#Piper Porcupine
Did a big thinkin fera bit and im binging back an ol' horror project I had in mind,, Friendship Farm!
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thedigitalvalkerie · 4 months
Introducing a bunch of my sonic ocs that no one really asked for, but I felt like drawing!
The "Squad of the Future" redux because the squad got bigger
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Each character and a little bit about themselve's under the readmore!
Angel Robotnik-Cemerald the Cat
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The oldest of the squad, being a few hundred years old now, though she lost track a long time ago. She is a clone created by Eggman, using both His and Vick's Dna, made to be the perfect heir to share his eventual kingdom with. ... Well she got his smarts and his love for building, but thats about it. She has to keep her little half brother, Draco, out of trouble.
Draco Johnathan Cemerald-Robotnik the Hedgecat
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The "brains" of the group, 12 year old Draco is the son of Vick Cemerald and Shadow Robotnik. He has a problem with his arrogance, but doesn't hesitate to put himself between his friends and danger. He's constantly bugging his big sisters, both his half sister Angel as well as his full sister Raven. Demetre is his very best friend.
Demetre the Porcupine
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Demetre is Draco's keeper, aka the one to always humble the dumbest smart person he knows. With his ability to fire his quills at a rapid rate, he's more of a long range attacker. He enjoys science, like Draco, though isn't quite on his level.
Henry the Bearded Dragon
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Henry is a quiet kind of guy, usually having his nose in a book or drawing sick comics. He's a tad self conscious about his looks, so he tries to look the part of "bad boy". But with his big heart and stupendous healing abilities, he's a great ally to have.
Kevin the Armadillo and Mesmer the Hedgehog
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Kevin is the literal big brother of the group, with his little Sibling Mesmer always by his side. They may not be the strongest of the squad, but their experiences in life make them invaluable. Mesmer is always reminding everyone that theres time to smile, while Kevin reminds them of responsibility that they all share.
Lexis the Sloth
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Lexis is the powerhouse, with an explosive power to gather potential energy and turn it into kinetic energy. To prevent herself from making a destructive mistake, Lexis prefers to spend her free time sleeping, either in a bed or where ever she can get cozy.
Prince Kappa of the Kingdom of Shells and Princess Marina of the Kingdom of Urchins
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Prince Kappa and Princess Marina are two royals from the same continent, one madly in love with the other. I'll give you three guesses as to which is which. Marina's father, King Marin, wants the two to be wed in order to combine the two kingdoms. Kappa, however, as a single heir to a kingless kingdom, does not want this. He does not like Marina in that way and just wants to be friends who hang out.
Jaque the Hedgehog
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The Dream Walker, Jaque has the ability to enter the astral plane in his sleep as well as the dreamscapes of others. He is incapable of having dreams of his own. Usually he's the therapist of the friend group, unable to help himself on coming upon nightmares when called out to.
Piper the Retriever
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Although not the oldest, Piper has big Mom friend energy, scolding the more irresponsible of the group often. While having no powers to speak of, she has a great sense of leadership though claims that shes no leader. She loves to take care of her friends, especially when they forget to eat, sleep, or sometimes breathe.
Axel the Meerkat
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The strongman, loving to casually show off his strength, Axel has, you guessed it, strength class abilities. He is a mute sort, never seeming to utter a word, though no one really knows why. His best friend Gou seems to understand him regardless.
Gou the Porcupine
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Gou is a Speedster, only able to launch a single quill at a time but with great precision and speed. His best friend Axel tends to keep his class clown attitude in check, but with his big mouth its hard to get out of the tricky situations they get into. He uses a cyber sleeve on his right arm to gather intel, and to also sometimes watch videos on TuYube.
Dr. Nikolia Moore the Tigeress
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Nikolia is the team's Medic, being the only one of them certified with a doctorate in medicine as well as nutritional health. Her deadpan face can be intimidating to most, but her heart is that of a mother. A mother who will rip off the head of something hurting an innocent, a friend, or worse, a child. She is a strong believer in Doctor/Patient Confidentiality, and would never out someone for anything with out asking if it was okay to speak on the matter. She and Angel are Colleagues.
And that's all for now! Thank you for reading thus far.
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i-crave-the-forbidden · 2 months
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The Piper Prince of Spinner's End, inspired by chapter 11 of my favorite time traveler!Sev fic, Porcupine Quills & Potion Spills: The Second Life of Severus Snape by ShenYuan_did_not_transmigrate_for_this
I took so many creative liberties with the outfit lol. Please don't look too hard at the proportions. I love you @Kibbi_the_Kibbitzer for the flute playing hand references.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Seeing all the screen caps from Wednesday's episode of the Flash has put me in the mood to ramble a bit more about Hartley, so spoilers below.
It had to be weird for Hartley in S09e02 to be wearing a STAR Labs t-shirt again. I'd imagine that contribute a bit to his grouchiness while talking to Khione.
But, really, he's not having a great day. He gets assaulted outside his club. (Did enjoy that he just has the piper gloves ready to go. It's gotta be this non-secret with his employees that he's the Pied Piper. Sometimes their boss commits larceny to fund social justice and they're just cool with it. I mean... I would be.) The fight goes badly for him to the point where he has to get out of there fast to seek out medical treatment from the only person he trusts to take care of him in this state.
Except Caitlin isn't there, Barry is so damn slow for a speedster sometimes, and Hartley's arrhythmia doesn't just magically clear up like he was hoping though at least the cuff is correcting the problem for now. But had to run away from a fight knowing that every minute he's away is probably bringing Roderick and the rest of his employees closer to danger. Hartley already knows what its like for Roderick to be injured because Hartley's own plans went to hell - he had to live without Roderick for five years and getting Roderick back was a miracle. He has to be terrified of losing Roderick again. Of having to live without Roderick, again, because he wasn't fast enough at repairing his tech and going to save him.
