#Policy and Charging Rules Function
bhavanameti · 4 months
Virtualized Evolved Packet Core Market Projected to Reach $19.87 Billion by 2031
According to the latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the virtualized evolved packet core (vEPC) market is projected to reach $19.87 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 19.3% from 2024 to 2031. This growth is driven by the significant increase in mobile data traffic volumes and the rising demand for high-speed data services. However, data security risks associated with vEPC infrastructure pose challenges to market growth.
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merakiui · 2 years
Omg apocalypse au 🤯
Having to choose which group(dorm) to take shelter, but that comes with a price...
Just wait till the repopulation part arrives
>:D I will share some basic thoughts about how each dorm would function!
Heartslabyul is very rule-oriented. Everyone has a job that they're expected to do so that the compound won't find itself swept up in chaos. Riddle is very good at keeping order within the group he leads, though sometimes his patience and restraint are tested when a certain few (Ace and Deuce) get on his nerves. Riddle is welcoming to all, but he's extremely cautious. After all, he can't risk letting anyone who may be infected with blot into this sanctuary. Trey and Cater are usually the ones who are permitted to lead a select few to scope out the nearby areas and go on supply runs. They probably encounter you on one of these runs and bring you back to Riddle when you beg for help.
Riddle has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to disobedience. Everyone gets three strikes, and if you breach the third infraction you're thrown out and banned from the compound. He's ruthless when it comes to this rule, so Ace is always toeing the line of a third strike. You've come to his rescue more than once, which infuriates Riddle because he assumes you're taking Ace's side, when in reality you're just trying to save your friend from impending doom (not that you approve of his mischief in such an uncertain time). The outside world is nowhere near as safe as it is within the walls of the Heartslabyul compound. Ace would do well to remember that.
Deuce is more well-behaved, and so sometimes he'll join Trey or Cater on supply runs. He's well-versed in fighting, so he can hold his own in a physical fight. When it comes to magic, he's still improving, but he wants to help out in any way that he can. He looks up to Riddle greatly and wants to prove himself as someone worthy and strong. Ace likes to tease him a lot, but it's usually Deuce who reminds him that he ought to be more serious. Apocalypses are nothing to treat lightheartedly. One wrong move and you could lose everything.
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Savanaclaw is not very rule-oriented. In fact, the only rule that's made abundantly clear is that you have to fight to survive. You're either weak or you're strong; there is no in between. Leona was made king of the compound after dethroning its previous leader. He'll let anyone into the compound so long as they can hold their own in a fight and are useful. This usually means a test of strength, whether physical or mental, and if you pass Leona will recognize your worth. Ruggie is usually in charge of supply runs and any other operations. Sometimes they'll gather; other times they'll steal from nearby groups and compounds. Jack doesn't approve of these methods; he thinks everyone should be given the chance to survive, but Ruggie and Leona remind him that if everyone got to survive then the world's population wouldn't be sitting at what it is now.
It's Ruggie who takes you as a prisoner when he finds you snooping around just on the border of Savanaclaw's territory. Jack's there to remind Ruggie of respect and whatnot as he forces you along towards the compound. Jack doesn't talk much, but he does watch you keenly as you're led to Leona. He's studying you to determine whether you pose a threat, sniffing the air to see if he can pick out any foreign, perilous smells. Once you're deemed harmless and you manage to pass Leona's test, you're welcomed into the fray. Jack sticks with you, helping you adjust to the way of life in the group. Leona may seem lazy and hard on you at times, but he does secretly care. He just expects everyone to be able to hold their own. The world's filled with liars and cheats; Jack's realized that there's no helping it, especially when the world has become so unruly.
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Octavinelle is a safe haven. It's as if Azul has thought of nearly everything in order make the compound as safe and welcoming as possible. Unlike the other compounds, which are all on land, Azul's makes use of both the land and the sea. Half of it is underwater, with nearly indestructible glass tunnels that connect into a labyrinthine structure built of the strongest, sturdiest materials, while the other half is built upon the land to make use of both environments. You may think the sea isn't as bad as it is on the land, but it's so much more frightening. Those dark, dangerous depths hold all kinds of infected things: monsters, mers, mer-monsters...
Azul is willing to accept anyone into the compound, even those who may be infected so long as they stay in a specific layer of the compound (the one far below the land in the sea) and will take the medicine necessary to curb the blot infection (it's not a cure, but it is something he's managed to conjure after much trial and error. Only Octavinelle can brag that they have something akin to a cure, and Azul is only willing to share for a very steep price). Azul himself is infected, as are Riddle, Leona, Jamil, Vil, and Idia, and perhaps even Malleus, and he's constantly finding ways to suppress the monstrosities of Overblot. Azul has built the compound upon lies and secrets, all of which rest at the foundation. He'll pile sweetness onto poison so that you won't ever find the truth amidst so many falsehoods. Anyone who proves to be an issue or has seen and learned too much will be cast into the sea, but not before being thoroughly interrogated by Jade and Floyd. There's always new information to be found!
Jade and Floyd are swift and strong enough to brave the horrors of the ocean in order to search in sunken shipwrecks and husks of plane to find anything that might be useful. They're a formidable duo and aren't afraid of anything. Either you learned of the rumors of a very welcoming compound and came to Azul willingly or the twins dragged you to him by force. In any case, you'll find yourself at Azul's feet, hoping he may take pity on you. Make no mistake; Azul will accept the poor, unfortunate souls left hopeless by the apocalypse, but that doesn't mean they're permitted to stay rent-free. You'll likely be given many tasks in order to earn your keep. Octavinelle runs on information; it's become somewhat of an intelligence hub, where Azul keeps note of what goes on within the other compounds and the world beyond his safe haven, trading and taking info as he sees fit.
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Scarabia has also thought of everything to combat the apocalypse. Kalim is a little too carefree when he throws celebrations in order to keep morale high and to distract those from the gloomy situation beyond the compound. It's Jamil who really runs everything. He knows everything about everyone who steps foot in the compound and he's very picky with who gets to stay. He isn't one to act rashly, rather he'll think through every action that can be taken in order to solve a problem when one arises (which happens quite often considering how restless some get within the compound). He plans behind the scenes, allowing Kalim to think he's everyone's great and glorious leader who can bring happiness to all. In secret, he's getting information, keeping an eye on anyone who may pose a threat to the compound (such as any traitors), and he's ready to curb attempted usurpation at once.
Jamil does not trust easily; Kalim does. In fact, Jamil probably doesn't trust you when Kalim makes the decision to let you stay (he always lets everyone in; it's up to Jamil to turn those who he thinks are infected away. You can never be too careful in the apocalypse, so some may think he's heartless when it comes to deciding who can stay and who must go. But this is for the sake of the compound; you have to make sacrifices because this isn't an ideal world). Like the other compounds, you'll be given work to keep yourself busy and exercised. Whether that's by preparing ingredients for food, helping in the gardens, doing inventory of weapons and other supplies, etc. it's expected that you help out.
Kalim is quick to forgive those who may have broken too many rules or intentionally stir the pot, but Jamil won't tolerate it. Safety comes first, so he'll do whatever he must in order to ensure everyone else can continue to live at the cost of a life or two. He's had to harden his heart; the apocalypse isn't kind to those with pure hearts, yet somehow Kalim's still surviving. At least he can be a ray of sunshine amidst stormy situations.
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Pomefiore is also quite orderly. Vil has everyone and everything under control, so much so that you'd think he's taken a page from Riddle's book. But being one of immense beauty (even during a crisis like an apocalypse) while having quite the famous reputation and status works well for keeping the masses at ease. Vil's word is law in the Pomefiore compound. He will not tolerate any mischief, rebellion, or foolishness, and if anyone thinks it's wise to act stupidly without regard to the rest of the compound Vil has no issue casting them out. This is to be a safe, responsible compound and he's the leader. It would be poor etiquette for a leader if he always let things like that slide, so for that reason Vil can seem quite strict and immovable. He only has everyone's best interests in mind, the biggest being survival. You must understand that he's doing what's right for his compound, even if the right thing is achieved at a few lost lives.
The towers in the Pomefiore compound are perfect for analyzing faraway areas with scopes, binoculars, and anything with ranged sight. It's also good for sniping. Rook usually mans one of the towers, taking down anything he deems a threat to the surrounding territory that Pomefiore has claimed as its own. He usually leads a group to hunt and gather, often returning with wondrous success. Epel wants to accompany him on these runs (he always arms himself with his trusty brass knuckles; he's actually quite good at hand-to-hand combat, and he's always improving each time he spars with Vil or Rook), but Vil forbids him from going on these runs. Until Epel can beat him or Rook in a fight, he will stay within the compound and complete other tasks. Epel usually works within the fields and gardens, tending to livestock and crops because he has expertise in doing such things. You will probably join him for these duties if you can't fight, use magic, or hunt as well as the others can.
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Ignihyde is the perfect place to go to during the apocalypse. With the best, high-functioning technology, an abundance of resources, and a power supply that can last for many years to come, it is guaranteed to keep you safe. With STYX's technology and resources, the Ignihyde compound is thriving. It has been built meticulously and methodically; every part of it serves the whole. Walls rise high into the sky, it's enclosed with an indestructible dome to keep avian dangers or bad quality air out (usually putting such oxygen through a filter so that when it enters the compound it is fresh and breathable), the tech systems can create and simulate artificial sunlight, rain from sprinklers, and can even replicate the weather of the four seasons. This is probably the most sci-fi of the compounds. With the help of STYX robots and other technologies, any threats or enemies wanting to prey on the compound won't stand a chance. Any internal threats will be locked away in solitary confinement for further analysis.
