#Pity Patt
wwwdlabrie · 2 years
RIP our brotha & Bay Area Super producer "Traxamillion" 1 year Anniversary! Check out DLabrie collabs w Trax, Exclusive Videos of them in lab & at Slapp Addict release party! Give your opinion on best way to honor Sultan Legacy
RIP our brotha & Bay Area Super producer "Traxamillion" 1 year Anniversary! Check out DLabrie collabs w Trax, Exclusive Videos of them in lab & at Slapp Addict release party! Give your opinion on best way to honor Sultan Legacy
RIP our brotha & Bay Area Super producer “Traxamillion” 1 year Anniversary! Check out DLabrie collabs w Trax, Exclusive Videos of them in lab & at Slapp Addict release party! Give your opinion on best way to honor Sultan Legacy RIP to my brotha Bay Area Super Producer Traxamillion. Can’t believe it’s been 1 year since he passed on in the physical. Still haven’t fully processed the loss of…
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Flores para muertros
Légendaire Flower Power de Pacha Ibiza, l'un des plus festifs authentique et ludique du calendrier estival de l'île et aussi l'un des favori incontesté des résidents de Ibiza, revient une année de plus pour nous offrir son irrésistible proposition d'ambiance hippie.
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Flower Power signifie couleur, joie et bonheur, avec un style musical qui vous offre grands classiques rock, soul, funk et pop des années 60, 70 et 80 Conçu pour que vous brûliez la piste de danse et que vous en profitiez comme jamais auparavant.
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Les sessions sont entre les mains de deux grands DJ de la scène locale et de la famille Pacha car ils sont Victor Nebot et Sergio Vicedo, mais il n'est pas rare d'y croiser d'autres grands comme son créateur, Dj Piti, ou des stars internationales comme Erick Morillo, Louie Vega, Armand van Helden ou Bob Sinclar.
Une bande sonore qui touchera votre coeur et il vous fera vibrer comme jamais auparavant, et il est accompagné d'un décor follement imaginatif qui inonde la discothèque Pacha de fleurs, de cœurs, de banderoles aux slogans rigolos, de boules disco et de toutes sortes de symboles des années 60 et 70, dont parfois même un scarabée géant ou un joint suspendu au plafond.
De plus, au sein de la fête, vous pourrez profiter spectacles interactifs incroyables et, bien sûr, il existe une règle non écrite selon laquelle, pour y assister, il est nécessaire de suivre un esthétique hippy-chic, ainsi le public vient vêtu de perruques, d'accessoires extravagants, de pattes d'eph, de robes colorées, de lunettes à monture d'écaille et de fleurs dans les cheveux. Ne soyez pas timide et venez habillé pour l'occasion !
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Comme l'été dernier, la soirée Flower Power se charge de commencer la semaine avec les meilleures vibrations possible, puisqu'elle occupe le lundi soir à la discothèque Pacha Ibiza.
Ouverture le 22 mai et la fête est célébrée jusqu'à la clôture du 2 Octobre de 2023. L'horaire est toujours de 23: 59 à 6 heures.
Ne manquez pas cette fête emblématique qui rassemble l'essence de la Ibiza hippie. Paix, amour, authenticité, plaisir, liberté et joie vous attendent chez Flower Power, les lundis sont joie pure au club des cerises !
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quietrainfan · 4 years
Dark Side: *listening to Melanie Martinez's Pity Party for comfort*
Patton: It's my party and I'll cry if I want-
Dark Side, immediately:
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bestbouy · 3 years
okay now imagine: orange side but he's like best friends with logan The group tries to get logan to stop him but they're just completely chilling together like "sis you don't wanna know what roman said last week," "honey what'd he say???" [Short fic under the cut]
Thomas rubbed his eyes, trying to shut out the arguing around him.
"hE TOOK MY PLACE! SCOUNDREL, I DEMAND YOU GIVE IT BACK!" Roman shouted over the others, to which Orange just giggled.
"Or what, you salty b*tch?" He spat back. Roman gasped, holding his hand inches away from his mouth in disgust.
"How- how dare you! you, you-" He fumbled for words, stomping his foot. "-Big- citrus, freak!" he finally finished.
Patton turned to Thomas. "And you're sure you can't get rid of him? Nothing you try is working, kiddo?" he pressed.
Thomas rubbed his temples, but that just made his headache worse which made him even madder.
"No, sorry pat. I don't know how to get rid of him, if I could just clear my mind or something, that would help a lot." he said, glancing up briefly. Patton frowned slightly, scratching his head. "Gosh, I'm sorry, thinking of plans was never my strong suit." He said sadly, turning back to Orange and Roman, who were still in a shouting match.
Virgil snapped his fingers, looking up hopefully. "Thinking! Logan!" He suddenly exclaimed, raising his hand to summon the Logical side. For just a moment, the Orange side seemed to stop arguing at the sudden mention of logan's name, but he said nothing as logan rose up in his usual spot, next to Roman. "Ah, salutations roman, might I ask why you're in my-?" Logan began, glancing over to Roman's usual place.
Thomas watched as his face first filled with confusion, then lighting up with something he's never seen before. "Oh, hello," Logan said, giving Orange a warm smile. "Why, I haven't seen you in a good couple of days, how have you been?" He asked. Orange lit up instantly. "Lo~ogan! I was wondering where you went! I've been good, catching up with your friends here~" He said, beckoning to the others. "What-?" Roman began, only to be cut off by Logan. "Oh, yes, they're quite entertaining, It's wonderful to see you again, I was beginning to wonder why you weren't showing up for tea-"
"I apologize, It's hard to scheme and show up for tea every day, that and Remus being annoying as usual-" Virgil turned to Logan in a stunned manner. "Logan, do you- do you know him??" He gasped, wide eyed. "Well of course I do, he's rather pleasant when you get to know him." "But he's a dark side!"
"So where you, your point?" Logan said crossly, turning back to Orange. "Ohmygosh, how's your book going? last I checked you where on, what, chapter fifteen?" He asked. "Oh, It's the worst thing- Remus found it, poor thing was in shreds before I could wrestle it away from him." Logan's face fell into pity. "I'm so sorry to hear that, did you not have a copy somewhere? I recall you saying you made one just in case something did happen to the original." "Oh, you're right! One moment, folks-" Orange said, sinking down quickly.
A quick moment of silence, broken by roman. "Alright, what was that?" He demanded. Logan turned to him, blinking innocently. "Pardon?" "He comes in here, starts causing chaos, and you talk to him about making a book?" Roman said. "Anytime I bring up one of the books I make, you're never interested!" He whined. Thomas turned to logan as well. "Logan, how long have you been friends with him?" He asked. Logan paused, making a small humming noise. "Three months, seventeen days, twenty two seconds." He responded simply. "I'm sorry, I was under the impression I was allowed to be acquaintances with who I wanted." "W-Well yeah, but not with him!" Patton protested. "Why not?" Logan countered. "He's dangerous!" "Who's dangerous?" Orange popped back up, now holding a large stack of papers, poorly stapled together. "What'cha talkin bout?" Thomas hissed in pain as he reached for his head. Patton quickly tried to calm him down, reaching out to him but being stopped by the fourth wall. Orange had switched places with Roman, who was stumbling and saying something about rudeness. He now stood next to logan, watching over his shoulder and giving little comments as Logan read it silently.
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l-anna-art · 4 years
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Hide And Seek - Anima!AU
A new illustration with an extract, this time! There is the english version first, and I added the french one too :)
"Not a sound," Yagi whispered.
The blond held Izuku against the wall with a strong and firm grip despite his sickly appearance. Izuku stared at him with a frown, the incomprehension clearly visible on his face. Yagi didn't give him a look. He wasn't looking at anything specific, in fact. His eyes were just wide open, frozen, pupils dilated and his body was tense.
Izuku's eyes widened. If the night had not been so silent and empty of life, the boy would never have heard the clicking of claws scraping the ground. A metallic, steady, quiet sound.
It was much heavier than Renard's flowing step. It was also farther away, out of sight at the moment when Yagi had grabbed Izuku by the shirt to hide behind one of the low walls along the street.
Izuku had not even noticed the presence. And as the tinkling became closer and closer, clearer and sharper, he could feel the excess energy swarming under his skin, becoming unstable and painful as his anxiety grew. He regretted that Renard had disappeared in the night, because there, right away, he terribly missed the comforting presence of his automaton. Nor did watch Yagi stand as still as a statue help to calm his mind, and he squirmed under its grip. The blond turned silently towards him, a finger on his lips as he stuck himself a little closer to the wall and brought Izuku closer to his chest.
There were still steps, and a grunt resounded behind the low wall decorated with bushes. The thing finally overtook them, revealing the amalgam of flesh and metal that formed its body. It was as tall as a horse, but much more massive, and the dark body glowed in the glow of the street lamps. The paws, made of steel and other materials that Izuku did not recognize, were probably as wide as the boy's silhouette, and he had no doubt that one blow would be enough to shred him.
"It's hunting us," one of the voices said. "This one has no sense of smell, but it has keen hearing. Silence."
Izuku wanted to ask what the hell was that thing, but just the idea of opening his mouth and being noticed twisted his insides in a painful way. He suddenly missed his bed. His bed and the warm, soft blankets. And hot chocolates too, with marshmallows and cream in excess.
He wasn't sure he'd get the chance to drink one again.
The monster raised its head and looked around, probing its surroundings. What must have been its ears stood straight and high on its head, and it stood there, motionless and silent, its iron tail flapping the air.
Deep down, in a visceral way, Izuku knew it. If that thing turned around, it would find them.
But there was little they could do, each sound threatening to reveal their presence. So they stood there, paralyzed like mice at the sight of a cat. Yagi looked straight ahead, breathing calmly despite the clamminess of his hands, and looked for something in one of his pockets. Izuku, on the other hand, had his hands glued to his mouth, reducing the sound of his breathing as much as possible as he closed his eyes.
A new growl - a mixture of low rumblings, clattering, and rales - emanated from the monster before it fatally began to rotate in their direction. Izuku felt tears streaming from the corner of his eyes as the fright lacerated his stomach, making him want to vomit.
They were dead. Izuku had always had bad luck and that wouldn't change tonight. Yagi, too weak to fight, would end up in pieces by something straight from hell, and Izuku would end up just as shredded in the corner. He pitied the poor passers-by who would discover their corpses in the early morning. If there was anything left of them.
There were still footsteps, rattling and scraping, closer and closer still, when suddenly the echo of a crate falling to the ground resounded in the night and startled him. The beast's head turned around, its neck twisted in a position that was anything but natural, and stared into the darkness in search of the source of the noise.
A moment passed without anything happening and then the duo, completely alert and motionless, watched the rest of the creature move to follow the alignment of its head that fixed one of the alleys.
A white lightning bolt leapted out of the shadows, three tails whipping the air as Renard faced the monster. The metal sparkled under the artificial light, and the gold bindings that covered its body captured the light and reflected it back. Izuku would have wanted to scream, panic and anxiety roaring in his veins. Renard was so small in comparison, tiny and frail in front of the creature.
All it would take is one bad move.
Yagi had to restrain the boy and put one hand over his mouth so he wouldn't ruin everything.
The creature was staring at Renard, motionless, one of its legs frozen above the ground. The body creaked and rattled as it bent forward. For a moment, the thing was standing about fifteen meters from the automaton. The next, it was on Renard and trying to push it to the ground with its claws and fangs out.
