#Everett Gray x reader
paperweight91 · 8 months
Which other CE babe is most likely to make boss and boyfriend!Lloyd jealous and territorial? Maybe you’re on the periphery of a business meeting between the two of them, and Babe (unaware you’re Lloyd’s) keeps shooting you slow onceovers and thanking you and giving you warm smiles, and Lloyd is TWO SECONDS AWAY from shooting him in the face lollll.
So I had several thoughts on this….i hope you like my answer 😈
The Green Eyed Monster
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x reader
W/C: 970
Warnings: jealous!Lloyd, sneaky!reader
A/N: at this point anything under 1k words is a Drabble, if only because I say so. Comments, feedback and reblogs are much appreciated!
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You had been Lloyds personal assistant for years. This job was your calling. You had always taken such great pride in how well you looked after him. It had been a recent party that had changed everything in your relationship with him.
Lloyd had forgotten his favourite watch at home. Which you of course had to traipse all over to get for him. It wasn’t the end of the world, but annoying when you were supposed to be off the clock.
You knew this was a black tie event, so had made sure to put on your best outfit and do your make up. Even if you were only going to be in and out, you couldn’t let your appearance make Lloyd look bad.
When you arrived at the venue you quickly clocked Lloyd and discreetly made your presence known. He waved you over to the conversation he was having with one of the local politicians, you didn’t know who. As you approached, a broad grin had spread across Lloyd’s face, “Honeybee! You made it!”
You quickly hid your surprise, as you noticed the perfectly matching watch on his wrist. It had been a ploy. You had raised an eyebrow at him as he tucked you into his side, and he only smirked and nuzzled your head in response.
Not much had changed it your working relationship. You were both professional. However, your home life had gotten infinitely better since that night.
The two of you had become inseparable in your off hours. You had a surprising amount in common, and the sex was to die for. It had taken you a few months to realize how long Lloyd had actually had feelings for you before the party, and the longer the two of you were together the more in love you fell with him.
You were sitting at your desk when a shadow clouded your vision. Looking up you saw a tall, broad man with beautiful blue eyes. He had dark hair shaved close to his head, and a beard lining his cheeks. He gave you a soft smile and introduced himself.
“Heya Darlin’ I’m here to see Lloyd. Curtis Everett. The girls downstairs told me you could help me with that?”
His eyes glittered as they took you in from head to toe, and you found yourself getting warm under his watchful gaze. You stood and offered your name, before directing him to the conference room you had set up for their meeting.
“Do you want any coffee, tea or water for your meeting Mr. Everett?” You flattened your palms against your skirt to clean off some of the sweat you know had already accumulated there.
“Coffee would be lovely, do you need a hand?” He gave you another smile that left you feeling bubbly.
You giggled, just as Lloyd entered, “No Mr. Everett, thank you for the offer. Mr. Hansen, your regular coffee for the meeting?”
As your eyes flicked to Lloyd, you saw his jaw tick and the vein pop in his throat. That always meant trouble. The fact he only nodded and didn’t verbally answer was all the confirmation you needed that he was pissed. 
You busied yourself getting Lloyd’s coffee ready just the way he liked it. When you got to Curtis’ mug you stopped short, you had forgotten to ask him how he takes his coffee. You shook your head and grabbed a tray to load the two mugs and creamer and sugar onto and made your way back to the conference room. 
Lloyd didn’t acknowledge you as you placed his mug in front of him. Staring straight at Curtis, while Curtis’ eyes never left your figure. You could feel him undressing you, although his expression was soft. 
“I’m sorry Mr. Everett, I forgot to ask how you take your coffee.” You placed his mug in front of him and offered the tray with sugar and creamer. 
“It’s alright darlin’ I normally take it with a bit of sugar, maybe you could just dip your finger in and sweeten it up a bit.” He winked as he looked up at you from behind his lashes.
Before you could respond a loud crack from the other side of the table had both of you looking over at Lloyd. His face was unreadable, but in his fist was the pen he had been playing with when you entered the conference room, snapped in half. 
You stood stock still, torn between your need to comfort and reassure him, and your professionalism. Lloyd’s eyes finally left Curtis, and looked at you. He took in the emotions warring across your face. You saw his lips twist into a frown, before he stood and circled around the table. He gathered you against his chest, and murmured an apology into your hair. 
You nodded and looked up at him, placing a small peck on the corner of his mouth. You smoothed your hands along his shoulders before stepping back and nodding. You turned to Curtis and gave him a warm smile.
“It was lovely to meet you Mr. Everett, have a great meeting. Mr. Hansen can call if you need a refill.” With that you took your leave from the conference room.
As you shut the door behind you, you heard the deep rumble of Lloyd’s voice, “You ever try any shit like that again Everett, I’ll cut your balls off and shove em down your throat. We clear?”
You smiled softly to yourself as your phone buzzed in your pocket. Thanks, he’s going to murder me. You better get great jealous sex, cause I’m not doing this again. - C. You laughed at your best friend's text, and went about reorganizing Lloyd’s calendar for the rest of the day.
You were banking on great jealousy sex in Lloyd’s office later.
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 33 The Epilogue | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Some things never seem to change for Bradley. But maybe he worked at keeping them the same. Baseball, Everett and you.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Seventeen and a half years later...
"Happy birthday, Coach," you whispered, slowly coaxing Bradley awake. He could feel your warm breath on his cheek and the weight of your hand resting on his chest. 
"Mmm, Kitten," he rasped, placing his bigger hand on top of yours as he cracked his eyes open. And there you were, fresh from sleep yourself, and so beautiful with the early morning sunlight catching on the angles of your face. "It's Sunday. Why won't you let me sleep in?"
"Because it's your birthday. And we get to see Ev."
Bradley stretched and rolled over so you were pinned deliciously underneath him. "We won't get to see Ev until later this afternoon. He's going to have a very busy day."
"I'm not so sure about that," you said with a smirk as you dragged your fingers through his hair. Bradley knew he was going gray, but you claimed you liked it, including the few stray strands that found their way into his mustache. 
"You sound like you've got something up your sleeve. Wait, Molly's not coming over to break the stove again, is she?"
You started laughing as you wrapped your legs around his. "Not that I know of. But anything's possible with her."
"Poor Bob," he said, pressing a kiss to your collarbone. "And the kids, too. She's an absolute menace." 
Bradley pulled up your shirt and kissed his way along your breasts. If he was lucky, he'd get round one of birthday sex now and round two tonight after the game.
"Wait," he whined as you tugged your shirt back down. "What are you doing? It's my birthday."
"Yes," you agreed, kissing him once and then slipping right out of bed. "And I've been told I need to keep you on a very strict schedule. So come on. Get up."
"A strict schedule?" he mumbled. "Baby, I'm retired. My schedule revolves around making you breakfast, packing your lunch, coaching tee ball, and watching every single Phillies game."
"Well, I'll be making your breakfast today. And you can eat nachos or a hot dog for lunch even though you should be watching your sodium intake. And we will definitely catch the Phillies game," you said, reaching out to take his hand. 
With one more groan, he let you lead him downstairs where you told him to sit at the kitchen counter. He passed his display case on the way and paused to look at his first Coach of the Year trophy and the baseball covered in little faded hearts that he used to propose to you. He smiled at the collection of other baseballs, including the one from the first time his son pitched a no hitter. 
"Seriously, Bradley. We have a schedule to keep."
A few minutes later he had his World's Greatest Dad mug full of coffee in front of him. You kept checking the time as you pulled eggs and vegetables out of the refrigerator. Once 8:00 hit, you grabbed his phone from where it sat on the counter and entered his passcode as he sipped his coffee.
"Read this," you said, voice full of excitement. 
"What is it?" he asked as you thrust the phone into his hands. It looked like he was going to have absolutely no say over what went on today, so he was just going to go with the flow.
"An article. In the Philadelphia Inquirer. It just got released two minutes ago."
"Okay," he muttered, setting down his coffee and as he started to read.
by Harrison Boyd
June 27, 2039
From his draft day nearly four years ago to now, Everett Bradshaw has been turning heads. We had collectively wondered as baseball fans from the City of Brotherly Love if we would ever have a truly elite pitcher again after Ronson's career ending injury. But as soon as the franchise acquired Bradshaw, we were allowed to stop wondering. We have reached elite status once again. And Bradshaw shows no signs of stopping. 
When I asked the freshly twenty five year old ace about the secret to his success, the first thing out of his mouth was, "My dad."
Bradley rubbed his eyes with his fingers and took a deep breath against the swell of emotions rising in his chest. "Kitten, what is this?"
You just shrugged as you cut up a green pepper for an omelette. "A feature article on Ev. Keep reading."
Bradley took a deep breath and picked up where he left off.
So I asked him, "Was your dad the one at your games who was cheering the loudest? The one who kept you motivated since you were a kid?"
"Not exactly," Bradshaw replied with a smile. "He was my very first coach. He actually still coaches tee ball in San Diego. He wins Coach of the Year so frequently, I think we've all lost count of how many of those little trophies he has at home. But anyway, I met my dad on the very first day I ever played ball. The very first time I swung a bat with instruction was from him. And he's the one who taught me how to pitch. His slider is still really hard to hit."
"You met your dad through tee ball? Through baseball? That's fascinating."
"Yes. I begged my mom to let me play. I was already obsessed with the Phillies by the time I was six. My mom took me to see them clobber the Padres at Petco Park, and I just thought they were the coolest team. So when she let me play tee ball, and I met my coach and learned he also loved the Phillies, I just wanted to spend as much time with him as I could. Turns out, they also wanted to spend time with each other. They got married a few months later. And then my dad adopted me."
While his birth name wasn't Bradshaw, Everett said he never had a close relationship with his biological father. "Really, he's not even worth mentioning. The only one I've ever considered to be my dad is Bradley. I can barely remember a time before he was taking me to the park to hit balls and teaching me how to keep stats. We did my homework together and collected baseball cards. He helped me apply to colleges. The video of him losing his mind when the Phillies drafted me went viral. My mom and my aunt and uncle are awesome, too. But my dad has always understood me in a way probably nobody else ever will."
During his four years at Vanderbilt, Everett earned a reputation as a fun loving, team oriented pitcher. But his stats were enough to catch the eye of every major league team. He pitched a no hitter against Stanford when he was nineteen, and he hit his first grand slam when he was twenty. And he's only cleaned up his form since then. For anyone not keeping track at home, Bradshaw already owns an incredible record in the MLB: he is the only player to pitch a no hitter as well as hit at least one grand slam for every year they played in the pros. His batting averages are practically unheard of for a pitcher. 
It's no wonder he was heavily scouted. And he assures us that his dad was there with him every step of the way. "I didn't know anything about contracts. I just wanted to pitch. But I spent a lot of time talking things through with my dad before I made any decisions. And now everyone is making a huge fuss about my new 440 million dollar ten year extension with the Phils, but to be honest, I still just want to pitch as many games as I can."
The 'huge fuss' is being made, because Bradshaw is now the highest paid pitcher in league history. The Phillies went all in on him, however Bradshaw did adjust his deal to assure that the team would be able to keep top catcher Sanchez as well. "If Miguel Sanchez isn't catching for me and the other guys in the rotation, then that's a big problem. The team needed to retain him as well. And to be honest, Harrison, nobody needs 440 million dollars."
Bradley set his phone down, rubbed his eyes, and said, "I still can't believe our son is the highest paid pitcher ever."
"I can," you replied, adding cheese to the omelette. "He's incredible. Keep reading."
When I asked him what he plans to do with 44 million dollars per year, he kind of shied away from the answer at first. "Well my girlfriend runs a nonprofit organization back in San Diego. She helps fund underprivileged children and schools. So a lot of my income goes back to kids in the city where I grew up and beyond. But I've also been working on a bit of a project myself."
When I asked him for more details, he folded his hands on the table in front of him and took a few beats to answer. "We talked a lot about my dad and what he means to me personally, and how he has impacted my career. But I also think it's important to remember that I'm just one guy. I'm just one kid who went through tee ball and little league. There are thousands of kids across the country who benefit from those types of athletic programs every year. And some of them, just like me, really need the positive influence that the coaches bring. So my dad doesn't even know about this yet, but I'm starting the Bradley Bradshaw Foundation, which will help fund a handful of youth tee ball programs every year. This is something I've been thinking about for a long time. The coaches bring the love and dedication; they shouldn't have to worry about equipment costs and field rental fees."
Bradley dropped his phone onto the counter and tried to wipe his eyes as he sobbed. "I can't even finish reading it."
You slid his birthday breakfast onto a plate and set it in front of him. Then you wrapped your arms around his neck and let him cry against your shoulder. 
"Why is he doing this?" Bradley asked you. "He knows how fucking emotional I get, Kitten."
You kissed the top of his head and whispered, "Yes, you're always very soft for us. But you're also soft and sweet for all the kids you've coached. Keep reading."
So he pushed his breakfast aside and picked up his phone once again. And once he blinked away most of his tears he read the last part.
When pressed about how he thinks his stats will pan out by the end of his fourth season, Everett 'Grand Slam' Bradshaw laughed and shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just trying for consistency. I'm trying to be a good teammate. I'm trying to make the best of every game I get to start. I'm trying to spend as much time with my family as I can. But if you really have a specific question about my stats, you should call my dad. He probably knows better than I do."
Bradley stood up from the kitchen counter and walked away from you. "I need a minute," he said, raking his hands through his hair. The love Bradley felt for his son was just simply part of him. He never took the time to try to pinpoint it exactly, because it was just built into him at this point. But he supposed it really was quite simple to reach back in his mind and pull out the moments when he started to fall in love with you and Everett. And it really was just because of the Tiny Eagles tee ball team. 
