#Possibly 2p austria(??)
glittery-ishfish · 2 years
Official 2Ptalia Stuff
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Trivia: Japan is technically the first 2P. That drawing of 2P!Japan with the pink backdrop is the earliest 2P art I found while searching Hima's blog, the file was called "Kuro_Nihosan".
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ao3feed-spamano · 2 years
What Must Shall Be
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hvlCey4
by AwesomeMaple
Gilbert is a high-end inspector at his police department with his life going nowhere. Matthew is a respected paramedic at the local hospital with a terrible past. When the two are paired up to get a taste of each other's job, what could possibly go wrong?
Words: 3496, Chapters: 2/28, Language: English
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Prussia (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Female England (Hetalia), Female Japan (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Netherlands (Hetalia), Female North Italy (Hetalia), Monaco (Hetalia), Female Russia (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), 2p Canada (hetalia) - Character, Switzerland (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia), Female Spain (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia)
Relationships: Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), Prussia/2p!Canada, Prussia x 2p Canada (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), Finland/Sweden (Hetalia), Japan/Netherlands (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Denmark/Norway (Hetalia), Austria/Hungary (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Hetalia Countries Using Human Names, AU, Nyotalia, Prussia x 2p Canada, this was the first fic with this pairing I am a trailblazer, Rarepair, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Abuse, Past Abuse, i distinctly remember searching for HOURS on AO3/FFN/Wattpad/Tumblr/etc for this particular pairing, and found NOTHING so i was like ok! guess i'll do it!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hvlCey4
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artistocrazy · 7 years
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Because he would own a sweater like this
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Can I get platonic Yandere 2ps with their kid that just turned 18 and they're ready to move out, apparently they'll feel like a burden now since they're living under the boys roof and is now an adult.
For non groups questions, IE 2p Allies, 2p Axis, ect, I’m only going to write for five characters to make it easier on myself.
2p England: Ohhhhhh my little sweetie! There is no need to move out! I love having you with me, and you are Never and wil Never be a burdan, ok? Now, how about some tasty scones and a hot cuppa. Does that sound nice? Oliver wants to appear like the perfect parant, and he will do so while making sure his child will stay with them. If talking to them won’t work, than Oliver is not afraid to pull some strings in the background. He will make sure you can and will never find a place to live. If that means blackmail, threats, bribery, murder, etc than he will do it all while giving his child a sweet smile and a plateful of their favorite foods. 
2p France: ...Are you feeling unwell? I think you might have a bit of a fever. Go rest now and when you wake up you will feel all better. Francois will have his child stay with him even of he has to posin them and make them bedbound if he must. It will be less work for him than trying to physically stop you from moving out.
2p Russia: It is not logical for you to move out. Wasting money on a place when you have a perfectly good home here and someone to take care of you makes no sense. Viktor will try to use logic on his child. It really does make no sense for his child to try to leave becase he will never let them leave. Why bother in the first place when the effort will be fruitile.
2p Romano: What? But baby, living on your own is boring and frustrating! Isn’t it soooooo much better to live here, in OUR home where you live in luxury? Now, stop being a silly billy alright. I don’t want to hear anymore nonsense of you moving out, capishe? Flavio has strong social toes to pretty much everyone that matters and he will use those ties to tie his child down if he must. It really will be hard to try and move out with all the possible doorways being shut.
2p Austria: Oh my little prince/princess, you don’t really mean you want to move out, do you? Heh that is such a silly thought! You have everything you need here, with me. You are royalty of the dark and must stay somewhere safe. There are many monsters and thing hiding in the shadows that will want to hurt you because you are my little prince/princess. It is safe here, I promise you that. Roland will make a deal with some creatures to go after his child of they really do try to live on their own. Of course he will be the mightly King he is and safe them from harm in the end, but his child doesn’t need to know that each and every attack and kidnapping is orchestrated and planed by dear old daddy himself.
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If possible... Headcannons/fanfic from 2p Germany and 2p Russia, separately, taking interest in a friend from one country? Context: The country's friend is immortal, because of problems she went in her country's replacement at the meeting with the other countries. She has a very affectionate and outgoing personality, so she quickly picks up romantic interest from the attendees.
Sorry it took so long. Here it is!
2p Russia
A lone tall man walked through the basement halls of the United Nations building. His large, long blacked coat protected him from the chill of the A.C. and in his left hand was a simple black briefcase. His steps were quiet along the concrete, but his momentary silence would not last for much longer.
A set of steel doors sat closed and was located at the end of the hall. The sounds that lied within warned of chaos and death. Viktor blew a hard breath through his nose, as much as he wanted to leave, this meeting was important. It was the first time in a long time that all the 2ps were meeting and to avoid it could be costly.
Opening the door Viktor noticed that many nations were grouped together. The Nordics were in the back corner of the room talking about business. Germany and Italy were near their seats, both seemed to be scanning the crowd. Viktor guessed it was to see the missing member of their trio. Once Viktor found his seat, his eyes wandered around again.
This time his eye drifted over to the FACE family. Normally there were shouts and the clink of coins hitting glass, but today it was much quieter. As Viktor looked closer at the four, he realized something. Allen wasn’t there. Instead, there was a woman among them. She was (Y/H) and had (S/C) skin. The strange woman was leaning against the sitting blond Canadian. Both were talking and were smiling. Viktor did note that Matt seemed to have a small blush on his face. His observation was interrupted by a voice.
“All right-a everyone. Take your-a seats and shut-a up!”
Viktor grunted and looked over as the woman moved to take Allen’s seat. His eyebrow rose, this would take some investigating. But that would have to wait.
The meeting went almost as Viktor had expected. Various nations would present an issue, try to make it seem that their homes were thriving, and others would say their piece on an issue. During each part of this song and dance, some nation would then distract everyone. The main offender this time happened to be Macau. He had been going around attempting to piss of Italy so that he could win a bet.
Overall a normal meeting, but Viktor could not help but be distracted by the (E/C) beauty. She had been outgoing the entire meeting. Asking questions to the presenters, offering solutions, and overall being pleasant. It was cute, but there was one habit that stood out, pet names. Each person was given their own.
Despite the cuteness, Viktor was getting annoyed. It was not at the charming lady, but rather at his fellow nations. Their infatuation was apparent in the blushes and sudden smiles that came from their interactions with her. Viktor was not pleased with how others looked at her like a meal or a treasure. He also wasn’t pleased that he was feeling this way over a stranger, better yet a stranger attached to Allen.
With the end of the meeting came the desire for answers. Viktor rose quickly like a weasel looking for prey. He moved calmly and quickly over to the stranger. There he stood, in front of her but unnoticed, while she giggled and affectionately was playing around with England. Viktor felt his ire increase when she gave the killer baker a kiss. His blush made Viktor’s stomach twist in a painful way.
Before confronting her, Viktor looked over to the Canadian that seemed to be looking over at the pair jealously.
“Kaнaдa, who is this?”
“That’s (Y/N) (L/N). An old friend of Al’s, we’ve known her since childhood and since Al’s buried under work, he asked her to step in for him.”
Viktor just hummed in response. This woman was becoming more interesting. With two steps and a cough, Viktor stood in front of the playful pair.
Their attention turned to him quickly. The Brit did not look happy to be interrupted, while the woman smiled at him. Using his practiced grace Viktor reached out and took her hand. A gentle kiss was placed upon it.
���Hello, Ms. (L/N). I am the Russian Federation. Is there a chance you have a moment to discuss some things with me?”
(Y/N) covered her mouth and giggled. To Viktor, and many others it sounded like silver bells.
“Of course, I have some time before I have to get these notes to Al.”
Being the gentleman, he offered her his elbow. She responded with a bright smile and (Y/N) hooked her arm into his and followed the red eyed male out.
It was not long before they found a spot to sit and discuss. Their conversations soon left the topics of business and became more personal. Viktor was intrigued, despite the difference in the centuries she had lived, he couldn’t help but feel connected to her. To him her presence felt like a balm for his soul.
A beeping turned the chatting duo into silent statues. It was (Y/N)’s phone. She glanced quickly at it and grimaced.
“I’m sorry Viktor, I have got to get going. Al’s waiting for me and these papers.”
Of course. Allen just had to cut their time short. Standing alongside (Y/N), Viktor offered to give her a ride. Just something to give him more time to bask in her glow.
Being the true optimist, (Y/N) accepted with an enthusiastic yes!
The trip to his car and then to Al’s apartment felt too fast for Viktor. Before (Y/N) could leave the car. Viktor looked at (Y/N), he felt emotions that could not be explained easily, but he knew one thing. He needed to get to know (Y/N) better. So, he was going to take a chance.
“Would you care to go on a date with me? It is nothing serious, just a chance for us to get to know one another better.”
(Y/N) was not surprised. She just smiled and looked back at Viktor while getting out of the car.
“I would love to, but you need to realize one thing. I have noticed quite a few nations giving me the same goo-goo eyes that you have. So, be prepared for a fight for my heart.”
With a wink and giving Viktor a small sheet of paper, (Y/N) was gone. She had waltzed into Allen’s apartment building like a dream.
Looking down Viktor saw that the sheet was her phone number. Despite his cold heart, Viktor smirked to himself. He would figure out these feelings and if God willed it, he would secure her heart.
2p Germany
It was too loud and cold in this basement. The chaos had decided to get started before the meeting. Nations were yelling and weapons were flying. The A.C. was blowing like it was the reason for the next ice age. It was all annoying. All Luther wanted to do was sleep, maybe people watch, but that wouldn’t happen if these conditions continued.
With a deep groan Luther sat up straight and stretched. The sound of a satisfying pop alerted him that his stretching had relaxed muscles.
Luther glanced at the clock, and his head tilted to the left like a confused puppy. It was about ten minutes after the hour. That means the meeting should have started ten minutes ago, why hadn’t it started? He glanced around and understood one thing. Luciano, aka Italy, was not there.
Luther felt a little embarrassed he should have realized that earlier, but in his defense, the exhaustion and the beginnings of a headache ate at his awareness. Before he could wonder about the location of his missing Genosse, a (Y/H) woman ran over to the podium at the front of the room.
Her hair was wild, her face was flushed, gorgeous (E/C) looked around excitedly. She carried a smile as she reached forward and tapped on the microphone.
“Hello everyone, I apologize for being late. But I am (Y/N) (L/N) and I’m stepping in for Italy today. Sadly, he is out due to getting grounded and he has asked that I lead this meeting.”
Luther raised a brow and smirked. How cute. This pretty little vixen was now attempting to lead the meeting. The next few hours would be fun, well for him anyway.
For many nations the meeting was considered normal. Interruptions and fighting, before the more business-oriented nations took back control. This included the lovely (Y/N), but try as she may to keep the focus, many nations shattered her attempts like already cracked glass.
For one thing, Austria could not leave (Y/N) be. He was constantly interrupting presenting nations by breaking in rock ballads, mostly singing about (Y/N). While Norway was asking her whether or not she wanted to see a flaming heart, no one was quite sure what that mean. Since it was Norway, everyone knew that fire and pyros should not mix, except for (Y/N). Luckily Denmark stopped him by confiscating his lighter. Lastly, Luther joined in. He was dropping pickup lines and teasing (Y/N). Other nations did some stuff too, but it was not as entertaining as those three.
Throughout it all (Y/N) just giggled and responded with affection. In some cases, it was a compliment, other nations got gentle gestures. Those that received her affection either blushed or looked a little shocked.
Luther knew (Y/N) was gorgeous before, but her outgoing and sweet nature made her much more lovely. He thought he might be developing a crush, but Luther didn’t dwell to long on that thought. Mostly because everyone was getting up to leave and some of his rivals were closing in on (Y/N).
Without thinking it through, Luther quickly moved to take a spot by (Y/N)’s side. (Y/N) was surprised but didn’t seem to be against his presence. Luther gave a side smile and asked to walk her out. Somehow (Y/N)’s smile got even bigger, and she nodded.
Together they walked out of the cold, basement room. Luther gave dark glares at nearby nations while (Y/N) smiled and waved at the nations that walked by.
As they walked, Luther decided to get to know this little beauty more.
“So, how long have you known Luciano?”
“Since the third century, after all we grew up together in a way, though I am still way younger than him.”
This comment caused Luther to stop walking. Was she like them or some other thing that he didn’t know existed? Any way Luciano has some explaining to do later.
Luther watched as (Y/N) slowed, stopped and looked back at him. Her eyes seemed to be full of mischief and a cat-like smile rested on her face.
“Luther, if you don’t want to walk me to Luci’s I’m sure some other nation would be more than happy to take your place.”
Luther’s eyes went wide. He wasn’t expecting this sweet woman to be an observant and playful tease. It was hot.
“Liebling, why call someone else when I’m the only one you need.”
Both let out a chuckle as they stepped through the door that led into the stairwell. This seems to be the start of a classic love story.
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Can I have some general headcanons about 2p Austria, if you write for him??
