#Porsche: I'm getting a new little brother
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Porsche sees this murder brat kill 6 people with his bare hands to protect his little brother and decides to adopt him on the spot AND act as his wingman
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
So I'm taking matters into my own goddamn hands-
Meeting Mirage ;)
Either Noah or Mirage might be a little OOC, but I'm giving it a shot
Takes place after the movie, with fem pronouns
Dude, where the hell are you?
Y/N was currently sent a page to Noah, her best friend of 3 years. He was suppose to pick her up from work, as her car broke down and is still getting fixed at the mechanics, but it was well over 20 minutes and he still hasn't showed. He was suppose to be there at 7:30, and now it's almost dark.
I'kl be there in 10 minutes! Domething just csme uo
Several typos, whatever the hell is happening over there is really making him either rush or panic... actually those are both kind of in the same sense.
Letting out a sigh through her nose, Y/N quickly typed out a response.
Yeah, yeah. Better keep to your promise, Sonic.
Not even letting him respond, the H/C-nette shoved the device into her coat pocket. Sure it may be the beginning of the summer, but she get cold easily.
And I mean very easily.
"Man, I really need a hot shower right now."
10 minutes breezed by quickly, seemingly in a blink of an eye. About to page Noah again, Y/N stopped in her tracks when a honk sounded in front of her.
Looking up, her eyes widen in complete surprise at the image in front of them. Her best friend, Noah Diaz, in a fucking Porsche. Well, it looked like it seen better days, but still.
"Yo, you gonna get in or are you just gonna stand there looking so surprised?" Noah shouted from inside the car, a smug look on his face.
Snapping out of it, Y/N got inside the car, buckling in her seatbelt.
Once the seatbelt clicked, Noah started the car onto the route back to Y/N's apartment complex. 5 minutes in and the two are making small talk and all that before Y/N asked him a question.
"So, what happened?"
"To the Porsche. Looks like Frankenstein's monster."
Noah let's out a small chuckle at the comment, "Oh uh, some guy sold it to me for a good price. Because it was all banged up and stuff. Couldn't even start."
"When did you get it?"
"Got it 2 months ago, still has some kinks that need to be fixed. But we've made some progress." He patted the dashboard in a comforting way, a somber smile on his face.
"2 months ago? Weren't you in Perú during that time? Also is Reeks helping you fix the car?"
"Yeah. I think I made a pretty good decision going there..also Reeks is just helping me get the parts, I'm mainly doing the fixing."
"Mm, pretty good job so far. I could help with the paint job? The blue and silver seems to be fading out, but I think it a fresh coat will make it look gorgeous."
After she finished that comment, the car felt like it heated up a little. Not too much to notice, but just enough.
"By the way, what did you do in Perú again?"
"Oh, to study for a job I was doing..got to see some of the landscapes and all that..and nearly died-"
"What was that?"
"Wha-nothing! Don't worry about it at all."
A silence fell between you too, an awkward silence to be exact. He's a little more fidgety than usual.. probably from exhaustion. It's something he does whenever he's very tired. Man, he must be more exhausted than usual.
"Sorry I called you so late, like right after your new job and stuff. It must be tiring."
"Nah I don't mind, you're my best friend after all. Just returning the favor when you babysat Kris last minute." Now Y/N absolutely loves Noah's family. First time she met them, it felt like a bond just, instantly clicked within. So from that day on, she makes a little time out of her day just to visit the Diaz family, especially Kris. He was so sweet, and like the little brother she never had. So whenever Noah or his mom were busy, she babysits him, and brings some food so they can enjoy together.
"I don't mind babysitting Kris at all. He's like a little brother to me anyway."
"Yeah, that's Kris. Best little brother I could ever ask for." A soft smile comes to his face, maybe he should bring some food from that burger joint his family likes, before he goes home so his mom doesn't have to cook tonight.
"Yeah..Hey do you mind if I put in my playlist?"
"Go for it."
Grabbing a mixtape from her pocket, she inserts it into the slot right above the radio, turning the knob to hear what was currently playing.
The familiar rhythm of Virgen by Adolescent's Orquesta brings a smile to your face, increasing the volume as one of her favorite songs plays through the car. Every so often, she would sing along to the lyrics, taping her fingers against the door.
What Y/N didn't know, was a certain Autobot mech was observing her in the passenger seat mirror, noticing the small things about her that seemed to have caught even more of his interest. The moment she got in the car, Mirage had to admit, she was PRETTY. And the compliments she said? Wooo that was feeding his ego.
And she was drop-dead gorgeous, in his optics, he doesn't even know her one bit and he's on his knees just from the sound of her voice. Oh her voice, don't even get him started on her voice. Most purest thing he has ever heard since he had stepped foot on Earth. Got her filling his tanks with a fluttery feeling, or as Noah sometimes likes to refer to, butterflies. What a weird thing to say. (Ngl, I head cannon Mirage to fall in love FAST)
After those few thoughts, the mech started observing her other features. Her eyes, hair, lips, cheeks, hands, even the smallest of moles/freckles that were dotted across her face. Oh and when her smile plastered her face, Mirage felt his spark beat faster.
She was a beauty, a beauty in her own category..
Sadly he wasn't able to admire her much longer, as they stopped in front of her apartment, the sky now completely dark. About to open the car door, the lock clicks, preventing Y/N from getting out. Thinking nothing of it, Y/N goes to unlock it, but it keeps repeatedly locking itself. With a huff, Y/N turns to Noah.
"Dude can you stop that shit?"
"It's not me I swear! Li-like I said, Mir-! The car was all banged up when I got it, still got a few bugs in it.." And as subtly as possible, kept kicking right above the pedals. Not to harshly, but to get the message across to stop messing around.
Finally after what seemed to be forever, the car doors unlocked, with Y/N getting out of the car, making sure to grab her tape. Running a hand over the hood, not noticing the shudder of metal, Y/N waves goodbye to Noah before entering her building, already getting excited for her hot shower.
When Y/N was out of sight and earshot, Noah turned to the radio, somewhat pissed.
"Mirage, what the hell was that??"
"Whaaaat? I did nothing wrong. Also, ouch. Do you have to kick me that hard? I'm still recovering y'know." You could hear the teasing smile on his face, pulling the recovery card whenever.
"Mirage you can't do that."
"Why not? Not like she noticed anything."
"You just can't!"
"Aww but I wanna keep admiring la angel bonita un momento más."
"I wanna keep ad-"
"I know what you said, but, seriously?"
"You gotta introduce me to her one day, Sonic."
"Mirage she's going to freak out!"
