#Poor zuko
Poor Zuko
He just wanted to join the Gaang but now the blind girl is moving metal, the sweet watergirl is bending blood and the kid is talking to spirits
At least he can count on Sokka to be normal. Oh, where did you say that sword was from?
Yeah, that’s right, fucking outer space
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crybabylulu · 4 months
ATLA style pt 11 this is correct and no I will not take criticism
Zuko: *running away screaming*
Azula: COME BACK HERE! *chasing him with her bow and arrow*
Mai: aren’t you gonna stop them? *looking at Ursa*
Ursa: hm? What’s going on?
Mai: *pointing to Azula chasing Zuko around the turtle duck pond*
Ursa: they’re just playing
Mai: *looking at her with wide eyes* she’s chasing him with her bow and arrow
Azula: *shoots Zuko in his leg*
Ursa: oh! *gets up and quickly rushed over to him* AZULA NO!
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celestialxmiku · 1 month
A little Izumi approached her dad and her aunt and uncle. Apparently Sokka (her dad),was getting tea with his father in law uncle Iroh. With one question on her cute innocent mind. "Papa,auntie,uncle Aang." She bowed despite not needing to. She was to polite for her own good. Aang chuckled. Zuko smiled. "What is it,Turtleduck?" Katara lifted her up and put her on her lap,while Aang pat her her head.
"I had a question. All my friends have grandparents,do I have any?"
A jolt went up Zuko's spine. Perhaps it was heaven sent? Hell if she was dead in Zuko's opinion. Aang stood there nervously. While Katara tried to come up with a response. "Uh," Katara chuckled nervously. "Well,sweetie..." Zuko took a nervous sip of tea to try to calm himself down.
"And what was Azula like when you were children,papa?"
Zuko spat his tea out and coughed aggressively. Aang stood up to try to help him. Katara waterbend it out of the ground,while Aang tried to slap Zuko's back,rather hurting him instead.
"Well,auntie Azula is good now."
"Was my grandpa a good father?"
Zuko was on the ground,if he wasn't he would be laughing at this ridiculous suggestion. Katara decided to take initiativ.
"Long ago-"
They turned around to see Sokka standing next to Iroh. Aang swiftly covered Izumi's ears.
"Hi? I'm right here you know?" Azula stated from the back. Chuckling to herself. She walked over to Izumi and took her into her arms. "Good job."
Izumi sat in her papa's lap. "Okay,I'm going to teach you something very important. Alright,repeat after me. Azula always lies,Azula always lies." "Azula always lies."
Azula and Katara peaked through the door,an offended Azula next to a smug,teasing Katara.
Iroh and Aang were lecturing Sokka,that as Izumi's dad,he shouldn't curse in front of her. Albeit,Iroh, slightly kinder than Aang. Toph was laughing her ass off.
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stitch1830 · 10 months
Those two angsty pieces put me in the mood for something a little more light-hearted, so Misc #16 for Toko?
LJF, hello! Thanks for the ask :D I seem to have the bug for writing today, and so I figured I'd write this up and post it right away haha. Hope the this is hits the light-hearted Toko spot!
Zuko looked up from his scroll, setting his morning tea down to look across the bedroom. The sound was undoubtedly coming from the closet, and he had a feeling he knew what was up.
Still, Zuko found himself asking his wife, “Everything okay?”
Toph let out a loud sigh, hollering back. “I feel like I look stupid.” 
“I feel ginormous and I feel like if I walk out of this closet I’m going to appear as big as a platypus bear.”
A faint smile played at Zuko’s lips, but he quickly wiped it away as he stood up and walked toward the closet. “I’m sure that’s not true, Toph. Besides, no one is going to care. And if they do, you’ll just throw a boulder at them.”
“Still! Everyone’s coming to the palace today, and you know one of the dunderheads is gonna say something.”
“Aang and Sokka know better than to say something, Toph,” Zuko said. “Remember when they came here before Kaede was born? They definitely learned their lesson.” 
