#Pran Taylor x reader
Eye Catching | Pran Taylor x Reader
Female Reader!
Short Fic!
Summary: You find out Pran’s eyebrow is pierced.
Inspired by the fact I’ve played the game 20 times now (yes I have a problem) and I just noticed Pran’s eyebrow piercing.
Your relationship with Pran was hard to explain to outsiders. Honestly, you barely understood it yourself.
Pran…liked you. You knew that. But that was a given, everyone liked you.
No matter how many times he said he didn’t care, you knew better than to fall for it.
And you constantly tell him such.
“Come on, Panda. Can’t you just for once in your life admit you like something—or in this case—someone?” You huff, sitting beside him on a bench at the school’s campus, Pran furrows his eyebrows at your words and scoffs “I won’t. You’re awful.” “Yeah, yeah. Man, we are gonna have a lot of fun stories to tell our future kids. I hope you’ll have a good excuse when they ask you why it took so long for you to realize how amazing I am.” You say.
Pran’s eyes widen, he looks at you questioningly “…?” “What?” You ask “How long are you expecting us to be together?” Pran asks, narrowing his eyes at you. You rolls your eyes, but grin nonetheless, “Forever and ever, Panda.” Pran’s frown softens, but doesn’t completely disappear. “No.” He says “Yes.” You say right back, confidence unwavering. Pran breaks eye contact with you, “I don’t know why you’re so shocked, Panda. You should’ve known what you were getting into when you agreed to be my man.” You chuckle.
Pran glares at you, but says nothing. A soft breeze flows between the two of you, blowing Pran’s hair back. You watch the sight with an amused glint in your eyes—you then let out a gasp, “Oh my god!” “…What?” Pran asks, his glare replaced with a confused frown. You move to get closer to him, Pran’s eyes widen in surprise when you get extremely close to his face, “…!”
“Your eyebrow’s pierced!” You gasp, Pran stares at you dumbfounded, “What…?” He asks. Pran then frowns in disbelief, “You’ve never noticed?” He asks “How can I? You almost always have those stupid bangs blocking your forehead!” I gasp. Pran frowns even more at your words, “Or maybe you’re just too focused on yourself to notice things about me.” He scoffs, glaring at the ground beside him. You were too in awe to refute his words as you force his bangs out of the way.
“Oh my god. How long have you had it pierced?” You ask, “…I pierced it for my 15th birthday.” Pran states. “You pierced it? Like, on your own?” You gasp, Pran looks at you and scoffs lightly. “You’re surprised? You should know by now that I did most, if not all, things on my own back then.” He says.
You fight back to urge to frown sympathetically, instead you grin evilly, “Oh…well, it’s a good thing you have me here, Panda. I’ll never let you know peace and quiet.” You trace your thumb over his eyebrow, “A rule breaker, a thrifter, an artist, fricking hot body, and you have a piercing? Man, you’re really a high school girl’s dream come true.” You say. Pran’s response is slightly delayed, allowing you to continue examining his face. It’s not everyday he lets you get this close without a fight.
“No. I’m not.” He says once he snaps out of it, Pran moves away from your touch. “You’re getting too comfortable.” He sighs “Boo. Just when I thought you were gonna pull away from me.” You whine, Pran smirks at your reaction. “Well, I’ll just have to work harder to make sure little details like a piercing won’t slip past me again. Guess I’ll have to pay extra attention to you,” You say smugly, Pran drops his smirk and glares at you “Any other piercings I should know about?” “No.” He answers quickly. “Really? Then, can I make a suggestion for your next piercing?” You ask, Pran stands up and begin walking down the path.
“Pfft! Say no all you want, Panda. I’m still gonna at least tell you.”