"Mm but what are the chances she won't? Pleaseeee? I won't stop bothering you unless you say yesss~" He coos in a sing-song voice.
"Nu uh, ain't happening. Just because you're acting like a kid doesn't mean you're getting it."
"Fine. But whenever you give her ride home, I'll just keep locking the doors."
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Noah leaned back into the recliner, pinching the bridge of his nose out of frustration. Whenever Mirage says he'll do something, he will follow through. He's ambitious like that. So either; Stay with the no but have Mirage be a brat for who knows how long, or, just get it over with.
"Sooo..Is that a yes?"
He was quiet for a bit, before letting out a sigh,"Fine, fine! Yes, it's a yes."
"Hell yeah, baby! Oh I already have so many places to meet up for dates-"
So that concludes my first post! I like how this (somewhat) turned out, but it's a first. I've made some edits to this and the second part will be out soon, so I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting!
Part 2 here!
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shou-jpeg · 10 months
-Back on the Beat-
Part 4. 03
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“Your teeth are going to rot at this rate, p’Kim," Chay says, eyeing Kim’s drink critically as they sit down at a table in the back corner of the tea shop. 
“I’ve got a good dental plan,” Kim says, taking a sip. “And it’s worth the risk.” 
Chay perks up, leaning forward in his chair eagerly. “You like the classic flavour then?” 
Kim hums, looking down at his drink and using the straw to mix the little pearls around the bottom of the cup. “The tapioca pearls are a little weird, but the flavour of the tea is nice.”
Chay beams at him.
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“I don’t really know what to do with myself. I still love music, but I’m not sure it’s something I want to pursue as a career after all. I wanted to be what your music was to me and help people and be there for them when they need it most... but I'm not sure being a musician is how I want to achieve that goal.” 
Kim shifts uncomfortably in his seat at the piano, Chay’s guitar is abandoned to the side, long forgotten in the wake of their conversation. Kim doesn’t regret asking Chay about his gap year, but he wishes he didn’t feel so responsible for causing Chay to drop his university interview. Chay had just finished telling him about how Kim’s rejection was only one of several reasons he did so, but he still feels that responsibility like a sharp knife to his chest. He’s also unsure if Chay is just downplaying his involvement in light of their rekindled not-relationship. 
“Do you think you will go back next year?” He asks hesitantly.
“Yeah,” Chay replies. “I want to, but I need to figure out everything else first. Music was a pipe dream to a future with hia that helped get us through some tough times, but it’s not a realistic future. Not for me anyway.”
Kim looks down at his hands. 
“But.. I still want to keep making music, p’Kim. I like making music with you and coming here to jam regularly."
Kim looks up and makes eye contact with Chay's warm expression for a moment before looking away, unsure what to say. A light smile tugging at his lips and a warm feeling in his chest.
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November 21st, 8:08pm
Kim has been strumming around on his guitar for hours now, feeling uninspired but with an unquenchable urge to create. His cat, Jimbo, has been sleeping on the sofa, only waking breifly every now and then to groom.
He thinks of his brothers. 
Khun and his melodrama that at times feels more like a front than genuine feeling. Khun’s been messaging him recently with requests to come visit and watch a new series that dropped. Apparently it’s a BL that he just “has to watch, Kim. It’s about the mafia! It looks very cool and romantic!” 
He should make time for him next week.
He thinks of Kinn, his desperate need to please their pa clouding his view forward. Kinn would resent him for saying it, so he doesn’t, but sometimes he thinks Kinn stands as more of a pawn to their father than he even realises. His agency a part of a larger, more complicated plan. Porsche is also part of that plan, though Kim isn't sure the romance had been anticipated.
Kim does his best to keep Kinn safe from a distance, the details of Kinn’s month’s schedule in a short, neat stack on his desk across the room. 
He thinks of Chay and their developing not-relationship. He doesn’t know what to think of some of their interactions lately, but Kim has been feeling that simmering hope boil within him with each message, each not-date, each little smile… 
He looks down at his note book, chords written down messily. They sound nice, but they feel a little hollow and unexciting.
Kim has an idea. 
He hesitates a little, but then hits record on his voice recorder app, plays his notebook chords, and sends them to Chay before he can psyche himself out of it. 
He loves making and talking music with Chay, why should he limit sharing that to their studio sessions? Chay has a habit of saying just the right thing that sparks Kim’s creative flow, and sometimes just talking to Chay gets him out of his head.
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Kim smiles down at his phone softly. God.
November 22nd, 7:30pm
"Hey" Kim says into the his phone. He has it wedged between his cheek and his sholder while he uses both hands to chob vegetables.
"Hi!" Chay's chipper voice comes through the speaker, "what are you up to, p'Kim?"
He slides the chopped carrots into a small bowl, moving on to the red capsicum. "I'm cooking dinner. Pad Phak."
"P'Kim, you cook?" Chay sounds surprised which... okay fair. Kim is a child of wealth and living in the very building Kim grew up in, Chay has seen first hand how meal times tend to work.
"Mmm. I like it, it's fun."
"Oh my God" Chay breathes quietly into the mic. Kim isn't sure what to make of that. He thinks it's a good thing... Chay sounded almost awed. Does Chay like it that Kim can cook?
He suddenly feels a little proud of himself, and maybe slightly pompous. "I'll cook for you sometime," he says, "I make a really good pad kra pao."
"Yes!" Chay says excitedly, causing Kim to jump. He continues in a softer tone "I'd love that, p'Kim."
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discocleric · 1 year
So. I've been thinking about Kim (what else is new), but specifically in episodes 13 and 14.
I've been rewatching because I wanted to check some details and thought of something. Until now I assumed that we don't know why Korn called Kim up to talk in the end of episode 13, or what they might have discussed. Idk I thought maybe it was just an obstacle to keep Kim from going after Chay (and Porsche) right away like he tried to do.
But - take a look at this, tell me if I'm wrong. This is Kim's face when he arrives at the house.
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To me... he doesn't look determined or confrontational, he doesn't look like a man with a mission. He looks sad and resigned and like he doesn't want to be there.
I don't think he came to see Chay. I think he was there because his dad asked him to be. Keep in mind, in the episode before this Chay told Kim to leave alone. Kim was pissed about it, but he still agreed. When he finds out that Chay is missing, he doesn't actually leave immediately. He struggles for a second or two and then we see him make the decision to go after them.
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(you can probably see it better in video but I still don't know how to make gifs, sorry, but that last frame is a Kim we recognize to be determined to see Chay)
And then, yes, he gets angry when Chan tells him Korn wants to see him. My theory is that he was wondering if he could get away with ditching his father to go look for them, and unfortunately, he could not.
