#Pokémon trainer Emma
pkmn-xy-squad · 6 months
“Aha! You can cut the formalities, there’s no need for ‘em here.” Ryme told him.
“Now that you’ve gotten houndstone all riled up, how about a battle?”she asked.
Hailey nods. She shuffles her hand around in her bag.
“Oh I wasn’t taking to you, Miss Neo Champion.” She stops her.
“You wish to battle me then, I take it?” Jacques asked, pointing to himself uncertainly.
“Right on.” Ryme asserts. “I do double battles, you in?” She asked.
“I suppose it would be rude of me to decline, we came all this way to meet you. I accept.” Jacques answers.
Ryme recalls her houndstone, and leads the three of them outside, just a little aways from the building. There was a battle court set up, complete with stage lights and speakers.
She assends the small set of stairs on one side of the court, and Jacques does on the opposite side. He looked down nervously off the stage into the audience where Hailey and Emma were standing. Emma was holding Mimi under her arms, and Hailey had her Delphox with her to keep the cold away.
“It’s okay, We’ll be here the whole time.” Hailey assured him.
“Don’t forget we’re cheering for you!” Emma exclaimed.
Delphox gave a cheerful cry.
“Thank you, I will give it my best.” Jacques told them. He then got into position for the battle to start.
*You are challenged by Gym Leader Ryme!*
"My music's not all that tops the charts—my skills with Ghost types are the best around!
Lest you forget it, the name is Ryme, and I'm known as the MC of RIP! Dead or alive, let's make this a vibe!” She declares.
*Ryme sends out Banette and Mymiku!*
“Go Chesnaught and Simisage! I know you can do it!” He declares, sending out his first two Pokémon.
Jacques assessed the match ups. He didn’t have a Pokédex like Hailey to tell him the types and names of his opponent’s Pokémon, but he could already tell this was going to be a tough fight.
“Chesnaught, use Spiky Shield, and Simisage use Leaf Storm!” He commanded.
Chesnaught shielded itself from oncoming attacks, and Simisage let loose a barrage of swirling leaves. They thwapped harmlessly off of its partner, but cut into Banette. Oddly, Mimikyu didn’t seem to be bothered by the swirling leaves.
*mimikyu’s disguise was busted!*
What appeared to be its head flopped over to the side, as if it had broken its neck. The real Pokémon was in the bottom portion of the body, and the attack had now rendered the Pokémon vulnerable.
“Your power’s a real threat! But the party is still goin’—I haven't lost yet!" Ryme sang.
*Mimikyu used Light Screen! A barrier protects the opposing team against special moves!*
*Banette uses Icy Wind!*
A frigid blast of air blows from Ryme’s team.
*Chesnaught protected itself!*
It held strong against the wind using its shield.
*Its super effective against Simisage!*
*Simisage fainted!*
The cold blast of air turned out to be more than it could take, and Jacques recalled it.
*Will you switch Pokémon?*
“Corviknight, let’s go! I know you can do it!” He declared, sending out the large armored bird.
“Chesnaught, use Frenzy Plant!” He commanded.
It dropped its shield and punches the ground with its fists, running giant roots under the ground to attack Banette. The roots surface, and slap Banette forcefully, taking its remaining HP.
*Banette fainted!*
*Gym Leader Ryme sent out Spiritomb!*
Immediately as the Pokémon entered the field, Jacques began to hear voices. Some were whispering indecipherable nonsense, others were screaming in indescribable pain and anguish. They were all overlapping each other, and they were so loud. He tried to cover his ears to muffle the sound, but the voices didn’t dampen. It was a supernatural sound, and as he glanced around, the others didn’t seem to be able to hear it.
*Spiritomb used Curse!*
There was the sound of a nail being hammered into the Pokémon.
*Spiritomb cut its own HP and put a curse on Chesnaught!*
Chesnaught and Corviknight looked back at him, concerned. Chesnaught looked sickly from the Curse damage.
*Your Pokemon seem to be curious about your fashion.*
He had to try to give them commands, but he couldn’t think straight. There was too much noise in his head. He had to try to do something, do anything!
“Corviknight….use Metal Claw…” He was able to get out.
Corviknight spread its giant wings and leapt at Mimikyu, but Mimikyu was able to slink out of the way of its slashing metal talons.
*Mimikyu used Play Rough! It’s super effective against Chesnaught!*
*Chesnaught fainted!*
Jacques recalled his Pokémon.
*Will you switch Pokémon?*
“Sirfetch'd, I need you!” He sent out his next pokemon.
He had to get Mimikyu off the field so it wouldn’t knock out any more of his Pokémon. At the same time, the voices of the damned emanating from Spiritomb were relentless. He had to push through the noise to command his Pokémon before it became overwhelming.
Meanwhile, in the crowd, Hailey and Emma could see that he was struggling with something.
“Is Jacques okay? He looks like he’s straining himself.” Hailey commented to Emma, concerned.
“I know. Mimi says it’s the voices. She hears them too.” Emma replies.
