#Plus I do like drawing other people's OCs so. Lay it on me
fuj0wuj0 · 2 months
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I'm in a pretty chill timeframe rn so I'd be glad to make some trades~
𖹭 Timeframe: Up to discussion
𖹭 Most interested in OC ships
𖹭 Humanoid OCs only
𖹭 Scene* for scene preferred, but simple stuff's also up for discussion!
𖹭 Preferred communication methods: Discord, Tumblr
𖹭 I'm open for communication in case of any questions! :D
*environmental bg, characters doing more than simply standing still; how much of the bodies is shown doesn't matter, it's all about that movement!
𖹭 Claim a slot in the comments and I'll DM you when I'm active! :D
Slots taken: 0/2 (Only 2 for now, but I'll open more later if I feel like I can take it!)
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My Little Scientist- Chapter eight
Recombinant Miles Quaritch x OC
Authors note: so I've decided to change this story from a x reader to x named OC (Gaia) so I can flesh out the character a bit more, I didn't think I would write so many chapters when I started and just feel more comfortable writing OC's in longer stories, hope this is okay with everyone!
and thank you everyone so much for the support, your likes and comments mean so much, honestly writing is the only thing I really enjoy and it's so nice to know that other people enjoy reading what I've written, love you all and I hope you enjoy this next chapter xxx
3,044 words
Warnings: all the usual ones, Minors DNI
Chapter 9
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Once Miles had returned to his room he was disappointed to be greeted with her absence, not even a note to sweeten the abandonment, only his wrinkled shirt laying haphazardly in the mess of sheets. He reached down to feel the material between his fingers, it still smelled of her, and it brought him back to how she looked with it draped over her naked body. He wondered why she'd decided to leave him in the dust, pretending it didn't leave a gaping hole in his chest.
Gaia, however, was preoccupied, thoughts of her impending relocation to a remote base making her head swim with anxiety. She had signed up for this all on her own and she was going to pull through, but at the same time she couldn't help but wonder if she'd gotten herself in too deep this time, not to mention the fact that she'd be separated from her whole lab team, and her one and only close friend, June. She knew she hadn't been as close as usual, considering the stressful events of the past few weeks, but that wasn't to say she didn't love her, and that dork Mike who was attached to her hip these days. Maybe she should go and talk to her, but somehow the distance had created an awkward tension between them both that she couldn't seem to break through.
"There's our Colonel's girl, how you doing sweetness?"
A soldier spoke up, loud enough to draw her out of her thoughts, and upon looking around she recognised it to be none other than Lyle Wainfleet.
"My name's not sweetness it's Gaia,"
she scoffed, speeding past the recombinant gym, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
"Aww come on, don't be like that, we've all gotta live together pretty soon so we'd better get to know each other,"
he crossed her path to block her exit, leaning leisurely against the hallway wall as he looked her up and down in a judgemental fashion.
"Leave me alone Lyle,"
she growled, attempting to hide her shaking legs from the 10 ft tall alien as she held her ground.
"Stop harassing the girl dumbass,"
a female voice caught her attention, coming from the room beside her and turning her head she caught sight of a woman slouched against a bench press who she believed to be Z-dog.
"Oh come on, I was barely even talking. plus she's not scared of us like the others are you girlie? She's dating the Colonel after all."
"We're not dating,"
Gaia interjected, making the faces of the two soldiers faulter, before Lyle coughed out a laugh
"I'll make sure to tell him you said that... or you can tell him yourself if you like,"
mumbling the last part of the sentence, his eyes cast downwards like a scolded puppy as she felt a shadow engulfing her pint-sized body before the familiar voice hit her.
"Tell me what Gaia?"
Turning reluctantly to face him, she was forced to crane her neck uncomfortably to meet his eye, not liking the despondent expression she was met with, especially as she knew she'd been the one to cause it with her own self-centred fears.
"Well I mean, we're not dating are we?"
She knew this time she'd really done it, the way the anger and disbelief flashed across his face so readily, in a way she'd never seen the reserved man exhibit emotion before.
"Well, that's not exactly the view I got when I had my cock down your throat this morning doll, that just something you do for all the soldiers then?"
His words cut her to the core, especially being said in front of his squad, who's respect for her was barely holding on by a thread at best, and even though she knew he only said it because he was angry, and hurt, she couldn't find in herself to forgive him.
"You prick,"
she screeched, shoving his leg, unable to move it even an ich, despite leaning her whole body weight against him, refusing to meet the eyes of Lyle and Z-dog who she could already hear snickering in their corner whilst she was drowning in shame.
"What? we're not dating are we? Or you wanted me to act like your boyfriend all of a sudden?"
She felt so hurt by him, malice dripping from his every word as he flashed her a signature lopsided smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, looking down on her like he might tread on her if he had the chance.
"You know what, you're right, were not dating, so you can take this shit back, have fun exercising your right hand for the rest of your life. asshole."
She spat, snapping the dog tags off her neck to throw them unceremoniously at Mile's stomach. She wanted him to hurt just as bad as he'd made her, and she knew how to do it, taking in the pained look on his face for a split second before turning on her heel and marching off proudly, fighting the urge to flip them all off as the anger surged through her like lava in her veins, unstoppable and ready to destroy anything in its wake.
Miles bent down slowly to scoop the metal chain from the ground, keeping his eyes on her silhouette disappearing steadily from view, stuffing the tags into his back pocket, pretending not the feel the way they'd warmed from her skin, or the way his heart clenched when she threw them back at him. These days it felt like they always fought and he didn't understand why she kept pushing him away, keeping him at arms length and kicking back if he ever got too close.
"What the hell are you lot looking at, you not got anything better to do?"
He snarled suddenly directing his attention back to the crowd of troops that had gathered at the gym entrance, scattering as soon as his ferocious gaze settled on their spying faces. Maybe he should just let her go, she'd made it pretty clear she didn't feel as deeply for him as he did her. To think he was almost reckless enough to say he loved her, he wouldn't let himself get caught up in such trivial things again, he'd lost sight of the main objective, the reason he was even alive, to capture Jake Sully and put an end to the feud between Pandora and the RDA, for humanity.
The days dragged on and the mission drew closer, nonetheless, Gaia and Miles were still not on speaking terms, brushing past one another in the hallways like strangers, both too stubborn to admit how much they'd missed each other.
"Hey June, Mike,"
Gaia greeted her old friends with a warm smile, seated in the mess hall as always, this time with hands intertwined, June's head resting easily on his shoulder as her eyes met Gaia's.
"Gaia, how have you been babe, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever,"
she smiled softly back to her, making no move to remove herself from her lover.
"I know, it's been forever, I've just been so busy with the mission that I've been rushed off my feet,"
she attempted to laugh, feeling off put by the blatant displays of affection, bringing her thoughts back to the many soft touches and kisses she and Miles had shared.
"Yeah I heard about that, I can't believe you're actually going, do you think it'll be safe?"
She questioned more animatedly, propping her head up at last, to direct her focus away from Mike.
"Yeah, I'll be okay, I can look after myself,"
she smiled halfheartedly, twirling her thumbs as she looked down.
"Yeah and I'm sure Quaritch wouldn't let anything happen to you either,"
she grinned catishly, flashing a raised eyebrow at mike before looking back to her.
"I don't care what he does it's not my problem anymore,"
she grimaced, leaning her chin on her open palm, looking away wistfully as she pretended the revelation of their break up didn't sting.
"What? You guys broke up, you never said...guess that explains why you're here though,"
June chuckled, reaching over to give her shoulder a pat as she pouted like a child.
"We were never together, we just both know that now,"
she paused, locking eyes with June before she spoke again,
"I am sorry, for disappearing like that, I didn't mean to it's just..."
She nodded, the apology seeming to be what was needed to crack the icy demeanour she'd insisted on showing her these past few weeks.
"Aw it's okay Gai, I know, that man's enough to drive anyone insane, I don't know how you handled him for this long,"
she rubbed her arm in comfort, tilting her head to the side as she spoke.
"He can be pretty annoying can't he,"
Gaia grinned sincerely at last, finding solace in her understanding eyes.
"That's an understatement."
Mike appended with an honest laugh, her heart warming at their ability to re-welcome her into their lives despite her neglect to their friendship these past months.
"Thanks guys,"
she laughed along, trying to avoid looking over at the large blue figure that had entered the room moments ago, avoid watching the way he winked at the pretty cook that gave him an extra potato, avoid the way her cheeks glowed red and her eyes cast downwards with a small smile on her glossy lips.
"Just ignore him Gaia,"
June muttered, taking another mouthful of the dry potato and stew on her plate as her eyes stayed trained on the blue man, giving him a scowl whenever he looked her way. She couldn't stay and watch him flirt with someone else, it killed her to see how easily he'd moved on already when she was still in love with the stupid, arrogant man.
"You know, I'm not really hungry, I'm gonna head to bed early, go read a book or something,"
she shot out, rushing to her feet in spite of the noise of protest that left June's mouth, walking briskly with her head down so as not to meet the eyes of a certain Colonel as tears gathered at the corners of her own.
Miles was watching her though, even if she refused to look at him, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. He wondered if she hated him for what he'd said, wanting nothing more than to follow her out of that room, yet knowing she had to be the one to come to him, he needed her forgiveness before he could go to her, and with the way he'd acted he doubted she'd be receptive, it was time for him to move on and forget about her.
"Colonel, just go and talk to her you two fight like children sometimes,"
Mansk piped up, earning a stone cold glare from his superior that had him dipping his head to stuff food into his mouth in silence.
"He's not wrong Colonel, everyone can see you've been in a foul mood since you both stopped speaking,"
Lyle was the only soldier with the balls to keep prodding the bear, being his corporal gave him a certain leeway that the others hadn't earned.
"You're both so stubborn"
Z-dog uttered under her breath, head in her palm as she observed her ruthless Colonel falling apart at the hands of one, singular, human woman.
"I'd implore you all to shut your pie holes before I make you regret it,"
He arched an eyebrow, sweeping a pair of yellow eyes across the table, watching his troops lower their heads in submission, silence falling over the group at his request, the sour taste left in their mouths not being from the RDA food for once.
Lyle, Z-dog and Mansk were hanging out in their usual spot outside the base, having just finished another gruelling training session with the Colonel consisting of a 10 mile run along with sparring and strength tests that had them sweating like pigs.
"Lyle, Mansk, we've gotta do something man, I'm gonna die at this rate if Colonel doesn't lay off."
Lyle grunted as he took a swig from Mansk's bottle, eyes flashing to the brooding man as he considered their options.
"Well, what do you suggest Z?
he retorted incredulously.
"I think we should parent trap them or something, they've gotta talk out whatever's going on."
Z-dog rubbed her hands together like the villain of a movie, enjoying having something other than the upcoming mission to think about.
"Come off it, you saw their last fight, they'd kill each other,"
Lyle grimaced at the memory of their peaceful gym session being interrupted once again by the hotheaded blue man.
"Or fuck it out, hate sex is the best kind,"
Mansk quirked an eyebrow as if he were imagining the scenario, or more likely Gaia, still a little too fond of the woman in question.
"Of-course you'd say that,"
Lyle grinned, slapping his back, the water sloshing out of his open bottle with the force, a glare from Mansk being shot right back at him.
"It could work I guess,"
He finally agreed in the silence, it was the only idea they'd got and god damn he knew he'd expire too if he had to run another 10 miles tomorrow.
"I feel like a fucking spy, this is great, I'll take the girl, you lot get the Colonel,"
Z-dog grinned, swaying her hips as she pranced away with her sweat stained shirt slung over her shoulder, making the others groan in annoyance, knowing the Colonel would arguably be the hardest to convince considering nowadays he was such a tightly coiled spring, any minor inconvenience would set him off. Still it was for the good of the team, they needed their Colonel back and they supposed helping him with his terrible relationship skills would just be a bonus for him.
They wouldn't waste any time, they had to get it done tonight, which is why Lyle was now pulling an extra late night session at the gym, all in hopes of spotting the elusive Colonel Quaritch whilst Mansk waited on the sidelines for his queue. It didn't take long for the man to appear, his routines running like clockwork, when he moved immediately over to the treadmill to warm up, Lyle followed to take the machine beside him, striking up friendly conversation.
"Sir, don't usually get to catch a workout with you,"
he called out jovially, slapping the man's broad shoulder, not sparking any reaction from Miles who kept his eyes trained forward, speeding to a jog instead.
"What do you want Lyle?"
He could see through his bullshit immediately, used to the antics of a bunch of young soldiers cooped up on a base for months on end.
"Nothing Sir, I'm just happy to see you,"
he laughed in the silence as his Colonels face twitched in discomfort, knowing he preferred to be left alone at times like these, and he found it quite amusing to wind him up every now and again.
"Although, you might be interested to know Gaia was asking after you, said to tell you she'd be waiting for you in break room."
His ears twitched at the mention of her name, sparking his interest, especially at the thought of her waiting up for him after such a prolonged time apart.
"Don't bullshit me Lyle,"
he growled lowly, speeding up yet again to take his thoughts off of her, her soft golden hair and delicate frame, encasing a volatile soul.
"Oh, hey Mansk, fancy seeing you here,"
Lyle dropped in, not so subtly, watching the recombinant saunter over to the squat rack, not bothering to hide the fact that he had no interest in working, using it to lean against instead.
"Hey there, Lyle don't let me interrupt your interesting conversation,"
he grinned, sarcasm deeply embedded into his words.
"Well now you mention it Mansk, I was just talking about how Sunshine's all alone wating for the Colonel in the break room, you hear about that?"
He snickered, walking lazily on the treadmill, laying out the bait so conspicuously he wondered if the Colonel would stoop so low as to take it, though anything involving his precious scientist he knew he couldn't resist.
"Oh, Sunshine? Yeah I saw her, all on her own, might go keep her company actually, be a shame to let that opportunity go to waste."
His comment drew a whistle from Lyle's lips, stealing a glance at Quaritch who was gripping the bars of the machine so hard his knuckles had started to turn white, his jaw set and lips pursed, still refusing to acknowledge Mank's words.
"Well guess I'll get out of your hair, see you Colonel."
Mansk began to walk slowly for the door, surprised at Quaritch's lack retaliation, that was until he felt himself being ripped away from the exit by his arm, a large man striding in front of him wordlessly, leaving both Mansk and Lyle in stitches, even more so when they noticed he hadn't even bothered to shut off the treadmill in his haste, disappearing down the hall to find his Juliet at last.
They followed swiftly, knowing the jig wasn't up yet and the hardest part was still to come, it was difficult enough to swipe the keys for the room off Quaritch's desk, now they had to be quick enough to lock him in without being noticed by the hypervigilant man.
Luckily for them, once he set his eyes on Gaia, he appeared entranced, stepping into the room without a second thought, not caring to look behind him, that was until both he and Gaia heard the distinct click of a lock, whipping around in unison to see the devious faces of his troops peering back at them through the small pane of glass at the top of the door.
"Sorry sir this is for your own good!"
Lyle shouted through the fogged up window before running away like a coward when Miles marched up to to the locked entrance, attempting to wrench it open from the handle but instead managing to pull the whole thing off, forcing him to acknowledge that they were both stuck in there whether they liked it or not.
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coldfanbou · 1 year
TIAM IS Side Stories: Peeping
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We go further into the hole of people peeping on OC having sex.
You began the day walking to the garage with Dahyun to a gym to work out. Wanting to get back in shape for activities, especially after seeing Jihyo do it so quickly, Dahyun asked you to help her. You'd be monitoring her workout for the most part. What she hadn't told you is that when she asked the others to take care of Da-Eun, Dahyun said she would fuck you. You couldn't help but stare as she wore tight black yoga pants and a white crop top. "Are you ready, Dahyun?"
"Ready! What are we starting with?"
"How about some sit-ups to start?"
"Okay,"  As Dahyun lays on the mat you laid down for her, you move to her feet to hold them down. With her short shirt, you can see her breasts as she lays flat on the ground. It arouses you, and you develop an erection as you peek at her breasts whenever she lays back. Dahyun notices you don't look at her face when she does the sit-up and smiles to herself. "Are you looking at something you like?" She asked through heavy breaths. 
"I can see you staring at my breasts."
"Don't be sorry; I like knowing you still like my body. Plus, it's turning me on." As she comes up for her fourteenth sit-up, she whispers, "Do you want to get me pregnant again? We could give Da-Eun a little brother."
"Dahyun, we should wait until Da-Eun is a little older."
"But don't you want to have sex with me when I'm pregnant again?" She asks with a devious smile. You feel your erection press up against your pants. Dahyun does another sit-up and finishes the first set. As you let go of her feet, you turn around quickly.
"We should do squats next. Work on our legs." As you both get ready, Dahyun wiggles her ass for you. "Focus Dahyun,"
"Don't be so serious, Mr. Instructor." As she squats down, you can clearly see her milky white skin through the thin fabric of her yoga pants. More than that, you can see her pink pussy and the wet spot it's leaving. You feel your erection get harder as she continues to squat. Dahyun's legs give out, and you move forward to catch her. Her ass presses against your cock as you catch her. "You're so hard. Why don't you let me help you?"
"C'mon, Dahyun, we should be working out."
"Do you not want to have sex with me anymore?" She asks as she turns to you. 
"Dahyun, you know that's not the case." She pushes you back onto a weight bench and straddles you.
"Then prove it. Fuck me." Dahyun throws off her shirt and begins grinding against your bulge. As she squeezes her breasts, milk starts to leak from her nipples. You begin to feel a little parched as it runs down her breasts and over her stomach. You attach yourself to one of Dahyun's nipples without warning, drawing a long moan from her. "Ahh, wait, I wasn't ready." You start to tweak her other nipple with your fingers, "Don't play with my nipples; they're sensitive." She moans. Dahyun throws her head back as she feels your tongue move around her nipple. As you suck on her nipple, her sweet milk runs over your tongue and down your throat.
"Your milk tastes great, Dahyun. I need more." You say before going back to sucking her nipples. Dahyun's arms wrap around your head as she enjoys the feeling of you drinking her milk. As you tug at her yoga pants, Dahyun chooses to rip the crotch instead.
"Don't waste any time; just fuck me." She moans. You pull your cock out and align it with her hole, ramming it inside. Dahyu shrieks as she feels your cock split apart her walls. "Oh fuck me!" She bites her lip to keep from crying out. As she rides you, Tzuyu opens the door to the garage. It goes unnoticed by the two of you. Tzuyu had planned on doing a little workout but seeing you fuck Dahyun gave her a change of mind. 
She stood in the doorway, watching Dahyun's body bounce on your cock. Feeling herself get wet, she slid a hand down her pants and began to finger herself. She stood there for a time, trying to keep her own moans to a minimum. Jeongyeon saw Tzuyu standing at the door and walked up behind her. "Tzuyu, what are you doing?" She gasped as she put her hand on the taller woman's shoulder and turned her slightly. "Tzuyu, what-" Tzuyu covered Jeongyeon's mouth keeping from interrupting you and Dahyun. As Jeongyeon sees Dahyun and you having sex, she turns back to Tzuyu, "you shouldn't be watching this."
"I want to Unnie, look at how good he makes Dahyun unnie feel. I want that too." Dahyun's moans grow louder at that moment as she cums. "See?"
"No, Tzuyu."
"You just want him all for yourself, don't you!? Look at how wet you are, Unnie. I don't want to be the only one that hasn't had sex with him." Tzuyu places her hand on Jeongyeon's crotch, feeling the wet spot between her thighs. 
Jeongyeon slaps away Tzuyu's hand, "Tzuyu, I haven't had sex with him." Tzuyu lets out a big huff and storms away, leaving Jeongyeon at the doorway, where she watches you pull your cock out of Dahyun. The wet spot between Jeongyeon's thighs grew more prominent as she briskly walked toward her room.
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spaceratprodigy · 6 months
Let's hear about that Pride & Prejudice AU bestie 💖🧡
Anyone that's known me for a long time knows that no matter what, I will find a way to make a Pride & Prejudice AU with OCs 😤
This particular iteration is my favorite tho! This time around we have crafted a P&P AU focused on Faith and Rhea ( @captastra ) meeting and falling in love with Max and Felix 👀
I have admittedly been very slow getting around to it, but it has genuinely been one of the biggest things I have been wanting to work on for months. But, you know how it is, not having the time to dedicate to this project was a big factor and it's probably gonna be even longer until I get to it now that I'm moving out and have to get a new desk and set up my workspace.
And, truthfully, I am very very excited about this one and I really want to take my time and put the love into it!! It is 100% absolutely one of the highest things on my to-do list and it's never stopped rotating in my brain.
Sooooo, I have 4 small illustrations so far that I really want to make :]
Nothing super massive and extravagant right now, just a set I haven't been able to get out of my mind regarding different interactions!
The more fleshed out concepts I have are for a Faith and Rhea interaction and a Max and Felix interaction. Both separate but meant to mirror each other!
For Faith and Rhea I was thinking about them late at night, soft lighting, maybe they're laying in bed together, but they're very excitedly talking about the lads they met and how dashing they are and what the interactions they had with them were like and whether or not some feelings had been sparked, etc etc.
For Max and Felix, the conversation is the same but about the gals! I have a vague idea of the setting I want to draw them in, but I haven't fully decided yet. I really like the idea of Felix head over heels for Rhea and asking Max for advice on how to approach her again. I feel like he just really doesn't want to mess this one up 🥺 I also like the idea of Felix pestering Max on his thoughts about Faith, and Max being very avoidant, not wanting to answer, but also not being able to hide that people noticed he couldn't take his eyes off of her 😌💅
The other two drawings I want to make are obviously some lil Faith/Max and Rhea/Felix illustrations 💖💕 but I haven't fully decided what I want to go with for those! I have a few ideas, but those I really want to discuss and plan out privately 🤭 definitely super excited to work on those!!
And let's be honest.. I kind of want to make even more with P&P AU, but small steps lmao don't want to overwhelm myself. It's always gonna be there to come back to! No promises that I'll dabble in trying to write out some things more eloquently, it's just so much easier for me to express my ideas through visuals! Plus I just really love drawing romance things 😩
There's so many interactions we can explore! But even more exciting! I want to explore different outfits for them because I mean c'mon they are all going to look SO darling!
I think I said so in private but I'm still bouncing back and forth between wanting a strict period setting or if I wanna be loosey goosey and incorporate some space themes to the designs and environments. Both just sound so very fun to me to get to work with.
Okay maybe I should stop now because I think I will just want to keep rambling about P&P AU things 😭
Anywayssss 💅 go show @captastra some love!! So wonderful, delightful, creative, and an absolutely brilliant writer 💖💕
Thank you for letting me incorporate Rhea and Felix into this AU, you already know how excited I am to bring them to life 🥰
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caxycreations · 11 months
Good morning (or whatever part of the day it happens to be where you are) and a very fine Blorbo Blursday to you! I have an OC question shamelessly pilfered from @writeblrsummerfest: tell me all about your favourite hot mess of a character! What do they struggle most with in their daily life? Why are they like this?
Define Hot Mess CW: Depression, Low Self-Worth, Brief mentions of lewdness
Because all that comes to mind is "sexy, but barely keeping it together" and that is 100% David. David is this guy:
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He's a caxy: Half cat, half fox. Specifically half maltese and half arctic fox. He has an eternally tired look because of the combination of his ever-relaxed attitude and the bag-like markings under his eyes (the dark rings around them don't help much) and if he weren't so determined to enjoy life, he'd look MUCH more exhausted than that.
He tries very, very hard to be the happy, fun-loving, playful spirit in any group he's in, but there's a lot that goes on under the hood so to speak.
For starters, he spent the duration of his formative childhood years desperate for the approval of parents who would never give it. There are certain behaviors expected of a Relanian predator species (eye contact, baring teeth, commanding posture) that David just...doesn't have. His parents treated him like less for it, and while they did try to "teach him better", it ultimately taught him nothing more than the belief he was not good enough.
He carries that fear to this day, terrified he's inferior, broken, and simply not good enough for anyone.
His bite scars don't do him any favors either, each one a reminder of people he "wasn't good enough for" in his eyes. Despite this fear of rejection, of failing others, and despite his constant self-doubt, he does his best to stay happy and keep others happy. He's usually pretty capable of masking how he feels by using humor, snark, and a healthy dose of lewd humor (plus the occasional lewd act) all help to keep his mind off his anxieties and the depression clawing at his heart.
It hits full force when he's home though. He lives in an apartment alone (technically he lives with Ryder, his best friend, but only technically. He stays the night there most nights, but sometimes he will stay at his apartment if Ryder is away or can't host him) and when he stays there for a night, he gets...rough.
A typical routine for David, when he's at his apartment is draw until he hates it, stare at the paper until he feels sick of it, take a shower and try to de-stress with one of his toys, fail, lay down, try to de-stress by counting the stars outside the window, fail, try to de-stress by reading, fail, give up on de-stressing, let himself cry, fall asleep from sheer exhaustion.
He is...not as okay as everyone around him thinks he is, and the only people fully aware of just how hurt he is on the inside, just how in-shambles he feels, are his sister Davina and his best friends, Ryder and Trace. He has dozens of friends, hundreds if you include acquaintances, and makes ten or twenty more short-term friends every weekend at the clubs.
But despite how easy it is for him to make friends, making good, true friends is hard for him, and his love life has left him feeling like his best use is as a living stress-relief doll for those around him. He works hard not to show it, but these are his true feelings: he feels like a toy, a puppet to be used however his peers see fit, because at the end of the day he has no idea what to do with himself besides give to them.
Closing Notes
David is a complicated individual, and I hope when the reader makes their way through the main story, The Wolf's Den, that they learn about David slowly, the way a new friend building a relationship may learn about him. He's been through so much, and tries so hard to put on a brave face. He deserves more true friends.
Tag List
Tagging these folks because they seem to like my work, and this time, I'm passing the initial question on to you all! To remind you, the initial question asked to me at the top of this was: Tell me all about your favourite hot mess of a character! What do they struggle most with in their daily life? Why are they like this? For the Tag List, if you would like to be added (or removed), just let me know!
@heavensfallenfaction @moremysteriesthantragedies @thetruearchmagos @funnel-webbed-au
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minerwarfare-suzuya · 10 months
It was nearly 6:30 am before my alarm went off and I'm already spammed with messages over my recent post to be "taken down" by threats that Miles will be contacting Mobox87 from Cagney.
Plus, I've also received messages from Miles themselves but can't respond back cause he decided to block me after sending his texts.
So! Back to sleep I go!
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Nah! I'm just kidding, here's what he has said!
"Legit ur what? 18+? Yet you act like a child disrespecting others for your Owen pleasure. All you do is to care for YOURSELF! Been a very disrespectful person. And legit disrespect against humanity! I have all rights to refuse to let ppl miss draw my Ocs, I don’t by them to share. That’s not how it works! Second of all I deleted it bc me and them came along! Like bro ever heared of leaving a person alone and stop bullying? Grow up and get a life instead of harrashing and bullying me ur an adult for fuck sake act like one"
You do realize that anyone and anywhere on the internet is still going to draw your comfort character without your consent. Plus, I don't know why you think you of all people gate keep the oc just cause you bought it when everyone can draw it for free.
It'd be understandable that you were upset and approached a person drawing that oc for profit and not getting any credit or anything out of it.
Now despite Yuriviq and you coming to terms with your rules by force. They are still not happy about you having to pull Mobox87 into your petty callout cause that apparently hurt them since they idolized her and her work. Nor does Yuriviq feel that it's alright to be dictated to not draw the oc they were passionate about making and posting online in their own liking.
But hey guess I'm the bad guy here right? "Like bro ever heared of leaving a person alone and stop bullying? Grow up and get a life instead of harrashing and bullying me ur an adult for fuck sake act like one"
Ironic isn't it? That I get labeled as "disrespectful" when you're the epitome of someone being disrespectful towards others.
"Second of all stop hating against little spacers! It’s freaking disgusting you need to get a life and leave me the hell alone you stalker"
Wanna a medal for that? Like seriously I don't care cause that's just you seeking attention out of your own satisfaction being online.
"Also I remember cleaning giving ppl DRAWING permission BUT WITH THE RULES no NSFW and NO shipping"
This is a lot like the situation Kev had with Blurry on him not wanting no nsfw of his oc which he paid for when most of the characters from Faces of Nothing were on sale. I just have to state that again, anyone and anywhere on the internet someone is going to draw it without your consent so why bother controlling something you'll be outplayed at. Another thing, no shipping? Why? Oh right cause he's your comfort character? Bruh go touch grass and get over yourself on a drawing. That's 1 out of billion drawings of your comfort character being shipped across the web.
