#Prague 2019
I know I have already said it many times and I know I used it often but, I love so much this gif, it's my favorite gif and it will be always my favorite
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It's the definition of laughing to not crying or laughing is better than crying
This gif comes from the football world, during champions league draw, these men are the staff of Slavia Prague and the one in the middle just can't stop laughing because his team was chosen in a group with Inter Dortmund and Barça, 3 teams way better and stronger than Prague, so I just start laughing...
You know that feeling when you already know it's the end, you can't win and you can't do anything about it, just accept the reality and laugh about it
And for these reasons I love so much this moment, this gif, this man, they'll be for ever in my heart, he is so real, so human, so honest lol, and when he starts laughing, the other men near him then feel the same and laugh too even if they try to resist but they just can't and that's the neat part.
When I use this gif in a post, I always spend 5 min just to look at the gif itself, I don't know if I'm weird or not but it gives good vibes and makes me smile too
I feel like this is part of football world too, this is also about passion, about small teams dreams, they got the worst group and they just laughed about it, I promise I'll try to not make again another post to talk about this gif 😂, I just would like to share to anyone reading this post, the emotions I feel every time I look at it
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leatheredgirls · 3 months
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Czech Fashion Model & Blogger: D.E.N.I_C (@d.e.n.i_c)
Location: Prague, october 2019.
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xenie-poldaufova · 1 year
Sketchbook 2019-2021
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notsosaucystuff · 3 months
Some important phannie vocabulary and phrases (in alphabetical order):
Delia Smith
Uma Thurman
All or nothing
Art is important
Breaking the sound barrier
Companions through life
Dip and Pip
Don't cry, craft
Do you know what a genre is?
Editing tips
"Embrace the void and have the courage to exist"
Forever home/Phorever home
Girl in Prague
Heart eyes Howell
Hello, my name is {Dan}
Help me Dad
Hey buddy
Hobbit hair
It hits different
Love eyes Lester
Lying makes you go to hell
Passenger Princess
Phil trash #1
Reasons why Dan's a fail (yay)
Right in the Florida
Soft and neat
Something something night changes
Square hair
The builders
"This guy"
"This is the most fun I've ever had"
Try new things
Twink Death
Twunk Birth
We're here, we're queer, and we're filled with existential fear
"What can I say?"
You in London?
Get the [Insert noun] out for the lads
"Here's the thing about [Insert noun]"
I'm at the cluuuuub, I need [Insert noun], but in a sexy way
Ph-[Insert almost anything]
The [Insert noun] fic
[Insert literally anything]-ussy
You will get through this [Insert noun]
🧡 (orange heart emoji)
Please leave additional words and/or phrases in the notes or tags and I will have them to the list! <3
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 4 months
i wonder if dan’s partner jon, phil’s secret wife and child, sam the surfer, the person who that one phannie totally saw dan holding hands with in [insert location here] (and it wasn’t phil!!!??!¿1:&!!?!¡1/$!), the girl in prague, lucy hale, the tesco delivery guy, susan and susette and henry, that builder who looked like a popstar, and that klaus hargreeves looking dude phil did a collab with in 2019 all live with dnp in the phouse
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I've just had a weird thought. How do the guys do laundry? I mean for the stage outfits, especially when they have 2 or 3 shows in a row. I can imagine their wardrobe department googling local laundromat 😆
Actually we have a really neat anecdote about this from Prague 2022, were Richard dropped off his fluffy white coat (you know the one) at a local drycleaner, and the person who worked there was the mom of a Rammstein fan 🥰
Other than that i think they all have a little plastic bag where they can drop their underwear, undershirt etc, like in this photo drom Till and Flake's shared wardrobe
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The actual costumes i could imagine are drycleaned or steamed, but only now and then.
Flake's book 'Heute hat die Welt Geburtstag' actual has a bit of a running story of Flake trying to get the zipper of his outfit to work, starting like this (page 17):
"Ich zerre mit ganzer Kraft am Reißverschluss meiner Jacke, aber es geht einfach nicht auf. Wahrscheinlich, weil ich auf der Bühne so sehr schwitze, das ganze Zeug ist dann klatschnass und fängt im Schrank zu rosten an. Ich dachte, die Reißverschlüsse sind aus Edelstahl und rosten nicht, aber dieser hier ist ganz hart und geht einfach nicht auf."
