#Piazzale Loreto
fashionbooksmilano · 6 months
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Carla Cerati Milano 1960-1970
Collana Memoriafotografica diretta da Uliano Lucas n.4
Barbieri, Manduria (Taranto) 1997, 96 pagine, 23x21cm, ISBN 9788886187411
euro 45,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Carla Cerati : (Bergamo 1926) fotografa e narratrice italiana. Oltre a diversi volumi fotografici (Morire di classe, 1969; Forma di donna, 1978), ha pubblicato romanzi in cui disseziona lucidamente rapporti familiari e sentimenti: Un amore fraterno (1973); La condizione sentimentale (1977); La cattiva figlia (1990); L’amica della modellista (1996); La seconda occasione (2001); L’intruso (2004).
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ninocom5786 · 1 year
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mulhollanddriver · 1 month
La parola d'ordine è una sòla.
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cocrante · 7 months
I think it's important to know that in Italy [Pisa, Tuscany], protests for Palestine are ongoing; also against censorship and to prevent the resurgence of fasc!sm
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Unfortunately, things are not going well; many students, including teenagers, school staff, mayors, and teachers, are being beaten. This is not democracy. This is not freedom of thought. Faced with a genocide, we should feel horrified, but that's not happening.
Meanwhile, we continue to protest, despite the fear that makes us tremble—today (23.02.2024), many ended up in the hospital, a girl was hit in the eye, and many others in the head.
It's scary just to leave the house. But Italians continue to protest because we have a history that cannot be forgotten.
Thank you, Pisa ♡
PISA RIGHT NOW (Italy, 23.02.2024)
Over 5'000 people protesting for Palestine and against police brutality ✊
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alexredgrave · 2 years
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theophagie · 5 months
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hemlockdrunk · 9 months
"I Paesi che aderiscono alla task force statunitense sono dieci. Tra loro anche la Gran Bretagna, la Francia, il Bahrein e l'Italia. Il coinvolgimento italiano è guidato dal ministro della Difesa Guido Crosetto che ha sentito questa mattina il ministro americano Lloyd Austin. L'invio della fregata europea multi missione 'Virgilio Fasan', inizialmente previsto per il prossimo febbraio nell'operazione diplomatico europea e anti pirateria denominata 'Atalanta', è stato anticipato ai prossimi giorni: il 24 dicembre la nave dovrebbe attraversare il canale di Suez. [...] Così il ministro della Difesa Guido Crosetto a seguito del video collegamento con il segretario alla Difesa degli Stati Uniti d'America, Lloyd Austin. "L'Italia farà la sua parte, insieme alla comunità internazionale, per contrastare l'attività terroristica di destabilizzazione degli Houthi, che abbiamo già condannato pubblicamente, e per tutelare la prosperità del commercio e garantire la libertà di navigazione e il diritto internazionale". "È necessario - ha proseguito il ministro - aumentare la presenza nell'area al fine di creare le condizioni per la stabilizzazione, evitare disastri ecologici e prevenire, inoltre, una ripresa della spinta inflazionistica". "
che ne è stato de "l'italia ripudia la guera come metodo di risoluzione dei conflitti"???
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fatticurare · 28 days
Hanno messo a testa in giù chiunque: da Papa Benedetto alla Meloni, dalle mamme ai novax, dalla Totolo a Trump. Salvini, Vannacci, Fragolina78, nessuno è immune alla piazzaloretizzazione del dissidente.
Già, perché gli italici woke hanno una sola argomentazione contro chi dissente dal loro pensiero: Piazzale Loreto, e via andare.
E avendo una e una sola argomentazione, dalli e dalli incappano nella cazzata. Pensate: la scrittrice woke e desinistra Cecilia Parodi, nella foga di difendere Gaza, ha invocato Piazzale Loreto per gli ebrei.😂
Apriti cielo e spalancati terra. Si è scomodata persino la Segre, e ora la Parodi è lì che frigna e chiede perdono.
Cari miei, è inutile frignare: il giochino vi si è rotto. D'altronde tutti vi hanno sempre perdonato per aver appeso Capi di Stato e Presidenti, avete pensato di avere l'impunità totale.
