#Phoenix Coalition
tagnoob · 10 months
Getting Home From the North
The map in the north is settling down since the announcement that B2 Coalition was done fighting up there. Those groups formerly in the B2 Coalition have mostly moved south or made their peace with the new overlord in the north.  The new Phoenix Coalition, made up of Synergy of Steel, Banderlogs Alliance, Razor Alliance, and Game Theory, will remain in the northeast, having signed an agreement…
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isa-ah · 26 days
Phoenix was my favorite place to live but man we rode out on a wave of all of the indie artists and musicians leaving bc EVERYONE got priced out. it's like they don't recognize that the indie scene was why people wanted to be there in the first place.
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news4dzhozhar · 5 months
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Pretty rich for them to be calling Pro Palestine protestors "murderers". Talk about projection. I hope they get the added charge enhancement of this being considered a hate crime.
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fatehbaz · 5 months
Some updates from the past twelve-ish months:
-- Late 2022: Portland and its mayor (Wheeler) started a major push to ban "street camping". Headlines in major media outlets also described "Portland's first sanctioned mass homeless camp" and how "Portland moves forward with $27 million plan to build mass shelters". In December 2022, Portland-area authorities used the so-called "aggressive landscaping" tactic, installing hundreds of hostile architecture boulders to prevent sitting/sleeping. Also in December, homeless advocates and Disability Rights Washington advocates attempted to halt Spokane's (Washington) clearing of a major camp for hundreds of people, and a federal judge sided with advocates to put a temporary restraining order on the sweep.
-- January 2023: Even in the immediate aftermath of historic cold as far south as Miami and Monterrey, sub-freezing temperatures across the Deep South, and sub-zero-Fahrenheit blizzards sweeping North America for a week or longer around Solstice/Christmas 2022, convenience stores "in Texas, California, New York use classical music to shoo homeless".
-- By March 2023: "Portland Mayor Wheeler unveils first location for city-run homeless camp".
-- April 2023: San Francisco and Mayor Brand announce a major "five-year plan" costing over 600 million dollars "to cut the number of unsheltered homeless in half". (Not a plan to put people in homes or find stable housing, but just to technically put them under the roof of shelter, keeping them out of sight, therefore qualifying them for the strange designation of "the sheltered homeless".) At the same time, San Francisco opened a "long-term homeless shelter on Treasure Island", pushing homeless people onto an isolated island mostly composed of concrete and asphalt.
-- Summer 2023: In May, the city of Phoenix (Arizona) began its project to clear and eliminate its largest homeless camp, known as the Zone, a refuge for hundreds of people. During the record-breaking heat of the summer of 2023, Phoenix cleared the camp systematically, block by block. At the beginning of September 2023, as "Phoenix breaks heat record as city hits 110F [110 degrees Fahrenheit] for the 54th consecutive day", the city cleared the block of the camp where most seniors and the elderly lived.
-- January 2024: About one week ahead of winter holidays (Solstice/Christmas), the City of Edmonton pursued plans to sweep 130 homeless encampments as part of what has been described as a "shocking" eviction plan. In January, the city was clearing camps amidst sustained deadly severe weather, during a polar vortex event with temperatures of negative 50 degrees Fahrenheit and daytime highs of negative 25F. When a court case presented by Coalition for Justice and Human Rights tried to slow the sweeps, a judge sided with them and shut down the evictions.
-- March 2024: Florida's governor signs a new law. NPR describes: "law that seeks to move unhoused people off public property altogether and into government-run encampments".
-- April 2024: The U.S. Supreme Court begins hearing a case from Grants Pass (Oregon) with major implications and potential to incite nationwide "banishment race" and "homelessness crackdown". Lower courts have previously said that city policies (like Grants Pass, Boise, and others) were "cruel and unusual" for fining and/or jailing people for sleeping on public land if no adequate accessible shelter is available. But now?
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opencommunion · 6 months
please go to a protest for Land Day tomorrow (March 30th) if you can
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AUSTRALIA – Hobart / Nipaluna. 1PM Every Saturday @ Davey St. (Grand Chancellor).
CANADA – Antigonish, NS. 1PM Every Saturday @ Antigonish Town Hall. Antigonish 4 Gaza.
CANADA – Montreal. 2PM Land Day Tatreez Workshop @ Refugee Center. PYM Montreal.
CANADA – Ottawa. 2PM Land Day @ Human Rights Monument.
CANADA – Toronto. 2PM Land Day @ Yonge & Dundas. PYM Toronto.
ENGLAND – Halifax. 1PM Every Saturday @ Wilkos on Southgate.
ENGLAND – Hebden Bridge. 3PM Every Saturday @ Holme Street. 4PM @ St George’s Square. West Yorkshire for Palestine.
ENGLAND – London. 11AM @ 7 Tavistock Square. PYM Britain.
ENGLAND – London. 12PM @ Central London. STW UK.
NETHERLANDS – Amsterdam. 7PM Every Night @ Dam Square.
PORTUGAL – Porto. 10PM Every Night Vigil @ Camara Municipal.
SCOTLAND – Orkney. 1PM Every Saturday @ St Magnus Cathedral Steps. Amnesty Orkney.
AZ – Phoenix. 1MP Land Day @ Civic Space Park. PSL Phoenix AZ.
CA – Los Angeles. 1PM Land Day March @ LA City Hall. PYM LA/OC/IE.
CA – Petaluma. 12:30PM Every Saturday @ Petaluma & E Washington. Occupy Pelatuma.
CA – Ventura. 12:30PM @ 181 E Santa Clara St. ANSWER Coalition.
CO – Fort Collins. 3PM Every Saturday @ Old Town Square. NOCO Liberation Coalition.
DC – Washington DC. 4PM @ DuPont Circle. ANSWER Coalition.
FL – Gainesville. 11AM @ Depot Park. ANSWER Coalition.
FL – Orlando. City Hall. TBA. ANSWER Coalition.
FL – Pensacola. PM @ Main & Reus (Blue Wahoos). PSL CGC. 
GA – Atlanta. 2PM @ Consulate of Israel. PYM.
ID – Pocatello. 12PM Every Saturday @ Bannock County Courthouse. Pocatello for Palestine.
IL – Chicago. 1PM @ TBA. USPCN + Chicago SJP.
LA – New Orleans. 3:30PM @ 701 N Rampart St.
MA – Springfield. 2PM @ 36 Court St. ANSWER Coalition.
ME – Portland. 1PM @ Monument Square. PSL Maine.
MI – Detroit. 1:30PM @ Beacon Park. USPCN.
MI – Detroit. 10AM Land Day @ Rouge Park. PYM.
MN – Minneapolis. 2PM @ 2707 West Lake St. ANSWER Coalition.
MT – Kalispell. 12PM Every Saturday @ Main & Center. MT 4 Palestine.
NC – Asheville. 4PM @ 1 N Pack Square. ANSWER Coalition.
NC – Charlotte. 4PM @ Wilmore Centennial Park. CLT 4 Palestine + PSL Carolinas.
NC – Raleigh. 3PM Land Day @ Moore Square. PSL Carolinas.
NC, Charlotte. 4PM @ Wilmore Centennial Park. Land Day. CLT 4 Pali + PSL Carolinas.
NM – Albuquerque. 4PM @ UNM Book Store. ANSWER Coalition.
NY – New York. 12PM @ City Hall Park. Within Our Lifetime.
NY – New York. 12PM Vigil Every Saturday @ 5th & 44th in Brooklyn. Sunset Park Elders.
NY – New York. 5PM @ Times Square. PYM.
NY – Rochester. 1:30PM @ MLK Park. End Apartheid ROC + SJP UR.
OH – Cincinnati. 3PM @ 801 Plum St. ANSWER Coalition.
OH – Cleveland. 2PM Land Day @ Edgewater Upper Pavillion. USCPN.
OH – Columbus. 4PM @ 120 W Goodale St. ANSWER Coalition.
OH – Dayton. 5PM @ 2680 Ridge Ave. ANSWER Coalition.
OH – Wooster. 11AM @ 538 N Market St. ANSWER Coalition.
OR – Bend. 12PM Saturdays @ Peace Corner. Central Oregon 4 Socialism.
OR – Portland. 12PM @ Desert Island Studios. Letters for Palestine PDX.
PA – Philadelphia. 5PM @ 7th & Walnut. ANSWER Coalition.
PA – Pittsburgh. 3:30PM @ 4100 Forbes Ave. ANSWER Coalition.
RI – Providence. 5PM @ Prospect Terr. ANSWER Coalition.
TX – Houston. 1PM @ Waterwall Park. PYM Houston.
TX – San Antonio. 12PM @ 301 E Travis ST. ANSWER Coalition.
VT – Burlington. 1PM @ City Hall. ANSWER Coalition.
WA – Seattle. 2PM Land Day @ Lake Union Park. PYM.
WI – Milwaukee. 1:30PM @ Sijan Park. PSL Milwaukee.
WI – Viroqua. 11AM Vigil Every Saturday @ Main & Decker. Driftless Solidarity / Wolves PSC.