If he hadn't agreed to help Bob coach that first season, his life would be fundamentally incorrect right now. He didn't even like thinking about it. But it was because of his love for Everett, and you, and baseball that he stuck with coaching. He'd spent time with countless six and seven year olds over the last eighteen years. He'd missed some practices and games for deployments here and there, sure. But giving a little bit of his time and attention to a roster of kids each spring ended up changing his life. Because while his family owned his heart, Bradley found he had quite a lot of patience and love to share with more kids. 
"Bradley?" you asked softly, standing next to his untouched breakfast. "We can go see Ev when you're ready."
"I'm ready."
Bradley took a quick shower and put on his favorite jeans and his Phillies jersey with Bradshaw and the number 1 on the back. You were dressed similarly in your own Everett Bradshaw jersey; it had taken until your son was playing for the team for you to have what Bradley considered an adequate amount of Phillies clothing in your drawers. Once Bradley added his backwards hat, he was ready to go.
You took his hand and led him out to the new Bronco, and Bradley handed you the keys. He still felt like he was on the verge of tears again. "I need you to drive."
"Okay, Coach."
When you turned onto the Private Parking Only ramp at Petco Park, Bradley chuckled. "I still can't believe Ev is playing the Padres in San Diego on my birthday."
"You screamed like a small child when the schedule came out," you reminded him as you parked near the players entrance where the three of you had entered on your ballpark tour eighteen years ago. 
"Yeah, I know, but we hardly ever get to see Ev during the season unless we fly to Philly." He was already climbing out before you turned the engine off, and then he took your hand as you laughed. "Shit, Kitten... it's 10:00. The game doesn't start until 1:00. Are the gates even open?"
"We can get in," you assured him, and you pulled a lanyard out of your pocket with VIP printed all over it. 
"How did we get that?" he asked, leaning down to kiss you as you approached the gate together. "Ev usually just sends us box tickets."
But before you had a chance to answer, the security guard looked at the VIP pass and asked, "Which player are you here to see?"
"Everett Bradshaw?" you replied. "He plays for the Phillies."
The guard's face lit up and he said, "He just autographed a ball for my kids about ten minutes ago! Nicest guy."
"He's our son," Bradley said with pride in his voice, and you squeezed his hand a little tighter. 
"Come on in," the guard said with a bright smile, unlocking the gate and sliding it open. "You can wait in the VIP lounge right up this ramp to the right. Scan the pass to unlock the door. I'll call down to the locker rooms and let him know you're here."
"Thanks," Bradley replied, and you led the way up the ramp. "Baby, I'm still a little confused about why we're here so early."
"You'll see in a minute," you replied, scanning the badge. Bradley pulled the door open when it unlocked, and he followed you into the lounge full of plush seats, TV screens, and refreshments. And at the far end, perched on the edge of one of the long tables, was Everett. He was smiling as he tucked his phone in his jeans pocket, and Bradley thought he looked impossibly taller and stronger than he had two months ago when they visited him in Philadelphia.
Bradley's eyes filled with tears as he started closing the distance to his son. "Happy birthday, Dad," Everett said with a laugh in his deep voice, but Bradley was already wrapping him up in a tight hug. He just wanted to hold all six foot two inches and two hundred and twenty pounds of his son, and Everett let him. 
Bradley had to fight the onslaught of tears as the familiar feel of Ev hugging him back filled his senses, and the words from the article he read earlier flooded his mind. When he finally released him, he patted him on the shoulder. "You look good, Kiddo. Did you eat enough for breakfast? Are you still starting today?"
Ev smiled at him and nodded, "Yeah, I'm feeling good, Dad. I could probably use some of your pancakes though."
"Well why didn't you say something? I could have brought some with us. Kitten, why didn't you say something?" he asked you as you walked over to join them.
As Everett gave you an enormous hug as well, he said, "I'm thinking about sleeping over at the house with you guys tonight, since I'm not starting tomorrow. You can make me about a dozen pancakes tomorrow morning. Hi, mom."
You kissed his cheek and adjusted his backward Phillies cap. "I like your hair this way. You look so handsome, Ev.
"Of course he does," Bradley agreed. "He looks like you." And then he was rewarded with the twin smiles that you and Everett bestowed on him at the same time. "Listen, if you're coming back to the house later, I need to stop and get groceries. You ate everything in the refrigerator and drank all my beer last time."
Everett just smiled at him. "Damn, I really do miss your pancakes."
"Ev, that's an adult word," you scolded.
"Mom. I am an adult," he scolded back playfully. But he was grinning when he turned toward Bradley. "Did mom make you read the article this morning? From the Inquirer?" 
"Yeah," he whispered, nodding his head. "You didn't need to do that for me, Kiddo. But thank you."
His throat was tight with unshed tears as Everett gave him another hug. "I didn't do it just for you. I did it for the other coaches and kids, too. You were just my main inspiration. You always are, dad."
"Please, Ev," he said, sucking in a deep breath as he rubbed his son's back before releasing him. "I might never stop crying."
And he was once again met with Everett's smile and yours. "You're a softie, Coach," you told him, cupping his chin in your hand and kissing him.
"Always for the two of you." Bradley kissed your fingers and then laced them with his as he looked around the room. "How much longer can you hang out with us, Ev? You need to warm up soon?"
"Pretty soon," he replied. "I'll walk you up to the box to meet Aunt Molly and Uncle Bob and the cousins, but we need to stop and take care of something first."
"Take care of what?" Bradley asked, but Ev was already heading for the door past the tables and unlocking it with his own badge. Hand in hand, the two of you followed your son down a long hallway that ended near the locker rooms at a door that said PRESS AND PLAYERS ONLY. "Are we even allowed back here?"
"Well," Everett said, stopping in front of the door, "if you remember the tour we took when I was six years old, this is where we met some of the players."
"Of course I remember," Bradley said, leaning down to kiss your cheek. "That was one of the best days of my life. I told your mom I loved her that day."
"He did," you confirmed for Everett.
"You two have always been sickening," Everett replied with a smile. "But yes, we're allowed in here. Actually dad, you're the man of the hour."
"Man of the hour?" he asked. "Kiddo, you're the star pitcher. It's just my fifty-fifth birthday." 
But as soon as Everett pushed the door open and Bradley stepped inside, about twenty reporters and photographers started buzzing with excitement. 
"Ev, I'm still confused," Bradley said as his son rested a hand on his shoulder. He watched you smile and head to an empty seat at the back of the room. "What's going on?"
Ev rubbed his shoulder before giving him another hug and releasing him. "Every interviewer asks me how I became successful. And my answer is always the same. It's because of you, Dad."
"Ev," Bradley choked out, his throat tight with tears once again.
"So you're in high demand, Coach. I told a few media outlets we would give an interview together. Nothing too crazy. As long as you want to."
Bradley glanced around the room, and as soon as he found you with a bright smile on your face, he said, "Okay."
So he sat down where the players sit, and Everett took the seat next to him. They had on matching jerseys and backward caps, and it didn't matter that he adopted Everett, this had always been his son. They were cut from the same cloth. They understood each other. They were a family. 
Everett cleared his throat and announced, "Hey, everyone. This is my dad and my very first coach, retired naval Captain Bradley Bradshaw. He taught me literally everything I know about baseball. Everything I know about anything, really. He showed me how to pitch sliders and curveballs at Myers Park here in San Diego. He made sure I could lose a game with the same attitude as when I won a game. He and I met the first day I ever played tee ball and the very first day he ever coached. And he's been coaching the Tiny Eagles ever since. So I guess if you want to know more about me, then he's the man to talk to."
Bradley was still wiping tears from his eyes when the first interviewer raised her hand, smiled at him, and asked, "Can you tell us how proud you are of Everett?"
He turned to look at his son and smiled. "How much time do I have?"
Well, that's it! The tale of Coach Bradley! I can't thank you enough to everyone who has been lovely to me as I worked on and posted this fic. I can't get enough of these three. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32 (and thanks for the banner, Mak!)
Don't forget to check out Bob and Molly in The Curveball!
Still want more? Read Draft Day!
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Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, clashing personalities, exclusion, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: moody boy Curtis Everett x bubbly, plus-size reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You vow yourself to confinement. You will not leave your desk for any reason. You even brought a thermos of coffee. The container is a honey brown and the lid has bear ears, an animated face painted on the metal. It makes you smile despite the gloom that clouds you.
You don’t know how it happens. You always mean well but things always end up so wrong. So you’ve determined you’re better off on your own. Minding your own business and getting through the work day without calamity.
It’s lonely. You eat your lunch in your cubicle, watching a crochet video on the small screen of your phone. You still can’t figure out how to get just the right shape for the hippo you’ve been working on. It’s the final piece in your collection; to go along with the giraffe, the elephant, lion, and zebra. With your new job, you haven’t even had the energy to try.
You get back to work, eyes fuzzy as you stare at the spreadsheet. Millennia of human existence and for what? For excel and stale coffee? Is this really progress?
You reign in your wandering mind and work through the numbers. You just want to get through your first week. That will be a feat you can be proud of. You drain the last lukewarm sip from your thermos and pout. You could really use a refill but you will resist. You can’t risk it.
At the end of the day, you sneak out down the stairwell. You’re breathless by the time you reach the bottom, dizzy from the winding levels above. You shake it off and head off. You could use a nice hot bath, those office chairs are really not comfy.
Your night goes by as any does. You get your bath and eat some ramen before tucking into bed and mindlessly scrolling on your phone. You fall asleep with the light on and wake up to the blare of your alarm the next morning. 
It’s Friday! You get up and get dressed. A lilac skirt that buttons up the front and a frilly white blouse on top. You pull on a lemon yellow cardigan and a pair of matching flats. It’s bright and fun! Unlike anything else in that gray office.
You shove one of the pillows from the couch into your bag, the one that looks like a sprinkle donut, and grab your thermos. You race out to catch the bus and throw yourself into the day ahead. You just need to make it to the end and you have the whole weekend ahead of you.
Once at your cubicle, you settle in. You place the donut pillow on the thin cushion of the office chair and kneel on the floor as you work at readjusting the backrest and arms. You get up and plop down, testing the height and swiveling a bit. It’s slightly better.
You roll closer to your desk and boot up for the day. You reach for your pen cup but stop short as you find only the boring Bic sticks that overflow the supply cupboards. Huh?
You reach under your desk and grab your bag. You stir around, certain you careless slid your pen in there. You can’t find it! Your most favourite pen is gone. There’s a tiny penguin at the end and the pen’s body is filled with water and glitter that shimmers and looks like falling snow. Where is it?
Your panic has you searching the empty drawers of the desk and down on your knees crawling around. You don’t find it. You give up as your chest sinks and you mope at your monitor, clicking mindlessly on your Outlook and the company’s shared drive. 
You sit back and uncap your thermos. You take a drink and nearly choke. Oh no! It’s so bitter it leaves your tongue gritty. The filter must’ve split in the machine again. You let out a blech and get up, letting your chair roll back carelessly.
You go down to the break room and dump the coffee down the sink. That’s when you remember you’re not supposed to be in there. Shoot. You look around. It’s empty. You should have time enough to fill your cup.
You go to the machine and pick a pod from the rack. You don’t pay attention to the flavour, you just want coffee. You wait for the machine to grind and claim your cup as the brew stops below the brim. You quickly retreat back to your desk and sit, leaving the lid off the thermos to let it cool.
Ow! Your tailbone hits the thin seat and jars your spine. You get up and look down at the barren cushion. Your pillow is gone. What the heck?
You roll the chair around, thinking maybe you knocked it off when you stood up. It’s not that hard to miss. Nope, it’s gone. 
You look over at Dana as he yawns over a Starbucks cup. She has no donut under her bottom. Who would do that? Who would steal your pillow? You chew your lip and resign yourself to another day of discomfort.
You taste the coffee. Mmm, it must be the dark roast. It’s full-bodied and rich, slightly smoky. You don’t usually go for it, you prefer more caffeine. It might be good for you, you really don’t need the extra jitter.
You plant your elbow beside your keyboard and fall into your work. The office awakens around you. The clack of keys, the clicking of mice, and the low voices that rise and fall over cubicle walls. 
You lean back and check the time. Barely an hour in. You stretch your neck and massage your shoulders as you try to work out the kink of your poor posture. As you do, you sense a shadow approach Dana’s desk. You shift your chair and peek over, quickly wheeling back to your desk to hunch down and hide. It’s him.
“Phillips,” he calls her by her last name, “you still in charge of supplies?”
“Morning, Curtis,” she replies tritely, “what is it? We don’t have budget left for tech upgrades until end of month.”
“Coffee,” he growls, “dark roast.”
You tap your foot nervously. You didn’t know he liked the dark roast. If you did, you wouldn’t have taken the last pod. Maybe you should offer him what you have left… no, you should just leave him be.
“I’ll add it to the list,” Dana acquisces dismissively, “anything else?”
He grunts but doesn’t answer as he pivots on his heel. You peek up above the wall of your cubicle and immediately regret it. His attention is drawn by the movement and his eyes meet yours as his features twist into a scowl. You try to smile and he rolls his eyes before setting his shoulders and striding away.
Oh, you have an idea!
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babyjakes · 10 months
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lock them out and throw a feast.
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event | kinkmas 2023
prompt | food play
pairing | soft!dark!curtis everett x front-ender!reader
warnings | soft!dark!curtis. non-con. crying. restraints. use of gag. fingering. minimal dialogue (curtis is a quiet guy.) oral (f receiving) with plenty of clit focus. messy food play (a whole bakery's worth of sweets.) forced orgasm. squirting. implied multiple (forced) orgasms. written in 3rd person for some reason. showered!curtis :D
word count | 1,698
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an | my snowpiercer knowledge is soooooo rusty i haven't watched the movie in years. this is kind of written in a universe where curtis and his rebellion were able to take over the engine. he picks out a pretty little front-ender as his reward and throws himself a feast... anyway, please ignore any details that might not align with the movie plot. this fic is dedicated to my sweet precious wonderful somny @onsunnyside, she isn't active much these days but of course i wanted to write her a kinkmas piece still, she is so special to me. and i know she loves curtis, so this felt like the perfect opportunity. love you, sonson<33 hope you're well and having happy holidays!