And on top of it all, the only clean clothes options he's got at the moment are spare STAR Labs merch. (Or is it swag? I mean, I doubt he's gonna pay for it.) This was the place that fucked up his promising career as a physicist. While he seems very happy as a former thief and current club owner, going to the place that reminds him of EoWells, the ex that ruined his reputation and used Hartley's work to nearly blow up half the city... that's got be the infuriating cherry atop the whole evening thus far.
So when Khione shows up and she can't help him, Hartley's porcupine quills are all up and spiky and can she go away now? Except she looks at him and sees past the wall of anger and sees how his fears aren't about himself. And she basically tells him, I think you're a good person. And it's not because of Roderick - it's because of you.
I think Hartley struggles to see himself as a good person, so of course he credits Roderick with being the reason why he changed. But Hartley chose to save Barry even when he had no reason to think doing so would save Roderick. Another version of Hartley saved Caitlin and Cisco from a Time Wraith and became a friend to Team Flash. Hartley's not wrong about being capable of making terrible choices that hurt people, but his natural inclination is to help people. Not hurt them. He's just too much in his own head and too much aware of his own flaws and he knows Roderick thinks the best of him... but Roderick loves him. So he's biased.
But Khione has no history with Hartley and no reason to automatically see the best in him and I think he was genuinely touched by her assessment of him. And that's why he shows up when Khione chooses to live for herself instead of to die for Caitlin or Frost. I do wonder how he knew to be there - maybe Khione used Caitlin's phone to call him? It's also why he called her his friend - they're both a bit hesitant and uncertain and shyly pleased to be friends, which is sweet.
People probably don't often take the time with him to see beyond his grumpy facade, so it seems like the fact that the first thing Khione does is exactly that really touched him.
Anyway, I'm really hoping that the Hartley & Khione friendship continues past this episode. Of course that depends on how many episodes Hartley's in. He does seem set up to be important this season. At least for the next while. The teaser for Ep3 makes me think that Hartley is going to get to spend most of the episode being a little shit to Barry and taking charge of the new Rogues when Barry proves incapable of leading bad guys (or incapable of leading at all lately, but my complaints about the writing for Barry belong elsewhere). Which seems like a fun premise.
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fleurcareil · 8 months
Final recap: what a trip!
That's it; after 23,418 kilometers driving across the country, I arrived back home at my dear friends Arpita & Navneet on Sunday 17th September. 🥰 Having left on 1st June, I was on the road for 15.5 weeks, and I'm honestly amazed at how easy it went and how normal it felt! 😊 Apart from the occasional bugs, wasps, snakes 😆 & thunderstorms, I loved every second and made memories that I will cherish forever.
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I'm not going to say that this was a trip of a lifetime, as I might do more similar road trips in the future (it has been a longterm bucket list of mine to drive from Ushuaia in South Argentina to the Chilean border with Peru, a mere 6,000 kms 😄) but it was very very special... it was unique to spend so much time discovering the diversity of all that Canada has to offer, nature & people wise, and it felt like one long farewell party! 🤩 I'm proudly Canadian and am very grateful having gotten to know this country more intimately!
I'm not going to repeat all the things I've done, the best experiences etc but just wanted to share the stats that I collected during the trip. I loved writing these posts and hope you enjoyed reading them! 😍
hug, Fleur 💖
SUPs: 19
Hikes: 86
Icebergs: 47
140 bison
1 grizzly bear with 2 cubs and 4 black bears
4 moose, 39 deer, 1 elk and 5 pronghorn antilopes
21 bighorn sheep
1 fox and 2 coyotes
8 snakes, 2 turtles, tens of tiny frogs and 1 salamander
1000s of grasshoppers & crickets
115 ground squirrels (gophers) and 100 prairie dogs
3 rabbits, 1 marmot and 2 porcupines
148 harbour seals and 7 gray seals
12 humpback whales, 3 mink whales, 7 belugas and 11 harbour porpoises
5 beavers, 1 otter and 1 muskrat
12 bald eagles and 2 golden eagles
2 great grey owls
2 ferruginous hawks, 4 red-tailed hawks, 1 osprey and 1 falcon
8 turkeys and 17 partridges
51 sandhill cranes, 10 blue great herons and 1 green heron
50 puffins
102 Eider ducks, 52 Merganser ducks and 9 loons
thousands of northern gannets, razorbills & other sea birds, 2 sand pipers, and lots of terns
10,000 mosquitos
PS. I did not see a single raccoon during the entire trip!
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inquisiitor · 1 year
so anyway I finally realised the revamp of When The Night Comes had come out and got around to playing it
1. definitely not as good as I remember, but like, it was my first visual novel and it’s still enjoyable just like, I like quite a few of the characters a lot less with the notable exception of
2. Alkar.
3. Alkar was my favourite route in the original game. he is still my favourite. he is by far the most interesting character (objective exception of August in terms of writing quality b/c August is great). but most posts are about either his poly route (which i don’t really care about the other character in) or finn/ezra. I’m suffering. I’m SUFFERING. there is so little content for him.
4. guys. let the submissive tough guy into your hearts. unlike the other routes you woo him. you are courting him. he gets flustered over you telling him he is a good person. he is a snarky little rolled up porcupine and all your early conversations are you being a kind to him and going ‘??? o////o’ over it.
5. also Alkar, get better standards. Just as a side note.
6. you have awesome banter and it’s a real relationship of equals. The snark and jokes between Alkar and MC is top notch. his is a funny and cute route and he’s just. MY TYPE. The personality/face is my type, not the wolf ears. Replaying this has made me realise how often my type is in these games, which is to say, very rarely. I don’t want the icy mean guy or the uwu sweet boy i want that one /points to the werewolf who lives in a cave/. I mean to be fair I’m ace so I don’t mean my type in the way most people mean it, but you KNOW what I mean.
7. Piper is also great. Second favourite route. what a gal.
8. will i ever critically examine why I prefer to play NB main characters in these stories :) unlikely :)
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gasolineghuleh · 2 years
An album I feel is perfect... Hm. There's a lot.
