#Plz Block These Tags
wuffzilla · 6 months
Time to type up everything I can recall about this absurd dream so that I can maybe design these characters later. I sure hope people block my "Taffy Dreams" or at least my "Long Post" and "Very Long" tags since I can't put these under a Read-more for fear of losing the text because Tumblr is a functional website.
ANYWAY - General plot: Humans are being abducted by an alien & being released right where they were abducted from a few hours later. Standard amount of belief + disbelief is had from the public about their experiences, but with a lil more disbelief since their description of the experience is all basically the same but also extremely mundane. So even people who believe in aliens + abductions think they're just folks who know each other online & are pulling a coordinated prank.
General description amongst the abductees is that a giant snake/planarian/worm/eel(?) with arms and HUGE TITS is making them take PE class. They're made to take a quiz on various "Earth" swimming terms to see what they already know, then made to learn any they missed, then being forced to swim various strokes in an indoor pool. They were also warned that a random selection of them will be taken at a to-be-determined later date to other planets where they will be made to swim again in various fluids similar to their Earth water, so they better study.
And they're right, a giant Snake-Planarian-ETC alien lady with HUGE TITS IS making random people swim laps & study swimming techniques. She's a scientist working on a research paper. She works at an alien college & studies various "Thinking" races to test our swimming skills for her upcoming Thesis paper on other worlders ability to function in liquid elements they didn’t evolve to survive in. I think there's about 10 other planets that are on the same level as Earth she's pulling members from for this study.
I was, and still kinda am, pissed she had those mega tits tho as im one of those boring people who hate when human standards for gender/sex are applied to other races for no reason. ESPECIALLY REPTILES. But also, it was REALLY funny. And Funny usually nulls any objections I have to fictional design choices. And apparently every member of her species has them, they arent a sexual dimorphism thing. They work kinda like camel humps & some other things I dont recall. ANYWAY.
She's a vaguely ethical scientist I guess. She didn't let anyone die but she did make them push their limits & several people did end up with lungfuls of water. Her lab was some kinda refurbished abandoned big city underground sewer/subway station, but immaculately cleaned. Like, the Ninja turtles couldve stumbled upon this place if not for the things she used to deter people away from it. They were kinda like those machines that make lil whistles & clicks that some people use to scare off mice. Except people didn't really sense anything, theyd just feel like "HMMM I definitely wont go over there after all for no reason whatsoever".
She was Dream Main Character 1 & DMC2 was some dude she snatched from a skatepark in the middle of the night while he was scarfing gas station hotdogs. He was immediately smitten with her????? And tried SO HARD to impress her. She thought this was very odd but had also heard that humans will absolutely court anything, so whatever. It felt to her kinda how like when certain birds do courting dances for their keepers at zoos. Tho they do recognize that humans are not mentally like "animals". Humans are considered a higher thinking race, but others just have no respect for us due to the way we treat each other (which is hypocritical considering how some of their own customs are BUT THATS ANOTHER STORY).
So since she was bored ONLY working on her swimming paper she decided to start another paper chronicling all he went thru to attempt to Woo her. She'd give him a vague set of criteria for how certain kinds of courtship happens on her planet & give him 2 weeks to figure out some Earth equivalent. Some were actual courtship practices for her kind, but several were for other races, and several were just bullshit to see how far he'd go. She might catch professional flak for allowing one of her research subjects attempt to court her tho.
He also had to think up his Own methods of what he thought might work, without using any of the info from the vague guidelines. One of which was him finding a Were-Crocodylia & convincing them to turn him into one. Her 1st reaction to this was being surprised Earth Humans had such a evolutionary/adaptability, but but also why did he pick that species. Why not something that looks similar to what you all call her (Snake/Worm/Planarian/ETC). He had to admit that he just thought Crocodylia were super cool & it hadn't occurred to him to pic a species that resembled her.
She's pleased tho cause now she gets to work on a THIRD paper while here and I hope she gets famous on her planet for being the first to discover & study "Lycanthropy" on our remote backwater planet.
Last bits of the dream was her getting really into studying Lyncathropy & finding what animals humans could "merge" with and looking thru genetic material to see if any were predisposed to certain kinds & just SO MUCH excited nerd research. She also researched various ways to "cure" it and to see if any kinds could be mixed & matched.
Dream dude was more than happy to let her experiment on him & by the end I do think they were officially some kinda couple???? I know she found it handy to have such a willing guinea pig & at first it was a personal convenience thing. But I /THINK/ she was starting to actually like him riiiiight before I woke up. Maybe. It was really hard to tell.
He also ended up some kinda MegaWere who could turn into all kinds of shit & mix + match features, it was cool as hell & he looooved it so at least theres that. Hopefully he gets to keep the rad powers if they ever break up.