“Voices? I don’t hear any other voices-“ Hailey started.
She thought on it a minute.
“Wait-the Spiritomb!” She exclaimed.
Emma nodded.
Back on the battle stage, Jacques was trying hard to filter his own thoughts through the incessant noise in his head.
“Corviknight….” He began.
“Use..Flash Cannon..” He commanded through gritted teeth. The pupil in his left eye had gone slit, glowing intensely with a pale blue energy. He quickly covered it with his left hand, but the energy could still be seen leaking through the cracks in between his fingers.
This time, Corviknight’s attack lands.
*It’s super effective against the opponent’s Mimikyu!*
*Corviknight landed a critical hit, wishing to be praised!*
*The opponent’s Mimikyu fainted!*
“Good job, my friend.” Jacques praised it, his voice strained.
*Gym leader Ryme sent out Houndstone!*
Jacques shuttered. Dog Pokémon always unnerved him, but he couldn’t say why. At any rate, that wasn’t the Pokémon he should focus his attention on now. He had to get Spiritomb off the field before it incapacitated him.
“Sirfetch’d, let’s end this, now! Use Brave Bird! Corviknight, use Flash Canon!” He mustered up the strength to command his Pokémon.
Sirfetch’d lowered its lance in a charge position. In a flurry of wind of feathers, it charged at spiritomb. It connected, taking out the pokemon.
*spiritomb fainted!*
The eerie voices Jacques had been hearing went silent. He could finally hear himself think. He shook his head to clear it and readjusted his stance.
Corviknight fired a burst of metallic burst of energy at Houndstone, but it didn’t seem to do very much.
*the opposing Houndstone used Play Rough!*
*It’s super effective against Sirfetch’d!*
*Sirfetch’d fainted!*
Will you send out your next Pokémon?
“Charcadet, let’s go!” Jaques called, sending out his next Pokémon. Things were looking rough. He only had Gallade left after that.
*Ryme sent out Toxtricity!*
“Wait, that isn’t a Ghost type!” He exclaimed, confused.
Ryme pulled out her tera orb.
"Kick back, relax, and enjoy this last track. Turn it up for a grave-rattlin' good time!" She announced as she terastalized her Pokémon.
In front of the stage where Emma and Hailey were standing, the ground began to shift as several greviard unburied themselves from the dirt. They shook off the dirt and snow from themselves and excitedly wagged their tails. Another one wiggled its way up on to one of the speakers and was doing a happy little dance.
"When I'm on the mic, even the dead rise up! DJ G-Rave over there's sure feelin' it!" Ryme sang.
The gleam from the terastilization faded and Jacques looked over at it again.
“It changed types?!” He exclaimed, even more confused than before. He looked down at Hailey.
“That’s something that they can do now?!” He asked her over the loud music. She just shrugged. She didn’t know that they could do that now, either.
“Corviknight, use Fly! Charcadet, use Flame Charge!”
Corviknight flaps its giant wings and takes off, flying high above the battle stage.
“Put your SOUL into it, Toxtricity! Let's bring the power!” Ryme declared.
*The Opposing Toxtricity uses Hex!*
*Corviknight avoids the attack!*
Charcadet’s flames flare up, as it strikes houndstone with flame charge. It doesn’t seem to do very much damage but Houndstone is now looking a little tired. Charcadet is also looking tired, but is still determined to fight on.
*Corviknight uses Fly!*
Corviknight descends on Houndstone in a powerful dive, taking it out.
*Houndstone fainted!*
It was now two on one match. If Jacques could just knock out her last Pokémon, he could win.
“Corviknight, use Flash Canon! Charcadet, use Astonish!” He commanded.
Corviknight let out another blast of metallic energy. It did some damage, but not enough to knock it out.
*Toxtricity used Overdrive!*
Toxtricity strummed the scales on its chest, making a sound that was like an electric shockwave.
*It’s super effective on Corviknight!*
*Corviknight fainted!*
*Charcadet fainted!*
“Ack!” Jacques flinched back from the noise.
*Would you like to switch Pokémon?*
“Gallade, let’s go! I know you can do it!” He declared, sending out his final Pokémon.
“So it comes down to this. Very well then.” He commented. He removed his left hand from his face, closing his eye. Pale blue energy could still be seen leaking from it. He touched his hand to his mega brooch on his right shoulder where ghimighoul was still sitting.
“Gallade, Mega Evolve!” He called out. A pulsing bright light radiated from the stone as it synchronized its power with the galladeite his Pokémon held. A bright burst of energy surrounded it, followed by a flicker of rainbow flame as the energy faded. Mega Gallade now stood opposing Tera Toxtricity, ready to go.
Jacques put his hand back over his eye.
“Alright. Now use Psycho Cut!” He commanded.
Toxtricity put its arms up in front of its face as Mega Gallade slashed into it with blades made of psychic energy.
*The Opposing Toxtricity used Hex!*
*It’s Super Effective!*
Mega Gallade takes a good deal of damage, but is still standing.
