#xoxo droplets headcanon
regulusstarz · 2 months
Jeremy x Pran headcanons!
first time posting.. im totally cool haha..
This is my first time ive really written in this format, so sorry if it kinda sucks. I tried to keep it as close to canon as possible, but there's only so much you can do with those two stubborn silly billies..
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» The confession took fucking LONG. Eventually JB just couldn't stand to witness that anymore and decided to play matchmaker.
» Jeremy would've probably confessed after JB pushed him to it. Pran would've been too stubborn and internally scared of messing up the friendship to do it. (JB used the fact that Jeremy could just tell Pran she forced him if he didn't reciprocate as a way to get him to finally do it).
» JB was not allowed to be there after the confession. Pran needed some alone time after it, but did accept Jeremy's confession eventually.
onto when they're actually dating!!
» Dates would probably be just hanging out like they always did. Pran sketching something while Jeremy does his own thing. Maybe they occasionally comment on something, but it's mostly just quietly enjoying each other's presence.
» Because of Jeremy's germaphobia, they don't actually really touch much. Pran is already a well-known person to him, so he can do little touches like laying against one another or holding hands for a couple minutes, but can't bring himself to go further than that.
» He knows Pran is secretly touch starved and wishes he could hug him, but his Germaphobia just makes him unable to do that. Just thinking about it makes him shudder.
» But Pran doesn't really have a problem with it. He knows how Jeremy is, and respects it. He would probably only do whatever Jeremy asked. The most he'll try to do is maybe simple hand touching (like fingers grazing one another), but even that would be extremely rare. He would feel way too guilty about making Jeremy uncomfortable to actually try and initiate anything.
» Jeremy didn't tell his parents and Pran didn't either. Jeremy because he didn't want to deal with his parents possibly making an even bigger fuss about his (boy)friend, and Pran because he thinks his family is not worth introducing Jeremy to. Jeremy already knows how shitty his parents are, no need to get them involved.
» But when Graduation comes near, they'd probably skip out on prom and go somewhere else togheter instead. Jeremy's parents would most likely want him to spend that day with them, but Jeremy either admits to Pran being his boyfriend in that moment and says they want some time alone (similarly to when you go to prom with Jeremy in XOD), or says that he and Pran had already made plans.
Sorry if they were short!! I tried my best. I'll probably get better with time ^^', i hope you enjoyed it though!!
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captainbaeremy · 2 years
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Afrolatino Everett Gray Real?!?!
Blacktober Day 2: Cozy
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finnterests · 2 years
everett gray headcanons (again)
guys i cant stop thinking about him
he doesnt like overly sappy shit, esp not in public, but he does like it when you hold his hand a lot and he will do the little thumb rub thing
would gag if you called him pookie
shows you off. A Lot.
enjoys just sitting with you
prank calling him is so fucking fun
he has punched shiloh before
^^ had no reason to at the time ^^
would be the first to say ily
^^ if its awkward hes like "omfg im joking can you not tell are you that fucking dumb" ^^
if YOURE the first to say ily, he has one of two reactions
1. he will stare at you in disgust
2. "was this not established?" (swears up and down youve said it before)
calls when he knows youre sleeping just because it wakes you up
^^ nate reprimands him so much when he does this ^^
he has made nate third wheel before
^^ he will do it again ^^
idk if this was in the last one but he rants about you to nate
recommends nate dumb books or really inappropriate books
once gifted nate a book "parenting for dummies"
kicks you All The Fucking Time
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nate lawson autism