His full name for me is now Roderich Edelstein
He is black metal
like black black metal
He cant play instruments really well, so he worked his ass off on learning at least the drums and bass ^And he’s actually fucking great at them, he plays in a band once every life time
Has sharp teeth and he will fucking bite you no doubt
Actually has a brilliant smile for no reason tho
He’s actually nice ngl, 10/10 friend will have your back in almost every situation, but he do be scary, so people sometimes have a hard time approaching him
He’s the dumb fuck in the horror movie that suggested you guys go explore that one OBVIOUSLY haunted house which leads to a swift death
Also definitely suggested yall use that Ouija board, now you’re busting your asses running from a poltergeist
has a pet crow and a black cat and you can’t convince me otherwise- ^his pets make him so happy
Likes Dark humor ^ but actual dark humor not just “humor” that people use an excuse to be a dick about serious issues and oppressed minorities...that shits not funny
His shoes always have a tall heel whether it be boots or not he must look menacingly 9 feet tall at all times, its the rule.
His fashion sense is a mix between punk, dark academia, and Victorian goth. ^He wears a lot of red ^Most of his outfits are fabulously eccentric, I aspire to dress like this man
Seriously allergic to chocolate but he loves it so much and chooses possible death every time
In community theater, he loves it so much acts his heart out. ^ Mostly does Shakespeare plays
He’s close to the Nordics obvi but I don’t know enough about them to talk about their relationship-
Loves Lutz and Gil lot actually and usually checks up on them every two weeks just to know how its going for them.  ^Goes with Lutz to a death metal concert every month or so
Luciano despises Roderich and he understands why, after turning a blind eye to a lot of the things he was going through in the past, he blames himself for letting it get to that point, everyday he tries to be a decent person so he can make up for the unforgivable things he decided to not acknowledge in the past.
Kuro doesn’t like him either, but he hangs out with Allen and Lutz too much for him to genuinely hate him they have a love-hate relationship. Roderich gives Kuro pointers and tips on improving his wardrobe, Kuro does the same.
Allen likes Roderichs sense of style and aesthetic and vice versa so they hang out once in awhile to larp rock out to music and stuff.
Oliver scares Roderich and he isn’t interested in pursuing any kind of platonic relationship with the man. That is all.
this was a little hard, and short, cause I had to do research because I am not the best with the Nordics in general, so I hope this is okay?
Thank you for reading
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I’d liked to know more about your 2p Switzerland.
Pastel Themst
(again, no gif, so have a rushed sketch so sorry for the shitty coloring)
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Sexuality Headcanon:
I've not thought about Niels attraction. I think they'd be attracted to men possibly slash on the acespectrum. But I'm not sure where.
Gender Headcanon:
Niel is non-binary! Nothing crazy to say about that, that's just how they is!
A ship I have with said character:
I've honestly never shipped them with anyone, they's just vibed. I suppose I could see them with Tobias/2p Austria, but I don't know.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Tobias/2p Austria is a close friend, and while their styles don't match their more reclusive life styles do and they interact a lot with one another.
Isabella/2p Liechtenstien is Neil's world, they care about her very much and she in turn cares about him. They're very close.
Soifya/2p Belarus and them get along swimmingly, though they can often get a little unsettled and put off by Sofiya's cryptic and occult things, but they respect her on it even if they don't really get it.
Kasper/2p Netherlands and them also get along pretty well.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Isabella/2p Liechtenstien because she's their adopted sister.
A random headcanon:
The ascot that they wears was something Isabella bought for them. It means the world to them and they're very rarely seen without it.
General Opinion over said character:
They's a good bean, bless them, give them a pat on the head
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 4 years
What role did 2p Hungary play in Luciano's childhood? Was she involved at all? Also what is her name?
(Tw, mentions of abuse! Please be cautious if you continue reading!)
I go with the usual name for her, Erzsébet. However, I do like the idea of both Irisko or Zsófia. I’m still deciding but Erzsébet is the one I use most.
In my opinion, I think she tried to help Luciano, she would do a few of his chores and slide him some food whenever she could. However, he would always expect her to hurt him, having been abused his whole life has made him expect it, so he was always cautious around her. There is not a type of abuse Luciano has not been subjected to throughout his life, even when he was just a child, she knew this and wanted to show him there are good people in the world. She attempted to act as a sort of motherly figure to him as best she could even if he was scared.
She attempted a lot of the time to get 2p Austria to stop being so cruel to him, knowing that a child can’t possibly handle that much but never really got anywhere with it. Eventually, she gave up trying and just switched to taking care of him whenever something would go wrong. She’d care to his injuries, feed him, clothe him, make sure he wasn’t hurting himself, etc.
They’re currently kind of close, she’s always felt the need to protect him so she keeps a close eye on him in case anything happens. She doesn’t like 2p Austria, she can’t see him as anything more than his past actions.
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Hi there! Sandy here! I'm a roleplayer looking for people who may be interested in being part of a group. I'll let here the most important features to save some time:
1. The most important thing the candidates have to know is that we have established an initial limit of 5 characters per person. Once that limit is reached, we can decide what other characters to take in case you want to take more than 5 BUT it is important to know that for every character you have, you adopt also the four other versions of it. For example: If you choose China, you also take with you the Fem, 2p, and nyo!2p version. That is, if you take 3 characters, the total of characters you will have is 12. So don't take more than you can handle. You will have to build, write or create all the versions of the countries you pick, regardless if there is already a fanon concept for them or not. You will be mostly using them one at a time, tho, but you'll have to use them all.
2. Consent is important. If there is a certain situation you want to roleplay with certain character, you always have to talk first to the other person before making any move in order to prevent misunderstandings or uncomfortable situations. Both parts must agree with what they are going to do.
3. Regarding the characters... They must, of course, be as close to the canon concept for their personalities as possible (Exceptions would be the alternate version of them, since nothing is canon and you have more freedom to create). That specified, while the personalities should match the canon, the character concept can be spiced up with local myths, historical figures, legends and so on... Just ask the admins first for approval to try and help anyone going too overboard with it.
4. We will be operating in WhatsApp BUT if some of you feel uncomfortable with this media, we are willing to use Discord instead
5. Interested people can contact me via direct message, it is easier that way for me. But a like also works for me. I’ll get to you asap I think that groups, with people who really loves roleplaying and are motivated enough can really be a lot of fun, so don’t think too much about it and contact me if you are interested :)
USA Norway Spain Scotland  Austria Russia Prussia Ireland  England Japan Canada Italy France  Romania Finland Bulgaria New Zealand
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cooltrainererika · 5 years
Alt-talia x Evillious Chronicles: The Key to Zorn (Part 1 v. 1)
Couldn’t come up with a better title. 
This is for Alternate Universe/AU, or Angst, it can qualify for both. 
Okay… so… holy hell. 
This is the longest fic I’ve ever written. And it isn’t even finished. 
I thought “Superbia” was long. But… I outdid myself. Over FORTY FREAKIN’ PAGES IN GOOGLE DOCS. And again, this is not finished, I’m splitting it so I at least have the hope of releasing something! With two routes! This is a novel, folks!
I’m probably going to repost this for the Christmas event since I want as much people to see them as possible. Because there are some Christmas elements here. So yeah, you can take this as an early Christmas fic too.
This will be a movie, folks. Grab a seat and some popcorn. 
Also, look, it’s goddamn Ludwig torment again! For the fourth time in the span of a month! And this might just be the most elaborate way I’ve tormented the poor guy yet. But I didn’t really have many options. 
So I wanted to enter Mirror Week, but in the main canons write in, Alt-talia and Hetalia Emblem, I haven’t come up with any use for 2Ps, and in the former case I can’t see how I could use them. 
However, there was one Alt-talia spin-off AU I had been thinking they would exist on; I didn’t know whether I wanted to release media to it so early, and due to a reason I will explain in a moment, I was reluctant to release media about it in general. But… I went with it. 
This is my Evillious Chronicles AU. Yes, an AU of an AU. What about that. 
Basically, the Evillious Chronicles is what started as a series of Vocaloid songs telling a much larger story; it has since ballooned into a vast, tangled network of light novels and other such media. It’s as confusing as it sounds. Some of you may have heard of the songs “Daughter of Evil” and “Servant of Evil”; those were the first songs to be released in that series. Those two songs weren’t self-contained, oh no. 
The thing is, for this AU I wanted to write just based on the seven sin songs (and Servant of Evil), with accompanying Hetaloid covers, and leave the rest of the story up to the audience. I’m still planning on that. However, I still wanted to enter the event, so here I am presenting a version of events for one of the arcs; however, it is merely the route that hews closest to Evillious canon from what I can gather of it. So yeah, NONE OF THIS IS HARD CANON. Especially since I wasn’t sure on the roles of some characters here. 
Also, if I somehow ever get to publishing my main Evillious x Hetalia fics sometime in the future; first of all, hi. But more importantly, please, I implore you, do not read this before reading The Muzzle of Ludwig. Especially the second half. I tried to avoid spoilers, but someone becomes extremely obvious with contextual clues. 
Also… it’s not like I wanted to write Ludwig torment again. But he was basically my only option, since he was the only one whose sin most likely overlaps with… well, it’ll become clear as this goes on. Ludwig’s story here is based on Nemesis Sudou’s story. Though since Nemesis and Ludwig are vastly different characters, there may be some plot holes, unfortunately. 
And THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: for those who have read none of my other works yet, Alt-talia has often vastly, vastly different characterizations. I based most of these characterizations off of their late 19th century to very early 20th century personalities in Alt-talia. Special OOC warning for the following characters: Austria, Hungary, and Prussia. Minor OOC warning for Germany. I used @askimperialludwig ‘s version of the character as a reference, along with my personal perception and research. may add more later. 
Also, credit to my friend @tomboyjessie13 , my Evillious consultant, for helping me through this!
I can’t let this be too long, since the fic is long already. Let’s go!
(Also... people who read my fics, please reblog them. I work hard on them, and want many to see them!)
And since I forgot to add this above the cut; this canon is also one of the few times Nyotalia characters canonically exist as their own entity in my works, if not the only one so far. It’s kind of necessary, since otherwise it’ll turn into a complete sausagefest. However, as I have no set personality for them in main Alt-talia canon, I basically write them the same way as I would their male counterparts, with maybe some minor changes. I do have some ideas for Nyotalia characters in “what if” stories for main Alt-talia canon, but since this would be an Alt-talia spinoff, most of my theoretical audience would be there for the Alt-talia characters who appear in most Alt-talia media. Not to mention male stereotypes for countries are usually more fun anyway. However, in this universe two counterparts of the same character can co-exist. I try to avoid that though. 
Also, a character named “Arendt” is briefly mentioned; this is Brandenburg. He isn’t really that important though, and really I’ve barely fleshed him out, so that’s all you need to know.
The Key To Zorn
In a certain continent, there was a forest.
A serene, peaceful forest, where inside one could almost feel mystical energy in the clear, unpolluted air.
Until, under the evening sky, a gunshot sounded.
Ludwig Beilschmidt, a boy of merely 8 with innocent, cornflower blue eyes, ran through the forest he knew so well, a basket of wild berries and herbs in his arms and a small sack over his back.
Soon, in his view, among the trees and wild cornflowers was the only place he had known all his life, the little wooden cottage he called home.
The boy immediately checked his old, somewhat rusted mailbox, a look of anxiousness on his face - one which immediately turned to disappointment upon finding there was nothing there.
He sighed.
“Nothing today either...”
He reached up somewhat, twisting the doorknob and opening the wooden door.
“I’m home!”
No one answered back.
As per usual.
He didn’t expect one anyway.
Ludwig went to the dining table, setting the basket and sack, as well as his small, old-model pistol, down on his side of the table. Inside the sack was a small rabbit; the poor little thing. He hoped it didn’t struggle for long after he had shot it.
He prepared dinner as he always did, the bubbling as the ingredients stewed the only sounds other than the cries of the wildlife outside.
And he ate in silence by the light of the lamp, staring at the empty, vacant other side of the table, the light of the sun dim and faint.
“Mutter, is it good?”
Ludwig sighed again, going back to shoving the stew into his mouth.
Ludwig tucked himself into bed after a bath and a change of clothes, now in his old, almost too small pajamas, having finished the book in his hands an hour ago - while he had reread it and others several times already, it was a window into a world different from his, where friends supported each other and families told stories in front of the fire - but now that it was over, here he was, once again, stuck in loneliness, on his own, within the cold, dark walls of a small cabin.
Once again, it was quiet. All too quiet; except for the sounds of the forest.
Now as he had nothing to distract him, every rustling of the underbrush, every animal cry made him bristle. The forest was his comfort by day, almost a second mother, but by night, it was dark, feral. 
He pulled his blankets up to his face, curling up, shaking like a leaf. He felt any moment, a beast could break through the walls and tear him to shreds.
He missed his mother so much, oh how he missed her. Her harsh but protective voice, her calloused hands squeezing his wrists. He missed his onkel Arendt, who told him stories of the battles he and Mutter had been through.
She’s dead. She’s dead, accept it.
No, no she wasn’t.
She couldn’t be. She had to be alive.
She was too strong to die.
She would come back. She always came back. 
His mother wouldn’t want to see him like this anyway. He was being pathetic.
“Einz, zwei, drei...”