“Use Shadow Ball!” Jacques commands. Mega Gallade puts its hands out and casts a ball of ghostly energy at Toxtricity. It is still standing, but barely. It looks exhausted.
*Toxtricity uses Hex!*
*It’s Super effective!*
Mega Gallade reverted to its origional form and collapses as Jacques recalled it.
*You lost against Gym Leader Ryme!*
“Hah! Great battle—chilling AND thrilling!” Ryme laughed. The teralization on her Toxtricity faded.
“We have been bested this time. Well done.” Jacques congratulated her. He removes his hand from his face. The pale blue glow had faded and his pupil had returned to normal.
They descend from the stage.
“You did good!” Emma tells him.
“Are you alright? You looked like you were struggling up there.” Hailey asked him with concern.
“I’m alright now, just tired. That Spiritomb gave me a lot of trouble.” He responded.
“I noticed that during our battle.” Ryme commented. “Don’t think I didn’t see what was going on with you.” She waved her finger, gesturing to him.
He felt anxiety welling up in the pit of his stomach. He knew what she was going to ask next. Even though it was the reason they came here in the first place, it didn’t make him feel any less nervous.
“You’re a ghost, aren’t you?” She posed.
There was a moment of tense silence before he answered.
“Y-yes, You’re right. I am.” He stammered nervously. The tassels on the ends of his scarf began to twitch.
Ryme put a hand to her chin.
“Now things are starting to make a bit more sense. That’s why you came all the way out here to see me, isn’t it.” Ryme commented.
“You are correct.” Hailey replied. “We need your expertise, if you wouldn’t mind.” Hailey explained.
“Oh, not at all!” Ryme responded.
“May suggest we continue this conversation inside? I need a moment to rest before we continue. This body of mine feels like it will give out at any moment.” Jacques informed them.
“Why didn’t you say that before?!” Haliey exclaimed, concerned.
They make their way back to the gym building. Once inside, they take the elevator up to Ryme’s office, where they can continue the conversation in private.
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melonthesprigatito · 4 months
Pokémon Legends: Z-A is really out there making me dive back into certain character hyperfixations from my earliest Pokémon fandom days. I haven't thought about these people in nearly a decade
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The vintage blorbos are resurfacing
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kusanagistan · 2 years
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Today’s experiment... is already over?
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fallershipping · 6 days
Unpopular Opinion
I don't mind "First Partner Pokemon" as an option to call "Starter Pokemon" and I like flip flopping between the two. Starter is easier for more logical and concise posts, but First Partner feels good to say in universe.
"The first partner I traveled with..." "My first partner was a similar species..." "You'll be getting your first partner Pokémon today..."
First Partner or 'Starter' Pokemon can be any Pokemon, even a legendary if you're that lucky or a protagonist in a story. They may or may not be battle oriented, which means Mimi is Emma's First Pokemon but she does not use her for battles, or Nebby was indeed Lillie's before handing them over to the Alola protagonist.
While the gameplay important Fire/Grass/Water trio species that we know and love are indeed very common Pokemon that have been domesticated to hell and back, they are not the rule. A couple of kids might get Charmanders and Chikoritas for a first Pokemon, but they're also just as likely to get Pikachu or Eevee or Magikarp or Bidoof or just depends on what their parents can afford, catch, adopt, or maybe pass down.
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In terms of data, this is what I think is the usual for the Pokemon world, with Pikachu gaining massive popularity due to Legendary Trainer Red and the anime based off of him known as "Satoshi and Pikachu." Eevee used to be equal or more than Pikachu for its adaptability and easy husbandry, but due to movies and merchandising, Pikachu became more a household favorite.
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bw2 · 2 years
this summer...
everyone's favorite king...
is coming to the big screen
*cuts to Ghetsis voiced by Steve Carell* What a bummer!
*N wakes up giddy for the moning as Ghetsis tells him he needs to help him liberate Pokémon from their trainers, his alarm is still going off and he can't hear him, the camera pans to his bedroom that is decked out in posters of Purrloin clinging to a branch that say “hang in there” and assorted math items, Ghetsis clears his throat loudly*
"I SAID… you are to assist me with liberating the Pokémon!"
N, voiced by Jim Parsons "WAAAH!! Yes, Father….”
one king will find himself
N "what?! the dark stone is missing?"
and maybe a Legendary Pokémon
N "and that trainer has it?”
but first he has to find the Truth
ghetsis: "It’s not a snuggie!"
*turns to the other six Sages* "does this cloak make my butt look big?”
*the Sages all shake their head in sync*
which might be hard to swallow
Hilda, voiced by Emma Roberts "all I want to do is fill my Pokédex but this GREEN WEIRDO KEEPS GETTING IN THE WAY”
this summer is going to be
*montage of slap stick*
*Ghetsis twerking*
N "aaawkward"
this summer is going to be...