So what did they meet about? This is just speculation, but I think it's this:
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Kim sighs, in my opinion like he's preparing himself for something he doesn't want to do, and tells Kinn the same thing Korn has been trying to tell Kinn off and on for 12 episodes. Get your head in the game. Only then does the nurse walk in to make the announcement.
Then after Kinn leaves, Kim and Chan exchange this look:
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Again, their expressions could mean multiple things so this is just my speculation, but I think we agree that Kim is definitely not sad for Korn, but might be sad for his brothers. To me it also looks like, "There. Look. Are you satisfied?" Chan gives him nothing, but Kim clenches his teeth. I think this is annoyed/angry Kim again.
I think Kim knew about Korn's plan to fake his death,
which we know that Chan was definitely in on, and Korn - knowing that Kinn would get emotional - told Kim to make sure he stays on track. It's believable that Kim would be level-headed enough to think about that, Kinn might see Kim as more objective, and it probably jumpstarts Kinn's protective instinct to see his little brother reminding him that they're in urgent danger. Using the kids against each other is Korn's whole deal.
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lukaherehelp · 7 months
Playboyy EP2 - Getting What You Want?
(feels ominous now)
Instead of commenting as the episode progresses, I'm going to go straight to analyzing everything that has caught my attention. Fasten your seatbelts, this is gonna be a long one with no brakes!
Let's get out of the way the horniness first because it has me distracted. Yes, more shirtless Teena, yes to Aob's melons are out first two minutes buT I NEED TO GO UNHINGED ABOUT THIS MAN FOR A SECOND:
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he fuckin pulls in wearing converse, leather pants and jacket, a white tee and while still wearing those fuckin nerd glasses while smoking a cigarrette and y'all want me to skip it?! And then we procced to learn that he was in this sugar daddy/sugar baby with master/slave dynamics with Nant (where idk if there were actual feelings or not) AND Y'ALL WANT ME TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT?!
I'm taking Nant's place! I'm running across the globe to be his barbie doll, all the feminism in me has left, the traditional woman protocol is activated. Sir, how do you want your eggs in the morning? I get Fiat now when he said he would let Leo tie and lock him up, this man has awaken that in me.
... okey, moving on to my actual notes. Let's begin again:
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two bad bitches in one single frame, they are blood related.
This two are so fuckin sus that at this point I actually think they are yet another red herring (at least Prom). But I'm not talking about their involvement in Nant's disappearence right now, I'm talking information and dynamics:
Prom works in Playboyy, Porche is in charge of Miracle Car Wash.
Prom is the older brother, Porche is the younger one. Yet, Porche is out here ordering around Prom like he is taking care of a child. Either he is truly the baddest bitch on this show or growing up Prom was not the most severe brother against Porche taking in account how family dynamics in Thailand tend to go... Porsche has some balls.
Now, Porche doesn't want Prom to work on Playboyy anymore. He even states that he must hand his resignation due to Nant be back, which makes Prom smile:
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Prom is obviously happy about Nant's comeback but also about his job, he ain't bending down to his little brother's wishes.
Is Playboyy also one of their father's business? Would makes sense that you put your eldest in charge.
Porche is coming out to be quite the ambitious boy, managing Playboyy would be a much more profitable and exciting job that a fuckin carwash, but Prom gets more from his job in Playboyy than just being the maître and a possible host.
Porche comments about how meeting up with Nant again can screw them over... Why? Because of their relationship or because of the clips Nant was sending to Captain? Was one of them with Prom? Is Porche looking into protecting the family name?
To continue with Prom for a little: as happy as he seem to the news of Nant being back, he doesn't seem that thrill when meeting Nont.
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clever of you to go see him in Nant's white, Nont, but I do think Prom knows his baby better than you do.
Still don't know what the fucking dynamic is apart from what has being obviously stated before but here is when I slowly slide in to talk about
First of all, Nont has run out of info and is already slipping, I was fully expecting for him to come clean to First and Zouey during the breakfast:
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a bunch of babies
... yet he didn't but found out important info:
the relationship (money wise) Prom and Nant had.
the clips Nant was selling to Captain.
that he's into kinky sex lmao
Seriously now, in what type of trouble was Nant in that all the money (which is not little) Prom was transfering him, combined with what Captain payed him for the clips, wasn't enough? And that's if the money is the problem.
Nont seems to think that Nant is death (so do I) and he could have fallen victim of a rough session gone wrong. Is a possible. It could be accidental.
But if it wasn't, if someone is behind it... Let's go with our only clear suspect right now: Porche.
what is the motive? could be from jealousy or pride. Is not strange for younger siblings to think their older siblings are out of bounds to their friends and Porche is a possesive bitch. If he didn't like Nant to begin with, him fuckin Porche AND getting paid by him would probably send him to the fuckin edge. It could also be a matter of family pride as well. Maybe he knew about the clips, or maybe knew about the relationship by other means and that could tint their father's reputation, therefore also his. Specially if the problem is the clips... that shit would spread like wildefire.
quick to scream at
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anygay, he's currently distracted with Puen and Keen and I can tell he's already planning how to get in Keen's pants to join the team...
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I don't have much comment (for now) on Teena and Zouey since they seem to be in their own bubble and not involved in the mystery at all, but I'm going to address the elephant in the room:
My mind tells me two things: "well, this fuckin sucks" and "is a red herring".
We had them going at it with their fuckin shenanigans (never better said) for almost the whole episode. But we keep being reminded about how materialistic Soong seems to be:
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First adores this man to the same level Zouey adores Teena, but his eyes are set somewhere else: profit.
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Now, we can go to Denial, the river in Egipt, for a while and say that he's being thruthful about how he doesn't want people to think he's with First for the money... But he is. First is a giant bhath sign for him. Even when he goes to leave First home after their little "cosplay" adventure (ominous that they were dress as knock off versions of Ghostface), he just have eyes for the fuckin watch First has eventually given him:
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so much so that he gets caught by First's dad
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which makes me go into two theories:
either Soong is really dumb and for real has being playing First + he's straigh up a psycho
as many are wishing for, after the massive argument First and his father had, and the knowledge we have that First cannot move out due to his father's controling nature, him and Soong are teamming up to con First's dad... which I also think is a dumb idea, but how cares for now.
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or at least that's it for now... I'll probably write more and go in depth as we wait for EP3, but that's my investigation work for now.
Remember, my ask box and my dms are open if anybody wants to scream my way,
Luka out!
