primepaginequotidiani · 2 months
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PRIMA PAGINA Secolo Xix di Oggi martedì, 23 luglio 2024
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pencilofawesomeness · 6 months
Was looking over your older art and noticed you wondering why Wendy has pink hair when she uses dragon force. I do not pretend to understand what all goes on behind the scenes, but I imagine it is purely because Porlyusica has pink hair, and since Porlyusica is a human Edolas counterpart of Grandeeny, if Grandeeny had had any hair it would be pink,(she is white but those are feathers I think), and thus Wendy inherits the dragon version of the gene for pink hair when she gets more dragon like.
See, then the question is, why does Porlyusica have pink hair? Why does Wendy's hair change at all? None of the others do, and I doubt Igneel would have have pink hair if you want to go the "they happened to match" route.
Nah, I was more ranting because I thought it was a dumb decision. That is what I meant when I asked "why pink?" not because I thought there could/should be an actual reason. The others get super on-brand elemental infusions and I think Wendy's should have gone harder on the multitude of the sky. My redesign was purely that: a redesign. Because sometimes I have fun and inconsequential opinions and implement them because why not? :)
(The art in question, in case people are curious, because I did my dragon force art a few years ago, I recount to my own horror of the passing of time. I should really draw dragon force stuff again lmao.)
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spindly-killers · 1 year
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Stills for The Golden Spiral project
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Me and my editor (for most my comics) were talking about what's been going on in the community the last week. and she had this to say
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and i wanted to come here and post it cause I kinda agree. Though having drawn transformations for a long time i understand why people are upset. (Even if these stories are about rebirth.) cause guess what. people dont like the topics of mental corruption and id deathand seeing as ive been stressing over these kinda reactions to a comic ive been working on for the last 5 years that has VERY similar themings (my main comic btw) cause i knew hey this is a topic the "transformation community" dosn't like. but seriously. just. Please stop harrassing people. Don't read it if you dont like it. learn some reading comprehension.. People doing animal hrt are exploring themes they want to via this vheicle that is animal HRT. Leave them be enjoy the story and maybe just maybe WAIT till its complete before forming opinions on these somewhat heavy themes established. or you know just choose not to read at all as kris said.
-Written by gio. But everyone in the system shares this sentiment
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umbralundertaker · 10 months
lol I'm reporting that one of my side blogs is shadowbanned and Tumblr won't even let me submit a question. they're just like Yeah we're not even going to pretend to look at these anymore. Kill yourself
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Gathering sins
A sat with one knee up on the little wood table, mindlesly driving their finger on the ligther's metal gear, watching the flame flicker and die immidiatly as a cigarette dangled from their lips
B walked in the room, as silent as always, a normal person wouldent even had heard it, but A knew it like their own heartbeat, they just choose to ignore it.
B avoided the expencive couch littered with empty water bottles and nameless snacks's wrappers to sit on the table claimed by A, exactly on the opposite side.
Neither of them spoke, there wasn't a need to...
Dispite all that happened, their relationship wasn't changed in the sligtest bit, yes, they had some... disputes along the way, but like any friends would, nothing too seriuss too often.
At the end of it all they where still as friends as they could be, maybe a bit more than just friends...
But silence is always awkward, even with the person they trust the most in the shit-hole they where... "occupying for the moment".
A broke the silent whit a stiched-together sentence "wan'one?" They said as they reached for their poket, where they stored the sweet pack of drug.
But B didn't respond as usual, they didn't respond at all, instead they raised the corner of their mouth forming a little unreadable smile, far different from the shit eating grin that crowned their face most of the time.
"I told you" B said gently as A passed them the pack "i stopped"
B's dark eyes glimmed in the dim ligth, staring back at indigo bafled eyes half idden by a pair of sunglasses that where slowly slipping away from A's nose.
A recomposed their expression and saved the cigarette just in time before it falled from their lips.
A brief pause to adjust the glasses and they where returned the same cocky and sassy B, talking in fast street slang:
"Hell nah, you din'd stop for shi', i saw you smoking like an oil refinery coumpound barily 2 months ago man, cease da' cap."
B cuckled at the hands movement A was making, they where mimicking a smoke tower with their cigarette.
"Com' boy get real" A said deeply as they stared into B's eyes, leanding them the orange butt of the drug "make a friend happy"
B rolled their eyes smiling, then layed their lips around the fag, letting A ligth both of their.
They parted ways as they each took a draft letting smoke out of their mouths.
A turned early, seeing the red trails off smoke emerge from B's mouth, crowning the air around them, dancing around ligth to be finsly reabsorbed and reassimilated into the still room.
In that picture, in that frame, in the eye's of A, B looked like a painting drawn and coloured by the very gods that had created their respective dinasties at the beginning of all.
Looking at the so familiar profile, lazily taking draft after draft as around the black pupil circles of vivid red formed.
It was calming, so much so that the ideas of dieing and finding themself roaming the great promised lands of Last Breath didn't leave such a terrible fealing in A's soul, no, not as pong as B was with them.
B finaly turned around and noticed A's pink smoke rising out of their mouth, directly all the way up to the cealing.
They giggled, pushed their hairs behind their hear and got nearer as A snapped out of their trance
"Who's the smoke tower no?"
