#Positive Reviews' Power
ennobletechnologies · 9 months
The Power of Online Reviews & Reputation Management
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In the digital age, where the internet reigns supreme, the influence of online reviews and reputation management cannot be underestimated. Consumers today heavily rely on the opinions and experiences shared by others before making purchase decisions. This article explores the significance of online reviews and the art of reputation management.
The Impact of Online Reviews
The New Word of Mouth
In this digital age, the landscape of recommendations has undergone a significant transformation. Online reviews have emerged as the new gold standard, effectively replacing the traditional “word of mouth” recommendation. Today, individuals eagerly turn to the vast expanse of the internet in search of valuable advice from complete strangers.
The power of online reviews cannot be underestimated. A single positive review holds immense potential for your business, acting as a powerful endorsement that can catapult your brand’s reputation to new heights.
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It is crucial to recognize that in today’s competitive marketplace, consumers place tremendous trust in the opinions shared by other consumers online. A well-crafted review not only showcases the quality and value offered by your business but also fosters a sense of authenticity and transparency that resonates deeply with discerning individuals.
Embracing this paradigm shift by actively encouraging and engaging with customer reviews can prove instrumental in propelling your business forward. By consistently delivering exceptional experiences and encouraging satisfied customers to share their thoughts online, you create a virtuous cycle where positive endorsements attract even more clientele.
Therefore, it is evident that harnessing the power of online reviews holds great promise for businesses seeking to thrive in this digital era. The impact is undeniable: these testimonials offer profound social proof that influences purchasing decisions, establishes credibility within your industry, and ultimately solidifies your position as a trusted brand worthy of consideration.
Boosting Trust
Customers are more likely to trust the experiences of fellow consumers. A high number of positive reviews can help establish trust, making your business more appealing to potential clients.
Search Engine Visibility
Search engines, like Google, consider online reviews in their ranking algorithms. Positive reviews can improve your website’s visibility and bring in more organic traffic.
Reputation Management: The Art of Shaping Perceptions
Proactive vs. Reactive
Reputation management can be proactive or reactive. Proactive management involves taking steps to build a positive image from the start. Reactive management deals with addressing negative feedback and restoring your reputation.
Social Media Presence
Active engagement on social media platforms is vital. Responding to comments and feedback in a friendly and professional manner can work wonders for your reputation.
Continue Reading: https://ennobletechnologies.com/digital-marketing/power-of-online-reviews/
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bragganhyl · 1 year
One day I'll get my braincells together and put it to paper how the pillars of eternity games manage to make the player feel powerful without making the Watcher a power fantasy character but like... this is not that day
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frobby · 2 months
im super late to the party but honestly from what ive seen twisted wonderland is a better disney love letter than wish could have ever dreamed to be
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Analysis: Suki and Jerry’s Actual Jobs
What are Suki and Jerry’s actual jobs in Crystal Entertainment? This has been on my mind since I first watched Sing 2, mainly due to the jobs they appear to have don’t line up with what we’re told they actually are. These are my thoughts on their actual company roles with explanations, I hope you enjoy! 
Ps. I know there’s more evidence in this theory for Suki than Jerry but in my defense, we rarely actually see Jerry working and not just following Jimmy so...
- <3 Gooseless
Suki: The Chief Communications Officer (CCO)
Ok, so while we’re introduced to Suki as a talent scout, she actually doesn’t really act like one. In fact, a true talent scout would likely not have been as recognizable to avoid biased treatment. Nor would they have left before the full show is concluded as to be able to give an accurate review. She acts more like a company higher up, being recognizable and known in the industry, and seems to be in a position where she might go to shows after actual scouts have previewed them if they were going conflicting results, but she does not behave like an actual talent scout (again the leaving during the show).
Instead, she is constantly with both Jimmy and Jerry. She is constantly on her phone, on a tablet, talking to someone, she never stops working. She was in the room when Porsha’s firing was been discussed. And if she was a low level employee (like a talent scout), she definitely wouldn’t have been in that room. Jimmy considered that an embarrassment, he would limit the people who saw the direct response of said event. In fact, the only people in the room were Suki, Jerry (aka Jimmy’s right hand man), The Crystals, and the personal bodyguards who I can almost guarantee signed NDAs. 
She also was important enough for Jimmy and Jerry to get her before going to the theatre. Why would you get a random talent scout to go to handle the people currently putting on a show behind your back? You wouldn’t, because that wouldn’t be necessary. A talent scout would not be helpful in that situation at all. The only logical conclusion I could come up with was that she isn’t a talent scout.  