He took a deep breath. He was stronger than this. 
Imagining his mother was standing by his bed, staring at him with disapproval at his fearful behavior, finally his shivering started to lessen ever so slightly.
He needed to make it so that when she came home with another medal shining on her chest, she could come home to a son she could be proud of, after all.
“Good night.”
He said to no one in particular, as he let the faint moonlight be his comfort, finally closing his eyes.
Lu li la la lu li la la la...
A soothing, calming melody played in his mind; Ludwig didn’t know where he knew it from, but as it surrounded him in soft, almost familiar gentleness, the shivering stopped, his muscles loosened, and he was finally lured into the welcome embrace of sleep.
Lu li la la lu li la la la…
Lu li la la lu li la la la...
Birds flew away in massive numbers, disturbed by the sudden noise.
Ludwig blew the steam off his pistol, seeing that the bullets had all landed near-target. Almost there.
Not bothered by the recoil anymore, he lined up the shot again, swearing he would get it right this time.
Every two days he did this, before 10 sets of running, marching, and every parallel bar routine; this wasn’t how most children his age passed their time, willingly anyway, if the books he read were any indication, and surely he felt sorry for the animals who had to hear such things, as they were the closest things to friends he had. But it broke the silence. 
And most of all, he could almost sense his mother beside him during these practice drills; he could feel her hands on his arms guiding him in his aim, and hear her voice shouting in tandem with him as he shouted “FIRE!”. In fact, sometimes he swore she actually was there, by his side.
He took a deep breath and aimed again.
When he came home, he once again saw a basket of supplies.
They always puzzled him. They came at such random, unpredictable intervals, filled with food, a few bottles of milk, several cartridges of bullets, and even occasionally a book, toy, bar of soap, or other extra, but by the time he found them no one was ever there.
He should be grateful. Though he wished someone would explain to him.
Oh well.
Days passed, then months.
Once again, on the night of his 9th birthday, Ludwig laid alone, the weak moonlight unable to brighten his gradually deepening pit of despair.
The silence was maddening. He craved for any touch, for any warmth of another person, for anything. But even that simple wish was too much to ask.
He bunched up the worn blanket, the cold, frigid winter air seeping into the cabin.
Every day, he wondered if he was slowly going mad. 
Holding a cornflower and his mother’s black cross necklace to his chest, looked out into the moon, to the night sky peeking from a clearing in the trees.
A star shot through the night sky, and Ludwig was quick to make his wish.
I hope Mutter will answer my letters soon.
She had always told him that believing in such things was foolish.
But what was the pain in hanging onto the little light he could find?
Now’s your time.
Alright. I’m going in. See you. 
One cold, chilling day, towards the final days of the year he turned 9, Ludwig stepped outside to check his mailbox again.
Snow lightly dusted the ground, softly landing on his old, worn coat.
He had checked his homemade calendar; Sancbruma. Such a lovely holiday. But now, just yet another cold, freezing, lonely day. Oh well. He had known Pater Natalis wasn’t real for years to need confirmation.
But this day, after creaking the old thing open, he found something.
His heart almost stopped.
Immediately, he ripped the envelope often, his heart pounding in his ears, his breath quickening, and he immediately glued his focus to the words, written specially to be understandable to a child.
Ludwig Beilshmidt, we are sorry to inform you that…
Time seemed to stop. He swore his heart stopped.
Dread shot through his body like lightning.
He read on, clinging onto the little hope that still remained with him all those years as they escaped from him, flying away as he fell deeper.
Tears fell from his face.
She was gone. 
She was really gone.
Finally, suppressed despair replaced dread, filling every corner of his mind and body, every nerve, every muscle. 
But mixed with it, and eventually almost overpowering it in the concoction of emotion, was wrath. 
Pure, unbridled wrath.
He tore the paper and screamed, his screams piercing the serene forest air.
Tears fell from his eyes like a burst dam as he cried into his hands, cursing whoever had killed her, her fate, the cruelty of the gods.
If only he could get his hands on whatever bastard killed her, he would strangle them, he would gouge out their eyes, he would shoot them in the leg and watch them bleed to death, how dare they take his mother away!
He had always been told the best came to those who were patient.
He was proven wrong that day.
All those years, waiting, hoping, hoping for nothing.
His mother was never going to come back. Ever. 
Grief, anger, and sadness gripped his small frame as he shook, on the ground, his young brain besieged with intense emotions and reality, dreaded, painful reality.
Don’t cry. How pathetic. Is that how I raised you?
Ludwig forced himself to take deep breaths, desperately fighting his tears and holding back the flow of the concoction of emotions any further. 
No, his mother wouldn’t want to see him like this. He couldn’t let her be honored like this.
“Einz, zwei, drei, einz, zwei, drei...”
He took a breath with every word, forcing his emotions back and attempting to lock them away, until finally once again he could think somewhat coherently.
It was here he noticed something wet poking his hand.
There was something in front of him.
A dog.
A medium-large dog with pointy, perky ears and snout; a magnificent, beautiful coal-black Fernirhund, its bright, intelligent eyes a rare violet. 
He didn’t notice it before in his panic, but now the dominant emotion in his mind was confusion.
As he sniffled, the dog nudged him again with its nose, looking up at him with its soulful eyes.
“...A dog?”
The dog stared at him back.
Ludwig’s mind immediately jumped back to the beginning of the year.
I hope Mutter will answer my letters soon.
“Are… are you from my Mutter?”
Immediately, he embraced the dog, making it yelp, crying into its fur.
“It’s adorable! I love it Mutter! Thank you!”
It let him cry into its fur, as the boy’s short arms wrapped around it in the first living thing it had embraced, nay, touched, in years.
He was actually holding something living. Oh, it had been so long. Oh so long.
He had almost forgotten what it felt like to hold life in his arms, to feel its warmth, to feel its gentle rising and falling, to hear the subtle sounds of another’s breath in his ears.
For the first time in years, despite the unforgiving cold of the winter morning air, warmth reached Ludwig’s heart, happiness brewing with and overpowering now subdued despair and rage.
<Sure… Whatever makes you happy, kid.>
“Oy vey… I was too late again.
...This world is fucked.”
Ludwig put a saucer of stew in front of the dog, which surely enough it soon started lapping up.
“It’s good right? What should I call you… I’ll have to give you a name.”
He stared at the dog, deep in thought.
“Oh, I know… Schwarzchen!”
The dog looked at him.
“You like it? Then Schwarzchen it is!”
<...I didn’t say anything. ’Blackie’? You cannot be serious.>
That night was different from usual.
Ludwig nestled his head in Schwarzchen’s fur, holding onto him like a stuffed animal, running his fingers through his soft coat. It had seemed reluctant at first, clearly not used to such close contact but as Ludwig begged it to stay, as if it understood him, it decided to stay with him. 
The dog’s breathing neutralized the deafening silence he had gotten so used to, its warmth protecting his small body from the frosty air.
It was like heaven.
Oh, he almost forgot something.
He took his mother’s necklace from his bedside table, putting it around the dog’s neck like a collar.
“There. Perfect. It suits you.”
He barked.
“Good night, Schwarzchen.”
That night, sleep came to Ludwig easier than usual, as he was surrounded by his new companion’s soft breathing and warm fur.
“Hallo. Kid. Wake up.”
Ludwig awoke, his eyes fluttering open.
Once his eyes focused, he almost yelped in shock.
He was somewhere he didn’t recognize, some formless void; Schwarzchen was nowhere to be seen, nor were the walls of his cabin or even his forest, all that remained was his bed.
In front of him was a man clad in what seemed to be a long white lab coat and some type of mantle, or at least Ludwig assumed, his clothing style almost resembling that in illustrations in one of his novels, ostensibly chronicling ancient legends; but not just any man. 
A man who looked almost exactly like how one would imagine Ludwig would look like when he was older, save for his unnatural purple, almost magenta eyes that shined with a calculating glint, a scar under his left.
“H… hallo?”
“Don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt you.”
“I… Who are you?”
The man smiled at him softly; despite his harsh features, it calmed some of Ludwig’s nerves, just a little.
“That isn’t important. But you’re lonely, right? And it’s causing you pain, yes?”
His voice was deep; much lower than Arendt’s, the only other reference he had for an adult man, surprising Ludwig a bit.
The boy nodded.
The man dug into one of his pockets, taking out a key.
“Here. I’ll be your friend; all you have to do is take the other end of this key, and you won’t feel any of that loneliness and pain any more…”
Tentatively, Ludwig took it.
The boy gasped as he suddenly felt something overwhelming and indescribable other than energy blitz between him and the strange man through the key; it was painless, in fact almost manic energy, bright lights flashing in his vision.
Ludwig woke up.
The boy laid there, his eyes wide, his mind mulling over what he had just seen.
“A dream… it was a dream… Who was that man?”
He turned, and there Schwarzchen was. 
“Never mind… Good morning, Schwarzchen.”
<Are you really going with that name?>
Ludwig blinked.
“...Did you just…”
<I thought children were supposed to be creative?>
Ludwig’s eyes widened. He held his head; it seemed to be coming from within his head, like a thought, instead of from his ears.
“...Schwarzchen? Is that you?”
<Yes, this is the dog. And I have a name.>
Ludwig took a few seconds to process the information.
“...What? ...Mein Gott, I’ve really gone crazy…”
<No. This is real. I’m speaking to you through something called telepathy. Speaking to you through your mind. I could explain all the intricate details but it would probably short-circuit your child brain.>
“I know what it is. But it’s just like in the stories! Wow! I didn’t know they really happened!”
<Well you could say that.>
Ludwig sat up on the side of his bed.
“You keep insulting my naming sense. So what is your name?”
“Schwarzchen” looked him directly in the eyes.
<Well, well, it’s the same as yours, funnily enough. Ludwig.>
“We have the same name? What a coincidence.”
 <But I know that is confusing. Just call me Lutz. That is what everyone calls me.>
“Alright… Lutz it is. ...I liked ‘Schwarzchen’ though.”
<...Whatever, kid.>
Like that, Ludwig and Lutz became friends. 
His 10th birthday had been the best birthday he had in years, even if it was just the two of them.
Over time, Lutz taught the boy how to use telepathy; and without him saying a word, he became a third hand to him.
...Sometimes. Other times, the dog merely yawned, telling him to “Do it on his own.”
Ludwig wondered if all dogs were like this. But even then, he didn’t mind. Even if Lutz was a cold, snarky jerk sometimes, it didn’t matter.
Every day, they ate together, went hunting together, bathed together, and at the end of the day slept together.
He could almost forget his loneliness, and the fact that his mother would never return.
As Ludwig braced himself on his bed, he once again counted his breaths. 
The wrath he felt that day; it was coming back. From within, it seemed to spread to his entire body, to the point it was unbearable. 
He would never forget that pain. He couldn’t. But mindless rage was for the foolish. 
He wouldn’t forget. But he would remember, silently. 
When he looked to Lutz, Lutz didn’t seem afraid at all. He merely stared at him with those violet eyes. 
Ludwig embraced Lutz, not letting go. 
Lutz stared at the young boy as he slept, his chest rising and falling.
<How cute.>
It was easy.
A bit too easy.
What did he expect from a child though.
<Still, would have liked a bit more of a challenge.
Oh well. Sleep tight, kid.
...Though why do you have to use me as a pillow?>
Over the next year, Ludwig grew. Now on the cusp of puberty, he became stronger, he could run faster and further, and he could shoot with more and more accuracy.
On the morning of his 11th birthday, Lutz presented him with a query.
“Huh? What is it, Lutz?”
<Now that you know that your mother isn’t coming home…>
Ludwig froze.
<Don’t cry on me.>
“I wasn’t going to”
<Yes, yes. In anyway, since you know you mother isn’t coming home, what’s the point staying in this place anymore?>
The boy pondered it.
<I’m a dog and even I think it’s pointless waiting for someone if they’re clearly dead. Well maybe I’m not the one to talk here.>
He was right.
“But… This is all I have ever known.”
<Don’t worry about it. You’re smart. I think. You should find out what to do soon enough.>
“...Jawohl. I don’t know what my purpose is being here forever too… It’s not like this place will disappear either. And it’s not what Mutter would want me to do. ...We’re leaving tonight.”
Ludwig opened his drawer.
There it was; the notice he had torn up all those years ago. 
Why did he still have it? 
Just so he would never forget, probably.
Ludwig sealed the notice into a pouch before the rage became too much to bear, stuffing it into his bag, going to fetch his clothing. He had a sailor suit saved up for “special occasions”; he hoped he hadn’t outgrown it already. 
Ludwig looked behind his back one last time to the small cabin, the cornflowers, the trees he had known for his entire 11 years of living. 
It felt so odd to know he would be away from it. 
He quickly ran back, Lutz grumbling behind him, and picked a few flowers, pressing them between the pages of a book. 
<Are you done now?>
“Jawohl. Coming, coming!”
When Ludwig entered the capital, the little truly important belongings he had on his and Lutz’s backs, he was in awe.
