#Pls keep em coming!!!!
gunkbaby · 2 months
Wait u guys rly want my dad’s tg thoughts i think i tweeted a bunch of shit he said i need to find it
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garoujo · 8 months
hi guys! unfortunately for now, if it wasn’t obvious i have decided to leave garoujo . . i’ve just not been feeling very great here anymore & as much as i have such an attachment to this blog, it’s become not fun again as it’s beginning to affect my mental state. i’m not going to deactivate for now it will be left here as an option & an archive! i may eventually private eventually but until then it’ll stay.
i’ve made a new possible blog that could be an option after a well needed break from here, but i won’t be publishing the url publicly because i feel like i need a proper fresh start and a clean slate if so. mutuals can still dm me to ask for the new url (ive followed a few already but i’ll still be logged in here to make sure i don’t miss anyone if u ask) but its mostly just a personal one for the time being. also if you happen to come across it on your own eventually, please respect my decision to have it remain completely separate from this one.
i appreciate all the kindness & support that’s been shown to me during my time on this blog despite how much it’s been through. i also want to apologise to anyone who’s ever gotten a negative impression from / of me on here or been roped into any drama surrounding me, i hope we can all just continue to enjoy our time here while we indulge in our silly little hobby!
please remember to be kind & thank you for giving me a place.
- emmie ❤︎
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abd-illustrates · 2 years
Crafting Curses for an Old Story | Concept Corner: HEARTLESS #5 (FINALE)
The time has come!  Today I am closing the book on the “Heartless” chapter of Concept Corner by delving into the dark powers and potential pasts of the story’s villains, the Wonders! I hope you’ll look forward to what’s in store for the future of Concept Corner as much as I am; but for now, get comfy! and get ready! for the villainous conclusion of this “Heartless”-centric speedpaint saga! 🖤💛
(And - (even though I said as much in the video already) - thanks so, SO much again for showing this silly lil’ video series so much love! I really hope this conclusion to the “Heartless” era of Concept Corner could spark as much joy for y’all who’ve been kind enough to follow it all this time, as y’all’ve sparked for me in making them 😊💖
It’s wild to think how long its been since this series started, but I can’t wait to see where it goes next! Hope you’ll drop by again next time 💖)
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milkyvast · 2 months
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dipplinduo · 3 months
Lmao. Okay real talk though I wanted to get Chapter 17 of Sweet & Sour out as well, but I ran out of time today. Gonna be a little busy for a bit so I'm hoping to get it out by the end of the week! Hope you can enjoy this Drayton/Carmine fic update in the meantime. :) <3
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headcanons ?? 👁️👁️
-johnny and jax had a spiritual experience at a michael jackson concert together before he passed away and they still talk about it
-jacqui does her own hair which means takeda becomes her assistant and jumps in when her arms get tired. she’s delighted at how good he’s gotten at braiding
-hanzo has ainu heritage and is very proud of it
-fujin and rain used to have a thing and when everyone found out the kids kept saying “ok last airbender!”
-cassie has tried to get frost to watch some of her favorite movies (her dad is an actor of course she loves cinema) countless times and every time it just ends in them making out
-johnny jax kuai liang hanzo and kenshi have ended up in a karaoke room desperately trying to get hanzo to participate. they had to resort to liquor before he stepped up
ohohohohooho yes yes good I like these
Johnny and Jax had trouble getting along for years before that concert and that was the thing that finally got them to become real friends
Takeda wanted to learn how to help Jacqui more with her hair so he found a braiding salon (Thanks to Jacqui's mom Vera) and worked as an assistant/apprentice there whenever he had time off base and away from the Shirai Ryu, often skipping sleep to get in more time there.
Jacqui goes to that salon one day when Takeda is out of town as a way of treating herself and is instantly recognized bc Takeda used to brag about her. She is then given the princess treatment bc he was so well liked
Hanzo tries really hard to connect with his Ainu heritage too, having not been taught much about it by his parents. He's not fluent in the language but he's getting there, prays to Kamuy-huci, told Satoshi Ainu stories and has a sapanpe, though he has never been able to bring himself to wear it for very complicated emotional reasons involving his being disowned by his family.
He also proposed to Harumi using Ainu traditions, something which confused her at first as she had no idea what he was doing (From what I can gather it would involve him going to her house and being offered a bowl of rice, eating half of it before returning it to her and if she sets it to the side then that's a no but if she eats it she is saying yes) (pls correct me if I am wrong tho) but as soon as she knew what he was trying to ask she was thrilled. She even started trying to learn the Ainu language while they were together so that they could teach it to Satoshi, and so that Hanzo had someone to speak to in it.
When Kuai Liang proposed years later he did the same and Hanzo cried, partly from joy and partly from how thoughtful he found the gesture.
Fujin is the only one to understand the reference while Rain just remains very confused. Fujin is also one of the few people to acknowledge that Rain is, in fact, an actual god. He's an asshole, but he is a god and Fujin feels that should be respected
The only movie Cassie and Frost have managed to watch all the way through is Frozen bc Frost wanted to see if she could mimic Elsa's ability to bring snowmen to life. They've seen it 12 times. Frost has yet to succeed.
Hanzo then revealed himself to have the voice of an angel and now has to deal with Johnny trying to get him to sing in one of his movies.