"I pull at the zipper of my jacket with all my might, but it just won't open. Probably because I sweat so much on stage, the whole thing gets soaking wet and starts rusting in the closet. I thought the zippers were made of stainless steel and don't rust, but this one is really hard and just won't open."
So i don't rule out that after a show, the outfits just air out a little and then go in the closet until the next gig 😊
And what an outfit looks like at the end of a tour, Paul showed us on his IG in 2019 🥰
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rammingthestein · 3 months
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Rammstein performing in Prague, Czech Republic, as part of their 2019 European Stadium Tour © Milan Říský (facebook , instagram)
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I love deconstructing 'lifestyle' articles like these, they are such a gold mine of biases and narrative formation by the chattering classes. Here we have a wonderful premise:
Now, Ms. Margo is living a dream of many American women who are seeking relationships abroad, some of whom cite the toxic dating scene in the United States
Well, no objection from me that the US has toxic dating norms. But, hm, idk, 'many women' - is this a true trend amoung the American Female? Lets see who this article features:
Ms. Margo fell in love with the city (and its men). She found a gig teaching English in Paris and moved there after she graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in May 2019.
Okay, not *that* crazy but I do think I know what kind of Sarah Lawrence grad gap years in Paris before her law degree;
For Cindy Sheahan...At the end of 2017, she quit her job and traveled throughout Southeast Asia for leisure, and she started using Tinder.
That isn't...most people can't list as their full time job "Dating in Thailand";
For Frantzces Lys...she started a podcast called “Chronicles Abroad” with her co-host, who had met Ms. Williams, 40, in Malaysia. In 2018, Ms. Lys interviewed Ms. Williams, the founder of a consultancy, and the two kept in touch. They started dating years later.
Oh yeah the extremely relatable situation of a podcast host and boutique consultancy founder travelling to Mayalsia!!
“When you decide to just live your life for yourself, you actually end up stumbling upon people that match your energy and the same ideals and values,” said Ms. Lys, a 42-year-old founder of a wellness company.
Oh a wellness company, who hasn't founded one of those!!! And a link to their company, wow thanks NYT, that was definitely gonna be my follow-up for Ms. Lys:
Cepee Tabibian, who moved to Madrid at 35 from Austin, Texas, felt similarly.
Okay that could be normal, what do she d-
In 2020, she met her partner, who is Spanish. Now, she is the founder of She Hit Refresh, a community that helps women over the age of 30 move to a different country.
Jesus fucking Christ none of these people are real. They are full-hog in the industry of packaging and selling their Life of Insight & Discovery for $500 an hour over zoom sessions to non profits hosting leadership seminars, their dating isn't dating its brand management. I don't doubt they authentically love their life but this, shockingly, is not a trend, is not a sample, is not ethnographic data, this is an ad buy by a sliver of globe-trotting wealthy woman masquerading as journalism.
Absolutely the only relatable person is:
Alexis Brown, for example, noticed a lack of “effort and intention” from the men she was dating in Atlanta, where she attended Spelman College.
When she traveled across Europe for vacation from October 2022 to January 2023, however, the people she dated made it clear that they wanted to spend time with her.
Who takes way more words than is necessary to tell me she had a polycule stretching from Paris to Prague during her study abroad, which, good for her, that is what study abroad is for. Shockingly, this is not a new development in the collegiate experience!
Buried amoung the branded bullshit is Alexis's real gem and the only true 'thesis' of the article:
“The dating culture in the U.S. is that it’s cool and normalized to be indifferent to someone and not really express how you genuinely feel,” Ms. Brown, 23, said.
Which is essentially that in Europe people will "express emotion" unlike the cold, busy America. I don't doubt this, but I would hope a writer at the NYT's could have slightly more social awareness; the 'reason' Americans do not "express emotion" is that if they did you would dump them right on their ass on the first date.
Someone telling you, to quote Ms Margo:
“This one guy was like, ‘I ran through traffic just to look into your eyes once, and if you don’t want to go on a date with me, I can die happy knowing that I just met you,’” said Ms. Margo, a 28-year-old English teacher from Los Angeles.
As an opening line is cringe and uncomfortable, because they do not know you. They are lying and you know they are lying, it is a horrible foundation for a long term relationship. American dating norms have been hammering this lesson home on every participant (but if we are being honest, its primarily women hammering this home on men) and it is probably right to do. Anyone who does this lacks credibility.
