing things perfectly as much as possible, insisting that since he has a 12th level intelligence he doesn’t need to improvise, while BB is a “wing it” guy, as he will improvise in some way or another. But Brainy is also bad at picking up on social stuff, like Bouncing Boy being upset with him, who proceeds to break a rule Londo had set.
With the other three, Lightning Lad starts to tease Saturn Girl who snaps at him, catching him and Superman by surprise.
When she’s expressing her concern on what’s going on, they get ambushed by robots. When Saturn Girl gets separated from the boys, we see her powers can effect things physically, including robots. This knocks her out, but she is saved, but kidnapped, by the creature we saw in the beginning.
Bouncing Boy enters a restricted area, and is immediately hunted down by robots with guns. Nice welcome.
We then switch back to Saturn Girl, who is in a cave with the creature, groggy from her thought blast. We see her scared, telling, or begging rather, the creature not to eat her.
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The creature is a good puppy.
Puppy is doing his best to tell you Saturn Girl.
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“Why do I need permission? It’s a monster.”
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And then Lightning Lad and Superman swoop in, being two well-intentioned dummies. Knocking Saturn Girl out in the process.
Karma has a stalactite chunk land on Lightning Lad, but he somehow survives??
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And after getting his shirt torn and scratched, he then zaps Superman on accident. Which he apologizes for.
However, Superman had to hold Lightning Lad back after puppy is knocked out, although he seems upset about that.
We return to Brainy, who insists he’s not worried about Bouncing Boy… until he finds him held hostage by robots, and proceeds to save him instantly. Saying he improvised.
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Well gentlemen, I don’t think this is what you were expecting in his labs, judging by your expressions.
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You two are trouble.
Where did they get that net? Did Londo give them it?
The power of improvising. Works well in college.
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She went out of her way to make sure Puppy was comfortable before she proceeded. Saturn Girl for queen of the legion please. And Queen of staring down twits.
Okay, time to address one question we all have: WHERE THE HELL DID THOSE BOXERS COME FROM?! I mean I get censorship and that the plot would have been spoiled if Puppy had boxes in full monster form, but COME ONE.
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Brainy, don’t poke the Puppy. PET the Puppy.
Dr. Londo. With evil robots and can’t-determine-good-or-bad creatures. An absolutely abusive parent.
Saturn Girl being the friend to help keep Brin from snapping and loosing control. What a good person.
Then this declaration Brin makes.
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So. Good. Holding Dr. Londo accountable for the abuse and determined to get away from his abusive parent.
“Take them all.” Dr. Londo, do you really think the rest of the Legion will just forget about them?
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And we get some more jelly Lightning Lad. Garth u loser.
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And after Dr. Londo’s animals try to gang up on him but then are scared off, the truly sickening part begins.
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Using his own son for research. Against his will. Saying he should have thanked him for making something for battle. The music during this whole part is unsettling, as is the issue. Brin can’t go back to what he was before. The damage that has been done to him, it’s permanent.
Dr. Londo taunts him on how long Brin can maintain control over himself, but Saturn Girl rejects that. Saying that he will have help.
And Dr. Londo? He gets off. Jurisdiction can’t touch him because of where the crime took place.
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Brin. He doesn’t get justice. He doesn’t get what he deserves.
To Brin, parents are people who should protect children from harm in the world. But his father didn’t do that. He deliberately harmed him.
Nothing will ever fix that. Ever.
The only thing he can do is destroy what Dr. Londo uses for his projects. And when he’s done.
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His final statement to the man who should have protected him.
… Are there a bunch of spare uniforms just lying around? A machine on board that just made the outfit? TELL ME~
Brin expresses fear that Dr. Londo is right, that he will lose control. But this time, Lightning Lad is the one to offer words of comfort. Perhaps he’s seen something similar?
And so, the episode concludes with Brin swearing in as Timber Wolf.
So final thoughts on the episode overall.
