#Pisces Horoscope 2019
divinesoolutions · 1 year
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राशिफल:सही राशिफल देखने के लिए जाने अपनी चंद्र राशि | what is moon sign? @divinesoolution8976 . . . .what is moon sign | how to find moon sign | know your moon sign | how to know your moon sign | how to now moon sign | moon sign horoscope | horoscope 2019 | Ascendant sign, Horoscope, Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscope, Astrology, Vedic astrology, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu. .Know everything about your life in this comprehensive life report. It gives overall life predictions, current year predictions, mangal dosha analysis, sade sati analysis and more.... . 👉👉👉👉👉Call Now +91 98159 90091 . ..fb:-https://www.facebook.com/DivineSoolut... insta:-https://www.instagram.com/drvirenders... janne Bhavishya https://youtube.com/shorts/e8vyYx0o7c... . .#predictions #astrology #prediction #football #tarot #dream #horoscope #betting #bet #tips #astrologer #divineenergy #divinetiming #divinelove #Soolutions #panchkula #panchkulanews #india #futuer #moneyproblem #moneyproblems #moneyproblemssolved #panchkula #oneway #onewaysolution #ᴘᴀɴᴄʜᴋᴜʟᴀ #india #indian #astrologer #freeonlineastrology #astrology #horoscope #dailyhoroscope #zodiac #kundli #vastushastra #instagram #hashtag #followme #instagramhashtag
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everydayhoroscope · 6 years
Pisces Horoscope for 2019
Pisces Horoscope for 2019
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Find out the does the year hold for you. Family, Love, Career, Education, Finances, Home. Find out the does the year hold for you. Family, Love, Career, Education, Finances, Home.
Dear Pisces, ahead of you is a year in which you will aspire to realize your expectations related to your family. You will invest a lot of energy in your family plans for a new home or reconstruction of the one you…
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askmyoracle · 6 years
Pisces March 2019 Horoscope
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Pisces March 2019 Horoscope - Get a detailed monthly Pisces March 2019 horoscope predictions for health, career, love relationships, finance and marriage astrology online.
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zodiacqueenn · 5 years
Your worst habit!
Aries: You thinking you’re better than everyone else, but being insecure.
Taurus: Keeping a balanced relationship with anyone, and cutting people off.
Gemini: cheating.
Cancer: lying.
Leo: Making everything about you even when you have kids.
Virgo: Settling always and in every way.
Libra: crying about all 15 of your lovers.
Scorpio: Obsessing over your exes.
Sagittarius: Being insensitive, but wanting everyone to be sensitive to you.
Capricorn: Not wanting to commit, but wanting commitment from others.
Aquarius: Living in the same cycle for years.
Pisces: Not moving on ever.
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bluemoonpunch · 4 years
Fire Signs - November 2020
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Astrological Focus: Pisces
Major Theme: Prosperity
Projected Influence: Message In A Bottle
In the month of November, it will be important to pay attention to the sign of Pisces, both in your birth chart and in current transits. Right now, and for the rest of the month, the only planet that is in Pisces is Neptune, it’s ruler. Only between the 22nd and the 24th will Neptune be joined by the Moon in Pisces, coming into conjunction at 18° on the 23rd. It is good to keep in mind that Neptune is also in retrograde, casting a heavy fog throughout the sign for those who already find difficulty traversing the energy of Pisces, however, in this case, it would seem moving through this space is something meant for Fire Signs this month, so don’t let that worry you too much.
The aspect of deconstruction for the sake of reconstruction is what is coming through the most here with Pisces, along with the shedding of many layers in the consciousness that make it difficult to connect to higher awareness. Much like the image on the Pisces card, it’s this emergence of light, of Fire, in this dark, foggy, and mysterious place within your being. This will lead into Prosperity, which was coming off more as a matter of expansion and growth of the inner being. In my head, I was seeing it like someone cutting the plastic wrapping off of one of those compacted shipped mattresses and it rapidly expanding out into its actual shape. 
If you hold that image of the mattress, you can see that before it is able to come to its final form, its intended form, it has to escape many different layers of binding — first the box, then the tape, then the plastic, and then finally, it has to release itself from the rolled up or folded shape it was in order to fit in that box.
For the Prosperity card, two lines within this card’s description stood out to me in relation to what I had been seeing for it: 
“The new energy is asking us to revisit and redefine how we want to perceive many human concepts to help us re-create a reality that reflects a new and more expanded consciousness. The way in which we perceive and experience our state of Prosperity is important to the creation of our new reality.”
“The new energy invites us to reconsider our feelings of joy, love, compassion, and connection to self and others, in addition to the fulfillment of our more mundane and physical needs — all are part of our sense of Prosperity.”
— Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, LON
This all seems to come back to that state of Pisces, the point of a beginning and an end, this sort of infinite loop that is difficult to pin down. It’s difficult to explain it honestly, but it’s really all coming down to this idea that a lot of you know your box, but have forgotten your mattress — or in better terms, you know your ego, but you’ve forgotten your soul. You’ve forgotten the true desires of the soul, the true awareness and wisdom of the soul, the potential of the soul, and there is this prompt to start peeling back the layers, to enter the realm of Pisces, the 12th House — again, focus on it in your birth chart to see how to navigate it better — in order to really reconnect to that, bring light to it, and start to integrate it again. There is a strong sense of rebirth with this as well, but it feels distant as if the process you begin here with this will eventually lead to an ego-death of sorts and a rebirth that will put you more in alignment with your soul on a conscious level. 
Opening up and connecting to this deeper space within yourself, this higher awareness does open the door for guidance and clarity, which came in with the Message In A Bottle card. This is one of my favorite cards because it really is so deeply connected to Water energy. It contains messages that can only come through when you are in flow with that Water, moving with the currents, steady with the waves, and not fighting against any of it. I feel like there’s a lot of fight in that plastic and that tape, in the tension of the mattress when it is folded up, so that’s something to be aware of as well. 