Beneath the compound, there is a branch of STYX that conducts research on infected test subjects. Idia and Ortho will oversee the research, but it's Idia who is in charge and has the final say. All of the most intelligent doctors, researchers, and nurses can be found working at this branch. It functions as both a research lab and a hospital. STYX is hard at work to find a cure for the blot infections. Idia's overheard the recent success at the Octavinelle compound (he keeps tabs on every compound and knows more than you'd think), and he knows Azul wouldn't share his findings out of the goodness of his heart. Idia doesn't need his help, though. He has faith in STYX's research. They'll create a cure eventually; it's a process, not a miracle. Logical science always comes through in the end. After all, it's science that has allowed him to build up the compound so that it truly is the most OP compound in all of Twisted Wonderland. Besides, Idia's read, played, and watched his fair share of the apocalypse genre. He's very prepared for this.
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Diasomnia may not be very technologically advanced like the other compounds, but what they lack in tech they make up for in magic. Some of the most powerful mages reside within the Diasomnia compound, with Malleus leading the fray. The concept of an apocalypse is not frightening nor foreign to he and Lilia. They've both lived long enough to have experienced, seen, or heard of things like famine, war, and natural disasters—each feeling like an apocalypse in its own devastating way—so an apocalypse such as this one is not very dreadful to them. They don't fear it in the way a human might, but they will provide protection to those who exist within the compound walls. The brambles that surround the Diasomnia compound's exterior are perfect for getting in the way of any enemies, and those with malicious intent will be promptly stopped by Silver and Sebek, both dedicated guards who have loyally sworn to fight for and protect Malleus. Though Malleus could also just incinerate dangerous people with a flick of his wrist if he was so inclined, commanding scalding, verdant flames to devour flesh and bone until all that remains is ash.
Lilia is very experienced in combat and in the art of war, so he usually trains those who show promise in fighting. He also scopes out the areas beyond the compound to search for supplies, sometimes going by himself and sometimes bringing Silver or Sebek along so that they may learn and train in the moment. Silver is a very rational mage; though he's prone to sleepy spells, he is a dedicated bodyguard who will always do the right, honest thing. If Silver encounters you, he will want to take you back to the compound to help you. Lilia will agree if he's there and happens to see you, a poor, little lamb in need of protection. He thinks you're simply darling. Though he may also have his own covert reasons for allowing Silver to help you. You'll never know what these are because he hides true intentions behind kind smiles and silly humor. If Sebek finds you, you may have to pray that Silver's with him to convince him into bringing you back, or you'll just have to hope he's in a pleasant mood. Sebek will not trust you, even if you appear to be genuine. Even if Malleus has made a good judge of your character, he'll still have lingering doubts. These will be snuffed the more he's reminded that the Malleus has said you aren't a danger and that you are allowed to stay and seek sanctuary with him.
Malleus grows quite attached to you the more he becomes acquainted with you. The apocalypse presents many dangers, but it also instills immense loneliness in him. He has witnessed human suffering; he knows how fragile mortals can be. And yet he knows that, as terrible as an apocalypse is, it has blessed him with one miracle: you. He won't let you out of his sights. In fact, none of the main four will. You'll always be monitored, whether upfront or in secret. If any harm were to befall you, Malleus would simply char the offender to ash on the spot. You are his most prized treasure in this grim world. He can't let you succumb to any dangers.
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Rollo leads his compound fairly and responsibly. The apocalypse just reaffirms the idea that magic is harmful and dangerous and that all mages are bad, so he grows to hate magic even more than he already does. Despite this, he'll still use magic in some instances if need be. For the most part, the compound (which is essentially Noble Bell's campus and the many buildings that comprise it) is very self-sufficient. It has an advantage with the bell tower, as it's tall enough to overlook the ruined City of Flowers and what lies beyond. He'll utilize this structure as a lookout tower.
Despite the fact that he may come off as cold or unapproachable, Rollo won't turn those away from the compound unless he knows they're infected or are dangerous. He expects everyone to view him as a leader worthy of this position, and anyone who tries to go against his word will either be severely gaslit into believing otherwise or are simply never heard from again. Rollo doesn't have time to deal with insignificant pests who want to challenge his authority, so if you wish to be difficult you can take yourself and your difficulties down to the dungeons that reside underground. Punishments and interrogations are usually carried out there, far from any prying eyes so that the peace of the compound won't be disturbed. Rollo oversees everything that happens within cold, concrete walls, and he does not show any mercy to those who are traitors or spies.
Rollo will offer you protection and sanctuary when you find yourself at the compound's gates. So long as you aren't here for nefarious purposes and you aren't infected, he'll welcome you warmly. Rollo actually keeps a watchful eye on newcomers just to ensure they aren't a threat to the society within the compound. He'll give you a tour of the grounds, informing you of where everything is and it's purpose. He wants everyone to feel comfortable here despite the horrors that exist outside, so he'll do what he can to make everyone's stay tolerable. He quickly grows to like you, especially when you offer to help in any way that you can so that you can pay him back for saving you, which means you usually trail after him or deliberately seek him out looking for ways to be useful. Rollo likes that word—saving. He likes the idea of being your savior, of being the only one in this disastrous world who can offer you salvation, and since you claim you want to be useful he can think of plenty of ways you can put yourself to use.
Rollo won't ask for much. In fact, he's very sweet. You might not think so if you see villainous sides of him, but romance is hard to come by in an apocalypse. He'll give you two options: stay with him in the safety of this perfect sanctuary, or throw yourself under a deity's microscope in the outside world and hope that whatever may exist in the clouds above takes pity on your tainted soul. If you know what's best for you, you'll choose him. It's not like he's really giving you much of a choice in this matter anyway.
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moontyger · 5 months
It only took a day and a half after the first Columbia encampment was set up for Shafik to call the police on April 18. In her letter to the NYPD, she wrote that she had “determined that the encampment and related disruptions pose a clear and present danger to the substantial functioning of the University.” Shafik did not explain what threat the encampments actually posed. (Samantha Slater, a spokeswoman for the university, told Vox that Columbia would not offer comment beyond Shafik’s letter.)
The protest itself was not especially disruptive — even the police said protesters were peaceful. They didn’t get in the way of students going about their daily activities, including attending classes.
In many ways, the demonstration at Columbia was a standard student protest: Demonstrators were raising awareness about a problem and asking their university to do something about it. Encampments have been used as a protest tactic on college campuses for decades, including in recent years, like when students ran divestment campaigns against fossil fuels.
In the 1980s, when Columbia students protested against South African apartheid, with virtually the same divestment demands as the current protesters have, they blockaded a campus building for three weeks. In that case, the school came to an agreement with the student protesters rather than turning to the police to break up the demonstration.
While other campus protests historically have led to arrests, few have attracted such a massive national police response so swiftly. What’s taking place now looks similar to how schools responded to anti-war protests in the 1960s and ’70s, when schools, including Columbia, violently cracked down on students. And in 1970, the National Guard infamously shot at protesters at Kent State in Ohio and killed four people. Yet, as my colleague Nicole Narea wrote, the protests then were more aggressive than the encampments on campuses today.
The line between legal and illegal protest is often clear. Students have a right to protest in certain campus areas, but occupying a building constitutes trespassing. Enforcement of these rules, however, is seldom applied equally.
In many cases, universities have alleged that the protests were disruptive and pointed to the fact that some Jewish students felt that the encampments created an unsafe environment for them on campus. While harassment and intimidation can be reasons to involve law enforcement, the accusations against these protesters mostly focused on their chants and campaign slogans — and in many cases wrongly conflate anti-Israel rhetoric with antisemitism. (It’s worth noting that the arrested student protesters have largely been charged with trespassing, not harassment or violent acts.)
One of the other problems with how many universities and officials have responded to pro-Palestinian demonstrations is that they have changed their protest rules since October 7, in some instances specifically targeting Palestinian solidarity groups.
At Columbia, for example, the university issued onerous protest guidelines, including limiting the areas students are allowed to protest and requiring that demonstrations be registered weeks in advance. Northwestern University abruptly imposed a ban on erecting tents and other structures on campus, undermining ongoing protests. Indiana University preemptively changed its rules one day before its students set up an encampment by disallowing tents and changing a decades-old rule. And in Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order requiring that public universities change their free speech policies and singled out pro-Palestinian groups that he said ought to be disciplined.
Such moves have only added fuel to the protests. They also put students and faculty in danger, as police have conducted violent arrests. (Why were there snipers on roofs at Indiana University, anyway?)
It can also ultimately be ineffective; after state troopers arrested students at the University of Texas, for example, the Travis County Attorney’s Office dismissed the criminal trespassing charges, saying they lacked probable cause.
Is there a better response to campus protests?
Not all universities have turned to the police in response to pro-Palestinian protests. Those that chose a different path have seen much less tension than those that did.
Evergreen State College, for example, agreed to its student demands, promising to divest from businesses profiting off human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian territories. Students agreed to end their encampment in response.
Schools that didn’t necessarily acquiesce to protesters’ demands took other, non-escalatory steps to quell demonstrations. Brown University, which had last year called police to disband protesters, took an alternative approach this time around: The university negotiated with protesters, and organizers agreed to clear the encampment earlier this week after the school’s governing body announced that it will hold a vote on divesting from companies with ties to Israel later this year. Northwestern University similarly reached a deal with its students by reestablishing an advisory committee on its investments.
At Michigan State University, President Kevin Guskiewicz visited the student encampment himself and talked to the protesters about their concerns. He allowed students to continue the protest, so long as they applied for a permit, which the students did and the university granted. As a result, the school has avoided the kind of disruptions seen at Columbia and other universities.