"Lay your filthy hands off my Ocs :)
I purchased them and if your ass didn’t know, people is different and you need to respect that! You small ass child"
I just did and I'll do it again. Y'know I have done it before it's not my first time lol. So yeah, you purchased the character and I drew it for free. We're not the same.
Again you're a literal man child and acting crazy over the slightest inconvenience of your oc being shipped with someone else's oc.
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"Also having fun insulting ppl with childhood trauma? Dmn man that’s cold"
I don't know why you care to carry that upon yourself online as some medal of honor especially on your bio when that's your personal problem outside from what others wanna know you publicly for.
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Anyways that's all from Miles text messages and I certainly have to say that I do not care what he has to say about me because he's very irrational and I'm unbothered by his insults.
Now you can already assume that this post in response is a No to taking down my post since taking it down would be in Miles satisfaction.
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Top it off, you really went out of your way to throw a fit to Cagney over it by spamming their dm's. Like seriously? Stfu already, if anything it's non-negotiable to talk with you about how dumb your rule is.
If anything, Miles is a spoiled human being over his comfort character and I could careless what he thinks or how he needs to get his way online.
Quit stressing, let artists do whatever they want.
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Oh one more thing!
No one will praise you or know you're the owner of an oc. People will always forever know that the oc is made by Mobox87 cause she popularized the character during the growth of her online career when she made Faces of Nothing.
The people will only know you by being that user online who bought an oc and being an asshole about it when you harass them. So be proud that you own something that you'll hardly get recognition for.
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Mist | Choi San | Chapter 6
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Pairing: Choi San x OC (Seohyun)
Genre: supernatural (ghost), romance, high school
Trigger Warnings: paranormal, death mentions, violence
Words: 14k
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my original character and the story. I do not own any gifs or pictures used.
Full story on Wattpad (don’t spoil here if you read there too)
chapter directory
Seohyun woke up with a groan, her head feeling heavy. She opened her eyes, blinking as the events of last night came to her. San was no longer here though. She checked her phone, and there was a text from him, saying his parents had called him.
After a shower and a cup of coffee, Seohyun sat in front of the television, thinking what she was gonna do. It was Saturday so they had no school, and she'd caught up on her sleep. She wanted to go out, but it was risky. The ghost- that evil, evil thing could turn up anywhere. Plus, she had no idea where Gayoung and Youngjae were.
Seohyun bit her lip as she thought about solving this problem; there was no way this ghost would come to her senses with mere words. It didn't look like she had faith in god anymore too, so a simple exorcism would be difficult. So what could she do? She had never dealt with such a dangerous one before, someone who was hell-bent on killing her.
And this time, it made sense why the ghost wanted to kill her so badly. All the evil ghosts she'd encounter in her life had never had an actual reason to harm her except being angry at life and whatnot. But this woman; what she had said made sense. And if it was true...
She wished there was another mediator she could consult with. But there was the matter of it being an inherited-once-dead thing. She could consult with the shaman she knew. Maybe he could help her communicate with a wise old ghost who'd actually give her a few tips.
The ghost's words rang in her ears: Don't tell me you didn't know? When a mediator dies, there is a short time period during which there is no other mediator in the world. That's when ghosts can do whatever they want; trespass, interact with humans, and much more. She cursed the previous mediators for not making an account of their knowledge and findings. She made a mental note to write a mediator guideline for the next unlucky person.
Seohyun got up, deciding she'd go to the shaman herself. No point waiting; she wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. The shaman was not too far from where she lived. She would take a taxi, just to be safe.
Seohyun was wondering where those two siblings had disappeared off too. She had allowed them to come and go as they pleased; it was unusual for them to be gone so long. Seohyun reached the place where the shaman lived after 10 minutes, getting off and finding the doors locked.
"Just my great fucking luck," she sighed, going to the market right in front of that place and asking if they knew where the shaman had went. She found out he had moved recently. She mentally cursed herself for not keeping his business card with her; she would have to go home and check if she still had it. She usually made some other use of business cards, such as making airplanes and boats out of them. Her origami was going to be the death of her.
Seohyun was just calling for taxi when she felt her heart sink in, realizing the evil ghost was near. She quickly stepped into property instead of hanging around the street, but nothing appeared. Maybe she was going insane, finally.
After waiting for two solid minutes, she was about to sit in the taxi when she heard a voice say:
"I saw that pretty boy leave your house in the morning."
Chills ran down her spine as she finally met her eyes with the ghost. "And what of it?"
"I found it interesting that he has the sight. I was wondering how that could help me."
"What do you mean?" Seohyun paused- this was not happening.
"He can see me. He thought he saw me in the morning but I hid. So I, with the help of those two kids who were too scared to disobey me, led him somewhere. And if you are a decent human, you'd follow me."
"You're lying."
"Go ahead and check if I am," she countered.
With a wildly beating heart, Seohyun pressed call, once, twice, thrice. He was not picking up. She texted in the group chat if anyone had been in contact with San since today. And everyone replied they hadn't.
Seohyun sighed in defeat as she said, "Lead the way."
The woman howled with laughter, making Seohyun grit her teeth and want to strangle her, but she walked, taking her god knows where. Seohyun tried to ask if she really wanted to kill her, and if so, why wasn't she already doing it. Why wait?
They were out in a clearing, near the expressway where cars and trucks rushed in full speed. What was she gonna do, attempt a ritual? Seohyun didn't understand.
"Just tell me where San is. And don't even think about hurting me. You want me, you have me."
"Oh dear," the woman walked towards her, and Seohyun tried to keep her calm as she grew closer, circling her once before whispering in her ear, "I don't have you. Not yet."
Seohyun winced at her foul breath, the woman raking a nail across her neck, drawing out blood. "I can't give you a mortal wound. I can only hurt you so much. That's why you mediators have it so easy."
Even if Seohyun's neck was on fire from the pain, she felt a spark of hope in her heart. That would mean she could run- she could escape.
"But that doesn't mean I can't do it indirectly," the ghost smiled, baring her brown teeth, and it was the evilness in her eyes that made Seohyun gasp as she realized.
She had been stupid- but she had no guarantee that San was safe. That Gayoung and Youngjae were safe. She couldn't run, not exactly. The woman flicked her hand, and Seohyun winced at the sound of a car crashing. She turned sharply; the car had hit the truck. The car had crashed the other way, but the truck-
It was tumbling and was coming right for her- unnaturally.
Seohyun forgot about everything else and ran, but somehow the woman was able to control the movement of the truck. She jumped in an attempt to dodge, the woman was cornering her. She had no choice but to step on the road, but one of the speeding cars failed to dodge the crashed car and struck it, skidding across the road and hitting Seohyun with a tremendous force that sent her flying before her head hit the traffic barrier and everything went black.
The woman laughed even as she cried out in pain. She had emptied the last of her powers on this crash, and she screamed as she felt herself burn from the inside out. But Seohyun was surely dead- she had to be. If she was dead, this wouldn't happen to her.
The woman screamed one last time before disappearing into thin air- this time for good. But it was no good now. Seohyun lay unconscious on the road, bent in a painful angle as people surrounded her and called an ambulance. A student checked her pulse; it was growing weaker by the second.
Seohyun was rushed to the hospital as soon as the ambulance arrived; her heart flatlined once before she was revived again, having escaped death from a hair's breadth. She was put on hold for her surgery as they called her mother for consent.
Her mother had rushed into the hospital- face streaked with tears. She had only had time to touch her face once before she was taken to the operating room, and she sat on the waiting chair, motionless. Her friend, Aunt Yuri that Seohyun had always liked, had comforted her mother, making her drink water and relax a bit. All they could do was pray.
Seohyun's phone, which was now in Yuri's hand, rang. It was Yunho. Yuri picked the phone, inquiring if he was a friend, and when he assured her that he was indeed a close friend, Yuri revealed the accident to him.
Yunho had almost dropped his phone as he heard, terror washing over him as he realized it must have been the evil ghost's doing. He washed his face, sighing as he tried to control his trembling hands. He was not ready to lose a friend.
Yunho called and told each of their friends individually, keeping San for the last, frowning when he did not pick up. He decided to go to his home and check. Before he reached his home, he found San walking outside the house as if looking for someone.
"San, hey," Yunho rushed to him, "Why weren't you picking the phone?"
"I lost it, but then Gayoung and Youngjae admitted they had hidden my phone. I was just going after them; I don't know why they'd done so. What's wrong?"
Yunho bit his lip as he thought of how to reveal it to him. He told him then; Seohyun had been in an accident, and she was under surgery now. They weren't sure if she was gonna make it.
San put a hand to his head, shaking his head in disbelief. "Was it- is it because of the ghost?"
"Not sure," Yunho said, "But seeing how Gayoung and Youngjae hid your phone, it must be. Seohyun was trying to contact you all day."
"Shit. Shit!" San punched the air in frustration, his lip trembling. How had it come to this?
"Which hospital is she in? I need to go."
So Yunho and San took a taxi to the hospital, and Yunho kept a hand on San's trembling one the whole ride. He seemed intent to keep his calm. When they arrived, they asked the reception for Seohyun and rushed to the floor she was in. They saw two women right outside the operating room, and figured it had to be Seohyun's mother and her friend who'd picked the phone. They sat on a distance, and San put his head in his hands as they waited.
Yuri, who had noticed the two boys, came towards them, asking if one of them was indeed Yunho. "We're praying for the best, but the doctors say it's risky. You both should head home, this surgery might take a while."
"It's fine," San finally said, "I'll wait."
Yuri raised a brow but then nodded, saying she was going to grab some coffee for Seohyun's mother and she'd grab some for them too. After drinking and some comforting from both sides, having found Seohyun's mother fallen asleep, the boys decided to get some air.
They walked in the hospital garden which was pretty big, lit by several lamps, and some of the patients could be seen sitting or walking. San's eyes were on the ground; he was afraid if he looked up he'd cry.
Yunho patted San's back and he put his face in his hands, sighing. He'd never imagine this. And the way Seohyun had been last night, so scared, he should have known. The things she said, he should have believed it wasn't just her being paranoid.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa came along with Yeosang; the rest lived too far away and couldn't join at this hour. Yeosang looked visibly pale and he kept rubbing his hands as if he felt cold. Upon asking, Yunho told them she was still in surgery, and yes, her mom was here with a friend too.
They sat in the garden. Seonghwa had bought some sandwiches from home; he knew some of them wouldn't have had dinner yet.
"You should eat, San," he said, "We don't know how long the surgery is gonna be. It's no good if you're on an empty stomach." He handed him a sandwich and San halfheartedly nibbled on it. The rest of them were pretty much silent too, at loss for words. They found comfort in just being together.
After finishing, they decided to go up and check the situation and maybe go back home to sleep. San dusted his clothes as he walked, and stopped dead in his tracks as he heard a familiar voice call his name.
The rest of them paused, looking back at San, whose eyes were wide with terror. "What's wrong?" Hongjoong asked.
San dreadfully turned back as if not quite believing, and the water bottle he'd been holding slipped out of his hand.
It couldn't be.
In front of him was Seohyun, unscratched, smiling sadly.
She was a ghost.
San couldn't believe his eyes. Seohyun stood unscratched in front of him, but it was not her. It couldn't be. She was in an accident, how could she be in front of him like this?
A cry of pain escaped from Yeosang as he realized, covering his ears as if that could mean he was wrong. Hongjoong and Seonghwa looked at each other, and Yunho stepped towards San, stopping when he found him staring in the distance.
"How are you... here?" San managed to ask, walking towards her, but she took a step back, leaving San's hand dangling in the air. His brows were furrowed in a pained expression.
"I don't know, San," Seohyun said, smiling sadly. San went for her abruptly, and his hand went through her.
"No... This can't be...." San's knees gave out and Yunho rushed to him, massaging his back as tears finally escaped his eyes. He sat down, his face in his hands, now almost touching the ground. Seohyun bent near him as if she could touch him.
"It's my fault," San sniffed. Yunho wiped his eyes, looking back Hongjoong- pale with shock, Seonghwa clinging to him, holding Yeosang's trembling hand.
"It's not your fault. It's that witch's fault. And you have to listen-"
"It's mine," San whispered. Seohyun bit her lip as she began to speak but was cut again as he said, "I'm sorry I didn't pick your phone."
"I know what happened, don't worry-"
"I'm sorry-"
"CHOI SAN LISTEN TO ME FOR A SECOND!" Seohyun shouted and San jerked, forcing his head up to face her. "I don't think I'm dead. Not fully, at least. You have to go and ask the details."
"What do you mean? You're a ghost, doesn't that mean-"
"Maybe not. Please do that."
San nodded, explaining to the others that there was a possibility she was alive, though it did not make sense to him. They started walking to the building, and Seohyun said, "And please wipe your faces. Don't show that you know anything. I don't want my mom to know that I'm a ghost, even if I'm dead."
San winced at that but did so, and they went upstairs in the waiting area, where Seohyun's mother was crying. Yuri was patting her back but looked okay. Upon seeing San and Yunho with other friends, she whispered something to Seohyun's mother, who casted a glance at them and nodded, and Yuri walked to them.
"Seohyun's alive for now. She's in a coma. The surgery was successful but this was unavoidable, so we can expect her to return sometime within 3 months or more, depending on Seohyun now. Can't say anything about that. You guys should go home. They'll let you see her tomorrow."
Seohyun sighed in relief despite herself, and the boys finally managed a smile and asked San if she was here. San nodded, looking at Seohyun. She smiled happily now for San's sake, but he was still gloomy.
"You're gonna smile back or I'm gonna haunt you in your dreams, Choi San."
San let out a short laugh. "I guess you can do that now. Let's go out."
They went to an empty street and San asked Seohyun what had happened. She told him how the woman had used San as a bait for her to call her out. San told her that Gayoung and Youngjae had only taken his phone, assuring her he'd been home all day. Seohyun assured him it was still not his fault, that sooner or later this would've happened.
"So where's the ghost now? If you're still alive, won't it come after you again?" Seonghwa asked.
"I'll have to ask around," Seohyun said. "I can actually teleport now. I'm gonna try and find Gayoung and Youngjae. They must have been pretty scared if they did her bidding."
"Stay safe, Seohyun," San said, and Seohyun brought her hand near his face as if she meant to touch him.
"I will. Don't worry. Go home guys, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, we'll tell the others too now," Yunho said, "They'll be shocked."
"San, please tell Yeosang to stop trembling. I'm alive!"
San looked at Yeosang. He still seemed pale and his hands wouldn't stop shaking. So he did what Seohyun would have done for him; took his hands in his own, telling him it was alright. Seohyun was alive.
"I just can't believe it," Yeosang said, "For a second- when you said her name- I thought-"
"Yeah, I know, me too," San admitted. "It's alright. She's okay."
They waved her goodbye as they went home, and Seohyun cursed as loudly as she could, now that no one could hear her. Then she decided it was time to teleport to that hill, Gayoung and Youngjae must be given an earful.
She closed her eyes shut and imagined being sucked into space. The familiar tingling sensation ran from the top of her head to the tip of her toes; one moment she was here and the next, cold wind hit her face. She was there.
She peeked into the 'cave', basically a home to the ghost siblings. She found them sitting with their knees close to their chest. It was crazy how much they were like each other.
Seohyun cleared her throat and walked in, and the two of them stumbled back, almost falling.
"Are you alive?
"Are you dead?"
"Neither," Seohyun replied, "I did not know going into a coma would make me a ghost."
"Seohyun, I am so sorry-"
"Don't," Seohyun put a hand in the air, shutting them up. "Just tell me what made you do this."
"She threatened to hurt our parents. She knew where they lived. They're who we're staying here for, if she hurt them... I'm sorry," Gayoung looked down in shame.
"She actually asked us to 'take care' of San. We didn't promise her anything, just that he wouldn't interfere," Youngjae added.
"Well, thank you for that," Seohyun smiled, sitting near them. "It must have been hard for you both."
The two of them looked at each other, on the verge of crying.
"I swear if a tear falls down your faces, I'm personally gonna kick you out of this ghost realm."
Gayoung laughed a little, quickly wiping her eyes, and Youngjae did the same. They were just kids, Seohyun thought. They shouldn't have had to think it was their fault or anything.
"But what happened with the witch?" Seohyun asked.
"After she thought she killed you, we saw her screaming. We had just teleported to you when we sensed you were in danger. She just... vanished. And this time I mean like dissipated in the air like ashes. I guess she died again..." Youngjae said.
"Wow. Serves her right!" Seohyun sighed in relief.
"Did you meet San?" Gayoung asked and Seohyun nodded, looking grim.
"I don't think you should leave him alone tonight. He's gonna take this badly."
Seohyun's heart sank. She was right. Seohyun expected San to be alright, but that was just her own expectation. She wasn't actually so sure he would be.
"I don't know where he lives," Seohyun said.
"We'll take you to her," Gayoung said, holding out her hand to her and squeezing it, muttering an earnest thank you. Seohyun nodded, and they teleported once again.
It was an average looking house, much like the ones along the whole street. But somehow it felt more like a home than Seohyun's plain house looked.
"Do you think I can enter?" She wondered out loud, and Gayoung grinned.
"You should try. You should be able to since you're a mediator anyway."
Seohyun shrugged, taking a careful step forward. Indeed, she was able to enter. It seemed like she did have special benefits being a ghost. "I feel like I'm intruding."
"Oh he's your boyfriend, just go," Gayoung waved her hand at her, dismissing her as Youngjae grinned, wriggling hi brows at her. The two snickered, waving bye and teleporting back.
Seohyun stood awkwardly at the front door, afraid she'd be intruding their privacy. She paced back and forth, wondering if she should call San, or just go up and give him a little scare in the process. He probably wasn't in the mood for fun and jokes. She'd seen his face when he'd thought she'd die, and it was something she wished she could erase from her memory.
While she was biting her nails in confusion, she heard the front door open, and for a second, she panicked. But it was only San.
"I saw you from my window," he said, holding the door open, "Come in."
Seohyun bit her lip and nodded, entering. San closed the door behind him and led her upstairs. They went past his sister's room before entering his. Seohyun looked around, his love for plushies obvious by his large collection.
"Which one is Shiber?" Seohyun asked.
"That one," San pointed at the bed. It was a shiba plushie. San slept with it, it seemed.
"Poor thing," Seohyun grinned. San gave her a little smile as he motioned for her to sit. He sat on his bed and Seohyun brought the chair close. "Not how I thought I'd come to your home."
San shook his head, looking down. Seohyun almost leaned forward to touch him until she realized she couldn't. "Are you okay?"
"I'm not, to be honest," San began, meeting eyes with her, "I really thought you... were dead. When you appeared like that. I'm still not over that feeling."
Seohyun felt guilty. She'd found herself a ghost at the site of the accident, right when they were taking her to the hospital. She'd made it there, but she couldn't bring herself to step inside the hospital. She'd spotted San and Yunho from there. "I'm sorry."
"Oh no, you don't have to be," San shook his head, "Not your fault. I just wish I could... touch you right now. Hold you so I'd know you're real and it's not me going crazy."
"I know San," Seohyun almost whispered, "Me too."
They looked at each other sadly, and Seohyun put her hand in front of him, and for a moment San thought she was gonna ask for a high-five. "Put your hand here," she said.
San put his hand forward, and before he could touch, Seohyun pulled hers a little back. "No touching. Just... close. Like this," she put their hands close until there was only a hair's breadth of distance between them. San could have swore he could feel her warmth.
She smiled at him and drew her hand back. "The sibling duo was threatened by that bitch too. I feel sorry for them."
"That explains," San thought, "they didn't seem the type to just turn away like this."
"They apologized thoroughly. But it's okay now. It's only a matter of waking up from that coma... If I can make it."
"Keep your hopes up," San scolded and she smiled sheepishly. "How do you feel though? I mean, now that you're... a ghost. Does it feel any different that being a human?"
"I don't exactly feel weird inside," Seohyun realized, "But there does seem to be something different about this world now. It's like there's a veil over my eyes. Everything is a little cloudy now. Like I have bad eyesight."
"Does that mean you can't see me clearly?" San wondered.
"No, it's like there's a filter now. You know like the ones in the camera where you can decrease the clarity? That's how it feels. Weird."
San nodded. "Will you sleep?"
"I honestly don't know," Seohyun admitted. "I'll watch you sleep though. Maybe that might put me to sleep."
"I don't think I can sleep with you watching me," San huffed. Seohyun let out a short laugh and asked, "Do you want me to go?"
"No- stay. Please," he said, getting up to turn off the lights so there was only light from the little lamp on his desk. He lied down on his bed, facing her, watching her as she stood by the window, peeking out.
She was a ghost, San thought. He wanted her to wake up as soon as possible. He wasn't sure if he could live if Seohyun, god forbid, died and remained a ghost. He couldn't even imagine it.
As if sensing his thoughts, Seohyun turned, staring at him for a moment, those cheekbones pronounced in the shadows. She walked towards him slowly as he watched, and dropped to her knees in front of him, resting her head on the little space on the bed near San, and he crouched too, until they faced each other. She tested once, let her hand hover over his, putting it on top of him- but it passed through, making San shiver a little. So she drew her hand a bit back, until it almost touched at the fingertips.
They stared at each other, and San's eyelid drooped, shutting as he fell asleep. Seohyun closed her eyes too.
Seohyun must have actually fell asleep because when she awoke, when she opened her eyes, she was not in San's room but in front of her body, lying still with tubes coming out of everywhere. Her mother was sleeping rather uncomfortably on the sofa.
Her mother. She looked disheveled, and it made Seohyun gasp a little with surprise. She had always seen her so composed, so calm and full of control. She couldn't bring herself to go to her mother when she'd seen her crying of relief, back when they'd heard that her surgery had been successful.
She was glad that her Aunt Yuri had kept her company. She would have to thank her when she woke up. If she ever did. Seohyun shook her head, ridding herself of such thoughts.
Seohyun figured this was where she was gonna wake up every time she slept. She peeked out of the window to see that it was already morning. She felt like she hadn't slept at all, which was weird.
Her mother groaned, rubbing her eyes as she woke up. She looked like she had forgotten for a moment where she was, and as she took in her surroundings, Seohyun saw realization hit her as she jerked violently.
Her mother stared at her for a long while, before sighing and throwing her head in her hands. She thought her state must have been a nuisance for her ever-busy mother, but then she saw the tears fall down her mother's eyes as she hastily wiped at them.
She fell back on her seat, laughing, probably at the situation. And then she spoke:
"When your dad left me, I thought nothing could break me anymore."
Seohyun's eyes went a little wide at the sudden mention of her dad, who had passed away due to his heart problem a little after Seohyun's birth. Her mother had told her fragments of her life with him; they had met at work and fallen in love, spending a few years together before marrying and having a daughter.
"Your dad... he had my whole heart. So you can't blame me for my lack of love because it went with him to the grave. I tried loving you, and I thought it would be very hard. But somehow... I didn't even realize that I already loved you, way before you were born. I loved the thought of you."
Seohyun's heart sank. She thought she was invading her privacy by hearing all this... But technically, her mother was talking to her, wasn't she?
"I realize now. Now that you're looking like your dad in his last moments, I realize how afraid I am to lose you. If you followed him, I'd just be an empty shell."
Seohyun wanted to hug her mom and tell her it was alright. She wanted to give her a sign that she was here... but she figured it would do more harm than good.
"I hope you come back, Seohyun. My little girl. I promise to be a better mother, just- come back."
Seohyun's eyes shone with silver as she smiled at her mother's word. So her mother really did love her. She watched as she got up, straightening her clothes. "I'm going to distract myself until you're back. And then I will give you all the time in this world. Take you where you want to. Act like a proper mother that I should have done years ago. I'm- I'm sorry for not doing that earlier."
She walked to Seohyun's body, planting a kiss on her forehead and Seohyun could have sworn she felt a tingle of it too.
Her mother left after smiling at her, and Seohyun inhaled. She needed to distract herself too.
"I'm making a video of this, and no one is gonna stop me."
"What if someone sees it, Yeosang?" Hongjoong asked, shaking his head.
"I don't care," he replied as he did exactly as he had said. Make a video of Seohyun drumming furiously.
Except you could not see Seohyun and it looked like the drums were playing itself.
"I could start a YouTube channel and earn money from videos like these," he smirked.
"If you start earning money because I'm on the borderline of death," Seohyun had stopped drumming now, "I'll actually haunt you for the rest of my life."
San, who was watching the whole thing while sulking on the sofa, told Yeosang exactly what she had said.
"Good. At least I'll have company for the rest of my life."
Seohyun threw the drumstick, aiming for his head, and it hit home as he yelled in pain, a few colourful words escaping his mouth.
"You deserved it," Hongjoong laughed. Yeosang threw the drumstick back and Seohyun caught it, putting it down. She was done playing. She took the notebook they'd given her for communication and wrote: If I do end up dying, I'll help you all make money. At least I'll still be useful after death, you morons.
She held the notebook for them to read, trying to hide the view from San, but he ended up peeking too, and shook his head again, sulking even more.
"Back with her death jokes," Hongjoong looked at the book with disapproval.
Seohyun threw the book back at the table and came to sit with San, mirroring his sulking position. "It's so boring to have only you to actually talk to, no offence."
"Some taken," San said, "Be grateful I can see you. Imagine if I hadn't followed you that day."
"Actually grateful for that," Seohyun grinned. A ghost of smile crept on his face.
She heard the door of the warehouse open as the rest of them arrived. "Is Seohyun here?" Wooyoung asked, looking worried.
Hongjoong said yes, and he looked around saying, "Wherever you are, I'm so sorry about the accident, Seohyun. I don't want you to die, please come back! I can't lose you!"
Seohyun picked the pillow and threw it with considerable force at Wooyoung, who screamed and Mingi laughed. "Glad to see you're in good spirits."
"Are you okay though?" Jongho asked, having realized she must be sitting with San, "Does it... hurt or anything?"
San told them she said it was fine, it was just like being alive except no one can see her anymore which is making her sad and bored. He skipped the part where she had said that San was kinda boring these days too.
"Glad to hear," Wooyoung put the bag of snacks on the table. "I bought snacks, but... can you eat?"
Seohyun decided it was time to test that theory. She hadn't felt the need to eat, but she supposed theoretically she should be able to eat. She picked a packet of chips and opened it, the rest of them watching her curiously. She picked one in her hand, and then slowly put it in her mouth.
She could eat.
She danced in victory, making the rest of them laugh as Yunho hooted, "Time to loot the stores!"
"Nice idea!" She yelled back, coming back to sit with San, offering him some. He refused first but she made him open his mouth and put one in it. "This feels good. It's like being able to touch you."
San smiled. He felt that too.
Seohyun got up, going to Seonghwa and waiting for him to open his mouth. He was confused for a second but then opened, and Seohyun put the chip in his mouth. "This feels weird," he muttered, but smiled.
One by one, Seohyun put chips in their mouths, making them laugh. Yeosang filmed the whole thing, saying he was gonna make a compilation video once she was back.
San watched her with a curious look in his eyes. She had been acting a bit... different. More cheerful than she should have been. Or maybe he was too gloomy? When Seohyun came back, San folded his arms. "Did something... happen today?"
Seohyun got quiet for a second before she told him about how she had heard her mom talk to her. San wished he could hug her. Even though she sat right next to him, she felt so distant. His heart ached.
"At least now you know for sure that your mother does love you, in her own way."
"I suppose so," Seohyun sighed, folding her arms, watching Mingi and Wooyoung have a little brawl over who was better at drums, "I haven't ever seen her like that. Makes me want to not... die. Not that it's in my control anymore."
"Don't think like that," San turned towards her, "Your willpower is important."
"Is it?" Seohyun countered, and San narrowed his eyes. "I'll have to test that theory-"
"Do not even THINK of trying something reckless-" His voice was raising.
"I'd like to see you stop me-"
"HEY!" San got up abruptly, and everyone turned to look at him, "Does your life mean nothing to you?"
Seohyun instantly got deja vu. He'd said something like this before too. She stared at him as he groaned and pinched his nose bridge in frustration, pacing back and forth and then stopping again. "I thought your life meant something to you now. You had friends- you had us. We love you and care about you so much. I care about you so much. Your mother does. But all you care about is yourself?"
"San-" Blood rushed to Seohyun's cheeks as she realized, "I didn't mean-"
"You did mean it, Seohyun," San sighed, "I- I thought you finally had something to live for."
"San, I do. Believe me, I do."
San looked at her, shaking his head, and Seohyun felt like she could disappear. "Think about it, Seohyun."
He turned and started to go, and Seohyun grabbed his hand- or tried to- but it passed right through.
