1ovestay · 1 year
yayyyy my miffy tattoo turned out so cute hehe
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Sister Amelie DeLavinge (Art done by Misskanto, actual picture to come later)
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Brother Phryn Kaed (artist unknown)
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Grimnyr Halghar The Assured (Art from the book, Imagine this with a big black beard)
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0 notes
queandrue · 5 years
How Hard Can One Baby Be?
A/N: I can’t be stopped and need distractions from the stress of finals week XD Enjoy more DnD babes~ ~Rue
Word Count: 4438
“I usually put him down for a nap around two. He has this little stuffed griffon Mama and Papa gave him that he loves to curl up next to. Sometimes he simply won’t go to sleep without it. I left some bottles for him, sometimes he gets finicky, but you just have to be patient and- This isn’t too much for you is it?”
Sildar glanced up at Talnah. Her hands were fidgeting with her blue robe, the same robe they had all gotten her for Candlesnight. It seemed like so long ago now, and Talnah seemed different in a way.
Perhaps it was just a side effect of having her first child.
“Dear friend, you have no need to worry,” he assured placing a hand on her shoulder. Talnah stopped her fidgeting and looked up at Sildar. He saw doubt and fear flash through her eyes. Perhaps she was having second thoughts. He couldn’t let that happen. After all, new mothers needed a break eventually, and it was clear that having a fussy baby was taking its toll on the tiefling. “He’s one baby and there are six of us. I think we can handle him. You need to go out and relax. You’ve earned it. After these next two days, you’ll have us babysitting all the time, and maybe I’ll even get to introduce him to Mathilda.”
Talnah’s shoulders slumped a bit and her tail fell to the floor. Sildar could see the bags that had started to form under her eyes. It had been quite a while since he’d seen the tiefling this worn. “What if he starts to miss me?” she asked, “I don’t think I’ve ever left him for this long before… I don’t know Sildar, maybe I’m making a mistake. Maybe Cascius is still too little yet.”  As if on cue, tiny noises started up from the bassinet in the room. Talnah smiled at Sildar before motioning him to follow her. She pulled aside the deep blue curtains to reveal her squirming child and a stuffed griffon with button eyes. Sildar thought it was odd how little the young child looked like a tiefling. In fact, if it hadn’t been for the tail and Talnah’s unmistakable eyes, he would have sworn the child didn’t possess an ounce of infernal blood at all. But, perhaps that would change once his horns grew in…. If he grew horns.
“Good morning my Starshine,” Talnah cooed, plucking Cascius from his bed. The child squirmed a bit before he found a comfortable spot to cling onto Talnah. “Can you say hello to Uncle Sildar?” she asked softly.
Sildar reached out to put a hand atop Cascius’ head. Gods that hair was so soft and curly, “You’re going to have a fun time taming this when he gets older.” He couldn’t help but smile when he heard the giggles escape from Talnah’s mouth.
“Well, thankfully I don’t have to worry about that for quite some-”
“Come on Tal! Hurry up! Just give Cascius to Sildar!”
Robin’s voice came through the second story window clear as day. Just like that worry replaced Talnah’s smile once more.
“I can walk you to the door so you can hold him for a little while longer,” Sildar offered. He couldn’t help but wonder what she must be feeling. She hadn’t ever spent that much time away from Cascius, but they all seemed to agree that it was time for her to have a break, at least for tonight.
As they walked down the staircase Talnah peppered the baby in kisses. Would she be able to stay away for a night? Would Ea and Robin be able to keep her away for a night?
“You promise, you’ll have Jacar get a hold of me if anything goes wrong?” she asked, “It really won’t be any bother… I’ll probably call tonight just so I can say goodnight to him.” Talnah seemed like she wanted to say more until Ea put a hand on her shoulder.
Talnah had waited almost three months until she said anything about the pregnancy and she had waited just a little longer to tell Ea. Sildar didn’t blame her. Despite the other tiefling being another close friend, there had been no telling on how she’d react. Even now, she didn’t exactly seem to hold a fondness for the child.
Ea squeezed Talnah’s shoulder lightly, “Give him to Sildar Talnah. He’ll be safe.” Sildar watched as Talnah’s eyes flickered from Ea to Cascius, to himself. Would she change her mind at the last minute? Cascius was her baby, her first baby, and he knew that Talnah could be quite stubborn at times when she did or didn’t want to do something.
After what seemed like an eternity, Talnah relented. She placed one last kiss on her child’s head before handing him over. “Please take good care of him… I would very much like to come home to my baby.”
Sildar nodded as he took Cascius from Talnah’s arms. It felt a bit more awkward than he had imagined. Talnah made holding the child seem so easy, but he felt clumsy and a bit unsure. “Don’t worry Tal. You go and have fun. Have a night to yourself, dance, drink, have a night of uninterrupted sleep. Let us worry about little Cascius. You take care of yourself. After all, we’ve survived worse than him. How bad can one baby be?”
This was how bad one baby could be….
Sildar swore the words “How bad can one baby be?” would be written on his tombstone. Sure, the first few minutes after Talnah’s departure, everything had seemed alright, but that was only the calm before the storm. It was after the first hour had passed that things started to become bad. It started out as whimpering. Only whimpering. Sildar was positive he could handle just whimpering. Then the whimpers burst into full-blown cries. Slowly, the others entered the room, all crowding around the crying child.
“Did you check his diaper?” Claire asked.
“Twice. There’s nothing. I tried his griffon and even giving him his bottle. Nothing!” Sildar handed the child off to Phryn before flipping through Talnah’s notes for what felt like the millionth time. Had she said something that he’d forgotten to write down? He couldn’t call Talnah. He had assured her that they’d have the situation completely under control. Calling her now would only make her stress. There had to be something they could do. Anything!
Korv bumbled towards Phryn with a wide grin on his face, “Babies like funny faces right? Baby can’t laugh and cry at the same time.” He leaned in close to Cascius’ face and opened his maw, “Hello small Cassy!” For a moment, the crying stopped. The group all let out a sigh of relief. Finally, they had quiet….
Then the crying started again, only this time it seemed ten times louder than it was before. Korv stumbled back in shock, right into Claire. He looked at her the same way a kicked puppy would. He didn’t quite understand what had gone wrong. “Nice attempt big guy, but uh….  Small babies aren’t usually super fond of sharp teeth,” she explained. The half-orc patted Korv’s shoulder in an attempt to show some form of comfort.
“Is it just me? Or does the crying seem louder than before?” Phryn asked, doing what she could to save her ears.
K’Thriss stepped passed his sister and towards Sildar, “Thaumaturgy. Real great in little tieflings. Especially when they can’t control it. Which means, you should call Talnah before it gets any worse.”
Sildar’s eyes widened. What was K’Thriss saying? Did he even know what he was saying? Sildar squared his shoulders and met the drow’s eyes. “We can’t. This is supposed to be her time to relax and keep her mind off the baby. We can handle it.”
“Oh really? Well, that seems like a wonderful idea considering how well you’re handling it right now,” K’Thriss spat, causing Sildar to jump back in mild offence but he couldn’t think of any way to refute what the drow had said. “Look, maybe Talnah forgot something. Just call her and ask her how to turn her kid off.”
