#Pokèmon Trainer
what-yadoking-likes · 10 months
Okay - if we ignore the atrocious anatomy, dubious pose that makes it look like she's one of those Twister lollies, those blocky Minecraft travesties for hands AND the poorly drawn babbies first furry dot com, we can post - Punk Sydney and her Mightyena!
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For some reason I envisage the Mightyena using Swagger. Dunno why. Just see it as a very Sydney thing to do.
Text says
Punk Sydney wants to fight!
Punk Sydney sent out MIGHTYENA.
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pocketsizedtrainer · 1 year
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...right, so my name is Mikazuki, last name isn't important, will never be important, so don't ask for it, you may call me Mika should you feel compelled to make up a nickname for me, anything else will be ignored with extreme prejudice.
A friend, and by extension, my therapist, convinced me to set up this blog as a way to document my experiences over the years, as I've been a traveling trainer since I was, roughly, nine years old.
As of right now, I'm currently within the borders of the Unova Region, for rest and relaxation, not exactly a vacation, but neither is a it a circuit or league run either, and, as I've been told, please slap me should I ever consider otherwise.
I really don't know why I'm here...
The blog name was chosen by a friend, Keii, before you ask, yes, apparently I really am small enough to warrant it.
I guess, I can share stories about my pokemon and stuff about my journey through Unova...
I hope we get along?
Er, anyway, things you should know about me, I suppose.
I'm a long time competitive trainer, as soon as I turn twenty in March, it'll have been a career of... roughly ten years? Not the longest or most outlandish, but I like to think I have a pretty good grasp on what I'm doing nowadays in the grand scheme of things.
I've been involved with a... lot of things, to put it lightly, some of its still under lock and key concerning NDA's and such, some are just by promise alone, others are increadibly traumatic... I'll try my level best to share though.tag list.
As of right now, my current on-hand team is made of Edan the Blaziken, Nacht the Zoroark, Soleil the Gardevoir, Sullivan the Decidueye, Zyair the Greninja, and Iolanthe the Luxray.
I do have other teams that are less used! They're still well trained, and I trust them just as deeply as my main one, but, uh, starters, you know? Edan's been with me through thick and thin, through ever region I've visited and then some. Hard to to just disregard that, and I want him next to me.
I primarily use She/Her Pronouns, but I'm still figuring this whole thing out, so maybe someday I might try out They/Then or He/Him, maybe even some Neo Pronouns. I don't know quite yet.
My birthday is on the Spring Equinox, my favorite type is Fire, (I chose a Torchic as my starter, I'm biased, and Edan would be insulted if i said anything else), but I like working with Water Types best because they tend to be easier to raise overall, my least favorite to battle, because I don't really have one I'm afraid of or hate, are probably Psychic because planning can get a bit... tricky.
Er, my favorite food is cake, I enjoy comedies and romances, often mashed together, and historical fiction. Maybe. Kinda.
Some of the people I might mention on the regular are Yanagi Seimei, a Fairy Specialist from Orre, Takanashi Keiichirou a Pokèmon performer from Kanto, Yashiki Yurika a Breeder I'm good friends with, and Ryuzaki Hikari, a frequent travel companion. As well as Hirabayashi Atsuko, a fighting type specialist, Hamasaki Yuuya a junior researcher, and, finally, Kunugi Sorahiko another competitive trainer I know. Their family members also might make appearances in my stories.
All Pokèmon are adorable, screw what anyone else has to say, it's all in the eye of the beholder.
I will fight you over snowcone flavors, don't test the limits of my pettiness, you will be both disappointed in me, yourself, and ultimately rue the day you crossed me.
I enjoy battling quite a bit, and I'm always up for a challenge, so long as there's no high stakes, or unfair rules, I can give anything a try... and you know, so long as it's an unofficial match, between friends/aquaintances.
I like astrology, I suppose, the stars are comforting, and if you know your stuff, they can lead you to civilization at night.
I have a weird fascination with numbers, in a way, things have to be in multiples of five, or an even at tens, or things won't be much sense, and I'll ripping my hair out trying to make be okay with it all. As an aside that's why there's twenty interim facts about me on this.
Overall, I have thirty Pokèmon total. I do not plan to add or subtract from that number anytime soon, either.
I grew up, largely, in Kanto/Johto, but I did have a permanent apartment located in Orre that... unfortunately exploded a few years ago. Fucking Orre, man.