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Everything was just the way he ordered it. An empty car all to himself, with both exits locked, dark curtains drawn. Lights dimmed, just bright enough to see through the stilled air. One shining down stronger than the rest in the center of the room, illuminating his long-awaited bounty. His final reward. His feast, fit for a king.
The moment he had laid eyes on her, cowering and weeping as her family's luxury quarters were broken into, he knew she was his endgame. He promised himself he'd have his way with her once he made it to the engine and overthrew the elite. Now that the hard work was done, it was time for him to revel in his victories. And there was no better way to do that, he had decided, than to feed the hunger that had been eating away at him for as long as he could remember.
He stood back in the shadows for the longest time, just taking in the glorious scene before him. Sucking in a strained breath, he pressed a tentative hand over the bulge in his pants. They were new; everything on him was. As his trusted second-in-commands were preparing his private car, Curtis had disappeared to care for himself and his body for the first time in seventeen years. He had a long, tedious shower, taking his time to remove nearly two decades of filth from his tattered body. Once he was clean, he had first choice from an entire car full of clothing- everything brand new. He remained modest with his choices. All the glitz and glam of the elite had no appeal to him.
Taking a step forward, he let his dark brown overcoat fall to the floor, leaving him in the simple gray t-shirt and utility trousers he had claimed earlier. Biting his lip, he pried his hand from his raging hard-on. He would relieve himself, in time. For now, he wanted to savor every moment he spent building up to that release.
Her quiet whimpers were the loudest thing in the room, accompanied by the low rumbling of the train's machinery in the background. Her crystalline tears only made her more beautiful, Curtis thought to himself. There was something so exquisite about her agonized expression; it didn't matter how wrong or cruel this was. He had given it all, risked his life for that damn train. This was his; he had earned it. He would allow himself that.
His men had done a fine job with the setup. She was as captivating as he had dreamt for all those years- no, she was better. Her body sprawled out elegantly over the smooth oak finish of the table below her, tied to the corners by her wrists and ankles, she was nothing more than a piece of meat to be feasted on, a meal to be devoured. And Curtis hadn't had a proper meal in years. The rest of the table's surface was covered in all the sweets and confectionaries his subordinates could find. Ripe fruits, delicate cakes and pastries, bowls of thick chocolates and creams- and to top it all off, his main course had been decorated lavishly to the likings of the delicacies surrounding her. Her most sensitive places had been drizzled and dipped, sprinkled and powdered, making her the most divine-looking creature the man had ever seen.
He took another step forward, surveying her as a vulture would its prey. Her dewy eyes peered up fearfully at him as he slowly approached the side of the table. Voice slightly hoarse from all her crying and struggling, she whined weakly through the thick cloth gag secured snugly between her chocolate-smeared lips.
"Shhhh," Curtis breathed out, the steadiness of his voice and posture such a stark contrast to the girl who lay weeping and bound before him. As he turned to make his way to the end of the table, her bare feet thrashed and kicked uselessly in protest. He simply shook his head at her pitiful displays of defiance. "No use fighting it, sweetheart," he hummed, his voice almost consoling in tone. "You're not going anywhere. Not until I get a good taste of what's mine."
With heedless, eager motions, the man cleared the portion of the table that sat between the girl's trembling legs. As mouth-watering as everything he was pushing aside appeared, his only focus was closing the space between him and the one thing he was truly starving for. Lowering his front down onto the now empty surface, Curtis' greedy eyes trailed up his victim's messy legs, finding the sacred point at which they joined. He drooled at the sight of her perfect cunt as it sat before him on display, dribbles of cream and what appeared to be nervous arousal collecting beneath her rounded ass.
"Mine," he repeated, this time nearing a growl. His rugged hands came up to squeeze at her soft, heavenly thighs, earning tiny squeaks of fear from the poor girl as she shook her head pleadingly- but it was no use. He had her before him now; nothing would come between him and his feast. "This body belongs to me now, angel. Do you understand?" He brought a hand up to push back her mound, exposing her swollen clit and leaky hole to his prying eyes. The confidence he was speaking with was impressive, given the fact that he'd never spoken to a woman like this in his life. But after all he'd lived through, he felt entitled to that sense of authority. He held her life in his hands, quite literally. And he sure as hell was ready to make the most of it.
"This pretty cunt-" he dared to take his words further, his other hand dragging a finger up through the streams of sugary icing coating her thighs to begin prodding at her tiny hole. "-is mine. All mine," he hummed, perfectly happy to be stating these truths to only himself, if his new possession was so insistent on denying them with her angry sobs and harsh glares. She would come around in time; he knew she would. She wouldn't have any choice in the matter.
His finger nudged and teased at the opening a bit more before gently dipping inside, the man's patience wearing thin. At the feeling of her tight, slippery walls doing everything in their power to fight off his intrusion, Curtis wasn't ashamed of the way his cock only grew harder from her unwillingness. He savored the distressed grunts and groans she let out as he forced his digit in up to a first knuckle, then a second. Turning his hand in a fluid motion, he began fucking his finger up into her, groaning lowly at the sight of her quickly growing increasingly responsive to his efforts.
Free-hand momentarily moving back to grab harshly at her hipbone, Curtis licked his lips as his gaze settled in on the tiny nub sitting at the top of the girl's messy slit. Bringing his thumb and pointer finger back down, he forcefully spread her upper lips apart, exposing her poor little button to the cool air of the room. Her legs kicked and struggled as he drew his face in closer, letting out a low groan as the bundle of nerves was finally taken between his parched lips.
The girl let out a howl through her gag, choking on her cries and spit as Curtis worked her aching clit. Closing his eyes, the man savored the feeling of the tiny bump twitching and trembling against his steady suckling. Letting go of any last hesitations, he submitted to eating her fresh cunt like a beast that'd been starved. He paid no mind to being gentle or polite as he latched onto her helpless core, delivering punishing waves of pain and pleasure well outside the realms of her wildest nightmares.
When his lips grew sore from sucking, he switched to dragging his tongue over the pulsating nub, starting with slow, teasing licks before switching to fast, merciless swipes in the blink of an eye. The alternating paces reduced his victim to softer sobs and hiccups, her hips bucking up wildly as her body struggled to tolerate the intense stimulation. And as soon as he'd had enough of the tongue work, he was back to nursing at the poor button, now so puffy and swollen from receiving his undivided attention.
As the girl's thighs shook, Curtis could see something shifting within her. The noises she let out were becoming more desperate, more panicked, with an expression of impending doom appearing on her tear-stained face. At the realization that she was being brought to orgasm against her will, the unrelenting hunger in Curtis' gut only rose. "That's it," he grumbled lowly, her sweet, sticky juices coating his reddened lips. "You're gonna come for me now, babydoll. Come on, give it to me," his face was hardening with determination, his finger thrusting more forcefully up into her fluttering walls as she hurled towards her climax at full speed.
The cry she let out as she finally came was the closest thing Curtis had ever heard to an angel on earth. As the incredible pressure in her tummy finally shattered, her poor clit spasmed helplessly in the man's awaiting mouth. A flood of sweetness sprayed against his scruffy facial hair as she squirted, the sight of her body coming helplessly against his efforts nearly too much for Curtis to bear. Groaning loudly, he coaxed her through the spectacular high. Only when her sobbing turned to weak sniffles did he finally pull away, his darkened eyes trailing up to find her tender face.
As he went to remove his digit from her soaking heat, he could've sworn she almost seemed to cling to him, in a way. He brought the creamy finger up to slip into his eager mouth, the sugary taste of her climax making his head pound with want.
His next words sent her into a fresh fit of tears. "One more," he decided, lowering his head back down to her sticky cunt. One more, he told himself, before he'd finally seek some relief of his own.
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Morning Mewl
Pairing: PhD Candidate! Curtis Everett x PhD Student! Reader
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Summary: Curtis is nervous before his PhD defense
Word count: 866
Content/warnings: fluffy fluff fluff fluff (bc Curtis deserves it), kissing, sharing a bed, roommate and good friend Jake, best friend/mentee turned girlfriend reader, pet name usage (cookie, smart cookie, cooks), established relationship
A/N: Inspired partially by @biteofcherry in this post and what was written for @jamneuromain in this post. Shoutout for all my moots for Curtis encouragement and @thezombieprostitute for the constant praise at all hours. I hope you guys melt reading this along with me.
Takes place a couple years down the line once reader and Curtis are dating and in the same program, so there’s not a weird power imbalance.
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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You were used to the groans that came out of Curtis when waking up. Every morning, his broad form that was wrapped around your body creaked in the joints as he stretched, fighting the stiffness that would settle over him in the night.
This morning, you were woken up by a slightly different sound than the usual early morning deep breath and whine that signaled him waking. This was was more high-pitched…more of a…mewl?
You snickered lightly at the sound, ready to turn around in his hold and crack a joke to his face.
“That was an interesting one.” You softly giggled it out, mixed with the small rasp of your morning voice. When you finally opened your eyes, though, you were surprised to not see Curtis’s face at all.. it was hidden by a ball of fluff, a black and gray tabby cat curled up and now purring peacefully.
The same cat you had met years ago when Curtis had brought her in so the landlord didn’t find out. You struggled to hold in a fit of laughter, but weren’t sure what to do. From under the restful mound of fluff came the groan you had expected that morning.
“Jensen, come get the cat.” It was louder that your early morning ears expected, but somewhat muffled and still not enough for her to stir on his face.
Curtis’s roommate Jake came walking into the room, glasses thrown on haphazardly and hair messy from the early hour. Jake wasn’t in your program, he was actually studying CS, which was for the best and very helpful for how often your computer got overloaded. Curtis was glad to have a roommate who was in a different program from him, too. It was a nice break from the nonstop work, plus an opportunity to hear about another department’s drama. Sure, he and Jake didn’t have very similar sleeping schedules, but they got along well and were respectful of noise for the other.
Jake rubbed his eyes under his glasses, adjusting to the light that poured through the curtains of Curtis’s window. He laughed at the predicament Curtis found himself in “I swear she likes you more than she likes me. It’s not fair you get all the ladies around here.”
You laughed as Jake walked into the room towards Curtis’s side of the bed. “C’mere, Mav. Don’t scratch uncle Curtis. He didn’t like that last time.”
Jake gently scooped the cat off his face and she instantly clung to the fabric on the shoulder of his own graphic tee, snuggling against Jake’s shoulder. “Okay, I’ll keep her out of her out of your hair, or at least as much of it as you have, while you get ready. If I don’t see you before you leave, good luck today. I’ll be in the back of the lecture hall for your defense.”
He walked towards the door before turning around. “Oh! And by the way, I stopped by that breakfast place you like yesterday. Picked up some sandwiches for this morning’s brain food. All you and Cookie have to do is heat them up.”
You and Curtis had both shifted to sit up by now, and you watched a small, appreciative smile creep onto his face. “Thanks, Jensen, I’ll see you later, man.”
You twisted towards your boyfriend, finally seeing his full face for the first time that morning. “You hear that? He got us the good stuff. Free breakfast, Cooks.”
You shook your head and brushed your hand over the stubble on his cheek, freshly trimmed the past weekend so it was neat for Curtis’s PhD defense later this morning. “I’m not the smart cookie today. You are, future Dr. Everett. It has a good ring to it already.”
Your thumb traced over the freckles on his nose as he leaned into your touch, turning his head to place a kiss on your palm. His eyes sparkled back toward you with a hint of concern you’d rarely seen from the usually confident and secure man. “Not yet, though. Don’t wanna count my chickens before they hatch.”
Your other hand came up to frame his face and pull his forehead to yours. “Look at me. Today’s going to be great. You’re going to show everyone how smart you are and how hard you’ve worked and how there’s no one else who’s as deserving of this degree as you. And I’m going to be right there, cheering you on with your parents, without an ounce of doubt in your abilities.”
He relaxed in your hold, wrapping his one arm around your waist, the other settling on your thigh as his eyes fluttered shut. He sighed, absorbing the comfort of the moment before looking up at you through his eyelashes. “Promise?”
You leaned in to kiss him, slow and deep. An exhibit of love and faith and the deepest support that bloomed from friendship. You both pulled away with smiles on your faces before you saw his demeanor shift and lighten, his usual, determined game face taking over. He was ready for the day.
“I promise. Now let’s go eat that breakfast before Jensen changes his mind and steals it from us.”
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Bonus A/N: Pls feel free to screech with me about soft! Curtis. He deserves all the credit and all the love.
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Chris Evans Masterlist
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Here you will find all of my Chris Evans works, arranged by character and type of work.
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Don’t Take My Sunshine Away (possibly on hiatus)
Bright Like The Moon (ongoing) - Lloyd is a minor character.
Pretty As A Picture - Explicit - Lloyd Hansen x F!Reader - What started as a hobby day in the park turns into Lloyd Hansen showing you why taking photos of strangers is a bad idea.
Power Play: After Hours - Explicit - Lloyd Hansen x Assistant!Black!Reader - What happens when Lloyd sees you, his assistant, in something other than what you usually wear? Well, you should be worried about what he does when he sees you.
A Duke and His Duchess - Explicit - Soft!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Chubby!Black!Fem!Reader - The night takes a dark turn when you are harassed at the club, but Lloyd comes to your rescue.
Family, Quirks/Hobbies, Sleep
What happens when the reader starts dressing to match Lloyd?
