#Pidgey Works
proxycrit · 4 days
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Yall really like these guys with wings so here’s some more doodles! Im busy with commission work and won’t be active for a good while, but I’ll try to post more doodles ever so often. (Ahh the joy of drawing my favorite guys… it fills me with joy.)
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mooncat134 · 2 years
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Oh tweet! Look at these cool birds! I had a lot of fun designing these cool punkish outfits and tbh I’d love to have the cape on the spearow/fearow one it’s so cool.
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Pidgey as a warrior cats
So, I'm assuming you know the drill for Pantheramon species!
Morning (slightly less common but still not rare)
(you may consider it funny that as of typing this, I have several different tabs open to tumblr of my previous pantheramon, two tabs relating to schoolwork, one tab of my dark deception fnaf crossover
For the lore, this species is called Lata Penna, or "Wide Wing", not representing the flight capabilities of the species, but the wide native range! They are commonly called "FlockKind", the pre-evolution of the Pantheramon Pidgeot line!
FlockKind have flight capabilities from birth, something uncommon compared to the multitude of other Pantheramon species out there. They have feathery wings that they use to glide, if they evolve those wings grow into wings capable of actual flight, but Lata Penna can glide for very long distances in this form (though most do not push the boundaries of this).
When researching where the wings are attached, I came across this post. I do recommend checking this blog out, there's some amazing resources there.
The wings of Lata Penna attach just behind the shoulder joint, and are operated using an extra muscle that the species has evolved. This muscle, the Subtabis (from the latin word "subterlabor"), will split into the pectoralis and supracoracoideus, muscles used for flight.
FlockKind are seen in many jobs, but the most surprising is their tendency for teaching!
That's the end of this request! If you would like any more elaboration on this or another topic, or have another request, please send an ask!
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nburkhardt · 5 months
Had this thought at work earlier and now my brain can’t get any other words out of me 🥲 so a lil concept for ya. Especially if you like pokemon.
What if Steve uses the fact most kids go on their pokemon journey at ten years old to run away from home? His dad either being part of a bad guy organization or just a shitty father and was refusing Steve to go out on his own like every other kid.
So, Steve makes a plan and just leaves. Can’t go to a professor for a starter pokemon, that would leave a trail. Can’t get a hold of pokeballs for a while, just hopes and determination to get away.
It only takes him a day before running into trouble and by trouble, it’s only some really aggressive Pidgeys and he has beat up arms and legs before something scares them away. And it takes a few moments before he finally even realizes the attacking Pidgeys are gone, once his vision clears there’s just a little Eevee standing there.
Eevee whose head is tilted sideways and a swaying tail, a bit roughed up but otherwise fine and just staring at him in confusion.
After that, Steve’s “journey” is so much easier.
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rusty-eevee · 8 months
Art Dump Part Four! And a Project Announcement!
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This is a design concept for Dash the Cyndaquil, who will be the main character in my upcoming Nuzlocke Comic of Heartgold set in the PMD universe! I have no idea when I'll be able to start posting it since I'm still working on scripting, designs, and... figuring out how to actually make a comic. But I'm very excited for it!
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This is Silver the Totodile. I still haven't quite figured out what I want his character to be like yet in the comic.
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Here's a Pidgey! I'm not going to reveal too much about them just yet.
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Here's an Eevee, who will become a teammate later on in the comic. I figure that isn't too much of a spoiler since you're given an Eevee in the game. I'm still not too happy with his design, so he'll probably look a bit different.
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And... my first attempt at comic pages! I wasn't really happy with these since I don't really like the way they introduced the story, but I'm still proud of the art, so I wanted to post it anyway! I got rid of the text so it won't be too much of a spoiler.
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This was my second attempt at a comic page. I still don't really like it, so I scrapped it. That's when I finally decided to wait to start making the comic until I had a proper script I was happy with.
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cyborg-franky · 2 months
Pokemon AU Part 2 -Marco-
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Art by @ ---donivanessdoodles
Repost of mine from libary of ohara
AN: I tried to smush in OP lore for some characters and mix it in a workable way for Pokemon but I’m not 100% in the know so I did my best.
AN: I wanted to go down Marco being a navigator route more than a doctor, but with some herbology, knowledge to help his and other people’s pokemon.
Meet The Team
Starmie always seemed like a strange choice when people would ask about the man’s team. He would chuckle and shrug his shoulders without giving much away. The truth was, Marco hadn’t planned on being a pokemon trainer, it wasn’t that he didn’t like the idea, not at all.
He just wanted to go to the sea and learn navigation. He spent every day down by the beach as a child and watched the ships come in. Wishing that he could take to see and learn everything there was to learn one day.
It was that day that Marco while trying to work out patterns the ships would come in from, slipped and tumbled into the sea. His Starmie saw him struggling and came to his aid, making sure he was fine.