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dreamcubed · 2 years
gorgeous | fleur delacour x reader
song; gorgeous [taylor swift] pairing; fleur delacour x gender neutral!french-speaking!reader genre; s2l, light angst, fluff word count; 1,3k timeline; goblet of fire warnings; swearing, (underage) alcohol consumption summary; you, like everyone else, were drawn to the part-veela fleur delacour when beauxbatons visited, only she thought that you hated her because you made it your mission to avoid her
a/n; i have no idea if fleur fanfiction is popular but she seemed like the only correct choice for this song!
a/n 2; also i think my favourite explanation for fleur's grandmother being full veela despite veela only being women (which opens the question of how do they reproduce), is that half of veela are transwomen, allowing for reproduction in a way that jk rowling would despise :)
"you are so gorgeous, it makes me so mad."
Beauxbatons: the French school for witchcraft and wizardry, full of angelic students dressed in white and baby blue. At least, that was the impression you got when they first arrived at Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament.
Of course, one stood out more than the others - and that was before she was picked as Beauxbatons' representative in the competition. The part-veela Miss Fleur Delacour was a sight for sore eyes: her beauty was radiant in a way that no human could achieve, but you could live without that level of beauty as long as you could admire hers.
Her friendship group had taken to yours in the first weeks of the year, and you wish you could say that you hadn't given Fleur a bad impression. Except, you had, as all you did was avoid her: avoid her gaze, avoid her conversation starters, avoid her presence. Silence was your primary virtue as of late, and your friends were becoming both concerned and pissed with you.
"Y/N, stop being so rude to Fleur, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Pranpiya snapped as you sat in your house common room.
"Merlin, Pran, this is Y/N we're talking about, I'm sure they have a perfectly reasonable explanation," Darla said, sitting by you, "Right?"
You chewed on your lip, feeling your heart twist as the thought of Fleur's golden locks flashed across your mind.
In your silence, Pranpiya scoffed, "I never took you for a bitch."
Your eyes widened in alarm.
"Pran, tone it down," Darla snapped, "Y/N, I can see you have something to say. Please say it."
"She's so gorgeous," you mumbled, "I can't say anything to her face."
Realisation quickly dawned on both Pranpiya and Darla's faces.
"You don't hate her," the former said slowly, "You fancy her."
You nodded hesitantly, hating the aching absence of words that followed the newfound shared understanding.
"Well, avoiding her won't make her your girlfriend," Pranpiya said suddenly, "Talk to her, ask her out."
You shook your head hurriedly, "I can't. Her beauty is intimidating."
It was your charms class that was now taken up by a lot of Beauxbatons students, including Fleur. She didn't sit next to you, instead next to one of her French friends, though that didn't stop interactions from occurring.
You had gotten to class early and had been instructed to hand out the textbooks by Flitwick, finding yourself zoned out as you completed the task. Alas, you being mentally absent led you to bump into someone else, causing the stack of books in your arms to fall to the ground, narrowly missing your feet.
"Ah, pardon, sorry," that terrifyingly familiar voice exclaimed, crouching down to help gather the books up.
You remained silent, as the blood in your veins had ran cold with irrational fear.
"Here," she handed the stack back over to you, making you gulp as you fumbled to get the life back into your limbs.
"Thanks," you muttered, quickly walking away to continue with the task.
"Y/N," she called from behind you, causing you to freeze again.
"Can we talk after class?" you couldn't see her expression, but her eyebrows were furrowed.
You inhaled deeply, "Can't. Sorry."
The celebrations after the first Triwizard event were massive, including many secretive parties in the house common rooms. You were invited to one, and you were amazed to see people from a variety of houses all in one house quarters for the first time. Someone had obtained alcohol - you didn't know who, but you were grateful, since the party you were at was the same as the one Fleur was attending and you needed liquid courage.
"I mean look at her, why does she walk with such poise? Who does she think she is?" you slurred, the fire whiskey in your glass sloshing about.
Pranpiya side-eyed you, "I get you're hurting, babe, but you're being mean."
"I think we need to cut off the alcohol, we haven't even been here half an hour and you're twatted," Darla said, forcefully removing the glass from your grip.
