#Jeremy King x reader
jeremywasriven · 10 months
here you go guys a shitty chapter two to an old fic from a year ago. i dont think im gonna write more jeremy fanfiction but we'll see
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etfrin · 5 months
HELLO! (Please vote)
It's been awhile guys! So I am working on a AFTG fic, it's Andrew x Neil x male! Reader. I am already nearly finished with the first chapter but I am confused whether let it be a x reader, or be it will a male original character! (plus if anyone wants to beta read it please inbox or comment!)
the fic will be basically a rewrite of the three books except the mc already knows everything that has happened because guess what!? he's in the book!! i am really excited to write this so what do you guys think I should do? ps. The MC is basically a fanboy, it's so much fun writing him! And AFTG is filled with complex characters and I'll try my best to do Neil and Andrew justice!
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brinniesea · 3 months
Jeremy King x Reader
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lokiwhitewolf · 1 year
Red Hot Winter- Chapter 12
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trigger warning: sex scenes, death scene, blood sharing- minors dni
Chapter 12- "Up for The Fight"
"Where is it?" Elijah and Elena heard Klaus from their room.
"Well, where did you see it last?" Asked Caroline, helping him look for whatever he was trying to find.
Elijah and Elena were lying on their bed, having woken up a few hours earlier but losing themselves to their passion. He was holding her against his body, while she was drawing patterns on his chest with her fingers.
"What is he looking for?" She asked.
"Mother's grimoire." He replied. "I hid it after the little stunt Genevieve pulled."
"Very well brother!" Exclaimed Klaus, barging into their room, being followed by Caroline.
"Klaus, door, knock!" Said Elena, pulling the sheet to cover herself. Elijah moved to be in front of her to shield her from his brother's eyes.
"Oh Elena, me and Elijah both took Katerina and Tatia before her to bed, there's nothing we haven't seen before doppelganger." Said Klaus.
"Klaus! Apologize, now!" Demanded Caroline, crossing her arms, her eyes piercing the hybrid.
"I'm..I'm sorry Elena, I'm a bit nervous right now." He said, ashamed of himself, looking down. Only Caroline could make him apologize in a matter of seconds.
"Niklaus if you hadn't apologized to Elena, I would’ve ripped your heart off your chest." Said Elijah. "Why do you need Mother's grimoire for?"
"I made a pact with the crescent wolves, they'd get a moonlight ring if they pledge their allegiance to me."
"You haven't told Hayley about this, have you?"
"No, but at this time the little wolf probably knows and won't get between her pack and their chance of controlling their transformation."
"Niklaus I don't think you know what you're doing."
"Tell me where the grimoire is, Elijah," Klaus said, in a threatening tone. Their discussion was halted by Klaus's phone ringing. It was Camille. He picked it up.
"Camille, I'm sorry, but I can't come to the phone right now." He said.
"Klaus please, I need your help! The hex is taking over my uncle, please!"
Klaus looked at Caroline and sighed.
"I'll be there shortly and I'll bring some help."
He hung up the phone.
"The grimoire better find its way to my office when I return, Elijah!" He said. "Love, come with me, I need your help." And with that, he grabbed Caroline's hand and both of them went to the church.
As soon as his brother left, Elijah turned to Elena.
"I'm sorry about that, my love"
"It's not your fault." She said, smiling at him.
"We need to go check on Hayley, to tell her about Klaus's plan."
"How about a shower first?" She suggested, sitting on top of his lap.
"Elena, the last thing we'll do in the shower is shower." He said, bringing her face next to his.
"But that's the whole point." She said, biting his underlip teasingly.
Elijah groaned and stood up with her, making Elena wrap her legs around him. He leads both of them to the shower, turning on the hot water.
With the water cascading across their naked bodies, Elijah wasted no time to press her against the shower wall as he entered her. He moved his hips slowly, savoring every moment of pleasure they felt together. He then moved his hips faster and harder, making Elena moan in pleasure.
Elijah carefully manipulated his hard shaft within her, making sure that she was aptly pleasured. Before long, Elijah had Elena clawing onto him with each thrust and screaming his name out until she released in intense pleasure. Not satisfied with the outcome, Elijah kept stimulating, making her explode in a pleasure-filled experience, pushing her to another intense peak before he cummed deep within her, satisfied.
He was very focused on taking care of her and she loved every moment of it with him, knowing how much he cared about her pleasure and making sure she was with him all the way.
In the end, they did take a shower. Elena felt relief that she didn't have to curl her hair or wear high heels anymore.
While Elijah and Elena were going to the bayou, Klaus and Caroline were trying to understand what Camille wanted to do to help her uncle.
"So you want us to hold down your uncle while this doctor who was compelled by Josh, electrocutes his brain to make the hex go away?" Caroline asked.
"Yes, it worked on other mental patients before," Camille said.
"Camille, those patients were not hexed." Said Caroline. "We want to help you but there's gotta be another way."
"There isn't one!" Said Camille, throwing her hands in the air. "I've talked to Davina, and your friend Bonnie agreed with her, there is no way to undo the hex, maybe this could help."
"Caroline, love, let's hold him down."Said Klaus, looking at Caroline. The vampire nodded. Both of them went to either side of Father Kieran while the doctor prepared him. Josh went to Cami's side, to avoid her from losing control.
Klaus nodded to the doctor and the procedure began.
Back at the bayou, Elena and Elijah were walking towards the little house by the river, when a very pregnant Hayley walked out of the house.
"Elijah, Elena, what a nice surprise!" She says, welcoming both of them. "Elena you look great without all that bitchy costume."
"Oh, why thank you! You look amazing too!"
"Your niece has been kicking all morning."
"She probably gets it from her uncle." Said Elena. "During the night, Elijah kicks all the pillows and the sheets, I have to be careful when I wake up."
"Oh really?" Said Hayley laughing.
"Oh, I don't do this!" Said Elijah, defending himself, pulling Elena closer to him.
"Oh yes, you do honey," Elena said, looking at him lovingly.
Their tender moment was broken by the sound of a motorbike.
The vampires turned around. It was a man driving it.
"I want to talk to the leader."He said.
Elena and Elijah heard something else. Before Hayley could step in to talk to him, Elijah jumped on top of the man, while Elena shielded Hayley. It was an explosion. It was an attack on the wolf pack.
At the same time, in the church, they weren't having much luck with Father Kieran. He had had brief seconds of recognition but bit the doctor next when the physician tried to put the mouthpiece back. Now Caroline was patching him up while Camille had another idea.
"Turn him, Klaus! He can't be hexed and a vampire at the same time!"
"Cami, I've walked this earth long enough to know…"He tried to say but was interrupted by the bartender.
"Please Klaus, he is the only family I've got left," Camille said, with tears on her face.
Looking at Caroline, who truly felt for her but knew this wouldn't work, Klaus nodded.
"Father I'm sorry." He said, before biting into his wrist and force-feeding the priest, only to break his neck later. The heart monitor attached to the man flatted.
"You're all insane! I'll be reporting this to the police." The young doctor said, gathering his equipment to leave.
He was stopped by Caroline.
"I'm sorry, we're gonna need you here." She said. "You're gonna stay here and offer your arm to the good priest when he wakes up," She said compelling him.
Cami walked out to wait at the church.
Back in the Bayou, Hayley went to see Marcel, who she thought was behind the attack on her people, but he completely denied it. He told her he saved her when her family was killed and instead of keeping the daughter of the alpha of the pack, he gave her to Father Kieran, who put her in the system. Simultaneously, Elijah and Elena are helping the wounded, when the brunette vampire overhears Oliver apologizing inside the house Hayley was.
Walking inside, she finds him crying over the dead body of Eve, though he was holding a pillow that smelled like death.
Elena walked outside, brought out her phone, and texted something quickly.
"Elijah." She said, running to him, sensing Oliver behind her, knowing he wouldn't do anything if the original was beside her.
"What's going on?"The vampire asked, grabbing her by the waist, sensing her fear.
She showed him her cell phone.
I think Oliver had something to do with the explosion. I heard him apologizing to Eve and when I walked inside, he was holding a pillow that smelled like death.
"Tell Caroline that we are okay." He said, pretending to read a text from Caroline.
Oliver immediately retreated, going to help other people.
"We'll keep this to ourselves, Hayley's got a lot on her mind now," Elijah said. "Stay close to me, I don't want him around you."
In the church, Father Kieran seemed to have regained conscience. He had fed and had recognized Cami. It had seemed the bartender was right after all. Klaus held Caroline's hand and they were about to walk out, with the hybrid promising to take her on another date, when they heard Cami scream for help.
Both of them were back in a heartbeat. Caroline grabbed Cami, while Klaus took Kieran off her.
"I'm sorry Cami." Said Klaus, ripping Kieran's heart out. Cami closed her eyes, crying out. Klaus wiped his hand off on his clothes and went to his friend. "We both know this was just buying time for the inevitable. I'm really sorry, my friend."
Cami just nodded. Klaus hugged her. They both took Cami to her apartment. While Caroline was helping her out, Klaus called Marcel.