I try to be as safe in my practices of meat consumption as possible, I'm not a vegan, but I will track down humane slaughtering practices if it kills me.
Share recipes, tell me inane things, or about your experiences with your friends and Pokèmon teammates. I'm all ears.
And... uh, that's all there is to it!
The list of regions I've been to is, in order, Orre, Johto, Kanto, Sinnoh, Hoenn, Oblivia, Ferrum, Alola, Paldea, and finally Galar. Now though, I'm in Unova, although, perhaps I could've chosen a different place to relax...
If you must know, I'm agnostic. The lazy man's atheist apparently.
I swear to whatever the fucks out there, if you bring Plasma discourse into my asks... I will eat you alive.
I think, maybe, hopefully.
I'll probably add to this point at some point in the future, so, uh, keep a look out for that, and I hope you all have a splendid day, yeah?
Thanks for stopping by while you had the time.
Oh, uh, before I forget.
Here are the basic rules!
1. Nothing too personal, please, I'd rather not die trying to answer a question about my most traumatic moment with a Spinark or something.
2. Nothing sexual, please. I'm largely, greysexual, on a good day, and demiromantic, that's all you really need to know about me concerning that.
3. Branching from the above, no, I do not have any personable relationships with my team, please never ask, I've gotten enough grief about Soleil's crush as is.
4. I don't wish to partake in discourse between other blogs, I can offer advice, maybe, but I refuse to get involved in an internet fistfight when I'm supposed to be away from all of that.
5. Competitive Breeders stay the fuck away from my blog, you know what you do, you know it's wrong, and I will personally bite you if you interact with me in a meaningful way. At the very least, I expect you to keep it out of any asks or interactions.
6. I refuse to give out information anyone I might encounter is uncomfortable with sharing, therefore, if they say no, then my answer is no. Respect it.
7. As above, don't badger me about my own interpersonal relationships IRL. If anyone starts 'shipping' me with one of my male friends, or female, I will riot.
8. My Pokèmon aren't allowed to have access to my electronics, barring my PokèDex, without my explicit permission. Tattle on them if applicable. I might let them have a shot at a few asks though, should I believe they've been good enough.
9. DO NOT INSULT MY TEAMMATES OR ANY OF MY OTHER POKÈMON. Seriously, I will block your ass faster than light if you think you can shit on them just because they made a mistake.
10. I guess I can try giving advice on training, I don't think I'm a good teacher in that way, but, uh, I think after a certain point the best trainers don't really direct their Pokèmon during battle, as, after a certain point you're largely just the spectator to your results. Most of that 'direction' you see on T.V. is spliced recordings of needed insight, and acting for the crowds benefit. It's weird, yeah?
DNI: Aqua/Magma Supporters, People actively against any LGBTQA+ movement, Plasma Supporters, Whatever the hell is left of Galatic, and most importantly, anyone who, just, genuinely, wants to start shit just for the sake of it.
...and that's about it, until my next post I guess.
See ya.
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OOC: Names Trim, same age as Mika up there, first time doing this sort of thing so give me a good minute to figure it all out.
I'll likely get a tag list figured out at some point, hopefully. Maybe.
Wish me luck!
And be respectful, please.
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vampyriix · 6 months
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fuck it, pokèmon trainer sona
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grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