"I need some time to clear my head," he muttered as he left.
Everyone watched San leave the warehouse, and their eyes went back to where San had been standing, where Seohyun now stood. She felt disappointed in herself. She slumped down on the sofa, the others realizing she was still here.
"What was that about?" Seonghwa asked out loud. Seohyun just clenched her hair as she groaned loudly, cursing herself, glad nobody could hear her right now.
Hongjoong came and sat near Seohyun, saying, "If you want to talk about it, I'm here."
Seohyun thought it was sweet of him. He'd brought the pen and notebook too, placing it in between them. Seohyun took it, scribbling in it.
I messed up big time
Hongjoong read it, scooting a little closer, the notebook seemingly in her lap. She wrote again:
I'm a disappointment to San.
Hongjoong shook his head, "You're not. Trust me, you're not." He took a deep breath, having figured out what the fight was about. "I know you've had it rough, and you're not used to all these new relations. But whatever happened, you can set it right. San won't stay angry, but he'll be truly disappointed if you don't."
Seohyun thought about, and didn't realize her tears were falling on the notebook. Hongjoong could see it.
"You haven't cried since the accident, right? You're very brave, Seohyun."
Seohyun laughed a bit as she realized, making her cry even harder. She scribbled Thanks in the notebook, putting it aside. She knew what she had to do. Apologize.
She got up, walking towards the piano. Seating herself, she tested the keys, giving everyone a little scare before she started to play.
It was the piece Joon Hyuk had taught her. It was utterly sad but beautiful, and it had took her months to get better at it. As she played, she realized her muscle memory was better now. So she lost herself in the sadness of it, her fingers dancing on the keyboard.
When she was finished, she opened her eyes, breathing. it took her a good minute to come back to reality, and when she did, everyone was staring at her. Or the piano.
"Tell me someone got it on their phone," Yeosang mumbled.
Seohyun threw her head back and laughed out loud as she watched the boys fight over why no one took the liberty of filming this moment.
That night, Seohyun was pacing in the park near San's house, wondering how she should make things right. A simple 'sorry' wouldn't suffice. She wished she could touch him, hug him. Maybe that would have put more depth to the apology.
She was out of options. And as she was muttering to herself about how much of a bitch she had been, San came walking in, stopping abruptly when he saw her still pacing and cursing. She hadn't noticed yet. So he shook slightly with laughter as he heard her rather colourful vocabulary.
Seohyun sighed, looking up, and finally saw San, her heart sinking to her feet. "Gosh, you gave me a scare," she put a hand to her heart as she breathed.
"It's not like you can die of a heart attack now," San said.
Seohyun paused, narrowing her eyes at him. "Excuse me?"
San shrugged, but lost his demeanor as he finally laughed. "Oh how the tables have turned!" Seohyun gasped, kicking a pebble at him, glad when it struck his leg and he winced.
She gave him a long look. "Are you okay?"
"I am," San said, motioning to the swings and they took one. As they bobbed lightly, Seohyun finally took a deep breath and said, "I am sorry, San."
"For what?" he asked, looking at her.
"For everything," Seohyun said. "I've been a terrible friend."
"No you're not," he smiled. "I just wish you'd give yourself more credit. You don't have to apologize to me. You should be apologizing to yourself."
"Damn, that's poetic," Seohyun said and she could've sworn she heard San mutter 'insufferable', but he still laughed. "Alright. I'll give myself more credit. I won't make death jokes again too."
"Now what would Seohyun be without her death jokes?"
"That is a very valid point," Seohyun smiled. "Alright, I'll just... be a better person. You know."
It seemed like San was enjoying her struggle to find words. "I know what?"
Seohyun's jaw tensed. "Be glad I can't hit you, San."
San smirked.
That cocky little-
Seohyun got up, searching for something to throw at San, who just laughed loudly as he ran away from her.
Days passed. Weeks passed.
A month passed- yet Seohyun was not awake.
Every morning, Seohyun awoke at the hospital, no matter where she slept. She had made the warehouse her home now, since going back to her house was just a reminder that she was not alive, but not dead either.
She wasn't sure how she felt about this situation. The first few days, everyone had been super sensitive about what they said in front of her. But now, everyone was busy with school too. So Seonghwa advised her to attend school too, to not get behind her studies. But Seohyun said that technically, she was still in hospital which meant she could skip school now.
It took her one day without them, bored out of her mind, and she decided that yes, she would go to school too.
So everyday, she sat in her seat, not really paying attention to the lectures but still feeling like she was a part of this world. A part of the living.
And she'd help a lot of ghosts too. Ghosts didn't find her like they did when she was alive, but occasionally she'd stumble upon a lost ghost and help them out, saying she was 'experienced' in helping the fellow-dead.
She was out helping a ghost, a little girl barely 7 years old. She missed her mom and was still hanging on because she had to give her mom a gift, she had promised to. Seohyun's heart went out for the little girl, and she decided to help her.
Seohyun took the girl to her own house, and the little girl went 'wow' when she realized she could touch things now. So Seohyun gave her a nice page and colour pencils while the girl made a drawing. The gift to her mom.
Seohyun hadn't been home in quite a while now. She walked around her room, memories of San and Jiwoo coming to her mind. She smiled as she took the painting of Jiwoo in her hands.
"I'm done!" The girl said, and Seohyun placed the painting back, going to the desk.
"So your name is Yerim?" She asked and Yerim nodded. She had made a cartoon of herself and her mom, labelling it.
"That is a beautiful drawing, Yerim. I'm sure your mom would love it."
Yerim smiled and Seohyun pinched her cheeks. "Now let's give that to your mom."
Yerim guided her to her home, and they went inside, deciding to hide the painting in Yerim's room so when her mom would come, she'd find it, and think she had already made it before she died.
"Thank you, unnie!" Yerim hugged Seohyun and she marvelled at the feeling. She hadn't touched anyone since she'd been a ghost.
Seohyun picked the girl in her arms. "You're so light!" Yerim laughed and hugged her again. They got out of the house, walking randomly, Yerim still in her arms. The black cat started following them too.
"The cat can see you?" Yerim asked.
"Oh yes. When I was... alive, it was my friend. It's still my friend when I'm ghost."
"That's cool," Yerim said as she waved at the cat.
Seohyun asked, "Now that you have done what you stayed here for, you should go now. There's a better world, where you'll wait for your mom. She'll be there soon."
"Will she?" She asked and Seohyun nodded.
"Can we go to the park over there? I used to come there to play with my mom. It has so many flowers too."
"Of course," Seohyun looked at where she had pointed. The park was full of kids and their parents, playing around. "That's a nice place."
Seohyun dropped Yerim and she asked if she would be able to touch the cat. She squealed in surprise when she could.
"What's the name of this cat?"
"Ah. I haven't named it yet..." Was it Shiber or Byeol?
"You can call it Yerim!"
Seohyun paused. She got the strange urge to stretch her cheek.
"You're very cute, Yerim. I'll call her that," Seohyun smiled.
Yerim nodded, looking at the kids, and Seohyun watched her fade away. Feeling the sudden urge to cry, she shook her head and motioned for the cat to follow her.
After roaming around aimlessly, Seohyun reached the warehouse, finding it utterly dark. Not even the usual light was on.
"Where did everyone go?" She muttered, turning to go out, almost jumping out of her skin when she heard what sounded like a blast.
It was a party popper.
"Happy birthday!"
Seohyun turned to find everyone clapping and holding a cake, the only light in the room from the candles. San was laughing at Seohyun's horrified expressions. She truly had forgotten that it was her birthday. She shook her head, laughing.
"You guys, you're- how did you plan this?"
"It took us days to plan," San admitted, and Wooyoung said, "We had to think of a way you'd be busy today."
"But I was busy today because- no way. No way!" Seohyun looked at San in disbelief and he nodded. "I found her before you did and asked her to keep you busy. She was more than happy to."
"Wow," Seohyun shook her head, pinching her nose bridge but smiling at the effort.
"Blow the candles," Seonghwa said, and Yeosang took to his filming.
Seohyun felt strangely happy as she blew her candles, not bothering to make a wish. Hongjoong turned on the lights and she looked around, noticing the various gifts lying in the corner, and her favourite dishes on the table.
San led them to the table, where she cut the cake and made everyone take a bite from her hands. She couldn't thank them enough; this was the first time she had a surprise- or even a celebration.
"I wish the circumstances were different," Seohyun sighed.
San told them what she said and Yunho answered, "It doesn't feel any different. Only we can't see or hear you, so we have to visualize. Oh, and we get more jump-scares now."
Seohyun laughed, and they dug into the food.
After they all were done, they asked her to unwrap her gifts. So Seohyun grabbed the largest one first, which was from Yunho. It was a school bag, with space for laptop too.
"I noticed yours was kind of worn out," Yunho grinned. Seohyun scribbled on the notebook, saying 'Thank you for noticing! :)'. The others applauded him for the approval.
The next one was from Mingi. It was a beautiful leather band watch, which she loved, saying she wished she could put it on right now, and wondering for a moment that if she did, where would it go when she was back?
Yeosang had gifted her some chocolates from abroad, conveniently his father had been out of country. And since he knew her love for chocolate was one to be appreciated, he decided on it. Seohyun almost cried when she spotted her favourite ones.
"I do have another gift, but you'll have to wait for it," he admitted. Seohyun narrowed her eyes, scribbling 'It better be worth it' and moving on to the next.
Jongho had given her a scented set; shampoo, lotion and candle. Hongjoong got her a cap and sunglasses, rather stylish, and Seohyun had to admit she was impressed by his choice. Seonghwa had gifted her a black cat plushie- very, very similar to Yerim the cat. Seohyun admitted it might be her favourite gift. Wooyoung had gifted her a set of earrings, and she appreciated that it was just her taste. And San got her a couple ring, making everyone including herself gasp when they saw it.
"I didn't know what to get..." San scratched the back of his neck.
"No, I love it. It's so pretty!" It was just her style; a silver band with a tiny diamond in the center. Seohyun tried it on, showing it to San excitedly who laughed, approving. He wore his own too.
"Aw, this is so sweet. Except it looks like San proposed to himself," Wooyoung said, earning a smack from Seonghwa.
Seohyun took it off, handing it to San. "I'll wear it when I'm back."
"You wanna go for a walk?" San asked, and she nodded, getting up and asking him to convey her thanks to everyone, that they should keep this stuff here and she'll properly receive them and thank them when she was back.
After everyone said goodbye, San and Seohyun started walking aimlessly around, San telling her how it had taken them a whole week to plan, which included panicking over gifts too. Since it was their first time with Seohyun, it was more difficult to decide on what she'd like.
"I would have loved anything you gave me, even if it was stupid. I appreciate the gesture more."
"I know," San smiled at her. Seohyun was looking at him with a smile on her face, taking in the details on his pretty face, that she didn't notice a bike rushing and on its way to hit her.
Of course she wouldn't get hit, but out of impulse, San grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the side, "Even if you're a ghost, you should be careful-"
"How- how did you did you just touch me?"
San looked at her, then looked down at his hands, then looked at her again. "Did I?"
Seohyun frowned. Slowly, taking a step towards him, she touched his face, and they sucked in their breath.
She could touch him.
Seohyun laughed in disbelief, touching his face, feeling every angle and curve of it, and San's hands went to grab her hands, marvelling at the touch. He hugged her, not quite believing it until he could feel her arms around her.
Seohyun broke the hug, joining their foreheads, for a moment forgetting everything else as she kissed him. God, it had been too long. They kissed each other in a frenzy, until San felt like someone dumped water on him and he broke apart.
"How did this happen?"
"I don't know," Seohyun breathed, "I don't know, I-"
Seohyun fell to the ground, clenching her head in her hands as she cried out in pain.
"What's happening?" San asked, panic lacing his voice, and Seohyun muttered that she did not know.
"I think I'm dying," Seohyun said, wincing because of the sharp pain, "Or something's happening. I'm being pulled back. San- I'm scared."
San was sitting down with her now, holding her in her arms, caressing her head, "It's gonna be alright," he said, pressing a kiss to her head, "It's gonna be alright."
He didn't know how long he stayed there comforting her as she breathed and faded. And he did not know how long he stared at the empty space in front of him, where Seohyun had just been.
It was utter chaos at the hospital- the doctors and the nurses were rushing around, everyone was borderline panicking. Seohyun was going into shock- her mother was crying hysterically as she watched the doctors go around her in a frenzy. A nurse told her to pray- she would either make it or pass away.
Her mother watched her heart beat flatline and the doctors resuscitate her. Her mother almost fainted as she watched the monitors- she was having flashbacks from the time her husband had passed away. Her friend Yuri came rushing in, leading her outside, rubbing her back and telling her it was better to wait and pray instead of watch what was going on.
Meanwhile, San, who had been staring at the empty space in front of him, where Seohyun had just been, slapped himself to reality and called Hongjoong, quickly telling him what had happened as he rushed through the streets, trying to find a taxi. The boys joined him, their faces pale, and they ran to the main street until they found taxis and drove to the hospital, not being able to calm their loudly thumping hearts.
As soon as they reached the hospital, they looked at each other once, nodding, scared for what they would get to hear. Most of them were trembling now- but they followed each other to the ICU, where they spotted the doctors coming out of the room.
Yunho spotted Yuri and ran to her, "How's Seohyun? What happened to her?"
Yuri narrowed her eyes at Yunho, "How did you know...?"
Yunho internally cursed himself before making up an excuse, "I was passing by here when I heard the doctors call the others to Seohyun's room- I called the rest. It wasn't looking good."
Yuri nodded, "She's okay now. She's awake, in fact. Look," Yuri pointed at the door that was slightly open, and Yunho saw her mother smiling through tears, holding Seohyun's hand, who was smiling too.
Yunho sighed in relief, almost falling on his knees. He thanked Yuri and motioned the rest to join him, and the rest knew it was good news with the smile on Yunho's face. They watched the mother and daughter smile and talk to each other, and they hugged each other in relief, their eyes wet.
Seohyun spotted the group of boys outside, waving at them. The boys waved back and they watched her say something to her mother, who nodded, getting up after kissing her forehead and coming out.
"I never thought Seohyun could have so many friends one day," Her mother smiled at them.
"It's good to meet you," Jongho said, and they bowed in greeting.
"You can meet her now- try not to be too loud," she laughed, waving at them.
The boys walked slowly to her room, taking in Seohyun's appearance- there were shadows under her eyes, a few scars on her face and hands, but her smile was the only thing they could see.
"Come here. I missed you all so much!"
Jongho went first, shaking hands with her, the rest coming one by one, holding back from hugging her or ruffling her hair because of the bandages on her head and everywhere else. They were all a little speechless, having seen Seohyun after so long now.
Even San was speechless- he had seen Seohyun everyday, but not like this.
"I thought you'd be happier to see me," Seohyun looked at San.
"I... I am, I just-" San shook his head, looking down as he trembled from trying to hold back his tears, "I really thought... that you were gone."
Seohyun sighed, pursing her lips. "I have given you all a hard time, haven't I?"
They all shook their heads, Mingi and Wooyoung rubbing San's back who was trying his hardest not to cry but ultimately failed. Hongjoong said they'd give them a moment and they left the room.
"San. Come on, look at me. San!"
San sniffed, wiping his eyes before looking at her. Tears formed in her own eyes and she wiped them.
"I'm so sorry, San. I'm so sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry for anything," San leaned forward, taking her hand in his- it had been too long. "Nothing to be sorry about, except scaring the shit out of me."
Seohyun laughed, "I scared the shit out of myself too, not gonna lie."
"I can't believe you're real," San admitted, bringing her hand to his face, reveling the feeling of her touch, "I am awake, am I not?"
Seohyun slapped his face lightly with her other hand. "Very much awake."
San took his sweet time not saying anything, just looking at her face, his lips on her hand.
"Say something, San. You're being weird."
San shook his head, kissing her hand. "I am never leaving you, ever. Get that in your head. No amount of death jokes are going to scare me away. You're stuck with me now until I die."
Seohyun flushed at the sudden confession. "Are you sure? I can make horrible jokes."
"As sure as I will ever be."
Seohyun smiled until she was laughing, tears running down her face. "God, I love you, San. I'm not leaving you too. Even if you're angry with me, disappointed in me, or whatever, I'll keep bugging you."
"Good to hear," San grinned.
"Come here," Seohyun motioned, and San asked her if it was okay. Seohyun just grabbed his collar and gave him a light peck on his lips.
"I can't hug you right now, but I can do this."
San smiled, returning the favour. They both stared at each other, smiling.
"Now that is a creepy sight I wish I will never see again. Tell me you got that on camera, Wooyoung."
"Right on," Wooyoung replied to Hongjoong, and Seohyun tried throwing her pillow at them, groaning in pain when she turned too harshly. San told her to calm down, throwing the pillow himself.
"It's our turn now, you've been seeing her for months now!" Yeosang shouted, and Seohyun laughed as she watched them push San out of the way, making him sit in the corner and pout while they sat in front of her, taking turns to talk to her.
"How did it feel while you were a ghost?" Wooyoung asked.
"Like I was alive, but not real?"
"Did it hurt when you became a ghost, or when you went back?" Seonghwa asked.
"When I went back, yes, I felt like my head was about to burst-"
"Can you still see ghosts now?" Mingi asked.
"I don't know yet-"
"Let her rest!" Hongjoong clapped once, "We'll have plenty of time to catch up when she comes home."
Seohyun pouted and Hongjoong patted her shoulder, "Glad you're back, Seohyun."
Seohyun smiled, wriggling her brows at him and they all waved at her before leaving, San coming to kiss her hand once before leaving. Seohyun sighed- he was being so soft.
Her mother came in, trying to stifle her smile but failing. "You have many friends now, it seems."
"I do," Seohyun nodded, smiling back, "I have a boyfriend too."
Her mother raised one eyebrow, putting her hands on her hips. "Lee Seohyun! Why didn't you tell me earlier? Which one was he?"
"The one who left last, San."
"Oh," her mother gave her a thumbs up, "How did it happen?"
Seohyun told her to sit because it was a long story, and then told her all about how she had met San, how he was able to see ghosts now too, because of her, and how they, at one point, started liking each other.
"Were you a ghost when you were in a coma?"
Seohyun bit her lip, nodding.
"And these friends knew?"
"They did. San could see me, but he couldn't touch me. At least not until tonight, just before it happened."
Her mother sighed, leaning back. "Is there a reason none of them, and not even you, bothered to tell me that you were a ghost?"
"I wanted to- I slept every night and woke up here, with you. I heard you talk to me. I couldn't break your heart, mom. Not when I wasn't sure if I was going to make it."
"I understand," She nodded, earnest, "How did this even happen?"
"It was an old ghost- a vengeful one. Apparently when you kill a 'mediator'- that's what they call me, there are a few moments before the mediator thing passes to another person. During those moments, ghosts can trespass and interact with humans and whatnot. At least that's what that bitch told me-"
"I'm talking about the ghost who tried to kill me."
"Oh, that bitch, go on."
"So apparently ghosts can't kill the mediators. So she tried doing it to me indirectly, which ended up killing her."
"Good riddance! But I hope you will have stopped seeing ghosts now. I don't want you to get in more trouble," her mother's eyes were full of worry.
"I don't think that happened, but at least nobody will try to kill me now."
The mother and daughter sat thinking for a few moments. Finally, her mother spoke, "You're getting discharged in three days. If you want to take a break from school, if you want to go on a trip, I can do that-"
"Thank you, mom," Seohyun smiled, "I just want to live like I had been living. Normally. We can go somewhere during the New Year holidays if you're free- otherwise, I just want to go to school, spend time with the boys, do normal stuff."
"I took extra days off," her mother nodded, "We can go visit your grandparents in the countryside."
"Sure! I haven't seen them in forever."
"You can go with the boys somewhere if you want to before New Year. I won't be home for Christmas- I have business in Japan. But if you want me home for Christmas-"
"Please, it's really okay, mom," Seohyun nodded furiously, "I won't be alone this time. Just promise you'll be home for New Year."
"I promise," she smiled.
"Done. I'll plan something with the boys."
Three days later, Seohyun was finally discharged, the bandages off her and she felt light. Seohyun took a look in the mirror when she got home- the wounds on her face would fade with time. She was alive, and that was all that mattered.
The boys had paid a visit every night, and it was time for her to return the favour. Seohyun decided she would buy something for them each- a Christmas gift, a gift because she woke up. She told them all to be there at night while she went shopping.
Two hours later, several shopping bags in her hands, she stood outside the warehouse. The air felt incredibly different now that she was alive.
Seohyun closed her eyes, relishing the feel of the wind on her skin, blowing the hair away from her face.
"Hi guys!" Seohyun stood awkwardly, waving the bags in her hands. The boys all turned, hooting as they rushed towards her, and for a moment, Seohyun almost had a heart attack.
"STOP!" She shouted, and they stopped in their tracks, realizing their mistake. "One at a time, okay? Go back and sit."
They obeyed, muttering things under their breath and San approached her, taking some of the bags away from her.
"Can I hug you first?"
"Not fair!" Wooyoung shouted.
Seohyun laughed while San glared at Wooyoung, "We'll have plenty of time later, but here," She gave him a brief hug, sighing into it. It was the first time she was going to hug everyone after the accident.
She had been discharged from the hospital the next night, after the doctors made sure everything was okay. The bandages were off now, mostly. Some scars remained- one running down her temple as well. She had been home the past days, not being able to meet anyone, taking her time to get her energy back, only going out shopping with her mom.
"Alright," Seohyun placed the bags in front of the table where everyone sat, "This is going to be a random pick. I got you all gifts for Christmas, so I'm going to pick a bag. Here-" Seohyun picked one, "Yeosang!"
Yeosang got up haughtily, flipping his hair, motioning at them to applaud and they did, faces grumpy as he approached Seohyun and hugged her, almost picking her up in the air.
"Don't crush me!" Seohyun laughed, and Yeosang finally broke the hug, patting her head.
"We didn't get you anything for Christmas yet."
"You don't need to, you got me enough for the birthday-"
"We'll just give you food then," Jongho suggested.
"Deal," Seohyun winked at him, handing Yeosang the bag. "Open it."
Yeosang looked at her pointedly, opening the box to reveal a small flying drone. Yeosang gasped in surprise and Seohyun looked proud.
"I may have noticed you doodling drones in your notebook."
Yeosang laughed and thanked her, saying she knew him well. Seohyun picked the next bag.
Seonghwa pumped a fist in the air as he ran to Seohyun, hugging her.
"You hug like my mom does," Seohyun muttered.
"Glad you're back," he said, kissing her temple before he broke the hug. He opened the gift to reveal a set of-
"Hey, how did you know to get me these!" Seonghwa looked at Seohyun in surprise while the others tried to peek at what Seonghwa was holding, who took the boxes out to reveal action figurines. Seohyun smiled as she watched the rest laugh in approval.
"When you guys crashed my first date and took me shopping, I may have noticed you eyeing these in the shop- I don't know what category they are- I just memorized one of the toys of that set and went there and found it, to my relief."
"You're very observant," Seonghwa eyed her and she curtsied, earning another thanks.
"Can I come next?" Jongho said, pointing at the giant bear wrapped messily lying in the corner, "It's a bit too obvious now to pretend I don't see it."
Seohyun bit her lip, trying not to laugh, "Please do."
Jongho smiled, skipping to Seohyun, hugging her such that she was dangling in the air, arms flapping wildly at the side, and then the two skipped to where the bear was- it was about Seohyun's size. Jongho tore the wrappers and laughed-
"You really had to?"
Seohyun smiled at the apple necklace the bear wore- it was a special touch she added to Jongho's gift. "I mean, I could have gifted you a crate of apples-"
Yeosang laughed out loud, causing the others to laugh as well, "The apples wouldn't have lasted a day."
"It's not that bad!" Jongho sulked, dragging the bear to the couch and hugging it, pouting. Seohyun shook her head at him, picking the next bag.
Yunho hooted in victory, pausing in front of Seohyun for a second before spreading his arms, and Seohyun gladly hugged him, laughing because she barely reached his shoulders.
"Glad you're back, you dwarf."
"Thanks, you giant puppy," Seohyun shook her head, breaking the hug and handing him the bag. Yunho eyed her before fishing out a long box, unwrapping it.
Seohyun watched as his mouth opened in surprise, and he looked at Seohyun, then back at the boys, then back at her.
"What is it?" Wooyoung asked, "Don't make me get up now-"
"How did you get your hands on this!" Yunho laughed out loud, taking out a wand from the box, "This is Harry's wand, right?"
"Harry's wand!" Mingi wowed, and Hongjoong shook his head, "Isn't this too much! When did you get the time!"
"Actually, this wasn't a Christmas gift," Seohyun admitted, and Yunho looked at her in surprise, "You remember when we talked about Harry Potter all day in school when I was... alive? Before becoming a ghost, I mean-"
"I do," Yunho shook his head, "You're still alive, you know."
Seohyun waved a hand in dismissal, "Anyways, one of mom's friends was in UK, and I had asked her to get me a wand from there, so I asked to bring another."
"I don't know- isn't this too much?" Yunho looked at her hesitantly, and Seohyun rolled her eyes, looking at San who was laughing silently.
"Shut up. Next!" Seohyun announced, ignoring Yunho and picking another bag. "Hongjoong!"
"When is my turn!" Wooyoung wailed loudly, Mingi joining, and Seohyun watched as the two started playing rock papers scissors to bet on who would be next.
"How did you even bring all these here," Hongjoong asked as he hugged her, long and good, "Wasn't it too much trouble?"
"It's okay," Seohyun rubbed his back before they broke apart, and Seohyun handed him the bag. "Here."
Hongjoong looked at her pointedly, "This looks the smallest."
"I can assure you, it was the most expensive-"
"Hey!" Hongjoong laughed, "I'm not opening this."
"Stop being so dramatic, we're waiting!" Wooyoung shouted, Mingi doubling over with laughter.
"I'll do the honours," Seohyun picked the box and tore the wrapper apart. "I had to."
Hongjoong almost dropped the box as he held it- it was headphones- but high quality ones- ones he wish he could have to make him hear the sound betters when he composed in his laptop. "Seohyun-"
"How can I accept this!"
"You know I could get you better things- my mom's loaded. She was all too glad when I told her that you were the guys I was buying gifts for. Please, Hongjoong, it's not much."
Hongjoong shook his head, "I know it's not much to you, but to us, it is. I'd appreciate it if you don't spend money like that again-"
"Shut up," Seohyun shook her head, "It's my first time getting someone gifts. First time getting someone something meaningful, first time I actually put thought into all of this. First time I was excited. Please," Seohyun wrapped his hands in hers, "Accept it."
"You're gonna make me cry now," Hongjoong laughed, bringing her in for another hug. "Thank you. I won't forget this."
"Thank you for accepting," Seohyun laughed, and Hongjoong went back, flaunting his headphones as he examined them.
"Okay, Mingi, you're next."
Mingi almost fell as he got up in victory, waving his butt at Wooyoung and earning a smack, skipping as he came to Seohyun and hugged her dramatically, picking her and actually making her scream-
"Drop me, you giant!" Seohyun slapped his arms repeatedly, and he finally dropped her, pretending she had hit her too hard. Seohyun slapped his arm again, finally smiling.
Mingi went to where his bag was- finding two boxes- his recent two favourite anime's action figurines.
"You remembered!"
"I also got you the recent volumes!" Seohyun fished out another bag from under the table and Mingi wowed, checking as if he couldn't believe it.
"You have good memory! When did I tell you which volumes I had?"
"Some time in school?" Seohyun smiled, "I didn't know what else to get you- I already gave you the drums, I could have waited till Christmas I guess-"
"Oh come on, they're yours-"
"They're yours now," Seohyun announced, and Yunho started clapping, "I mean, I'm a co-owner. Deal?"
"Deal," Mingi ruffled her hair, thanking her.
"Finally now, it's my time!" Wooyoung came singing, almost running to Seohyun as he crashed into her, spinning her and kissing her forehead, "I cannot tell you how happy I am that you are alive!"
"Even if I was dead," Seohyun began, "I feel like I wouldn't have been able to move on because of you-"
"Hush, now," Wooyoung shook his head, laughing. "Hey, mine is the lightest! Hongjoong!"
Hongjoong was too absorbed in his headphones to respond and San finally got up, telling Wooyoung to hurry up so they could have 'alone time'. Wooyoung unwrapped his gift-
Seohyun flinched at how loud he was and San came to cover her ears as Wooyoung shouted in surprise and amazement, thanking Seohyun to which she nodded, still flinching as he ran around flaunting the album.