WV – Martinsburg. 12PM Land Day @ Martinsburg Town Square. PSL WV.
DISCLAIMER: I didn't make this list and it's not comprehensive. If you don't see a protest near you, look up what your local orgs are doing, and if you still can't find anything, take autonomous action
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Incomplete vs. overshoot
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT in Seattle (Feb 26) with Neal Stephenson, then Portland, Phoenix and more!
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You know the "horseshoe theory," right? "The far-left and the far-right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear continuum of the political spectrum, closely resemble each other, analogous to the way that the opposite ends of a horseshoe are close together":
It's a theory that only makes sense if you don't know much about the right and the left and what each side wants out of politics.
Take women's suffrage. The early suffragists ("suffragettes" in the UK) were mostly interested in votes for affluent, white women – not women as a body. Today's left criticizes the suffrage movement on the basis that they didn't go far enough:
Contrast that with Christian Dominionists – the cranks who think that embryos are people (though presumably not for the purpose of calculating a state's electoral college vote? Though it would be cool if presidential elections turned on which side of a state line a fertility clinic's chest-freezer rested on):
These people are part of a far-right coalition that wants to abolish votes for women. As billionaire far-right bagman Peter Thiel wrote that he thought it was a mistake to let women vote at all:
Superficially, there's some horseshoe theory action going on here. The left thinks the suffragists were wrong. The right thinks they were wrong, too. Therefore, the left and the right agree!
Well, they agree that the suffragists were wrong, but for opposite reasons – and far, far more importantly, they totally disagree about what they want. The right wants a world where no women can vote. The left wants a world where all women can vote. The idea that the right and the left agree on women's suffrage is, as the physicists say, "not even wrong."
It's the kind of wrong that can only be captured by citing scripture, specifically, A Fish Called Wanda, 6E, 79: "The central message of Buddhism is not 'Every man for himself.' And the London Underground is not a political movement. Those are all mistakes, Otto. I looked them up."
Or take the New Deal. While the New Deal set its sites on liberating workers from precarity, abuse and corruption, the Dealers – like the suffragists – had huge gaps in their program, omitting people of color, indigenous people, women, queer people, etc. There are lots of leftists who criticize the New Deal on this basis: it didn't go far enough:
But for the past 40 years, America has seen a sustained, vicious assault on New Deal programs, from Social Security to Medicare to food stamps to labor rights to national parks, funded by billionaires who want to bring back the Gilded Age and turn us all into forelock-tugging plebs:
If you only view politics as a game of elementary school cliques, you might say that the left and the right are meeting again. The left says Roosevelt got it wrong with the New Deal (because he left out so many people). The right says FDR was wrong for doing the New Deal in the first place. Therefore, the left and the right agree, right?
Obviously wrong. Obviously. Again, the important thing is why the left and the right think the New Deal deserves criticism. The important thing is what the left and the right want. The left wants universal liberation. The right wants us all in economic chains. They do not agree.
It's not always just politics, either. Take the old, good internet. That was an internet defined by technological self-determination, a wild and wooly internet where there were few gatekeepers, where disfavored groups could find each other and make common cause, where users who were threatened by the greed of the shareholders behind big services could install blockers, mods, alternative clients and other "adversarial interoperability" tools that seized the means of computation.
Today's enshitternet – "five giant websites, filled with screenshots of the other four" (h/t Tom Eastman) – is orders of magnitude more populous than that old, good internet. The enshitternet has billions of users, and they are legally – and technologically – prevented from taking any self-help measures when the owners of services change them to shift value from users to themselves:
The anti-enshittification movement rightly criticizes the old, good internet because it wasn't inclusive enough. It was a system almost exclusively hospitable to affluent, privileged people – the people who least needed the liberatory power of technology.
Likewise pro-enshittification monopolists – billionaires and their useful idiots – deplore the old, good internet because it gave its users too much power. For them, ad-blocking, alternative clients, mods, reverse-engineering and so on were all bugs, not features. For them, the enshitternet is great because businesses can literally criminalize taking action to protect yourself from their predatory impulses:
Superficially, it seems like the pro- and anti-enshittification forces agree – they both agree that the old, good internet was a mistake. But the difference that matters here is that the pro-enshittification side wants everyone mired in the enshitternet forever, living with what Jay Freeman calls "Felony contempt of business-model." By contrast, the disenshittification side wants a new, good internet that gives every user – not just a handful of techies – the power to decide how the digital systems they work use, and to be able to alter or reconfigure them to suit their own needs.
The horsehoe theory only makes sense if you don't take into account the beliefs and goals of each side. Politics aren't just a matter of who you agree with on a given issue – the real issue is what you're trying to accomplish.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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encyclopediacr · 4 months
Last month at the wiki — May 2024
On the first Wednesday of every month (or, best we can to it), we highlight significant work done in the previous month by our editing community at Encyclopedia Exandria.
As always, we start with a selection of articles created in the highlighted month. You can find more at the 50 newest pages report.
Rimecleft, mountain in Issylra featured in The Legend of Vox Machina
Ted 2, Opal's spider familiar
The Highest Light, city in Midst
Yore Mirror, magical item used by the Unseelie Court
Exandrian Accord, coalition opposing the Ruby Vanguard
The Menagerie (adventuring party), of the Daggerheart one-shots
Hieronymous Loxlee, character in Midst
Live shows, episodes performed before an in-person audience
Phoenix, elemental
Weapons of the Spectral Hand, group of legendary magical items
It's been a busy month in May just keeping up with the programming schedule, which has been getting quite lengthy these days! You can always check out what's coming up in the schedule in our upcoming events article.
We've added The Re-Slayer's Take to our routine coverage, with individual articles for each episode. You can explore the topic area starting with our category for the series. In accordance with our spoiler policy, we update as episodes hit the public feed.
The new Critical Role Abridged also provides us with illustrations for many characters, creatures, and objects! As Encyclopedia Exandria has chosen to use only official art—that is, art that is commissioned by the production—this gives us opportunity to finally have images on many of our articles, like Cyrus Wyvernwind and Green Seekers. On the subject of images, many images from The World Of Critical Role have also been added to the wiki to grace our articles, like Sorrowsworn.
Beacon's launch also gave us arcs for Campaign 3: Bells Hells! This allows us to (finally) organize our episode list into narrative arcs rather than in chunks of 25 episode, and it gives us the ability to organize character articles in this way as well.
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junypr-camus · 1 year
Just a good ol’ fashioned girl-hates-government dystopia. 
Oh, and mind control.
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GENRE: Science Fiction
SUBGENRES: Dystopia, cyberpunk, hopepunk
THEMES: Found family, change, memories, hope
P.O.V./TENSE: First person, past tense
Memories can’t be trusted in Seranid. Feisty Terry Silver learns the hard way when she’s forced to flee the utopian City of her childhood, charged with a crime she has no recollection of committing.
Here’s what other people say
“really action packed…. incredibly well written and kept up the pace for the whole book” — Vee Ramage
“I must admit I was totally taken in by Terry and the Professor and the supporting characters.”
“What I like most is that it really takes points from our own flaws in society. The use of the separation between the rich and the poor to cover bigger schemes.”
You can find A City Without Birds on Goodreads, and it’s on sale on Amazon.
Or keep reading…
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Welcome to Seranid.  You’re happy here. Everybody is.
From the ruins of the Pacific Coast rises Seranid, where
Terry Silver doesn’t know she’s living a lie. She thinks nothing of the status symbol implanted into every Seranidian at birth. She’s unaware of the dissentious thoughts erased from her mind, or the half-truths fed to millions of Seranidians to maintain the paradisial City. Even, of the fact that she may have taken a life. But when the mysterious Professor Camus Remin whisks her from the crosshairs of Seranid’s task force into the Slums, she finds stolen memories — including ones of her long-dead father, and a people trampled by innovation — who call her the Phoenix that will herald the rebirth of the nation. As Terry tries to foment an uprising, she faces more than her own mortality: resurfacing trauma, the deaths of loved ones, and the looming threat of all-out nuclear war. She’s forced to ask herself: what price would you pay for change?
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Seranid’s Government rules through division. Knowledge workers: doctors, engineers, teachers, and scientists are kept in the City, a bubble of utopia, while the rest are cast into the Slums, where poverty, disease, and corruption run rampant. Status symbols implanted at birth label Seranidians and feed them propaganda, altering their thoughts and memories to keep them in line. The task force eliminates any remaining rebels.
The Council, the coalition of the six business heads of Seranid, is the guiding force and source of comfort in many Seranidian’s lives. From controlling the weather in the City to providing aid to those in need, they are the sympathetic heart of Seranid. And the driver behind the City’s endless consumerism.
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Terry Silver: Fatherless and friendless, Terry finds solace in her work: keyboards, droids, and the soldering iron that burned a hole through her cargo pants. Her defiance gets her in trouble when Seranid’s government targets her for something she can’t even remember.