I really wish I could explain what this actually feels and looks like to me. It’s such an insanely vivid situation in which Water and Fire are being prompted to balance and I’ve talked about before how incredibly difficult it can be to balance Water and Fire together consciously within an individual. If there’s even a tiny bit too much Water, all of the Fire is dowsed and gone away, just a bit too much Fire and all of the Water has been evaporated. It can be a very unforgiving process when you try to put them in the same space, but when you actually do and you get it to work and you find that balance, it is some of the most crystal clear, sharp, silvery, glittery, cartoony kind of magic that I can think of. It is the merging of the Third Eye Chakra with the Sacral Chakra, the projection of the vision, and the will and physical projection to actually bring that vision to life.
In my mind, I keep going back to the Wands suit in Tarot, which is associated with Fire, and then to The Magician who holds the wand, a symbol of his power. They’re different wands, of course, technically one is a staff, but you know, work with what you got, I guess. Basically, I was seeing it as if a lot of you have been using your Fire as a torch that you hold out in front of you to light your way through a dark hallway at night on your way to the bathroom, or through the woods on a hunting trip, or under a car when you’re trying to fix it. It’s being used very practically, but in such small ways compared to what you could be doing. You’re not really seeing your full potential. 
Going back to the mattress thing again — comparing the mattress when it’s folded up and compacted, vacuum-sealed, inside the box versus when it is fully expanded and reinflated — you know the box, and therefore you know a smaller version of yourself. In November, with this prompt to focus on Pisces, with this prompt to peel back the layers and reconnect and revive the soul on a conscious level, you are coming to understand your true potential, the real use of your Fire, of your wand. 
Especially when it comes to creation and will, this seems very important. I was just thinking about the process of manifestation and how it moves from Water (inspiration) to Air (planning), to Fire (action), to Earth (final product/profit). Fire really is the most important part of that puzzle. If you take Water out you can still have a pretty standard, dry, mundane plan that can be executed with just Air and Fire. It will be very plain and not really capture people emotionally, but it’s something. And you can take Air out of the equation, taking Water directly to Fire, and get this crazy abstract, hyper-bizarre creation that you’d probably need to drop acid in order to understand, but it’s still a creation that can be brought to form. If you take Fire out, nothing is going to happen. 
Fire is the bridge from idea to physical form, it is the bridge from the internal world to the external world, it is creation itself. It is not just a spark or the gun that fires at the beginning of a race, it’s not just an initiator, it is the process in its entirety. That is what some of you really need to come to understand through the realm of Pisces, through the realm of the unseen, of the beginnings and ends, of life and death. It can be easy to assume that Fire Signs wouldn’t fit too well in the realm of Mutable Water, but once you get there you may be surprised to find that you’ve had a place at the dinner table this whole time.
*full reading for Fire Signs including three other separate readings for focus, guidance, and outlook available on bluemoonpunch.com - link here!
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cyberastroltd · 6 years
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mothafuqueur · 5 years
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Insta: piscesonly
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13 Oct 5pm EST Full Moon - It is War! Its a pioneering warrior moon that gives us the impetus to create our first of a kind - our unique something - it’s fresh, its bold, it’s exciting, it’s going to require us to pour all that we have got. Check details & Overview for your rising / sun / moon sign
13/14 Oct to 28 Oct Aries Full Moon at 20°14” Aries - It is War!
We are in cardinal season of Libra - new beginnings, changes, shifts, initiative to turn a leaf is part of charm & challenge of this season. Though the season is of doing things in partnership with our other or better halves, our partners - the Aries full moon of 13th Oct @5pm EST throws a light back to our own self - our individuality & next two weeks become about giving us and our ambitions & drive the stage.
The normal diplomacy, peace, cooperation, balanced approach characteristic of Libra season, is now giving way to its other or better half - Aries. We need to bring what belongs to us home. Aries full moon infuses our emotions with the impetus, the pioneering spirit even a naive foolhardy belief that anything is possible if I want it - cause we need this to move our mountains, to Pioneer our unique something, to go all in into what we truly want to manifest - it’s passionate, it’s impulsive, it’s all consuming & you very much need this right now to get something over the line.
Starting what we couldn’t due to inertia & fear, quick turnarounds, quick actions, actions requiring sheer willpower / raw energy / impetus / guts / oomph / assertion are best brought to completion over the next two weeks with the help of the fiery feisty energy this full moon is unleashing. Telling like it is, having courage to act on what you truly believe to be right / what your intuition is guiding you to, being comfortable in your skin to put yourself first & in front - are hallmarks of this full moon. We dare, we go in independent, take initiative to Pioneer our something unique, we get out of inertia/ out of self doubt/ out of overthinking it all - & just pour all we have got into taking massive physical action.
Don’t doubt your ability to do this cause faith plays an extremely important role here - opt in - opt into the challenge, opt into the competition, opt into the irrevocable transformation putting your hand up & going for it will bring you success right now. Don’t shy away from a challenge right now. The moment you take a step in the direction of trying this something new, giving it time & space - the moment you do that you will feel surer - this is belief that only grows stronger by physically acting on it & taking a step - so opt in! [Look at Jupiter video of your sign to see where support can come from if you need](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv3tUTLu8-MTyWkTtAzacdy0lco1NnXID)
We don’t have to wish, we don’t have to meditate, we don’t have to discuss with anyone - we can but we don’t have to cause this is very much our individual fight - we just have to take simple clear steps - towards what we know we have to bring home - keep it simple, keep it clean, keep it straightforward, keep it fresh interesting & not Long drawn. Don’t wait for anything to find you, don’t wait for anyone to help you out, reach out, take initiative - where Aries is we have gotto to be the one taking bold steps with our own initiative & with belief that its turning up for you - destiny will go where your strong will takes you right now - you are in the driving seat - you are not a damsel in distress - you are a Pioneer who is responding to call of their heart & not taking no for an answer. There is no map, there is no predictability of each step - except that we will get there provided we keep driving.
