#Philip Frobos
sinceileftyoublog · 7 months
Omni Album Review: Souvenir
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(Sub Pop)
On their fourth album Souvenir, Atlanta post-punk trio Omni don't necessarily sound like a new band, but they're certainly reinvigorated. From 2016 to 2019, they released three records, including their Sub Pop debut full-length Networker. Five years later, with some time to think, writer, record, and mull over next steps, Omni have given us their first record on which any song could be a single, each managing to worm its way into your ear while still defying expectations.
For one, Omni has refined their aesthetic. Singer and bassist Philip Frobos went into the recording of Souvenir inspired by the gentle, melodically droll singing of his favorite college rock frontpeople. Engineer Kristofer Sampson, working with the band for the first time, placed Frobos' voice higher in the mix than on past albums, increasingly emphasizing the songs' obtuse lyrics that fittingly contrast the acuteness of the instrumentation. Drummer Chris Yonker joined Omni full-time, offering cutting precision on "Exacto" (no pun intended), skittering flourishes on "Common Mistakes", and disco grooves on "Verdict". And vocalist Izzy Glaudini of L.A. no wavers Automatic joins on three tracks, harmonizing and engaging in absurdist chants with Frobos.
Two tracks on Souvenir stand out not for necessarily being catchier or better than the others, but for the extent to which they exemplify Omni's essence. On opening track "Exacto", Frobos sings, "Exacto, de facto, concise, quite right," as if to create a mantra, but later defies the band's facetiously robotic tendencies with dry jokes and sprinkling effects. "I'll love you like the first night / For the rest of our lives / Mr. Big Shot always forgets to introduce his wife," he jokes. On "INTL Waters", he asks, "Why follow the rules like everybody else?", the band eventually interrupting the song's established light piano and wiry bass with brash, staccato percussion and Frankie Broyles' buoyant lead guitars. Whether Omni's settled into a treadmill or strayed from their defined formula, they're effective satirists of the everyday.
The songs on Souvenir certainly don't tell stories, per se, but they find the pathos in individual moments. Two people in a fraying relationship get mugged on "PG", as Frobos looks on the bright side: "You know I never minded the taste of blood." They find their inner grump on the wincing "To Be Rude", Frobos crooning over Broyles' scraggly guitars, "Excuse me ma'am / What's in your decanter? Mezcal and endless banter." And then there's closer "Compliment", a post-modern collection of anxieties about the economy, self-image, and artistic integrity. "It's nothing new / I'm guilty of it, too / Looking at someone else's life / Thinking, hey man, that looks nice," Frobos shrugs. When Omni is thoroughly enjoying observing everyday life, who can fault them for finding inspiration in what's right in front of them?
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senorboombastic · 7 months
A 'Souvenir' - Listen to the third episode of ’60 Minutes or less’, the new podcast from Birthday Cake For Breakfast, featuring Philip Frobos of Omni!
Words: Andy Hughes In case you missed it, to kick off 2024, Birthday Cake For Breakfast has entered the podcast game (better late than never, eh?) Following on from our first two episodes (featuring Joe Casey of Protomartyr and Paul Hanley of The Fall), it’s a delight to say that our guest for our third episode is Philip Frobos, bassist and vocalist in Atlanta, Georgia outfit Omni! We first…
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dustedmagazine · 7 months
Omni — Souvenir (Sub Pop)
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Photo by Gem Hale
Omni, now four albums in, arches an eyebrow at post-punk. It makes its songs out of an erector set of sharp, shiny guitar parts but leaves the bolts loose, poised to collapse into a clanging pile. Yet lush melodies drape over this rickety architecture, florid sung lines, viscous patters of bass, unexpectedly lyrical swoons of guitar. Brittle cleverness dips unpredictably into unreconstructed romanticism, sarcasm gives way to boy-misses-girl sentiment. The trio—as always Philip Frobos on vox and bass, Frankie Broyles on guitar and Chris Yonker on antic drums—hasn’t exactly softened their edges, just laid a bit of velvet on them.