As painful as the situation was, Sildar wasn't about to worry Talnah. He had told her he could handle this, that they could handle this. Even if K’Thriss was right, he wasn’t about to admit it. “If you don’t want to deal with it, then fine. You can go off and lock yourself alone with your paints and canvases.”
“Believe me Hallwinter, I’d be more than happy to be with myself and my paintings, but it’s hard for anyone to focus on anything when that kid is summoning everything that is unholy,” K’Thriss hissed. It didn’t seem that K’Thriss would back down anytime soon, and Sildar didn’t plan on backing down either. But he knew he had to come up with something. There was only so much crying one man could take.
Then it clicked.
"K'Thriss, how much paint do you have?"
A laughing baby was so much better than a crying baby. There wasn’t much to do to come to that conclusion. Sildar watched as the young Vellaam happily splattered his painted hands over a canvas. Claire sat close by, guiding Cascius back to the canvas whenever he started to drift towards the floor.
“See K’Thriss? Talnah doesn’t need to worry herself. We just need to be a little more… inventive,” Sildar said, all too smugly, looking towards the drow. K’Thriss, on the other hand, didn’t look happy at all with the situation. His eyes narrowed a bit at the human and his lips pursed.
“You owe me Hallwinter,” he huffed, “He’s mixing my paints. Those weren’t cheap.”
Sildar waved him off and continued to smile at the drow, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you go on with ruined paints. On the bright side, he’s not ‘summoning everything that is unholy’ anymore. That is how you worded it, right?”  He had to stop himself from laughing when K’Thriss’ face contorted before a frustrated sigh left his lips. Sildar moved closure and bumped his shoulder, “Maybe this means you may have a mini underling on your hands…. And I will get you more paint… And a canvas.”
Sildar wasn’t sure, but he swore he saw the tiniest of smiles on the drow’s face out of the corner of his eye. If it had been there it quickly disappeared. “Do you plan on explaining to Talnah why Cascius is blue? Because as far as I know, neither she nor his father was, and neither of them are chameleons.”
“Of course not! There is this thing called baths. We’ll just wash him off and let Talnah see what he worked on when she comes home.”
“Easier said than done Hallwinter,” K’Thriss chuckled. Sildar rolled his eyes. It was only a bath. Magic or not, a bath couldn’t be that hard.
Or so he thought.
Jacar was plucking his lute when he felt his earring warm up. The tune was old and familiar. It brought about happy memories and held an air of sadness… Claire sat in the corner of the room, listening to him pluck out the old tune. At first, Jacar didn’t register the warming of his ear until he played a few minutes of the song. Slowly his hand reached up to touch his ear.
“Oh Jacar!” Talnah’s voice rung out clear as day, “How is everything going? Is Cascius being a little angel for you all?” Jacar could only imagine how much Talnah had been thinking about Cascius. Had Robin and Ea even been able to keep her mind off the baby?
Jacar figured he could leave out the part about Cascius crying for most of the day… “He’s fine Talnah, he’s as good as a baby can be. I’m surprised you were able to keep yourself from calling this long, it’s almost sunset. How are you?”
“I’m doing alright. I just-”
Ea’s voice was recognizable in the background as well as pounding on what he could only assume was a door.
“Talnah give me back my earring! Cas is fine! You can see him tomorrow! Now give me back my earring!”
“Yeah Tal, it’s girl’s night! You’re supposed to be having fun!” Robin’s voice wasn’t nearly as loud as Ea’s and seemed to be more of a mediator in this situation.
Well… It seemed that there would only be one way to cure Ea’s rage. Letting out a sigh, Jacar decided to start what would undoubtedly be a long conversation with Talnah in an attempt to make her give Ea the earring back. The minstrel had just opened his mouth when-
“Where the fuck is the baby?”
The words were loud and panicked and Jacar felt his face go white.
“What was that ?” Talnah asked. Jacar could hear the rising panic in her voice. He had to think of something.  Something. Anything. Don’t panic Jacar. Don’t-
“We’re making fudge with the baby!” Jacar didn’t need to look at Claire to see how she felt about his response, the audible smack to her face was telling enough.
“Oh… Well… Make sure he doesn’t get too close to the stove. And keep him away from the knives! They’re both rather dangerous and-”
“Yup. All good Tal. You enjoy your night. Goodnight! Give the earring back to Ea. We’ve got everything under control!” Jacar swore he’d never hung up faster in all his life. Hopefully, Ea and Robin could still keep Talnah away…. And hopefully his voice didn’t betray his panic.
“Nice going Jacar,” Claire sighed, “Now we’re going to have to find a baby and make fudge.”
Sildar paced back and forth. Both he and Korv were soaked to the bone and he had no idea where Cascius had gone. Sure he’d heard that magic could be unpredictable in babies, but he certainly didn’t expect Talnah’s baby to go missing in the middle of a bath!
“He can’t be that far,” Phryn offered, “I mean, he’s still young, his magic isn’t that strong yet. He has to be in the house somewhere.” She had a point, but even then Sildar was still nervous. What if Cascius was on the roof? Or what if he fell down the stairs? There were so many things that could go wrong and each new scenario caused Sildar’s panic to rise.
K’Thriss stepped in front of Sildar and forced him to meet his gaze. “Now will you call Talnah and ask her for help? She’s been dealing with this kid since day one. She knows how to handle him better than any of us. If you don’t want this to end in disaster-”
“Stop,” Sildar snapped, “Just stop. No, we are not calling her. If we do she’ll never let anyone else handle him again and that’s not good for her. She needs this and we don’t need her thrown into a panic. Plus Jacar already told her that we’re making fudge. So how bad will that look on us that we not only lost the baby but also lied to her face.” Sildar wasn’t backing down on this. He was a member of the Griffon Calvary dammit! He dealt with worse in the past, he handles griffons almost daily. He should be able to take care of a baby! “We need to find him and find him fast. It’s getting dark already. If we split up we can find him faster." With every word, Sildar felt his heart sink a little lower. He had promised Talnah that he could care for her child. What if he had been wrong?
Sildar sat with his head in his hands. So far they’d hadn’t had any luck. Where had he gone?
“Don’t worry Sildar, I’m sure he’s all right. We would have heard something right?” Phryn asked. She had always had a comforting air about her, but even then Sildar still felt that sick feeling deep within the pit of his stomach.
He didn’t even look up at Phryn, he couldn’t bring himself to meet anyone’s gaze at this point. How could he? “I promised Talnah we could look after him,” he said softly, “What type of cavalryman am I if I can’t look after a child?” Talnah trusted him with the thing she valued most and he had let her down. You couldn’t replace a child.
Phryn shook her head, “Don’t think like that. We will find him. He isn’t half-way across the world he’s-” As her words trailed off Sildar thought that she was finally starting to come to the same conclusion he had. He thought that maybe she’d accepted that the worst had happened.  He opened his mouth to say something, but Phryn quickly shushed him. His face contorted in confusion for a moment, then he heard it. The small noises were almost inaudible. Sildar swore he had never run faster in all of his life. He ran all the way stopping only to make sure he was still running towards the noise.  It led him to a small room with washing equipment and an upturned basket. Breath held, he walked closer to the basket and grabbed it’s sides. Underneath a freshly dried pile washed laundry was the young tiefling holding a stuffed griffon close.