Fear of A Blank Planet by Porcupine Tree Meliora by Ghost Stratosfear by Tangerine Dream Piper At The Gates of Dawn by Pink Floyd
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db-reviews · 2 years
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#120 - ReInvention - Gryphon (2018)
In 1977 Gryphon would disband after making their total flop of an album that was Treason. The years passed and Gryphon was a mere mention of text in the long history of progressive music. It is now the 21st century, specifically the 2010s to be exact. Progressive rock has been getting a lot of buzz from the media, most likely concerning progressive metal bands like Opeth or Dream Theater have a sort of lead within the charge of 21st-century progressive music, plus other bands such as Spock’s Beard and Porcupine Tree. It is a pretty good time to be a progressive act, and I think a lot of the members of Gryphon saw this and decided to try their hand at the whole band they had back in the 70s. Such, it was time to see a Gryphon with a modern glow. I was worried that maybe they’d just go into their old ways and continue the bland and unoriginal progressive rock sound from Treason, but the title does not lie. This is a reinvented Gryphon, and my god is it some of the best material they have made since Red Queen.
It may be their most masterfully done album yet. The starting track of Pipeup Downsland DerryDellDanko starts the album back into the familiar territory of their days of old. It has a very similar approach they had with their debut album, but with slightly better sound quality and wit. It gives me Kemp’s Jig vibes, which is a song that I do think was one of the best of their first album. The album starts with this song and lets the listener know that the band is back to its folkways, though with some modern tweaks.
The first song was a mere taste of the juicy meal this album has. Continuing the folk attributes of the first song we have Rhubarb Crumhorn. What I love about this song though is the sheer optimism it has. It has this Irish dance folk sound that makes me imagine people dancing around in a wooden bar. It is just incredibly happy and fun and reminds me quite a bit of the harvest season. The beauty of fall is something that always gets to me, and after going on one of the most beautiful drives listening to this song, more specifically this album, I just got washed away with the joviality in the music. This new take on Gryphon’s sound is the best we have seen since Red Queen, and the fact this is only the second song adds to the charm this band can have when they do things right.
Back to a more folk swing, we have A Futuristic Auntyquarian, which goes back to the more thought-provoking folk that the band is sort of known for. It breaks away after the fun moments we had with Rhubarb Crumhorn, but instead of it creating a poor taste in my mouth, I get happier and intrigued with how the album goes. The flute is a great highlight of this song, having this Celtic flair to it that makes it almost like a song made by a Piper. The percussion here is also very much a highlight. Small and rhythmic yet extremely well put together to where it fits well with the music. It’s like a mix of Red Queen with Midnight Mushrumps, having the folk acoustics of Midnight Mushrumps with the progressive flairs of Red Queen. Some very nice stuff personally.
One of the best songs on the album is up next, that being the 10-minute ensemble of Haddock’s Eyes. Man, this song is such a treat. It has a very progressive rock flair to it, but without spoiling the music entirely. It starts with their folk sound until it goes to a folk rock melody then to a groovy and more electric-flavored proggy sonata until it returns to the folk-rock that then goes back to the folk sound and style they had at the start. How it all progresses without forcing any of the more progressive rock stylizations is so refreshing. It is new and something I have never experienced from Gryphon. They are doing their take on this style of music instead of ripping off their contemporaries like with Raindance and Treason, and after listening to those two half-baked albums, it is refreshing hearing this one. They took what already worked and made it better, and that is how I like my Gryphon. Always innovating, trying new stuff, and making it work out in the end. It is some of the best work they have put out in a hot minute, so I cannot deny my infatuation with this song.
We get more excellent progressive folk in Hampton Caught. This song did make me think how far we have come from their lukewarm debut to this song here. They have grown up, had awkward puberty, and are now fully-fledged adults (or old gizzards) they have settled down and completely made their beauty of sound. We get a lot of that charm and wit Gryphon has had over the years and such shows true craftsmanship in the instruments they are handed with. Some excellently done progressive folk rock is done right here.
The strangest title here is Hospitality at a Price...(Dennis) Anyone For? which is also incredibly weird too. It is almost avant-garde in a way but in a good way. It has some very Disney musical vibes. Stuff from The Princess And The Frog or The Aristocats comes to mind due to the theater and almost jazzy wonder. This mixture of their progressive folk and the nice happy sound of a lot of musicals have just made this give me the biggest and dumbest smile. It is just an incredibly fun song that I think has become my favorite off this album. It isn’t poppy, it isn’t too proggy either, it is completely new. I love it a lot and would love to hear a Gryphon album like it since it just brings an intrinsic beauty to their sound that I never thought was possible.
We return to the more baroque folk prog with Dumbe Dum Chit. I just love how medieval it all sounds, almost like music that’d play in a game of Dungeons and Dragons. Gryphon’s music does fit pretty well with the more adventurous side of fantasy. It is some nice Celtic music that is fit for adventure.
With a psychedelic twist, we have Bathsheba, which has an almost soft rock flair without being too soft or too rocking for the standards Gryphon has on this album. The best production here gives me some psychedelic vibes that I didn’t expect Gryphon to do. Early today as I am writing this is decided to Agusa’s En annan värld, which has a similar psychedelic tinge to the more folky sound similar to here. It is a unique experience, to say the least, and to say the most this album has been the most creative the band has ever gotten in their career.
Continuing onwards we have the second longest song off the album, that being Sailor V. If you thought Rhubarb Crumhorn was very Irish, you haven’t heard anything yet. This song just invokes that traditional Irish folk experience so well that it almost makes me want to dance to it funnily enough, even though I am not of Irish descent (heck I am from Spanish and German descent mostly). Oh, and that ending having this almost operatic guitar melody just melts me. It is so well executed, this entire album has been so well made that it just leaves me wanting more. It is whimsical, it is fun, and it is so creative that it has been something I needed since my first listen to Raindance.
We get some more Celtic progressive folk in Ashes. There is nothing much to say about this track, it is just more well-made folk music that I think has an intense charm to it.