*dance party ending montage that takes place in the Unova league and shows Ghetsis getting arrested*
*Alder doing the whip & nae nae*
this summer is going to be!
*montage of every time they say "Pokémon" in the movie
Pokémon Black and White.
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hanaotaku95 · 4 months
The 40 x Pokemon
A post for @the-ravenclaw-werewolf ! I hope you like it!
I simply love her mass crossover fic, and it is one that has become something of an inspiration for me in terms of “Watching the series” fics. I haven’t started yet but I have a couple ideas in mind.
One of the things I love doing is giving anime characters pokemon teams and, to show my love for the story, I will be giving pokemon teams to each of the members of the 40!
Some guidelines, while I will do my best, some characters will likely have less than 6 pokemon, mainly due to lack of familiarity with some of the characters. Any Pokemon I pick will not only represent something for the character, but they are Pokemon I can actually picture them having if they were Pokemon trainers.
Right now, I have teams for four characters picked out, and if it gets positive reception, I will do more!
Now, without further ado, let’s get this started with….
1) Killua Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter
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His partner and ace is Pawmot. Not only is it an electric type, but it is also a healer with its signature move, Revival’s blessing, showcasing Killua’s innate, kind nature. Sylveon is here for similar reasons, and I made it shiny to represent Alluka in his life, who is canonically transfemale.
Absol is a Pokémon that is often misunderstood, just like Killua, and also can represent his past as an assassin. It doesn’t hurt that Absol has cat-like features and a similar color scheme to Killua.
Slurpuff is here due to Killua’s love of Chocorobos. I can totally see these two chowing down on some, lol.
Gholdengo may seem like an odd choice but Killua is often associated with his skateboard and Gholdengo is a surfer. Plus, I can see Killua being one of the few patient and determined enough to gather all 999 Gimmighoul coins to evolve his.
Finally, Manectric is totally a Killua pokemon. He also loves dogs and there was a bit of cut content of Killua once having a puppy when he was younger. Sadly, he ended up having to kill it because of his parents.
Mega Manectric is the thunderbolt pokemon and would be the perfect pokemon to be able to keep up with him in Godspeed.
2) Emma from Promised Neverland
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Whenever I think of Emma, the first pokemon that comes to mind is Scorbunny. Athletic and fiery, I think it and Emma would be instant friends upon meeting and would help Emma survive her ordeals. It would be a Cinderace by the end of the manga.
Pikachu is also a Pokemon I can see with Emma. A fast, forest dweller and mascot, and it serves as nice common with Killua, who has a Pawmot (aka an evolved Pikachu clone).
Emma screams “dog person” and being the Badass Normal, she deserves a badass, normal dog pokemon. Stoutland would be not only a tracker but also a guard for the younger kids.
Gardevoir represents Emma’s unwavering kindness and empathy. I can see Emma raising it from a Ralts and fostering her with all the kindness in her heart. Gardevoir and Emma also have a tendency to be self sacrificial.
Grimmsnarl may seem like an odd choice, but just because Emma is a kind and compassionate girl doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a dark side. Grimmsnarl, being a dark and fairy type, is the perfect pokemon to represent both aspects of Emma’s character.
Finally, Lanturn. To be honest, I just think Lanturn fits Emma to a T, with both of them having a playful nature and serving as the heart of their teams.
3) Ciel Phantomhive:
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Granbull is Ciel’s starter pokemon, and one that represents who he was before the incident and even who he is now. Ciel is a complicated character and both he and Granbull can be scary, but there is a softer side to them.
Dusknoir and Banette represent Ciel now. Dusknoir has one eye like Ciel, and is something of a grim reaper of the pokemon world, making it similar to Sebastian. Banette not only is a ghost pokemon known for its vengeful nature but it’s a toy, or rather a doll.
Larvitar just has bit Ciel vibes. It may evolve one day but I think it staying a Larvitar would be symbolic of Ciel as he is now. Cubone would have been another good choice but I think Larvitar fits better.
Finally, Hisuian Zorua and Plusle represent things that are spoilers but if you know, then you know. I will say that Plusle also connects Ciel with Killua and Emma.
4) Nagisa Shiota:
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This team was terribly easy. Serperior and Seviper are here because of Nagisa’s association with snakes.
Weavile represents Nagisa’s talent for assassination and it is also a small and frail powerhouse.
Espeon is a Pokemon that represents Nagisa’s inner kindness and eventual path towards becoming a teacher. I can see Espeon helping Nagisa rally his troublesome students when he is older.
Roserade is a feminine looking pokemon that can be male, and also can fit on a team for one with a talent for assassination.
Finally, Mawile is a Pokémon that looks outwardly cute but has something terrifying about them. Mawile has their huge jaws and Nagisa has a natural bloodlust. It also has the capacity to mega evolve and become a true menace.
And that is all for today! I hope you all enjoy this. If anyone has suggestions for Pokemon that the others would have on their teams, I am all ears!