As a result, there’s something very pop about “Plastic Pyramid,” the song that eavesdrops on Frobos’ super-sexy call and response with Automatic’s Izzy Glaudini (“Are you hydrated baby?” “What are you, a tall drink of water?” etc.). Sure the band tackles the ever-punk topic of consumerism but does so from a soft bed of longing. “Unbox paradise,” stutters Frobos, as his bass pumps up the dance vibe, and he doesn’t sound entirely averse to the process.
“Exacto,” likewise, jitters and freeze frames like a robot at the disco, a steady pulse of bass and rigid, rectilinear structures of drums. But hold on a second, it also pauses for lyrical intervals. “I love you like the first night, for the rest of our lives,” croons Frobos, close to falsetto and very much on the make. Then he undercuts the suavity with an acerbic observation, “Mr. Big Shot always forgets to introduce his wife.”
The word play is often clever in a not-trying-too-hard fashion; you can almost hear the private school drawl in cuts like “F1”which crams multiple photography metaphors into lines about excising people from lives and memories (and snapshots). “You were cropped out of the photo from that long weekend, passed out by the pool, overexposed again,” Frobos rattles off, then comes in for the kicker, “How should I frame this?” It’s good, arch fun, but a little smarmy.
Listening to Souvenir, I can’t help but think of Stuck, the Chicago post-punk-into-no-wave outfits that sometimes refers to itself as “evil Omni.” That’s a funny way to say that it cranks the slashing guitars, the yelps of outrage, the banging drums about three notches tighter than the Atlanta trio. Comparing the two, you might begin to wonder if there’s anything solid behind Omni’s detached cleverness, it’s super clean, super manicured attack. Maybe regular Omni could benefit from a touch of evil. 
Jennifer Kelly
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mdhwrites · 2 years
I feel like something funny about people saying S2B was written with the shortening in mind, and so they had little time to spend, is that the majority of the time travel plot in Elsewhere Elsewhen is rendered redundant by Hollow Mind. The Savage Ages not being that bad, Philip always being a jerk, the Collector being revealed: all accomplished by the trip into Belos's mind and memories. The only thing the time travel thing does is explain why Belos hasn't gone after Luz, and set up Luz's arc of guilt for the rest of the series. Seeing that Belos is at his core pathetic and being beat up by Lilith was great, but he's also played completely seriously as a threat for the rest of the show. Even Luz's encounter against him in King's Tide draws more on the events of Hollow Mind then in Elsewhere Elsewhen.
I personally think Elsewhere Elsewhen is the worst episode of the show. It solidified that Lilith wasn't someone you could take seriously anymore and a whole new character, it ruined anything interesting about Belos' rise to power, it uses just a DUMB time travel mcguffin to have its plot, there's very little actually entertaining about it besides Luz's little jokes here and there, it RUINS the Isles in my opinion and anything interesting about them and... Yeah. It's a complete fucking waste of time. (It also introduces BS trauma for Luz which made me make a writing lesson blog about trauma in fantasy stories you can find here.) And I was saying that BEFORE Hollow Mind because... Yeah. Hollow Mind was always coming. It's impressive how redundant Hollow Mind makes Elsewhere Elsewhen but also, Elsewhere Elsewhen only has two minutes of screen time that is actually important. That progresses the narrative, in part for much of what you said. Though I do want to point out that the episode never paints him as pathetic. Physically weak perhaps but he somehow manages to trick the ex-head of the EC and Eda's apprentice with a bare bones scam and gets away almost scot-free for it. But that is not the larger problem. The problem is that the stinger at the end of Elsewhere Elsewhen is a waste. Of. Time. Let's actually talk about stingers for a moment and their uses and why Elsewhere Elsewhen's is the worst kind. First, of course, what is a stinger? It's a small thing at the end of the episode that is usually at least slightly disconnected from the rest of the episode and often serve as cliffhangers. This can be done in multiple ways like just five seconds of showing someone is watching, cutting away for a minute to a different character and what they're doing, etc. like that. Amphibia and TOH actually both start using them in S2 of their shows (just another WEIRD connection between the two where it feels like TOH is badly copying Amphibia's homework) and Amphibia does it better. Amphibia mostly does the building tension form of a stinger. This is because the stinger only ever is about Frobo (I haven't actually gotten to him yet, still