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handsmotif · 4 months
sorry i need to share this somewhere. xoxo droplets gender headcanons
jeremy: transmasc. short king who refuses to take his shirt off at the pool. i also feel like his parents would be WAYYY too overly supportive in the way that cis allies are and that would also just make him really mad
pran: bigender or genderfluid. doesn’t care what pronouns you actually use bc you shouldn’t even be talking abt him in the first place. tends to prefer she/he though
everett: also transmasc. i know in my heart he would be posting tiktok eboy thirst traps if he knew what they were
nate: cis for now bc he’s too busy to really give a fuck abt that right now
shiloh: cis. & he went along with that trend of guys adopting a softboy aesthetic so girls would like him more
bae: ???????????? you will never get a straight answer out of him
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cosmicdnps · 1 year
XOXO Droplets voice actor headcanons
Okay, hear me out, I know the game has voice actors but I was thinking to myself “damn, if this thing had an anime and they used major well known VA’s, I wonder who would voice who” so I’m sharing it with y’all
Bae Pyoun
Come on, this one was easy to guess, Michael J. Tatum, you try and tell me the VA for Kyoya Otori from OHSHC, Shu Tsukiyama from Tokyo Ghoul and Rei Ryugazaki from Free! would not be an amazing VA for our sassy, snide antichrist
Pran Taylor
Okay, hear me out on this one, David Walk, his soft but also deep voice for Reiji Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers, Adam from Sk8 the infinity and Asuma Mutsumi from Kiss Him, Not Me could work, not only is his voice very cold at times but he also shows with Mutsumi’s voice that he can show a softer side
Shiloh Fields
I’ll be honest, I was kind of stumped on this one, but then I was tossing up between Greg Ayres or Todd Haberkorn (cause it had to be one of the Ouran twins VA’s) I genuinely don’t know why I think this, honestly either of the two I named would be great depending on which side of Shiloh you want to exaggerate on more, but I feel like Todd would be a great balance of both sides of Shiloh, VA of Razor from Genshin Impact, Haru’s Nanase from Free! and Aru Akise from The Future Diary, idk how to even explain this one
Everett Gray
My instant thought is Micah Solusod, the voice for Yuu Hyakuya from Seraph of the end, Mizuki from Kasisama Kiss, Shun Kaidou from Saiki K, Izuru Kamakura from Danganronpa 2 and legit so many more characters I love (literally I could name off like five more characters off the top of my head) but he shows that he can give off the “I’m too cool for this and too cool for you” vibe while also being able to have an extremely funny side
Nate Lawson
First off, damn, I had too think long and hard again about this one, and I may be wrong here but I feel like Jerry Jewell could do a good job, VA for Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket, Moblit Berner from AOT and Yuma Isogai from Assassination Classroom, again that cool guy vibes but with a touch of anger at times too
Jeremy King
Another hear me out moment, Bryce Papenbrook, and I’m not talking his regular voice like for Adrian Agreste from Miraculous Ladybug and Makoto Naegi from Danganronpa, but more his voice for Staz Charlie Blood, the deep depressive voice, idk, it was hard to find someone for him, mainly because I love his original VA so much (not that I don’t love the rest) but Calvin has such a unique and amazing voice
I struggled to pick for this one because most of my favourite female VA’s voice more higher toned characters and for JB I knew I needed someone with a bit more sass to her voice, I ended up deciding on Elizabeth Maxwell, also the VA for Ymir Fritz from AOT, Midnight from BNHA and Arisa Uotani from Fruits basket
Idk, I’d like to hear other’s opinions, ik I’m probably biased and my opinions unpopular and honestly this was difficult to do, I mainly started it because Bae Pyoun and Kyoya Otori give me such similar vibes
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werkwerkelizaaa · 3 years
Xoxo Droplets’ Jerk Squad Band AU
So this came to me while I was listening to Yeah Right off of Evanescence’s latest album, The Bitter Truth.