You have all the tools for it - change is inevitable with this very cardinal full moon marked by a T-Square with Pluto as apex - making this full moon the most powerful rebirth of your personal power you have experienced in a while. Expect ego conflicts, expect that this full moon will push you - help you fight your own fears, inertia & not let you hide in the shadow anymore - this is not a comfortable full moon - I am giving you straight up what is it as any Aries moon would - This is nothing short of war but its required. We do need to fight a few battles to establish new order. Bring it home!
[Full moon video link](https://youtu.be/HQotfz1whEw)
1. You do need to have a bit of game
While Aries energy is straightforward - the degree at which this full moon is happening & the fact that Pluto is a participant in this full moon - we would need to find a few manoeuvres to gain advantage. Little bit of game, little bit of politics or indirect way is required. Mercury our mind is in strategic sign of Scorpio so it will come easy - especially as it makes a positive aspect with Saturn on 14 Oct. So while you are a boxer in the ring - overwhelming power, survival of the fittest, primal sheer raw will power & physical effort are important BUT tactics are required else you would be punched out fast. Quickly access your options, think on your feet, take indirect approach where you need to - every fight isn’t worth fighting, manoeuvre where needed - don’t exhaust yourself. Mercury will go retrograde from 31 Oct & we might need to go over what we are doing right now - once more in Nov - another going over the strategy/ tactical plan.
2. DO NOT exhaust yourself
Aries energy sizzles & fizzles fast too - we put our all in a moment & exhaust all our faculties - take your power sips in between the punches, take breaks - lone time. Hydrate hydrate hydrate - I can’t emphasise enough - you will be migraine/ headache prone if you don’t. Take proactive magnesium if you take it for migraines. This is a hot & dry full moon. Adrenals get stressed if we are not mindful that we are running our energy to ground - Pluto just went direct - you would need SLEEP! Period - it’s a must no matter how amped up you feel. You would be facing a lot of truths right now - you will heal better if you are relaxed well slept & you might need more sleep on few days due to Pluto being strong this month & early Nov.
3. Precaution in driving
Overall hurry, fast actions even rash actions would be seen - you want to be careful especially next few days & then again around 5th Nov when Mars gets involved & I expect more global aggression & physical actions.
4. Yes People will have temper flying, impulses, rash actions
You can call it people acting up or you can understand that everyone is trying to claim their personal power & we are all learning how preserve sanity in our relationships while having this awakening. We don’t want to be less anymore, hold back, just make nice - but at the same time - we are test driving our new self identity first time in partnerships. There are bound to be teething fights & ego struggles. This will go on till early Nov.
**Mundane / Global events**
Expect acceleration of conflicts, war like energy, military actions getting aggressive especially going into November. I had stated 29 Oct as a trigger date in my July eclipse video - I maintain that. [Look at July Eclipse video of your sign ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv3tUTLu8-MQ-rnT_cQYdeeCkuYCDaLOL)to see what karmic trigger to expect for you personally towards end Oct.
Fall or rise of leaders with more information coming to light, war peace decisions, provoked actions, high adrenal overall. But same time this can be channeled into innovation, getting tough tasks done, discovery & initiative in world conflicts. We do need to channel the physical energy collectively in a productive fashion.
I don’t know personal chart of y’all but looking back at dates or weeks when this same point in our chart was activated gives us a good idea on how we might personally receive this full moon.
While this full moon might be a completion of task or project that’s unique, exciting, Pioneering act, against norm or society or traditionalists - initiated possibly in April 2019. But a Long term theme might be at play. I will suggest you to take a look at events of October 2015 - specifically 12/13 October 2015 - did you start anything new, did you start something for another - to make someone else happy, or start a new partnership/ contract / relationship phase. You would possibly see completion / conclusion of that, result of that - more importantly you would see shift in roles in that equation now. So say you got into a partnership at that time, now you might go solo; started a job & now you might go independent start your own thing; there is a reversal of roles.
Though if you are able to see - I highly recommend looking back to October 2011 as same full moon happened on 11 October 2011 - though not with same transits but you can see how your personal chart was activated & if any significant life theme came up which might get picked up again now.
**Galileo Galilei**
People with this degree of Aries prominent in their chart are very inventive as Galileo - the Father of modern science, physics & astronomy was. But like him, we might feel like being put in house arrest (figuratively) by traditionalists & archaic administrative rules cause they have a firm belief that earth is the center of the universe and saying anything else is blasphemy. You would do your finest work as he did while facing this resistance from the traditionalists, naysayers, disbelievers. Pluto in Capricorn irrevocably changes the rules of the game - we can’t continue to be one trick pony when the whole game is changing. We are standing at a crucial point in history - for Pluto in Capricorn is an era of significance always - a piece of history never to be forgotten as it’s always significant - just as creation of America as we know it was when Pluto was last in Capricorn 200+ yrs back. You and me are part of an accelerated evolution - getting ready for the new era. Don’t believe the fly on the wall - the peanut gallery - we have gotto evolve or be deemed part of history in a museum. If you are alive - you know everything didn’t revolve around the earth. No matter what you are doing right now - it will become obsolete very very soon as the speed of evolution is amped up right now - think about your next era in this innovative pioneering full moon & move to join the new tide.