But do you know who would be privy to all the public and private workings of the company, who would be privy to all the information of the events going on? Especially since it’s their job? A chief communications officer. They run the publicity of the company, the contracts with other groups, and even the talent scout division (in rare cases). And Suki seems to handle this kinda stuff even within the movie. She is constantly typing what could be things like drafting news briefings or public statements about the show, which as it is high risk for the company, would likely be made by her. She is also there in every single big media moment of the company and seems to already know what’s going on (ie. didn’t react like Jimmy did in the news report scene, she already knew what was going on).
Also, just based on Jimmy’s personality, I don’t think he’d let a regular PR Officer/Talent Scout into any of those events either, so the only people in that room are heavily trusted by him. So, Suki being the CCO and technically on equal company footing as Jerry makes much more sense than her being a talent scout. Plus, her constantly acting as a line of communication between the company and the show is a job that occasionally falls on CCOs in high risk cases so, it makes sense she would be doing that as well.
Jerry: The Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Now Jerry… Jerry, Jerry, Jerry. He’s not a personal assistant. Unless this company has the world’s worst internal management structure in history, he cannot be a personal assistant. Because that would mean the one person, Jimmy, is running everything. Now as the CEO, he would be in charge in a broad sense and almost definitely has a few personal assistants, but that being Jerry doesn’t make sense in a corporate sense. 
In fact, we see him work doing the movie a few times and, while his desk is situated like a secretary’s, we don’t actually see him treated as one by other employees. Jimmy does, but Jimmy treats everyone that way so it doesn’t count.
Instead we see the hotel calling Jerry directly when something goes wrong. They didn’t call Jimmy, or Suki, or any other staff member, they called Jerry. Now, that’s a role that falls onto chief operating officer, aka the person who is in charge of the day to day of the company. He would be working closely with the chief communications officer and the CEO because his work directly overlaps with theirs. 
The CEO would be relying on him to handle the tiny details (like things happening with the hotel or media interactions on site) while the CCO would be relying on him to help with the presenting of the company and its work. And once again, I don’t think Jimmy would trust a secretary or personal assistant that much. But with a COO, if he goes down, so do they. It would be safer involving them in his plans. Also, the way other employees seem to differ to him wouldn’t being doing so if he was working exclusively with Jimmy (like a secretary or personal assistant), he has to have a larger company role.
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I knew a girl in high school who very firmly believed that humans could explore the surface of the sun by simply doing so at night. Was astonished that nasa had not considered this plan yet. And I think that girl, at that point in time, could probably come up with a more intelligent and well thought out analysis of any given movie than the ones I read on letterboxd.
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dargonpoop · 1 year
loving all this strike action while pluto is stuck in retrograde at the anaretic degree of capricorn sometimes it really is too uncanny
#and while venus is stationing retrograde at 28° leo!!#forming an inconjunct between leo venus and capricorn pluto damn#capricorn representing of course overarching structures and power#pluto associated with wealth and exchange of power and transformation#venus the planet intrinsically involved with social relations#and in the sign of leo which also governs authority but also self expression#self expression such as the expression of ones needs falls under here in my interpretation#which actually side note that makes sense? never made that connection#moon being the nurturer and intuitively understanding others needs vs sun being the expression of ones needs#hence why sun can have a reputation for being self centered#anyway also#retrogrades are times of review#i think chris brennan mentioned that venus retrograde in leo has previously brought about political changes#gay marriage legalization was one such#(in the us specifically but i think a number of other countries too but icr which ones)#idk this is just fun and cool to witness and make the connection!#if anything it implies that this is THE time to be engaging in strike activities#hoping that itll actually bring about positive changes before pluto moves back into aquarius and startd dealing w other themes#capricorn is the economy sign pluto entered cap in 2008 aka when the big recession hit#i hope the astrology podcast mentions all the strike activity next time they talk about transits im curious to know more#neptune and saturn are also retrograde in pisces and neptune is sextile pluto + inconj venus so theres a yod too#which puts a looot of pressure on venus#oh and cant forget the square to uranus which will become exact twice during the retrograde cycle so that might be interesting#astrology#dargonpoops#sorry the special interest kicked in#lots of connections to be made and analyzed
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honestly everyone needs to learn that caring a lot and being right —factually, morally, whatever— just doesn’t make your argument inherently better or your statements more convincing.
it’s frustrating when someone doesn’t listen, doubly so when you really know what you’re talking about. the thing about bias, though, is that it’s off-putting even when you’re right. it does not matter how obvious your point or how silly their misunderstanding. no one, absolutely no one, owes you obedience in the absence of trust.