He remembered that particular day fondly, for it felt like the perfect storm of comedic and chaotic timing how both Sokka and Aang opened their big mouths at the same time. They just had to let Toph know how big she looked just a week before she was due. If Toph hadn’t skyrocketed them in the air with her earth pillars, Zuko probably would’ve lit their pants on fire. Now, of course, they could laugh at the memory. At the time, though, Toph’s wrath was not so funny to the boys. Now, Zuko hope for their sake that they knew better than to speak on the appearance of a pregnant woman, especially if that woman was Toph Beifong.
And yet, Toph still felt self-conscious enough to feel that Aang and Sokka hadn’t learned their lesson. “Yes,” she began, “but I wasn’t pregnant with twins then. I look twice as big now!”
With crossed arms, Zuko replied, “Okay, well let me see, and I’ll be the judge of that.” 
Toph let out a sigh, then emerged from the closet with the biggest pout on her face. “Tell me I don’t look huge. You can’t.”
Every time he saw Toph’s glowing, growing figure, his heart skipped a beat. She wore a loose-fitting Fire Nation robe, and while Zuko truly thought she was stunning, the garment didn’t really do her any favors. It draped over her round belly, and, well…
It made her appear rather tent-like.
The man began to sweat. How on earth was he supposed to tell her that even though she was the most beautiful woman in the world that this particular robe made her look bigger than she actually was?
Zuko swallowed the lump in his throat, beginning the conversation by peppering her with compliments. “You look beautiful, Toph.”
“That’s not saying I don’t look fat.”
“Toph, come on. You’re pregnant with twins. No one really cares what you look like or what you’re wearing. They’re all just coming here to celebrate!”
“Zuko. I will call up every single one of our friends right now if you don’t tell me the truth. Do. I. Look. Fat.”
This was a lose-lose situation for the firebender. To lie and say she didn’t look fat would earn him a one way trip to the polar-bear-dog house, for she would certainly catch him in the lie. 
If he was honest? Well, that was bound to end in disaster, too.
Spirits help Zuko.
He let out a sigh, and mumbled, “You—the robes make you look a little big—”
Zuko was immediately attacked Toph’s tiny but mighty fist, causing him to shout and yell, “Ow! Qu—Toph! Cut it out! I was just telling the truth—”
“You said I look fat!”
“You said be honest! Stop hitting me!!” he hissed.
“Toph—what was I supposed to do? Lie?”
“You would’ve caught me in the lie!”
Toph paused for half a second, then continued to smack his shoulder. “That—that’s not the point! You should know better!”
“I tried to steer you a different direction—”
“Steer?! Am I more like a cow? Is that it?”
“No! No, nothing close to a cow—Toph. You really are beautiful.”
“Just not right now, is that it?” “I never said that—” “Oh, save it. I’m calling Katara right now so she’s ready to kick your ass into the next Sozin Comet.”
Spirits help Zuko. This was going to be a long day.
Send me writing asks if you don't mind waiting a bit! Lol
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venusdegoat · 2 years
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An Unlit Flame - AtLA Fancomic
Part I - 16
Part II - 01 ->
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That's the end of Part I! Thanks everyone for reading/liking/reblogging/commenting! I really appreciate it!
Expect a brief hiatus.
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ssreeder · 1 year
Zuko WILL go to tell ara that he knows she's sorry solely bc shen asked him and shen is now dead and like, zuko carries guilt like it's nobody's business, so he'll think he owes shen that much
Sokka is behind zuko frothing at the mouth at seeing ara and zuko in the same space
-Fragile heart
(yes i continously stalk your blog bc i want to know what crumbs you're willing to drop what about it)
(FHA I would stalk your blog too because I think you’re awesome <3)
Sooo… Zuko does carry a lot of guilt, but when it comes to Ara idk how open minded he will be about speaking to her. She is a big reminder of everything Zuko wants to forget. He copes by compartmentalizing, and being around Ara is likely a trigger he isn’t going to want to deal with.