It bustled with energy, with people, rickety, clanking automobiles and trolleys spewing steam or smoke that made him cough if he went to close, radio commercials resounding through the air, as well as delicious smells the likes of which he hadn’t known in years, some never before, but mixed in with the inexplicable smell of whatever was coming out of the automobiles. 
Ludwig wasn’t quite sure whether he liked it or disliked it, but most accurately he would describe it as a strange mix of the two; but more than anything, everything was so new.
He marveled at the sight of a trolley passing by, when he heard honking behind him. 
“Get out of the way brat!”
Ludwig stepped back, hopping back to the sidewalk, and an automobile clunked on, its driver looking at him irritated.
But its movements fascinated him, how the machine seemed to move magically, how it seemed to have a life of its own.
“...Where should I even start?”
<Well? Do you have any relatives?>
“Not that I know of.”
Lutz pointed in the direction of some other children, in a way much like how a pointer or setter dog would.
<You could try living on the streets like them for a few days. See where it gets you.>
Ludwig sighed. He may as well. 
“Shoo! Shoo!”
“No money? We aren’t a charity, sorry.”
“Outta the way!”
Ludwig slept in an alley that night, huddled in his old blanket, snuggling against Lutz, who had gotten used to the close contact years ago. 
He was so tired. He just remembered he hadn’t slept for an entire day, and it was finally catching up to him. 
He had gotten some attention due to being cleaner-looking than the rest, though Lutz was far more charming in their eyes. But more often than not, the overwhelming message in the air was clear; he wasn’t welcome here. 
Lutz looked up. 
<What is it, kid?>
“Why didn’t you tell me I needed money for everything?”
<Didn’t you read about it?>
“I didn’t know it was this necessary.”
<I can’t hold your hand all the time.>
<...What now?>
“There’s so many people here. But I still feel so alone.”
<Well at least you got some to get through the night. Don’t be choosy.>
“Jawohl… Good night.”
Seeing no reason not to, Ludwig had decided to explore the city a bit more the next morning, after having helped himself and Lutz to a piece of bread and some beef jerky he had bought, plus the miscellaneous items he had been given the day before.  
After a long while of walking, taking in the different sights, from the historical landmarks and building to new projects, some even in the midst of being built, neatly separated or together, working in at times harmonious and at times chaotic tandem. Every so often he saw stray animals run about. After some time he started to see schoolchildren, some about his age, run to school with their friends, adults dressed in suits on their way to work. 
Until, Ludwig started to feel the air change. 
It felt somewhat... sticky? The breeze seemed stronger. And inexplicably salty. 
For he had reached the city harbor. Birds, they were called seagulls he believed, cawed above. Fishermen had far since left the dock, and in the distance, trade ships were being loaded to go who knows where. And they were floating on a vast, open field of water, water, nothing but water.
“Lutz... is this...”
<The ocean? What, you don’t even know what the ocean is?>
He had heard his mother’s stories about the ocean; while she had never been a woman of the seas per se, she was in the army, not the navy after all, he had heard her describe growing up near it. It was odd thinking that she, too, had been a child once like him.
This ocean was to her like the forest was to him, quite possibly.
She had also spoken about a rumor; a rumor that a wish put into a bottle and cast into the sea would, eventually, be granted. She had dismissed it as childish of course. And she did say that she much preferred the land after growing up.
Though according to Onkel Arendt, she would at times, despite this, just go to her childhood home, staring out into the eternal ocean.  
He wondered what she had thought as her red eyes stared out into the distant horizon, the salty breeze flowing through her silver-white hair.
It was strange, imagining his mother like that. The sea was so free, almost careless; the complete opposite of her. But maybe that was exactly what drew her to it.
Ludwig started running along the dock, letting Lutz chase him, the briny wind rushing past him and through his hair. People had started to come to swim, and the city was starting to fully come to life. 
Even if life was hard, at least he had some way of entertaining himself when everything was so brand new. 
One day, a duo of teenagers spotted Ludwig.
And being the thugs they were, Ludwig suddenly found himself in confrontation with two kids much larger, older, and stronger than he; even if Ludwig was tougher than most 11-year-olds, these two seemed to be about 14 at least, if not, and probably, 15.
“Hey street rat, where’s your mutti?!”
Ludwig tried not to pay them any heed, even if he bristled at the rude words. 
“...What business do you have with me?”
The shorter one grabbed him by the collar. 
“I asked you a question, shorty!”
After the initial shock and fear, Ludwig felt a flash of anger. His fists clenched as he tried to struggle his way out. And worst of all was that he couldn’t do anything. 
<Kid. Listen.>
<Listen to me. Tell me to “Intimidate”. Now. Don’t ask questions.>
“Of course! ...Intimidate, Lutz!”
Ludwig stood there, dumbfounded at what he had just witnessed, as the teenagers ran away, screaming “DEMON DOG! DEMON DOG!”.
And there Lutz was, looking terribly bored, as if nothing had happened. 
“How… how…”
<I’m a Very Amazing Dog, you could say.>
A week passed; Ludwig counted, as he always valued timekeeping, no matter what. The other street children left him alone, eyeing him strangely. Occasionally, he heard extortionists threatening some unfortunate soul. 
That was when, however, Lutz told him something vital. 
<Hey. Have you ever considered asking the police if you have any relatives?>
Ludwig looked at the dog, puzzled.
Lutz pointed at a building.
<There. It says “POLIZEI”. Can’t you read?>
“...Why? Won’t they throw me in jail or something?”
<Actually they have records too. They might have your mother’s family on file.> 
Lutz looked up to see Ludwig’s dumbfounded face staring back at him. 
“...Why didn’t you tell me that, you mutt?!”
<Thought it would be interesting to observe you. Also don’t be too loud. Everyone will think you’re a crazy person. 
Ludwig took a look around, and indeed there were some passerbys staring at him. 
Ludwig loudly sighed, his palm on his face. 
“...Fine. Thanks anyway.”
“Your name?”
“Ludwig Beilshmidt.”
The officers looked at him for a few seconds.
“...As in Julia Beilshmidt? General Julia Beilshmidt?”
They were in shock.
“...Excuse me? Is something wrong?”
“Erm… We apologize. Ja.”
“Do I have any relatives? I need some place to stay.”
“...Ja. We will search immediately. Please wait here. But it may take a while.”
“Hallo? Is this the police? Why must you be calling?”
“Well, you see, sir… It appears that a relative of yours has suddenly shown up out of nowhere. ...He claims to be Beilshmidt’s son.”
“...Mein Gott. Julchen did say she had a son… I knew she wasn’t the type who should be able to take care of a child. I will be there as soon as I can.”
<This is boring.>
“I know, Lutz. Shut up.”
Lutz yawned.
“He should be here soon-”
It was then that the door to the police station opened with just enough force to be noticeable without slamming. 
Standing there was a dark brown-haired gentleman with a large, curly cowlick, probably in his thirties, most likely affluent from his clothing.
“Excuse me, I hear there was someone waiting for me here?”
Ludwig stood up, and their eyes met.
“Hallo. ...You are Ludwig?”
He adjusted his glasses, then his tie.
He looked him over.
“Ah, I can see some of the resemblance. Though you’re actually somewhat adorable, unlike her.”
“...Is that an insult against her?”
Realizing his mistake, the man cleared his throat.
“Ah, sorry.”
He outstretched his hand.
“I am Herr Roderich Edelmann. Your mother’s cousin. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard about you, but it is nice being able to see you with my own two eyes.”
Ludwig took the hand, shaking it. 
“Ludwig Beilshmidt. Nice to meet you, Sir.”
Then, suddenly, Roderich’s formal facade dropped and he pulled the boy into a hug.
“You’re so precious! You may call me Onkel Roderich! Don’t worry, we will take great care of you!”
Lutz looked on in amusement as Ludwig’s cries of shock became muffled in the man’s chest. 
Ludwig was flabbergasted. It had been so long since he had been hugged. He only could relive them in his memories, and they weren’t frequent, but here he was, feeling it yet again, surrounded by warmth; he didn’t know how to process it. 
But if there was one emotion he was certain about as the man smoothed his hair and cooed over him, it was that he felt loved.
Ludwig held on tightly as the automobile rocked around them. Roderich didn’t seem to mind it whatsoever, but Ludwig had only heard of an automobile once, and had seen, much less ridden, none. Roderich was happy to make him comfortable next to him though, warning him whenever a bump or “pothole” was coming up. 
“I forgot to ask… what is that dog doing with you? A purebred Fenrir no less?”
Lutz was lazily sprawled out in the back seat behind them, his ears pricking somewhat at the mention of him. 
“Oh, that’s Lutz.”
“...Lutz? As in…”
Roderich looked puzzled. 
“Erm… Mutter named him.”
Roderich huffed.
“Ah, Julchen, of course…”
“He was my last Sancbruma present from her before she died.”
Roderich quieted for a few seconds.
“Oh… I see. We will accommodate him too. Do not worry. ...Also, no need to ‘jawohl’ around me.”
“Jawo… ja.”
Onkel Roderich was a renowned musician; he was a master of many instruments and even knew how to compose, but his main forte was the piano. He was sought after for his talents across the land.  
And he had the house to show it as well. 
“Welcome to your new home, Ludwig.”
Ludwig took it all in; the house was already larger than average compared to others in town, and as a boy who had grown up in a small log cabin all his life, it seemed especially enormous. 
A woman with long, light brown hair came up to them, looking from Roderich to Ludwig. 
“Ah, Erzsébet! This is my nephew, Ludwig. He will be staying with us from now on.”
Roderich bent his knees so he was at Ludwig’s level. 
“Ludwig, this is Erzsébet, my wife.”
“H… hallo. Nice to meet you, Tante Erzsébet.”
Ludwig outstretched his hand. 
The woman merely eyed him for a few seconds.
“Hallo. I guess.”
She said, gruffly, with a distinctly foreign accent.
Roderich sighed. 
“Erzsébet, why do you have to be like this?”
“Why do we have to take in this ratty-looking kid?”
Ludwig scowled. 
Roderich held Ludwig closer, glaring at her. 
“Erzsébet! He’s a child! Have you no heart?!”
“Fine, fine.”
She shook his hand, roughly. 
“But the dog is cute though. And wow, a Fenrir?! Hallo, come here!”
Lutz merely yawned. 
Ludwig couldn’t help but snicker as an unamused frown crept across Erzsébet’s face. 
“...Whatever. Make yourself at home I guess.”
She walked off. 
“Prepare the bath and extra room for the boy! Come on now!”
Roderich commanded, and soon after servants bowed and quickly ran upstairs in single file. 
“Don’t mind my wife. She wasn’t exactly enthusiastic to hear from you. But she will warm up to you eventually. Though… you are in need of new clothes, aren’t you?”
He gave the boy a once-over, making Ludwig look down to his old, beaten-up and washed out child-sized military uniform. 
“Sadly, we do not have any clothes your size as of now. I will have a servant hire the tailor immediately. Meanwhile I will order them to wash what you have now.”
<He’s awfully happy to see you, isn’t he?>
“Ja… he seems like a nice person.”
That might, Ludwig had the best dinner he had ever had. 
He could only marvel at the dishes in front of him; even those he had heard of before looked so refined. And there was so much of it! The variety of bread available was amazing.
But he couldn’t let himself forget his discipline. Even if it took all his willpower not to start gorging himself on everything like he had been possessed by some demon of gluttony. 
“Onkel, what is this?”
“A chocolate torte, you see. A type of cake.”
Ludwig remembered actually having a cake a grand total of once. He still remembered its sweetness so well and it was probably the best thing he ever had eaten. And then there were two other things he had only read about before. 
...And Lutz seemed unusually interested in it.
He couldn’t blame him though, it’s aroma was mesmerizing to Ludwig’s senses.
“Chocolate? Is that what the brown is?”
“You have never had chocolate before?! Mein Gott, Julchen, What have you done?”
Ludwig was quick to take a bite, and he froze. 
The mellow, deep sweetness melted on his tongue, spreading throughout his mouth in such an indescribably perfect way, a tinge of bitterness within that instead of detracting from the experience, somehow harmonized with the sweetness in such a heavenly way. 
“...It’s amazing.”
Roderich seemed somewhat amused by how floored the boy was. 
“Even your mother was quite a fan.”
<Hey, hey. Kid.>
Ludwig was surprised by the unusual agitation in Lutz’s thoughts. He didn’t think he had ever heard anything like it before. 
“Lutz? What is-“
<I need it. Now. Don’t ask questions!>
Ludwig almost panicked, giving a piece to the impatient dog. 
“I… erm… It was unfair to have it to myself!”
“...Wasn’t chocolate poisonous to dogs?”
Erzsébet questioned. 
“Wait wha-“
<Don’t worry. ... Ahh, bliss...>
Ludwig smiled nervously. 
“He’ll be fine.”
The couple just stared, confused. 
“Trust me! I know him well. ...Can I have more? Please?”
His face absolutely lit up at that, and in the corner of his vision Ludwig saw quite possibly the most genuine expression of joy he had seen from Lutz in all the time he knew him. 
“Why’s it that everyone in your family loves chocolate so much?”
Erzsébet asked as her husband took another piece. 
“Why don’t you is the better question.”