Pokèmon Trainer Shimizu Hinako's Currently Accesible Pokèmon
1. Masamune the Oshawatt.
2. Kaminari the Pichu.
3. Yoruichi the Toxel.
4. Yukiteru the Ralts.
5. Ryuunosuke the Axew.
6. Masumi the Rookiedee.
7. Satsuki the Riolu.
8. Akiya the Snivy.
9. Rukia the Hatenna.
10. Shirou the Chespin.
11. Hinata the Togepi.
12. Katsumi the Vulpix.
13. Fuyuhiko the Eevee.
14. Mizuno the Squirtle.
15. Akio the Plusle.
16. Yuuki the Minun.
17. Ren the Snorunt
18. Itsuki the Cottonee.
19. Kei the Froakie.
20. Asahi the Larvesta.
21. Chisuke the Tepig.
22. Rai the Zorua
23. Kaze the Pidgey.
24. Hiro the Chikorita.
25. Sosuke the Igglybuff.
26. Hayato the Rufflet.
27. Yui the Audino.
28. Habiki the Whimsur.
29. Junichiro the Shinx.
30. Kin the Growlith.
31. Kishi the Mareep.
32. Reiji the Houndour.
33. Shinjiro the Mincinno.
34. Taiga the Litten.
35. Yuuta the Espurr.
36. Riku the Rowlet.
37. Akemi the Popplio.
38. Hotaru the Cyndaquil
39. Yoshinori the Totodile.
40. Ichigo the Fennekin.
41. Kenshin the Bulbasaur.
42. Masato the Charmander.
43. Kayo the Torchic.
44. Mikio the Treeko.
45. Osamu the Mudkip.
46. Noboru the Piplup.
47. Tomio the Chimchar.
48. Yutaka the Turtwig.
49. Jorōgumo the Joltik.
50. Kyūso the Pachirisu.
51. Giyuu, Mitsuri, Kyojuro, Sanemi, Muichiro, and Kanae the Falinks.
52. Ringo the Phanpy.
53. Tadayuki the Abra.
54. Hanagumo the Noibat.
55. Yasuo the Darumaka.
56. Meiko the Oricorio.
57. Juuri the Mawile.
58. Yayoi the Surskit.
59. Susumu the Miltank.
60. Fusae the Shellder.
61. Takumi the Spinark.
62. Daiki the Golett.
63. Kyou the Budew.
64. Kohaku the Aron.
65. Kusuo the Meditite.
66. Shigeru the Sentret.
67. Shinichi the Bidoof.
68. Katashi the Patrat.
69. Hiraku the Misdreavus.
70. Fumihito the Deerling.
71. Taromaru the Tyrunt.
72. Asuka the Swablu.
73. Akimitsu the Elgyem.
74. Kenta the Skitty.
75. Himiko the Magikarp.
76. Hisoka the Happiny.
77. Kimihito the Tyrogue.
78. Akeno the Vullaby.
79. Hajime the Mantyke.
80. Michiru the Munchlax.
81. Kinuyo the Mime Jr.
82. Eikichi the Bonsley.
83. Tsurune the Chingling.
84. Nozomi the Cleffa.
85. Kannon the Smoochum.
86. Yatsuhiro the Elekid.
87. Miwa the Magby.
88. Ieshige the Azurill.
89. Airi the Pawniard.
90. Tohru the Bagon.
91. Shouta the Flabébé.
92. Ayumu the Snover.
93. Wakaba the Hoppip.
94. Ran the Pikipek.
95. Megumi the Tympole.
96. Noriko the Trapnich.
97. Nobuyuki the Yanma.
98. Kōsuke the Swinub.
99. Kamiya the Dewpider.
100. Tetsuya the Seviper.
101. Yōko the Zangoose.
102. Uchiyama the Machop.
103. Miura the Amaura.
104. Yoshino the Mareanie.
105. Saito the Shuppet.
106. Yugi the Chewtle.
107. Shōhei the Poochyena.
108. Jirō the Phantump.
109. Asami the Furfrou.
110. Sachiko the Clobbopus.
111. Kanna the Gothita.
112. Chifuyu the Natu.
113. Shiratori the Bounsweet.
114. Satomi the Seedot.
115. Minato the Mienfoo.
116. Kushina the Munna.
117. Kurama the Impidimp.
118. Goku the Pancham.
119. Kuranosuke the Sewaddle.
120. Touya the Aipom.
121. Tsukimi the Buneary.
122. Kaneki the Tynamo.
123. Azami the Sneasle.
124. Asashio the Panpour.
125. Michishio the Pansage.
126. Minegumo the Pansear.
127. Tenryuu the Cubone.
128. Nagara the Cufant.
129. Isuzu the Cutiefly.
130. Hiyou the Spheal.
131. Chiyoda the Ledyba.
132. Imuya the Slowpoke.
134. Iku the Kecleon.
135. Kagerou the Litleo.
136. Yuugumo the Oddish.
137. Mikage the Klink.
138. Hatsuharu the Bellsprout.
139. Ikazuchi the Helioptile.
140. Saburou the Fomantis.
141. Kichirou the Drifloon.
142. Yae the Murkrow.
143. Ryouichi the Starly.
144. Miho the Girafarig.
146. Hoshiko the Litwick.
145. Tsubame the Frillish.
147. Kokoro the Morelull.
148. Takuto the Chinchou.
149. Hifumi the Shroomish.
150. Omoikane the Porygon.
151. Ninigi the Shaymin.
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cam-jamerson · 2 years
I like the idea of Red being like Tony Hawk in the pokèmon world. He's just a dude. Super famous and talented at what he does. But you could not pick him out on a street. You might think he looks familiar but he'd have to tell you why.