**Jonah & the Whale**
Now a bit of mythology to close this note. Fixed star attached to this full moon is called “Baten Kaitos” - it’s called a star of shipwreck - yes historically it was attached to shipwrecks including Titanic but over years it’s significance of what we mean by “shipwrecks” has shifted. It reflects breakthroughs or transformations in people’s lives after multiple shipwreck like events - a strong sense of destiny. But more importantly this is linked to Old Testament story of Jonah who was a Hebrew prophet with a specific Mission given by God / higher powers which he ignored to set sail somewhere else. Storm erupted in the sea & Jonas was swallowed by a giant fish only to be spit up after he accepts to follow his Mission.
This story brings to focus a person stuck in a stagnant situation - potentially due to their own folly or if I can say our own stubbornness to accept our Mission in life or failing to see our purpose in life even though it has been clearly spelled out to us by our intuition / higher self / God or faith or events of destiny. But it also reflects that acknowledging our own role in our destiny - taking responsibility of whatever situation we might be in right now - just owning it to start with - can redeem us & give us something to count for our wait, our delays, our self created limbos & stagnancy.
Pluto during its retrograde period of last 5 months has recreated who we are from inside - our external reality has to reflect who we have become psychologically, mentally - recreation of our external reality begins with this full moon.
It’s going to be the most powerful rebirth of our collective personal power. Good luck & much love 💫
**Themes by Sign**
Aries full moon with Pluto in Capricorn at apex invariably highlights our ambition, life goals & career but let’s briefly look at what area of your life per your rising/ sun/ moon sign would be coming into focus over next two weeks. You would put in a lot of work into this area, look to innovate, might need to strategise to overcome administrative rules or face a few authority conflicts in this area but you pull through with sheer will, physical effort & faith. [Check Jupiter videos for source of luck & support](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv3tUTLu8-MTyWkTtAzacdy0lco1NnXID)
♈️ #Aries
Your career, physical body, how you show up to the world comes to focus as an old phase comes to conclusion so a new chapter of your life begins. You are more of you with this - more courage, energy, more direct, ambitious, goal oriented. And your leadership style / public image is undergoing a rebirth here. Your words presence will have more impact on others - assume your place, take a seat on the table, don’t shy away from a challenge & an opportunity to step up - it can feel overwhelming - do what you can do & leave the rest to destiny & higher powers. Avoid extreme sports, be careful driving, keep heat & inflammation away. BP, migraine, adrenal fatigue, eye pressure build up - needs physical outlet - drink lot of water, take magnesium if required, channel your ambition - once you know you can be more - you won’t want to be less so trying to compromise your ambition will feel like physical body pressure. +/-3 days or 3° of 10 Apr born or 20°Aries might feel the most. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/kUsJ0-m28Kk)
♉️ #Taurus
Secrets, hidden or repressed feelings & emotions might come to surface along with hidden passions, talents as you deal directly with things that are normally hidden from you - you meet this head on. You might also be working on a pioneering project or a unique project in isolation or travel long distance for a project. Lot of work might go into this but you would like to champion it. You might travel long distance away from your normal place to Pioneer something or take a bold step. Lot of energy might be going into creativity, healing, spiritual work, regeneration of the mind. It might feel tough to sleep & it can feel restless. Hidden support or divine intervention might come to light to help you complete an old chapter of life & begin a new purpose of life. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/zvMzaxFCIk8)
♊️ #Gemini
You would be taking initiative & pursuing passionately your vision, ideas, ideals, your social status of business network positioning. You would be highly stimulated & charged up to stand out and stand up on something new that you are pioneering for the society or social structure or business network you are part of.tgos is a very public phase & possibly a dream that comes true to life in a very public way. Social activities are active whereby you would be breaking into circles you used to shy away from earlier. Pluto has reprogrammed restructured your psyche to our fears - making you bolder than ever to go after your dreams, to convince key stakeholders of your unique ideas, to breakthrough an influential business network you were not part of earlier - an important mentor or influencer might come to light as a part of this process. So seek out people, groups, associates, followers who can help you & will grow with you on this journey. Few friends might exit or their life might come into focus - be careful of confrontational energy. +/-3 days or 3° of 11 Jun born or 20°Gemini might feel the most. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/i2xvVbIR82g)
♋️ #Cancer
Your career, leadership style, life path, your public image& you come into focus. Pluto has irrevocably changed how to you respond to one on one relationship or partnership- balance of power has shifted & you only want authentic contracts that give you your fair share - that’s very much true in terms of kind of roles you take on, your career choices & your projects. It’s time to take initiative in your career, complete old projects / jobs / shifts in bosses or organisational structures & a possible change in home or place of living that comes with it. Major life decisions would be taken now - which set new course of your life - away from stagnancy - you might be taking bold steps by pioneering something - looking to do something new, taking care of your public image, taking care of you & getting your fair share. You are boldly possibly impulsively coming out of inertia & taking initiative by yourself, being proactive - vigorously pursuing a position, an achievement, a status, putting out your CV or going independently & starting on your own. You want to be careful of confrontations as many people may not like your new bold ways but detractors might just be pure distraction. You need quick actions & quick results right now. Put your name in the hat, enter the competition - you would have a lot of energy for career channel it. +/-3 days or 3° of 12 Jul born or 20°Cancer might feel the most. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/weKzzmOXe-4)
♌️ #Leo
This full moon stimulates your higher mind through travel, education, learning, publication of significance, faith, religion, legalisation, media, international work - you proactively take actions to expand your mind, to take a leap of faith, your world view / faith / mindset is powerfully expanded due to an experience which helps you go for a new course, or go for an education, get a guru / mentor, close on an international deal. Your life purpose comes to Light as you look at reason for your existence & you look to find meaning in life beyond the mundane. There is an idealistic belief here to pursue what we believe is our higher calling, you lead with faith possibly to deliver something unique to the world - as a teacher, as a motivator, as a person working in multi cultural multi national work. If you initiated an international trade or deal or interaction or publication or platform to share your views - it might be time to put all you have got to complete it - you will find huge motivation & discipline to do so. Get a mentor or guide if you feel unclear about your path as this is great time to set life Long goals. Your work environment might be undergoing restructuring which would need to be taken into account. +/-3 days or 3° of 12 Aug born or 20°Leo might feel the most. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/FVen_srSO8w)
♍️ #Virgo
Focus might be on closing on terms of partnerships, joint financing, sponsorship for a unique venture, sex, physical transformation, evolving out, letting go what has been holding you back. Few things that were below the surface might come to open & would be discussed dealt with openly especially in your partnerships- personal or professional - especially where some kind of imbalance of give & take exists. A direct & honest discussion about deeper matters can bring matters to clarity. An expense can come to focus or we might need to settle a karmic debt with someone as we balance our books & let go a few burdens through our initiative. If you are in a career which involves managing other people’s resources - you might see a bit shift or a culmination of old deal or financial contract & begining of a new unique phase. You might find yourself driven to develop resources & talents of others - harnessing their strengths to Pioneer something unique. You are driven to create your legacy & that drive can pour into a financial matter or investment which might require loan or sponsorship - you want to be careful of impulsive expenses. You want to be careful on health - of any addictions, careful in terms of speeding & being accident prone at this time. +/-3 days or 3° of 12 Sept born or 20°Virgo might feel the most. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/gyLSVLfBh9Y)