Interesting quirk (an ask I submitted to stargazingfangirl18)
Daddy Dearest | Lloyd Hansen + Female Reader + Daddy kink + “Can you feel how much I want you?” + Darkfic (Sweet Treats Events 2024)
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Oxytocin - Explicit - Ransom Drysdale x Older!Black!Fem!OFC - At a New Year’s Eve party, Ransom Drysdale’s life is forever changed by a chance meeting with Ivy Kensington.
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Don’t Take Your Eyes Off It - Explicit - Sugar Daddy!Steve Rogers x Black!Fem!Reader - It’s Valentine’s Day, and you have a surprise for Steve!
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No Good Deeds - Explicit - Landlord!Ari Levinson x Reader - Moving out on your own is challenging, but your landlord, Mr. Levinson is kind and helpful. But he may want more from you than your tenancy.
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Do It For Daddy | Jake Jensen + Female Reader + Daddy kink + “I told you, you would eventually start begging.” + Smut (Sweet Treats Events 2024)
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Sweet Redemption - Explicit - Dennis Baker x Female!Reader - You move into the neighborhood and meet Dennis Baker, a man in the middle of a divorce. Trying to keep yourself honest, you keep him at a distance. But you’re drawn together after a mishap online. Will it end sweetly or on a sour note?
“Don’t run from me” Dennis x Wifey (facesitting)
Brunch with the family (slice of life)
Late night on the beach with Wifey
Ass worship
Nicknames and height
Panty sniffing?
Running into the ex-wife in the grocery store
Dennis comforting Wifey after a long, stressful day
how Dennis finds out that Wifey is pregnant
Dennis' zodiac sign
Does Dennis' wife like to be spanked during sex?
Is Dennis a horndog?
What are Dennis and Wifey's love languages?
Dennis tells you about his and his ex-wife's fight on the day you met
Dennis comforts Wifey after her day doesn't go as planned (slice of life)
Dennis being the most capable father and husband (slice of life)
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Lloyd Hansen (The Gray Man)
Andy Barber (Defending Jacob)
Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out)
Steve Rogers (Avengers films)
Curtis Everett (Snowpiercer)
Ari Levinson (The Red Sea Diving Resort)
Nick Gant (PUSH)
Jake Jensen (The Losers)
Frank Adler (Gifted)
Dennis Baker (DENNIS)
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jedifarmerr · 2 years
Wasteland Series (Fallout AU)
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Chapter 8
Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader/OFC (No y/n or physical descriptions)
Rating: E (18+ blog)
Word Count: 6.5k
Chapter Warnings: language, angst, revelations, mentions/discussions of death.
Series Masterlist
Boston was a nightmare. 
The landscape was ever changing, more buildings crashed and collapsed and barricaded the streets. This time, it took four hours just to arrive at Ted Williams Tunnel. Midway across, they found it flooded. Some part of the road must’ve eroded and sank into the harbor, making it now impassable. 
So much for a shortcut. 
They had to backtrack and instead travel by the safe, drawn out caravan route that went through Everett and stunk of rancid Brahmin patties. After 36 hours, they finally reached Paul Revere Park. Just in time for lunch.
Frankie watched as she and Benny skipped rocks across Charles River. The flecks of gravel and rubble bounced across the calm water. 
“My bets on her,” Santi said before plopping down on the ledge beside Frankie. 
“Easy money. Ben doesn’t stand a chance.” He’d already lost the first round and easily suckered her into another rematch – best two out of three. 
Will was trying to help him out, but his sound advice came in that big brother tone that Benny never listened to. Besides, Ben would never take the time to search for a perfect stone, instead picking one at random closest to his feet. While she, on the other hand, weighed a few different rocks in her palm before choosing. 
She strutted over to Benny and then got into position. Ladies first. Her stone skipped three – four times before sinking. Benny puffed out his chest with confidence as he winded up his hand, then threw the stone. 
Gray water splashed against Benny’s mud-brown boots. 
Santi coughed out a laugh. “Goddamnit, he’s actually shocked.” 
Lucky for Ben, the second round went better than the first. 
“She let ‘em have it,” Frankie said and Santi snorted in agreement. 
For a long moment, Frankie’s gaze followed her along the rocky bank as she searched through clutter and debris and scraps of the past for the winning stone. His eyes flickered to Benny, who was staring at her with a pained expression. When she turned around, he plastered on a smile. 
Santi cleared his throat. “She asked about you last night.” 
Frankie clenched his jaw, so tight that his teeth hurt. 
“She’s…worried,” Santi started before taking a deep breath. “Wanted to check and make sure you were alright-” 
“I’m fine,” he defended, but his voice lacked any real conviction. He certainly didn’t sound fine, he didn’t look too great either. The bags under his eyes only darkened and grayed after another sleepless night. He couldn’t find rest ever since Benny’s news. 
For the life of him, he could not figure out what possessed him the other day in Arturo’s basement. He’d completely lost his mind when he touched her skin. Still, he could feel the ghost of it on his fingertips - soft and smooth and burning with betrayal. He curled his fingers into a fist until his knuckles went bloody white. 
“Fish.” Santi’s voice was low and strained and swelling with some emotion that Frankie couldn’t quite identify, but he knew that he didn’t want to hear. Stiffly, he shook his head but Santi didn’t listen, but that was nothing new. “Just cause her parents work for them, doesn’t mean she’s the enemy-”
“Isn’t she?” His voice cracked. Frankie didn’t know. He hung his head, dragging his palm over his chin. 
Frankie had expected it, after all. They all did. Even Benny in all his denial knew deep down that she had ties to Vault-Tec, somehow. 
He’d thought it might be her dad, but more so her mom, who she didn’t say much about. She didn’t share much about either of them, but one night, in Diamond City, Benny had asked about her parents. What are they like? She described her father as a good, kind man who enjoyed crosswords and muscle cars and cared far too much about having a green lawn; whereas her mother was simply – beautiful. From that alone, he got the sense there was some rift in the relationship. At least, it would be an explanation if she didn’t know about Vault-Tec’s plans. 
He’d hardly considered the possibility of it being both parents. 
Nevertheless, she was a fucking prodigy. The very company that he swore to destroy coursed through her veins and he could not rationalize how she didn’t know. She had to know because how could her parents not give a sign or a warning or even a hint. 
She giggled, her head tipping back with a sweet sound that stung him like a bee. A part of him believed her to be innocent. Or perhaps, he desperately wanted her to be. He wasn’t sure – the last few weeks had completely split him open. Above all, he didn’t want to get fucked over and be made a fool of. 
He couldn’t live with himself. 
Frankie stiffened as he cleared his throat. “Doesn’t really matter. She’ll probably end up hating us, anyway.”
Santi responded with a frown, and nothing else. They had fucked up waiting this long. They should’ve told her last night while in the video game store. He doubted she’d be too thrilled when she found out about them being sworn enemies of Vault-Tec. 
She’d left the vault to save her family. Rifts or not, she loved them enough to risk her life. He didn’t know if she’d side against them. 
He wasn’t getting his hopes up that she would. 
The library was a mess of hardcover shells and disintegrating pages, but there was something cozy about it. Even if it smelled like mildew and dust and damp fabric. 
“Did your families come from the vaults?” She asked them that night, seemingly out of the blue. It was inevitable, also somewhat shocking that it hadn’t come up sooner. 
Frankie kept to the corner, quiet as the others shared about their ancestors – the founders of an off-brand vault line: Treasury Inc. 
It wasn’t a household name, more like a local Kroger grocery store compared to the likes of Target or Walmart. Still, she knew of it. 
Massachusetts was the only state with Treasury vaults, which were congested mainly around Salem. They’d had plans to expand - to bring a cheaper, yet quality option to the people, but Vault-Tec wasn’t about to let that happen. 
Vault-Tec filed a patent infringement lawsuit, which according to her had been a hot topic around water coolers. A real battle of ethics.
What would the courts deem more important: The pocketbook and pride of a big corpo or the safety and well-being of the American people?
Technically, the latter won out, but the stipulations ruined any chance of expansion. Treasury could build new vaults, yes, but not within a certain radius of Vault-Tec’s or their land. 
So, Vault-Tec went out using their billions of dollars and bought up pockets of land, just to let them rot. A detail that many left out, even her parents it seemed since she said: 
“I’m glad they were still around. I always wondered what happened to them. I don’t remember hearing much about them after that.” 
Right then would’ve been the perfect opportunity to tell her the truth. 
But none of them said a thing. They seemed unable to say it. Maybe because once they did, everything would change. 
Minutes later, she bid them goodnight before closing the door to the janitor’s closet. They all agreed to tell her tomorrow. No exceptions.
Time was running out. 
There was a chill in the air, but you couldn’t tell if it was from the encroaching Autumn or Frankie’s vow of silence breathing down your neck. It’d been over two days since leaving Diamond City, and he was still acting strange. A little less willing to talk or joke or glance anywhere other than his feet. 
You were back on the road and honestly, they all seemed a little off today. The conversation was practically non-existent. Not even with Benny. You wondered if it had anything to do with being at the halfway point between Diamond City and Sanctuary, where you were stopping for lunch. 
The small settlement, Covenant, was secreted from U.S. Highway 1 by grassy hills, thick cypresses and white ash trees. Unlike Diamond City, the fence was unfinished, mostly short, temporary barbed wire with a few completed sections of cement. A sign hung above the gates: Est. 2245. Among the engraved names of founders: Connie and Blake Miller. 
The town almost reminded you of a show you watched as a kid on Saturday’s. Little House on the Prairie. Dirt roads. Farm Animals. Stalks of corn. Wooden cabins intermixed with the few buildings that could be repurposed. Before the war, a large chunk of this area had been cleared out to make room for apartment complexes. You didn’t even think they’d broken ground, yet. 
Everyone here seemed to know everyone – even the guys were on a first name basis. You wondered why they didn’t talk about it more on the way here? Where were the stories of a toothless Benny? Or Will as an awkward pre-teen, if that was even a thing. 
You tried not to overthink it as you arrived at the oxidized mailbox with Miller written in sloppy white paint. A two-story cabin on the very edge of town where their Uncle Blake and Aunt Connie lived with their daughter Mary. 
It was a heartwarming reunion, full of hugs and smiles and firm kisses on each cheek. It made your chest ache. You’d never been that close with your family. Your cousins were, at best, distant acquaintances and aunts and uncles, who never called or even left a birthday message. 
Your mother’s side of the family was not a very warm bunch of people, just like her. Rotten with wealth, self-absorbed and only smiled when putting on a show. She was never an affectionate woman, not even with Alice or your dad. It just wasn’t in her makeup. 
On your dad’s side, it was just him and his parents, who were already gone by the time you were born. He spoke of them highly, though, so that must’ve been where he got his attentive disposition. Despite frequently traveling for work, he never missed anything big. If you had a recital, he’d take a red-eye just to be in the front row. For him, nothing ever seemed too small. 
“And this here is Blue,” Benny introduced you, gripping your shoulder to integrate you into the circle. 
“She’s a friend of ours,” Will added in a flat tone – don’t ask. He gave Blake an inscrutable glance that didn’t sit right in your empty stomach. 
Still, you didn’t let it show and instead followed them inside with a runner-up, beauty queen smile. It would’ve earned a standing ovation from your family. 
In the dining room, everyone smushed around the long table – you at the very end, right beside Frankie. Mary was directly across from him. She appeared to be younger than her cousins with khaki, freckled skin and coppery hair similar to Benny’s. She stared at you, her piercing ocean eyes peering over a steamy cup of tea with rapt curiosity. Will nudged her in the shoulder and she smiled weakly. 
Lunch was lukewarm crimson stew with freshly picked herbs from the small garden out back. Most of the conversation revolved around Covenant. Their seasonal hauls and upcoming socials and how they’d soon take stock for winter. They were praying this year wouldn’t be as brutal as the last few. 
Covenant was facing a bit of a problem, though. A ghoul problem. Every night for the last week, a few would wander in from their hide-out, an elementary school close to Melrose, which was about a half-hour walk. Maybe 45 minutes. They’d tried to take care of it on their own, but got overrun. Someone named Donna almost died – Mike’s leg was broken in eight places. 
“Don’t worry about it, we can help,” Will offered, “Five extra sets of hands will definitely help.” 
Wait – 5? 
You stared at the last drops of soup, stirring the wooden spoon around the bowl. You would’ve viewed this as good practice, if it was anything but ghouls. Even though they were past their expiration date and you knew they couldn’t be saved, they were still people – people who lived and breathed and moved alongside you. The idea of mowing them down bothered you. It disturbed you. 
What if you knew them?
You supposed, in a matter of life or death like the surprise attack in Boston, it would be different. But if possible, you’d prefer to avoid them entirely. 
Frankie must’ve sensed your anxiety as he pulled you aside as Blake scrambled out the door to gather the troops, the guys went to suit up. Frankie eyed Mary, and her prying gaze snapped to the ceiling. 
He stepped in front of you, crowding you into a corner. He was like a shadow or a shield or a fucking massive wall. It was the first time you’d been alone with him since Diamond City. 
“What’re you thinking?” Frankie’s voice was low, almost rusty. 
“I don’t think I can do this, Frankie.” You stared at the center of his chest, unable to meet his eyes. “I think I should just stay here.” 
“Stay here?” He pointed a finger at the floor, and you nodded. He frowned, rocking back on his heels and you thought he was going to say no. 
“Connie and Mary are staying,” you reasoned. Mary didn’t want to go, and Connie couldn’t because of an old injury. 
Again – he glanced at Mary. You wondered if she had dirt on him or something because why else would he care. 
“If it was like - mole rats or cave crickets, sign me up, but I don’t…” 
Frankie shook his head, not making you finish that sentence. He scraped a hand over his chin and sighed. Fine. 
“If that’s what you want.” 