Except for a little plothole where they said in the last episode Colossal Boy was on Rawl. Brainy said there wasn’t much else aside from Dr. Londo’s research station. I don’t know how big Rawl is compared to earth, but kinda bothers me this wasn’t addressed. The only explanation I can think of is that his mission took place on the other side of the planet, and/or that the incident was resolved before Brin was transformed. Which leads to two more questions.
How much time did pass between this episode and the last one? And how long had it been since Brin was experimented on?
There has been enough time for Superman to start emerging from his shell clearly.
When I was younger, I didn’t get the significance of this episode. Now I do.
One of the main character has been abused by his father and changed into something he didn’t want any part of. And he doesn’t get justice in the end. Dr. Londo got off.
Let’s look at another infamous abusive Father and his son. Ozai and Zuko. A father who burned his son’s face for standing up in what he believed was right, standing up for others. Zuko still associated Ozai as a father though, as evident by the Freudian slip of “Father Lord”, associating fathers with negative things. But Zuko does have someone for support. Iroh. Who cares so damn much about Zuko it’s literally making me cry while writing this. And Zuko eventually held him accountable. But whether Zuko got justice regarding what his father did is arguable. Ozai got imprisoned, but Zuko still went to see him after the war in the comics. He wasn’t completely freed from him after two years.
Brin, there is no other father figure. No one else for him to lean on automatically during the abuse. But the Legion stepped in. They were going to be his support. They were new, but they were something at least. But he was determined to completely cut Dr. Londo out of his life, and knew fathers shouldn’t be associated with abuse. That’s different from Zuko.
Both are different reactions, but both are understandable.
But hey, Timber Wolf was far luckier than another dog person I know.
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Now regarding what Dr. Londo said about Brin destroying his team. Did Dr. Londo kill off his own staff? Did they leave out of their own free will? Or were the staff impassive about what Dr. Londo did to his own son? Because if it’s the latter, there is the chance Brin could have injured/killed them out of anger when he escaped. Hence why Dr. Londo had to get the Legion. The way Brin was, he would have killed him. But if Dr. Londo had killed the staff himself, then he could have set it up to make it look like Brin did it.
Personally, I like the episodes that are on the dark side. I do think cheery episodes are important, but episodes like these? They are important.
Personally, I can’t think of any better way this story could have been carried out.
Characters in this episode:
Superman has clearly started to come out of the shell he was in during the first episode. He has more freedom to be himself. And given just how much my heart was breaking over him the last time, this is good.
Brainiac 5 has more personality this time, other than the gay/bi (going of the comics here; I probably should have addressed he’s canonically bi last time, I apologize, I was very hyped), and little evidence of the crush. This time, we see him as someone who tries to maintain order, and stick to the system as much as possible. But in the end, he is capable of change. We also see he’s not aware of certain social ques.
Bouncing Boy: We see he’s far more relaxed than Brainy, preferring to do things as they come along, and to improvise. He doesn’t let himself get trampled on. Is a happy version of a college student.
Lightning Lad you brat. I love him. Karma has got him several times in today’s episode, and he’s a jealous baby who hates being wrong. Garth u loser. But also nice to see him being nice at the end.
I WANT TO PROTECT TIMBER WOLF SO BAD. I WILL GET ALL THE BLANKETS AND WRAP HIM IN THEM AND GET ALL THE GOOD FOODS FOR HIM. HE DOESN’T DESERVE THE SHORT STICK LIVE HAS GIVEN HIM. But I’m so proud he went to join the team that is meant to help others. That’s a good way to go forward. Kind of sad he doesn’t get any speaking dialogue from him before the transformation though. I would like to see what he was like before the experiment happened.
Remember what I said in the last episode, about the villains needing development? Dr. Londo is a well-developed villain that he leaves us with an impact. He’s manipulative and smart enough so that when he does get caught, he doesn’t go to jail. He doesn’t have any remorse for what he did to his son. I would put the guy in a pit with venomous spiders because of what he’s done. And I would have let him get eaten, like Lightning Lad said.
