#anti dwp
Explaining PIP, the reforms and how YOU can help!
Recently, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Mel Stride announced measures to reform PIP (Personal Independence Payment). It's a benefit given to disabled people, whether they are employed or not, to help provide support for the extra costs incurred due to being disabled. PIP can be paid on anything you need, such as a carer, adaptions, your bills or a night out (yes, disabled people are entitled to a social life I'm NOT arguing with anyone about this!) On top of the changes to sick notes, the announced reforms are an assault on disabled people to desperately cling to power!
Below is an explanation of PIP and the reforms so people can answer the open consultations, call for evidence, and sign a petition. We need as many people in the UK as possible to answer both to try to stop these reforms from happening.
What is PIP?
The Tories are saying PIP is a one-size-fits-all benefit, which again is a lie as PIP is designed to look at how your disability affects your daily life and how difficult it makes it for you to participate in society, not whether you have this specific disability so it only affects you in these ways! It doesn't matter whether you're diagnosed or not, either. There are two categories they look at throughout, known as the 'Daily Living Component' and the 'Mobility component' The process involves 50 pages you have to fill out (link to Turn2US for proof https://www.turn2us.org.uk/get-support/information-for-your-situation/claiming-personal-independence-payment-pip/fill-in-the-personal-independence-payment-pip-form#:~:text=You%20usually%20get%20the%20paper,it%20is%2050%20pages%20long.)
With hundreds of letters from Doctors as proof of your condition! And then an assessment in which you will answer all sorts of demeaning questions, give in-depth answers that you don't feel comfortable sharing, and hope the assessor has understood how it affects your life and written it down properly and that you'll get the right amount of money at the end of this assessment or re-assessment.
To get the standard rate in both components, you need 8 points; to get the enhanced rate, you need 12 points.
They'll then give you two, three, five, or ten years (10 years is known as a fixed-term award and a light-touch review) to undergo the terror of the PIP assessment again.
The reforms proposed and why they're terrifying!
The reforms they've suggested so far are
One-off grants for aids and appliances
receipts to then be claimed back at a later date
the changing of eligibility for PIP or the category 'Long Term sickness'
Vouchers instead of cash payments
If you've read those four options and thought they were cruel, infantilising and impossible to make work, then you'd be right.
As a disabled person, bills don't magically disappear. You still have council tax and rent to pay or a carer. Will landlords and councils accept these vouchers? A one-off grant won't work here either. The vouchers also signal that we can't be trusted to pay for our own needs and aren't responsible—which is far from the truth!
Aids and treatments are already covered by the NHS, so this is redundant and will be futile, especially when you consider the long waiting lists for mental health treatment (and just generally) on the NHS—and even if they aren't, we do know that and will use PIP to save up for it, etc. It's easier and more economical to give us cash payments.
To have the receipts to claim back expenses, we need to have the money to spend on said expenses.
Changing the eligibility will (much like these other suggestions) put more disabled people at risk. If you want mental health to improve: Fix the NHS, wages, sort out the cost of living crisis and fund the research/support for Long Covid sufferers.
How you can help! - UK-based people, plz sign everyone else. Please reblog & signal boost!
If you live in the UK, there are currently two consultations open ( the sick note one closes on 8 July 2024, and the PIP one closes on 22 July 2024). Ideally, the responses will be used to decide whether these reforms go ahead.
Here are links to the two reforms for PIP and changes to the sick note process.
Please note that the PIP consultation ( the first link) is 6 pages long and must be completed in one go. It's also filled with typos, repeated questions, and very difficult wording in many places, so be on the lookout for that! People are rightfully complaining about its accessibility, so the link and end date may change. I will update this post if this happens. I also know answering stuff like this is overwhelming, so here is a thread by PeachyInWales on Twitter about how they approached the consultation. If I see any samples by any disability activists or organisations, I will post them here, too!
This second link is the second consultation or call to evidence. Which GPs are being stripped of the ability to sign sicknotes for people on benefits, which is again ridiculous!
And the last link is a petition from SCOPE to stop the government from demonising disabled people further.
Ultimately, we're trying to stop a benefit that is difficult to get and barely covers costs for many applicants from getting worse.
If I've missed anything then let me know! I'm sorry the post was so long, but it's a lot to go through! Again, UK-based people, please share your thoughts if you can and sign the petition! If you are not currently living in the UK, please share these links or the post so other UK-based users can see this and try to help.
Thank you!
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domwho11 · 6 months
My strong advice to UK folk is do not vote Conservative next month.
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lexienalley · 2 years
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Anti Flag shot for Louder Than Life Festival in Louisville, KY instagram / website / twitter 
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ukrfeminism · 1 year
3 minute read
A sacked civil servant has received a £100,000 settlement after she reported concerns about political activists operating in Whitehall and expressed her belief that people cannot change sex.