B bit their lip as A blushed and tought of something to say
"W-well, bruh... i can't be worst than your uncle"
B raised and eyebrow and sat confortably, rigth at A's side
"Come on that's unfaire, dear uncle Espi's live was fucked at the start, it's not his fault if his lungs look like charcoal mines"
B laughted with their hand and their mouth, letting run away strais of hair fall onto their face, while A stretched.
"Man, what did your uncle NOT go trow"
A asked, and soon B responded
"Well, can't tell you much but... no father, rampaging anger issues, went to prison, alchool addict, his wife cheated on him... and died... along with his kid... and he got strapped to raise a kid that wasn't even his own witch brougth him to go stupid over oxytocine; but dispite all he seams to be holding up just fine"
"Just a normal thusday in Feral City for us, uh?"
They both stared at the wall infront of them, immagining the lands of paradise of Last Breath, but not trying to realize how exactly they where where they where.
But one thing they where sure about, was that all counted, uncle Espi's life was avarege for one of their kind, maybe, even slightly better than avarege, but they where still young, they would have a lot of time to spend gathering sins like B's uncle did.
Everybody sayis it: "no matter how much you run, your mistekes will chatch up to you" this, is a rule that apparently effects every human being not matter what... rigth?
Well... luckily this rule effects only hunans, and A and B couldent exacly be described as such, and this truth... filled them with joy
"Isn't it beautifull how one day we could fill our father's trones, being surrounded by our childrens and partners, while hundreds and hundreds of pity hunans beg us for their lives, as the our soldiers that have sworn compleate loyalty to us massacre them and worship us with all of themselfs, while some humans will keep on living the same, avarege life, forever and ever, witouth ever finding the cruel truth of our world?"
They both stared into the void again, immagining their distant future's greatness, savavoring in advance alllll and each of every single sin they where going to commit in their infinite lives.
And that is, one of greatest deligth somebody of their species could experince.
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xxfizzy-bizxx · 18 days
Ya know what? Fuck you
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Get Kirbied
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etiennelouisjuste · 2 years
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⏱ TERMINÉ PORTUGAL 🇵🇹 4-0 🇱🇮 LIECHTENSTEIN - Le Portugal s'impose ✅ Les portugais prennent la tête de leur groupe, avec le même nombre de points que la Bosnie. ⚽️ '8 : Cancelo ⚽️ '47 : Bernardo ⚽️ '51 : Ronaldo (s.p) ⚽️ '63 : Ronaldo #EURO2024 | #PORLIE #etiennnelouisjuste https://www.instagram.com/p/CqJiNXPrB3E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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darkbracelets · 2 years
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Me encantó el Ashton en el estado cataclísmico <3333
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violinios · 4 months
porly made drawings of BSD characters without using any references, only using my memory pt.1
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otiksimr · 4 months
Porly pokemon drawings good. Funky shapes. Me like. Thank you.
Little beasties are in fact very shaped :)
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spindly-killers · 1 day
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 3 months
Can you draw my oc Raymond and his gang with this template, please?
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This Is Raymond Necksnap:
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(btw could you make It that instead of him looking confused its him cheering? Thanks, also if your wondering his eye color Is gray and those porly drawn triangles on his boots are supposed to be spikes lol-)
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I am so sorry for taking too long, besides this didn't went like I was expecting, but I really hope you like it...
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h0pefr0g101 · 28 days
@my-gf-is-kazuichi-soda Here is porly made Kazuichi chair ft. Sonia table! Sorry that I didn't post it right away!
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He kind looks like your average drug addict 😔
Praying for colored dry erase markers
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kiliinstinct · 11 months
Chapter 23
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Rating: R Pairing: Nalu FF.Net || AO3 [Ch: 1] ||| [Prev] | [Next] -   Special Announcement: I'm going "dark" during November to participate in NaNoWriMo. (National Novel Writing Month.) I'm using this challenge as a way to work more on Flame's Desire, but the next update may not happen during this time. If it does, it will be a surprise! So, with that in mind- the next "planned" update will be: Dec 16th. See you then! I hope you enjoy the chapter!
It was three, fretful days before Natsu blearily opened his eyes again.
Another four days and Porylusica declared him stable. With him no longer at the risk of keeling over, she was ready to throw him out of her hut; which is exactly what she did. She claimed the worst was over, ordering him bed rest in his own home (rather than taking up space in her own) and demanded he talk as little as possible. 
“In fact,” she had mumbled, almost absentmindedly, “It would be best if you didn't speak at all. Or moved.”
“- but...!” Natsu attempted with a croak.
“No buts and shut up!” 
How did she expect him to do nothing? From the moment he first awoke with the scent of Lucy on his pillow, but nowhere to be seen, he wanted nothing more than to escape the healer's house and be updated on everything he'd missed.
Was she safe? Was Kage captured -or better yet, dead? Did the festival continue without him? The fire caused by his battle hadn't damaged more of the forest, had it? 
There were too many questions and very little answers given. Only withering glares met his curiosity accompanied by a sharp slap to the wrist and another threat to keep his lips shut. When he tried again, she held up a needle, the silent threat of sewing his lips shut obvious.