Well, that’s all from me today! Lemme know if you think I forgot to mention anything, feedback is appreciated! Or if the gifs aren’t working...
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libidomechanica · 5 years
On the next Heaven
On the next Heaven he greater king puzzled  by night doth come and unders that was  on a hyll, (as now the  French will spin. S incense me, good for  him here are my palsy, or my Muse  would be married, “Hold! ”Ve wandring oblivion.  And gowd, but seal with your  many a dale with delight:) garlands  feeblest beloved youd have seen made a sign  thy jocund hours from monarchs are scatter 
thy wine, in seventy-four. I 
am not quit my will not me? The  west unflushes for the fair on which 
he lay! A lovely beauteous gift, method as  above the babe had been wooed wo,  most retird, and if not thinking swallowing  sun. Some passd fortune she was  the gate, and had this english  air sae sweet some few shorten, not such or witty,  but streams of flesh-colour waking like most which  might halfe in losing knell of life, who watchful,  penetrate: fixed to mourning on the  devil shall be fit for the  first but she might by Algrin, his chiefe, and that  she will tear upon her immortal 
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done he put on nature teacher attentions,  courteously advised heaven thoughts to 
the shade where few short was at  the soul that we build a bond’ of  bricks has all with her casement  I still be cautionaries, Peris, Goddess of  her nose. Drinking of youth; and must I love  you mean! The dying dazzling few  to fight the old man to forest  one, or seventy- four; Sophias cupola with falterian.”
0 notes
sweetrollcee-blog · 7 years
A Progressive SU Fanfic, PT. 10: Tactical Significance
David ran out into the rain after Peridot, slipping off the second to last step and receiving a face full of sand for his haste. He pushed himself up, wiped his eyes and continued forward. "Peridot!", he shouted when he saw the triangular Gem walking away. He closed the gap reletively fast, making sure of his footing this time. "Look, I'm sorry! I know I said 'don't be weird', but be weird if you want to. I just, it's just, y'know... I know you like me.", she finally turned to meet his gaze as he continued, "But like... I like you too I think, and I'm scared of that. I don't want to fall in love with you only for you to find out that you actually hate me. I don't... Know if Lapis would hate me. I don't know how to do this right, but if you wanna, I dunno, try and like me, then I can try and like you back.", David gently placed his hand over Peridot's, bringing his other hand to her cheek. "Just like Paulette and Percy...", Peridot whispered, "Heh, sure. Whoever they are.", David said, not understanding her reference. As they leaned toward each other, "You guys, it's raining! You'll catch a cold!", chimed a concerned Steven from about 10 feet away and closing. Embarrassed, they both turned away from each other and scrambled to their feet. "What were you guys doing out here?", Steven asked. "Oh, just talking more about the plan, what Peri and I are gonna work at tomorrow", David answered, looking down at Peridot with a smile as she blushed hardcore. "Little Stevie's right though, let's get out of this rain before we come down with something." As they were walking, Peridot reached up for David's hand. She knew Lapis would be mad, but she also felt Lapis had little grounds to be. As they were a few feet from the step, David lightly ungrasped Peridot's hand so as to keep this new crush discreet, and she withdrew her hand with mutual discretion. As they entered the house, Pearl immediately screeched, "What were you 2 doing out in the rain!?", "I know what they were doing", Garnet said with a smug grin. "We were discussing tomorrow's plans more in depth, like, our role and how we can help. Like a tactical assessment.", David said. "Good, because that's what we were discussing too.", Pearl commented in a cutting tone, "And Peridot, we're having you pilot the dropship. David, you can stay here and do... Whatever you want really I don't care.", Pearl remarked indifferently. "WHAT!? Why am I the pilot all of a sudden!?", Peridot angrily inquired. "You're the most capable pilot here, you've operated a Diamond Authority flagship and no one else here has, exception being Pearl for a short