Anna Thomas, 32, had said that political activism was infiltrating the civil service and cited the dissemination of critical race theory in the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Thomas, formerly a work coach at a Jobcentre in Portsmouth, tried to raise the alarm about resources for staff, including an exercise asking employees to “assume” that they were racist.
Thomas also posted on an intranet blog expressing her opinion that people could not change sex. “One of the comments I made that they took massive offence to was [that] you cannot identify as a female. I believe you either are one or you’re not,” Thomas said. “It wasn’t intentionally meant to offend anyone — but they said transgender colleagues could find it offensive.”
Thomas, who first recorded concerns about the civil service in 2020, won the settlement with the help of the Free Speech Union campaign group.
Thomas said employees were directed to an “anti-racism hub” on the DWP intranet. She said that it encouraged civil servants to treat racism like Covid and “assume that you have it”, after the murder of George Floyd, a black man, by a white police officer in the US.
She said the hub had a statement by Peter Schofield, the permanent secretary, telling staff they were “responsible for being actively anti-racist”. Staff were also allegedly directed to the work of Robin DiAngelo, a critical race theorist who has written that white identity is “inherently racist”.
Thomas complained to the team responsible for the resources, as well as the whistle-blowing team, saying that she believed the DWP was breaching its impartiality obligations under the civil service code.
She was then investigated for misconduct, including allegations that she had said discriminatory things and was causing offence. However, she claims that her whistle-blowing complaint was upheld and the DWP’s behavioural science expert advised that the anti-racism hub was political. The DWP is said to have subsequently removed certain content from its online resources.
Thomas was dismissed in November 2021. She said she understood it was because she was found to have caused “upset”, “distress” and “offence”. She claimed to be the victim of unfair dismissal, belief discrimination, victimisation and harassment.
After three preliminary hearings, the DWP has agreed to pay her £100,000, of which £27,500 is for injury to her feelings. It did not admit any liability.
A DWP spokesman said: “We can confirm an employment tribunal claim was settled . . . without the need for further legal proceedings.”
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lapaspolewali · 5 months
Lapas Polewali Ikuti Upacara Peringatan Hari Bakti Pemasyarakatan (HBP) Ke-60 Oleh Kanwil Kemenkumham Sulbar
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Lapas Kelas IIB Polewali Mengikuti Upacara Peringatan Hari Bakti Pemasyarakatan (HBP) Ke-60 Bersama Seluruh UPT Pemasyarakatan di Lingkungan Kanwil Kemenkumham Sulbar
Polewali Mandar, lapaspolewali.kemenkumham.go.id - Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIB Polewali Kanwil Kemenkumham Sulbar dengan antusias mengikuti upacara Hari Bakti Pemasyarakatan dengan tema "Pemasyarakatan Pasti Berdampak" yang dilaksanakan di kantor Gubernur Sulawesi Barat. Acara tersebut merupakan bagian dari rangkaian peringatan Hari Bakti Pemasyarakatan yang diadakan setiap tahun. Senin, 29 April 2024.
Lapas Polewali mengutus para pejabat struktural dan jajaran pegawai yang berkumpul di kantor Gubernur untuk bergabung dengan seluruh perwakilan dari UPT Pemasyarakatan di Kanwil Kemenkumham Sulbar.
Dalam sambutan pembukaan, Pj. Gubernur Sulawesi Barat, Prof Zudan Arif Fakrulloh membacakan sambutan dari Menkumham Yasonna H Laoly yang menyampaikan selamat Hari Bakti Pemasyarakatan ke-60 bahwa pengabdian seluruh jajaran sangat dibutuhkan oleh rakyat Indonesia. “Tetaplah menjadi Insan Pemasyarakatan yang senantiasa berkinerja tinggi, menjaga integritas, dan berbudaya anti korupsi, serta menyumbang berbagai prestasi seraya menghindarkan diri menjadi perilaku kurang terpuji,” ujarnya.
Kegiatan juga dihadiri langsung oleh Kepala BPSDM Kemenkumham, Ir. Razilu, Kakanwil Kemenkumham Sulbar, Marasidin, Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama, pimpinan Instansi Vertikal, Pejabat Struktural, para Kepala UPT, JFU, JFT, DWP, serta para tamu undangan.
Partisipasi Lapas Polewali dalam acara ini menjadi bukti nyata dari komitmen mereka untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas layanan pemasyarakatan serta memberikan kontribusi positif bagi proses rehabilitasi narapidana.