 “I'm in no mood to explain any of this to you. Just stay still until Makarov comes to fill you in.” Was the only answer she’d give.
Porylusica was not the greatest for information. It was hard to tell whether she truly wasn’t aware or just didn’t care enough to tell him anything. She was, however, true to her word of Makarov's visit. The chief did his due diligence enough to visit him while he rested, but even he was annoyingly tight-lipped with the truth. 
“You'll know when you've healed.” Makarov tried to explain, a comforting hand resting lightly on Natsu’s arm despite the other’s stubborn scowl. He patiently sat by Natsu’s bedside as he picked away at the feathers poking through his pillow.
(”Stop damaging my furniture!“ Porly had shouted minutes later. The draconis ignored it until she smacked his fidgeting hands with a ladle.)
His throat stung at the slightest movement. It was a constant ache he now dealt with every shaky breath despite Wendy’s best efforts to lessen it. It was easier to keep his sentences clipped and to the point, if he spoke at all, when even swallowing jolted his nerves and pricked his eyes with hot tears. He didn't want to admit the severity of the pain, but it was too poignant to be ignored. Even so, that wasn't enough to stifle his impulsive need to growl out his frustration at Makarov's unwillingness to provide information. 
The choked whine that escaped was more embarrassing than anything and the chief had left without giving him a chance to argue. He only offered Natsu an apologetic smile that didn’t reach his tired eyes.
He’d grown restless. Once returned to his own home, its walls began to feel like a prison the longer he stayed put. He’d yet to see Lucy since he awoke, (“She's helping with cleanup.” Warren had told him the second day when he garbled through his blazing throat to ask. “I'm sure she'll visit as soon as she's able.” That hadn't made him feel better.) He still didn't know what happened to Kage. (A fact that told him the bastard was probably still alive, damnit.) And he hadn't seen a hair of Erza's redhead since waking up. (He was positive she would have checked in on him at LEAST once!)
None of it added up and he was tired of waiting. So what if he was wounded. He deserved to know as much as everyone else, didn't he? Hell he was the one who tangled with Kage! He deserves to know way more than everyone else! 
He was done waiting around for answers. First he would head straight for the old man and stare him down until he coughed up whatever truths he was hiding. Natsu nodded to himself, the plan set in his mind as he rose to his feet. With eyes trained on his door his determination was anchored into the depths of his soul.
And he took his first confident step towards his door.
Well, actually, he limped. His body still felt like it was on fire from aftershocks of lightning and refused to cooperate. In fact, he was certain his back was littered in spider web scars though he only caught the tail ends of the scarring that trailed along the side of his ribs, peeking out from under the bandages. Laxus truly did a number on him, but he persisted, intending to get the answers he sought for himself. He twisted the handle and shoved the door open with a grunt.
Unfortunately, he’d taken only one step through the doorway when his body was locked in place against his will.
Red light sparked at his feet and lit up the area around him as magic tendrils snaked their way around his ankles to keep him rooted in place and a literal bell dinged incessantly beside him. 
His current keeper, Freed, stood to the left, a sympathetic grin on his face as he clicked his tongue and rested the bell lightly against his palm. “Sorry, but it's back to bed with you.”
Natsu sputtered, eyes wide and fury rising, ”What the-,“ His voice cracked and he winced, “... What... are. you. doing. here.” He took a deep breath, ”Freed?!“
It was weird, punctuating his every word with a pause to avoid as much pain as he could, but the serpentine hiss that pushed through his teeth couldn't be mistaken for anything else. 
”I’m making sure you,“ Freed jabbed the bell accusingly at Natsu's chest and stifled a yawn, ”don't do something very unwise.“
'Shouldn't you still be sleeping?' He wanted to ask, the retort sharp on his tongue but his throat had already begun to clam up under the strain, crackling at any attempt to utter a sound. Frustrated, he wildly gestured to the red glow beneath his feet, that he now saw were enchanted runes etched around his front door and curved around his hut out of sight, most likely wrapping around his entire home. Bringing his attention back to Freed, he returned the accusing jab and quickly pantomimed his best impression of a person falling asleep. 
Considering how exhausted he felt, it wasn't a hard act to do. Freed watched the display with a keen, amused interest and after a few, confused seconds, snickered behind his hand. 
“I'm simply giving Warren a break and then I'll be back on bedrest myself.“ He conceded with a tilt of his head, long green hair slipping past his face to reveal he hadn't bothered to tie it up that morning. ”Makarov wants us to be on rotation after all.“
The draconis motioned once more to the enchantment beneath his feet and grunted, which spurred Freed to laugh again, louder this time. The grunt turned into a deep frown as his face burned in shame. ”My magic was all but drained when Kage attacked, but a simple circle such as this won't hurt me.“
If Natsu hadn't been so annoyed he may have felt relieved to know that. He'd only caught brief conversations over the last few days. Those visiting his keepers or passing by his window during idle talk that managed to reach his ears. It was never enough to know the full picture, but mentions of Freed's health had made the rounds enough for him to feel some concern. 
Before he could start considering the strength of Freed's spell (or how long it would last), the other took the initiative to explain further, pushing himself up to quickly usher Natsu back into his home. The bell, Natsu noticed, was left behind.