Once you nod, he turned around and went over to Connie. She was happy to let you stay. He’d lied that you also had an old shoulder injury that flared up, depending on the day. She guided you outside and onto the front porch, detailing a tea recipe that did wonders for inflammation. 
Soon, the front yard was filled with clusters of people. Blake, along with two other leaders, got to go on horseback. Lucky them. 
Mary and Connie went to say goodbye to Blake, and Frankie took their place. He propped his hip against the railing of the front porch and clutched the shoulder straps of the green tac-vest that made him look impossibly thick. 
He wet his lips, glanced over at the busy yard before meeting your eyes. “Sure you don’t wanna come?” 
You smirked – tilted your head. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna miss me.” 
He snorted. He looked more like the Frankie you’d seen in Diamond City. “Only in your dreams.” 
“Bold of you to assume, I would ever dream about you, buddy boy.” 
Frankie rolled his eyes, rubbing a thumb between the crease in his brows. “Behave yourself, alright?” 
And you promised him – you would. 
You’d spent the first fifteen minutes listening to Connie reminisce on her days out in the field before she excused herself to clean up lunch. Mary offered to give you a tour of the garden, and you accepted. 
The air smelled with the remnants of a storm, the linger of morning rain and wet mud. The sky was pale and gray as a platinum slate. Still, there was more color to the land here. It seemed like every step due north breathed new life into the earth. 
“I’m the only one that’s not married out of my friends, and all of them have kids, but I don’t know. No one here really does it for me. I’d much rather live in Diamond City, like you.” 
Mary had assumed you were from Diamond City, so you didn’t correct her. Technically, you were born in Boston, so close enough. 
It was like your dad always said: Honey, it’s not really a lie if there’s some truth in it. You see, it’s more of a roundabout. No one gets hurt.” 
Of course, he’d say that as he turned into Cow Spots Creamery after lying to your mom about going to the drugstore, conveniently located across the street. Still, you thought it could apply here, as well. 
You would’ve been perfectly content to listen to Mary ramble about her life, but she switched gears. 
“Does Frankie snore?” 
“Uh. I don’t think so. No?”
“Interesting. I always thought he would. Don’t you think Santi smells so nice?”
“When he showers, yeah.”
Mary giggled at that. “You must like traveling with them.” 
You shrugged – little did she know, you didn’t get much of a choice. 
“You’re so fucking lucky.” Mary let out a wistful sigh. “Seriously, my friends might make a voodoo doll of you. They’re so jealous. They couldn’t stop staring at you when they saw you talking to Frankie on the porch.” 
Your brows furrowed – head tilted. Suddenly, a lot of things made sense. Holy shit. No wonder everyone knew their name – no wonder everyone stared at you in Diamond City. You were traveling with the wasteland equivalent of a boy band. 
Wait. Would that make you a groupie?
Oh god. “Well, they can rest assured - I’m not, it’s not like I’m with any of them. I’m not dating them-”
“Well, duh.” She barked out a laugh, then shot her hand over her mouth. “Oh shit, not that - I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“No, it’s fine. Really.” 
“It’s just they’re never actually with-with anyone. If only, am I right? But ya know, people in their line of work - they never settle down.” 
You nodded along, even though you didn’t know what their line of work was, technically. You assumed it had something to do with exploring the wasteland. That made sense. 
“I mean, personally I get it.” Mary continued. “I don’t know if I could marry someone who's gone all the time, and risking their lives? Out there’s bad enough, but with the Vaults? Forget it.” 
You froze in place – ice coated your veins. Vaults? 
Mary blinked at you, and she must’ve expected an answer. You swallowed and your throat felt blocked. “Oh, yeah. Totally. One hundred percent.” 
“Do you know if they found any more vaults?” She whispered, leaning in closer as if sharing a secret. “My parents never tell me anything, it’s so annoying. They act like I’m still a kid, but anyway - I just thought since they’ve been gone so long, there has to be a reason.” 
Your hands shook at your side. Your heart was shooting into your throat. It felt like you couldn’t breathe and she was staring at you again for an answer. It took you a few seconds for your brain to switch into survival mode. This was life and death. You needed to play this cool and get the fuck out of here. 
“You know, I don’t think they did.” Your voice didn’t waver and you frowned, like it was a bummer. 
“Damn. Well, they’ll get ‘em one day. I just know it.”
Digging your fingernails into your palm, you forced a smile and nod. You couldn’t believe you let this happen. You should’ve known they were up to something. Liars. You never should’ve gone with them. You felt truly stupid and shit. 
You shook yourself – no time for that. You needed to leave before it was too late. 
Luckily, your gun was strapped to your thigh. There was enough food and water inside your bag. You scanned the landscape and found an outhouse, just a few feet away. 
It was now or never.
Frankie wondered if he could find her in time. His hands coiled around the leather reins as he guided the horse along the caravan route. She had to have gone this way, she knew it was safe. He’d been an idiot, ignoring his gut to not leave her alone with Mary. 
He’d known something was terribly wrong when he spotted Mary wailing outside the gates –  her face red and blotchy as she sobbed uncontrollably. 
She’s gone. She’s gone. She’s gone. 
It was still ringing in his ears. They fucked up. They should’ve told her last night, but he didn’t have time to regret it. He didn’t even have time to ask Mary how long she was gone or what exactly was said that spooked her enough to flee from them. 
He’d turned to Blake, grabbed the reins hard and pleaded for him to let go. I need to find her. A horse was his best bet to catch up with her. Frankie might have been fast, but not fast enough to catch up with a girl who had a solid head start and was scared out of her mind. 
Quickly, Blake had dropped the reins and ordered the other two off their horses. Frankie didn’t even wait for them before bolting towards Boston. 
The wind whipped his cheeks and stung his eyes as he frantically searched tree lines. He didn’t know how long it was before he stumbled across three dead bloatflies on the side of the road. Another two, just a few feet away. She’d been here, she’d been in danger all because they’d been selfish idiots who didn’t want things to change. She could’ve died. 
An intrusive image of her lifeless and swarmed and cased in slime invaded his mind and he snapped it away with a flick of the reins. He couldn’t think like that. Focus. 
He kicked his heels into the horse’s side and kept searching, searching until finally - he saw a smudge in the distance. 
For a moment, the heavy weight in his chest lifted as he realized it was a silhouette. It was her, he knew it. 
It appeared she spotted him too. Immediately, she picked up speed. 
She broke into a sprint. She bolted away from him as he shouted her name, guiding the horse over fallen stems and branches and knocked over signs.
The sun caught on her tear-wet cheeks as she glanced over her shoulder. She was too busy looking at him to notice a pothole in the street. 
“Watch out!” He tried to warn her, but too late.
Her feet caught on the uneven pavement, and she yelped as her knees collided against the asphalt. 
With a hard yank to the reins, the horse came to an abrupt halt. He was close enough that even if she decided to run, he could quickly catch up. 
Dismounting, he heard the click of a gun before his feet hit the ground. The chase might’ve been over, but she wasn’t giving up that easy. 
Frankie lifted up his hands in surrender and slowly turned to face her. No sudden movements. The barrel was leveled with the center of his chest. 
The fear oozed from her like the blood spilling down her knees. He met her eyes, but saw no signs of a cold killer, just a frightened little girl coming face to face with the monster from under her bed. 
“Don’t come any closer.” Her voice trembled, the gun shook in her unsteady grip. Even if she did shoot him, the bullet would stray to his bicep. Somewhere less lethal than his heart. 
Nevertheless, he remained still, firmly rooted to his spot. Her gaze flickered over his shoulder where two more horses were fast-approaching. She was outmatched - outgunned. He watched the defeat wash over her, though she still didn’t drop the gun. She didn’t surrender.
Benny didn’t even wait for Will to come to a full stop before jumping from the back of the horse. He rushed towards her and she swung the gun in his direction. 
“Stay back.” 
Will and Santi slowly dismounted. 
Benny frowned, “Blue-”
“Don’t you dare call me that. You - you fucking sicko. You’re all fucking sick!” 
“Blue, please. It’s not what you think. Just let us explain-”
“I don’t gotta let you do anything.” She grimaced. “I…I trusted you. I trusted all of you and it was just, what? A game-”
“It wasn’t, I swear! We were gonna tell you!”
“Oh, really? When?”
“Tonight,” Benny croaked and she let out an ugly sound of discontent. She didn’t believe him, and why would she? “Blue I know. Okay, I know we fucked up. We really really fucked up here and we should’ve told you sooner. I’m sorry. We’re sorry. Just please.”
Frankie had never seen Benny like this, so desperate. He was half-expecting Benny to fall to his knees and kiss her feet as he pleaded for her to listen. 
She seemed to notice his desperation as her face softened. Still, she continued to aim the gun at his head. 
“Blue, just hear us out.” Santi stepped up with his hands level with his chest. “That’s all we ask.” 
“Guns on the ground, then I’ll hear you out.” 
Immediately, they complied. Santi handed Benny the reins to his horse before taking the lead. Santi would be the best at explaining this. 
Her arms had to ache because she slightly lowered her gun; her finger hovered near the trigger. 
“Now, I don’t know what Mary told you-”
“That you’re looking for vaults,” she interrupted, “That’s your job, isn’t it?”
Santi nodded.
Santi went silent as he thoughtfully scratched his stubbly jaw. “We help them.”
“You help them…what?” She scoffed. 
Santi shuffled his feet, loose rocks scratching the soles of his shoes. “Look, this isn’t easy to explain but there are people trapped-”
“Are you fucking joking? This is your-” She barked out a laugh, a wild sound of disbelief. “In case you forgot my family-”
“No.” Santi winced, shaking his head. “It’s not.”
“-is still down there and last time I checked-”
“It’s not the same-”
“None of you did a damn thing to help-”
“They worked for Vault-Tec.” She drew back like he slapped her. “Your parents. Didn’t they?”
Her eyes darted around the semi-circle. “How do you-”
“You told me.” Benny stepped up. “You didn’t mean to, but you did - at the mayor's.”
She gulped. 
“Your vault’s different from the others,” Santi explained. “The others, they didn’t get frozen. No, they’ve been living down there ever since and they’re stuck and they can’t get out-”
“Well, then it must not be safe enough, yet,” she reasoned. 
“Come on, Blue.”
“No. No. Listen, the overseers will open the vaults as soon as it’s deemed safe enough.” She sounded rehearsed, as if reading off a script that she’d heard a thousand times. “Once the nuclear radiation reaches-”
“Then, how come we got out? How come we’re just fine? Diamond City. Covenant. Come on. You’ve been out here for a month, and you’re fine. We’re all fine, Blue. It’s been safe for a long time.”
Her brows furrowed as she surveyed the land. It was as if a lot of things were starting to become clear. 
“Well, where did the workers go? I mean - their kids. Whatever. What happened?”
“They’re still down there running it.”
“So, why won’t they let them out?”
Santi glanced at Frankie with a pained expression. Frankie gave him an encouraging nod. 
Santi took a deep breath. “Blue, they were never going to. This was always their plan.”
It seemed to take a second for the words to register. She flinched, her eyes hardened. “Are you - are you saying you think my family did this?” 
Slowly, he nodded. “I’m sorry.” 
She backed up, slanting her body away from them. No. That’s - no. My dad, you don’t know him. He would never, he’d never do that. They wouldn’t.” 
She insistently shook her head. “No, you - you’re liars. You’ve been lying this whole time.” 
“This isn’t-”
“Stop it. Just admit it. Admit you’re lying. Say it! Come on. Say it. Say it…say it. Please.” 
“I’m sorry,” Santi croaked. “I wish I could.” 
Her eyes watered as she looked at them, the landscape, her own trembling hands and she lowered the gun. It dropped lifelessly at her side. 
Frankie watched as the world crumbled around her. 
The back of Frankie’s shirt was wet with tears and snot and her subdued sobs. She was on the back of his horse, her arms wrapped around his torso, his fingers clutching his shirt.
He refused to take her back to Covenant. He would not parade her through the streets like a prized buck, bloody and broken, on his stead’s back.
Instead, he found an old golf course about a quarter mile from Covenant. He offered to stay with her as the other three returned the horses and gathered their supplies. 
She’d stopped crying about ten minutes after they left. Now, she was staring at the algae-green pond. Catatonic. Still as a rock. He thought this might be worse than her wailing. 
There was still so much to tell her, but he couldn’t right now. There was only so much she could handle. 
At the crunch of boots on grass, she flinched, but didn’t turn around. 
“How’s she been doin?” Will knew the answer, so Frankie just shrugged. She was doing as well as anyone could in this situation, he supposed. 
Benny stared at her longingly. None of them knew what to do - where to go from here. 
What now?
He would not drag her to Sanctuary. But they also couldn’t just wait out here, in the wide open, until she was ready. At least, they needed to find a place to bunk up that was safe. 
“What do you want?” 
For a second, Frankie thought he imagined her voice, until she repeated herself. 
“You brought me all this way, so you must have some reason. So, what is it?” 
“We just want your help,” Will answered. Simple and honest.
She glanced over her shoulder and her eyes were red and puffy, her lips nibbled down to bits. 
“With what?”
“Finding the vaults,” Santi said, and she instantly turned back to the pond. “We’ve been looking for a long time and even though we’ve found some, we know there’s a lot more. So, that’s where we would want you to come in.”
She shook her head. “You say it like I got some choice.”
“You do.”
“Yeah?” She chuckled. “What is it? Help or be killed?”
Benny stepped forward. 
“What? We would never-” he stopped himself, then cleared his throat. “Blue, that was never our plan.” 
She hung her head and Frankie wished she would just turn around and look at them. Perhaps, she could see how much they meant it. 
“Say I know where they are, what happens if I don’t tell you?” She seemed to be testing them, how far did this leniency go. And why not? He reasoned she didn’t have much to lose. 