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fromperdition4 · 2 months
Kinn the Star
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There is so much to say about this scene in the woods - where Kinn and Porsche are finally on equal footing, and they both take turns encouraging the other to open up.
One line from Kinn here sticks with me the most -
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He explains how he'd wanted to be a singer as a kid, entered a competition but quit. Not because he didn't do well, but because he thinks his father bribed the judges to let him win.
And my mind's just whirring with all the implications here:
First, there's what this shows of Kinn's character - he has all the makings of a nepo baby, and definitely uses his money and privileges to get things that he (or rather his father) wants (see: expensive diamond necklace that no one's ever going to wear). But, he also has pride and integrity - he can recognize when other people are more deserving than he is, and he doesn't want undue recognition. Not when it's something that would be personally meaningful to him otherwise.
Then I'm also struck by Korn's side of this (because I can't stop thinking about Korn's relationship with his sons) - was bribing the judges an act of fatherly care, one of those intrusive things that controlling parents do because they think it would be better for their kid (even when it's something their kid would hate)? Or did he see an opportunity to improve the family's reputation, and couldn't stand to see a Theerapanyakul lose? How did Korn take Kinn quitting, if that was the case?
Of course there's always the possibility that Korn didn't bribe the judges, and Kinn won on his own merit...
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never mind
That Kinn's long-forgotten dream was to be a singer of course reminds us of Kim, who's now following that same dream and seems to have carved out some freedom from the family in doing so. Did Kim's interest in singing come from Kinn, from bonding with his big brother/wanting to be like him? Did Korn meddle with Kim's career too, when he was young? Does he still try to?
And finally, it occurred to me on this rewatch that there's a bit of ambiguity here in just want kind of competition Kinn entered.
I'd always assumed it was a local competition - maybe one meant for kids, where they would compete first in their region/school and then the winners would move on to a larger, national competition. That would make sense for how Kinn could both win but also quit - he just didn't move on to the next competition.
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But the phrasing here could also imply that Kinn went on an actual televised singing show! His family would certainly have the connections to get him on (and hey, they may or may not have a modelling agency now that would totally have hired Jom to star in a new series)...
Can you imagine baby Kinn singing his little heart out under the bright studio lights? How much he would have been adored and hated in equal measures by the viewers at home?
(There may be some who still talk about that weird kid on Thai Idol, who crooned out a bunch of oldies and stole the heart of the judges, but then dramatically bowed out in the very last episode...)
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
Fake It Till You Make It
Chapter Two - The Monaco Grand Prix
The Princess of Monaco is wild and out of control. She needs to stop being in the tabloids for all the wrong reasons. Charles Leclerc has had a spot of bad press since his very public break up. He needs some good PR. What better way to fix their problems than to pair them up?
Series Masterlist
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Party Princess's wreckages
At the approach of the Monaco Grand Prix, we take a look back at the Princess's car collection.
As many of our readers know, Princess Y/N has owned a multitude of cars. But, unlike her brother, she does not have an extensive and impressive car collections. Actually, she doesn't have a car collection at all.
The party princess was bought the first car in her collection at fifteen, before getting her licence. The BMW M4 was expected to stay in storage until Princess Y/N had a full licence.
Most of us probably had a Fiat 500 or our big brothers old car as our first car. But a Fiat 500 or hand me down car isn't appropriate for the party princess. The purchase of the white BMW M4 shouldn't have come as a surprise to anybody.
Nobody expected to see the pictures of the totalled car. In true part princess fashion, she took her brand new car out for a joyride. That joyride lasted a total of five minutes. Princess Y/N, luckily, climbed out of the car unscathed.
This trend of wrecking new cars continued on for Princess Y/N until the royal family refused to buy her any cars. We say the ruin of the beautiful Porsche 911, the destruction of the Ferrari 308 GTS, and the wreckage of the 1963 Volkswagen Beetle deluxe. This totals to €347,865 worth of damage.
If you would like to see the Princess's destroyed vehicles, fully restored in perfect condition, you can visit them in the Prince of Monaco's car collection.
Of all the things the article could have written about, why did it have to be her fuck ups? Couldn't they have talked about her years giving trophies on the podium? Couldn't they have mentioned her friendship with Fernando Alonso?
No, they had to go into her embarrassing moments. The Beetle and the Ferrari weren't even her fault. Sure, she maybe shouldn't have let her boyfriend at the time drive the cars and crash into those walls or trees.
The article didn't even mention the driver that backed into her Porsche. She was sat in traffic when that asshole backed up out of the blue.
The only one that was properly her fault was the BMW. At fifteen she went for a joyride before she really knew how to drive. The car didn't make it back with her.
"The media has nicknamed you the party princess," Henri spat. He stopped reading the article and locked his phone. "Are you not embarrassed? Does this not make you want to calm things down?"
She didn't answer him. She kept her head against the window of the car and stared out of the window. "Fine, be childish."
The car pulled up outside of the paddock entrance and the doors were pulled open for the prince and princess. Y/N climbed out of the car in just the way she had been taught, in a way that kept her skirts covering her.
The prince and princess walked into the paddock together. They smiled and waved for the cameras as they snapped pictures of them. It was far too warm for the suit Henri was wearing, but he looked proper and put together (which was the most important thing).
The party princess was wearing something a little more appropriate for the weather. Her white, floral patterned skirt was loose around her legs, falling to her feet and her top was nothing more than a plain vest. Sunglasses covered her eyes, for once not hiding a hangover.
She followed her brother to the garages. "I'm heading to Ferrari," he said, splitting off from her. Henri might have been the biggest Charles Leclerc fan, but they were still friends. For the few Grand Prix he attended a year, he spent it in the Ferrari garage, routing for his friend.
The princess headed off to the Aston Martin garage. The year before she had been running into the Alpine garage. Whichever team she favoured was the team Fernando Alonso was driving for.
She'd met Fernando when she was just ten years old. Her brother gave Jenson button his trophy and she hesitantly walked up to Fernando to give him his. Fernando had crouched to her height to thank her and take the trophy from her hands. That was the day she fell in love with Formula One. That was the day he became her favourite driver.
"Nando!" She called as she walked through the Aston Martin garage.
The Spaniard turned around upon hearing his name. His eyes lit up and he opened his arms, pulling her against him. "Hello, your highness," he said, grin on his face. "Are you excited for the race?"
"Oh, always," she answered as they walked through the garage. "I'm hoping I can give you another trophy this year."
She hadn't managed to make it to the qualifying that year. No, she was too busy getting lectured by her father (this was before the article running through the times she totalled her cars was published, mind you). She hadn't looked up where Fernando was on the grid this year.