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lact101 · 5 months
Is this anything
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Edit: just remembered that Kieran doesn’t have a phone. Oops
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beezonia · 10 months
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Also look at my little unova babies I love them
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thegreatshono · 10 months
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Eliete Pokemon Trainer Samus
We do daily fan art on Twitch! Today's fan art is the great Bounty Hunter Samus as an Elite Pokemon Trainer. (The bounty she's hunting are rare pokemon.)
If you'd like to help me build up my own Elite pokemon team, you can go support me over on Patreon. Your support allows me to make the art you enjoy and maybe a little extra to buy poke-balls! It's very helpful! http://patreon.com/shadowsofoblivion
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spookyc · 1 year
One this episode of reading way too much into a children's game, I want to discuss Arven and Nemona and their similarities and differences. Mainly revolving around their upbringings and how their familial situations shaped them, and even why the two became at odds with each other.
(Spoilers for the end game and post game of SV under the cut)
So let's start by saying, well what do these two even have in common?
1. They both come from prestigious families.
2. This prestigious family/family member had a direct impact on their own social standing and both are judged for it.
There are other similarities, but these are mostly superficial, these two being the ones I noted as having significance. And as you can see, both of them relate to their families in some way. Alright, so both of them come from some pretty important families, but who are these families specifically? Well, as we know, Arven is the son of Professor Sada/Turo, aka the most impressive professor the games have given us yet, and Nemona's father, who's on the board of the Rotom Phone Company.
Why are their families important? Well, their family, in some way, is integral to why they turned out the way that they did, and in part, why they grew to resent the other.
So let's start with Arven:
(For brevity's sake, I will be referring to Arven's parent as Sada, as I played through scarlet, but know that any points I make about her apply to Turo in the case of violet)
Born to the esteemed professor Sada, you might expect that Arven had an easy life growing up. With a name known across the entirety of Paldea, and even outside it, surely her influence must have been carried to her son, causing him to be studious and never late to a class. Especially not when Sada was herself a graduate of Naranja Academy. The reality, as most players know, however, is quite different from that picture.
To say Sada was a distant parent would be putting it lightly, so I'll say it outright. She was a neglectful parent, straight up. Controversial opinion, I know. From a young age she completely abandoned Arven to pursue her research and didn't even have the time to be home, let alone interact with him. His passion for cooking isn't even something born purely from a genuine like of it, as he states himself in his route in post game that he only picked up how to cook because his mother was never around.
Which means Arven had to learn to cook as a child, along with providing for his Maschiff/Mabosstiff, and Koraidon when Sada got her time machine working. Not to mention that Arven saw Koraidon as being the thing that took away his mom and childhood and yet he's the one forced to take care of it.
(On a slightly separate note I find that incredibly symbolic that Sada couldn't provide for both of the things she brought into the world. She didn't provide for her own son, and she didn't even provide for the Koraidon she brought back from the past even though that was a direct result of her research. Just something interesting I noted.)
So Arven was forced to grow up, he didn't get to experience a childhood like everyone else, instead left to clean up after his mother's mistakes and make a meal for himself and his Mabosstiff everyday. I imagine this is why he's so abrasive and standoffish in the beginning of the game, because he can't relate to any of his peers and that frustrates him. It frustrates him that he can't have fun and enjoy himself like all the other kids his age, and all because his own mother chose her research over her own flesh and blood.
And perhaps no one ignites this frustration quite like Nemona does.
Enter Nemona. A girl the same age as him, who also comes from some important names, but they couldn't be further apart. She was provided for, loved and cared for, never had to or has to worry about her next meal, and her name is heralded due to her status as "Champion" due to her age. She's extroverted and such a boundless burst of energy, and it isn't fair.
Why wasn't Arven given that? How come he didn't deserve that life? Why does Nemona deserve it? She's not so great, even if she did always win every fight he ever engaged her in. She just got lucky, she's never experienced any real hardship, not like he has.
He hates her because in his mind, she's been given everything he's ever wanted. From the outset her life looks so idealized, it looks perfect, and he can't understand why he couldn't have had that life. It's unfair, but he doesn't know her, and it's not a hard conclusion to come to, especially when Nemona's someone no one's ever been able to get close to.
