#Platonic Ladynoir
kawaiichibiart · 10 months
Ladybug: Excuse me???
Ladybug: He's my platonic wife. Get it right!!
Chat Noir: Wouldn't you be my platonic wife?
Ladybug: No. I wear the pants in this completely made up, platonic, relationship we have outside our very real gay relationships.
Chat Noir:....okay.
Chat Noir: Yeah, she's my platonic husband. Get it right!!
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Free Cake
Contrary to popular belief, Ladybug and Chat Noir weren’t in love. That didn’t stop them from having fun with it.
Random oneshot, I know, but my brain is so freaking dry and this scenario hasn’t left me alone for a few days now. S1 LadyNoir has my heart in a vice grip, and I miss it desperately. For those who still have requests to fill, please be patient - I’m working as hard as I can.
It was a quiet night in Paris, a nice change for once.
One of the finest restaurants in the city saw another packed night, its patrons chatting pleasantly over delicious food, the skyline draped in evening noir the perfect backdrop.
Unbeknownst to most, two young adults crammed themselves into one of the booths, a bottle of expensive wine and decadent food split between them as they talked and laughed quietly amongst themselves. Their usual bright costumes were more subdued tonight, thanks to their kwamis’ power, and both donned crisp evening wear for the occasion.
A cat hero, with a comfy-looking turtleneck and black slacks, and a lady in a sleek crimson pantsuit with heels, both in matching domino masks - hardly an odd sight nowadays, since the exploits of Ladybug and Chat Noir led to the masks being a favored accessory by the youth of the city.
A sudden sharp gasp of delight cut through the murmur of the room, and one by one the tables fell silent as Chat Noir all but squealed in excitement. “Yes, of course I will! Oh, milady, you shouldn’t have!”
Just as quickly as silence fell upon the dining room did an even louder murmur ripple through it, excited patrons whispering and pointing, some pointing their cameras at the pair.
Ladybug knelt before her partner with a velvety black box, a shining ring with a sizeable diamond sitting proudly on its crown.
“He said yes!” Ladybug exclaimed, and the dining room erupted into applause and cheering for the heroes.
One of the waiters hurried over, obviously starstruck as he stumbled over his words to the duo. “Oh, oh my, congratulations to you both. May I get you anything off the dessert menu? On the house for the heroes of Paris, of course!”
Chat Noir and Ladybug exchanged a look of amusement, almost as if recalling a particularly humorous inside joke.
“The cherry cheesecake,” Ladybug stated, voice belying her mirth.
“I still can’t believe they buy it,” Chat Noir wheezed as they stumbled to their usual meeting spot, laughter bouncing off the roofs.
“I still can’t believe you kept that fake ring!” Ladybug jabbed with another bark of laughter, shaking the box. “That was, what, our last year of collége?”
“The Disneyland Paris trip,” he nodded, clutching his stomach. “Stop, stop, I have to stop laughing or I’m gonna throw up!”
The heroes sat side-by-side against a chimney as their laughter petered out to a chuckle.
Ladybug wiped her eyes, careful of her eyeliner, and Chat heaved a long, satisfied sigh.
The breeze was cool despite the summer heat, the moon shining brightly above despite the clouds floating lazily by.
It took all of a few seconds before one of them started giggling again.
“Ladybug,” Chat wanted to sound accusatory, but he couldn’t help it when he started laughing as he watched his partner double over with the force of it.
“The- the tabloids!” She cried, raucous cackling bubbling up despite her best efforts. “Alya is going to kill me when she finds out!”
“What, that Ladybug and Chat Noir got engaged for the twenty-third time?” He crowed, his shoes clacking against the rooftop as he began stomping his feet, vision going blurry from his laughing.
Somewhere else in the neighborhood, a light flicked on in one of the windows and someone shouted something - and it was enough to surprise them into silence for a moment before their giggling resumed, more muted this time.
“More like Ladybug and Chat Noir are a couple of menaces who disrupt the poor citizens of Paris of their sleep,” she snorted, resting her head against Chat’s.
“We’re the worst,” he agreed, another huff of a laugh escaping him as they finally began to calm down, staring up at the sky.
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generalluxun · 1 year
Control (an ML fanfic) Chapter 4
Ladybug needs her partner. Once more upon the rooftops of Paris this truth is proven. She unburdens herself of the secret of the amok, and seeks his opinion on the matter. With renewed conviction she sets out to set things right, as best she knows how. Even knowing what *to* do, doesn't make it easy though.