Yeah I know, but hear me out:
•They were all in an after-school program for ~cultivating musical talent in troubled youth~
•Even though most of them cannot stand each other, as a whole they’re almost magical onstage
• Nate is the frazzled manager of course, constantly stretched within an inch of his life but he claims a perfect (by his standards) show is worth all the stress
• Bae writes the lyrics, handles a majority of the PR– if somebody tries to spin his words he can spin it right back on them– and I also feel he could play the electric violin for the songs that call for it (it’s a thing and it’s epic)
•Jeremy seems to be the type to have piano aggressively encouraged to him by his parents, so he’s on keyboard and composes most of the music
Imagine Bae leaning over Jeremy “No no cupcake, I know it’s difficult for anyone to keep up with my genius, but you modulate the key on the next line” and pointing
“If you don’t get that finger out of my face I will stuff this sheet music up your nasal cavity”
“...and don’t call me cupcake”
•JB takes lead guitar and does a lot of showboating, works the crowd and is usually in some sort of scandalous headline every week but she loves it
•Shiloh plays bass and provides backup vocals, he’s annoying but they keep him towards the front of the stage because his energy is infectious so we might as well put him to use
• I can see Everett having the ability to use both hands equally well, so he’s on drums and enjoys having his finger on the very heartbeat of the metaphorical system, probably dabbles in the synth too
•Pran is the one-man tech wizard and has as tiny of a presence as possible, only the most hardcore fans know what he even looks like
•[If we bring the reader into this, they were hand-selected by JB for their seemingly sweet, friendly, conflict-averse demeanor as well as their powerful voice– she didn’t want too much competition for the boys’ attention]
•[Whether her judgement is sound remains to be seen, but my money’s on not]
•[On the other hand, there’s still enough onstage chemistry between them to play it up for the fans and the press]
•They definitely squabbled over the name
• “Hear me out: Baend.” “NO” “JB and the JBs” “oh, please” “get real” “could we squish all of our names together?” “Ah yes, because none of the members of the band could ever switch out, it’s not like that happens only all the time”
• “What about ‘That Band’?” “Seriously?” “It’s no worse than anything else that’s been suggested” “Ugh fine” “wait I was being sarcastic” “well too bad we’re sticking with it now” “this is all your fault Jeremy”
each member has a good amount of groupies/fangirls. JB, Everett, and Shiloh revel in the spotlight and have a lot of overnight visitors to their respective rooms, Bae pretends he’s above all that but he’ll have the occasional “dalliance” as well which is,,, not what you’d think
Legit he sells a limited amount of ‘day dates’ to his fans at every tour stop which consists of him hanging out with them for a certain price, it’s only word-of-mouth through the hardcore base which just adds to the mystique
• Nate and Jeremy are like “gross”, but at least they have fans and at the very least that’s good for both business and their image
• Pran HATES it lol he’s just like “Why. Why.”
• “Must be a bunch of burnt out losers who weren’t hugged enough as children.”
• They all constantly diss everyone else’s outfits and haircuts, naturally
•Not the musical instruments though– except for in extreme cases– because that’s serious business
Jeremy: trips onstage
Everett: *ba-dum-tsss*
•Pran with light spotting/mic check shenanigans
•Shiloh: leans over to plug his bass in
•Pran: Points all the spotlights directly at him
•Shiloh: temporarily blinded
•Pran: evil chuckle
• Nate: Sound check, let’s go!
•Pran: turns it down low
•JB: Hello, world! ...it’s not working. Testing, one two three.
•Everett, offstage: Is it even turned on?
•Jeremy: uh yeah, the light’s green.
•Pran: snickering to himself in the back
Ear-splitting, electronic screech
• Everyone minus JB and Pran: JB!!
Jeremy’s keyboard is absolutely pristine, and you cannot convince me otherwise
There’s not a fingerprint to be seen, he might even wear gloves while handling it just to keep it impeccable
Def makes the stagehands and assistants wash their hands and glove up before moving it, that’s not even a question
You could probably eat right off the thing, not that he’d let you
•JB has some cool pins on the strap of her guitar and has a few different guitars she rotates though depending on her mood
•Everett and Shiloh have similar stickers on their respective instruments, they still mock each others’ taste in decoration though because them
“Give us a headbang, Jeremy!”
• Jeremy [and reader] do their best in making Nate’s job as easy as possible, which is very much needed since directing the rest of the members is worse than herding cats
Three minutes to showtime
•Everett: hey has anyone seen my drumsticks?
•Nate: WHAT 
• Everett: Lol jk here they are in my back pocket 
•Bae: Wonnndderrrfulll, crisis averted.
• Shiloh: Everett, that’s not really funny...
• Everett: F***ing can it, freckles.
• Shiloh: :( you can it.
• JB: everybody shut up before I make you shut up
• Everett: ;) is that so?
• Jeremy: kill me now.
• Nate, offstage: I need a raise...