But when you are in ~*Paris*~, you don't care about their credibility, because you lack it yourself. You are on vacation, you have no future, just a sequential present. If the guy who tells you your eyes are his world turns out to be a clingy failson who requires at least a blowjob a day to keep his mood stable, you can just *get up and leave the country*, you cannot be trapped because nothing is keeping you there. By placing an ocean between yourself and your social standing you can radically change your standards.
And you know what, there is something to that! Maybe the 18-point-checklist you mentally process every Tinder swipe through as you plan out your dream wedding on Cape Cod to a status-swollen ghost in a Tom Ford speckle-gray blazer while on lunch break from your quant analysis job at a digital marketing start-up in Chelsea isn't the best baggage to bring into a first date! Through radically shifting your social context it might be possible to jar your brain out of what is holding it back. Its not what you found in Paris, but what you left behind in America, that could actually make a difference... and that reality could give this article some heft.
But then say that instead of trying to sell me on the idea that:
For Ms. Margo, a Black woman who attended predominantly white institutions throughout her school years, she felt ignored in the United States, as if she “was not an option,” she said. In Paris she felt seen.
France is less racist than the campus of Sarah Fucking Lawrence against black people. No wonder the humanities are dying if they are teaching this level of self awareness.
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endlich-allein · 4 months
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Rammstein, Sinobo Stadium, Prague, Czech Republic, 16-08-2019 © Marek Kolařík
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black-arcana · 1 month
POWERWOLF Releases Cinematic Music Video For '1589' Single From 'Wake Up The Wicked' Album
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POWERWOLF has released the long-awaited first single from its upcoming studio album, "Wake Up The Wicked", due out July 26, 2024 via Napalm Records. "1589" tells the story of Peter Stump, who lived near Cologne, Germany in the 16th century and is known today as the Werewolf Of Bedburg. After being defamed as a werewolf, the farmer confessed to several murders under torture and was cruelly executed on October 31, 1589. This morbid story has fascinated people all over the world ever since and has been picked up by National Geographic, among others.
For the video for "1589", POWERWOLF traveled to England to stage Stump's fate in the dark woods in a cinematic way. With carefully selected locations, countless actors and crew members, and impressive special effects, it marks the most elaborate music video production in the band's history to date — and thus offers a worthy first taste of what fans can expect with "Wake Up The Wicked".
"Wake Up The Wicked" — the highly anticipated follow-up to the extremely successful "Call Of The Wild" (2021) — will arrive just in time for the award-winning band's first-ever full North American tour, starting in August 2024, followed by their biggest European headline tour to date, the "Wolfsnächte 2024".
"Wake Up The Wicked" was once again produced by Joost Van Den Broek at Sandlane Recording Facilities and marks a new benchmark and undisputed career highlight for the band. The new album is hard, surprising and full of variety. While staying true to their established, loved sound, POWERWOLF go one step further and showcase a different facet of their deft musical and technical skills. This is evident, for example, on the outstanding single "1589", which is based on a true story from the 16th century.
20 years after their formation in 2004, POWERWOLF are expanding their repertoire with the highest quality and adding many future live hits to their extraordinary discography. "Wake Up The Wicked" is yet another statement cementing the status of the band as a leading force in the world of heavy metal
"Wake Up The Wicked" track listing:
01. Bless 'Em With The Blade 02. Sinners Of The Seven Seas 03. Kyrie Klitorem 04. Heretic Hunters 05. 1589 06. Viva Vulgata 07. Wake Up The Wicked 08. Joan Of Arc 09. Thunderpriest 10. We Don't Wanna Be No Saints 11. Vargamor
POWERWOLF are undoubtedly one of the most celebrated and successful heavy metal bands of the last decade. Multiple No. 1 album chart entries, gold and platinum records, huge sold-out arena shows, as well as headline slots at the biggest festivals have paved their way. In less than 20 years of band history, POWERWOLF has made it to the very highest league of heavy metal.
POWERWOLF has conquered countless stages at the world's biggest summer festivals, and their last "Wolfsnächte" headline tours (2019, 2022),as well as their aforementioned North American debut in early 2023, were almost completely sold out — resulting in a massive triumph. They have performed headlining sets at Wacken Open Air and Summer Breeze, as well as held premium slots at genre festival giants such as Hellfest, Graspop Metal Meeting, Masters Of Rock and many more, captivating enormous audiences. No other German metal band has been able to write a success story even remotely comparable in recent years.
