#Plutus Brands
plutusbrands · 10 months
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Okay,since I’ve just randomly randomly just reblogging Thanatos things,I decided to actually post things,more specifically an LO rewrite because f it.
At its core I do think LO is a good story,just that bad writing has squandered any potential it has to be good,so please have my take on this.(more specifically my take on Persephone,hades,and Thanatos because I have to stay on brand)
(The sequel)
She’s older.shes physically in her late 20’s/early 30’s and about seven to eight centuries older.
Her AoW only extended to those ransacking the garden.(I swear,it would have been so much more understandable to root for her if it only extended to 4-5 people instead of an ENTIRE CITY,since we know other gods have done much worse)
Her work in the underworld was mandated by Zeus as community service for the AoW.
This is more or less Zeus hitting two birds with one stone,he gets perse to make community service and maybe(hopefully) gets hades to open up to the smucks outside of the underworld because he now has an employee not from there.
Due to her guilt about the AoW,she decides that while she’s working in the underworld she’ll set out to be the best her she can be and make up for the souls she took.
At first nobody really likes her and they just think she’s someone who needed to be dragged here by Zeus and won’t amount to anything,but she ends up being the hardest working of the staff and getting a fairly infamous “employee of the month” streak,her only real fumble being Sisyphus(of which she rightfully corrected totally not being getting Hermes to drag his ass down back to the underworld and give his his infamous punishment,of which instantly gave her back any respect she lost.
She’s the type of person you think you can disrespect until she gets genuinely mad at someone,in which case everyone goes out of their way to be nice to her even though it takes a lot to get her mad.
Demeter never sheltered her,just that she heard from her mother and brother(oh yeah Plutus is in this au their twins) about the shit that happened up their(even saw it for herself a few times)and decided to nope out of that drama.
She likes the underworld a more than Olympus due to the fact people don’t get butthurt nearly as much,due to them needing to deal with crap from other gods and sometimes mortals(like Sisyphus)
Demeter was an amazing mama and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Plutus told her about the underworld so she does know a bit,but otherwise it’s a cultural shock.
She brings homemade baklava in every day of work.
She actually sent a letter to Demeter telling her about the community service…however she never got it thanks to a certain daughter of Nyx always dead set on causing discord.
It took him two solid seconds to realize what Zeus’ plan was with Persephone so he initially looked for any reason to fire her,until he learned she was here for community service and just decided to wait out her punishment(jokes on him Zeus forgot to tell perse what her sentence was so she worked in the underworld for like a year until demeter found her when in reality she was supposed to be there for like two months)
He does eventually soften up to her(obviously) but it takes a while and a lot of baklava.
Honest to god I have no idea how to incorporate minthe in this au
Leuce is his dead wife,she died fairly recently so he’s still hesitant to connect with anyone.(“I miss my wife,Thanatos,I miss her a lot I’ll be back-“)
Recently he’s been coping via sinking into his work,Hecate and the others have taken notice but they don’t really know what to do.(their the ones that CAUSE death not deal with it)
He slowly started distancing himself from the rest of his family after the titanomachy and even more so after leuce died.
The only person he acts openly soft around is Thanatos,who he views as a son.
The only part of his extended family he interacts with is Hermes,who he actually has a really good relationship with(albeit still strained since leuce)
Fuck it.everyone has flowers symbolism.
Hades is white lilies(subject to change),perse is asphodels,thanatos(and Hypnos) is poppies,leuce is forget-me-nots,Demeter is daylilies,Plutus is orchids,Hecate is nightshades or cow parsley.
He genuinely finds it hard to focus on doing his job,so people just call him lazy,so he doesn’t really try to set the bar high in return because he knows he’ll just end up disappointing everyone.
The only person who doesn’t have low expectations and wants him to try his best at his own rate is hades,who understands he finds it hard to focus but still wants him to try his best anyways.
Rotates between living with hades and Nyx(who is an extremely doting mother.
Hypnos still resides within the hr department and Thanatos helps him hide because the last thing he needs is a grumpy Hypnos.
He deals with peaceful deaths while Hermes and the keres deal with the rest.
He’s the type of person to tell himself one moment he’s gonna be really productive today and then spend the next fifteen minutes chatting away with a butterfly.
Also he can talk to butterflies.but nobody believes him except Hermes,perse,and Nyx.
The moment he finds out what Eris did she gets the “WHY WOULD YOU THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA?!?!!?” Of her life.then queue Thanatos and the other Nyx children present trying to get her to explain why she thought this was a good idea and her just saying “bc it’s funny”
Erebus = dad with no physical body who still interact with me via shadows.hades = dad with physical body who I want to impress but I don’t know how.
(If you didn’t catch on he has adhd)
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Book give- away: Financial Feminist by Tori Dunlap!
Welcome back to another Bitch Nation book give-away!
Today I'm positively thrilled to announce that we're giving away a copy of Tori Dunlap's Financial Feminist, hot off the press from HarperCollins. Tori is the TikTok sensation behind Her First $100k and the Financial Feminist podcast. She has dedicated her career to helping folks (young women in particular) discover their power in the financial realm.
We've known Tori since way back, when she was but a wee marketing specialist just finding her way toward financial independence. Back then we were the big-timers and she was still building her brand. But uh... things have fucking changed! Kitty's partner describes our relationship with Tori as "two clownfish raising a shark." ACCURATE.
Here's us celebrating with Tori when we won our Plutus Awards at FinCon in 2018:
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We're giving away a hardcover copy of her new book (she fancy). We're still working on getting audiobook and ebook editions of books for reviews to make our give-aways more accessible. Here are the rules:
1. Go to our Patreon and comment. You do NOT have to be a patron! Say anything. Points if you make us laugh.
2. We'll choose a winner from among the people who commented. Completely random. We have the technology! The deadline is this Friday 3/31/23 at 5 p.m. Eastern time.