"You brought this upon yourself," San laughed, and Seohyun smiled as Wooyoung crushed her in another hug, thanking her again and again.
"You want me to take it back!"
"THEN SHUT UP!" Seohyun shouted as loudly as Wooyoung who only grinned.
"I knew there was something about you that I just had to make you friend-"
"Anddd that's enough," San slapped the back of Wooyoung's head, "Let's go to dinner after an hour, guys. Meanwhile, I'm stealing her."
With that, San put his arm on Seohyun's back, guiding her out as the boys 'ooh-ed', making her flush. Seohyun couldn't help but smile as San led her out of the warehouse, taking her at the backside where the boys had set up a small place with a tent and couches for when the weather was nice and they wanted to sit out.
"I wish we could go somewhere else, but I don't want to waste this hour," San said, leading her to the couches, pausing to look at her, his hands hesitant as he touched her face, "How have you been?"
"Oh please, it's not like we didn't call at nights the past two days- I'm fine, really."
San touched the scar at her temple, kissing it, making her flush deeper, "I'm glad to hear that."
Seohyun pushed San's chest, "You're being too... mushy."
"Mushy?" San raised an eyebrow, laughing as they sat on the couch, facing each other.
"You're sometimes too romantic for me to handle, you know that?" Seohyun folded her arms.
"I haven't even begun-"
"Exactly what I mean!" Seohyun shook her head, and San laughed, scooting closer.
"Tell me you missed me. Tell me you missed... us."
Seohyun bit her lip, scanning his face- the moonlight making his cheekbones appear sharper, his eyes dark.
"Can't say I didn't," Seohyun sighed, "Let me hug you first."
San brought her closer and she wrapped her arms around him, almost in his lap, her head resting on his chest as she sighed, melting in the embrace. "I definitely missed this. I could sleep right here-"
"Don't you think about sleeping now."
Seohyun smiled, burying her nose in his neck, inhaling the scent of him- it felt like nostalgia, like home. "I never thought I'd appreciate hugs one day- not being in contact for these two months really put me in my place."
San broke the hug, looking at her face, "I could tell. You got Jongho that bear- you know he doesn't really like skin-ship but watch him cling to that bear for the rest of his life. I realized then."
"You're right, I'm surprised you noticed," Seohyun admitted, "He and I are alike in that. I knew he'd love it. Oh, and also, I got you something, but it's not here yet."
"What did you get me?"
"Don't be too surprised when it comes," Seohyun grinned, "I wasn't too sure- yours was the hardest to think of, but it just happened-"
"Please, I'm curious now," San pouted, whining. "I won't be able to stop thinking now that you reminded me-"
Seohyun kissed him to shut him up, breaking apart to look at his reaction- satisfied to see his eyes wide in surprise and then narrow in challenge.
"I guess I could use a distraction. We do have an hour."
Seohyun laughed, kissing him properly this time, taking it slow- it was the first time they were properly kissing since she was back. San held her face delicately, letting her set the pace. Seohyun's hands were more urgent, running through his soft hair, caressing his face, his neck, roaming around his back and chest as they kissed lazily.
"Don't hold me like I'm gonna break, Choi San."
It was all San needed to hear- he kissed her with a force that got her arching back until her back hit the couch itself, and San broke apart to caress her face and draw her hair back.
"I love you, Seohyun. Merry Christmas."
"And I love you, you mountain," Seohyun smiled, "Now kiss me."
The rest of the hour went by as they kissed, murmured sweet nothings as they sat in each other's embrace, or just watched each other, hands caressing hands. The hour went by slow yet it felt like a flash once it was over and they were interrupted with Wooyoung shouting at them to come inside already.
Holding each other's hands, they went inside and sat with the boys to plan where to go for dinner. Yunho looked at the two and burst out laughing, Mingi joining him.
One by one, they all started laughing, leaving San and Seohyun who stared at them. Even Hongjoong and Seonghwa- the serious ones were laughing.
"Did you two only make out during that one hour?" Yeosang shook his head, "Look at how disheveled you both are."
San and Seohyun immediately looked down, but their clothes were straight, and their hair wasn't messed up-
It was only when all of them burst out laughing that the two realized this was a trick- and San covered his face as he laughed while Seohyun gaped at them, getting up in search of something- grabbing a small cushion and running forward to hit them-
"It was Yunho's idea, don't hit me!" Mingi wailed.
"You're still an accomplice," Seohyun laughed as she ran at all of them, hitting them once on their heads to 'get their brains to kick start'. "So what if we only made out? I'll ask you all when you finally have partners, you loners!"
It was the first dinner Seohyun had with the boys since coming back to her normal life.
And it was chaotic, to say the least.
People had mistaken them for being a bunch of drunks one too many times, the way they were hollering with laughter and talking about ghosts as loudly as they could. But everything was okay- Seohyun hadn't felt happier in a while.
After a very lavish dinner, they all walked around the town, making fun of each other and playing, and before Seohyun could decide to leave for her home and bid everyone goodnight, Yeosang told her they had one last surprise for her at the warehouse before she went home.
"And why couldn't I get this surprise when we were back at the warehouse just a few hours ago?"
"You'll know why," Jongho teased, "Just come."
Seohyun rolled her eyes, secretly anticipating just what they had in store for her, and followed them to the warehouse.
"We'll be right back- stay here," Wooyoung said, dragging Jongho and Yeosang with him while the rest stood outside, waiting.
"Can I have a hint?" Seohyun folded her arms.
"Uh, nope." Hongjoong was firm.
"Is it something about a musical performance or a dance performance-"
"Can you calm down and wait?" Seonghwa laughed.
"Is this going to be a prank?" Seohyun raised her eyebrow.
"If it was a prank I would have been inside with them," Mingi raised his hand and Seohyun narrowed her eyes at him.
"Me too!" Yunho grinned, and Mingi and Yunho shared a look which set Seohyun pacing due to nervousness.
"Calm down," San laughed, his eyes full of adoration, "You'll love it. It's all I am allowed to say."
Seohyun pouted, eyeing the warehouse, not hearing anything at all. Another minute passed by which Seohyun had scratched near her fingernails out of nervousness when Wooyoung peeked out, giving a thumb up.
"Finally," Seohyun exhaled, and San took her hand in his as they walked inside.
They were greeted by the Siamese cat that Seohyun had gifted San, who finally named her Byeol. Yerim was their stray cat and Byeol was their pet cat, who loved staying inside the warehouse- her home.
Seohyun looked around. Everything was the same, except there was a projector now set up in front of the couches. "Are we watching a movie?"
"A short movie, you could say," Jongho took her other hand, leading her to the couch and making her sit in the middle, San sitting on one side and Yeosang on the other, and Wooyoung made sure everyone was sitting in front of the screen before he put the lights out, grinning as he sat on the floor mat in front of Seohyun. Seohyun playfully kicked his back, earning a slap to the leg.
"Okay, I'm starting it."
Yeosang clicked a button and there was static for a few seconds before music started to play- music she realized was from one of the samples she'd heard from Hongjoong. She raised her brow at him, and he just winked.
Seohyun went back to watching the screen, which went black and then a video clip started playing- she frowned as she realized where it was from- school.
"Hi," Wooyoung said, "I made a new friend today, but she's kind of scary so I don't know when I'll be able to get a proper vlog with her- ow!"
Seohyun smacked Wooyoung's head. The teacher was about to come in. Wooyoung hid the camera and Seohyun said, "I owe you one."
"You owe me nothing-"
"Should I tell the teacher what exactly you were doing?"
"Boomer," Wooyoung muttered.
Seohyun laughed out loud, "I never heard you call me a boomer!" She smacked the back of Wooyoung's head again, and he laughed out loud.
"This is exactly why you didn't hear me!" Wooyoung laughed, rubbing his head.
The clip changed and Seohyun recognized the scene again-
"I win," Yeosang smirked.
"Next game, come on."
Seohyun drew another blank page and the two restarted another game of tic tac toe. This time, Seohyun went first and she won. Seohyun put a line on her tally count.
"This will go on forever," Yunho, who was watching them, said, "Whenever Seohyun goes first, she wins. Whenever Yeosang goes first, he wins. You both have this figured out- why don't you just shake hands and accept the draw?"
Yunho laughed as the both had glared at him and said no in unison, flipping the page and starting another game. Mingi, who was filming, turned the camera to himself and shook his head.
"They're never gonna stop."
"We did stop," Yeosang laughed, "Only because the teacher came."
"So who won?" San asked.
Seohyun sighed, smiling, "We shook hands and accepted draw."
The scene changed again, and it was from when Seohyun had first seen the warehouse and revealed that she knew how to play the piano- apparently Jongho had caught her playing the melody that she remembered from Hongjoong. It followed by the clips of the truth and dare game they had that night- the one when Seohyun finally told the boys that she could see ghosts. Everyone had a good laugh over it and Seohyun felt nostalgic as she watched Hongjoong's Billie Jeans imitation and Yunho's golden retriever. Seohyun had stopped them from filming the ghost evidence back then.
The clips that followed were all... ghost evidence. The boys used to play games with Jiwoo- like cards, tic tac toe, or such games, and Seohyun watched with her mouth open in disbelief as the amount of 'evidence' clips passed.
"Good thing Jiwoo's not here- if she was, I would have personally seen her out of this realm."
San rubbed her arm, laughing, "You never stopped them from filming."
Seohyun just shook her head, smiling as the clips changed to a compilation of their last day with Jiwoo, of them playing in the water, playing games and just laughing and having a good time. Seohyun felt bittersweet at the memories.
"Now here starts the fun part," Wooyoung winked.
And sure enough, fun it was.
"It appears my definition of fun differs from yours," Seohyun flushed as she saw a compilation of clips of San and Seohyun being the most obvious couple- looking at each other adoringly, holding hands, talking, etc. "I feel exposed."
"This was my idea- to put these in," San admitted, grinning at her flushed self, "I knew you'd like it."
Seohyun rolled her eyes but smiled, and they all watched the various clips from their outings together, until-
"Oh," Seohyun realized why this gift from Yeosang was late.
The drums playing itself, the piano playing itself, food flying in the air, cushions being thrown- all Seohyun as a ghost, and she had to admit the direction of this movie was clever.
"I'm going to wait till the end credits to comment," Seohyun muttered, watching the day of her birthday, smiling because it really looked like they had filmed the whole thing.
Seohyun's grip on San's hand tightened when she saw the clip from the day at the hospital when she finally woke up- the 'creepy sight' Hongjoong had referred to and Wooyoung had filmed- the sight being San and Seohyun staring and smiling at each other, their foreheads joined.
"You really had to add this?" Seohyun kicked Wooyoung's back lightly, making everyone giggle.
"This is like the epilogue of the whole thing," Mingi said.
The video ended with a picture of the 8- which Jiwoo had clicked on the beach. The end credits rolled, crediting everyone except Seohyun- even Jiwoo.
"Come on, I must have made at least one of the videos or pictures there-"
"In case you haven't noticed, you barely use your phone," Yunho retorted, and Seohyun pouted.
"So," Wooyoung turned, "What do you think?"
Seohyun couldn't stop herself from smiling, looking up as she felt her eyes burn, and the boys started chanting "DON'T CRY", making her laugh harder.
"This really is a gift from all of you- the memories, though I think I should thank Yeosang first," Seohyun smiled at him, taking his hand, "Thank you. You didn't have to waste your time on this."
"It wasn't a waste of time," Yeosang shook his head, "I had this idea when you were still... a ghost. So instead of making it bleaky with only ghost memories, I decided to do something like this. Wooyoung helped me a lot too."
"You all make me cry too much," Seohyun wiped the corners of her eyes, "I was never this emotional-"
"Oh please," Seonghwa shook his head, "If we had a clip from every time that you cried-"
"Okay, okay, I get it!" Seohyun laughed, "Thank you, all of you. This, us here right now, is the greatest Christmas gift I could have from anyone of you-"
"Now don't go being all sentimental on us, Seohyun-"
"Ugh, you guys don't let me breathe!" Seohyun glared at Jongho, who was doubling over with Mingi, "I'm saying it again, and you all better not interrupt. I really love you guys. It's been a great few months, despite the bad things that happened. I wouldn't have made it back without you guys. Thank you for everything."
They all smiled, Seohyun taking time to make eye contact with everyone.
"Thank you for sticking with us, I guess," Seonghwa grinned.
Wooyoung nodded. "I know we can be a loud bunch-"
"You don't say," Seohyun muttered.
"See, you interrupt us too when we're all sentimental!" Wooyoung turned to glare at her.
"Hey, who's idea was it to befriend me again?" Seohyun shrugged, "You brought this upon yourself-"
"It was because we thought a girl in our group would so us good! If I had known you talked and sat like a guy-"
Wooyoung shut up when Seohyun kicked his back, harder this time, making everyone howl with laughter at the two of them bickering.
"Hey, she can be girly when she wants to be-"
"You're not helping, San!"
"It's imitation time, Yunho!" Yeosang called his attention and Yunho bowed, getting up and preparing himself to act like Seohyun.
He walked a few feet away, rolling his sleeves up, which already had the boys laughing, stealing Hongjoong's cap so he could complete the 'Seohyun' look.
"So here's how she walks-" Yunho hunched his shoulders a bit, his eyes darting here and there as he walked with light steps- a habit Seohyun had to make as less of a sound while walking as she could.
"It's because I look out for ghosts!" Seohyun folded her arms, slumping back as the boys laughed at the near perfect imitation, almost howling when Yunho slumped in the chair, sighing, legs apart but feet together, arms folded.
"That's perfect," Yeosang managed to say between laughter. Seohyun clenched her jaw, trying not to laugh.
"I feel exposed..."
"But that's how you really are like, baby," San scoffed.
"I could have been like one of those girls who's always walking like a model, sitting like this-" She tried mimicking those formal sitting positions, "And has her lashes fluttering every second, and is always worried about how she looks."
"See, I knew you'd fit in well with us," Wooyoung grinned, and Seohyun threw a pillow at him as San and Wooyoung started to bicker about Seohyun.
Seohyun smiled as she pet the cat that was now in her lap, looking around at the boys, all smiles and laughter, no worries. Yeosang noticed her expressions and raised his brows.
Seohyun smiled.
"This really does feel like home."
Thank you for reading and supporting! <3
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littlemessyjessi · 3 years
“Mother Nature”: Baron Helmut Zemo Imagine: Plus Size
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A Helmut Zemo Imagine Commissioned by: She chose to remain anon so I won't tag her but thank you love for your commission! Much love! Notes from cx:  "Can you use your oc Jessi for this please? Can we have cottagecore vibes? Can we have an animal mama? Can we have a cool power and some backstory?" Note from myself: Yes, bebe, of course you can have anything you want! -----------  
The tension in the jet could be cut with a knife as the three males resided there.
Sam was caught between irritation at Bucky... in general and due to the fact that he would do nothing but glower at Zemo.
And also by the subject of his glowering himself.
He didn't like the situation in any way, shape or form.
But after coming to the resolution that he was more help to them out of prison that he was in... the both of them had agreed to 'let' him stay.
Even when all of them knew that if and when Zemo was ready to flee... he'd just do it.
"So this woman?" Zemo spoke up.  "Why is it that we must collect her?"
"Collect her?" Sam laughed. "What the fuck, man? She's a woman.  Not a pokemon card."
"We need her." Bucky said shortly.  
"Yeah, we need her." Sam laughed. "What I'm not looking forward to is the ass whoopin that she's undoubtedly gonna dish out when she sees us.  What was it she told you the last time she saw us?"
"Shut up, Sam."
"Oh, yeah.  Something about, 'If I ever see your wish brand Terminator looking ass -"
"Shut. up. Sam."  Bucky snapped.
"Then I'll rip that Transformer's reject arm off and shove it up your ass."  Sam continued through his laughter.
"I think I may like this woman." Zemo said sipping his champagne with a smirk.
Bucky just glowered out the window and Sam looked thoroughly pleased with himself with the torment he'd managed to provide Bucky in only a few short sentences.
"If I may.." Zemo started only to recieve a menacing glare from Bucky.  "If she dislikes you so much what makes you think she'll be willing to help us?"
"Because Jess is easy to bribe." Sam said. "And you're going front the bill for it."
Zemo lifted his eyebrows, "Ah, I thought it would be more interesting.   What's her price?"
"Probably some exotic plant that no one has ever fucking heard of and is impossible to get." Bucky sighed, running a hand down his face.  "She'll let you know."
"If she doesn't shoot us before we get off the jet." Sam pointed out.
Sam wasn't scared of a lot but Jess McCarty was definitely on that list.
Even if he did find her highly entertaining.
"Oh and she hates Sharon." Bucky said staring our the window again. "So don't bring her up."
"I'm not ignorant enough to bring up another woman." Zemo said. "I was married, you know."
He had been teasing but none of them said anything else.
They weren't exactly on the best terms but even still they wouldn't bring up conversation relating to his late family.
Eventually, they landed in large field with a beautiful mountain landscape decorating the distance.
Helmut could distinctly see a large white truck in the distance.
"So much for easing into the situation." Sam said.  "I see she still has Leroy."
"Leroy?" Zemo asked.
"Her truck." Bucky clarified. "Don't ask and don't bring up the bullet holes."
Sam snorted, "Yeah, I think she still owes you a few shots over that."
"Fuck off."
Zemo rolled his eyes at the two of them.
Even after all this time and how much he had become accustomed to their bickering ... it still both amused and annoyed him.
As the three of them descended the stairs of the jet, the slam of a door was heard in the distance.
A woman stepped out and leaned against the grill of the truck, blankly staring them all down.
She was tall, that much Zemo could tell even from a distance, with neck length dark hair that sprung from her head in a wild dark halo.
They'd managed to get about half way to her when she whistled and several dogs bounded from the bed of her truck.
"Fuck." Bucky whispered. "She brought the fucking dogs."
"You better run,"white wolf"." Sam said with a chuckle.
Half amused and half concerned.
"We." he responded. "I'm not the only one here."
"You state your fucking business, Barnes. Before I let them tear you part."
A smirk worked it's way onto Zemo's face as her venomous southern drawl that seemed to contrast so much to her appearance.
She was the picture of lovely.
She looked more like a fairy belonging to a magical woodland than someone associated with the Avengers.
Like a tall, curvaceous Elven queen.
"We need your help and we brought an ATM who has connections." Sam said trying to ease the tension.
She didn't seem impressed.
"I'm not asking again, Barnes.  You got three seconds before I sick the hounds on you.  And they're hungry. We've been into town passed the diner where they're having a fish fry.  My babies are just dying for a snack.  And if you even think about laying one hand on them, I'm turning that fucking arm of yours into a coat rack." she spat.
"God dammit, Jess.  I told you we need your help.  It's a mission and you're the only one who can-" Bucky started before she snapped her fingers and the dogs charged at him. "Shit!"
Realistically, Bucky could've ended those dogs in seconds but if he did, A.) she'd never help them, and B.)  she'd make him suffer for it.
Buck let out some kind of strangled cry as he took off away from the dogs chasing after him.
Zemo, no stranger to the military and the dogs associated with it, noted that none of them actually looked as if they were going to harm him but rather just enjoying the chase.
Bucky didn't need to know that though.
"How long are you gonna let them chase him?" Sam chuckled as he and Zemo finally made their way closer to where she stood leaning against the truck.
Jess shrugged, "So what is it exactly that you need?"
"We just need your help with a mission." Sam said.  "We can talk about the details later if you decide not to kill us."
She scoffed, "I'm not going to kill you, Sam.  But I might maim Barnes a little.  Enough to make me feel better."
She finally turned her eyes on Zemo who gave her a small smile.
"So you're the ATM?" she asked with lifted brows. "Do you have a name? Bank of..."
"This is Zemo." Sam said.  "He's a Baron and he's loaded."
"Zemo." she nodded, dark brows drawing together.
"Please call me Helmut." he said producing a hand.
She took it firmly as she stared at him.
"Zemo..." she said almost tasting the word in her mouth.  "That is so familiar."
Sam sighed, "Yes, it's that Zemo, Jess.  And I know what you're thinking-"
"You have no idea what I'm thinking." she snapped, her eyes wretching themselves away from Helmut's soft dark eyes to meet Sam's endless pools.
"No, you were not there and you do not know." she said as her skin and hair began to change color as her temper rose.
It was then that Helmut recognized just exactly who she was.
"You were there." he said. "In Sokovia."
Her eyes connected with his.
"Yes, I was." she said.  "I was with the Avengers when we faced Ultron."
"You're the one that stayed." he said.
"Yes." she whispered.
"You are a hero among my people." he said. "Those of us that are left."
"I am no hero." she said turning away from him and whistling for the dogs who had chased Bucky up an old flagpole and were barking at him.
"There would be many more Sokovians dead if you had not stayed. We were not a large people to begin with and there are even fewer now.  I know several who owe you their lives." Helmut said.
"They owe me nothing." she said. "And for the record, of course, I do not support the bombing but I also understand what it is like to be ridden with grief and confusion and anger when you have lost loved ones.  Especially as someone who had lost their own children."
Helmut's eyes softened as he thought of his late wife and child and it was then that he recognized the same tendrils of heartbreak in the woman's eyes.
"For what it's worth, I destroyed my fair share of places in my grief." she said. "People will remind us of our faults as long as we live but what they say can never compare to the torture we inflict on ourselves."
Helmut said nothing, only nodded in understanding.
She turned to Sam with a sigh, "I will help you.  But I am going to kick Barnes' ass for good measure."
"You sure you wanna go toe to toe with the Winter Soldier?" he teased her.
She lifted a brow, "He is just a man.  A soldier.  Like the both of you and I can assure that I am not scared of any of you."
"Well, he's not exactly..." Helmut said.
"Yes he is.  He lives, he breathes, he bleeds." she cut him off.  "And he shot my truck and kicked me off a building.  So I atleast owe him a kick in the nuts."
Sam and Helmut dissolved into a fit of laughter as she whistled again and the pack of dogs came running before bounding into the bed of that beat up white truck.
She opened the door and slid into the driver's seat.
"Do you have a way to follow me? Other than by jet?" she asked through the open window. "Or do I need to drop the hounds off and come back?"
"It's already taken care of." Helmut said gesturing behind to the jet where Oeznik was pulling driving the car off the jet.
"Nice car." Jess said.  "I still prefer Leroy though."
"Definitely a beauty." Helmut said. "A little rough around the edges but all wild things are."
Helmut gave her a soft smile to which she returned before speeding off.
"What the fuck was that?" Sam asked.
"What was what?" Helmut asked.
"You flirtin with her?" Sam said.  "She will eat you for breakfast, man.  And then shit you out and use you to fertilize her little poison garden.  Don't go down that road."
"What road?"
Bucky had rejoined the conversation.
"Man, you run like a bitch." Sam laughed.
Bucky just stared at Sam in irritation.  
"You couldn't even fight off a pack of dogs?" Sam teased. "One of them was a Yorkie, Buck."
"First of all, I told you that you can't call me that." Bucky said.  "Second of all, if I so much as look at one of those dogs the wrong way you know she'll launch a missile at us."
Sam just snickered.
"Apparently, you have a 'kick to the nuts' coming your way." Helmut said and Bucky groaned.
"She is never going to forgive me." he said.  
"Why exactly did you shoot her property and kick her off a building?" Helmut asked as they piled into the car.
There was a brief argument about the seat being moved up before Bucky answered.
"Look, the truck was an accident." he said.  "It was just caught in the crossfire.   And I only kicked her off the building because she was nearly insane."
"Weak logic, man." Sam laughed.
"You were there, asshole!"
"You could've tackled her to the ground."
"While she was trying to choke me to death with vines?"
Sam just laughed at Bucky's predicament while Helmut continued to ponder this woman.
He remembered what little footage there was of her.
After the battle with Ultron, Sokovia had been decemated and the Avengers had left them in the rubble.
In reality, they had tried to evacuate as many as possible.
With the help of Sokovia's own, The Maximoff Twins.
But when it was all said and done, Sokovia was left in the rubble and Earth's defenders just deserted them.
All but the one.
He'd seen the footage.
Shaky cellphone videos of the woman who transformed into animals to move the debris crushing people to death.
Or of how she was in the tents with the small group of survivors using her powers with plants to heal as many as she could.
She'd even tried to plant things and bring the country back to life before the government had basically laid waste to her work.
She'd been most popularly dubbed as Mother Nature by people across the globe but she never spoke in public or confirmed her name.
Helmut got the feeling that she didn't exactly like being apart of the Avengers and certainly did not enjoy the attention that went along with it.
He knew then that it had to have been her that cleared the bodies of his father, wife and son for when he found them among the dead that had been intricately encased in vines with flowers decorating them in the most beautiful way.
When he'd asked about it, he only been told that Mother Nature had stayed to help them.
He hadn't understood that at the time.
After the loss, all he could think of was revenged as grief consumed him.
By that time, she had long since left the Avengers and wasn't on his radar.
He'd never put two and two together.
Helmut drove for the longest time, the lamborghini speeding along the road as they followed the beat up white truck.
The pack of dogs all happily placed in the back, tongues flopping in the wind and tails wagging.
The further they trekked the wilder the country became and soon the hot rays of sunshine only beamed through the thick cover of vegetation above them.
The light through the leaves creating a green glow.
"I feel like Welcome to the Jungle should be playing right about now." Sam commented.
The finally broke through the tunnel of vegetation into a large property of rolling green field smattered with wildflowers and towering trees.
Garden beds and greenhouses were in the distances and horses could be seen grazing freely as chickens clucked around them.
Helmut noted that there were no fences, no pins, no coops for the chickens but instead all he wild life seemed to roam freely.
"Just forewarning you, there's probably a bear or moose around here somewhere." Bucky said. "But don't shoot it or we're dead."
"A bear?" Helmut asked. "She keeps bears as pets?"
"Don't call the animals her pets." Sam said with a smirk, "It pisses her off and as much as I would just love to see you get shot, it's not very practical at the moment."
Eventually they came to a stop behind the truck.
The pack of dogs all bounded out and took off in the direction of several little goats who seemed more than happy to play with them.
Helmut took in the home in front of him.
It was a beautiful home.
Simple in design but stunning in the sense that it seemed to be built around a tree.
"Come inside and have some tea." Jess said. "I'm going to need some if I'm going to listen to whatever utter bullshit you've gotten yourself into this time."
"Uh uh." Sam said with a shake of his head. "That is a lion. I am not going up there."
Jess narrowed her eyes at Sam as Helmut and Bucky looked around for what he was talking about.
Sure enough on the level there was a small balcony where the railing was absolutely littered with cats and a rather large mountain lion was sitting there watching them all with it's great luminous eyes.
"She's pregnant.  Relax." Jess said ascending the steps, gently smiling at Helmut when he followed her without reservation.
"Like that's supposed to instill confidence." Sam said. "You ever been around a pregnant female? Hell no."
"I have been a pregnant female, Wilson.  And I also very clearly remember the labor pain of having twins.  So watch your mouth and come on. If she wanted to eat you she would've already done it. Though if you're so scared, just feed her Barnes.  That should tide her over for a while." she said disappearing into the house with a chuckling Helmut behind her.
"This is your fault." Sam said shoving Bucky who only shoved him back.
"Shut up, Sam." he said before they continued up the stairs with Sam moving a little quicker as the cluster of felines watched him.  
"I hate cats, man." he sad.  "Fucking creepy."
Bucky snorted.
"Just fitting that the bird is scared of a little kitty." Bucky teased.
Sam lifted his brows, "First of all, that was not a kitten.  That was full on Lion King back there.  And second of all, have you never seen Looney Toons.  I'm not trying to be Tweety bird."
"Stop being a pussy and come on." Jess' voice rang out. "And shut the damn door. You're letting all the cool air out."
Sam and Bucky grumbled at each other before making their way into the kitchen to see Helmut sitting at the table already happily sipping a cup of tea.
"This is exquisite." Helmut complimented her. "What is it?"
"It's peach and apricot." she said pouring both Sam and Bucky a cup and leveling them both with a look that told them if they didn't drink it she'd strangle them.
"It's wonderful. Thank you." Helmut said.
"It was my daughters' favorites.   Flora loved peaches and Fauna loved apricots. So to please them both my husband used to blend them together for their little tea parties. Along with little pieces of toast and jam."
She smiled into her own cup of tea but there was a sadness there that he recognized.
He chose not to remark on it and instead studied her features as Sam relayed the information as to why they were actually there in the first place.