Rounding it all off we have The Euphrates Connection. This is a great track to end things off with since it has everything on here. The calm and thought-provoking folk, the whimsical progressive rock, and the lovely progressive folk the band has been using since the dawn of their career. Not only has this whole experience been a redefining moment for the band but saved them from the mediocrity of their last 2 records. This song right here is an emblem of this glorious achievement in their long and winding road, and with every song here being so well made leaves me to believe this is the masterpiece that it should be called. Just really amazing.
Some great progressive folk here. I am satisfied with what Gryphon has done on this album and I want more of it. It is probably one of the most lovely folk albums I have heard to come out of the 21st century, and I am surprised it came from Gryphon of all bands. This 2018 release the band put forth is a shining achievement, and I hope with their next and so far last record they would make something just as good as this. This new Gryphon is as good as ever.
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anaer · 2 years
Salty ask #12 perchance?
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I don't know if it's necessarily unpopular, but I think Baron and Loebs's runs (especially Baron's) get unfairly shit on because Waid is just AMAZING and kind of blows them out of the water. Also because Wally is a complete mess during those years, I think that also gets a lot of people saying it's not great and it's hard to read/root for him. I feel the opposite. I think those years are what make Waid so good. I think Wally and Linda meeting and more or less falling for each other is so well written. You get the WILDEST comic book shit in the world: Porcupine Man!!!!! Kilg%re!!!!!!! That time Linda got possessed by the ghost of an ancient Irish bard!!!!!!
You also get a LOT of Wally's insecurities and pretty much all the issues with Wally's parents. I really appreciate this because it really does a lot to establish his character and where he's coming from and why he acts like he does. Generally I find people who say Wally's parents weren't abusive have never read anything pre-Waid where they barely show up. They're 100% abusive. It's not even a question. There's a question still of Rudy being physically violent towards Wally or not, but in terms of actual abuse? It's so very clear. From both his parents.
Anyway, I love Wally being a mess. I love Wally being terrible. It makes sense for a fairly traumatized, grieving 20 year old with entirely too much power and too much money to just kind of squander everything, but it also really underlines how at his core, Wally's a good person. Even at Wally's messiest, he'll still do things like talk down Chunk and go party with the Rogues. Linda disliking him but hoping he's watching her show when it gets attacked because she KNOWS he'll show up to save her is always fun. Befriending Piper, being willing to be called out on things. But also: he fully acknowledges and accepts the mess he is from the start. He doesn't pretend he's not. He goes to therapy!!!!
I have so many feelings, hahahaa.
Salty Ask List
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mysticonsheadcanons · 2 years
Can you make an episode where Mysticons and Ender encounter five bounty hunters sent by Mallock
In Farlso (the world where Ender comes from), Ender is going for a walk when he is attacked by a group of creatures, consisting of one that looks like a salamandar, one that looks like a cobra and tiget mix, one that looks like a mix of a porcupine/urchin, one that looks like a mix of a dragonfly and a komono dragon, and one that looks like a mix of an owl and a bird. A fight ensues, and he overhears the bounty hunters talking about bringing both Ender and the Mysticons. Ender escapes, but is injured during the fight. He finds a way back to Gemina to warn the Mysticons.
Despite his injuries, he manages to find his way to the stronghold, where the Mysticons rush to him, worried about his condition. As the Mysticons help with his injuries, Ender tells them everything he knows about the group of bounty hunters. The Mysticons realize that something has to be done, but Sharise points out how the bounty hunters didn't seem to care about the other creatures. This leads them to believe something has happened to them, but they are not sure what. However, as the bounty hunters didn't say anything about the other creatures, the Mysticons assume that the bounty hunters will be looking for them.
They decide that the best plan is to split up and search the city, so they can find the bounty hunters before he finds them. Em worries about how hard it would be if they need to fight in small groups, but Arkayna says it should be fine. Zarya adds that, once one group spots the bounty hunters, they can call the other groups for help.
Sharise and Ender are looking around Drake City when they encounter Mallock. Mallock seems surprised that Ender is there, saying that he thought his new associates dealt with him. Ender, realizing that Mallock was the one who hired the bounty hunters, and demands to know what happened to his friends. Mallock smirked, saying that his bounty hunters had already defeated them, and that the friends are no more. A fight ensues, and Mallock gets away.
Zarya and Piper are checking the undercity. Someone is calling for help from an ally, and while Piper wants to help, Zarya reminds her that they have to be careful, as not only are there bounty hunters out there, but there are also people in the undercity who pull tricks to lure unsuspecting people. Piper ignores the warning and runs into the ally anyway, with Zarya being close behind. They initially see nothing, but then the salamander Ender described appears out of thin air (she was invisible), and the other bounty hunters arrive from hiding places right after. A fight enuses, and Zarya and Piper barely manage to get out of there alright. By the time they have a second to call for help, they realize that the bounty hunters would have either left, or if they were going to attack again, would do so before the others could help.
Meanwhile, Em and Arkayna are looking around the forest of Brynn when they see Mallock return to an old shack. They realize that Mallock may have something to do with the bounty hunters, and want to go inside for proof. However, in order to get in safely, they have to wait until Mallock leaves. They use the time to call the others, who all meet up. Seeing how rough Piper and Zarya looks, Arkayna asks why they didn't ask for help. Zarya says that they didn't have time during the fight, revealing a flaw in their plan.
Mallock leaves the shack, and Ender and the Mysticons enter the shack. They learn more about the names of the bounty hunters. The salamander is named Invisimander, the cobra/tiger mix is named Venom Fangz, the Porcupine/urchin creature is Mr. Quills, the Dragonfly/Komodo Dragon creature is called Dragonbreath, and the Owl/Wolf creature is called Howler. They also find a journal entry proving that the bounty hunters ended up simply forcing Ender's friends to flee. They go to leave, and realize that they are trapped. Mallock comes with the bounty hunters, saying he knows they were hiding outside. A fight ensues, and while the bounty hunters are defeated, Mallock escapes.