3. We'll announce the winner on our Patreon and send them the book! If necessary, we'll reach out for your address.
Because this is a public post, you don't have to be a patron to enter the give-away. But we sure would appreciate it if you kicked us a dollar or five! It takes many dollars to keep this machine running and every little bit helps.
If you miss out this time, don't worry! We get lots of opportunities to read and review books for the blog, and we love sharing the wealth with you, our beloved audience. So you'll definitely have another chance.
With that... comment away, bitchlings!
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
HSA Oc - Plutus Shroud 
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Name: Plutus  Shourd 
Based on: Neptune and Plutia
HDD- Violet Heart  (link to learn more)
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿: Male
𝗔𝗴𝗲: 18
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆: August 19
𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻: Leo
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁: 5’10 
𝗘𝘆𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: Blue, Pink in HDD
𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: Purple going into Blue, 
Blue into Purple( HDD)
𝗗𝗼𝗿𝗺: Nextunia 
𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿: Second year
𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀: 2-C
𝗢𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Dorm Leader/ Math tutor
𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯: Sewing Club
𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁: Mathematics/ Computer 
Sexuality: Unknown likes Everyone
Homeland: Isle of Lamentation
𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱: Right
𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱: Pudding/ Flan
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱:” Eggplant , are an Evil Vegetable that should never exist.”
Likes: Pudding,Video games , Plushes, His brothers , Idia ,Ortho 
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: STYX, People Making him Angry , Eggplants, Horses
𝗛𝗼𝗯𝗯𝘆: Making plushes ,Making Games , playing Video games 
𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: Breaking the Four Wall , Falling from  the Sky , Comedic Timing … - Clears throat - Tying Knots
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬 and Backstory:
The Seemingly Lazy , Carefree  Dorm Leader and Purple  sector leader . Hes seems to  have Bouts of  Being Energetic, Ditzy and Fun loving to Lazy and sleepy .He’s Laziness is often Compared to Peko’s. 
However Plutus’s Brand of Laziness is more like Let’s get out of   Work  by doing something  fun or working on a personal Project  instead of what He needs to or basically procrastinating . But he’s always willing to Get Serious And Work when He absolutely needs to get something done .
Plutus is also known for having a “ mean streak” often call “ Pluto” which Dorm Members  usually happening when he’s really mad or Upset a lot people  like “Pluto “ to Floyd or Jade Someone to likes to teach people a Lesson this is not like an Alter , but so a side of Plutus that no one wants to see . 
Plutus tends to break the fourth wall most often . Hes a bit of an Airhead and rather Careless though . However he Generally wants people to be happy .
Plutus nor his Brothers were not  born in the Shroud family rather they were said to have Come from the Sky a short time after Ortho’s Death , Still being Kids.  The Shroud Family took them and adopted them to” fill a Void “ from Ortho’s Passing. However, Idia seemed to hate them as Plutus would often overheard Idia
 “ How could they just replace Him with three other kids?”
“ It’s not Fair to him .” 
It’s seemed like Anything they did made Idia Dislike them even more.  Sometimes even telling them to Stop Copying him . Of course finding out Idia was making a Robot of his Brother Which disturbed him but, cant  to bring himself to Blame Idia and Besides Ortho’s Adorable.
Plus the Fact that STYX as an organization didn’t match his Morals at one point Over hearing that planned to “ capture “ the People from NRC who over blotted and Tried to get him to capture the Overblotted   in HSA. He Refused Saying “ You want them your Going to have to Kill me .”
The “ Pluto” part of his Personality is much more Prevalent in HDD  though Plutus can hold back his more Sadistic Urges , coming off as more confident ,Seductive and serious while still being a bit air headed
Unique Magic - Genesis OverDrive 
Plutus Can make Anyone or anything Into a “Weapon” based on Personality and What Plutus think they’d look good as .   The Weapon is Kinda  like Soul eater they can still See, Talk  and React.  He can also make himself into  a weapon … If a Small  sentient Stealth Bomber counts as a Weapon.
Plutus’s Birthday is The date The first Hyperdimension Neptunia game came out .
Plutus’s Utter hatred of Eggplant is also a Common Gag In Neptunia . 
Most of People have learned their Lesson about irritating Plutus. Most people never come out the Same.
Plutus having sadistic tendencies comes from Plutia/Iris Heart as well as his Ability to make Dolls .
He gave  a Doll of  Nanoya to Flynn.
Unlike Alban Who almost Everyone in Polisionalle try to (Rather rudely ) avoid like he’s the Plauge, They welcome this kid with open arms.. Have I mentioned Altus and Sega have Collaborated .
Some have also tried to convince Him that Alban is bad New but Plutus knows Alban is Rough around the Edges and what will Make Alban “Pull the Trigger “ .. Flynn and Rubina are on the List of things that will make Alban go nuts.
Everyone is Surprised that this Ditzy Kid is a math tutor and a very good one due his causal laidback Nature .
Plutus’s Brothers are based on Nepgear and Uzume .
 Plutus ‘s UM Comes from a series of ExE skills Neptune has call ( Insert Character):HDD  where a CPU would be Transformed into a Weapon to Aid Neptune in an Attack
Just to Mention What I think  The Weapon Forms of some of the Dorm leaders would be
Flynn- Appropriately, would Be Throwing cards or a Fan 
Peko - A Telsa Coil Lance or a Monster Truck something just Surprisingly Badass instead of Girly .
Tyler - I’m very tempted to make the Kill la Kill  and go With Giant Sisscors
Gabrielle - Dragon Mech  
Aiden - A Giant Sword that looks like his Dagger.