Following their onslaught of North America, POWERWOLF will embark on their most impressive European tour yet in celebration of their highly anticipated 2024 studio album. Amid 16 shows in total, the tour will visit colossal venues in Munich, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Hamburg and Antwerp. POWERWOLF will be accompanied by Swedish heavy metal legends HAMMERFALL as special guests, with support from viral rising stars, dwarven metallers WIND ROSE.
The story of the frontrunners of today's German metal scene, POWERWOLF, began in 2004 and only knows one direction: ever upwards. Their trajectory may seem like something out of a fairytale, but it is the result of the band embodying the highest quality of heavy metal in the universe. Outstanding album production, bombastic live shows and a tireless drive for perfection on and behind the stage are what this exceptional band is known for around the world.
Over the course of their career, the band has not only fascinated metal fans, but has also won over international press and critics. Countless cover stories in the most important magazines, critics' awards such as the Metal Hammer Award, and effusive album and concert reviews underpin POWERWOLF's outstanding international status.
Attila Dorn - vocals Falk Maria Schlegel - organ Charles Greywolf - guitar Matthew Greywolf - guitar Roel van Helden - drums
Photo credit: VDPictures
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gerardpilled · 2 years
organization tags
Links to tags for specific shows from 2022 and years from before that! All dates are formatted in the standard American way.
I did this mainly for my own reference, but any issues, please let me know!
Posts in which I couldn't remember/identify precise years have been tagged with the era (ex. "revenge") but posts that do have years are not also tagged with eras. I might be off for some of them, sorry. Most of these are in relation to Gerard, again sorry.
If there aren't any posts under the tag that means I haven't tagged anything yet and/or I am in the process of changing over tags :)
black parade (bp)
danger days (dd)
post-break up
2013 Hesitant Alien (ha)
post-HA ("mr netflix")
2022 shows
eden (5/16), eden 2 (5/17)
mk (5/19), mk 2 (5/21), mk 3 (5/22)
dublin (5/24), dublin 2 (5/25)
warrington (5/27)
cardiff (5/28)
glasgow (5/30)
paris (6/1)
rotterdam (6/2)
bologna (6/4)
munich (6/6)
budapest (6/7)
warsaw (6/9)
prague (6/11)
berlin (6/12)
stockholm (6/14)
bonn (6/17), bonn 2 (6/18)
North America
okc (8/20)
san antonio (8/21)
nashville (8/23)
cincinnati (8/24)
raleigh (8/26)
elmont (8/27)
philadelphia (8/29)
albany (8/30)
uncasville (9/1)
montreal (9/2)
toronto (9/4), toronto 2 (9/5)
boston (9/7), boston 2 (9/8)
brooklyn (9/10), brooklyn 2 (9/11)
detroit (9/13)
st paul (9/15)
chicago [(riot fest) (9/16)]
atlanta (9/18)
newark (9/20), newark 2 (9/21)
dover [(firefly) (9/23)]
sunrise (9/24)
houston (9/27)
dallas (9/28)
denver (9/30)
portland (10/2)
tacoma (10/3)
oakland (10/5)
vegas (10/7)
sacramento (10/8)
la 1 (10/11), la 2 (10/12), la 3 (10/14), la 4 (10/15), la 5 (10/17)
wwwy 2 (10/23), wwwy 3 (10/29)
mexico (11/18)
Oceania/Asia (2023)
Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau (3/11)
Brisbane (3/13), Brisbane 2 (3/14)
Melbourne (3/16), Melbourne 2 (3/17)
Sydney (3/19), Sydney 2 (3/20)
Tokyo (3/25)
Osaka (3/26)
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prettylittlelyres · 3 months
Violins and Violets - Series - WIP page
1784: Katharina Schmidt and her brother Hans grew up composing and performing music for royalty all over Europe. Now they are adults, only Hans is allowed to pursue his music, while Katharina's father tells her it's time to find a husband and settle down. Katharina's attempts to do as she's told only convince her that it's not what she wants to do, and she must decide how far she's willing to go to keep making music.
