thegoodmorningman · 2 months
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My editor rejected this one
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contac · 3 months
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cf-12 · 4 months
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鉄腕バーディー (1996)
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brooklynbadboys · 10 months
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posted on my ig first <3
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Explaining PIP, the reforms and how YOU can help!
Recently, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Mel Stride announced measures to reform PIP (Personal Independence Payment). It's a benefit given to disabled people, whether they are employed or not, to help provide support for the extra costs incurred due to being disabled. PIP can be paid on anything you need, such as a carer, adaptions, your bills or a night out (yes, disabled people are entitled to a social life I'm NOT arguing with anyone about this!) On top of the changes to sick notes, the announced reforms are an assault on disabled people to desperately cling to power!
Below is an explanation of PIP and the reforms so people can answer the open consultations, call for evidence, and sign a petition. We need as many people in the UK as possible to answer both to try to stop these reforms from happening.
What is PIP?
The Tories are saying PIP is a one-size-fits-all benefit, which again is a lie as PIP is designed to look at how your disability affects your daily life and how difficult it makes it for you to participate in society, not whether you have this specific disability so it only affects you in these ways! It doesn't matter whether you're diagnosed or not, either. There are two categories they look at throughout, known as the 'Daily Living Component' and the 'Mobility component' The process involves 50 pages you have to fill out (link to Turn2US for proof https://www.turn2us.org.uk/get-support/information-for-your-situation/claiming-personal-independence-payment-pip/fill-in-the-personal-independence-payment-pip-form#:~:text=You%20usually%20get%20the%20paper,it%20is%2050%20pages%20long.)
With hundreds of letters from Doctors as proof of your condition! And then an assessment in which you will answer all sorts of demeaning questions, give in-depth answers that you don't feel comfortable sharing, and hope the assessor has understood how it affects your life and written it down properly and that you'll get the right amount of money at the end of this assessment or re-assessment.
To get the standard rate in both components, you need 8 points; to get the enhanced rate, you need 12 points.
They'll then give you two, three, five, or ten years (10 years is known as a fixed-term award and a light-touch review) to undergo the terror of the PIP assessment again.
The reforms proposed and why they're terrifying!
The reforms they've suggested so far are
One-off grants for aids and appliances
receipts to then be claimed back at a later date
the changing of eligibility for PIP or the category 'Long Term sickness'
Vouchers instead of cash payments
If you've read those four options and thought they were cruel, infantilising and impossible to make work, then you'd be right.
As a disabled person, bills don't magically disappear. You still have council tax and rent to pay or a carer. Will landlords and councils accept these vouchers? A one-off grant won't work here either. The vouchers also signal that we can't be trusted to pay for our own needs and aren't responsible—which is far from the truth!
Aids and treatments are already covered by the NHS, so this is redundant and will be futile, especially when you consider the long waiting lists for mental health treatment (and just generally) on the NHS—and even if they aren't, we do know that and will use PIP to save up for it, etc. It's easier and more economical to give us cash payments.
To have the receipts to claim back expenses, we need to have the money to spend on said expenses.
Changing the eligibility will (much like these other suggestions) put more disabled people at risk. If you want mental health to improve: Fix the NHS, wages, sort out the cost of living crisis and fund the research/support for Long Covid sufferers.
How you can help! - UK-based people, plz sign everyone else. Please reblog & signal boost!
If you live in the UK, there are currently two consultations open ( the sick note one closes on 8 July 2024, and the PIP one closes on 22 July 2024). Ideally, the responses will be used to decide whether these reforms go ahead.
Here are links to the two reforms for PIP and changes to the sick note process.
Please note that the PIP consultation ( the first link) is 6 pages long and must be completed in one go. It's also filled with typos, repeated questions, and very difficult wording in many places, so be on the lookout for that! People are rightfully complaining about its accessibility, so the link and end date may change. I will update this post if this happens. I also know answering stuff like this is overwhelming, so here is a thread by PeachyInWales on Twitter about how they approached the consultation. If I see any samples by any disability activists or organisations, I will post them here, too!