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muffinlance · 3 months
Do you get the impression the live action is treating us like utter morons?? Like I thought that making it aimed at an older audience would open the doors for more subtle story telling, but no, they're just using monologues to tell us eveything! Like in the second episode Katara's like 'oh his power isn't that he's the avatar, it's that he ~connects~ to people'. Girl we're not idiots we can see that!! And the first episode with Aang's goddawful 'I don't want this responsibility' monologue
THIS, YES. The word that keeps coming to mind is definitely "subtlety". The show for literal children? Had it. The remake for adults? Not so much.
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rainbowpufflez · 1 month
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Hey Team Rainbow Rocket fans, how do we feel about this?
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girlyliondragon · 1 year
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Now kiss (haha Jk... Unless??? (Toby PLEASE make it "Unless"))
Ello Deltarune fandom. Guess what ship has gotten my brainrot now 2 1/2 years later. :P Because ofc I go from one f/f ship to another and cling onto it. But fr tho I love these sapphics sm. I love them so muuuuuch I'm so glad they are semi-canon just 2 chapters in.
Been wanting to draw something with them since February, but because of art block back then I decided to just let my pen go on its own since I had art block and ended up with a rough of this and hallelujah lol ^^
Seriously Toby please. Take your time ofc no rush. But please I NEED to see them together again.
Also I love Noelle's glow-y nose hc so that's mine now too thanks fandom.
Art: Mine
Do not steal/crop/edit/etc. Do not tag as kin/me ty! Suselle haters DNI :U
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leafie-draws · 6 months
i'm not jade harley homestuck leave me alonee!!
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I hate when vip spoils a book for you 😭
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thelightofmylife · 4 months
@leonsdearest hi Fie !! I’m Dia and like, I wanted to shoot you a message / ask to say hi but this is my side, (I don’t like to reveal my main here unless I have to) and I just wanted to say I think it’s cool you like him ; I love Rika a lot too so we both had taste in elite trainers and I think that’s funni 😭💞 wishing u two the best!
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curry-and-gunpowder · 4 months
I knew Dazai was a talented young man, but I'm amazed how he apparently managed to be the first 18 year old minor. What can't he do.
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paiteyy · 1 year
Stampede and Maximum Spoilers!
Look this is kinda a negative (not totally but I wanna be polite and warn! ) look at Stampede and it's handling of the queer content in the source marital, if ur not in the mood for that, block me or scroll past plz 👌don't wanna be a downer for anyone so ye, thought I'd slap this uptop lol
Gonna be real, idk how I feel abt the last ep... Some of my fears are definitely coming true. The big one being that Wolfwood's role in the manga seems to be played by Meryl in Stampede.
The manga is so important to me because it lacks the typical anime/manga hetrosexual tropes.
They put these tropes back in when they made the 98 anime, and it feels like they're putting them back into Stampede.
Wolfwood is the one who saves Vash in the manga, he is Vash's reason to fight. I know Stampede is pretty much an AU of the manga, but they're hitting the major plot points in their own unique way. Not everything is in order, and it's different, which I don't mind.
What I do mind is the fact that they've cut out all the queer parts of Maximum.
From changing Elendira, the cannon trans woman (who wasn't perfect rep, but goddamn it a cannon transwoman who wasnt a joke at that time?! I fucking love her), to a lab grown loli (before you come at me, I know this is a prequel and that she'll age, but that's not the point, because it doesn't negate the fact that she is no longer trans. They could have updated her rep from the manga, but no.) To subbing in Meryl for Wolfwood in narrative moments he occupied in the manga, like saving Vash from Knives.
Narrative moments that would have been occupied by a female love interest in most manga were occupied by Wolfwood in TriMax, and intentional or not, TriMax is queer coded as shit. By switching him with Meryl in Stampede, that is gone.
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This is what happens in the manga, in the Stampede Vash is saved by, and saves, Meryl instead. (Also black coat Vash is a reference to Vash from this fight in Maximum. It is the result of him fighting Legato and killing him to preserve Wolfwood's memory, ((he is taking on Wolfwood's color pallet in this fight, the layers in Maximum are insane)):
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This isn't a ship post, not really, it's about stripping the queer aspects from TriMax, which are an integral part of TriMax's narrative, a major part what makes the work unique, especially for it's time, and straight-washing it in Stampede (which is taking a lot from Trimax... just not the queer stuff, hum). However, I'll entertain some ship talk.
People have been calling Vashwood the "yaoi flavor of the season" and in all honesty, to me, that's what Stampede Vashwood feels like. I KNOW it's the first season and this could change, but damn it, I feel like I'm allowed to be a little frustrated and worried about the direction they're going.
Vashwood in the manga is a queer relationship supported by COUNTLESS examples in the text, read as romantic or not,(personally, I think it should be read as romantic based on manga framing ((Wolfwood playing the role narratively reserved for the female love interest in most manga)) and textually (("I wanted to spend my tomorrows with him," just one of many examples of Vash's feeling about Wolfwood)) it is undeniable that they are integral to each other in a bone deep way. To the point where the only person as, or more, important as Wolfwood to Vash is Rem, his mother and guiding light.