Hello, friends! It's been a minute since I updated the links on my blog, and I have just seen that I still have the "Beta Readers Wanted" post linked to the "Violins and Violets (WIP)" button... from the draft I finished and started querying in 2019 / 2020!
Things have... changed somewhat since then...
"Violins and Violets" is now a series, of (I expect) five books. None of them have titles yet, so I'm just referring to them as "Violins and Violets 1," etc. I thought it was time to make a new WIP page.
Book 1 tag - WIP page - first draft completed in December 2023, second draft in May 2024. (Earlier titled "Ladies Don't Write Music" - but this may be a better name for Book 2.)
Book 2 tag - WIP page - first draft completed in January 2024, now writing second draft in June and July 2024.
Book 3 tag - early planning stages, hoping to create outline in October 2024, with a view to writing the first draft in November and December 2024. Hoping to redraft in 2025.
Book 4 tag - hoping to plan and draft in 2025.
Book 5 tag - hoping to plan and draft in 2025 or 2026.
Series tag - all posts made about "Violins and Violets" since I realised it needed to be a series, no matter what book I'm talking about.
Everything "Violins and Violets" - the whole story, right from the beginning, when I started writing the first draft of a single book for Camp NaNoWriMo in April 2018.
One-Shots - short stories that I've written for the "Violins and Violets" world.
"Vogeltje" - another novel that takes place in the same world, and features some of the same characters.
I'm trying to bring each book in somewhere around 75,000 words, taking three months to write a first draft, and two months for each subsequent draft. I find it easier to focus on the story proper when I write quickly and regularly, so when I have a draft on the go, I try to write every day. Between drafts, I am trying to take whole months off writing, so that I can rest my creative muscles, as it were.
You can follow my progress here on my writeblr, and on the NaNoWriMo website.
Katharina Schmidt - musical prodigy and composer who performed for royalty as a child, but is no longer allowed, because she's a woman. Disguises herself as "Sebastien", and flees Salzburg to start a composing career in Prague
Hans Schmidt - brother of Katharina, who is also a musical prodigy and composer, but is allowed to pursue his music as an adult.
Franz Schmidt - solicitor; father of Katharina and Hans, who wants to see his daughter married well enough to put silly ideas of music out of her head.
Julia Schmidt - lady of leisure; mother of Katharina and Hans; wife of Franz, who loves to make tapestries and knitted garments; wants the best for her children and is willing to let Franz decide what this is.
Barbara Kirkmann - housemaid to the Schmidts, Katharina's closest friend and confidante.
Elisabeth Meyer - daughter of Franz' boss, Katharina's first "acceptable" friend, and the oldest sister of many siblings; keen to get married and start a life of her own.
Miléna von Tritten - Elisabeth's best friend, and daughter of one of the Meyer firm's wealthiest clients, Baron von Tritten; expected to marry a noble, but totally absorbed in Johann Schneider.
Johann Schneider - training to be a magistrate, under pressure to get married, but totally uninterested in... anyone? All the ladies want him; none of them can catch him. Absolutely tone-deaf, but loves to watch musicians play; friends with Katharina.
Louisa Schneider - Johann's younger sister, also tone-deaf, but keen to become a musician under Katharina's tutelage.
Magdalena Fialová - an opera singer who wants to get more young women into music; one of "Sebastien's" first and best friends in Prague.
Miklós Kovács - a fellow violinist who persuades the management of the Malá Strana Opera House to give "Sebastien" an audition. Best friend of Magdalena, and very close with "Sebastien".
Yes, Katharina Schmidt is based on Maria Anna "Nannerl" Mozart, who deserved a much better life than she got. I have always wondered what would have happened if she had defied her father when he told her to stop composing. Would she have known as much fame as her brother?
Yes, Katharina Schmidt is a lesbian. That's because she's only based on a real person; she isn't actually Nannerl Mozart. I have no idea what Nannerl Mozart would have called herself, or how she felt, and I think it would be rude for me to try to guess. This part of Katharina's character is inspired less by history than by my own experiences and desire to see more representation of Queer people in historical fiction. (She's not the only person in the series who isn't straight! Who are the others? You'll have to read the books to find out... or just follow here; I'm yappy about it.)