only halfway through S2) and once with King Andrias and his chess board. Both are hinting towards future villains and have a tone of a looming threat but incorporating them into the episode would be awkward and so they're placed at the end as effectively a cliffhanger. TOH tried to do this in their first episode of S2 with the scrying potion. It was dumb and obviously just a fake out to be like "OOOH, BELOS! Luz won't see him again until S2B!" It's... Not as effective as Amphibia showing Frobo emerging and starting to follow the Plantars. I will give that the stinger of creepy Luz back home with Camila IS a good version of this sort of stinger. Another version is just moving the plot along. This is one that TOH does a lot more and to mixed effect. Escaping Expulsion, Them's the Breaks and Elsewhere Elsewhen (theoretically) are three I can name off the top of my head if you count them. The first is just functional. It gets the point across but also feels anti-Isles because sure, someone with enough money tooootally couldn't recruit enough greedy people to make their own army. The abomatons are totally a new concept for this place. Second has the problem of being ALL the plot we get on that front when there was so much more you could do with Raine and his rebellion. And Elsewhere Elsewhen, besides the issues I'll bring up soon, has the problem of making the reveal of Belos is Philip in Hollow Mind, which is done shockingly well, weaker. You can also use stingers to help add clues to a mystery and the like which creepy Luz theoretically does. I could probably also cite Gravity Falls but I haven't watched enough of that show.
All of these... are actually good uses of Stingers, at least conceptually. They have a function to the narrative. The version of Stinger that Elsewhere Elsewhen is... Is the only one that doesn't. It's the Stinger for the audience. It serves no other purpose than to give the audience information and shock that will HAVE to be gone over again. Notice that the rest of these are pieces of information that would be troublesome to tell in the main story. They're not vital but they foreshadow, expand or move a tertiary element forward. Philip being Belos was never something Luz wasn't going to find out. It's too big and it's too important. She would have always found out about the Collector too since Belos works with the little guy. These were elements that were ALWAYS going to be covered and in a grand and spectacular way. And you know what? THEY WERE!
In Hollow Mind, they just ignore the fact that they've already revealed all of this information to the audience and go the whole nine yards to make the reveal as big as possible. It's a good reveal even. But the audience doesn't gasp because they already knew. And for what purpose? Well... To post on Twitter about it. I'd really like to be nicer about this but that's really it. It's a Stinger purely to give the fans something to talk about. It doesn't serve any other purpose. AT BEST, if you're REALLY invested already, you get excited for Luz to find out herself. But if you're that invested (or invested enough to talk about this with more than a fellow fan)... You probably didn't need to be pandered to. You'd have rather gotten either those two minutes back or just had the entire episode focus on something ACTUALLY plot relevant. Which, I do want to admit one thing: It really fucking sucks that Elsewhere Elsewhen is filler because it's one of the way too few episodes dedicated to the effort of making Luz a way home, especially for how important Luz claims it is to her. Talking about the bad job they did with the portal door plot, or just how bullshit magic becomes in S2B simply to get rid of the Titan's Blood, are different blogs. For now... Elsewhere Elsewhen is a bad episode that is a waste of time. And the fact there are two episodes in S2B that I can call a waste of time is a real rough spot for the show to be in when at this point, yes, the shortening should have mattered. But really... Just look at the show. They were never going to prioritize in ways that made sense for needing to tighten up their story. Not when they've never had proper priorities. Last note: I am actually out of asks. This may lead to me slowing down with blogs, we'll see. *shrug*
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Okay, so, not too long ago I had this idea for a Disney Crossover, where I asked you all what sounded better.
Gravity Falls, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Amphibia, and the Owl House
Gravity Falls, Star vs. the Force of Evil, Ducktales, Amphibia, and the Owl House
Gravity Falls, Amphibia, and the Owl House
And everyone seemed to agree #3. So, now I can explain why I brought this up.
I wanted to see if I can find some roleplayers who can play some of the Gravity Falls, Amphibia, and the Owl House characters. With myself included to help out.
