#Polly {Fun To The Grave!} {Main Verse}
chaosmultiverse · 1 year
So, given it was a yearly holiday that meant those within the student body who had been there for the last semester would have had a chance to see Miranda for themselves and perhaps one of them had a better idea on what the issue was, of course she endes up basically talking to every person who had been there during that time but a few stuck out in the fog of vague "I don't know, she gets withdrawn and upset."
Polly was always easy to get information out of, she was friendly and bubbly and as Dahila well noted didn't seem to understand the stakes of those around her.
"Huh? Oh yeah!- Last year was like this too, I- Well I hardly saw Miranda last year around this time she... Well at the time I thought someone had died or something."
Hope, Dahila knew well she had been at school last year, she had went to Prom with Damien after all, of course she would hel-
"I don't know anything about Miranda, don't bother her and don't bother me about it." That was all Dahila got before Hope had stormed off... Okay weird but not helpful.
He laughed in her face when she asked, honestly that surprised her normally he'd either play annoyed and mighty or actually be decently friendly, especially when it came to a shared friend like Miranda.
"I'm not telling you shit." Damien very bluntly answered, as he got back to playing with one of his pocket knives.
"I- Why not? I swear this has nothing to do with any duels to the death or attempts-"
"Dahila, full offense but do I look like I spawned fucking yesterday?-" a little given the spicey red baby nickkname "-Even if it's not some plot against me- which I totally don't buy it isn't- you might just wanna mess with Miranda when she's 'weak'-"
Dahila grabbed him by collar, normally she would have more backing a threat like this but anger in this case overtook logic
"WHAT ARE YOU SUGGESTING I'D DO, PRINCE?" The room was ice cold.
Damien quickly slashed at her hands, it wasn't enough to really hurt her but enough to make her flich and drop him, the room returning to its prior temperature.
"I dunno! I just know that you could do something fucked up, and I won't let that be on my watch. I don't care if you act like it doesn't matter to you she's royalty, I've heard of how that one can play out, so just... Let someone... Less likely to get her in a different mess help."
Damien left because Dahila allowed it, she had never wanted to hurt him more than right then, but no, that won't help.
What was helpful was knowing that Damien probably knew a little more than some of the others, good she already spied on him.
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chaoticsmultyverse · 2 years
@royalreef​ asked:
"Polly? Polly!" Miranda hardly waits in rushing over to her dear friend, not even bothering to take a seat as she shoves her phone right up to her. There's something akin to... distress? surprise? confusion? on her face, and it's not made any clearer by what she's showing to Polly, which seems to be... a fairly normal text conversation. "What is a duh-ick pi-ck? I have been offered to receive one by this kind gentleman, but... what if it is a manner of asking if I could be kidnapped? Again! Right after last week!"
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“Oh. My. God.” How the fuck could she explain what a dick pic was to someone as sheltered as Miranda? Should she explain? Either way she did need to get across that it was a little... inappropriate.
“...Right, um how to explain this...? Okay so you know how people can sometimes get waaay to forward when flirting? Yeah this would be a good example of that, now I dunno if you’re into this guy and already have like a flirty  and sexual relationship with him but if not, then this is insulting and creepy as hell!” Hopefully she got across what it was without getting into the details too much.
“Guys do this sort of thing all the time btw, a lot of the time the creepier ones don’t even ask and just start a convo off with one, so maybe watch out for that or set up a spam filter that doesn’t allow for photos from people you haven’t talked to before.”
“So tldr is that unless you and the dude already have a relationship where flirting and sharing intimate pics of parts of the body is normal it’s pretty creepy but not dangerous or gonna get you kidnapped, worse case you see something you’d rather not and have to block someone.”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
She is appearing outside the space-time continuum to stare at Vera and Polly both. They aren't safe either. Miranda will wound space-time just so they can join the fish orgy.
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"YESYESYESYESYES-" Polly has been hyped just from afar hearing of the fish orgy, chance to join in? She is jumping full force in!