"I'm giving you a 48-hour pass. Kieran is dead, I couldn't save him from the hex the witches put on him. Cami is all alone. You are allowed to come and mourn your friend and stay with her." The hybrid said.
It didn't take Marcel 20 minutes to arrive at Cami's place. After making sure she was okay with Marcel, both Klaus and Caroline left.
Elijah and Elena had returned to the compound a few minutes after Klaus and Caroline.
"Wow, you both look like hell." Said Caroline, when they arrived at the living room. She offered her friend a drink but Elena refused.
"Oh thanks, we had a bomb explode on us." Said Elena, sitting next to her.
"Don't tell me about it, we had to fight off a vampire that had a hex put on him."
"Well it seems like the four of us had a very unproductive day," Said Elijah, sitting next to Elena, putting his hand on her thighs.
"I have allowed Marcel to come back to the city to mourn Father Kieran. But now, it's chaos out there brother." Said Klaus, giving his brother a cup of drink.
"Which reminds me," Elijah said, giving his drink for Elena to hold and going upstairs to his room and coming back down with something. "You were looking for this." He said, giving Klaus their mother's grimoire. "It is chaos brother, but I chose to be on the winning side."
And with that, they clinked their cups and drank to it.
It was indeed chaos but if there is one thing that the Mikaelsons are good at is fighting for each other over their shared bond. Caroline and Elena were now part of their family, and this war was now theirs too.
Later that night, Klaus finally took Caroline on a date. She had told him that morning that she wanted to go out, and he promised her he'd take her but a lot of things ended up happening.
It was a drive-in movie, but they were parked in a very seclutive place. According to Caroline, when Klaus wanted he could be very sweet and this was him being sweet. He laid out a tablecloth on the ground and brought out a basket with food and wine for them.
"Klaus… this is so beautiful." She said smiling at him. He hugged her and she put her hands on his neck.
"Only the best for you love." He said, lightly kissing her. "C'mon now, the movie is about to start."
It was one of her favorite movies. They were eating and drinking the wine, with Klaus sitting behind her, sometimes feeding her, to which she teasingly bit his finger.
"Don't tease love." He said huskly in her ear.
"But what's the fun in that?" She said, innocently.
He gave her a strawberry and after she had eaten the whole thing, she bit his finger with her fangs until it broke the skin, drinking the blood drops.
That was a new development for them. While they would sometimes share blood, Klaus would only do it after asking her, except for the first time he bit her since they got together. Caroline, on the other hand, would never drink from him, though Klaus had given her permission to drink from him whenever she wanted.
Testing the waters, Caroline pulled his arm until she could reach his wrist. Leaning back against his shoulder, she let her eyes turn black, her veins pop up and her fangs come down and gently bit on him, drinking his essence.
Klaus groaned in pleasure, his other arm taking action by himself and grabbing her other arm. Looking at her, silently asking her if he could, he felt her body nod against his.
Letting his fangs come down, he brought Caroline's arm to his mouth and bit into her, drinking from her. They both knew that, from that moment onwards, they would do whatever it took to keep each other safe and protect one another from any kind of danger.
The moment was a testament to the intensity of their relationship and the trust they shared, even if it was just for a moment. Nonetheless, it was an extraordinary moment between the two of them and a powerful demonstration of their love for each other.
Caroline suddenly understood why Elena and Elijah were always sharing blood. They were sharing their life force, and if it was up to Klaus they always would.
After emptying each other's veins, Klaus picked Caroline up and took her running to the middle of the woods, the blonde laughing in his grip.
After reaching a safe distance, Klaus put Caroline on her feet, cornering her into a tree.
"I told you to not tease me love." He said, smirking.
"Oh really? What are you gonna do about it?" She asked, cleaning the corners of her mouth that still had his blood.
Klaus just smiled, opening his pair of pants, and lifting Caroline's skirt.
He leaned Caroline up against the old, mossy bark of a large tree. He fed her a feverish kiss, and as she whimpered in delight, he entered her body with a passionate fury. She bestowed all her trust to him as he moved against her, making her cling to him like his very own lifeline to the divine.
His rough hands grabbed onto her hips as he roughly thrust into her. She gasped in pleasure as the sensation of his body against hers heightened her arousal.
He pushed her into a storm of pleasure and emotion,
"Klaus… Klaus please…" She whispered in his ear, begging for release.
With a sly smirk, Klaus said:
"Only after I have mine, love"
Knowing there was no escape, Caroline accepted her fate and allowed him to ravish her with pleasure.
Time seemed to stand still as they both fell into the depths of ecstasy. His powerful thrusts created a deep pleasure that surged throughout her entire body, while her passionate moans echoed off the nearby trees. Eventually, the sensation of intense pleasure became too much and they both reached their climax together. As his essence filled her, Caroline was overwhelmed with pleasure and let out a long moan of release.
Now satisfied, Klaus finally let her find her release, and they both stayed entwined for a few moments, savoring their passion.
"Are you okay love?" He asked, holding her face between his hands.
"Yes, I'm more than okay."She said, kissing him lightly.
The city might be in chaos, but Klaus had his peace right there with him.
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ramp-it-up · 4 months
II Most Wanted Part 7:
One Day We Won't Be
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Pairing: Syverson x OFC Reader "Buttercup"
Summary: Confrontations and conversations.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF. S MUT, ANGST, FLUFF. This part is plot with porn. Flashbacks, mentions of teenage pregnancy and heartbreak, the past in human form, important conversations with an important question. 😉. Black girl magic, natural hair care, supercenters. Shower sex, hand job, slight choking, finger f ucking, raw p in v, size kink, squirting, squirting oral sex, praise kink.
Read at your own risk.  Not Beta’d. All errors my own.
A/N:  This is the seventh installment of II Most Wanted. I'm in love with these two; they are bringing my writer heart back to life. If you like it, please reblog and comment.
I don't have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
Previous part here
May 2004
You and Sy were in your own little bubble most of the time you were at the prom. Of course you had fun with your crew, but you two were all over each other, and after a couple of hours, decided to cut out and head to the chalet. On your way out, you were stopped by Jeremy Atkins, who hadn’t spoken much to Sy since he’d broken up with Becca six months earlier.
“They are about to announce Prom Court, Sy. Word on the street is that you’re a cinch for King.”
Sy looked at you, and then back at Jeremy, sighed, and whispered in your ear.
“You mind if we stay just a little while longer, Buttercup?”
You pouted just a little, then grinned up at Sy, going on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. 
“Only if you keep the crown on all night. I mean allllll night.”
You giggled as Sy chuckled and grinned down at you.
“Even if I’m king, your wish is my command. Here. I see the goosebumps raising on your arms.” 
You grinned as Sy draped his tuxedo jacket around your arms. Now you were ensconced in his warmth and his smell. 
Stephanie Prince, the Student Body President, walked up to the mic on stage and said lots of words before announcing the court. You were too wrapped up in Sy to pay attention. When he was announced King, Sy picked you up when he stood, causing you to squeal before he put you down. Your classmates either laughed or rolled their eyes.
Sy reached the stage and winked at you, who was standing right in front taking pictures of your man.
When Becca was announced queen, you curiously watched her gain the stage. Becca’s high waisted ball gown was a little out of fashion, which was weird for her, but you figured she just wanted to attract attention. After they were crowned, Sy moved to get back to you as Becca stepped up to the mic.
“Thank you for this honor. I just want to make one announcement.”
Becca moved her hands around her waist, unfastening her skirt. Everyone gasped as they thought she was stripping, but she only revealed a sleek dress underneath.
And a very pregnant belly.
“I will be having a baby in August. And the father is your Prom King, Jake Syverson.”
Carla yelled it as the rest of the room was silent.
Your eyes searched for Sy, who was frozen halfway down the stage steps. His eyes were wide as he gaped at Becca.
She looked back at him triumphantly.
“Remember the night of your 18th birthday, Sy?”
Your mind raced. Sy’s birthday was in October, and right before you two got together. That would mean that Becca was almost 7 months pregnant. You felt the blood rushing in your ears as you started walking backwards toward the door.
His mouth dropped open as he stared at her, then, when he heard you sob, he searched for you in the crowd. 
You were out of the door, Carla and Tiffani and their dates hot on your heels, in under two seconds, flat.
June 2024
You woke up with a start and stared over at Sy, who was sleeping peacefully beside you in his bed. This time it was you who watched him sleep as you processed the fact that Sy was here with you now, and what happened 20 years ago was over and done with. Your mind was trying to trick you with fear and anxiety. 
Sy had reached his goal of convincing you to give this a try this weekend, and you decided to risk it all by checking out of your AirBnB early and taking your rental back to the airport that morning because you wanted to spend every possible minute with him. 
“Now who’s bein’ a creep, Buttercup?”
Sy’s gravelly voice was heaven as he gathered you up in his arms, and the smile on his face was everything. 
You snuggled in with Sy, kissing his neck and enjoying his warmth. You let the skin on skin contact regulate your erratic heartbeat from the dream.