”It's a preventative measure, meant to hold you still just long enough for anyone who hears it to come get you.“ He explained, hands surprisingly firm even as they gently guided the impatient draconis back into the soft furs of his bed, mindful of his many bandages. ”Everyone knows to listen for it, so I imagine, if it weren't me watching, someone else would have come running already.“
Natsu couldn't resist talking through what felt like a ball in his throat, ”Then... why ring the- “ and was immediately cut off by a fit of hacking coughs that doubled him over in pain. 
Setting him down, Freed tried to give his back a soothing pat on instinct. White hot pain seared through his nerves and blinded him. The shock lit up every wound from a dull throb to a blazing fire. Seething through his gritted teeth, Natsu curled in on himself further, biting back a loud, pitiful whine. The humiliation was getting worse by the minute, but Freed jumped back at his error, apologies spewing from his mouth quicker than Natsu could pick them up. 
”Of course... Laxus' magic must have...“ Freed began, looking just as flustered as Natsu felt over his own weakness, ”I apologize.“
He didn't bother with a reply, choosing to stubbornly look to the wall instead, arms crossed and ears burning. Taking his silence as a sign, the enchanter readjusted the collar of his shirt and brushed the hair from his eyes, blinking wearily. Uttering a meek farewell, he shuffled away, back to his post, gaze glancing at everything but the pouting draconis behind him.
He wavered at the door with his hand resting lightly over the handle. Whistling, he stole Natsu’s attention from the wall, who turned his shamed glare back at him. Freed met the gaze over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised into the fringe of his hair. “When you have a moment, I'd suggest cleaning up a little before Lucy convinces Makarov to let her join the rotation.”
He swept his hand through the room towards the organized mess of old knick knacks and clothes scattered haphazardly about. Mixed among them was ashen stems and half burnt flowers. He coughed into his fist, “Unless you want her to put it together so soon.”
Natsu didn't resist flinging his pillow with as much force as he could muster, mentally cursing when Freed shut the door in time for the pillow to bounce harmlessly off. His chuckle, however, reached the draconis' ears with ease, raising his ire further. 
His place wasn’t that messy! He squinted at the floor, taking in every stray sandal thrown about and a crumpled shirt with broken buds caught in the folds.
Natsu pouted.  And so what if it was? That was none of Freed's business. Besides whenever Lucy showed up he doubted she would-... 
He blinked, eyes widening at the realization that struck him. His eyes zeroed in on a stray, dried petal and he cursed. He’d have to thank Freed later for the subtle information he’d just passed along. 
And chuck a pillow at Makarov too, it seemed. Great. He'd bide his time with that one. 
A decision that greatly undermined just how impatient he truly was. Within the hour, he was already attempting to leave once again. Though he belatedly realized Freed had switched places with Mirajane without his notice. The barrier hadn’t a chance to activate when she descended on him as soon as the door cracked. She brandished the bell in her hand like a when she forced him right back to bed with a sweetly menacing smile.
It would be two more days before anything new happened.
Two, long days of being pricked and prodded by Wendy during her check ins, moving mechanically as she wrapped fresh bandages around him. 
Two extra long days of half hearted ‘cleaning’ whenever he was up, shoving away evidence under stray clothes and kicking things out of sight. His eyes narrowed, the enchanted barrier was proving harder to trick than the village’s night guards.
He didn’t know the ins and outs of Freed’s magic, but he felt its presence whenever he tried to leave. The barrier wasn’t all that strong. If he was at full strength he could break out just fine. It made him wonder if all he needed to do was give it a further push of power, despite his injuries. The harder the better, right?
If not for that damn bell. 
It was more frustrating than the barrier. No matter the force used, it rang faster than he could reach it, bringing anyone in the vicinity his way to reprimand him. He hated it. Each escape attempt foiled by an incessant ringing that rang constantly in his sensitive ears. And it was always annoying out of reach despite Natsu’s best efforts. It would take only one slip up. Of someone absentmindedly leaving it just close enough for him to melt it. When the opportunity came, Natsu knew he’d enjoy the action far too much.
What little patience and self-preservation he had dispersed in a fit of manic clarity that had Natsu chastising himself. How could he be so stupid?
The window. He should have thought of it earlier.
Just small enough to be looked over. It was a shining beacon of victory. Surely there would be a chink in Freed’s barrier somewhere, and if he squirmed just enough, he could escape his house long enough to find it. It made perfect sense- and no one would have a chance to ring the stupid bell! The plan was foolproof.
Hoisting himself with more effort than he’d like to admit, he slipped one leg through the frame while the other feebly balanced him on his bed. With careful, slow movements, he began to pull himself through, grunting quietly from the effort. If there was a pinch in his nerves, or the shock of pain, he bit his lip harshly as he willed himself to stay silent. He could just feel the light echoing tug of the barrier, but no runes or magic coiled around him. It tickled the edge of his senses but moved no further.
Natsu smirked: I knew it.
But a sudden, familiar voice rang loudly in his ears and he froze, attention quickly turning towards the front of his home as the sounds of conversation floated his way. 