Cascius looked up towards Sildar with wide, wet eyes. It looked like he was about to start crying and Sildar had never been happier to see the face of a sad child. “Oh where have you been little Cas? Have you been here the whole time?” he could help the laughter pouring out of his mouth. He hadn’t lost his friend’s child. Cascius was safe if not a little hungry, “Oh just look at you, you wonderful little terror! Where did you get your toy from?”
Phryn entered into the room not too long after. She smiled from Sildar to Cascius before noticing the toy. “Now how did he get that?” she asked, drawing Sildar’s attention towards her, “I noticed it was a little dirty, so I decided to wash it off. A clean and happy toy for a clean and happy baby.” How ironic it was that such a kind intention had lead to such terror. Sildar turned back towards Cascius. Those big eyes reminded him so much of the child’s mother, they were so easy to read and ready to take in so much.
The next whimper that left Cascius drew him back to the present. “Perhaps it’s time to feed him and put him to bed yeah?”
Surprisingly, feeding Cascius had been the easiest task. Once they got him to put the toy down, he latched onto the bottle without fuss. In the meantime, Korv and the other got to work on the fudge that Jacar had used as a cover-up. The only one keeping Sildar company was K’Thriss.
“He’s not that bad when he’s not screaming,” K’Thriss said quietly, “I guess you could call him kind of cute.”
Sildar nodded in absent-minded agreement.  He turned to look at K’Thriss, “I guess he is, isn’t he? He must be like this for Talnah most of the time if she never wants to leave him alone.”
“Either that or it’s just because he’s hers.”
“Could be, but I suppose none of us were really any better at this age.”
Cascius pushed the bottle away the best he could with his tiny hands. He looked up at Sildar before a tiny hand reached up to tug at one of his braids. “Maybe you should get your hair cut before that kid gets a few months older,” K’Thriss suggested, “You know, before he gets bigger and it really starts to hurt.”
Sildar shook his head and started raising Cascius closer to his face in an attempt to get him to let go. “Nah, he’ll be fine. Babies like to grab onto fingers and ha-”
Sildar didn’t even get to finish his sentence before Cascius rammed his head into Sildar’s. It didn’t hurt as much as it startled him. He quickly pulled Cascius back and stared at him as the infant started laughing. K’Thriss joined in, snickering quietly from his spot on the dining table, “Count yourself lucky he doesn’t have horns. The babies are like goats. There were enough of them in Shadowfell to figure that out.”
“Thanks for the warning,” Sildar murmured, placing Cascius’ bottle down, “You ever been hit by one.”
“Nah, never been fond of babies,” he shrugged, “Too much work, too much crying.”
“But of course Uncle K’Thriss loves his little nephew right?” Sildar teased, slowly holding Cascius out towards the drow. Just then Phryn poked her head out of the kitchen, “K’Thriss, would you mind adding a bit of artistic flair to the fudge?”
K’Thriss pushed himself off the table and started walking away from Cascius and Sildar and towards the kitchen. Just before he passed the kitchen door he paused and turned to face the human. “Maybe,” he said. Then he was gone.
While a happy baby was much better than a crying baby, it would have nice if Cascius had been happy to go to sleep. Each of the six aunts and uncles decided to take shifts, throughout the night until he fell asleep. After his disappearing stunt in the bath earlier, no one wanted to take a chance with him having another spurt of untamed, unpredictable magic escape him. There had been a few instances of crying and small magic spurts throughout the night. Each of the members had gone at least two shifts staying up with the child and Sildar had been the last one to go on shift in the child’s room. When he woke up, fear shot through him once more.
Cascius was gone.
He shot up expecting the worst. He had fallen asleep during one of Cascius’ spurts and he had gone missing again! Talnah would be home any minute! They didn’t have time! The man continued to panic until the music reached his ears. The tune led him out of the nursery and into Jacar’s room. The minstrel sat on the floor slowly plucking away at his lute.
Talnah had come home about an hour ago, excited and relieved to see Cascius again. Once the song reached her ears. The tune was familiar. It was too familiar, but she didn’t mind. It reminded her of happy times, but also made her heartache. She followed the song to where Jacar had a sleeping Cascius in his lap. Talnah took a seat next to him on the floor and listened.
“I know someone else who loved... loves this song,” he said softly after a long moment but continuing to pluck at his instrument, “You know… I think it’s interesting that he seems to like it too.”
“Yes. It is funny isn’t it?” she replied in the same hushed tone.
Throughout the song, the two continued to speak in hushed whispers that none of the onlookers dared interrupt. Each one had their own opinions of the song. Sildar noticed Ea staring at the ground resolutely, her face flipping between rage and a mask of calm. He didn’t really want to ask why he was sure he knew anyways.
“I don’t know if it’s the song or if he just wore himself out, but he’s fast asleep now,” Jacar said softly. Talnah’s eyes had started to water. He wasn’t sure if she even noticed, but it probably brought back similar feelings for her that they did for him.
Those feelings weren’t always easy to deal with even if some of the memories were pleasant.
Talnah quickly wiped her eyes, and blinked to try to get rid of any tears clinging to her lashes. “I’d like to believe it’s the song Jacar,” she said softly, “I really would.” She slowly ran her fingers through Cascius’ curly blonde hair. He squirmed a bit, but he didn’t wake.
Slowly each of the onlookers left the room, allowing the song to finish in silence.
“I really appreciate what all of you were doing for me Sildar,” Talnah smiled. She poured two cups of tea and moved one closer to Sildar. Cascius squirmed and squealed in Talnah’s arms. She wasn’t going to be drinking the cup she poured in a while. Her horns were decorated and dressed rather nicely in elaborate silks. It looked like she had just gotten out of a meeting.
“I’d do it again too Talnah. You know you’re a good friend,” he said, “Do you want me to hold him so you can drink?”
“No thank you Sildar.”
He watched as the child reached for the gems dripping from her horns. Talnah reached for the tiny griffon in an attempt to get his focus on something more baby friendly. He squealed even louder as the stuffed toy came closer to his face. “You know you’re allowed to spend time with him outside of babysitting, right Uncle Jacar? You all are. I don’t call you all his aunt and uncles for nothing,” Talnah said, “Actually, I think I’ve changed my mind about you holding him.” With that, she stood up and walked closer to Sildar, handing him the baby.
Cascius looked up at Sildar and smiled. When brought up closer to his face, Cascius bumped his head with Sildar’s and laughed.
“Aww. That means he likes you Uncle Sildar,” Talnah giggled, “But when his horns start growing in, you’re going to want to wear your helmet more often. I used to do that to my Papa all the time and gave him the worst of headaches.”
Sildar looked up from the child to Talnah, his face dropping a bit. “Tal, you know I’m not the best babysitter, none of us really are.”
Talnah nodded and sat down on the arm of the chair, “I know Sildar…. But you’re also family to me. No family is perfect either, yet to me all of you are so wonderful.” She then went back to the other side of the table to sip at her tea. “I want Cascius to have experiences that I never had, and growing up with all of you will give him that. You’re exactly what he needs. You’re perfectly imperfect Sildar, and he needs you. He needs all of you.”