The idea for the plot is this: There is a omnipotent dimensional being who's job is to observe different universes and write down all their events. Something like the Watcher from Marvel, who for now, I will call the Observer. The Observer's kind focus on their tasks and avoid getting involved.
However, this particular Observer ended up coming across the universe of Gravity Falls and became invested in their story. To the point they became a fan, drew a lot of fanart, and made a lot of theories of what was going to happen. Until the series ended up ending, which caused the Observer to become depressed.
Until they came across the other universes like Amphibia and the Owl House. Becoming fans and began observing their whole story. But once they ended, the Observer decided to do something about it.
So, the Observer created a secret world in an empty pocket dimension in order to create a brand new story involving the characters from these three universes.
From the main cast (focusing mainly on the main stars of the series), the supporting cast (the best friends), and the family members (even extended/adoptive families). All being brought in the moment their series ended and finding this world a combination of their world.
All being brought in to learn to work together and go up against their greatest enemies. All resurrected or freed to work together to try to destroy their enemies. With the Observer being the more-powerful being & limited their powers to keep them from doing something that will be beyond their control.
Main Characters:
Mason “Dipper” Pines
Mabel Pines
Anne Boonchuy
Sprig Plantar
Luz Noceda w/Palisman Stringbean
King Clawthorn
Supporting Characters:
Jesus “Soos” Alzamirano Ramírez
Wendy Blerble Corduroy
Sasha Waybright
Marcy Wu
Polly Plantar w/Frobo
Ivy Sundew
Amity Blight w/Palisman Ghost
Willow Park w/Palisman Clover
Gus Porter w/Palisman Emmiline Bailey Marcostimo
Hunter w/Palisman Waffles
The Collector
Adult Characters:
Stanley Pines (Grunkle Stan)
Stanford Filbrick Pines (Grunkle Ford)
Hopediah “Hop Pop” Plantar
Captain Grime
Eda Clawthorne w/Palisman Owlbert
Raine Whispers
Darius Deamonne
Carmila Noceda
Main Villain Characters:
Bill Cipher
The Core
Emperor Belos/Philip Witterbane
Villain Allias:
King Andrias Leviathan
Terra Snapdragon (plant coven)
Adrian Graye Venworth (illusionist coven)
Vitimir (potion coven)
Hettie Cutburn (healing coven)
Mason (construction coven)
Osan (oracle coven)
Anyone who is interested in doing this crossover need to be the following:
Have to have at least more than a year of RP experience
Have to be able to write more than one sentence.
Be willing to work well with others
Can play at least more than one character. I'm willing to play at least half of the cast (most of the female characters and non-binary characters).
Are also willing to write out battle scenes too. Don't want to be the only one who can do that.
And are okay with the shipping that has been established without making changes or adding any OCs to this. This is going to involve the canon characters and the OC Observer who is the only OC who will be in this.
Anyone interested can send me a message to my inbox.
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burlveneer-music · 7 months
Omni - Souvenir - "wiry melodies" indeed ;)
The music of Atlanta trio Omni has always swung fast and hit hard. And Souvenir, their fourth album and second for Sub Pop, packs their biggest punch yet. Inactive during the majority of the pandemic–the longest downtime in their history–they approached this recording with lots of pent-up energy. Guitarist Frankie Broyles, singer/bassist Philip Frobos, and drummer Chris Yonker converted their creative fuel into sharp, driving songs that land immediately, sporting chopping riffs, staccato beats, and wiry melodies.
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screamingforyears · 7 months
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@jpblues is here w/ “LIFE IS,” the lead single/track from her forthcoming LP titled ‘Here in the Pitch’ (5/3 @mexican_summer) & it finds the LA-based artist, rounded out here by Al Carlson, Matt McDermott, Spencer Zahn, Mauro Refosco, Ryley Walker, Peter Mudge & Alex Goldberg climbing “back on the horse before it gets dark” across 3 mins of retro-dipped, aesthetically apt & bitterly melancholic IndiePop.