Link to AO3 in Bio for the full story so far. Full text below the cut.
They were all the way across Paris before Ladybug stopped. The place itself was unimportant, she just hadn't been able to stop running. Cat Noir landed beside her and swept around in front. "It's a long way to the Pas-de-Calais, bugaboo. Maybe we should stop for a moment."
Checked, she stopped and gripped her hand into a fist. She could feel it, even transformed. How do I start? Is telling even one person a betrayal? Ladybug decided; she needed her partner. "Sit down, kitty."
He sat, bright eyes watching her expectantly. Her newfound skills whispered little hints. The way he shuffled slightly closer, the tap of fingers on his thigh, even the curl of his lips, just short of a smile. He'd never stopped loving her, he'd just stopped doing the things that upset her. Ladybug berated herself for ever confusing one for the other.
She sat down, and shuffled closer herself, just a light familiar contact at the hip. Paying attention, she could track how the gesture affected him. His love gave her strength, she reached up and gripped the ring through her suit.
"I've got a secret, Cat Noir. I've been keeping it for just a little while now. I didn't know how to bring it up, but… well…"
Ladybug twisted the ring and pulled. It was an odd sensation as it slipped from her finger through her suit. The gold band appeared as it came off and she held it up.
Cat Noir's eyes went wide, and his voice dropped in despair, "You got married?!"
Ladybug blanched, "What? Wha- No! Nonono no no." She waved her hands desperately, "I mean someday, but not- oh! You mangy cat!"
He was grinning ear to ear; he even threw in an earwiggle for good measure. Ladybug's cheeks flushed but her nervousness turned briefly to giggles, stealing her tension with it. She gave him a shove and he allowed himself an impish chuckle.
Ladybug took a deep breath and settled. Her kitty watched her, leaned back on his hands and looking too full of himself by half. She started again, holding up the ring. "This is an amok, Kitty."
Cat Noir reached for the ring. "Ahh, and you need your partner's special touch."
Ladybug's grip on her partner's wrist was so strong her fingers ached. This time his shocked expression was real, he tried to draw his hand back but her muscles had locked. He whispered, "Buggaboo?"
Ladybug willed her hand to unclench, prying her fingers off with a guilty, “Sorry."
Cat Noir flexed his wrist and hand, "I'm thinking there is more to that ring than just another amok."
Just another… Ladybug nodded, "Yes, and maybe no. It's proof that we need to rethink how we handle sentimonsters in the future. That's not what I need to talk to you about right now though. I need to talk about what I should do with it."
Her partner was studying the band as if looking for some clue to its origin. Ladybug felt uncomfortably nervous at that scrutiny, and he was her partner. She slipped it back on her finger, causing it to vanish. Cat Noir's attention returned to her eyes and the nervousness faded.
"What kind of sentimonster is it, M'Lady?"
"She, Cat Noir. She's someone we know, have known. She's been our enemy, and also a part of our team."
It didn't take him long, "Chloé? Someone replaced her with a sentimonster?" Cat Noir was on his feet in an instant, his clawed hands flexing. "We have to find her!"
His intensity surprised her. But then maybe it shouldn't? He had always been softer on Chloé than she had. Now she had to break the news. "No kitty, at least, not any time recently. From what I can tell she's been one for years, maybe forever."
He had been ready to leap rooftops, but as she explained she saw the vitality leave him. He dropped down beside her again heavily, his eyes on her hands, then on his own. His green eyes shimmered and he stuffed his cataclysm-hand under himself, out of sight.
Ladybug couldn't ignore her kitten's pain. She reached out with her ringless hand, "You know her from more than just being Cat Noir, don't you? Did you know her well?"
He was in a daze. "Not- not as well as I had thought, even before this, but well enough that I always hoped…" he trailed off seemingly at a loss for words.
Ladybug squeezed his shoulder. "Me too."
He shook himself. "You're sure?"
Ladybug nodded. "I learned the hard way. I got it from… someone who found out accidently too. They gave it to me, I'm Ladybug, right?"
She laughed and it came out bitter.
Her partner’s shoulder bumped her, then with only a single pause in which she could have said no -she didn’t-, he wrapped one arm around her shoulders. “You are. The best Ladybug I’ve ever known, and no one better for something like this.”