Sildar looked back down at Cascius and those big eyes. They were large enough to take on the world… He just needed guidance. After what seemed like an eternity, Sildar finally looked back up at Talnah.
“Alright Lady Vellaam, you have me at your service.”
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We’ve come to the end of the Soukoku Big Bang 2019! Before we move on to the master post for 2019, we would like to express our sincerest thanks to all of you. It has been a wild ride and us mods couldn’t thank our participants enough for being such lovely people to work with. There’ll also be a feedback form the participants can fill in! The link will be distributed through email and shared in our discord server. We would like to know how you think about us and how you would like us to improve through our feedback form!
If you missed your chance this year, don’t worry, we’ll be back again in 2020! Do stay tuned for some exciting information on where this event will be going next year! We have some “big news” waiting for you!
Without further ado, here’s the masterpost for all entries of Soukoku Big Bang 2019! 
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It Was Worth Trying by MidnightLightHowlite | Art by Misa
Rating: General Audiences
Seeing Dazai float face down in a river was not all that unusual. True, it hadn't happened in four years, but the view was not exactly a foreign one. No, what was foreign was the fact that Dazai seemed to be shorter. And younger. And didn't remember him. In retrospect, Chuuya probably shouldn't have let the boy call Mori because that allowed his boss to put him on babysitting duty.
(Or Dazai gets deaged. No romance will happen till they are both the same age again.)
Bandaged Sheep by MidnightLightHowlite | Art by Abel
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
There had been something very weird, very off about the new recruit. He had popped up out of thin air a few months ago, wrapped from head to toe in bandages. Not a word of what he did before, saying he wanted to join the sheep. He wasn't strong or skilled, and truly, there was no logical reason for Chuuya to pay him any mind.
But then the Port Mafia put a huge bounty on his head and things started to get interesting
these days, you’re fine by AquarianTwin | Art by Nella
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Fifth-grade classmates Q and Aya are convinced that their older brothers would make a perfect pair if they’d just stop fighting for five minutes. Dazai and Chuuya, who have been dating for over a year, find this too funny to correct them.
Dazai takes in his younger sibling, Q, after they’re removed from their father’s home. Overwhelmed by the responsibility of raising of a child when he can barely keep himself alive some days, Dazai leans on his partner, Chuuya, to help lead him through. It’s a good thing Q gets along so well with Chuuya’s younger sister, but Dazai thinks he might die of laughter if the pair try to “secretly” set him up on another date with his own boyfriend.
Project Pinocchio by EKmisao | Art by Ginny
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
What kept the youngest mafia executive alive enough was a new file, on a newly-acquired powerful cyborg. It started as a project to keep a cyborg a boy. It became more than he expected.
Outrunning Fate by RocketJams | Art by Nanamin
Rating: Not Rated
Chuuya laid in the hospital bed, his consciousness slipping away slowly as he patiently awaited his demise. The doctors had assured him he wouldn't feel a thing but for some reason he couldn't shake this feeling his chest. An subtle pain which at this point had coaxed his stomach into a frenzy. Something was wrong but there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.
In Isolation He Thrived by Maddy | Art by Leo
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
All his life Dazai felt like a tool, a pawn that was just tossed aside when not needed. He was looked down on and felt useless, so slowly a fire ignited within him and turned him into a merciless person also well known as a "Soulless Demon".
He always believed he was destined to do wrong until one day when he finds Chuuya who proves him wrong.
S8 (TBA)
i step from here without you by fatimé | Art by eva
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
“I used Corruption because I trusted you,” Chuuya gasps out, and the words leave a hole the size of Yokohama in his chest. He punches Dazai right where that hole is and hopes it hurts him just as much as it hurts Chuuya.
Dazai smiles. He catches him when his vision finally goes dark and the next thing Chuuya wakes to is emptiness in his heart and a stack of neatly folded clothes.
In one universe, they’re partners-turned enemies, the former Double Black, the most fearsome duo in Port Mafia history. They’re Soukoku and they’re spiteful and they’re tangled up in one another more than they’d care to admit.
In another, they’re—
S10 (TBA)
In Blood we are Sealed by Chaosia | Art by RedZeverin
Dazai stared at his subordinate and the white tiger passed out on the ground, dismayed. It almost worked. This was the fourth person they've went to. There was one more person Dazai could take Atsushi to but he had enough reason to guess that it wouldn't work.
Dazai made a face.
There was one person Dazai knew who could do the job. He'd successfully commit suicide though before that gremlin ever found out he had such thoughts. The taste of metallic filled his mouth. He held in the urge to spit it out.
His ears rang as he imagined a shrieking voice yelling his name like it was the worst insult one could come up with and the mirage of fire that surrounded those blue eyes and foul mouth. Ugh, he was so annoying even in his imagination...and short.
Sticking a pinky into his ear to clear out the haunting voice, Dazai went about gathering up his apprentice and the tiger. Maybe fate would take pity on him and this next trip would solve their problem...
He could feel the cursed blood laughing at him all the way back to their hotel room.
Or a magical AU where Dazai inadvertently gets Atsushi cursed and they have to go to Chuuya, a powerful witch in his own right, to break it.
S14 (TBA)
Quatervois by TheWanderingTanteiThief | Art by King
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Quatervois (n.) a crossroads; a critical decision or turning point in one's life
Chuuya didn't expect to see a man hanging from a tree.
Chuuya didn't expect to meet the man again.
Chuuya certainly didn't expect the man to be the crown prince of the kingdom.
...or cardverse au where Dazai is an asshole and Chuuya just wants to have a peaceful life. Is that too much to ask?
flaws and all by alli | Art by phryn
The transition Dazai and Chuuya routinely make between their heated arguing and completely seamless teamwork is being disrupted by their changing relationship. Which is an issue, because the two of them have been assigned to what could possibly be the most important undercover mission of their careers. Will they be able to strengthen their partnership for the better, or will it crack under the ever growing pressure?
As much as he craved that, as easy as it would be to do, it terrified him.
So, he didn’t.
Mirror Mirror In My Eye by MidnightLightHowlite | Art by cchibikko
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Dazai didn't have much hope for the next few years of Hogwarts, but would have liked to wait at least a few till Arahabaki noticed him.
Never such luck for the resident mummy.
School year was already shitty as it was, but now he has a fiery angry redhead demanding answers he's not ready to give
School year was already shitty as it was, but now he has a fiery angry redhead demanding answers he's not ready to give
thy kingdom come by chubsthehamster | Art by Stella Rasu
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
In a bid to save their continent from destruction, the kingdoms of Ada and the Port Mafia must put aside their years of tension to form an uneasy alliance. An act of holy matrimony unites Princes Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya, marking the beginning of an infamous partnership.
The affair is strictly political, and perhaps for the better. The two hate each other from the beginning.
should we never meet again by setosdarkness | Art by phryn
Rating: Mature
Sixteen women have been killed by a vicious serial killer haunting Yokohama’s streets.