time", Garnet reasoned, "Besides, this is a lot bigger than a baby step, and you just complained that you wanted to do more for the team." "You're right... I am a pretty capable pilot.", Peridot admitted, unable to evade the compliment. "I'll be going, as well as Pearl, Steven, our Amesthyst and a few others, and Peridot piloting. We should travel light and hit fast; we don't want to get stuck on Homeworld", Garnet detailed the manifest. Steven then brought it to everyone's attention, "Guys, there are 4 Off Colors, but Fluorite is a really big fusion of 6 Gems already, and that's not counting Lars yet. We need to make sure there's enough room for everyone! How many Gems can one of these dropships usually fit at one time?". Peridot answered, "The Amethysts were informing me they were equipped with not one, but 6 explosive payloads. With they're lack of soldiers to dedicate, Holly Blue assigned them additional ordinance. Mostly to have 8 ships deployed for the log book paperwork in the event Yellow Pearl were to look through them, but also in the event that one charge may not be enough. The dropships are a newer model to accomodate better for Quartzes, they seat 11 plus a pilot. So 5 Ge.. Individuals going, and 10 individuals returning: it looks like we won't have room for these spare Amethyst soldiers, if we even have room for this Fluorite fusion. Can she not at least divide for the sake of this exfiltration?". "I don't know, I suppose we could ask... But they seem like they've been fused a long time, it would feel impolite.", Steven said with remorse. "Well then I'll ask for you! Just as long as we can take off fine, and quickly!", Peridot snapped off, "If we're bothering to save them, maybe they could have the courtesy of dividing just long enough for them to get to Earth.", she ranted. Steven sighed, walked to his bed and plopped down. "Why is this still so hard, even when I have everything I need?", Steven asked seemingly the rest of the Universe (look I'm sorry for that one, really...) Greg walked over to Steven's bed, "Come on, Schtew-ball, let's go get a couple Donuts", he suggests gently. "Oh Murphy, Peridot! We forgot the Donuts! We still even have the key, Sadie trusted us with this! We gotta go!", said David with urgency and haste. Peridot, Greg, and Steven all followed suit and raced him out of the door and to the Big Donut, with David still taking the lead and winning. As they left, Pearl and Garnet stood out on the porch, watching they're beloved family frolick around the bend for donuts. "So what if we don't find this crashed Palanquin distress beacon? Or what if one of the Diamonds has already found it and they're planning an ambush?", Pearl inquired with reasonable concern and anxiety, "We should put a force through the portal first, get the Off Colors back through, and then proceed to the crashed Palanquin for extrapolation with Lars.", she presented as a hypothesis. "That would confront neither an ambush scenario, nor not being able to find the beacon. It would also put Gems that just started trusting us into harm's way. It's just not a good idea.", Garnet countered in detail. Pearl sighed, "I think you're putting too much trust into David's plan... Into David.". Garnet turned to stare at Pearl, "Seriously, Pearl, why? Why the suspicion? What has he done to you? What are you afraid of? This needs to stop...". "I just... I can tell he's related, he's just like Greg. I just didn't want another stranger to come along and take another one of our friends away from us forever, and then everyone just accepts it. It can't work like that, I can't be OK with it, Garnet! I CAN'T HANDLE THE LOSS OF ANOTHER FRIEND!", Pearl sobbed as she crumpled to the wooden patio floor, so deeply missing Rose in spite of all the love Steven had for her. Garnet stood over her, took her hand and pulled her gently to her feet. "Pearl, it's a shame that you still think of Rose's choice as a 'loss'. She made Steven, that's what she wanted. And if Earth is going to become a planet for refugee Gems, then Humans and Gems falling in love with one another will just have to be something you learn to live with. You said you can't handle anymore loss, but loss is part of joining a war, a part of starting one. And owing to David and Peridot's shrewd consolidation, our cause is stronger now than it has been in THOUSANDS of years! He's part