“Look, I won’t lie to you. I think we’d always hope that one day you’d come around, but if not, then we’d figure something out.” Santi shrugged. 
At this point, she was their responsibility. 
For a long moment, she went silent. 
“How do I know you’re not gonna fuck me over?” 
“You don’t,” Frankie said, “You’re just gonna have to take our word for it.”
He wanted to say they were the good guys, but he didn’t feel like much of a good guy, right now. This was all fucked.
“Can I think about it?”
“Of course. Take all the time you need.”
She insisted they keep going, keep traveling. She didn’t speak. Her pace was slow. Her feet dragged behind her like a sack of bricks, and it took nearly two days for them to reach Swampscott.
They settled in a rundown mansion with a sturdy roof, plenty of legroom, and a mile outside the Sanctuary’s patrol route. The last thing they needed was anyone finding them before she made a decision. They planned on staying here until she did. 
That night, she was wrestling through yet another nightmare. Frankie hated waiting for her to wake up, being helpless. He wished he could go in there and stop it. 
“Daddy! No!” 
Frankie jolted. The sound of her short, panicked breaths were distressing. She couldn’t seem to get a full breath in. She was hyperventilating. 
He could hear a zip, a pattering, and he jumped to his feet before the door swung open. 
“Frankie,” she gasped - breath hitching. 
“I’m here. It’s alright. Come on, let’s get some air.” 
He grabbed the lantern, then guided her outside, to the balcony on the second floor. She sat on the ledge, her feet swaying and dangling in the chilly night air. He kept a safe distance until she patted the spot beside her. 
He offered her a drink from his water canteen once her breathing evened out. 
“Thanks.” She gulped it down, then wiped her lips with the back of her hand. 
The songs of bugs filled the silence. Frankie wished he knew what to say. God - he sucked at this shit. If only she’d waited another hour to have a nightmare. She could’ve had Benny comfort her, instead. 
Frankie looked at her. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
She sighed, then scrubbed a hand down her face. “I had this friend - my best friend. Her name was Nora and she was with me that day.” 
Frankie blinked - his lips parted in realization. Nora. 
“She was so fucking scared and Nora was never scared. So, I promised her - I told her I wouldn’t let go,” she continued. “I didn’t even think about her being a member or maybe I just didn’t think it would matter. I don’t know, and we made it all the way to the gates before-”
When she met his gaze, her eyes watered. Shiny. Even shinier than the moonlight pond in this overgrown backyard.
“I begged my dad to save her, but he - he didn’t.” She sagged with a shuddery breath. “The synths killed her right in front of me.”
Frankie grimaced, winced. For a second, he thought about grabbing her hand to comfort her, but instead gripped the ledge. 
She looked away, out at the trees. 
“The worst part is, I’m glad they did.” She scoffed and it sounded very resentful. “If I couldn’t save her, then at least I know she didn’t turn into a ghoul. Everyone else, I gotta live with that, but not with her. It sounds so fucked up-”
“No, it doesn’t. I’d feel the same way,” he said and she gave him a sad smile before staring up at the starry sky. “I’m sorry that happened to you.” 
She huffed, the heaviness flared her nostrils. 
“You know, my mom and sister didn’t say a damn thing about it. They watched her die and acted like it didn’t happen. My dad, though, said sorry.” She licked her lips - pursed them thoughtfully. “He also said something I’ll never forget: you can’t save everyone.” 
It was a fucked up thing to say. Especially knowing what her dad would do - what he’d done made Frankie’s bones rattle. 
“He was right, you can’t save everyone. I couldn’t save those people that day. Hell, I could even save Nora,” she said - very bitter. “It’s too late for them.” 
Again, she looked at him. There was a sharpness, a hardness in her eyes. 
“But it’s not too late for the people in the vaults.” 
Frankie’s lips parted - his breath caught in his throat. 
“I’ll help you guys,” she said, soft yet assured. “But I have a few conditions.”
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lambtotheslaughterr · 5 months
updated: 05-13-24
rules & requirements below:
i know, or at least i think, most people celebrate at 1000 followers but considering i've had this blog for nearly two years 500 followers is a big deal to me. SO to celebrate i am opening my requests. now, before you go shooting me a request please read & acknowledge the following.
must be following me. that’s a no brainer.
first come first served basis.
i will make an announcement after i have received 10 requests that requests are closed. please DO NOT make any requests after i have closed them. they will be dismissed/deleted. so just save your request for the next celebration. AGAIN those who request off anon will be priority.
because i don't want those whose requests don't get picked or didn't make it into the 10 qualifying spots to miss out on their request i will be saving requests to roll-over into the next celebration post (which will be at 1000 followers) so don't fret! however, a REMINDER that if you make a request AFTER i closed the requests those ones will be deleted.
you may only request oneshots. i will not be accepting any series or mini series requests. however, your oneshot requests can include requesting a sequel to any standing series or oneshots i have already written. for example, 'may i request a 'where are they now' oneshot for reader & rafe in 'always you''. or 'may i request a sequel oneshot to your ransom drysdale 'leatherbound' oneshot'. but of course, feel free to request something totally new!
no naming the reader. these requests are 'reader x whoever character you request'.
also! this is a dark!fic noncon!fic account. keep in mind that when making your request that you know exactly what you're requesting & from who. no fluff, no cutesy romantic stuff (unless it goes dark), etc.
i will include a list of characters below that i will write for that you can choose from, so please pick from there. if there is someone else you have in mind that isn't on the list DM ME first to ask.
along with a list of characters, i will also list the kinks/themes i WILL NOT write about. so be extra sure to go over those because any requests that include anything from my 'will not write about' list, will be dismissed.
lastly, after i recieve 10 requests, my other series i'm currenty writing on here (Rise & I Burn) will be on a momentary pause until i complete all requests. so to my dedicated readers for those two series, i do apologize in advance, but please be patient. they will be returned to.
that's all, folks! make sure you make your request via dropping an ask (i will not accept requests via dm (dm is only if you're asking clarifying questions about characters or boundaries)). be sure to REREAD my rules, too. it doesn't hurt to double check.
happy requesting! muah😘
CHARACTERS by fandom: those in CAPS are who i really want to write for
MARVEL: Steve Rogers | BUCKY BARNES | Loki | Thor | Erik Killmonger | Aged Up Peter Parker | Talos (a.k.a spacedaddy from Captain Marvel) | Billy Russo (The Punisher) | Deacon Frost (Blade) |
CHRIS EVANS CHARACTERS: Ransom Drysdale | Andy Barber | CURTIS EVERETT | Lloyd Hansen |
OUTER BANKS: Rafe Cameron | Daddy Cameron (a.k.a Ward Cameron) |
DC: Clark Kent | Joker (Heath Ledger's joker) | KGBEAST
PEAKY BLINDERS: Thomas fucking Shelby (or any of the Shelby's) | Michael Gray |
THE BOYS: Billy Butcher | HOMELANDER | Black Noir
DEAD BY DAYLIGHT: Frank Morrison ('The Legion' ) | The Trapper | GhostFace | Michael Myers
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Stefan Salvatore | Kai Parker | Klaus Mikaelson |
STAR WARS: Darth Maul | Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker | Kylo Ren/Ben Solo |
VIKINGS: Rollo | RAGNAR | Hvitserk | Ubbe | Ivar | Bjorn |
HARRY POTTER: Aged Up Draco Malfoy | Aged Up Tom Riddle (don't you dare request that noseless snake version of him) | Young Sirius Black
THE WALKING DEAD: Negan | Nick Clark
MISC: Aged Up Billy Hargrove | Adrian Griffen (The Invisible Man) | Coriolanus Snow (young, not the old one, blegh) | CHASE ANDREWS | JACKSON RIPPNER | Aged Up JOSEPH DESCAMPS (Mixte) | Elwood Dalton (RoadHouse) | Aged Up Henry Bowers (IT) | Rio (Good Girls) | Roman Godfrey (Hemlock Grove) | Boys from 'The Covenant' (aged up, ofc) | Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy) | Ajax (The Warriors, bless you if you know who this is. he is my ride or die.) | Walter Deville | Ash (No Exit) | Brahms (The Boy) | Masked Man (Hush) | The Gentleman (The Purge) | AURELIANO (Subburia) | Aged Up Nate Jacobs | The Predator | Reggie Kray (Legend) | Chayton Dockery (Sneaky Pete) |
WILL NOT WRITE ABOUT: these either weird me out or bore me & for me to produce my best work for you i ask that you not request any of the below
a/b/o themes | lactation kinks | dd/lg kinks | real life celebrities | monster fucking (does not include aliens or vampies) | ghost/demon fucking | race play | dp kinks | anal play (generic anal is fine, but anything more is a no from me) | cum eating | basement wife themes | sexual slavery themes | convenience noncon (this is specific to me so you deffo won't know what that is so if you're curious, please ask) | breeding kinks | pregnancy non con | bimbo reader | underage reader/characters | sex pollen themes | blood-related incestual themes | cuckholding kinks | age gaps where reader is 22 or younger |
1. alt!reader x rafe cameron one shot COMPLETED
2. untouched!reader x rafe cameron one shot (best friends) COMPLETED
3. reader x rafe cameron one shot (best friends boyfriend/roommate) COMPLETED
4. 'the night shift' reader x stefan salvatore sequel one shot COMPLETED
5. romani!reader x soft!roman godfrey one shot COMPLETED
6. ‘always you’ reader x rafe cameron sequel one shot COMPLETED
7. ex!reader x rafe cameron one shot (on the run w kid) COMPLETED
8. untouched!reader x stalker!rafe cameron one shot COMPLETED
9. amnesiac!reader x rafe cameron one shot COMPLETED
10. pogue!reader x rafe cameron one shot (kidnapped) COMPLETED
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violetarks · 3 years
kissing them out of nowhere
game: xoxo droplets
characters: everett gray, nate lawson, bae pyoun
summary: they looked pretty and y/n thought they deserved it.
warnings: afab! reader, i don't have the dlc, but i have played everett and nate's routes plenty of times to know how bae acts. also: they are less of an asshole here!!
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Everett Gray:
"Damn it." Everett grunts, flopping himself onto the bed. Y/N glances at him, up from her workbook and to her boyfriend beside her. She raises a brow as he pushes his face into her pillow.
"Hello, Everett." She hums out, writing down some more notes from her class, "How nice of you to drop into my room all of a sudden. What's wrong?"
He turns his face to her, looking as annoyed as ever. He huffs to her, "Nate's been on my ass all day. I've been trying to avoid him since homeroom, had to fucking sprint here." Everett pulls himself to sit up, looking over to Y/N's work. He gives her a look. "I'm bored... Let's do something fun, I need to be entertained."
Y/N rolls her eyes, ruffling his hair a little with a smile on her lips. "I'm busy, Everett. We have homework to do, have you already finished it or something?" She questions, lifting her hand as she goes on to complete her work. He gives her a small pout, which she only grins in response to.
"Is that why Nate is chasing you around campus?" Everett nods his head in confirmation. She shakes her head. "I saw you guys at lunch while I was hanging out with Jeremy—"
"You were eating with Jeremy?" Everett raises a brow, almost in a judging way. He crosses his arms over his chest with a frown. "What were you doing around that doofus?"
Y/N shrugs her shoulders at the question. "What can I say? You talk so much for someone who said he didn't want to eat lunch with me." She states, watching as Everett's brow twitches. She was just telling him facts. Everett only clicks his tongue and looks away.
She ruffles his hair once more and continues to write in her book, going on to what she was saying before. "Anyway, I can't believe you outran that guy. Nate does all these extra curricular activities, but can't catch this little guy." She laughs, holding a hand to her face.
"Hey." He grunts in return, pinching her side, "Homework is so fucking boring... Wait, I've got a good idea." He gives her a smirk, suddenly laying himself over her lap. She lifts her notebook so he doesn't crinkle it, raising a brow at him. He links his fingers over his stomach. "How about you give me the answers for the homework when you're done?"
Y/N deadpans, slouching her shoulders. "Why would I do that?" She questions.
"Because you love me. And you don't want Nate to kill me." He says, raising his voice in a way that made it sound mocking. But he sees that she seems unmoving. She doesn't think it's a good idea. "And I'll give you a kiss."
"Dude, I can get those whenever I want." She scoffs, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend.
"Hey, I'm not that easy." He claims, turning his head away from her. He furrows his brows and dramatically pouts. Y/N was sometimes done with this whole expression, but other times it's was pretty cute. "To think, you only keep me around for kisses? Wow, Y/N, that's low."
She tilts her head and chuckles, "You were just offering! And you're asking your girlfriend for homework answers, that's what low." She watches as he covers a smirk on his lips because he knows she's right.
As if on time, her phone buzzes on the desk in front of her. She reaches over, Everett not budging in his comfortable spot. When she gets her phone, she sees that it's her boyfriend's best friend. Part of her wants to ignore it, considering how Everett was currently running away from him.
But it's a text.
And Nate hates phones.
And texts.
And Y/N, sometimes.
She opens up the message, raising a brow.
Nate: I know that idiot is with you.
Y/N: Which idiot?
Nate: Your boyfriend.
Y/N: Oh. That one.
Nate: Tell him to at least finish his homework while he's over there.
"Nate says to do your homework since you're hanging out in my dorm." Y/N informs Everett, who rolls his eyes at the idea.
"Tell him it's finished." He says, bringing an arm up to cover his eyes.
Y/N: Everett said he finished his homework.
Nate: He's lying. His homework is here in our dorm, and it's empty.
She sighs out, looking down to Everett, "You left your homework in your room? Where Nate could see that it was clearly unfinished?"
He gives a shrug, pursing his lips a little. "It was worth a shot." He claims, "Tell him I'll do it later."