From that day on the same Starmie would be waiting by the rocks, as if to make sure the boy would be safe. He later came back with a Pokeball, asking the pokemon if he wanted to join him.
Starmie and Marco have been together ever since.
Pidgeot [a pigdey when he met them] was his second pokemon when he was older, late teens, he’d been reading a lot on herbs and their effect on pokemon after he’d started to watch all the wild bird pokemon snap and eat at certain ones. He would sit and watch for hours when he needed a break from navigation studies.
He liked watching bird pokemon, they were the masters of navigation. Always knowing where to go, how far, could go by smell miles away just to get to a landmark they recognised. It always had him fascinated.
That was when he picked up all the other little quirks from the birds and started to take notes on what plants they would chomp at.
One Pidgey would always come close to Marco who would sit there quietly. A smile on his face as the bird pecked at his book, hoping for food. He’d share his lunch with the bird, watching him fly off every day before meeting him each morning.
Marco caught him one day and the pokemon has grown with Marco over the years, gives him good insight on what plants seem to have healing/helping properties and helps with learning certain sea patterns around the year.
Cramorant was obtained by Marco when he was older. He was starting to sail with Whitebeard, as a navigator. The bird had pretty feathers, but he would always watch them being stupid and his Cramorant had to have been the dumbest one he’d ever seen.
Each time he would come home he’d see the bird swallowing anything and everything it could get. He’d seen the damn thing almost choke to death on a small geodude, that was when Marco stepped in.
Capturing it for its own good. He at least got a new friend, the pokemon was hardly weak either. He didn’t use this one to help him learn anything, but he still cares for him all the same.
Tropius was a fun find, he’d been sailing with Whitebeard for some years now, they’d stopped by a tropical island, needing to anchor the ship somewhere safe while a storm he’d predicted rolled over the ocean. They explored the island for a bit where Marco found pineapples.
Sitting and eating them he watched as his Tropius lurched over and sniffed at all the fallen pineapples. Marco chuckled and held one out, which the creature took happily. Marco wondered if he fed the pokemon nothing but pineapples.. would that be a new variant?
He was charmed by the tropical pokemon and caught him. Wouldn’t hurt to have something other than birds and Starmie as part of the team.
Pidove was simple, the little thing had got lost at sea and ended up on the ship. Marco would feed it every day and it would simply sit on his window as he worked. Cooing and making happy sounds.
He became a comfort to Marco, every morning the bird would be there, singing and making sounds and he would roost on the empty supply barrel on the wall outside. Marco was fond of the Pidove and simply tapped him with a Pokeball and the rest was history.
The pokemon are happy to be accepted.
Exeggutor was from his and Ace’s trip for their first anniversary. They stayed at this cabin and the palm tree-like pokemon would always smell food and stick its neck in through the window. At first, it was funny, and Ace laughed and teased him about looking just like one.
Every mealtime Exeggutor would try and shove its head in and get something to eat, he blamed Ace, he always fed wild pokemon which attracted them.
Marco had to catch it in the end just to stop it. He then grew fond of it during their vacation and felt it fit in with his team.
Marco’s Story
He’s the person you find walking around near the start handing out potions and good advice. He’s learned from his studies as well as watching his pokemon interaction with certain vegetation how to make healing potions.
Knows his berries at a glance.
His true passion is navigating and has honed his abilities since he was young. Whitebeard would be lost both metaphorically and physically without him. He’s first in command when Whitebeard is being challenged with the rest of the elite four.
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Yo poison type trainer!! Any tips on raising an Ekans? I've caught one recently in Kitakami during a school trip and I wanna make sure I go about caring for it the right way
- @poprock-z
Ekans are awesome! My starter is one :)
Some advice !!
Get a large heat lamp/heating pads!! Ekans are cold blooded, and to maintain energy in battles or in other contexts, it is important that they have reliable sources of warmth to go to to metaphorically recharge
Ekans diet consists of mainly rattata and pidgey meat (which can be bought at any old poke-specialist store. Make sure to serve these bits of meat thawed, as eating frozen meat can lead to digestion problems in the pokemon.
Ekans love small spaces!! Make sure to provide tubes/boxes for them to hide in for enrichment, but please block off areas like vents/pipes as ekans can often find their way into them and get stuck
Wear gloves when handling younger Ekans, as they are actually more dangerous than Arbok due to less control over their poison glands.
Ekans can not see very well, and mainly use vibrations to sense their prey, do not shove objects/hands in front of their face suddenly, they will bite it without hesitation.
Keep your Ekans away from traditional (living) prey pokemon like rattata and pidgey wihle you are training it, as you can imagine the kind of situations that would case.