There’s a simple way for universities to handle these protests: Treat them like other protests.
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rauthschild · 1 month
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The British Raj.....Part 1
Once you understand that the British Monarch is the "Prince" in charge of a Company called "the United States of America" and another Company called "Great Britain", as well as the CEO of various incorporated British Business Entities calling themselves by names like this: "the United States of America, Incorporated" and "the United States Government, Incorporated" ---and that the British Monarch also works as an Overseer for the Pope who grants the "King" his "Crown" ---- and their British Crown Corporation franchises doing business as "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" (INCORPORATED) and "USA" (INCORPORATED) and so on, the present state of the world makes more sense.
Once you also understand that these various business entities have, for the past century and a half, been commandeering the American Military and using them as cheap British Territorial Mercenaries, everything comes into a clearer focus.
What everyone has been mistaking as American Armed Forces and American aggression, has in fact been British Mercs and British Commercial aggression, promoting an endless cavalcade of vicious "Mercenary Conflicts" all over the globe, and promoting equally vicious and obnoxious "occupation" of the civilian populations at home.
These bogus commercial "armies" of occupation have pretended that they had legitimate standing as lawful militaries engaged in declared wars, when in fact, they were always completely out of line and acting outside the Law of War and were illegally occupying The United States and all these other countries, precisely as they occupied India when using their own uniforms (not ours) and earned their nasty reputation as the "British Raj".
We might as well speak of the "German Raj" and the "French Raj" and the "Swedish Raj" and the "Canadian Raj" and the "Australian Raj" and the "Japanese Raj" and the "Iraqi Raj" --- because wherever these British Mercenary Forces disguised as American Peacekeeping Forces have operated, they have used the exact same model as they used in India and most infamously, South Africa.
They showed up and pretended to be legitimate peacekeeping forces engaged in helping the native government in some acceptable capacity, invited themselves in, quietly moved in and "occupied" the country --- and began plundering its natural resources, commandeering its trade policies, and ruling over the people as corporations under contract to the British Monarch and the Pope to provide "essential government services" ---services that, in most cases, the people were already providing themselves.
Think of it as a sort of hostile corporate takeover.
You have your own government in place and are muddling along and doing alright for yourselves, paying your national bills, minding your own business, and living within your means ---- and this other organization shows up and starts providing "essential government services" you didn't ask for.
Pretty soon, Australia and its unincorporated government has been taken over by a foreign corporation in the business of providing government services, and merely calling itself "Australia".
Just as the United States of America, Incorporated, drops the word "Incorporated" and presents itself as the United States of America instead, Australia, Incorporated, doesn't mention its incorporated status and nature, either. It just calls itself "Australia" and lets people mistakenly assume that it is a legitimate unincorporated government entity.
The Perpetrators conveniently fail to add the telltale word, "Incorporated" to the name, lest people wake up and see "Australia, Incorporated" and wonder -- why is a foreign corporation (it turns out) aping our government and taking over the functions of our government?
Why is this foreign corporation -- a private entity -- charging us "taxes" when it has no taxing authority, and why, then, is a privately owned foreign corporation dictating our economic policies and charging its expenses to our credit?
Because they are crooks and the Principals operating these corporations "as" governments under color of law are crooks, too.
This is precisely what Cecil Rhodes and his "British South Africa Company" did in South Africa. They received a charter from the British Government to provide government services in South Africa and this commercial company obliged Parliament by stealing gold and diamonds and everything else they could lay their hands on --- all for the benefit of the King and his Agents acting under color of law, of course.
It was so wildly profitable and safe to commercially rape and pillage a defenseless country that was dependent on the "good faith service" of these mercenary corporations, that Parliament was encouraged to repeat the same bait-and-switch fraud in India and throughout the world.
In this regard, it becomes apparent that the "King" of Great Britain (Company) is acting in the capacity of a "President" or as they term it in England and in the Definitive Treaty of Paris (1783), the "Prince" of the corporate service provider in Territorial Jurisdiction.
It's also apparent that this practice and process of subcontracting with deceptively named commercial corporations to provide government services and using these legal fiction entities to evade contractual service obligations and to undermine and usurp upon the lawful national governments of other countries is both illegal and unlawful.
So is their armed "occupation" of other countries illegal and unlawful. BlackRock, Haliburton, Wagner, and yes, the U.S. Army, Inc. are all mercenary organizations; they are all illegal racketeering and privateering organizations by definition, too.
That conclusion has already been concluded to the satisfaction of the entire world and made manifest in 1948-49, when the phony foreign government being "provided" to India by His Majesty and the Government of Westminster was overthrown by non-violent non-cooperation and some of the largest public protests ever seen on Earth.
It should not be necessary to say that the question has already been decided and that no form of the British Raj "System" is acceptable.
All the Substitution Frauds and incursions of this kind by commercial interests imposing themselves on or "as" national governments, and then allowing their own private bank creditors to charge direct taxes for their "services" on civilians, are unjustified and unjustifiable crimes.
The Perpetrators have attempted to excuse their activities in a number of ways.
After promoting an illegal mercenary conflict on our shores in the 1860s and deceitfully calling it "the American Civil War" so as to cloak the nature of this fight as a Mercenary Conflict, these Vermin pretended that our lawful American Government simply disappeared, whereabouts unknown.
They then pretended that this created an "emergency" and granted themselves Emergency Powers never imagined by the people of this country --- and they settled in to very quietly occupy this country, and began their entire regimen of theft, misrepresentation, and coercion, aimed at credit hacking, embezzlement, asset stripping, and using Americans as cheap mercenaries under color of law.
This False Pretense that our national government disappeared meant that other countries accepted their Big Lie and allowed them as Subcontractors of our Government, to "represent" us in our purported Absence.
Our actual Government was being kept in the dark in the wake of the so-called Civil War, subourned, coerced, moth-balled, and attacked under False Pretenses. The men responsible for running our Federation of States and our State Governments were progressively threatened, beaten, robbed, murdered, forced to flee for their lives, slandered, and had their homes and businesses burned under the pretense that they were "rebels" and "insurrectionists".
No wonder our actual Government appeared to "disappear".
We are sure that it's a great surprise to learn that not only did our American Government survive, it's been perking along all these decades, wondering who or what is being charged for all these "services" we never ordered? And being astonished to hear from Third Parties, that we are in "interregnum".
This is all British doing and all the blood and criminality must be laid on the head and hands of the British Government(s), which includes the British Crown Corporations, and the Pope, in his capacity as the ultimate creator and director of the snake-like British Commercial Raj operations that have led this planet to the brink of destruction.
This excuse of needing to come in and restore order and provide a government (or rather, government services) after some disaster that they caused, proved to be so handy that the same Perpetrators have used it again and again.
All seventeen of the Western Countries occupied by the so-called Allies after the Second World War are still illegally occupied by the same Miscreants using the same excuse -- oh, the national governments haven't reappeared, so we had to come in and provide the people with services and support -- at gunpoint.
Even if there was a need for government services early on, it does not explain the continued presence of these foreign commercial forces almost eighty years after the end of hostilities.
Nor does it explain how and why American men and women are being used to impose this dreadful criminal bunk, giving the impression that our country is doing this, when in fact, our countrymen are being unwittingly employed as foreign mercenaries and are participating in this British-led crime spree without a clue that they are doing anything wrong.
It doesn't explain why Americans are paying 96% of the defense costs of these European nations, either.
The Commonwealth countries were suborned first as Territories of the British Empire that were bankrupted by their Sovereign's spending and then replaced by what appeared to be "American" corporations in the business of providing government services and running the same old scheme from 1910 to 1965.
The excuse used to commandeer the national governments was, "Oh, their Territorial Governments (commercial corporations substituted for legitimate governments) are bankrupt! They need order and assistance!".
But these invading corporations, "Canada" Incorporated, "Australia" Incorporated, "New Zealand", Incorporated, were just profit-making enterprises of the British Monarchy and Papist Holy Roman Empire, not governments in fact and certainly not accepted as governments by the people of any of these nations.
By 1965, public awareness and outcries and embarrassments related to the British Colonial System and Colonialism in general, led to a big publicity stunt, in which the dissolution of the Commonwealth (another bankruptcy staged by the guilty corporations) was announced.
The victims, the people of each country impacted, had no idea what was going on and they weren't told, either.
So the guilty British Territorial (aka, Commonwealth) Government stood down for seven years and waited, and when the people failed to spontaneously fund and staff and erect a separate national government --- not knowing that that was what they were expected to do for themselves --- the Rotters came back in, re-established their corporate hegemony, and shrugged.
The Perpetrators of this circumstance say, we attempted to give them their freedom; they must like being ruled over by us and by our governmental services corporations. Let's just assume that, from the fact that they didn't organize a new national government for themselves....
This is the same exact Modus Operandi which has been used as their excuse for their coercive undermining of the national governments worldwide; their embezzling, credit hacking, misrepresentations, and war profiteering have been carried out under the pretense that the people in all these countries have "voluntarily" accepted their rule, when in fact these same people have been kept in the dark and never even asked the questions pertinent to any such purported acceptance.
Certainly, nobody ever laid the facts on the table and asked any American, "Do you want the British Territorial corporation called the USA, Incorporated, to rule over you and tax you whatever they like?"
Please consider for a moment what you should, logically, believe--- not only about the situation in America and the purportedly "voluntary" Federal Income Tax System, but all similar systems and organizations worldwide.
These corporations and their taxation schemes and their so-called "social security" or "social insurance" programs have all operated under conditions of deceit and fraud. They have all depended on constructive fraud and misrepresentation and impersonation of living people as corporate franchises.