@Kumham_Sulbar @NewsKemenkumham #KanwilSulbar #Yasonna #Marasidin Marasidin Syaefudin Lapas Polewali
(Humas Lapole, April 2024)
kemenkumham #kemenkumhamsulbar #lapaspolewali #lapaspolewalihebat #lapas #polman #polewalimandar
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baliportalnews · 10 months
Pemkot Denpasar Gandeng Organisasi Wanita Ciptakan Budaya Anti Korupsi
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Pemkot Denpasar bersama seluruh jajaran terus berkomitmen dalam mendukung upaya pemberantasan korupsi berkelanjutan. Setelah sebelumnya menyasar OPD di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Denpasar, pendidikan anti korupsi kembali di gelar dengan menyasar organisasi wanita di Kota Denpasar. Kegiatan yang dikemas melalui Talk Show yang juga dirangkaikan dengan Hari Anti Korupsi (Hakordia) Tahun 2023 ini dibuka langsung Wali Kota Denpasar, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Negara di Gedung Dharma Negara Alaya Kota Denpasar, Rabu (6/12/2023). Hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut, Ketua Komisi I DPRD Kota Denpasar, I Ketut Suteja Kumara, Ketua TP PKK Kota Denpasar, Ny. Sagung Antari Jaya Negara, Ketua GOW Kota Denpasar, Ny. Ayu Kristi Arya Wibawa, Wakil Ketua Gatriawara Kota Denpasar, Ny. Suparmi Wandhira, Ketua DWP Kota Denpasar, Ny. Widnyani Wiradana, serta undangan lainnya. Kegiatan ini turut menghadirkan dua narasumber yakni Analis Kebijakan Tindak Pidana, Direktorat Pembinaan Peran Serta Masyarakat KPK RI, Bunga Alamanda, Spesialis Pembinaan Peran Serta Masyarakat Direktorat Pembinaan Peran Serta Masyarakat KPK RI, Qilda Fathiyah dan Psikolog Klinis dan Hipnoterapis Remaja Dewasa, Nena Mawar Sari. Wali Kota Denpasar, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Negara dalam sambutanya menjelaskan, peran wanita aatu ibu-ibu sekalian sebagai pendamping suami sangatlah penting. Dimana, harus mampu memainkan perannya sebagai benteng dan garda terdepan pertahanan pertama dalam membangun mental anti korupsi. Tantangan pembangunan kedepan semakin berat, perkembangan teknologi, ilmu pengetahuan dan ekonomi semakin maju, karenanya mempersiapkan generasi yang bersih dan berintegritas menjadi salah satu prioritas strategis saat ini. Di sisi lain kata Jaya Negara, perlu upaya panjang agar perilaku korupsi tidak membudaya dengan melakukan pencegahan sejak dini. Upaya ini dapat dibangun melalui budaya anti korupsi yang dimulai dari diri sendiri, keluarga maupun pendidikan. hal ini tentunya tidak lepas dari peran aktif vigur seorang ibu dan lingkungan tempat anak-anak memperoleh nilai dan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan mereka. “Kami ingin mengajak ibu-ibu yang hebat untuk memahami dan membangun budaya anti korupsi. keluarga adalah aset yang sangat berharga dalam upaya membangun budaya anti korupsi. Jadi peran keluarga akan menjadi penting dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai anti korupsi sejak dini,” ujarnya. Dikatakannya, di lingkungan keluarga perlu merefleksikan 4 konsep pendekatan ketahanan keluarga. Hal ini meliputi keluarga berkumpul, keluarga berinteraksi, keluarga berdaya serta keluarga peduli dan berbagi. Termasuk menguatkan kembali gerakan kembali ke meja makan dan delapan fungsi keluarga yaitu agama, cintakasih, perlindungan, ekonomi, pendidikan, reproduksi, sosial dan budaya. “Pendidikan anti korupsi bertujuan untuk membentuk pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai berbagai bentuk korupsi dan aspek aspeknya, dan juga merubah persepsi dan sikap kita terhadap korupsi serta membentuk keterampilan dan kecakapan baru yang dibutuhkan untuk melawan korupsi,” kata Jaya Negara. Pihaknya berharap, ibu-ibu sebagai pendamping suami dan pendidik anak-anak mampu membawa perubahan sikap mental yang terjadi pada diri seseorang. Kehadiran dan peran ibu-ibu yang tergabung dalam wadah organisasi wanita juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan integritas dalam upaya mencegah dan menolak korupsi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari serta berani menegur terhadap pelaku korupsi. “Banyak yang harus kita perbaiki, dan benahi dalam membangun dan mempersiapkan generasi yang berintegritas guna mewujudkan Denpasar yang Maju, serta semua ilmu yang didapat mampu diimplementasikan di lingkungan keluarga masing-masing dan di lingkungan sekolah, SD dan SMP,” ujarnya. Sementara, Analis Kebijakan Tindak Pidana, Direktorat Pembinaan Peran Serta Masyarakat KPK RI, Bunga Alamanda dalam paparannya menjelaskan, bahwa korupsi merupakan sebuah fenomena gunung es. Sehingga upaya pencegahan harus terus dilakukan melalui pendidikan dan sosialisasi sejak dini. Hal ini guna membangun generasi yang berintegritas dan memiliki pehamanan anti korupsi. Pihaknya mengajak, semua insan hendaknya menanamkan sikap antikorupsi. Hal ini dapat diwujudkan dengan melaksanakan sembilan nilai anti korupsi. Yakni jujur, mandiri, tanggung jawab, berani, sederhana, peduli, disiplin, adil dan kerja keras. “Melalui pelelaksanaan talk show ini diharapkan mampu membangun budaya anti korupsi di dalam keluarga, sehingga dapat membangun budaya anti korupsi secara menyeluruh,” ujarnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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melitaafterfeather · 2 years
Resolving divorce
I do not need to be discreet as we divorced 2017. I have nothing to inherit from exhusband as he was a poor immigrant selfish orthodox Christian average worker. Exhusband has no inheritance from his parents not grandparents. The family didn't bother buying me a wedding ring which turned the marriage into a bad curse.