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omgkatherine01 · 2 years
Electrical - Masterlist
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At the world of Pokémon, a rich family with the name of Pierce was complex with legendary trainers and breeders, the 10 years old Emma Pierce starting her journey with her yellow best friend, a female Pikachu. Join Emma's adventure into the Pokémon world with her friends.
Important Note: At every book Emma and her friends will be ageing up! This book Emma and Ash will be in between 10-11.
Chapter 1 - How It Started
Chapter 2 - Yellow Friend
Chapter 3 - The Start Of A Friendship
Chapter 4 - Helping a Poliwag
Chapter 5 - Hello, Pikachu!
Chapter 6 - Family Visiting
Chapter 7 - Welcome, Scyther
Chapter 8 - Emma's Beginning
Chapter 9 - Ash Catches a Pokémon
Chapter 10 - Challenge of the Samurai
Chapter 11 - Showdown in Pewter City
Chapter 12 - Ash VS Emma
Chapter 13 - Clefairy and the Moon Stone
Chapter 14 - The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
Chapter 15 - coming soon
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spacefinch · 1 year
Happy Autism Acceptance Month!
To celebrate, here’s a list of my favorite autistic-coded Pokémon characters:
Red— the OG autistic trainer. Him being non-verbal doesn’t get in the way of him being one of the best trainers in the world. Not to mention, he’s got friends who understand his unique way of communicating and accept him for who he is.
Ingo and Emmet. They love trains— that alone is enough to put them on this list. But they also have unusual ways of speaking (Ingo tends to yell without meaning to, and Emmet repeats phrases). And they’re not good with facial expressions. 10/10 silly train men.
N — another one of my favorite Pokémon BW characters. I think the fact that he gets along with Pokémon better than people is really interesting. And his kindness and determination are very relatable.
Winona— AKA the person who once sat up in a tree doing bird impressions, according to Pokemon Masters. She’s my favorite Hoenn Gym Leader, since A) she’s a Flying-type Trainer and B) she has a bit of an eccentric personality.
Falkner. What can I say? Dude’s about as obsessed with birds as I am (for context, birds mean the world to me.)
Elesa. (This is solely based off her habit of always wearing headphones.) She knows how to make accommodations for herself and look good doing it. I stan.
Bugsy. They could spend hours talking about Bug-type Pokémon, and I would never get tired of it. Also: my headcanon is that they chose their own name after their special interest. Power move, if you ask me.
Cilan (especially in the anime). The OG Submas fan, and a connoisseur of many, many things. He will absolutely infodump your ears off if you let him. And he’s a pretty good cook, too!
Lillie. In the anime (again) she’s scared of touching Pokémon except her Vulpix, but otherwise she loves them. Reading about Pokémon and how to take care of them is one of her favorite things to do.
Looker— who I also think is ADHD. An all-around great guy.
A few runners-up:
Steven Stone
In conclusion, I’m very happy I got into Pokémon. I can see why autistic people like myself like it so much.
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kawipastell1928 · 4 months
Pokémon Players that I interacted with in Pokémon Sword/Shield in the Wild Area, Isle of Armor, and Crown Tundra on February 24, 2024!
I will be putting the name shown to me in game, and only put names in English so I apologize to any foreign Trainers I had to leave out due to unable to write your name in your language, but I love you all the same! Names have been wrote down EXACTLY as I saw them in game, so yes, these are what people names themselves. Enjoy! ✨
mr you
tomi y vicho
8 Bit King
ash ketchup
Damian 3.o
Baby Yoshi
Please don't forget the people in Palestine, Sudan, and Congo who are persecuted for being alive and believing certain ways in their homes. Don't forget the Hawaiian natives who have no say in their own land and homes, and that they also deserve their independence from the forced colonization they are under. We will never stop bringing awareness and hope you keep them in mind and support them all one day being Happy, Safe, and Healthy. 💖
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scorchieart · 2 years
Scorchie's Catch-All Masterlist
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Hello there, internet traveler! Call me Scorchie 🙂 Here you'll find the collection of writings and edits I've worked on, please enjoy!
I currently write for Ikemen Prince.
Links & Navigation
☕Archive of Our Own ☕Writing Tag ☕My 2nd Blog ☕Fic Recs
Things to remember***
All the content I post is SFW and all relevant warnings are listed before the fic or in the tags. Please take a moment to review them before diving in.
One last thing, this blog is littered with bad jokes & puns, so watch your step or you might get floored.