Make sure that you have the appropriate antidote on you at all times, and you know how to inject it safely. For this, I'd recommend going to a poison type specialist for an irl consultation as they can do demonstrations and give you the antidote.
Be aware that ekans poison works to paralyse and weaken the target first, so that they can go in for the kill, do not hesitate to call for help if needed
Good luck ^^
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3081: Professor Elm's Lecture (Lost Thunder)
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Professor Elm's Lecture was one of those Supporters that was only useful for specific decks. It was pretty strong in those, as it let you search your deck for up to 3 Pokemon with 60 HP or less to put into your hand.
The first decks to make use of this were Zoroark-GX decks, as they could find the Zorua needed to get going. It helped that common Basic Pokemon needed for typical Zoroark partners, such as Alolan Vulpix and Rockruff, also sat at 60 HP.
While Zoroark-GX and friends eventually fell behind, Professor Elm's Lecture found one later partner that worked even better with it. Pidgeotto could help Control decks get through their cards without discarding a ton, and both Pidgey and Pidgeotto were under 60 HP. Professor Elm's Lecture was very important for a Pidgeotto deck to the point that most ran 4 copies despite wanting to fit all sorts of other cards for disruption. While most decks couldn't use this due to using high HP Pokemon, Professor Elm's Lecture had a very important role in the game to help the exceptions keep up.
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sharkboywrites · 11 months
Hi! Could I request an Iris with a teen little brother figure reader that's from hoen and has a kirlia as a partner? I really love your work and I hope you have a nice day/night :}
Iris With An Older Brother Figure
A/n: hiii I’m very excited about this request because I love Iris. I remember watching the black and white anime when I was younger and always thought she was cool so I’m happy I get to write for her
Male reader, platonic/familial relationship, reader is from the Hoen region and has a kirlia
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Having Iris see you as an older brother is definitely an interesting experience to say the least
Iris is full of personality and energy, it’s rare that you’ll ever get a break with all the things she wants to do
You’ll most likely have some kind of adventure planned for the day
She either wants to battle, go hunting for Pokémon, or travel around Unova
She can and will complain to you about her job as a gym leader after a long day
As energetic as she is, she still does get a little tired doing the same thing all day
She asks so many questions about Hoen, you’ll be having a normal conversation and she’ll throw in something to do with where you’re from
Basically playing twenty questions at this point
She absolutely adores kirlia
The Pokémon’s style is right up her alley and she can’t stop gushing about how cute it is every time you bring it out
She sets up Pokémon playdates between kirlia and axew
They get along surprisingly well
They almost remind you of yourself and Iris with the way they act
Iris wants to battle all the time
If she wins then her confidence will be through the roof and she’ll tease you, but if she loses then you’ll have to comfort her for the next half hour
She also play fights all the time, fake punches, kicks, and slaps are now a daily thing
Most of your day will be spent with Iris hunting Pokémon after her battles at the gym
She just finds it so thrilling, even if she’s caught more than twenty pidgeys at this point
She also just generally enjoys being in the outdoors so I hope you do too
Afterwards you’d get something to eat at a nearby restaurant, although you’re usually the one paying
There she’ll recount all the battles she had that day to you
It’s a long and loud conversation, so you might want to get a caffeinated drink
She’s a very energetic girl, and you’ll probably need the same amount to keep up with her, but hearing her call you her “big brother” is worth it in the end
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And another request done! I really had fun writing this, Iris is just such a fun character and she’s very important to me, Ty for reading and have a nice day :)
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popculturealtar · 6 months
normal-type pokemon pantheon
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for an introduction, how i have decided to split this up is into major deities, minor deities, major spirits, and minor spirits. i will not be creating anything in-depth in terms of the actual spirits in question, as this is not a correspondence list but rather just a loose guide for constructing a pantheon. this will involve a few concepts to get you started in working with certain pokemon, but again, it is not extensive.
in my personal belief, these spirits are standalone and evolution is completely within the pokemon universe, as opposed to our universe - however, you are free to experiment as you like, and even work with multiple pokemon of an evolutionary tree. this will also be put under a cut for length.
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the "major" deities would be equated to the legendary pokemon; the ones with more inherent strength and govern over more powerful concepts that we encounter in the universe (such as governing over the sea as opposed to water). they are less involved in our personal lives, but are still worth reaching out to.
the "minor" deities would be equated to the non-legendary, but still significantly powerful pokemon within the type. they are usually fully evolved. while they do not govern over powerful concepts such as the major deities, they are still powerful enough to be considered a deity as opposed to a spirit. there is a sense of stronger importance with minor deities than major and minor spirits. they are more involved in our personal lives than major deities, but are still less involved than major and minor spirits.
the "major" spirits would be equated with non-fully evolved pokemon, usually a middle evolution. what they govern over is less powerful than the major and minor deities, but are still stronger than the minor spirits. they are more involved in our lives than the major and minor deities, but less so than minor spirits.
the "minor" spirits would be equated with base-level pokemon. what they govern over is the least powerful of all, but are the most approachable and workable spirits to involve yourself with. they are very involved in our personal lives.