I am not English Royalty I have no title. I am Serbian origin Yugoslavian genetically.
Socially in your imagination you could be anyone. I never used anyones name to gain wealth money.
My part if European family poor minded trashed the inheritance my father left to children which is not much.
If you do not have capital resource bank would not issue a big loan. If you do not have a job bank would not issue a mortgage whatever the title.
Whoever uses my profile ID without my authorization could get prosecuted.
Inheriting building in debt the debt dies not pass to a living partner instead bank takes the building. Living partner is not responsible to repay someone elses debt.
Government not ordinary citizens can it be in debt because banks won't give loans if resources are not available. Resources must cover the loan price.
When the Government cannot steal from the bank Government steals from citizens. I sue employees at DWP for theft on my welfare.
Citizen cannot support the Royals the Government can. I am not a Government employee. I applies few times they have excess workers.
Royals cannot be in debt because Royals do not work day jobs cannot have loans. Whatever Royals have in possession buildings are the capital bank uses in case of debt. Plenty of palaces castles can be auctioned.
Old people are bad for the country to be issued a loan for luxury life. Youth must be used to purpose to work the economy not just entertainment competition. What's happening behind media picture is the reality we must control. I do not care about media presentation of fake I care who are the thieves employees in the bank retail. Brexit divorce has finalised. Non British company's retail can be possessed if the EU does not refund Britain fairly.
Dead tax evaders who want to escape UN NATO I stated clearly must depart Britain.
I do not invest in imaginary organisation not safety. I defend my own profile not to be abused by whomever believes is more important than I am.
Stop chasing me for claiming money. British Government should pay welfare to British citizens only. Non British citizens have no right to claim British welfare. Royals can reform Monarchy leisured lifestyle. British citizens can reform leisure lifestyle of borrowing money for non productive purposes.
I have no financial debt I consolidate my obligations as a citizen.
I have no children in custody no family not love partner.
The plan is to have in the future when I meet a worthy character.
I deleted Europeans for a reason. If you want to be my partner you must accept my reality. I do not care about people who fake death. Selfish people I had enough. I work like an idiot.
The multiple citizenship immigration must end people who come and go leave debt to Britain.
People can be prosecuted for theft on ID and finances. British army is introduced to scan on people whoever does not register at properties whoever enters illegal can be caught by army. Money can be scanned taken if not reported as income. Those are new technological advances.
I have no capital in building no ownership in treasure I have no possession not a financial debt we can be assured.
Leave my children alone and get yourself sorted before the reforms scanning take place.
Antiniger.AntiEU.AntiEuropeans. AnriAfricans.AntiIslamists. Anti corrupted.
Who must divorce is their problem.
Ant entertainers.AntiAxel.AntiJames.Antiami.AntiMeghan. I am white face origin. I do not mix religion nor race nor intellect profile.
Councils report finances to the Government. Whatever Government advertises as a British citizen's civil right must be paid. Immigration problems must be sorted by immigration laws.
International organisations must be sorted by national laws.
Royals if they are the problem and they are should be sorted by reform of the constitution. Parliament as Government can be reformed by constitution.
Financial investments can withdraw from investment be sold just like a building.
If you worry about your fame reputation among ordinary citizens and wealthy criminals I wouldn't worry much.
Through the lessons I specified the exact steps for the Government for the investors the banks for citizens no one has been missed. Live in colonies like animals territorially divide and do not mix.
The purpose of colonial life of the same intelligence bodies etc.
I do not support anyone I am not Royal I do not compete to be famous I only sell what I produce claim what is my citizen's civil right. That's how I like it. Waiting for criminals to be honest good character it won't happen.
I am available professionally. My full name must be clearly labeled at all correspondences.
If you are an impotent person character banks cannot help you go to church.
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dwpnow · 2 years
Why Ada Detectable Warning Surface Required?
Ada detectable warning surface requirements are designed to protect workers from slips and falls. They must be:
Resistant to abrasion
Ada detectable warning surfaces should also meet the specific requirements of the jurisdiction in which they are installed.
Detectable warning plates are a form of universal design, for their contrasting color and textures act as communication for all users of a space. As they serve as an effective communication system, they can be used on multiple surfaces in any environment, including outdoors.