However, the automaton, although much smaller than the monster, remained agile and fast. It managed to free itself in a fluid movement, rolling on the ground and getting back on its feet. Then, before the dark creature moved again, the automaton hurried off into one of the adjacent alleys, the one opposite where the duo was.
The thing didn't waste a second and followed it, disappearing into the night as rumblings and screams echoed through the city.
Both remained motionless for a while, before Yagi finally decided to get up, looking around for anything abnormal. Izuku was still curled up on the floor, nervously playing with his shirt while his mind wandered about what was waiting for his automaton.
Renard was fast and hard to catch. It was also much smaller and could sneak everywhere, it would find a place inaccessible to the monster, right? It could always run and lose it somewhere, but could it find his way back? Izuku didn't know the city well, and he doubted that his automaton would do better. My God, what if it couldn't find it before leaving ? What if Renard got stuck here ? Yagi could understand and maybe delay the departure, but what if they couldn't find Renard ? They couldn't leave it here! Nor could he ask for information or help from anyone, they were wanted. And in broad daylight, his automaton would not really be the most discreet thing in these neighborhoods. Oh my God, what if the monster catches it anyway? What if it's not fast enough?
"Midoriya, you're rambling."
The boy blinked, suddenly out of his thoughts. Yagi had crouched down in front of him and gently shook his shoulder.
"Your fox is an intelligent beast. I'm sure it will find us," he said.
The blond offered him a smile.
This time, Izuku wasn't sure it was true.
"We shouldn't stay here," Yagi continued, looking again at the alley where the monster had disappeared. "These things never move alone."
"What exactly was that?" asked the greenette, his face still pale as he released a shiver.
The man stared at him with a sorry expression, before tapping his shoulder and helping him up.
"One of your father's experiments."
FRENCH VERSION  ===============================
"Plus un bruit," murmura Yagi.
Le blond maintenait Izuku contre le mur, la poigne forte et ferme malgré son apparence maladive. Izuku le fixa avec un froncement de sourcil, l'incompréhension clairement visible sur son visage. Yagi ne lui accorda pas un regard. Il ne regardait rien de précis, en fait. Les yeux grands ouvert, figés, les pupilles dilatées et le corps tendu.
Les yeux d'Izuku s'écarquillèrent. Si la nuit n'avais pas été si silencieuse et vide de vie, le garçon n'aurait jamais entendu le cliquetis des griffes raclant le sol. Un son métallique, régulier et tranquille.
Il était bien plus pesant que le pas fluide de Renard. Il était aussi plus lointain, hors de vue au moment où Yagi avait saisit Izuku par la chemise pour se cacher derrière l'un des murets qui longeaient la rue.
Izuku n'avait même pas remarqué la présence. Et alors que les tintements se faisaient de plus en plus proches, de plus en plus clairs et nets, il pouvait sentir le surplus d'énergie grouiller sous sa peau, devenant instable et douloureux à mesure que son anxiété grandissait. Il regrettait que Renard ait disparu dans la nuit, car là, tout de suite, la présence réconfortante de son automate lui manquait terriblement. Regarder Yagi se tenir aussi immobile qu'une statue n'aidait pas non plus à apaiser son esprit, et il se tortilla sous sa prise. Le blond se retourna en silence vers lui, un doigt sur ses lèvres alors qu'il se collait un peu plus contre le mur et rapprochait Izuku de sa poitrine.
Il y eu encore des pas, et un grognement résonna derrière le muret orné de buissons. La chose les dépassa enfin, dévoilant l'amalgame de chair et de métal que formait son corps. Le monstre était aussi grand qu'un cheval, mais bien plus massif, et le corps sombre luisait à la lueur des réverbères. Les pattes, faite d'acier et d'autres matériaux qu'Izuku ne reconnut pas, était probablement aussi large que la silhouette du garçon, et il ne douta pas une seconde qu'un coup suffise pour le déchiqueter.
"Il nous traque," lui intima une des voix. "Celui-ci n'a pas d'odorat, mais son ouïe est fine. Silence."
Izuku voulait demander ce que diable était ce truc à l'ouïe fine, mais rien que l'idée d'ouvrir la bouche et de se faire remarquer lui tordait les entrailles d'une manière douloureuse. Son lit lui manquait tout d'un coup. Son lit et les couvertures chaudes et douces. Et les tasses de chocolats chaud, aussi, avec des guimauves et de la crème à outrance.
Il n'était pas sûr d'avoir à nouveau la chance d'en boire un.
Le monstre releva la tête et observa les alentours, sondant son environnement. Les choses qui devait lui servir d'oreilles se tenaient droites et hautes sur sa tête, et il resta là, immobile et silencieux, la queue de fer battant l'air.
Au fond de lui, d'une manière viscérale, Izuku le savait. Si cette chose se retournait, elle les trouverait.
Mais ils ne pouvaient pas faire grand chose, chaque son menaçant de dévoiler leur présence. Alors, ils restèrent là, paralysés comme des souris à la vue d'un chat. Yagi regardait droit devant lui, la respiration calme malgré la moiteur de ses mains, et chercha quelque chose dans une de ses poches. Izuku, lui, avait les mains collées contre sa bouche, atténuant au mieux le bruit de sa respiration alors qu'il fermait les yeux.
Un nouveau grognement - un mélange de grondements graves, de cliquetis et de râles - émana du monstre avant qu'il ne commence fatalement à pivoter dans leur direction. Izuku sentit des larmes perler au coin de ses yeux alors que l'effroi lui lacérait l'estomac, lui donnant envie de vomir.
Ils étaient finis. Izuku avait toujours eu la poisse et ça ne changerait pas cette nuit. Yagi, trop faible pour se battre, allait finir en morceaux par un truc sorti tout droit des enfers, et Izuku finirait tout aussi déchiqueté dans le coin de la rue. Il plaignait les pauvres passants qui découvriraient leurs cadavres au petit matin. S'il en restait quoi que ce soit.
Il y eu encore des pas, des cliquetis et raclements, plus proches et plus proches encore, lorsque soudain, l'écho d'une caisse tombant au sol résonna dans la nuit et le fit sursauter. La tête de la bête fit volte-face, le cou tordu dans une position tout sauf naturelle et fixa les ténèbres à la recherche de l'origine du bruit.
Un moment s’écoula sans que rien ne se passe puis, le duo, complètement alerte et immobile, observa le reste de la créature bouger pour suivre l'alignement de sa tête qui fixait l'une des ruelles.
Un éclair blanc bondit hors des ombres, trois queues fouettant l'air alors que Renard faisait face au monstre. Le métal étincelait sous la lumière artificielle, et les reliures en or qui couvraient son corps captaient la lumière et la renvoyaient. Izuku aurait voulu hurler, la panique et l'inquiétude rugissant dans ses veines. Renard était si petit en comparaison, minuscule et frêle devant la créature.
Il suffirait d'un mauvais coup.
Yagi dut le retenir et lui plaquer une main sur la bouche pour ne pas qu'il ruine tout.
La créature toisait Renard, immobile, une des pattes gelées au-dessus du sol. Le corps grinça et cliqueta alors qu'il se penchait en avant. Un instant, la chose se tenait à une quinzaine de mètres de l'automate. Le suivant, il était sur Renard et tentait de le plaquer au sol, griffes et crocs sortis.
Cependant, l'automate, bien que beaucoup plus petit que le monstre, restait agile et rapide. Il parvint à se dégager dans un mouvement fluide, roulant sur le sol et se remettant sur ses pattes. Puis, avant que la créature sombre ne bouge à nouveau, l'automate détala dans une des ruelles adjacentes, celle à l'opposée d'où se trouvait le duo.
La chose ne perdit pas une seconde et s'élança à sa suite, disparaissant dans la nuit alors que des grondements et des cris se répercutait dans la ville.
Les deux restèrent immobiles pendant un moment, avant que Yagi ne se décide enfin à se relever, observant les alentours à la recherche de quoi que ce soit d'anormal. Izuku était toujours recroquevillé par terre, jouant nerveusement avec sa chemise alors que son esprit divaguait sur ce qui attendait son automate.
Renard était rapide et dur à attraper. Il était aussi bien plus petit et pouvait se faufiler partout, il trouverait bien un endroit inaccessible au monstre, pas vrai ? Il pouvait toujours courir et le semer quelque part, mais est-ce qu'il pourrait retrouver son chemin ? Izuku ne connaissait pas bien la ville, et il doutait que son automate se débrouille mieux. Mon dieu, et s'il ne le trouvait pas avant le départ ? Et si Renard restait coincé ici ? Yagi pourrait comprendre et peut-être retarder le départ, mais s'ils ne trouvaient pas Renard ? Ils ne pouvaient pas le laisser là ! Et il ne pouvait pas non plus demander des infos ou de l'aide à qui que ce soit, ils étaient recherchés. Et en plein jour, son automate ne serait pas vraiment la chose la plus discrète dans ces quartiers. Ho mon dieu, et si le monstre l'attrape quand même ? Et s'il n'est pas assez rapide ?
"Midoriya, tu divagues."
Le garçon cligna des yeux, soudainement tiré de ses pensées. Yagi s'était accroupis devant lui et lui secouait doucement l'épaule.
"Ton renard est une bête intelligente. Je suis sûr qu'il nous retrouvera," il dit.
Le blond lui offrit un sourire.
Cette fois-ci, Izuku n'était pas sûr qu'il soit vrai.
"Nous ne devrions pas rester ici," continua Yagi en observant à nouveau la ruelle où avait disparu le monstre. "Ces choses ne se baladent jamais seules."
"Qu'est-ce que c'était, au juste ?" demanda l'adolescent, le visage encore livide alors qu'il relâchait un frisson.
L'homme le dévisagea avec une expression désolée, avant de lui tapoter l'épaule et de l'aider à se relever.
"L'une des expérimentations de ton père."
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stillebesat · 4 years
Sanders Sides: Logan, Patton Blurb: Was it too much for Logan to ask to have just one date not revolve around sports talk? Fic Type: Soulmate AU Overall Fic Warnings: None Taglist in Reblog
The polite smile Logan had been wearing for the past two hours slipped off his face as soon as he turned his back to the black camero waiting on the sidewalk. 
Every time. 
It took all his self-will to unlock his door and move inside without slamming said door shut on that--that--
He gritted his teeth, glaring at his stupid soulmark of a baseball with blue stitching on the back of his hand. “I despise you,” He whispered. Had despised it since the mark had appeared on his thirteenth birthday.
Logan shoved his fist under his arm, stalking away from the door. 
Every time. 
No matter how many times he told people what type of people he was interested in dating, in having as a soulmate, his wants and needs all seemed to drain out of their fluff-filled scheming heads as soon as they saw the stupid baseball on his hand.
Because the baseball obviously had to mean that his soulmate would be a jock.
After all, your soulmate’s mark would pair with yours when you touched for the first time. Appearing on your skin to complete each other and show that you were finally whole. A key to its lock, a lightning bolt to a cloud, a pen to paper, or in Logan’s case an individual with a bat or mitt would match with him and his infernal baseball. 
It didn’t matter that Logan hated sports.
It didn’t matter that a soulmark didn’t always indicate a ‘type’ of person to be on the lookout for.
It didn’t matter that he’d figured out by his senior year of highschool that the sports type wasn’t his type at all.
No. As soon as someone saw the baseball, any thought or consideration to the type of person Logan was actually interested in flew right out the figurative door. 
Time and time again it was the same old story. The same type of guy. The same droll dates filled with endless sports talk before the dreaded moment when his date would reach out and touch him to see if their soulmarks would appear on each other’s skin...only to have nothing happen.