Terry’s first memory | Sketches | Terry’s mirror
Camus Remin: He has a charming smile and a burning passion for physics, but remains a mystery to his students, burdened by past mistakes. He quickly becomes the father Terry never had — but only later does she learn why he saved her.
Quote | Sketch
Marco Luiz: An old friend of Camus and a resident of the Slums, Marco knows the injustices of Seranid’s system firsthand. Both idealist and kind-hearted, he’s quick to sacrifice himself to help those in need — or just cook them some good roast lamb.
OC’s a ten but…
Janette Thornell: Hardened by past failures, the Resistance leader often clashes with Terry. Yet Janette loves those she protects — most of all, Emmy, who knows the secret of her origins.
Janette’s Secret
Emmy Wood: A City surgeon who defected to the Resistance, Emmy is more a scientist than a fighter. But when fate separates her, Camus, Marco and Terry from the rest of the Resistance, the four must learn to fight – and survive – together.
OC’s a ten but…
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North America, in the distant future…
Three countries share North America: materialistic Seranid on the West Coast, militaristic Leifen in the East, and modest Mirena, caught between the two superpowers. Each has their own way of surviving in this cruel new world, and each has their own flaws.
More Descriptions | Sketches | Leifen | Mirena | Ideals
psst. hey you. 
Thank you for making it this far! I got a little secret… I’m planning on making A City Without Birds free for a few days later this year (date undecided). Please reblog/comment if you’d like to be tagged when that happens!
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@bundifranco (I can't seem to tag you automatically so I hope you'll see this)
The only coherent explanation of this movie is Ridley Scott trying to create a character assassination on purpose. And I mean that quite earnestly. It is the only way in which a myriad of choices make any kind of thematic sense.
From the way Phoenix plays Napoleon as a tired horny guy with a negative charisma stat and his dysfunctional relationship with Josephine - dramatized to be extra dysfunctional, such as him slapping her in the face during divorce proceedings - is employed to inform several of his military/political decisions (like abandoning Egypt or returning from Elba), to leaving out or hugely downplaying Napoleon's most brilliant campaigns ("Italy surrendered without a fight" 1796-97 and "Error 404 France" 1814), creating incomprehensible muddles with little finesse beyond 'charge!' from the battles he couldn't avoid to show, and odd text cards inconsistently applied to show the casualties of the Wars of the Coalition in the most unfavorable light, including one at the end that seems more fitting as a solemn reminder at the end of a WW2 movie, all I've learned from this movie is that Ridley Scott just * shakes fist * really hates old Boney.
In this light the only decision that makes no sense is that he left out a scene to show the British intercepting some of his letters to Josephine, which they then published to embarrass him. Of course there's still the 4+ hour cut that'll be released on Apple tv, so if there's actually a scene of that in there, you heard it here first.
I feel like there are perfectly valid ways in which you can make a movie with a negative characterization of Napoleon, there's plenty to draw from, but this one was just so uncharitable you'd think they recently rediscovered the will of a British satirist from 1800 along with a bag of 400 million dollars, requesting this movie be made.
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ausetkmt · 7 months
Yemi Bamiro To Direct Kwame Brathwaite Doc ‘Black Is Beautiful’ For Wayfarer, Misfits Entertainment
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EXCLUSIVE: Yemi Bamiro (Fight the Power) has been set to direct Black Is Beautiful: The Kwame Brathwaite Story, a documentary spotlighting the life and work of activist, cultural icon, and renowned photojournalist Kwame Brathwaite, which Wayfarer Studios (Ezra, It Ends With Us) is developing in partnership with Misfits Entertainment (McQueen, Rising Phoenix), The Creative Coalition, and The Kwame Brathwaite Archive.
A celebration of Black history, art, and culture, the film will chart Brathwaite’s rise to a position of huge influence against the backdrop of the second Harlem Renaissance, the Civil Rights Movement, and the evolution of modern art. A trailblazer and founding father of the “Black is Beautiful” movement, Brathwaite is perhaps best known for co-creating Grandassa Models, a group of Black female models that promoted African-inspired fashion and beauty ideals, aiming to foster a shift away from from the more traditional Eurocentric standard by highlighting a more cosmopolitan look and feel. The movement was documented through Brathwaite’s photographs of gatherings which included music, poetry readings, plays, and art in its various forms. With Grandassa Models, he was able to create an authentic and unfiltered environment where people could be themselves and embrace their natural beauty, and to this day, the group meets weekly.
Related Stories
Brathwaite’s work appeared in publications including Vogue, The New Yorker, The New York Times, Essence, Blues and Soul, New York Post, New York Magazine, and National Geographic. Over the course of his career spanning more than six decades, he snapped shots of everyone from Mohammed Ali and The Jackson 5 to Nelson Mandela and Grace Jones, while giving equal focus to ordinary individuals.
In utilizing his photographic medium to spotlight the convergence of fashion, activism, music, and art on a global scale, Brathwaite captured spectacular moments in history, both big and small. His quintessential contribution to the Black aesthetic continues to inspire the next generation of photographers, celebrities and artists across all mediums, messaging, and brands.
Helping the Black Is Beautiful filmmakers in their mission of celebrating the unique life and talents of Brathwaite is the massive archive of never-before-seen materials that they were able to access through the creative’s estate. Wayfarer Studios co-founder Steve Sarowitz will exec produce the doc alongside Misfits Entertainment’s co-founder and co-owner, Andee Ryder. Producers on the pic include Wayfarer’s Justin Baldoni and Andrew Calof, Misfits Entertainment’s Ian Bonhôte and Lizzie Gillett, Robin Bronk for The Creative Coalition, and Kwame S Brathwaite on behalf of The Kwame Brathwaite Archive.
Brathwaite’s son, Kwame S. Brathwaite, shared that the process of archiving his father’s “writing, ephemera and iconic photography” has been taking place over the last few years. “We are truly excited,” he said, “about this opportunity to provide an in-depth look at the breadth and historical significance of his work.”
Bamiro stated that he came to the project as “a huge fan” of Brathwaite’s work. “To have the opportunity to shine a light on the life, work, activism and influence of such a legendary figure is a privilege,” he said.
Offered Wayfarer Studios’ President of Production and Development, Calof, “The world hasn’t heard enough about this incredibly crucial man who has influenced the Black aesthetic since the 1960’s. Images which showcased the persecution of Black people deeply impacted Kwame and as a photographer, he was compelled to change the focus and provide positive narrative to this time.”
Calof went on to emphasize that Brathwaite was “devoted to spotlighting the love, hope and beauty present within the underground movement of Black culture and he was driven to bring this into the mainstream. This greatness has resulted in tremendous impact on generations since.”
Bamiro most recently directed Fight the Power: How Hip Hop Changed the World, a PBS docuseries chronicling the birth and evolution of hip-hop, which features talents like Chuck D, Ice-T, and Run DMC. He also directed the doc One Man and His Shoes on the “social, cultural and racial significance” of Air Jordan sneakers, as well as Reggae Fever: David Rodigan, a feature doc spotlighting the career of the same-name British DJ. Other past projects include Viceland’s Hate Thy Neighbor and Prime Video’s Fever Pitch: The Rise of the Premier League. The filmmaker is repped by Jenny Parker at Mint & Co.
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kp777 · 2 months
By Sophia Cai
August 5, 2024
Vice President Kamala Harris is eyeing a broader path to victory than President Biden's 2024 map, with an army of enthused volunteers and piles of cash.
Why it matters: Harris' entry could put Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina back in play, forcing Trump to spend in states he considered safe.
A new CBS poll shows Harris and Trump are tied across the collective battleground states, erasing Trump's previous lead over Biden.
TheHarris campaign is counting on a strategy that involves engaging Republicans who have endorsed Harris, growing her coalition with minority, female, and young voters and investing heavily in mobilizing the groundswell of volunteers who have raised their hand.
Zoom in: In the last two weeks, the Harris campaign added 370,000 new volunteers — including 15,500 in Georgia, 21,000 in Arizona, and 10,500 in North Carolina — three states with diverse or changing electorates that have seen the most uptick in enthusiasm.
In Georgia, there are 100,000 votes up for grabs, former Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) told Axios in an interview.
"Kamala Harris puts all of those votes back in play. The number one excuse that I heard [about Biden] was, 'My gosh, he's just so old. I just can't imagine him governing for 4 years.' She takes that risk of physical and mental failure off the table," Duncan said.
Harris is looking to continue to build her coalition including Black and Asian communities in and outside of metro Atlanta, in addition to reaching out to the numerous Trump-skeptical Republicans and independents in the state.
In Arizona, the campaign has trotted out border mayors who have endorsed Harris. And Republican Mayor John Giles of Mesa has also endorsed her.
It's perhaps the second state with the most significant surge in momentum for Democrats following the Biden-Harris switch, and it'll be a test for Harris' border messaging offense on the ground.
"We had a weekend of action this past weekend that was more than double the size of any previous weekend over the course of the campaign," Harris Arizona coordinated campaign manager Sean McEnerney told Axios, adding that Democrats "are really fired up to run through the tape."