The entire circumstance and everything attached to it is just one huge, interlocking fraud scheme, designed to steal the assets and credit naturally belonging to living men, for the benefit of foreign corporations.
This is why we call the system of governance engendered by this criminal enterprise "Corporate Feudalism".
There is no actual King of England sitting on a throne and accepting "pledges" of feudal serfs, but instead, we have Fat Tick CEOs who have obtained their riches and powers by fraud and force, imposing exactly such pledges of our assets and credit by impersonating us as franchises of their own commercial and municipal corporations.
These corporations are doing this by secretly imposing the obligations of foreign citizenship upon us and everyone else in every affected country, using a practice of False Registration of babies and taking unauthorized copyrights on their Given Names, and again, via an equally False Public Trust system used to latch upon their living estates, taxing them, mortgaging them, indebting them and impersonating them.
Everyone involved in this hopelessly corrupt business should be ashamed of themselves for preying upon little babies in their cradles and engaging in such a disgusting, unconscionable, and self-interested system of premeditated and malicious fraud and impersonation.
As the actual lawful and sovereign nations of this country operating in international jurisdiction as the States of the Union, by and through the instrumentality of our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America (Unincorporated) ever since 1776, we are calling these corporations out for it and bringing an end to their predatory reign of terror on our shores.
The Principals responsible for all this have received Due Process and Judgment already and are called upon to "surrender" insomuch as this term can be applied to illegal Mercenary Forces; all the banks that have been glutting themselves on the proceeds of these crimes are called upon to Cease and Desist extending our credit to these criminals, and are additionally advised to reform their operations in accord with our directions.
The ruination of yet another dishonest foreign central bank on our shores cannot be used as another excuse to promote more war (and profits for the Perpetrators) against us or any of the numerous other victims of this crime cabal.
Instead, their maritime corporations need to be liquidated or directly forfeited to the actual owners --- the living people and national governments of each country impacted by these crimes. It's time.
This process of nationalizing corporations and bringing them under land law is called "lawful conversion".
Banks and other corporations that undergo lawful conversion will be set free of obnoxious and expensive regulatory powers and taxes-- and while they may not reap the profits made possible by inland piracy, they will be on solid ground again, functioning as honorable men again, and providing worthwhile services again, instead of defrauding and demeaning their customers.
We have chartered this bank on the land and soil of this country, and through it, prepaid redemption credit can be obtained for commercial accounts and Sovereign Accounts; asset accounts are to be lodged with The Global Family International Trade Bank. The gold-backed American Federation Dollar is now circulating.
RMA-API connectivity meeting and exceeding Basel IV standards are available to bank members of our new "Blue Dot" Bilateral Banking System. A simple one-page Bank Treaty Agreement is required.
Please bear in mind that the Federation of States delegated all delegated powers to all Federal Subcontractors and is fully enabled and empowered to perform all delegated duties and subsume all delegated powers when the Subcontractors fail to perform. This includes the power to issue money and credit.
Insomuch as our American Federal Republic has failed and awaits Reconstruction, and in full view of the facts summarized above and in our International Public Notice: Impersonation, showing that the remaining foreign Federal Subcontractors have operated in Bad Faith and Breach of Trust and have been fully informed, received Due Process, and have received Judgment of Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts--- and this has been published for more than seven (7) years worldwide--- there can be no doubt that the Federation of States is well-within its rights to exercise these Powers and undertake these functions.
Please note that our "full faith and credit" guarantees were extended to the Congress of our "United States", operating under The Constitution for the united States of America, and they depend upon our specifically delegated powers both to the original Confederation of States-of-States, and to our American Federal Republic.
When the Confederation of States-of-States lost a quorum to operate, the American Federal Republic also failed --- and the full faith and credit guarantees, too.
We, the Federation of States and our State Members, did not underwrite the Sovereign and Public Debts of Great Britain or the Holy Roman Empire; we only guaranteed to pay for enumerated services provided under our own enumerated and delegated powers and stipulated service contracts.
Any other interpretation of our grant of "full faith and credit" as a plenary grant is not indicated by the Federal Constitutions, and cannot be derived from any action undertaken by the "plenary" government established for the City of Washington, DC, either -- as the operation and purpose of this oligarchy was strictly limited and vouchsafed to the members of our own United States Congress, not to members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress, and not to the Congress of the United States Municipal Government, either.
The last authorized draw upon our full faith and credit was in January of 1861 for the first quarter operations of the American Federal Republic, made by the Several States in Congress Assembled, styled simply as the United States Congress, not the Congress of the United States, not the U.S. Congress, and not the UNITED STATES CONGRESS.
All later representations of any "United States Congress" have been staged by members of the HRE Municipal United States Government, pretending that the "United States Congress" is the same body as their "Congress of the United States". More fraud, in other words.
Since then, the foreign British Territorial Subcontractors have delegated their merely "presumed" and "assumed" responsibility to handle our money (Abraham Lincoln operating as Commander in Chief of the United States of America, Incorporated, issued General Order 100 without authority related to us and our money) and to receive our credit --- to their own creditors, the same Jewish Bullion Bankers from Amsterdam and their progeny, that the British Territorial Government has been in debt to since 1694 --- the
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia’s Republican Senate Caucus is suspending a GOP state senator who attacked them for opposing his plan to impeach Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis for indicting former President Donald Trump.
The caucus announced Thursday that it was indefinitely suspending state Sen. Colton Moore of Trenton, who represents a district in Georgia’s northwest corner.
“Sen. Moore has a right to his opinion,” the caucus said in a statement. “However, during his advocacy for his ill-conceived proposal, Sen. Moore has knowingly misled people across Georgia and our nation, causing unnecessary tension and hostility, while putting his caucus colleagues and their families at risk of personal harm,” said the group, which has 32 of the Georgia Senate’s 56 members.
Moore attacked his colleagues as “Republicans in name only,” or RINOs.
“The Georgia RINOs responded to my call to fight back against the Trump witch hunts by acting like children and throwing me out of the caucus,” Moore wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “But I’m not going anywhere.”
It’s the latest display of a divide between Gov. Brian Kemp and many elected Republicans, on the one hand, and grassroots Trump backers who have captured control of Georgia’s Republican Party organization.
Kemp refused to endorse Trump’s false claims about the 2020 election and help him try to overturn his narrow loss in the state. Willis has charged Trump and 18 others, including the former state Republican Party chair, with crimes related to the effort. All have pleaded not guilty.
Moore will still be a member of the Senate and will still be a Republican, but may find it hard to pass legislation without support of the majority caucus. But he already often functioned like a party of one in the body, voting against measures that all other Republicans or all other senators supported.
Moore was the most prominent backer of a special session to impeach and remove Willis or defund her office, winning Trump’s endorsement. Kemp denounced the call as “some grifter scam” to raise campaign contributions for Moore, in a news conference that was unusually impassioned for the buttoned-up Kemp.
Kemp called the push “political theater that only inflames the emotions of the moment,” saying a special session “would ignore current Georgia law and directly interfere with the proceedings of a separate but equal branch of government.” Kemp said he didn’t think Willis had done anything to merit removal.
Moore launched a petition for lawmakers to call themselves into special session, requiring signatures by three-fifths of both houses. That would require some Democratic support because Republicans have a less than 60% majority in each chamber. And the Senate would have required a two-thirds vote to remove Willis after the House impeached her. Moore never got close to persuading fellow Republicans, much less Democrats, winning the signatures of one Republican House member and one other Republican senator.
However, Moore attacked some other state senators. After Republican state Sens. Bo Hatchett and Shelly Echols issued a joint statement criticizing Moore’s call, they said Moore targeted them for retaliation and they received threats.
The caucus claimed Moore violated internal rules and was suspended by Republican leaders after refusing to follow those rules. The caucus claimed Moore was not being retaliated against for “his wrongheaded policy position.”
Some other Georgia Republicans have freely attacked Willis, including U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.
“Fani Willis should be ashamed of herself and she’s going to lose her job. We’ll make sure of that,” Greene told reporters outside the Fulton County Jail, shortly before Trump arrived by motorcade to submit to booking and a mug shot.
Despite Moore getting the boot, some Republican state senators are backing a plan to seek Willis’ removal by a new state prosecutorial oversight commission. The Prosecuting Attorneys Qualifications Commission is supposed to begin work sometime after Oct. 1, when the state Supreme Court approves its rules. The body was created with the aim of disciplining or removing wayward prosecutors.
Some district attorneys, not including Willis, are already suing to overturn the law, saying it improperly infringes on their authority.
Kemp, while criticizing the timing of the Trump indictment, has said he hasn’t seen any evidence that the commission should discipline or remove Willis.
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sethshead · 8 months
“This violence poses a grave threat to peace, security, and stability in the West Bank, Israel, and the Middle East region, and threatens the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States,” said Jake Sullivan, the president’s national security adviser. [...] Palestinians and many analysts say that Israel’s government has allowed the often heavily armed settlers to operate with impunity inside the West Bank. A United Nations report said that eight Palestinians were killed in the West Bank by Israeli settlers since Hamas fighters from Gaza invaded Israel on Oct. 7 and killed 1,200 people.