”I know my leg isn't completely healed,“ Lucy argued. Mirth laced her words and he felt every muscle in his body seize up, ”but I know I can handle this. It's not that hard to ring a bell. Even then I doubt if he'd try and fight me to escape.“
He snorted, but was unsure if it was because of Lucy's lack of awareness towards his impulsivity or the fact she was right. 
It took his leg buckling in on itself for him to realize he was still partially out his own window. Biting back a surprised yelp, he clung to the window frame frantically to hold himself up and missed the next part of conversation.
Freed had already hinted the chief wasn't allowing Lucy to watch over him, so the discussion outside was one that grabbed his interest, but once he'd finally settled himself, Lucy's emphatic urging had ended with a tense silence between her and the chief. 
The draconis shamelessly strained his ears to pick up any further sound and considered throwing the door open to speak on her behalf if he could. 
”All right then.“ Makarov agreed, throwing that plan out the window that Natsu's leg still dangled through, ”but don't hesitate to call on us if anything happens!“ 
”I won't!“ Lucy cheerily replied while the Chief grumbled a reply so low Natsu couldn’t make it out. His words faded behind the crunching of gravel down the path as he left as quickly as he came. He almost laughed at Lucy’s all too giddy squeal, and watched the door handle jiggle in growing excitement.
She was all right after all! That truth eased the worried pang that dug at him for days. What’s more, she could tell him exactly what had been going on while he was out. This would fix everything-
It was at that moment, Natsu became all too aware of the chipped wooden sill he was still halfway over as the door handle clicked.
Many things happened all at once in the seconds it took for Lucy to entire his home. He scrambled to right himself, stepping back in with a rush that dizzied him. His weak leg, already struggling to hold him up, buckled under him, giving away in the tangle of his bed covers. In the struggle to free himself, he (and the blankets) crashed to the floor. The resounding thud not only shook the hovel, but brought down an array of knick knacks and other random things that hung on his walls.
The blanket - now forever labeled a traitor in his mind- snagged on everything nearby as its weight brought no comfort as it shielded his aching body from view. 
And when the door swung open, Lucy’s shriek was the first thing he heard, “Natsu?!” The panic in her voice was palpable and her steps were quick. Before he could process his position, she was at his side, pulling the fabric from his face as small, brilliantly colored stones, scattered across the floor. (He would later realize his rock collection was no longer on the shelves above his bed and dutifully recollect every single pebble.)
”Oh my gods, Natsu, what are you doing on the floor?!” Her panicked cries were shrill and made his ears ring, but she worked swiftly, pulling the blanket from his person to toss it behind her. 
In that moment, Natsu wanted to console her, but all he managed was sheepish blinking as she grasped his cheeks tightly to look him over, eyes wide and face pale. If he wasn't so dazed from his earlier tumble, he may have attempted to crawl back and bring space between them. Instead, he stared dopily into her brown eyes and gulped, ignoring the reflexive cough that tried to force its way out of him.
Worry knitted her brow as she tilted his head to the side, and there was a darkness under her eyes that was new to him. His entire body was ablaze, wounds screaming out for his attention but they barely mattered.
She was here. And she was safe. That was more important.
Relief flooded into his bones and an exhaustion he wasn't aware of pulled at his eyes. Dazedly, he followed her as she directed him back to the comfort of his bed. Subconsciously, he noted she was stronger than her frame appeared, and she wasted no time in checking him over, tsk'ing at the sight of bandages that had loosened during his less than graceful fall.
“What were you even doing to be on the floor like that?” She muttered, not waiting for an answer  as she sat him down and began to fix the bandages along his arms.
Her movements were jerky with inexperience and felt too tight in places, but Natsu didn't mind it. He watched on in silence as she continued to fuss over him, unaware of the draconis' careful examinations, focused on her as much as she was him.
She didn’t have her cane, he noted curiously, and his gaze subtly dropped to the lengthy skirt that kept the old injury out of sight. She wasn’t in pain was she? He had to know, but he didn't dare try to pull her dress up just to see her knee. He wasn't THAT stupid.
A few seconds more of consideration and he threw caution to the wind, reaching over to rap his knuckle lightly against her leg instead. 
She froze. He did too. Was that the wrong move? Had he hurt her? 
“... if you weren't injured, I'd return the favor,” She muttered, tying his next bandage into a tiny bow, “but I'm fine, Natsu. It's sore, but manageable. Worry about yourself for two seconds. You’re lucky you don’t have a concussion after that fall…”
He didn’t even attempt to resist the urge to rasp out a cheeky response, “ ...Got an answer out of ya at least.” 
“What?“ Lucy asked, puzzled, but clamped a hand over his mouth when he tried to respond, ”No, no, no! You should not be talking, Mister!“
Rolling his eyes, Natsu now had an altogether different urge to resist. He remembered, vaguely, many months ago, he'd done the exact same to her, and her response had been to bite him. He wondered if he should do the same...
Instead, he licked her. The cry of disgust when she retracted her hand was more than worth it.
”That’s disgusting!“ 
He waggled his brows, grinning.
Definitely worth it. 
Natsu was a handful while wounded. This was a fact that hardly surprised Lucy. On any other day, he was often seen darting from place to place, his focus shifting as easily as the wind changed. She was no longer a stranger to him running off at the drop of a hat to return just quickly to do god knows what else.