"I've seen the Walker guy." she said. "It's unsettling to say the least.  But you know I do the limelight, boys.  I walked away from all of that when it became obvious that-"
"Jess." Bucky said. "Please. You don't have to talk to anyone. You don't have to-"
"People died.  And not just in Sokovia.  Yes, that was the final straw for me but it was happening long before that. I understand that 'earth's greatest heroes' or whatever are there to defend everyone.  But no one ever stays around to see the carnage.   No one talks about everyone who dies in the crossfire.  I joined the avengers out of revenge.  I was fueled by my anger and pain and I went on missions.   How many have I ended up inadvertantly killing under this ruse of 'for the greater good'.  I loved Steve to death but he took that shit to his heart and forgot to use his eyes." she said. "While everyone else is busy looking at the 'bigger picture' all of these other people who perhaps you don't know the names of are dying horrible deaths, boys.   I pulled people from wreckage who had moment to live.  People who's organs were crushed into nothing and they were rushing to give me messages to pass along to their families.  Those people are the heroes and no one ever knows it."
The subject of Steve was a sensitive one for everyone but she had a point and they knew it.
She sighed as she looked down into her teacup again, "I will help you regarding John Walker.  But I'm not blindly following orders anymore.   I make my own decisions and when I'm done, I'm done and I don't want to hear anything about it when I go."
The three of them nodded even though she wasn't asking for permission.
"You want some more tea, love?" she asked Helmut who's heart fluttered a bit at the soft term of endearment.
"Please." he said watching as she methodically poured him another cup.
"I can not leave immediately." she said. "I have to take care of a few things first. But you are welcome to stay here if you wish."
"And if you're not afraid of the cat." she said, aiming it at Sam. "Tweety bird."
"I hate you." he said flatly and she only laughed.
"Her name is Cleopatra by the way. Or Cleo for short. And if you give her a can of tuna from that cabinet there then she'll be putty in your hands.  If you rub her belly then she'll love you forever." she said.  "She also seems to enjoy listening to Elvis Presley and laying in the sunlight.  If that should interest any of you."
"Thanks, Jess." Bucky said sincerely.
"You're welcome." she said. "But I still owe you a beating."
He sighed, "Fair enough."
She left the table and meandered out onto the lower porch to stay at the horizon.
Sam and Bucky said nothing as Helmut followed her out there.
"Thank you." he said as he stared off in the distance as well.
"For what?" she asked. "The tea? You're welcome, dear.  It was nothing."
"No." he said turning to look at her. "For what you did for the bodies.  My father, wife and son were among the ones you uncovered.   They told me it was Mother Nature.  I never put it together but now I see."
She said nothing.
"I did it because it was what I would've liked for my own family." she said.  "I'm just sorry I couldn't do it for everyone.  I tried but there were so many that needed healing.  I didn't have ti-"
"The people of Sokovia know that." he cut her off.  "But as a son, a husband and a father, I'm thanking you for myself and also for everyone else."
She said nothing as they stared out at the trees.
"What happened to your family?" he asked her.
He knew, from first experience, how painful it was to talk about something like but he wanted to know.
"There was a bombing." she said. "My husband and I had taken my daughters to the museum to see the dinosaur exhibit.   It was so wrapped up that day that it was nearly impossible to get food there.  So we called in some food a couple of miles away at one of the girls' favorite resteraunts.  He'd told me to go and get it and that they'd meet me by the water fountains and we'd have lunch.   I was stuck in traffic for a good hour coming back  when it hit.  They'd called in an air strike because it was confirmed that an extremely dangerous  terrorist was there.  He'd been on the run for nearly a year from a foreign government and when it was confirmed what he had on him, I guess they decided it would be better to blow everyone there off the place of the planet that risk him setting it off and possibly destroying the world.  I saw it hit, saw everything go up in flames before it the whole of everything just crashed into the ground.  Like the whole word swallowed it whole." she said, voice shaking.
Helmut watched with rapt attention as she struggled to continue.
"I just jumped out of the car immediately and took off.  Police were swarming and I got thrown this way and that but I got loose.  My family was in there.  My husband.  My children.  I dove head first into the crater not even thinking about self preservation or logic at all.  There were no survivors of course but I didn't care.   A mother can't just walk away like that.  Or atleast I couldn't.  I should've died on impact based on the fall but I didn't.  About half way down gas released and I can just remember the burning.  My skin felt like it was melting off.  I was still falling through the air and my skin was searing hot, burning every nerve ending I had.  And then I hit.   When I woke up, I wasn't there anymore but I panicked because I was covered in vines.  Wrapped up like a mummy in vegetation." she said, a dark chuckle coloring her tone.
Helmut shivered as a chill ran down his spine.
"The local authorities pulled me out when everything had been cleared and they began to sort through the wreckage.  I'd been turned over to American government when they discovered my ID in my back pocket.  They told me that it took forever for the police to get in because vines kept growing from everything I touched.  Several of them were strangled to death as I lay down there unconscious.  I was deemed dangerous and therefore put it a high security area.   I was told a version of what happened that day and propositioned to join the Avengers.  I was angry and grieving and I wanted to find out who murdered my children, my husband... so I accepted without hesistation. So when I tell you that I understand how you got to the point that you did... trust me.  I get it."
Helmut said nothing as he reached out to take her hand.
"Perhaps, you and I are not so different." he said.
"Probably a lot more similiar than you think." she chuckled.
"Though I am not a goddess." he said with a small smirk.
"I'm no goddess." she said.
"Ah no?" he asked. "Not Mother Nature then?"
"Sure you can call me mother nature...of the current year where I've been poisoned by the human race and am genuinely fed up with life in general.  Maybe Mother Nature's trailer trash cousin, Global Warming." she said and Helmut laughed at her in disbelief. "I can say trailer trash cause I am trailer trash."
Helmut shook his head in amusement.
He wasn't sure of anything in that moment but he was thankful for it and he hoped that perhaps his family was somewhere looking down on him.
He silently thanked them for allowing him to meet the one person who had stayed.
Mother Nature always found a way.
----- Hello my loves! I hope you enjoy this! This piece was commissioned by a lovely lady who chose to remain anon!  If you have a commission that you'd like done just reach out and I'll answer any questions you have!  Thank you so much for reading and I would love to hear your thoughts!
All my love, Kenny -----
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I love you all!
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enamoured-x · 4 years
Can I get a Riot with plus sized WOC with a whole BAWSE ass attitude running her own shit. Rio hears about her from Mick and he goes to meet her and is hella surprised by her but loves it?
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Hey, babe! So I didn’t incorporate part of this request because I don’t usually describe how the reader looks in any of my drabbles! (unless the story’s main focal point revolves around looks or if it’s an oc). It’s always up for interpretation and this way it’s never tailored to anyone specifically and anyone can fit into the reader! Does that make sense? Either way, I had so much fun with this and I lowkey want to include more parts and make it a mini series but… we’ll see. I hope you like it still! (gif not mine)
Rio hated to say that he was single and most definitely ready to get back into the game. And he hated to say that luck was not on his side. He went on a few dates but nothing ever stuck. Most of them seemed like they were only going out with him to spite their over protective dads. He was also having a hard time trying to sort out who would accept him and everything he does. That was obviously hard because there wasn’t a full proof plan for that. All the girls he gave a chance to seemed like they’d walk away as soon as they got a whiff of what he did. It was frustrating. He needed someone who understood him, someone who wouldn’t bat an eye at who he was. Which was what he expressed to Mick one night while they were playing pool. He usually wasn’t so straight forward with his feelings but he was growing tired of the failed attempts of finding someone right for him. 
“You’re looking in all the wrong places.” Mick had told him as he took his turn.
“The hell you mean?”
“All these girls you’ve asked out are just like those suburban bitches. They’re too clean. You need someone who knows what it’s like to be dirty.” Mick explained as he kept taking turns after knocking balls in the sockets left and right. 
“And where the hell do I find someone like that?” Rio asked, finally taking a turn on the table. 
“I think I know someone you might like.” Mick suggested.
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt to try.” He shrugged and Mick agreed to make a call tomorrow. 
You were busy today, well you were busy everyday it seemed like. You knew it came with the territory of building your empire. You had appearances to keep up, money to collect, and people to put down if they messed with any of it. It was hard, most days you were glad to get home and curl into bed. But lately you felt like there was a piece missing, someone missing. You were craving intimacy and love, something real. You had tried your hand at some blind dates that your friends set up but they were all busts. Guys who were threatened by a powerful woman such as yourself. Guys who clearly wanted to own you in some way or another. You needed someone who could match you. Someone who was fine letting you take control sometimes, someone who was your equal. Someone who wouldn’t be threatened by your power, only enthralled by it. 
You felt like fate was hitting you over the head the day your old friend, Mick, called you. He had explained that he wanted to set his friend up and figured you two would get along really well. You had thought you were done with other people controlling who you went out with but Mick was different. You grew up with him and he knew what you liked and what you didn’t. He knew what you did as well, so you figured it wouldn’t hurt to give it a shot. 
Fate was not with you the day your date was supposed to be though. Your right hand had explained to you that two men who had owed you money were trying to skip town. You had eyes on them at all times for this very reason but you never thought they’d be stupid enough to do it. So you had to call Mick to cancel, he seemed to be relieved as he was about to call you to cancel as well, explaining that something came up. You were fine with it. You could reschedule, after all. So you and your right hand, Gabby, went to pay the idiots a visit. When you got to the run down warehouse they were supposedly staying at, they were more than surprised to see you. 
“Trying to run out on me?” You asked the men as you stepped into view. They had been laying low here. The sun would be setting soon but it was in full force right now as it shone through the windows, illuminating the space. 
“Back the hell up.” One of them said, pulling a gun out and aiming it at you. Gabby straightened up and pulled her gun out, aiming it at him. You huffed out a laugh.
“Drop the gun, don’t make this worse for yourself.” You didn’t bother mentioning that they had already fucked up. 
“Her first!” He flicked the gun in Gabby’s direction. You rolled your eyes but gave no orders to her. 
“You’re a lot stupider than you look. First you try to cheat me and then you point a gun at me. Some would say you have a fucking death wish.” You said, not worried in the slightest about the situation. You had the situation handled. You just liked to play with your toys one last time before you tossed them. 
“Look, I don’t have the money, okay? If you would give me time I could get it for you. You’re not the only one I owe money to!” He was frustrated and scared. The man next to him, Todd,  looked ready to run as he watched the scene unfold. 
“Oh, Johnny, are you in bed with someone else?” You asked, feigning offense as you put your hand over your heart. 
“Who?” Gabby asked him. 
“Me.” It was your turn to draw your gun and point as you whipped to the side to see two men. You lowered it slightly when you saw Mick. The other man you hadn’t seen before. He was fucking hot though. The tattoos, the laid back demeanor. Now what not the time.
“Mick?” You said his name, waiting for him to explain what the fuck was going on. 
Gabby kept her gun on Johnny, making sure he didn’t try to run. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You asked Mick. 
“This is Rio.” Is all he said, motioning toward his friend. You heard about Rio in passing, but nothing that ever concerned you. You kept to your side of the city and he kept to his.
“We’re here because these pieces of shit owe me money and we caught word that they were trying to leave town.” Rio said as he glared in their direction before looking at you again. You didn’t miss the way his eyes roamed you up and down. 
“Well, he owes me money too. Get in line.” You sassed. You didn’t want to be doing this right now. You tucked your gun back in your jeans knowing they weren't going to hurt you.
“Mmm, I think I should be getting paid first.” Rio said, making your blood boil. Who the fuck did he think he was?
“Well I was here first so wait your damn turn.” You crossed your arms. 
He stepped closer to you, a small smirk forming on his lips. 
“Why don’t we ask them who they’re going to pay first?” He suggested and you both turned to look at the two men. You were pretty sure they were about to piss themselves at the attention now on them from both of you. 
“Seems like we’re not getting paid.” You confessed. You already knew it wasn’t going to happen on your way over here. If they were planning on skipping town and laying low in this shitty place, they barely had a few hundred to their names each. Nothing that could touch the thousands they owed you, and who knows how much they owed Rio.
“Well, if that’s the case, I can take these two off your hands.” He said and you scoffed.
“I can do it just fine, thank you.” You bit back. It was always the same shit, people thinking you couldn’t handle your own because you were a woman. Like you couldn’t get dirty.
“Maybe you can share then, mama.” He offered. You bit your lip. You looked to Mick who seemed amused but he nodded his head at you, silently vouching for Rio. You then turned to see the men practically shaking now. 
“There are two of them…” You trailed off and Rio smirked. 
“Fuck you!” Johnny yelled. 
“Rock, paper, scissors? Whoever wins gets Johnny.” You suggested. Rio shook his head and laughed. 
“You’re savage, I like that. But I’ll let you take him.” You were surprised at Rio’s words but you smiled. 
“I’ll shoot you before you even get a chance!” Johnny yelled. You kept your eyes locked on Rio’s, now having a little more respect for him. And finding him suddenly more attractive. 
“Your magazine is empty.” You said, not bothering to break your stare from Rio. He looked pleasantly surprised at your words. 
“Wha-what? No it’s not.” He stumbled over his words. You had it on good authority that Johnny and his buddy got into an altercation a few days ago, resulting in a shootout. Of course you were just betting, but, you figured if he already used all his bullets, there was no way he’d spend what little money he had left to buy more. Besides, the gun was threatening enough. At least enough to get out of town without any problems. But he forgot to factor you in. He was counting you out and people usually regretted it. 
“Really? Then shoot me.” You finally turned to him raising your arms from your sides. He swallowed hard at your words. 
“Go on, do it. Sure, Gabby here would put a bullet in your head as soon as you pulled the trigger, but at least I’d be gone, right?” You taunted him as you stepped closer to him. His hand was shaking. You knew it was a bit reckless to put all your eggs in one basket, stupid to go off a hunch that he was out of bullets. But that's just how you operated. And besides, the way he was acting, well it was a dead giveaway in itself that you were right. 
“It’s okay, Johnny. You tried.” Is all you said before you were close enough to snatch the gun out of his hands before he even knew what was happening. 
“Run and I’ll shoot you in the legs.” Gabby said as the two men started to back up. They stopped at her words. 
You released the magazine and showed it to Rio just for fun. Empty. You even made a show of checking the chamber but nothing. You smirked. You loved being right. Rio nodded his head in approval. 
“Shall we get this over with?” You asked him. 
Thirty minutes later, you and Rio were walking out of the building. Gabby and Mick taking care of the bodies for you both. Weirdly enough, they seemed to be getting along quite well. 
“Have to say, you were kind of a badass back there.” He said as you two stopped walking once you got outside. 
“Kind of?” He laughed. 
“Okay, okay. You were a badass in there.” You smiled at his correction. 
“And you were alright, I did get here faster than you.” You pointed out. 
“Was getting ready for a date before I showed up here.” His words were the last puzzle piece. You had already sorted out that Rio was most definitely the man Mick was trying to set you up with. 
“Yeah, a date with me.” You said. 
“Wait, you were who Mick was talking about?” He asked confused but he was still smiling. 
“It would seem so.” 
“But how did you know?” 
“Because you’re exactly my type.” You refrained from saying you never really had a type but you most certainly did now. He smirked at you.
“Well, how about a late dinner?” He asked. You were pleased he still wanted to go out with you after everything that just happened. 
“You read my mind.”
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angelliev · 4 years
Lover Boy - JJ Maybank x OC - Part Three - Rocking with the Waves
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Word Count: 3K
Summary: Aria just can’t get enough of JJ and his affection, making him absolutely irresistible and a familiar face arrives in the Outer Banks, along with suspicion from her father.
Warnings: Smut, some cursing, hopefully no typos and unsafe driving?
A/N: Words can’t even describe the joy and happiness I am experiencing from the amount of people who have read my writing. Thank you so much guys! I sincerely appreciate it. I hope you enjoy! (Not my GIF. Credits to the owner. I don’t own the show or the characters.)
Lover Boy Series Masterlist
Birds sing their little toons outside, the warm morning air kisses my skin and the sun beams down on my face through the windows. These are typical mornings I wake up to. Except in my own bed. By myself. Instead I wake up to the sound of a beating heart and my head laying on a naked chest that continues to rise and fall. I glance up to see JJ still asleep, his handsome face so calm without a worry in the world. I couldn’t help but lay a kiss on his warm cheek causing him to stir. For a while I just lay there drawing shapes on his chest. This causes his eyes to flutter open. He smiles down on me.
“Rise and shine lover boy.” I crawl on top of his naked boy under the sheets. “Oh, something’s rising alright.” He smirks. I lightly smack his shoulder. I have to admit though, his raspy morning voice is quite the turn on. “It’s not even noon Jay.”
“I take it that’s a no, on morning sex? It would be a real good way to start off the day.” His hands start to play with my bed hair. I simply giggle at him.
“How do you feel?” He asked genuinely concerned. “Different. Like a good different. It hurt a little at first, then it began to feel really good.” I never knew just how close you can become with someone. “Want me to me make you feel really good again?” His question laced with lust. “God, yes please.” “Good girl. Now lay back and enjoy the show.” He smirks before laying a kiss on my lips and kissing a trail down my body, taking his time. The anticipation begins to start a pool of wetness to form down below, especially when he starts kissing and nipping at the peach soft skin of my inner thighs, littering them with more love bites. When he finally reaches the region that requires the most attention, he glances up at me, holding eye contact and places my legs over his shoulders. My feet rest on his slender soft back.
“So wet for me. We’re you dreaming of me perhaps? Did I treat you so good last night?” His breath fans my pussy and he plants a kiss there, causing me to squirm. “Tell me babygirl, what do you want me to do? I need words.” His teasing look becoming too much. “Please, I want you to taste me. Make me feel good. Please baby.” I practically beg. He licks a stripe up my folds making me gasp, never taking his eyes off my pleasure filled face. My petite finger comb through his hair gripping hard, while his lengthy ones enter my core curling in. His lips attach to my sensitive clit, making me moan. He hums out of satisfaction as I continue to tug on his luxurious hair. His free hand comes up to grope my left breast. His fingers began to pick up speed as they thrust in and out of me.
“JJ, I’m so close.” I breathe out, my feet start to dig into his back and hips begin to buck. He grabs a hold of my hips stabilizing me. The familiar euphoric sensation washes over me as I reach my orgasm, making my toes curl and my back arch off the bed. My juices coat his fingers. He brings the glistening digits up to his lips, licking them clean along with my dripping hot core. I can taste myself on his intoxicating lips when kisses me so passionately. He’s so addictive like nicotine. I simply can’t get enough of him.
“You taste so good babygirl. Did you know that?” I giggle at the closeness and his hot breath fanning my neck before attacking it with soft kisses as I hold him close to me. We lay there enjoying each other’s presence in the morning sunlight. Unfortunately, our moment is interrupted by the ringing of my phone. On the screen I see Charis’s number.
“Hello?” I answer. “Hey where are you? Your parents called to ask if you were with me. Don’t worry I covered for you, said you crashed at my place, but they want you back home like asap. Just tell me where you are.” Shit. I didn’t even think about that. “Shit, I’m at John B’s chateau.” “What are you doing there?” She asked confused. “I’ll explain everything when you get here. See you soon.” I hang up and sigh. JJ looks up at me.
“I’m sorry, but my parents want me home.” He just smiles at me. “No worries babe.” He grabs my phone and punches in my number. “When will I see you again?” I asked hopeful. “Soon. I’ll take you out somewhere fun. Ever been surfing?” I shake my head yes. “A girl after my own heart, this should be fun, after all I’m the best surfer in the OBX.” I chuckle at his cocky attitude. “I have a question for you Jay.” “Mm?” I was a little hesitant at first to ask this question. “What does this make us?” I nervously bite my lip. “What do you want this to be?” He asked while playing with my hair. “Something more than just sex. I really like you JJ. I want to be close to you all time. I want to be intimate.” I confess hoping I don’t sound clingy. “I like the sound of that. Let’s give this a shot and see where it leads us.” “Do you think we’re going too fast?” “Nah, plus I like going fast.” He places one last kiss on my lips before we both gather our clothes.
Stepping out onto the porch, I see Charis’s car. I turn back to JJ who didn’t even bother to put on a shirt. “I’ll stay in touch that way we can hang out again.” My fingers play with his. “Sounds good.” He uses his black bandana to tie up my hair in a ponytail, making the butterflies in my stomach erupt. I loved the fact that he willingly let me have one of his belongings. I place a kiss on his cheek. Before I could turn away, he grabs my waist planting one last passionate kiss on my lips. My arms wrap around his neck, pulling us closer. Our noses touch even after pulling away. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you soon.” I peck his lips. “See you soon beautiful.” He finally lets me go; I turn back to steal one more glance before opening the door. He sends me a wink, making me chuckle and blow a kiss.
I can feel Charis’s burning gaze on me as I situate myself. “Oh. My. Fucking. God. What the fuck just went down?” She doesn’t even take the parking brake off before hammering me for details. “I may have spent the night with JJ.” I can feel the heat radiating from my blushing cheeks. “Wait, did you lose your V card?” She asked astonished. It just hit me that I was no longer a virgin and I just lost my virginity to JJ. Not being able to process words I just smile and nod yes. This sets her off. “Holy fucking sweet baby Jesus shit! You had sex with JJ Maybank! Holy shit! About time you got dirty in the sheets!” She hugs me tight. I’ve been the virgin of the group for a while now. Charis lost hers freshman year, while Sarah lost hers last summer. “Oh my god can we go before my parents lose their shit? My dad is already pissed at me.” I plead. “Right sorry, I’m just still trying to process this. When did this start between you guys?” “It started since we first met.” “So, are you guys just hooking up or are you dating?” “We’re kind of taking things slow.” This makes her laugh. “Bitch please, you skipped slow and went straight to speeding.” “What I mean by slow is that we’re still getting to know each other.” “Oh, I think you guys got to know each other a lot.” She laughs and continues to drive. “I need you to promise though that you won’t tell anyone about us. I really like him and my dad would lose his shit if he knew about us.” I plead. “Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me splinter bean.”
After showering, changing and covering many hickeys, I come downstairs and walk outside to the balcony to find my family and a familiar face. “Damian?” I asked surprised. “Hello Aria. Nice of you to finally join us.” He lifts up a glass. Damian Prescott. He’s my older brother. We get along a lot more than Jennifer and I do thankfully. He’s not around much though. He lives in Las Vegas. He works business with my dad. Standing next to him is a woman about his age.
“Hey, I didn’t know you were coming out here.” I give him a welcoming hug. “Thought I surprise you. I’d like to introduce you to my fiancée, Rebecca.” What?! “Fiancée?! You’re getting married?” This all came as a shock to me. He’s kind of womanizer, so for him to be engaged all of the sudden definitely surprised me. “Yes. We just bought a house here in figure eight and are planning on having our wedding here. Rebecca here is an international model and fashion designer.” “That’s impressive. Congratulations. I’m really happy for you guys, and it’s a pleasure to meet you Rebecca.” I hug her. “Likewise, darling.” I am still trying to process the surprising news.
“Where have you been Aria?” My father asked out of the blue. He stares me down with interrogating eyes. I sometimes wonder if he and Ingrid are long lost twins with their helicoptering tendencies. “I spent the night at Charis’s.” I say as calm and convincing as possible. Last thing I want to do is have him find out about who I was actually with. “Nice bandana. Where did you get it?” Asked my nosey Jennifer. “I found it earlier this week on the beach.” For the rest of evening I had to deal with peering eyes, but I didn’t let that bother me, instead I began daydreaming about seeing JJ again.
Next Day…
Today is a perfect day to go surfing. There’s not a cloud in sight, parents or Jennifer. Only me, my surfboard and soon JJ. Not a single soul stops me from leaving the house and jumping into JJ’s muscular arms kissing him long and hard. “Why hello there. I missed you too babe. You ready to go?” I nod my head excitedly. I couldn’t help but gaze at him while he was driving the van. His eyes were so focused on the road, yet he still kept his warm hand on my bare thigh. The wind blows past his hair as he drives. He seems so carefree.
“See something you like?” I blush embarrassed that he caught me staring. “Sorry. You’re just so beautiful.” I have no shame as I continue to admire his attractive features. “Awe, aren’t you sweet? C’mere.” He pulls me into his lap as he comes to halt due to a stoplight, my legs lay across the middle console. “Is this safe?” I ask, but not really caring. “Probably not.” He closes the gap between us to keep me quiet and I had no urge to protest. The annoyed drivers behind us say otherwise as they honk at us. We both laugh as continues to drive.
I then noticed a fully healed scar on the back of his hand. I trace over it hoping that it would just disappear. It saddened me to see a scar had littered his beautiful skin. “What happened?” I asked curious. “Oh, probably just a cut from something I accidentally did.” He lied brushing it off like it was nothing. His eyes said otherwise, but I didn’t want to push it.
We walk down beach surfboards in hand ready to have some fun. The warm water hitting our feet and soon engulfing our bodies. The two of us let out cheers as we successfully ride out some waves. He wasn’t kidding when he told me that he was a very talented surfer. It was heartwarming to see him in his happy place. Neither of us keep track of the time. We didn’t notice the day passing by as the sun was about to set. It was then when we decided it was time to leave the water and dry off. This time I catch him staring. “See something you like?” I tease about to tie up my hair, but he stops me. “Don’t, I like it down.” He says taking the hair tie away. He places a slow and passionate kiss on my lips making me smile and pull him closer. One thing led to another, now we’re laying down on the beach blanket having a heated make out session.
I was thankful that we were both wearing swimwear as I began tugging at his swim trunks. He pulls away surprised. “You sure?” “Positive. I want you to take me right now.” My encouragement only seems to excite him even more as he removes my bottoms and covers the two of us with an extra blanket. He strokes my slit with his tip teasing me. “You want this babygirl? Want me to fuck you out in the open?” His dirty talking turns me on even more, making me desperate. “God yes please. Make me yours.” That’s all he needed before plunging in so deep. His hand clamps over my mouth to contain my loud moans. “As much as I love to hear you moan my name with that pretty voice, we don’t want to get caught.”
His thrusts were a lot different from last time. These were faster, deeper and harder, which only increased the pleasure. His grunts were a little louder too. A bead of sweat began to form on his forehead and a little bit of his damp hair fell over his face as he continued to thrust into me. JJ and the colorful sky were both so gorgeous, a sight I could get used to. He spreads my legs further apart and grabs my hips creating a deeper angle, now hitting the spot that craves the most attention, making me moan loudly, neither of us giving a damn. “You like that babygirl?” He pants through moans.
“JJ!” I scream and my vision goes white as I tighten around him, milking his hard cock, making him throw his head back. He joins me shortly after, his hot cum spewing inside of me, riding out his high. The two of us stay there for a moment catching our breaths. “JJ, that was amazing.” I say dazed. This earns me a breathy chuckle from him “You can say that again. God damn you’re so tight around me babe.” We both laugh together.
We both enjoyed the peaceful silence in the van on the way back home, the two of us feeling spent. I was disappointed when we pulled up to my house. “I had a lot of fun today JJ. That was one hell of a first date.” He looks back at me. “I’m glad you had fun. I’m looking forward to seeing you again.” “Me too. See you later.” I kiss lips before exiting the van and grabbing my surfboard. I blow him a kiss and he returns it with his infamous wink that makes me weak in the knees. I place my surfboard in the closest, and grab a bowl of strawberries to snack on. Before I could go upstairs, I am stopped by my mom.
“Hey sweetheart, I didn’t hear you come through the door.” She greets me with a smile. “Oh, I just got back.” “I never seen you wear that sweatshirt. Is it new or something?” She’s referring to JJ’s Fast Arch gray sweatshirt that he lent to me when he noticed I was cold earlier.
“Oh this? It’s not mine. My friend let me borrow it because I was cold.” This is officially my new favorite shirt. It smells just like him. Weed, mint and the ocean. I still feel engulfed by him as I wear it. “That’s nice of them. What did you guys do today?” Oh, if only she knew. “We went surfing.” I only told her half the truth. “That sounds like fun. Did you use sunblock? Do you need aloe gel? You’ve been drinking plenty of water, right?” I chuckle at her. The only time she asks me a billion questions is when it’s over my health. “Yes, mom I used sunblock and drank lots of water.” I reassure her. “Okay, well take this with you anyways.” She hands me a bottle of water. I laugh. When is she not carrying water? I swear if she were to be charged for anything, it would be possession of too much damn water. “Thank you, mommy. Goodnight.” I kiss her forehead. “Goodnight love.”
I pass by my sister when she got a whiff of my new scent. “God, did you and your so-called friend get stoned while you were at the beach?” Jennifer criticizes. “No, and eavesdropping is really rude. You should get a new hobby.” She rolls her eyes. “So, who did you go to the beach with?” She asked. “Who I hang out with is none of your business. Goodnight.” I slam the door shut with a huff and let the events of earlier replay in my head. I shower and go to bed in JJ’s shirt, letting the aroma bring me peace.
