#Petit Note
satopian · 2 months
お絵かき掲示板 PHPスクリプト Petit Note v1.29.1リース
「SNSで共有する」にBlueskyを追加しました。 Twitter、マストドン、Misskey、Blueskに記事を共有できます。
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disasterhimbo · 5 months
He should NOT be at the club! There’s an airborne pandemic still killing thousands and disabling millions weekly
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madootles · 2 years
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no one is more shocked than me about the fact that I’m back into fma a decade later
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webdiggerxxx · 8 months
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bishonenspit · 2 months
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The Case Files of Kindaichi Kyousuke (Kindaichi Kyousuke no Jikenbou • 金第一行助の事件簿) by Yoko Sato (佐藤陽子) - chapter covers from June Magazine (issues from 1978-79)
A detective story with BL elements seemingly based off a pre-existing fictional detective of the same name with characters inspired by surely nobody in particular
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figurecollection · 8 months
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Explaining PIP, the reforms and how YOU can help!
Recently, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Mel Stride announced measures to reform PIP (Personal Independence Payment). It's a benefit given to disabled people, whether they are employed or not, to help provide support for the extra costs incurred due to being disabled. PIP can be paid on anything you need, such as a carer, adaptions, your bills or a night out (yes, disabled people are entitled to a social life I'm NOT arguing with anyone about this!) On top of the changes to sick notes, the announced reforms are an assault on disabled people to desperately cling to power!
Below is an explanation of PIP and the reforms so people can answer the open consultations, call for evidence, and sign a petition. We need as many people in the UK as possible to answer both to try to stop these reforms from happening.
What is PIP?
The Tories are saying PIP is a one-size-fits-all benefit, which again is a lie as PIP is designed to look at how your disability affects your daily life and how difficult it makes it for you to participate in society, not whether you have this specific disability so it only affects you in these ways! It doesn't matter whether you're diagnosed or not, either. There are two categories they look at throughout, known as the 'Daily Living Component' and the 'Mobility component' The process involves 50 pages you have to fill out (link to Turn2US for proof https://www.turn2us.org.uk/get-support/information-for-your-situation/claiming-personal-independence-payment-pip/fill-in-the-personal-independence-payment-pip-form#:~:text=You%20usually%20get%20the%20paper,it%20is%2050%20pages%20long.)
With hundreds of letters from Doctors as proof of your condition! And then an assessment in which you will answer all sorts of demeaning questions, give in-depth answers that you don't feel comfortable sharing, and hope the assessor has understood how it affects your life and written it down properly and that you'll get the right amount of money at the end of this assessment or re-assessment.
To get the standard rate in both components, you need 8 points; to get the enhanced rate, you need 12 points.
They'll then give you two, three, five, or ten years (10 years is known as a fixed-term award and a light-touch review) to undergo the terror of the PIP assessment again.
The reforms proposed and why they're terrifying!
The reforms they've suggested so far are
One-off grants for aids and appliances
receipts to then be claimed back at a later date
the changing of eligibility for PIP or the category 'Long Term sickness'
Vouchers instead of cash payments
If you've read those four options and thought they were cruel, infantilising and impossible to make work, then you'd be right.
As a disabled person, bills don't magically disappear. You still have council tax and rent to pay or a carer. Will landlords and councils accept these vouchers? A one-off grant won't work here either. The vouchers also signal that we can't be trusted to pay for our own needs and aren't responsible—which is far from the truth!
Aids and treatments are already covered by the NHS, so this is redundant and will be futile, especially when you consider the long waiting lists for mental health treatment (and just generally) on the NHS—and even if they aren't, we do know that and will use PIP to save up for it, etc. It's easier and more economical to give us cash payments.
To have the receipts to claim back expenses, we need to have the money to spend on said expenses.
Changing the eligibility will (much like these other suggestions) put more disabled people at risk. If you want mental health to improve: Fix the NHS, wages, sort out the cost of living crisis and fund the research/support for Long Covid sufferers.