The fiery draconis was simply the type of person who had to always be on the go one way or another. 
Which is exactly what made watching him so difficult.
Makarov had given her plenty of warnings about his flightiness when ill and so had everyone else when she pleaded to be let on the rotation. She had expected it, but the guilt still gnawed at her bones as she watched his discomfort play out before her. 
Restlessly he fidgeted under his blankets. He couldn’t sleep. When he sat up, he’d cast a longing stare at the door only to hide the expression moments later. She noticed every change in his expression and it attacked her resolve every single time. Any attempt to talk led to her shushing him, fearing his pain and any chance of his healing being interrupted. Each time, he’d throw himself under the covers in defeat, but the pouting lasted a few seconds before he was shifting yet again. His discomfort and inability to sit still was obvious.
He wanted to leave and Lucy hated that she couldn’t let him.
Her mind wandered back to her conversations with Makarov. Asides from the general warnings to his want to escape, Lucy was baffled to learn he was still in the dark over what happened after his battle. All knowledge of Kage and Erza's chase had been purposefully hidden: even her own whereabouts had been kept from him. And for what reason? 
Makarov had grunted when she asked, having the self-awareness to look guilty, ”He deserves to know. And will. In due time, but I know this boy. The moment he learns of the truth he’ll take off, no matter the condition he’s in. I’d rather he give chase when he’s not wobbling where he stands.”
Lucy had to begrudgingly admit that the Chief was onto something with that thought. It was easy to imagine Natsu throwing caution to the wind to summon his fire in order to escape Freed's barrier. (The enchanter assured everyone that it would take a lot more than that to break it down, but Lucy wasn't so sure. How much of his abilities could he hold after the mass amount of magic he'd lost?) Then it wouldn't be a shock to find him dashing off into the woods, using his excellent sense of smell to track the others. 
But handling another fight in his condition? Lucy dreaded the thought, and dutifully nodded when she was asked to keep the truth hidden as well.
As she surveyed Natsu now, however, she regretted that decision. His restless energy came from more than just a need to be busy. Looking back in her memories, Lucy felt it was much the same as her own feelings when she'd been asked to endure being locked away.
She hated being in the dark, and some of that was still hidden from her. Of course Natsu would hate it as well. 
”You'll never get any rest if you keep moving like that,“ She gently chided, fingers moving to straighten his blanket and swipe his pink fringe from his eyes. 
Natsu was quicker than she expected despite the injuries. Before the romni could pull away his hand snapped upward, grasping her wrist as he looked at her. His face was set in a careful mask but she could still see the frustration leaking through in the tightness of his jaw and how it thinned his lips.
But his eyes were so tired. Dulled without the usual spark of mischief that was always there. 
It stabbed at her heart.
This was all because of her. His pain now, and back then, bleeding out on the ground motionless with breath barely rattling in his chest; screaming in Porlyusica’s hut as he desperately clung to life, crying out for a man she didn’t know as the healer stitched him back together. It was all for her sake while she could only stand by, useless.
The healer's sharp words echoed loudly in her mind, that she should respect his sacrifice.  She felt the embarrassing prickle of tears forming at the corners of her eyes.
She had no right to cry.
Too many things weighed her down and here she was, crying. She came here to help, but instead she felt as if things were only worse.
“Natsu?“ Her voice fell to a soft whisper as she blinked back tears, “Just try to rest, please? I know you want to go out and see everything for yourself, but you're too hurt right now. I just..” What? What was she trying to say? Even though she wasn't sure, the words fell helplessly from her lips like stones before her mind had a chance to lock them up. 
“You don't know how scary it was to see you like that. Please don't make me see it again….”
For a second, his grip tightened, brows knitting together as he processed her words.
As the pressure began to cut off circulation, his hand loosened just as fast, a silent apology marring the features of his face. Her vision blurred and Lucy realized her thoughts began to escape through her eyes and she quickly moved to wipe them before any tears could fall. 
“Sorry, I shouldn't be putting this on you,” She began, hastily turning her attention to the rest of the room. It was a mess. “You were protecting me after all. I shouldn't make you feel any worse than you probably do-”
The words jammed themselves in her throat when he moved his hand again, bandaged fingers moving to clumsily entangle with her own as a comforting heat emanated from his palm. Surprise caused two drops to fall before she could catch them.
“... don't cry.”
His voice was quiet, meek almost, in an attempt to keep the pain of his throat at bay, but the hoarse rasp sent a shiver down her spine.
 If Natsu hadn't blocked Kage's attacks, would she be the same as he was right now? No, Lucy shook the thought away, he’d needed her alive after all. It wouldn't make sense to mortally wound her. 
When Natsu squeezed her hand again, pulling her from her thoughts, she coughed on a wet laugh. The way he looked at her now spoke volumes: quit thinking so much!
“All right, all right,” She conceded, giving his hand a returning squeeze. “Can you let me go? I think I have something we can do. There’s a quill and parchment in my bag. I think we can talk easier with that. Will that work for you?“
If his disgruntled pout was anything to go by, Natsu would accept this, but grumble about it the entire time.  He was slow to ease himself back into a sitting position, scooting to rest his back against the wall for support.