of the team Pearl, please...", Garnet wiped away Pearl's tears, "You love Greg now, don't you? You of all Gems should know it's hard to love someone at first. Let him come around, and in the mean time, take it easy." David, Steven, Greg and Peridot were all scrambling to get Donuts and get to where they need to be. David, once again finding himself pouring Sadie's coffee said, "Peridot, get the Raspberry jelly one for Sadie, please! And also the Toasted Coconut Creme one for me, that looked really good!", while Greg scooped the floor donuts into the trash, Steven got his fill of donuts, and Peridot picked the specified ones out. After leaving and locking the Big Donut, Steven spoke up, "Garnet said I should get sleep, but I really wanted to let Sadie know that Lars is ok...", "And I agreed with Garnet, you should get some sleep, but I can convey the message for you buddy! You got ya Donut on, now get you some rest lad!", David said to Steven playfully. "I'll go with ya, Schtew-ball!", said Greg. As they ran back toward the house, they waved back to David, "I love you Davy!", "Yeah, love ya Dave guy!" Greg and Steven said as they ran "I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit!", He shouted and waved back. The rain had calmed to a drizzle as David and Peridot strolled back to the barn. Peridot looked down at the ground for a while, finally asking, "So, did you really mean it earlier? About you trying to like me?", she asked with ernest anxiety. "Well, the thing is that I already like you", David said, equally anxious. "Really!?", Peridot asked incredulous. "I never thought it all happened like this, this fast, all these feelings... This 'love' ordeal, happy and scared at the same time. It's like a...", "Rollercoaster!", David cut her off, "That's what it feels like! The fun, the anxiety, the feeling like there's nothing under you and that you're falling! That's how I feel now!", he exclaimed in a joyous wonderment. "So this is what a Rollercoaster feels like?", Peridot asked with a cute, genuine inquiry. "No", said David, "This is what liking someone feels like...", as he finished his statement he freed a hand to hold Peridot's while they walk the rest of the way to the barn. As they walked in holding hands, Both Lapis and Sadie were less than impressed. "Wow, it only took you... 3 and a half hours to get donuts and coffee. And you two got awfully friendly on the way, huh?", criticized Lapis, gesturing to the held hands of the 2. "So what happened that took you two so long?", she further inquired, with a clearly waning patience.
0 notes
hollyoaksloversx · 5 years
Daddy Drama, Dating Disasters and Ball Pit Badness...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (15th 19th April 2019)
There was much excitement for Mandy and Darren this week as their baby boy finally put in an appearance! Mandy went into labour whilst attending a hospital appointment (what luck!) and her son was safely delivered by c-section. Darren and Mandy named the baby Darren Junior, or DJ for short, but given the little boy’s appearance, perhaps ‘Luke Junior’ would have been more appropriate?After a run in with Nancy, who was quick to point out that all of Darren’s other children were fair haired, Darren decided to do a DNA test to find out once and for all if he was DJ’s father...
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Later that day, Ollie visited Luke in prison, but was reluctant to tell him about the baby. As it turned out, Ollie, too, was having doubts about DJ’s paternage  and he eventually told his Dad that DJ looked just like him as a baby. Luke was delighted by the news and told Ollie that, once he was released from prison, he intended to get his family back. Back at the hospital, Ollie shared this information with Mandy but she told Ollie that she would not consider taking Luke back after everything he had put her and Ella through and she saw her future with Darren. Mandy was soon distracted by the arrival of the DNA results, but she and Darren could not bring themselves to read them, and asked Ollie to do the honours. There was delight all round when Ollie revealed that Darren was DJ’s Father. However, Ollie was later seen burning the letter, which actually stated that there was no possibility of Darren being the baby’s Father.  So unless Mandy’s done the dirty with someone else, DJ’s a Morgan...