"No, don't do this to me, Darla," you whined, admitting defeat nonetheless.
"I'm worried about you, Y/N, you-" but you cut Darla off.
"Oh, look! It's the Weasley twins. I'm gonna go talk to the Weasley twins."
Your friends couldn't stop you, and simply watched in amazement as your usually introverted self started chatting enthusiastically with anyone who looked your way. Anyone, of course, expect Fleur, who had been looking at you longingly from a distance.
Eventually, she had enough of your uncalled for silent treatment, and walked up to you, delicately touching your hand to get your attention. You jumped a bit, looking to see who the culprit was, only to make eye contact with the most gorgeous woman you had ever seen.
"Y/N, please may we talk?" she asked, and in your drunken stupor, you finally agreed.
She sighed with relief, and dragged you over to a quiet corner.
"Why do you ignore me? What did I do?" she asked, her face in a frown.
"You should take it as a compliment," you slurred.
"What? What do you mean?"
"Yes, you do, look at you," you replied, the little sober voice in the back of your mind screaming for you to shut up, "You're so gorgeous."
She appeared taken aback, "Merci, but why? Why does zat make you ignore me?"
"You intimidate me," you pouted, "You make me angry with the things you make me feel."
Her ocean blue eyes were pinned on yours after your confession, and you had this overwhelming sensation that you might be sinking and drowning in that moment.
"I do not get it," she sighed, "Je pensais que tu me détestais."
"I do, I mean," you scrambled to find the words, "You're so cool, it makes me hate you, I-"
She stared at you with widened eyes, "You understood me?"
You nodded, "Il n'y a rien que je déteste plus que ce que je peux pas avoir."
Fleur stood still for a few moments, "Why would you zink you cannot have me?"
"Well, 'cause- you're you! And I'm... me."
She shook her head, quickly darting forward to peck your lips. "Je te kiffe."
You remained in shock for a good few seconds, unable to comprehend what had just happened.
"You will come to ze Yule Ball wiz me, yes?" she asked hopefully.
With your brain still buffering, you slowly nodded your head, making her beam.
"Ah, perfect!" she grabbed your hand, interlocking your fingers, "You are so gorgeous, too, you know? You should not have zought you had no chance wiz me."
"But, I-"
"No, none of zat," she said dismissively, "I have liked you since ze moment I met you, it hurt so much zat you seemed to not like me."
"I'm sorry," you mumbled, "You just make my heart hurt."
"But zat can be a good zing, no?"
Hesitantly, you bobbed your head.
"I want to try zis wiz you, please let me."
"Okay," you said quietly, "Let's try."
written; 02/11/2022 —> 06/11/2022 published; 07/11/2022 edited; —/—/——
taglist; @workinatdapyramid
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a-n-conrad · 2 years
General XOXO Droplets dating HCs with the Jerk Squad
For Nate, Everett, Shiloh, Bae, Pran, and Jeremy with a gender neutral reader!
[Warnings: None? I think? ]
Request: From my request survey (https://forms.gle/FpFyr84gPioVrW1Z9)
Nate Lawson
Nate Lawson cannot turn off the nagging no matter how hard he tries. You just kind of have to deal with it.
However, it does help sometimes. If you’re bad at remembering to do things or finding motivation, he’s actually a huge help.
If you can handle him being a bit blunt and rude, he helps a lot with studying too when he has the time.
His schedule is annoying as hell, let’s be honest. However, if you can convince him that it would be beneficial, you could probably get him to specifically schedule dates for you.
He’s probably always going to be a little uncomfortable with touch, but he finds plenty of other ways to show affection.
There are pros and cons to getting him to help you clean/organize. On one hand, it will be done really well. On the other hand, the process of getting it done will be SO stressful.
Truthfully, Nate is probably a really good boyfriend if you can deal with all of the stress. You just have to be willing to work with him.