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mrsfitzgerald · 11 months
hey! do you think these two lovely dorks really have some kind of romantic relationships off stage or it’s just me?🥺 every time when i start to think about this my brain just like ewsxswasszzw
I couldn't sleep all night because I was thinking about that message, lol 😆
let's start with the fact that i love the band since 99. i started listening to them when i was 11 years old and of course i didn't think about their relationship within the band (I didn't even know what they looked like for a very long time because I only had a live aus berlin cassette which i stolen from a classmate and it was without a cover ( I wanted to destroy it because he bored everyone at school by constantly talking about this group 😁 fun fact: this guy is my best friend now and I'm his daughter's godmother)
soo one day in a popular russian teen magazine i saw a picture of them (paul and richard) and a caption under the picture that changed my life 😆
the caption went like this (I just still keep this magazine and was able to translate that, do not think that I remember it by heart 😆) : «A month ago, being in Moscow, the members of the band Rammstein claimed that they loved only women and were not interested in guys! And what they were doing on stage (sticking microphones into each other in different places) was just an artistic image. just a joke. then the cult Germans left to continue to amaze Europe with their music. Poor guys, they didn't know that we (the magazine's editorial staff) followed them. And in Prague we had already seen guitarists Paul Landers and Richard Kruspe admiring each other. Look at these lovebirds, isn't that love?»
and I remember looking at that picture and thinking "omg! this is really love!" 🥰 many months later I learned what fanfiction was and what slash was and how surprised I was that I wasn't the only one who thought that about them, that there was something sweet between them? (it was 2004, for some reason I thought it was 01/02, but no, it was 2004)
and I made so many new friends and we had so many awesome stories in russian fandom!!! and ever since then in my head I've always thought that there was something going on between them. there weren't many videos and pictures back then, but every time I saw them next to each other it made me smile 🥰
then youtube came along and I probably saw all the videos that were posted back then and always watched how Richard and Paul acted with each other
I started making gifs since 2010 and it's always been a joy to find cute moments from concerts with them 💖
and then 2019 happened. i remember that day so well. i downloaded this huge video from spain and started watching it from the beginning, i wasn't expecting anything at all. and first i saw richard kiss paul's forehead at puppe and i was like WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN? and then someone sent me a text saying "watch auslander" and I rewinded to that moment and saw that kiss on the lips and you should have heard my screams! I CLOSED MY LAPTOP, I THREW IT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BED. I FELL OFF THE BED ONTO THE FLOOR AND I JUST SCREAMED LIKE THIS: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (and with a lot of russian swear words 😆😆😆😆😆 ) my dad came running into the room and thought I was dying or being killed 😆 I thought my spirit had left my body I had imagined it in my head for so many years (really many many years!!) and now I saw it for real? I couldn't even in my wildest dreams imagine that this could actually happen.
I still have a lot of questions: how did they decide to do it? why? for what? what does it all mean? was it scripted? i think in 19 yes, and in 22 too. but still every time it was something cute and new and they are adults and hardly anyone could make them do it. they just… decided to kiss each other's ~lips~ every time and they like it? all those thoughts amaze me and i don't have a heterosexual explanation for it (but maybe i am being biased 😁)
of course I don't know and I don't think I'll ever know what's really going on between them, but the whole history of their relationship, what they've gone through to be here when they can just kiss each other is amazing to me! It's so beautiful and I'm just happy that they let us see it too… the tenderness they have for each other? and it doesn't matter what it's called and whether they're together or not, the main thing is that they look so happy around each other 🥰 that's enough for me 💖💖💖
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mementoboni · 3 months
I had traveled once to Europe with my college friends and seniors in 2019, before COVID-19. At that time I joined a club to learn traditional instruments, so most of my friends were into classical music and no one was into DIR EN GREY.
One day when I was waiting in line for the toilet in Prague, I noticed that the people in front of me were wearing band t-shirts, AC/DC, Megadeth… and DIR EN GREY! (THE MARROW OF A BONE). I was so excited to meet diru fans on the other side of the earth, but I didn't have the courage to talk to them until the end.
It's always hard for me to talk to strangers, I get nervous easily (even in my country), and I'd also get startled if someone suddenly talks to me in live house😔
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great time on the upcoming tour!
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fedrrri · 2 months
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Prague, St. Nicholas Church (Staré Město), Kostel svatého Mikuláše
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rammingthestein · 2 months
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Till Lindemann performing in Prague, Czech Republic, as part of Rammstein's 2019 European Stadium Tour © Milan Říský (facebook , instagram)
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