She leaned against him and drew further strength from the contact. “Still not good enough. During the fight today I couldn’t warn her about Family Ties, or maybe I could have, but I couldn’t think fast enough. The only way I knew was a command. While I’m wearing this, every phrase, every conversation, is a minefield. You have no idea how easy it can be, to risk overriding someone’s entire being with a careless word.”
She felt her partner tense as he held her. He squeezed her, though she wasn’t sure if it was for her, or for himself. After the squeeze he relaxed again. “I might have some idea. I mean- not the same, but some idea. There are plenty who wouldn’t care, they might even think you were doing a good thing using it on someone like Chloé.”
Ladybug shook her head, then let it fall on his shoulder. “I couldn’t. I thought about it. It would solve so many problems. I just- choices are what make us who we are, even our bad ones. As much as I’d like a better version of her, it isn’t the way to get there.”
Cat Noir laid his head atop hers in return. “Thank you.”
She wanted to ask him why it seemed to matter so much to him. She knew she couldn’t. Some day, Kitty.
They sat for several minutes in silence before Ladybug spoke again. “I can’t keep it. That’s what today has taught me. What do I do with it though? I can’t imagine entrusting it to someone else. Do I give it to her? Should she know? How would I even go about that?”
Another long silence lingered. Cat Noir’s hand found her pigtail and his claws moved through it. It was an instinctive touch, and she allowed it. His fingers combed through her hair rhythmically, possibly compulsively. Her kitty was deep in thought.
When he spoke it was slowly. She could feel him picking each word, and all of them felt wrapped up in more than she could understand. “If it were me, I would want to know. Can you imagine another voice in your thoughts? Or having an impulse you can’t explain or control? People have to deal with that already, but there are tests, medications, ways to help. There’s no helping this. Imagine all the world telling you that you are perfectly fine, yet it keeps happening?”
“Kitty, I wouldn’t-” Yet her little alterations, harmless in the moment, came back to her.
“You might not, but you said you can’t keep it. Who is foolproof? Not just that. There’s the peacock out there. Shouldn’t she know she has to avoid them now; that there was a risk? If we get it back we should never give it out again. How do we know what she’s been made to do already? How much is what someone else wanted?  If you give her back her amok, she can decide what she wants to be, instead of what someone else wanted her to be. And if she’s bad then it’s her being bad, and that’s the end of it. 
“Until that’s in her hand, who knows what handicap she’s been working with; what handicap we’ve been working with? ‘Don’t listen to what anyone else tells you.’ If someone with that ring said that, then nothing we ever tried would have worked. I- I want a chance to make it work. I want a real chance to change things. I want to feel like I have-”
Her kitty cut himself off, voice thick with emotion. Ladybug slipped her arm around his waist in a mirror of his side-hug. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d heard him talk this long, this seriously. “It means a lot to you, doesn’t it?”
She felt him nod against her head. “I guess- more than I thought. It’s not just this. I can’t explain-”
“-I know.” she reassured him.
“-but, it matters to me. People should have control over their own lives. We can’t give it to everyone, but when we can, we should.”
Ladybug felt her kitty falling inside himself. She wasn’t the funny one, but she tried, “Even Chloé?”
It worked. He laughed. “Even Chloé. Imagine having everything, but not having yourself.”
A pile of luxury so large it was possible to forget you were there. Ladybug reluctantly lifted her head from Cat Noir’s shoulder. “I’ll do it. I’ll see to it she gets it.”
Her partner turned his green eyes on her. “Was it ever in question, M’Lady?”
She nodded. “Honestly, it was. The gap between ‘I need to’ and ‘I’m going to’ is a lot wider than some people think. You could probably have talked me out of it very easily. I’m glad you didn’t.”
He smiled at her, “Of course. What are purrtners for?”
“Ugh, and then you go and ruin it.” She teased, giving him another forceless shove. He feigned injury and she rolled her eyes. He snickered and she let him finish before continuing. “I’m not going to give it back myself though. I’m giving it back to the person who gave it to me to do that.”
His eyes held a question. Ladybug answered it for herself as much as for him.
“I can’t be there for her. I’m a mask and superpowers. I fight villains and save people, but my time is limited. The person I got it from, they’re not in costume. They will exist for her all the time. Maybe she won’t want them to, but I want that option to be there. I don’t think I’ll even have my name mentioned if I can avoid it. The fewer people who seem to know about this, the better. If Chloé comes to me later, then I can help her as much as a bug can.”