He would definitely struggle with compromises, but he cares and he’s trying his best. 
I have a feeling that he’s really used to people just writing him off as a perfectionist killjoy. He’d probably really appreciate someone who’s willing to understand him, even if you don’t agree with all of his opinions. 
You do have to be able to get along with Everett a little. You don’t have to be best friends with him, but if you can’t stand to be in the same room as Nate’s best friend it just isn’t going to work. 
Everett Gray
Judgey and snarky. I love Everett, but this guy uses his fake superiority complex to cope with his anxiety. You have to be able to deal with some snarky comments, and maybe even fire back a bit.
If you go shopping with him, he’s going to be incredibly picky about what you try. He’s trying to “help”, but he’s kind of a jerk about it. You might end up looking cool in the end, though.
Opposite of Nate when it comes to you needing help with things. Unless you want advice on how to seem “cool”, this guy is absolutely useless. He’ll be there for “support” though (he’ll sit and complain about being bored, but he’s still there).
Probably tried really hard not to tell his mom about you when you were first casually dating, but accidentally ruined his own plan but absentmindedly ranting. His mom probably thought it was really cute. 
Shares his mom’s care packages with you. Don’t make a big deal out of it.
He probably starts getting little gifts for you after you start officially dating. He says he thinks it’s dumb, but I refuse to believe Mrs. Gray didn’t teach that boy any manners.
Has moods where he tries to push people away. Be stubborn. He needs stubborn. He may act annoyed, but he isn’t. He just loves to act annoyed.
Like with Nate, you do have to be able to tolerate his best friend. He’s not giving up his friend for you. Sorry. 
Shiloh Fields 
Honestly on the surface Shiloh would probably be a really good boyfriend, because he’s really good at doing/being exactly who you want. But is it genuine? Of course not. This is Shiloh we’re talking about.
It’s going to be a task to get anything real out of Shiloh, but I think if he genuinely cares about you, he’ll try. Of course, genuine for Shiloh just means that he’ll let you in on some of the scams he’s got going. 
Shiloh’s probably never going to stop being a little manipulative, but he might be able to tone it down with you. He’ll keep it more in the “forgivable prank” and “joking lies” categories.
Shiloh loves horror so I’m confident he would be one of those guys that uses horror movies to get you to cling to him. He’ll definitely say things like “This movie isn’t that bad. Just a few jumpscares.” before putting in one of the scariest movies known to man. 
It might seem like it would be helpful to be able to see through Shiloh’s lies, but I think that would make him uncomfortable.
He’d probably use his tricks to help you after a while. If you go to Shiloh about someone making you uncomfortable, he’ll deal with it. You don’t need to know how. It’s probably mostly legal, right? Maybe. 
He doesn’t particularly care if you get along with other people. You do, however, have to be willing to let him continue with his scams. 
Bae Pyoun
Bae is probably a decent boyfriend if you can actually get him to date you. He’s got high standards for everything. This can be to your detriment or benefit depending on how you look at it.
He’s not going to slack off on dating you. Of course, he expects the same, but at least you can tell that he cares, right?
I honestly doubt that he would refer to you by name basically ever. The nicknames just get more ridiculous.
I fully imagine that seeing him around kids is absolutely adorable. And then you have to take a second and realize that he treats just about everyone exactly the same way that he treats five year olds. You might be an exception sometimes, though.
He’s one of those people that “supervises” when you have to do something hard. By supervise, I meant that he watches and micromanages in the background. He’ll help a little if you really need it. Just don’t expect him to do any physical labor.
He’s one of those people that can manage to tell someone off without them really knowing how to react. If you tell him that someone is making you uncomfortable, they’ll probably end up too confused to keep bothering you.
He doesn’t really need you to get along with people, but you do have to handle it a certain way if you do dislike people. He’ll probably trash talk them with you, though.