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howdyricciardo · 9 months
Oh please, give us another 10 pics of Redbull Danny
Ok here we gooooo
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If u cant tell, i love him spraying champagne 🫠
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mandarinmoons · 3 months
But like can we take a moment to discuss the way Spencer places his hands on someone's face and like leans his entire body into a kiss. Maybe it's cause he's so tall, or he gets idk winded but to me it just seems like he really puts his whole self into it
Ohh how i love this
Spencer is someone who hasn't received a lot of affection throughout his life so i feel like when he gets the chance he goes all in
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crimeronan · 1 year
every time i get an ao3 comment on a horror fic along the lines of “jesus fucking christ. this is so vile what the FUCK what the FUCKING FUCK THIS IS SO FUCKED UP” i hug my laptop to my chest and kick my feet and roll around in bed giggling like a schoolgirl who just got a love letter from her crush. omg you got physically nauseous.....? eeee
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Tumblr is a weird place where you have mutuals and friends you’ve made solely by liking and reblogging each others posts for years, yet have never actually talked before. It’s like we’re all hibernating goblins that come out of our shitholes to shitpost and reblog for five minutes and then disappear back into the void for the next 24 hours to marinate again.
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littleskrimp · 1 year
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napollya-inspiration · 7 months
25 (for the Spotify drabble game)
#25 on my 2023 Spotify Wrapped is Dancing With Our Hands Tied by Taylor Swift (one of my top three Taylor songs!!! This was so fun to write but also that song is so them anyway)
(send me a number between 1-100 and I'll write a drabble about the corresponding song on my 2023 Spotify Wrapped)
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“Don’t think anything in the world could have stopped it,” Illya murmurs and it makes Napoleon light up from inside. It’s a throwaway confession that grows in the silence between two people who know better than to believe in faith.
This cannot end well, Napoleon thinks even as his fingers dance over Illya’s exposed shoulder. Things like this don’t end well. They’re just on borrowed time. There are good reasons why he’d sworn to never do this. It’s hard to remember when Illya rolls out of his bed in the morning. Just once, he’d told himself, the first time they’d done this. Now there’s a drawer full of Illya’s things at his place and Napoleon can draw the constellations of his scars from memory.
The soft morning light plays across Illya’s muscles, unashamed as he’s always been while he moves around Napoleon’s bedroom.
At this point it would be foolish to deny the thrum of love under his skin and Napoleon cannot help but wonder when this will all come crashing down. People have started to notice. Gaby, of course. But the secretaries at UNCLE have started to give them looks. The janitor had caught them, the other week. How much longer until one of them doesn’t come back from a mission? How long until it becomes undeniable just how emotionally compromised Napoleon is?
“Cowboy. Come here.” Napoleon hadn’t even noticed that Illya had turned and taken notice of his drifting thoughts. No one but him could’ve been able to tell, he supposes.
He sighs and takes the outstretched hand, lets Illya pull him to his feet.
“What is wrong?” Illya asks, one hand landing on Napoleon’s bare waist.
Napoleon just shakes his head. Talking about it wouldn’t help. He doesn’t need Illya to realize just how deep he’d fallen. The man who doesn’t take the same person home twice. The mysterious, elusive figure of Napoleon Solo, clinging to his lover in the early morning light.
“And you call yourself a great liar,” Illya teases him softly, pulling him closer until they’re flush. Distantly, Napoleon wonders if humans can actually melt. Everything with Illya feels new, like he’s experiencing it for the first time again. The butterflies, the terror at the thought of losing him, the yearning he feels in his bones to just be close to him.
“You’re the only one that can tell the truth,” Napoleon confesses and it’s as close as saying those three little words as he’s gotten since he’s been young and foolish.
Instead of saying a truth that would prove every fear in Napoleon’s body right, Illya intertwines their fingers, resting their hands on his chest. It’s only his little smile that betrays how pleased he is at Napoleon’s words.
There in the early morning light, they start swaying to music only the two of them can hear. If this was to end in ruins, Napoleon thinks, this once it would be worth it.
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oddberryshortcake · 28 days
🍛 Have any comments, tags or reactions to one of your fics every made you laugh or cry or both?
A veery long time ago, someone said that reading something I wrote ended up helping them with the depression they were facing. I don't have the screenshot anymore and I took the fic down a long time ago, but I always remembered it
As for something recent ones, I could go on and on about the really long and thoughtful comments that I love but I'm going to highlight some really fun ones instead lol
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ddazzlingblds · 3 months
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@dupliciti: ❝ Hey Sampo ! I’m headin’ out for some adult entertainment, wanna join in~ ? ❞ In which said adult entertainment is the silliest thing imaginable.
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   his face goes from confusion to understanding to mild PTSD in a matter of seconds.
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   “ Kirjo━ ” the sigh is so deep, it's a miracle he hasn't sent some snow flying in a pretty sparkly dust. “ -nevermind. yes, yes, I'm tagging along! wait for me, but don't call it that-  ”
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itsmespicaa · 2 years
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“When I woke up, I was riding in a flower carriage.
It was...it was my birthday.
...Happy birthday, Nahida.”
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chappellrroan · 1 year
i don't remember if you listen to txt songs? anyway ye wala suno
I only know there title tracks++popular bsides also the start of this song>>>>
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