Sidren - Thats Hard She could possibly be the Gauntlets Syndrome had.
Dragiselle - a Literal Flaming Shield or a Flamethrower .
Voice Claim - Yuya Sakaki  and Yuri (in HDD and “Pluto”)
Theme Songs
Purple Heart’s Theme
Iris Hearts Theme
Perfect Purple
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Hourglass Station Academy belong to @fumikomiyasaki
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secretstalks · 1 month
Freshworks Founder Mathrubootham Advocates for Founders to Participate in Secondary Sales
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Girish Mathrubootham, founder and executive chairman of Freshworks, has voiced strong support for founders utilizing secondary share sales to address significant personal expenses and focus on growing their businesses. He argues that many entrepreneurs come from middle-class backgrounds and may find substantial secondary sales—such as $5 million or $25 million—very appealing, especially when such funds can resolve critical personal financial issues like home loans. By alleviating these pressures, founders can concentrate more effectively on scaling their companies.
Mathrubootham made these remarks on August 9 during a panel discussion at the Moneycontrol Startup Conclave in Bengaluru. The panel, moderated by Moneycontrol deputy executive editor Chandra R Srikanth, also featured Mithun Sacheti, former CEO and founder of CaratLane, and was centered around the theme "Chennai Super Kings: Building, Scaling, and Stepping Back: The Founder’s Arc."
The practice of founders selling shares in secondary markets has sparked debate among investors and entrepreneurs. For instance, Nitish Mittersain, founder of Nazara Technologies, faced criticism after selling a 6.38% stake to Plutus Wealth Management, a pre-IPO investor. Mittersain defended this decision, explaining that the sale was necessary to provide liquidity for his family, despite the company remaining under promoter control.
Similarly, Swiggy co-founders Sriharsha Majety and Nandan Reddy, along with other staff members, are planning to sell shares as part of a $65 million employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) liquidity event. Founders of Mamaearth, Varun Alagh and Ghazal Alagh, also sold about 32.86 lakh shares out of their 10.67 crore shareholding in the beauty brand. Additionally, Supam Maheshwari, founder of FirstCry, sold 6.2 million shares before the company's IPO filing in January.
In a related vein, Ashneer Grover, former founder of BharatPe, advised founders in his book Doglapan, published on X (formerly Twitter) in 2022, to prioritize their financial security and capitalize on opportunities to sell stock through secondary markets. Grover suggested that at least 80% of the proceeds from secondary sales should benefit the founders, with the remaining 20% allocated to ESOP holders and angel investors.
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“Elegance”, riiiiiiight.
I think it adds more of a shock factor...
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author-morgan · 5 years
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Title: Dread and Destruction
Pairing: Deimos!Alexios x Fem!Reader
Rating: T
Summary: You left the Cult of Kosmos, it’s time he does too.
THE FEVER BREAKS but you still wake in a cold sweat surrounded by darkness. A dull throbbing in your leg returns. The poisoned arrow leaves its mark on you and the minds of the Cultist. You’re no longer immortal to them –your usefulness has run its course.
Out of the darkness, a flickering light appears and grows brighter –larger and reflects off golden armor. Deimos. You’re both relieved and terrified to see him. "They're going to kill you," he says and you draw in a deep breath, looking around the prison for a weapon. You couldn't fight him though, not in this state. Deimos throws down a pack and dark cloak next to you and kneels. You lean back, eyes meeting his –waiting for him to draw his blade to do the Cult’s bidding. "You have to leave," he tells you.
Your brows knit together. Deimos shoves the hem of your stained chiton up and takes a strip of linen, laying it over the wound on your upper thigh and wrapping it tightly. You can’t help the chill that creeps down your spine at the feel of his rough fingers against your heated skin.
You want to ask why he is going to such lengths to help –deep down you already know, but you want to hear it in his own words. Deimos pulls you off the ground and leads you deeper into the cave, past the Cult of Kosmos’s meeting chamber. The path grows narrower and then turns upward. Star and moonlight filters through a dense canopy covering the hidden entrance. A horse is waiting –your sword and bow already secured to the saddle. You turn back to Deimos. "What about you?" The cult would not let him act without punishment –demigod or not.
Deimos shakes his head. "No questions-" he motions to the horse "-go."
You and he are kindred souls, bound by misfortune. Trembling, you surge forward, pressing your lips against his. He seizes your waist, drawing you closer. You’ve always been his source of rapture away from the dread and destruction. Your hand caresses the side of his face, following the scar below his eye –you’d put it there yourself years ago. Stepping back, you mount the pale mare and look back over your shoulder. “I’ll find you,” you promise. Fate had always led you back to one another.
FREE FROM THE Cult’s control, you seek retribution for the years of pain endured under their heel. Freedom makes you see you’d only ever been a puppet in their schemes and Deimos is still their pawn. They’d given you training and praised, called you the daughter of gods, but never once thought what should happen if you went rogue.
Perched in the rafters of a temple –you wait. You’d always been the more patient one. Worshippers rise and flee when he enters. The Cultist kneels, placing a coin at the feet of Plutus in offering. You move in the shadows, then pounce.
Midas slumps against the altar, hand clawing at the open gash on his neck –prayers unheard. Before the gurgling stops, you kick his body over and drive a bronze dagger through his heart. The last thing Midas sees is you smiling with blood on your face. Rising from the slain Cultist, you wipe the blood from the dagger in a stained cloth –not realizing you aren’t alone. The point of a blade digs into your back. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now." The voice is familiar. The Eagle Bearer.
“Because I just did your work for you,” you remark, glancing down at Midas’s lidless eyes.
“Try again,” Kassandra sneers.