Pran Taylor
Very much the “sit next to each other and do our own thing” kind of person. He likes to just sit next to you and draw while you do your own thing. 
He isn’t going to go out of his way to do things with you, but at a certain point, he’ll just go along with what you want. He’ll probably continue to act annoyed about it, but you can definitely catch him smiling every once in a while.
Genuinely really protective, but I imagine he has like 500 excuses for why. He will not admit that it’s because he cares about you if he can avoid it. 
I can distinctly picture that he would give you a drawing as a gift, but the way he would do it would be by crumpling it up and throwing it at you. The only reason you know that it’s for you is because there’s no way that Pran would litter.
Pran can almost certainly pick you up. You might even be able to convince him to carry you around. He honestly might find it kind of cute if you have a lot of fun with it.
You definitely have to get along with Jeremy a bit. Pran’s very protective, so he won’t tolerate you being genuinely mean to his friend. 
Jeremy King
Jeremy is begrudgingly very cute. I feel like he hates that he genuinely wants to do cute things for you sometimes. He finds it so embarrassing.
He is a germaphobe and that does still apply to you. He does insist you wash your hands an insane amount before any physical affection. 
His snappier side from when he was younger didn’t go away completely, but he does try his best not to snap at you. It’s not too hard, since he’s mostly apathetic, but it’s a struggle on occasion.
He definitely absentmindedly makes you gifts when he’s especially tired. He definitely won’t give it to you in person, though. It would be way too embarrassing for him.
He absolutely sucks at planning dates. He'll mostly go along with whatever you want, but he’ll really appreciate it if you make an effort to get him to enjoy it too. That’s not to say that he will enjoy it, just that he appreciates the effort. 
His parents would probably love you regardless of who you are, and it annoys him so much. 
He doesn’t exactly need you to be friends with Pran, but he’d get annoyed if you two fought too much. You have to at least tolerate Pran and get him to tolerate you. 
[A/N: I was trying to use the wiki as a guide because it's been a little while since I played, but some of the boys have like nothing on their page. RIP me, I guess.]
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werkwerkelizaaa · 3 years
Xoxo Droplets’ Jerk Squad Band AU
So this came to me while I was listening to Yeah Right off of Evanescence’s latest album, The Bitter Truth.
Yeah I know, but hear me out:
•They were all in an after-school program for ~cultivating musical talent in troubled youth~
•Even though most of them cannot stand each other, as a whole they’re almost magical onstage
• Nate is the frazzled manager of course, constantly stretched within an inch of his life but he claims a perfect (by his standards) show is worth all the stress
• Bae writes the lyrics, handles a majority of the PR– if somebody tries to spin his words he can spin it right back on them– and I also feel he could play the electric violin for the songs that call for it (it’s a thing and it’s epic)
•Jeremy seems to be the type to have piano aggressively encouraged to him by his parents, so he’s on keyboard and composes most of the music
Imagine Bae leaning over Jeremy “No no cupcake, I know it’s difficult for anyone to keep up with my genius, but you modulate the key on the next line” and pointing
“If you don’t get that finger out of my face I will stuff this sheet music up your nasal cavity”
“...and don’t call me cupcake”
•JB takes lead guitar and does a lot of showboating, works the crowd and is usually in some sort of scandalous headline every week but she loves it
•Shiloh plays bass and provides backup vocals, he’s annoying but they keep him towards the front of the stage because his energy is infectious so we might as well put him to use
• I can see Everett having the ability to use both hands equally well, so he’s on drums and enjoys having his finger on the very heartbeat of the metaphorical system, probably dabbles in the synth too
•Pran is the one-man tech wizard and has as tiny of a presence as possible, only the most hardcore fans know what he even looks like