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🌠: Recently added 🥰: Scorchie's favorites 🙈: Contains major spoilers
Ikemen Prince
Short fics (< 2500 words)
Table for Ten (Sariel; Family, Comedy)
Something Sweeter (Luke; Reader-Insert, Friendship)
Lot of the Leopard (Clavis; Comedy)
One Fowl Choice (Clavis; Reader-Insert, Fluff)
Change for the Better (Keith, Yves, Licht; Friendship, Fluff)
Pumpkin Pun-King (Leon; Comedy)
Cold Shoulder (Yves, Nokto; Reader-Insert, Slice of Life, Fluff)
Right Here (Clavis; Reader-Insert, Romance, Fluff)
Second to None (Emma/Belle, Chevalier's faction; Action, Suspense)
Of Conflict and Compromise (Leon, Chevalier; Angst, Comfort)
Stuck in Traffic Jam (Clavis; Comedy)
Long fics (> 2500 words)
Midnight Snack-Attack (Yves, Luke; Family, Angst, Comfort)
Magical Malady (Leon, Clavis; Fantasy AU, Magic, Family, Comfort) 🙈
Dual Perspective (Nokto, Licht; Angst) 🥰
A Midsummer Night's Scream (Chevalier; Reader-Insert, Angst, Fluff) 🙈
Home Sweet Homesick (Clavis, Chevalier; Angst, Comfort) 🥰
Double Deflection (Licht, Chevalier; Slice of Life, Comedy) 🌠
Multi-Chapter & Series
Honor Roll (Jin; Comedy) Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5
Straight Eights (Emma/Belle; Modern/Academia AU) Chapter 1 //
First of Many (Jin; Family)
Three's a Crowd (Jin, Chevalier, Clavis; Adventure)
Grab-Bag Prompt Masterlist
Falling Ahead (Yves, Clavis; Family, Comedy)
Silly Headcanons About the Princes as Children 🥰 Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5
That Time Clavis Invented the Bicycle Part 1 // Part 2
The Princes as Pokémon Trainers Link
The Dreaded Monthly Costco Trip Link
Young Silvio and His Mother’s High Heeled Shoes, A Love/Hate Relationship Link
The Princes Meet Their Newborn Niece/Nephew 🥰 Part 1 // Part 2
Clavis, Leon & Yves Waking a Sleepy Reader Link
Happy, Wholesome Yves Headcanons Link
Silvio, Rio & Keith Solo Vacationing Link 🌠
Miscellaneous (maybe you'll laugh at them, too)
The D.D.D.D.D.D.D.W in action
Leon makes a good point
Shipwrecked Chevalier, Luke and Rio
The new princes meet Belle's grandmother
Chevalier & Clavis in the infirmary
Chevalier's Ambition
Clavis & his duckie friend
Leon & Jin's spectacular scooter trip
How Sariel disposes of Clavis's clay figures
Chevalier & Clavis bonding over books (...kinda)
Pokémon Trainer Luke in the wild
Clothes Shopping with the Ikeprinces
More to Give, More to Take
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Thank you for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon! Take care! 👋 - Scorchie
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followthechick · 1 year
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I decided to dust off my Tumblr and start posting here again after uhh, almost one year.
Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈 Every year I feel the urge to draw my Pokémon trainer OCS for pride month so here they are.
From left to right: Kim (she/her, asexual), Emma (she/her, transgender) and Chaya (she/her, bisexual)
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pkmn-xy-squad · 6 months
Hailey, Emma, and Jacques walk into the lobby of the gym building. The room looked sleek and professional, white walls with screens behind the counter had the day’s scheduled matches displayed on them. There was a larger screen in the back of the room that displayed the Paldea gym logo. A matching one was set into the middle of the tiled floor. It was relatively quiet, a few trainers hanging around the sitting area.
The three of them approached the secretary’s desk. There was a man wearing a suit behind the desk.
“Hello there. How can I help you?” He asked.
Jaques stepped forward.
“Is the gym leader around? We were hoping to speak with them.” He asked, twirling the tassels of his scarf around in his hand.
The secretary checks something on his rotom phone.
“She should be available now. One moment, I’ll see if I can get in contact with her for you.” He says.
“Thank you.” Jacques replies. He takes a step back from the secretary counter.
A few minutes later, the elevator doors behind the desk open and an older lady walks out. She looked like she was somwhere in her late 50s-early 60s, and had dark skin. She wore a black sequined dress that came down to her knees, and a puffy black coat with gold accents. She wore similarly matching gold sneakers and a black baseball cap with gold accents. Her white hair was pulled through the back of the cap, and came down in a style that resembled a skeletal forearm.
“That must be the Gym Leader.” Hailey assumed.
“She looks like she’s somebody’s cool grandma.” Emma commented.
“She probably is.” Hailey replied.
“I wish I had a cool grandma.” Emma sighed.
“While we are on the subject My Lady, I believe that your mother Ms. Grace would be someone who people consider to be cool, is she not?” Jacques asked her.
Hailey giggled. “Yes, I guess you are right. My mom is pretty cool.”
At the same time, the secretary walks up to the older lady.
“You needed to see me?” She asks him.
“Yes, someone is here who asked if you were around this evening.” He replied.
“It’d better not be someone Geeta sent over, she knows it’s my night off.” She grumbled.
“No ma’am. The request came from those trainers over there.” He gestures with a jerk of his head, as to not point and appear rude.
She looks over at the three trainers waiting over by the lobby desk.
“Thank you. I’ll take care of it.” She thanks the secretary before heading over to them.