I agree with Biden's EO and will add that it is long overdue. Israel has shown extreme reluctance to crack down on settler violence or even bring murderers to justice, while arresting and convicting Palestinians in military courts for charges ranging from terrorism to petty thought crimes. So long as Palestinian civilians continue to be terrorized on their own lands, their homes, olive groves, stores, and towns destroyed by Israeli religious expansionists, it will continue to feed tensions that do not serve the security interests of Israel, neighboring Arab states, or the US. This is an important shot across Netanyahu's bow, and will hopefully make him and the Israeli public aware that American dedication to and defense of Israel's existence and Israelis' right to live in safety does not extend to acts that harm Palestinians living entirely under Israeli rule. Israel must reconsider the nature of the occupation and its responsibility to Palestinians in Area C - including the responsibility to eventually withdraw once Palestinians have a functional government willing to come to and enforce a permanent peace with Israel.
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mariacallous · 1 year
It’s pretty easy to piss people off on Reddit. Less so to piss off seemingly everyone on the platform.
Still, Reddit’s management has succeeded in doing just that as it weathers protests over its decision to charge for access to its API. That ruling risks putting the company in a death spiral as users revolt, the most dedicated community caretakers quit, and the vibrant discussions move to other platforms.
The company’s changes to its data access policies effectively price out third-party developers who make mobile applications for browsing Reddit; two of the most popular options, Reddit Is Fun and Apollo, which together have over 41 million downloads, are both shutting down. After some initial backlash from users and disability advocates who said Reddit’s changes would adversely affect accessibility-focused apps aimed at people with dyslexia or vision impairments, Reddit said it would exempt those apps from the price hikes. Those apps also have far smaller user bases than Apollo or RIF.
Reddit’s plans—driven by an urge to make the company more profitable as it inches toward going public—sparked a protest across nearly 9,000 subreddits, where moderators of those communities switched their groups to private mode, preventing anyone from accessing them. Many of those subs remain inaccessible four days later, and their moderators say they plan to keep up the blackout indefinitely. (Disclosure: WIRED is a publication of Conde Nast, whose parent company, Advance Publications, has an ownership stake in Reddit.)
However unfazed Reddit execs appear to be, this subreddit seppuku sure does seem like a surefire way to sink the company. But does it really signal the death of Reddit?
“I can't see it as anything but that,” says Rory Mir, an associate director of community organizing at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. (Earlier this week, Mir wrote about what Reddit got wrong.) “Like with Twitter, it's not a big collapse when a social media website starts to die, but it is a slow attrition unless they change their course. The longer they stay in their position, the more loss of users and content they’re going to face.”
The unrest at Reddit is the latest in a string of social media upheavals that have seemingly pitted profit-hungry companies against their users. Platforms like Reddit, Twitter, or even Amazon that started operating at a loss in order to grow their user base eventually face pressures to further monetize their traffic. When a site sidelines the wants and needs of its users in the pursuit of profit, that leads to a downturn—and potential death of the platform—that author Cory Doctorow has termed “enshittification.”
“Any plan that involves endless and continuous growth is bound to run into scale issues, which is where I think Reddit and Twitter are running into problems,” Mir says. “You can’t inflate the balloon forever. It will pop at some point.”
Amy Bruckman is a regents' professor and senior associate chair at Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Interactive Computing. She has also contributed to WIRED and is a moderator of several subreddits, including the very popular r/science, which is restricted until Monday. Bruckman says this era of social media has been rife with sudden changes. “There was an extended period of years, maybe even a decade, where it felt like the way things are is the way they always will be,” she says. “And everything is suddenly shifted.”
Reddit charging for access to its API is also about more than just third-party clients, Bruckman says. A move like this has angered so many people on Reddit because it feels like a betrayal of the community’s trust. It might be a vocal minority of users who are pissed off about the changes, but they’re the people who volunteer their time to keep communities functional—and they’re arguably the most important users on the site.
“Beyond the fact that it’s in a dozen ways harder to do our job, it’s also just the case that Reddit felt more like an open platform where innovation by committed users was encouraged,” Bruckman says. “And this feels like it's trampling on that.”
Reddit has denied that it is specifically targeting third-party apps like Apollo and RIF. The company initially said that limiting its API access is a move meant to control the flow of data being gobbled up by generative artificial intelligence companies like OpenAI training their large language models. But in an interview with NPR, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman said limiting third-party access will also help Reddit keep control over how it displays ads—the company’s primary source of income—to users. Force everyone to interact on one app, and it’s easier to fill their feeds with whatever advertising you want.
“They’re shooting themselves in the foot,” Mir says. “The content of the users is what makes the platform worth visiting. These hosts kind of run into this confusion that their hosting is the reason people are going there, but it’s really for the other users on the medium.”
And those users are bailing. Bruckman says she knows a moderator who has already quit, saying it wasn’t worth the energy to devote so much time to a company that can just toss all that effort aside. Like with Twitter, no clear alternative has emerged as a replacement. Bruckman advocates for public funding of a nonprofit version of something akin to Reddit. Some more casual users say they’re going back to Tumblr, which is still recovering from its own corporate sanitization in 2018.
Still, Mir says, there’s a real hunger for stability on a platform. It’s part of the reason sites like Reddit and Twitter have gotten so big. There are people who have had the same email address for 30 years or the same username on Reddit for a decade. If users have invested significant time in a community, it’s going to be a pain to find something amid the sea of federated upstarts that all claim to be the next best thing.
Clearly, Reddit is hoping that inertia and customer loyalty keep people on its site. Even if users grumble about losing their favorite app, the company is expecting they’ll just cave and download the official app. That may work on your typical user, but it’s not going to be as easy to convert the mods—especially ones who feel burned by Reddit’s monetary machinations.
Mir offers another business metaphor for the tension on Reddit: “If you have a really good music venue, but you break relations with every notable artist, you’re not going to be a very successful venue. You need to really prioritize the needs of the folks providing the value on your platform.”
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shynim · 19 hours
Car Rental in Kozhikode: A Guide to Exploring the Malabar Coast
Kozhikode, formerly known as Calicut, is a vibrant city located in the southern Indian state of Kerala. Renowned for its rich history, cultural heritage, and picturesque landscapes, Kozhikode attracts travelers from across the globe. One of the most convenient ways to explore this fascinating region is by renting a car. This article will delve into the advantages of car rentals in Kozhikode, the types of vehicles available, and tips for a smooth rental experience.
The Advantages of Renting a Car in Kozhikode
1. Flexibility and Freedom
Renting a car provides the freedom to travel at your own pace. Unlike public transportation, which may require you to adhere to fixed schedules and routes, a rented vehicle allows you to explore Kozhikode and its surrounding attractions without any constraints. Whether you want to visit local markets, beautiful beaches, or historical landmarks, having your own transportation lets you create a customized itinerary.
2. Convenience
With a rented car, you can easily navigate through the bustling streets of Kozhikode and venture to popular tourist spots such as the Kozhikode Beach, the historic Mananchira Square, and the serene Kappad Beach, where Vasco da Gama first landed in India. Additionally, if you plan to visit nearby destinations like Wayanad or Bekal Fort, renting a car makes the journey more straightforward and enjoyable.
3. Comfort
Traveling in a rented car can be significantly more comfortable than using public transport. You can enjoy personal space, adjust the climate control to your liking, and carry your luggage without the hassle of crowded spaces. The comfort factor is especially important for families and groups, making it a popular choice for many travelers.
4. Cost-Effective for Groups
For families or groups traveling together, renting a car can be more cost-effective than purchasing multiple bus or train tickets. By sharing the rental cost, groups can enjoy the benefits of private transportation without breaking the bank.
Types of Vehicles Available for Rent
Kozhikode offers a variety of vehicles to cater to different needs and preferences:
- **Economy Cars**: Ideal for individuals or small families, these budget-friendly options are perfect for city driving and short trips.
- **SUVs**: For those looking for a spacious ride or planning to explore rugged terrains, SUVs provide the necessary comfort and capability.
- **Luxury Cars**: For travelers seeking a touch of elegance, luxury cars enhance your travel experience with superior features and style.
- **Vans and Minivans**: Perfect for larger groups, these vehicles offer ample space for passengers and luggage, making them ideal for group excursions.
Tips for Renting a Car in Kozhikode
1. **Book in Advance**: To guarantee availability and to secure better rates, book your car rental in advance, especially during peak tourism seasons (like winter months).
2. **Compare Rates**: Check different rental services to find the best rates. Look for discounts and promotions that can save you money.
3. **Check the Terms and Conditions**: Understand the rental agreement, including fuel policies, mileage limits, and insurance coverage.
4. **Inspect the Vehicle**: Before taking possession, thoroughly inspect the car for any damage and ensure all features are functional. Document any existing issues to avoid being charged for pre-existing damage.
5. **Know the Local Traffic Rules**: Familiarize yourself with the local traffic rules and regulations. Kozhikode features busy streets and unique traffic patterns, so being aware of local driving customs is essential for a smooth journey.
6. **Keep Emergency Contacts Handy**: Always have contact information for the rental agency in case you encounter issues or need roadside assistance.
Car rental in Kozhikode is a practical and enjoyable way to explore this historic city and its scenic surroundings. With the flexibility to create your own itinerary and the comfort of having your own vehicle, renting a car allows you to experience Kozhikode in a unique and personalized way. So, whether you are a solo traveler looking for adventure or a family seeking quality time together, consider renting a car to uncover the treasures of Kozhikode and the captivating Malabar Coast.
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bhavanameti · 5 months
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wtiindia · 19 hours
Safety First: Essential Tips for Renting a Car for Your Next Trip
Want to get the best Car Rental Services in Bangalore or any other Location in Pan India?  Renting a car for your travels can offer unparalleled convenience and flexibility, allowing you to explore destinations at your own pace. However, the process of renting a vehicle involves several steps that can be overwhelming, especially for first-time renters. Ensuring a safe and hassle-free experience requires careful planning and attention to detail. This article provides essential safety tips to keep in mind when renting a car for your next trip, helping you avoid common pitfalls and enjoy your journey with peace of mind.