Ender goes to his world to look for his friends. The Mysticons would want to help, but as Mallock is still lose, they don't want to leave for long, and as they don't know where in Farlso the friends are, it could take a long time to find them. Ender understands, and the Mysticons promise that, if any of Ender's friends are in Gemina and need the Mysticons' help, they'll do anything they can to help.
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starrysupercell · 3 years
If Brawlers were Animals: Part One!
Rules: No obvious typings. I'm not allowed to use animals that
The character has motifs of in their default appearance, like Piper with Butterflies and Mortis with Bats.
Are animal skins/Line skins like Tanuki Jessie, Sally Leon, Neko Bea.
Are pets (Mike's Canary, Gale's Snake)
Are their actual animal. (Crow, Ruffs)
Because those are too obvious. I want a challenge. I'll also include a brief description explaining why I see them as such. I think that's it. Plain and simple. With that, let's begin.
Jacky: Rabbit. The way she hops along is, of course, how rabbits move. And have you ever seen a rabbit temper tantrum? When rabbits get mad, they stomp their hind legs to show how they feel- it's literally just her regular attacks. There's also her pigtails, and the fact that she drills into the earth? Burrowing bunny.
Colt: Red Panda. The gorgeous coloring just makes me think of him- usually I try and find more in depth explanations, but I can't think of another animal for him. He's pretty. He knows it, you know it, and he knows you know it.
Bibi: Tasmanian Devil. She's small and occasionally temperamental and surely packs a wallop. Also, the cute shade of pink in its ears and open mouth reminds me of her bubblegum.
Sandy: Maine Coon/Ragdoll Cat mix. If you think Sandy isn't a cat... well, that's your opinion and I respect that. Anyway, this sleepy boy loves snoozing in the sun, he's very strong but he would honestly prefer to just chill 99% of the time. Maine Coons are known for being good at hunting. Ragdoll cats, if you can imagine, are cats that show their affection by going limp when picked up by someone they trust. It's very adorable.
Shelly: Tiger. Maybe it's cheating a little bit, because she has her pet cat.. but that's only a regular house cat. Tigers are big cats. She's strong, extremely ferocious and beautiful. Don't mess with her. Tigers are also known to represent anger, so I'm sure that's fitting. Also, skulks around in bushes, and aren't Shelly mains endangered too? :p
Spike: Porcupine. Is there much to explain here? Cute, but not a good idea to touch. Also waddles along. Did you know it's possible to pet a porcupine? Build trust with the little guy and mind the quills, but please. Try. For him. (Not really--)
Rosa: Kangaroo. She's tough and likes fighting. She's a boxer, but I think the powerful kangaroo is a good fit for her. Maybe she's a kick-boxer? Lol. Also, for bonus points, while she does carry around Vinny on her back (my name for the pink plant, for anyone who hasn't seen that headcanon of mine-), mother Kangaroos carry around their offspring.
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purplesimmer455 · 3 years
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Megan and Tess got home by 4 pm the next day, and they unpacked and gave Luna, Chrissy, and the kids some souvenirs they’d got. Hamuera got some fossils and a space porcupine, Piper got a replica lotus statue, and Chrissy and Luna got an Omiscan harvest basket replica. 
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
hartley rathaway and or harry wells for the character game
Aha! My favorite prickly porcupine characters :D
Hartley Rathaway
NOTP - Hmm... I mean, he's gay so any ship with a lady that isn't a QPR would be right out. But for a true NOTP... I dunno. Joe West is a definite no. But I feel like I could see Hartley with pretty much any other guy on the show (or arrow-verse at large).
BROTP - Lisa Snart. Are they best friends? Are they QPPs? Either way I want them to be besties for life. That it would annoy Cisco to no end having these two team up is definitely a bonus. But that we never got a Piper & Glider commit crime together on the show is a definite shame.
OTP - Cisco Ramon. Hartmon is one of my favorite ships for the Flash and I definitely feel like the two have more in common than they're willing to admit. Especially when it comes to struggling with feeling like they've failed to meet familial expectations and getting screwed over by EoWells. But they're both brainy nerds, so the two of them bonding over their fandoms and then arguing over scientific theory & implementation the next is definitely part of the appeal of the ship.
Second Choice OTP - Barry Allen. This is another case of two characters having more in common than they're ready to admit. But they don't really have the baggage that Hartley does with Cisco and it's similar to why I enjoy Coldflash since Hartley does start off as Barry's enemy in all timelines but, unlike Snart, makes the full shift over to ally in most of those timelines too. (Though we only see it happen twice.) And, honestly, Hartley's comment about wanting to be swept off his feet by a guy in red leather is the funniest thing anyone's ever said in regards to Barry's suit. :D
Fluffy Ship - Cisco Ramon. As much as their established history lends itself well to angst, I really just like these two being at a point where they've moved beyond it and become all soft and melty for each other. And very protective because they know better than anyone what the other's weak spots are.
Angsty Ship - Eobard Thawne (as Harrison Wells). It's heavily implied canon that these two were involved before Hartley found the flaw(s) in the accelerator and Eobard gave him the boot, breaking up with and firing Hartley in one fell swoop. I tend to prefer it for background angst since I want Hartley to find happiness, but there's definitely a deep well of angst in there with Eobard manipulating Hartley on multiple levels.
Poly Ship - It's a toss up actually so...
David and Rob Singh. David is actually Hartley's love interest in the comics, so arguably Rob (whose last name is never given that I know of, so I just hand him his husband's instead) was created to partially take Hartley's place. That being said, what little of David/Rob seen in canon is very loving and stable, which is an environment Hartley would benefit from greatly. There definitely needs to be more of these three together and I guess at some point I'm just gonna have to write more myself.
Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon. It's my two fav OTPs for Hartley smushed into one, plus sticks two sunshine boys together. What could go wrong? hehehe (so much, no doubt)
Weirdest Ship - I mean... I don't really have a crack ship for Hartley, but arguably his canon ship with Roderick Smith is weird to me, for all that I enjoyed patching in the backstory for them with my semi-canon compliant three-parter fic series. Roderick is retconned into canon events on the show itself with 'remember the new guy' flashbacks and leaves him conveniently comatose so that he becomes Hartley's plot coupon for his redemption arc 2.0, this time speed run on screen instead of being retconned into existence. (Of course, it's set up by retconning out the first redemption arc out of existence first.) Because of how Roderick's screen time is largely confined to a fight scene flashback and naptime in a sleeping beauty glass coffin (I really gotta write a fairy tale fusion for these two), Roderick's a blank slate. He has no personality, so he can be given any personality necessary for a story and it's not OoC. Because he has no character beyond 'loyal to Hartley'.
Harry Wells
NOTP - His fellow Wells. Much as I like the idea of Harry learning to shed some of his self-hatred and that being reflected in how he treats his fellow Wells, I'm not generally into self-cest/twin-cest ships and parallel universe selves definitely fall in that area.
BROTP - Joe West. I really like their friendship in canon. It's nuanced and nice for two dad's to be able to bond over all the weird stuff their super powered adult child problems. They both have a tendency to get in trouble with their kids for being over-protective to the point of smothering too, so I just... like these two getting chances to bond. I also like that Joe is the one who really calls Harry out on his behavior in S4.
OTP - Cisco Ramon. There's so much UST and innuendo between these two in canon that the only two reasons I can think of that this ship didn't become canon was a.) the age difference between the characters/actors and b.) the writing staff has made a number of queerphobic decisions over the years that I suspect they can't conceive of Cisco being bi. Harry is clearly, canonically devoted to Cisco. So extending that devotion into romantic territory is way too easy to see.
Second Choice OTP - This is a hard one for me because Harry reads as being demiromantic and demisexual to me, so a lot of the popular ships for him get a kind of 'meh' response from me. I think E2 Tess Morgan - at least I'm assuming his unnamed wife was E2 Tess Morgan based on the audio clip used when he was sharing his memories of her with Jesse - would have to be my runner up OTP, though. We know he loved her dearly and Harry's love of her, even years after her death, is incredibly hard for him to speak of even to his daughter. So I can only imagine just how much happiness these two shared together in the early days of building STAR Labs and taking care of little Jesse.
Fluffy Ship - Cisco Ramon. Once the angst is cleared out of the way, these two just fall beautifully into sync with each other and being generally soft and domestic. Give me the fluffy happiness. :D
Angsty Ship - Hartley Rathaway. I haven't really gotten into this ship too much, but the potential for angst between these two is great. Harry's trying to leave the shadow cast by Eobard Thawne and afraid the things he did so that Zoom wouldn't kill Jesse mean he never will. And Hartley has to move beyond the hurt Eobard caused him in order to truly see Harry for who he truly is. I think Harry would be potentially drawn to Hartley for some of the same reasons he's canonically drawn to Cisco - they're both brilliant, snarky little assholes when they want to be and Harry is just delighted to have someone who pushes back when he shoves.
Poly Ship - I can't really see Harry being in a poly relationship that doesn't involve Cisco. And it'd be more likely to be a V - which would mean Harry would have to examine his jealousy issues - but in some cases I could see Harry falling into a triangle with Cisco and another too. I've been enjoying writing my Cisco/Harry/Hartley story, so for now that ship would specifically be my fav poly ship for him. But I think Harry's ultimately more likely to be accepting of others in a poly ship but not really interested in one for himself.
Weirdest Ship - HR Wells BROTP. I want these two to learn to like themselves and it being reflected in them growing a brotherly relationship while they weren't paying attention. They both struggle with self-hatred in their own ways and project it onto each other in differing degrees. Harry has the genius that HR wishes he had and HR has the social skills that Harry doesn't know how to emulate. They're both so very ND too and mask in different ways. So the ways in which these two play off each other is just fascinating to me. It's not necessarily weird-weird as a ship, but everything HR does is odd somehow. (Which is part of what I like about him.)
More thoughts on the Harry & HR BROTP. Okay, so, imagine HR had survived the end of S3 and gone back to Earth 19 to recuperate + help Cynthia with a much needed social revolution of what seems to be a massively fascist government there. Would have completely changed aspects of S4. In this AU HR would have learned to value his own strengths over the course of S3 and background of S4, so having him pass on what he's learned to help Harry with valuing his own emotional insights would be a interesting evolution of their relationship, with Harry especially learning from HR to treat himself with kindness and forgiveness.
<3 oh if only.
As it was, we did briefly get HR semi-back from the dead during Nash's possessed by the Wells arc. And while it's all background acting choices on Tom's part no doubt, Harry clearly treats HR with more patience, understanding, and kindness during the characters scenes together during those episodes. HR, in turn, wasn't being passive aggressive towards Harry either, no longer having to feel like Team Flash really wanted Harry and not him. Seeing the growth there for both of them was really a nice glimpse into the characters before we lost them for good. (Also Harry occasionally borrows one of HR's drumsticks. So they are basically sharing stim toys and I love the sibling-esque dynamic of it.)
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maswartz · 3 years
Power Rider Hybrid
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(Logo by@riceyhot)
A group called the Alloy Army commissioned several laboratories to create the next big technological wave. One group discovered a way to harness the essence of a living creature or an object into bottles creating a type of fuel they dubbed Fuelsion (fuel + fusion). Hybrid Laboratories learned they intended to use their discovery as a weapon and refused to hand it over to the Alloy Army. They decided to use it to create new technological marvels. However the Alloy Army was not fond of being rejected and used a mole to steal their research injuring a scientist in the process. Eventually Hybrid Labs was ready to test their Fuelsion and put a call out for test subjects. One of the volunteers was a young woman named Samantha, a genius without motivation she found herself interested by the concept. However during the test the Alloy Army attacked to steal the rest of the research. The Army reveals they have created monsters called Fusers, made by exposing people to the energy of Fuelsion directly. During the chaos Samantha used a special suit meant to manipulate the Fuelsion to fend off some of the attackers allowing the scientists to flee to a secondary lab. This lab had a hidden entrance inside a storage container. The scientists who remain on board decide to fight back against the Alloy Army and modify the suit Samantha used to create a Rider suit. They help her fight against Fusers by creating new weapons and restoring Fuelsion she collects from fallen Fusers into usable bottles. For reasons the scientists don’t fully understand each bottle of Fuelsion has a partner that it resonates perfectly with. The energies feed into each other unleashing their full power.