Dazai has been chosen to become a part of the elite Bloody Valentine Task Force, even if he personally thinks that it’d be a lot more fun to stay at home with his boyfriend. Especially since it took years to convince Chuuya to finally move in with him.
It’s just a coincidence that Chuuya’s agreed to move in with him the moment he’s been chosen to become a part of the Task Force, right?
Resolving the Matter in Spirit by ASentientSlug | Art by Tomomorey
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Dazai's boring, everyday life ends in an accidental double suicide, but instead of facing the sweet release of endless sleep, Dazai finds himself in the Spirit World, where nothing is familiar and dangerous, soul-eating spirits lurk behind every corner. To get out, Dazai must confront the ghosts of his past and the ghosts of his present when one very familiar and yet very dangerous spirit takes Dazai under his wing.
If We Ever Meet Again by Luc | Art by Saiel
Rating: Mature
It all started with diamonds.
Chuuya thinks he would've been just as attracted to it if it wasn't for the equally shiny police badge in his pocket.
It all ends with a silver bullet.
For someone as talented in the dance of crime, Dazai has developed quite a bias about the jewels that would catch anybody's fancy.
Diamonds? They're overrated. Old. Boring.
Rubies? Sapphires?
Now those—
—those are worth getting caught for.
keep your windows open by Maristella | Art by Einjjjj
Rating: General Audiences
Usually, whenever Chuuya jumped, he flew.
This was not one of those times.
(Or, alternatively, where Chuuya breaks into Dazai's mansion as a thief, and comes out as a kidnapper. Even though he's also sort of a kid. And it's also not kidnapping.)
(Not when the victim bribed the kidnapper to take him.)
“You do know that the treasure doesn’t exist, right?”
“The what?”
“The treasure. You know, the one in the rumours. It doesn’t exist.”
“…are you screwing with me?”
“I’m not an idiot. If there’s no treasure, why else are you here then?”
“Um…this is my house?”
(Also featuring: Chuuya and the different types of falling.)
half of my half by keptein | Art by manwe.russingon
Rating: Mature
No one understands why Dazai’s dæmon looks like a boy more often than not.
Book One: Fire by chuuzuke | Art by wandiwoo
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Avatar The Last Airbender/Korra AU: The world has changed. Technology can meet nearly every need, to the point where bending is considered a relic of the past, and with it, the Avatar. In fact, no one has seen the Avatar for nearly 100 years, and most people prefer to keep it that way.
Nakahara Chuuya, Prince of the Fire Nation, more than understands what it's like to be considered a relic. After the Fire nation moved to a parliamentary system, the title of Fire Lord is a largely ceremonial one, and Chuuya struggles under the burden of an office that restricts his every move without giving him any actual power to enact change.
When he runs away, intent on finding his own path, it seems like fate when he runs into Dazai Osamu, a mysterious man who claims he has a way to cure the unexplained illness Chuuya has suffered from his whole life.
peace lily by intimatopia | Art by phryn
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
They say you don’t truly know a person until you live with them. Dazai and Chuuya would argue that they know more about each other than one ought to know about anyone else.
Or: Mori forces 15 year old Dazai and Chuuya to share a flat because he doesn’t trust them to be on their own, and he thinks it’ll be a good way for them to bond.
Dazai and Chuuya think he's a sadist.
Two rambunctious teen boys, left to their own devices in a multi-million dollar penthouse. What could possibly go wrong?
of flowers and verses by lua & lanipalmer | Art by Yahuri
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
For years, Nakahara Chuuya has been pining over the ex-mafioso himself, Dazai Osamu. So what better to vent than through poetry? Combined with his (frankly, alarming) knowledge of flower languages, this is a story about Chuuya and his frustrations and desires.
Still Worth Fighting For by Maru | Art by ewe
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
"In which Chuuya never joins the port mafia, stops using his ability for fighting out of guilt, and later becomes a hacker.
His life had been relatively peaceful until one day, Dazai appears again at his doorstep asking for his help to find information on ‘The Rats.’"
The Necromancer by Ru | Art by etsuki_haru
Rating: Mature
If you venture into the slums of Suribachi City, you’ll find the witch Dazai Osamu, known as the Necromancer, and his barely tamed beast, Arahabaki. If you bring to him the bones of someone, he will bring that person back to life - in exchange for some of your lifespan. But bringing a soul back from the dead turn a heart twisted. Did you get your wish, or dig your own grave? These are the grim tales of a witch and a creature, trying to figure out their humanity, overseeing the consequences of taking death too lightly.
S34 (TBA)
fire and calamity by Jasmine | Art by Zen
Arahabaki has left its vessel, leaving Chuuya in a comatose state. Dazai and the rest of the ADA now have to track the god down and capture it for two reasons. One, because Chuuya knows the whereabouts of the Book. Two, because if they don't, they lose him forever. (ADA!Chuuya, established!SKK)
S38 (TBA)
fight our way to heaven by kiwi | Art by chicchii
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
The redhead had a fire in him that made Dazai want to poke and prod until he could see the limits. Chuuya was so alive and for the first time since Dazai could remember, he wanted to taste and feel that fire.
What he didn’t account for was that the decision to follow Chuuya would lead him to discovering memories he didn’t know he had and it would make them a target for all ability organizations in Yokohama.
Or the one where we have teen skk against the world.
Everything Comes Back To You by Catsby | Art by Mai
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
In the period after the war for the Book, the Port Mafia finds itself in need of a Boss. The logical choice for that position would be Chuuya - except Chuuya has gone missing.
Après Un Rêve by manwe.russingon | Art by Sebby
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
"I wandered long, methought, alone
to the deep shadow where the dead dwell,
but ever a voice that I knew well,
like bells, like viols, like harps, like birds,
like music moving without words,
called me, called me through the night,
enchanted drew me back to the light!"
Nakahara Chuuya, the elven lord commander of the kingsguard of kingdom of Mirkwood, singing in the woods. With a sudden intervention from Dazai Osamu, a mysterious being that was caught in between his tunes, they became best friends afterwards. Or perhaps it is more than that?
Time to time, one story comes with another. The truth finally unveils, and the clock is ticking faster. What exactly is Dazai? Why does he act so familiarly to Chuuya? And perhaps the biggest question we need the answer is: What makes them always connected, even for thousands of years?
S42 by chuuzuke | Art by willofjokerXIX
Lost All Judgement by todxrxki | Art by Yahuri
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
“Uh, sorry, but unfortunately I already have a date to the dance.”
“Oh, really?” Tachihara says, sounding disappointed. He pauses for a second, clearly processing what Chuuya’s just told him, and then says, “Who is it?”
Chuuya certainly hadn’t budgeted for this.
Panicking, he tries to think of the people that he knows that are single, and before he knows it, the first name that comes to mind is slipping out of his mouth. “With Dazai.” / After a momentary lapse in judgment, high school student Chuuya ends up having to pretend to date his enemy Dazai to get Tachihara off of his back - and quickly finds it's nowhere as bad as he'd imagined.
Of Boxers and Bachelors by writingfromtheshadows | Art (1 & 2 & 3) by Angella
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
When Dazai Osamu gets cut off from the family's coffers in an attempt to regulate his behavior, he decides to find a way around his father's ultimatum. Faking an engagement with an underground boxer sounds like the perfect scandal...
