brrrrrism · 2 months
"Brew Unto Others" - Sandra Balzo
Kirjastus: Severn House Lehekülgi: 243 Ilmumisaasta: 2024 Olgu see siis pealkiri või kaanekujundus (parimal juhul kogu raamatu sisu või vähemalt mingi element loost), kui see on seotud kohviga, olen kohe huvitatud ja tahan raamatust rohkem teada saada. Parimal juhul läheb koheselt lugemiseks. Antud raamatuga juhtuski viimane – nägin, tahtsin, lugesin. Tutvustus raamatu tagakaanel: When the…
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amandaj-art · 2 years
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Happy holidays~! Had to draw our baltic sisters and Ukraine.
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ryfkah · 11 months
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trzpiotka · 1 year
Co robisz na bazarze
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punkass-diogenes · 2 years
Although the language was nearly wiped out in the Holocaust, a small but growing number of musicians have more recently begun reviving Yiddish music. These artists are often rearranging or reproducing songs that relate to current events but hit on the same themes many European Jews were speaking about pre-WWII.
“These songs come out of the amazing ferment of Yiddish revolutionary activity,” explains Rosza Danial Lang/Levitsky, singer of the NYC-based queer, trans, anti-Zionist, Yiddish punk band Koyt Far Dayn Fardakht, whose name roughly translates to the Filth of Your Suspicion. (Lang/Levitsky’s last name is divided by a forward slash to include both its original and anglicized versions.) “These are songs that were sung in street demonstrations, sung as people did laundry in the river next to their village, as young women took walks in the woods together, on picket lines, in organizing meetings, and so on.”
Klezmer is the name given to a centuries-old style of Ashkenazi folk music that is mainly instrumental and comprised of clarinets, fiddles, horns, and accordions. It is, perhaps, an acquired taste. As writer Jael Goldfine explained earlier this year, “It is simply too weird, old-timey, and Jewish even for most Jews.” Although the group The Klezmatics won a Grammy in 2006 for their album Wonder Wheel, klezmer music has not yet burst firmly into the American mainstream.
Now, however, it seems things might be shifting. Daniel Kahn, an American-born, Germany-based klezmer and Yiddish musician, is well-known in the scene. In his song “The Jew in You”, he speaks about the Jewish diaspora. “Learn to take a rootless, cosmopolitan worldview,” he says, drawing on the same understanding of Zionism that Koyt Filth is inspired by.
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jeintalu · 10 months
Politsei määras viiele Palestiina toetusmeeleavaldusel osalejale rahatrahvi
"Politsei selgitas, et eemaldas meeleavalduselt kokku viis inimest ning alustas nende suhtes väärteomenetlust karistusseadustiku paragrahvi 151’1 alusel, mis käsitleb rahvusvahelise kuriteo toetamist ja õigustamist."
Eesti politsei peaks ettevaatlikum olema.
See, mida Iisrael praegu Gaza sektoris teeb, on genotsiidi õpikunäide.
Eesti politseil on tekkinud head šansid, et tulevikus mõistetakse mõned pagunikandjad rahvusvahelises kriminaalkohtus süüdi genotsiidile kaasaaitamises.
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abed-rashad13 · 10 days
my friends, the weather has started to get cold and it has started to rain. Yesterday it rained lightly and some tents were flooded. The tents are just pieces of cloth that do not protect against rain and cold. I hope that everyone who can help will donate and participate before it rains heavily and we are unable to protect ourselves. Let us put a tent cover over it. Thank you to those who can donate.