Cat Noir hmmmed, ”A bug can be pretty darn helpful I’d say, especially a lucky bug. Throw my name in too if you want. If it would help her to know these sharp eyes are looking out too, then I’d be happy.”
His words evoked a mixture of pride, gratitude, and… she could admit to herself… love. In another life… She did all she could do, She hugged her Cat Noir. She hugged him hard enough that he let out a squeak, then kept on hugging him. “Thank you, Kitty.”
She didn't do it the next day though, or the day after that. How to even bring up the subject was one hurdle, but not the only one. She found herself missing it already; missing having it. For all she fought to avoid using it, having the option was reassuring in a way that was both uncomfortable and complete.
Marinette found herself making more dives; waking moments, nothing moments, daydreams in class. Most revealed nothing, but they might. When would one hold another crucial bit of information? Maybe the next time. Maybe the next time. Maybe the next…
Alya jumped. That shocked Marinette out of her concentration. It was a break between classes, she would have three minutes, she was just going to dip in for a peek. Now Alya's surprise turned into her 'No more BS' over-the-glasses look.
"I was going to ask if you wanted me to grab you a juice from the cafeteria too, but I think there's something else we need to talk about isn't there?"
Marinette stuck her hands under the desk. Twist. Twist. Twist. "I- it's nothing, Alya. Okay, not nothing, but it's something I can't talk about."
Her best friend frowned, and clarified, "Not here?"
Marinette shook her head. "Not anywhere. I'm sorry, Alya. This isn't my secret to tell."
Alya crossed her arms, "Whatever it is, it's almost as bad as… the other thing. I'm worried about you, bug."
Marinette sank down until her chin was on the desk. "I just need to be sure I've thought things through."
Alya poked her in the side of the head gently. "Marinette, I know you. So I know three things about whatever you are planning."
Marinette tilted her head without lifting it, looking up expectantly.
Alya counted off on her fingers. "One, you've over-thought it by a factor of at least five. Two, it's absolutely crazy sounding. Three, it's the best plan for whatever you're facing… unless it's Adrien."
Alya finished with a vulpine grin, and Marinette couldn't help but smile in return. Maybe one more person wouldn't hurt…
The classroom door opened and Chloé walked in. It clicked for Marinette just what she had been about to do. She jumped up, "Be right back!"
Marinette skidded to a stop just as Chloé got to her desk. The blond leveled a critical blue eye at her and Marinette almost clammed up; this still wasn't easy. 
"Chloé, hi!" Marinette poked her fingers together. "I need to talk to you. The sooner the better, but not here, someplace else."
Well, wasn't that wonderfully vague. Marinette wasn't the only one who seemed to think so. Chloé arched a brow. "Why would I want to talk to you, Dupain-Cheng?"
"I um, well… it's uhh… Ladybug Stuff!"
That got her interest. "Ladybug stuff?"
Unfortunately also Mylène's, "Ladybug stuff?"
Marinette waved Mylène off. "No, no, no Ladybug stuff."
Chloé frowned, "No Ladybug stuff?"
Marinette wanted to pull out her hair. "Yes, but.. no but… Look, I really need to talk to you about something. I would like it if you would meet with me… today. Soon. After class. It won't take long I hope, and if you're mad afterwards you can-"
"-cut your pigtails?"
Marinette slumped. "Cut my pigtails."
Chloé smiled confidently, "You know just how to get my attention, Dupain-Cheng. Tell me your time and place, bring a towel if you want to keep your jacket hair-free."
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bbutterflies · 3 months
platonic ladynoir is so incredibly special and important to me. no one understands me like you do. you’re my best friend. I trust you more than anyone else and I don’t even know your name. I’d kill for you. I’d die for you. no one matters to me more than you do. we don’t need romantic strings attached to be the most important people to each other.