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“BEHIND YOUR EAR” is the final single in the run-up to @latebloomernc’s forthcoming LP titled ‘Another One Again’ (3/1 @deadbrokerekerds @selfawarerecords) & it finds the Charlotte-based trio of Josh (bass), Neil (guitar) & Scott (drums) power_popping their way across a compact 2:41 clip of charged up CollegeRawk.
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“BILLOW” is the latest single from @meatbodiesofficialauthentic’s forthcoming LP titled ‘Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom’ (3/8 @intheredrecords) & it finds the Los Angeles-based quartet stone_rosing their way across 4 ½ mins of shimmy-shaking, righteously riffed & psych-tinged AltRawk.
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@omnideluxe are here w/ “COMPLIMENT,” the final single in the run-up to their forthcoming LP titled ‘Souvenir’ (2/16 @subpop) & it finds the ATL-based trio of guitarist Frankie Broyles, singer/bassist Philip Frobos & drummer Chris Yonker post_punking across a sub-4 min slice of southernly twanged NewWave.
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“THE LIGHT” is the lead single from @parsnip_hq’s forthcoming LP titled ‘Behold’ (4/26 @antifaderecords@upset_the_rhythm) & it finds the Melbourne-based quartet of bassist/vocalist Paris Richens, drummer Carolyn Hawkins, guitarist/saxophonist/vocalist Stella Rennex & keyboardist Rebecca Liston bringing a 1:56 clip of retro-riffing & girl_grouping RetroPop.
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robmoro · 8 months
RobMoro TV | Omni - 'Plastic Pyramid' (feat. Izzy Glaudini) 
Atlanta trio Omni return with ‘Plastic Pyramid’, the latest track to be taken from their forthcoming album, “Souvenir”. The new record will mark Omni’s fourth LP release and also their second for the Sub Pop label. ‘Plastic Pyramids’ is a sharp track in wit and sound. Choppy guitar strokes and an airy synth sound lay the foundations for the vocals of Omni’s Philip Frobos and Izzy Glaudini of…
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thoughtswordsaction · 9 months
OMNI Share New Single & Video "Plastic Pyramid"; "Souvenir" LP Out February 16th Via Sub Pop
Photo by Zach Pyles On February 16th, 2024, Atlanta trio Omni will release Souvenir, their fourth album and second for Sub Pop, available worldwide on CD/LP/DSP.  Souvenir finds guitarist Frankie Broyles, singer/bassist Philip Frobos, and drummer Chris Yonker converting their creative fuel into sharp, driving songs that land immediately, sporting chopping riffs, staccato beats, and wiry…
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twinkandwink · 5 years
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Omni - Rough Trade, Bristol 26th November 2019
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aquariumdrunkard · 3 years
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The Aquarium Drunkard Show: SIRIUS/XMU (7pm PDT, Channel 35)
Via satellite, transmuting from northeast Los Angeles — the Aquarium Drunkard Show on SIRIUS/XMU, channel 35. 7pm California time, Wednesdays.
Intro ++ The Vaselines – Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam ++ Ty Segall & White Fence – Tongues ++ Simply Saucer – Bullet Proof Nothing ++ England’s Glory – Shattered Illusions ++ White Fence – Anger! Who Keeps You Under? ++ The Velvet Underground – Guess I’m Falling In Love (Instrumental Version) ++ The Velvet Underground – Lady Godiva’s Operation ++ PAINT – Strange World ++ Sleeper And Snake – Flats Falling ++ Philip Frobos – No Packages Today ++ The Art Museums – Paris Cafes ++ Ghost Power – Asteroid Witch ++ Oog Bogo – Disappear ++ Spacemen 3 – Come Down Easy (demo) ++ The Gist – Being True ++ Evan Cheadle – No Love Lost ++ Jack Name – A Moving-on Blues ++ Bong Wish – My Luv ++ Sean Nicholas Savage – Days Go By ++ The Servants – Slow Dancing ++ Arthur Russell – I Couldn’t Say It To Your Face ++ Robert Wyatt – Heaps of Sheeps ++ Martin Rev – I Heard Your Name ++ Sagittaire – Desert Shore ++ Tim Presley – Clue ++ Dogme 95 – Ocean Floor ++ Parasites of The Western World – Flying (Beatles) ++ The Limiñanas – The Darkside ++ Pink Mountaintops – Atmosphere ++ Lou Reed – Kicks ++ Liam Kazar – Belle (Aquarium Drunkard Session) ++ Liam Kazar – Close To You (Aquarium Drunkard Session) ++ Liam Kazar – Get In Line (Aquarium Drunkard Session) ++ Gal Gracen – Grass Mask