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Detectable warning tile placement
Warning patterns on the ground make walking safer. They can be used to mark hazardous areas, such as on train and subway platforms, where a gap or hole could cause someone to fall in. Offset patterns are placed at the edges of these areas to avoid confusion with a regular grid. They also give pedestrians an indication of where they should be looking while crossing a street or area with multiple entries.
Tactile pavers help make a sidewalk more accessible. They are placed at locations where there is a change in the grade of the surface, mostly on ramps or landings. Tactile pavers are also used around curb cuts, at the end of ramps, just before streets and as a reference for parking spots.
 Dome size
The domes on the warning plates that indicate a hazardous area are known as “truncated domes.” They don’t form a full round bubble because they are made from flat-sided segments that go up instead of down. This makes them less slippery and dangerous to pedestrians
Where an indoor space is concerned, truncated dome solar lights are typically used as accents in bathrooms. The interior walls and ceilings often drip moisture into the space, creating a near constant need for forced air circulation. At night, these effects can make even a small bathroom feel stifling and uncomfortable. Indoor truncated domes serve as convenient means for creating a more comfortable environment by diffusing heat and converting it into light that can be seen by people in the room without causing visible shadows.
 Methods of installing detectable warning plates
Detectable warning plates come in a variety of materials and finishes depending on where they’re being installed. These plates are usually made from silicone or acrylic, and will often have a textured finish for increased visibility.
Unpainted cast DWPs are commonly used outside, where they are usually laid into new concrete. This durable installation method is the most durable, as the concrete helps cure the plate into the hardscape.
 When it’s time to install cast in place concrete, use lifting springs to lower tactile pavers into the concrete. Create a small gap for thermal expansion with an edger, then trowel and brush the surrounding area flat. The detectable warning plate becomes solidly affixed as the concrete hardens.
You will find these tiles everywhere like airports, shopping malls, parks, and in every building. Their use is increasing and so is their demand. There are many companies that make these tiles and together these companies provide a wide range of options to choose from.
 The biggest advantage of these tiles is that they provide a safe surface. For example, they remain anti-skid even after getting wet. Also, they allow placing firm feet. Also, they come in different colors and designs to give different signs.
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About Rishi Sunak
Although it is a historic moment that we have a person of colour as our Prime Minister, I have to say that I'm worried. Not out of racism, but due to the fact that Rishi is a Conservative. Do not allow the concern of others for his tenure of leadership to be immediately dismissed as motivated by racism.
I'm a white, disabled man. As Rishi Sunak is a Conservative and Ex-Chancellor, I have well founded fears based on past behaviour that his plans to get the United Kingdom's economy going again will be at the expense of disabled people on benefits and the most vulnerable of our society.
I do not dislike Rishi Sunak because of the colour of his skin, let me make that perfectly clear. I dislike and distrust him because he is a Conservative and his party have a well established history of anti-LGBT and anti-disability policies, such as their reforms making accessing welfare as a disabled person very hard, Rishi's "eat out to help out" scheme spread COVID further and risked the elderly and the disabled. Thatcher was responsible for Section 28, a law very similar to the one in Florida that bans any mention of material that "promotes the homosexual lifestyle" in schools. It took two decades to repeal it, the party has a history of voting down LGBT positive policies.
While I am under a Conservative Government, I will always be a second-class citizen due to being physically disabled and homosexual.
61% of disabled people who interact with the benefits system in this country have had suicidal thoughts as a result of it. 8% have made actual attempts on their own lives, all due to the unnecessary stress and burden the DWP places on you. I'm one of the 61%, after they wrongfully terminated my benefits. I had to ask my friends and family for money just so I could eat while enduring their humiliating assessment process by someone not qualified to assess me. A physiotherapist doesn't know anything about autism.
The DWP presume that you're guilty before proven innocent. The NHS was also willing to let a lot of elderly and disabled people die in the COVID Pandemic due to limited resources, since our lives are worth less than that of a working taxpayer. When the resources got tight, the government decided that the lives of young disabled people were worth less than that of neurotypical people.
I am glad that we have an elected official who will mean so much to people of color. It is an important moment in history. I am not glad he is a Conservative due to their history of policies that are hostile to my existence.
Stay safe, wherever you are.
Love, Romana
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acehimagecom · 2 years
Gelar Penyuluhan Anti Narkoba
Gelar Penyuluhan Anti Narkoba
ACEHIMAGE.COM – Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Besar melalui Dinas Syariat Islam menggelar penyuluhan dalam rangka pencegahan narkoba bagi pemuda dan kelompok perempuan yang dilaksanakan di Hotel Madinatul Zahra, Gampong Lampeneuruet, Darul Imarah, mulai tanggal 4 hingga 15 Oktober 2022. Kegiatan tersebut diikuti oleh 276 peserta dari unsur Organisasi Kepemudaan, Darma Wanita Persatuan (DWP), Tim…
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kingsoowolves · 6 years
the fact there aren’t as nearly many dear white people gifsets as there are 13 reasons why gifsets on this godforsaken site tells you a lot about our society
and also about how shitty Netflix can be in marketing shows with actual activism and that really have the power to change lives and prefers to market a problematic shows that triggers so many teens and young adults
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wearefine · 7 years
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Dear White People // Chapter V
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the-quick-list · 4 years
An enormous list of resources against the porn industry and the sex trade.