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major deities...
terapagos → change. regigigas → strong bonds. arceus → the divine will. meloetta → creativity. type: null / silvally → growth.
minor deities...
( pidgeot - fearow - farfetch'd - dodrio - noctowl - swellow - staraptor - chatot - unfezant - braviary - toucannon - maushold - squawkabilly) → beauty, elegance, air, dignity.
(ratticate - furret - linoone - bibarel - lopunny - watchog - cinccino - diggersby - gumshoos - greedent - obstagoon) → ferocity, unkempt, wilderness, earth, unpredictability.
(wigglytuff - blissey - lickilicky - audino - bewear - indeedee - arboliva) → healing, fairies, love.
(persian - delcatty - purugly - stoutland - zoroark - pyroar - furfrou - oinkologne) → patience, loyalty, comfort, protection.
(kangaskhan - tauros - snorlax - miltank - slaking - exploud - zangoose - sawsbuck - boufallant - oranguru - drampa - dubwool - wyrdeer - ursaluna - cyclizar - farigiraf) → power, familial love, protection, foundations, sturdiness, the home.
(ditto - castform - porygon-z) → transformation, adaptability, magic, biology.
(smeargle - spinda - kecleon - ambipom - heliolisk - komala - grafaiai - dundunsparce) → the arts, human affairs, working hard, sleep.
major spirits...
(pidgeotto - staravia - tranquill - trumbeak) → transitions, wisdom.
(jigglytuff - chansey - dolliv) → music, songs, expressing yourself.
(ursaring - vigoroth - loudred) → power, volume, violent energy.
(porygon2) → modern technology.
(linoone (galarian)) → volume.
(herdier) → pets and animal companions.
minor spirits...
(pidgey - spearow - doduo - hoothoot - taillow - swablu - starly - pidove - rufflet - fletchling - pikipek) → reliability, guidance
(rattata - sentret - zigzagoon - bidoof - buneary - patrat - minccino - bunnelby - yungoos - skwovet - tandemaus) → new beginnings, starting an adventure
(meowth - skitty - glameow - lillipup - zorua (hisuian) - litleo) → baby animals, and baby animal spirits.
(igglybuff - azurill - teddiursa - slakoth - whismur - happiny - munchlax - stufful - smoliv) → starting small, youthfulness.
(eevee - porygon) → hidden potential, growing potential.
(aipom - dunsparce - lickitung - helioptile - shroodle) → the eccentric, the odd-ones-out.
(girafarig - stantler - deerling - wooloo - lechonk) → popularity.
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divider credit.
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Hey there trainers! I’m Luxio! Yes, I know I’m named after the Pokémon, don’t even say it.
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I was a big Pokémon trainer as a kid—although you can probably guess since I have an Eternatus on my team. I wouldn’t say I’m old now, I mean, I’m 22—but the whole “gotta catch ‘em all” thing has kinda slowed down for me.
Now I own a Pokémon Café! Maybe stop by sometime? And if you see a Pokémon you like there, you can adopt it! Aside from the Café, though, I do art as a sort of side-gig. What can I say, it’s fun!
Now, you might’ve noticed Spook doesn’t look like most gengar would. That’s because he’s an albino gengar! They’re very rare in the wild, but there’s always a chance you’ll find one! Albino gengar are notorious for their unique fur patterns, which are invisible on regular and shiny gengar. Spook is also a mini Pokémon! So he’s fun sized!
Oh, and don’t mind Creampuff, they’re a sweetheart! In fact, they wouldn’t hurt a Pidgey! They actually have the more timid personality, so they’re usually a lot more scared of you than you are of it. Creampuff definitely has separation anxiety as well, which I’ve been trying to work on.
(Under the cut is some OOC stuff)
Here’s Luxio’s and Spook’s reference sheets!
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And also Luxio’s motorcycle
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And I’ll give some information about the other Pokémon (that aren’t Creampuff and Spook): Momma was found mourning the loss of her deceased baby, which had apparently been killed by either a careless trainer or… well, not a nice person. Luxio soothed her and brought her home, introducing her to Nico.
Nico had previously been found in the café’s dumpster, trying to find anything edible. That’s when one of the employees caught him and brought him to Luxio, who took him in.
Momma, after being introduced to Nico, immediately decided to adopt him and take him as her own. Nico was, quite frankly, ecstatic to have an adopted mother. This improved both of their mental healths significantly.