“Hmmmm. I wasn’t stalking you, promise Syverson, just thinking of everything I need to do to get ready for my interview tomorrow. Need look presentable and be packed, because my interview is at nine, my plane leaves at two…”
You trailed off as you thought of how your outlook on Monday had changed from when you’d first arrived back in town. What started as a lark was now serious. You were beginning to think that you wanted this to work between you and Sy, and getting this job would play a big part in that.
Sy looked down at you and kissed your forehead.  
“Come back to me, Buttercup. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours.”
You looked up at him, “What?” 
You laughed a little, because you were unsure what he was speaking about.
“I can tell when you get into your head. Whatever it is, we can get through it.”
You continued to stare into his eyes and then he nodded.
“And I was also talking about after you fly away tomorrow afternoon. I’m hoping that you will come back to me and we can continue this new relationship.”
You smiled, because Sy really got you. You kissed his hairy chin and listened to his heartbeat for a minute. You wanted to be there forever. But you didn’t say that.
“Well, I was thinking, I really need to do something with my hair. Want to do a twistout, but I need some products and equipment.”
Sy leaned back to look at you.
You grinned.
“Yes, equipment. Black girl magic requires some serious alchemy.”
Sy was interested now.
“What kind of equipment? I got a whole garage full.”
You bit your lip at how cute he was.
“I doubt that you have a hood dryer out there.” 
You lifted your hand to his hair. 
“But you rock these curls, Sy. You might.”
Sy laughed and ran his own hand through his hair to capture yours and bring it to his chest. You flattened your palm to feel his heart beat, which is what he wanted. 
It only beat for you.
“Anything you need, my lady.”
You giggled at his foolishness. Sy laughed with you.
“Seriously. Whatever you need to feel confident for tomorrow. It’s a big day.”
You looked into Sy’s hopeful eyes.
“You’re right. I applied on a whim when I saw the opening. It the dream, working for a company that designs and builds small, eco-friendly homes for the unhoused. It’s perfect.”
Sy watched your eyes sparkle, for about the sixth time, exactly the number of times you’d mentioned the company this weekend.
“Even if it's not my dream location.”
Sy smiled at you and grunted.
“Hmph. Avoiding me I see.”
You were about to give a facetious retort, but decided against it. It was time out for all of that.
“It wasn’t just you. It…”
“I know, Buttercup. Just teasin’ ya.”
Then his face turned serious.
“I need to tell you the full truth about something.”
Your heart dropped. 
“I know that ReHome is your ideal and all, but I don’t want you to get into the interview and be surprised. My company, Castle Builders, is the primary contractor for them. We’d be sorta, kinda… working together?”
The way he said it, with his face scrunched up like a little boy, was so adorable, but you were wary.
“And you let me go on and on about it, without thinking of mentioning that?”
You moved out of Sy’s grasp and sat up, covering yourself with the sheet.
Sy sat up and leaned against the headboard behind you, running his hands through his hair again and taking a deep breath. He needed to be careful.
“Yes. Because before this morning, I didn’t want to scare you off.”
You looked over your shoulder at him, giving him a side eye.
“And what happened this morning, Sy? Some bomb sex?”
Sy looked like a little boy again, younger than when you met him.
“You told me that you were mine.”
Your heart did a funny thing as you heard those words. You fought the urge to run.
“You weren’t square with me, Sy.”
You shook your head in disappointment, and he felt terrible.
“Don’t look at me like that, Buttercup. It’s killin’ me.”
Sy put his hand on your shoulder.
“Please. Listen. Don’t build this up in your head to more than it is.”
You didn’t look up at him as you turned your eyes to the sheets and tried to stop the tears from falling.
“I didn’t engineer the interview. I actually didn’t know until you told me last night. And I didn’t tell them to hire you. You got that on lock on your own.”
You chuckled and sniffled, wiping your eyes quickly. Sy’s heart broke, but he didn’t move because he knew you needed space. He was surprised you were still in bed with him.
“I haven’t been hired yet.”
“You will be.”
“You just said you didn’t tell them to hire me.”
Sy smiled and wiped a tear from your cheek. You let him.
“I didn’t. With your qualifications and roots in this town, they’d be idiots not to want to talk to you. Also, your background and experience is a definite plus for the clients.”
You looked at Sy a long time. He knew you. He knew what you and your mom went through back in the day, and he believed in you. So you decided to believe him.
“What are they going to do when they find out about our relationship, Sy?”
He grinned at that. He raised his eyebrow.
“So, we’re in a relationship are we?”
You rolled your eyes at him and tried not to smile.
“You know what….?”
Sy put his hands up and did some fast talking.
“Just kidding, Buttercup. Don’t get mad.”
He took your hand and pulled you closer.
“I think you know I want forever with you.”
You didn’t say anything, just allowed Sy to pull you into an embrace. You relaxed. He continued.
“We are in year two of a five year contract. I figure, by that time the contract is fulfilled, we will be on our way to creating a non-profit arm of Castle on our own…”
You watched how small your hand looked in Sy’s and wondered about the ‘we’ that he just uttered. You decided to chill.
He was worth it.
“Okay, Sy.”
You finally looked him in the eye.
“But no more surprises. I’m serious. If you want this to work, we’ve got to have truth.”
Sy looked down at you, amazed at how beautiful you were, and that you were in his arms.
“Oh, I’ll give you more truth than you can handle, Buttercup.”
He smiled at you angelically and leaned in for a peck on the lips. Then, moved to get out of bed and grinned as he went into the bathroom.
“It’s almost two pm, got to get a move on to build your dream salon. Where would we get this hood dryer?”
You stared at the ceiling, not believing that you and Sy were doing this domestic thing. You arrived in town two days earlier dreading seeing him and now you didn't want to leave. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, seeking clarity and peace.
“The supercenter should have them.”
You said it as you breezed past him, naked and on the way into the shower.
He was staring.
“I’ll never get over seeing you all wet, Buttercup.”
Sy pulled you to him for a kiss as he stepped into the shower.
“Can’t ever get enough of you,” he whispered it in your ear as he handled your ass, his long fingers skimming your wetness.
“Same, Sy.”
Your hands were all over him, sliding over his shoulders with the hot water. You traced his neck, torso and abs, down to the throbbing muscle between you. All the while, you were kissing passionately, his tongue sliding through your mouth as if establishing ownership. 
Your hand slid up and down his cock, expertly now, squeezing in that way that made him groan and throw his head back, giving you a view of the corded muscles in his neck. The way your thumb slipped across the slick head of him made him tremble and you feel powerful. When your other hand slipped down to his balls and tugged, Sy had moved you against the cooler tiles of the shower wall.
“Fuck, Buttercup. You do that so godamn well…too fucking well.”
You went on tip toe for a kiss, sucking his tongue in time as you pumped his cock. Sy moaned in your mouth, then grabbed your throat as he bent further in order to suck your nipples, his lips, tongue and teeth making you quiver. You whimpered when his mouth came back up to your ear.
“You tryna make me spill before I see you come apart for me? Hunh?”
His voice was gravel and rumbled straight to your pussy. Sy’s pupils were blown as he looked at you through half closed lids, mouth open and panting as you worked him with both hands.
His grinned and held your gaze as he slowly inserted two fingers into his mouth and pulled them back out, causing you to tremble.
One word made you close to cumming untouched, and you did as he commanded. He inserted the same two fingers on your tongue. You closed your lips around them and started to suck. His cock jumped in your hands and despite the overhead shower spray, you felt more slick shoot from his tip.
Sy’s eyes rolled back into his head.
“Christ, this mouth, Buttercup. Those hands, so good for me. This. Pussy.”
He actually gasped as he removed his fingers from your mouth into your wet heat and started pumping.
“Fuck, you’re so good for me, baby.”
You rode his fingers as he started fucking you in earnest, the velocity at which his hand moved causing violent sprays of water all around you as you came on his hand.
“So fucking pretty when you cum for me Buttercup.”
You just whimpered as he turned you around, bent you over, and then pushed his fat cock inside you.
“Fuck, you’re so thick!”
“So fucking tight!” 
You both exclaimed at the same time.
Although you’d taken him plenty of times already, you didn’t think you’d ever get used to his girth. Sy was close as soon as he was inside you. Your warm wet heat was his weakness. He clutched you to him from behind as he finally slid home and you pushed back on him as he fucked you. Hard.
Water was jumping everywhere at the force of his thrusts and he created more leverage and a better angle by holding your arms behind your back. 
“Ugh! Feels s-s-so goooddd. Sy!” 
“Come on, give it to me baby!”
You came again on his cock, your fluid competition for the shower spray. 
“Fuck! I gotta taste that shit.”
Sy pulled out and got on his knees to lap you up and eat you out. 
After you came again, he stood up, picked you up and fucked your weak body against the wall. You rode him, clinging to him like a vine until you felt the hot jettison of his cum shoot inside you and drip down your legs along with the steamy shower water.
Next thing you knew, you were being shook awake and you found yourself naked and back in Sy’s bed.
“C’mon Buttercup. I let you sleep for an hour. But we really gotta get going.”
You moaned and rolled over, covering your head with a pillow.