"I'll try my very best for you," Fernando said.
As she and Fernando talked, Henri walked into the Ferrari garage. He didn't run straight to Charles, like his sister did with Fernando. Instead, he greeted people and posed for some pictures. He had a quick conversation with Fred Vasseur and talked to Carlos Sainz, wishing him good luck with the race, before going off to find Charles.
"Prince Henri," Charles Leclerc called, spotting him first.
"Charles." Henri held out his hand and Charles shook. They might have been friends, but they kept things proper. "How have you been?"
Charles's smile became tight. His answer was quick and not entirely positive. "Anyway, how are you? How is the party princess?"
Immediately, Henri's smile dropped from his face. "You heard about that?" He asked and Charles nodded. "She's going to give me grey hairs, I swear," Henri said and shook his head. "Every news article that comes out, it's something negative. I can't imagine what it's doing to her."
Charles understood, probably more than Henri realised. Since his recent breakup and his ex girlfriend's public blasting of him, the media hadn't been too kind. Nothing compared to the party princess, though.
But Charles didn't bring it up to Henri. There was no need, he was worrying about his own media problems.
Henri and Charles continued talking up until Charles was needed on track. Y/N had long since left Fernando to prepare himself and was currently talking to a star struck Tom Holland about his role as Spider-Man.
But soon it was the start of the Grand Prix. Y/N found her brother and stood with him, watching from the Ferrari garage as the cars zoomed around the track. Now that she had seen the article, she couldn't help but identify the places on the track that she had previously crashed her cars. A horrible, indescribable feeling filled her.
Fernando did end up on the podium, alongside Max Verstappen and Esteban Ocon. Henri gave one ecstatic Esteban his trophy and watched his joyous celebration. "Félicitations, Esteban," the princess said to him. His cheeks were pink as he stood back in position.
Y/N couldn't hide her smile as she walked up and gave Fernando his trophy. "I tried my very best for you, princess," Fernando said, pulling her into a hug. It lasted mere seconds before he was celebrating in front of the crowd.
Max Verstappen was given his trophy and the champagne was sprayed. As every year, the Monaco Grand Prix was an incredible event. But the Prince and Princess couldn't help but wish the Monegasque driver was on the podium, their national anthem playing.
After the Grand Prix, the princess was taken back to her apartment. She kicked off her shoes, got changed into her pyjamas and threw herself down onto her sofa.
She ignored her phone, and the social media no doubt critiquing her every move for the day, and fell asleep.
Prince Henri was back at the castle. He scrolled through his phone as the chef placed his food in front of him, looking for anything official posted about the royal family's presence at the Grand Prix. There was one article detailing his sister and her relationship with Fernando Alonso, but it was nothing negative.
Henri was pleasantly surprised. Normally at least one news outlet or tabloid was saying something negative about the princess. But not this time. And there it was, an article about her outfit and how inappropriate but unsurprising it was for her 'to be wearing THAT'.
He kept scrolling. Soon his articles were less about the royal family, with general news from the Grand Prix appearing. Stories about Red Bull's dominance, about the celebrities seen at the Grand Prix, about the two DNF's in the race.
But then he got to the stories about Charles. They weren't about his race. No, they detailed the sordid details of his last relationship.
Oh, so Charles Leclerc was in need of some good PR, just like Princess Y/N. Henri opened his messages and sent Charles a text. He threw his phone onto the table in front of him and waited.
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @minkyungseokie @formulaal @hiireadstuff @urfavnoirette @goldenharrysworld @andydrysdalerogers @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03 @hollie911 @customsbyjcg-blog @honethatty12 @nikfigueiredo @darleneslane
Taglist (OPEN): @charizznorizz @rafaaoli @myescapefromthislife @choppedlambshandcowboy @spilled-coffee-cup @janeholt3 @mamako23 @catmouseggy @hannahwsworld @scarletknight1 @randomgirlnumber13 @lexihowardsgf @booksobsess @chonkybonky @mindflay3r @ananyasr1bughead
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saturnskyline · 1 year
I love protective!Kim, after the promotion Porsche assigns bodyguards to Chay and they happily report that nobody ever has even tried to do anything to Chay. But they just don’t know that Kim is always a step ahead, eliminating threats from other mafia families before they even get close enough. Kim’s love language is dead bodies. 💚
okay yeah, i'm obsessed with this. the progression of things post-canon drives me insane... like. imagine the whispers among the other mafia families once porsche becomes the minor family head. he's like a nepo boyfriend (baby even? stuff with namphueng is complicated), and it's no secret to anyone paying attention that he's not qualified for this job. now imagine them finding out about his little brother, and thinking they've struck gold with how vulnerable and naïve he is. imagine them going after chay, so pleased with themselves at their discovery, and one by one, getting taken out. and then suddenly, the whispers change. "don't go after that kittisawasd boy; he seems like an easy target, but no one who gets close to him makes it out alive." it's startling, since no one was expecting that level of vicious retaliation for approaching such a new mark. it goes well beyond the work of typical bodyguards with its precision and brutality.. and yet, even the bodyguards are clueless. in fact, the only clarity comes to those in their final moments, who, after taking one step too close, come face to face with the youngest theerapanyakul son, a wild glint in his eyes before he sends them to their maker 🫠🫠
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easton-m · 2 months
@astrorahi | Setting: Their shared apartment | Local Time: 17:15
Easton's Porsche is to be heard before it's to be seen, and he's rushing so much that he almost puts a scratch in his tires as he drives into the garage. It takes him thirty seconds to run up the stairs, and two to catch his breath before pulling out his keys and opening the door.
There's two things to notice: One, Easton looks stressed out. Not that Madden family meetings aren't always hard, with the lack of one sister, the stressed out others and most importantly, his father. Two, he's dressed in all white - white button up shirt, and white suit pants, borrowed from...
"Rahi?", he calls out into the apartment, "Baby, if you don't get here in a second, I'm going to die from detachment issues." The words are filled with a gentle laugh, and Easton takes off his coat to change into a thinner jacket, already a little sweaty. And most importantly, nervous - nervous about today. Especially about Rahi's parents. And. Quickly, before Rahi comes around the corner, Easton slips the ring box into the pocket of his new jacket, because maybe...
...there he is. Easton is all soft smiles immediately, spreading his arms to show of his outfit; "I borrowed pants from one of my brothers, and they fit. I'm in all white. Like you said it would be best." Black shoes, obviously, but. No tie, like they discussed it, Easton's dropping Madden family rituals, because Rahi's family is now his family, too. Or at least he hopes so.