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sidsinning · 11 months
idk what else to say but shes insane for doing this IMMEDIATELY
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frostedpuffs · 9 months
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My Lady 💞🐞 whatever you do DO NOT go into the spare bedroom -> Why? My Lady 💞🐞 BECAUSE IT'S A SECRET -> Ohhh -> You're making me something aren't you My Lady 💞🐞 i don't know what you're talking about -> Would it have anything to do with my birthday being in two days? My Lady 💞🐞 NO! I AM NOT HIDING A GIFT IN THERE SO DON'T GO IN THERE BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING IN THE ROOM -> Mhhmmmm yeah I'll bet -> That's okay. -> I have something hidden somewhere in the apartment too. My Lady 💞🐞 EXCUSE ME
these two are even more insufferable now that they live together
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ladyofthenoodle · 2 years
okay i lied in my last tags i am annoyed that they got over their kwamis leaving in like 3 seconds, didn’t even consider saying goodbye to their partner, and didn’t seem worried that their partner was gone. what happened to marinette being so in love with chat noir last episode? what happened to chat noir being ready to cataclysm scarabella when ladybug didn’t show up? who are these people?
them giving up their miraculous was set up pretty well imo, the episode showed us how miserable they were and gave them a push from the kwamis. but… they’re just over it so quickly. and yeah, there must be a huge sense of relief, especially for marinette, and yeah, they’re excited to be together… but why aren’t they worried about their partners? i’ve accepted (or, well, i’m trying) that canon wants to kill romantic ladynoir, but it seems like now even their friendship doesn’t matter at all. i really want to love this season and the first half of the episode (plus the adrinette hand raising scene) was SO GOOD. but. but.
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Chat Noir has been fighting Chrysalide alone for years when one day, Ladybug appears. She seems to already know him, and is a little too eager to be friends. But the more she pushes for her and Chat Noir to reveal their identities, the harder she is to trust. 
Written for @ladynoirjuly Prompt 31 - “In Every Universe”
She was red from head to boot, spots as black as her hair decorating the material of her suit and dotting her mask like ink drops. She looked like she was dressed up as a watermelon for a children’s theater show, and when she pulled back to beam at him, it was with a grin of manic joy. “It’s me!” the girl said, laughing. “Ladybug!” Chat Noir gaped at her, too stunned to notice the approaching pulse of light bearing down from overhead. But then the girl—Ladybug—tackled him to the ground once more, and they rolled to safety behind a row of cars. When he looked up, the remains of the cobbled street where they’d been standing moments before were scorched black. “Do I know you?” Chat Noir asked, turning to look at her. Ladybug’s smile rapidly deflated.
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hiiiiiiiii welcome to my bullshit!!
in my decade-ish of obsessively regularly consuming fanfic and fanart and drawing my OWN fanart and all the other fanwork... I have never written fanfiction.
I've never been a great writer but the brainrot has consumed me and my need for specific fanfic has become so intense and has gotten way too specific and now nothing is enough anymore
so here i am😌✨💕 this account is just me spewing out shit that appeals to the bugs in my brain
the pieces of media you'll probably catch me writing for on here include but are not limited to....
~Harry Potter
-Miraculous Ladybug
-Boku No Hero Academia
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byfulcrums · 2 years
When I say that I like MariChat I don't mean that I want them to date. I need the platonic BFFs who hang out almost everyday and pull pranks on eachother
Chat Noir is genuinely invested in Marinette's designs, and he lets her ramble about them while also encouraging her to make more
Sometimes they're so bored they chat for hours
They try to play videogames but That's claws make it hard for him to use the controllers
Marinette gives Chat stuff she gets from the bakery. Chat loves it and eats all of them everytime because he doesn't really get to eat sugary stuff at Adrien Agreste and God knows that he needs to gain a little more weight
Chat once mentioned how annoying his diet is (without saying why he has to follow it) and how since he actually exercises a lot more than what people think he does, he finds himself losing way to much weight for it to be healthy. Ever since then, Marinette makes sure to give him as many food as she can whenever he drops by. (She did the same for Adrien after he complained about his diet to Nino while she was right beside him)
Chat Noir will never shut up about Ladybug until Marinette accidentally mentions her crush on this guy who goes to the same school as her. Now, he's always trying to get her to talk about him
Marinette uses a small laser to entertain Chat when she's annoyed with him. She had to do it more carefully when Chat, trying to chase the red dot, accidentally fell out of the window and caught her parents's attention with the trash
Chat tries to help her with homework
Marinette swears that if she ever finds out who Chat's dad is, she's going to beat him to death
Chat once laughed while he was drinking milk and it came out of his nose. It took him twenty-five minutes to calm down and it was very hard for Marinette to explain to her parents why they could hear uncontrollable male laughter coming from her room
When things are too hard with his dad, Chat runs away and sleeps on Marinette's balcony. He said he'd stop doing it after Marinette caught him, but now she just invites him to her room and has a small sleepover with him
Marinette will *never* stop mentioning the time where Chat Noir accidentally rubbed his face on catnip and went to her house high. Chat is still embarrassed
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wehadabondingmoment · 3 months
S1 Ladybug rejects Chat Noir in a very confusing way once and accidentally implies that she's aromantic. Next June, he gifts her pins & other pride merch and is very excited to tell her that he's read up on gay stuff and may be ace.