“We can stay in bed. I’ll order take out and you can have your hair in pigtails for the interview.”
You bolted upright in the bed.
“I’m awake.”
45 minutes later, you were bopping along in the grocery section of the supercenter, your cart full of hair supplies, looking for some snacks while Sy scoped out some meat and fish to grill. You were into this domestic shit. Suddenly, a kid, about 8 or nine years old, ran into your cart.
“Ooof! Sorry!”
He was adorable and grinned at you before he ran back to his mother, who was castigating him. 
“Josiah! I told you to look where you are going! Did you apolo– Y/N????”
You looked at the kid’s mother and blanched. Holy shit.
She looked exactly the same, but older. And she didn’t seem perfect any more.
“Yes. It’s me. I heard you were in town for the reunion, but I always just missed you at the functions.”
She didn’t mention Sy, but if people told her you were at the reunion activities, they’d be sure to tell her who you’d left with. You decided to give her some grace.
“How are you? This your little one?”
Becca looked over at her son as if surprised he was there. She softened, and ruffled his curly hair. You both looked at him and saw Jeremy.
“Yes. he is my little. I have- I have four. Jeremy and I. Jeremiah… she cleared her throat, looking guilty as you both remembered how that pregnancy was announced. Jordan, Jade, and Josiah.”
You inwardly cringed but said, “How cute.”
Becca, chucked her chin up.
“Yes, we went with all J names. I know it’s not cool, but… this is us.”
You felt bad for a minute. Could Becca be looking for your approval?
“Hey… No, I like it….And he’s a beautiful kid.”
Josiah was now tucked under his mother’s arm.
“Yes, and he’s smart, and kind. My road dog.” 
Becca smiled down at him grinning up at her and she looked almost beautiful. She looked back up at you and then her smile dropped. You felt a chill in the air.
“Hey Sy.”
You looked back to see Sy behind you with meat that he reached around you to put in the cart. There was no mistaking what this was.
“Hello, Becca.”
Sy’s back was straight and his tone more formal. You got a glimpse of his command in the service.
Becca’s eyes surveyed the pair of you and she cleared her throat again. 
“You two always did make a handsome pair. You look good together.”
You had nothing to say to that, given your history, so you just stayed silent. The reality of the woman before you destroyed the multiple fantasies you’d had about gouging her eyes out.
Sy put his hand on your waist and drew you back on to him, almost like a shield. Damn, this woman hurt him.
You felt bad for all three of you.
“We do, don’t we?”
Josiah was tap dancing in the aisle now, and Becca shushed him.
“Yes. Well, I’ve got to go get him to soccer. Jordan’s looking forward to football this fall, Sy.”
Becca awkwardly turned her cart around in the aisle and spoke over her shoulder as she fled.
“Me too. I hear he’s even better than ‘Miah.”
Becca grinned as before she turned down the next aisle.
“Just you wait and see. Good to see you, Y/N.”
You both stood there for a second, letting the interaction sink in. It was anticlimactic for you and nerve wracking for Sy.
“You good?”
Sy was worried that this was going to send you over the edge.
“I’m great.”
You turned in his grip and gave him a kiss. 
“Let’s go home. I’m starving.”
The word home made any worries in Sy’s mind disappear.
May 2004
As Sy pulled up to your place after the prom, the other two Powerpuff Girls and their dates were standing guard outside. Sy jumped out and started toward the house.
Carla stepped in front of him. 
"You don't wanna go in there, Sy."
"Don't worry, I got her, Bubbles. Let me pass."
"You don’t get to call me that anymore, Jacob. Turn the fuck around.” 
Carla blocked the way, Tiffani and the crew behind her.
“Please get outta my way."
Sy glared down at Carla. And she glared back up at him, unafraid.
"Did I stutter?"
Sy turned to Tiffani. 
“Listen, can you talk to her? Ask her to see me?”
Tiffani crossed her arms. 
“Now why would I do that? You embarrassed the fuck outta my friend tonight.”
Sy threw up his hands.
“I didn’t know this was going to happen.”
“Did you, or did you NOT stick your unwrapped dick into Becca Ferguson 6 months ago?”
Sy winced at Carla’s blunt words.
“Don’t get shy now, mutha–”
Tiffani put her hand on Carla’s shoulder.
“Look, I don’t think she’s going, but I will go tell her that you’re here.”
Carla glared at her bestie, but Tiff shushed her and turned to go to your front door. Everyone watched it open and accept her in, while Sy nervously paced beside the Bronco.
Ten minutes later, Tiff came out of the house with a box and his tuxedo jacket. She approached Sy, who stopped moving and was staring at what was in her hands. He looked from what was in Tiffani’s hands to her face.
Sy was in denial as Carla approached him with a box of his things.
“Yes, Sy. You fucked up big time. She doesn’t want to see you. At all. These are some things of yours. And your jacket. Be careful. There is something for you in the pocket.”
Sy wouldn’t accept the items, so Tiffani just opened the Bronco and placed the belongings in the passenger seat, taking your bag from inside.
“No! Buttercup!!! Y/N!!!!”
Sy charged toward your house as Gavin and Tony blocked him. They did a good job, after all, they were his defensive backs.
“Just go man. Give her some room.”
Sy looked at Carla as if he’d heard her for the first time.
Yes, he’d give you some space and in the morning, you’d talk. He looked at your door again and then down at his boots, kicking a rock before circling around and getting into the truck. He sat there, staring into space for a minute before he started the car.
“Hey, yo, man. You good?”
Gavin was concerned.
Sy shook his head. He wasn’t good. Not at all.
“This is wild, Ya’ know?”
“Yes. Yes it is. Be safe on the road.”
Gavin had little sympathy as he tapped Betty twice, signaling that it was time for Sy to leave.
Sy took one last look at your house, then started Betty and pulled away from the curb. He got home without realizing it, and started walking into his house. He stopped halfway to the door, and then ran back to the truck, diving for his things through the open window. Surely what was in the jacket was a note from you!
Sy knew it was over when he pulled his grandmother’s ring out of his tuxedo pocket.
June 2024
Sy looked at the ring as he held it again. It was so delicate. And special. And you loved it back in the day. He hoped that you would accept it again. His heart beat was erratic and the meal that he’d carefully prepared threatened to come back up. He put the ring back in his pocket, scared that he would fuck up the good vibes of the weekend.
You were reading over your research on ReHome while you sat under the dryer. He smiled as he thought of how charitable you were toward Becca during your talk on the way home from the store. Instead of setting you off, the encounter seemed to calm you down. You were focused on the future, excited about the interview, and flirting through dinner. 
The ease by which you’d settled into his life in mere hours had him shook. He had hope that transcended time, but he was in awe that this really might happen. Sy watched the baseball game, trying to distract himself from you but instead he ended up staring at the screen while thoughts of you ran through his mind. 
You walked into Sy’s living room, clad in only his ARMY t-shirt and panties. You ran your hand over your twists and decided they were sexy. Your confidence was back. Today, you saw the truth. And the truth was that Becca Ferguson was just a flawed woman. And she had tried her best to stop what you and Sy had, but time and fate had you back together. Because even though it was 20 years later, Jacob Syverson still loved you.
And you still loved him.
You leaned against the wall as Sy stared at the television screen. He looked delectable in his grey sweatpants which stretched taught on his thighs and a Castle Builders t-shirt which was hanging on to his muscles for dear life. He caught sight of you drooling over him as he lifted his arm to rake through the curls on his head.
“Why hello there, Buttercup. Or should I call you Ms. Creeper?”
You laughed as you sauntered over to stand in front of him on the couch. He licked his lips and looked you and your attire up and down. He leaned forward and put his fingertips on the back of your knee. 
“I love you walking into my house and stealing my clothes. Looks good on you, baby. Damn good.”
His hand moved up your thigh and you trembled as you asked a question. 
“Who’s winning?”
Sy looked up at you and thought for the hundredth time that he wanted this for life. His heart swelled as he grabbed your hand and pulled you into his lap.
“I am.”
You snuggled into his chest and nuzzled his neck, inhaling the scent of him and trying not to think of leaving the following afternoon. This was not how you pictured this weekend turning out. You just wanted to stay in his arms.
“Hmmmm, looks to me like it’s the ‘Stros, but maybe you’ll get lucky too.” 
You were grinning up at him when something shiny caught your eye.
You turned your head to see Sy’s grandmother’s ring between his pointer finger and thumb. Suddenly, a sound came out of your throat, a cross between an exclamation, a sob, and a laugh.
“Jacob Syverson!”
You sat up straight on his thigh with your mouth open and your hands covering it and looked from him to his grandmother’s ring.
“Buttercup. Now this is just a ‘tiny little ol’ ring, that’s not worth much monetarily, but it means the world to me. I used to think that no one would want it, but my Gran told me that it was for my future wife.” 
You stared at the ring like it was the crown jewels, and of a sudden, you felt too young for this moment. Then you looked at Sy. You were ready.
“A long time ago, I said that we were jumpin' the gun, and that we were too young, but I also knew that one day we wouldn’t be.”
You were sobbing now.