You sigh, dropping the dagger you’d had pressed into her side. “I left the Cult,” you tell her. The Eagle Bearer steps back and you present her with the golden artifact that belonged to Midas. She does not sheath the broken spear though. "And I can help you bring them to their knees.” You’d been hunting Cultist and their accomplices like animals. Midas was the thirteenth to fall on your blade.  
“I saw you with my brother,” she hisses, disbelieving.
Though before you can say anything else a civilian enters the temple and screams after seeing you and Kassandra standing over the corpse of Argos’s banker. Soon after soldiers and guards are shouting in the distance. "Your brother is the only reason I'm alive," you admit –the thought of Deimos softening your expression. "I suggest we leave quickly."
Kassandra lowers her spear, reluctant and you flee. "Malákas!" The Eagle Bear curses, giving pursuit before she is found standing over the body of Midas –she doesn’t need another mercenary looking to collect the bounty on her head.
WAVES ROCK THE Adrestia to and fro. A lit brazier separates you and Kassandra. Since deciding to work together, five more cultists have fallen, but now it is time for answers that did not come from the dying. The Eagle Bearer demands answers and you offer them freely. "Chrysis always took children in pairs," you explain. "My mother abandoned me the same night yours was told Alexios was dead." Fate had brought them together, just as Chrysis said the Pythia ordained.
"We grew up together. Trained together. Fought together-" the briefest of smiles flash across your lips "-we were unstoppable." People feared the very mention of your names, of the things you could do. Together you and Deimos could bring cities to their knees in a night, could shape the tides of war. Still, despite the titles and praise, you were only mortal. "But we were sloppy sometimes and that came with punishment."
Kassandra clasps her hands together, feels something twist in her stomach. Chrysis will die for the things she'd done. You glance down at the scars on your arms then look to the heavens. "We were taught to expect pain." The world is pain. At first, it was lashes, then brands –if a Child of Kosmos ran out of room for a mark they were discarded.
Though for Deimos and you, the Cult had to become creative in their punishments. A brand did nothing to someone who did not cry out in agony or beg for release. "What they found is they could hurt us more by hurting each other." The first time Deimos let a target escape their grasp, Okytos the Great had carved lines into your back and rubbed salt in the wound. Deimos swore he'd kill Okytos for that.
"What is he like?" Kassandra asks. Her little brother is a stranger to her.
You shrug. "Irascible and stubborn mostly." That tended to be the temperament of most men though, but Deimos is different. He brought the wrath of gods and was like a rock rising from the sea. "Even the Cultist fear him." He was a puppet for the Ghost of Kosmos, but sometimes he tested the length of his leash. There was a time when both you and he commanded the Sages and Adepts.
"He's always been different with me, though," you admit. There had always been a certain degree tenderness in his touches and gaze. Even his words were not harsh. "Softer." Is the word you use to describe the Deimos no one but you know.
The Eagle Bearer's face falls. "You love him." She's seen that type of expression before many times in her travels. It is the look in a woman's eyes as she sends her husband to war.
You look away. "I love the man he could be. I will help you hunt down every cultist crawling over the Greek world-" you rise to your feet. "-but know we're fighting for different people, Kassandra." You return below deck, hoping the memories would let you know peace for one night. 
AT THE BACK of the cave is a man garbed in silver and gold armor. You recognize him at once, a few seconds later the Eagle Bearer does as well. Kassandra strides forward, but you grip onto her arm, pulling her back to the cave’s entrance. “Let me go alone,” you whisper. Deimos can kill you if that is what the Cult wishes, but Kassandra needs to live.
"Have you lost your fucking mind?" She hisses. "I can't leave you with him!" Your harsh glare makes her reconsider and alas she turns back, returning to the Adrestia.
You descend into the dim cave. Footfalls silent. “Deimos,” you breathe, pushing back the hood of your cloak. Almost two years have passed since you’d fled execution. Now fate brings you together again.
In two large strides, his hand wraps around your throat, pushing you back against the rock. "You left me," he shouts –voice echoing deep in the darkness.
You wrap a hand around his wrist –terrified of the moment when he decided to squeeze. Despite his strength, his face looks thin –tormented. Dark circles ring his eyes. The Cult chips away another piece of him –of his resolve. "You helped me leave," you tell him, breathing shallow.
His face twists, but he drops you and steps back –chest heaving in sync with yours. He’s dreamt of killing you for betraying him, leaving him, but all it takes is one look and he can’t do it. "They said you abandoned me," he grits out.
Rising, you take a step toward him. “I didn’t.” Your fingers brush over the scar on the back of his right hand. You can leave too." He still won’t look at you, but he doesn’t move when you slip your hand into his. "Come with me," you whisper. "The Cult has used us. Broken us." You had only been able to see the truth after leaving and though you were still on a path of vengeance, it was better than being a puppet. "We can be whole."
Deimos shakes his head, chuckling and turns back to face you. There was no going back, no leaving this life. "Not after the things we've done,” he says.
You let his hand go. "But do we not deserve the chance?" You ask, reaching out to touch the scar below his eye.
He knocks your hand away, knowing your touch would ruin him and bring more pain. "I will not listen to your lies," he snarls.
"Alexios." He lashes out, shoving you. Something in you back cracks as you hit the cave wall. "Don't use that name!" Deimos roars, shoulders shaking.
You sit up, closing your eyes and ignoring the pain. “It’s who you are,” you breathe, hands shaking. Your whole body feels as though it is shaking. You open your eyes. Deimos is crouched down before you, dark eyes full of pain and anger, but there is still a glint of the gentleness you’d known before. Your breath catches and takes that as a queue, kissing you.
You hesitate, mind racing. He may have been about to kill you. One last kiss before death. The cold bite of iron never comes. You lean into him and his anger subsides. His hands run down your arms, finding new scars. “Where have you been?” He asks.