@hyperions-fate @nabulsi @khizuo @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness
@schoolhater @werewolf-transgenderism @breadmp3 @sawasawako @cigaretteaunt @tartrazeen
@silicachan @audrey-hepburn-blog1 @cryptarchy @hussyknee @ana-bananya
@doorhine @chilewithcarnage @daloy-politsey
@transmutationisms @toy-bonnie
@batmanisagatewaydrug @mahoushojoe
@opencommunion @palistani123-blog @comintoyoulivecoite
@sar-soor @coughloop @vakarians-babe @notchainedtotrauma @sabrsiren
@moqawamaorg @junglejim4322 @nigabitch-blog
@communitythings @ghostofanonpast @pitbulls-and-tattoos @capricornpropagandists @halalchampagnesocialist @sesamie @voidpumpkin
@sivavakkiyar @saharawitch
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funds4gaza · 8 days
I am hosting this Go fund me for Hamza ( @hamzaaalmurnakh) we have been in touch since the start of this year, he is in Northern Gaza with his family and looking for support to cover living expenses as well as evacuation costs.
Pls help us by sharing, tagging for reach please let me know if you don't wanna be tagged.
@hyperions-fate @nabulsi @khizuo @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness
@schoolhater @werewolf-transgenderism @breadmp3 @sawasawako @cigaretteaunt @tartrazeen
@silicachan @audrey-hepburn-blog1 @cryptarchy @hussyknee @ana-bananya
@doorhine @chilewithcarnage @daloy-politsey
@transmutationisms @toy-bonnie
@batmanisagatewaydrug @mahoushojoe
@opencommunion @palistani123-blog @comintoyoulivecoite
@sar-soor @coughloop @vakarians-babe @notchainedtotrauma @sabrsiren
@moqawamaorg @junglejim4322 @nigabitch-blog
@communitythings @ghostofanonpast @pitbulls-and-tattoos @capricornpropagandists @halalchampagnesocialist @sesamie @voidpumpkin
@sivavakkiyar @saharawitch
@dlxxv-vetted-donations @ahaura@ana-bananya@northgazaupdates@c-u-c-koo-4-40k@riding-with-the-wild-hunt @roadimusprime@aces-and-angels@just-browsing1222@neptunerings@mushroomjar@northgazaupdates2@kyra45-helping-others@decolonize-solidarity @heritageposts@timetravellingkitty @briarhips @akajustmerry @wellwaterhysteria @rhubarbspring@nevert-the-guy@ethanscrocs @brutaliakhoa @decolonize-the-everything @postanagramgenerator
@schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @feluka
@fiqrr @irhabiya @sharingresourcesforpalestine @batmanego
@lonniemachin @aristotels @watermotif @stuckinapril @chanafehs@malcriada @appsa @serialunaliver @buttercuparry
@psychotic-gerard @mavigator @communistkenobi @socalgal @chilewithcarnage
@ghelgheli @determinate-negation @papasmoke @deepspaceboytoy @omegaversereloaded@paper-mario-wiki @mangocheesecakes@sayruq
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bird au! 'kes ei laula on politsei' means 'whoever's not singing is a cop' :D
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sleepymccoy · 2 months
if ur still looking for anti-cop songs, try daloy polizei
This fucked w my head cos Spotify gave me the english version and I was like... I know this song, but every word is new. But turns out I know the non english version lol. Awesome song
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brrrrrism · 2 months
"Piitsalöök" - Alex SMith
Kirjastus: Eesti Raamat Lehekülgi: 320 Ilmumisaasta: 2024 Inspektor Robert Ketti sari jätkub. Tõttöelda olin juba vaikselt muretsema hakanud, et millal ja kas veel neid eesti keeles tuleb. Ent viimaks tuli! Nüüd pean vaid Blake Pierce’I teoste pärast muretsema, olgugi, et vaadates varasemate teoste ilmumisaegu, võiks kolmas raamat peatselt ilmavalgust näha! 😊 Tutvustus raamatu…
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ofpd · 4 months
does adding daloy politsey to my instagram bio make me look like a 15yo who just learned about the bund for the first time
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
What is Cassian Andor’s most Jewish moment?
a) “The Force and I have different opinions.” 
b) His sick Cool Rabbi hair & beard (Rogue One Era) 
c) “Some of us just decided to do something about it.” You are not required to finish the work but neither are you free to desist from it (Pirkei Avot has entered the chat.) 