•[Reader once walked in on Nate aggressively rubbing at his eyes and sniffling after a particularly rough week, but he brushed it off as seasonal allergies and they didn’t press the matter at the time]
•Roommate musical chairs kept happening at every single stop until finally everyone was fed up with everybody, even the ones who usually get along, so Bae and Nate decided on getting everyone their own room while touring– they even added a clause to the contract to make sure it would happen for the divas (yes that includes the two of them)
• Credit to the amazing @gb-patch for creating the best worst guys you’ll ever love
•hey, psst. Before you go, check this out: https://werkwerkelizaaa.tumblr.com/post/648073310973952000/xoxo-droplets-jerk-squad-band-au
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thatlittledandere · 2 years
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"Can you f**king believe this, Mom?"
Not bleaching my hair again, last chance to get decent cosplay photos of my favorite bitchy mama's boy (Everett Gray from XOXO Droplets by @gb-patch)
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baishunpuwu · 2 years
copy pasting from twitter bc i have no shame
headcanon that is probably not original in the slightest that if you say anything remotely close to a may the 4th be with you thing around jeremy king bc of his birthday hed personally treat u to a force free forcechoke whatever the fuck the thing from star war is called idk i never watched it
i think hed absolutely HATE any and all things related to that franchise but hed also know enough about it on account of everyone not shutting the fuck up about it so hed prolly think that doing that to anyone referencing his bday is hilarious bc of the sheer irony of life imitating art, hes just a bit of a little shit like that (affectionate)
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coveholdenenjoyer · 3 years
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Hi!! My name is James, my pronouns are he/him, and welcome to my account! I mainly post my headcanons about characters/ships I enjoy, as well as character x (Male or Gender Neutral) Reader, but occasionally I'll post about random thoughts I have.
I also have an AO3 account (linked above) where I write full length fanfics!
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regulusstarz · 3 months
who and what i write!
im open to writing headcanons, short (usually very short) stories and rambles about certain topics! my requests are basically almost always open, feel free to request something!
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Who i write for:
Our life: Now and Forever
Qiu lin
Tamarack Baumann
Renee murray (will be reffered to mostly as Ren throughout step 1-2)
(Possibly) Vianca
Xoxo droplets
Jeremy King
Pran Taylor
(Possibly) Everett Gray
Floret bond
(Possibly) Peony
The more detailed the request the better! I write short drabbles, headcanons and scenarios. I will write fluff and angst, possibly smut/nsfw things but only characters that are 18+. I won't accept nsfw/smut requests about OLNF characters right now, i wanna wait until step 3 is out and they're 18 ingame.
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finnterests · 2 years
everett gray headcanons::
here r some of my eve hcs i love him a normal amount
the first song he taught himself on ukulele was riptide but he denies even knowing how to play it because its too "cliché"
he shops second hand for some of his god awful clothes
he def had a p!atd phase
when he was learning ukulele he would play it late at night and it would drive nate crazy so nate grounded him from it
he didn't learn to drive until he was 17 1/2 but only because nate taught him
one time as a "joke" he bought a dart board and pinned a photo of shilohs face to it
^^ nate did not approve of it but took his rage out on it ^^
he threw is ukulele at the wall once because it made him that bad
he refuses to study so nate makes him do it
hes so judgmental walking down the hallways, like he will see someone and make a face of disgust
hes very opinionated and does not hide it
hes seen mean girls more than once
^^ he HATED mean girls 2 and yelled at nate about how bad it was ^^
he wants to learn to play the drums
nate helps him shave the sides of his head
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XOXO Blood Droplets - Yandere Headcanons
Everett Gray
* Everett is an aggressive yandere. The littliest thing can set him off. You looking at someone else? You talking to someone else? You trying to meet with someone else? He hates the fact that you aren't only paying attention to him and he is going to do absolutely everything in his power to have you. * If you would reject Everett, he would end up probably killing you. I mean, you are someone that he loves, but if you don't love him, then what is your purpose in life?