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markingrecords · 2 years
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アトランタのポストパンクバンドOMNIのメンバー Philip Frobos によるソロデビュー作。彼自身が執筆した小説「Vague Enough To Satisfy」のサントラとして制作された本作は、ロックオペラをラウンジ・ミュージックに落とし込んだような奇妙で美しいアルバム。ドラムマシンはボサノバ風のビートを奏で、ローファイなシンセとペナペナしたギターはシニカルなユーモアを、ヴォーカルはささいな出来事を特別な一コマとして切り取るかのように、とある青年が出会うさまざまな人物との物語を紡ぎます。『ひまわり』で知られるヘンリー・マンシーニからも影響を受けたという、イマジナリーなインストゥルメンタル・トラックも。ロンドンのUpset! The Rhythmからのリリースです。 (Marking Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd9-H7ZBs5-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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senorboombastic · 7 months
Listen to the fifth episode of ’60 Minutes or less’, the new podcast from Birthday Cake For Breakfast – featuring Peter Brewis of Field Music!
Words: Andy Hughes Off the back of the first four ‘60 Minutes or less‘ episodes – featuring guests Joe Casey of Protomartyr, Paul Hanley of The Fall, Philip Frobos of Omni and Jonathan Higgs of Everything Everything – it’s a trip to present our fifth episode, featuring Peter Brewis! A North East musician of note, alongside brother David, Peter is the other half of the brilliant Field Music.…
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dustedmagazine · 5 years
Omni — Networker (Sub Pop)
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Photo by Emily Frobos
“Skeleton Key,” an early single from Omni’s third full-length album, opens in cascades and cartwheels of florid guitar, an unexpectedly fluid interval in the band’s taut, post-punk discipline. This little flourish of warm, exuberance gets yanked in pretty quickly, hedged all around by a terse 4/4 guitar vamp, yet even there, amidst the Gang of Four staccato austerity, sudden flares of sustained notes erupt every couple of measures. It’s like someone’s knocking on a door insistently, repeatedly, without much hope of a reply, when all in an instant, it swings open. Networker, the band’s first album on Sub Pop, speaks with a good deal of mid-fi clarity, separating out the bash and twitch of Omni’s earlier work into line-drawn exactitude. But it also draws out the pretty stabs of melody in this band’s tense, aggressive assault, letting bits of New Wave-y romanticism shine out through the wrung out guardedness of 21st century ironic cool.
The band, as always, centers around Philip Frobos, who plays bass and sings, and Frankie Broyles who does everything else (guitar/drums/keyboards). For Networker, they also worked with Nathaniel Higgins. That set up has some interesting repercussions. In a couple of instances, for example, during “Sincerely, Yours,” Frobos carries the tune, first with the bass, then with his voice, and indeed, throughout, you can hear the bass moving nimbly and melodically in and out of machete slashes of guitar. There’s a bounce to it, a playful quality, that contrasts in an interesting way with the stock-still-as-Andy-Gill dispassionate-ness of the guitar strumming.  
Omni’s lyrics are sharp and post-modern, sketching line-drawn scenarios of disconnected modern life. This is a wiry, stylized anxiety that rhymes and scans and sticks the end of phrases. “Blunt Force,” hazards a repeated rhyme that is opaque and intriguing and intricately fitted to the song’s rhythms: “Sell me/blunt force/a method that still works/to stay/on course/keep it in house/and then outsource.” Later, in “Genuine Person,” Frobos chants, “I’m an im…pos…tor,” against a tip-toeing staccato of guitar and drums, his voice drained of emotion as a siren-y guitar riff nearly drowns him out. Yet even here, the music has an intriguing mix of prickle and glide. The song is anxious and wound tight, yet it gets some relief in more fluid, sustained bits of guitar play. “Courtesy Call,” too, allows a spiked, clipped verse to implode into lusher, less geometric shapes at the break. The bass is again nimble and melodic, fitting into the spaces left by guitar; drums tick on unconcerned, rock hard, dry, the width of a pencil line.