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"Right... Sounds like a plan to me." Vera totally wasn't blushing, totally not caught of guard or anything, nope this was totally fine & expected
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“IN-CAR BARTENDER! IN-CAR BARTENDER! IN-CAR BARTENDER!-” Somehow Polly has failed to notice the cat’s new buff form in her excitement over having easy access to cool drinks, for then they park, she ain’t drinking on the road it’s bad form.
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chaosmultiverse · 1 year
“Please stop flickering the lights already, I’m trying to sleep.” for polly because her girlfriend just wants her to get in bed with her-
Polly was maybe in this instance a little too easy to amuse "Aw, right fine." Polly had been trying to get her eyes to do thing they'd sometimes do if the lights were suddenly went out of glowing but was failing.
She floated over to the bed "It wouldn't be a problem for me to next to you, yeah?"
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Gives Polly a smooch on the cheek cuz they can.
Polly playfully grabbed them from the side as they did so.
"Oh don't think you're getting away without one too Boo." And kissed them right back on the cheek
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
[ GAZE ] for polly
[ GAZE ] sender & receiver stargaze
Polly and Miri were outside of the reststop, it had been a pretty long day of driving. As she was sipping on a soft drink (well it was hard, but it's the thought that counts) she noticed Miranda staring at the night sky.
"Which of them is your favorite? Constellations, I mean."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
[ SWAY ] for vera or polly
[ SWAY ]  sender pulls receiver into a slow dance in the living room / kitchen / bedroom
Polly had invited Miri to her place for a casual date, a couple of old movies that Polly thought Miri would like or at least like being able to get Polly's references to, it was mostly romcoms and comedies, just like their school (yup, totally the same, no horrors, just hijinks)
It was after the movies that Polly absent mindly but on a playlist on her phone on low volume for some white noise as they spoke.
After a few songs that felt at home for the afterlife of the party Polly was, a slower more classical song came on.
But what surprised Polly more was Miri pulling her up into a dance, she could quickly keep pace, even if it had been a decade since she had last used the skill it was one she knew well.
"Aw, boo quite the romantic aren't ya?" Polly teased.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Milo appears out of nowhere, putting Polly's ghostly hair back in a pony tail just before the other band snaps. Only this band has a white cammellia on it.
"Just in time." They comment with a smile. "Took a bit longer than I wanted, but making your own accessories takes time. For you, darling, on today of all days."
An excuse for Milo to be sappy with Polly. "I heard through the rumor mill you were lacking plans for once?"
Polly jumped a little in surprise as Milo fixed up her hair, once they were done she turned to face them as one her hands felt what had been added.
"Awww Boo~ that's so sweet thank you." Polly wasn't too sapy most of the time but it was stuff like this that could melt her heart.
"And you know what? Yeah I am, Scott has a date and so does basically everyone else, so it's just me... Or are you intending on changing that?~" she winked.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
"Polly, dear, I know this isn't my usual brand, but can I ask you a serious yet... kind of ridiculous question?" No it wasn't about work or anything like that... well sort of. "If you aren't up for answering simply let me know and I'll move on if it's uncomfortable.
"I was wondering, do you recall what it was like to be human? Would you mind telling me about it?"
Polly seemed chill until the question itself came up to which she looked surprised.
"Yeah I can recall what it was like, it was pretty boring but I guess you haven't experienced it. Hmmm where to start..."
Polly thought for a a moment.
"Do you know hunger and what that's like? It seems like a good place to start since that combined with horniness accounts for like more than half of human history."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
🧲🧲🧲🧲 for polly, vera, dahlia, and oz for taste-
Send 🧲 for a list of what my muse finds attractive about yours
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"Miri is like the best, like a Disney princess but y'know, actually really cool! And while I don't know what's considered attractive in a merfolk normally I think she's super hot. "
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"Miranda is a interesting mix of very affectionate and caring and well... Regal, in control, I find that to be appealing to me. She's a multi layered person, I doubt I'll ever feel like we've talked about everything there is to talk about, which is good I enjoy learning about people."