“Oh, Sy…”
“I will love you ‘til the day I die, Buttercup. I know this is super fast, but then again it’s taken 20 years. I just can’t help it. I can’t wait any longer.”
Sy lifted you off of his lap and went down on one knee on the rug in front of you. It felt as if there was no air in the room and you could hear the blood rushing in your ears.
“Will you take this ring as a promise of marriage?”
“Sy… I love you. I do.”
Sy grinned and grabbed the back of your neck for a kiss as you tried to keep your wits about you.
“Now. What exactly are you asking me?”
“I am asking you to marry me, Buttercup.”
Hit Reblog if you like it!
Next part here.
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racecardilfs · 3 months
anything - fa14 smau
fernando alonso x fem!singer!reader
summary: fernando alonso and his girlfriend break up, but is it really over?
warnings: fluffffff, literally all of this is just fluff!!!
a/n: i am so absolutely overwhelmed by all the support on aegean, i never ever expected anywhere near as much interest, and i am deeply honored. i kinda got some writers block for ionian, so i hope you all like it!
my masterlist ❀ part one
lewis hamilton's whatsapp messages
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your imessages
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Liked by lilymhe, charles_leclerc, yourbsf1, and 223,473 others
yourusername you are the centerpiece around which i revolve 💕
francisca.cgomes: he better sleep with one eye open
yourusername: please stop threatening to murder him you’ll scare off the old man
charles_leclerc: no writers credits for the middle photo? i see how it is
yourusername: you know what you have to do to get credits.
user1: is that a LIGHT PINK BOUQUET? while you were sleeping stans rise up!
user2: the sunlight in that last pic is everything to me actually
user3: i’m glad it seems like she’s doing better!
user4: no but she's so real for the older man thing. I respect it.
user5: her new old man better not hurt her tho 😡
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Liked by yourusername, alexandrasaintmleux, yourbsf2, and 426,872 others.
fernandoalo_official Second chances are the most precious thing in the world. Gracias, mi vida, for the one you’ve given me.
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: i love you so much, fer. the joy you give me every day is worth all the second chances in the world 🫶
fernandoalo_official: te amo, hermosa
yourbsf2: i’m watching you, old man. keep your guard up.
fernandoalo_official: 😰 francisca.cgomes: you’re still on probation. yourusername: don’t scare my man 🥺 yourbsf2: fine, only for you wifey <3 
user6: y/nlonso truthers rise up!!!
user7: it's the way all the photos he chose for their hard launch are just her in a relaxed environment. no staging, just pure love
user8: okay now im CRYING 😭😭😭
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Liked by fernandoalo_official, lilymhe, maisiehpeters, and 396,735 others.
yourusername anything, anything, for another run with you ❤️
tagged: fernandoalo_official
fernandoalo_official all i ask for is you, amorcita ❤️
yourusername and you have me, darling
user9: he calls her AMORCITA??? LITTLE LOVE??? IM- 🥺🥺
alexandrasaintmleux: i knew everything would work out for you, you’re too perfect for each other not to be
lilymhe: fernando is on his tippy toes in the last photo bc he was worried he’d look short 🤭
yourusername: i love my short king user10: LMAOOOO EXPOSED 
user11: if fernando is a short king, does that make y/n his queen?
fernandoalo_official: si, she is mi reina 👑        Liked by yourusername
charles_leclerc: no pic creds? i see how it is 😒
yourusername: no pic creds for you until fernando wins another gp 😊😇
user12: god, i see what you’ve done for others!!
user13: omggg does this mean we get new music soon?
       Liked by yourusername user13: Y/N LIKED! NEW MUSIC?!
a/n: so thats part 2! its a little short but i wanted to get something out to thank y'ou 'all for your support! i have a few other ideas in this verse that might get written at some point, especially if y'all would be interested in some more specifically music based ones(i LOVE music). the line "you are the centerpiece around which i revolve" is from emily by jeremy zucker and chelsea cutler, and "anything, anything, for another run with you" is from anything (demo) by dodie. seriously thanks so much for the support! requests are open :) also if you want someone to yap about some of the technical side of f1 (or open wheel racing in general) i love love love it so please come chat w me!
taglist: @callsignwidow @totowolfffcheco @formulaal @pear-1206 @caitlynsixxx
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
Mercs first time receiving head?
Male or gender neutral Reader preferred
TF2 Mercs First Time Getting Head || x M!Reader +18
minors dni
Pyro is ambiguous genitals
In disbelief really, since none of his previous partners were interested in BJs
As soon as you got on your knees and offered, his heart nearly lurched out of his throat.
Def internalizes it as "well you're a guy, so it's gotta be different"
Probably wouldn't reciprocate that's some gay shit right there and Jeremy is NOT gay. especially when another man is sucking him off!
Loves how tight and wet it is
ABSOLUTELY fucks your throat when he gets too into it
You two have to leave to the field in ten minutes, but you're both horny
You offer to give Tav head since there's no time for fucking and he enthusiastically agrees
He's very tentative about letting you know that there's no pressure for you to do this often
His favorite part is feeling your moans on his dick
A bit shy when it comes to deepthroating because he "I don't wanna fuck up my boy's throat if he needs to shout for a heal"
Would try to reciprocate at a later date, but he's honestly not that good 3/10 but an A for effort
Pyro is very nervous about you giving them oral
Just like the usual fucking with them, no skin is showing except what the open zipper to the flame retardant suit allowed. Even then, their heavy shirt and pants withheld everything that wasn't necessary for sex
You like how vocal they are and how their hands run through your hair
They orgasm HARD. So much cum. As they ride the high, you keep going, only making Pyro sob in pleasure
They offer to let you fuck them as a thank you, even then they beg to at LEAST give you a handjob
God, there's so much Pyro loves about oral, but the intimacy is amazing for them
He's a bit frumpy about the idea of "degrading" you like that
UGH he's such a southern gentleman you wanna rail him even more
"Listen hon, I know that it shouldn't feel as intimate as sex but- but your face down there? I dunno."
You assure him that it isn't degrading to you and that you're more than enthusiastic to give him head
He's down to give it a shot, but in the end after 2 minutes you can tell he's just not into it and he profusely apologizes
You spend the rest of the night cuddling your man bc 1. babe it's ok to not like oral and 2. honeyyyy i wasn't objectifieddd
Damn. Like, DAMN. He's fucking HUGE
As soon as you see his dick when you two are going to sleep together, you wanna get it in your mouth as a bit of foreplay
You're a size king, but your jaw hurts not even 3 minutes into working down his shaft.
Heavy gives praise as you tirelessly try to take him
"Good job, most can barely take it during sex!"
He's very patient and calm as you suck and swallow around the head and the shaft. no matter what you did you couldn't get him balls deep.
Reciprocation is 5/10, also inexperienced but since your dick is half his size he doesn't have as much trouble
Surprisingly one of the most happy to get head
Loves the idea of you sucking him off when he's busy
cockwarming kink 100%%%
He nearly jizzes on the spot with how warm your throat is
Reciprocation game is surprisingly good 6/10
Not mouthy per se, but very grunty/groany when you get him close to orgasm. Def will get noisy if you edge him.
Jane wants to cum on your face but he ain't gonna ask
God he LOVES the idea of blowjobs, like that's his usual jerk off material
He has an oral fixation, he always liked watching you drink from straws or licking things like icepops
As soon as you offer his eyes light up and he grabs your face to kiss you over and over again
He's so jittery in happiness as you unzip his pants, def doesn't last long
Reciprocation game is great but the overenthusiasm docks points 7/10
Loved the feeling of your tongue, the way it feels makes him white out in pleasure.
Sees blowjobs as "Sex but when there's not enough time"
His danger kink just BEGS for you to blow him while he's camping out for an assassination.
Road. Head. Please. Mundy loves the idea of road head.
He's casually bisexual, so he doesn't mind giving head to you as well. Definitely has given head before and knows his way around a cock. 8/10 (-2 bc it feels impersonal)
Mundy's favorite thing about you giving head is how you look up at him. If he's driving then every red light makes him blush bc yes. he's looking. yes, he WILL blush if you make eye contact.
Will remember it for an absurdly long time and WILL bring it up like 5 months later
you know damn well you're not his first.
He likes the power of you on his knees and ready to please him.
He loves running his hands into your hair and guiding you to how to blow him properly.
Spy will reciprocate and is a 10/10 for practiced grace. However, he threatens to castrate you if you dirty up his mask.
Dirty talks in french if you really go above his expectations
not too noisy or mouthy, but get him riled up enough and he'll mutter french to himself
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janicekao · 5 months
My bw/wm! smut stories
Also can be found on Wattpad @ janicekao
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 3 months
Jeremy Gilbert NSFW Alphabet
Summary: NSFW Alphabet for Jeremy Gilbert
TW/CW: Jeremy Gilbert x Reader, NSFW 
Requested?: Yes, by a lovely Anon who said, “Hello, could you please write an nsfw alphabet of Jeremy Gilbert please."
Word Count: 1,318
A/N: It's been so long since I've seen Vampire Diaries. I hope I did Jer justice. Lmk who you wanna see next. I plan to do both NSFW & SFW Alphabets for just about everyone in my masterlist.