"Come here, baby. I've missed you." So much. So, so much. And god, if Rahi only carried the name Madden, or at least an engagement ring on his finger, so he could have brought him along. If only... "How are you feeling?"
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ae-azile · 4 months
Chapter 18 Preview
“...I let my depression amplify my resentments,” Kim finally says, “It amplified that and my grief over everyone we have lost. It was easier to blame you. For as long as I remember, you controlled…everything. Even though that isn't possible, that's how it seemed. So it was easy to pin how out of control I felt onto you. I'm sorry.” 
Going by Pa’s expression, he definitely wasn't expecting an apology. Kim has been expecting one from him for weeks, since Pa claimed to Kinn that he would. It never happened, and it probably would have been a front anyway. But it still annoyed Kim, even though receiving an apology would have meant interacting with Pa even more. 
“I accept your apology,” Pa says, his voice a little more subdued, “And I realize that I could have…conducted myself a little differently. I could have been kinder. You…Kim, you push back so hard. Talking to you can be like talking to a brick wall.”
“I know,” Kim says, because he does know that, “But like I said, you have been a lot easier to blame. Taking time off, having support, and being in therapy have helped me see it is a lot more complicated than that and I am trying to work on…breaking down that wall.” 
Pa studies him, then nods, “Well, I am glad to hear that. And I am glad you decided to talk to me about all of this.” 
“I’m glad I decided to talk to you about this too,” Kim says, then tries to think of a way to begin wrapping up the conversation, “I need…some agency though. Trust. I am in therapy, have a support system, have gained weight back, and am doing better than I was. I have even written a lot of music recently-” 
“With Porchay?” 
He really wanted to leave Chay out of this. 
“He's been really helpful,” Kim says anyway, “We’ve written music together, but sometimes we sit in different rooms, write separately, and come back to see what the other thinks. He's been a really good friend to me.” 
“A friend,” Pa says, as if he doesn't quite believe that, “People seem to think you two are more than just friends. Do you have feelings for him?” 
Kim saying that he doesn't would be an obvious lie, so he settles on a partial truth. 
“We are…feeling things out, but taking it slow and mainly focused on friendship and music,” Kim says, then tries to get back on track, “Anyway, I have been doing a lot better and-”
“I don't think he’s right for you.” 
Kim turns his head sharply as his eyes immediately narrow, “Why not?” 
There is a glint in Pa’s eye, something calculating. Kim isn't sure what his goal is, but he needs to be on his guard right now. 
“He…seems troubled,” Pa says, “I think he probably has a good heart, but he's extremely stubborn. He has neglected re-applying for college multiple times-” 
“I got him to apply last month.” 
Pa seems intrigued to hear that, but presses on, “He also seems very angry. I can appreciate that he has certain areas of discipline. When his training stats got as high as they did, I was pleasantly surprised. He also saved his brother. He saved you. I recognize his strengths. But he has no ambition-”
“He does too,” Kim grits out. 
“He doesn't. He has yet to get back to me about taking a position in this family. An actual position, where his high skill set can be utilized effectively. He can't expect to do as well as he has and just…sit on everything he's learned. He needs to be using those skills to help those who made them possible in the first place.”
Kim feels his blood run cold and tries to keep his breathing steady, “Chay…he…no. Porsche doesn't want him involved in…whatever you're implying.” 
“Porsche needs to remember that he has the position he has because of me too,” Pa says, just watching him with this stupid neutral expression, “And while I can respect Kinn stepping back for a while to help you, and Porsche trying to lead in a more compassionate manner than my brother did, we also have an influx of business opportunities that will be coming in. Some are new connections and others are long-standing. But a few in both of those circles can be…challenging. There are also some financial discrepancies we will have to address while they are in. I suspect a few of our international associates are working together, and we will need to narrow down who they are. Chay’s skill set might come in handy. In fact, his skills could be...broadened. As happy as I am for Vegas now that he's living a quieter life, I will say his absence has left a hole when it comes to dealing with conflict.” 
Kim wants to scream. He wants to jump out of his seat and stab Pa in the eyes with a butter knife. But that would give Pa a reaction, and Pa is likely fishing for a reaction. 
But he also could be telling the truth, weaponizing his honesty like he so frequently does. And that just makes Kim feel sick. 
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luckydragon10 · 2 years
Kim and Isolation
There's a lot of rage at Kim going around right now (ep 11 of KinnPorsche). And I'm the kind of person who sees everyone swimming in one direction, and it makes me want to swim the other way.
So I started thinking about Kim and trying to get in his head. I put on my writer hat and examined him from a character perspective and a narrative perspective.
What I came up with is that Kim is isolated as fuck.
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Isolation as an Overall Theme
Isolation is a common and useful narrative theme for love stories because it sets up a reversal — the change from isolation to togetherness.
In KinnPorsche, each of the six main characters in the pairings experiences isolation in some way, and to varying degrees.
Kinn experiences the isolation that comes with all the unique pressures that he faces as the heir to the mafia empire.
Porsche, normally very gregarious and social, experiences isolation in his early days as a bodyguard — even with Pete's initial support, he's largely on his own.
Vegas, like Kinn, is an heir and has a family situation that isolates him, and he has a warped perception of the world and people around him. (Macau may be the only exception for him, though we're missing a lot of background and development there.)
Pete experiences isolation paired with vulnerability in his captivity.
Porchay experiences isolation in his family situation, with a deadbeat uncle and a brother who ran off to join the circus mafia.
Kim experiences isolation in his home, in his work as a solo artist, and in his investigation.
Kim "No Man Is Island Except Me" Theerapanyakul
Of the characters, Kim is the only one whose isolation is self-imposed. He's a unique story element in that way.
He's also the only character for whom we've heard inner thoughts (ep 5), because:
We as the audience need to understand those thoughts.
There is no one with whom he would share them aloud.
Narratively, the writers/directors got stuck in a position where they needed to add the "inner thoughts voiceover" trope solely for him, and only in that one place, because of how dramatically isolated he is.
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We don't have concrete facts about why he's making the choice to be so alone, but it's fair to guess he doesn't want the mafia life, he's fucked up about family stuff, and he wants the freedom of movement for his investigations. It's also a good bet that he's a natural (and possibly extreme) introvert.
Change to the Status Quo: Oh Shit, He's Cute
Along comes Porchay, bold as brass and always willing to say exactly what he really wants — aloud even. To other people. TO KIM.
Kim's reaction to the ball of sunshine?
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Lights up like a fuckin' Christmas tree.