♎️ #Libra
Committed partnerships, relationships, contracts, clients, your second child comes to focus & something in life of your partners or in one of your contracts might be coming to head or culmination. You might be required to take proactive massive action with your clients, your business or personal partners, you might be required to get out of your comfort zone to do things & might be deciding on important matters during this time. You might need to take a lead in a relationship or partnership or at job with clients & partners as you or your partner might be looking to Pioneer something & create something unique. Negotiations, legal discussions, contract discussions might be proactively pursued by you & other people in your life - your partner might motivate you to do something new or something significant might be coming to light in your partner / spouse’s life that can lead to important life decisions like place of living, your career & job. Pluto has recreated your core whether you realise it or not but you are much bolder, able to take much more risks - so you will find yourself aiming much higher than before now. +/-3 days or 3° of 13 Oct born or 20°Libra might feel the most. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/KjIOFzjV_cA)
♏️ #Scorpio
Work environment, job opportunity, career progression one to focus with you looking to take initiative to bring to closure or to next step an innovative project or job opportunity that you possibly need to independently get over the line - you might be pioneering it & it requires a lot of courage, lot of communication, positive outlook, conviction in words to convince partners/ coworkers / clients - you are doing something that has possibly not been done before & it might be requiring everything you have got in terms of your mental power, skill set, courage. Pluto is restructuring hope you think, how you deal with your immediate environment, your commercial communication skills so you can bring this home. It would require you to overcome your inhibition, would require speaking up sharing your ideas, travel, interaction with powerful people & possibly require shift in your perception of people around you or complete change of immediate work environment. Your work is coming to light, as is your leadership style, take your seat on the table, share boldly your thoughts, ideas - go out - be extrovert with this energy - your mind is being reborn being reprogrammed - so your external talk would change with it. You might meet confrontation & enemies or critics head on - which is correct but choose your battles wise you will exhaust yourself in ego fights - weigh the outcome, find the right job or project which is worthy of your enormous efforts. Don’t wait take proactive action. Even in health routines - linked to any health issues of head (migraines), eye, blood pressure, any inflammation, any infection, any broke or torn muscles, hormones / adrenal fatigue - take proactive initiative & action. +/-3 days or 3° of 12 Nov born or 20°Scorpio might feel the most. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/rhIJd0R2ao4)
♐️ #Sagittarius
Pleasure, joy, passions, love, romance, children, hobbies, passion projects, your ability to take risk in life, speculative trades, fun & games, your creativity will come to focus, get highlighted & enhanced over next two weeks adding to you & your confidence. A few risks you might have taken in business or love might come to result here - enjoy this journey, this moment as your uniqueness, your talents, your positive karma comes to light here. Bets are paid off, passions flow freely - it can feel nervy or exciting - you want to be careful driving & want to keep a check on blood pressure if it has tendency to go up. Take a chance on you - Pluto is restructuring your ability to generate wealth, finances, assets & your talents, your value system to recreate your self worth & networth from scratch. This is an important & fruitful step in that direction. +/-3 days or 3° of 12 Dec born or 20°Sagittarius might benefit the most. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/d2h7lv_tXF0)
♑️ #Capricorn
Home, property, real estate, your own sense of security might come to focus as you might be looking to get out of your comfort zone, or stepping away from convention to do what normally your family or your own old self won’t normally do. Real estate or fixed asset matters might come up where you need to take bold steps & initiative. Core & important decisions related to family & parents could come up, you might see yourself trying to balance your professional life with your personal life during this time. Pluto in your sign has changed who you ar irrevocably - your home dynamics, family life & living situation might need to reflect that as well. There is no living on the surface anymore, things won’t be glossed over - few things might come out & would be said openly especially in personal situations. Just be mindful that we are not externalising any internal conflict we are having within ourselves - we sometimes seek external permissions, approvals over things that we ourselves are stopping or blocking from ourselves as we don’t believe in our destiny to get them. Own your destiny, your life, your choices without giving anyone else power or responsibility of your life. There will be tremendous external change that will be experienced especially for those born +/-3 days of 11 Jan or planets +/-3° of 20°Capricorn. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/U_T1Ag5tO3Y)
♒️ #Aquarius
Speaking, writing, communication / marketing project, commercial deal, short journey, your Creative communication skills, your mind, your thinking could come to focus. You might be pouring your all, giving it an innovative twist, doing something that’s unique, leading it or doing it independently - in the process adding to your skills, growing your mind, working on self development in a fun, Creative, exciting way. You want to be careful while driving, while using any sharp tools, also careful of a burn out due to doing too much, taking on too much, too many mental tasks causing fatigue or angry / impulsive speech. Invent or discover a new way, a new angle, a new idea, an original way of selling or advertising. But keep your communication in check as we could blurt out things we don’t want to reveal yet & it can lead to unwanted conflict. Though if done consciously you might be speaking up as you conquer your fears, you might be sharing your unique ideas by overcoming your inhibitions & putting to rest a few internal blockages irrevocably. +/-3 days or 3° of 10 Feb born or 20°Aquarius might benefit the most. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/lUj_GlN1PVE)
♓️ #Pisces
Personal finances, financial/ business matters, your talents, earning power, your diet & physical body will come to focus - taking initiative, going in proactively, going independent, making it happen through will power, effort, motivation, innovation, through your business ventures could be in card but it might require you to deal with pressure of your social circle or go against established rules of an organisation or business network you are part of or it might involve confronting a few powerful people or it might require you to restructure your social life & reorganise your vision/ goals to shift them in line with what generates value & finances. With Pluto in your house of influence - you can command a lot of social following provided you keep your messaging real & approach your goals with clean intentions & open vigor - your enthusiasm for whatever you are pursuing can be infectious & take a lot of people along. Careful of impulsive spending & expenses. +/-3 days or 3° of 11 Mar born or 20°Pisces might benefit the most. [Check Jupiter video to see where you get most support from](https://youtu.be/Psz_ukwxHSA)
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astrolocherry · 6 years
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Mercury retrograde in Pisces ~ March 5-March 28, 2019
Mercury is taking another sunny vacation in the sky, and our mind is going along for the holiday too. There is always plenty of information circling on Mercury retrograde, because the Messenger God insists on everybody knowing and talking about it.