Y/N is about to text Nate that when she puts the phone down. Her eyes land on her boyfriend laid over her lap. He seems to be comfortable and resting. At times like this, where he was calm, Everett looked pretty. One of the rare times where he looked attractive without trying to.
She gently takes hold of Everett's hand, lifting his arm from his face. He blinks at her a few times, raising a brow to question it. "Hm?" He mumbles out to her.
But he doesn't get the chance as Y/N leans down, pressing a kiss to his lips.
He's a little surprised, to say the least. She was always the instigator, Everett would just let her take the lead. But at a time like this, where he was flirting or saying anything to provoke her romantic actions, it was unusual.
Although that was true, Everett is holding onto Y/N's cheek to give her a few more kisses. She lets out a few chuckles at his willingness, gladly returning the affection as she wraps her arms around his neck. Perhaps this was what Everett was thinking about when he said he wanted to do something fun.
But now Y/N pulls away, making her boyfriend furrow his brows and tilt his head. "What is it?" He questions, gently squishing her cheeks without intending to. She raises a brow at him. "What?"
She brings up a finger and pokes his forehead, making him lean back with a grunt. She speaks, "You should finish your homework before doing anything else. Nate's gonna' murder you in your sleep if you catches you without any completed work."
Everett lets out a loud groan, flopping back onto the bed with arms spread out wide. "Ugh, fine! If I finish that shit tonight then I'll get the weekend off." He says, closing his eyes, "You'll help me, won't you?"
She pats his knee, opening up her work once again as she states, "I'll teach you what you slept through."
"Good." He huffs, sitting up and standing from the bed. He takes Y/N's hands and tugs her up from her spot. "Let's go get my homework from my room. If Nate is still there, you can distract him while I get it."
She rolls her eyes, grabbing her room key and phone and letting him drag her along, closing her door. "He's going to yell at me for being in the boys dormitory." She complains.
"Exactly." Everett hums, holding her hand tight, "Now go on, my lovely decoy, go make trouble for my best friend."
Nate Lawson:
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Y/N's door is getting kicked open, making her glance over from her desk to see her very tired boyfriend tugging his hoodie off and lugging his gym bag into the dorm.
"Good evening, Mr Lawson." Y/N says, a smile evident on her lips as Nate shuts the door with his heel, "And to what do I owe the pleasure?"
She waves her hand out to him, motioning for him to come closer. He's too drained to argue against her, slouching his shoulders and walking over to her. He leans over, head falling against her shoulder. She wraps her arm around his neck for a moment, squeezing a little as a greeting.
He lifts himself and rubs his neck, sore. She turns back around to her desk, continuing to do her work.
"I'm back from mixed martial arts." He sighs out, already throwing his bag to sit next to the bed. Y/N turns in her chair, chin laughing on her palm as she waits for him. "And I'm tired. I can't deal with Everett right now, I just know he's causing trouble in our room. Heard people say he was dragging some girls to the boys dormitories."
His girlfriends blinks at the statement. "Huh. So that's why Everett asked me for my lab partner's number." She mumbles out, raising a brow with shrugged shoulders, "I thought he needed help with the chemistry work."
Nate gives her an irritated look before he finally flops onto her bed. "Well, thanks to you, Everett's been blowing up my phone and asking me to interrupt their study session and talk about how good he is at chemistry." He groans, wiping his face, "He thinks that she'll be swooning at the fact that he's using the study date to 'get closer to her', and then they'll start making out. Dumbass doesn't know anything about the subject."
She smiles, watching her boyfriend's actions grow sluggish with the more energy he uses. "Mhm. You should tutor him for a while." She suggests, immediately seeing him flip her off, "I was joking. You can tutor Everett and me."
Usually, Y/N would need to convince her boyfriend to even meet her at her door, for a date or whatever. He was so uptight with the rules, and although she loved him ever so dearly, it could be a little annoying. So she took her time with moments like this.
When he had used up all his energy throughout the day and was just flat-out tired after his training. She would have him either barge into her room to hide, or she'd find him passed out in the library where nobody would disturb him. Either way, she's stay and make sure he was alright.
"You going to sleep, Nate?" She questions, standing up from her seat, "At least take your hair tie out."
She draws closer, sitting on her bed as Nate makes himself comfortable over her covers. He's laying on his stomach, shoes kicked off beside his bag. His face was pushed into the pillow, so Y/N pats his back a few times before undoing his hair, and putting the tie on the bedside table. He lets out a noise, meaning to thank her. She lifts herself up from the bed, returning to the desk to finish doing her work.
Nate was always a workaholic, he never let himself rest. So she didn't want to disturb him here.
Y/N's a good girl, she finishes her work. Well, as much as she could. A part of her was happy to see Nate walk into her room because she needed some help with of these questions, and Nate was the top of their class. But it seemed that he needed to spend this time resting.
A good 20 minutes pass and Nate's fallen deep into sleep.
When she's done with all she can, she stretches in her spot and then stand up. Y/N pushes her chair into its place, putting her books back into her bag. She turns around, about to speak to her boyfriend and ask if he wanted to go out and do something. But all she sees is how her boyfriend is hugging the pillow under his head, eyes closed and looking peaceful.
"How can you look so cute even when you're sleep?" She grumbles to herself, somehow jealous of her boyfriend. She kneels down in front of him, her chin resting on her arms as they laid out on the mattress.
He doesn't answer, thankfully. She's sure that Nate would lecture her about personal space and all that stuff. His shoulders rise and fall slowly as he breathes, face looking at peace for once. Y/N can't help but brush the hair away from his face, pushing it behind his ear.
"Not fair." She scoffs quietly, squishing his cheek, "I'm meant to be the pretty one out of the two of us."
She can't really help herself once she leans forward, pressing a ghostly kiss onto his forehead, trailing another one to his cheek. She never really got the chance to show him a lot of affection, only able to use times like this, where he was more compliant, or out of the blue and risk running away. So she gives a gentle kiss to his lips.
Y/N pulls back when she notices Nate is beginning to stir awake. His eyes are blinking and he looks to her, vision a little blurry from just waking up from his nap. But he knows that the girl in front of him is his girlfriend, who else would be in the dorm?
The thing about Nate was that he would act differently when he just wakes up. He hugs the pillow under his head a little looser once his vision sets on Y/N. "Hm... How long was I out for?" He questions her.
"Nearly half an hour." She retorts, pulling her hand away from his cheek, "You're adorable, you know. When you sleep."
"Mhm, whatever." Nate responds, rolling over onto his back.
Y/N takes the opportunity to sit onto her mattress, swinging her legs over the side. "I finished my homework." She informs her boyfriend, looking to the ceiling, "I think I should get an award for that. Don't you?"
Nate sighs out, wiping the sleep out of his eyes as he sits back up on the bed, "Yeah, alright. Whatever you want."
"Hugs?" She jokes.
"Okay." He retorts.
Nate only catches what he had said when Y/N is giddily looking over to him throwing her arms around his neck and weighing him back to lay on the bed. His cheeks are burning as Y/N nuzzles her face into his neck. She shifts so that she can lay comfortably beside him, arms tugged around his side.
"You're warm." She tells him, closing her eyes, "And I'm tired. Take another nap?"
A part of him wants to say 'yes', because he's still in a sleepy state himself and wants to dive back into some dreams where Everett is a functioning human being by himself.
But he moves, standing up from the mattress and walking over to Y/N's desk. "Nope, come on. We're checking over your work." He claims, picking up her paper, "Look, you got the first question wrong. Y/N. Y/N?"
He looks over to the bed, to see that she's already fallen asleep. He gives a loud sigh before sitting down in the chair, taking her pen and making changes to her answer.
The things he did for her.
Bae Pyoun:
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Bae's eyes ride over the words of the page, reading about how the main character was defeating the villain in the story. He was seated in the common room of the campus, where other people were around on the couch near the TV and such. He had his own couch in the corner by himself, enjoying his own company with the soft whispers around him.
But that was interrupted.
"Bae-Bae!" He heard his girlfriend call from the entrance of the room.
Everyone turns to her. They all knew Y/N, she was popular, having been seen with Everett and Nate in classes and to their own clubs. The question on everyone's mind, was as to why a girl like Y/N was with the devil reincarnate, Bae Pyoun.
He looks up from his book, a smile dawning on his lips as Y/N makes her way over to him. He closes his book, finger marking where he was up to as he sends Y/N a smirk. "Well hello, flower." He chimes, tilting his head, "Aren't you incredibly happy to see me?"
She sits herself down beside him, on the couch that was really meant for one, but somehow big enough for two. She huffs out, "I'm bored. I was gonna' go hang out with Lynn but apparently he has to deal with some First Years who're vomiting in the nurse's office." Bae watches as she throws herself over his lap, furrowed brows as she faces him. "Entertain me, Bae!"
He rests a hand over her forehead, patting a few times as he reopens his book. "Oh? And why me, butterfly?" He questions, reading over the next few lines, "I thought you enjoyed hanging out with Shiloh and Everett. Don't tell me you've grown tired of your little boy toys, that would be unfair to them."
Y/N blinks at him for a moment before sighing out, shaking her head, "I do really like hanging out with them, but Everett is stuck with Nate right now, doing homework and shit, and Shiloh has work." She gives a frown, feeling Bae pat her head a few more times. More like pity, but she didn't really care at this point. "I tried talking with Pran, but he wasn't responding. Too busy drawing. Jeremy was locked in his room, and he ignored me too."
"So I'm your saviour?" Bae chuckles, glancing down at her. She nods her head. "How fitting of me, huh, angel?"
She hums out a response before watching as her boyfriend goes back to reading. She's noticed that Bae has this certain face when he reads, more serious than that playful smirk he wears all the time, just to piss of Nate and Everett.
Bae would somehow sneak into her room regularly. She doesn't know how he does it. But he's managed to do so many times, that she's learnt to just not question it.
Anyway, he would usually come there to spend time with Y/N after classes. Maybe she's doing work and he's going to stay there and taunt her for her wrong answers, sit there like an annoying song in her head.
Once, he stood there over her shoulder for a good hour, just telling her she spelt 'Clemenceau' wrong. When in reality, she hadn't. There's a reason Bae has glasses.
But other times, he'd go there to have a quiet place to read. She'd be busy with something and he'd just have his books.
She's learnt that Bae has that expression on his face when he's gotten to the climax of the book. It makes her stare a little.
"Admiring my beauty, sweets?" Bae jokes, raising a brow at her as he continues to read his story. He flips the page. "You aren't as slick as you might think so."
Y/N chuckles back, "Whatever. How long until you're finished with your book?" She watches him turn another page, beginning a new chapter. He only shrugs his shoulders. "Come on, let's do something! There's a new cafe that opened up a block from school, check it out with me."
Bae retorts, turning the book so that she can see his page number, "How about we leave when I get to page 220? That's where this chapter ends." Y/N sees that he's on page 179. She gives him a look. "Aw, bunny, why the long face? I read particularly fast, you know."
She gives a hefty sigh, lifting herself up from his lap, "Mm, okay."
He lifts his hand from the top of her head, giving a nod as he leans his head against his knuckle, elbow on the armrest. He thinks that she's decided to wait patiently beside him, maybe go on her phone and play games.
But she's staring at him again. Because he's pretty when he's reading.
Y/N leans over, placing a hand on his shoulder and tugging him a little closer. He finally takes his eyes off his book, raising his brow at his girlfriend. He goes to ask what was wrong, and if she was getting bored already. But she stops him, moving that little bit closer and giving a gentle kiss against his lips.
Bae's eyes widen a bit, holding his breath as he lays his book open on his lap. Somehow, Y/N still managed to surprise him. This seemed to be one of those times.
But nevertheless, Bae lifts his free hand to hold her cheek. He quickly recovers himself, kissing back as he closes his eyes. She really hadn't expected him to hold the gesture, it was only meant to be one quick and simple kiss and she pulls away. But she smiles a little at his actions.
When she pulls away, Bae has one of his signature smirks on his face. He tilts his head, fixing his glasses as he slickly goes back to reading. "I suppose you have ways to entertain yourself." He lets out a snarky comment, enjoying how Y/N rolls her eyes and gives him a little punch in the arm, "Is that enough attention to last you a few more minutes, sunshine?"
Y/N points at him accusingly. "Hey, don't act like you don't have the most heaviest blush I've ever seen on anybody." She scoffs, shaking her head disapprovingly.
Bae blinks at her before lifting a hand to his face. And it was true, his cheeks were as warm as could be. Probably the warmest ever. He really didn't think it was true. Someone like him blushing because of a feeble kiss? How pathetic. He finds himself grinning at his slight misfortune. It really wasn't unfortunate, though.
He gives a lazy shrug of his shoulders.
Y/N rolls her eyes once again before her phone lights up. She looks over and gasps, "Oh! Shiloh finished his shift!" She stands up from her spot, stretching her arms out above her. Bae tilts his head. "I'm gonna' go get some lunch with him at the cafe. Text me when you're finished, okay?"
She reaches over and gives him a little ruffling of the hair. Bae positions his glasses again as she waves her hand. "Have fun with your boring-ass novel!" She calls, about to walk off.
But Bae reaches out and catches her wrist. She glances over her shoulder. "Why don't you stay with me for a while, duckie?" He offers, seeing her raise her brows at the request, "I'll just finish the next two pages and then we can head over. Doesn't that sound nice?"
In return, Y/N nods her head, texting Shiloh that they could hang out another time. She sets herself down, looking over to her boyfriend's book to read off some lines.
Unknowingly, Bae slightly tilts the book so that she can see.
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werkwerkelizaaa · 3 years
Xoxo Droplets’ Jerk Squad Band AU
So this came to me while I was listening to Yeah Right off of Evanescence’s latest album, The Bitter Truth.