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Meanwhile, Sinead was struggling to come to terms with her rape ordeal and was putting as much distance between her and Laurie as possible by sleeping in with Hannah. However, Hannah was beginning to get fed up of having to share a bed with her Mother and Laurie was soon piling the pressure on his wife to return to the marital bed. Sinead ended up confiding in Cleo about her situation, but she refused to go to the police. Laurie’s behaviour at school this week was no better as he continued to make Sienna feel uncomfortable and she decided to record him confessing to sexually harassing her. Sadly, Sienna’s actions did nothing to deter Laurie, so she finally decided to take her concerns to Sally. However, Laurie was once again able to talk Sienna out of speaking to Sally and the pair were later pitted against each other for a ball-pit based game at the Easter fete. Under pressure from Sally, Sienna reluctantly participated but was horrified when Laurie grabbed her bum as the pair exited the ball pit. This was the final straw for Sienna and she lunged at Laurie and accused him, in front of family, friends and neighbours, of being a pervert. 
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Elsewhere, the day had come for Juliet to declare her love for Darren, but he was understandably distracted by the sudden arrival of baby DJ. Refusing to take no for an answer, Juliet made a show of herself as she followed Darren to the hospital and told his shocked friends and family that it was her he loved, not Mandy. Darren was quick to put everyone right and let Juliet down but it didn’t take long for the news to reach Hollyoaks High and Juliet was a laughing stock when she returned to school. Deciding that Juliet needed someone her own age to date, Brooke encouraged Imran to ask her out. Juliet was delighted that a boy was taking an interest in her and excitedly prepared for her date but she was left embarrassed when she realised that Imran had only asked her out on Brooke’s say so and stormed off. The following day, Juliet decided to get her revenge on Brooke by telling her that Ollie was starting to tire of her, and the only way of keeping his interest was to sleep with him. Brooke made plans to have sex with Ollie, however, Ollie, who admitted he wasn’t ready for that kind of relationship, could sense that Brooke didn’t really want to have sex and so the pair decided to keep things just as they were. 
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Also this week, it was Kyle’s birthday and Nancy decided to mark the occasion by throwing a party for him and inviting everyone from his friends list. The party received a good turn out but Nancy was horrified when she realised that she was standing in a room full of Kyle’s sexual conquests and began to question just how committed Kyle was to her. However, she had a change of heart when Oscar complained that the noise from the party was hurting his ears and Kyle demonstrated an in depth understanding of the youngster’s condition. He even got the guests to take their party elsewhere so that Oscar could sleep. Nancy and Kyle decided to put his past behind them and give their relationship a proper go. However, Kyle was later approached by Colin, one of his many exes, and told that he wouldn’t be able to keep his past a secret forever...
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In other news this week, Ste and Scott decided that the Hutchinson’s needed cheering up and so planned to re-organise the Easter fete that Tony had cancelled earlier in the week. The village turned out in support of Tony and Diane and the couple were touched to see how much effort everyone had put in. Unfortunately, Ste and his racist pals had to spoil it by picking a fight with Sami when he inquired about vegetarian options at The Hutch. As Sami and his family decided to take their business elsewhere, Nana McQueen stood up in support of the Maalik’s and called the group out on their vile attitude. The altercation was witnessed by Tony, who told Ste that his new friends were a bad influence, however, Ste reacted by telling Tony that they’d done more for him than he ever had. Finally, it was off with the beard as Liam gave himself a makeover...
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5 Things We Learned This Week:
1. Visitor passes have finally been introduced at Hollyoaks High, as modelled by Brody as he visited Sienna at work. I look forward to them being instantly forgotten next time Sinead decides to snoop in Laurie’s office or Kyle pops by in the middle of the working day with a picnic lunch for Nancy.
2. You’re never too old to party. It’s safe to say that Jack was enjoying Kyle’s birthday party far more than he was. The scenes of Jack tearing up the dance floor really reminded me of Uncle Bryn partying with the Essex lads in Gavin and Stacey, although at least Jack didn’t end up throwing up outside a nightclub! That we know of, anyway! Who knows what happened once the lads left the Osborne’s!
3. Mary Berry needs to take a trip to Hollyoaks pronto as two cake based disasters hit the village this week! Poor Sally spent the afternoon locked in the bog after sampling Grace’s chocolate cake at the Easter fete and just what did Mandy and the poor nurses at Dee Valley hospital do to deserve having Ella’s food tech monstrosity forced upon them?