The zodiac is coming to a close and the winter is calling us home. Now it’s time to settle your weary mind… just one last time before that horrible Spring headache hits. The one that pained Zeus so badly he put an axe to it… and from that emerged Aries and Athena.  Rest while you can. In traditional astrology, Mercury exiles in Pisces. There is nowhere Mercury would rather not be. But the sedentary condition of Mercury retrograde may find a better compatibility with the sleepy Pisces head. The retrograde planet gives the illusion of pulling closer to the Sun, and there is no-one more familiar with tricks and elusions than Pisces. 
This retrograde cycle is a long mediation. It has good energy for practicing mindfulness or the state of being mindful with a mind that keeps emptying out. Now thoughts have slowed enough for the kaleidoscopic eyes Pisces to read and interpret these.  You can finally take that deep breath and shut your eyes You won’t miss out on anything - no-one is talking sense anyway Everything that Mercury touches from transportation, to academics, business, contracts, and correspondence is not cursed or doomed to fail during the retrograde. Can Mercury send a lightning bolt and make the courier drop your package? No way. It just suggests usual attention to detail, and care and discrimination around these matters. Your package may still arrive late - but maybe you misread the delivery date
Mercury rx is retracing back over territory already crossed, so it may create the vivid deja vu experiences that Pisces know well
 ‘Writer’s block’, ‘air head’, ‘sleepy head’. Cognitive functions improve quickly as the retrograde continues and fades into familiarity -  Mercury is very flexible
Be aware of the event occurring, but don’t let it worry you or cause you to fret or change something
Mercury is a sign that arrives in pairs - so double check
The author in your mind can keep backspacing your thoughts. Words disappear on the tip of your tongue. People may seem difficult to follow in conversation and keep missing the point
Protect your phone, get the screen guard you’ve been putting off. Because Mercury rules the hands and manual dexterity so we can be clumsy or extra clumsy
Keep a journal so you can re-read the reflections and contemplations that you had during Mercury Rx
Increased need for solitude. Memory replays or sudden recollections
Last note ~ “Most misunderstandings in the world could be avoided if people would simply take the time to ask, “What else could this mean?” - Shannen Alder
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nyxxhexx · 5 years
JULY 8, 2019
ARIES: You had great form a couple of minutes ago. Don't let the frustration ruin your day; you'll get the hang of it soon enough.
TAURUS: Dreams of expensive clothing haunt your nights. Save your money instead.
GEMINI: Be thoughtful in your actions; apprehension, at the very least, will never lead you deep into the catacombs.
CANCER: Defeat is nothing! At least, that's what a positive attitude will tell you.
LEO: An ancient creature may bring you coffee every morning, but remember that you are no better. Its pincers could snap you in an instant.
VIRGO: Take time for you. Sit on a forgotten pier for a while. Take in the dark water and relax.
LIBRA: Something demands your time; do not let it. Ringed tails and bright eyes aren't always pure of heart.
SCORPIO: Try to forgo your weapons this Thursday. There's something to be said for self-preservation.
SAGITTARIUS: Turn your mind to a citadel of practice and temperance. Learn to temper your own impulsiveness, lest it eat you alive.
CAPRICORN: You stand like a Knight on the Tundra - cold, practical, and unable to bend. Perhaps some Fire would do you well.
AQUARIUS: Try to be more sensitive; for some, tea parties have been replaced by fire shelters - or no shelter at all.
PISCES: You are not a Knight of a Holy Order. Stop behaving like one.
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heartwurm · 6 years
2019 Zodiac Horoscope
Aries: run, and then run faster
Taurus: have someone watch over you at all times
Gemini: maybe people will stop shitting on your sign this year. probably not tho.
Cancer: crying. just, a lot of crying.
Leo: nothing
Virgo: best u don't know what's going to happen this year, tell ur family u love them
Libra: probably gna buy a bunch of stuff u don't need
Scorpio: not even astrology can tell what you'll do next, scorpio
Sagittarius: a lot of thottiness
Capricorn: probably feeling nothing as usual
Aquarius: don't be impulsive. but you probably will be now since i said that
pisces: you'll finally snap from being dead last in every zodiac post
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jeebus-witch · 5 years
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Please check out Pisces Today on Spotify. Or your corresponding sign's daily 3 min horoscope reading. Incredibly accurate, calming, and educated readings. Here was todays intro quote that hit me.