It’ll be interesting to see how he handles finding out about Shen’s death & what he will do after.
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eponastory · 3 months
Just read the lasted chapter
Wow I did not think you were going in that direction for real but I get it now. It feels like Zuko is just tired of everything and now he has to deal with more
I feel kind of sorry for him
And this is only part one. 😉
But for real, Zuko is like... worn the fuck out. He is seriously trying to keep it together while trying to rule the Fire Nation and having to deal with plots to take him out. On top of that, the dude doesn't get any sleep. Let's not forget about the main problem.
Anyway, yeah, torture. It's all torture, and all he wants is to have Katara there with him.
Gotta love it.
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burglar-bird · 1 year
Zuko: Who are these rando soldiers?
Zhao's goons: uhhhhhh *rolls a 3 on deception check* we're totally normal, nonsuspicious soldiers. You should trust us.
Zuko *rolls Nat 1 on perception*: you're right I totally should.
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fuckyouozai · 3 months
“I’m angry at MYSELF!!”😭😭😭😭
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thorcep · 2 months
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Zuko and Suki had an awakening in the blimp after boiling rock
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demaparbat-hp · 2 days
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Oh, Aang, you're really in it now...
This is Zu—I mean, Jian Li and Katara's second meeting in the Kyoshi Warriors AU. The first proper one, anyway.
Once they get through a minor difference of opinion or two (“I can carry my own basket!” “Never said you—” “I'm not weak!” “I didn't—” “Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean—” “Would you listen for once, woman?!” ) they'll become nearly inseparable.
For now Jian Li will carry Katara's basket all the way to the Kyoshi Warriors' dojo and, once there, they'll mercilessly tease Sokka when they see him in uniform.
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bluespiritshonour · 26 days
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saw this and my brain went MAIKO!
headcanon that they made izumi in the fountain, which was both stupid and difficult.
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freeryebread · 2 months
idc what you say aang was the #1 zukka shipper like the second the boys came back from boiling rock he just knew
like spirit cupid just sat on aang’s shoulder and whispered “they wanna make out so bad” in his ear and aang was just like “oh i agree.”
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nerdpoe · 8 months
AU where the first time Zuko fights Aang on the ship when the Avatar's escaping, Aang accidentally energy bends Zuko.
Zuko is no longer a Fire Bender.
Zuko is now an Air Bender.
Zuko is also Freaking The Fuck Out, and so is Aang.
"Change it back, change it back!"
"I don't know how! I don't know what I did!"
"Then learn! Fix this!"
Meanwhile, Iroh is internally screaming because yeah, this is a death sentence for his nephew.
Sokka and Katara are just. Hanging out. Staring at each other and then the crew.
Everyone's confused. The crew just...slowly edging away to get back to steering the ship and laze around and stuff.
Katara knows it's a weird Avatar thing Aang did.
Sokka has now formulated a conspiracy theory that Zuko was only pretending to bend Fire the entire time.
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ssreeder · 1 year
Reading what happened to Zuko, he can go crazy or get mental illness like schizophrenia etc
Oh absolutely, I think it’s already in the works.
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comradekatara · 4 months
aang bodied zuko in every single fight without breaking a sweat when he was only twelve years old. imagine if zuko had actually had to fight an adult avatar who had already mastered all the elements and the avatar state. zuko couldn’t even win a fight against his little sister. and it’s not like he ever actually formed any kind of coherent plan when attempting to capture aang. at no point was he even like “well maybe if i got a really big net…” like obviously zuko is constantly operating on one million levels of cognitive dissonance (capturing the avatar = honor = acceptance = father’s love = safety, and so on and so forth) so it’s not like he ever stopped to logically reason, and that’s kind of the entire point of his character, but like. was there really not a single moment where he stopped and went “this kid is kicking my ass, maybe i should just call it a day” ??? well, no. of course not. because then he wouldn’t be zuko.
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