He pouted the entire time she rifled through her pack, carefully stepping over fallen keepsakes and baubles that decorated the floors. It was still there when she turned back thim with prizes in hand. His eyes narrowed childishly at the papers while he drew a pillow onto his lap to serve as a frumpy table. Only her laughter at his expense filled the empty spaces. Though his own, pale attempts at chuckling joined hers when she tripped over and knick knack or two. 
“Someone should really clean up in here,” she muttered, casting him a sidelong glance. His answering shrug was all she'd get on the matter for now, but with careful sweeps of her legs, she managed to clear a path back to him with minimal effort. 
His gaze never left her leg the entire time, but she waved the stack of acquired parchment in his face to reclaim his attention. “Hey, I said it's fine, Natsu, so quit worrying about it!”
Had he always been this attentive to her leg? She'd pin that thought for later perusal. He scrunched his nose as the edges of the stack tickled it and with a snort, the edges curled back towards her in a flimsy show.  
Hoping to prevent any further distractions, Lucy dropped the papers to his pillow and held her quill and ink between the fingers of her spare hand, excitement curling the edges of her smile. “Let's see how good your penmanship is, shall we?”
Natsu huffed, snatching the quill from her without a fight. She didn't expect anything special out of this arrangement. Writing with an ink well over a pillow wasn't the smartest of methods, but Lucy wanted to keep him resting as long as possible. She'd rather a few holes poked through her paper and spilled ink over him hurting himself to sit at the table any day.
But his handwriting was chicken scratch.  Or barely a step up from that. Lucy was certain she wouldn’t be able to read it even if he had a stable platform to write on. Seconds turned to minutes as Lucy's earlier excitement shifted to utter bafflement. 
Many in the village couldn't write, but she'd seen enough to know that those who traveled learned out of necessity, but how did Natsu get by with this sort of illegibility?
She bit her lip, tilting the paper from side to side as her nose twitched in consternation. No matter how she observed the thick and thin lines that scrawled along the paper, she couldn't make heads or tails of it. 
”Whoever taught you how to write needs to give you another lesson,“ She muttered. Natsu's answering response was to scrawl a single letter over the paper, large enough that no amount of chicken scratch could hide its secrets from her: a large E.
Before she could respond with the obvious answer, he quickly scratched over the letter and shook his head frantically, lips thinning as he frowned. In larger letters, he added two more words that Lucy translated to, 'never again!'
She laughed so hard ink sloshed onto her fingers and dripped onto the paper, seeping into the pillow fabric beneath. A subconscious part of her realized she'd have to help acquire him cleaner bedding later if this kept up. 
”Fine. No Erza to teach you. Let's try again... slower this time.” Lucy sighed, wiping her fingers on the hem of her dress, “maybe I can understand it then.“
Natsu crumbled the paper under his hand and flicked it into her face, grinning maniacally as she quickly tossed it back which he smugly dodged, and watched it sail by his ear to bounce off the back wall. More laughter ensued and even Natsu managed a chuckle, grunting from the strain. 
It wasn’t perfect, and the mess of ink spread out of control, but it was enough to keep him occupied in the following hours while Lucy learned to translate the language he wrote in. It failed to get better under her tutelage, so the chicken scratch remained.
Lucy hoped it was enough to distract him from the burning questions that still hung in the air.
'I hope Erza comes back soon,' She thought, glancing out the window as Natsu, with quill held in the opposite hand, prepared another message for her. 'Maybe then I can give Natsu all the answers he deserves without any problems...'
Though, another more ominous thought struck her pulling a grimace across her face. 'at least then we'll know she's safe. Please let her be safe.'
Unbeknownst to Lucy, in the far off reaches of the forest, Erza still followed the tracks of a man half-dead. Her armor was stained, streaked with mud that dulled its pristine gleam as she tore through the trees with a blade in each hand, hacking a clear path with mounting fury.
Thin scrapes adorned her face from stray undergrowth and dust thrown into her eyes countless times.  She’d had him in her grasp too many times and still he eluded her. Their last struggle had him inches beneath the tip of her sword, only for the sharp steel to sink uselessly into a tree trunk. His shadows protected him far too easily, giving him multiple chances to slip away not a moment too soon. Melting away from her sight, the chase would begin once more. It was infuriating.
He was weakening, and he knew it. But Erza was like a bloodhound, following him with a tenacity that matched the ones he'd fought before. Kage could admit to himself, as he struggled to move through the thick, spring bushes, that he'd sorely underestimated the members of the Fairies with Tails. 
Escaping the fire and flames of an angry dragon while the bellow of lightning struck from above was nothing short of a miracle. He could boast it was skill and great timing, but the truth of the matter was far less a triumph. He'd panicked, called the shadows back into himself and desperately prayed he could shift his form into the ground and escape before his body failed him. His wounds were far too great to handle such a strike head on and the memory of the fanged smile snarling above him. It was inhuman and bordering on insanity with manic glee. The expression had bored itself into Kage’s memories and he was certain it would haunt his nightmares. 
Swallowing back a cough he rubbed his aching throat where scale shaped bruises painted the skin in dark shades of purple. Not for the first time, he considered the draconis he battled a monster. 