Let's investigate that.
So Nemona, at least in terms of upbringing, certainly did have things easier than Arven. We see the bigass mansion she lives in, and we know at least her father is stacked. I mean they like, have butlers, so yeah, rich. Definitely never had to worry about food or likely doing anything around the house. She does mention her parents being distant but in her words, "in a good way" so I imagine gone away on business trips often or stuff like that.
With her older sister primed to be an heir, she had less expectations set on her as the youngest, but that didn't mean she didn't have any. Once she started attending Naranja Academy is when the issues started to arise.
(I will be extrapolating quite a bit from here, but we don't really know much about Arven or Nemona's first year, so it's kinda up in the air. And I am basing most of my thoughts on stuff at least mentioned in the game)
Due to her family's reputation, she began to gain a status immediately as this kind of "princess" whose family had bought her into this school. Her peers either saw themselves as beneath her or scoffed at the notion that she was above them, regardless of if Nemona substantiated these claims. I imagine, though it likely wasn't as bad as it was with Team Star, she was even picked on for this status.
That she "only got in cause of "daddy's money" and that it didn't matter what she did because she could just "buy her problems away." This bothered Nemona, as she'd always felt quite distant from her family and their business endeavors. They'd never pressured her to be a part of it, not when her sister was around, and she'd never been interested in it.
But regardless of what she told her peers, they never took her seriously, this constant invisible wall separating her from everyone her age. So she decided that if she could do something real impressive, then they'd judge her on her own merits, rather than judging her based on who her family was. So she worked her ass off training her pokemon and grinding through every gym, until at last she made it to the Pokemon League. That would have been impressive enough, but Nemona wasn't gonna stop there, no, she was gonna take on the League and she was gonna win.
And against all odds, she did. She defeated Geeta, La Primera, and won, becoming a Champion in her own right. Finally she had proved herself, proven that she was more than a family name, that she was Nemona, a Champion! Right? Well, not quite. Turns out beating all eight gym badges and the Pokemon League was an unprecedented feat and incredibly difficult for someone her age, so now the conversation around her just became "She must just have some crazy natural talent" and the wall never left, in fact, it might've grown worse, because now the thing she's most passionate about she can't even go all out in, because everyone is so afraid of loss.
Which is something she can't understand, because she had to have lost so many times before she eventually became Champion. To her, a loss is just an opportunity to learn how to win next time. But no one else really seems to understand that, and so she's forced to hold back, and even when she does, it's still too much. So despite her extroverted nature, she doesn't really have any friends, never able to break past this barrier she has with her peers.
Which is why (though it's likely less intense than Arven) she resents Arven. Because despite his standing as the son of the professor, no one sees him as being higher than any other kid, and no kid views themself as lower in his presence. He can interact with others normally, without having to hold any of himself back, and Nemona envies that. Sure, maybe that just means people see him as a disappointment, but she'd rather be a disappointment than be untouchable.
Which is why when they meet in Area Zero, and get to interact more, they realize how they've misjudged each other. Sure, Arven doesn't have this barrier that prevents him from interacting with others, but that doesn't mean it's easy for him. It's not better to be a nobody to everyone except for the footnote of being the professor's son, and he can't interact with his peers on a normal level anyway, not when he's matured so far past them.
And though Nemona is surrounded by attention, it's not exactly always good attention. Just because she's accomplished a lot doesn't mean she's perfect. She experiences her own problems, even if they're different than Arven's, and that while she was lucky to be born into a home that loved and provided for her, her titles were her own to gain, and that had nothing to do with luck.
And I think they always were on the way to those discoveries, it's just that their own resentments kind of clouded them to it. Like, I think Arven never felt this invisible barrier with Nemona. Maybe because he also had an influential parent, or maybe because he only ever saw her as a lucky, annoying prick, regardless, he'd always treated her like a person and not a figure. And likewise, though she acknowledged others saw Arven as a disappointment, Nemona never actually saw him as one. Hell, with her disposition, I think she saw how much potential he had, and only resented him more for not applying himself.
Think there's proof of that with her line of "You better actually show up for class!" in the beginning of the game.
But yeah, upon a second playthrough, I couldn't help but notice how similar these two were with their family situations, and that got me thinking about how differently they turned out, and how their separate problems fueled their initial distaste of each other. As of now though, definitely think they're the kind of besties that are comfortable enough to fuck with each other but knowing each other well enough to know when to stop, and that they care deeply about the other.