this is one reason teenagers hide sketchy older partners from their parents. if dad is biased against his kid dating, period, then it’s much harder for him to defend (or the kid to understand) the difference between “you shouldn’t date this person because of XYZ red flags” and “you shouldn’t date this person because i said so”
you can give all the best advice in the world, but if the person you’re advising can’t trust your intentions and what you say, they’re not going to listen to you. being right doesn’t close that bias gap, how you say and sell your ideas —your rhetoric— does.
thankfully, unlike being right, rhetoric is a skill. it can be learned and improved. you can’t make your opinion “more right”, but you can make it more rhetorically effective
if you want people to “just listen” to you, the key to building that trust is being able to set your personal investment aside and calmly and objectively articulate that difference to someone who disagrees with you without either person getting defensive
TLDR; next time you get frustrated that someone isn’t listening, ask yourself how good a job you’ve actually done showing your work
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queer-ragnelle · 2 years
I never waste an opportunity to talk about Gwen Rowley’s trilogy. RIP to my editor but it’s tangent time.
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7-oh-ta1 · 1 month
Guess who forgor her headphones and is at work........
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ennobletechnologies · 9 months
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Unlock the power of online reviews for effective reputation management. Enhance your online presence and build trust with customer feedback.
Do Visit: https://ennobletechnologies.com/digital-marketing/power-of-online-reviews/
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goodvibescreativeave · 2 months
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16 quotes from the book ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle that are inspirational, mindful, motivational, and insightful. A perfect addition to motivate you to keep growing and learning.
#powerofnow #quotes #bookquotes #motivationalquotes #personaldevelopmentquotes
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probinism · 3 months
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Aizen Power Supplements: Reigniting My Confidence in the Bedroom
Let's be honest, fellas. As men, sexual performance is a big deal. It's about intimacy, connection, and feeling confident in your own skin. But life, stress, and even age can take their toll. That's where Aizen Power Supplements came in for me, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer.
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pinkieroy · 6 months
You've got mail is cute, but it does make me wonder why Nora Ephron looked at the shop around the corner and thought, "It needs more capitalism"
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 7 months
anyways finally get all the insider barbie jokes,
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eau-duresistance · 1 year
My favourite things about the whole OceanGate disaster, in no particular order
That the vessel was originally named Cyclops II but the CEO renamed it to Titan, so it’s even BETTER than the Titanic
He also called it indestructible
The guy piloting the vessel is an ex-naval captain who has been on several titanic manned trips. But the guy is 77 rn
The billionaire from Pakistan is apparently friends with King Charles. You’d think for someone who’s besties with a guy whose job was literally being born, he’d care more about protecting his bloodline. Instead, he brought his 19 year old with him
Meanwhile, the stepson of one of the other billionaires (I think the British one named Hamish) went to a Blink 182 concert. When questioned about this, he basically went “my family would want me to go to the concert”. Today, minutes after posting about asking for thoughts and prayers, he @‘ed an OF model on Twitter, asking her to sit on his face
Bc it’s part of the safety demo & music track list for the trip, there is a VERY good chance that if there’s still some power left in the sub, it’s playing an instrumental of My Heart Will Go On on loop
Also, the vessel is a submersible bc it doesn’t meet literally any of the safety regulations to be called a submarine. Which the CEO knew, because he’s blatantly said that safety regulations get in the way of progress
The CEO once stated that he thought the future of humanity was not in space, but in the ocean when the surface becomes uninhabitable
Apparently the controller he’s using has REAL bad reviews because the connection always fails
These idiots paid $250k EACH but they had to pack their own lunch. Not even a damn charcuterie board
The pilot’s seat is on the toilet. So whenever someone needs to go, the pilot needs to move
There’s 1 window looking out. That’s it
It’s about the size of a minivan
The sub uses texts (but only to the CEO’s phone) to communicate, as well as StarLink, but they can only access that if they surface
The door literally cannot be opened from inside
There is a decent chance that at least 1 person has been cannibalized (my bet was the pilot since he’s not rich, but bc of the banging sounds, he’s probs not dead, so it may be the CEO)
They’re supposed to run out of oxygen tomorrow (22/06/23) at 7 am est, but tbh, the CO2 scrubber system will probs fail before that
The toilet is a plastic bag
This is only the 3rd time in 3 years the vessel has gone to the Titanic. Every other time, there’s an issue and they gotta turn back within like 4 hours
A lot of major news networks are trying to remain positive, but it’s a HILARIOUS comparison when you go to social media and every single person is like “yeah that shit is built like a cardboard boat, they’re fucked”
The company’s name is literally called OceanGate
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