Yet if Porchay hadn't been Porsche's brother, the first time they met would have been the last. Kim, even as charmed as he was, would have gone about his life, solo as always.
Plot being plot, Kim reaches out to Porchay strictly for investigative purposes. And then the little sunshiny ball of fluff is creative, sweet, attentive, cute, and endearing... basically kryptonite for a guy as lonely as Kim.
Kim tries to end things multiple times along the way (attempting to leave early from that first session, ghosting) but ineffectively and inefficiently because being around Chay is intriguing and tempting.
Isolation as a Habit
The thing with long-term isolation is it gets to be habit-forming. Remember coming out of COVID? How it was suddenly weird or overwhelming or tiring to be around people again?
Kim's used to being alone, though we don't know how long ago he moved out. But then there's this aggressive ball of Kittisawat sunshine, and that's suddenly also strangely habit-forming. However, this new togetherness habit is conflicting with his old isolation habit. And of course there are other conflicts going on, such as the lying and the guilt, tsk tsk.
Even when he's with Chay, he's isolated to a degree because he can't be open and honest. It's a barrier.
We see Kim repeatedly struggling to process how he feels and failing to come to a conclusion.
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Crisis Time: Isolation as Fall-Back and Self-Defense
Even before Porchay gets kidnapped, Kim is ready to leave a note and run.
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He couldn't say "I love you" back to Chay for various reasons, one of which I believe is because he's uncertain how to love someone else. It's not something he's familiar with doing these days — he's not yet ready to let himself fall in love.
So when things get really ugly with the kidnapping and Big dying, he falls back to the pattern of isolation. It's familiar. It's practically an addiction. He knows how to live that way. To Kim, Isolation feels a lot safer than the vulnerability of giving a shit and loving someone.
I don't think Kim is necessarily trying to protect Chay by hurting him and shooing him away. (Chay is already connected to the mafia and living in the main tower, so that "protection" ship has essentially sailed.) In my opinion, it's a lot less noble than that. I think Kim is running because he feels guilty, uncertain, conflicted, and scared.
Next Up: The Rejection of Isolation
I'm not defending Kim. I'm not apologizing for him. Kim doesn't need me to defend or apologize for him. (He's a strong boy like that.) He's been selfish and self-centered, which are behaviors that come naturally when you're alone too much.
Narratively and for his character development, what Kim needs is the realization that isolation is no longer for him.
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So, Kim? I see you. On a deep and personal level, I get it. Good luck.
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lori0018 · 1 month
Hello :) My Kind of Love for the WIP game please <3
Hiiii 😊
So this one only has a synopsis and nothing actually written so WIP might be stretching the definition. But it has a file in my WIP folder so it's on the list.
It is very loosely based on the song My Kind of Love by Emeli Sandé. It's KimChay and a canon divergent AU. It's pretty angsty (which is probably why I never actually got down to writing it despite it being in my WIPs for almost 2 years).
Here's the synopsis that's in my file:
So Porsche needs a lot of money. And he needs it now. The problem is that they are so deep in debt (and Thee keeps fucking up) that not even the loan shark will lend them any more. Porsche is desperate, so he asks around for ways to make money. He's always tried to skirt legality until now but he doesn't care anymore. One of the guys in the fighting circuit tells him about this mafia family that's always looking to hire bodyguards. They pay well and if he's good they might even throw in a sign on bonus. So Porsche ends up as Kinn's bodyguard by actually going through the "normal way". Kim still gets his file because his brother seems stupidly invested in the new guy but since Porsche was hired the usual way he doesn't do more than a cursory check. (Lots of debts = good reason to work for the mafia.) The reason Porsche needs all that money right the fuck now? Chay is sick. Like really sick. He has leukemia or something like that and needs treatments. Kim goes on with his Hannah Montana life and his side gig as Kimlock Holmes until, one day, his manager calls him. The manager was contacted by this non-profit thing that grants wishes for sick kids (think Make-A-Wish type thing). There is this kid in the hospital whose wish is to meet WiK. (You know where I'm going with this, right?) Kim goes. (He may be mafia but he's not a monster, he's not about to refuse some sick kid his wish.) He expected a little kid, maybe 10 or 12. What he gets is 17 year old Chay. (Who looks familiar but Kim's not sure why. He didn't pay that much attention to Porsche's file, remember?) And this boy, despite being sick and stuck in a hospital bed, is all smiles and positivity and sunshine attitude. (And he's freaking cute too.) And he LOVES WiK and WiK's music and pretty much WiK's everything and he's super thrilled to be meeting his idol. They talk for hours about music. Kim is so charmed by Chay that he goes back. He ends up going every few days, staying for hours, talking about all kinds of stuff. (Kim doesn't talk about the mafia but everything else is fair game. He even talks about his brothers sometimes.) Chay tells Kim about his dream of being a musician someday and about wanting to get into the same university Kim went to and about wanting to go on a date, just once, before he can't anymore. So Kim, who by now is 100% in love with Chay, organizes a day out for the 2 of them, talking to the doctors and the nurses and making sure it will be safe for Chay. They go to the movies and they get ice cream and Chay takes a bunch of silly polaroid pictures of them together. And Chay tells Kim he loves him and Kim kisses him on the cheek and they are so happy. And the next time Kim goes to the hospital, he's told Chay is in isolation and Kim can't go see him. Chay's health took a nose dive and there are no visitors allowed for fear of bringing in contaminants. Kim goes home, looks at the polaroids of them together and breaks down. And then, because I'm a sucker for happy endings, Chay gets better. The treatment starts working or he gets the transplant he needed or whatever and he goes into remission and they lived happily ever after. The End.
WIP game
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becauseimanicequeen · 1 month
I read your hilarious post on your bad taste and couldn't believe you mentioned Xena. That was my favorite show as a child too! We have similar taste in qls too.
What are your favorite ql characters though? I tend to like the darker kind. It would be interesting to read your thoughts.
Have a nice day.
Hi, Anon.
Glad to meet a fellow Xena lover.
When it comes to QL characters, my taste is similar to the QLs in that post you mentioned. I’m usually drawn to the bad bitches. So, here are the…
Bad bitches that have me in a chokehold.
My memory is a bit fucked, but these are the ones I can remember off the top of my head right now.
*spoilers ahead, so read at your own peril*
Tan/New (DFF)
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Everything started with his brother disappearing and ended with him torturing the people responsible with their worst fears and deepest secrets. All the while having a backup plan knowing his closest ally would turn on him. New is no dumbass. He's a determined, prepared, avenging manipulator. And this bad bitch was determined to avenge his brother (and his own suffering) even if it killed him. I don't know about you, but I love a man who knows what he wants.