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A - Aftercare: (what they’re like after sex) 
- Jeremy is the KING of aftercare. You want it, you got it and you don't even have to lift a finger or move a muscle. I mean it. You want a bath? Bet, you stay right there while he runs the bath and then he's carrying you bridal style and setting you down in the warm, sudsy water. 
B - Body Part: (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) 
- Jeremy put a lot of work into his muscular figure and always feels so proud of it when he catches you drooling over his back. Sometimes he'll walk around shirtless just to get a reaction out of you. He loves the feeling of your nails digging in when you two are in bed and the soft tickle of you tracing shapes on his back afterwards. 
- As for his favorite part of you, without a doubt it's your hands. His are so rough and calloused that he can't get over how soft and gentle yours are. He loves the way they fit perfectly in his and how they roam around his body when he has you between the sheets. 
C - Cum: (anything to do with cum, basically) 
- Always pulling out to cum on you or in your mouth. He can't deny the fact that he enjoys the look on your face when you swallow like a good girl and open wide with your tongue out to show him. 
D - Dirty Secret: (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
- He won't even admit it to you but sometimes he wonders what it would be like to fuck you as a vampire. He wonders how long you can truly hold up before you can't take anymore. 
E - Experience: (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) 
- Man hasn't been around a whole lot but boy does he know what he's doing. He's a quick learner too. It was like he instantly knew exactly how to get you across the finish line the very first time the two of you were together. 
F - Favorite Position: (this goes without saying) 
- As underwhelming as it may seem, he loves missionary. He can see your beautiful face, feel your hands roam or dig into his back, and hit plenty of good angles. 
G - Goofy: (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) 
- It kind of depends. If you guys are having a quickie he can be a little silly because the whole idea of quickies is silly to him. If you guys are at home indulging in each other he can be silly but most of the time he's solely focused on you and serious about your pleasure. 
H - Hair: (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) 
- The carpet matches the drapes in color but while his hair tends to be a little loosey goosey, down south he keeps it neat. 
I - Intimacy: (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) 
- Always sweet and romantic but if you want or need him to throw you around like a rag doll he can and will. 
J - Jack Off: (masturbation headcanon) 
- Nope. He needs you to find a release. Even if he gives himself blue balls in the process, he's finding you and fixing the issue. 
K - Kink: (one or more of their kinks) 
- He doesn't even understand why himself but dude has a thing for blindfolds. It can be him blindfolded or you, doesn't matter. One time the two of you experimented and were both blindfolded. 
L - Location: (favorite places to do the do) 
- In bed. Specifically, a nice, slow, warm morning while the sun bleeds through the blinds and the birds chirp outside.  
M - Motivation: (what turns them on, gets them going) 
- Confidence is key. Confidently take what you want from him or perhaps confidently tell a certain 1000s of years old hybrid that he's a dumbass. Your confidence is his kryptonite. 
N - No: (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) 
- No bodily fluids. Period. Exclamation point. I take that back. He's not one to shy away from spitting on you or in your mouth but never in a mean or disrespectful way.  
O - Oral: (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) 
- He prefers giving but will never say no to receiving. By god can he do a damn good job too. He watches your face every time to determine what works, doesn't work, and works really well. He knows you, inside and out. 
P - Pace: (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) 
- You set the pace not him. That being said, he can tell just by the look on your face and how your body reacts which pace you want. The only time he's fast and rough whether you like it or not is if you've been teasing him all day and he hasn't been able to get you alone. 
Q - Quickie: (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) 
- If you guys are in a pinch, they'll do but he prefers to take his time and tend to you properly. He will, however, almost always insist on a quickie if he gets jealous. One time he pulled you into a coat closet at the Salvatore house because he felt Klaus was getting a little too friendly with you. 
R - Risk: (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) 
- Your safety is first and foremost on Jeremy's mind but if there's no danger or harm then he's down to try anything at least once. 
S - Stamina: (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) 
- He usually has a couple good rounds in him before he's spent and ready to aftercare the shit out of you. 
T - Toys: (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) 
- He doesn't particularly like them but he doesn't mind them either. It's entirely up to you as to whether y'all use them or not. 
U - Unfair: (how much they like to tease) 
- Jeremy teases if you tease. He likes playing a cat and mouse game but he's never one to initiate it. 
V - Volume: (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) 
- It's a coin toss on his vocalization. Sometimes, he's all groans, grunts, and dirty talk. Others, he's as quiet as possible as he listens to the beautiful sounds emitting from your vocal cords. 
W - Wild Card: (a random headcanon for the character) 
- His "My Eyes Only" on SnapChat is FULL to the brim with every naughty picture you've ever sent him. Sometimes when he's away from you but planning to dick you down good soon he'll scroll through and daydream.  
X - X-Ray: (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) 
- He's packing some length but the girth is pretty average. It's nice and toned too displaying plenty of delicious veins. 
Y - Yearning: (how high is their sex drive?) 
- Jeremy has a weird sex drive. He goes through these phases where for a few days he'll constantly wanna go at it but then spend a week or so just kinda following your lead. That being said, it doesn't matter what he's doing, how he's feeling, or where he is, if you're horny, he's horny. 
Z - Zzz: (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) 
- No matter how tired he is, he never falls asleep until he knows you're out. Sometimes, you have to pretend to fall asleep because you can tell he's so tired but won't close his eyes for longer than a sleepy blink. 
More Jeremy Gilbert
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sivyera · 2 years
Dating Peter Pan would include...
PAIRING: Peter Pan x reader
SONG: Adventure od a Lifetime - Coldplay
A/N: Okay guys I loved Peter Pan 2003 when I was a kid and I loved Jeremy Sumpter! And I actually never saw many fanfics about Jeremy or Peter so that was the reason why I decided to wrote this. Also I got little inspired by book named 'The Never King' which is also about Peter Pan but darker/evil. Enjoy!
gif is not mine!
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Peter was so glad when he found you
you were perfect for him
when he introduces you to the Lost boys for the first time, they were amazed
they loved you
Peter was obsessed with you!
he wanted to be with you all the time for 2 reasons: first because he wanted to be with you and second because he wanted to protect you from Hook
he was VERY scared to lose you so when it comes to the part when he told you to stay with him in Neverland forever he was nervous and scared
but when you told him that you will stay with him he was happy over the moon
Peter loves kisses and every kiss has a meaning for him
forehead kiss: thank you or an apologize
nose kiss: teasing
kiss on the lips: I love you
cheek kiss: quick kiss as goodbye
but what Peter loves more than anything else is cuddling
he loves being the big spoon and hold you in his arms
he will show you whole Neverland and every hide he found just in case you will need it
he will learn you how to fly
Tinkerbell loves you as well, she likes you more than she likes Wendy
you saved him a lot of times and you fix every one of his wounds
I believe Peter has some scars from fighting and you kiss every one of them because I think he's little insecure about them
trying cook together or make some food
he will learn you how to fight
mostly fighting with sword or knife
dancing at the night with stars on the sky
playing with Peter's blonde curls to calm him down
holding hands everywhere you two go
Peter will sing for you
He will do anything for you
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lunadeathbed · 2 years
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Hey! I'm Luna, a fanfic writer I enjoy doing this stuff so I'll poste on here every so often. I'm also open to suggestions if anyone wants something specific.
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I'm writing for these fandoms:
Visual Novels :
• My Dear Hatchet Man - Alan
• 14 Days With You - Ren
• Sunny Day Jack - Jack (Possibly Shaun & Ian)
• SNAGEMON - Garrett (Bram and King will be added after the game updates)
• John Doe - John
• Comfort Pillow - Illow/Siorce
• Honey Hotline - Fone, Amesy, Seon
• Blooming Panic - Xyx, NakedToster, Nightowl, Quest
• Slasher Dating Sim - Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers (Haven't written for any of the other boys but I'll try 'em out once there routes are released)
OL1 - Cove (Sorry to Baxter Derek and Jeremy enjoyers)
OL2 - Qiu, Tamarack, Daren, (Possibly some Baxter if I feel up to it.)
Media :
• Marble Hornets - Jay, Tim, Brian, Alex, Jessica, Amy (Mostly Jam, poly Tim Jay and Brian, also some angst, im open to other suggestions tho)
• VTubers - Nigisanji En, Indie creators (I'll probably be doing Shoto x Vox Akuma and some x reader stuff, I don't know to many indie creators so if anyone wants to suggest someone specific, tag there Twitch or YouTube with your suggestion)
South Park - Kenny, Stan, Kyle, Cartman mainly (Probably quiet a bit of aged up high school scenarios, Creek, Style sometimes Stan and Wendy will be together for plot purposes, Himan I know there toxic as fuck but what can u do, also a little bit of Bunny if anyone asks, if I'm writing a reader X character then if they are canonically gay or lesbian they will be catered towards there respective audiences)
My Comfort Levels :
I'm mostly comfortable with writing everything there are a few things I refuse to write though.