Sorry, I'm very sappy about these idiots, very sad I couldn't include Penny but her family has no influence and her problems are more centered around like, the failure of the school system, at the time anyway. Which I would be down to discuss as well as my own headcanons for her family situation, but that's for another post.
(If there's interest for that lmk)
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lakevalorr · 1 year
The Pokémon Scarlet Experience™ is absolutely incredible. I would die for these characters, these Pokémon, and my all-time favorite dragon puppy bike. Here are some highlights!
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First, here's our protagonist for the game, María! And our starter, Penelope the Sprigatito!
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And how can we forget meeting our lovable, absolutely huggable dragon puppy bike, Koraidon!? I would die for this absolute doofus of a creature.
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Okay, so I may or may not have gone completely out of order, and did the Artazon Gym first, lmao. It's a nice photo, though. Anyway, Penelope evolved into Floragato prior to it, and we got Diego the Charcadet. Penelope ended up taking care of most of the gym.
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Nothin' to see here. Just a couple of dorks bonding over a sandwich. Similarly to the Artazon gym, Penelope carried hard. GG, Klawf.
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Afterwards, I caught Fernando the Tadbulb and Santiago the Greavard. Team Star time. Mela was a bit difficult to deal with, but Diego actually managed to completely wall her Revavroom thanks to Flash Fire. GGs.
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After that, I did a little bit of soul searching and found Carmen the Tinkatuff and Ástrid the Cetoddle. The full team also evolved: Penelope into Meowscarada, Diego into Armarogue, Fernando into Bellibolt, Santiago into Houndstone, Carmen into Tinkaton, and Ástrid into Cetitan.
Anyway, Cortondo Gym time. This was relatively simple, quick, and easy, since my team was way overleveled, haha.
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*ahem* Anyway-! No way María is actually impressed by Arven; this kid is a loser (affectionate)! Regardless, Orthworm was a bit tricky, considering that it constantly bailed on us, but we managed to take it down, all thanks to Diego, our newly evolved Armarogue.
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Now it's onto Cascarrafa, where we have to return Kofu's wallet, and then participate in a bidding war. Luckily, María managed to rake in the win with a P$30,000 bid, nice. Again, relatively simple. This time, Fernando had his chance to shine!
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Giacomo's pretty cool, not gonna lie. But, that doesn't excuse the fact that I didn't have much trouble dealing with his team. Again, relatively simple.
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"What's up, gamers!?" Eww, that's cringe. Anyway, here's the last highlight for this part. Iono was relatively simple as well. I think I used Fernando, if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, it was pretty fun.
Stay tuned for Paldea Part II.
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glitter-ribbons · 1 year
i bid you good luck with the piplup!!
— @challengedbywiley
...so about that-
Uh, everyone, say hello to Noctis the Chimchar?
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He, uh, he started crying and, um, well, anyway, say hello to him, he's very eager.
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bluetodraw · 2 years
As I normally do I’m summer, I’ve been getting back into Pokemon. Shining Pearl this time, platinum was actually my first game and I’m determined I’m gonna gonna finally beat it.