I mindlessly let my fingers travel down to my wet folds and begin playing with myself. I imagine that its JJ’s fingers thrusting and curling inside of me. I imagine the dirty things he would say to me as I chase after my own orgasm. His name leaves my lips in soft whimpers as I finally finish off the night in pure bliss.
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hargroves-angel · 5 years
 Masterlist - Upgraded ⚡️
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• Key • Fluff - ★ • Smut - ♡ • Angst - ♧ •
Up Coming Things Masterlist
- Masterlist of all the new things I have planned!
Prompt Requests Masterlist
Series • Billy Hargrove X Reader •
• Cookies And Cream • ★ ♡ ♧ •
| Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 |
• Time Changes People • ★ ♡ ♧ •
 Masterlist | Teaser | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |
Series • Billy Hargrove X OC •
- An Angels Kiss - _ _ _ -
(Coming Soon...)
Mini Series • Billy Hargrove •
Protective | Part 1 | Part 2 |
- Billy always has your back especially when kids are being assholes. 
She Calls Me Daddy Too | Part 1 | Part 2 |
- You’re Hoppers daughter and Billy likes to piss him off.
She's kinda hot though (Henderson! Reader) | Part 1 | Part 2 |
- Billy likes Y/N Henderson but she doesn't really understand the concept of flirting.
Badass (Harrington! Reader) | Part 1 | Part 2 |
- The hot chick behind Harrington gains Billys interest.
Fluff • ★ •
Comfy Cuddles And A Slight Breeze
- A night cute movie night with Billy 
Jealous Billy Headcannons
- Headcannons for jealous Billy
Quit It
- You've been trying to get Billy to quit smoking.
- Billy playing with you hair
Video Game Lover 
- Billy takes a liking to the girl who works at the arcade 
“Just Friends” 
- Billy and you are just friends. But you both know that you want bit more than that, and so doesn't everyone around you, Its just time for you both to own up to that.
Pools Of Honey (Biracial! Reader)
- Billy can’t stand people being rude to you.
It’s Ok Now Baby
- You're a bit touch starved and stressed, all you want is Billy.
Music Lover
- The girl in Billys detention, seems to have caught his attention, she loves music as well.
- Billy finds you so cute, you’re so different from his usual type and he finds you adorable.
Sweet Love Triangle (Henderson! Reader)
- Billy likes you but you like Steve, what could happen?
High With You
- Getting high with Billy and friends.
Wedding Bells 
- Yours and Billys wedding.
California Baby 
- You get Billy tickets to go to California for your anniversary.
Might Be Fun
- Billy is desperate to get with the Henderson he's fallen for but she isn't so keen herself.
Ice Cream And Sunscreen 
- You take the party to the pool to visit Billy whilst he's working there.
Double Date
- You and Billy go on a double date with Carol and Tommy to a drive in movie.
Summer Fair
- Going to the summer fair in Hawkins with Billy.
- Billy promising you with his moms ring.
- You and Billy get a couples tattoo.
Diner Date (Henderson! Reader) 
- A fifth date with Billy at a nearby diner.
Puppy Love
- Billy gets a job at a local veterans clinic.
- Billy doesn't like how his little step-sister is getting all the attention he's used to getting from you.
Pillow Talk
- Billy knows what he wants in the future. 
Im Not Scared... (Henderson! Reader)
- Billy takes you to go see Children Of The Corn but he doesn't realise that horror movies don’t phase you that much anymore, but hey sure as hell scare him.
Bikini Babe 
- Billy showing you off at the pool.
Prom night
- Billy takes you to prom.
I Love You For You
- Billy has been working out a bit too much to gain back his muscles he feels as though he's lost recently.
First Day Of Kindergarten
- Billy is a bit emotional on his daughters first day of kindergarten.
I Love You
- Billy is in love.
“Do You Love Billy?”
- You and Billy being soft at a movie night with the gang.
Dad Material 
- Billy has a soft spot for little ones.
Teddy Bear
- Billy loves his adorable girlfriend.
He’s Home
- Billy loves his family.
Smut • ♡ •
Lavender Lace 
- Your first time with Billy
Everything’s Ok Now
- Billy has a nightmare about the events that happened in season 3, and all he wants to do is forget about it.
Beautiful (Plus Size! Reader)
- You drove to Billys house, tears streaming down your face, you were so done, done with all your fathers bullshit. You were meant to to be going on a date with Billy but ended up missing it due to your father.
Birthday Boy
- It’s Billys birthday and you have a plan to spoil him.
- First time feels with Billy.
Officer Hargrove (Cop! Billy)
- You and officer Hargrove have a small arrangement regarding your sentence.
Backseat Lovin’
- You and Billy get down and dirty during drive in movie date.
Number 15 
- Things get a little bit spicy after a basketball game.
- You give Billy something to remember you for when you’re not around.
Keg Queen
- Billy likes the look of the new Keg Queen.
Being Horny And Pregnant
- You need Billy to help you get off because there is a certain baby bump in your way.
- Billy needs you after his father has hurt him once again.
Dirty Little Secret 
- Things get seamy after you find a little something in his draw.
Locker Room Loving
- You and billy get busy in the locker rooms. 
NSFW Alphabet 
- NSFW Alphabet with Billy.
- You and Billy get interrupted.
- Billy lays down some rules.
- Billy looks so good whilst he's working out.
- Things get steamy during a football match.
All The Good Girls Go To Hell
- You skip church because you’re horny for Billy.
Poor Max
- Max walks in on you and billy in an intimate position.
- Billy with a size kink.
Green Eyed Monster 
- Carol doesn't like the fact that you've managed to charm your way into Hargrove's pants.
Queen Of Hawkins
- Billy is smitten with the dominant Queen of Hawkins.
 - You decide to reward Billy for winning his last basketball match.
- Billy finally makes love to the girl who saved him from falling down a dark hole after the events of last summer.
Bad Girl 
- Trying BDSM with Billy.
Sweet Love
- Billy makes sweet love to you after a perfect proposal.
Take Things Slow
- Billy reflects back on his first time.
Scream My Name
- Billy doesn't like it when you're too shy.
His Damn Ego 
- Billy and his damn ego.
So Needy
- Thigh riding with Billy.
The Little Things You Do
- The little things you do that rile Billy up.
Kinky Fucker
- A few of Billys kinks hehe.
Angst • ♧ •
- Billy opens up to Y/N about about his father and finds out she's struggling with something similar.
Tire Screech 
- You thought that Tom was all you had left but after meeting Billy you knew what you two had wasn’t love.
- The new kid Harrison likes you, but you're dating Billy so he decides to give you some ‘new’ information on Billy.
Bittersweet Symphony
- Billys always had this pent up frustration and anger within him which he's never known how to let out, until you show him your fathers old drum kit.
You’re an angel (Biracial! Reader)
- You want to meet Billys parents but he seems hesitant.
A Great Dad
- Billy will always protect his family.
Little Quirks
- Billy falls for the sweet girl who was once enraptured by Steve Harrington.
Im Sorry Angel
- Billys jealously could use some work.
I Really Fucking Like You Billy Hargrove
- Billy does something that he regrets, letting his temper get the best of him, resulting in you and him having an argument. However this just makes Billy even more angry and upsetting causing Max to have to help her brother out.
Don’t Come Near Her Again
- You boyfriend Colby hurt you again but Billy decides he won't stand for it.
‘For Y/N’
- Ever since your mothers seat you've felt numb, but Billys been there for you everyday, at exactly 4:30 pm to check up on you, until you’re ready.
Other • ★ / ♡ / ♧ •
2K notes · View notes
Not The Same ~ Part 2.
Character pairing: Poe Dameron/ OC
Summary: Waking up injured, surrounded by exploding X-Wings would be scary for anyone to go through. But it’s ten times worse when you don’t know where you are or worse still, who you are. But there’s one rebellion pilot willing to help find the lost memories, even if it breaks his heart in the process.
Part 1 - Introduction.
Tag List: @justmasblack​
Gif Credit - Captain-Flint
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The kind woman who had assessed my injuries, who’s name I had learnt was Cass had escorted me to the med bay. She informed me that I was on the rebellion fleet ship and I had been found in the middle of the X-wing hanger. To say I was frightened would be a big understatement, not knowing where you are or who any of the people around you are was one thing. But not knowing who you are, not even your own name was terrifying.
I was sat on the edge of one of the med beds when I heard a series of hurried high pitched beeps, suddenly a little white and orange droid screeched to a halt in front of the door. He just stared at me like he was analysing me from head to toe, I tilted my head to the side and smiled, he was adorable.
“BB-8 come on why did you stop?” What I could only assume was the droids companion came into view in the door way, we both looked up from the droid at the same time.
A rush of heat consumed my body as I stared into the dark chocolate pools of his eyes, it was only broken when Cass barged her way between the man and the droid.
Cass turned to them as she made it into the middle of the room. “Don’t you two have somewhere to be?”
“Right.” The man turned. “Come on BB-8.” With one last beep the man and the droid where gone.
“Looks like you have some admirers already.” Cass smirked, she busied herself with setting up the supplies on the table next to the bed I was sat on.
“Who was that?”
She started dabbing around my bleeding ears. “The droid is BB-8, and his insufferable master is named Poe Dameron.”
I just chuckled at that. “Sounds like you don’t like him.” Poe Dameron, the name bounced around my brain. Why did it sound familiar? and why did it set a fire in me?
“I like him plenty, he can just be a bit much at times.” She turned to clean the cloth that was stained with blood. “He’s a great pilot, an even better leader. But he gets carried away and hot headed.” 
I winced as she started cleaning around the deep gash in my forehead. “That’s going to need stitches I’m afraid. You’re lucky though, whatever hit you came dangerously close to your eye.”  She finished cleaning and turned to prepare the needle.
“Not scared of needles are you?” She asked holding the needle in front of my face, smirking.
I looked at the needle then up to her. “I don’t think so, I mean I feel fine. Go for it and we’ll find out I guess.” 
Cass finished up the last stitch with no complaints from me. “Wow, you didn’t even flinch. I’m impressed.” 
“Thank you, It’s nice to know I have someone looking out for me. I still don’t remember anything.” 
She clicked her tongue. “It must be very confusing.” 
An hour seemed to passed so fast. Cass had successfully patched me up, she had told me about where I was and who I was surrounded by but nothing seemed to jog my memory. How hard had I been hit? It must have been some force to completely rob me of my entire life. I sighed and looked down at my hands.
“CASS!” We were interrupted by a deep voice and heavy footsteps heading our way. 
Poe Dameron, who’s name I had learnt early appeared again in the door way just like before. But this time instead of the bright orange flight suit he wore a more casual dark brown vintage jacket, with a light brown shirt underneath. 
“Dameron, how can I help you?” Cass spun around on the chair to face him.
He was now leaning on the door frame. “I need your help, if you’re up for it of course.” Cass turned back to look at me and raised her eyebrows. “Your new friend can come as well, I need all the hands I can get.”  
I smiled at Cass, then turned to look at Poe. “That all depends what you need me to do.” I pouted playfully and pointed to my stitched up head. “I’m a little fragile at the moment.”
“I won’t give you anything too strenuous don’t worry.” He smiled sweetly at me. “Get her a plaster to cover the stitches then meet me in General Organa’s room.” He snapped his fingers at Cass then just like before was off like a shot.
“Is he always like that?” Cass got up and walked over to a metal cabinet, she opened  the middle draw, rifling through its contents. She finally sat back down with a medium sized plaster in her hand.
“Sometimes worse.” She placed the plaster gently on my forehead to protect the stitches, when she was done she tossed the rubbish in the trash then turned to look me over once more. “let’s go before he gets really cranky.”
“So what’s the plan?” Cass asked as soon as we walked into the room.
I walked in behind her, all stares were on me. The odd one out that no one knew, if only they knew that I had no clue who I was as well. I stood awkwardly next to Cass as she went to check on an elderly women who was laying on a bed, a dome over her upper body that seemed to be reading her vital signs. 
“What happened to General Organa? why wasn’t I informed?” She looked up to Poe raising her eyebrows.
He just crossed his arms over his chest, and stood firm with his feet apart. “You were busy.” He side eyed me. “Plus Mia was there when it happened. Tie fighters blew up the control room, some how Leia manged to make it back to the door.” 
I just looked down at the lady then back up to all the extremely worried faces in the room surrounding her. She must be a very important woman.
“Who is this anyway? I’ve not seen her around before.” My eyes shot up to Poe who was looking at me with great intensity.
“I don’t know exactly.” Cass had finished assessing and was now sat beside Leia’s bed.
“Who are you?” 
I was stunned for a moment, all the eyes in the room where on me expecting an answer. One that I didn’t have for them.
“I don’t know.” 
Everyone looked at me confused, I turned to Poe who scoffed out a laugh. “What do you mean you don’t know?”
“I found her in the X-Wing hanger right after the explosions, the impact of debris hit her pretty hard. Seems like she has amnesia, she doesn’t know who she is or why she was here.” Everyone’s faces turned to shock. 
Poe just coughed, feeling a little awkward he’d been so rash. “Okay well, I’m sorry about that but unfortunately that mystery will have to wait to be solved. I promise that if you help us, I’ll do all that is in my power to help you try to regain your memories. But as of now, we’ve got bigger fish to fry.”
I just nodded. “Deal.”
We smiled at each other and then with Finn by his side they proceeded to had give us all the detail's to their plan. Finn and Rose would go to Canto Bight on the planet Cantonica to find the master codebreaker in one of the casinos. While the rest of us would take the Control room ready for Poe to jump us into light speed when we got word from Finn that he had taken down the tracking device on the supremacy. 
“Hold tight and wait for my signal.” Poe assured us as he again rushed out the door, I had to give it to the man he had a certain air about him. One that made you want to follow his lead.
Now all that was left in the room was me, Cass and an unconscious Leia. I decided to pull up a chair besides Cass and ask for a few more details, If I was going to be part of this mini revolution I needed to know what exactly I was fighting for.  She proceeded to inform me about the first order, and how they had tracked us through light speed which couldn’t be possible. How they had cornered us until we would have no fuel left to out run them and then they would destroy us all.  How General Organa is the famous rebel leader who has seen the Rebels through many battles, but with her out of action Vice Admiral Holdo must have taken her place as leader. To which Poe was not happy because she was running away instead of fighting, and so a mini rebellion was taking place to ensure as many lives as possible are saved.
It was a lot to take in, especially at a time like this. But I understood every word and I was willing to help in anyway possible. They all seemed like good people, people that I could trust to stay with while I was in this state. I just hoped that when all this was over and I survived that some how I could regain some of my memories and understand who I am.
Hopefully Dameron would hold true to his word and help me. 
14 notes · View notes
Id love to see “Run Boy Run” with Race and Jack please!! I love your writing
Ahhh thanks! I’m really fucking sorry that this took so long! I kept losing motivation and stuff like that whoops. I hope you enjoy even though you can probably see the parts I gave up lol. Also, I don’t know why but for some reason, I decided to research about the real lodging house and included that in here because ???? Who the FUCK knows.
TWs: Mentioned abuse and one small scene (Snyder slaps Jack( and attempted drugging (Jack tries to slip Snyder a sleeping drug so he and Race could escape). Briefly mentioned homophobia.
Also, for most of the story, Jack and Race go by ‘Francis and Tony’. In this world, some people are born with powers and because I like to torture myself, I decided to go through about fifty different names to what to call people like that instead of just saying they’re magic???? 
Also, I threw in some ocs, so yeah.
Francis knew his very existence was hated by people in his town. Well, at least the ones who knew what he was. A small-town mindset like the one he lived in was horrible for someone...Different. For someone who was a Cosma. Someone with powers was an outcast in his town. A monster to some. One of the only people who knew was his step-father and he held his status above his head, always threatening to out him, but he could handle it. 
However, he knew the new kid wouldn't be able to handle it. One look at he knew that the boy was like him. A Cosma but he hadn't shown many signs yet. Francis knew the second Snyder caught on to the fact that Tony was a shifter and communicator, the boy's life would become a hell of abuse and experiments. The things that had happened so far were easy to explain as a trick of the light. Different eyeshade? That was the light. Slightly sharper teeth? Nah, your eyes are playing tricks on you, Sir, there's no need to worry. 
Francis couldn't help but wonder which of them was more powerful. His new brother with the ability to shapeshift and control horses with his voice, or himself with the power to bring drawings to life. He placed his bets on Tony. The boy was a double after all.
Francis knew they had to get out and after a month of searching, he finally found a way. Someone had agreed to help him travel to a safer place, one where he could be himself. Where others would help him and his brother no matter what
Run boy run! This world is not made for you.
The small town had him trapped. He and his brother didn't belong there, but his contact promised him freedom. Sure, there wasn't much fresh air there like there was here in Santa Fe but New York offered freedom...A place where Tony could grow up without having to hide a major part of himself. 
He was scared though. He somehow needed to sneak not only himself but Tony out of the house in the middle of the night and get across town in the middle of the night so the two could cross the town borders and escape for a better life. 
It would be worth it though. If it meant Tony was safe, it would all be worth it. He'd lay his life down for his little brother and he knew that his brother wouldn't like it if he found out but it was the truth. Tony meant everything to Francis and he'd give up anything for the younger boy. 
But even planning to escape was hard. Francis wasn't a moron. He knew Snyder had placed trackers in all of his clothes, though, that wasn't the most obvious thing. The most obvious tracker was the dog tags each boy wore under strict orders not to take them off at any point. 
Tony may find no issue in it but Francis did. He knew it wasn't for their 'safety'. No. It was for Snyder's. Snyder knew that Francis could out him at any time. Multiple bruises and scars weren't easy to explain away when at least one of them was a brand baring Snyder's name, set on the back of his shoulder. 
There was no way he could hide the truth if anyone was to ever see that so it was vital he kept tabs on the boys at all times. After all, he didn't want his image of a respected man to be ruined. 
But Francis' contact already had a plan for that. Spare clothes would be brought for the boys and their own would be thrown somewhere once they left town, along with the dog tags. He was also bringing a friend who could easily disable things in case Snyder had injected them with a tracker. 
Run boy run! They're trying to catch you!
Tonight was the night. Francis had everything planned and all he could do was hope that it would work. It was dangerous, but any plan that had to do with running away was and if he could ruin the man's reputation at the same time, he'd gladly do so. 
He knew that the second he stepped out of his 'house', Francis Sullivan and Tony Higgins would be dead and two boys without identities would be born but he was okay with that. The two could find themselves new names and Snyder would never be able to hurt them again. He'd be okay. They both would be okay. Even if Snyder moved to New York which he had mentioned a few times, he wouldn't be able to touch them. He wouldn't be able to know who they were. e
It was surprisingly easy to slip the drugs into Snyder's beer, something that he was terrified of doing. After all, he could be caught doing it but luckily, the man was already drunk and didn't seem to notice a difference. Idly, Francis tapped his fingers on his leg, knowing that the ten minutes would be the longest ten minutes of his life but he had been assured that the man would sleep for hours, giving him and his brother time to run. 
Still, he couldn't help but question everything. What if he hadn't put enough in? What if someone walked in before he and Tony could escape and realized something was up? What if they got caught on the edge of town and returned to Snyder's house? What if they got locked up? His brother wouldn't survive in jail and he knew he wouldn't survive Snyder's torture if they were sent back. He wasn't sure if both of them would survive but he knew that Tony wouldn't. As much as he loved him, Francis knew the younger boy was weak and would make for easy prey for the sadistic man who took him in. 
His heartbeat raced each time he saw the man shift until he was finally sure he was asleep. Swallowing, he took a few silent steps, only to have a hand roughly grasp his thin wrist. Shit. He forgot Snyder was a master at hiding things. The asshole had never even drunk the beer. He had just pretended to drink it when he wasn't looking. 
"How stupid do you think I am boy? You think I haven't caught onto your little plan?" The man stared up at the frightened teen with a blank face. "I'm the reason you're still alive Francis and you're trying to throw it in my face like an ungrateful brat?"
"I know what you're planning. You're trying to leave aren't you?" 
"N-no Sir! It's just I know you haven't been sleeping well lately so I thought I c-could help!" Francis could fill the panic building up, wondering how long Snyder had known about his plan. He couldn't help but wonder if he knew all of the plan or only that he wanted to leave and take his brother with him. 
Before he could open his mouth again, he found himself laying on the ground, cheek stinging. He hadn't even registered the loud crack that came with the slap. Taking a few seconds to collect himself, he looked up, staring at the man, eyes holding hatred disguised with fear. Snyder was right. If it weren't for him Francis would be dead and so would Tony, but he didn't care. The man may have kept him alive but that didn't mean he had to stay and be grateful. He always seemed five minutes away from killing Francis so there was no way he would be thankful for that.
He was drawn out of his thoughts at a thunk, watching as his so-called 'step-father' fell to the ground. His eyes drifted to the shaking boy standing above the fallen man, thick math book clutched in his small hands. 
Quickly, he snatched the shaking boy up and ran, refusing to look back. He hadn't even told Tony what was happening. All the boy knew was that Francis had been thinking about something important. "W-What's going on?"
"Don't worry kid. We're gonna be safe soon." At least, that's what he hoped. They had already been caught once but they were close to the edge of their small town and he could just see a small group of people, each holding the reins to at least one horse. He couldn't but let out a sigh of relief, dodging around small holes in the road, feeling the boy's grip tighten. Tony didn't really like strangers but if Francis trusted them...He could try. 
Run boy run! Running is a victory!
"Didn't realize how many people you were bringing Rags." 
"Needed someone to help bring the horses 'nd stuff. Plus, they'se the best ta help out. Specs here can disable any trackers the Spider might a put in ya, Albert will help us light fires 'nd shit. Sniper 'nd Finch can keep an eye on the surrounding area. Patches and Bink will help wit' any disguises we need." The older teen gestured to each boy, each member of the ragtag crew ranging in age with Patches and Rags being the oldest though not by many years. "They'se all 'Hattan newsies like I am. Hotshot 'nd Rai are from Brooklyn though."
Tony honestly was surprised at how young Rai was. The boy didn't look a day over eight yet somehow had been brought along for the small mission. 
"I didn't want ta bring him but the kid wouldn't stop botherin' me. I guess he could be useful." Despite the words, Hotshot's face held a faint fond smile, hand ruffling the boy's hair. "He's a communicator after all."
"You're all Cosmas?"
"Yeah. That's why they're helping us, Tony. They'll get us somewhere safe. Speaking of wish, we should leave right now. Dunno how long the Spider will be out. Tried drugging him but he caught me so Tony knocked his ugly fat ass out."
Rags nodded towards one of the horses with a grin. "Hope ya know how to ride cause that's how we'se headin' ta New York." 
"Not really but we'll figure it out." Francis shrugged, carefully placing his brother in the saddle before pulling himself up, reaching around the boy to grab the reins. Surely it wouldn't be that hard to ride a horse. At least, it seemed calm and with Tony there, he felt that the horse would at least listen to them. That and they had everyone else to guide them. 
The two blinked, feeling a small gentle tingle flow through their body. Specs smiled at the two. "It's all disabled but we'll still dump your stuff on the way. Otherwise, the change of clothes we carried here for you guys would be a waste." 
Albert smirked, gently tapping his horse's sides with his heels. "Let's ride ya morons!" With that small whoop, the boy raced off, sparks flying from his red hair. Rolling his eyes, Rags chuckled, riding off after him to make sure the reckless boy wouldn't do something stupid.
Sniper looked over at the two boys they were bringing along with them. "Don't worry. She'll follow us so just focus on ya balance and try to relax. She'll be able ta tell if you're all tense 'nd shit. 'Sides, your ass will hurt if you're stiff. Especially considering ya've never ridden before." With a soft click, the boy started the journey home, causing the brothers' horse to follow them, Specs, Finch and Hotshot riding with the two, the Manhattan boys alongside them as Hotshot brought up the rear, watching as his own baby brother raced off. 
At first, he never wanted to come and help 'rescue' the two because it meant losing money, but he owed Rags a favour and the older boy had decided to cash it in. Besides, Spot had been acting like an asshole lately and he could do with some time apart from him, even if they were best friends.
Shaking his head, he freed one hand from the reins, only moving it back after adjusting his bag. He couldn't help but wonder what the boys in front of him were like. Rags had given them a short briefing but seeing the angry red mark on the older one's cheek reminded him that there really were fucked up people in the world and by coming here, he was helping to do the right thing.  
The fact Specs had confirmed that trackers had been placed in their bodies just worried him even more. At least they were free now. They were safe from the house that they had been trapped in. 
Run boy run! Beauty lays behind the hills.
Sure New York wasn't the most glamorous of places but to Rags, it was home and now, Manhattan would house two more newsies. They'd get new names later but for now, they would be nameless. He smiled to himself, looking over his shoulder at the figures riding behind him. He could tell that they would fit in with the rest of his family.
The rest of the Manhattan kids knew that he was bringing home two more kids except for once, they weren't from New York. 
Tony sighed, leaning into his brother as he closed his eyes. It felt weird running away and guilt was settling in his stomach from the memory of knocking out the man who took him in. He knew Snyder was cruel but he had never laid a hand on him...Only laying hands-on Francis who couldn't fight back. He had never actually seen it but he had heard it countless times. Had seen the way his brother stumbled into their small bedroom before collapsing on his bed, hiding his face in the pillow in an attempt to hide his tears from the boy who looked up to him so much. But Tony saw them each time. Saw the way his body had shuddered and heard the muffled noises that escaped him. He knew Francis couldn't be strong 24/7, no matter how hard he tried. 
But now that they had gotten out of there, maybe Francis wouldn't have to take the hits for him. Maybe now he wouldn't have to curl up in bed, trying his best to hide his shaking. He couldn't help but smile slightly as he closed his eyes, resting a hand on the mare's wither, calmly letting himself connect with her. Sliding his hand up, he gently ran his fingers through her mane, relishing in the feeling of the silky strands running through them. 
At least with her, he'd feel safe on the journey that he had never expected to take. He couldn't wait to see what would happen when they reached New York. Despite only being with them for a short time, he found the boys charming in their own way, from Albert's excitement at riding off into the distance to Hotshot's firm yet protective presence behind them. He felt safe with them and that's what mattered to him right now and by the way, his brother had slowly relaxed behind him, he knew he felt the same. 
With a soft nudge from his horse, he opened his eyes, taking in the appearance of the land around the group. It was something he had never seen before. Something he never expected to see. He couldn't help but grin, looking down slightly so he could watch the land race beneath her hooves. It was beautiful honestly. Much more beautiful than where he had been trapped mere hours ago.
Run boy run! The sun will be guiding you.
Leaning back, he felt Francis' arms tighten around him for a few seconds. Without even looking, he could tell the older teen was smiling as he too took everything in, awe filling his body.
The two were brought out of their thoughts as the horses slowed down, gently lit by the setting sun. Without Rags opening his mouth, Albert jumped off his horse, quickly gathering up wood, surprisingly serious considering the way he had been so hyper and willing to lead the group before. Carefully flicking his fingers at the pile he had made, the ginger grinned as flames burst up from the middle, quickly engulfing each bit of wood. "Fire's done! Who brought the grub?"
"Al ya always hungry."
"Oh shut up Snipes, I know you'se hungry as well." He grinned, dodging as his friend through his cap at his face. "I'll burn this if ya test me!"
Hotshot rolled his eyes, silently helping Tony off of the horse, setting him down as he watched Francis dismount. Well more like stumble as he slid off, almost falling on his ass. The Brooklyn boy forced himself to hold back a laugh while Albert did no such thing. He was more than happy to laugh at the poor teen despite knowing that he'd never rode a horse, let alone for hours at a time while leaving an abusive house far behind them.
Specs just sighed, shaking his head as he grabbed his pack, having been the one trusted to carry the food for the three-day trip. "Alright alright. We can 'ave dinner now. Calm ya shit DaSilva."
The two brothers looked at each other in confusion before nervously moving towards the fire to sit down with the people who came to save them. The group might be helping them but the two still didn't know how much they could trust them. Francis had been desperate, grasping onto the first offer of salvation. The first offer to drag him out of the mental river he was drowning in, being dragged further under the surface with each hit, each insult, each threat both against him and his brother. 