Spaghetti-o’s was found in a dark cave, and Luxio promptly caught it. It’s very fond of alphabet soup and anything that’s shaped like its own kind. It’s very sensitive to light and usually prefers to stay within its Pokéball unless the environment is nice and dark, damp, and cool.
Grilled Cheese The Third (or Cheese, for short) has been with Luxio since she started out. Luxio had thought the name was funny when Cheese was just a little Houndour. Cheese, despite being older now, is still just as energetic as she was when she was a puppy. She also really likes instigating and bothering the less-social Pokémon. Cheese has also tried to eat a few Joltik, but that didn’t end well in her favor (she got zapped, lmfao).
Now, here’s some info about the owner of this account!
My main blog is @autistic-gay-men-kissing and my art blog is @gothys-art-n-stuff. I’m also on ArtFight 👀
I go by he/him, I’m genderfluid, pansexual, and polyamorous (basically the same as Luxio LMFAO). I’m also a Hellenic Pagan, so there’s a fun fact for you <3 hope you guys like this blog and my OC’s story!!
tagging @realpokemon
Also, EVERYTHING IS ON!! Yippee!!
and for those on ArtFight, here’s Luxio!! Spook is on there too
hey I also do comms
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adobe-outdesign · 5 months
Have you reviewed the pidgey line?
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Pidgey is basically the original early-route bird Pokemon, something that I rarely find all that interesting. While Pidgey's not our best early bird or anything, I do think it's decent, gaining a distinct visual hook and theme as it evolves.
Visually, I do like the overall body shape, which isn't based on a specific bird but looks vaguely like if you crossed a shrike with a house finch. The colors, while a plain brown and cream, are well distributed and really help to break up the body, with a darker top and a pale underbelly. The thick black streak near the eye goes off the wide edge of it and lines up perfectly against the underbelly in a way that I really like, and the dark color helps draw attention to the eye, which would be lost otherwise.
My only issue with Pidgey is that it's pretty plain at this stage. I'm more forgiving of bland first-stagers if they evolve into something interesting, but I feel like something here could've hinted at the colors it would gain later on. Give it some red on its chest, tail tip, or eyebrows to add that little pop of color.
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Pidgeotto (side note: Pidgeotto's and Pidgeot's names should be swapped) is one of those middle evolutions that really didn't need to exist. It looks too similar to Pidgeot, and ultimately adds nothing to line. There are a few visual things that are unique to it at least—a brown band across the chest, solid head feathers/striped tail feathers, and the tail feathers having a V shape to them—but nothing that makes it really stand out. You could've easily gone from A to C in this line and it would've worked just as well, if not even better (with things like the underbelly being more consistent without Pidgeotto).
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Pidgeot itself, however, I do like. It's nothing all that fancy, but those long head feathers that connect to the top of the beak and the colored tail feathers do give it just enough to stand out. The smooth body has a really nice shape to it, and it keeps all of the good elements from the previous designs, like the color blocking and dark eye markings.
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As a side note, Pidgeot's Gold sprite shows it with striped tail feathers like Pidgeotto. While it's kind of a good thing that Pidgeotto has something unique going for it, I kind of feel like the overall design would've looked better if they had kept the stripes with Pidgeot.
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And mega Pidgeot I actually really, really like. It feels like a really good example of taking a fine Gen 1 design that just feels a hair too underbaked and sprucing it up just enough to really make it stand out, all while doubling down on the original theme.
In terms of theme, it takes the colorful feathers to their logical conclusion—making the bulk of the head feathers shorter but giving it one extra-long feather, and adding an ahoge in the front for good measure. The other big change, however, is in colors. Instead of sticking to plain brown with a few yellow and red accents, the palette is shifted into orange with added blue accents that really pop nicely. All of this results in a very pretty colorful design that leaves a much bigger visual impact than Pidgeot.
I also feel like mega Pidgeot kind of highlights what I was saying about Pidgeotto being unneeded. Imagine if the line remained three stages but went (design-wise) Pidgey -> Pidgeot -> Mega Pidgeot; each stage would have it's own unique flair, with Pidgey being the plain start, Pidgeot adding longer feathers and some color, and Mega Pidgeot adding a variable rainbow of colors and bright blue accents. That's how you make each stage unique.
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Overall, Pidgey is simple but a decent start, Pidgeotto is uneeded, Pidgeot is pretty solid, and Mega Pidgeot takes Pidgeot's design to its much-needed conclusion. Pretty decent line all around.