“...Actually, yup, you two definitely are related. Leave some for me though!”
Roderich doted on the boy; he made sure he had the nicest clothes and the nicest food that he could afford. 
He had made sure the room was in absolute best condition, that his pillows were always fluffed and bed always made, even if Ludwig insisted he wanted to do it on his own. 
He taught him everything about the basics of civilization, how to read more complex sentences, how to play the piano and the violin, even how to dance. He took him with him to work, across the city and sometimes even country to places he had at best read about and to meet so many new people.
His next Sanctbruma and 12th birthday were the most extravagant he had ever had. 
Yet something was missing. 
Despite the man’s kindness, he felt something wasn’t right. Ludwig couldn’t put a finger on what, and he felt awful about it to be sure; he did so much for him, what more could a boy ask for?
But yet…
Sure, Erzsébet never completely warmed up to him; even if she wasn’t as cold to him, according to Lutz she was merely tolerating him. And the same was true for many of the servants. 
But that didn’t change the fact that Roderich himself was nothing but loving towards him. Even if he had curfews and other such rules, he never had trouble with rules. His mother raised him to obey rules. And while he was often busy, he still tried his best to spend time with him.
Finally, he actually had someone who resembled a parent after all those years. He should have been thankful. 
But he wasn’t doing anything wrong. 
Someone had to be doing something wrong. 
At times, he still lay awake at night, those lonely days and nights and that fateful Sanctbruma playing back in his mind; as well as the accompanying emotions of pure hatred and wrath. 
Once, Roderich has entered the room at an inopportune time to Ludwig curled up in his bed, seething, growling at him to leave him alone. 
While he didn’t say anything about it at dinner, it was obvious he was disturbed by it. 
“...Lutz. Why can’t I be happy? I still feel alone, but I don’t even know why.”
<Maybe you’ve been alone for too long. You’re past the point of return, kid. Maybe you should come to peace with it.>
“At least I have you.”
“Ja, Onkel Roderich?”
The man sighed.
“It has been over a year since you started living with us. What is it with your standoffish behavior? Is something wrong? I will listen to it.”
“...I just can’t, Onkel.”
“Excuse me?”
“I… Something just doesn’t feel right. I don’t know why.”
The man looked so disappointed.
“I try my best to make you happy, Ludwig. I really do. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to satisfy your needs.”
“Nein. It isn’t that.”
Roderich shook his head.
“As I was saying… the chords for this piece are…”
Ludwig continued to do his practice drills whenever possible, even if they had taken a different shape; makeshift targets became proper shooting galleries, improvised exercises became possible using an open space between buildings and proper equipment. And as he grew more and more by the day, his physical abilities took leaps and bounds above what he had been capable of before. He just wished he could go more than weekly. At first, Roderich objected, but it didn’t take long for him to cave in. 
After all, he had to keep himself in shape, especially as he now had access to all the candy and chocolate that could be plausibly afforded. 
After a while, Roderich started to continuously try to ask him to consider other options in this weekly time slot. He was never too forceful, however. And after a while, as Ludwig expressed his clear annoyance, it finally ceased just as it had begun. 
There was another episode that irked Ludwig.
One night, as he went to get a glass of water, he had seen Roderich, seemingly sneaking away from his room. 
The man bristled as soon as he turned on the lights. 
“Erm… Ludwig, I didn’t expect you to be awake..
Then, Ludwig saw it. 
In his hands was his mother’s necklace. 
“...What are you doing with Mutter’s necklace?”
He immediately stuffed it inside his pocket and turned around, a fake smile on his face. 
“What necklace, my dear Ludwig?”
“I know you’re hiding it.”
The man sighed, taking it back out again. 
“I… I wanted to put it in a place it will be safer in.”
Ludwig tried not to grill him further, even as he felt something fueled by doubt start to boil within him. 
“I’m sure it will be safe with me. It’s been so for all the years I’ve had it. Can I have it back now?”
Ludwig swiftly took it back, going down to get his glass. He really needed one. 
“You could tell a servant to get it for you?”
“No. I prefer to do it on my own.”
When Ludwig had returned to his room, he had quite the things to say to Lutz. 
“Lutz. Why did you let him take it?”
<I was sleepy, kid. Why do you care about that thing so much?>
“It’s from Mutter. You should know. ...Lutz. If anything, protect this with your life.”
<Oh come on now.>
“I’m serious. It’ll be the last thing I ask of you.”
<Alright, alright. Whatever.>
“You aren’t sincere, are you?”
<What do you want from me? Good night.>
One day, as Ludwig overheard some servants speaking to each other in hushed voices, glancing at him every so often. 
He was able to catch two things; “Miss Erzsébet” and “barren”.
He wasn’t exactly sure what that meant. But for whatever reason he didn’t like the sound of it. 
That night, after some shouting, once again Roderich stormed out of the master bedroom, telling Erzsébet to “Get a hold of yourself already, you indecipherable woman!”, to his own separate room, as Erzsébet shouted some words back that sounded really angry and probably inappropriate. 
<There goes the lovely couple.>
Lutz thought, as Ludwig tried to sleep. Lutz, meanwhile, had no trouble. 
13-year-old Ludwig stood outside of the bar, alongside Lutz, as always, and other members of his gang. 
It was in a seedy, rough part of town. And it was where their rival gang frequented most often. 
It wasn’t the most well-to-do of bars, to say the least; as soon as they entered, the air smelt pungently of alcohol, and ambiently of various nasties. 
<Ergh. Try coming here as a dog.>
They immediately saw their target; the offending gang’s leader. 
Their leader went up to confront her rival, fists clearly ready to fly. 
“Hey! We know ya killed him!”
The rival boss said, with a cheeky grin. 
“Ya know who!”
The two continued to escalate their argument, until they became close to blows.
“Enough yammerin’! Get ‘em, boys n’ girls!”
Suddenly, they were grabbed by the rival gang bangers, including Ludwig, who held back a yelp. 
“We didn’t kill one of yer ratpack, asshole! Now get out or we’re gonna force ya out!”
“...You better tell us.”
Ludwig said, tersely, utilizing his now lowering voice and copying his mother’s tone. 
The rival boss laughed.
“Or what, kid? What are ya gonna do, huh? Man your recruiting standards have gone down!”
His boss smirked. 
“Ya better listen to the kid.”
“Or what?”
They laughed uproariously. 
“Lutz. Restrain.”
Their laughing instantly stopped, their faces going sheet white, all the other bar patrons, the bartender, and staff turning to gawk. 
For they bore witness to the gang boss being pinned down, on the floor, between the claws of a giant, terrifying hellhound, its eyes glowing, its fangs bared, its breath in the unfortunate gangster’s terrified face. 
Ludwig walked up to the rival boss with measured steps, the gangsters holding him having let go out of sheer terror, the thumping of his feet the only sounds other than his companion’s breathing and the squeaks and sputtering from bystanders and rival gangsters, and pulled out his old pistol, aiming it at the thug’s head, glaring daggers so sharp that they could gouge eyes out. 
Show your enemy no mercy.
Once again, he thought he felt his mother voice in his ear. 
“Tell us the truth.”
The rival boss sputtered, shaking like a leaf, looking awfully smaller than the much younger boy. 
“We… we… d-d-di…”
Ludwig cocked his pistol.
“Speak in a real language!”
The rival boss flinched, and the rest of the rival gang huddled, terrified. 
“W-we didn’t do anything! I-I swear! I swear!”
Ludwig lowered his pistol slightly. 
“J-ja! I swear! I swear by both the Heavenly and Hellish Yards! P-p-please let me go, Sir!”
“...Alright. Lutz, release.”
The dog shrank back down to size, returning to his original, fluffy, cute self. 
His boss grumbled. 
“Whoop. That was pointless. Lud, let’s get outta this dump.”
They turned to leave, the other people in the bar still staring at them. 
Ludwig and his boss turned back to the humiliated rival boss. 
“We might’ve not killed ‘im. But I-I have a good idea who might’ve.”
“So, Lud. Good job today. We’ve got ourselves a lead.”
Their boss patted Ludwig on the head and gave the group a once-over. 
“Ok. You’re all dismissed.”
Ludwig was quick to leave, the others staring after him.
“What’s it with him? I swear, it’s like he doesn’t wanna be associated with us.”
“He said something about a curfew.”
“Really? Kid still follows curfews? What is he, 10?”
When Ludwig came back, Roderich was waiting for him. 
“Onkel Roderich?”
Roderich’s expression was serious and stern. 
“...What have you been doing?”
“What do you mean, Onkel Roderich?”
Roderich held Ludwig’s shoulders. 
“Let me state this plainly.”
He took a deep breath. 
“You’re involved in gang activity, aren’t you?”
 Ludwig was in shock.
Roderich shook his head, his hand on his forehead. 
“Ludwig. I am sure even Julchen taught you to obey rules.”
“I… I don’t want to depend on you for everything. I feel like a leech.”
Roderich was shocked.
“You’re only 13, Ludwig! It is alright! It isn’t worth putting yourself at risk like this!”
“I don’t know how to do anything else.”
Roderich shook his head.
“Don’t say that. You could deliver newspapers, or use those piano skills I taught you-“
“And they’re my friends.”
“Friends?! I care for you, why do you need them?! Do you even know any of their names?!”
“You’re going to get into trouble eventually, young man.”
“I… I know!”
Roderich flinched. 
Ludwig looked down and stormed back into the house, Lutz running behind him, into his room, throwing himself onto his bed. 
“Hmph, teenagers...”
Erzsébet mumbled. 
Roderich opened the door to Ludwig’s room that night, peeking in.
Ludwig couldn’t bare to look him in the eye. 
“I’m sorry.”
Roderich sighed.
“Is it because I’m not Julchen?”
The boy felt a pang of guilt. 
“I’m sorry! I don’t hate you, I’m thankful for what you’ve done, and-”
“I see. Just try to forget about her, alright?”
Ludwig froze. He felt like someone had stabbed his heart. 
“I do so much for you. I give you everything. What was it that she had that I don’t? I’ve been a far better parent than that stone-hearted, cruel, cold-”
<Oh no. You’ve done it now.>
His voice cracked terribly, but he didn’t care. 
Roderich stumbled back, his face pale, horrified. 
“Ludwig… I’m sorry.”
Ludwig buried his face into his pillows. 
“...I’ll tell the servants to bring you dinner. I’m sorry. I really am.”
“Leave me alone!”
“...I’m happy with any path you want to take. Just please stay safe.”
Roderich sighed and closed the door. 
From that day on, Roderich started informing Ludwig of where police may find him, and locations of stations across the city. Anything for his safety, he had said. 
But from that day on Ludwig knew; he knew that his suspicions were true, that all this time he was trying to make him forget about his mother. He couldn’t let that happen. It was only confirmation when he heard him brutally disparage her one night in a drunken stupor during one of his binge-drinking sessions.
Once again, Ludwig could trust no one.
And once again, wrath simmered within him.
Their boss summoned Ludwig and the rest of the gang to a gathering; to sort out their clues, they had said. 
Ludwig was appreciated for his abilities; but outside of the action, he sat somewhat removed from the rest. He couldn’t connect with them much either. 
His mother had despised lawbreakers; “scum”, “rats”, she would call them. If she knew what he was doing now, she would have caned his palms until they were raw and bleeding. She would have told him he was better than this. He never would have imagined he could stoop this low too. After all, he was his mother’s only son. He should have been destined for greatness.
Quite honestly, he didn’t fully understand what he was doing here either. How did he even get here? Was it just a business affair? Were they really his friends? 
Maybe it was because this was the closest thing to military service he could find. Even if it were on the other side of the law. 
A girl a year or so older than him, the second youngest in the gang, came up to him attempting to speak to him. Ludwig hesitated, but in the end continued to be fascinated with the clues they had and Lutz. 
“Hey give up on Herr Stick-In-The-Mud already! Bet he’s never even kissed a girl!”
A gangster said, using the nickname they often used when ribbing him.
“What’s with him? He to good for us?” One of them muttered when Ludwig refused a drink.  
“Ja. Imagine being one of us and caring about drinking ages. Never can understand Herr Stick-In-The-Mud.”
“Ja. Where was he raised, His Majesty’s Elite Imperial Barracks?”
“Hey, hey, did you hear that Boss might have the hots for him too?”
“Why don’t you fuckwits shut the fuck up?” Their boss barked at the last one. “The kid’s basically an infant!”
<You’re the most rule-bound gangster I’ve ever seen.>
“Why do they treat it as a bad thing?”
<You’re the one who joined a street gang, genius. They’ve got different rules.>
Ludwig looked at the bottle of cheap moonshine he had been offered again, sighed, and took a gulp. 
He immediately gagged. 
The last time he’d had booze was when Roderich had allowed him to try beer, and even then he had basically diluted half of it with water and it definitely didn’t taste like... whatever this bottle of horse urine was. 
“Ack! This is awful! ...I did it, are you happy now?”
“That’s the spirit!”
“Doesn’t count! He gagged!”
Ludwig took a deep breath.
“Let’s get back on topic. We are discussing the murder of a fellow comrade. This is no time for inane chatter.”