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Power Rider Hybrid- Samantha Nguyen - A 22 year old woman, Samantha has a brilliant mind but is lazy and unfocused. She volunteers to test the Fuelsion because the concept interested her and when the villains attacked she used the tech to fight back and defend the scientists. She decides to help reclaim the stolen tech and for the first time has motivation. At first the only bottles she has are Hare and Artillery. When Samantha defeats the Fusers she reclaims the stolen Fuelsion used to create them. Face Claim: Lana Condor Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Hybrid Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: As she cranks the belt a helix of energy surrounds her forming the armor Weapon: Spiral Buster- Finisher- Spiral Breaker Final Moves: Defaults listed Rider Hopping Blast Kick- She cranks the belt shooting a helix of energy trapping the enemy leaving them open to a charged kick Rider Primal Gem Punch- She cranks the belt charging his fist with energy Rider Soaring Bullet Shot- She spins the barrel of the gun charging the blaster with energy Rider Shadow Panel Slash- She cranks the belt charging the blade with energy Rider Howling Call Rush- A ring of phones surrounds the enemy as an energy wolf runs through them before attacking Rider Shell Age Bash- Freezes time around the target and bashes them with her shell Rider Insect Photo Flash- Flashes the camera stunning the enemy and striking with the beetle horn Rider Long Cyclone Twist- Creates a cyclone around the enemy before attacking with the giraffe neck Rider Chomp Speed Strike- Rushes up to the enemy and strikes in a flurry of blows Rider Frozen Trick Crash- Freezes the enemy in place and speeds in on the board shattering them Bike- CyCall- Phone that turns into a bike Main Mixes Hartillary- Hare + Artillery Perfect balance of offense and defense
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*Hartillary Refined
- Enhanced form- stronger attacks
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*Hartillary Raw
- Stronger power, risk of losing control
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*Hartillary Pure Hare/Pure Artillery
- Enhances power of individual bottles - Keeps the power boost without losing control - Pure Hare combines power of Animate life Fuelsion - Chimera Blast - Pure Hare is much faster and agile - Pure Artillery combines power of Inanimate objects Fuelsion - Armory Blast - Pure Artillery is much stronger and has stronger firepower
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*Mega Mix
- Final form - ALL Fuelsion - Combines every Fuelsion into one form - Mega Chimera Blast - Mega Armory Blast - Increases all attributes exponentially
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Apestal- Ape +Crystal Has incredible strength and defense
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Falgun- Falcon + Gun Grants flight as well as a powerful blaster
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Ninmic- Ninja + Comic Arms Hybrid with a ninja sword with four different powers
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Wolfhone- Wolf + Phone Allows Hybrid to use sonic howl attacks
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Tortime- Tortoise + Time Slows down time for a targeted foe.
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Beetera- Beetle + Camera Allows Hybrid to pinpoint weak points in enemies defenses and attack with piercing horn.
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Girafan- Giraffe + Fan Creates high winds and gives extended range
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Sharkcle- Shark + Cycle Enhances speed greatly and allows for quick devastating blows
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Pengoard- Penguin + Skateboard Freezes the environment and allows for quick travel on the frozen surface Other Mixes Porcugine- Porcupine+ Fire Engine Bearket- Bear + Rocket Buccanail- Buccaneer+ Rail Leouum- Leo + Vacuum Squlb- Squid + Bulb Dinocer- Dinosaur+ Racer Tigcer- Tiger + Flying Saucer Phoebot- Phoenix + Robot Spidge- Spider + Fridge Whalet- Whale + Jet Grizee- Grizzly + TV Flowpter- Flower + Chopper Uniser- Unicorn + Eraser Scorpold- Scorpion + Gold Dogmic- Dog + Microphone Deermid- Deer + Pyramid Ghognet- Ghost + Magnet Wasub- Wasp + Sub Rhirer- Rhino + Dryer Different Fuelsion has different prefixes for attacks. Hare- Hopping Artillery- Blast Ape- Primal Crystal- Gem Falcon- Soaring Gun- Bullet Ninja- Shadow Comic- Panel Wolf- Howling Phone- Call Tortoise- Shell Time- Age Beetle- Insect Camera- Photo Giraffe- Long Fan- Cyclone Shark- Chomp Cycle- Speed Penguin- Frozen Skateboard- Trick Spider- Web Fridge- Freeze Wasp- Stinger Sub- Torpedo Rhino- Horn Dryer- Burn Leo- Hunter Vacuum- Vortex Squid- Ink Bulb- Flash Buccaneer- Cannonball Rail- Steam Bear- Claw Rocket- Orbit Porcupine- Quill Fire Engine- Rescue
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Power Rider Mythril- Rebecca Carter-  A 21 year old woman who answered the ad for the cash. Street smart and quick on her feet. She stayed with the scientists as well and understands the threat the villains pose with the stolen tech and offers to help. Eventually gains the ability to transform into Power Rider Mythril, powered by the Drake Fuelsion Face Claim: Kiana Lede Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Mythril Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt igniting flame energy around her forming the suit Weapon: Dragon Sword Finishing Moves: Burning Slash Mythical Kick
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*Mythril Scorch- Enhanced form gained when Rebecca pretended to defect to Helix Inc in order to gain a sample of their solid Fuelsion. This form was lost during a later battle.
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* Mythril Blaze- Enhanced form with stronger armor and weapons.
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* Mythril Eruption- Final form- Supercharged with extreme heat and flames. Finishing Move: Eruption Burst, a fury of flaming attacks.