4. Kyle once peed in a welly boot at a Little Mix concert music festival. Well, needs must. Let’s just hope he never encounters Emmerdale’s Dingle family, who are fond of forcing others to drink from one!
5. Community is great! It was fantastic to see the residents come together this week to celebrate Easter/Tony and Diane. I loved seeing Nana stand shoulder to shoulder with the Maalik’s, Jesse being run ragged as he dressed up as the Easter bunny and Grace rolling around in a ball pit with the Hutchinson children. Which reminds me, you’d be forgiven for forgetting that Grace and Dee Dee are half sisters...
This Week’s Cast:
Anthony, Bobby, Breda, Brody, Brooke, Charlie, Cindy, Cleo, Darren, Dee Dee, Diane, DJ, Ella, Goldie, Grace, Hannah, Harry, Imran, Jack, James, Jesse, Joel, Jonny, Juliet, Kyle, Laurie, Liam, Liberty, Lisa, Luke, Mandy, Marnie, Martine, Max, Mercedes, Misbah, Nana McQueen, Nancy, Oliver, Oscar, Peri, Rose, Prince, Sally, Sami, Scott, Sienna, Sinead, Ste, Stuart, Sylver, Tom, Tony, Walter and Yasmine. 
Past Characters Mentioned:
Pete Buchanan, Lily Drinkwell, Tegan Lomax, Francine Osborne, Jack Osborne Juniour. 
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hollyoaksloversx · 7 years
Fishing, Football and Finn...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (26th February - 2nd March 2018)
When it comes to CCTV, the Hollyoaks team are a fickle bunch. If they want to progress a story, they use it, but if they want to drag a story to the sun and back, they forget that such a thing exists. This week, CCTV was causing all sorts of problems for Darren and Mandy when they decided to use The Bean as their new love nest. I mean when The Bean was shut. They were’t getting it on over a table whilst Jack was trying to enjoy a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. With The Bean having been recently broken into, Esther was talking about reviewing the CCTV footage, which was obviously very bad news for Darren and Mandy and so using some epically poor distraction techniques, they snuck in and stole the memory card. However, the pair got more than they bargained for when they began looking at the footage and saw local runaway, Peri...
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Having run away herself as a teenager, Mandy knew exactly what kind of danger Peri might be in and wanted to tell Leela, but Darren was quick to point out that they risked everyone finding out about their affair in the process. Meanwhile, as Peri’s 18th birthday approached, Leela was more desperate than ever to bring her home and was left frustrated by the police’s lack of interest in the case. Leela was touched by Louis’s offers of help, especially when he offered to pay £5000 towards reward money for any information on Peri’s whereabouts. The only problem was, this money also belonged to Simone and she wasn’t best pleased when she found out that Louis had taken it. Shane overheard the pair arguing in the shop and, wanting to help Simone, put in a hoax call and got the money back. However, his plan backfired when Simone discovered what he’d done and sacked him from the building site for getting Leela’s hopes up.
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Having looked at the CCTV footage some more, Darren and Mandy realised that Peri was visiting Tegan in hospital and so Mandy decided to try and speak with her herself. Waiting outside the hospital after dark, it didn’t take long for Peri to show up and Mandy tried desperately to persuade the teenager to go home. Mandy’s powers of persuasion looked to have worked as Peri agreed to go home, but she soon changed her mind when she saw Louis and Leela kissing outside the flat. The following day, Mandy was surprised to hear that Peri hadn’t been home and so decided to tell Leela that she’d seen her. Whilst Leela was furious with Mandy for not taking Peri home herself, she was also relived to know that Peri was okay and still in the area. 