d) That part where “Welcome home” was the sickest line he could through out to the b’shert 
e) Omer-counting Sadboy Hair & Beard (Andor eps 1-3 era) 
f) That part where his best friend was a golem 
g) Resting Kvetch Face 
h) The part where he co-lead an entire concentration camp rebellion 
i) That part where Andor straight up went y’know what we should rip the whole storyline from? Shemot. This man is Moses. 
j) that part where he existed in a complex and morally nuanced narrative of collective rebellion outside of simplistic moral dualism or individualist saviours and faced a hero’s journey all about being part of a kehilla full of complex relations and responsibilities with other people 
k) the part where K2SO signed him up for J-Date using holopics meant solely for cover identities because K thought it was WELL time for him to find someone, get on with the mitzvah of l’dor v’dor etc. 
 l) the part where he killed two pigs and daloy politsey played 
m) the part where he showed up 20 minutes late to this chosen one narrative with kosher Café de olla and did not fuck with this shit at all 
n) the part where he pulled some of that Yehuda Maccabee swag to lead a last ditch revolutionary attempt to preserve some semblance of rebellion, passing on the chance of survival and hope to future generations 
o) imma issues 
p) that part where he lived and survived and married his b’shert under the chuppah and they had a nice cozy jewish home and he became the embarassing dad at a bnei mitzvah getting teary eyed about how much PRIDE he has for HIS CHILDREN into a semi-functional space!rented sound system while the kids are like can we PLEASE be done with this carefully composed slideshow of mortification and move on to the space!party sub and cantina band dance remix of ‘Am Yisrael Chai 
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prudencepaccard · 1 month
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I had this mashup idea years ago and finally made a proof of concept
remains to be seen if the verses can mash up too but the chorus works both musically and lyrically!!!
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punkass-diogenes · 2 years
New patch for my new favorite song :]
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jeintalu · 11 months
ÜRO 1948 "Jaotamisotsus" andis juutidele Palestiinas territooriumi oma riigi rajamiseks.
Kohalikud araablased olid Ühendkuningriigi poolt okupeeritud ja neil ei olnud veto-õigust ega isegi hääleõigust.
Paljud neist ei olnud Iisraeli riigi rajamisega nõus.
"Jõest mereni!"
on loosung, mis täispikkuses on selline:
"Jõest mereni, Palestiina saab vabaks!"
See tähendab nõuet, et Jordani jõest kuni Vahemereni peab olema Palestiina riik.
Selle nõude järeldusena peaks Iisrael vabastama Palestiina alad, mida ta on okupeerinud ja mida ÜRO talle ei määranud.
Ent sellest nõudest järeldub ka, et Iisraeli riik tuleb likvideerida.
See tähendab ÜRO 1948 otsuse eitamist, selles mõttes, et seda otsust peetakse illegaalseks.
Kõik palestiinlaste vabastusorganisatsioonid sellist nõuet ei esita ja on põhimõtteliselt nõus "Kahe riigi lahendusega".
Ent Hamasi eripäraks on nende loosung
"Iisraeli ei ole olemas"
Nad räägivad Iisraeli riigi asemel "Sionistlikust entiteedist".
Eesti politsei arreteeris Palestiinat toetaval demonstratsioonil meelevaldselt 5 inimest loosungi
"Jõest mereni!"
Nad tõlgendasid seda üleskutsena agressioonile ja terrorismile.
Sel juhul, miks ei ole Eesti politsei arreteerinud näiteks Henn Põlluaasa, EKRE juhtfiguuri, kes avalikult nõuab, et Venemaa peab Eestile tagasi andma Petserimaa ja Narva jõe tagused alad?
Miks Eesti politsei ei süüdista terrorismis neid jaapanlasi Eestis, kes avalikult räägivad, et Venemaa peaks Kuriili saared Jaapanile tagasi andma?
Eesti politsei loogika järgi on nad kõik ju agressorid ja terroristid.
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