"Searching," you shrug, then the briefest of smiles appears on your lips and makes Deimos want to kiss you again. "To discover who I truly am." You reach out toward the scar on his cheek again, this time he does not resist. 
He leans into the touch, unable to admit to himself that he'd missed this. "I cannot leave,” he utters. You already knew that, though. "If they find out you're alive, they'll kill you.” You rest your forehead against his.
You nod, knowing well how the Cult of Kosmos operates. "I would expect nothing less.” Then something akin to fear appears in your eyes. "But what if they gave you the order?" You ask.
Deimos turns his head, swallows hard. "I-" he hesitates – the answer should have been easy, but it wasn't. "I couldn't," he whispers. The words should have brought you relief, but they did not.
You lift your hand to his cheek, bringing his troubled gaze back to you. “We are bound by fate,” you murmur, leaning forward. He grabs the back of your neck, closing the distance between you. You brace one hand on his breastplate, the other tangles in his hair. His kiss is bruising –a punishment in itself. Pulling away, you run your thumb over his lips. When you kiss him, it makes his heart ache and his body go weak. "The gods will always bring us back together," you tell him as you part, hands caressing both sides of his face.
You both rise. He has been away too long, the Cult will begin searching for him. Deimos grips onto your hands before you can leave the cave. "Stay out of my way, please." He doesn’t want to be faced with a decision he'd grow to regret.
You smile and Deimos knows a piece of your former self persists. "Only if you stay out of mine." 
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cruxiedenise-blog · 7 years
Plutus Brands Accent Table with Tabletop Firmly Attached, Set of 2
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If you are seeking Best Cheap Mattress Reviews then nowadays you are at the right place. Plutus Brands Accent Table with Tabletop Firmly Attached, Set of 2 is one of the Best Cheap Mattress Reviews at the market. This Great Deal item delivers to you to fulfill your wants. Here, we provide for you some of Best Cheap Mattress Reviews.
Plutus Brands Accent Table with Tabletop Firmly Attached, Set of 2
Innovatively designed with strong metal frame
Sturdy construction
Heavyweight bearing
Ideal for multiple purposes
Features: Innovatively designed with strong metal frame Sturdy construction Heavyweight bearing Ideal for multiple purposes Description: The metal accent table is sure to complement your existing decor. With its special design, the legs of the table can be conveniently slid under the sofa or chair and you can sit comfortably and work for hours. Its sturdy construction makes it highly durable and long lasting. Additionally, it is also heavyweight bearing since it is made of high quality metal of better strength. It is a fine decor piece that provides better utility. It comes in two different heights and makes it ideal for various uses. The strong metal frame on which it is firmly attached is well designed. It comes with following dimensions: 15″ W x 15″ D x 27″ H 13″ W x 13″ D x 22″ H.
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Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on this site at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.
Plutus Brands Accent Table with Tabletop Firmly Attached, Set of 2 was originally published on Best Cheap Mattress Reviews
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unipride · 2 years
How to Choose a Comfortable Beach Chair?
A beach is a lovely place to spend a day out and to add more comfort to it you must have a Comfortable Beach Chair. There are a variety of styles available that you can buy online. There are brands like UNIPRIDE from where you can buy multifunctional beach chairs to relax in the sun at the beach.
For immediate release
UNIPRIDE products are the best in their class. With a variety of beach chairs to offer one can buy easily and go for its pick without any confusion. The store is now offering 2-in-1 beach chairs at an affordable price range only at UNIPRIDE.
Choosing the best beach chair
As we know there is an abundance of choices, but UNIPRIDE is having best to offer.  There are a number of materials by which these chairs are made like aluminum, wood, plastic, and others. You can buy the one that suits your taste. There are also a number of colors available which means everyone gets to pick according to their choice.
Materials of beach chair
If you are confused then you can buy a chair based on the material. Aluminum chairs are lightweight and it is very easy to carry around. Just be careful while handling it as it easily gets dented. Then comes the wooden chair which is the timeless and classic one. They are heavy, but functional. The third one is steel which is incredibly durable. The steel ones are also the most expensive ones and can even rust.
Different types
People have different styles and choices based on which we can buy our beach chairs. The Beach Portable Chair is available in different styles such as backpack chair, lounger, travel bench kid's chair, and classic beach chair. When you have styles to sort out it gets easy to pick the one that fits your style.
Which is your style
Classic beach chairs are perfect to enjoy wet sand and cool water on the beach. Kid's chairs will give personal beach space to your kids. For ultimate convenience, you can buy a backpack chair and for sunbathing lounger is an ideal piece of furniture you can pick. Approach UNIPRIDE for the best variety.
Company information
Nova Plutus LLCm, 30 N Gould St, Ste 5067, Sheridan, WY 82801, US
Phone: +1 636 923 8625
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plutusbrands · 7 months
Plutus Brands: Your Source for Luxury Home Decor, Pillows, and Faux Fur Throws
If you’re looking to elevate your home decor with a touch of luxury, Plutus Brands is the perfect place to begin. Specializing in stunning home accents, designer pillows, and the softest faux fur throws, Plutus Brands offers a wide selection that blends quality, style, and affordability. What is Plutus Brands? Plutus Brands is a leading name in the home decor and furnishings industry. They…
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toppersacdaemy223 · 3 years
What should be kept in mind while choosing a top IAS coaching in Chennai?
Choosing IAS coaching in Chennai is a hard task because of the crowds of coaching centres in this place. With the increase in population in the number of candidates applying for the civil service examination, most coaching centres have mushroomed all over the corridor of Chennai. Most of the centres claim to make you an IAS quickly but this is not always correct. You have to do better research than only you have to select coaching for yourself.