Crimson Memoirs by Luneath & Abel | Art by lefterstein
Rating: Mature
By the power of great ancient magic, supernatural beings are aptly hidden just behind the eyelids of humans. Vampires, witches, weres, faeries – all of them live and exist out of the fairy tales books.
Humans' eyes are just shielded into not comprehending their true nature, their magic, and their trickery. To protect them, the Gods say. But Dazai has always known that he’s no ordinary human. From the gift of seeing beyond the magic veil to the peculiar dreams to the aching, hollow feeling hugging his chest in a tight embrace – he knows he’s different.
What Dazai doesn’t know is that this isn’t the start of his story and the stranger with glowing blue eyes that have always been the center of his recurring dreams. What Dazai doesn’t know is that this is not exactly his first life. Dazai doesn't know a lot of things. But with time, he will come to know that he doesn't mind dying the second time for Chuuya.
entanglement by Shinkirou | Art by Zevy
Rating: Mature
Not everyone has a destined partner. Theoretically, even Dazai and Chuuya aren't supposed to. Are being programmed not to, even.
But whether they're "meant" to be together or not is irrelevant. Dazai wants Chuuya to be his, and so Chuuya will be his.
... If only it were actually that simple.
pointless by Lua | Art by Behax
Rating: Explicit
It was an annoyance after everything that happened, and yet, Chuuya found himself on the doorsteps of a man that he had more than enough reasons to kill. He could come up with excuses, but he was not in the habit of lying to himself. At times, Chuuya would describe their relationship as an addiction he couldn't get rid of. This was ridiculous. Dazai was now a traitor and a coward; what did that make of Chuuya himself to know where to find him and keep that a secret?
Latent Identities by RocketJams | Art by Seiran
Rating: Explicit
He could deny it however many times he wanted to, but Dazai could see through it every time. The lies over his lips, the false smiles and misleading words. He could fool anyone else into believing he was who he said he was. Though whenever he smiled, Dazai could feel it. Something was wrong, he wasn't Chuuya.
N6 (TBA)
Before I Fall by hellosweetie17 | Art by Nanamin
Rating: Explicit
Chuuya’s oblivious to the circumstances surrounding their fragile world; Dazai’s made sure of it.
Mighty Long Fall by quinnlocke | Art by Xoinks
Rating: Mature
When Dazai betrays the ADA for the Port Mafia, he’s greeted as the prodigal son. That doesn’t mean he’s trusted, however, and now that he’s betrayed the Port Mafia and ADA alike, he has far more enemies than friends. As Dazai works to survive the heart of the viper’s nest, it quickly becomes clear that Chuuya will save him - or be the reason he fails.
Chuuya, meanwhile, knows Dazai too well to trust that his cards are on the table. But as he finds himself at Dazai’s mercy, and caught between loyalties, he realizes there’s no other option but to master the god that lives beneath his skin and hope he survives long enough to protect the organization to whom he’s sworn his life.
But first they both must realize that a mighty long fall awaits.
moonshine voyage by setosdarkness | Art by Behax
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Dazai's plan to stop Fyodor involves sacrificing his life. He should have known that even the best-made plans are useless when there’s someone like Chuuya out there, who just won’t stop saving him.
A journey of growing and growing old together.
[or: chuuya saves dazai's life by linking their souls & lifespans together]
Lifeline by Abel | Art (1 & 2 & 3) by phryn
Rating: Explicit
Nakahara Chuuya is a normal kid. He has two parents who loves him very much even though he's not really their son. He's a good student even though he's not on top. He's popular and has a lot of friends. Everything in his life is fine-- perfectly fine.
Until he bumps into another kid his age, bandages wrapped all over him. Dazai Osamu-- he said his name was, with a tone of amusement and yet tinged with longing.
Little did he know, that fated meeting will change his life forever.
Can’t Be Tamed by stargazerlilith | Art by Abel
Rating: Explicit
The boss of the Port Mafia is merciless against those who oppose him.
Well he was, until he resigned himself to the fate of the notorious dating app known as Tinder.
We hope you enjoy the masterpieces made by our talented participants! See you again next year!
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ao3feed-skk · 5 years
by setosdarkness
Sixteen women have been killed by a vicious serial killer haunting Yokohama’s streets.
Dazai has been chosen to become a part of the elite Bloody Valentine Task Force, even if he personally thinks that it’d be a lot more fun to stay at home with his boyfriend. Especially since it took years to convince Chuuya to finally move in with him.
It’s just a coincidence that Chuuya’s agreed to move in with him the moment he’s been chosen to become a part of the Task Force, right?
[already COMPLETE, but will be posted over 3 parts due to length] [cover art by phryn-san!]
Words: 8116, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Series: Part 81 of soukoku AUs
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Bungou Stray Dogs Ensemble
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: soukokubigbang2019, Big Bang Challenge, Alternate Universe - Serial Killers, Canon-Typical Violence, Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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willshewrite · 5 years
Just a Couple of Guys Bein’ Dudes
Fandom: Dungeons and Dragons, Homebrew - The Disasters
Word Count: 1198
A/N: I was supposed to write a one-shot for Emin x Talnah for @ruesinger but I got distracted by Emin and Jacar interactions so take this instead.  This can be read as either pro-homo or pro-bromo.
Emin shivered in the snow-laden air of Waterdeep, cowering beneath his cloak as another sharp gust threatened to topple him over.  He trod slowly, one shaking foot in front of the other until he reached a cobblestone well at the end of Trollskull Alley.   A smile coaxed its way onto his face, only to be dashed by a sudden wave of nausea forcing him to the ground.  
He had overdone it with the magic -again- and was nothing more than a skeleton wandering the streets in search of his home.  Emin’s hands trembled violently as he crawled behind the well in search of coverage from the wind’s bite.  With one last surge of strength, maneuvered himself so his back pressed against the well.
A faint incantation passed his lips, interrupted by chattering teeth and ragged breaths.  Slowly, a thick, black, oozing liquid crept out of his mouth and clung to his lips like tar.  Emin gasped and coughed to rid himself of the spell’s backfire, splattering the horrid substance across once pure snow.  Emin remained still for a moment, then cracked an ink-stained grin.
“Cool.”  Not optimal, he conceded, but pulling off a spell while his body withered away was a long shot in the first place.  Plus, he noted gleefully, snow speckled with the remnants of long-dead magic was sure to freak someone out in the morning.  
Unfortunately, it also meant he had to face his friends looking half-dead.  If any of them were even awake to answer his call, that is.  Claire would say he’s an idiot and throw him down the well like a sack of clams, something he wasn’t entirely sure his body could handle at the moment.  On the other hand, Jacar would hit him with those worried puppy dog eyes and make him feel guilty well into the next century.  He wondered if Ea’s earring could pick up his signal.  Maybe a little bardic inspiration could breathe some life into his bones.  The barrage of questions he was sure to face, however, immediately struck that idea down.
A snowflake nestled on the tip of his nose and Emin lost himself in its mesmerizing design.  He was always astounded by the little things and how beautiful life could be even when everything seemed to be going-
It wasn’t melting.