Battling a Draconis was something he never wanted to do again.
Even now, his body cried as he moved, but adrenaline and survival instincts served him well. What little magic he had left was used to aid covering his footprints and trails of blood or made to cloak him during the night as he sought what little rest he could. If he made one mistake. One misstep. Or lost the ability to draw the shadows around him, he'd be caught.
There was only one choice: find Jose. His own clan should be waiting for him. Kage was certain of this fact. All he had to do was survive long enough to find them and then... then..
He stumbled through a rather dense thicket of trees, and Kage almost wished he was tucked away back in his cell counting the cracks in the wall and taunting whatever guard he had for the day.
At least there he had a warm blanket and fresh food to eat. His stomach, empty, growled in tandem with the thought. Already he could imagine the fresh meals he'd taste once he'd made it safely home. 
He paused for breath under a wide canopy and wiped the sweat from his eyes. His hair was dripping and his limbs shook signaling the need for another break. It was near impossible to resist the siren song for rest. The temptation to slide to the ground and lay his back against a sturdy tree trunk to slip off to sleep, but he managed to lock his knees in place as he listened to the natural sounds of the woods. It took a few minutes of sorting through the spring call of birds and buzzing bees to hear what he was looking for.
A restlessness in the trees that came from the source of a higher power, encapsulating a magic that had yet to be unleashed. Erza was still on his trail despite all his earlier escape attempts, and she was closing in once more. Cursing, Kage looked inside himself, eyes sliding shut as he felt for the remaining vestiges of shadows that still clung to his being.
“Just a little more,” he thought, “a little more and I'll be home free.”
The magic answered the call, thrumming softly beneath his finger tips before dark tendrils drilled into the mossy earth to settle in. A little surprise to buy him more time. If he was lucky, the shadows sprouting from the ground would hit Erza's feet and render her incapable of walking without excruciating pain.
He forced himself to move and Kage prayed the diversion would be enough. When the cover of leaves no longer barred his vision, he surveyed the sky to regain his sense of direction when he glimpsed the faint wisps of something hopeful.
A sick, satisfied smile curled his lips. Smoke, no doubt curling away from a campfire further along the hills. The wispy smoke beckoned to Kage and he saw no reason to ignore it. His allies would be more than enough to handle one warrior after all and then the others could finish what he could not. And he could rest.
Pushing through the pain, Kage continued his escape, ignoring the way his eyes swam in and out of focus as another drop of his magic faded away.
Time was unknown to Kage. All he knew was the steps he took. Counting them in his head as he motivated himself to keep moving forward. Eyes trained on the ever thickening smoke trail in the sky as he neared his target.
Just one more step.
And another.
When his trap is triggered, he barely senses it. The last dredges of his magic were too far from his body to strike his senses as they once would. 
He was almost there. Just a little further. Feeling exhilarated by his soon to be triumph, Kage pushed passed twigs and leaves as large as his own head and the muscles in his face began to hurt from his relieved smile. Just a little bit further and...
When he stepped into the camp, he stumbled over a tree root and hit the ground, nose crunching against the hard ground. His mind whirled from the pain, curses and exhausted gasps escaping in short intervals as he struggled to reorient himself. He was there. He could smell the burning wood and the thick smoke. This HAD to be where Jose was. Already he could hear a whirl of movement, a clan mate he thinks with a lucid grin, rushing to help him -
”How the fuck did you get here?“ A voice snarled in a deep timbre. Kage stilled instantly, eyes widening as he realized his mistake. 
This wasn't Jose's camp. This was-
Calloused hands bunched the thin fabric of Kage's shirt, hoisting him up to his feet as the world spun in dizzying circles. The movements were rough and calculated as an iron gauntlet struck his ear when the hands owners moved away. He barely had time to hiss from the smarting pain before his eyes swam back into focus to see angry, deep red ones glaring back at him.
 -The camp of a man he'd been told to avoid at all costs. 
“...Gajeel?” He breathlessly asked, laughing hoarsely, “I didn't know you'd be here. W-what a...” Kage swallowed, thinking of the correct words, “What a coincidence!”
A man known to be Jose's right hand when it came to information and trudging through the most dangerous of enemy camps. That was Gajeel. Gleaming iron studs dotted his brow and nose, speaking  to a heritage many failed to understand, but the twisted smirk that gnarled his features was an echoing reminder of another deranged grin.
Kage was jolted from his memories when Gajeel drew him up higher, feet dangling uselessly above the forest floor. He shouldn't be here, Kage realized. Whenever Gajeel was sent out, carnage was sure to follow. Something jammed itself in his throat, cutting off his words as his eyes wildly scanned the area for an exit.
“You gonna keep staring or give me an answer, shadow runt?” He pulled Kage's attention back to him, dark amusement running through his impatient words, ”I ain't here all day.“
Was this another lion's den ready to consume him? Or a blessing in disguise? Kage honestly didn't know.
“Point me to Jose's camp,” He begged, words falling from his mouth like water, “I'm being followed by one of the fairies, you can't let them get me. I've- I've got information on their village!“
Hopefully his plea wouldn't land on deaf ears.
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darkbracelets · 2 years
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