In North Carolina, whichhas voted for a Democratic president just twice in the last fifty years, Harris has an uphill battle.
But the Harris campaign has forced the Trump campaign to spend on ads in North Carolina for the first time, a sign that they are taking Harris' prospects seriously.
Democrats are counting on turning out more favorable voters who have more recently moved to the state and highlighting what they see as GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson's extreme record and tying him to Trump.
Between the lines: Pennsylvania is still the most important state where both campaigns are going all-in.
In Biden's 2020 race, "we campaigned on the theory that you make marginal gains in those places that are still going to be Republican," senior advisor for Pennsylvania Brendan McPhillips told Axios.
"That general philosophy, still applies right now, even though there's this wave of enthusiasm. We are not just going to rely on turning out our base."
What's next: On Tuesday, Harris will kick off her weeklong swing state tour in Philadelphia with her vice presidential nominee.
The duo will also hit western Wisconsin; Detroit; Raleigh, North Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; Phoenix and Las Vegas.
The bottom line: Harris will need to contend with the reality that many Americans are frustrated with the economy and the cost of living.
With unemployment rates rising to the highest level in three years, the Biden-Harris administration can no longer point to job creation as a positive economic indicator.
Harris over the past two weeks also has not given any interviews or hosted a press conference.
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blueangeldreamland · 11 months
upcoming protests: free Palestine
update oct. 27, 2023
-i found information from online (websites listed) pls make sure to double check a protest is available!! as I don’t follow specific accounts that post protests. * feel free to correct me on info *
-take note of days you are available to go and protests near you
-bookmark pages if you want more reliable updates and info
via answercoalition.org posted oct. 7, 2023
Saturday, October 28
Brainerd, MN
1:00 p.m.
Intersection of Sixth and Washington Streets (Across from the Historic Brainerd Water Tower)
Sponsored by: Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP), Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BLUE), and Brainerd Lakes Area Democratic Socialists of America (BLA DSA)
Portland, OR
2:00 p.m.
Lownsdale Square
Sponsored by: AntiwarMN, SJP, AMP
Sunday, October 29
Worcester, MA
3:30 p.m.
Worcester City Hall (455 Main St.)
Sponsored by: JVP Western Mass, Palestinian Youth Movement
via uscpr.org unsure date updated
Friday, October 27
HOUSTON, TX | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at John P McGovern Commons 6550 Bertner Ave
OMAHA, NE | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at 72nd & Dodge
PHOENIX, AZ | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at State Capitol Building 1700 W Washington St.
BOSTON, MA | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at Brewer Fountain, Boston Commons
ALBANY, NY | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at West Capital Park
NEW YORK, NY | Friday, October 27th at 6PM at Midtown Manhattan (register for exact location)
DENTON, TX | Friday, October 27th at 7PM at Denton Courthouse-on-the-Square
Saturday, October 28
HARTFORD, CT | Saturday, October 28th at 12PM at 800 Main St.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA | Saturday, October 28th at 1PM at Harry Bridges Plaza (Embarcadero)
DALLAS, TX | Saturday, October 28th at 1:30PM at Civic Garden 1014 Main St.
ROSEBURG, OR | Saturday, October 28th at 2PM at Fred Meyers on Harvard
MILWAUKEE, WI | Saturday, October 28th at 2:30PM at 920 North Water St.
NEW YORK, NY | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Pkwy
PORTLAND, OR | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at 121 SW Salmon St.
ATLANTA, GA | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at Georgia State Capitol (East Steps)
Sunday, October 29
NEWARK, NJ | Sunday, October 29th at 1:30PM at Newark City Hall 920 Broad St.
DENVER, CO | Sunday, October 29th at 2PM State Capitol West Steps 200 E Colfax Ave
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO | Sunday, October 29th at 2PM at CO Springs City Hall, 107 N Nevada Ave
AUSTIN, TX | Sunday, October 29th at 3PM at Texas Capitol
WATERBURY, CT | Sunday, October 29th at 3PM at City Hall 235 Grand St.
Saturday, November 4
NATIONAL MARCH ON WASHINGTON | Washington DC, November 4th, 2 PM. Freedom Plaza. Cosponsored by USCPR and other organizations.
cont. (The file is too big to show as a list)
dates protests for 10/28, 10/29, 10/30, 11/4 (my list updated to ones that are now available)
MAKE SURE TO DOUBLE CHECK ON WEBSITE FOR CORRECT DATES, TIMES, AND CITIES + LINKS (underlined cities have links to their info!!!!)
separated by major city and then date (some differences)
by major city
Washington, D.C. MARCH ON WASHINGTON 11/4 -- London, UK 10/28 -- Toronto, ON -- NEW YORK CITY 10/28 -- Austin, TX 10/29 -- San Francisco, CA 10/28 -- Portland, OR 10/28
by date
Atlanta, GA -- Dallas, TX -- Champaign, IL -- Roseburg, OR -- London, UK -- NEW YORK CITY -- Orono, ME -- Portland, OR -- San Francisco, CA -- Vancouver, BC -- Roseburg, OR
10/29 SUNDAY
Newark, NJ -- Austin, TX 10/29 TEXAS CAPITOL -- Colorado Springs, CO -- Denver, CO -- Irvine, CA -- London, UK -- McAllen, TX -- Orlando, FL -- Ottawa, ON -- Salinas, CA -- San Antonio, TX --Scranton, PA -- Toronto, ON -- Worcester, MA
10/30 MONDAY
Baltimore, MD --Manhattan, KS -- Albany, NY
boycott starbucks, mcdonald's, disney+ to support palestine
no buying day (economy free) nov. 18th worldwide boycott to free palestine
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head-post · 1 month
Houthis attack two tankers in Red Sea, shell US military base
Military tensions are rising in the Middle East as the Houthis again attacked tankers in the Red Sea and fired shells at US military bases in Syria.
The attacks in the Red Sea
Two crude oil tankers were attacked in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen on Tuesday, but neither was injured, maritime security agencies said.
The attempted attacks on the vessels, identified as the Liberian-flagged Delta Atlantica and the Panama-flagged On Phoenix, have the hallmarks of attacks by Iran-linked Houthi militants on international cargo traffic in solidarity with Palestinians in the war between Israel and Hamas.
The Houthis have not claimed responsibility. The ships and crews in both cases were unharmed and continued on to their next ports of call.
Since November, the Houthi military campaign has sunk two ships and killed at least three sailors. It continues despite US and UK strikes on equipment and launch pads in Yemen.
The threat of Houthi attacks has forced many ships travelling through the Suez Canal between Asia and Europe to reroute around Africa. This raises shipping costs, delays cargo and increases pollution.
Shelling of a US base
Shells fired towards a US airbase at a gas field in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province did not hit the facility, two US officials said on Tuesday.
Earlier, a security source told Reuters that an Iranian-backed group fired six shells at the base, all of which landed in close proximity to the US base, adding that the US-led coalition responded to the attack with artillery.
A US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the shells did not hit the base and no one was hurt. He referred to early reports that could change.
Lebanese pro-Iranian TV channel Al Mayadeen reported that US warplanes were flying intensively in the skies over Deir ez-Zor after the attack. ConocoPhillips said it was aware of reports of damage to a US and coalition base in eastern Syria bearing the Conoco name, but its assets in Syria were withdrawn in the early 2000s.
The Pentagon said on Tuesday that eight US troops were injured in a drone attack on a base in Syria last week.
Read more HERE
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humanrightsupdates · 3 months
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In the face of restrictive laws and abortion bans, Amnesty International USA is working alongside the Arizona for Abortion Access Coalition to protect the right to abortion in the Arizona constitution. Help us ensure abortion is on the ballot in November by signing the petition and participating in signature collection training.
In 2022, following the overturning of Roe v Wade, then-Governor Ducey signed a 15-week abortion ban into effect. More recently, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld a 160-year-old near-total abortion ban. Every abortion ban is extreme and robs people of their ability to make their own decisions about their bodies.
PHOENIX, ARIZONA - APRIL 17: Members of Arizona for Abortion Access, the ballot initiative to enshrine abortion rights in the Arizona State Constitution, hold a press conference and protest condemning Arizona House Republicans and the 1864 abortion ban during a recess from a legislative session at the Arizona House of Representatives on April 17, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona House Republicans blocked the Democrats from holding a vote to overturn the 1864 abortion ban revived last week by the Arizona Supreme Court.
The Arizona Abortion Access Act (AAA) s a community-led initiative that seeks to amend the Arizona constitution to establish the right to abortion and ensure that every person in Arizona can make personal decisions about their bodies and their lives. The AAA is a proposed constitutional amendment that prohibits the state from imposing penalties on individuals who aid one another in the exercise of their abortion rights. This initiative would override any restrictive ban.
Amnesty International USA is joining the Coalition to collect signatures between now and July 3, 2024, to put this initiative on the ballot in November
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Dinkclump Linkdump
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT in LA (Saturday night, with Adam Conover), Seattle (Monday, with Neal Stephenson), then Portland, Phoenix and more!