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Elsewhere, Tony’s old mate, Finn, arrived back in the village and presented him with a newspaper cutting featuring his old restaurant, II Gnosh. It turned out that Finn had an ulterior motive for the visit as he asked Tony if he could join him in business. Finn was dismayed to discover that Tony already had several business partners and so he and fellow reject, Cindy, decided to join forces and set up their own catering van. Cindy tried to get Tom to give her some money to help them on their way but he’s a sensible lad and said no, pointing out that she and Finn had not thought their idea through. Not to be put off, Finn borrowed some money from a friend and put a bet on a racing dog that ended up losing. Having been bitten by the gambling bug, Cindy saw an opportunity when Tom dropped his bank card and so took £10,000 from his account and put a bet on. Predictably, she lost Tom’s money, and it didn’t take too long for him to discover that £10,000 was missing...
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Luckily for Cindy, the Cunningham’s guardian angel, Milo, was just around the corner and ready to help her out. Milo had already taken an instant dislike to Finn as Finn was sure he recognised him from somewhere, but couldn’t quite put his finger on where from. Milo was horrified when he realised that the newspaper cutting that Finn had given to Tony also contained a small piece about him and the Cunningham’s car accident, complete with a photo. With the article now framed and hanging in the restaurant, Milo was determined to get rid of it and so spent the morning in the restaurant waiting for the perfect opportunity to nick it. Having finally succeeded, he took it back to the Cunningham’s and burnt it, where he was interrupted by Finn. With Finn determined to find out what Milo was hiding, Milo had no issues with letting Tom believe that Finn had stolen his money. 
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Also this week, Darcy continued with her plan to seduce Jack and lied that she liked fishing so she could spend more time with him. The pair then spent a lovely, but very cold, all nighter seeing what delights the river outside The Dog could offer them. Darren was furious when he realised that Jack had been outside all night in his condition and Jack was left frustrated by Darren’s babying of him. As a result, Jack ended up having too much to drink and passing out. Darcy saw her opportunity and climbed into bed with him and the next morning, told Jack that he had confessed his love to her! 
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In other news this week, Buster set up a football academy for the local kids. Keen to show-off to Buster, Marnie donned Ellie’s sports gear and impressed him with her knowledge of football. However, she was soon brought down again when she received news that her court date for pushing Mac from the window had been brought forward. Marnie was worried about receiving a custodial sentence but she ended up being given 100 hours of community service and a curfew tag, meaning she had to be indoors by 7pm each night. Buster asked her out to dinner that evening but she was forced to say no and she reluctantly told him that she didn’t think they should take things any further.
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Finally, Scott agreed to help Diane put a stop to Prince and Lily’s wedding when she convinced him that Lily was still too fragile whilst Leah confronted Ste over his affair with Ry Ry and agreed to keep quiet on the condition that he threw her a lavish birthday party! 
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5 Things We Learnt This Week:
1. Marnie would rather be locked up for the rest of her life than walk around wearing a curfew tag. They’re so itchy, too!
2. Cindy has a short memory. “Just how big is Tony’s ego, naming the restaurant after himself? It’s embarrassing!”, she said. Erm, remember “Cincerity” and “Cinergy”, Cindy?
3. If making Cindy a burger, hold the relish. It makes her gassy.
4. Netflix doesn’t exist in the Hollyoaks Universe. Instead, they use ‘Filmfilter’ as seen on the Osborne’s TV this week. 
5. Louis likes to lie in bed and tuck into a jar of pickled onions. He also shaves his back in the bath once a month. 
Characters Featured:
Buster, Cindy, Damon, Darcy, Darren, Diane, Dirk, Ellie, Esther, Finn, Hunter, Jack, Leah, Leela, Lily, Louis, Luke, Mandy, Marnie, Milo, Nancy, Oliver, Peri, Prince, Scott, Shane, Simone, Ste, Tom, Tony and Zack. 
Past Characters Mentioned:
Amy Barnes, James ‘Jambo’ Bolton, Brendan Brady, Cameron Campbell, Doug Carter, Gordon Cunningham, Helen Cunningham, Jude Cunningham, Victoria Hutchinson, Danny Lomax, John Paul McQueen, Mac Nightingale, Frankie Osborne, Ruth Osborne, Dennis Richardson.
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