No Thankyou List :
• Non-con (Pretty self explanatory)
Minor sexualisation (If characters are young in the original fandom they will be aged up)
• Hardcore gore (Nothing that can be described as gut wrenching, other gore is fine)
• SOME Kinks (Anything I find uncomfortable, I'll still do other kink stuff tho)
• If there is any content creators that do not feel comfortable with fanfiction being written about them please don't ask for me to write about them. (PLEASE check if the creator you are asking to be written about is comfortable with it!)
• Nothing I just generally am uncomfortable with
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hettiesworld · 2 years
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Name of fic: Oodie-Boogie
Pairing: Jeremy Renner x female reader
Summary: Y/n decided to get an Oodie as a gift for herself. Of course, Jeremy doesn't know about it until he comes back from filming Rennervations in India.
Warnings: Fluff, implied smut, language.
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Jeremy walked into his house that he shared with his girlfriend Y/n. He closed the front door behind him and dropped his backpack on the floor. He looked around the hallway before calling out to her.
“Y/n! Where are you?” He said.
“Bedroom!” He heard her reply. 
He smiled as he walked up the stairs and knocked on the bedroom door. Even though they were together, they weren’t very intimate with each other yet. So they would knock on the door whenever one of them was in the room.
“Are you decent?” Jeremy asked her, to which he heard Y/n hum in approval. He then opened the door slowly and was surprised to see Y/n, in an avocado Oodie. 
Of course, an Oodie (if no one knows what they are) was a blanket hoodie, which was made with two types of fleece and sells itself as the ‘warmest… piece of clothing you’ll ever own’.
But that wasn’t what Jeremy was surprised about.
As Y/n was lying on top of the bed, her legs were crossed. He noticed she wasn’t wearing any panties, not even pyjamas shorts. He saw her biting her lip seductively, pulling her Oodie up slightly and slowly opening her legs, like she was in Basic Instinct.
“…Y/n?” He hesitated a moment as his mouth was slightly gasped.
“Hey there sailor.” She purred.
Jeremy then squinted his eyes as he saw a bit more underneath her Oodie. She was fucking naked! He had no words as he watched her hand go towards her clit and insert her index finger into it.
Jeremy felt his dick twitch in his pants. He was not expecting this situation at all, especially for you. It was mostly himself who would do this.
But it was Valentine's Day. And it was probably a present for him.
“Fuck.” Is all that Jeremy could mumble under his breath as he closed the bedroom door behind him.
“What was that, baby? Did I hear you say, ‘you want to fuck me’?” Y/n cooed. All Y/n could hear was the growling coming from Jeremy as he pulled down his jeans and boxers, letting her see his erected dick, slowly bobbing up and down. Her tongue licked her lip at the sight of it.
“Come here baby.” She beckoned Jeremy with her other hand .
And all the neighbours could hear was the moaning and groaning coming from their bedroom. As well as, the creaking of the floorboards and the king-sized bed squeaking rhythmically. 
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @navybrat817 @yavanna80 @cavillanche​ @freerebelmentality​ @mavericksicybabe​ @drunkdyslexic​ @melaclintbartoncorner​ @adder24​
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Klaus x wolf reader
Klaus is walking through the woods in mystic falls , soon too inact his plan to become the hybrid . As he is walking he hears growls . He follows the growls to find a beutiful black wolf , with glowing blue eyes . That’s when he smelled it , I sent he knew all too well. Blood . He looked down at the wolfs paw to see it was caught in a trap . He carefully advanced as not to scare it . He got closer and closer , he extended his hand petting the wolfs head . The wolf didn’t growl she only whimpered. Klaus finally freed the wolfs paw from the trap . The wolf rubbed up on klaus affectionately . He sat down on the ground as the wolf curled up in his lap , the wolf was a very big wolf.klaus said (that’s a good gurl luv , just go to sleep ) and the wolf did . She fell right asleep , but as she slept blue sparkled floated in the air transforming the wolf into a girl . Klaus was stunned at the girls beauty , she had y/h/c and glowing blue eyes that soon settled to a stunning y/e/c . Klaus said ( hello luv) you siad (umm.. h .. hello ) u tried to cover yourself , klaus said (here luv , take this he wraps his trench coat around you . (Thankyou ) u said shyly . Klaus said ( what your name ?) you reply(yn, ) klaus said (klaus mikealson , where are you staying , I haven’t seen you in Town ) you say (I don t live in town , I live out here I’m free out here I fit in I’m not the town freak ) klaus looks at you with a sympathetic glance (I understand , being I was born from a different father that’s the rest of my siblings my father always despised me ) I give him a hug , and he hugs back it had been so long since the evil klaus mikealson was shown any affection ir kindness and this hug ment the world to him . But not all good things can last as he heard Stefan and Damon calling his name blood thirsty , he looked you in the eyes and said (run ) so u did u transformed back into your wolf form and ran ,
a few days pass
Your trying to sleep in your den at the quarry , when you hear screams and the wind blows , then you hear klaus scream you know you had to save him . You ran out the den to see a man in a suit white his hand in klaus chest . You pounced on him taking him down . As you attack bitting the vampire over and over again . That’s when you saw the witch , Bonnie an old Emmy from school when you went . She tried to stop you with her magic as you charged her , but it didn’t work on you .. well how could it your a syphon Wearwolf hybrid descendant if inadue (the hollow ) you jumped on her clawed her arms and bit her leg . He got off of her rushing yo stand in front of klaus and protect him while his transition happened . The Salvatore brothers came at you but you stood your ground growling and snarling . But they kept coming you have one powerful bark , sending power out , Damon charged you vamp speed but you bit him , when the power surge from your bark hit the brothers they were dead (temporarily) while klaus went through his transition you lay by his side encouraging him to keep pushing , and he did . He became the hybrid and you ran through the woods together under the moon light . (Insert lion king can you feel the love , montage ) and when dawn came you woke up naked cuddled together. Klaus pulled you close . You were so shy tho ,you stiffen at his gester . (Come on luv , I won’t bite ) you chuckle as cuddle close to him ( I know ) klaus says ( will you please move in with me ?) you say (ar e you sure ?) klaus says ( yes please !) you say (ok….) when an arrow was shot through your back . Klaus looks up to see Jeremy Gilbert with a cross bow . Klaus quickly bites his wrist shoving it in your mouth , (come on luv , you have to drink ) ur eyes blinked (klaus … good bye , be brave , I love .. y) when your eyes shut. Your heart stoped . You were dead . Klaus let out a horrifying scream . Anger and. Anguish , misery . He just held you close in his arms . Crying , something klaus never did . He stayed like that your body clutched to his all night . When (huuuhhhhh!!!) u shot up sucking in air . Klaus stares at you in shock . You breathe heavily and cling to klaus . Klaus holds you so tight . Carrying you back to mystic falls ( luv , you have to drink Elenas blood , to survive ) you nod your head (god ! I love you yn ! When I thought you died ! I lost my mind ! I love you ! Please be mine ) you say (yess!!!) and jump up in his arms , as he spins you around . Klaus kidnaps Elena , as you feed on her the sky turns red , lightning flashing , thunder roaring , and your eyes , vampire , Wearwolf , and witch , the worlds fist tribrid was born
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bombsquad9 · 6 months
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝗼 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞
Hello! I am Ro, and I am 18-21 year old trans man. I write for many fandoms (which shall be listed below). This is indeed my second account, I deleted my last one because I needed to refresh everything (feed, posts, etc). I will try to post frequently, and if I do not then please be patient with me, because it probably means burn out or poor mental health. I also have a new Wattpad account, which the username is also bombsquad09 (it will also be linked below, along with a tag list). Every fandom and character within will be in alphabetical order. Some of the fandoms I do write for will not be listed, and that is due to me not taking requests for those specific fandoms. Thank you!
✞Apex Legends
—> Character(s): Catalyst, Caustic, Fuse, Horizon, Loba, Mirage, Octane, Revenant, Seer, Valkyrie, Wattson.
✞Call of Duty
—> Character(s): John ‘Soap’ MacTavish, John Price, König, Nikto, Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley.
✞Fallout 4
—> Character(s): Cait, Codsworth, Deacon, John Hancock, Nick Valentine, Porter Gage, Preston Garvey, Robert MacCready.
✞House of Ashes
—> Character(s): Eric King, Jason Kolchek, Joey Gomez, Nick Kay, Rachel King, Salim Othman.
✞Just Ignore Them
—> Character(s): Brea, Mark, The Sheriff.
✞Mortal Kombat
—> Character(s): Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Noob Saibot.
—> Character(s): Chris Walker, Eddie Gluskin, Jeremy Blaire, Miles Upshur, Richard Trager.
✞Resident Evil
—> Character(s): Ada Wong, Alcina Dimitrescu, Albert Wesker, Ashley Graham, Carlos Oliveira, Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Ethan Winters, Finn Macauley, Jake Muller, Jill Valentine, Leon Kennedy, Luis Sera, Nikolai Zinoviev, Piers Nivans, Sherry Birkin.
—> Character(s): AL-AN.