They notice her approaching and wrap up their conversation.
“You’re the Ghost Gym Leader, correct?” Hailey asked.
“Yep, that’s me. The name is Ryme, and I'm known as the MC of RIP!" She introduces herself.
“Didn’t I see you little lady in La Primera’s match a few days ago?” She asks her.
Hailey smiles awkwardly, embarrassed. “Yes, that was me. I’m one of Kalos’ Neo-Champions, Hailey.” She introduces herself.
“We got ourselves a hot shot over here! What brings you all they way out here?” Ryme exclaims.
Jacques steps forward from behind Hailey to say something, but as he is about to, one of Rhyme’s pokeballs from her pocket opens up. A large, white, dog-like Pokémon emerges, and excitedly rushes over to jump up on him. Its size catches him off guard and he topples backwards onto the ground.
“Woah!” He exclaims.
This does not stop the Pokémon, which immediately climbs onto him and stands on his chest, its bone tail wagging excitedly.
“Ahhh…..hello there……” Jacques says nervously. He slowly brings a shaking arm up to try and gently scooch the Pokémon off his chest.
“You’re a friendly ghost, aren’t you?” He asks it, trying to remain calm.
It gives a low “Boof” in response, along with the sound of crunching bones.
“There’s a nice pokemon…..now…..would you kindly step off of me?” He asked it again, pushing it lightly with a shaking hand.
At this moment, ghimighoul crawls out from under the scarf by Jacques’ shoulder. It makes its little jingly noise that catches the other Pokémon’s attention. It bounces off of Jacques’ chest to inspect this new sound, and he sits up.
“Ah-haha! I don’t think I’ve seen Houndstone that excited to meet a new trainer before.” Rhyme laughs.
“I see. Ghost Pokémon tend to be somewhat..….attracted to me.” Jacques comments.
Ryme thinks she sees a pale glow from his eyes for a second, but she blinks and it’s gone.
Ghimighoul, now standing on Houndstone’s snout, jumps off back onto Jacques lap.
It makes a discontented jingle, and he looks down at it.
“Oh! My friend, I’m sorry. I must have landed on you when I was knocked to the ground. You have my deepest apologies.” He apologizes to it. With a satisfied jingle, it climbs back up onto his shoulder, sitting just above the mega brooch that was pinned to his scarf. He gets to his feet.
“I don’t believe I introduced my friends.” Hailey tells Ryme.
“This is Emma.” She introduced the girl standing next to her. She had an Espurr at her ankles. She gave a polite smile and wave.
“And this is Jacques.” She introduced the man in the scarf. Houndstone was still sniffing around his vicinity.
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He dipped his head in a small bow.
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melonthesprigatito · 4 months
Naw man, Pokémon Generations was so wrong for this, especially because that was NOT how that scene happened in the actual games.
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In the actual post game plot it was LOOKER that got attacked, the animators just decided that it it would be better if it was Mimi that got punted into the sun for some reason 💀
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trainersearchsystem · 7 months
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073 icons of Pokémon Trainer Emma from Pokémon Masters.
Please give proper credit if using these icons. Likes / reblogs aren't necessary but appreciated.
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sundove88 · 8 months
Super Smash Bros. Memento Mori AFK AU
You know how the game MementoMori is celebrating its 1st anniversary?
Well, guess what I made.
A SSB AU, in which the characters of the infamous fighting game play the roles of the characters!!
Roster down below. HUGE thanks to @lunartearrose, @busy-dadzawa-fish, and @ultimatestellar for all their help!
🗡️- Warrior
📖- Sorcerer
🔫- Sniper
Kirby- The Successor (Yes, he’s a playable character) (LR) 📖 (I pulled off a World of Light)
Aura of Azure:
Zelda- Amleth (LR) 🗡️ (Both are royals)
Diddy Kong- Fenrir (LR) 📖
Robin- Florence (LR) 🗡️
Mario- Illya (SSR+) 🗡️ (It’s pretty obvious why)
Meta Knight- Iris (SSR+) 🗡️
Magolor- Loki (SSR+) 🔫
Simon Belmont- Moddey (LR) 📖 (Both are associated with the dead)
Bandana Waddle Dee- Monica (N) 🔫
Blyeth- Sivi (LR) 🗡️
Pyra- Soltina (LR) 📖 (I made her and Mythra sisters to reflect Sol and Lunalynn’s sisterly dynamic)
Link- Sonya (LR) 🔫 (Link adores Princess Zelda, like how Sonya adores Amleth)
Tails- Stella (LR) 🗡️
Aura of Crimson:
Bayonetta- Amour (LR) 🔫
Roy- Arianrhod (SSR+) 🗡️
Sheldon- Artie (LR) 📖 (Both are mechanics)
Bowser Jr.- Belle (LR) 📖 (Belle sees Val as her mom, while Bowser Jr is Bowser’s Son)
Yoshi- Charlotte (N) 🗡️
Dixie Kong- Chiffon (LR) 📖
Summer Festival!Inkling- Summer’s Reverb Cordie (LR) 🔫
Cilan- Dian (LR) 🔫
Lip- Freesia (LR) 📖 (Both are associated with flowers)
Zoroark - Petra (SSR+) 🔫
Krystal- Priscilla (LR) 📖
Fox-Rean (LR) 🗡️
Cloud- Sabrina (LR) 🗡️
Wii Fit Trainer- Sophia (LR) 🗡️
Shulk- Theodora (SSR+) 📖
Aura of Emerald:
Inkling- Cordie (LR) 🔫 (It was too obvious)
Palutena- Fia (LR) 🗡️
Ashley- Ivy (LR) (Red is Emma) 🔫
Midna- Lea (LR) 🔫
Lyn- Libra (SSR+) 🔫
Samus- Luke (LR) 🗡️
Blaine- Mertillier (LR) 📖 (If you’ve read the Pokémon manga, Blaine created Mewtwo, like how Mert created A. A.)