Decided to go with a Pokemon version of my favourite outfit rather than the trainers one. Adding red to my hair to match my staraptor
Time- 8.5 hours
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rosejigglypuff76 · 2 years
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Gym Leader Julienne Ejercito
A well-known voice actor within the Kalos Region, mainly seen voicing cute characters that may have a devious personality
She treats her Pokemon well and happily, and would always be seen with her starting Pokemon, which is a Jigglypuff named Rose
Julienne trains under Valerie's wing, into becoming the next Fairy-Type Gym Leader in Kalos, and is taken on by challenges in the weekends when Valerie is off-duty as a fashion designer
Gym Battle Team
Rose the Jigglypuff
This Jigglypuff is Julienne's starter that refuses to evolve into a Wigglytuff, who happens to be capable in speaking the human language
She is a gift by Julienne's father, who is a famous but retired actor from another region
Rose is playful and interested in singing, which only Julienne and a few of her other Pokemon can fully listen to
Ribbon the Kirlia
Ribbon is the daughter of Kirumi the Gardevoir, a Pokemon that's owned by Julienne's mother and given as a gift
She's also seen in Pokemon Acting areas, where she is seen on stage with other Pokemon like a show
Lucas the Sylveon
Found as an Eevee Egg during Julienne's vacation in the Kanto Region, and a timid one to say the least
He is only comfortable around his trainer and the rest of her Pokemon
Evolved into the fairy-type Sylveon during the time he protected Julienne from gang members
Ester the Florges
Caught as a Flabebe, and is the first Pokemon that Julienne caught after being gifted her best friend and partner Jigglypuff
She's the ace Pokemon in her team when it comes to facing typical challengers as the 6th Gym Leader (when Valerie is absent)
Toby the Togekiss (Rematch Only)
Caught as a Togepi that was treated badly by his previous trainer
He grew loads of attachment when Julienne found him, and was treated much better with a kindheart
Evolves into a graceful Togekiss, and is seen during Pokemon Contests, and often in rematches with other trainers
Kirumi the Gardevoir (Rematch Only)
Mainly a Pokemon owned by Julienne's mother, but is sometimes seen in battle by Julienne during the Battle Chateau and also in rematches as a Mega Gardevoir
Is the mother of Ribbon the Kirlia, and shows all the love and kindness towards her only child and her trainer
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Me (ghost) and Condor cooked up a trainer AU for these two!! We have our own versions but it’s mostly the same kind of vibes/tone. Here they’re 17-18 going into college because boy do you get a nice 2-3 months of nothing after graduating (at least where I was).
I gave them a full party as well! Though not all of their Pokèmon are drawn here. The Altaria is wild though!
~ Here’s the teams I made for them listed down under the cut! ~
They’re not mono type and I would take all day explaining my choice But these just seem like fitting Pokemon for them (in my personal opinion)
Archie’s team
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Maxie’s team
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Goofy names my beloved :) definitely a bit of theming in them too! Though I didn’t really get in too deep for them. I they Also do have their Canon party member that aren’t here, the Poochyenas/Mightyenas are somewhere in their hometowns and Muk and Weezing is for another post (that I hopefully will make!)
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tsumsted wonderland part iii card previews
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The cards that will be features in Tsumsted Wonderland part 3 are being shown as Japanese train station ads! You can view them all here.
The SSRs (limited time banners): Vil, Idia, and Malleus
The SRs (limited time banners): Trey, Ruggie, and Silver
The (free) Rs: Ace and Jami
Some cute details I noticed:
bcjsbsjisneje Something about the way Jamil and Ace are holding their Tsums makes it feel like they’re handling basketballs (moreso Ace than Jamil); not sure if that was intentional or not since they’re both in that club.
… Jamil’s also kinda handling his Tsum like it’s a ripe tomato he’s about to cook up…
Look closely—Trey’s Tsum is doing that silly smirk 😂 You know the one, the smirk that actually makes Trey look a little mean and sinister.
Tsum!Rook is sitting atop the box in which the Huntsman was meant to deliver Snow White’s heart. Tsum!Epel’s got an apple—maybe the one that ends up poisoned? And, of course, Vil’s Tsum somehow has the arm strength to hold up a vial and help with concocting a poison.
Idia seems to be on a raft. Perhaps a reference to Hades upon the river Styx? It’s rare to see him posed so cockily; it’s nice to see him confident for once. His bravado and pose (+ Tsum!Ortho and Idia on his arms) makes me think of a Pokèmon trainer challenging you to a battle www
Awww, Silver swaddling his Tsum like it’s a baby…
HELP????? 😭 Malleus’s pose gives the impression that he’s juggling the Tsums for lols but he’s probably just levitating them with magic or something. I like that Tsum!Lilia is upside down whereas Tsum!Sebek is being viewed from a bottom-up perspective (it feels like it’s trying to intimidate us, lol). Malleus is holding his Tsum self like it’s a glass of wine that some Big Bad final boss swirls around while monologuing about his plans for world domination. (Well… that’s not too far off, I guess 🤡)
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onimusha095 · 28 days
A little Idea popped into my head
And uhh
So roles are as Follows
- Champion - Is me
-Elite 4 - unfunnyaceartist, chaos-ace, darken-hollow
Gym Leaders 1-8
And then other special trainers and type specialists!
You can also be Professors or other special NPCs if you wanted
Also quick sidenote: Instead of type specialists, it's Theme Specialist! Basically you get to use any type, but it has to match a theme
If it's alright you can reblog it
Pokemon Team Building Rules
Where to pick your Pokémon Team
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