Nate Lawson
* Nate is a controlling yandere. Nate is a huge control freak. From the way you talk to the way you study to the things you do in your everyday life, Nate will control everything and will get violent with you if you dare reject him or his advances. * If you would reject Nate, he would end up hurting you very badly, without a second thought. To him, you are his, so the thought of you daring to reject him is an insane thought for him.
* JB is a self indulgent yandere. Your existence is to please her. She is selfish and will do absolutely everything in her power to try and keep you to herself, while also putting you in harms way if that means that she will get what she wants at the end of the day. * JB would not believe that you are rejecting her. But if you would keep doing that, she would most likely end up hurting you just to try and get you to love her.
Officer Gercy
* Gercy is a manipulative yandere. She is the type that would want to always have you in her eye sight, making sure you are not doing something that would embarrass her or give people the idea that you are open to dating someone. * If you would reject Gercy, she would end up strangling you without a second thought. She will not allow you to slip away from her.
Bae Pyoun
* Bae is a manipulative yandere. He would do everything to make you think everything is alright, maybe even make you fall in love, before ending up doing something drastic to lock you away and always keep you with himself. * If you reject Bae, he would simply murder you. He adores you and would rather have you in a ghost form, than not have you at all.
Jeremy King
* Jeremy is a controlling yandere. Jeremy will try to have control over everything in your life. He adores you but he also hates the fact that you are around other people that he deems as dirty. If you keep being around them, he will start thinking you are dirty too. * If you dare to try and leave him, he will be so enraged that he will kill you. You seem to have already been dirtied. He can't save you anymore, it looks.
* Lynn is a sadistic yandere. He might try not to hurt you but he uses for his own entertainment and often, he bullies you just so he would bully someone. You probably haven't even realized that he loves you because of how he treats you. Lynn hides his love for you very well. * Lynn wouldn't be shocked that you rejected him. You probably think he is teasing you and is about to make fun of you. Looks like he will need to isolate you so you can't help but love him.
Waldo Wilson
* Waldo is a bizarre yandere. He is your absolute best friend and has been the one to try and keep you from the freaks around you, but he never realized how much he fell in love with you as he would spend more and more time with you. You're one of the greatest people that he knows, and he doesn't want to let you leave his side. * If you would reject Waldo, he would return to acting like a friend, but now, he is more jealous and a ticking bomb before he snaps and does something horrible.
Rex Eld
* Rex is a bizarre yandere. Rex adores you but he gets in trouble over the stupidest things for you. He knows that you are someone who people love and he wants to love you so much that he is willing to kill someone for your affection and attention. * If you would reject Rex, he would probably get so sad and think that you like someone else. He would challenge that someone else for your love, most likely ending up the one who dies.
Chand Gerges
* Chand is a harmless yandere. Or well, he is very much in love and obsessed with you, but because he saw what you have to deal with the other maniacs that like you, Chand doesn't want to scare you away and become like them. He is willing to try and become better for you, while his dark thoughts are deep in his mind, waiting to break out and cause trouble. * If you would reject Chand, he would be absolutely heartbroken. That would be probably one of the possible reasons how or why his dark side would come to the surface.
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JB from XOXO Droplets is transgender!!!
(This flag can be used as an icon/background/etc. as you wish, just please reblog it/credit this blog if you don’t mind!)
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Jeremy King is a pansexual ambiamorous mistraegender firoptican litvoidgender fleshobjectic demiboy who is an angel and uses uh/it/fin/feather/halo/misery/clean/sleep/choke/REDACTED/REAL/EXIST/bleach/dream/eye/he/they pronouns.
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arioneshots · 3 years
Requests are open,
I do one shots from these specific things.
Attack on Titan
Genshin Impact (Specific characters)
XoXo Droplets
I will eventually expand on this list when I get used to doing more characters and I watch more anime’s and read more manga.
I do not do NSFW requests or NSFW in general as it makes me uncomfortable. So please be respectful of that and don’t request it.
I will do:
I specifically do reader inserts, sounds weird but I do quite like writing in second person.
I will not take OC requests as I do fear messing up a characters personality and way of thinking and stuff so.
If I struggle with a specific character you request I may not do it or it might be horribly out of character and I apologise for that!
Thank you xx ♥️♥️
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