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louaseau · 1 month
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A small gift for @wyrmhall whose Mystery Dungeon drawings have been inspiring me tons, lately. Mostly just an excuse to draw his awesome Pidgey OC, Allen, and his awesome shapes 😋
Tornado is just there as a personal joke. I draw him with the original Ken Sugimori proportions, so he's very stout compared to the absolute unit Allen is. Where he's from, flying-type pokémon mostly work as messengers and mailers because of their ability to bypass Mystery Dungeons and other infected areas — Tornado's just glad he gets to see someone like him do some ground work too :)
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lilac-hecox · 10 months
HI, I'm in love with your kinktober works 💞💞 I just wanna ask if you could write about Golden retriever Ian AU, something sweet with the other cast members (You can add Cat Anthony too but thats optional)😭😭
Just all love for him, I will love everything you'd do
Dog boy!Ian/Cat boy!Anthony - Wag
For a golden retriever hybrid human, Ian was never as expressive as people imagined he would be. He knows it can be disappointing, his stoic nature, but he just isn’t as outwardly expressive as most people, or even most hybrids. Shayne is also a golden retriever, and he is the total opposite of Ian in every sense. He’s easily excited, ears shooting up with interest and his fluffy golden blonde tail wagging at the slightest hint of joy.
So, when Anthony returned to Smosh Ian suddenly finds all his puppy instincts kicking in. They’ll be filming and Anthony will be telling some story, some joke, and before Ian knows it, his tail wags a mile a minute as he giggles along.
“That’s so cute,” Courtney says, cooing at him.
Ian flushes a delicate pink, and his co-workers laugh fondly, the way they always tease each other within the company. Anthony is a black cat and he’s sleek yet affectionate by nature. He doesn’t have direct outward displays of his happiness besides the extremely rare times he purrs, so he’s quick to speak about those things that make him happy, that bring him joy.
“It just means he’s happy,” Anthony says, his voice dripping with fondness, and his own long, black tail laying lazily over Ian’s. The feeling of sleek fur against his own fluffy tail only makes Ian flush a deeper shade of pink and somewhere off-screen Kimmy calls cut for them to take a break.
They are filming their updated take on the Pokemon in Real Life sketch in the new Smosh house. It’s a break between filming scenes and Ian is curled in the giant bean bag chair they are using in the video. He’s fucking around on the working Gameboy, playing Fire Red and leveling up his Charmander, just as Anthony strolls into the room.
“You’re still playing that?” Anthony asks with amusement.
“Yeah, I caught a Pidgey.”
“Pff, Pidgey sucks, dude,” Anthony says with a laugh.
He comes to stand next to the bean bag and then with no preamble, Anthony is nudging Ian over with his elbows and urging him to scoot over. Then Anthony is settling into the giant bean bag chair alongside Ian, his cat tail curling across Anthony’s own thigh and then Ian’s.
Ian keeps playing the game and wills his tail to stay still where it’s tucked against the chair. He hates that he loses control so easily now around Anthony, and while there is no shame in being happy and letting his tail wag, he doesn’t want to come off as some dumb eager puppy, he doesn’t want to weird Anthony out.
Anthony though, tilts his head back against the chair and his cheek touches Ian’s shoulder. He watches Ian play on the borrowed Gameboy. Ian can feel one of the fuzzy tips of his ear brushing against Ian’s neck just barely.
It is quiet and peaceful between them, a new dynamic in their older years. A comfortable silence that doesn’t need to be filled with jokes and stories and laughter to hide a tension under the surface. They can exist together in this space, in the quiet, content, and comfortable.
It takes a few minutes before Ian hears the deep rumble of Anthony purring. He doesn’t say anything, just glances over at the other man, his best friend. Anthony’s eyes are closed, and his head is nestled against Ian’s shoulder, but he’s purring warm in his chest. It’s cute, sweet, makes something heavy and fond shift in Ian’s body. As much as Ian hates wagging his tail in public, Anthony hates purring, and Ian hasn’t heard it much since they reunited. He remembers being a teenager, sleeping in the same bed, and the kind of happiness that comes with being a kid, how the rhythmic rumbling of Anthony’s purr always lulled him to sleep when he spent the night.
Hearing it now was like coming home in a way and Ian cannot stop the way his tail wags even trapped under his own body, the happiness filling him like a warm summer day. He doesn’t say anything, and his wagging doesn’t disturb Anthony, and they stay that way, together, comfortable, quiet, purely happy to just be around each other once again.
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A Little Ghost in a Bowtie (@livmadart's Phantump Conan AU)
(Chapter 2 of 4) (Prev) (Next)(Ao3 link)
Heiji and Lucie caught the first bullet train to Saffron City the next morning, with only a brief ‘goodbye’ to his mom and a note explaining where he was going left on the kitchen counter. He’d get an earful for his recklessness later, but that was nothing new.
Paying admission for Tropical Land was annoying, but worth it for the juicy evidence he was sure to find there. After all, no pokemon had been found at the scene, but that didn't mean that none of them had witnessed it. The police would never think of questioning wild pokemon- it was one of the best advantages Heiji had.