Ladybug is super confused.
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kawaiichibiart · 7 months
Platonic Love square HCs pt.3 (?)
Continuing off my "Adrien loves to doodle..." HC, Marinette loves getting him new colors and replacing empty/used up supplies for his hobby. He goes through them faster than she does and she doesn't mind picking up a few things even if he insists that he can get them himself.
As LB and CN, they tend to take turns walking people home if they ever get into a situation (someone trying to assault them for instance) where they don't feel safe, where one of them is walking with the person and the other is on the roof keeping an eye out.
Whether she is in or out of the mask, Marinette will always jump to defend Chat Noir. He's not a villain, say that again and you'll see who you should really be scared of.
Adrien, in turn, whether or not he's wearing his mask, will jump to his Lady's side if people push her to do more. Stop pushing her to do your job, maybe if you'd help us/them, we'd get somewhere faster.
They play their version of Marco-Polo during patrol, which is literally just Ladybug going "Chat!" and Chat Noir going "Meow!"
Trash talk fashion shows, especially Audrey's after Gabriel shuts down (before it shut down they'd go after Gabriel hard).
One time they were late to an Akuma because Chat had decided to take a nap on Ladybug's lap. Alya caught the moment.
They have social media accounts for their hero IDs. Chat Noir has always leaned towards funny, wholesome and generally just random posts (in short, he's posting whatever he wants). Ladybug tries to keep things professional, but eventually she also begins to shift into a "I'm posting whatever I want" mindset. It's mostly pics of Chat Noir.
Marinette once got Adrien to transform into Mister Bug again so she could use him as a reference for body armor designs.
Marinette, on Twitter: Reasons you should sign my petition to get Adrien Agreste to quit Gabriel and start working for me, MDC, a 🧵: 1. Gabriel Agreste is a bitch. | 2. I wouldn't have Adrien wear the same outfit in different colors. | 3. I'll feed him. | 4. Gabriel is a bitch. | 5. I won't make him model with someone who doesn't know boundaries. | 6. I'll let him have a say in what he wears. | 7. Gabriel Agreste is a bitch. Thank you for reading! (Felix, replying: didn't bother to read the🧵, signed the petition because I hate my uncle and want his business to fail <3 | Marinette: one of two (for now) things we have in common: loving Adrien and hating Gabriel )
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dimensionzero · 1 year
the reason ladynoir screentime is cut down in s5 is that it would be bad optics for adrien and marinette to get together and then immediately start cheating on each other
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mysticraven20 · 6 months
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@adrinetteapril coming soon…
Fake It (‘Til you make it) written by Mystic_Raven20
Except from prompt: flirting
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chatonnoir · 2 years
Adrienette stans wanna gaslight Ladynoir stans who don’t like this plot point and act like Ladynoir was always meant to be platonic from the start and Adrienette was obviously always meant to be the side that would start dating .... No.
My dudes there is a reason Ladynoir has always been more popular than Adrienette among the online fandom. There is a reason the bulk of the fancontent when the show first came out focused on romantic Ladynoir. Hell there is a reason Zag chose for their expensive piece of ship merch to be a $300+ Ladynoir statue. They’re even using romantic Ladynoir scenes to advertise their movie now. Stormy Weather, the pilot episode, the episode meant to introduce us to and sell the show to us and networks, was 99% Ladynoir. Every “Valentine’s” episode (Dark Cupid/Glaciator) has been heavily Ladynoir-centric. Chat Blanc, despite starting with Ladrien followed by an Adrienette dating montage, was heavily Ladynoir centric. “Our love did this to the world" came through Ladynoir. We were shown Ladybug getting upset any time Chat Noir seemed to show interest in another girl. We were given “maybe if Adrien didn’t exist, I’d feel differently about Chat Noir...” in s1. We were given Ladybug explicitly dodging Chat Noir’s question of if things would be different between them if her “other boy” wasn’t a factor. We were given “maybe if I show Ladybug my true self, she’ll fall in love with me,” followed by that very thing happening. We were given a second coup de foudre in Strike Back. The first kiss in this show happened through Ladynoir. The first kiss they were both conscious of happened through Ladynoir in Jubilation. We were shown Ladybug blushing after Chat Noir kissed her cheek in Glaciator. We were shown Ladybug progressively learning that Chat Noir is more sensitive than she thought and not the kind of guy she thought he was and growing closer to and more fond of him over the course of the series -- the plot of like every good romance worth reading (Pride and Prejudice anyone??).