Isabelle- Merlyn (LR) 📖
Ness- Nina (LR) 🔫
King Dedede- Rosalie (SSR+) 📖
Swimsuit!Cloud- Soldier of The Summer Breeze Sabrina (LR) 🗡️
Takamaru- Shizu (N) 🗡️ (It was too obvious)
Falco- Zara (SSR+) 🗡️
Aura of Amber:
Adeleine- Cherna (SSR+) 📖 (Both are painters)
Corrin- Carol (LR) 📖
Chef Kawasaki- Garmr (N) 🔫
Lucario- Hathor (LR) 🔫
Jigglypuff- Mimi (LR) 🗡️
Swimsuit!Simon Belmont- Gravekeeper’s Summer Holiday Moddey (LR) 📖
Luigi- Olivia (LR) 🗡️
Pauline- Primavera (LR) 🔫 (Both are singers)
Crusty Sean- Richesse (LR) 🗡️
Peppy Hare- Skuld (SSR+) 📖
Lucas- Soteira (SSR+) 📖
Sonic- Tropon (LR) 📖
Olimar- Veela (LR) 📖 (Now imagine the Pikmin as the goldfish.)
Sages of Qlipha:
Marx- Natasha (LR) [The Sage of Mourning Flowers] 🗡️ (Both have a similar color scheme)
Mythra- Lunalynn (LR) [The Sage of Snowy Illusion]📖
Bowser- Valeriede (LR) [The Sage of Conflagration] 🗡���
Mewtwo- A.A. (LR) [The Sage of Rust] 📖 (It’s too obvious.)
Chrom- Fortina (LR) [The Sage of Sacred Swords] 🗡️
Impa- Ophelia (LR) [The Sage of Fallen Crystals] 🗡️
Donkey Kong- Cerberus (LR) [The Sage of Wailing Lightning] 🗡️
Sable Prince- Rusalka (LR) [The Sage of Torrential Sorrow] 📖
DJ Octavio- Armstrong (LR) [The Sage of Lost Souls] 🔫 (He leads the Octarians, for goodness sake!)
Sephiroth- Elfriede (LR) [The Sage of Longinus] 🗡️ (He looks like a Witch of Qlipha to begin with.)
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total-drama-shark · 1 year
I've seen a lot of Asks related to the Total Drama Pokémon AU we're all suddenly hyperfixated on, and you know what? IMMA TOSS MY TRAINER CAP ONTO THE RING WITH SOME OF MY HC'S, HERE WE GO!
- As a trainer, Junior often gravitates towards newer, recently discovered species, he doesn't own any Pokémon that aren't from Unova and onwards, meanwhile, Dwayner Sr. Is an old head who remembers fondly of when the first ever Pokédex was created and when there were only 149 Pokémon as far as anyone knew, he tries to support Junior on his dreams to become a big shot trainer, but often struggles with grasping and understanding the Pokémon world as it is now, he can't comprehend Mega Evolutions, Z-Moves and Dynamaxing for the life of him
- Kitty is still an internet addict and E-Celebrity who has thousands of followers across all her platforms, she tends to get into some "drama" with other E-Celebs like Raihan and Iono and has many battles with them that they stream live for their audiences to watch, which conveniently all seem to end on a tie, which, in actuality, comes from Emma being good friends with them and they mostly fake the online beef for fun, something their older fans are fully aware of but their newer fans are clueless about and genuinely assume the beefs are real
- Chris, Don and Blainely travelled together in their first journey when they were young and were all really close friends, until they started to become famous from their succesful careers as trainers and struggled to outdo the other and become the most famous member of the trio, which eventually lead to them breaking up and having a fierce rivalry with one another since
There you go! I hope this didn't drag on for too long, but I honestly find this AU interesting and wanted to share some or my 2 cents on it, hope you all like it!
Ooo I love love love the Jr. and Dwane Headcanon, like the newer Pokémon being in-universe actually newly discovered species, also absolutely living for the Chris, Don and Blaineley backstory!!
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