Todd (Not Me)
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On the topic of manipulation... This prince charming put his lover (you can't convince me they weren't) into a coma while manipulating his lover's twin brother to join a gang whose mission is to take down the man who stands in the way of making Todd the king of Thailand's business world. Master manipulator at its finest (and he's fine as fuck). What's not to love?
Black (Not Me)
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He was put into a coma by his lover (again, you can't convince me they weren't) and paid back in the same coin because this bitch is petty as fuck. And I love him for it.
Ai Di (Kiseki: Dear to Me)
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This colorful and feisty little shit had me in a chokehold from the first moment I saw him. He runs head-first into fights, can kick ass (and do), and is often manhandled by his "adoptive" brother/best friend/crush while kicking and screaming. And let's not forget he's petty and admits it.
Vegas (KinnPorsche)
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This bitch with daddy issues is a walking, talking toxic issue from start to finish in KinnPorsche. He drugged Porsche to assault him (and get under his cousin's skin), killed Tawan whom he only hooked up with to take down his cousin, captured and tortured Pete only to fuck him when the pet hedgehog died, not to forget he sat in Tankhun's seat at the dinner table (I mean, where are his fucking manners? lol)... And this is just a summary. But it's also because of all of this that Vegas is my favorite character in KinnPorsche.
Boston (Only Friends)
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He's a slut. That's it. He doesn't need more context. Give me a slut, and a toxic one at that, and I'll love them forever. I know, I've got issues... But so does Boston, which is why I love him.
And the most recent bad bitch to come into my life…
Ming (My Stand-In)
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It's too soon for me to say anything substantial about Ming (since only one episode is out and I haven't read the novel). BUT. It took less than an hour for this man to grab me by the throat... and I let him. It took him less than an hour to claim ownership of my soul... and I let him (I even begged him to during the scene in the gif above). This man is trouble. And I love trouble. I won't defend his actions, but I will love him.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I need this bad bitch to break Joe’s heart into a million little pieces (because we all know it’s happening anyway). I need him to be toxic. I need him to be a problem. I need him to the THE PROBLEM.
And when he realizes what he's done, I need him to pay for it by crawling through hell, only to beg on his knees for forgiveness when he realizes Joe is back, and then pay with his own blood when he tries his utmost to stitch Joe’s heart back together. Just give me the pain!
I love every single one of these characters. And I love that I love them.
I know, it’s a me-problem. But at least I'm aware of it.
I’m sure I’ll remember more characters that have me in a chokehold as soon as I hit publish on this. But, at least this is a start for now.
Thanks for your ask.
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bisexualbard-writes · 3 months
Is it too late for prompts?
Chay making a flower jewelry(crown bracelet etc) or gets one of those boutineres for kim but it's all flowers Kim is allergic to
Ahhh, another one that got a little away from me. But I wasn't going to half-ass a fic for @emberfaye!! no way!! So, 2000 words of fluff happened. Everyone will be so disappointed, I'm sure. Chay knows he could ask Porsche for virtually anything to celebrate his birthday this year and his brother would bend over backwards to use their snazzy new connections to get it done, but all Chay really wants is a picnic. And a PS5. But mostly a picnic.
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bunnakit · 10 months
I think one of the most beautifully written but most tragic things about KinnPorsche is Porsche and his relationship with Greed. We're immediately introduced to Porsche and his family's financial struggles in the very first episode; an orphan taking care of his brother, struggling to make payments on a house he inherited but in no way can afford. He's a bartender and while he does well for himself in his field it's just not enough - and the loan collectors are coming to claim. We learn he's had no family members to help him financially, he's had to throw himself to the wolves in terms of loans and illegally fighting to make ends meet. If anyone in the world could be greedy and desperate for money and be completely justified for it, it's Porsche. He could've easily have been an "I'll do anything to make a buck" kind of character, someone who easily sacrifices his morals to get whatever he needs to provide for himself and his brother.
But that's not who he is.
Porsche teases the other bartenders and says he'll teach them how to get good tips if they pay him - and then he gives the money back and says he doesn't charge his friends. After he's short of the money he needs at the fight he never looks to Jom, never assumes he's entitled to any of the money his friend has made off his hard work. He's not too proud to accept it though; which makes me believe he's known Jom for some time, and Jom must understand Porsche's situation fairly well to make the offer without hesitating. (We should all love Jom more, he seems like such a genuinely good man.) Then here comes Kinn, wallet bursting at the seams but moral compass buried straight in Hell.
Kinn offers Porsche money, more money than I'm sure Porsche has ever fathomed having. It would solve all his problems, allow his brother a life of luxury and comfort never having to worry about debt collectors snapping at their heels.
But Porsche doesn't take it.
He refuses to sacrifice his morals and his kindness and everything his mother taught him to be, even if it would mean an easy solution to all his problems. Porsche balks in the face of Greed and Opulence in favor of Honor and Goodness. Some things are more important than money. And then he loses all of that. He fights tooth and nail but his morals chip away piece by piece - leaving his brother, confronting a man for a loan, kill after kill after kill - until Porsche is carved into the perfect tool. A pretty little statue for Korn's mantle. The Porsche we're introduced at the beginning of the show is dead, buried underneath the corpse of his own morals and ideals. A new man rises in the world of Greed and Indulgence, too far in to change his fate.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 2 months
I read the new chapter of Pas de deux. It is so amazing. I love the dynamic you created with KimChay. Kim is so bitchy grumpy kitten and Chay is patient and stern with him. I love it so much. I can't wait for another chapter. Are they going to fight? I bet if Kim would try some move, Chay would be able to overpower him in the seconds:D. Are you going to introduce other characters in this story? Like Porsche? I am looking forward to the next chapter.
Hello, I'm so glad you're enjoying the fic! KimChay are gonna get to throw hands; originally it was planned for the next chapter, but I've had to rearrange some things, so I'm not sure if it will fit in the next chapter after all lol. But it's a Very Important Scene, so it def won't get cut out!
As for the other characters... I'm not sure. the more characters you add, the longer the fic gets. and due to the particular way I'm writing this story, I really only have room for 4 chapters.
However... I did have a very fun brainstorming session with @snickerdoodlles where we came up with a whole extended universe for this fic like 10-15 years in the future. it would involve some interactions with their brothers, but mostly revolves around Kim adopting a little protege/mentee that he lovingly bullies. Kim pretty much never chills out in this AU, he's always going to be a grumpy bitchy feral cat <3
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