He was sick of it. 
Logan threw open the door to his bedroom and grabbed the overflowing duffle bag of baseball gag gifts he'd been given for practically every occasion for the last eight years and ducked outside onto his balcony. 
The balcony overlooking the darkened practice baseball fields because where else should Logan end up after the student housing administrator noticed the baseball on his hand? It was fate.  
Logan dropped the bag with a thunk, grabbing the first ball his fingers touched and squared up like a pitcher on the mound. 
It wasn't like he wasn't familiar with the position. His parents had fully subscribed to the idea of Logan’s soulmate being into sports and had forced him to play the game throughout all of high school in the hopes that he would meet his other half there.
Just because his parents’ soulmarks of a shovel and a pickax had matched with their shared interest and subsequent careers in Archaeology didn’t mean his mark would be the same. 
Letting out a breath, Logan focused all his frustration and anger into the ball before sending it flying out into the middle of the field, not even waiting for it to land before he grabbed another.
He hated it. 
Hated this.
Baseball this.
Sports that.
Practice. Practice. Practice.
Well he was practicing now!
Logan’s lips drew back in a silent snarl as he threw ball after ball after ball like one of those stupid pitching machines. 
Just once. He would like to go on a date that didn’t involve any sports talk whatsoever. A date where Logan could talk about his interest in marine biology, in space, in his attempts to write a murder mystery--yes the character that dies a violent death was a baseball player, so sue him. He had to vent his bitterness about his mark somewhere--but a date. A real actual date that had--had--
“AHHHHH!!!!!!!” Logan screamed, flinging the last baseball in his stash out into the darkness before he slumped over the railing burying his head in his arms, ignoring how his glasses dug into the bridge of his nose. 
It was pointless.
He’d have to move to Antarctica to escape the never ending line of sport related dates and it would just be his luck that the penguins would end up gaining sentience while he was studying their migratory behavior and their first sentence would be to ask him his opinion on the likelihood of the Marlins making it to the World Series this year.  
“You know--”
Logan jerked his head up at the unfamiliar voice coming from below and despite his misgivings for further human interaction tonight, peered over the railing to see a guy wearing the exact same type of frames as him standing in the light cast from the balcony below Logan’s apartment, with a bat in hand.
Great. A player. His luck was definitely not in tonight.
The figure offered a wide smile, holding up one of Logan’s balls. “Until I heard you scream, kiddo, I’d begun to think it was the sky raining baseballs down on my head.” He gestured to the darkened field. “Made for quite the interesting practice for sure, not knowing where the next one would show up.” 
Kiddo? They had to be of similar age! Logan exhaled, pushing his glasses back up as he straightened. He could hold it together long enough to apologize to the guy at least. 
“Apologies...I didn’t think anyone was out there--” Hopefully he hadn’t hit him. Logan had been throwing the balls quite forcefully. He cleared his throat. “Why were you playing in the dark?” 
The boy shrugged, tapping the bat against his shoe. “Moon’s bright enough to see. It’s nice to just...not have anyone watching you practice, you know?”
“No.” But perhaps that was because Logan had only practiced when forced to. 
“Oh well,” The boy bounced the ball in his hand. “I’m not much of a catcher, but--” He threw the ball up in the air and with a swing of his bat, sent it flying straight into Logan’s hands. “I can return your balls to you this way if you want--” 
He’d very much rather go burn them all in a dumpster. Logan turned the ball over in his fingers, the leather surface warm from being in the batter’s hand. “Or?” 
“Or?” The boy glanced to the field, chewing on his bottom lip. “Or...uhmm...well you can come down and help me? Or I can gather them all and bring them up to you!” He said flashing Logan another smile. “I just need like a garbage bag or something to put them all in?” 
Ha. Logan’s lips twitched. No way was he inviting a stranger up here. Which meant--He exhaled, dropping the baseball back down to the boy’s feet. “You can keep some if you want. I’d rather not have the reminder.” 
Unfortunately, Logan had known that he couldn’t just...leave them all there for someone else to find and take. Not when most of them had his name on them. Which meant, even without this guy’s interference, he’d have to go gather all the balls back up anyways. 
A pity. It had been good while it lasted, to think he’d never have to see them again.
The boy laughed, throwing the bat over his shoulders. “Ah, kiddo, you and me both.” 
Logan blinked. “Both?” He echoed, leaning on the railing. 
“Not exactly fond of the sport myself. But yah know.” He raised the back of his hand to Logan, a blue and black baseball mitt shining in stark relief on his skin under the light from the balcony below. “Soulmarks right?”
Instinctively Logan moved to cover his own mark. “Right.” He whispered, not quite believing what he was hearing. Someone else...hated--no perhaps that was too strong of a word--didn’t like their soulmark? 
He’d thought he was the only one. 
Logan cleared his throat. “You don’t--?” 
“Nah.” The boy shook his head, running his hand down the bat. “Like I said. I’m not much of a catcher. Broken my glasses more times than I can count because people see the mitt and assume if they throw something at me I’ll be able to catch it.” 
Logan winced. And he’d thought he’d had it rough. “I’m...sorry.” 
“Meh.” The boy waved his hand dismissively. “I’m used to it.” He cleared his throat, nudging the baseball with his shoe. “Anyways--I--uh still need a bag or something for--” 
Right. The baseballs. The whole reason why they were having this conversation in the first place. Logan exhaled, grabbing the now empty duffle bag and pulling the strap over his shoulder. “One moment, I’ll be right down.”
“Oh, you don’t--you can just toss--” 
Like he would make anyone clean up his own mess when he was quite capable himself. Logan grabbed the railing and swung himself over, pausing long enough to gauge the distance to the ground nine feet below him before he jumped, landing lightly on his feet. He raised an eyebrow at the batter’s flabbergasted expression as he straightened. “What?”
The guy blinked, mouth open. “I--uh--” He cleared his throat, ducking his head as he fidgeted with his glasses. “That was really cool.” He mumbled. “Like from a spy movie.” 
Logan scoffed, ignoring how he could feel his cheeks warming. “It was the quickest way down to you.” He said, scooping up the first baseball and shoving it into his bag before he strode off towards the darkened field. The sooner he gathered them all up, the quicker he could return to sulking in his room. 
A faint “Right,” sounded behind him before the other guy caught up, fidgeting with the baseball bat. 
“I’m Patton by the way.” He said after a moment, shooting Logan a smile, his glasses reflecting in the moonlight.
Introductions. Bah. He’d much rather have preferred remaining complete strangers. “Logan.”
“Logan.” Patton repeated softly. “Do you go by Lo?”
Lo? Logan frowned, ignoring how--how warm he felt now after hearing Patton say his name. He cleared his throat, adjusting the strap of his duffle bag on his shoulder. Why would anyone want to shorten his name any further? “No?” 
“Oh.” Patton moved ahead of him to open the chain link gate in the fence. “Well I Lo-key think your name is really cool, Logan!” He said, gesturing him inside with his bat. 
Low-key? “Ah...your name is...nice too...Patton.” He said awkwardly, pausing just inside the fence to let him shut the gate. “I haven’t heard it before.” Well he had, just not as a name. People patented inventions all the time afterall. 
“Thanks!” Patton bounded past him like an excited puppy, already heading for the cluster of baseballs shining under the moonlight. “My parents were trying to play off of the--uh--” He tilted his head, chewing on his lower lip as he dropped the first handful of balls into Logan’s bag. “That one philosophy from that one guy...Arisomething? Pathos, Ethos, Logos--hey!” He pointed the bat to Logan, bouncing on his toes. “You’d be a really good representation for Logos with your name Logan! But yah. I’m named after Pathos?” 
Huh. That was...different. He was pretty sure his Dad had named him after some stupid superhero or something. Logan shook his head, stooping down to grab his own couple of baseballs from the field. “So you have two siblings then?” 
“Ah...no, actually.” Patton half jogged over to drop a handful of baseballs into the duffle. He shrugged, running a hand through his hair. “Mom got cancer--she’s okay! But she...she couldn’t have kids anymore after everything.” 
“Yah...what about you? Any siblings?”
Logan exhaled, making a mental note to move faster in collecting his baseballs. Small talk. How had he gotten himself into small talk? Though he supposed he should be grateful it wasn’t sports talk. Few of his dates ever asked about his family beyond what teams they supported. Not that this was a date. But still. “Twin sisters, younger.” 
Patton nodded. “Nice! Mom mentioned once if she had had a daughter she would have named her Athena...keeping with Ethos I guess? Is it nice to have younger sisters? I know the movie tropes make them annoying…” 
Logan snorted, shaking his head as he bent down to grab another ball. “They’ve mellowed out the past couple of years...well beyond being hellbent on finding me my soulmate while they travel with my parents.” He hunched his shoulders. At least tonight’s date hadn’t been their fault. “They’ve become rather infatuated with the idea of true love after spending the summer in France.”
Patton chuckled, shaking his head. “Sounds like my best friend, Roman. He’s spent the past couple of summers traveling around Europe hoping to meet his soulmate in one of those old castles. I’m not sure why he’s convinced they’re gonna be over there. Baseball isn’t as popular over there as it is here in the States.”
Logan pulled up short, blinking. “Your friend Roman has a baseball mark too?” 
“Hmm? Oh yah! Well, not of a baseball, his is a bat though Roman’s quite set on the fact that it’s a club, you know the weapon? Which maybe that’s why he keeps haring off to Europe, but there’s a few of us that have met up here on campus with baseball related marks---”
“And none of you are soulmates to each other?” Sure, it shouldn’t be surprising. Hadn’t he gone on dozens of dates with people who had related marks but didn’t match up?
Patton ducked his head, tapping the tip of his bat against his shoe. “Well...ummm….we don’t...know? It’s not a thing?”
“Not a thing.” Logan repeated, faintly. How could it not be a thing?! It seemed like his whole life had revolved around the concept of matching up ever since his mark first formed. It was the first thing people looked at when he talked to them, people hardly wanted to interact with him unless they thought their marks could match up and Patton was saying-- “You haven’t tried to match with any of them?” 
Patton shrugged, turning to grab another baseball, rolling it back and forth in his palm as he fidgeted. “Like...I--I could...I want to, but most of us don’t like our marks, I think Remus may be the only one? His is this neon green foam finger that he’s super proud of. It’s just...we all just want to be friends first.” He said, stressing the word. “If we match then we’ll match when the time is right, but we just...we all wanted a safe space to be ourselves in college and not have to worry about soulmarks on top of classes and finals and such.” 
“Oh.” Logan lowered his duffle bag to the ground. “That sounds...nice.” He brushed the mark on his wrist. To not have to worry about being a potential soulmate to the person he was talking to. To not have to have every conversation revolve around the sport. 
Patton nodded, his face in shadow as he placed the last baseball into Logan’s bag. “It is.” He looked up, the light from the moon catching on his glasses, as he pushed them back up his nose. “You ah...we’re all meeting up tomorrow at noon for lunch at that new Bubba Gump Cafe just off campus...if you want to come...check it out? Meet everyone?” 
A safe place. To just be himself. To talk to people and not worry about if any of them matched. “I--” Logan took a steadying breath, giving Patton a small smile. “If you don’t mind me...tagging along...I’d really like that.” 