 Words from exited women, words from the producers, words from the researchers.  Blunt, irrefutable evidence of the damage and oppression of the sex trade and the harm that the words used to legitimize and apologize for it cause.
THESE ARE NOT OPINION PIECES, all links will be either thorough research articles or first-hand accounts and events.
Links to other blogs or reddit threads contain examples or links to the above. Everything here is objective, empirical evidence against pornography and the sex trade.  The intent of this blog is to make it virtually impossible to leave this page, with all links explored, under the assumption that “sex work” could ever be anything than what it demonstrably is, and that is sexual oppression.
Prostitution Studies, Links, and Exploits: National research paper and survey found %80 of prostituted women surveyed were victims of trafficking and force: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/238796.pdf
Survey of prostituted women in 9 countries finds %85-90 of women/girls involved want out: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/254381847_Prostitution_and_Trafficking_in_Nine_Countries
Legalized prostitution increases sexual trafficking and greatly hinders efforts fighting it:
Normalized “sex work” forces women into “survival sex”: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/universal-credit-survival-sex-work-dwp-work-pensions-committee-austerity-a8925296.html Legalizing prostitution has not negated the harms of prostitution towards women nor harms to women socially: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240698342_Bad_for_the_Body_Bad_for_the_Heart_Prostitution_Harms_Women_Even_if_Legalized_or_Decriminalized
Former prostituted, and exited, woman speaks out against prostitution and sex work lobbying, adds citations: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1077801205276987?journalCode=vawa
The invisible men project is a prostitution review board of anonymous accounts reviewing sexual experiences with prostituted women. This is NOT a direct link to its pages, but the page it links to does contain a link to them. Graphic accounts of sexual abuse and violence within:
Teenvogue uses “sex work is work” rhetoric in publication targeting teenaged girls: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/why-sex-work-is-real-work
Pornography Studies, Exploits, and Links:
Porn industry, despite safety concerns and expert health advise, fights against making condoms mandatory in pornography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Measure_B#Legal_appeal Mainstream pornography contains more cases of spread STD’s than that of the prostitution scene totalled in Nevada: https://www.aidshealth.org/2012/10/l-a-porn-stars-have-more-stds-than-nevada-prostitutes/
Porn exposure shown to, in general, have a link in sexual assault among teenaged boys: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6751001/
Studies on exposure to pornography among young boys and girls finds that boys are more likely to seek deliberate exposures, are exposed to more violent pornograhy: https://scholars.unh.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1283&context=soc_facpub
https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/research-resources/2016/i-wasn-t-sure-it-was-normal-to-watch-it Another study on youth exposure to pornography finds similar findings to the above, and also notes that pornography has an influence over sexually violent attitudes toward women/girls: https://aifs.gov.au/publications/effects-pornography-children-and-young-people-snapshot
60+ Japanese women tricked into pornography: https://fightthenewdrug.org/tricked-into-porn-countless-japanese-actresses-forced-to-have-sex-on-camera/
Porn has been proven to increase sexually violent attitudes among men towards women:
Pornography is demonstrably intertwined with and perpetuates sexual trafficking:
Playboy posted child pornography in its magazines, and legally fought for and won the right to continue to use the image of a nude 10 year old girl:
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/brooke-shields-nude-child-photo/ 15 yo girl went missing, was found after being identified in 58 pornographic videos over several websites: https://meaww.com/amp/missing-teen-adult-video-pornhub-modelhub-snapchat-periscope?__twitter_impression=true K-Pop star Goo Hara came forward about her rape being filmed, this prompted her name to become trending on major porn websites. This ultimately lead to her death. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-50535937
PornHub worked with GirlsDoPorn, a company that has been charged with distribution of child pornography and sexual trafficking through Pornhub and various sites. To this day, GirlsDoPorn videos are still on Pornhub, and have surged in popularity AFTER publicly made known: https://www.thedailybeast.com/girls-do-porn-owner-michael-pratt-hit-with-child-pornography-and-sex-trafficking-charges 
PornHub official on reddit advocates against reporting Child-Pornography to authorities: https://old.reddit.com/r/PornIsMisogyny/comments/fz011e/pornhub_caught_telling_people_not_to_report_child/
Same PornHub official publicly denies unconensual content being hosted on pornhub, saying content is “unlikely”: https://old.reddit.com/r/antipornography/comments/fx07zi/ukatie_is_trying_real_hard_to_keep_the_ship_from/
Pornography has been shown to be highly addictive, comparable to neurotics: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3050060/