So when a cocky boy from Manhattan had shown up to deliver something to his neighbour and pulled him aside to tell him that he couldn't hide from him. That he knew what he was, Francis, had been terrified but the skinny boy had offered him a free trip to where he'd be welcome, a seed had been planted in his brain, but at the same time, he was full of doubt. Why would this stranger offer to take them to where he lived? How had he known what he was? He had been given two weeks to think about it and by the time Rags returned with his small group of friends, the seed had grown and he had agreed the day the group arrived. 
Rags sighed as he sat down, watching as Finch scaled a tree, a bird soon swooping down to join him after the boy let out a soft whistle. "So, have you thought 'bout a name yet?"
Francis shook his head. "Not yet. It's not easy honestly to think of one."
"Eh take ya time. After all, you'll be stuck wit' it." Rai hummed, idly poking the fire with a stick, ignoring the warning look his older brother gave him. "You can keep the one you have now, shorten it, change it or just give yaself a nickname and run with it. If you don't think of one, 'Hattan might just give you one."
Tony looked up at his brother startled. "Names? Are we changing our names?" Finch just grinned from his perch. "I mean, as Rai said, you don't have to but sometimes it's easier to just change it...A lot of us are running from something and it's helpful to change our name. Finch ain't my real name 'nd Specs wasn't called Specs by his birth family. That came from us newsies cause o' his glasses." 
Said boy chuckled, adjusting his glasses. "I should admit that it didn't appeal to me at first but it grew on me."
Albert grinned. "Don't bullshit us. The main reason you like it is that Romeo kept calling you it."
"And you take Albie cause that Jojo boy. You're both hopeless idiots." Rai shook his head with a grin. "Manhattan's weird like that. Rai is just short for my name and you're being all gay 'nd shit and that's why you accepted your newsie names." 
Tony's eyes widened, surprised that they were speaking so openly about something that Snyder said was wrong. Well, 'said' was the wrong word. The man attempted to force his own ideal into his charges' minds, not wanting them to think for themselves. It's wrong. You'll go to hell for looking at a boy the way you should be looking at a girl Tony.
But these boys didn't seem to be 'cursed' as Snyder said gays were. They seemed...The way everyone else was, just more friendly but not in a strange way. No, they were just joking around like brothers. They were people who were comfortable in their own skin while Francis and Tony weren't. They both had confided in each other that they had each secretly looked at boys the way Snyder and others in their former home condemned people for. These boys may tease each other but it was friendly, it was in an attempt to make each other flustered. That meant they'd be even safer in the Manhattan lodging house.  
After a few minutes, Specs handed around the cooked meat, warning the group that it was still hot. "You'll be safe in a few days. As for now, just relax though we need to burn your clothes soon just in case ya know?" He smiled over at the two nervous teens. "Don't worry, we brought you spare clothes. One of the boys back home made them fa ya. That's why Rags asked for ya size."
"Buttons is great...Gonna need him to fix my shirt though." Albert sighed, looking at a rip in his shirt. "Don't even know when I tore it. I swear it wasn't like this when we left!" 
"It's called you're a fucking clumsy moron who fell in a river because you thought getting off your horse before walking over a fallen tree was smarter than the bridge."
Tony couldn't help but laugh, knowing he had done something similar before. Sure it got him into trouble because he made a mess when he got home but he had a good time so it didn't matter.
Run boy run! They're dying to stop you! Run boy run! This race is a prophecy! Run boy run! Break out from society!
Yelling brought the small group back into the world of the woken, Tony and Francis instantly freezing. Snyder and his friends had found them and the two knew they'd stop at nothing to get their hands on the two. 
"Shit. Get back on the horses. We should have dumped your clothes earlier but I didn't want to stop for a while just in case." Rags quickly jumped back on his horse, watching as his newsies rushed around to pack up their small camp before jumping on their horses. Hotshot had already boosted Rai onto his horse before getting on his own, Albert helping Francis and Tony up onto theirs. The second the red-head was on his own horse, the ground raced off, the newsies pretending that they didn't hear Tony's soft and scared sobs mixed with Francis' soft words of comfort. 
They hadn't been planning to move so fast but they had to otherwise they'd all be in trouble. "Finch! Sniper!" 
"On it!" The two boys quickly pulled out their slingshots, each loading small sparklers into them, firing them off in different directions in hopes of distracting their pursuers. Despite not being given orders from his leader, Albert set off small flaming balls, sending them away from himself, making sure they were small enough to avoid setting the nearby trees on fire. 
Hotshot sighed, raising his voice so the two scared kids in front of him could hear. "Don't worry. The 'Hattan boys know what they're doing, even if they don't seem like it most of the times. We'll keep you safe." 
"See Tones? We'll be safe. Promise." Francis tightened his arm around his brother, wondering if his words would prove to be true or if they were would become false. He just hoped that they'd get away and find their way to New York as Rags had promised. 
With a single whistle from Rai, animals seemed to flood from every corner of the forest before they rushed towards the sounds of the group chasing them down. 
Each second seemed like an eternity to the two brothers, their hearts both frozen still and beating erratically at the same time. While the horses were speeding up by the second, they seemed to be forcing their way through snow with Tony and Francis feeling the chill while no one else did.
Their safety...No, their lives were on the line here and each member of the small party knew it. If one person were to get caught, it'd be over for everyone. They all knew the risks that came with this mission and had accepted the idea that they may be caught but that didn't mean they weren't scared shitless as the idea swirled inside their minds, taunting them with what their future could hold. It was clear that Cosmas' weren't welcome in the town they were fleeing from but right now, they had to shove that thought away, focusing instead of escaping.
The shouts faded behind them but that didn't slow down the group, if anything, it pushed them to go faster just in case the group had decided to fall silent in hopes of catching them off guard. Granted, Francis wasn't sure if Snyder and his pals were smart enough to do that but still, you never know.
They ate lunch on the run, Specs moving to each person to hand them small sandwiches before moving back to his own spot. Sure, the plan had been to eat warm meat with the sandwiches for a snack but plans sometimes change on the fly and newsies were masters at changing things instantly. After all, there were times they had to quickly run from where they were selling to escape the clutches of the police. 
The group rode through the night, their way lit by Albert's flames, only pausing for an hour or so by a river to allow their horses a break to drink, each boy quickly shoving food into their mouths, too on edge to take their time. 
Specs sighed, looking up at the stars, tracing each constellation with his eyes, remembering all the stories he had been told by an older newsie. "We'll be there in two days. We'll stop by Brooklyn ta return the horses and drop Hotshot and Rai off before headin' across the bridge."
Tony nodded, curling up next to Encore, the mare nuzzling her young rider. "Is New York really as big as they say? Fat-...Snyder always said that it's big." Despite correcting himself, the fact that he had almost called Snyder his 'Father' filled his stomach with guilt and anxiety.  
Albert grinned and nodded. "There's a lot of us newsies from all over New York. We'se the Kings 'nd Queens of the damn place! Sure we ain't the richest but we'se the people who help spread the news. Without us, the damn city will shut down." He chuckled under his breath. "You'll be 'Hattan boys in a few days...We'se the second most important borough in my mind. I would say the most important but that's Brooklyn. They're the real rulers in the Newsie world. They've got the toughest folks there." 
Rai snorted and nodded. "Damn right we do! We'se'll soak anyone we need ta. No one messes wit' us if they have a good mind. We'll kick their asses if needed. No one messes wit' us and it's great!"
Hotshot rolled his eyes, setting his small bowl of thin stew aside so he could gently slap his brother on the back of the head, gently chuckling at the boy's mock offended cry. "Don't go boasting 'bout it ya nerd. We're not that bad. We're just tougher than most of than the New York newsies." He looked over at the two new boys, picking up his stew again. "Simply put, don't mess wit' us and we don't mess wit' you...Though that's really any place I guess. We're just respected more than everyone else in our world."
Francis nodded, filing the information away. He knew what it was like to get on someone's bad side and the idea of a whole New York borough after him was frightening to him. The bullies he had faced were one thing but the idea of having stronger people after him was terrified. Hotshot already proved that all of Brooklyn was strong, just by his arms and Francis didn't feel like the idea of throwing hands with him or any of his friends. He was pretty sure Rai could easily break his arm despite being eight. 
Blink groaned, speaking up for the first time. "We get it. Ya, all tough 'nd scary now shut up. I'se wanna sleep." He adjusted his eyepatch, not bothering to look over at the group. "You all take to much." 
"Aww, ya just a spoilsport Blink. First thing ya say is to tell everyone to shut up?" Albert couldn't do anything but laugh as Blink flipped him off. "Someone's just grumpy he had to leave his boyfriend behind."
"Or maybe I'm sick o' your dumbass voice." Idly, the boy pulled his eyepatch to the side, glaring at his friend with a glazed over eye. "I can fucking destroy you Albert DaSilva. Remember that." 
"I'm sooooo scared." 
Patches sighed, knowing that it was time he should step in, his soft voice floating above the crackling of the fire. "Both of you stop being morons. We're heading out as soon as we can in the morning. Rags and I'll take the first watch, Blink and Specs will take next than it'll be Hotshot and Al. That's all we'll need really need because it'll be light enough by the time your shift is up and we'll be able to have a quick breakfast before going again. We'll be home very soon. Two days and we'll be done and we can relax and go back to selling and stuff. We'se'll get Tony 'nd Francis set up as soon as we can. We'll probably be back during the day." Noticing Tony's subtle glances towards Blink's eyepatch, he smiled. "Don't bother askin'. He tells a different story each time so no one knows what actually happened ta his eye."
"Oh...Okay. Sorry for staring."
Blink just grinned at him. "Don't worry 'bout it. You'se starin' without hate or disgust or whatever. Ya just interested is all. But yeah. I'm up for taking watch wit' Specs. Now, all o' you zip ya mouths so I can get some shut-eye." With that, he slipped his cap over his face after tucking his eyepatch into his pocket. 
Albert chuckled softly but listened, pulling his blanket up over him after gently coaxing the fire to burn a little brighter before eventually falling asleep, his teasing turning into soft breaths that were soon joined by the breathing of others, knowing that his brothers and friends were safe under the watch of his leader and said leader's second. 
It took Francis awhile to be comfortable enough to fall asleep, each small noise causing him to subtly flinch, scared that they had been tracked down yet again. It took the comforting presence of his brother who was silently breathing as he held onto his shirt mixing with the fires and the soft chatter of the two boys who were going to be watching over them for a few hours.
Despite his fear, he fell into a deep sleep, only woken by the feeling of Tony gently shaking him. The second the teen was sure the elder was awake, the blond moved to help clear up camp, silently watching slight awe as Albert easily put out the coals with a single wave of his hand, making sure they wouldn't light again. 
Francis hummed, feeling his new shirt slip slightly as he stretched. Soon, he would be in a place that accepted who he was, among those who were like him and his brother.
Tomorrow is another day, and you won't have to hide away
It was a new day, one that was bringing the promise of freedom ever closer. Coming out of his thoughts at the feeling of bread being shoved into his hands, a familiar cheeky grin greeting him as he looked down, chuckling at his brother's puffy cheeks. The bread role was small yet for some reason, Tony had felt the need to shove most of it into his mouth at once. Though once he looked at Albert due to the sound of choking, he realized it was most likely a dare or a challenge designed to test the hubris of the two teens, clearly set by a smirking Rai. 
He could already tell that moving into the Manhattan lodging house would just increase his brother's not so concealed chaotic tendencies. He sighed, a silent chuckle escaping him as he chewed on his own small role, awkwardly standing still when Rags assured him that he didn't need to do anything to help to pack up camp.
It didn't take them long to start up their journey again, with laughter and friendly taunts filling the air instead of the fear and silent tears that had been their unwelcome comrade the last ride. 
Adjusting his cap, Finch grinned and carefully shuffled back slightly before carefully raising to his feet, having slipped off his shoes over an hour ago. Calmly, he pulled out a small stone, biting his lip as he aimed for a familiar head. He couldn't help but let out a whoop as Sniper's head whipped around, the other boy glaring at his fellow shooter. "Finch I swear ta fucking God!" 
"Don't swear at me."
"Albert ya ain't God!" 
Hotshot just sighed, ignoring the laughter of the other boys, speeding up so he could take matters into his own hands, knowing full well the arguing newsies probably wouldn't listen to their leaders in this situation. In his mind, the Manhattan boys tended to be more chaotic and at times disobedient than the boys who lived with him. Not that it was surprising. Other than being known for being tough, Brooklyn newsies were known to be well-disciplined despite the way a new ruler could come to power by fighting the current one and they listened to each other. 
"Alright, you guys. Shut ya traps before I make you." Sure, that caused the two shooters to aim for him for a few seconds but it was easy for him to dodge considering the two were ever so slightly intimidated by him, despite knowing he wouldn't actually do anything to them. 
"You're no fun." Despite his annoyed words, Finch carefully moved back to the saddle, sitting down again, not wanting to test the Brooklyn boy too much. 
Rags just shook his head with a smile, looking at the sky, narrowing his eyes in an attempt to avoid the sun's rays as he judged the time. He knew by now that they most likely wouldn't be tracked down anymore considering how far away from the tiny town they had come from. His new brothers were safe and that's all that mattered right now. Soon, he'd be back with the rest of his family and he'd be bringing in two new members. 
He could tell already that they'd fit in almost instantly though he knew that they'd naturally come to terms with what had happened and that they were safe...That they could grow up properly. 
You'll be a man, boy! But for now, it's time to run, it's time to run!
However, they still had a while to go before they would be racing around the streets of Lower Manhattan, selling papers to random people to pay the six cents needed to pay for a bed and batch at the lodging house. His smile widened slightly as he thought of the meals that a few extra cents would get him. Pork and beans on Monday, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Roast beef on Sunday and beef stew on Tuesdays. Corned beef and cabbage came on Wednesday and fish balls were served on Fridays. If he focused hard enough, he could not only taste the meals he often paid for but also taste the tea and bread that each meal was accompanied with. The newsie could practically smell the soup that was often served with pork and beans. Just the thought of the meals made him feel full and he couldn't wait to return for dinner again.
Sure, breakfast was also served but why pay for it when you could get food off the nuns before rushing to the gates? Though he couldn't lie. There were times he spent money on some cents on some oatmeal in the morning, savouring the small burn that came as he quickly ate it. Some of the boys may tease him for buying both food and getting free coffee from the nuns but he didn't care.
Patches grinned, looking over at his brother who rode with closed eyes, able to picture what the other was thinking about. He too loved meal times at the lodging house, even if everything just repeated with not much change. It was nice to know what to expected and if he wanted a change, he could always save up a little extra and buy something at Jacobi’s or even just ask if he could take some leftovers with him. 
He knew everyone, not just the newsies that stayed in the large building looked forward to the nightly meals, shared in a large room, surrounded by friends as they joked about what sort of customers they had dealt with that day, lowering their voices whenever they felt the need to swear, knowing full well it was against the rules.
He sighed softly, looking ahead, wishing he could see the familiar outline of New York on the horizon, yet he saw nothing but the landscape he had seen on the way to pick up the two boys.
Focusing on his companions, he swallowed back a laugh as he heard Rai explaining newsie rules to Francis and Tony while Hotshot corrected him when needed. After all, the life of a newsie was far more complex than the life they had just left behind. The life was full of tricky politics between boroughs where one wrong move could incite a war which would just bring every newsie across the whole damn city involved which was never a clean thing. No war was clean really but newsies were a group of kids who handled their wars with fists while the leaders scrambled to arrange a deal. Though, from the short time he's spent with these two kids, he could tell that they would be respectful, at least of the borders. Not that they would be going anywhere near them for a while. No new kid was ever allowed to sell near the borders for a few weeks just to make sure they learnt the ropes.
Run boy run! This ride is a journey to. Run boy run! The secret inside of you
Francis internally sighed, glad to see his little brother smiling and laughing along with those who had been strangers not too long ago. It was nice to see that the boy wasn't scared of them. He didn't know what he'd do if the boy would be scared of those who they were now living with. No longer would the two have to walk on eggshells to avoid letting anyone know who they really were...What they were. No longer did they have to deal with Snyder, who seemed to always be a hair's breadth away from snapping at them, whether it be just yelling at Tony or hitting Francis across the face, shouting insults down the fallen boy who knew better than to yell back.
Sure, he himself was still a bit hesitant about being with the group but knew that it would be easier to disappear in New York than disappearing from a small town with no aid from an outside force. The smile and laughter coming from his thin brother made his worry worth it though.
He could still faintly hear his mother's final words as she lay on her death bed, finally admitting the abuse she had watched. "You'll escape one day Francis. I know you will. You'll find a way out of this hell hole. I'm sorry I didn't protect you and Tony. I'm so sorry baby."
Forcing himself out of his thoughts, he kissed his brother's head. His mother had been right. He was getting both him and Tony out of an abusive household. He felt like he could finally breathe properly for the first time since his mother had married the cursed man. 
Slowly, he allowed his thoughts to be drowned out by the gentle shuffling of the leaves that the wind danced through as they raced through the trees, closer to their new destiny.
Run boy run! This race is a prophecy! Run boy run! And disappear in the trees!
Night settled around them once more, the moon and stars smiling down gently on the group of laughing boys who surrounded a crackling fire. Seeing that the two brothers were still nervous, the group took turns telling stories, ranging from safer ones to ones that had Rags and Patches lecturing their younger brothers on safety, having never heard such things come from the young teens' mouths.
Eventually, the stories died down, though the silence didn't last long, replaced with giggling and annoyed swears as Rai and Sniper attempted to roast marshmallows over Albert's flaming hair, not caring when the melted treat dripped into the red locks of the struggling boy clamped tightly in Blink's arms.
Soon after, the three were stopped, Albert wrestling the two boys as soon as he was free, laughter filling the air yet again even when the three were pulled apart.
Tony smiled as he stared up at the stars, opening his mouth to break the silence that eventually fell over the group, happy to tell them stories of the sky and stars, ones that he had learnt years ago, back when he was still oblivious to the cruelty that his older brother faced daily. 
Eventually, the group settled down, knowing that they'd be back home by tomorrow night, able to relax in a proper bed, surrounded by their family once again instead of resting on the hard ground.
Tomorrow is another day, and you won't have to hide away.
The small crew grinned as they once again got settled on their horses, excitement buzzing through their veins, knowing that in a few hours that they would be home. It was as the air could sense it as well, sending a gentle breath to soothe their excitement,  helping the group speed through the landscape, the horses gladly pushing themselves even more, already able to taste the treats they would rightfully get for the hard and long journey they had untaken.
Francis and Tony could both feel a small part that would miss riding through the open land, feeling the ache that came with a living creature speeding under them, carrying them where they wished, letting them feel the wind in their faces as they rode closer and closer to safety and a new life.
The newsies happily spoke of what they planned to do when they got home once again, excited to not only see their family and partners again but to invite and accept the two brothers into Manhattan. Albert grinned, already thinking up plans to annoy the Delancey brothers and their uncle at the gates, wondering if how easy it would be to draw Tony into his schemes, already knowing that the other had the sense for mischief that he had in his own soul. Sure, it might get Francis annoyed but he didn't care. He had a new brother and had to bring him into the life of chaos, so it could wrap him in its embrace, filling his mind with plans to commit with the redhead.
You'll be a man, boy! But for now, it's time to run, it's time to run!
Hotshot was relieved to almost be back in Brooklyn where he could just relax with his friends. Maybe take a dip in the river. Hell, he might throw Rai or Spot off the pier for shits and giggles, not caring about their reactions. They both could swim after all and it was normal for the boys to throw each other around sometimes and well, he deserved to have a little fun with his family after such a harsh journey. Sure, he hadn't been too happy to join the 'mission' in the first place but he had found himself enjoying himself. Sure, he lost money doing this but it was nice to escape the chaotic life that happened when you lived in New York while being poor. 
No matter how hard and chaotic his life was, he found himself enjoying it. After all, it was better than working in a factory or at the pier, hauling stuff around or sailing on a boat, unsure if he'd ever return.
Yes, he hadn't been happy to come on this trip, nor was he happy for his baby brother to join him but to hear Rai laughing along with Tony as animals joined the ride for a short time before they pulled away, it was worth it. If he could get the young boy out of Brooklyn for a few days so he could get some fresh air and a change of pace, well...He'd do it a million times over. He wished he could take all the littles out for journies like this but alas, he couldn't. He had no reason to leave New York, let alone had the money to do so. Still, being able to take one of them out was an amazing feeling, one he wouldn't forget. Rai had lost too much at a young age yet always kept a grin. He deserved to be able to spend time, free in the land with wild animals rushing by him.
It's what the small child deserved. 
Tomorrow is another day, and when the night fades away
Breaking for lunch just made all of them antsy, wanting to hurry up and get back home. Even Specs, a normally calm boy was bouncing on his toes, not bothering to hide his excitement at the idea of seeing everyone he cared about. He quickly scoffed down his sandwich, not caring about taking his time. He was going to be home soon and could take his time savouring all the tastes that came with a homecooked meal while surrounded by those he missed.
While the break only lasted thirty minutes, it felt like a lifetime to the small group. Their hearts started to beat faster with each step their tired horses took towards home.
Time travelled slowly, the stars starting to peak out again when New York's outline started to rise in the distance, an excited whoop escaping Albert as he urged his horse to go even faster, unwilling to wait any longer. He wanted...No needed to be back in that city. He loved fresh air but still, he craved the smog of New York. Couldn't wait for it to fill his lungs as he walked around feeling like a king despite people viewing him as nothing more than a street rat. 
With the city in the distance, it was as if someone had pressed fast forward, landing the group at Sheepshead racetrack before they knew it. Hotshot couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of a short boy waiting near the empty stables. "Why am I not surprised you showed up Spot?"
"Wanted ta see the new 'Hattan boys fa myself." In all honestly, Spot had just wanted to see his brothers' safe returns was he wasn't going to say that in public. Besides, he couldn't help but be somewhat curious about the two new boys who would be joining the team just across the bridge. To him, it was easy to get a glimpse of what the boys had lived through. He hadn't been told much about them but judging by the bruise on the older boy's cheek, it was clear that they hadn't come from a nice place. Not that many of the newsies had come from a good place that is. 
Considering Hotshot had said they were going to a small town, he could tell that it was a small town that hated people being born with powers, whether that hatred was born from jealously and fear or just out of pure stupidity, the Brooklyn native didn't know and he wasn't sure if he even cared to know.  
Right now, he did his best to ignore where they had come from, instead, turning to Rai to talk about his trip, already knowing that the rules and boundaries had been explained. Even if they hadn't, the two looked smart, especially the blond who had decided to ignore everyone so he could focus on thanking his horse. God, were all Manhattan boys dorks? Shaking his head with a sigh, he clapped his hands. "Right. Curfew's comin' up in a bit so you'se best start gettin' back over the bridge."
"Giving orders now are we Conlon?"
"Blue's handlin' stuff in Queens so it's my job ta kick your bum asses out of Brooklyn. Now fuck off." 
Rags rolled his eyes but still spat in his hand and held it out to the younger boy, nodding as he returned the gesture. "We'se'll get outta ya hair Conlon. Gotta get these two set up and Al looks ready to die."
"Oh fuck off I do not!" Despite his words, Albert was rocking ever so slightly, having not slept much the night before due to excitement. "Let's just clear out already. I don't wanna miss out on the food!" 
Shaking his head, Rags laughed watching as Blink started shoving Albert around. "Yeah yeah. Tell Blue I said hi." He smiled at the two Brooklyn boys who had come along with his small crew. "Thanks you two. We'll be off now." With a single wave, the lanky teen ushered the others out of the racetrack grounds, chuckling internally at the way the two new brothers stuck together, looking around in both awe and suspicious hesitation. 
Idly, his eyes scanned the crowd, easily able to notice who was a normal person and who was a newsie who were lurking around after selling, watching them silently to make sure they didn't break any rules, wanting the small group out of their turf, yet also silently relieved that they had returned safely as that meant their own had been returned as well.
Feet gently joined the countless others walking on the bridge, their voices mingling with those of people hurrying to and from Brooklyn. Before they knew it, they were back on their own side. Sensing their neves, Specs smiled over at his new brothers. "Don't worry. You'll get used to this all before you know it. I will warn you though...The lodging house can be loud and a bit overwhelming at times. You'll fit right in though. I already know it."
Francis just nodded before turning back to Patches, mumbling something under his breath, relaxing as the other smiled and nodded, allowing the group to lead him and his younger brother around.
You'll be a man, boy!
It didn't take long for them to find themselves walking down Duane Street, watching a few kids eagerly look up, some running towards them as others rushed off towards a building, no doubt to let them know of the groups return. Subconsciously, Francis took a closer to Tony, watching as Specs, Blink and Albert were almost tackled, each by a different boy, all dressed in the same ratty attire as the group. 
Shaking his head, Rags nodded for the two brothers to follow him, leaving the six boys to reunite with their boyfriends. "They'll come along eventually so don't worry about the nerds. Let's just get you set up for now. Everyone's been dyin' ta meet you two, not just us newsies."
Grinning, he threw open the door to the lodging house, chuckling as he was greeted by cheers from a wide variety of kids. Silencing them with a single hand in the air, he grinned at the two new boys, remembering the few words Francis had muttered to him. 
"Everyone! I'd like ta introduce you to Jack Kelly 'nd his little brother, Racetrack Higgins!"
But for now, it's time to run, it's time to run!
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Blitzo x Verosika's Daughter Trixi of June 2021
Credit for to Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel goes to  Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano
Trixi is just a Fanon type character, as well as Verena. Verena is the leader of the Valkyrie, their jobs are the same as the stories about Valkyries in Mythology.
but Verena and the rest of the Valkyrie will be slightly different from the ones from mythology. the valkyrie protect a soul's life, they the valkyrie wear the Guardian Armor.
which is like the armor that Trixi is wearing in this drawing. not all the Valkyries will be Female, and will have Males and even Nonbinary in the group.
if I had to think up a idea about the Valkyries for this drawing, is that they use to be all Female Souls that were the Valkyries. but after the whole imbalance, and some mortals placing more focus on the Masculine energy,
instead of a balance between the Masculine and Feminine, and then losing her son.....at some point she had let Male Souls in, then over time saw humans on Earth start to develop new gender identities, and at some point after that discover, the first Nonbinary Identity Angel became a part of the Valkyrie, then over time others with different gender identities.
the Heavenly Mother/Goddess became estranged with the Heavenly Father/God,then she separated the Earth-Heaven from the Sky-Heaven. of course if this is gonna be a type of AU, it wouldn't be canon to Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel.
I also want to say, that I am NOT in a good mood right now.
I need to try to do something to relax me,
like either watching a movie or show, maybe even playing a video game, maybe even try some meditation.
but I might not end up feeling up to the whole meditation right now.
I did want to post the drawing I did that has to to do with MLPFIM,
but I’m gonna wait another time to do so.
plus the idea I have so far for these two OCs,
might only end up being a One Shot Type, maybe...
I’m gonna listen to Born Without A Heart By Faouzia.
I still think if a person don’t listen to the whole song,
and only listen to the few parts of it in the start of it,
people might misunderstand it, before they truly listen
and get the meaning of the song.
I also want to say, growing up made to believe certain things I was told was wrong, like stuff I had discovered was never wrong,
and did find out that my being upset because of the whole trying to come out as a Aceflux type myself, but I couldn’t. 
not everyone can come out of the sexuality or gender identity closets,
or even the new religious belief closet.
sure you can be open about it online, but you might end up not being able to be open about it in real life.
there can be two types of toxic views of you,
one is the negative, where you family starts to try to “fix” you in a aggressive way.
and the toxic positive way, where your family still loves you,
but they still want to try to “fix” you.
and I know I can’t just tell them I’m a sexual empath either.
I’m just going to listen to that song a few times,
then I’m gonna lay down and try to relax.
also want to point out that no matter a person’s sexuality or gender identity, you don’t go to heck for it.
same with the whole if you don’t go to church.
now if you did what my disgusting older cousin did,
then yeah.....you might go to that kind of place...
and I hope he stays in jail for a very long time.
I still think if I was listen to, maybe he wouldn’t of ended up doing a very bad thing to someone else.
no matter if it the thing I remember happening when I was just a little girl, was either a warning dream or did really happen.
if I didn’t talk to my mom about it before,
it could of been because of trauma, I mean you don’t just kiss someone like that and suspect them to like it.
I know I had bad feelings.
I might wait a few days to post anything else on here,
either it be a drawing or talk about some feelings or thoughts,
and maybe placing a AU I had made on hiatus.
anyway I might sign back on later or tomorrow,
to check out some more stuff on here.
I want to talk a bit more about Trixi
and why she has a halo and wings,
and how she can have the ability to hide them when she transform into a human disguise or like a half disguise.
but I don’t feel like it right now, I’m just gonna go and try to relax.
oh and in case it might be hard to see the drawing,
make sure to click it to make it bigger.