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mirandamoonmagick · 5 years
May 2019 : Monthly Tarot Reading for Water Signs 💦
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Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️ and Pisces ♓️
Cards: Skunk Spirit (know your worth 54), Vulture Spirit (nothing is wasted 63), 7 of Wands, The World, Ace of Cups, The Devil, and the 10 of cups
Message: There might be a difficult change, and the ending of a cycle this month for you, Water signs. I see you might be coming out of a toxic situation, but at the heart of everything, is a beautiful new beginning. It feels like you’re being freed whether this be from a relationship, or even just a toxic thought pattern. Much like the Air signs, you’re taking back your power. Spirit is reminding you of how beautiful and special you are, and how you don’t deserve to be in a toxic environment. You have the strength to get through this! Take the past as a learning experience and know that it wasn’t all for nothing. You’ve be taught valuable lessons through this, that you’ll need in the next chapter of your life. Respect the past for what it was, but move on with positivity and an open heart. Letting this go, is moving you into something so beautiful, if you let it!
Angel Numbers: Know that Spirit is watching over you this month when you see the numbers 55, 555, 111, or 1111
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zodiacqueenn · 5 years
Aries: None
Taurus: Passionate type shit
Gemini: dominant and controlling type
Cancer: Missionary
Leo: Freaky ass mothaphuckaaa
Virgo: Lemme make you cum 10x type
Libra: Cums in 2 min
Scorpio: Fucks you but is thinking about their ex type sex
Sagittarius: Probably the best but quiet
Capricorn: Wants you to be the slave
Aquarius: Freaky and top 5 no debating
Pisces: Look you in the eyes type sex
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devinclaire · 6 years
Eternal Spring in the Time of Dreams: Libra Full Moon Horoscopes
The Full Moon rises on the same day that the Sun travels into Aries this year. Here in the Northern Hemisphere we welcome Spring, in the Southern Hemisphere they celebrate the transition into Autumn. Whichever hemisphere you frequent, expect things to leave your life quickly during the two week period after the Full Moon.
However, don’t expect them to be gone for good. Mercury Retrograde energy still lingers, and has a way of repeating situations bringing them closer to closure. Don’t be discouraged if you’re hoping to leave a particular debacle, you’re still getting to your destination.
The universe has a way of letting important things happen gradually so we’re fully prepared when the moment arrives. Also, we have the unique experience of viewing two Full Moons in Libra this year. The second one happening after Mercury Retrograde has ended.
The energy of the second Libra Full Moon will have some nice frequency to get rid of what really needs to go. With your certainty of what you want out by the time you get to your second Libra Full Moon ritual, you may be surprised to see where you find yourself come summer. It will look nothing like this current situation.
Also, let’s take advantage of this Mercury Retrograde energy to create a new ritual around the Libra Full Moon. Libra is the sign of marriage, partnership, and best friends. While the energy of the Libra Full Moon will bring focus to these relationships in your life, I vote that we also take this opportunity to commit to ourselves.
Under the Full Moon in Libra, marry yourself. Commit to love yourself in sickness and in health, and that you’ll provide your precious self the upmost care in either situation. The next Libra Full Moon coming up in April is time to think about with who you want to couple. The energy will be better to do so with Mercury moving forward again.
This doesn’t mean that you’re blind to others hurts, needs, and wants in the world. With the Sun moving right next to Chiron your eyes will be wide open to your own wounds and the wounds of others.
There’s a mutual relationship going on here- the more you tend to your own pain, by truly caring for yourself, it gives you the strength to see the pain of others. When you care for the container your soul lives in, it doesn’t crack, keeping bad energy from seeping in. When you can keep safe boundaries you can truly be of service. This comes from radical self-care.
Start with this, the next time you’re trying to make a decision, ask yourself by starting with, “My beloved…” feel how your body swoons at such tenderness.
Finally, it’s the astrological New Year! The Sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Aries being the sign of the self, makes it’s a great time to voice what you long for and desire. Usually Aries season is also a nice time to change your look, perhaps get a haircut, but I would wait until Taurus season this year with the Mercury Retrograde energy behind us.
Now, on to the horoscopes! Read your Sun sign and your Rising sign.  
Aries- Happy birthday! This is your season to celebrate! Even if you’re an Aries rising rather than an Aries Sun, celebrate the Sun crossing over your Ascendant, it also only happens once a year. Remember you are meant to shine during this time, even if it doesn’t feel that way at first. You’re a warrior and you’ve been wounded in the battle of life many times. The memories of these difficulties may be haunting you during a time when you feel like you should be having fun. It may be scary, but muster up the courage to feel into the pain, don’t think you have to do this alone, there is strength in numbers. Meet with friends to talk it out. When you sit with the uncomfortable feelings, this is when they truly begin to subside. This makes the celebration of the Sun returning to exact spot it shined when you were born much sweeter.
Taurus- You’re feeling the need to make a lot of changes but you’re a little frightened by how much you’ll stick out from the crowd after the process is over. You’re not sure if you’re ready for this kind of attention. Also, there are those in your life who might be unhappy with your changes. They like the old version of you just fine. What they don’t understand is that you are sitting on some energy that is so powerful, it will burn you up if you don’t use it toward the higher version of yourself. You’re going to change for your higher good whether they like it or not. If you needed validation, know you’re going in the right direction and making changes will lead to delightful surprises.
Gemini- You’re letting go of things that don’t honor the person you’re becoming. You’re saying good-bye to the things that no longer bring you joy. You’re good at making pro and con lists of things, seeing all sides. You’re good at saying, “Well, it’s really not that bad, this situation has its purpose,” but if this thing doesn’t light you up, like really light you up, then you need to let it go as you travel closer towards your passions. It will be an easy release, this Full Moon flows well with your intentions.