Finally, the air became solemn.
“Ja, reasonable, I guess…”
“Now, onto the information Scout 2 gathered...”
Ludwig, more than anything, considered himself a logical person. 
He and his mother both despised vagueness. It seemed pointless, really, all the dancing around the true meaning of your words in the name of “politeness”. While apparently many in this part of the continent were considered similarly blunt and practical, it seemed even then he was exceptional. 
So his own emotional turmoil, how he could never seem to explain himself, frustrated him more than anyone else. It angered him. 
But one thing he knew for sure was that he looked forward to stopping by the library on the way home. Thank goodness Roderich had taught him to read to a level more appropriate for his age; it was difficult at first, but he was also fortunately a fast learner. 
He always had taken a fascination with the sciences. They were at first glance unpredictable, but once broken down and observed, logical. They made sense, they were rational. Recently, he started finding them more investing than fiction, in fact. And his new reading skills finally made the higher levels of it beyond simplistic drawings attempting to explain the laws of physics and magic accessible.
Which was why today he sat outside the library in his usual spot, looking through a medical encyclopedia, munching on one of many bars of dark chocolate and a small loaf of bread.
Lutz licked up pieces of chocolate Ludwig had given him, peeking from under him.
<Hereditary Evil Raiser Syndrome.>
Ludwig looked to Lutz in shock. 
<A rare genetic, psychiatric disorder with no known cause. Those afflicted by Hereditary Evil Raiser Syndrome, a Hereditary Evil Raiser, or HER, is said to be at their core an incarnation of malice, "programmed" to destroy the gods, everything they created and everything related to them. Therefore, as a natural prerequisite, they typically show extreme cruelty and having the compulsion to increase their own kind and ensure the continuation of their "mission" to spread malice by any means necessary, taking immense pleasure in doing so. Currently there is no known cure, though in high-functioning individuals it may be managed, and manifest in lesser ways.>
<I have my ways.>
“Though… Hereditary Evil Raiser Syndrome? Who names this stuff?”
<Hey. They probably had their reasons.>
“Why do you care? Did you come up with it?”
<Maybe. Plus, that’s rich coming from the kid who literally named me “Blackie”.>
Ludwig sighed. 
“I... Fine. And wait... are you reading with me?”
<Yeah, I can read. I never told you?>
Ludwig continue to stare at him.
“I... I just didn’t think you would...”
<Turn the page already. I already know this.>
"Maybe you could try reading a novel, Lutz?”
<Don’t care. Why should I care about what you flesh-apes think, much less fake ones? No one in the world knows what I’m thinking anyway.> 
Ludwig closed the encyclopedia. 
“You mean you feel that no one understands you, right?”
Lutz looked up, his ears erect.
His words struck him like a spark of lightning. 
“That makes two of us”
An awkward few moments passed. For once in his life, Lutz had nothing to retort back. 
Why was he so shocked? 
Ludwig blinked, confused. 
“Lutz? What’s wrong?”
Lutz didn’t know what he had just felt. 
“That makes two of us”
It should have meant nothing, coming from this brat. 
But yet...
Whatever. It probably still meant nothing.
“We’ve got our guy! Rich bastard’s not gonna know what hit ‘im.”
Their boss said, confidently, gesturing to an assassin she had bought into their abandoned factory hideout. 
The assassin looked across the crowd of gangsters.
“So. Which one of you brats wants to come?”
“Actually, we’ve got a good clue already for who’s gonna be a good fit for this mission.”
Ludwig waited, anxiously. He would gladly take the job of avenging his fallen comrade, of course. 
Ludwig stood to attention.
“...You’ll be providing nice clothes for us to blend in!”
Ludwig was speechless.
“How… Why?”
<Turns out you aren’t as tough as you thought. Better luck next time, kid.>
But when all had left, he went up to his boss. He needed answers.
“Why am I excluded?”
She looked at him as if he was stupid.
“I don’t think ‘Giant Enemy Dog’ is a viable weapon to use on a cruise ship.”
“But… I can shoot well too! You said I was a great marksman!”
“You’re good. Gotta say that. Still, don’t know about your skills in stealth yet. Can’t risk it. Now, see ya.”
Then, she abruptly cut him off and left.
Three days later, Ludwig and the rest of the gang not chosen for the plot awaited at the dock. 
Soon, they spotted the assassination party, coming towards them. 
One person was clearly missing. 
“Hey! Boss! ...Boss? And where’s...”
Her face was dire.
“Shot dead. ...He spotted us.”
“He saw all our faces. All of you are fucked. We’re all fucked.”
More silence.
Silence immediately gave way to panic.
Ludwig stood, frozen.
“How… Why…”
He clutched his head, overwhelmed.
“But it can’t…”
Emotions swirled inside the boy, overpowering all of his senses, all of his thoughts. 
What was going to happen to him? His friends? 
“No, no, no, nonononononono…”
<You know what to do, kid.>
Suddenly, he bolted. 
Along the harbor, he ran. 
Then, in a burst of emotion and without much thought, as if on instinct, he acted immediately as Lutz took a running leap into the sea. 
He didn’t even bother with the telepathy. 
Everyone could only look on in shock and horror as Lutz became an utter behemoth of a beast, seemingly not completely solid and with a godlike glow, his tail alone twice the size of the ship; to those who were watching from afar, it would have looked as if a demon dog had risen out of the sea itself. 
The ship was no match for the beast. Before anyone could fully comprehend what was going on, the ship had been sunk, every single person on it with it.
Ludwig walked back to the gang, who all stood staring at him, utterly horrified.
Finally, someone broke the silence.
“...Holy shit.”
Another turned to him, their eyes wide.
“...Lud? Did you just…”. 
The boy’s mind was blank. What could he even say?
He had killed all of them. Every single one of them.
But in the end...
“Mission accomplished…?”
“Am I trippin’?”
“Did we just witness a massacre?”
“...What the fuck?”
Ludwig took a deep breath.
“But we accomplished our mission. ...I did what I had to do.”
“Ja, but… Holy shit.”
“In anyway…”
Their boss cleared her throat.
“Let’s… Let’s go with this loot before the cops find out.”
The rest could only muster a “Ja” in unison.
Lutz trotted up to Ludwig, as unbothered as always.
<Just did as I was told. Don’t complain to me. Here.>
In the dog’s jaws was a doll; an eerily faceless, unusual, porcelain-ish doll of indeterminable gender.
<Here. I brought a present.>
“What is…”
<Have it. Since I can’t give you Sancbruma presents, here it is, months early.>
“It’s… it’s probably from a dead child, Lutz!”
<Don’t be ungrateful. Oh, and your buddies are waiting. You should go.>
“...Ja. I did what I had to do. We killed him. That’s all that should matter…”
The news of the shipwreck was all over the radio. They had listened to it in their hideout, huddled around the device. 
“The perpetrator is currently unknown. However, many claim to have heard the voice of a boy or young man scream for the dog to attack…”
When Ludwig came home, Roderich was standing in front of the door, in shock. 
“...It was you wasn’t it?”
Ludwig looked down to his feet. 
“Lutz, specifically…”
Roderich pulled him into a protective embrace. 
“You could have put yourself in so much danger! What if the police find out about you?! Don’t you dare do that again.”
Roderich pulled him in. 
“Now, come in before someone recognizes you.”
Roderich rarely ever let him join the rest of the gang since that day; it was too dangerous, he had said. 
He went out in mostly in a dark hood for a disguise, at times without Lutz, for over the radio, one expert had identified the beast as “a black Fenrir transformed with powerful magic.” 
Later that year, a month before Sancbruma and two months before his 14th birthday, he had heard something unusual. 
<Ludwig… Ludwig…>
Telepathy. But Lutz wasn’t with him; it came from the doll in his bag. 
Ever since that fateful day, Lutz had told him to carry it for some vague reason he couldn’t understand; his alleged simple explanation was “It’s amusing to see you carry around a girly doll like that.”
He took the bag off his back and looked in.
<Someone is after you. You have been found out. You must run.>
“What?! How do you…”
<Do not ask. Please, please run… you must.> 
He slung it back over his shoulder.
He had to get Lutz. Now. 
But by the time he had gotten home, it was too late. 
“No, Sir, he is not here. You will not find him here…”
“There he is!”
Two figures stood with Roderich; two figures he didn’t recognize. 
A tanned, sturdy-looking man in a black suit, probably from the south of the continent, turned his attention away from Roderich, and pointed at Ludwig, gun in hand. 
“Ludwig Beildshmidt! You are under arrest!”
Ludwig’s eyes widened. Emotions and stress once again blitzed through him. 
“Lutz! Restrain! ...Lutz? Lutz?!”
His eyes darted next to the man to the other figure, what Ludwig thought to be a long-haired, somewhat tall foreign woman in eastern attire, her dark, raven hair pulled back into a ponytail; seemingly holding Lutz back without touching the dog, but clearly struggling. 
She shouted, in a foreign accent Ludwig didn’t recognize. 
Ludwig bolted. 
“Don’t you dare, you-“
“Herr Edelmann! Stop, or you will be arrested as well for interfering with police procedure!”
“Don’t touch him!”
The mysterious man finally shoved the weaker-looking man off him and gave chase, but Roderich grappling with him had given him some extra time...
“Ludwig! RUN! RUN!”
But before Ludwig could escape, all of a sudden he was blindsided by a third person, jumping on his back and pinning him down, the boy’s small body no match for the adult. 
“Let me go, LET ME GO!”
That was the last thing he remembered saying before he had been slammed on the back of the head. 
Ludwig blacked out.
To be continued in part 2...
Author’s notes:
So I had to split this thing in half since it became much longer than I expected. Wow this is a monster. You will see the parts listed here after I write them. Parts, because this will have two different routes! Hopefully! Then again it seems like no one read this... 
Also, the scene with the sea is even more ambiguous “canon” in this already ambiguously “canon” story, but I wanted to write it in because I liked it, having seen the idea that Prussia has some kind of connection to the sea before and liking it. I wish I could find it now. I think Alt-Prussia would have grown up with the sea when he was younger, and while he would stay very strictly a land fighter (in fact the Prussian navy was never all that good, being mostly a merchant fleet. Even the German navy, while it did go through a growth period in the 1880s in competition with Britain I believe, by WWII at least their Kriegsmarine kind of sucked. It’s why the invasion of Britain never happened, their navy would have been laughably curbstomped), and I still associate England, Netherlands, or Portugal way more with the ocean, maybe the North Sea has some kind of soothing effect on him. 
Also adorable child!Germany is adorable. Why do I love this kid so much? Why is he so damn cute?!
15 notes · View notes
You’re one of the only Hetalia art blogs still active that I absolutely love! Do you know any more of them?
Actually!!! I spent the past week sitting on this question, but im finally able to compile (most of) i have a bad memory and theres just so many, you see) the hetalia artists ive admired. ill write up a little blurb on each so you can know what to expect
warning, this is super long
I’m going to list my fav Prussia focused artists first:
@theknoflook is SO SO SO good at capturing the worn/rough-round-the-edges Prussia and they’re 100% the BEST at drawing the aged feel of him. They draw a lot of characters with human imperfections, it’s just such a RAW emotion I feel from each drawing.
@maplevogel I’ve admired since I was like,,, 13. You have no idea how much I want to be able to draw like them. Their watercolour illustrations are KICKASS!! They have such a sense of mystical-ness to each piece, everything is so unreal in what they draw it gives me such a sense of calm-ness. Constantly they’re using watercolour to it’s full extent, im EXTREMELY floored and always have been.
@mieudiary is another person ive admired since i was a absolute baby. Their art teeters on anime-realism and their use of lighting, shading and blending is SOOOO GOOD. They’re able to make their characters so real yet overly gorgeous lol. They’ve got the best damn detail in form/muscles (flesh) ive ever seen.
@kisamesfacioplegia is LITERALLY DRAWING RENAISSANCE PAINTINGS OKAY. Their art is always refined and carries the same aura as those huge paintings you find in museums, with extremely good storytelling and illustrations. Best historical prussia and germany on this site imo.
@carnagekiid (i dont know if they do aph anymore but their recent work is JUST AS GOOD) has the cutest modern interpretation of gil and is my fav. i personally am not a fan of like,,, the “ideal” canon prussia, and the way they draw emotion/use of colours (for all their work) with prussia has that like,,, UMMF of character, yknow what i mean??? they focus on ruspru i think but idk lol
Okay those are just the best prussia’s ive seen, heres some more general hetalia artists that focus on other characters
@payadraws is quite possibly my FAVOURITE HETALIA ARTIST???? IF NOT AT LEAST IN THE TOP 3 BC THEIR STUFF IS SO GOOD AND STYLIZED PERFECTLY. their linework is stunning, and colouring has that tone over all of it that harmonizes the whole piece. The way their utilize their style in everything is PERFECt, idk how to use words for it, just take a look. Their austria/switzerland is deadass on-the-money.