Everyone picked up on the romantic vibes and the depth of their relationship over the past 7 years and now y’all wanna pretend we were hallucinating all along just because your fav side is canon and y’all don’t want to acknowledge the fact that cutting out Ladybug’s feelings for Chat Noir after 4 seasons of development and literally /3 episodes/ of actual visible feelings is an insane choice because it gets in the way of said side being canon. We all picked up on the fact that Chat Blanc and Ephemeral both told us explicitly that Adrienette can’t safely be together as civilians because Gabriel can and will use it to his advantage even without knowing their identities and now y’all want to pretend we’re the ones who weren’t paying attention when even the show was telling us that Adrienette is the side that can’t happen. Apparently the payoff of the 7-year-buildup of Ladybug realizing her romantic feelings for Chat Noir was ... three whole episodes. Followed by her ditching him entirely. Y’all are okay with completely ignoring the insane choice of having Marinette and Adrien not at all worried about abandoning their partners and spitting on “I’ll never abandon you” and every time they’ve ever said “you and me against the entire world” because all you see is weee cute Adrienette scenes <3333.
Like I said I and many others did not watch this show for a generic school romance we watched this show for a Love Square with identity shenanigans because that’s what was being sold to us yet apparently it was never about the "falling in love twice” and the parallels between the two relationships and two loves even though that’s what the past 4 seasons told us it was because it was actually just “adrienette with some obstacles” all along and oBvIoUsLy it was always just meant to be about romantic Adrienette!!!1!!1 I did not watch 7 years worth of romantic development on the Ladynoir side just for Adrienette stans to decide to tell me that I was actually hallucinating that whole time and that Ladynoir was always meant to be platonic
#ml spoilers#ml transmission#ml fandom salt#y'all must be watching the english dub if y'all think ladynoir is exclusively platonic that's the only explanation#thanks for the confirmation that we have indeed been watching completely different shows though lol#and why do y'all think ladynoir being The Best Friends side somehow means they're not also romantic?#congratulations you've bought in to hollywood's idea of what romantic love is#and have failed to realize that best friendship is not removed from romance and is in fact the CORE of a real loving relationship#also a bizarre take when the SHOW ITSELF literally just showed you romantic ladynoir over the past several episodes tf#this is just like when months ago i said how much i didn't like the concept of pre-reveal a/drienette#and then someone of course decided to vaguepost saying 'ackshually pre-reveal adrienette was obviously always more likely#and marinette is more set in her ways regarding chat noir and wouldn't be in to the idea of dating him pre-reveal etc etc'#and i said no actually ladybug is already on the cusp of realizing her feelings for chat noir and would be even more inclined to date him#bc of how comfortable she is with him and how much more developed they are and dating =/= revealing identities#and then the beginning of the season proved me right about this#but not before i was driven insane by the revelation that a lot of y'all apparently don't care about the 'falling in love twice' and the#parallel relationships and thought marinette and adrien getting together without the show ever having ladybug fall for chat noir would've#somehow been a satisfying outcome 💀 we are literally not watching the same show
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frostedpuffs · 9 months
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"Really?" she teased. "You don't flirt with the other heroes like this?" "Of course not," he breathed, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. Despite the slight chill of the evening air, her skin was warm against his lips. "I'm not in love with anyone but you." "Right." She snorted. Her hand connected with his chin, though Chat Noir figured she had been aiming for his head. He could feel her breath against his face, so sweet and inviting, and his heart fluttered in anticipation of a kiss— Yes yes yes kiss kiss me kiss me please— She abruptly pulled away just before their lips brushed. He wilted. Aw, man. "Okay, that's enough," she said, her tone strictly business. "Our brains are still in vacation mode. We need to focus. There's an Akumatized person who needs our help. We can't waste time by…canoodling." "Canoodling?" he echoed, snorting. "Is that what you call it?"
can you two please focus for FIVE MINUTES
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