He should probably call soon.
His pale fingers danced over the collection of gold hoops and gems lining his ears until he finally pinched a simple amethyst droplet.
“Hey, J-Dog.”  He was met with soft static, then the earring grew warm and a groggy voice came through.
“Emin?  You alright?”  Emin smiled and leaned his head back against the well.
“Just peachy, sweetheart.  Hey, is there any way you could come pick me up?  I’m just outside the entrance.”  The shifting of bedsheets and the soft thump of footsteps greeted his ears.  
“Is this a work thing or an alcohol thing?”  
“Work.  Listen, do you want me to call Claire instead?  I haven’t been thrown around in a while.  It might loosen up my back.”  Jacar’s tired laugh echoed through this mind.
“If that works we might have another job opportunity to look into.  I’m on my way, so hold tight.”
“Alright, thanks.  Love you.”  An exasperated “love you too” with the slightest hint of a smile passed through the line before the earring cooled.
Emin tapped the toes of his shoes together to get rid of the accumulating snow, wondering how he had ever gotten so lucky as to meet Jacar.  Of course, he felt the same about Claire; she had saved him more times than he could count and managed to look absolutely stunning every time she threw a punch.  The other members of Sildar’s rescue-team he had conjured to save the world, however… well, he hadn’t quite made up his mind yet.
Sildar himself seemed a decent enough guy, if not a stick in the mud.  In all honesty, he seemed like the only one who actively acknowledged that the fate of the planar system was in their hands, so Emin didn’t really blame him for being so uptight.  Korv, on the other hand, was the biggest, sweetest hunk Emin has ever had the pleasure to meet.  Phryn was impossibly endearing with her fascination of the Material Plane, but seemed suspicious of him, which, he conceded, was fair.  Emin had yet to hold a conversation with either K’thriss or Robin and got the impression that both would prefer to keep it that way.  Ea was fucked up.  He could dig it, but wow.  Then again, Jacar really liked her, so she was already at an unfair advantage.
And then there was Talnah.  A nobel with a bleeding heart that he probably scared away when he drained a dude of his life force in a back alley.  Sure she had thanked him for saving her life, but he still couldn’t consider that one of his shining moments.  Especially considering he was drunk on cheap champagne and didn’t remember it had happened in the first place.  And there was the time she tried to get to know him on Candlesnight and he panicked and flat out lied to her…
Maybe he should apologize.
“Holy shit, man.”  Emin didn’t realize he had closed his eyes until he opened them to a frantic Jacar.  He cracked a smile at the man and tilted his head up to get a better look.  “How much magic did you use?”  Emin shrugged, his shoulders letting out a sickening creak.
“Enough to get the job done.”  The concerned, puppy-dog eyes he had been dreading made an appearance and Emin felt his gut twist.  Emin fixed his gaze on the translucent skin pulled taut around his knuckles and swallowed.  Jacar let out a sigh, worry still clouding his eyes, and held out a hand.
“Alright, let’s just get you inside.”  On three, Jacar dragged Emin to his feet and carefully helped him step into the well, one foot in front of the other.  A wave of magic passed over them as they fell through the portal, landing gently on the landing in front of their front door.  Jacar pulled Emin’s arm over his shoulder and awkwardly maneuvered their way into the house and down the dimly lit hallways.  He guided them to Emin’s room and laid him down on the half-made bed.  Emin offered him an exhausted, lopsided smile.
“Thanks, Jacar.”  Jacar nodded and threw a blanket over him.  When Emin didn’t stop shivering, he added two more.
“Is there anything else I can do?”  He asked, tugging on the corners of the blankets to straighten them out.  Emin burrowed deeper into his bed, pulling his hands and feet towards his center, and shook his head.
“I just need to ride it out.”
“Okay.  Call me if you need anything.  Is it cool if I leave the door unlocked?”  Emin nodded, already drifting in and out of consciousness.  With one last bout of worry, Jacar tucked the blankets around Emin’s neck and quietly closed the door behind him.  After a moment’s debate, Jacar reached a hand up to gently pinch his earring.  “Goodnight Emin.”
His only response was gentle snoring.
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talnahvellaam · 5 years
repost,  don’t reblog !
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.    Talnah Vellaam PRONUNCIATION.     TAW-l-nuh veh-LAM NICKNAME.     Tal, Tally, Princess (in campaign only) GENDER.          Female HEIGHT.       5′00 but 5′4″ if we’re counting her horns AGE.           20 ZODIAC.       ????     SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Common, Infernal, Giant, Dragonic
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.  White EYE COLOR.  Yellow SKIN TONE.  Lilac BODY TYPE.  Slender and willowy, think Disney Princess. ACCENT.  American VOICE.  Jill Harris (Charlie from Hazbin Hotel) DOMINANT HAND.  Right  POSTURE.   Meek and humble SCARS.    None (Yet) TATTOOS.   ??? BIRTHMARKS.   ???? MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  She has black markings scattered on her body. They seem to be symmetrical and few. It is unsure whether they are tattoos or just markings. She also has three-toed clawed feet. a thin tail, and horns. 
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.   ??? HOMETOWN.    Moonbright FIRST WORDS.    Papa SIBLINGS.    None (That she knows of). PARENTS.   Mother: Diana Diadem (adoptive), Selune (Birth?), Father: Ardem Vellaam (adoptive) PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  Both Ardem and Diana were extremely involved in Talnah’s life and continue to be. Ardem was a worrying father while Diana seemed to be in favour of letting Tanah discover things for herself (not that she didn’t worry). Both parents were protective of their adoptive daughter due to their inability to have their own children and Talnah being a literal gift from the gods (specifically Selune). To Talnah’s knowledge, Selune was an absent mother and knows very little of her but wants answers. 
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.     Heir to the Vellaam estate and part-time adventurer. CURRENT RESIDENCE.    Moonbright/ Wherever adventuring takes her CLOSE FRIENDS.     Ea, Robin, Sildar, Phryn, Korv, Emin, Jacar, K’Thriss, Claire (in campaign are not generally mentioned in rps) RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   Single (Pending in campaign) FINANCIAL STATUS.   Well off CRIMINAL RECORD.   None VICES.     None?