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"Miranda? Oh that's easy! Miranda is kind, she's smart, she's very cute and affectionate, her laugh is wonderful... She's wonderful, so in short my answer is pretty much everything about her is attractive!"
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"I think Miranda is a very interesting person and I find that attractive, I'll be the first to admit I haven't gotten too close to her but... She feels like she isn't 2D which... I'll admit is a issue I find with a lot of people so consider it a attractive trait. There's also how she's refined but isn't stuck up or well... Okay she is a little stuck up but in a way that isn't unfriendly, does that make sense? Even when she's comparing something to a 'better' version of t it doesn't feel like there's malice behind it, you know? And I think she's very beautiful."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
🧲 for Polly bout one Reaper
Send 🧲 for a list of what my muse finds attractive about yours
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"Hey this isn't fair! I don't have all day! But to give a short list, I think it's hot as shit how confident you are, how much you squeeze the joy out of things and be positive! Plus gotta love the Momento Mori style."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
"Little thing" for polly!
Send "Little thing" and my character will tell you something as a child.
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"Oh my goodness!!" The child's eyes sparkled and she snug her arms back and forth "Are you... A sea monster? That's sooo cool! Have you ever met a Vodyanoy or-or Rusalka? Or wait- Are you like, friends with something like a mermaid?"
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
They stood there in the manner of an open door - a presence defined solely by absence. They were there, for sure. They were there in the way that they were not there, an emptiness that was so complete and whole that the sounds of the world quieted around them. Suppressed. Like standing apart from the rest of it, detached, removed. Sitting there on the border, between things, between that exit that Milo had become and everything else. This threshold was lined with old stones, worn down by countless feet. Many had walked here, and they had only walked one way, but came all the same. It was a tradition. It was the manner of things. It was but another step that had to be taken.
It was impossible to know how they had appeared. One second they were not there, and the next, they stood in waiting in front of the ghost.
Milo did not seem perturbed by this, by the inconsistency of their body, which stubbornly refused to be their body. This was the way of things too, and they were not the type of thing to be bothered by this. Everything was just a process anyways, why should they try to hide it?
"I see you around sometimes," said a mouth that was not a mouth, that was cool and soft and could be grasped and sunken into, deeper and deeper, like falling asleep on a gentle winter's night, "but we do not speak that often. Care to change that?"
( from milobelladonna, for polly! )
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Polly had gotten used to the weird ways things could exist, the weird state that she existed in and was at this point more than used to reacting to the unique ways her friends and classmates did. Still as she could feel somethin- someone near by with the weird... Absence of presence it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.
Despite hairs standing on end Polly didn’t freak or panic at the sudden appearance, she had gotten used to expecting the unexpected when it came to fellow monsters and could more than keep her chill, besides seemed to be a fellow death themed one.
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“Oh yeah I guess we don’t do we?” Polly wasn’t actually sure if she had likewise seen them around, something about them did seem... Familiar but didn’t mean much especially when she would meet so many people from time to time and just forget about them. “So yeah sure! I’m always down to get to know somebody, and I like your vibes.” 
Their vibes were interesting at the very least, spooky in a way Polly won’t describe a lot of the people she’s met. Polly has always fond herself interested in new things.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
SHE IS GRABBING VERA AND POLLY AND DAHLIA AND SHE IS DIP KISSING THEM SO SWEETLY AND TENDERLY WITH TONGUE. She does not know why, but today is a celebratory day. Tis in the air itself.
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"Huh? I- What's gotten into you did something happen today?" Despite having no clue what's going on Vera is still down for dip kisses
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After being dip kissed, she will follow up by returning the favor. Hell got another soul lol
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
💋💋💋 a kissie for polly and for vera and for dahlia-
Send me 💋 if your muse would kiss mine
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"Aww boo, right back at ya!"
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"Ah yes, my very kissy fishy."
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Dahlia.exe has stopped working.
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