@tomato-bird Literally how does one even manage to do this. theyre professional and it fucking SHOWS. Each composition, each stroke of their pen, it shows dude. Their art has like,,, the emotions, the feeling, is really well executed and they have so much attention to detail it blows my fucking mind. like ,,, this gives of hard renaissance level mastery vibes
@paperdrawsshit is SO GOOD at using that like,,,, the form/silhouette of characters. like,, the shapes they use, the flow of each pose, the hands, ALL OF IT SCREAMS PERFECTION. Each drawing has such flow and structure at the same time, and each character has such a pretty fashion sense. Excellent use of lighting and i strive to be as good as them in drawing people
@jackce THIS ARTIST HAS LIKE.,, SUCH A CLEAN CUT ART STYLE ITS GORGEOUS. Each drawing has the smoothest lines and the characters have distinct features. Their prussia, italy and germany styles stand out so much because of the way they draw the noses, jaw, features etc. Like they look like screenshots out of a professional 2d animated feature. Seriously.
@starstray (not sure if they draw hetalia anymore but i need to tell yall about them anyway) has such gorgeous like,,, composition. like if you dug through a collection of paintings from the renaissance you’ll find a few of theirs scattered in their. The use of like,,, linework paired with the way they colour is so perfectly executed. its so balanced im shaking
@amazing-prussia has the cutest, quirkiest style with what they draw. the hair/clothes are so stylized and fluid and i love them so much!! Each drawing looks so quick and perfected, every time I see one of their pruaus doodles i fucking DIE.
@glass-soda has such gorgeous illustrative style. It’s so unique and the way they colour and draw people have this wonderful POP to it. The colours are so balanced and bright, its so SO!!!!!! LOVELY. LIKE,, IDK HOW TO KEEP FROM RAMBLING ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM JUST LOOK.
@ask-risorgimento-italy (ack, dont know their main sorry) Their illustrations are so well done, you can see the thought and practice in each character!! and i love the “realistic” feel to it. I say that about characters who dont have like,,, idk “anime hair”?? but not only the hair, the clothes, the form, the ENVIRONMENT. THIS ARTIST KICKS ASS WITH THEIR ENVIRONMENT BUILDING. LOTS OF DEPTH. ABSOLUTE LEGEND.
@hetapolis !!!!! THEIR ART IS SO CLEAN AND SKETCHY AND BEAUTIFUL. OKAY. Shading/colouring is GORGEOUS. and the way they draw each character to be distinct and have unique features ITS SUPER PROFESH AND LOOKS AMAZIGN!! I admire their style so much yall got no idea
@thedisappointedidealist12 has REALLY GOOD LINEWORK/STORYTELLING. LIKE WOW. Every time i see something theyve drawn im shaking bc the pacing and execution is AMAZING. Everything about the way their art looks is super balanced and you can see the exact emotion each character is expressing.
@captainjellyroll OKAY. THIS PERSON. LEMME TELL U BOUT THIS. FIRST OF ALL. THIS IS ONE OF MY FAV ANIMATORS. THEYVE BEEN MY IDOL SINCE I WAS 11. Their work has so much energy, colour, and you can see the thought in each composition. I love them so much,,, each drawing has its own burst of energy!!! i want to be able to be like them when im older and live with like 5 cats.
@tea-artblog (they dont draw hetalia much anymore but their recent art is 100% worth looking at) OKAY. YALL. This is one of the people who’s art i looked at constantly when i first joined!! Their art is so like,,,, balanced and has just enough contrast and the colours???? EVERYTHING WORKS SO WELL. The eyes/expressions are SUPER CUTE.
@sully-s ANOTHER ARTIST WHOS STYLE IS ONE OF MY FAVS. It’s super fluid and the colours are perfect!! Each character has their own uniqueness I cant express my love of how perfect their lighting/colouring is. Their illustrations are straight out of a movie art book, its so GORGEOUS. and the environment REALLY has depth!!
@ask-victorian-austrian (dont know their main ack sorry!!), THE LINEWORK IS SO DETAILED AND CLEAN. I love the way they draw clothes/fashion, its all so detailed and gorgeous and you can feel the weight of the cloth and the lace and everything okay???? Seriously I love all their blogs, they have a bunch, and you should check out all of them!
@amoxesyoew HAS SUCH CUTE DRAWINGS!! The style in their characters’ hair is so flowy and the way they draw faces and eyes have this adorable quality to it!! the pureness of the emotions they draw are really prominent and i constantly just DIE because of it! I love love LOVE the gercan they draw too
@arschbiene THE WAY THEY DRAW FACES??? SPOT ON. The colours are SO spot on and i love the POP they give. The shading?/? SPECTACULAR. And each doodle is super cute and like,,,, when people say each drawing has a story behind it?? I FEEL THAT WITH THEIR ART OKAY. HIGHKEY.
@ekinoksin ???? HELLO??? THIS RENAISSANCE VAN GOGH MICHAELANGELO MASTERMIND OF AN ARTIST IS LIKE THE SAME AGE AS ME>????? I just foudn that out. BUT the way their art has so much depth!!!! THE BACKGROUNDS??? THE ENVIRONMENT?? ITs ALL EXTREMELY WELL DONE. And they have this texture to their art that makes it look just like historical paintings its so good!!! Im SHOOK.
@alfredtalia WORM. THeir characters all have structure and expression and everything about it has such like!!! UMFF. The way they draw certain things,, theres minor details!! and you may not notice them!! but they ADD SO MUCH!! Everything feels like it has attention to it, and it is so well balanced!!
@avlerie (again, not sure if they still draw hetalia but their art is really pretty) the way they add texture/detail to their art is SPECTACULAR. The hair???? the bodies??? It seems so structured and well drawn!! THE EYES THO. THE WAY THEY DRAW EYES ARE SO BEAUTIFUL I CANT GET ENOUGH
@elhuesoardiente DUDE IDK HOW THEY COLOUR/DO THEIR SHADING. BUT ITS SO UNIQUE AND GIVES THEIR ART THIS EXTRA LAYER OF DEPTH. The art is so gorgeous with the way they do their lighting, and everything about it has balance and harmony im just shook
@ask-2p-uk no idea how someone can even pull off art like they do. the lines/colours ARE REALLY WELL INCORPORATED to EACH DRAWING. The way they draw expressions?? is so unique??? like i love the hair too, it has this flowy-ness to it!! EVERYTHING about their style is so colourful and pretty and unique i just ghhghghg dont know how to explain it, just LOOK AT IT.
@lucerna-lunam the way their shading is,,, the “mystical”-ness of their art??? ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. IDK How they manage to draw stuff with such like,,,, sparkle to it. But their lighting is really well done, the EYES are so gorgeous! even the way each drawing is textured!! It comes together so perfectly!!
@suckmyicelandick THE WAY THEIR HAIR IS DRAWN??? SUPER SHINY AND GORGEOUS. I love the way their draw their characters, the hands/face/hair is so stylized the second you see their art you just KNOW its drawn by them. The eyes are super detailed and its so pretty im just sobbing i love their style
@aph-lithuania OKAY one of the first hetalia artists ive ever seen when i was new. THEIR ART IS SUPER PRETTY. The colours are really smooth and THE WAY???THEY DRAW BODIES?? THE FIGURES ARE SO WELL PROPORTIONED????!!! Everything about it is so cute!!!
@ask-mr-luxembourg BRUH??? HELLO?? COLOURING, LINEWORK, PROPORTIONS, EVERYTHING IS 10/10. Seriously they way they draw hair has such texture, and the way the bodies are drawn are so good. everything about them!! and the eyes?? DEADASS KILLED ME. Their art has seriously so much detail and i just DIE every time
@ellmovy HOW DOES ONE EVEN MANAGE TO DRAW CHARACTERS AS WELL AS THEM?? Each character has distinct features and like,,, the hair is always stylized and it looks SO GOOD????!!! The amount of detail they put into drawing small things like eyebrows and freckles add so much to the overall piece like WOW
@haeko9page THIS ARTIST. HAS THE CUTEST ART EVER. Their comic strips are seriously so adorable and has really good pacing! Each time they draw comic strips, the frames are so varied and it comes together SUPER WELL. Idk how to explain this, but like,,, the “camera angles” and the way they draw expressions/character interactions go together like peanut butter and jelly!
@kyotemeru-arts (they dont draw hetalia much but i love their art so much) dude the flow?? of the poses their characters have?? the flow of the characters themselves?? SUPER WELL DONE LIKE WOW. Also the way they shade and highlight things  ?? like using more than one colour?? THAT REALLY MAKES THEIR ART POP. I LOVE THE WAY THEY CAN PERFECTLY DRAW FLUIDITY IN THEIR ART.
@frukmerunning GOLLY GEE DO I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY BOUT THEM. Just the way they draw faces, eyes and like,,,, bodies in general,, ITS ALL SO PERFECTLY BALANCED. The way they manage to make sketches look incredibly refined and capture the movement in each drawing???? LIKE IVE ADMIRED THEIR ART FOR SUCH A LONG TIME ITS BEEN 300 YEARS
@miss-ostrich-art BRUH how does one manage to draw ???? like them??? the way their characters’ forms and muscles can be seen but like not overly detailed??? they have the PERFECT amount of detail in each drawing, and the expressions!! the way they draw noses and facial structure and *italian hand gesture* PERFECT.
@maryluis THEIR EXPRESSIONS ARE SUPER DYNAMIC!!! AND THE POSES HAVE SUCH FLOW. Also did i mention the amount of detail they put into minor things?? like WOW. Seriously i think out of this list i like the way they draw expressions the best. Also this might be a weird thing to focus on, but the way theyre able to draw the interior/background/angles of things are INCREDIBLE.
@cioccolatodorima YOOOOOOO THIS IS LIKE THE FIRST ARTIST I SAW WHEN GETTING INTO THE FANDOM. ONE OF THEM AT LEAST. Their non-hetalia work is actually my fav and i want to do just what they do when im older! I love their illustrations, and their way of drawing characters/character design (ginjinka of mr.kitkat are my favs). The way their lighting looks, is SO pretty and the linework is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING. their art blog (not just hetalia) is @rainbow-taishi
@ask-badlydrawnseborga lemme tell yall about a thing. i love how funny their art is, and like,,,,, i know its “badly drawn seborga” but the way the hair flows and the proportions,, everything about it is SO nffhhklahjdj polished. LIKE IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT BC THEYRE SUCH A MEMELORD BUT I GENUINELY HAVE SO MUCH LOVE FOR THEIR SKILLL
@sabrow3 NOT ONLY IS THEIR ILLUSTRATIONS SUPER CUTE, IT HAS GREAT PROPORTIONS AND DEPTH. I love their attention to detail in clothing and historical things, and like,, the line work is AMAZING. Seriously, I want to be able to draw as well as them, its incredible how the amount of work and effort is shown in each drawing.
@buruzaitama !! The way they draw characters has like,,, this level of realism and the way they do their lighting just pushes that to the next level. I don’t know how people can pull off drawing realism yet still make it so unique that i can instantly tell that a piece is drawn by them, but this artist IS SO GOOD AT THAT. LIKE WOW
@inkodoodles Okay their “1 hour drawing challenges”? IM FLOORED ANYONE CAN DRAW THAT IN ONE HOUR. The have such detail and flow and movement in each drawing! And the lighting they have is so soft and calming, it lends itself to each piece REALLY WELL. Whatever emotion each drawing is supposed to give is conveyed to a tee
@heyheyartman BRO the style??? is so fucking UNIQUE AND ICONIC?? And the way they manage to pace comics and storytell is sO GOOD. Like,,, the way they can use shapes for each of their characters is so refined and stylized i love it. Their use of colour seriously KICKS ASS and im floored every time i see their work.
@merasgar their art is so detailed!! and the backgrounds/environments are so soft and gorgeous to look at! I have like,,,, no idea how you can pull off such beautiful hair and eyes in each drawing!! They draw a lot of rochu and like,, the features look so PERFECT for the characters ghhghghg
@yosb ALRIGHT LISTEN UP THIS ARTIST SERIOUSLY HAS ONE OF MY FAV STYLES. It’s so refined and you can see the distinct features of each character. The style isnt realism but the characters FEEL REAL. They have such a perfect way of paying attention to details and putting in proportions/facial features to each character im so amazed and love their work so much
and of course i want to include @paachubelle though theyre working on their own project ( @the-otwya-project ) now, they’re one of my like,,,, friends that i made on this blog through hetalia ask blogs and i figured id like to include them on this list. Idk how people can draw in pencil with such detail and everything but they do it EXPERTLY. The line work is always so clean and the shading is always so well done!!
of course, im very clumsy and forgetful so i know i forgot some names but i cant remember things!! Either way, these are some of my all time favourite iconic hetalia (and non-hetalia) artists!! I want to be able to draw as well as them one day!
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feynavaley · 5 years
I don’t know if anybody remembers the Cinderella AU (inspired by the 2015 movie) I talked about some time ago [x], with Nyo!Canada (Marguerite/Maggie) as Cinderella.