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Some Saturday mornings, I look at the week's blogging and realize I have a lot more links saved up than I managed to write about this week, and then I do a linkdump. There've been 14 of these, and this is number 15:
Attentive readers will note that this isn't Saturday. You're right. But I'm on a book tour and every day is shatterday, because damn, it's grueling and I'm not the spry manchild who took Little Brother on the road in 2008 – I'm a 52 year old with two artificial hips. Hence: an out-of-cycle linkdump. Come see me on tour and marvel at my verticality!
Best thing I read this week, hands down, was Ryan Broderick's Garbage Day piece, "AI search is a doomsday cult":
Broderick makes so many excellent points in this piece. First among them: AI search sucks, but that's OK, because no one is asking for AI search. This only got more true later in the week when everyone's favorite spicy autocomplete accidentally loaded the James Joyce module:
(As Matt Webb noted, Chatbots have slid rapidly from Star Trek (computers give you useful information in a timely fashion) to Douglas Adams (computers spout hostile, impenetrable nonsense at you):
But beyond the unsuitability of AI for search results and beyond the public's yawning indifference to AI-infused search, Broderick makes a more important point: AI search is about summarizing web results so you don't have to click links and read the pages yourself.
If that's the future of the web, who the fuck is going to write those pages that the summarizer summarizes? What is the incentive, the business-model, the rational explanation for predicting a world in which millions of us go on writing web-pages, when the gatekeepers to the web have promised to rig the game so that no one will ever visit those pages, or read what we've written there, or even know it was us who wrote the underlying material the summarizer just summarized?
If we stop writing the web, AIs will have to summarize each other, forming an inhuman centipede of botshit-ingestion. This is bad news, because there's pretty solid mathematical evidence that training a bot on botshit makes it absolutely useless. Or, as the authors of the paper – including the eminent cryptographer Ross Anderson – put it, "using model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects":
This is the mathematical evidence for Jathan Sadowski's "Hapsburg AI," or, as the mathematicians call it, "The Curse of Recursion" (new band-name just dropped).
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But if you really have your heart set on living in a ruined dystopia dominated by hostile artificial life-forms, have no fear. As Hamilton Nolan writes in "Radical Capital," a rogues gallery of worker-maiming corporations have asked a court to rule that the NLRB can't punish them for violating labor law:
Trader Joe’s, Amazon, Starbucks and SpaceX have all made this argument to various courts. If they prevail, then there will be no one in charge of enforcing federal labor law. Yes, this will let these companies go on ruining their workers' lives, but more importantly, it will give carte blanche to every other employer in the land. At one end of this process is a boss who doesn't want to recognize a union – and at the other end are farmers dying of heat-stroke.
The right wing coalition that has put this demand before the court has all sorts of demands, from forced birth to (I kid you not), the end of recreational sex:
That coalition is backed by ultra-rich monopolists who want wreck the nation that their rank-and-file useful idiots want to wreck your body. These are the monopoly cheerleaders who gave us the abomination that is the Pharmacy Benefit Manager – a useless intermediary that gets to screw patients and pharmacists – and then let PBMs consolidate and merge with pharmacy monopolists.
One such inbred colossus is Change Healthcare, a giant PBM that is, in turn, a mere tendril of United Healthcare, which merged the company with Optum. The resulting system – held together with spit and wishful thinking – has access to the health records of a third of Americans and processes 15 billion prescriptions per day.
Or rather, it did process that amount – until the all-your-eggs-in-one-badly-maintained basket strategy failed on Wednesday, and Change's systems went down due to an unspecified "cybersecurity incident." In the short term, this meant that tens of millions of Americans who tried to refill their prescriptions were told to either pay cash or come back later (if you don't die first). That was the first shoe dropping. The second shoe is the medical records of a third of the country.
Don't worry, I'm sure those records are fine. After all, nothing says security like "merging several disparate legacy IT systems together while simultaneously laying off half your IT staff as surplus to requirements and an impediment to extracting a special dividend for the private equity owners who are, of course, widely recognized as the world's greatest information security practitioners."
Look, not everything is terrible. Some computers are actually getting better. Framework's user-serviceable, super-rugged, easy-to-repair, powerful laptops are the most exciting computers I've ever owned – or broken:
Now you can get one for $500!
And the next generation is turning our surprisingly well, despite all our worst efforts. My kid – now 16! – and I just launched our latest joint project, "The Sushi Chronicles," a small website recording our idiosyncratic scores for nearly every sushi restaurant in Burbank, Glendale, Studio City and North Hollywood:
This is the record of two years' worth of Daughter-Daddy sushi nights that started as a way to get my picky eater to try new things and has turned into the highlight of my week. If you're in the area and looking for a nice piece of fish, give it a spin (also, we belatedly realized that we've never reviewed our favorite place, Kuru Kuru in the CVS Plaza on North Hollywood Way – we'll be rectifying that soon).
And yes, we have a lavishly corrupt Supreme Court, but at least now everyone knows it. Glenn Haumann's even set up a Gofundme to raise money to bribe Clarence Thomas (now deleted, alas):
The funds are intended as a "signing bonus" in the event that Thomas takes up John Oliver on his offer of a $2.4m luxury RV and $1m/year for life if he'll resign from the court:
This is truly one of Oliver's greatest bits, showcasing his mastery over the increasingly vital art of turning abstruse technical issues into entertainment that negates the performative complexity used by today's greatest villains to hide their misdeeds behind a Shield of Boringness (h/t Dana Clare).
The Bezzle is my contribution to turning abstruse scams into a high-impact technothriller that pierces that Shield of Boringness. The key to this is to master exposition, ignoring the (vastly overrated) rule that one must "show, not tell." Good exposition is hard to do, but when it works, it's amazing (as anyone who's read Neal Stephenson's 1,600-word explanation of how to eat Cap'n Crunch cereal in Cryptonomicon can attest). I wrote about this for Mary Robinette Kowal's "My Favorite Bit" this week:
Of course, an undisputed master of this form is Adam Conover, whose Adam Ruins Everything show helped invent it. Adam is joining me on stage in LA tomorrow night at Vroman's at 5:30PM, to host me in a book-tour event for my novel The Bezzle:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Peter Craven (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aggregate_output_%287637833962%29.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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rorimoon9597 · 10 months
"Paladin Cadets, please report to the briefing room." Artemis looked up from her homework, confused. She moved anyway, marking where she was and standing.
She made her way to the briefing room, wondering what she was needed for.
She entered the room when she got there, nodding to Curtis and the other Bridge Officers when they filed out from the meeting they were in.
She was the first to arrive, unsurprisingly. Leo constantly had things he was working on, and was always researching something or looking through old scientific papers. Rex spent his time baking, Alex was probably coming from the training deck, and Sava was probably coming from where she was helping in the engine room.
Her parents, Lance and Keith Kogane, were there already, and they smiled as she walked in.
"Hey, mija. I hope you weren't too busy," Lance said. Artemis shook her head.
"No, I wasn't. I was working on some math homework," she replied. Kosmo teleported up to her, begging for pets. She caved in.
"Man, I suck at math," Lance commented.
"You do," Keith agreed. Lance gave him an indignant look. "What? You came to my room after we found Kuro and tried to work out how many Paladins we had even though it's the simplest thing in the universe." Lance huffed.
"I was struggling that day." Artemis chose to sit in her seat, ignoring her parents.
Leo came not too long after she did, Alex, Sava and Rex right behind him.
"Are we late?" He asked. Shiro shook his head.
"No, you're just in time," he said.
"Alright." The other four sat down.
"What did you need us for?" Alex, ever the leader, asked.
"There has been a request for help from a Coalition planet," Shiro began. He smiled at the confused looks that were shared around. "I'll hand this to you, Lance."
"Thank you, Shiro," Lance replied. He stood at the front of the table, screen behind him clear to see. An image of a planet appeared on the screen behind him. "Shaatull is a planet that's relatively new to the Coalition. Their culture is based around crystals, and they have some really interesting theories about Quintessence and relationships."
"You can talk about it later on, okay?" Keith said, a reminder. Not dismissing him entirely, an invitation to talk as much as he wanted to when they had time to talk about it.
"Right. Anyway, Shaatull has certain creatures. None of them are insanely dangerous, because it's not a death world like Earth, or New Altea or New Daibazaal. Recently the head of Shaatull, Lady Ravra, reached out to us and requested our help with a creature that has been terrorizing the planet. Or, that's what they say about it."
"What does this creature look like?" Leo asked, genuinely curious about this creature.
"This is what it looks like." The image of the planet disappeared, replaced with a few images that looked like it came from a security camera. Not the best quality, but it was enough to give them an idea of the creature. "This is the creature that has been causing so much panic." Pidge rested her head on her joined hands.
"It looks like some sort of cross between a cat, a fox, and a phoenix or something," she observed. Artemis looked closer at one of the clearest pictures and noted that she was right.