Even in the daylight, the space behind the ferris wheel operations building looked like a place where shady stuff would happen. One side of the area was just a cold, concrete wall, and the other side was enclosed by foreboding trees, reaching out over the grass with wooden fingers. Still, creepy or not the presence of nature here was good for his chances of finding something.
Heiji peered between the trunks- soon spotting his prize. A Pidgey nest sat there, neatly nestled between two branches- in perfect view of the clearing.
“Hey!” Heiji called. He could barely see the top of a feathered head- so he knew it was occupied. “You over there! Feel like talking for a sec?” The feathers moved, but the pidgey didn’t respond.
“Let me try,” Lucie said, stepping forward.” “Hey,” She growled loudly. The pidgey jumped, standing on the edge of its nest defensively.
“W-what do you want?” It squawked back.
“Information,” Lucie responded, her voice returning to a low, cool rumble. “A few months ago a human boy was killed here- do you remember?”
“Oh yeah, nasty stuff,” The pidgey chittered, calming down a little. “The blood made the grass stink for weeks!”
Finally, a new lead! Heiji felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as the thrill of the case rolled over him.
“Did you see it happen?” He asked eagerly, taking a step forward. The pidgey just looked at him blankly. Ah, right. By now, most Pokemon in Goldenrod had figured out that he could talk to and understand them- but anytime he went anywhere else, there was a bit of a learning curve.
“He understands us,” Lucie shrugged. “Answer his questions too,” She ordered.
“Oh! Uh, yeah, yeah I did,” The pidgey nodded, and Heiji clenched his fists in anticipation. This was all he could have hoped for. “Two guys wearing black clothes bonked him on the head, and then fed him something weird.. And then they left. A few of us got worried about the other guy, since he was screamin’ a lot, but by the time we got to him he was already dead,” it twittered sadly “But it’s not so bad, since-”
“You said they fed him something?” Heiji cut it off, focusing on possibly the most interesting bit of that.
“Wha- oh, yeah, they did,” It nodded again, and Heiji put a hand to his chin in thought. So, Kudo had been poisoned. That made sense- but what sort of poison didn’t show up on such a thorough autopsy?
“There were two culprits?” Lucie added, bringing them back to the other important tidbit.
“Sure was,”
“Can you remember anything else about them? Other than the fact they were wearing black clothes?” Heiji prodded. The color of clothes honestly wouldn’t be that helpful in tracking them down.
“Uhh… One of them had really long hair. I remember being impressed- well, at least until he killed that guy,” The pidgey said, making a sort of pantomime gesture of how long it was with its wings.
“That I can work with!” Heiji grinned, noting down the new information, and its source, in his notes app.
“Happy to help I guess, but if you really want the good stuff, you should be asking Conan- not me,” The pidgey said, ruffling its feathers and settling back down into its nest.
“Conan?” Heiji blinked at it. That was a western name… the name of another pokemon, maybe?
“Yeah- he’d know a lot more about the situation than I would,”
“Where would we find this guy?” Lucie interjected.
“I’m pretty sure he said he was gonna go live with that girl- the one the humans in blue brought here, uhh, I think her name was Mouri? Yeah, find that girl and you find Conan,” The pidgey nodded, mostly to itself.
Ran Mouri- the current Kanto champion, and the only witness to the murder of Shinichi Kudo. Of course they’d have to go to her. Heiji hadn’t really wanted to bother her- but he’d also known that they would need to. Other than the surrounding pokemon- she was their best chance of answers.
“So you question the girl, and I find and question this pokemon of hers, right?” Lucie growled at him, confirming the obvious course of action.
“Yeah, I guess,” Heiji sighed. Hopefully she wouldn’t be too upset with them- they were just looking for justice for her friend, afterall.
They left Tropical Land, mourning the admission cost for only a moment before carrying on. Though, that place looked pretty fun. Maybe he’d have to take Kazuha sometime…
The Mouri Detective Agency loomed large over them, foreboding and cold. Speaking to people who’d just lost loved ones was the hardest part of the detective job- in Heiji’s opinion. This one was almost worse, since two months had passed- Heiji felt like he’d just be ripping open a newly closed wound by being here.
“Can I help you?”
Heiji jumped at the voice, and Lucie rumbled in a laughing way. Behind them on the sidewalk was a girl riding a venusaur- her long brown hair pulled into a ponytail, with a green headband positioned fashionably behind her bangs- possibly to hide the strange way her hair stuck out closer to the front- almost like a horn. Heiji recognized her; this was Ran Mouri, exactly who they were looking for.
“State your business,” The venusaur rumbled threateningly.
“Uhh-” Heiji tried to answer Ran-chan’s question, but Lucie cut him off to answer the venusaur first.