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the-sunshine-dims · 3 years
amnesia rewrite! (chapter 6)
ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | ch 7 | ch 8 |
original fic
words: 1692
contents and warnings: amnesia, deaged Janus, food, fluff, weeping angel mention, pranks, 
Patton knew individually both Virgil and Janus were very strong spirits, and he had learned over the past couple weeks that together they were.. well, chaotic, but surely
It wouldn’t be normal for them to do- well whatever they did, Patton could only guess as roman chased them, covered in a sparkly goop, and yelling a couple of nonsense phrases as well as what Patton could only make out as “undo it!” 
He really hoped it wouldn’t be normal.
Patton pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing to himself, before taking pity on both poor Roman and the flooring which was ever so slowly being fully covered with the goop as well, he loudly coughed to get their attention, having the intended effect of having them all halt in there running, “did you two do this?” He asked in his practiced and patented dad voice, already pretty certain he knew the answer but still asking anyway.
Janus immediately piped up, taking the attention from Virgil who had actually not fully stopped and had kept slowly side-stepping away from roman “No!” He told him insistently, not wanting him or Virgil to get in trouble and have the invite of movie night be rescinded, it was the first time it was calm enough and no one was too busy for one, which meant it was his first movie night, he didn’t want to miss it! still despite his very best attempt it was very very, abundently clear to Patton that he was lying, which wasn’t as big a surprise as Janus wished it would be, after all, he was a very shifty character.
the effort made Patton make sure to be soft with his tone however before he was just about to reply Virgil spoke up to talk to Janus, “dee patt’s smart enough to know we did it- and even if he didn’t would you really wanna not take credit for the awesome prank?” He asked vaguely motioning to Roman who was halfway across the room from him now.
Janus pouted- actually pouted and Patton couldn’t help but silently chuckle to himself, thankfully unnoticed by all other parties, and once he had stopped pouting he just turned around to face patton and immediately looked down to fiddle with his sleeves as he quietly went “okay.. we did, ‘m sorry” he said, focusing his attention on Patton.
“You don’t need to apologize to me, Roman’s the one who’s affected and deserves an apology.” he told him, and speaking of Roman, “Roman when you’re ready the bathroom should be free why don’t you take a shower, it doesn’t appear that the goo was made with just a snap,” Roman sighed loudly before nodding and Patton smiled at him before turning his attention once again to the two chaos bringers “now, you two clean the mess from when he was chasing after you and later you’ll have to help me with movie night preparation, sound relatively Fair?” 
Virgil, Janus, and Roman mumbled a chorus of yes’s, Romans more prominent as he was happy to get some retribution for their crimes. Patton nodded- mostly to himself, “good.” 
It would be days before he ended up admitting to the two that he actually found the prank kind of funny, because by then Roman, while still acting offended by the pure mention of it, everyone could tell that it was purely lighthearted and he was in no way mad.
It would be only hours though until he admitted it was adorable and so very sweet how much Janus had latched and pretty much imprinted onto Virgil, following him around like a little duckling, (and when Virgil was truly busy Roman was a close second, however, it didn’t seem to save him.)
“..Roman why are you sparkly?” 
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” roman grumbled back.
Patton chuckled as he listened to the short-lived conversation of the two from the kitchen, Virgil and Janus had been helping him with prepping everything for the movie night but as making popcorn was the last thing they needed to do (and they and Roman had gotten banned from the kitchen because while one of them had tried to make pasta while waiting for the plain water to heat up it somehow caught on fire) so he let them go, to do what they wanted to do until everyone gathered for the movie.
After a bit he was finally done popping it so he then sifted popcorn into the two bowls, one for just melted butter and salt for Logan and Virgil and one bowl with sugar and melted butter for Roman and himself and maybe Remus if he joined them, and Janus was welcome to both as Patton hadn’t really been able to memorize his favorite yet.
He smiled as walked out, quickly setting the popcorn bowls down onto the coffee table, before happily sitting and leaning into Roman’s side, he hummed quietly to himself as he waited for Virgil to come back down before he noticed that Janus was just standing there, near the tv not really doing something, barely even moving.
He took worry-filled moment to take a breath before just going “hey dee? You wanna sit down kiddo?” And Patting the spot next to him, he didn’t want him to feel like the odd one out and feel too awkward to sit down, so he wanted to offer a clear invitation just incase, logan had said he occasionally needed that.
Janus glanced at Patton momentarily, before shaking his head insistently “no, waiting,” He explained, well it might’ve been explaining to him but it gave much more questions than answers, and honestly it was kind of scaring Patton especially as he immediately went back to staring at a specific spot, and a long while back Virgil had introduced him to what weeping angels were, so now he was scared to look away when his kiddos stared at either him or a very specific spot that didn’t ever vary for a prolonged time.
After a bit Virgil came down and sat right next to Logan, who had been silently reading a book against the armrest,
Then the moment Virgil sat down and everybody got situated- not even a second later, Janus ran full force at the couch and threw himself onto them, eliciting a variety of startled yelps and shrieks from them, and after a moment of him just happily using all of theirs legs as pillows as they remained completely stunned, Roman, Logan, and Paton just started to make noises of both bewilderment and dramatic alarm, however, the former was more of Romans doing, despite the only Part of Janus that was even touching him was his arms, extended like a stretching cat, though honestly despite the earlier prank Patton felt like if it had been anyone else and not Janus who had done that Roman would make much more fanfare about the throwing themself at them at all, Patton smiled to himself at the notion before grabbing the remote and stretching to hand it to Logan, absentmindedly starting to card his fingers through Janus’s hair.
Janus smiled contently as he got comfortable, happy with just being so close to his family. 
It had been maybe two and a half movies before Patton looked around, about to tell them another movie-based pun before he realized that They all had fallen fast asleep, Roman’s head lulled to the side and leaning on him much more than patton realized, Virgil cuddling Logan closely, and Janus holding patton’s arm captive, close to his chest, Patton barely suppressed an adoring coo with just how adorable the scene was before he realized that one of them wasn’t asleep, though he wasn’t that far away from it.
He looked over to focus more on Logan, who was trying so hard to watch the movie, blinking his eyes open after they started drooping more than three times in a single minute. 
Patton smiled fondly before quietly going “lo, dear, you should go to sleep,”
Logan paused as he processed his words before he gave Patton a sheepish- and very groggy- smile, then he looked down to his lap, doing his best to avoid eye contact, and Patton realized a very important thing as Logan mumbled “‘mm don’ wanna move,” because while Virgil was very cuddly currently, Logan was equally cuddly, and he appeared very content to be so.
Patton chuckled softly as he understood, before going to shake his head lovingly, “lo-lo you don’t have to go upstairs to go to bed, you can just go to sleep in the cuddle pile with us, I was just saying if you're sleepy it’d be good to go to sleep.”
Logan made a small little “oh” sound, making it abundantly obvious even if it wasnt already that he was too tired to of even considered that, before grinning so brightly and so groggily and happily collapsing into Virgil’s chest.
And Patton couldn’t see exactly but he wouldn’t be surprised if Logan instantly fell asleep, he gave a small chuckle before doing his best to cover everybody with the blankets they had gradually grabbed and brought over to the couch to make sure no one got cold in the middle of the night.
After he was done he grabbed the remote from where Logan had put it and turned the tv off, soon continuing to card his fingers through Janus’s hair with his non-stolen hand.
And as Janus just melted even more at the contact Patton’s heart just melted once. 
It didnt take long for patton to start getting drowsy now that he didnt have something to pay attention to and soon Janus and Patton started to Have incoherent conversations, Patton didn't even know if he had partially awoken or if it was just mid-sleep mumbles, but it didn't matter because he wasn’t even forming real or coherent words either, suddenly too tired to even realize it.
And not long after he could only yawn as he tried to keep his eyes open, before just collapsing against Roman’s shoulder and being the final one to quickly doze off.
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plaguethewaters · 4 years
fourth time’s the charm
so. @greenninjagal-blog . Fool me trice had me in tears and emotions so i MUST retailiate by giving you hopefully as much tears and emotions. Obviously, this being a sequel of Green’s fic, I highly reccommend going to read hers first and giving some love, she really deserves it.
*** Wc: 2182
Characters: Janus, Virgil, brief mentions of all the other sides.
Relationships: Janus/Virgil Cw: Crying, mentions of shouting and arguments, slightly heavy metaphores, implied kissing, self deprecation and blaming, mentioned oast arguments, identity theft? tecnically? but it’s just Jan doing his thing. (As always feel free to tell me to add more!)
Or: Janus and Virgil have a lot of feelings. Would be nice if someone taught them how to deal with it.
[after thought note, because I realized it might not be as understandable as I tought, the things in brackets are Virgil’s thoughts].
Janus woke up at the shifting of a light.
The corridor light, to be more precise, the one that only turned itself off when everyone was supposed to be asleep. Which meant it was either very, very late, or very very early.
He took a moment to let panic consume him, the looming shadow of every task he didn't do filling his head, before taking a deep breath. Roman had said he would take care of it, (or at the very least, he thought he had. His memories about that conversation were still way fuzzier than he'd like them to be, that with emotional fatigue and actual fatigue messing things up), and even if he hadn't there was nothing he could do now. He had to wait until the morning, survey the damage, and try to fix his mistakes as best as he could.
Taking another breath (funny how he'd almost had to remind himself to) he opened his eyes.
To Virgil.
Virgil, entering his room with a way too obvious "caught in the act" expression, and a tray in his hands carefully balancing what looked like biscuits and tea. (His favourite late night snack. Virgil's had been dark chocolate and milk, and he wondered whether it had changed as much as everything else).
"Uhm, Hi," He said, ever the most eloquent in his still half asleep state. "What are you doing here?"
"Patt told me to bring you something to eat."
Janus was pretty sure Patton didn't know of his current condition at all. And even if he had, there was a very low chance he'd decide to get him caren of at such an ungodly hour of the morning (which, glancing at his clock, revealed itself to be three o'clock), but he politely decided not to point that off.
[Patton had not, in fact, told him to do this. It just sounded like a less pitiful excuse than "I heard you were sick and I literally couldn't sleep until I'd seen you breathing".]
"Roman told us about what happened today." Virgil said, voice revealing as little emotion as possible, while he brought the tray over his nightstand and retreated.
And oh, there it was, the icy coldness of dread washing over him. He did not really know what would happen, now. A screaming match, maybe? He hoped not, not now when his throat was so obviously hoarse from crying, not when his brain couldn't have tried to keep up the mask of hate.
He'd end up doing something absurdly stupid, like being honest to someone who so clearly didn't want to hear the truth.
"I'm not... pleased. About you using my face to do your thing.  You should contribute with your own appearance or, you know, ask. I still think lying this much is wrong, for both you and Thomas; we're going to hit a wall where either no one believes us anymore, or we have so much stress from keeping up with it all that we break down, " He sighed, "That being said, you probably did, something right. Roman hasn't smiled like that since, what, the christmas episode? Logan had lunch with us today, he actually talked about this book he's reading, even if he expected to be shut down at any moment; Patton has asked us to give him so space. He set boundaries  Jan, I don't think I ever seen him do that. Hell, even Remus seemed more okay than usual. Whatever you've been doing, it made them really happy. Keep it up."
[There was resentment, in those words. A little bit of venom sliding over, a "why are they happy with you and not me?" hidden behind the praise. The old nickname, going out before it could even hit his brain, did nothing to alleviate the burn.]
Janus was silent for a long time, long enough to look like he wouldn't answer at all.
That was... way calmer than he'd expected this conversation to go. Less screaming was involved, and definitely less tears (on both parts).
Being accredited of what was probably Roman's work helped, surely (why would Virgil think he was the author of all of that?), but there was still a layer of doubt frizzling under his skin. The kind of hate they felt towards each other, that Virgil felt towards him, the years of resentment onto their backs... They didn't go away that easily.