It was nothing like what Artemis had seen, and she'd seen a lot. Her dad had a cosmic teleporting wolf as a pet, her grandmother was Galra, and she was training to become a proper Paladin of Voltron.
The creature, from what she could see, was gorgeous. Its fur was and amber colour, and it had a white muzzle from what she could see. The white went from the muzzle to somewhere around it's stomach. The tail was only slightly bushy, almost as if it were a combination between a fox and a cat tail. It's paws, which were like a cat's paws, had white socks. It had wings, which went from the same amber as its fur where the wings were connected to an off white colour.
"It's beautiful," she commented.
"It is," Lance agreed.
"The Atlas crew is working on finding where it comes from. While we are working on that, you five are to go to Shaatull and trap the creature. Do not harm it. When we know where it comes from, we will release it and figure out ways to stop this from happening again, to protect the creature's species, and the ecosystems of other planets," Shiro said.
"Yessir!" The five Paladin Cadets said, in sync. Determination showed on their faces.
"This is your first mission. We will set up check-in times to keep updated on your progress and to help you wherever you may need it. However, apart from that, you will only have each other to depend on." The thought made Artemis... nervous.
"We'll go pack as soon as we can," Alex said.
"Go do that now. We will sort out the check-in times," Allura encouraged.
"I agree with Allura there," Shiro said.
Clearly dismissed, the five of them stood up and went to their quarters.
"This is so exciting!" Sava said. Leo shook his head.
"It might be tough but..."
"How long do you think it might take for us to be able to trap the creature?" Rex asked, nervous.
"Patience yields focus," Leo reminded them. It was something that Shiro told all of the children he knew - Keith, all of the Paladins, the first MFEs, and now them, the Paladin Cadets, and the MFE Cadets.
They split up, going to their individual ways to their rooms.
Artemis cast one look at her homework, still on her desk. She turned away from it to grab a duffle bag.
She set out to pack it, grabbing underwear, a couple of hoodies, some jeans and spare shirts. She grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste too, as well as her hairbrush, some basic skincare products, and her shampoo and conditioner.
She grabbed some of her electronics, too. Her phone, headphones, and a tablet and the pen that went with it, as well as the chargers for those things.
She didn't over pack, fortunately. And she remembered to put in her pajamas, too.
Her phone pinged. She grabbed it and checked the notification that appeared on the screen.
Artemis checked the time, noting that she was set to leave that afternoon after lunch. She double checked her bag, making sure she had everything then triple-checked it. Once she was satisfied that she had everything she needed, she left her room and went to the Lion hangar.
When she was younger, her parents would take her and Alex around the ship, showing them all of the different places. She was four or five when they first did that, and she still remembered how it felt to be around the lions.
They radiated power, each and everyone of them. Black radiated power that told anyone and everyone that she was in charge, that she could zap them all if she wanted but chose not to. Green radiated the sort of power that came with scientists; smart, desiring knowledge, and using what they had to do their part.
Blue radiated the same sort of power that came from the ocean. Calm, playful, even, but with deadly currents and the ability to go from calm to raging quickly. Yellow radiated kindness, a solid rock to lean on when needed, and dependent.
Red had always stuck out to her, though. The lion was known to be fierce, unpredictable and dangerous to those who didn't know her. Hotheaded and reckless. Yet when Artemis first looked at Red, the only thing she felt from the lion was protectiveness, warmth like what one expected from a fire on a cold night, or a campfire. She was an observer, observing and making moves that no one could predict when she needed to. A gentle fire that would flair up when it needed to, often in the heat of battle.
Despite that though, Red was still rather stubborn.
"Hey, girl. We're going on a mission! I thought that I'd bring my stuff here now so that I don't have to worry about it later," Artemis said. Red's particle barrier went down, and she bent down, her jaws opening to grant Artemis access.
"Mission?" Red asked.
"Yep. We're being sent out to trap this creature from a planet known as Shaatull. It's not meant to be there, you see, so we have to figure out where it comes from and get it back to its home," Artemis explained. She placed her bag down and made sure that it would be secure.
"After I have some lunch," Artemis replied. She stepped out of Red's mouth and onto the floor of the hangar. She turned to press a hand to Red's nose. "You won't be doing much except for flying to Shaatull and back. Sorry, girl."
"It fine." Artemis nodded.
Apparently, as her bond with Red grew, the lion would be able to speak in complete sentences. The fact that she was able to even hear simple sentences from Red was nothing short of an achievement. Not even Leo, the technological genius of the team, could hear simple words. He could only hear Green's growls and purrs and understand how they were meant to be taken.
Artemis walked to the cafeteria and grabbed some lunch. Looking around, she could see Leo, Sakura, and Shiro and Adam sitting together. Artemis got the hit and went to find her family.
It was easy, considering the fact that the red and black of both of her parents uniforms stood out among the sea of orange.
She slid into the seat next to Alex.
"I'm kind of nervous," Alex said. He was picking at his food.
"Hey, it's okay, mijo. At least you won't mess up your first mission as badly as your dad did when he first became the Black Paladin."
"Hey, I was mourning the loss of my brother," Keith shot back.
"I know. At least I was there to reign you in, eh?"
"Gay," Pidge said as she passed, a tray of food in her hands.
"That's glaringly obvious, Pidgeon!" Lance replied, a grin on his face. Artemis looked towards her twin and sniggered. No one else in the cafeteria bothered to look up. The Paladin's close relationship was normal, now.
Silvio slid into the seat next to Alex.
"I heard about the mission," he said nonchalantly, biting into the garlic knot he grabbed.
"It's nerve-wracking," Alex said.
"Our mission to free Shay's Balmera was super nerve-wracking," Lance reminisced. "So much so that we teased Hunk about his obvious crush on Shay." Keith snorted.
"I very clearly remember the way Pidge called Shay his girlfriend," he said. Lance barked out a laugh.
"Man, those times were... much better than the rest of the war." A grimaced passed both of her parent's faces.
"The problem I have right now is what we're going to do to trap the creature," Artemis said, pulling both of her parents out of their thoughts before they got too far.
"Simple. Get its trust, then trap it in a cage," Lance told her.
"But it won't trust us after that," Artemis said, pouting.
"It'll be fine, Arti. We'll have to break its trust to get it safe." Artemis nodded.
They ate in silence after that. Then, as one, the Paladin Cadets got up and put their trays back. They left the cafeteria and went to the armory, where the Paladin armor was sitting, already out for all of them.
Artemis grabbed the red armor and the accompanying undersuit. Sava grabbed the blue one, Alex the black, Leo the green, and Rex the yellow.
They ducked into the changing rooms, changing out of their Cadet uniforms and into their armor. Artemis grabbed the red pin and put it into a hidden pocket.
She went back to the armory and grabbed the red bayard. She threw the black one to Alex, who caught it and stored it away in his storage bars. They handed the others their bayards, too.
Now fully ready, they walked to the lion hangar.
"Mijo, mija," Lance said. He walked up to them and wrapped them both up into a hug. She returned it.
"Alex, Artemis." Both twins pulled away to face their dad. He handed them something. "Your grandma left these with me last time." Alex and Artemis gasped when they realised what their dad was offering them.
Two Luxite blades, like the ones the Blade of Marmora carried. One had a black grip. It stood out against the blueish colour of the blade. The other one had a red grip.
"They're both linked to your life forces. The red one is linked to Alex's life force, the black one is linked to Artemis'. I was waiting for your first mission to give these to you."
"He's had them for years, since you were babies. He decided to give them to you when you turned eighteen, but then you were both chosen by one of the lions, so he decided to give them to you before you went on your first mission," Lance explained. Artemis reached out and took the red blade.
It was perfect in her hand, the red grip comfortable in her hands. The symbol of the Blades glowed with Alex's life force, his Quintessence. She pulled it out of the sheath and turned it this way and that in the light. She put it back into the sheath and hugged her dad. Alex joined her.
"Thank you," she murmured.
"Anything for my children," Keith replied. Lance joined them.
Artemis waved goodbye to her parents from Red's jaw, then stepped inside. She sat in the pilot's seat and, when the doors opened, shot off into space just behind Black. A wormhole opened, and she flew through, right to Shaatull's solar system, and far away from the Atlas and her parents.
Shaatull, though, was a pretty planet from space. There was pink, and some green, and yellow, too.
"The pink is land, the green is water," Leo informed them.
"Alright. I've got the landing coordinates here, I'll send them to you guys," Alex said. His face went from the nervous look to focused. Artemis, knowing Alex like she knew the back of her hand, could see the nerves still there, in his eyes. "Everyone got them?"
"Yep," Artemis replied. She entered them into Red's system.
"Ditto," Rex said.
"I've got them," Leo confirmed.
"Me too," Sava piped up. Alex nodded.
"Alright, team, let's go." Black sped up, heading to the planet. Artemis urged Red forwards, matching the speed that her brother set for them. She could see Blue on her right, just behind her.
They entered Shaatull's atmosphere. The grass and the leaves of the trees were all different shades of pink, and the sky was a similar blur hue as Earth's sky was. There were clusters of something sparkling in clusters on the ground.