“We’re here to investigate the murder of Shinichi Kudo- A little pidgey told us we’d find a pokemon here called Conan who would give us more answers,” Lucie nodded- and for some reason, the venusaur seemed to find that funny.
“Right, uh-” Heiji tore himself away from the pokemon’s conversation to pursue his own. “My name is Heiji Hattori, I’m… I’m a highschool detective, and I thought-”
“Oh, you’re here to ask about Shinichi, aren’t you?” She sighed, and slipped off of her venusaur.
“Well, Chives seems to like you guys, so I’ll humor you,” She said, her voice colored with a deep exhaustion, even as she gave her venusaur- Chives, a fond pat on the head.
“Conan should be inside- I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to talk to you,” Chives said, a wide grin splitting across his face.
“And I’m sure we’ll be thrilled to talk to him,” Lucie raised an eyebrow at him.
“Should we go inside then?” Ran-chan asked, recalling Chives into a pokeball.
“Oh, sure,” Heiji nodded. He wondered just what kind of pokemon this Conan was.
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vickyvicarious · 3 months
I so badly need to play this hack rom of pokemon where you play through a pokemon version of the story of the dracula novel and where you kill him with the power of love and violence
Pfft, it would be really fun I admit.
okay now we got to pick the pokemon the other characters would be
Admittedly I'm not the best at this. Also confining it to the first couple generations (mostly 1-3), as that was what my dream was set in and also the ones I know best (though I still heavily consulted Serebii for this). But here's kind of what I'm thinking for the team...
Jonathan (THE): already assigned, with art and everything! Shiny Magikarp, later evolves into a white Gyarados. As a bonus, the Sapphire description reminds me of him in the castle too: "MAGIKARP is virtually useless in battle as it can only splash around. As a result, it is considered to be weak. However, it is actually a very hardy POKéMON that can survive in any body of water no matter how polluted it is."
Mina (POWER): Despite the name suggesting Fighting-type, I really wanted to do Psychic because that's what makes sense for her. I thought about the Gothita line but not only are they not present until Gen 5, but the descriptions don't fit her as well. I also liked the idea of the Ralts line particularly as Gardevoir has text about knowing the future and sacrificing itself for its trainer. But I think overall I prefer Eevee at the start (super adaptable and interested in lots of things)... and then teetering on the edge between Umbreon and Espeon near the later stages before finally evolving into Espeon just in time. We get the affection+daytime evolution which seems fitting for her, and again the description emphasizes Espeon's loyalty which also works well.
Jack (OF): Got so stuck on this one. I was drawn to mostly Electric or Bug types, but nothing stuck out to me as perfect. Venonat line is kind of fun. Nocturnal is a nod to his poor sleeping habits, big eyes because he's always looking and noticing stuff... Still not so sure on for him.
Arthur (LOVE): So I obviously want a dog. And I think Normal-type fits him. But there are no Normal-type dogs until gen 5. I thought about going with either a different type or an earlier dog pokemon, but honestly I think the Lillipup line works for Arthur too well so I'll break pattern and pick that. The whole line is about herding dogs who want to help keep other pokemon safe and I think that really suits him. Plus, moves such as Helping Hand where he boosts another pokemon's abilities, or Odor Sleuth that allow a Ghost-type to be hit with Normal/Fighting moves are perfect for him. That said, my second choice is Growlithe because they're also dogs who can have those moves, and are friendly/loyal with a good sense of smell that can pick up emotions. I just think the Fire-type and the Arcanine are a little less of an overall match.
Quincey (AND): He's generally quick to act and observant, so I was thinking some kind of bird for him, maybe. I like Ground-types for cowboy vibes but I think overall Pidgey line fits best for him. Quick, alert, large territory, beautiful plumage, a classic. I kind of feel like both he and Arthur would already be on their second evolution when you catch them, so he'd be a Pidgeotto already.
Van Helsing (VIOLENCE): The first thing I did was look up who can use Confusion or Supersonic, haha. I did consider Abra line but other than the super high intellect of Alakazam I don't think it fits best. And honestly... I know it's kind of a weird choice but weirdness itself feels fitting for him: I almost picked Lickitung. Abilities being Oblivious or Own Tempo works, the whole 'licking everything new to memorize it' kinda could go along with him having a million degress, and some of the moves work pretty well. Supersonic, Knock Off, Wrap, Disable, Refresh... I think overall I might lean towards Mr. Mime, though. Also an odd one, but the description mentions its ability to convince people of imaginary things which then become real and that seems fitting for him. Also the various Barrier/Light Screen type moves make sense for him always warding away vampires, and he's got Confusion and Double Slap too. Him being personally weak to Dark/Ghost types might make sense in some parts and make others more difficult, admittedly.
That's the best I've got for them all, at least! Feel free to suggest others if you like.
When you get them:
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At the end:
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