[He had considered keeping up the hate and the hissing, to pretend like he still despised the Janus' very presence, but he was just so tired. Regret and rage were all encompassing, and took way more out of him than he'd like to admit.]
When Virgil went away, he hadn't had much time to think: anger and betrayal flooded his veins, his brain nothing but a mixture of tears and regret. He had fallen in a never ending cycle, blaming Virgil and then Remus and then finally himself, everyone and everything being at fault for things that didn't have a fault at all: he needed to direct his rage at something, and where all failed it was forced to turn inwards. Never, from those miserable moments to the present, had he ever thought to compare  just how similar Virgil's function was to his. Protection was protection, be it through fear or deception, be it born of safety or happiness; making Thomas (and by proxy, his sides) safe and content, was all they ever wanted (even if it meant sacrificing everything. Even if meant sacrificing yourself).
Virgil would have never turned his own hate onto the others, not when there was a risk of hurting them. (When Janus' blaming couldn't find a scapegoat, it turned onto himself. Where had Virgil's hate gone, if not entirely on him?)
"What about you?" Janus said, words escaping his lips with almost no sound.
Virgil, halfway to the door, turned to him with a confused expression.
[He hadn't expected him to reply. He didn't think, after how much of an idiot he'd been, that Janus would ever want a conversation with him.]
"What about me?"
"You listed everyone except yourself. Are you happy?"
"Of course," came an answer, too quick and too bitter to be the truth. Surprising, for someone who lived with him for so long, not to come up with a more convincing lie; it was clear Virgil never really believed in it himself.
[He wanted to believe in it, oh, how he wanted. He'd been trying for so long to be happy, yet he couldn't, not with that hole in his heart heavier than any worry].
"Do you... Do you know why Roman knew I wasn't you?" Janus said, an apparent non-sequitur that still made too much sense, voice still low (don't raise it, don't scream, you'll make the same mistakes again-) and looking intently at his hands.
Virgil looked up, looking surprised. Janus couldn't blame him: with all the years he had spent admiring every inch of his skin, every thread of his favourite hoodie, every wrinkle formed with is smile, every note in his giggles of excitement, he could make a copy almost equal to the original. (Almost, always almost, could never come perfectly close to something so magnificent no matter how hard he tried).
He'd know Virgil like the palm of his hands, deeper than he'd ever known himself.
It didn't come to his mind that it wasn't the same for  the others.
"I wouldn't have... expected. Him to notice, that's it. You make a good me."
"Neither did I. Apparently I had made a mistake in thinking he'd ever seen you actually happy."
"Ah, That." Virgil sighed.
Resignation, maybe, or shame: Janus wasn't sure, but neither of these option were pleasant. He looked intently at the other, asking him to continue with no bravery to speak.
[- those eyes, always staring, always seeing so deep into his soul in a way that shouldn't have been endearing and yet never failed to make his heart race-]
"It's not that I was never happy. I was. They make me happy, and very much so," he continued, thoughts going to a quiet christmas, to a hundred movie nights, to a thousand shared meals, "I love them as much as I'd like to think they love me. I just.. keep it covered around them too. At first it was just to, you know, scare Thomas off? Somehow? But then, thoughts started happening, with reasons and stuff, and I decided to keep it like that. It wears down every few hours, but I like spending time alone anyway ."
"But why?" He asked in disbelief, not able to fathom covering something so beautiful, the glow in his eyes he'd spent so long getting lost in-
"I was scared, okay? Of ... you."
Suddenly his thoughts stopped.
Virgil still wasn't looking at him. [He wasn't brave enough to.]
He felt as if he was about to cry, again. There sure was a trend to this evening wasn't there?
[Oh god, tears. Retry, retry quick-]
"Or, well, not of you you. The memory of you. Of the past, in general, and the past with you all. Being completely happy in the Light, comfortable showing emotions and like, content with the life I had chosen? It mean leaving you behind. It meant admitting I abandoned you, abandoned everyone and everything. And admiring that, meant also acknowledging the fact that I felt like shit about it. "
[Had he always rambled so much?]
"I missed my old me, and my old life, and it scared me so much. I missed you."
Janus left out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Everything in his body flooded with relief, veins filling with the happiness of reciprocation, the burn of an old feeling coming back to life, the sheer energy of the love he felt.
He knew that this was as much as a confession as they would ever have. They had never learned to deal with emotions as big as these felt, never knew how to put them into words in a way that would have made sense for anyone else. For them, something as simple as “I missed you”, said in a rush at three in the morning, when both their brains were too tired to keep up a filter, meant everything the words could mean and a billion times more. It meant love, in it simplest of terms that really, wasn’t simple at all.
And in that faithful moment, after what felt like eons and billions of seconds, like eras ending and worlds ending, like lakes of tears being spilled and blind joy being felt, their eyes met.
Eye to eye, [still beautiful as that first day], deep dark brown drowning in his own, technically the same as Thomas' but [so so different, sparkling with yellow and green and a rainbow of colors vibrant enough to blind] and somehow so dark and static at the same time, purple voids full of swirling emotions. It had been long enough for him to be accustomed to this, [the sheer pain of not having,] the pain of not feeling, [the pain of being so far apart you don't know where you start and the wanting ends], the pain of not having anyone near in the moment of need, stern and strict when he forgot to take care of himself over everyone, [calm and gentle during panic attacks,] a voice and a laugh for every sad moment [a tear and compassion when he didn't know he wanted them]; Yet it hadn't been long enough for him to forget the way those eyes spoke, [no words ever necessary,] an "I love you" hidden in their banter, [a "I'll be there for you" after a sleepless night.]
A "I will miss you" in the anger.  [A "I'll regret this" in a betrayal.]
Soon hands followed where the eyes watched, words another time rendered useless in the heat of the moment.           [He never knew how to actually say how he felt. Emotions were too                      complicated to be said so simply.]           He needed to show him, to let all of his love for Virgil fill his body until it                spilled over in his arms.
They rushed, fervent with the need and passion  of a flower torn to shred, clinging to the last few strands of stem it has left; yet they were calm to the eyes of anyone else: the rush was in their minds, in the way they caressed each other's face, in the way they hugged as long lost souls.
 Everything just seems so fast when the world has stopped moving.
Suddenly the came to a halt, lips inches away from one another. It was too fast, too fast to seem real and probably too fast to be right: they should have stopped, apologized, thought it through. They should have tried seeing  how ridiculous this situation would've looked from an outside perspective, how impossible would be a sudden change from hissing at each other whenever they were in the same room, to caressing each other's cheeks in utter adoration.
They were never one to follow the standard, really.
"You know," said Virgil with a smirk, softly caressing his scales, [God they were so soft-] "We should maybe talk about all of, um, this. Like functioning adults."
"I think I have been a functional adult enough for today. I need a break," he snorted, taking the others hand and leading him to the bed.
As they came in contact, "I think we can talk tomorrow" was heard, a whisper whose origins couldn't count now that their bodies were fused in one, feelings encompassing and engulfing what little of physical they still had left.
When Janus fell on his back, with Virgil's lips a fire on his own and the pillows freezing on his back, his world drowned in purple and he was finally really truly happy.
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logan-is-noggin · 3 years
One Thought: Chapter 6
Summary: as the sides help Patton, Virgil makes a important discovery
Tw: mentions of vomiting, body image, eating disorders
the weeks following pattons intervention, his friends each did their part to help him recover. Logan and sometimes Virgil, made simple meals that weren't too difficult. and crackers, pb&j sandwiches, yogurt and cut up fruit. While Patton wanted to cooperate, his body hurt the more he ate, his sides cramped and he felt so bloated. roman did things with him to take his mind off of the pains. playing board games, watching his favorite cartoons, doing arts and crafts.
virgil in particular made sure he was just available. for anything patton should need, even if he wasnt in the best mood, if patton needed a hug or to talk, he would shove everything aside.
one evening after dinner, Patton and Virgil were going to play mousetrap. they were in Patton's room " I'm gonna go grab the game from the closet, ill be right back."
Patton nodded, left standing in his room, the thin voice hissed. the dark one is gone, you can finally purge yourself from the fattening things they've been filling you with. Patton wanted to object, but he caught his profile in the full mirror. It's a pity, for a while I was thinking you were actually accomplishing something. but you're just weak. a whine caught in Patton's throat as he rushed into the bathroom and closed the door.
ten minutes later, Patton opened the door, already filled with guilt, but to see Virgil sitting crossed-legged on the bed with the game on his lap, and a slight frown, Patton broke down. Virgil enveloped him instantly, trying to calm him as Patton pitifully tried to apologize. " I'm s-sorry, the voice kept saying I had t-to while I had the chance, I'm trying to get better I swear."
" patt, it's okay, relapses are bound to- wait." he stopped suddenly, pulling back from the side " what voice? is someone telling you to do all this to yourself?"
" i- I never see anyone. I just hear a- a voice, in my head."
" you need to tell me more, what does it sound like, wait, I need to get logan. please, don't move." and he darted out to alert the others.
he is such a fool- now you have another chance to rid yourself of more fat, more
" no," Patton said. no? don't you want to look better? have a better body? to be beautiful?
"that's just it, I've listened to you for so long with your promises. but every day, I look in the mirror and hate what I see, every time I throw up, my body hurts. and I'm tired of you running my life. I'm done! you might as well just leave!"
( vpov)
Virgil, roman, and logan were hurrying back up to Patton's room but from a distance, they heard Patton shouting " I'm Done! you might as well leave!" and as he finished shouting, an oily, black smoke exploded from Patton's mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes, as the now engorged tendril swirled near the ceiling, Patton slumped to the floor unconscious.
virgil's gaze went from Patton to the cloud, and he angrily grabbed Romans katana from the prince's side and shouted at the pulsing cloud " what did you do to my friend!"
to logan and roman, the tendril sounded only like grumbling thunder, but Virgil could make out the words clearly. I only made the truth clear to him, showed him what he was self-conscious of in himself, I never forced him to do anything. Virgil with a snarl leaped up, sword in hand, and sliced through the dense cloud, it screamed as it was pierced and a blinding light shot from the center, as the mist dissipated, logan and roman rushed to Patton " we need to get him to the hospital wing." logan said sinking out, roman picked Patton up bridal style, glancing at Virgil, still on his knees, Virgil nods once, roman returns it before too, sinking down.
Virgil wasn't sure how, but he somehow made it down the hall to his room, walking in, he looks up to see the other tendrils swimming around on the ceiling like normal. on a normal day, Virgil appreciated their dancing patterns, watching them how one would watch clouds, but right now, realizing that his friend almost died, because of him, it threw Virgil into a rage. he stormed through his room screaming, ripping artwork off the walls, strings off lights off the walls, cutting his hands on the broken glass in the process, tears running down his face but he didn't care.
Virgil sat on his now littered floor curled up. his sobbing slowed into short breathy hiccups. a knock at his open door makes him glance up. roman is inside and crouching next to him " what happened? your hands." he exclaimed.
" Patton. is he?" Virgil asked as roman headed into Virgil's bathroom and came out with the bowl and several instruments.
" logans with him, he's still unconscious. but he will get better, thanks to you really." Virgil didn't wince as roman used tweezers to pluck the glass bits from his hands. pouring rubbing alcohol over them, then finally wrapping both hands in gauze.