"This kind of reminds me of Barbie Land from that twenty twenty-three Barbie movie," Sava commented. There was laughter through the comms.
"Let's not let the Shaatullians hear that," Alex suggested.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Sava replied.
They landed in the designated landing area. A group of Shaatullians were waiting for them, ready to greet them.
"Alright, the atmosphere is safe for all of us to breathe. We can leave our helmets behind," Leo said.
"Let's do that, then," Alex agreed. Artemis stood up and took off her helmet, leaving it on her seat. She walked out of Red and onto the ground, falling in step just behind Alex.
The Shaatullians were an interesting people. They were mostly humanoid, but they weren't entirely so. They were tinted dark colours that contrasted with the landscape, and came in all different colours. Artemis counted four fingers on each hand. They wore loose clothing, like robes that people in the Middle East would wear, which were pale in contrast to their skin. They had long hair that was tied back, and they were decorated in crystals.
Alex led them up to a Shaatullian who was a deep purple. A pink crystal hung around their neck, glowing slightly.
"Paladin Cadets, it is an honor and a relief to have you on our planet," the Shaatullian, who Artemis guessed was Lady Ravra, greeted them.
"Lady Ravra, it is an honor to meet you as well. I do wish that the circumstances were much better than this, though," Alex said.
"As do I. Now come, follow me, we must discuss our options." Lady Ravra turned around and led them through an estate that was huge.
The walls and floors were made out of a marble-like material, and there were crystals everywhere. In the chandeliers, in the artworks and arches of the hallways. Crystal statues, and crystal columns. Artemis looked around in awe, unable to tear her eyes away from anything in fear of missing anything.
"You can explore later," Leo reminded her. She nodded, and turned to face the front.
They came to a room that housed a crystal table made of some sort of brown crystal. The chairs, thankfully, were made of wood.
"Please, have a seat," Lady Ravra said. They sat down at the rounded table, Artemis on Alex's right, Sava on her right. Leo and Rex were on Alex's left.
Lady Ravra introduced them to her councilors, all of whom nodded in reply. In turn, Alex introduced each of them.
"So, about this creature?" Alex prompted. Lady Ravra nodded.
"Yes. This creature came on a trade ship. We have made sure that the people who have brought it to our planet have paid their fine for doing such a thing, but no one knows where the creature came from," Lady Ravra said. Alex nodded.
"Fortunately, the Atlas' scientific crew is searching for the creature's home. If all goes well, then we will be able to trap the creature and take it back to it's home planet," he explained.
"How do you plan on trapping it?" A councilor asked.
"We'll have to get the creature to trust us, which will take some time. We have a cage that we can trap the creature in when we get to that part, though it will be a while until we can do that," Artemis explained.
"So you wish to release it in its home world?" Lady Ravra asked.
"Precisely. And, with the information we receive about the creature, we can properly document it and enforce rules and regulations surrounding it to keep something like this from happening again," Leo added on to Artemis' explanation. There were murmurs as the plan was discussed by the councilors and Lady Ravra. Finally, she stood up.
"Paladin Cadets," she said. Her voice was clear, with a hint of a sound that was like crystals clinking against each other. "We will provide you with anything you may need in order to capture the creature. We trust that you will be sure to capture it." Alex stood up.
"We promise to help with this issue, and bring your planet back to stability," he said, using his Black Paladin voice. Authoritative, sure and steady.
This declaration closed the meeting, and the five of them were led to the rooms that they would be staying in. Someone had gone in and grabbed their things, because Artemis' things were at the end of her bed. Sava's things were at the end of another bed, right next to the one that Artemis had been given.
As soon as she was inside of their room, Artemis stripped off the armor. She didn't throw it anywhere, instead choosing to piled it up into a corner. She grabbed her spare clothes and put them on. She could hear Sava doing the same as her. Once they were done, they sat on their respective beds. Sava scanned the platter of food left for them.
"Safe for us to eat," she said. She grabbed a strawberry looking thing. Artemis grabbed a pastry thing. It was sweet when she bit into it, perfectly satisfying her giant sweet tooth that she'd inherited from her dad.
There was a knock on the door.
"Arti? Sav?" Leo called through the wood.
"Come in," Artemis said. Leo opened the door and walked in, followed by Alex and Rex. Leo sat on a chair while Alex joined Artemis on her bed, and Rex sat on the floor.
"You can sit on a chair, you know," Sava pointed out to him. Rex shrugged.
"The floor's comfortable," he replied.
"Check-in time, let's go," Leo said. He set up the communicator, they all crowded around it.
A holographic screen appeared, showing the faces of the Paladins. Artemis watched as worry disappeared from her parent's faces like ripples in water.
"How's it going?" Shiro asked. Right to the point.
"We came out of a meeting with Lady Ravra and her council not too long ago. They explained that the creature came in on a trade ship, though no one's sure when it got on," Alex reported. There were nods.
"The team is researching on where it comes from, but so far it's proved to be fruitless," Pidge told them. "Coran has been sent the images of the creature, and he has a team looking into it. Hopefully, with our combined efforts, we will be able to figure this out."
"We'll start searching for the creature in the morning," Alex said. Looking out the window, Artemis saw that the sun was setting.
"That's a good idea," Lance agreed, also eyeing the window that he could see.
They talked a bit more before signing off. The boys retreated to their room, and Artemis climbed into her bed.
"G'night," she mumbled.
"Night," Sava replied.
The next morning, when she woke up, Artemis stretched and went to the bathroom. She showered and changed, threw her hair up into a ponytail and let Sava use the bathroom after her.
They were given breakfast by a servant. Artemis ate her fill, and left the rest for Sava, who ate her own fill after she came out of the bathroom wearing casual clothing as well.
They went to meet up with the boys afterwards.
"The best thing for us to do is to split up and search for the creature. It'll give us a better chance at spotting it," Alex said. He was typing something out on his phone, probably a message to the Atlas about what they were doing. "The creature has been spotted here multiple times, trying to steal food, so that's where we're going to start our search. Feel free to buy yourselves something while we're here."
"Alright," Leo said. They were standing not too far from where the market was, and even from here, Artemis could see all of the people milling around. Mothers with babies strapped to their backs, children chasing each other, and men talking to each other.
It was so interesting, and Artemis had always been one to learn about culture. Exploring a market place was perfect for learning about the Shaatullian culture.
"Lady Ravra gave me some maps. There's enough for all of us to have one each. Artemis, you take this area. Leo, you take this part. Rex, you take this one. Sava, you take this one. I'll search here." Alex pointed out each part. Artemis took one of the paper maps from her brother and a pen from her backpack and outlined her area. The others did the same on their maps, handing the pen back to her once they were done. "Meet back here before dinner time. Lady Ravra has invited us to eat with her."
"Copy that," the four of them said in unison.
They split up after that and went to find their areas. Once Artemis found the start of her area from where she'd entered, she started to explore and search for the creature.
The Shaatullians were rather fond of bright colours, she noticed. All of the stalls sold things like jewelry and scarves and clothing all in different shades, as well as some food. Curious about the culture, Artemis bought some candy. The candy tasted good, and they were in the shape of crystals.
Papa wasn't lying when he said that the Shaatullians find crystals important, she thought as she watched a mother buy her child their first piece of jewelry. Artemis couldn't help but smile at the child's happy expression as their mother helped them put it on. The vendor smiled as well.
"Come and get Soul Crystals here! Perfect gift for married couples and parents!" One of the vendors shouted. Artemis stopped, thinking about it. She was... intrigued, to say the least. And her papa would love to have a souvenir from this planet.
Artemis turned and walked to the booth.
The booth was covered in those simple crystal necklaces that Artemis had noticed everyone wearing, all of which glowed slightly, like Lady Ravra's. None of these ones glowed, though they came in all different kinds of colours. Pink, purple, blue, green, red and many others. The vendor grinned when they saw her.
"Well, hello there, traveler! May I interest you in a Soul Crystal for your significant other? Or perhaps as a gift for your parents?"
"What do they do?" She asked, eyes roving over the crystals.
"Well, these are an ancient tradition among our people. They are linked to two people's Quintessence. It allows for couples to feel each other's emotions, as well as acts as a compass of sorts for them, so that they always know where each other are, and how they are feeling."
"Is that why they glow?" She questioned. The vendor nodded.
"Precisely," they said.
"How much would it be to get a couple for my parents?"
"Fifty VIC," the vendor replied.
I have a few hundred VIC in my wallet, she thought.
"Buy. Lance like," Red said.
"Keep it a secret from him," Artemis said.
"Yes. Secret. Surprise." Artemis pulled out her wallet and pulled out a 100 VIC note.
"Here," she said, handing the money over.
The vendor took the note.
"Now, just close your eyes, and search for the crystals that match your parents. It's easier for those who have Quintessence sensitivity." Artemis closed her eyes, feeling for something that matched her parents. She opened her eyes and looked at the crystals her Quintessence sensitivity helped her zero in on.