How you can help! - UK-based people, plz sign everyone else. Please reblog & signal boost!
If you live in the UK, there are currently two consultations open ( the sick note one closes on 8 July 2024, and the PIP one closes on 22 July 2024). Ideally, the responses will be used to decide whether these reforms go ahead.
Here are links to the two reforms for PIP and changes to the sick note process.
Please note that the PIP consultation ( the first link) is 6 pages long and must be completed in one go. It's also filled with typos, repeated questions, and very difficult wording in many places, so be on the lookout for that! People are rightfully complaining about its accessibility, so the link and end date may change. I will update this post if this happens. I also know answering stuff like this is overwhelming, so here is a thread by PeachyInWales on Twitter about how they approached the consultation. If I see any samples by any disability activists or organisations, I will post them here, too!
This second link is the second consultation or call to evidence. Which GPs are being stripped of the ability to sign sicknotes for people on benefits, which is again ridiculous!
And the last link is a petition from SCOPE to stop the government from demonising disabled people further.
Ultimately, we're trying to stop a benefit that is difficult to get and barely covers costs for many applicants from getting worse.
If I've missed anything then let me know! I'm sorry the post was so long, but it's a lot to go through! Again, UK-based people, please share your thoughts if you can and sign the petition! If you are not currently living in the UK, please share these links or the post so other UK-based users can see this and try to help.
Thank you!
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~ Black and White ~
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angievaldezart · 2 years
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Some redesigns of the Freedom Fighters (+Elias Acorn) for fun. 
Since there’s been multiple looks and art styles for these characters over the years, so I wanted to combine different elements to make something a little different & modernize them a little bit to fit it in with the current Sonic design sensibilities, it’s just fun.
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notbeyondbirthday · 8 months
I feel like literally everyone forgets that Beyond Birthday convinced three sets of grieving family members to hire him alone to solve the murders he committed. Including the mother of a 13-year-old girl.
Do you think she would hire a failboy freak like Rue Ryuzaki portrayed himself to Naomi Misora to solve the murder of her baby? Out of all the reputable, well-known private detectives in the world, she agreed to hire someone with no real credentials. This was arguably the most tragic event in this woman's life. There is no way she just took a chance on Rue despite himself. He must have assured her of his competence and legitimacy somehow.
Beyond refers to himself as an 'extreme freak' compared to L, which suggests he possesses the self-awareness to adjust his behavior according to his goals. It's pretty clear as far as I'm concerned that Rue Ryuzaki is meant to be a caricature of L - his defining traits are flanderized versions of L's. He serves a distinct purpose, allowing Beyond to get close to Misora (and therefore L) so that he can manipulate the outcome of the investigation. He serves his purpose best if he comes off relatively harmless and not as capable as Misora herself.
I think that when Misora tells L that her impression of Rue is that he should've killed himself already, (damn girl that's pretty fucked up tbh) Beyond didn't get his feelings hurt at all. I think that's exactly what he wanted, right down to her relaying this to L.
I think it does Beyond Birthday's character a disservice to assume he's a one trick pony and that Rue's cringe loser persona and B's unhinged ramblings about L as he's planning his own suicide when he's alone demonstrate the extent of his range.
Getting hired to solve the cases of his own murder victims demands impression management. This man is undoubtedly capable of a certain degree of charisma if he chooses to use it. I think he becomes much more interesting when you consider that pretending to be someone else is one of his defining character traits and it's actually not clear where the act begins or ends in the novel.
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n1c0d3mv5 · 4 months
Petition for Spotify to let you leave little notes on songs in self-created playlists!
I think it would be so fun :)
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satopian · 11 months
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statementlou · 7 months
Louis might not be chucking bricks at No. 10, but people are responding like he’s never displayed leftist politics or challenged a government position on anything. He supported demands to the government about a fix for UK touring musician post Brexit and Marcus Rashford’s petition about food insecurity. He fought the police about their social media use in 2018 and criticised the UK government position/support for factory workers in the pandemic. The things he speaks about are usually UK issues and meaningful to him or his family and friends. He’s also most likely to speak when he isn’t working. Also that specific anarchy has a punk anti authoritarian message as well. That statement fits Louis pretty well. He has been a poster boy for not sitting down and shutting up and doing what you’re told since 2012. If he was he probably wouldn’t have a solo career and he definitely wouldn’t have sold out the O2.