Cancer- What a lovely Full Moon for you to snuggle up under the covers. You are ruled by the Moon, and with the Full Moon taking place in your 4th House, the House also ruled by the Moon, it is possible that this is a very emotional time for you. Mercury Retrograde has brought some realizations to your attention that you’re attempting to grapple with at this time. You’re being incredibly brave. Also know that it is so important that you ground so deeply during this Full Moon that it feels like you’re burrowing yourself in the rich dirt that comes with the changing seasons. You’re doing this to get back in touch with your authentic self. Ditch anything that doesn’t honor this time of regrouping.
Leo- A great time for cathartic conversation if there ever was one. You’re often playing the role of empath, reflecting the feeling of others back to them, and performing the role they need the most in the moment. Now the Full Moon is shedding light on you to share your feelings. You’re given the space to speak about how you really feel, not how you’re supposed to feel. Not quite ready to give a speech on your own emotions?It also helps to write things out. Your dreams will be vivid, and you’ll be able to find the words to describe what happened the night before. If you’ve been working on a book, you’ll find a new found bolt of energy to finish your project.
Virgo- You may have a big check coming in as the Sun and the Moon go into places in your chart concerning profits. Also, now is a time to think about how what you value can be part of the healing in the world. Lately you may have found that you’ve been feeling pained from old experiences. Know that though this may feel awful, processing the experience, when you’re ready, will be a way that you provide healing for others. You’re going down the path of discovery first so others don’t have to do the same. This is a fabulous time to declutter and clear out space because come the New Moon in Aries better things are definitely coming in. Also take a hard look at your sense of self-worth. Make a commitment to marry yourself, and help yourself the way you always so selflessly help others.
Libra- Old pains around relationships that you thought had already cleared up may be rising from your soul for another glimpse. While you feel like you’ve done the work already, know that the releasing energy of this Full Moon is getting you ready for the incredibly powerful manifesting Libra New Moon in September of this year. Right now, your psychic tendencies are off the chart, and it’s perfectly fine if you’re craving a blanket and the couch with all this powerful energy. You can still release demons from under the covers. 
Scorpio- You’ll be doing a Full Moon ritual because you understand the importance of practice and pattern to create space in the psyche to go to deep places that can’t always be accessed with the snap of a finger. This is also a good time to pick up an old ritual that you let fall by the wayside. It will be truly transformational. This is a time of intense healing for you. Remember, step by step, day by day, you will get there. While you’d rather be casting incantations in a cave somewhere, realize healing needs to happen in the everyday spaces, until your reality is as witchy as you want it.
Sagittarius- If you’ve been meaning to attend that Full Moon Circle on the beach hosted by the owners of that cute occult bookstore you like to visit, this is the Full Moon to do it. This is a great time to join new groups and make new friends. It’s nice to be around people who see you in a new light, especially if you feel like you’re running around a lot at work and you need something completely new. Actually maybe you’re in the process of letting go of the work you currently do to look for a new career path. It’s a good Moon to honor that transition energy.
Capricorn- Something in your career is taking off. At the moment it may feel bittersweet, you’re leaving behind the old version of you, and transition isn’t always easy. Also, while your career is taking off, you may feel like things at home aren’t quite right. Old history that you thought had been settled is popping back up. You’ve done what you can with this one, you talked about it, you did the responsible thing to come to a conclusion. This time, let the other members of this fiasco figure it out, right now you’re being called to a different stage.
Aquarius- Well, first and foremost, if you’re asked to go on a worldwide adventure for love, do it! Even if it’s Mercury Retrograde take the leap, make the plans! You’re getting very clear lines of psychic communication because you’re seeing with your heart, not thinking with your head. The descions you make now will be pivotal for the late summer. Sure, you may have trouble finding your keys, that happens with Mercury Retrograde, but the psychic understanding you have right now is priceless.
Pisces- Ever have a Tarot card that keeps popping up in readings and you wonder, “Why is this one always being pulled?” You rack your brain, and you just can’t quite figure out why it keeps appearing. Well, on this Full Moon, during Mercury Retrograde, on the same day as the Equinox, time will be slippery and secrets will begin to come out of the woodwork. Listen! This is juicy stuff! While the icky truth might not be as bad as situations you’ve been in before, you’ve evolved from those situations and these new sinister plots aren’t worth your valuable time. If you can’t fly the coop yet don’t despair. There are lessons to be learned here so you don’t have to deal with this situation again. What you can garner now is which direction the drama is pointing you towards as your true path. 
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weirdasshoroscopes · 6 years
Superbowl Special
Aries: Switch which team you're rooting for halfway through. Just to gain perspective.
Taurus: You're performing at half time. I know it's last minute, but get ready.
Gemini: Hot superbowl snack of the year: Pumpkin seeds covered in parmesan cheese and thrown in a waffle iron.
Cancer: The bubbles are cursed. Drink only flat soda.
Leo: If you bet an equal amount of money on both teams, you break even on both money and pride.
Virgo: Be sure to ask your pets who they're rooting for and execute them accordingly.
Libra: Use a knit hat to cover your earbuds so no one knows you're listening to a medical history podcast.
Scorpio: The day after, argue with people one-on-one about who won, who was playing, and weather or not the superbowl really happened. What are you talking about? There hasn't been a super bowl in almost ten years.
Sagittarius: Gemini's house will have the best game snacks, they won't be strange or sticky at all.
Capricorn: All that matters is having fun and which of the three teams gets erased from our memory afterwards.
Aquarius: The wings will be too spicy. Those sexy birds and their wing-lingerie.
Pisces: Don't tell anyone you decide who wins in your night terrors.
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