1. Choose a Reputable Car Rental Company
The first step in ensuring a safe car rental experience is selecting a reputable rental company. Research different companies online, read customer reviews, and compare ratings to identify those with a solid track record of reliability and customer satisfaction. Reputable companies are more likely to maintain their vehicles well, offer transparent pricing, and provide adequate customer support in case of issues.
Key considerations:
Look for companies that have a strong presence in your destination, which can be beneficial if you need assistance or need to return the car in a different location.
Check for any hidden fees or additional charges that might not be clearly stated during the booking process.
2. Inspect the Vehicle Thoroughly
Before driving away with your rental car, take the time to conduct a thorough inspection of the vehicle. Check for any visible damages, such as scratches, dents, or cracks in the windows. Make sure to document these issues with photos or videos and report them to the rental company before you leave the lot. This will help avoid disputes when returning the vehicle.
Inspection checklist:
Test the headlights, brake lights, turn signals, and windshield wipers to ensure they are functioning properly.
Check the tire pressure and tread depth to ensure the tires are in good condition.
Confirm that the spare tire, jack, and basic tools are present and in working order.
3. Understand the Insurance Coverage
Insurance is a crucial aspect of car rentals that can often be confusing. Most rental companies offer various insurance options, ranging from basic coverage to comprehensive plans. It’s important to understand what is covered under the rental agreement and whether additional coverage is necessary. Check if your personal auto insurance or credit card offers rental car coverage, as this can save you money on extra insurance.
Key insurance tips:
Opt for comprehensive coverage if you are driving in unfamiliar or high-risk areas.
Be aware of deductibles and limitations in the insurance policy, and clarify any doubts with the rental company.
4. Familiarize Yourself with Local Traffic Laws
Driving laws and regulations can vary significantly from one location to another. Before embarking on your journey, familiarize yourself with the local traffic rules, including speed limits, parking regulations, and any unique driving customs. This is especially important if you are traveling internationally, where driving on the opposite side of the road or unfamiliar road signs could pose challenges. Well, if you are traveling in Pan India, then WTicabs provides you the best Car Rental in Bangalore, and other locations too. 
Tips for international driving:
Consider obtaining an International Driving Permit (IDP) if required in your destination.
Check for any restricted zones, toll roads, or congestion charges that may apply.
5. Plan Your Routes in Advance
Having a clear plan of your routes can help you navigate unfamiliar areas more safely and confidently. Use GPS or reliable navigation apps to map out your journey before setting off. Be sure to have a backup plan in case of road closures or detours, and keep a physical map handy as a precaution against technology failures.
Navigation tips:
Set your GPS or navigation app to avoid high-risk areas or unpaved roads.
Take note of rest stops, fuel stations, and other essential services along your route.
6. Practice Defensive Driving
Once on the road, practicing defensive driving is key to ensuring your safety. Keep a safe distance from other vehicles, obey speed limits, and remain alert to changing road conditions. Avoid distractions such as using your phone while driving, and take breaks if you feel fatigued, especially on long drives.
Defensive driving tips:
Stay aware of the actions of other drivers and be prepared to react safely.
Keep your eyes on the road and be mindful of pedestrians, cyclists, and wildlife.
7. Know What to Do in Case of an Emergency
Despite all precautions, emergencies can still happen. Whether it’s a flat tire, a breakdown, or an accident, knowing how to handle these situations is essential. Keep the rental company’s contact information readily available, along with details of your insurance policy. Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures outlined in the rental agreement.
Emergency preparedness tips:
Have a basic first aid kit, flashlight, and emergency contact numbers in the vehicle.
If involved in an accident, follow local procedures for reporting and documenting the incident.
Renting a car can greatly enhance your travel experience, offering freedom and flexibility that other forms of transportation cannot match. By following these essential safety tips, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey, free from the stress and potential pitfalls that can accompany car rentals. From choosing the right rental company and the right car rental services to practicing safe driving habits, a little preparation goes a long way in making your trip both safe and memorable.
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vojtapetr · 9 days
The Complete Process of Bulk Laptop Pc Electric Battery Replacement in China: From Prognosis to Setup
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You might be shocked to recognize that China's laptop computer battery substitute market is heavily moderated, with the Administrative Agency of Environmental Protection controling battery disposal. This rule substantially impacts the mass replacement method, which begins along with pinpointing defective batteries through fee cycle monitoring and gradation. To guarantee conformity and maintain quality, it is actually necessary to browse the complications of this method, from getting replacement electric batteries to installment and screening. However what details steps must be actually required to promise a smooth substitute, and how can you confirm that your bulk laptop computer battery replacement project in China meets all regulative needs?
Identifying Faulty Notebook Batteries
Next off, check the battery's charge cycles, which may be found in the laptop pc's system environments or through 3rd party software application. Most laptop electric batteries possess a restricted variety of fee patterns prior to their ability starts to deteriorate. If the electric battery has surpassed its own recommended fee patterns, it may be actually nearing the end of its life-span. You can additionally conduct a battery calibration, which includes totally releasing and recharging the electric battery to determine its general health. If the electric battery neglects to support a cost or discharge quickly, it may be time to weigh the option of bulk laptop replacement batteries. By identifying these signs, you can calculate whether an electric battery substitute is actually important to recover your laptop pc's optimal performance.
Purchasing Substitute Batteries
When it is actually time to purchase a substitute electric battery, you'll need to ponder numerous key factors to ensure compatibility and top functionality. Verify you obtain the correct electric battery version, voltage rating, and ability to match the notebook's specs. You may locate this information on the supplier's internet site, the laptop's manual, or the original electric battery's tag. To acquire the most effective worth for your money, think about purchasing retail laptop pc replacement electric batteries from a reputable provider. This are going to not just lower your expenses but also guarantee that you obtain high quality products. Seek vendors who deliver a wide variety of electric battery styles, reasonable prices, and dependable freight choices.
When sourcing wholesale laptop replacement batteries verify the vendor's certifications, like ISO 9001 or even CE, to assure conformity with worldwide quality requirements. Furthermore, examine the electric battery's warranty duration, return plan, and after-sales help in the event that of any kind of concerns. Through thoroughly evaluating these elements, you'll have the capacity to procure replacement batteries that meet your necessities and provide superior efficiency for your notebooks.
Electric Battery Disposal Laws
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Having procured replacement batteries, you right now deal with the accountability of effectively throwing away of the devoted electric batteries. In China, laptop computer electric battery fingertip policies are rigid, requiring producers and providers to follow particular guidelines. A professional laptop pc substitute battery supplier will definitely frequently offer direction on the appropriate disposal of unsafe waste. Battery disposal guidelines in China are actually controlled by the Administrative agency of Environmental Management. The policies need makers to develop a reprocessing system for utilized electric batteries and to promise that waste batteries are actually dealt with in an ecologically responsible fashion. As a mass laptop electric battery substitute provider, you are also liable for guaranteeing that devoted batteries are actually dealt with based on these requirements.
Installment and Assessing Process
To ensure a seamless setup procedure, you'll need to have to prep the notebooks through closing them down and unplugging the power wires. Remove the bottom panel or even battery compartment to access the aged electric battery. Thoroughly disconnect the battery connector from the circuit board and carefully pry the electric battery out of its property. Put the brand new wholesale aftermarket laptop battery supplier, ensuring it is actually correctly settled and the port is actually securely affixed to the motherboard. Switch out the bottom board or electric battery chamber, and reconnect the power cable. Switch on the laptop and enter the BIOS to verify the electric battery is recognized.
Making Sure Quality and Safety And Security
You have to check out the quality and security of wholesale wholesale aftermarket laptop battery before mounting all of them. This involves checking out the certification and compliance of the wholesale laptop replacement batteries along with international safety requirements, such as UL, CE, and ROHS. Verify that the batteries comply with the demanded specs, including current, capacity, and discharge price. Examine the battery's physical situation, appearing for signs of damage or tampering. Check the product packaging for authenticity and warranty that the maker's logo design and tags are actually in one piece. Confirm the battery's being compatible with the Laptop model and promise that it is actually created for the particular device.
You're the expert building contractor of a laptop's soul, very carefully substituting its damaged electric battery. Equally as a skilled technician restores a vehicle's engine, you have actually carried new life to the notebook. The process is today total - a symphony of medical diagnosis, procurement, disposal, setup, and screening. Your focus to information has assured quality and protection, and the laptop computer is actually now ready to thrum along properly, its own new electric battery hammering like a sturdy soul.
Shenzhen Chengyuan Technology Co., Ltd
Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
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spookyengineerqueen · 15 days
Developing a Tax Strategy for Expanding Your Business Internationally
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Increasing your commercial enterprise internationally may be an exciting yet complicated undertaking. One vital factor to address is developing a strong tax strategy to avoid high-priced errors and optimize your earnings. Here’s a manual that will help you navigate the tax panorama when taking your business beyond borders.
Apprehend nearby tax rules Each us of a has its very own set of tax legal guidelines, including corporate earnings taxes, fee-delivered tax (vat), withholding taxes, and customs obligations. Studies the precise tax rules of your goal market. Familiarize yourself with tax treaties among countries that could help keep away from double taxation and reduce average tax liability. Working with neighborhood tax experts can offer beneficial insights into these complex regulations.
Select the proper business shape The felony shape of your business—whether or not it’s a subsidiary, branch, or joint venture—can notably effect your tax responsibilities. A cautiously decided on shape will help you limit taxes and follow nearby policies. For instance, putting in place a subsidiary might be greater tax-efficient in some jurisdictions because of favorable company tax charges or exemptions.