" It was an anxiety tendril, roman. from my room. he wouldn't have gone through any of that if it wasn't for me." Virgil paused.
roman took a washcloth and wiped the ruined makeup from under Virgil's eyes. " be that as it may, as I said, you also saved him in the end. and knowing padre, he'd focus on that rather than the other facts."
roman helped the side into his bed, saying he should try and get some sleep for a bit, and that he'd come to get him if anything changed in Patton's condition.
" Thanks, I guess," Virgil said before he let himself be pulled into an exhausted sleep.
Read Next Chapter ->
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wwwdlabrie · 2 years
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baka-monarch · 4 years
It’s A Small World Chapter 2: Protecting His Honor
Summary: Virgil has a plan to catch Roman being a bad person, but instead finds some feelings he thought disappeared after ninth grade...
Prologue Chapter 1
“It’s been three days Patt! Three days!!!” Virgil was in a video call with his brother as he packed a bag. “And he still hasn’t done one bad thing!” Currently he’d been explaining the roommate situation to Patton. For the past three days Roman had been a perfect roommate to Virgil, he’d kept the whole dorm clean, he would cook amazing meals for Virgil by waking up before him and having something always prepared for when the emo came back from class, AND he had yet to fall back into his old pattern of bullying Virgil. He had become the perfect roommate, but Virgil wasn’t quite ready to believe the act.
“Well, is that such a bad thing kiddo?” Patton had been listening to his little brother ramble on for the past hour about all the good things Roman had done as if Roman had done something terrible while... packing a bag? “Maybe he has changed?”
“Patton.” Virgil paused his packing. “People like him don’t change that fast.”
“Yeah but-” Patton tried to argue but was cut off as someone peeked at the screen over his shoulder.
“Patton dear, Virgil’s right. People can change but not that fast.” Janus, Patton’s lover, had been the one to cut off their boyfriend.
“Thank you Jan.” Virgil sighed as Patton had gained an exasperated look of defeat.
“No problem kid.” Janus smiled down at the screen, until his eyes caught on the bag Virgil was preparing with curiosity. “I thought you already finished your classes for the week?”
“Oh, I did.” Virgil had started packing it again, now adding a rather large water bottle.“Then why are you packing a bag?” Janus started adding a little motherly sternness to their voice as they said this.
“I uhm…” Virgil paused and looked at the screen, finding himself facing a worried brother and their glaring significant other. He cleared his throat before continuing. “I’m going to catch him in the act of being a bad person.” He smiled awkwardly, praying they wouldn’t ask more.
“Yes, but why do you need a bag for that?” Of course Jan would ask more, they are a lawyer after all.
“Well…” Virgil swallowed his nerves. He couldn’t lie to them. Literally. Janus always knew when someone was lying. “Remember when Patton would go to school and I would have to stay in his pocket because I was too young to be alone?”
“Oh Virgil…” “Oh kid....” They both seemed to say at the same time with that disappointed parent voice.
“Virgil you could get hurt!” Patton tried to argue as Virgil quickly zipped up the bag needing to escape this conversation.
“Don’t worry, I thought it through all night and I’ll be fine.” Virgil collected the bag onto his bag.
“Did you get any sleep last night?” Janus pinched the bridge of their nose.
“Does it matter?” Virgil blushed.
“Kiddo, you need sleep!” Patton worried. “And you can’t just sneak into people’s pockets!” He scolded.
“It’ll be fine Patt,” Virgil argued, but now was starting to doubt himself. “plus,  I have everything I need in this bag.” He slung it onto his shoulders.
“That’s not the point Virgil.” Janus deadpanned. “You should listen to your brother, you could get hurt or worse.” Virgil opened his mouth to argue but Jan beat him to it. “And don’t reference when did it as kids. Patton knew you were in his pocket, Roman won’t. One wrong, unaware move, could seriously injure you and we won’t be there to help. I understand that you want to prove that he isn’t any better than he was in highschool, but there is still three days left in the week, plenty of time to either catch him being that person or to urge him into being like that again. There are other ways.” Virgil stared at the wall. Exhaled. Then closed his laptop.
It was time to get into position. Good thing Roman had left his jacket in the living room last night.
Roman woke with a start as his alarm blared into his ears. As he checked his phone he found it had actually been going off for the past hour, and he was about to be late to his first day of class.  He jumped out of bed and pulled on his clothes for the day, not bothering with a shower, or brushing his hair and teeth. He ran out of his room and snatched his jacket off the floor and threw it on before grabbing his backpack and slipping into it as he rushed out the door. As Roman ran to class his jacket swung around threatening to spill the contents of it’s pockets, luckily there was nothing in it’s pockets.
Or so Roman thought.
As Roman ran Virgil was on the verge of an anxiety attack as he held on for dear life. It was now that Virgil regretted his plan of hiding in Roman’s jacket pocket. Virgil was sure that if he hadn’t had a death grip on the inside fabric of the pocket he would’ve fallen out and gone ‘Splat!’ on the ground by now. He was lucky that he had decided to pack a backpack and not a different type of bag or he would have definitely lost his supplies by now. Maybe he should have listened to Patton and Janus, there definitely were more options to see Roman not be the perfect Prince Charming he was in the dorm. Unfortunately, it was too late to turn back now. For the time being Virgil would have to focus on his breathing and holding onto fabric.
As Roman ran to class Virgil could feel every thump as his pocket hit Roman’s side with every step. Virgil’s heart pace quickened as he could only hear Roman’s pounding footsteps as he stomped down with what sounded like all of his force but Virgil knew Roman was barely touching the ground with how fast he was running, and it was terrifying. Virgil’s mind raced as he squeezed his eyes closed, trying to block out the rest of the world. Breath, just breath. He tried telling himself but it was hard to focus on his thoughts when his ears were pounding from the strain of hearing so many loud sounds, pounding footsteps, a heart beating impossibly fast and loud, breathing that sounded like a tornado, a stomach that just would not stop growling. It felt like hours before Roman burst through what had to be his classroom door, but it had actually been a few minutes.
“Oh thank god… “ Roman exhaled with relief as he had made it on time with a few minutes to spare. He chose a seat off to the side and promptly collapsed in it.  Virgil was relieved as Roman sat down and slid down in the pocket as he finally relaxed, taking a moment to let go of the fabric and rest his fingers. Virgil took this time to calm himself as he listened to Roman’s breathing and rhythmic heartbeat. Once Virgil’s breathing had even, he pulled out his phone-like his backpack it had shrunk with him-and focused on Tumb.lr to defray his nerves.
While Roman waited for the professor to arrive he pulled out his phone and got onto Instagram. Not long after he’d gotten his phone out did he receive a message from someone he thought he’d blocked. Heather. His ex from highschool. She had sent him a picture of him sitting in class from the back of the room he was in, with the caption: “didn’t know you’d be here lover boy~” with a heart. Roman took a moment to glance behind him, and sure enough in the very back of the classroom, was the makeup covered, plastic, fake, bitch, Heather. Roman took a moment. Screamed internally. Then blocked Heather on Instagram again. He held back a laugh as he heard her noises of disbelieving offense, but did allow himself to gain a satisfied smile.
“Do you how do, class?” Someone exclaimed as they walked through the door. “I am your teacher,  Professor Picani.” He smiled as he gave them all a small bow. “And I am here to teach you about acting!” He smiled brightly. “But for today, let’s get acquainted with each other, shall we? All you have to do today is talk to each other, have fun you sassy lassies.” With that Picani sat at his desk and watched over the room as students took the opportunity to talk to get crazy. Everyone immediately surrounded one desk as someone had pulled out a couple of prop swords and was setting up duels for everyone.
Roman was halfway out of his seat to join them when Heather appeared in front of him saying, “So Roman,” she leaned over him with her hand on his desk, preventing him from moving. Virgil stiffened at her voice, easily recognizing it.  “I didn’t think you would be able to afford going here, did you just miss me that much?” She smiled innocently as Roman grimaced.
“No, I got a scholarship for doing theater.” He deadpanned, wanting nothing more than for the conversation to be over. Virgil listened closely from his pocket, surprised by Roman’s harsh tone. Hadn’t he been dating Heather?
“Ooooohhhh.” She said, feigning ignorance. “So they took pity on you and emo fucker?” Virgil flinched at the nickname, but surely now Roman would give up the act?
“No, I think we earned going here.” Roman was curt, cutting his words making them sharp. “Unlike you who paid them to let you in, but just because you’re hee that doesn’t give you the right to say that.”
“Say what? Emo fucker?” She smiled with innocence but a dangerous gleam could be seen in her eyes. She leaned in close to Roman and from the pocket Virgil could feel the shift in atmosphere, both the tension and the heat radiating from the two giant bodies that were now close together. Virgil shifted uncomfortably and scooted back closer to Roman, although he may not like the prep they were better than the bitch any day. Roman gained a look of disgust as he leaned away from her. “Ya know, I heard that you share a dorm with him. Are you an emo fucker, Slut.” Roman promptly blushed and pushed her away from him. As Heather stumbled back she smiled mischievously. Virgil was blushing as he got startled by Roman’s sudden movement to push the bitch away.
“Get away from me!” Roman had exclaimed as he’d pushed her. She just chuckled darkly at him.
“So you are a gay looser?”  She gained a sinister smile. “Just like that emo fuck up.” She purred.
“You have no right to talk about him in that way!” Roman exclaimed surprising Virgil. “You can say and do whatever you want about me but you never even talked to him, got to know him, you have no right to treat him the way you do.” Virgil was dumbstruck. Did… did Roman just defend him? 
“Oh, and you did?” Heather retorted striking Roman speechless. “That’s what I thought.” With that she walked away leaving Roman to his own devices. Virgil just sat there listening to Roman slow breathing and quick heartbeat. He didn’t know what to think, and he definitely didn’t trust his feelings right now considering the immense heat he could feel spreading across his face. He huddled further into the pocket-not cuddled, he would never cuddle up to Roman! He closed his eyes and decided to take a small nap for now…
Later that night Virgil crawled out of Roman’s pocket after the prep had fallen asleep and returned to his room in disappointment, having not found what he was looking for. When he finally got back to his usual size he collapsed into bed and checked his phone to find hundreds of messages from both Patton and Janus asking what happened and if he was okay. Instead of texting back, he recorded a little voice message.
“ ‘m fine… Roman might be cute again, updates in the morning…” Then, he slept. 
Next Chapter =>
Tag list: @unevencube2554 @bullet-tothefeels @carryondrawing
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amalia2003sstuff · 4 years
Day eleven of Soulmate September . @tsshipmonth2020
Prompt: “Pick your favorite Soulmate AU and write about it, it can be from this list or something completely different.
So the prompt I chose was: “You are born with a black mark on your body, that shows where you will first make contact with your soulmate.”
Human, High School AU
Pairings: Rociet
Warning: Hitting (It’s not real hitting)
First - Previous - Next
All his life, people would pity Janus, whether it was for his vitiligo, or for the black handprint on the left side of his face. Janus hated it. He hated when he would go out and people would shoot him sad, pitying looks. 
The only reason they did that was because everyone thought his soulmate will hit him. but that handprint could mean a lot of things, right?
When he got to high school it was the time that he had enough, so he started hiding both the handprint and his vitiligo with makeup. He didn’t want to be a magnet for bullying. 
It was going well for a while. Janus made some friends and even joined a club, the drama club. That’s where he met Roman, and the two clicked instantly.
They became friends and started hanging out outside of school too. 
Actually, Roman was the only person other than his family that knew about Janus’ vitiligo. He never showed Roman, but he at least told him about it.
The thing that really confused Janus was that Roman never touched him. No high fives, no handshakes, no patts on the back, nothing, but who was Janus to judge. 