"Those two, that blue one with white swirls and that red one that has gold in it, those match perfectly," she said, pointing to the crystals. They were on a basic black string. The blue one looked like the ocean, while the red one looked like fire.
The vendor boxed them up and tied the boxes with a ribbon without question.
"I wish your parents wonderful and fulfilling life, Young One," the vendor said. Artemis nodded.
She left the vendor after that and wandered around some more. The crystals she bought were in her bag, waiting to be given to her parents.
She continued around the market. She bought some fresh meat and some fruit for the creature to eat when she came across it. Part of gaining its trust was to give it food, which was a universal sign of 'I'm not here to fuck you up' with all species, not just people.
There was a commotion. Artemis looked over to see it.
The creature, which was the size of a cat that was somewhere between being an adult and a kitten still. It was trying to get some meat, but was being chased off by a vendor.
Artemis leapt into action. She ran after the creature, following along as it flew through the air and ran on buildings. She never took her eyes off of it, which caused quite a few close calls with other people.
"Hey, watch it!" One yelled.
"Sorry, gotta chase this creature," she shouted.
She ran around a corner, using her arm to turn more accurately. She used the momentum to keep going.
She followed the creature out of the market and to a dilapidated house on the outskirts of the city. It flew in, and Artemis followed, slowing down do not scare it.
The house was made of the same stone as the other houses were, but the crystals that adorned them were missing. Artemis stepped over a chunk of rock that had fallen from the ceiling and into the room. Dust and rocks covered the ground. Artemis saw the creature in a corner. It yowled at her, wings and fur puffed up to make it look larger.
"Hey, it's okay, I don't want to hurt you," she said. She crouched down and sat on the floor, making herself smaller, less intimidating as much as she could. "You're hungry, aren't you? That's why you were trying to take that meat from that guy."
The creature growled at her, still untrusting. Slowly and clearly, so that the creature could see what she was doing, she pulled out the meat from the bag the vendor had given her. She held up a chunk of the slightly green meat - the colour reminded her of the description of dragon meat or whatever it was Hagrid has used as an ice pack in The Order of the Phoenix.
"Here, I got this especially for you," she said. She chucked it to the creature, as far as she could. The creature crept forward and sniffed the meat. It took it and went back to its corner, chewing on the meat. Artemis took out her phone and snapped a picture, sending it to the others and the Paladins and Shiro.
Artemis: I've found the creature. Artemis: It eats meat. Artemis: Click to see image.
Shiro: Good job. We'll pass on the picture and the information.
Pidge: It's even prettier than the security pictures show.
Alex: Save the location of where it's staying so that you can find it later. Alex: It'll be better for you to be the one to capture it in the end.
Artemis: Already on it.
She saved the location on her phone and looked up. She saw that the creature was looking at her, having eaten the meat she gave to it.
"Here, have some more. You need to eat all you can so that you don't starve. I'd rather be able to take you back to your home than have you die," she said. She grabbed more meat and chucked it over to the creature. It grabbed that meat, too. Artemis chucked over the rest of the meat and stayed there. She stayed there until an hour and a half before dinner.
The creature watched her with wary eyes.
"I'll be back with more food tomorrow, and a bowl. I'll be able to give you water without having to force you to get too close if you don't want to." She turned to leave. Before she was our from under the door, she turned back to smile at the creature. "Bye." She walked away from the house.
True to her word, she set out to the house that the creature lived in the next day. She packed her electronics into her backpack along with some lunch and some meat and water, then set out. She went and bought a couple wooden bowls, and made her way back to the house.
The creature was still there. It growled softly, a warning to not come any closer.
"Hello, pretty. How are you today?" The creature growled again. Artemis nodded. "Fair enough. I've brought some bowls with me, so I can put your food in there as well as some water. You don't have to worry about coming too close to me anymore." As she told the creature about the bowls, she pulled them out, and poured some water in one. She set it on the ground, not too far from the creature, not too close. She then took the meat and put it into the other bowl. She set that down next to the water bowl.
She walked to the opposite side of the the room compared to the creature, the bowls halfway between them. She got herself comfortable and put on some music, using her headphones. She started to draw on her tablet.
She sketched out the creature, capturing it's beauty on a canvas. It moved forward to sniff the bowls. It realised that she wasn't trying to kill it and watched her. Artemis watched it herself, and smiled as the creature ate the meat and drank some of the water before hopping up onto it's perch.
She grabbed her phone and opened the voice recordings.
"Day two of taming the... creature. We don't know what it is still, but it's beautiful. I'd say that it's the same as a kitten that's nearing the same size as a fully grown cat from Earth. I've given it some meat, and some water. They're both in a bowl so that it doesn't have to come too close to me if it doesn't want to. I'll continue to do this until I can get close to it without it panicking and trying to murder me."
She went back to her drawing when she finished the log.
Pidge: We've found out what the creature is. Pidge: It's called a Refr, and it's from Hvalba, which is an extremely new planet, only having sentient life within the last 357 years.
Artemis: Seems like a cool place tho.
Pidge: It is.
"Day twenty of taming the Refr, who I have discovered in a girl. She's friendly now, and she has let the others get close to her. That's as long as I'm here, though. No one can get close to her without her trying to maim them if I'm not around. She trusts me enough to keep her safe from danger if it ever arises. That's... that's the same level of trust Dad and Kosmo have. I don't know if we're going to be able to actually release her onto Hvalba, but it's worth a shot." She finished the log and looked at the Refr.
"Mrow?" The Refr asked. Artemis smiled.
"I'm going to go now, girl. I have to get back to my friends before it's too dark," she said. She stood up and packed her things into her bag and then set off for Lady Ravra's estate.
She was barely walking for five minutes before she heard the telltale signs of something following her. She looked back to see the Refr landing on a building.
Artemis grabbed her phone and took a picture of it.
Artemis: I don't think we need to trap it. Artemis: And I think I have a pet now.
Keith: That's fine.
Lance: At least it's safe. Lance: Don't worry, I give you my full permission to keep the Refr if you want to.
Allura: We can still create rules and regulations surrounding the Refrs to keep something like this from happening again.
Artemis: Alright. Artemis: She'll only let people near her if I'm around tho.
Alex: That's some Dad and Kosmo level trust.
Lance: It is.
Artemis put her phone away and turned the Refr, who was still there.
"Come on, girl. I'll take you to Red, she's a safe space for you to stay," she told it. The Refr tilted her head.
Artemis started her walk again, path engraved in her mind. She could hear the Refr following her, all the way to Red, who bent down to let Artemis in. The Refr followed.
"You'll be safe here," Artemis said. She offered her hand to the Refr, who pushed its face into it. "You need a name." She thought through all of the names. "How about... Amber?" The Refr purred at the name. "Amber it is."
Artemis had to leave Amber in Red, which was simple enough. She went back to her room, where Sava was waiting.
"So you have a pet now, huh?"
"Yup. I've named her Amber," Artemis replied. She grabbed her pajamas and went into the bathroom and changed.
"Amber's a nice name," Sava commented when she walked back out.
"Yup. And we've finished the mission, so we can leave soon."
"Thank quiznack. I miss Hunk's cooking," Sava said.
"I miss Dad and Papa," Artemis said. She climbed onto the bed and under the covers.
The next day, the five of them climbed into their lions and departed Shaatull. Amber sat on one of the consoles, staring out at space. Artemis flew Red through the wormhole that appeared and into the Lion hangar, landing her expertly.
"Let's go, girl," she said to Amber. The Refr meowed again and followed her out of red. Artemis went and hugged her parents when she saw them, leaving Amber to watch with curious eyes.
"This is the Refr," Lance said when he pulled away. He knelt down and offered Amber a hand.
"Yeah. Her name's Amber," Artemis replied. She watched as Amber readily accepted pets from Lance.
"You guys have to debrief. Bring Amber with you," Keith said.
"I will," Artemis agreed.
Ten minutes later, and she was in the briefing room for the mission debrief. Amber laid on the table, watching everyone. Artemis' hand on Amber's head kept her calm.
"Why do we have to do a debrief?" Alex asked.
"Protocol," Adam answered.
"Adam's right. This is protocol, and the Garrison will have my head if I don't do this," Shiro said with a sigh. "Trust me, I hate debriefs too. I don't even know why I'm still the captain of the Atlas."
"Let's not question life choices now, otosan," Leo said.
"Alright. Let's get through this."
It was... surprisingly quick. Amber willingly got up and went to meet everyone in the room that she didn't know, including Kosmo, who touched his nose to Amber's nose in greeting. After sniffing each other, they curled up on the ground together.
"That's cute," Alex commented.
"Yeah, it is," Artemis agreed.
"I didn't expect for you to end up with a pet after all of this," Leo said.
"Shut up," Artemis shot back. Leo stuck his tongue out at her. Artemis returned it.
"It's good to have you guys back," Shiro said.
"You're a sap," Adam said. Everyone laughed at that, causing Amber to look up from where she was lying on top of Kosmo.
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