It’s all rather good in a discombobulating way, where the monotonic tension of, say, the Pop Group, meets lavish, emotion-harboring flourishes reminiscent of Orange Juice and even, in a couple of places, the Joe Jackson Band. You can’t get too comfortable even being uncomfortable, because Omni likes to mix it up, the jitter and the sway.
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naaf · 3 years
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Favorite Songs of October 2021 1) Nation of Language: "The Grey Commute" @nationoflanguage 2) Carson McHone: "Hawks Don't Share" @carsonmchonemusic 3) Glenn Gould feat. U.S. Girls: "Good Kinda High" @glenngouldofficial @usgirls.and.remy 4) Alex Lahey: "Spike the Punch" @alex_lahey 5) Melts: "Maelstrom" twitter.com/wearemelts 6) TOPS: "Waiting" @tttopsss 7) Ric Wilson feat. Yellow Days: "Life's Been Good to Me" @ricwilsonisme @yellowdayss 8) Metronomy: "It's Good to Be Back" @metronomy 9) Wiki: "The Business" @wikset 10) Hayden Thorpe: "Rational Heartache" @haydennthorpe 10 Instead of 8 Honorable Mentions (It was a stacked month!) Kelis: "Midnight Snacks" Elbow: "The Seldom Seen Kid" Kacy Hill: "The Right Time" Atmosphere feat. Aesop Rock & MF Doom: "Barcade" Deap Vally: "Magic Medicine" Michael Kiwanuka: "Beautiful Life - Edit" Philip Frobos: "Pathetic" Lily Konigsberg: "Proud Home" BADBADNOTGOOD feat. Arthur Verocai: "Love Proceeding" Lone: "Inlove2 - Edit" #favoritesongs #songsofthemonth #musiclist #october2021 #songsof2021 #nationoflanguage #carsonmchone #glenngould #usgirls #alexlahey #meltsband #topsband #ricwilson #yellowdays #metronomy #wikirapper #haydenthorpe #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #shotwithsamsunggalaxya51 #instabw #instamusic #thisisbagleysfavoritesongs #thisisbagleysfavoritesongsof2021 #thisisbagleyblackandwhite #gay #queer #instagay #gaystagram #queerstagram (hier: Wertheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWGZorwIMSj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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screamingforyears · 8 months
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“RIGHT BEHIND YOU” is the latest single from @jmascis’ forthcoming solo LP titled ‘What Do We Do Now’ (2/2 @subpop) & it finds iconic six-string slanger mellowing out across a 4:20 clip of laid back, patio vibing & sweetly strummed AltRock.
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@maxbandnyc are here w/ “NOTHING’S CHANGED,” the lead single from their debut LP titled ‘Maxband On Ice’ (4/5 @holm.front) & it finds the New York-based quartet of Max Savage, Patrick J Smith, Eric Read & Tim Nelson bringing a crisp 4:41 clip of pitter-patting, six-string driven & quietly/loud IndieRock.
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“PLASTIC PYRAMID” is the second single from @omnideluxe’s forthcoming LP titled ‘Souvenir’ (2/16 @subpop) & it finds the ATL-based trio of guitarist Frankie Broyles, singer/bassist Philip Frobos & drummer Chris Yonker linking up w/ Izzy Glaudini of Automatic to bring 3 ½ mins of angularly flexed & robotically hip PostPunk.
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@rideox4official are back w/ “PEACE SIGN,” the lead single/track from their forthcoming LP titled ‘Interplay’ (3/29 @pias Wichita) & it finds the veteran Oxford-based quartet of vocalists/guitarists Andy Bell/Mark Gardener, drummer Laurence “Loz” Colbert & bassist Steve Queralt sounding as refreshingly relevant as ever across 4:40 clip of drivingly gazed AltRock.
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