The school play was approaching, and Roman and Janus both got cast in it, as rivals. 
They got their script, did a few readings of it, and now they were doing actual rehearsals.
“Ok so, Roman,” The director began “in this scene, you and Janus’ characters get into a fight about the woman you both love, and your character ends up slapping Janus’ character. I wan’t you two to try that, but don’t put any power into the actual slap. Just make it look realistic without hurting Janus.”
Janus did a double take ‘Hold up- he what now?’  he thought.
Roman nodded and started acting out his lines, with Janus following suit. When they got to the slap part, it all happened so fast, that Janus didn’t even feel it. 
Still, he did feel something after a few seconds. A very faint tingling sensation on his cheek, not from the slap, since that was more a gentle touch than anything.
From the look Janus saw on Roman’s face, something was happening to Roman too.
“Ok.” The director spoke. “We’ve done enough for today. You’re dismissed.”
Janus grabbed his things and went to the nearest bathroom, taking his makeup off. The handprint was gone. That could only mean one thing- 
“It’s you, isn’t it?” A voice spoke behind Janus, makng him jump and yelp in surprise.
“Sorry...” It was Roman. He followed Janus from the teatre room. “I just saw my mark disappearing after we practiced the slap and I just wanted to make sure.”
“First of all, never scare me like that again, and second, I think you’re right. I think I am your soulmate.”
“Well, that’s great. At least my soulmate is someone I get along with.” Roman smiled.
“Same. My whole life everyone said my soulmate was going to slap me, and they were right, but at least it wasn’t as bad as everyone else thought.”
“Heh, yeah. I could never imagine slapping my soulmate, but considering my mark was on my palm, I could have always brushed past my soulmate on the street and never know who they were.” Roman explained. “I’m just glad that wasn’t the case.”
“Yeah. That would be pretty rough too.” Janus agreed. “So, I think we should probably go home. Do you want to walk home together?”
“It would be my pleasure.” Roman did a dramatic bow, and together they walked out of school.
Roman slipped his hand in Janus’, and Janus smiled and didn’t pull away.
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brandstifter-sys · 5 years
Word Count: 2530
Characters: Patton, Deceit, Remus, Virgil
Rating: M (not smut)
Warnings: Suicide Attempt, Self-Harm, Self-Hatred, Sutures, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Patton is fed up with himself because of how strangers online see him. It takes three unlikely sides to save him and help him work through things.
The following is not an attempt to critique the fandom in any way. This is a vent fic and I was working through my own shit via Patton. I hesitated to post this for a long time out of fear that it would blow up in my face. 
Patton stood in the bathroom under the artificial light. The only part of his room that was free from clutter and the one place he could see himself as he truly was, the bathroom was the only place he could go where the memories couldn't reach him—except the ones at the top of his head.
Tears streamed down his flushed cheeks as he thought about the recent surge of hate. He stared at the flushed yet pallid face in the mirror and shuddered as bile crept up his throat. He couldn't bring himself to fight the voices in his head, screaming at him.
Did he split Creativity all those years ago? Was it his fault that Roman was insecure and that Remus was unhinged? He couldn't tell, they were all just toddlers. Even so, he knew he was to blame for the divide in the mindscape. No matter how hard he tried to lessen the impact, tried to see value in the gothic sides, tried to make amends slowly but surely, no matter what he was still to blame.
He had been strict recently, he found that out the fun way. But at least it was Logan who said it, not the other side who knew early on. He wanted Thomas to be a good person and a good friend. He wanted to be there to guide Thomas, but he was so confused! Right and wrong shifted and he lost his footing. He should have said something, but no he buckled down and tried to force the morals he knew back into place. He hurt everyone with that decision, especially Thomas. He failed at his job.
He leaned over the sink, tightening his grip around the handle. Maybe this next step was just a new way to weasel some pity out of the others, a threat for attention. He overstepped his bounds in terms of influence and with his family. How did Roman forgive him for the guilt trips? Why would he? Because of morals. He manipulated everyone by existing.
Was he abusive? The theories and stories he read painted him as a monster. Was his own perception skewed so badly that he pretended to be a good guy while being the real villain?
"Patton, you messed up everything!" he growled at his reflection, "You fucked up so bad! It's time for Thomas to have a new, better morality!" He dried his eyes and pressed the blade to his wrist, pressing until red oozed from the wound. The joyful catharsis that filled him only grew stronger as he opened his arm. It was time.
"Patton!" two familiar voices yelped. In an instant he was being held to one side's chest while the other took his box cutter. He squirmed in the tight grasp and fought with all his might.
"Remus hold him still!" Deceit ordered as he conjured a suture kit.
"This is going to hurt. Bear with me." Deceit said flatly to Patton as he tied a tourniquet around his upper arm to stop the bleeding. Patton's eyes widened and he squirmed in Remus' grasp. They were not going to take this away from him! It was the only service he could provide for the mindscape and he would see it through!
"Hey!" Remus hissed when he was kicked in the shin. He shared a look with Deceit as if asking a question. Deceit nodded as he cleaned away the blood.
"Hey Pattycake you should skip the Crofter's in your next batch of cupcakes—ocular fluid would do a better job."
"There won't be a next batch!" Patton wailed, "Let go!"
"No? I was gonna offer you my eyes too!" Remus giggled. Deceit internally groaned at the duke's attempts and lifted a free hand while he threaded the needle.
"Why the hell are you—?" Virgil grumbled low and peeked inside the bathroom door.
"PATTON!?" he shrieked upon seeing the fatherly side with blood oozing from his arm, clearly miserable—and not because Deceit was holding his arm still or because Remus had him pinned to his chest.
"Virgil, thank you for your prompt arrival." Deceit hissed, "Be a dear and paralyze Morality with fear, he has to stop moving." Virgil swallowed thickly, and nodded. He was scared enough that only the slightest touch could freeze Patton in his tracks.
He slunk in next to Deceit and pressed his trembling hand to Patton's throat, letting it become enveloped in black smoke. For a second, Patton hoped Virgil would choke him to death to finish the job. He was wrong. His muscles tightened and his breathing became shallow.
"Oh dear," Deceit tsked, "I have to use quite a bit of grafting material. This could take some time. It will be as pleasant as Remus' fingers."
Remus shoved a surprisingly clean hand in his mouth and growled, "Bite." Patton did, and it was unpleasant.
"It's gonna be okay, Patt." Virgil breathed with tears welling in his eyes. Patton doubted that as the needle went through his vein. He screamed and bit down hard on Remus' hand. Virgil cringed at the muffled sound. Deceit blocked it out and continued his work, using all six hands to make sure everything was perfect.
"Did you do this to yourself, Patt?" Virgil asked, lip trembling. Patton's eyes watered and he averted his gaze. The sorrow and confusion were agony. He didn't deserve pity.
"Yeah, with the sharp knife on the ground." Remus answered for him as he screamed.
"He believes he is only causing harm." Deceit grunted and carefully moved as swiftly as possible, "Unfortunately that is a lie and I was summoned."
"And I showed up because he was having some fun ideas. And then I realized that they weren't just passing fancy and I got scared." Remus frowned.
"So why didn't I get summoned when you were scared?"
"I'm always scared! Have you heard the shit that comes out of my mouth?" Remus giggled awkwardly as a muffled "language" escaped Patton between screams.
"Is there a way to numb him or knock him out?" Remus grunted when Patton's teeth broke through his skin.
"I can," Virgil said, "But we need to lay him down."
"Do it." Deceit ordered "And keep him down. Remus we're going to the lab, don't think about holding him like a baby when he's out cold." Patton shrieked and argued, his vision blurred with tears. Virgil moved his hand to the back of his neck...
And everything went black.
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Patton blinked and glanced around the room. He was in the common area, but not his usual commons. The walls were too dark and the air was too cold. He could smell something tomatoey and delicious cooking in the next room, but his stomach was not interested.
He tried to sit up, but he yelped and fell back against the couch. He lifted his arm and stared at the dark stitches running along the underside—that nightmare was real. He was so close! He couldn't even die right!
"Morality!" Deceit gasped and hurried into the room. He was surprisingly without his hat and gloves. In fact he was dressed in black sweats and a yellow hoodie, not at all his usual attire.
"Deceit?" Patton groaned as he tried to sit up again, his head spinning. Deceit hurried over and gently pushed him back.
"No, stay right where you are. You lost a lot of blood and you need to rest." he said and sat on the edge of the seat, studying his face.
"Why?" Patton breathed as two more sides entered the room without saying a word.
"Why did we save you?" Remus asked and shrugged, "Because we need you, Daddy—oh! Daddio!" He rubbed his shoulder where Virgil punched him and pouted.
"But Thomas could make a new, better Morality. A Morality who wasn't the scum of the Earth."
"Pat, what are you talking about?" Virgil questioned and sat next to him on the ground.
"I'm bad. I caused a huge rift in the mindscape, I manipulate the people around me, I'm abusive and strict, and I—"
"Abusive?" Remus questioned, "Since when?"
"Since I caused you and Roman to split. Since I valued one twin over the other."
"You did nothing of the sort. You couldn't have, if you could, Anxiety would be Fear and Vigilance, separately. I would be Self-Care and Deception, in the same way." Deceit scoffed, "Sides split themselves based on Thomas' development."
"I'm the demonstration. Roman is the inspiration. He might not remember what the King planned but I do." Remus explained with a regal air the Patton never expected from him.
"Too bad he was a kid with no foresight with no way of knowing that we'd be so different. He had no idea I would be plagued with intrusive thoughts, violent urges, and a nearly manic state of being that could cause the entire mindscape to implode, splattering side guts against collapsing walls." Remus continued, losing that dignified aura. Patton winced at the implications.
"Hey, Douche, zip it. Literally." Virgil hissed and shifted to his knees to run his fingers through Patton's hair, just enough to ease his tension.
"Patton, you aren't the only one who caused the rift. That was all Thomas as he was growing and learning. You're as much a product of that time as we are." Deceit sighed.
"Besides you weren't the only one forcing the divide, Deceit and I are just as guilty." Virgil added.
"What gave you the idea it was all your fault? Who told you that you were abusive and manipulative?" Remus asked. Virgil shot him a look and Remus zippered his mouth shut, with a cartoonish zipper.
"Well, I kept seeing all these theories and stories and—" Patton began.
"They're absolutely right, a character who they're projecting onto without all the information has to be exactly as they invision." Deceit droned sarcastically, cutting him off.
"You can't please everyone, you have to focus on the people who matter most." Virgil said, "And those things that a bunch of strangers say aren't necessarily the truth. Take it from us."
"But those things have to come from somewhere!" Patton sobbed, "And what if they're right?"
"You can choose to believe me if you want," Deceit sighed, "You are not the exaggerated character in most stories—abusive, or stupid, or naive, or without bias. None of us are merely common tropes, despite the way the series is scripted. Sometimes people need a character to use as a stand-in." He averted his gaze an inhaled slowly.
"Deceit?" Patton whimpered. And that's when Remus unzipped his mouth.
"They made him abusive, murderous, conniving, the scum of the earth, a victim of abuse, suicidal, a soft little baby, a skeezy flirt, and the villain only I could come up with, all after appearing one time!" Remus cheered. Deceit and Virgil glared at him but that didn't stop him.
"They like to make me an obsessive, out-of-control, homicidal maniac who wants Roman to suffer—I mean that's not entirely inaccurate, I have my moments with Princey and I can get pretty manic, but they don't know me! Some of them make me a deranged puppy, suffering from horrible thoughts and isolation. And don't get me started on the shit they put Virgil through!"