At the time, I wasn’t satisfied with my choice for the Evil Stepmother and the stepsisters. I had a few options, but I wasn’t convinced with them – relying on 2ps as negative characters felt too much like taking the easy way out. 😅
I still don’t think I will write that story and I have other stuff I want to focus on, but I couldn’t help thinking about it, from time to time. And that’s where a much better idea hit me: the evil stepmother could be Nyo!Austria (Anneliese), and the stepsisters, Nyo!Romano (Lavinia) and Nyo!Italy (Felicia).
Now, I actually don’t see any of them as fundamentally evil characters (the only one I might make an exception for is Nyo!Austria, if one abides to Austria’s oldest characterization), but I think that the interesting point would be exactly here: having them perform a similar role, but without being completely 'bad’ characters.
I see Anneliese as a jaded woman. Brought up as a rich woman with impeccable manners, she actually went against the wishes of her family to marry a stableboy, Daniel (Nyo!Hungary). In spite of not being particularly wealthy, they were happy for a while – then, he died, leaving Anneliese with two children and very little money. Anneliese had some moments of intense struggle. By the time she was narrowly able to avoid complete bankrupt by marrying Francis, she was convinced that her family had been right all along – life isn’t a fairytale and real happiness is but a fleeting moment that leaves you even more miserable in the end. What matters most is financial stability, and it’s a fight against other people. In her effort to bring her daughters up as the perfect upper-class women who could score good marriages, Anneliese is extremely cold, stern, and controlling. Lavinia and Felicia are harshly scolded and punished (not physically, though) for any misstep, trapped in the ideal of perfection Anneliese imposes on them. Always in the optic of creating the best future for her daughters, Anneliese sees Maggie as a potential rival to them (even if Maggie isn’t actually more beautiful or overall talented than Felicia and Lavinia. Unlike the stepsisters in the movie, they have about the same possibilities of scoring a good match – but since Maggie’s isn’t lower, she needs to be brought down, in Anneliese’s mind.)
Felicia is a sweet girl. Clearly, she doesn’t like Anneliese’s treatment of Maggie – but, on the other hand, she’s afraid of her mother and the punishments she can inflict, too stunted by the emotional abuse she herself has suffered to think about defeating Anneliese. Feeling unable to change the situation, Felicia tricks herself into believing Maggie’s reassurance that everything is fine and Maggie doesn’t mind the workload imposed on her. I even see Felicia trying to stand up for Maggie, a couple of times, if her mother went too far in front of her, but this would end in harsh scoldings and punishments. Felicia isn’t completely oblivious to Maggie’s situation, but she feels helpless to do anything but small things. She secretly helps Maggie with the dress for the ball, though – and tries to intercede for Maggie when Anneliese tears the aforementioned dress to pieces, instead of helping her mother like the stepsisters in the movie.
As for Lavinia... Romano is bitter and cynical in canon, and Lavinia’s upbringing would only intensify this. Being a few years older than Felicia, she was also able to understand – and remembers more clearly – when they were struggling financially, which doesn’t help. Like her mother, Lavinia is convinced that life is unfair and a struggle, and that her success inevitably means the downfall of somebody else. She doesn’t actively take part in her mother’s abuse of Maggie, but she doesn’t do anything to stop it, either, trying to convince herself that she cannot do anything. She already has to take care of herself and Felicia, after all, there’s no room for ensuring Maggie’s well-being as well. Somebody has to take the fall, and if that somebody happens to be Maggie... it’s sad, but inevitable. There’s no point in feeling bad for it. Except, Lavinia actually does care, for how much she would like not to. For a starter, even if she catches Maggie doing something wrong, she doesn’t report her to Anneliese but pretends she hasn’t noticed. She also intervenes from time to time with gruff (but quite helpful) pieces of advice not to get Maggie in trouble with Anneliese, or, even more rarely, small acts of kindness.
Since I now have Nyo!Russia free, I guess she could cover a role similar to Princess Celina and be the one Arthur wants Alfred to marry. After attending the ball and realizing that Alfred is truly in love with the mysterious girl, however, she steps back and helps Alfred find Maggie instead of pursuing him romantically (it’s not like she was ever in love with him, anyway – it would have been an arranged marriage). They eventually part as friends.
As for the fairies, on which I was undecided on, I actually think I could merge my two ideas: Michelle (Seychelles) is a young fairy Maggie had been kind to, and after witnessing Maggie’s breakdown, she asks for help to three more adult and experienced fairies who prepare Maggie for the ball. I picture Isabel (Nyo!Spain) taking care of the carriage, Marianne (Nyo!France) of the dress, and Julia (Nyo!Prussia) of the animals.
Oh, and Kumajiro is Maggie’s dog.
Okay, I’m done, now. Sorry for the rant. I just wanted to write this down, since it was bugging me so much and I absolutely have no time or energies to actually write this fic. 😅
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mmd-ask-italy · 5 years
The askblog games
So I have 0 places for the hunger games thing, that i will now call the Askblog games. 
For now I will write down everyone who sends a message to me down, here, so you can see if you joined or not.
Also i looked at the generator, i can apparently fill in a name, and nickname, for everyone, so I am gonna make it so, that the name, will be the askblog, and the nickname, the character your askblog is for (unless otherwise specified,) i can also give it icons...if possible i will use the blog icons but i will see
for now these are the participants (if you wanna be removed, or edit the character i listed, send a message i will change it) DOUBLE Characters in the list are allowed i will only specify then who is who
1. @mmd-ask-italy  AS Italy ( MMD)
2. @huggiebird  AS Russia
3. @ask-the-amazing-greenland AS Greenland
4. @ask-badly-drawn-hongkong As Hongkong
5. @ask-belarus-the-useless As Belarus
6. @ask-mother-germania As Mother Germania
7. @askfemboyfeli As Italy (femboy)
8. @the-rebellious-musician As 2p Austria
9. @ask-useless-german AS 2p Germany
10. @ask-mr-germany AS Germany
11. @romemustbestopped As Germania 
12. @grandparomeaskblog AS byzantine
13  @ask-the-icelandic-little  As Iceland
14 @askme-dolce-italia As Italy (dolce)
15 @ask-medieval-nyo-morway AS nyo Norway
16 @askglamorousitalian As 2p Romano
17 @matt-j-williams As 2p Canada
18 @ask-his-flower-and-her-bear As  Britannia and Caledonia
19  @ask-aph-mohawk as Mohawk
20 @ask-avatar-alfred as America
21 @ask-bonnefoy as France
22 @ask-kirkland as England
23 @hungry-for-tulips as Tulip
24 @askthedanishdork as Denmark
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whimpering-hearts · 6 years
A majority of the 2ps are SO BAD, like kidnapping ur S/O??? Hurting them emotionally and physically?? Do they have this deluded idea that their S/O would still love them if they did this??
Ah, perhaps you have been reading some other works?
I know there isn’t much on the new blog, but I reassure you that most of the boys here - 2Ps included - are soft, sweet boys. 
Most every boy on this blog would sooner attempt a normal relationship with you than kidnap you, and those who would kidnap you only do so when pushed to the point where a normal relationship is not possible. And some wouldn’t kidnap you even then.
Regarding emotional and physical harm, there are very few boys who would harm you at all. 
Most of the boys lean toward the Worshipping and/or Protective subtypes of Yandere - the number of Sadistic subtypes I write can be counted on one hand, and honestly I downplay even those types because this is a soft blog. Some of the boys like scaring you, but that’s about as far as most go.
That said, you do have some boys on both the 1P and 2P side who will hurt you if you hurt them first, because no one likes being hit - and even then those boys are small in number. 
The main ones you have to worry about are the Dumpster Fire Trio, which includes:
2P Spain, who suffers from an extreme case of untreated Borderline Personality Disorder, and lashes out against you physically due to untreated trauma and abuse; 
2P France, who suffers from a persistent depressive disorder and lashes out against you physically due to untreated trauma and abuse; and 
2P Rome, who is the primary source of all this trauma, but who (ironically) would never lay a harmful finger on you and treats you like spun gold.
Also, the Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Duo, which includes:
2P South Italy, who presents with sociopathic traits due to his upbringing under 2P Rome, and who plays roughly with his S/Os even without meaning to, and would kill you if you became a little less than convenient, and
2P Austria, who does not have a soul because he traded it to a demon for power, and thus lacks empathy, remorse, and other feelings that keep most people from hurting others. 
Special mention goes out to 2P North Italy, who does his absolute best to never hurt you no matter what, but suffers from dissociative episodes caused by (wait for it) trauma that lead to violent behavior.
But other than these characters, or a perfect storm of all the wrong factors, none of these boys would hurt you.
This is a yandere blog but it is a soft yandere blog - and the 2Ps here are, barring the few exceptions, soft, sweet boys who mean well and have good intentions.
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Yandere 2p Axis please I have brainrot
2p Italy: He has the entire mafia at his side. He will do whatever he wants and if what he wants is you forever and ever than who is going to stop him. Good luck trying to escape ;3
2p Germany: He honestly doesn’t think he is a yandere. Being in love is innocent right? He just loves you sooooo much and wants to have fun and game and workout together and it’s ok if that is all the time, right? And if you stay at his house all the time isn’t that even better? You guys are like a real couple! And dispite yiu saying no and that you want to leave, you don’t really mean that, you just playing. Right?
2p Japan: He is fully aware that he is a yandere. After all the term came from his country. He practically invented it. Also, he doesn’t care what anyone ways, even you. He is a yandere and fully embraces it cause he can.
2p Romano: You are his doll! His previous living lover doll. He loves you so much that he makes all these things for you! You will live in a life of luxury not even though possible. You just have to stay with him forever and ever and never leave him or even think about leaving him in return. 💖
2p Prussia: He knows these feeling are wrong. He know they are, extreme, to say the least. But he can’t help it! He can’t! He just loves you so much and he just want you to see and think only of him! I mean, if he doesn’t take you away then you won’t ever think of him. He is just Gilen and he isn’t special or great or ok or anything really... but even if it hurts him, for him to do wrong, he will do anything to have you live him. Oh he will be crying his way through doing anything, the the thought of you and him forever will push him forward and succeed.
2p Austria: He knew it! He was right! Of course he was right, I mean, was there ever a doubt? But still, nice to say. He knew that making a deal with a devil was the correct way to go about getting you. Plus this way was the most dramatic and fits his aesthetic. It also put that check mark on his bucket list; he did always want to make a deal with a devil but never found anything worth it till now. He knew when he set his eyes on you, you were going to be his, and by the power of his dark magic and the deal with the devil, you never will leave him, even after death.
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2p Switzerland
Name: Hans Zwingli
Age: 20 human, nation 730
Height: 5’5
Weight: 155.5 lbs
Appearance: This man is dressed like a rich man. Nice dress suits, high-end brands, and often wears gold/silver watches. His suits are black or a dark navy and are cleanly pressed. At the end of each sleeve, there are diamond cufflinks. He wears bright-colored ties, his favorite being one that looks like his flag. Other ties will follow the seasons and various holidays, and during the times in between holidays, they will be bright almost neon in color.
Though in times of wearing a uniform, it's maroon rather than the green his 1p wears. Though he leaves his overcoat unbuttoned and it shows off the white shirt that is often underneath. Though when he must appear in more causal wear it is sweaters and slacks. He feels that the combo of sweaters and slacks is very comforting and makes him appear more friendly.
He does wear a cross, but it is often tucked under his shirt to protect it. A gift from his sister if you will.
Hans has gentle-looking orange eyes. They look like a pool of melted sherbet ice cream that you could just sink into. It helps that Hans has a big shining smile that creates this look of pure gentleness. His rounded features and delicate movements give the assumption to many that he is an angel. In the right lighting, his light skin seems to glow and turns his blond hair into some kind of halo.
Personality: This angel is actually a demon dressed in white. He is very gentle with everyone, though if you look closely you can see that there are moments where his smile is a little wide or his eyes are hiding shards of ice within their sherbety sweetness. Hans has been known to look like he is hiding his distraught feelings when things aren’t going his way, but it's just an act to keep his pawns in line.
Switzerland is possessive. How else would he get his massive wealth? He figured out what type of businesses were becoming popular and invested. Though each investment came at a cost of him taking a part of the company. He will fight viciously to maintain what he already owns and for what he could possibly possess.  This includes the people in his life, as long as they are his, he wants them happy and to keep them.
SHOPPING!! Hans loves to shop, I mean what else is he gonna do with all this money. Also, that means more stuff for him to own. Sadly enough it is one of the main fights between him and his 1p, because of a thing called a budget. Hans doesn’t understand them. If you have money just use it to make you happy.
Dead: I’m too rich to die. -Hans
Weapon: His wealth, though Lichtenstein has forced him to carry a baton.
Family:  Germania, Lichtenstein, Germany, Austria, Prussia
ETC: He does not like weapons. If he needs dirty work done he will either ask Lichtenstein to do it or just pay someone else to do it. He finds it easier to just use his money and get things done.
Hans is a bit of a hoarder. He has three houses, and two out of the three are full of stuff. Both are huge and are set up in such a way that they can display items that he has kept throughout the centuries.  Many are worth millions now, but he would rather not part with them.
He is the one that keeps their father’s, Germania, house in their family’s name. He pays the mortgage and such. He knows that it makes his siblings happy so he is more than willing to do so.
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