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Power Rider Gears- Kelsey Zhu- A woman in her 20s, mechanic, works for Helix Inc. a second lab who was working on Fuelsion. Helix Inc created a more solid form of Fuelsion and sends her out to prove their version is superior. Aided by a trio of Fusers who are able to keep their sentience while transformed (Fortress, Barn Owl, Beetle) When Scar arrives and attacks all parties Kelsey joins forces with Samantha and Rebecca at first out of necessity but soon she grows to consider them friends. Face Claim: Malese Jow Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Gears Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt creating a group of energy gears forming the suit Weapon: Gear Gauntlet Finishing Moves:Piercing Drill
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* Gears Mechanic- Final form-Supercharged with extreme cold and armed with a robotic claw
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Power Rider Scar- Grace Wen- One of the original scientists who developed Fuelsion, she volunteered to test it before it was ready. A flaw in the equipment caused an explosion that scarred her face and body. Filled with rage she took some of the equipment and fled. Now she has returned to take her pain and anger out on all parties. She believes her actions are justified and that she is in the right. However after Samantha saves her life she puts her agenda aside to help fight the Alloy Army. Soon she learns the truth behind the accident and when given the chance to take her years of anger out on the person responsible she lets them live, leaving her rage behind once and for all. She is aided by her Mechanical Fusers enforcers Tick and Tock
Face Claim: Fan Bingbing Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Scar Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt creating cracks of energy around her body forming the suit Weapons: Revenge Blaster and Vengeance Blade- Combines to the Retribution Rifle Finishing Moves: Avenging Blast, Avenging Slash.
Villains- The Alloy Army, determined to use the latest in technology to fuel their conquest of the world.
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Echo- Giselle Odinsdötir- Serious and strict she is the loyal enforcer of the Alloy Admiral’s commands. Any who cross the Admiral fear the shadows when she’s near. What her suit lacks in variety it makes up for with brute force. Face Claim: Billie Piper
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Venom- Sullivan Jones- Eccentric and self serving he is sadistic and enjoys testing new weapons and abilities on his enemies. He enjoys coating his weapons in his experimental toxins and seeing their impact on his targets. Face Claim: John David Washington
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Tarantula- Karl Jones- Dramatic and brutal he was sent to the field after the repeated failures of Echo and Venom. The fact he and Sullivan are brothers does not prevent him from unleashing his frustration over their failures against the Riders. His enhanced powers make him a match for the Rider’s stronger forms. Face Claim: Evan Ross
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Power Rider Maniac- Natalie Parker- A mole working for the Alloy Army the whole time. She gives them samples of the tech the lab develops allowing them to reverse engineer it for Alloy Admiral to use. Was the one responsible for Grace’s accident Face Claim: Brianna Hildebrand Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Maniac Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt creating chaotic energy around her forming the suit Weapons: Chaos Blaster and Chaos Blade- Combines to form the Chaos Rifle Finishing Moves: Cruel Blast, Brutal Slash.
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Alloy Admiral- Evan Burke- Leader of the Alloy Army with dreams of world conquest. Thanks to Natalie’s efforts he is able to utilize Fuelsion from other Riders. In his civilian identity he’s a wealthy CEO who invests heavily in technology. His hands reach into many companies whether they know it or not. Face Claim: Ted Danson
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Using the Drake Fuelsion he gains stronger attack power
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Using the Hare Fuelsion he gains better agility.
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Alloy Admiral Darkness- Uses the power of darkness and black holes. Also gains the ability of teleportation
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Alloy Abomination- Frustrated by his losses he injects Fuelsion directly into his bloodstream mutating him into this abomination. Power Rider Arcade/Hybrid: During the final battle with V.A.I some of his code ended up on the internet where it eventually found its way to a computer inside of Hybrid Laboratories. Utilizing the Fuelsion system it built itself a new body forcing the Arcade Riders to assist Hybrid and the other Riders in destroying it once and for all.
(Faces by @dream-chef-flavors)
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kevrocksicehouse · 3 years
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John Lasseter’s Pixar is known at least as much for its shorts as its features. A few of these mini-movies.
Geri’s Game. D: Jan Pinkava (1997). A lonely old man playing chess with himself in the park is usually a figure of pathos, but this old man will do anything to beat himself, up to the point of faking a heart attack. The prize? His own false teeth, in this surreal, ingenious short.
One Man Band. D: Andrew Jimenez and Mark Andrews (2005). Two one-man bands compete for the attention and the coin of a little girl in an Italian town square. They get more and more overbearing until she turns the tables on them in this perfectly paced cartoon.
Presto. D: Doug Sweetland (2005). A vaudeville magician who specializes in pulling a rabbit out of a hat forgets to feed the rabbit. This sparks an onstage slapstick duel of wits (and hats) that recalls the heyday of that other cartoon bunny, Bugs. 
Partly Cloudy. D: Peter Sohn (2009). Where babies come from. Clouds make puppies, babies and kitties, and give them to storks for delivery, but this ONE cloud comes up with baby crocodiles, (battering) rams and porcupines for his hapless stork. Sohn plays this gag adroitly, in a perfect game of “Can You Top This” with an almost sweet ending.
Piper. D: Alan Barillaro (2016). An adorable baby sandpiper learns to get over her fear of water and catch clams in this incredibly detailed piece of animation that’s almost a nature documentary.
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supercellofficial · 4 years
brawl stars characters and their fursonas
Shelly - A fox or cat
Colt - Any guard dog or horse
Nita - A bear obviously
Primo - A tiger
Dynamike - A canary or a Mole
Barley - A dog
Bo - An Eagle obvs
Brock - A Shark
Poco - Hummingbird
Rosa - Kangaroo
Jessie - Mouse or Rat
Carl - Mole
Pam - raccoon
Rico - wolf
Bull - bruh.
Bibi - cat
Mr P. - are you for real
Penny - parrot
Piper - Persian cat or swan
Tick - himself
Darryl - Armadillo
Frank - A Chimera
Mortis - bat
Tara - An owl
Bea - A bee
Gene - A monkey
Max - Cheetah
Spike - Porcupine
Leon - a chameleon obviously
Crow - Are you serious
Sandy - Lizard
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