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.         Pansexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.    Panromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive  |  dominant  | switch LIBIDO.         Mild/Low TURN ON’S.    Affection, touching, kindness, attention, “good girl” TURN OFF’S.   Rudeness, pain, insults, aggression, neglect LOVE LANGUAGE.  Touch, Words of Affirmation, Gifts RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Talnah is a bit oblivious when it comes to relationships. She’s never dated anyone before. She often fantasizes about romance (her books don’t help) and dreams about getting married one day. When in a relationship, she loves to be close to her partner and pleasing them. She always wants to make sure that they know that they’re loved. This doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like it when they decide to return the favour. She enjoys the idea of love and being in loved and is a hopeless romantic.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.   "Daughter of the Moon” and “Who Says” HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.  Reading, baking, daydreaming, exploring MENTAL ILLNESSES.  Poor girl probably has some form of anxiety PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.   None LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.    Left-Brained PHOBIAS.  Losing loved ones, being left alone, worrying her friends, not being useful SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  Actually low, but she tries to hide that VULNERABILITIES.  Negative opinions of her character/ self in general. someone threatening  loved ones
Tagged by: @hyperionhugo Tagging: Anyone who wants to~
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the-perfect-dark · 6 years
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// More Human AU Pearl sister antics
Silva- Silver Pearl
Gwyn- WGP
Phryn- BGP
Rosa- Conch Pearl
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askwhatsforlunch · 7 years
Queenscliff Apricot Jam
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“She rose  and bathed in the elegant bathroom. She wrapped herself in one of her flowing Chinese robes. There was no bell in the room so she went out in search of breakfast and met Dot on the landing. She was carrying a tray. ‘Coffee, Miss Phryne, and a nice new roll. I’ve found that apricot jam you like, too, and the Queenscliff butter is first rate. Shall I take the tray onto your balcony? There’s a nice little table and chair there.’ ‘Thanks, Dot dear, that is really kind of you. (...) To beguile her very good bread with excellent butter and superlative apricot jam, she read a few more pages of Dr Thorndyke.”
Like Phryne, Dot, Jane and Ruth in Dead Man’s Chest, I am on holidays. Not quite in Queenscliff; nor do we have a butler and cook to vanish into thin air. But like Phryne, I am fond of strong black coffee and good apricot jam, and I’m sure my Queenscliff Apricot Jam tastes just like hers.
Ingredients (makes 3 jars):
1 large lemon
1 pound and 12 ounces ripe apricots
1 cup water
1 pound caster sugar
Using a vegetable peeler, carefully peel the rind of the lemon. Then squeeze its juice on a lemon juicer and collect the pips. Place lemon rind and pips in a muslin square, or a doubled paper coffee filter, and tie with twine; set aside.
Rinse, pit and dice apricots and place in a large saucepan. Sit muslin pouch in the middle of the apricots, and add water and lemon juice. Bring to a slow boil over medium heat; then, simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes until fruit soften and mixture thickens.
Meanwhile, fill a deep baking dish with caster sugar, level with a wooden spoon, and bake at 300°, stirring from time to time until warm.
When sugar is warm, reduce heat to low, and stir in sugar, 5 minutes, until completely dissolved. Then, increase heat to medium, and boil, stirring often, for about 25 minutes.
In the meantime, place a saucer in the freezer. Cover 3 jam jars and lids with boiling water in a large pot, cover with the lid and boil, 10 minutes.
With a tablespoon, remove the foam or scum from the surface of the jam. After 25 minutes, spoon half a teaspoon of the apricot mixture on chilled saucer, and return it to the freezer to chill, 2 minutes. Then test it: if it wrinkles when you touch it, it’s set; if not, keep cooking, testing every five minutes until jam reaches setting point. 
When it does, carefully remove and dry jars and lid from the pot, remove muslin pouch from the jam, and laddle Apricot Jam into them. Close tightly and return filled jars to the pot of boiling water, making sure they are immersed. Boil, covered, 10 minutes. Remove lid and let cool before removing jars from the pot. Let cool completely. Store in a cool, dark place until using, and then up to a month in the refrigerator once opened.
You can enjoy Queenscliff superlative Apricot Jam like Phryne does, with good bread and butter. But if you want to pair it with cheese, it is also delightful with goat’s cheese or Feta. 
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Partners Announcement
And... drumroll please! Partners are now going to be publicly announced, so best of luck, participants, and it’s time for you to contact your partners!
FIC NUMBER | ARTIST | WRITER S1 | xcloudychocobo/Misa | MidnightLightHowlite  S2 | nil | nil S3 | Via | MidnightLightHowlite S4 | Nella | Vic/aquariantwin S5 | Ginny/painpackerrisingsun | EKmisao S6 | Nanamin | rocketjams S7 | Leo | Maddy S8 | Sehren | tachi S9 | evan | fatima S10 | Red | Adelie S11 | Mai | Trish/chuuyacchi S12 | redzeverin/zevy | Chaosia S13 | nil | nil S14 | Sebby | 2fortheroad S15 | King | Eve (Co-author: Quelle/tiga) S16 | Kit | alli S17 | An | Mi S18 | Stella Rasu | Alicia/chubsthehamster S19 | Marcel/Phryn | Oni S20 | Kendal/Tomorey | ASentientSlug S21 | nil | nil S22 | saiel | Luc S23 | Wandi | intimatopia S24 | Ru | iskendaris S25 | Einjjjj | Maristella S26 | Theo | keptein S27 | Wandi | Nico S28 | Min | Kes/sushibomb S29 | Yuri/Yahuri | Lei (Co-author: Via) S30 | Ele/Ewe | Maru S31 | Ekkomou | ryusakirasi S32 | E-tsuki Haru | Ru S33 | Lei | Vivienne S34 | Min | illi S35 | Chyrono | Ainsel S36 | Zen | Jasmine S37 | Abel/gracetheworld | Phoenix (Co-author: Dorainen) S38 | Lily | Mophead/king mopu S39 | Chicchii | kiwi S40 | Mai | Catsby S41 | Sebby | manwe.russingon S42 | Ashley | Mi S43 | nil | nil S44 | Via | Madeline S45 | Angella/aishteruki | Dessa/writingfromtheshadows
N1 | Lefterstein | Luneath/Authlene N2 | Kit | Abel/gracetheworld N3 | redzeverin/zevy | Shinkirou N4 | Behax | lua N5 | seiran | Phoenix (Co-author: Chrysella) N6 | Sora | Sol N7 | nil | nil N8 | Nanamin | sweetie/hellosweetie17 N9 | Rylan/Xoinks | quinnlocke N10 | Marcel/Phryn | Lady/mostladylikeladythateverladied N11 | Behax | athina N12 | xcloudychocobo/Misa | mocha N13 | Phryn | Abel/gracetheworld N14 | Abel/gracetheworld | Stargazerlilith 
FIC NUMBER | WRITER | BETA S1 | MidnightLightHowlite | Lydia S1 |MidnightLightHowlite | Kit S2 | nil | nil S3 | MidnightLightHowlite | Rebecca S4 | Vic/aquariantwin | yukilynn S5 | EKmisao | Luneath/Authlene S6 | rocketjams | EKmisao S6 | rocketjams | Vasiliás S7 | Maddy | Vic S8 | tachi | Edme S9 | fatima | Luneath/Authlene S10 | Adelie | Hikari S11 | Trish/chuuyacchi | Edme S12 | Chaosia | Hikari S12 | Chaosia | Luneath/Authlene S13 | Mi | Luneath/Authlene S14 | 2fortheroad | marissa S15 | evehydra | Edme S16 | alli | Kit S16 | alli | Dielle S17 | mi | Vasiliás S18 | nil | nil
N1 | Luneath/Authlene | yukilynn N1 | Luneath/Authlene | Edme N2 | Abel/gracetheworld | marina/kiwi N2 | Abel/gracetheworld | Kit N3 | Shinkirou | Edme N4 | Lua | Edme N5 | Phoenix | Luneath/Authlene N5 | Phoenix | Vasiliás N6 | Sol | Vasiliás N7 | nil | nil N8 | Abel/gracetheworld | Dielle
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