Che invece hmmm, non avete. Spiaze.🤷‍♀️
🏹by @criscersei
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The corpses of Benito Mussolini and his mistress Claretta Petacci hang from the roof at the Piazzale Loreto, Milan, Italy. April 29, 1945
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On this day, 28 April 1945, Italy’s fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini, was executed by anti-fascist partisans in the village of Giulino de Mezzegra, northern Italy. After his reign of terror was deposed in 1943, Mussolini was broken from captivity by Nazi troops, and put in charge of a puppet government in northern Italy, which was occupied by Germany. As more of Italy was liberated by partisan and Allied forces, he tried to escape to Switzerland disguised in a German uniform. But he was spotted by a resistance member who called out “We’ve got Big-Head!” Mussolini was executed near Lake Como alongside a number of other senior fascists and his mistress. Their bodies were then taken to Milan and dumped in Piazzale Loreto in the early hours of the following morning, where they were soon hung up from the frame of a petrol station in order to protect them from the angry crowd. The previous year, the Milan Gestapo had publicly executed 15 Italian partisans in that square and hung their bodies there for several days. Subsequently, Mussolini was reported to have said “for the blood of Piazzale Loreto, we shall pay dearly.” We have interviewed surviving members of the partisan resistance for a forthcoming miniseries of our podcast. You can listen to it first, and help fund production of the episodes, translation, transcription and so on by joining us on patreon at https://patreon.com/workingclasshistory https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=616532153853337&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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generalevannacci · 4 months
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Infatti l'idolo di lollobrigida, quello che poi finì per penzolare a testa bassa a Piazzale Loreto, tentò inutilmente di convincere il suo amico adolfo ad andare e cena quella sera del '39 ma baffetto preferi invadere la Polonia...
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er1chartmann · 5 months
Adolf Hitler's death
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These are some facts and curiosities about Adolf Hitler's death:
It occurred on 30 April 1945, in the final phase of the Battle of Berlin, by suicide with a gunshot to the head at his Führerbunker in Berlin.
During April 29, Hitler learned of the death of his ally Benito Mussolini, whose body was then hung in Piazzale Loreto in Milan and exposed to public ridicule.
It is likely that these events strengthened Hitler's resolve not to allow himself or his wife Eva Braun to suffer the same fate
In order to test the potency of the cyanide capsules, Hitler ordered Dr. Werner Haase to test them on his dog Blondi, who died immediately.
At around 3.30pm, Hitler's valet Heinz Linge, with Bormann at his side, opened the study door and noticed a smell of burnt almonds, a common observation made in the presence of prussic acid, the aqueous form of hydrogen cyanide
Hitler's adjutant, SS Sturmbannführer Otto Günsche, also entered the study and found the lifeless bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun on the sofa
After his death there were several conspiracy theories that believed he was alive, mostly spread by the Soviets.
Wikipedia: Hitler's death
Hitler and his loyalists by Paul Roland
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anchesetuttinoino · 3 months
La grillina Susanna Cherchi: “Prima o poi, la pagherete voi, i vostri figli e i vostri nipoti… Non dimenticate piazzale Loreto”
La Cherchi è un’insegnante e ciò rende tutto più inquietante.
Via francesca totolo
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abr · 5 months
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mi fa tornare giovane :D
(la reazione livorosa del comunista immaturo standard è evocare piazzale Loreto. Good move, è autodenuncia, tipo il rettiliano mascherato da umano cui scappi fuori la lingua biforcuta).
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lookingforhappy · 2 months
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another of Five's cases while working as management for the Commission was the execution of Benito Mussolini and his mistress Claretta Petacci - Mussolini was the dictator of Italy in the 1940s and entered Italy into WWII on the side of the Nazi's. Italy was pretty pissed about this and started a resistance against him.