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Best IAS coaching in Chennai
This article is made keeping all the factors in mind like fees, coaching schedule, faculty, experience, past result, current batch and location of the centre. Chennai is the capital city of Tamilnadu in India. Chennai is known for the reputed institutes such as IIT Madras. There are lots of factors that one should keep in mind while choosing their IAS coaching. There are approximately 135 IAS coaching programs in Chennai but out of these all coachings one has to find the best coaching for the preparation of the IAS examination.
What should be kept in mind while choosing a top IAS coaching in Chennai?
Choosing IAS coaching in Chennai is a hard task because of the crowds of coaching centres in this place. With the increase in population in the number of candidates applying for the civil service examination, most coaching centres have mushroomed all over the corridor of Chennai. Most of the centres claim to make you an IAS quickly but this is not always correct. You have to do better research than only you have to select coaching for yourself.
How to choose the right IAS coaching in Chennai?
It is very important for one to do the best research for the selection of IAS coaching as this examination needs a lot of dedication and guidance. Below are some points which one should keep in mind while selecting the best IAS coaching in Chennai.
Study material 
Past result 
Faculty members 
List of best IAS coaching in Chennai
Below given are the best IAS coaching in Chennai. keep reading to know more about these coachings.
Plutus IAS
Plutus IAS in Chennai is known as one of the best IAS coaching institutes. This coaching is a very old institute for the preparation of the IAS examination in Chennai giving a good selection in Chennai for the UPSC civil service examination in the year 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 2018. So you can see that as this coaching has given the best results Plutus has come out to be the best performer in giving training and preparing the IAS aspirants in Chennai. So if you are searching for the best IAS coaching in Chennai you should definitely go for Plutus IAS.
Performance of Plutus IAS
In Chennai, Plutus IAS is a top brand when it comes to the best IAS coaching institute for civil service exam preparation. This coaching is continuously giving the best performance. Most of the students have bright futures with the guidance of the teaching faculty of this coaching. The past year students from Plutus IAS of Chennai have given positive reviews to the coaching.
Ganesh's IAS coaching in Chennai
Ganesh's IAS coaching in Chennai is one of the best IAS coaching centres in Chennai. This institute has helped many IAS aspirants in the preparation of the civil service examination. This coaching prepares the candidates for three levels which are IAS Preliminary Test, IAS Mains Examination and Personality Test.
Benefits of joining Ganesh IAS academy in Chennai:- 
This coaching has given a lot of best results in the past year.
The students are highly satisfied after taking IAS classes from Ganesh IAS academy in Chennai.
Best resources in study material are provided to the students to enroll themselves for the preparation of the IAS examination.
Good guidance is provided to the students with proper rigorous practice sessions.
AICS IAS Academy in Chennai
AICS IAS academy in Chennai is one of the best IAS coaching institutes for the preparation of civil service examination in Chennai. This institute has done a lot of hard work in making the future of various IAS aspirants from 2000 to 2013. This institute has helped 489 students to secure their seats on various civil service platforms. The experienced and well-educated teachers of this coaching are dedicated to nurturing the future of the candidates. This coaching also focuses on the personality development of the students.
Salient features:-
This coaching provides knowledge based IAS classroom teaching.
Inspirational lectures are given to the IAS candidates to boost up their confidence. 
Test sessions based on real-time IAS classes is another benefit of joining this coaching in Chennai.
motivational sessions are given to the candidates.
interactive sessions with IAS and IPS officers are held by the coaching.
This coaching provides hands-on experience for the personality test issue-based discussions that are regularly followed.
IAS Is considered one of the toughest examinations which are conducted at a national level in our country. Many of the candidates from our country want to become successful IAS officers. The coaching institute increases the chances of getting success and also helps the student in getting good results. We have provided you some details above in this article. We hope that you will be satisfied with our search. if you have any query you can contact the mentioned below.
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lysitheaioandeuropa · 7 years
i can’t believe this is from a month ago lol
Anubis: How do you feel about death?- I’m not quite sure you know. i don’t think anything happens after, which makes being suicidal all the time a little easier. i just feel like everything stops. like you literally just go to sleep forever, at least one would hope. losing people though it really fucking sucks and is rly hard trauma to come to terms w.
Atum: What are your greatest imperfections?- I’m a fat obese binch w no fucking self control, next
Bastet: Do you have any cats?- no bc I’m deathly allergic, but i wish i could
Hathor: What brings you joy?- lmao at my old answer for this. sandy, I love her so so so much. she licked my tears away today which I know may seem gross but was p therapeutic and it helped and then i napped. i need to finish her emotional support registration bc i can’t imagine my life without her now
Horus: What is one thing you’ve had to fight for in your life?- every single fucking thing. i had to fight to go to college, fight to move out, fight to be treated like an equal to my peers, fight for simple material shit like a car and comfortable enough place. fight and work for love so so so hard. i wish i had just ONE (1)! thing come easy to me. i was kinda bright growing up but that’s about it?
Osiris: Do you believe in the underworld?- i do ship hades and persephone all the fucking way, have that pomegranate and get ya mans girl rule that underworld and be the best mom cerberus will ever know
Ra: Do you have any major responsibilities or importance?- just to pay my bills on time and not die or starve. show up to work every day, and take rly rly rly rly good care of my dog, i spoil her i know i do and i know it’s bad but i need it and you can tell she didn’t come from a god home before so she deserves it
Thoth: Do you like to read/write?- i love it, i really genuinely do. i just don’t have that kind of energy anymore THOUGH the few times i do it’s so fuckin therapeutic and i feel brand new
Arawn: What is the most terrifying thing you’ve ever done?- i guess pick up and move across the state on my own, TWICE. falling in love w my gf is a close second, as is my relationship before that bc i was fucking terrified both times. first was fear of the unknown and fear of something so new, and now was.. fear of the same, as well as.. fear of being uncomfortable, fear of starting over.. and not just my love life but every other aspect of my life as well. it felt like i picked up and threw out the whole (previous) relationship. not in an “idc” sense, but i couldn’t bear to be in same apt, the same job, the same spaces whatsoever. it was terrifying to keep living afterward. everything else ive done has just been shit i thought i had to do to get by. not confront abusers, work hard for literally ANYTHING i wanted, etc. sidenote, i also went through a rly bad reckless behavior bpd phase and some of the things i did were very unlike me and  slightly terrifying in retrospect. i feel like it was me trying to take control of something, ANYTHING, but still didn’t work.