I like this point about him speaking out more when he's not working, I think that's a really great and useful observation and makes so much sense. I feel like it makes sense in two ways right now: like first, I don't blame him for not wanting to do things that would jeopardize how beautifully everything is going for him right now after the number of setbacks and troubles he's had to get here, it must feel so precarious. And knowing for a fact that any political statement you make will spawn a dozen tabloid stories and all kinds of outrage is bad enough, but add to that the fact that it's simply impossible to predict which thing will turn into a huge viral mess- it's a lot. And second, he's not just working, he's been on TOUR! I've been around musicians my whole life and one constant is that tour is time outside of normal time and life, it's a bubble, it's only paying attention to right where you are and what's in front of you and the people there with you and everything else is put off and neglected, is for when you get home (and have massive post tour letdown depression and fatigue). I'm not saying he can disconnect with the outside world entirely... but putting everything on pause? I would be surprised if it were any other way, and I would be surprised if he's been following the news and counter news and so forth closely enough to feel comfortable speaking out publicly about anything when it will be so scrutinized and picked apart. I would add to your list supporting the rail strike (something we wouldn't even know about if it hadn't been tossed in as an aside by an interviewer in the print only version of a piece, he didn't post about it or anything) and attending and posting about the BLM protests (not to mention telling people to pirate his stuff come on how punk is that), and I agree he is much more likely to speak out about UK issues which makes sense: most people are most moved by issues that are close to their lives in some way, and it's his brand. And I agree that even though as an anarchist I love talking about what anarchism as a political ideology actually is, the symbol does also have a common meaning in the world as just basically standing for anti-authoritarianism, and Louis as a guy who rejects authority and the status quo is nothing new at all and one of the reasons we love him, and in the last few years I feel like he's been going further in that direction both aesthetically and politically, and we love to see it! Plus he has pretty much always sported this slightly punky aesthetic to some degree, even when he was being dressed up like a little ken doll he snuck in skater looks and indie band tees and so forth (something something it's part of why his fanbase was so primed to love his new sound and it wasn't the risk he feared it was because people were always drawn to him who were already into that aesthetic even when his sound wasn't that yet) it's not like it's just a brand new out of nowhere side of him or something.
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timothylawrence · 5 months
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Oh ppl are just openly racist like this for fun?
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majimasleftasscheek · 7 months
Hello there!
I know this is a bit of an odd question but a while back you posted about some of your japan only rgg merch, which included an art book with concept art for yakuza 1. You showed a page with Kiryu, Majima, Haruka and Jo Amon, but is there concept art of any of the other characters? (Like Nishiki perhaps?) and if so, would you be willing to show some of them? Im just really curious because I cant seem to find anything about it anywhere else.
Thank you!
unfort there's not many concept pics in the book other than those few character drawings, a storyboard of the bar scene where Kiryu first finds Haruka + a shot of an untextured building (the rest of the pics are screenshots from the games) tho fun fact, the char I assume you think is Amon is actually Kiryu kdfjllkdflk. in the description for it, it says it's early art of him, noting "he looks more like he's from a foreign mafia than yakuza." the pic to the left notes they went for a softer look for him
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the only visual mention of Nishiki is his tattoo (same art we always see) alongside Majima and Kiryu's but the descriptions are just summaries of what they are - so like Nishiki's mentions the koi turning into a dragon story. there could be more about other characters but I haven't read the book thoroughly enough atm. the text on some things is really tiny so parsing the kanji is pain lmao. but if I go thru it again, I'll totally update on anything interesting
here's the storyboard. apologies for the poopy shots lol
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figurecollection · 8 months
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