"No! Not you too Virge!" Patton cried. Virgil zipped Remus' mouth shut again and sighed.
"Pops, you know I'm not a soft little innocent baby. You know how I'm mean and judgemental and I make threats. There's fics and theories about me being abusive too and fics that make me out to be a shy timid softie. Fics that make me the villain to make these two look better. But you don't believe those, or anything about the rest of us that you haven't learned first hand." Virgil replied.
"Yeah, you have a point there," Patton pouted, "but I can't come up with an outsider perspective for myself."
"You rely too much on how others perceive you." Deceit hummed, "In both positive and negative lights. Take it from any of us, falling for the diverse opinions of strangers is harmful."
"Especially when they're so varied." Virgil added.
"mphhhhh hmmm mmmm mmmph!" Remus grumbled enthusiastically. Then paused to banish the zipper.
"We all get shit, but only the finest compost is allowed in." he chuckled, "Think you can sort out the critique to let your garden bloom?"
"That was incredibly well thought out and positive." Patton commented all too soon.
"And then you'll have your choice of poisonous plants to play with and make the people in your way suffer an agonizing death!"
"There it is." Virgil grunted.
"Well at least the first part was uplifting." Patton pouted.
"Indeed. And if you find it hard to sort out the truth from the projections, my door is open." Deceit said, offering a half smile, "I know how hard it is to let them have their catharsis and keep a sense of self."
"For better or worse you have the three of us." Remus smiled, "The sly, the mad, and the stinky!"
"Pops, you have a whole lot more family than you think." Virgil added, and stood up,
"But right now I gotta go, teach Remus how to be you."
"Why Remus?" Patton questioned.
"Deceit is busy." Remus shrugged, "Byeeee!!" Then he and Virgil sank out. Patton was confused but oddly comforted. Deceit was watching him with concern and a certain fondness.
"After all I did to you, why did you come running?" Patton questioned and tried to sit up, "Why not get Roman and Logan?"
"Neither of them are quite equipped to handle that situation, not when Roman would blame himself and doubt his capability as a prince, and certainly not Logan, who's been bottling his feelings for far too long, seeing you like that would break him."
"But what about you and the other two?"
"Fight-or-flight is an instinctual protection, I am self-preservation, and Remus is a far more hands-on creativity, thinking on the fly and worming his way out of danger as quickly as he finds it," Deceit answered, "We shadowlings are here to protect Thomas, all of him, as prevention and damage control. We care about all of him, even if we don't see eye to eye."
"But Princey and Lo care about him."
"Despite his insistence on being a heroic knight, Roman is not a form of protection. Logic can provide some insight, but overall he is a guide, the three of you are."
"You have it all figured out." Patton pouted. Deceit shook his head and returned that pout in earnest.
"I don't." he sighed, "I'm not going to pretend that I do, unlike a certain educator. But I do know one thing for certain."
"What's that?"
"Thomas needs all of us, especially his emotions and morals. He needs you, Patton, no matter what anyone says."
"How do I know you aren't lying?"
"Actions speak louder than words. Who was it who stitched you up and made pasta for you?"
"You made pasta?"
"With your secret ingredient." Deceit chuckled.
"Cumin." Patton said with a knowing grin.
"Yes." Deceit responded, flashing a snakey fang.
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mars-barssss · 5 years
you aren’t alone anymore: Logan (1/6)
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.
Trigger warnings: Deceit mention, General lack of self-care, Low self-worth/bad thoughts, Nightmare
Characters: Virgil, Patton, Logan,
Pairings: Platonic LAMP; Platonic Analogical, Platonic Moxiety, Platonic Prinxiety
Word Count: 1.5k words
Summary: Virgil’s need to protect others goes beyond physical protection. He does a good job of looking after each of the others in his famILY, but he doesn’t have the time to take care of himself. Lucky for him, he’s got someone looking after him too. More than one actually, to his surprise.
--- --- ---
Logan’s gotten himself worn out and tired. Virgil happens to run into him.
Virgil never did get a lot of sleep on his own.
He always thought it was a curse. That maybe being the embodiment of anxiety just keeps you up for entire nights sometimes. Sometimes, he saw shadows move and things that weren’t there, but at that point he blamed it on his room. He didn’t know if the others had issues sleeping, not that he’d ask them about it. They’d only just accepted him, which was something he couldn’t risk breaking. So yeah, no weird questions yet. 
Although, he was sure his room might be the main reason he couldn’t sleep. It seemed like no one inside ever got any rest in his room. The energy in there just infected people. Maybe he could get some sleep in the commons.
The couch wouldn’t exactly be extremely comfortable, he knew that already. Patton once tried to get everyone out for a movie night, and both him and Virgil ended up on the couch. He was strange with touch, so he tried to rest his head on the armrest, knowing fully well Patton would probably indulge him with leaning on him.
All night he was restless, trying not to awaken Patton or the others. The couch felt like it never gave enough cushion. Eventually, Virgil did try to get up, nearly stepping right on Roman’s chest. With a silent sinking-down, he ended up in his room for the rest of the night back then.
This time though, he was sure no one would be out there. So maybe he could bring some pillows, maybe even blankets. He could actually stretch out better now, probably.
It wouldn’t hurt to try.
He wouldn’t admit it, but maybe another part of why he can’t sleep now is because of the others. Not that they did anything wrong, of course. Something just always kept him on edge about them. Ever since he was accepted, they’ve been nothing but kind with gestures. Roman even complimented him a few times, and those were rare for someone like him. Maybe it was just a part of being loved, or…
Maybe they are just scared you’ll leave again. They found out you were necessary and they don’t want you to go. It’s all pity.
Virgil rubbed at his eyes, their eyelids drooping closed again. This felt familiar. This always did. Whether he was a dark side or light, this felt familiar. His voice. Another reason he wasn’t a fan of his own room. That snake surely wouldn’t want to go in the commons, however.
He wondered why he even goes back here anymore.
He grabbed his weighted, large quilted blanket, and the two lumpy pillows at the end of the bed, one covered in a dark gray pillowcase, and one that starkly contrasted with his room. This pillowcase was bright blue and gray. He vaguely remembered Patton lending him that pillow a while ago.
He really needed to give it back.
And get yelled at, of course.
Briefly rising into the commons, he sighs heavily, ignoring the lingering thoughts. Virgil originally doesn’t see anyone. Seeing that the coast was clear, he pulled through his blankets and pillows. Sighing a breath of relief, he approached the couch before he flinched backwards, nearly dropping a pillow on the lump under a thin blanket.
No longer an empty couch, he looked down to see a sleeping side. Moving around the couch, he saw that a stained tie was lying on the armrest of the couch, abandoned. Looking it over, it was a coffee stain. Virgil’s mouth was pulled into a loose frown looking at the scene. The coffee table was covered in many pieces of paper and ink. There were a few pens laying amongst the scene.
Briefly, Virgil grabbed a piece of paper, clearing seeing Roman’s handwriting sprawling all over the paper. Looking over some of the other papers, he found half-worded scripts and rushed handwriting everywhere. Tons of blue marks were left on the papers, indicating grammar errors and problems practically outlined the majority of papers.
He glanced briefly back at the tired logical side, who had bags under his eyes that nearly rivaled Virgil’s own. His glasses were falling off of him at a bad angle; his hair was sprawled out in a way Virgil hadn’t seen before. His bangs were practically drooping into his face, and there were multiple strands of hair sticking up in places.
Logan didn’t look peaceful either. His brow was furrowed, clenching his eyes tighter for a moment. Virgil was startled for a moment, afraid he awoke him, but after a single moan, and a brief readjustment, he was back to sleeping as he was. The thin layer of fabric, that barely counted as a blanket, slid off of him in the process.
Besides the fact that Virgil didn’t really want to go back into his own room, he couldn’t really go through with his own plan. Not that he really wanted to wake up Logan either so he could take the couch.
Sparing a glance at the clock, it merely read 1:58 AM. Which wasn’t ideal either.
Virgil knew with what he saw, Logan just got to sleep recently, so whatever Roman saddled him with had to have been rough tonight. The creative side never did have complete control over every inspirational idea that spewed from his head. Inside, Virgil loved the guy but sometimes he just didn’t stop. It was overwhelming.
Biting his tongue to avoid speaking by accident, he made his way back to the kitchen area, where his displaced blankets and pillows were. A sudden resolve grew in his mind for a moment, as he grabbed the pillows. Approaching the logical side, he waited for the side to move his head again, slipping the pillow between his head and the armrest.
Virgil felt his breath get caught as Logan fumbled with the new pillow, before melting into it. The blue pillow was now grasped tightly by the other side. Another shuffle later, and Virgil’s older quilt blanket was on him as well. He quickly cleaned the tie by regenerating it, setting it right back down. And finally, reaching out, he catches the edge of Logan’s glasses, taking them off and placing them to the side.
“... Patton… stop, no… don’t…” Logan fusses around a bit, tossing back to face towards the living room. “... He’s… someone… help…” In his sleep, he can hear him starting to sniffle and small gasps come out of his mouth.
It takes a second for Virgil to realize something. He’s crying.
Virgil has never seen a crying Logan before. He didn’t even know that Logan could cry.
He didn’t know what to do. His heart sank the moment he heard his voice, feeling like it was constricted and tightened against his will. He knew he could wake him, but he wants him to get sleep as well. And besides, being comforted by the embodiment of anxiety couldn’t help anyone. So, maybe he didn’t have to, not in that sense.
Maybe he’d take a page out of Patton’s book for once.
He reached down, his hand hesitate, hovering over Logan’s head. He gently runs his fingers through his hair, and took a deep breath. He knew fear like the back of his hand, so this wasn’t anything new. Silently, he recalled his memory of a few nights ago with Patton, trusting his judgement.
“It’s okay Lo. You’re okay.” He mumbled into the couch as he leans down. He continues the motion for a bit longer, sometimes his fingers getting stuck in knots. It didn’t especially come naturally, the words, nor this repetitive motion. But he was willing to try. Something in him yearned to.
“P-Patton… wake… he’s… he’s not…” Logan’s mumbles grew louder for a moment, almost stuttering in his sleep. His hands grip at the pillow and the couch tighter, almost leaving indents.
“Patt’s okay, Lo. He’s alright. Breathe.” 4… 7… 8… If Logan was awake, he’d probably have been able to run through the steps with him. Around and around his hand went, hoping something helped. His hand stopped, as his other hand gripped at Logan’s.
Minutes pass, and eventually the crying slowly stops. Logan’s body releases tension, and Virgil tries his best to keep quiet, as to not wake him again. His exhale of relief was forcibly muffled by his own hand. He knows he didn’t do it. He knows who just silenced him.
But right now, he’s happy for it. It’s a surprising blessing.
And so what if Virgil didn’t get the couch that night? He was fine with it. And so what if he didn’t get any sleep that night? He had to make sure that Logan didn’t awaken again.
And so what if there was coffee warm and ready next to his seat at the dining table?
He needed something to wake up to, that’s all.
And so what if Logan asked Patton if he left his pillow and blanket on him last night?
Logan didn’t need to know.
(This is my first fan fiction for Sanders Sides! I’m sorry if the characters seem a bit off, but I hope you guys enjoy. I’ll work on other chapters too for this soon.)
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flyingunited · 4 years
5 Etats de simple sur maison du nord Explique
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leezibeth · 4 years
Examiner ce rapport sur la maison du nord
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