I hope that works and well maybe tomorrow I will feel more happy.
see ya later and stay safe everyone. 
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zuzu-firequeen · 4 years
Fire Queen
Fire Queen Masterlist
~Zuko X OC~
~ The Truth ~
After a week of moving all of our things to the new apartment, Zuko was starting to feel a little better. His fever broke and he could sleep all night for the first time in a while. Zoir cartwheels in the new spacious living quarters as Iroh and I stand in the kitchen and stir the pot of jook. “Mother makes this a lot. I assume you taught her everything?” Iroh smiles, “I can not take credit for that. She simply learned everything from Ursa.” I narrow my eyes. “Who?” “Zuko’s mother. They were close. Very close.” “She never mentioned it.” Iroh flashes a sad smile.
Zori runs up jumping onto the counter. “I’m glad I have my own room.” She stretches her arms groaning. “Me too, you’re a kicker.” I pinch her nose lightly, laughing.
“What's that smell?” I turn to see Zuko entering. He smiles at me, wrapping his arm around me and kissing my head. “Good morning.” “Hi.” I bite my lip begging my cheeks not to flush. Iroh smiles at the action. “It's jook. I'm sure you wouldn't like it.” Zuko bows over the pot, inhaling, as Iroh steps back.
Zuko smiles surprisingly. Someone slept well.
“Actually, it smells delicious. I'd love a bowl, Uncle.” The banished Prince picks up and holds out a bowl. I smile watching as Iroh eyes his nephew in suspicion. “Now that your fever is gone, you seem different somehow.” Iroh ladles some jook into the proffered bowl. Zuko takes the bowl and holds my side again. His smile grows as he looks to Zori, then down at me, then to Iroh. A wide smile plastered upon his lips.
If my father and mother would’ve stayed in this timeline would I have met Zuko naturally? My family lived in their home. Our mothers were close. My father was a trusted General up until the Fire Lord asked him to perform unspeakable acts. In a perfect world… were Zuko and I meant to be?
“It's a new day. We've got a new apartment, new furniture, we have Zori and Truble in our lives, and today's the grand opening of your new tea shop. Things are looking up Uncle.” Zuko high fives Zori before moving to the table and kneels, sipping from the bowl and looking out an open window. I smile as I watch him gaze at the city. Iroh bumps me with his elbow lightly. “You did that, you know.” I shake my head. “No, there was always good in him.” “He needed your help to get it out, Truble. Thank you.” Iroh sits next to his nephew and speak as Zori and I stay put at the counter. “You’re staring.” Zori teases as she brings the bowl to her lips. “Yeah, I am.”
The King is seated on his golden throne. His bear Bosco rests his chin on one of the throne's arms. Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai are kneeling at the foot of the dais, still disguised as the Kyoshi warriors.
“Look, Bosco, the Kyoshi Warriors are here to protect us. Aren't you excited?” The King speaks gleefully as he tugs playfully on Bosco's cheeks, who yawns. “It's been a difficult week for me. My most trusted advisor, Long Feng, and his Dai Li agents tried to take control of Ba Sing Se from me. Plus I heard a rumor from them that a terrorist is slumming in my kingdom. Fire nation blood running in their veins.” The king shivers at the thought.
“It's terrible when you can't trust the people who are closest to you. We will risk our lives to rid the kingdom of this worry.”
“But there is good news. As we speak, the Council of Five is meeting to plan an invasion of The Fire Nation this summer. On the day of a solar eclipse.”
Azula's eyes widen slightly at these last words. “Really? Now that sounds like a fascinating and brilliant plan.”
Uncle and I overlook the business inside the tea shop. Truble talking to citizens and earring bright smiles in return. “Who thought when we came to this city as refugees, that I'd end up owning my own tea shop. Follow your passion Zuko, and life will reward you.” His eyes never leave Truble’s figure bustling around. He nudges my arm, winking.
“Congratulations Uncle.” He smiles around the shop. “I'm very thankful.”
“You deserve it. The Jasmine Dragon will be the best tea shop in the city.”
“No, I'm thankful because you decided to share this special day with me.” He puts a hand on my arm. “It means more than you know.” I reach over to give him a hug, mostly to his surprise.
“Now let's make these people some tea.” He chuckles. “Yes! Let's make some tea!”
“I need two honey leafs, and one jasmine,” I say as I pass Iroh and clip the order to the sting. “This is great!” He chuckles as he brews several pots at once. “Did I have all this before?” I place droplets of honey into the cups and pour the tea. “No. It was about this time where your journals stopped before you burnt the thing.” He hums smiling. “Good choice too.” “Whatever you say, old man.”
I walk over to the table setting their tea down as I glance at Zuko at the table across from mine. His eyes lock with mine as he makes his way towards the back. I follow him with a small smirk. I giggle as I jump on his back as he passes through the doorway. “Hey!” He chuckles laughing.
I get back on my feet and lay my hands on his shoulders. “I want to tell you tonight.” Zuko’s eyes widen. “About you? Are you sure?” He runs his finger over my golden pendant. I place my hand over his kissing his hand. “I do. I want to tell you as much as I can.” Zuko leans down connecting our lips.
“It’s a date.” He whispers as he backs away.
Inside a room of the palace, a smiling Ty Lee is looking in a mirror. She is wiping the last traces of her Kyoshi makeup from her face. Mai is seated next to nearby, still working on her own face. Azula paces the floor behind them.
“We have been presented with an extraordinary opportunity, girls.”
Ty Lee smirks at her friends teasingly. “Mai finally gets to wear makeup that's not totally depressing?”
Mai rolls her eyes followed by a deadpan voice. “Ha. Ha.”
Azula walks to a window. “I'm talking about conquering the whole Earth Kingdom.” The two girls turn with shocked looks. Azula starts again, staring out the window. “For a hundred years the fire nation has hammered away at Ba Sing Se from the outside. But now we are on the inside, and we can take it by ourselves.” Ty Lee bites her cheek. “Aren't we here to find that girl though? Your dad was… really really mad about that.” Azula rolls her eyes. “You don’t think I can do both at once?”
Ty Lee smiles, “Gosh, you're so confident. I really admire that about you.”
Azula smirks looking out the window again. “From the inside, we're in the perfect position to organize a coup and overthrow the Earth King. The key is the Dai Li. They know where Savrar Kamie is hiding. Whoever controls the Dai Li, controls Ba Sing Se.”
I flatten out the white silk with the golden dragons smiling. “I knew this would look amazing on you.” Zori smiles as she snuggles in the bedsheets. “It’s the nicest thing I’ve ever worn.” Zori smiles at my figure. “You’re really going to tell him?” “Not everything. He can’t know about the timelines, but everything else? This?” I flick my hand letting the purple flames dance in my digits. “I’m tired of hiding it.” Zori walks up hugging me. “You’ll make the best Fire Queen.” I laugh, “That’s a stretch.” She shakes her head.
I walk out of the room seeing Iroh and Iroh only. I furrow my brows looking around. “Is he showing me up?” Iroh smirks, shrugging his shoulders. “I hope not. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of those flames.” I smirk blowing fire at him, a rare talent he taught me long ago. “Watch out little dragon.” I beam laughing. “You called me that when I was little.” Zori jumps on the counter next to Iroh. “You sure you don’t want this?” She pushes the Fire nation emblem towards me. “Maybe next time. I feel overdressed already.”
Down in the tea shop I set up the table awaiting her arrival. What will she say? Where did she come from? Who she really is? What four elements is she gifted with?
“Well, now I look very out of place.” A soft voice rings through the empty shop. I turn on my heels to see Truble, and my jaw nearly reaches to the floor. I graze over her figure. The beautifully crafted silk and the golden accents dance upon the silk with grace. The end of the gown flowing as loose flames each step she takes. Fire Nation. I knew that much. Leaving me with more questions now than before.
“Truble.” I breathe out as I walk to her. I grasp her hands and admire her again. “You’re so beautiful.” She smiles bringing her hands to the collar of my robes. “And you, my Prince, look very handsome.”
I look down at the dress and draw against the golden and red stitches. “This is a Fire Nation dress.” “It is. I told you. There is a lot to learn.”
We sit and as we continue our night she begins unraveling the story. “Savrar and Killo Kamie are my parents.” I open my mouth to say something but close it in confusion. “My father… He had abilities the Fire Lord needed. He asked him to… get rid of a child. A baby, but he refused. That’s when your father ordered both him and my mother to death.” “The tale the nation knows of is they vanished.” She grabs her necklace. Her family crest. I stare at the pendant realizing what this is. “But that’s not what happened, was it?” She smirks letting a small laugh go. “I didn’t expect you to know of other tales.” I nod. “My father does hate yours.”
She laughs, “Trust me. I know.”
A thick silence fills the shop. I grab her hand as she stares down at the floor. “Truble, it doesn’t matter what has happened in our pasts. Given they have brought us here, but when we met I felt like it was the start of a new life. So please tell me everything, love.” Her eyes swell and her smile grows.
“Are you sure, Zuko?”
“More than anything, Truble.”
She stands up and walks to me, lowering to the floor and resting on the chair next to me. “Do you trust me?” She asks with worry. I kiss her lips quickly and run my thumb against the pale skin of her cheek. “Of course.” She bites her lip sighing. “Okay, okay. So, don’t freak out, just relax, and if you want me to stop just… Well, I don’t actually know how to stop it. So just… trust me.” “Stop what- ah!” I gasp as she places her hands on the sides of my head. I feel as I’m falling and when I stop I see two figures dashing down the halls of the palace. “Mother.” I gasp, reaching for her, but she passes through me. She’s accompanied by another woman with a swollen belly. “You know she’ll have your looks.” My mother laughs hooking arms with the other lady. “Sav is convinced she’ll have his hair.” Mother laughs, throwing her head back in joy. “She’ll be trouble that one.”
The setting falls into a violet smoke, fading into the throne room. A beaten and bloody man is forced to kneel in front of my father. A man with blazing fire hair identical to Truble’s. “Savrar, I trusted you to come back with my prize, but you arrived empty-handed. I demand to know.” The Fire Lord stands, towering over the General. “Did you slaughter him,” He states, in no way was he asking. He was simply demanding what he wanted from thin air.
Savrar looks up at my father with eyes hard as stone. He stands, meeting my father’s height. The men glare at each other. “You dare defy-” Savrar spits in the Fire Lord's face before throwing him on the ground.
He sprints away down the hall as I run after him. He’s caught by Uncle Iroh and pulled into a room where they shuffle around in chaos. "Hurry darling, please." He pushes his wife as she grabs a few belongings. She turns to Uncle in thanks, wrapping her arms around him. "Thank you for all you have done." He nods holding her at arm's length. "Now go. Good luck."
Killo places her necklace around her neck and holds her husband as he closes his eyes and rotates his hand in a circular motion in front of him. The pendents glowing a deep purple, winds pick up in the room, blending loose papers and such in with the current. In a split second everything stills.
The setting has once again changed and all I can see for miles is black trees and smog covering the sky. Fire blazing the treetops, and the air close to non-existent. “Can’t I take a break? I’ve been doing this since the sun rose.” I turn around to see a little girl in tattered Fire Nation clothes. “Truble, you must do without question or complaint. That is the only way you will achieve this fate.” I know that wise voice. I peer over and see a weak old man hunched on a log, his hand shaking as he sips tea. He looks so broken. “Uncle.” I gasp walking over to him and looking at him closer. His hands… His palms are burnt, and scars line his arms. He looks up meeting my eyes and smiling. I gasp falling back in my butt. “Tea?” Truble walks through me and takes the cup. “You can do this, Truble. You can save everyone.” The little girl sways her feet. “Maybe.” He pats her back with a shaky hand. “Back to it.”
They fade away and an older Truble stands across from me. I look behind me and see Savrar standing strongly. Uncle leans on the cane nodding. “Begin.” Truble rushes towards her father, turning and pushing her arms forward and releasing the most beautiful violet flames I’ve ever seen. In no time she takes Savrar down.
Iroh and Savrar stand in the moonlight gazing at the fire lit city. “She’s ready you know.” Savrar nods, “And your nephew?” What? Where was I? Iroh looks at the sky with tearful eyes. No. “She will save him, but for now, all I can do is remember him.”
The sunlight rips away at the setting and Truble stands at a cliff. I step away from them to the edge of the cliff. "I'll see you soon, Iroh." "I'm sure I'm looking forward to it this moment." He steps forward, struggling as he does. He places his hand on her arm squeezing in assurance. "Truble, you have a destiny greater than any of the souls in this land. Go back and save him."
"Wait! I'm coming! Don't leave yet, Truble!" Zori runs over with packs on her back. "I'm going with you." "Zori, no. You could get hurt, I'm sure your mother-" "She knows. Now shut your trap. Let's go fix this."
She pulls out her own golden pendent and clips it on her shirt. "Well then. I guess this is... goodbye." Savrar nods with a sad smile. "Only for now my trouble maker. It will only seem like a minute for us when you succeed."
Truble grab Zori's hand and look down at her. "Are you ready, kid?" She nods excitedly. "Let's go find the Avatar."
I feel ground under my feet and I open my eyes to see the green grass under my shoes.
"Zori... we did it." Truble smiles, picking a blade of grass. "I've never seen grass before." She says running her fingers over them.
"This is beautiful!" Zori cheers looking over the vase environment. "Now let's see where we are,"
"This way to Ba Sing Se."
I gasp, opening my eyes. I stare into Truble’s eyes in confusion. “What… are you, Truble?” She removes her hands and fiddles with them. “My father calls it Time Bending. He was the first to open a bridge between time and venture into their timeline. I’m able to do the same.” I look at her hands and grab one. “And your fire?” She ignites a small flame in the middle of her palm. “It’s hotter than regular fire.” I start feeling the intense heat from a foot away. She closes her hand nodding. “Truble. What happened to me?” Her eyes meet mine and sorrow fills them. “You were killed in turn for Iroh’s freedom.” I shiver to look at the table. “I see.”
My destiny truly means nothing. How could my own blood think so little of me to slaughter me once they ran out of prison food. Pathetic. I bite my lip in anger. “I’m sorry, Zuko.” She mumbles. She grabs my hands kissing my palms. “I can help you, Zuko. We could do this together.” I look at her with suspicion. “End the war?” I scoff watching her nod with a small smile of hope. “Overthrow the Fire Nation with the Avatar, and you take your rightful spot as Fire Lord.” I let out a huff. “And… I could be your Queen.” I look up at her with a growing smile. “My… Fire Queen?” She nods, a blush coating her cheeks.
“I love you, Zuko.” I stop breathing as she finishes her sentence. “I know you might not feel the same and that’s-” I pull her close, catching her lips. I put my hand on her cheek keeping her close. “Say it again.” She grins against my lips. “I love you.” I peck her once more smiling. “I love you, Truble.”
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ddixons-angel · 4 years
Fated: Season 3
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Summary: Gloria Rhee narrowly escapes Atlanta with her brother as the outbreak reaches the city. Luckily, they find a camp outside the city and together, they fend through encounters with the living and undead.
Starts a little before Season 1 and then follows the main storyline of the show.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Glenn Sister!OC
Warnings: major TWD spoilers, language, violence (the typical TWD stuff)
A/N: Is it Friday already? :D Well, here’s a new chapter for you guys~ I think I forgot to mention in the last that this Season has 10 chapters total hehehe I love every part though haha~ Anyway, enjoy!
Chapter 2
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Rick had scoped out the prison and decided it was perfect and secure for his group. They had easily cleared out the courtyard with Rick’s leadership and teamwork they had all developed over the few weeks of travelling together. They had decided to rest in the now safe courtyard and wait until the next morning to take over the rest of the prison. As morale was high in the group with their recent wins, they easily cleared out the entrance to the prison. Rick, Glenn, Daryl, and T-Dog enter the prison walls first to clear out any walkers and Rick finds two sets of keys that open the gates to the cell block. Giving one set to Daryl, he goes to open the gate to the cell block. The rest of the group file into the cell block, claiming cells as their own and moving their belongings inside. 
“I ain’t sleepin’ in no cage,” Daryl says as he makes his way to the stairs to the second level of the block, “I’ll take the perch.”
He throws his bag on the ground, taking the perch as his area. Gloria chuckles then follows him up the stairs, wanting to take a cell up on the upper level. She chooses the one closest to the perch, putting down her things and laying down on the bed. 
The next morning, Rick, T-Dog, Glenn, Daryl, Maggie and Hershel were preparing to head deeper into the prison. Rick had suggested the night before that they need to find the infirmary, armory and cafeteria. He had also asked Gloria to stay back and watch over Lori and Carl. She agrees, knowing that with Hershel going she needed to make sure Lori was feeling fine. Carol and Gloria were both in Lori’s cell, looking after her as she didn’t look very well. 
“Carol, can you help me get Hershel?” she pleads and Carol nods, leaving the cell immediately to get the vet. 
“What’s wrong?” Hershel says in a soft voice as he kneels down beside Lori.
“Lori thinks she lost the baby.” Gloria tells him, sadness in her voice. 
Hershel purses his lips in deep thought, “have you felt the baby moving?” 
“No...” Lori says through her tears, “what if... what if it’s already dead inside me... what if it starts to rip me apart from the inside?” 
Gloria grabs onto Lori’s hands, squeezing gently, attempting to comfort the pregnant woman, “No, Lori, don’t think like that.” 
“Gloria’s right, you’re letting fear take over you, that’s not going to happen.” Hershel says reassuringly.
Lori sniffles then looks at Hershel and Gloria seriously, “What if I end up dying during childbirth... what if I turn and end up attacking you, or Rick, or Carl, or the baby? If that does happen, I want you both to promise me that you will put me down immediately.” 
Hershel sighs then looks at Gloria who also glances at him, then she gives him a nod, “Okay, we promise. But I want you to remember that you have two doctors with you, so that should ease some of your worries.” 
“Hey, I’m just a doctor in training.” Gloria says jokingly to try and lighten up the mood. 
Hershel chuckles, “that’s still a doctor.”
Gloria smiles then she turns to Lori, “have you taken your prenatals for the day yet?”
Lori smiles softly and shakes her head. Gloria pats the back of her hand and gets up to go get the vitamins for her. As she leaves the cell, the others are all armored up to head deeper into the prison. Hershel leaves to join them and Carl closes and locks the gates of the cell block when they set off. Gloria gets back to Lori’s cell and gives her the vitamins then walks back out of the cell. 
“I think we could clean up the place before they get back, what do you think?” Gloria asks Carol. 
She nods, “Yeah, we should.” she says smiling. 
With that, the girls start to clean up the cell block that has now become their safe haven. Gloria goes up to the second level and takes a mattress from one of the unoccupied cells, laying it down on the perch where Daryl had slept the night before. She then proceeds to clean up more scraps and garbage littered around the area. Carl is still standing by the gates then hurries to open the gate as he hears Rick calling out for them to open the gate in a panic. The rest of the group rush in, pushing a makeshift stretcher with Hershel lying unconsciously on top of it, the bottom half of his right leg cut off and bleeding out.
“Beth, get blankets, pillows, towels, bedsheets, anything that can soak up blood. Now!” Gloria orders the younger girl as she rushes into the cell.
Maggie and Rick make way for her as she kneels down beside Hershel. Gloria holds onto the towels that were already on Hershel’s stump, pressing down hard with her hands, coating the towels into a deep scarlet red. Beth rushes to the cell with bedsheets, pillows, and more towels. Gloria takes off the blood drenched towels and grabs a bedsheet from Beth, wrapping it tightly around Hershel’s thigh to try and cut off as much blood flow as possible. She then grabs a pillow and presses it down hard on the wound. After a vicious cycle and many bloodstained pillows and towels, Gloria finally managed to stop the bleeding, wrapping up the tender wound with a fresh bedsheet. 
“Did you guys manage to find the infirmary?” Gloria asks, slightly breathless while looking up at Rick.
He sighs and shakes his head, “No, not yet.” 
“We’re going to need to find it, and quick. Hershel’s going to need antibiotics to keep this from getting infected, who knows how dirty these bedsheets are.” she says with a frown.
Rick nods, “we’ll keep looking.” he says then pats her shoulder before leaving the cell, heading out the cell block.
Gloria gets up from Hershel’s side and immediately is met with Beth, hugging her tightly and crying. She hugs the young girl back, patting her back in hopes to comfort her. 
“Thank you... thank you for saving my daddy,” she cries.
Gloria sighs then pulls away from Beth, “don’t thank me yet, your dad will still need antibiotics otherwise I can’t guarantee that he won’t develop an infection. You gotta stay strong for him though, okay?” 
Beth sniffles and nods, “okay,” she wipes her tears away, “okay, I will.” 
Gloria looks over to Maggie who’s leaning on the doorway to the cell, her eyes wet with tears. The two women nod at each other with a mutual understanding then Gloria walks out of the cell as Maggie walks into the cell to comfort Beth. Gloria walks up to Glenn who’s leaning on the wall across Hershel’s cell and looking in with his arms crossed. 
“I stopped the bleeding, but we really need to find the infirmary.” Gloria tells him. 
Glenn nods at that, “Yeah... we have to find it soon.” 
Gloria sighs heavily, looking down at her blood soaked hands and attempts to wipe the drying blood on her pants, trying to distract herself from the bloody scene she just had to endure. She always had to calm herself down after something like that, even in her days as a nurse working in the ER. In the moment, she would be fine, keeping herself calm, collected, and professional but once it was over, her emotions and panic would catch up with her. Knowing her well, Glenn puts his hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down.
“Hey, breathe slowly, deep breaths, come on. Breathe with me.” Glenn instructs as he helps her slow her breath, “you did really good just now.” 
Gloria doesn’t say anything and just nods and focuses on taking deep breaths. As she’s trying to calm herself, movement from outside the cell block catches her eye. Rick and Daryl were leading a group of unknown people outside when one of them turns to look in the direction of their cell block and she could swear that she saw him smirk at her. 
“Who are they?” Gloria says, gesturing to the people outside.
“Prisoners. They were locked up in the cafeteria.” Glenn informs her.
Gloria smiles a bit at that, “at least we found the cafeteria.” 
“Yeah,” Glenn chuckles, “that’s a small plus in our long chain of negatives.” 
Gloria glances over at Hershel’s cell, taking in the heartbreaking scene of Beth and Maggie waiting for their father to wake up. They needed to find the infirmary but Rick and Daryl were busy dealing with the prisoners. She decided to take it upon herself to look for it.
“Hey, look after Hershel, I need a bit of a breather.” Gloria tells Glenn and he nods, understanding.
She couldn’t tell Glenn she was wandering off on her own to find the infirmary, he’d never let her go, not alone anyway, so she had to lie. Rushing up the stairs to the upper level, she goes to retrieve the flashlight from her bag and equips her daggers onto her belt then heads out the back of the cell block. She sneaks down the hallway, dagger in her dominant hand, flashlight in the other lighting up her path. Gloria is cautious, listening intently for any snarling of walkers, killing any that get in her way. She uses the walker blood to mark her path, drawing a large ‘X’ so that she doesn’t get lost on her way back. After going through what seemed like a maze of identical walls, Gloria finally makes it to a set of double doors. She pushes the right side of the door cautiously and hears snarls from the inside of the room, she listens close to pin-point which side of the room the sounds are coming from. She peeks through the crack of the door, seeing shadows moving on the ground that told her the walkers were on the right side of the room. 
She skips to the left side of the door, letting the right door swing shut, she pushes the left door slightly to check how many walkers are in the room. Luckily, there were only three from what she could see and all of their backs were facing her. Gloria pushes through the door and in one swift motion, stabs at the walker closest to her in the back of the head, killing it then does the same to the other two. Looking around cautiously, she lets out a breath of relief as she sees that there are no more walkers in the room. Instead, there are fully stocked shelves of medical supplies. Grinning at her discovery, she starts to pack up bandages, painkillers, and antibiotics to bring back to Hershel. As she’s about to leave, a sight in the corner of the room catches her eye. She chuckles to herself as she sees a very familiar old friend: crutches. 
Taking the supplies back to the cell block, she smudges out any ‘X’ marks she made that didn’t point to the infirmary. When she gets back, her heart drops as Beth and Maggie are in the hallway, holding onto each other as they cried. Fear swallowed her as she thought that Hershel hadn’t made it. When Beth sees Gloria, she storms up to her.
“Where were you?! Daddy stopped breathing and you weren’t here!” Beth yells as she cries. 
“I-I’m sorry... I shouldn’t have left, I’m sorry.” Gloria says, feeling bad for leaving the young girl, “I found the infirmary and got supplies for your dad, he’s going to be okay.” 
“You went alone?!” Glenn exclaims, frowning at her, “why didn’t you tell anybody?” 
“Someone had to! You had to look after Maggie and Beth and I don’t want them leaving Hershel’s side, and I sure as hell am not letting Lori or Carl go exploring the prison.” Gloria retorts, she then goes into the cell where Hershel is laying, she puts down the supplies she'd retrieved on the ground in the corner of the cell, “how is he?” 
Maggie had returned to Hershel’s side, “he’s breathing again, Lori gave him CPR.”
Gloria nods, a small smile of relief on her face, she takes a bottle of antibiotics and a roll of bandages from the bunch of supplies then goes to Hershel. 
"Here, give these to him when he wakes up." she says as she gives Maggie the bottle of antibiotics. 
Maggie nods with a small grateful smile on her face. She watches as Gloria begins to unwrap Hershel's stump, replacing the bloody bedsheets with proper bandages. 
"These should also help with preventing infection." she says, standing up and pats Maggie's shoulder reassuringly, "your dad's gonna be fine." 
Just then, Daryl and Rick walk into the cell block. Rick goes into the cell where Hershel is and Gloria leaves the cell so that it isn’t as crowded. Gloria leans on the wall as Daryl walks up to her, frowning.
“What happened to ya?” he asks, referring to all the blood on her. 
“Had to stop Hershel’s bleeding.” she tells him, looking at the ground. 
He then gestures to her neck and shoulders, "ya got blood splattered all over ya, that from Hershel too?” 
“Walkers. I went to find the infirmary.” Gloria sighs then she adds just before Daryl is about to yell at her, “Don’t. Glenn already went off on me for going alone.” 
Daryl says nothing to that, pursing his lips together then notices that Gloria seemed different, “wha’s wrong?” 
She shakes her head then pushes herself off the wall, “I’m gonna get some air.” 
Daryl watches as she walks out of the cell block and outside the building altogether. He sighs and retreats to his spot on the perch, noticing the bed that was now laying there. A small smile pulls at his lips as he knew it was Gloria who did this. Later on, Hershel had finally woken up, relieving everyone in the cell block. Only Gloria didn’t know of this piece of good news as she was still sitting outside on the picnic bench. Daryl was leaning on the railing on the upper level of the cell block, contemplating whether or not to go out and check up on Gloria when Glenn walks up the stairs and stands beside him. An awkward silence emits between the two of them. 
“How’s Hershel?” Daryl was the first one to speak.
“He’s better. Talking with Beth and Maggie right now.” Glenn nods, then another moment of silence comes between them when Glenn finally speaks up again, “so, I’ve noticed something going on between you and Gloria.” 
Daryl scoffs at that, “what, that kiss on the highway in front o’ everyone wasn’t obvious enough?”
Glenn chuckles lightly, “well, I don’t know exactly what it is you have going on or what you can have going on, I just hope you can take care of her.”
“Ya ain’ threatenin’ me that ya’ll kill me if I hurt her, are ya?” Daryl side smiles at him.
“Nope,” Glenn says, “we both know that if you end up hurting her, she’s going to be the one who kills you.” 
Both of them laugh at that, Daryl nods, knowing that’s definitely true then he looks at Glenn, “I’ll take care o’ her.” 
Next Chapter
I would say this was a pretty eventful chapter, they cleared out their cell block, Hershel unfortunately lost his leg, and we learn more about Gloria and how she is with dealing with emergency situations. I know there wasn’t much Gloria and Daryl interactions here but I swear it leads up to a pretty sweet moment immediately next chapter! And then you get the cute but awkward moment with Glenn and Daryl so there’s that haha~ Let me know what you thought of this!
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy, please don’t panic, we will get through this!
And as always, I would really appreciate any comments left for me! I’ll be replying to any comments in a new post because this is a sideblog!
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@twdeadfanfic​ | @fandomfanatic97​ | @crossbowking​ | @watchmeaspire​ | @spidergirla5​ | @kamieshep​ | @letsstarsfalling​ | @molethemollie​ | @alicewinchester99​
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