Pornography shown to regress the brain to a juvenile state: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7736569/Watching-porn-rewires-brain-juvenile-state-neuroscientist-warns.html
Porn consumption damages intimacy and relationships: https://www.npr.org/2017/10/09/556606108/research-explores-the-effect-pornography-has-on-long-term-relationships
Porn consumption may show connections to eating disorders among spouses https://news.osu.edu/mens-porn-habits-could-fuel-partners-eating-disorders-study-suggests/ Porn consumption has normalized and increase attempted violent, harmful sex acts: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-51967295 PornHub live OPENLY hosted videos of prostituted children in Thailand being raped: Host of video+comments acknowledge that the children are in pain/crying. https://anti-porn-unicorn.tumblr.com/post/616831683042443264/pornhub-profits-off-of-child-abuse-and-rape-tw
Pornography Testimonies of Those within the industry or have been involuntarily used by it:
Linda Lovelace of the seminal porn film “Deepthroat” states she was forced into the film, and at certain points at gun point: https://web.archive.org/web/20120210113608/https://againstpornography.org/reallindalovelace.html Pictures of an underaged Traci Lord were used in Penthouse magazine, as well as a history of rape and abuse: https://web.archive.org/web/20120210101617/https://againstpornography.org/tracilordsinterview.html
Twitter user posts multiple posts detailing her child-hood rape being filmed and posted to PornHub, only for Pornhub to do nothing: https://old.reddit.com/r/antipornography/comments/ftgjcn/pornhub_profits_off_of_toddler_rape_end_of/ Rose Kalemba famously reported to BBC about her adolescent rape being on pornhub, and pornhub refusing to remove the video: https://old.reddit.com/r/antipornography/comments/fumgr1/pornhub_isnt_wholesome_due_to_charitable/
After that incident, Rose would take to Twitter again to state that after her BBC article was published, her name was trending on PornHub. PornHub users were looking for videos of her rape.
PornHub account comments that a girl in scene looks 12 (73 upvotes). Following reply: “You say that like its a bad thing” and “I’m not complaining” https://old.reddit.com/r/antipornography/comments/ftgmo6/pornhub_doesnt_verify_age_or_consent/ A-list porn actresses (A-list meaning the “safest” and “regulated” porn) opening up about rape, coercion, and violence on set.
A-list porn producers openly deriding women and celebrating abuse
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chainofclovers · 4 years
1, 7, and 8 for the fic writer asks!
Thank you! :D
1. What’s something you’ve written that you know is OOC and you just don’t care?
In the Land Fathoms series (The Devil Wears Prada, Miranda/Andy) I wrote a Miranda who is willing to downsize to an apartment and simplify her lifestyle in a significant way in order to be more true to herself and her relationship with Andy. I don’t think these lifestyle changes were OOC, exactly, but they were at very stark odds with the Miranda we see in the movie. In my story a lot of time passes, Miranda is traumatized by certain events that cause the downsizing to feel healthier and safer than the alternative, and she makes mistakes with Andy that she’s desperate enough not to repeat that the lifestyle change is warranted. Still, a lot of readers (even while leaving positive reviews) told me it was very difficult to imagine Miranda willing to leave her lavish home and give up extravagant possessions. It made me realize that a big chunk of the appeal of DWP is about opulence, the way money makes (some) problems disappear. The anti-materialism of Land Fathoms made that series the most consciously OOC/canon-deviant fic I’ve ever written, even if the decisions felt right for a very changed version of Miranda Priestly.
7. Something you hate to see in dialogue.
Answered here.
Bonus answer: Fic dialogue so eloquent it’s difficult to hear it in the actor’s/character’s voice. (Not that actors or characters aren’t often intelligent and eloquent...it just takes me out a bit when there’s a really amazing narrative insight delivered fully-formed from a character’s mouth while they are clearly still processing!)
8. Something you love to see in dialogue.
Answered here.
Bonus answer: When a writer manages to write overlapping, chaotic dialogue coherently and to great comedic effect! @dollsome-does-tumblr‘s Grace/Frankie story “sure as the sea, it’s just you and me” includes a chapter in which the family gathers to play Celebrity and G&F kick everyone’s asses. That chapter accomplishes what I’m talking about INCREDIBLY well.
From fic writer ask meme.
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I got a letter from the DWP this morning. It was a follow up from the telephone assessment to tell me I wasn’t to be awarded any PIP with an explanation of their reasons. They said I didn’t have any issues with any of the things I wrote and spoke to them about. Even though I was diagnosed with anorexia the fact that I eat food every day means it can’t be much of an issue. They said that the fact that I didn’t sound anxious/distressed and in pain on the phone (was I expected to interrupt every few seconds to say “ouch’?) and that I’m not on anti-anxiety medicine (are antidepressants not used for anxiety?) or pain medication and am not having any specialist support for chronic pain means I do not struggle with either anxiety or chronic pain. There were also a lot of other things that I won’t go into.