Bran: How is your health?- physically, shit; mentally, shit. lmao. i can confidently say i am working on both though
Brighid: Tell us about your relationship with your father.- it has had its fair share of ups and downs. my father raised me as a single dad and he was great at it. i had birthday parties, i had the books, shoes, toys i wanted - even if it meant waiting a little more than everyone else bc my dad worked hard and only made so much for us both. my dad having to do all that came totally left field for him i imagine and he fucking rose to the occasion. somewhere down the line he did begin to resent my mother and i when she wandered back around, and i know he didn’t like that i chose her every time even though she paid me no mind and he was a doting parent. i went a couple years without talking to either of my parents, but we’re all actually pretty good now. my mom has made up for a lot and she’s not perfect bt she’s still trying and i can say the same for my dad as well
Cernunnos: What is your favorite animal?- pandas, otters, and puppies are god tier. koalas, giraffes, hedgehogs (no sonic), and chinchillas are also up there
Danu: What is your relationship with your mother?- i guess you can read above.. but basically it was shit before and now we get along but I don’t tell her anything you know. she still thinks I’m straight, a virgin, and have never had one (1) alcohol, deadass.  however, she’s still comforting? I wanted her to stay longer this weekend, I felt she’d help me hold it together even if I couldn’t tell her what was wrong
Morrigan: What do you think happens when we die?- first question. but basically you slip into a comfortable coma
Olwen: What is your favorite flower?- sunflowers
Rhiannon: Have you ever been betrayed?- I have felt betrayed before, yes. sidenote i hate that this is Rhiannon. 
Bragi: What kind of music do you listen to?- just about everything but fuck country music. maroon 5’s new album is rly good
Freya: Have you ever been in love?- yes i have and this shit has hurt every single fucking time, lol. and it always feels like it can never hurt more, but each time has been infinitely worse than the previous for me
Freyr: Do you have any children?- my daughter, sandy
Hœnir: Are you a silent or talkative person?- silent. I hardly talk, I’m not rly verbal, though when I have to front like I am I’m pretty good at it. but if it were up to me I wouldn’t talk at all. though there times (especially when manic) that i can go on and on and on. that was rly easy w my bf before and helped as far as better developing how to express myself verbally/communicating in general 
Iounn: How old are you?- can we not talk about my age and the existential crisis I have every time I think of it, thanks
Loki: What is the best trick you’ve ever pulled on someone?- i don’t really pull tricks and shit like that
Odin: What is your family like?- nonexistent
Thor: Would you consider yourself pretty powerful?- i am A WEAK BINCH!!!!!
Tree: What have you done with your life? What are you going to do with it?- I haven’t done much of anything. I just want to make money, pay off debts, own some pets, live comfortably.. be skinny
Aphrodite: What do you think of yourself?- I don’t think much of myself which has been identified as such a grande problem by others & by those who actively validate that so…
Ares: Are you an easy person to anger?- I wouldn’t think that I am, but it doesn’t take much for me to split on someone
Athena: Would you consider yourself an artist?- not much of one anymore
Apollo: Do you play any instruments?- piano, bassoon, sax, bass clarinet, french horn/mellophone
Dionysus: Do you drink?- I like red wine & henny
Hades: Do you have a bad reputation?- i sure fucking do now bitch
Hekate: Have you ever tried to communicate with the dead?- caucasian activities bruh
Hermes: Have you ever stolen anything?- walmart self checkout more like optional check out you feel me
Poseidon: Are you a moody person?- hi, i have bpd. (no this isn’t me justifying any behavior or whatever, but it quite literally is the reason why I’m “”””””””moody”””””””)
Zeus: Are you a confident person?- fuck no, next. i mean okay, i can be, fake confident, and i used to really have an air of confidence about me befroe but no longer do and it saddens me. petition to bring back 2k14 claudia tbh
Jupiter: Would people say that you are intimidating or fairly approachable?- I believe I’m approachable but I’ve been told I have chronic RBF and am incredibly intimidating and completely UNapproachable. my kids didn’t seem to think that when I taught though so that was cool
Pluto: Where do you think we go when we die?- i hope the underworld
Apollo & Dianna: Do you prefer to be up during the day or at night?day, i def wish i can get more done bc night is sleep time
Mars: Have you ever gotten into a fight?- both verbal and physical altercations
Minerva: Do you generally give good advice?- “dump him sis”
Proserpine: Have you ever felt trapped?- yes, mostly by my mental illness(es)
Plutus: Do you have a job?- yes, thank god
Venus: Have you ever had your heart broken?- of course, it’s broken right the fuck now binch!
Vesta: Do you like being home or do you try to get out whenever you can?- I’m a fucking SLUT for being home bitch omg. but at the same time i like traveling and getting our but i def prefer lowkey things. bookstores, wine tasting, shit like that
Morpheus: Do you daydream often? Of what?- of a lot more like having a sense of stability and whatnot. being loved completely and wholeheartedly 500% mutual healthy devotion. i want someone to invest in me
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cruxiedenise-blog · 7 years
Plutus Brands MF0786 8" Mattress, Twin, White
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Click Here !!