MEMORANDUM ON INTENDED EVENTS RE: THE DEATH OF BENITO MUSSOLINI AND CLARETTA PETACCI April 28, 1945 Event to Occur: On 27 April 1945, Mussolini and his mistress Claretta Petacci, together with other fascist leaders, will be travelling in a German convoy near the village of Dongo on the north westen shore of Lake Como. A group of local communist partisans led by Pier Luigi Bellini delle Stelle and Urbano Lazzaro will the convoy and forced it to halt. The partisans will recognise one Italian fascist leader in the convoy, but not Mussolini at this stage, and make the Germans hand over all the Italians in exchange for allowing the Germands to proceed. Mussolini will later be recognized among the convoy passengers. The partisans will arrest Mussolini and take him to Dongo, where he will spend part of the night in the local barracks. Over fifty fascist leaders and their families will be found in the convoy and arrested by the partisans. Aside from Mussolini and Petacci, sixteen of the most prominent of them will be summarily shot in Dongo the following day and a further ten will be killed over two successive nights. Claretta Petacci, Mussolini's mistress, will be captured and executed with him. Fighting will still be going on in the area around Dongo. Fearing that Mussolini and Petacci might be rescued by fascist supporters, the partisans will drive them, in the middle of the night, to a nearby farm of a peasant family named De Maria; this will be a safe place to hold them. Although several conflicting versions and theories of how Mussolini and Petacci died were put forward after the wat, the account of Walter Audisio, or at least is essential components, remains the most credible and id sometimes referred to in Italy as the "official" version. It was largely confirmed by an account provided by Aldo Lampredi and the "classical" narrative of the story was set out in books written in the 1960s by Bellini delle Stelle and Urbano Lazzaro, and the journalist Franco Bandini. Although each of thses accounts vary in detail, they are consistent on the main facts. Audisio and Lampredi left Milan for Dongo early on the morning of 28 April to carry out the orders Audisio had been given by Longo. On arrival in Dongo, they met Bellini delle Stelle, who was the local partisan commander, to arrange for Mussolini to be handed over to them. Audisio used the nom de guerre of "Colonnello Valerio" during his mission. In the evening of 28 April, the bodies of Mussolini, Petacci, and the other executed fascists were loaded onto a van and trucked south to Milan. On arriving in the city in the early hours of 29 April, they were dumped on the ground in the Piazzale Loreto, a suburban square near the main railway station. The choice of location was deliberate. Fifteen partisans had been shot there in August 1944 in retaliation for partisan attacks and Allied bombing raids, and their bodies had then been left on public display. At the time Mussolini is said to have remarked "for the blood of Piazzale Loreto, we shall pay dearly".
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MUSSOLINI AND PETACCI ASSASSINATION INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | Remarks MILAN, ITALY April | 20. | Mussolini and Petacci will convene with several dozen Fascist party leaders and a brigade of German Wermacht to travel by convoy north to attempt to reach safety in Germany | EF LAKE COMO REGION ITaly April | 24. | Progress will be hindered by poor roads, as well as continued war-time and partisan civil war fighting in the region | SB 25. | Palmiro Togliatti of The Communist Party of Italy will declare the fascist leaders of Italy as fugitives and sentence them to be executed upon capture. This order will be of conflicted authority. | - 26. | Walter Audisio is to be given the order to execute Mussolini and the other leaders and is sent to Dongo to carry out these orders. Aldo Lampredi is to be sent to assist Audisio in the event that Audisio's temperament becomes a hinderance. | EF 26. | The mission objective will be carried out, after which time the parameters of expected history will be reset to their correct trajectories. The TA agent will ensure success. | TD Instructions regarding Intelligence Summaries are contained in Regula II and the Management Manual. Title pafes will be prepared in manuscript.
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To CASE MANAGER 0043 From FIELD AGENT 00293 Subject Mussolini and Petacci Assassination Pneumatic Transit Code [multiple strongs of number as seen in the image above] My recommendation is to reconsider our current outlook concerning the viability of the subject's tool of action, a submachine gun, in light of recent events. The project has stalled at numerous points over the past months and contines to progress at a menial pace. Should the current iteration of the device be completed as is it will fail to provide enough force to puncture the fuel tank given the density of the aluminum alloy used in the manufacturing of the encasement. I expect that the subject will proceed as required.
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blogitalianissimo · 1 year
Tifoserie di estrema destra triggerate per lo scudetto del Napoli che iniziano a mandare minacce ai napoletani residenti nelle loro città, una batosta così cocente non la vedevano dai tempi del loro leader a testa in giù a piazzale Loreto.
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