✞The Quarry
—> Character(s): Abigail Blyg, Dylan Lenivy, Emma Mountebank, Jacob Custos, Kaitlyn Ka, Max Brinly, Nick Furcillo, Ryan Erzahler.
✞Tomb Raider
—> Character(s): Lara Croft
✞Until Dawn
—> Character(s): Ashley Brown, Christopher Hartley, Emily Davis, Jessica Riley, Joshua Washington, Matthew Taylor, Michael Monroe, Samantha Giddings.
✞Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism, Sexism, Fetishizing, etc will not be tolerated. If you do anything related to any of those topics you will be blocked from my account.
✞Do NOT request things such as pedophilia, rape, zoophilia, etc . If anything you are requesting is like that you will be blocked from my account.
✞If you send hate in my anonymous inbox then you shall be ignored, and your message will be deleted. If you're going to be hatefully, don't be a pussy and hide behind an anon.
✞Minor shall interact with anything that is not labeled 18+/MDNI/smut. I can't stop you, nor am I going to carry out an investigation to find out if you're 18+. If you're a minor and you interact and see something you don't like; THATS NOT MY FAULT.
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝗺:
⚠︎︎Requests are currently open⚠︎︎
✞If you are requesting please be specific about what you want. This includes characters, setting, whether it's ship/xreader/headcanons, and other criteria you want. I can't make it what you want if you don't tell me.
✞I will write smut, fluff, and angst. Headcanons, ships, x readers, preferences, etc are all acceptable within reason.
—> When it comes to smut I will write quite a bit, even somewhat darker themes (Again; I draw the line at things like rape). I may not be good due to having lack of practice from where I didn't write for awhile, my apologies.
—> When it comes to angst, I will write almost anything. I will write (TW) suicide, alcoholism and other addictions, etc. Though, I won't write EDs or self-harm. Similarly to smut, it may not be good due to lack of practice, my apologies.
—> Anything out of reason would be minor x adult in a pedophilic/romantic way, human x animal (no, this does not include monsters) in a zoophilic/romantic way, etc.
✞Be patient, I will want to take my time on requests for various reasons. Sometimes I need breaks, sometimes I don't have any ideas, sometimes I will have writing sprees. It depends on the minute, so again, be patient. If you complain about how long it takes your request will be deleted and ignored.
✞If you want to be tagged for any specific character(s), then put your username in an orderly fashion on the Google doc that I will have linked below.
✞I will mostly write m!reader (AMAB and AFAB), but if you do want f!reader or gn!reader just let me know in your request, and I will do. If you do not specify I will either do m!reader or gn!reader by default. The only exception to this is if it is a lesbian/sapphic character.
✞ Any requested content will be Tumblr exclusives! Anything that is requested on my Wattpad will be Wattpad exclusive. (Excluding alphabets)
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭/𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭/𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝:
✞ Wattpad
✞ Masterlists
✞ Tag List
✞ Upcoming Works
⚠︎︎This post was last updated: 9/11/24⚠︎︎
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tinywagoncolorbat · 1 year
What I Write
Nsfw/Sfw | fics | drabbles | headcanons | x f!reader | x gn!reader
This will be my first time writing and it'll probably be horrible so please don't judge, I also probably wont post much if you want to make a request you can.
Anime and Characters
Black Clover - Luck Voltia, Yuno, Julius Novachrono, Gauche Adlai, Zora Ideale, Rhya
Fairy Tail - Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Sting Eucliffe, Laxus Dreyar, Loke,
Attack on titan - eren Yeager, Levi Ackerman, Connie Springer, Porco Gaillard, Reiner Braun, Armin Arlert, Zoe Hange,
My Hero Academia - Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Tomura Shingaraki, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Hitoshi Shinso, Tamaki Amajiki
Seven Deadly Sins - Meliodas, Ban, King, Escanor,
Jujutsu Kaisen - Satrou Gojo, Megumi fushiguro, Yuji Itadori, Toge Inumaki, Choso, Sukuna
Bungo Stray Dogs - Osamu Dazai, Chuuya Nakahara, Junichiro Tanizaki, Ranpo Edogawa, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ryonosuke Akutagawa
Supernatural - Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack Kline, Castiel, Lucifer, Gabriel,
Marvel - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers,
Teen wolf - Liam Dunbar, Theo Raken, Scoot Mccall, Issac Lahey, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Chris Argent,
TVD/The Originals - Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Jeremy Gilbert, Elijah Mikaelson, Niklaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Kai Paker, Tyler Lockwood, Lorenzo, Marcel Gerard,
I will probably add to this if I think of anyone else to write for
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cuttergauthier · 2 years
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Who I Write For
Hey everyone this is a list of who I write for.
If you have someone else in mind, send me an ask and i’ll let you know if i want to write for him. I’m not picky
Also if anyone would want me to start an AU let me know!
How to request
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New jersey Devils
Jack Hughes
Nathan Bastian
Dawson Mercer
Luke Hughes
Nico Hischier
Timo Meier
Brendan Smith
Vancouver Canucks
Quinn Hughes
Brock Boeser
Elias Pettersson
Cole McWard
Anthony Beauvillier
Dakota Joshua
Toronto Maple Leafs
Mitch Marner
Auston Matthews
William Nylander
Matthew Knies
Morgan Reilly
Buffalo Sabres
Owen Powers
Tyson Jost
Devon Levi
Erik Johnson
Jeff Skinner
Tage Thompson
Dylan Cozens
Casey Mittelstadt
Carolina Hurricanes
Michael Bunting
Andrei Svechnikov
Jack Drury
Pittsburgh Penguins
Pierre-Oliver Joseph
Ryan Graves
Ty Smith
Columbus Blue Jackets
Nick Blankenburg
Kent Johnson
Cole Sillinger
Adam Boqvist
Zach Werenski
Adam Fantilli
Vegas Golden Knights
Brendan Brisson
San Jose Sharks
Thomas Bordeleau
Tristen Robins
William Eklund
Henry Thrun
Luke Kunin
Anaheim Ducks
Trevor Zegras
Mason McTavish
John Gibson
Frank Vatrano
St Louis Blues
Jake Neighbours
Colton Parayko
Ottawa Senators
Josh Norris
Brady Tkachuk
Mathieu Joseph
Jakob Chychrun
Zack MacEwen
Tim Stutzle
Thomas Chabot
Minnesota Wilds
Matt Boldy
Brock Faber
Brandon Duhaime
Los Angeles Kings
Alex Turcotte
Quinn Byfield
Brandt Clarke
Pierre Luc Dubois
Alex Laferriere
Florida Panthers
Matthew Tkachuk
Sam Bennett
Mackie Samoskevich
William Lockwood
Aaron Ekblad
Josh Mahura
Brandon Montour
Colorado Avalanche
Cale Makar
Bowen Byram
Nate Mackinnon
Miles Wood
Detroit Red Wings
J.T. Compher
Dylan Larkin
Joe Veleno
Jake Walman
Boston Bruins
Mason Lohrei
Johnny Beecher
Jeremy Swayman
Jake Debrusk
Charlie Mcavoy
Montreal Canadiens
Cole Caufield
Arber Xhekaj
Kirby Dach
Christian Dvorak
Alex Newhook
New York Islanders
Noah Dobson
Mat Barzal
Philadelphia Flyers
Morgan Frost
Cam York
Jamie Drysdale
Joe Farabee
Tyson Foerster
Noah Cates
New York Rangers
Alexis Lafrenière
Adam Fox
K’Andre Miller
Braden Schneider
Chris Kreider
Zac Jones
Arizona Coyotes
Logan Cooley
Dylan Guenther
Clayton Keller
Nick Schmaltz
Chicago Blackhawks
Lukas Reichel
Seth Jones
Alex Vlasic
Connor Bedard
Tampa Bay Lightnings
Brandon Hagel
Anthony Cirelli
Seattle Kraken
Brandon Tanev
Jamie Oleksiak
Philipp Grubauer
Will Borgen
Dallas Stars
Wyatt Johnston
Jake Oettinger
Rope Hintz
Craig Smith
University of Michigan
Luca Fantili
Rutger McGroarty
Nick Moldenhauer
Phil Lapointe
Jacob Truscott
Tyler Duke
Marshall Warren
Frank Nezar
Ethan Edwards
Michigan State University
Red Savage
Isaac Howard
Maxim Štrbák
Ohio State University
Joe Dunlap
Cam Thiesing
Davis Burnside
Caden Brown
Matt Cassidy
Minnesota University
Luke Mittelstadt
Jimmy Snuggerud
Ryan Chesley
Oliver Moore
Brody Lamb
Boston College
Cutter Gauthier
Will Smith
Ryan Leonard
Gabe Perreault
Drew Fortescue
Jacob Fowler
Will Vote
University of Wisconsin
Cruz Lucius
Charlie Stramel
Zach Schulz
Random Teams
Nick Granowicz
Jay Keranen
Colton Dach
Nathan Gaucher
+ more
Nick Granowicz x Msu Reader
Josh Norris x Tkachuk sister
Trevor Zegras x Hughes sister
Cutter Gauthier x Hughes sister
Matthew Knies x Matthews sister
Jack Hughes x Mercer au
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