I was expecting to be rejected after the stories I’ve heard and I thought I was prepared for this but this letter ended up ruining my day anyway. I think they see me as a fraud and after struggling to get support at uni, struggling and failing to get a diagnosis for chronic pain, feeling left in the dark after my autism assessment becuase they weren’t running anything due to Covid, (not to say I am ungrateful for the support I have had - I can’t thank the people involved in the help I have had enough) it felt like yet another punch in the face from the government/system reminding me that I am just an inconvenience who isn’t trying hard enough at anything.
The worst part is is that I cannot even think of any reasons I can use to dispute that.
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baliportalnews · 11 months
Pemkot Denpasar Gelar Kampanye Gerakan 16 Hari Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Pemerintah Kota Denpasar melalui Dinas P2AP3KB melakukan kampanye Gerakan 16 Hari Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan (16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence) yang digelar pada Jumat (26/10/2023) di Taman Sewaka Dharma, Lumintang. Gerakan ini sendiri dicanangkan secara nasional sebagai upaya dalam megakselerasi upaya pencegahan dan penghapusan kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Dilaksanakan sejak pagi hari, aksi kampanye ini juga turut dihadiri Istri Wakil Wali Kota Denpasar yang sekaligus Ketua GOW Kota Denpasar, Ny. Ayu Kristi Arya Wibawa mewakili Ketua TP PKK Kota Denpasar, Ny. Sagung Antari Jaya Negara. Tampak pula mendampingi Ketua DWP Ketua Denpasar, Ny. Ida Ayu Widnyani Wiradana, serta Kepala Dinas P3AP2KB, I Gusti Agung Sri Wetrawati. Ketua GOW Kota Denpasar, Ny. Ayu Kristi yang berkesempatan membacakan sambutan Ketua TP PKK Kota Denpasar, menyebut kesuksesan Gerakan ini sangat ditentukan oleh peran aktif masyarakat dalam upaya pencegahan tindak kekerasan di lingkungan sekitar. “Kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Indonesia dapat digambarkan sebagai fenomena gunung es. Kasus terlapor adalah sebagian kecil dari angka kejadian yang sebenarnya terjadi. Untuk itu, peran aktif masyarakat tentu sangat diperlukan, agar tindak kekerasan dapat dicegah,” katanya. Kekerasan di masa kini, lanjut Ny. Ayu Kristi tak hanya terjadi sebatas pada fisik saja namun juga kekerasan yang menyerang psikis, seksual, penelantaran serta juga eksploitasi, baik di lingkungan kerja maupun area sekolah. “Gerakan anti kekerasan ini harus juga dikuatkan dengan dukungan dan sinergitas dari semua pihak, tidak terkecuali Pemerintah, institusi, Lembaga dan juga organisasi lainnya,” tegas Ny. Ayu Kristi. Ditemui di lokasi yang sama, Kepala Dinas P3AP2KB, I Gusti Agung Sri Wetrawati menyampaikan, saat ini perlindungan terhadap perempuan dan anak telah diatur dalam banyak regulasi, termasuk diantaranya Peraturan Daerah Kota Denpasar Nomor 4 Tahun 2014 tentang Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak Korban Kekerasan serta Peraturan Wali Kota Denpasar No 23 Tahun 2022 tentang DRPPA. “Kami di Pemkot Denpasar sangat berfokus pada perlindungan perempuan dan anak. Pemkot Denpasar senantiasa berupaya untuk memberikan perlindungan, yang dikuatkan melalui beberapa regulasi yang telah mengatur tentang perlindungan perempuan dan anak. Gerakan hari ini yang kita kampanyekan adalah sebagai komitmen nyata dalam usaha mendukung perlindungan terhadap perempuan dan anak,” urainya. Selain itu, Sri Wetrawati juga mengungkapkan, Pemkot Denpasar terus mendorong keterlibatan peran laki-laki, agar bisa memberikan dukungan pada perempuan untuk bisa berkarya dan memiliki kesetaraan dengan para laki-laki. Sebagai informasi, Gerakan Kampanye 16 Hari Anti Kekerasan terhadap merupakan kampanye internasional untuk mendorong upaya-upaya penghapusan kekerasan terhadap perempuan di seluruh dunia. Sebagai institusi nasional hak asasi manusia di Indonesia, Komnas Perempuan menjadi inisiator kegiatan ini di Indonesia. Aktivitas ini sendiri pertama kali digagas oleh Women’s Global Leadership Institute tahun 1991 yang disponsori oleh Center for Women’s Global Leadership. Setiap tahunnya, kegiatan ini berlangsung dari tanggal 25 November yang merupakan Hari Internasional Penghapusan Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan hingga tanggal 10 Desember yang merupakan Hari Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) Internasional. Dipilihnya rentang waktu tersebut adalah dalam rangka menghubungkan secara simbolik antara kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan HAM, serta menekankan bahwa kekerasan terhadap perempuan merupakan salah satu bentuk pelanggaran HAM.(bpn) Read the full article
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