If you are seeking Best Rated Mattress Reviews then today you are at the proper site. Plutus Brands MF0786 8″ Mattress, Twin, White is one of the Best Rated Mattress Reviews at the market. This Most Favourite item provides for you to realize your needs. Here, we deliver to you several of Best Rated Mattress Reviews.
Plutus Brands MF0786 8″ Mattress, Twin, White
8″ thick, 2″ gel infused foam
6″ dense polyurethane foam base
Cooling open cell technology
Stretch knit zipper removable cover
Box spring or foundation optional
Features: 8″ thick, 2″ gel infused foam 6″ dense polyurethane foam base Cooling open cell technology Stretch knit zipper removable cover Box spring or foundation optional Conveniently ships in portable box Foam is CertiPUR-US certified Dimensions: Overall Product Dimensions: 8″L x 39″W x 75″H Material: 2″ 3lb blue gel infused memory foam and 6″ 1.5lb regular foam.
Check Price & More Information >>>
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on this site at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.
Plutus Brands MF0786 8″ Mattress, Twin, White was originally published on Best Cheap Mattress Reviews
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plutusbrands · 10 months
The Art of Layering Throws: A Comprehensive Guide to Plutus Brands Luxury Throws and Blankets
The Art of Layering Throws: A Comprehensive Guide to Plutus Brands Luxury Throws, Faux Fur Throws & Throw Blankets Unleash the transformative power of layering throws and elevate your home into a haven of comfort, luxury, and style. This comprehensive guide explores the art of layering with a special focus on the captivating charm of Plutus Brands Luxury Throws and Faux Fur Throws.Why Layer…
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thecryptoreport · 5 years
Crypto FinTech, Plutus, Partners With Travel and Accommodation Giants Airbnb & Skyscanner
Crypto FinTech, Plutus, Partners With Travel and Accommodation Giants Airbnb & Skyscanner
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The London-based FinTech start-up, Plutus, reveals the formation of 22 partnerships with internationally known brands as part of a unique loyalty programme.
Press Release – updated: Feb 21, 2020 08:30 GMT
LONDON, February 21, 2020 (Newswire.com) –Plutus is a finance app that claims to be “Better than a Bank”, offering management of both crypto and fiat from a single interface. The app comes…
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 5 years
A Visa Card That Offers Crypto Back & Cash Back — How One Fintech Has Reshaped Loyalty Programmes Forever
In 1981, American Airlines’ launched their Frequent Flier Programme which is often regarded as the first full-scale loyalty programme of the modern era. As technology evolved, loyalty programmes progressed into a data-grabbing tool for brands, masked under marketing as “beneficial perks” for the shopper. Despite this, over half of customers rated rewards as important for both big-ticket, and small, habitual purchases according to a recent research study by Wirecard. With this in mind, it is highly important for brands to retain their customers through additional incentives; especially given the increasingly saturated retail markets. A New Wave of Loyalty Programmes One company breaking the mould is Plutus, a London based FinTech startup who has just unveiled its plan for an innovative and lucrative rewards programme. The company currently offers a finance app that allows users to manage/convert/spend both crypto and fiat from a single interface in what they claim to be “Better than a Bank” Plutus introduced the world’s first decentralised loyalty token and their recent announcement focuses on multiple new use cases for the innovative rewards. What does this mean exactly? Traditional centralised loyalty reward programmes have always been fixed to specific stores, meaning there are a limited number of opportunities to earn rewards. Plutus, however, has fixed their loyalty programme to a Visa Debit Card, meaning you can earn rewards at over 400 million merchants (online and in-store) across the world. Anywhere that Visa is accepted, you can earn crypto back as loyalty rewards. The loyalty rewards are a cryptocurrency token called Pluton (PLU). Every time a user spends with their Plutus Card they will earn up to 3% of the purchase back in PLU. What Can you do with these PLU? Why is it so Groundbreaking? A company press release recently outlined a number of new use-cases for the token which sets it apart from any other loyalty programme. Firstly, being decentralised not only means that the token can be earnt anywhere, but it also means it can be transferred to other people. Traditional loyalty programmes like Nectar points are stuck on a single account; PLU, on the other hand, can be sent to friends or family on the blockchain. Secondly, being decentralised means that it carries its own fiat value determined by external markets. Plutus members can convert their earnt PLU into additional fiat to continue spending anywhere in the world. Plutus has integrated a decentralised exchange into its platform to make converting PLU into spendable currency as easy as possible. However, the most astonishing reveal was the introduction of additional cashback on top of the 3% cryptoback (PLU). Plutus has formed affiliate partnerships with internationally known, billion-dollar companies to offer cashback to Plutus Members spending with their Plutus Card. This means that every qualified member will stand a chance earning double rewards; a 3% cryptoback reward in PLU and a % cashback reward in their local currency loaded straight into their Plutus account. So far the team has only revealed two of the affiliate partners but these are two of the largest travel and accommodation giants in the world, Airbnb and Skyscanner. The CEO & Founder of Plutus commented: “Our members will now be able to tap into the colossal online marketplace of Airbnb and Skyscanner. These are key partnerships that’ll enable us to offer double-dip rewards, both cryptoback and cashback”. Innovation and Future Plans As the loyalty rewards sector continues to grow, we continue to see different forms of innovation; and cash-back on top of crypto-back is certainly something new to emerge. According to the Plutus team, there are more transformative features scheduled for release that will significantly elevate their position in the market. The product has had a strong entry into 2020, and it puts themselves on the map for a strong year ahead in the crypto card game. If you haven’t already, you can read the full list of use-cases for the Pluton token here. Android App: https://ift.tt/3c1BZCK iOS App: https://ift.tt/2va0op8   from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/39VXzH7 via IFTTT
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