3. Leverage transfer pricing strategies Transfer pricing includes setting charges for transactions among associated entities within your company. Tax Strategies important for corporations operating in more than one nations. Proper transfer pricing can assist allocate earnings to decrease-tax jurisdictions, however it have to comply with worldwide tips, consisting of those set via the oecd, to keep away from consequences.
Consider tax incentives and credit Many countries provide tax incentives to attract foreign investment, consisting of reduced company tax fees, tax vacations, or credits for research and improvement sports. Inspect these incentives to maximise your savings and improve your cash waft.
5. Plan for forex dangers Forex quotes can affect your tax obligations. A few international locations require taxes to be paid within the nearby foreign money, that could differ in value. A solid tax approach will consist of managing forex risks to minimize unexpected expenses and maximize profitability.
Stay compliant with reporting requirements Special countries have varying economic reporting standards. Make certain you stay compliant via preserving correct facts and submitting well timed tax returns. Non-compliance can lead to fines, penalties, and damage on your enterprise popularity.
Final thoughts Growing an effective tax approach for international enlargement calls for thorough research, planning, and the know-how of neighborhood professionals. Through know-how nearby guidelines, deciding on the proper enterprise shape, leveraging tax incentives, and handling foreign money risks, you could function your commercial enterprise for global fulfillment.
Note: for more detail click on Elan Tax
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rentalwheel · 21 days
10 Tips for Renting a Bike in Jaipur: A Traveler’s Handbook
Jaipur, the vibrant capital of Rajasthan, is a city that beckons with its historic forts, stunning palaces, and bustling bazaars.
To truly immerse yourself in its charm, renting a bike offers an unbeatable way to explore.
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 Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, here are some essential 10 tips for making the most of your bike on rent in Jaipur.
1. Choose the Right Type of Bike
One of the first things to consider when opting for motorbike hire in Jaipur is selecting the right type of bike. Are you planning to navigate the city’s crowded streets and narrow lanes, or are you looking to explore the surrounding countryside? Scooters and small bikes are ideal for city exploration, providing ease of maneuverability and parking. For those venturing out of town or tackling rougher terrain, a robust motorcycle might be more suitable. Assess your needs and choose accordingly to ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride.
2. Verify the Bike’s Condition
Before you commit to a Jaipur bike rental, take a close look at the bike's condition. Is it well-maintained? Are the tires, brakes, and lights functioning properly? A quick inspection can save you from potential problems during your journey. Don't hesitate to ask the rental company for a detailed rundown of the bike’s features and any recent maintenance work. Ensuring the bike is in top shape will help you avoid unexpected breakdowns and ensure a safer ride.
3. Check Rental Terms and Conditions
Understanding the rental terms is crucial before finalizing your bike hire. What’s included in the rental fee? Are there any additional charges for insurance, helmets, or extra mileage? Clarify these details to avoid any surprises later on. Additionally, inquire about the rental company’s policy on fuel—do you need to return the bike with a full tank, or is that included in the rental?
4. Understand Local Traffic Rules
Navigating Jaipur's busy streets can be a challenge if you’re unfamiliar with local traffic rules. Make sure you’re aware of the driving regulations in Jaipur. For instance, traffic might be heavier during certain hours, and some areas may have specific restrictions. Knowing these rules can help you avoid fines and ensure a smoother ride. Remember, safety always comes first.
5. Plan Your Route
Jaipur is filled with attractions spread across various parts of the city. Before you set off, plan your route to include the key sights you want to see. Popular destinations like the Amber Fort, City Palace, and Hawa Mahal are must-visits. However, don't be afraid to explore off-the-beaten-path areas for a more authentic experience. With a bike, you have the flexibility to create your own adventure, but having a general route in mind can help you make the most of your time.
6. Keep Essential Documents Handy
When renting a bike, you’ll need to provide certain documents. Typically, this includes a valid driver’s license, a copy of your passport, and possibly a credit card for the deposit. Ensure you have these documents readily available to avoid any delays or issues during the rental process. Having everything in order will streamline your experience and allow you to focus on enjoying your ride.
7. Prioritize Safety
Safety should always be a top priority when renting a bike. Wear a helmet, even if it's not required by local law. Ensure the bike has functioning lights and indicators, and familiarize yourself with the bike’s controls before hitting the road. If you're new to biking in a foreign city, start with short trips to get accustomed to the bike and local traffic conditions.
8. Know Where to Rent
Finding a reputable place to rent a bike is essential for a positive experience. Research rental companies ahead of time to read reviews and compare prices. Look for establishments that offer well-maintained bikes and have good customer service. Local recommendations can also be helpful—ask fellow travelers or locals for their suggestions.
9. Be Prepared for the Weather
Jaipur's weather can vary significantly throughout the year. Be prepared for the conditions you'll face during your trip. In the hotter months, staying hydrated and wearing light, breathable clothing will keep you comfortable. During the cooler season, layering and carrying a light jacket might be necessary. Being prepared for the weather ensures that your biking experience remains enjoyable regardless of the conditions.
10. Enjoy the Ride
Ultimately, renting a bike in Jaipur is about enjoying the freedom and flexibility it offers. Embrace the opportunity to explore the city on your terms, take in the sights, and immerse yourself in the local culture. Whether you’re cruising through bustling markets or taking a leisurely ride to the outskirts, let the bike be your gateway to discovering Jaipur’s many treasures.
Renting a bike provides a unique and flexible way to explore Jaipur, offering both freedom and adventure. With these tips, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience while navigating the city on your bike on rent in Jaipur. 
So, gear up and get ready to uncover the rich history and vibrant culture of Jaipur at your own pace.
For reliable and well-maintained bikes, Rental Wheel is a great choice, offering a range of options to suit your needs and ensure a memorable ride through the Pink City. 
Happy exploring!
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saisudhalawns · 28 days
Venue Visits and Inspections Tips to Choose the Best Wedding Venue
It is very difficult to choose from the best wedding venues in Vadodara. Weddings are an already difficult affair. They need meticulous planning and attention. Moreover, all the important functions will happen at a wedding venue. Therefore, picking a venue that aligns with your wedding goals is crucial. The venue must be dreamy enough to fulfil your lifelong aspirations. Hence, here are a few tips to turn your vision into reality.
Planning Your Venue Visit
You should keep a few things in mind when hunting for venues. You should first schedule a visit in advance. This step will help you be punctual. Next, you should research all the amenities at the venue. Do the initial research on a phone call. You must also prepare a list of questions about the venue. These questions can include the guest's capacity and budget.  
Things to Look for During a Venue Visit
A physical visit will reveal more about the place compared to a call. Therefore, you must definitely visit the venue option. You must make a checklist of a few things for this step. Take the checklist with you and note down all the advantages and disadvantages of the venue.
Firstly, check the ambience of the venue. It should match your desires.
You should also check its capacity. It should accommodate all your guests.
Check out all the normal amenities at the venue, such as parking and catering facilities.
You should also assess the maintenance and cleanliness of the outdoor lawn.
Lastly, check the decor facilities at the venue.
Asking the Right Questions
A few right questions will help you in avoiding the wrong venue. You will save a lot of time and money if you get the correct answers to these questions.
Is the venue available at the desired date and time?
What are the different menu options available?
Are there any restrictions and rules from the venue owners?
Does the venue have any insurance for damages?
What is the venue's cancellation policy?
What do they charge for additional facilities like catering and decor?
Are you allowed to customise things?
Visiting and inspecting a party plot in Vadodara is essential for ensuring that the chosen venue aligns with your vision and meets your needs. You will make an informed decision and find the perfect venue for your special day. Just follow all these tips!
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abhiramiabii · 1 month
Exploring the Convenience of Cochin Car Rental: Your Ultimate Guide to Hassle-Free Travel
 Kochi, often referred to as the Queen of the Arabian Sea, is a vibrant city that beautifully blends the old with the new. From its historic forts and colonial architecture to bustling markets and modern infrastructure, Kochi has something for every traveler. Whether you're visiting for business, leisure, or a mix of both, getting around the city efficiently is crucial. This is where Cochin car rental services come into play, offering a seamless and stress-free way to explore everything this coastal gem has to offer.
Why Choose a Car Rental in Cochin?
Renting a car in Cochin provides several benefits, especially if you want to maximize your time and experience the city on your own terms. Here’s why opting for a car rental is a smart choice:
Flexibility and Freedom: With a rental car, you're not tied to public transportation schedules or the availability of taxis. You can set your own itinerary, explore off-the-beaten-path destinations, and travel at your own pace.
Comfort and Convenience: A rental car offers comfort, especially when you're traveling with family or in a group. You can choose a vehicle that suits your needs, whether it's a compact car for city driving or an SUV for a road trip to nearby destinations.
Cost-Effective: Contrary to popular belief, renting a car can be cost-effective, especially if you're planning to visit multiple locations in and around Kochi. You save on taxi fares, and with the right rental plan, you can find affordable options that fit your budget.
Safety and Reliability: Reputable car rental companies in Cochin ensure their vehicles are well-maintained and equipped with the latest safety features. This gives you peace of mind as you navigate the city.
Types of Vehicles Available for Rent
Cochin car rental services offer a wide range of vehicles to suit different needs and preferences. Here’s a look at some of the options you can choose from:
Economy Cars: Ideal for solo travelers or couples, these compact cars are perfect for city driving, offering excellent fuel efficiency and easy maneuverability.
Sedans: A popular choice for business travelers, sedans provide a comfortable ride with ample space for luggage and passengers.