This second link is the second consultation or call to evidence. Which GPs are being stripped of the ability to sign sicknotes for people on benefits, which is again ridiculous!
And the last link is a petition from SCOPE to stop the government from demonising disabled people further.
Ultimately, we're trying to stop a benefit that is difficult to get and barely covers costs for many applicants from getting worse.
If I've missed anything then let me know! I'm sorry the post was so long, but it's a lot to go through! Again, UK-based people, please share your thoughts if you can and sign the petition! If you are not currently living in the UK, please share these links or the post so other UK-based users can see this and try to help.
Thank you!
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
"The thing is...I mean, there's times when you look at the universe and you think, 'What about me?' and you can just hear the universe replying, 'Well, what about you?'"
Unity appeared to consider this.
"Well, what about you?" she said.
Susan sighed. "Exactly." She sighed again. "You can't think about just one person while you're saving the world. You have to be a cold, calculating bastard."
"That sounded as if you were quoting somebody," said Unity. "Who said that?"
"Some total idiot," said Susan.
Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
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In honor of where it all began, I decided to draw my own version of all of the original Toa Canister art for each of the 6 original Toa
Kopaka is the independent and calculated second in command and rival of Tahu preferring to strictly do things solo than being with people, he was willing to team up with the other Toa when he is needed because as much as he didn't like to admit it Teamwork does have it's benefits but then would simply leave when his presence was no longer required. He is cold, aloof, and unsociable, often clashing with Tahu specifically and refusing to acknowledge him as the leader out of stubborness and a sense of pride, but beneath his frigid exterior he's a loyal guardian with a caring heart and will risk everything to protect his comrades. Overtime his rivalry with Tahu turned into a relationship of mutual respect, and while he would not say it out loud, he had a peculiar friendship Pohatu despite their opposite personalities, and if anything happens to Pohatu there is nothing that would save anybody from Kopaka's cold fury!
Primary Mask: Akaku (Mask of X-ray vision) His mask allows him to see through solid objects.
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talos-stims · 4 months
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silenced HK MP5 | source
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dawnsedits · 1 year
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Then why are you here?
That proves that he loves you.
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konczakowski · 1 year
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lingthusiasm · 5 months
Lingthusiasm Episode 91: Scoping out the scope of scope
When you order a kebab and they ask you if you want everything on it, you might say yes. But you'd probably still be surprised if it came with say, chocolate, let alone a bicycle...even though chocolate and bicycles are technically part of "everything". That's because words like "everything" and "all" really mean something more like "everything typical in this situation". Or in linguistic terms, we say that their scope is ambiguous without context.
In this episode, your hosts Lauren Gawne and Gretchen McCulloch get enthusiastic about how we can think about ambiguity of meaning in terms of scope. We talk about how humour often relies on scope ambiguity, such as a cake with "Happy Birthday in red text" written on it (quotation scope ambiguity) and the viral bench plaque "In Memory of Nicole Campbell, who never saw a dog and didn't smile" (negation scope ambiguity). We also talk about how linguists collect fun examples of ambiguity going about their everyday lives, how gesture and intonation allow us to disambiguate most of the time, and using several scopes in one sentence for double plus ambiguity fun.
Click here for a link to this episode in your podcast player of choice or read the transcript here.
In this month’s bonus episode we get enthusiastic about the forms that our thoughts take inside our heads! We talk about an academic paper from 2008 called "The phenomena of inner experience", and how their results differ from the 2023 Lingthusiasm listener survey questions on your mental pictures and inner voices. We also talk about more unnerving methodologies, like temporarily paralyzing people and then scanning their brains to see if the inner voice sections still light up (they do!).