•[If we bring the reader into this, they were hand-selected by JB for their seemingly sweet, friendly, conflict-averse demeanor as well as their powerful voice– she didn’t want too much competition for the boys’ attention]
•[Whether her judgement is sound remains to be seen, but my money’s on not]
•[On the other hand, there’s still enough onstage chemistry between them to play it up for the fans and the press]
•They definitely squabbled over the name
• “Hear me out: Baend.” “NO” “JB and the JBs” “oh, please” “get real” “could we squish all of our names together?” “Ah yes, because none of the members of the band could ever switch out, it’s not like that happens only all the time”
• “What about ‘That Band’?” “Seriously?” “It’s no worse than anything else that’s been suggested” “Ugh fine” “wait I was being sarcastic” “well too bad we’re sticking with it now” “this is all your fault Jeremy”
each member has a good amount of groupies/fangirls. JB, Everett, and Shiloh revel in the spotlight and have a lot of overnight visitors to their respective rooms, Bae pretends he’s above all that but he’ll have the occasional “dalliance” as well which is,,, not what you’d think
Legit he sells a limited amount of ‘day dates’ to his fans at every tour stop which consists of him hanging out with them for a certain price, it’s only word-of-mouth through the hardcore base which just adds to the mystique
• Nate and Jeremy are like “gross”, but at least they have fans and at the very least that’s good for both business and their image
• Pran HATES it lol he’s just like “Why. Why.”
• “Must be a bunch of burnt out losers who weren’t hugged enough as children.”
• They all constantly diss everyone else’s outfits and haircuts, naturally
•Not the musical instruments though– except for in extreme cases– because that’s serious business
Jeremy: trips onstage
Everett: *ba-dum-tsss*
•Pran with light spotting/mic check shenanigans
•Shiloh: leans over to plug his bass in
•Pran: Points all the spotlights directly at him
•Shiloh: temporarily blinded
•Pran: evil chuckle
• Nate: Sound check, let’s go!
•Pran: turns it down low
•JB: Hello, world! ...it’s not working. Testing, one two three.
•Everett, offstage: Is it even turned on?
•Jeremy: uh yeah, the light’s green.
•Pran: snickering to himself in the back
Ear-splitting, electronic screech
• Everyone minus JB and Pran: JB!!
Jeremy’s keyboard is absolutely pristine, and you cannot convince me otherwise
There’s not a fingerprint to be seen, he might even wear gloves while handling it just to keep it impeccable
Def makes the stagehands and assistants wash their hands and glove up before moving it, that’s not even a question
You could probably eat right off the thing, not that he’d let you
•JB has some cool pins on the strap of her guitar and has a few different guitars she rotates though depending on her mood
•Everett and Shiloh have similar stickers on their respective instruments, they still mock each others’ taste in decoration though because them
“Give us a headbang, Jeremy!”
• Jeremy [and reader] do their best in making Nate’s job as easy as possible, which is very much needed since directing the rest of the members is worse than herding cats
Three minutes to showtime
•Everett: hey has anyone seen my drumsticks?
•Nate: WHAT 
• Everett: Lol jk here they are in my back pocket 
•Bae: Wonnndderrrfulll, crisis averted.
• Shiloh: Everett, that’s not really funny...
• Everett: F***ing can it, freckles.
• Shiloh: :( you can it.
• JB: everybody shut up before I make you shut up
• Everett: ;) is that so?
• Jeremy: kill me now.
• Nate, offstage: I need a raise...
•[Reader once walked in on Nate aggressively rubbing at his eyes and sniffling after a particularly rough week, but he brushed it off as seasonal allergies and they didn’t press the matter at the time]
•Roommate musical chairs kept happening at every single stop until finally everyone was fed up with everybody, even the ones who usually get along, so Bae and Nate decided on getting everyone their own room while touring– they even added a clause to the contract to make sure it would happen for the divas (yes that includes the two of them)
• Credit to the amazing @gb-patch for creating the best worst guys you’ll ever love
•hey, psst. Before you go, check this out: https://werkwerkelizaaa.tumblr.com/post/648073310973952000/xoxo-droplets-jerk-squad-band-au
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