SUVs: If you're planning to explore the outskirts of Kochi or embark on a road trip, an SUV offers the space, power, and comfort you need.
Luxury Cars: For those special occasions or if you simply want to travel in style, luxury cars are available for rent, offering top-notch features and a premium driving experience.
Top Tips for Renting a Car in Cochin
To make the most of your car rental experience in Cochin, consider these helpful tips:
Book in Advance: Especially during peak tourist seasons, it's advisable to book your rental car in advance to ensure availability and secure better rates.
Choose the Right Rental Plan: Rental companies offer various plans, including daily, weekly, and monthly rentals. Choose a plan that aligns with the duration of your stay and travel needs.
Check the Inclusions: Before finalizing your booking, check what's included in the rental package, such as insurance, fuel policy, and mileage limits. This will help you avoid any unexpected charges later.
Inspect the Vehicle: When picking up the car, inspect it for any existing damage and ensure all features, such as air conditioning and GPS, are functioning properly. Report any issues to the rental company immediately.
Know the Local Traffic Rules: Familiarize yourself with Kochi’s traffic rules and driving conditions. Kochi can be busy, especially during peak hours, so drive cautiously and stay informed.
Exploring Kochi with Your Rental Car
With your rental car ready, it's time to explore the best that Kochi has to offer. Here are some must-visit attractions:
Fort Kochi: A historic area with colonial architecture, charming cafes, and the famous Chinese fishing nets. It’s a great place to start your journey.
Mattancherry Palace: Also known as the Dutch Palace, this 16th-century structure showcases Kerala’s rich history and is home to some exquisite murals.
Marine Drive: Take a scenic drive along Marine Drive, a popular hangout spot offering beautiful views of the backwaters, especially at sunset.
Hill Palace Museum: Located a short drive from the city center, this museum was once the residence of the Maharaja of Kochi and is now a fascinating cultural museum.
Cherai Beach: If you have some extra time, drive to Cherai Beach, known for its golden sands and serene backwaters. It's a great spot for relaxation and water sports.
A car rental in Cochin opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to explore the city and its surroundings with ease and comfort. Whether you're visiting for business or leisure, renting a car gives you the freedom to experience Kochi on your own terms. With a wide range of vehicles and flexible rental plans available, you can find the perfect match for your travel needs. So, the next time you're in Kochi, consider renting a car and enjoy a truly personalized travel experience.
Safe travels!
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sharpeagle-tech · 1 month
Find Out Why the Oil and Gas Industries Need Better Security and Surveillance Strategies
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The oil and gas industry is so far one of the most evolved industries in recent years. With an upward CAGR of 5.2% between 2020 and 2025, the industry is estimated to grow its revenue to $32.5B by 2025. While the industry size grew, so did its safety challenges, particularly in the arena of cybersecurity, owing to the volatility of the industry. Experts claim that the major dependency of these industries on cyber security structures for daily functioning accounts for the growing cyber-attacks on the oil and gas sectors. These security breaches result in huge losses within the oil and gas market.
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Furthermore, the workers face several challenges due to poor surveillance of the hazardous areas within the sectors. Read further to understand the security threats to the oil and gas industry and how modern technology can be adopted to counter them.
‍Security and Surveillance Challenges Faced for Oil and Gas Site Security
1. Improper Training and Awareness
Employees working in the oil and gas industries do not receive adequate training on security and surveillance. Being unaware of the dos and don’ts of proper security, the workers are not familiar with the right ways to conduct work without being vulnerable. Experts believe that effective training and awareness among employees should be the major step for reducing such cyber threats. However, training workers might be a bit expensive, and why several industrial sites often make it an optional measure - severely impacting the fatality rates of the site in the long run.
‍2. Poor Security and Surveillance Policies and Practices
Policies of surveillance and security in the oil and gas industry are often not at par with the recommended industry standards. We agree that creating the right policies will take time, effort, and workforce, but it should be a must when the security of the organization is concerned. The internet is a great source for instructions on how proper security policies must be formed. However, the company should always hire professionals for the job instead of relying on unauthorized information on the web. When the security and surveillance policies are unclear, the workers are misled. Following the wrong security practices often makes the industry susceptible to major cyber threats. To avoid such dire situations, organizations must take charge of creating the right policies, training the employees about them, ensuring that the policies are followed thoroughly, and updating the rules whenever needed.
‍3. Inadequate Protection against Explosion
Oil and gas sectors deal with hazardous chemicals which make the working environment explosive. Improper surveillance has become a major threat nowadays, especially when the workplace is filled with hazardous substances. Traditional cameras are not built to resist the challenging work conditions in the oil and gas industry, including high and fluctuating temperatures, pressure, and hazard protection. Even the smallest spark from these electronics can cause a huge explosion when the come in contact with the volatile atmosphere with combustible air-borne particles. Failing to invest in cameras suited for hazardous sites can result in several fatalities and major accidents at oil and gas sites globally.
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‍4. Ineffective IT and Industrial Network Separation
Oil and gas industries are making hasty decisions of punching their industrial networks with IT networks for faster processing of data between IT and OT sectors. Even though this is a more affordable option, it brings in many unwanted security threats to the company. Cybercriminals are aware of such networking and they know if a small portion of the network is hacked, the entire system will shut down. To prevent this, the oil and gas technicians need to come up with better strategies for using the networks effectively.
‍5. Insufficient Security of the Onshore and Offshore Networks
‍Using IT protocols within the Industrial Control Systems has severely affected the security of the networks. Besides this, other new vulnerable technologies have also made their appearance in the oil and gas sectors. One of them is the cloud storage facility. Many data breaches take place when vital industries like oil and gas companies decide to store their data in cloud spaces. Preference to a cost-effective system by such sites often comes at the expense of major damages and losses at the hands of cyber attackers.
Important Security Touchpoints for Oil and Gas Site Security
Investing in Explosion-Proof Surveillance Solutions 
To ensure that the workers are safe while working in such explosive conditions of the oil and gas industry, companies should install the best quality Explosion-Proof Cameras. More than half of the surveillance threats can be reduced when the area is protected with the right camera system. Explosion-proof cameras contain the spark within the housing of the wire and prevent their contact with the explosives in the atmosphere. By doing so, they secure the workplace against any explosions caused by electrical malfunctioning of the surveillance tools. Smart camera analytics used in a hazardous area camera is the solution to most of the security issues. As they come in a wide range of prices, you can find one that fits your budget easily. Furthermore, exploring a wide range of ex-proof cameras by reliable providers like SharpEagle ensures that the opted surveillance solutions are tailored to address the specific challenges of the industrial site for a long period of time. ‍
Read more: How Video Surveillance is Transforming the Oil and Gas Industry
Proper Training of Workers 
As discussed before regular training of the workers in equipment handling and safer workplace practices can be very expensive, considering the business and human costs it needs. However, taking the security threats into account, the company might stand to lose way more in human and infrastructure liabilities if accidents occur due to the negligence of an untrained worker. When compared to the losses faced by the company as a result of security threats, the training expenses seem far less. The company must have a policy to employ only those workers who undergo a proper understanding of cyber security matters and safety training within the industry, irrespective of their experience before employment.
Improved Verification Technology 
Ensure that the latest verification technology is incorporated at the industry for advanced perimeter security and protection against physical and cyber intruders. Some of these technological measures include the employment of better resources in access permission management, digital ID validation, and digital attendance verification. Additionally, the integration of AI-powered solutions can enable managers to monitor the premises 24/7 through smart detection of intruders and situational analysis. 
Remote Access and Central Control Management
Dispersed security systems across the site result in disparate access control and disconnected data, making crisis management extremely challenging. Remote management and centralised control are key pillars of efficient risk management in hazardous industries like oil and gas. Standardised systems and centralised control make it much easier to optimise security and surveillance since it ensures easier integration with the other devices, allowing managers to assess risks and respond to them much more efficiently. For instance, the high-temperature fluctuation can be detected through an alarm and its integration with the ex-proof camera can directly show the problem to the central management, allowing them to remotely manage the emergency without causing a major accident and/or panic among the workers. 
Smart Video Analytics
Security cameras and motion sensors are highly sensitive and, thus, often susceptible to false alarms that cause major disruptions in the daily operations of the oil and gas industry. Furthermore, it is impossible to conduct in-depth surveillance for 200+ cameras installed at an oil and gas site, often leading to serious security breaches. The incorporation of AI-powered video analytics helps in smart detection, allowing the managers to focus on specific feeds where it detects malpractices and security breaches due to unverified facial recognition. Furthermore, it conducts a thorough threat analysis, filtering the false alarms and preventing unnecessary disruptions for smoother operations at the oil and gas industries.
In conclusion, safety and security measures are no longer optional to counter the modern challenges faced by the oil and gas industry. Industries that fail to comply with the safety standards set by regulatory bodies like OSHA faces serious penalities and fines for negligence. On the other hand, the incorporation of the recommended safety measures helps in reducing false alarms, generating situational awareness, and avoiding business liability and unnecessary costs. As discussed above, explosion-proof cameras are an indispensable measure to achieving the ideal standards in oil and gas site security. Learn more. 
SharpEagle is a leading safety consultant in the UK and GCC. Our team provides end-to-end safety solutions, primarily for explosion-prone areas like the oil and gas industry, including site inspection, designing and manufacturing of ex-proof camera solutions, as well as their installation and maintenance. Our cameras are ATEX-certified and AI-integrated to address modern industrial problems and create safer workplaces.  
To explore our full range of products, visit our SharpEagle website or book a free consultation call with our experts today!
You can also call us at +971-45549547 or mail us at [email protected]
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