Join us on Patreon now to get access to this and 80+ other bonus episodes. You’ll also get access to the Lingthusiasm Discord server where you can chat with other language nerds. Also: Join at the Ling-phabet tier and you'll get an exclusive “Lingthusiast – a person who’s enthusiastic about linguistics,” sticker! You can stick it on your laptop or your water bottle to encourage people to talk about linguistics with you. Members at the Ling-phabet tier also get their very own, hand-selected character of the International Phonetic Alphabet – or if you love another symbol from somewhere in Unicode, you can request that instead – and we put that with your name or username on our supporter Wall of Fame! Check out our Supporter Wall of Fame here, and become a Ling-phabet patron here!
Here are the links mentioned in the episode:
Wikipedia entry for Everything Bagel
'Shel Silverstein's hot dog and the domain of "everything"' post on Language Log
Wikipedia entry for 'Scop' (an oral poet)
'New publication: Reported evidentiality in Tibeto-Burman languages' post on Superlinguo
Wikipedia entry for Tom Swifty
'Bench in honour of Nicole Campbell, who never saw a dog and didn't smile' post on All Things Linguistic
WALS entry for Feature 144B: Position of negative words relative to beginning and end of clause and with respect to adjacency to verb
'A few notes on negative clauses, polarity items, and scope'
'I didn't ask you to kill him' Learning English post on sentence stress and meaning
'I didn't ask you to kill him' sentence stress example in action by @dheanasaur on TikTok (⚠︎warning, loud sound)
Non-manual Markers in ASL / NMM's
'The Impulse to Gesture: Where Language, Minds, and Bodies Intersect' by Simon Harrison
'Quantifier Scope Jokes' post on All Things Linguistic
'Caring for your baby since 1890' ambiguity post on All Things Linguistic
You can listen to this episode via Lingthusiasm.com, Soundcloud, RSS, Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also download an mp3 via the Soundcloud page for offline listening.
To receive an email whenever a new episode drops, sign up for the Lingthusiasm mailing list.
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Lingthusiasm is on Bluesky, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Mastodon, and Tumblr. Email us at contact [at] lingthusiasm [dot] com
Gretchen is on Bluesky as @GretchenMcC and blogs at All Things Linguistic.
Lauren is on Bluesky as @superlinguo and blogs at Superlinguo.
Lingthusiasm is created by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Our senior producer is Claire Gawne, our production editor is Sarah Dopierala, our production assistant is Martha Tsutsui Billins, and our editorial assistant is Jon Kruk. Our music is ‘Ancient City’ by The Triangles. This episode of Lingthusiasm is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA).
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lowwhp · 1 month
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cf-12 · 11 months
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The opening and closing bits of Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania did more to show Scott and Hope's relationship and the Lang-van Dyne-Pym family dynamics than any other Marvel movie did.
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brooklynbadboys · 2 years
Do the girlsies in Brooklyn have names?
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they do <3
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adhd-coyote · 2 months
And another batch of ocs!! I should mention that the majority of the sweethearts that I've introduced - both in this post and past ones - are co-owned by @darknight-brightstar, my lovely co-author <3
@whiskygoldwings @thivell @grackle-draws @the-starry-seas Today I shall be introducing the 327th and 404th - Pong Krell's battalion
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Sergeant & sniper
Sharp wit and a sharper grin
One of the best shots in the GAR, and knows it
Cocky, but rightfully so, and not in an asshole way
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Was put in Scope's squad as soon as he was deployed because of his sharpshooting scores
Scope's favorite little brother, and everyone knows it
A flirt, and good at it, too
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He/Him, but occasionally fem presenting
Was already quiet and skittish on Kamino, and it only got worse once he was deployed with Krell
Poor anxious darling
Looks baby, is baby, but is also feral when pushed far enough
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Doesn’t care much about gender, but uses he/him pronouns for the convenience
Chronic nightmares, but they’ve been happening for so long that he’s just resigned to them now
Prefers to have his mask on when his bucket is off
Sometimes signs cause he’s just too tired to talk aloud
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Vent gremlin
Dating Trot from the Coruscant Guard
Not very good at talking to people
Loves collecting shiny trinkets
Feel free to ask about them, I’m always happy to talk about my babies :)
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