#You Tell Me
coochie-sniffer3000 · 3 months
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yea idk y it s so big too
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a-wondering-thought · 7 months
i kinda hate the question "do you have a good memory?" because my answer to that is that i honestly dont know because how do i explain that yes i can remember smth from years ago in/with really specific detail but if you ask me what/if i had breakfast i will not be able to give you an answer
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frownyalfred · 3 months
which two DC characters could, by getting married, bring together the most chaotic, ill-fitting, hilarious group of people in the DC universe?
(points only awarded if you can make a case that said character would probably attend the wedding and stay for longer than two minutes)
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j0k3rs-b4tm4n · 1 month
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No comment apart from; “Loverboy”
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darkestprompts · 6 months
Besides the fact that "big guy with armor" describes half of Dismas's male posse, I find funny that he finds Reynauld’s equipment scattered across the land and doesnt consider that he may be without his armor, especially if he is in danger.
Dismas thinks Reynauld is a weird armor-bug confirmed. He probably thought the helmet was his head all this time.
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kawaiikenna · 2 years
I saw this in another fic where Danny is getting chased by one of the older football players and to get to a ‘safe zone’ he climbs up Kwan and sits on his shoulders. But could you imagine him doing this to the taller Bats? I think his favorite people to perch on are either Dick or Jason. He will perch on Bruce but not as often. Just;
Danny running full speed towards the nearest tol brother and scrabbling up to perch on their shoulders.
A very peeved Damian following closely behind with katana in hand. Absolutely soaking wet.
This can go one of two ways depending on which big brother Danny is perched on.
Dick: Hey, hey! What happened?
Damian: Daniel thought it would be funny to dump a bucket of water on me while I was tending to Bat Cow.
Danny: And it was hilarious. You look like a drowned rat.
Dick trying to de-escalate the situation: Danny that wasn’t very nice.
Danny: Yeah, sure, but I don’t think that deserves to be cut up by the angry gremlin down there.
Danny perching on Jason.
Jason, very snidely: You know you’re supposed to take your clothes off before you get in the shower?
Damian: Shut up Todd. I only wish to exact revenge on Daniel. Now get down here!
Danny: Yeah no can do there short stack. I don’t really fancy getting carved up like a turkey.
Jason: Why not? You’re one already.
Danny, with faux offense: I am not.
Jason: Uh huh. Sure, and that’s why you’re definitely not hiding up on my shoulders. Just so the Demon Brat won’t get you back.
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wayfayrr · 9 months
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nicomoon69 · 1 month
I need a fic where Cass and Jason are twins separated at birth and everything happens the same way except that now whenever they butt heads (and butt heads is to put it lightly) over their opposite morals they’re harshly reminded that they could’ve come out like the other had the switch been different
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“sunshine x midnight rain” but the sunshine is actually deeply fucked up in the head
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lilbeanz · 2 years
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Experiment! Draco with longer hair. How we feeling about this my lil beans?
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kathyrealmstales · 2 months
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Like I promised, here is the KinitoPet art. Im going back to bed.
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kingcrustacean · 1 month
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skully-drawls · 5 months
I desire more Noise content, if I have to make it then uH.
WELL I AM. But is shit like this really worth posting?
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smol-soop-spoon · 5 months
thinking about richard seeing the scar on his stomach every single day for the rest of his life, being inexorably reminded of the day everything fell apart.
It's interesting to see how they were almost all scarred by this year they've spent together: Camilla's foot, Charles' bite scar during the bacchanal, Richard during the winter break and on the day Henry killed himself.
In a way, Francis' suicide attempt almost seems like a way to even things out, joining in on their fucked up little friendship symbol - some people have friendship bracelets, but they'd rather brand it into their flesh. Also the fact that at the beginning, only Henry was visibly scarred, and now here they all are, following in his footsteps.
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whydon-twego · 1 year
Emrys has deep golden eyes staring at him from above his throne, his hair so dark as to be almost black falls across his forehead in soft locks that seem untamable, and his pale skin creates a regal effect so at odds with the clothes Emrys wears, which are well-made but among the most modest he has ever seen.
Arthur would be fascinated if he were not kneeling on the ground, ready to be killed.
"At last we meet, son of Uther."
Emrys' voice is low and Arthur feels a shiver run down his spine, not a voice he expected from such a slender body. A body that could almost seem frail were it not that that body defeated him.
Emrys rises from his throne and walks towards him, observing Arthur as one would observe an animal one had never seen before, a mixture of interest and attention.
"I'm not going to kill you," Emrys says, looking him in the eye with disdain, "I don't think it's worth it. You'll set a better example alive, once I figure out what to do with you."
Arthur does not lower his gaze even though he is afraid because death would surely have been the easier and less painful way, for he knows that magic is horrible and can make a sane man go mad.
"I will do whatever you want but leave my people alone."
Emrys stops his walk around Arthur and steps in front of him, looking at him seriously and annoyed.
"You will do what I want in any case, you cannot make demands of any kind on me after you have murdered my people, Arthur Pendragon and trust me when I tell you that it is better not to upset me"
Arthur remains staring into those gold-coloured eyes for a few moments but then lowers his gaze.
"Very well, I see we understand each other. You are very good, Arthur, we will see how you can best serve me"
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alohaasaloevera · 5 days
happy pride month to the hoes that had/are in/will have a Voltron: Legendary Defender phase! You are all gay!
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