This is absent in Stampede.
I'm trying not to be uncharitable, but I have a sinking suspicion that Meryl is going to be the one to find Vash after the timeskip, a role given to Wolfwood in TriMax. I wanna be proven wrong tho!
I DO like how Meryl and Wolfwood are getting more interactions in Stampede! They didn't get many in the manga and I love their dynamic. Honestly him grabbing her like a sack of potatoes and booking it outta there was the best part for me lol, I'm glad Milly is coming back too! Vash getting his spikes back also was rad af!!
I feel like I should also say, this isn't a ship hate post or anything. This isn't a Meryl hate post either, I don't kin characters myself but she's as close as they come for me, so I love the little lady. Plus, I've really been enjoying her Stampede design and character development, it's one of the best parts of the show imo!!
It's just the fact that the queer content from the original didn't make it in, while so many other things from TriMax did, that rubs me the wrong way.
I think I'm mostly just frustrated, I'm enjoying Stampede for what it is, but I'm a queer woman, and I can't help but feel cheated out of the faithful Maximum adaptation I've always dreamed of. How come every other manga gets a one for one adaptation, but Maximum, with all it's queer text, doesn't?! I'm frustrated. They always try to make Trigun more appealing, mass marketable, but damnit that's not why I love it. Idk, I just feel sad. With this new adaptation, idk if I'll ever see a faithful Maximum adaptation, which is a depressing thought for me.
Anyway, this became a vent post, sorry. I'm a longtime TriMax shill and I was really (and to be fair, still am to a degree) enjoying Stampede up until these last few eps. In some ways it feels like I'm watching watered down, more marketable Maximum and that just frustrates me.
I'm still holding out hope for season 2 though, I can't help it, even with the things I'm not personally into in Stampedes it's still Trigun, and if I'm not going to bat for Trigun, am I even me?
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r0semultiverse · 9 months
WAIT- is this one of the alternate timelines created from the space-time sword ("Shintō Amenogozen")!? 👀
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I'm an anime-only bsd enjoyer & ever since that damn sword popped up after Atsushi & Akutagawa killed him on the boat but he was able to erase/undo(?) that timeline, I've been thinking that technically means there's multiple timelines. This would be the one where Fukuchi won that conflict we just saw or something else entirely is going on given the way he's dressed (if that even is him)! 👀👀👀
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energeticwarrior · 3 months
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Catboy mullet
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the-void-02 · 1 year
//cw blood and chapt 2 spoilers
Paranoid + Weak = Easy to Kill...?
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theprodigypenguin · 7 months
Yeah I'm cringe for making ocs but I am also free. They are my children and I am opening my wallet to show their pictures to you please look at them.
All four oc references made with the same picrew in order of their creation 🥰 in case anyone is curious. THIS is the picrew I used BTW.
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Name: Aurora
Age: 16 post timeskip
Affiliation(s): Revolutionary Army
Abilities: Observation Haki, Armament Haki, Navigation
Devil Fruit: None
Bonus: A bastard child of a Celestial Dragon who was kept imprisoned away from Marie Jois to hide her existence from the five elders due to embarassment, eventually liberated by Sabo and the revs.
Sexual Orientation: aroace, single
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Name: Ruan
Age: 33 post timeskip
Affiliation(s): Independent Bounty Hunter(former), Spade Pirates(former), Whitebeard Pirates(former), Revolutionary Army
Abilities: Observation Haki, Armament Haki, Swordplay, Navigation
Devil Fruit: None
Bonus: Befriended by and trained by Roger on Baterilla when he was 10 years old. His mother was one of the pregnant mothers culled by the Marines in their search of the Pirate King's child. Roger is the one who commissioned the sword he now uses and also named it "Roger" after himself.
Sexual Orientation: asexual, in a relationship with Jude
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Name: Justice Sys
Age: 29 post time skip
Affiliation(s): Marine Ensign(former), Revolutionary Army
Abilities: Observation Haki, Armament Haki, Sniper
Devil Fruit: None
Bonus: Both parents and older sister were marines, was raised on a marine base and joined the navy at a very young age. Defected 14 years prior to the time skip when she was just 15. Joined the Revolutionary Army a year later at 16.
Sexual Orientation: gun
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Name: Jude
Age: 27 post time skip
Affiliation(s): Revolutionary Army
Abilities: Observation Haki, Armament Haki
Devil Fruit: Tetsu Tetsu no Mi Model Blood
Bonus: Born into slavery on Marie Jois and enslaved up until Sys freed him 14 years prior when he was 13. Joined the Revolutionary Army with her a year later at 14.
Sexual Orientation: whatever, but he's dating Ruan
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Just for fun I thought about doing my first poll about which interpretation of Vashmeryl people like the most, reblogs are appreciated but don't feel forced!
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stage one: denial
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abasketofnothing · 1 year
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