Yeah I know, but hear me out:
•They were all in an after-school program for ~cultivating musical talent in troubled youth~
•Even though most of them cannot stand each other, as a whole they’re almost magical onstage
• Nate is the frazzled manager of course, constantly stretched within an inch of his life but he claims a perfect (by his standards) show is worth all the stress
• Bae writes the lyrics, handles a majority of the PR– if somebody tries to spin his words he can spin it right back on them– and I also feel he could play the electric violin for the songs that call for it (it’s a thing and it’s epic)
•Jeremy seems to be the type to have piano aggressively encouraged to him by his parents, so he’s on keyboard and composes most of the music
Imagine Bae leaning over Jeremy “No no cupcake, I know it’s difficult for anyone to keep up with my genius, but you modulate the key on the next line” and pointing
“If you don’t get that finger out of my face I will stuff this sheet music up your nasal cavity”
“...and don’t call me cupcake”
•JB takes lead guitar and does a lot of showboating, works the crowd and is usually in some sort of scandalous headline every week but she loves it
•Shiloh plays bass and provides backup vocals, he’s annoying but they keep him towards the front of the stage because his energy is infectious so we might as well put him to use
• I can see Everett having the ability to use both hands equally well, so he’s on drums and enjoys having his finger on the very heartbeat of the metaphorical system, probably dabbles in the synth too
•Pran is the one-man tech wizard and has as tiny of a presence as possible, only the most hardcore fans know what he even looks like
•[If we bring the reader into this, they were hand-selected by JB for their seemingly sweet, friendly, conflict-averse demeanor as well as their powerful voice– she didn’t want too much competition for the boys’ attention]
•[Whether her judgement is sound remains to be seen, but my money’s on not]
•[On the other hand, there’s still enough onstage chemistry between them to play it up for the fans and the press]
•They definitely squabbled over the name
• “Hear me out: Baend.” “NO” “JB and the JBs” “oh, please” “get real” “could we squish all of our names together?” “Ah yes, because none of the members of the band could ever switch out, it’s not like that happens only all the time”
• “What about ‘That Band’?” “Seriously?” “It’s no worse than anything else that’s been suggested” “Ugh fine” “wait I was being sarcastic” “well too bad we’re sticking with it now” “this is all your fault Jeremy”
each member has a good amount of groupies/fangirls. JB, Everett, and Shiloh revel in the spotlight and have a lot of overnight visitors to their respective rooms, Bae pretends he’s above all that but he’ll have the occasional “dalliance” as well which is,,, not what you’d think
Legit he sells a limited amount of ‘day dates’ to his fans at every tour stop which consists of him hanging out with them for a certain price, it’s only word-of-mouth through the hardcore base which just adds to the mystique
• Nate and Jeremy are like “gross”, but at least they have fans and at the very least that’s good for both business and their image
• Pran HATES it lol he’s just like “Why. Why.”
• “Must be a bunch of burnt out losers who weren’t hugged enough as children.”
• They all constantly diss everyone else’s outfits and haircuts, naturally
•Not the musical instruments though– except for in extreme cases– because that’s serious business
Jeremy: trips onstage
Everett: *ba-dum-tsss*
•Pran with light spotting/mic check shenanigans
•Shiloh: leans over to plug his bass in
•Pran: Points all the spotlights directly at him
•Shiloh: temporarily blinded
•Pran: evil chuckle
• Nate: Sound check, let’s go!
•Pran: turns it down low
•JB: Hello, world! ...it’s not working. Testing, one two three.
•Everett, offstage: Is it even turned on?
•Jeremy: uh yeah, the light’s green.
•Pran: snickering to himself in the back
Ear-splitting, electronic screech
• Everyone minus JB and Pran: JB!!
Jeremy’s keyboard is absolutely pristine, and you cannot convince me otherwise
There’s not a fingerprint to be seen, he might even wear gloves while handling it just to keep it impeccable
Def makes the stagehands and assistants wash their hands and glove up before moving it, that’s not even a question
You could probably eat right off the thing, not that he’d let you
•JB has some cool pins on the strap of her guitar and has a few different guitars she rotates though depending on her mood
•Everett and Shiloh have similar stickers on their respective instruments, they still mock each others’ taste in decoration though because them
“Give us a headbang, Jeremy!”
• Jeremy [and reader] do their best in making Nate’s job as easy as possible, which is very much needed since directing the rest of the members is worse than herding cats
Three minutes to showtime
•Everett: hey has anyone seen my drumsticks?
•Nate: WHAT 
• Everett: Lol jk here they are in my back pocket 
•Bae: Wonnndderrrfulll, crisis averted.
• Shiloh: Everett, that’s not really funny...
• Everett: F***ing can it, freckles.
• Shiloh: :( you can it.
• JB: everybody shut up before I make you shut up
• Everett: ;) is that so?
• Jeremy: kill me now.
• Nate, offstage: I need a raise...
•[Reader once walked in on Nate aggressively rubbing at his eyes and sniffling after a particularly rough week, but he brushed it off as seasonal allergies and they didn’t press the matter at the time]
•Roommate musical chairs kept happening at every single stop until finally everyone was fed up with everybody, even the ones who usually get along, so Bae and Nate decided on getting everyone their own room while touring– they even added a clause to the contract to make sure it would happen for the divas (yes that includes the two of them)
• Credit to the amazing @gb-patch for creating the best worst guys you’ll ever love
•hey, psst. Before you go, check this out: https://werkwerkelizaaa.tumblr.com/post/648073310973952000/xoxo-droplets-jerk-squad-band-au
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a-n-conrad · 2 years
General XOXO Droplets dating HCs with the Jerk Squad
For Nate, Everett, Shiloh, Bae, Pran, and Jeremy with a gender neutral reader!
[Warnings: None? I think? ]
Request: From my request survey (https://forms.gle/FpFyr84gPioVrW1Z9)
Nate Lawson
Nate Lawson cannot turn off the nagging no matter how hard he tries. You just kind of have to deal with it.
However, it does help sometimes. If you’re bad at remembering to do things or finding motivation, he’s actually a huge help.
If you can handle him being a bit blunt and rude, he helps a lot with studying too when he has the time.
His schedule is annoying as hell, let’s be honest. However, if you can convince him that it would be beneficial, you could probably get him to specifically schedule dates for you.
He’s probably always going to be a little uncomfortable with touch, but he finds plenty of other ways to show affection.
There are pros and cons to getting him to help you clean/organize. On one hand, it will be done really well. On the other hand, the process of getting it done will be SO stressful.
Truthfully, Nate is probably a really good boyfriend if you can deal with all of the stress. You just have to be willing to work with him.
He would definitely struggle with compromises, but he cares and he’s trying his best. 
I have a feeling that he’s really used to people just writing him off as a perfectionist killjoy. He’d probably really appreciate someone who’s willing to understand him, even if you don’t agree with all of his opinions. 
You do have to be able to get along with Everett a little. You don’t have to be best friends with him, but if you can’t stand to be in the same room as Nate’s best friend it just isn’t going to work. 
Everett Gray
Judgey and snarky. I love Everett, but this guy uses his fake superiority complex to cope with his anxiety. You have to be able to deal with some snarky comments, and maybe even fire back a bit.
If you go shopping with him, he’s going to be incredibly picky about what you try. He’s trying to “help”, but he’s kind of a jerk about it. You might end up looking cool in the end, though.
Opposite of Nate when it comes to you needing help with things. Unless you want advice on how to seem “cool”, this guy is absolutely useless. He’ll be there for “support” though (he’ll sit and complain about being bored, but he’s still there).
Probably tried really hard not to tell his mom about you when you were first casually dating, but accidentally ruined his own plan but absentmindedly ranting. His mom probably thought it was really cute. 
Shares his mom’s care packages with you. Don’t make a big deal out of it.
He probably starts getting little gifts for you after you start officially dating. He says he thinks it’s dumb, but I refuse to believe Mrs. Gray didn’t teach that boy any manners.
Has moods where he tries to push people away. Be stubborn. He needs stubborn. He may act annoyed, but he isn’t. He just loves to act annoyed.
Like with Nate, you do have to be able to tolerate his best friend. He’s not giving up his friend for you. Sorry. 
Shiloh Fields 
Honestly on the surface Shiloh would probably be a really good boyfriend, because he’s really good at doing/being exactly who you want. But is it genuine? Of course not. This is Shiloh we’re talking about.
It’s going to be a task to get anything real out of Shiloh, but I think if he genuinely cares about you, he’ll try. Of course, genuine for Shiloh just means that he’ll let you in on some of the scams he’s got going. 
Shiloh’s probably never going to stop being a little manipulative, but he might be able to tone it down with you. He’ll keep it more in the “forgivable prank” and “joking lies” categories.
Shiloh loves horror so I’m confident he would be one of those guys that uses horror movies to get you to cling to him. He’ll definitely say things like “This movie isn’t that bad. Just a few jumpscares.” before putting in one of the scariest movies known to man. 
It might seem like it would be helpful to be able to see through Shiloh’s lies, but I think that would make him uncomfortable.
He’d probably use his tricks to help you after a while. If you go to Shiloh about someone making you uncomfortable, he’ll deal with it. You don’t need to know how. It’s probably mostly legal, right? Maybe. 
He doesn’t particularly care if you get along with other people. You do, however, have to be willing to let him continue with his scams. 
Bae Pyoun
Bae is probably a decent boyfriend if you can actually get him to date you. He’s got high standards for everything. This can be to your detriment or benefit depending on how you look at it.
He’s not going to slack off on dating you. Of course, he expects the same, but at least you can tell that he cares, right?
I honestly doubt that he would refer to you by name basically ever. The nicknames just get more ridiculous.
I fully imagine that seeing him around kids is absolutely adorable. And then you have to take a second and realize that he treats just about everyone exactly the same way that he treats five year olds. You might be an exception sometimes, though.
He’s one of those people that “supervises” when you have to do something hard. By supervise, I meant that he watches and micromanages in the background. He’ll help a little if you really need it. Just don’t expect him to do any physical labor.
He’s one of those people that can manage to tell someone off without them really knowing how to react. If you tell him that someone is making you uncomfortable, they’ll probably end up too confused to keep bothering you.
He doesn’t really need you to get along with people, but you do have to handle it a certain way if you do dislike people. He’ll probably trash talk them with you, though.
Pran Taylor
Very much the “sit next to each other and do our own thing” kind of person. He likes to just sit next to you and draw while you do your own thing. 
He isn’t going to go out of his way to do things with you, but at a certain point, he’ll just go along with what you want. He’ll probably continue to act annoyed about it, but you can definitely catch him smiling every once in a while.
Genuinely really protective, but I imagine he has like 500 excuses for why. He will not admit that it’s because he cares about you if he can avoid it. 
I can distinctly picture that he would give you a drawing as a gift, but the way he would do it would be by crumpling it up and throwing it at you. The only reason you know that it’s for you is because there’s no way that Pran would litter.
Pran can almost certainly pick you up. You might even be able to convince him to carry you around. He honestly might find it kind of cute if you have a lot of fun with it.
You definitely have to get along with Jeremy a bit. Pran’s very protective, so he won’t tolerate you being genuinely mean to his friend. 
Jeremy King
Jeremy is begrudgingly very cute. I feel like he hates that he genuinely wants to do cute things for you sometimes. He finds it so embarrassing.
He is a germaphobe and that does still apply to you. He does insist you wash your hands an insane amount before any physical affection. 
His snappier side from when he was younger didn’t go away completely, but he does try his best not to snap at you. It’s not too hard, since he’s mostly apathetic, but it’s a struggle on occasion.
He definitely absentmindedly makes you gifts when he’s especially tired. He definitely won’t give it to you in person, though. It would be way too embarrassing for him.
He absolutely sucks at planning dates. He'll mostly go along with whatever you want, but he’ll really appreciate it if you make an effort to get him to enjoy it too. That’s not to say that he will enjoy it, just that he appreciates the effort. 
His parents would probably love you regardless of who you are, and it annoys him so much. 
He doesn’t exactly need you to be friends with Pran, but he’d get annoyed if you two fought too much. You have to at least tolerate Pran and get him to tolerate you. 
[A/N: I was trying to use the wiki as a guide because it's been a little while since I played, but some of the boys have like nothing on their page. RIP me, I guess.]
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 32 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley understands more each day what it means to be Everett's dad. He's ready to do all of the fun father and son stuff, along with the important things that will keep Everett safe and happy. The three of you are ready to become the Bradshaws.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing, fighting
Length: 3500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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The white board on your refrigerator had been updated by Everett. There was only one day left until Bradley was going to adopt him, and your body was thrumming with anticipation. The three of you were about to become the Bradshaws, for real.
Your husband made your home so much warmer. His big shoes were lined up next to yours and Everett's inside the front door. His schedule was hanging next to the white board so he knew which days he needed to wear his flight suit. His favorite beer was in a battle for precious real estate against your cold brew coffee. For someone who claimed he never had a real home before this since his mom died, he was doing a great job of making yours even better. 
"We're heading to the park for a bit," Bradley said, wrapping his arm casually around your waist from behind as you made dinner. "We'll be back in less than an hour." He kissed the side of your neck and held you snug against him for a beat. "I love you."
How was living without him ever supposed to compete with this? You turned and watched him take Everett by the hand, and they walked out to the Bronco talking a mile a minute about math homework and batting averages. 
You were trying to make a special dinner, because Molly was coming over with Bob. He'd arrived back in San Diego earlier this morning, and Molly texted you to let you know she was taking Bob home for a long nap, and then they would be over. A long nap sounded like a euphemism for some freaky sex, but you were just pleased that he was back and that Molly was happy. 
Your sister and Bob walked in at the same time that Bradley and Everett returned from the park. "Uncle Bob! I missed you!" your son shouted, running across the living room to his former tee ball coach and perhaps someday uncle. Bob knelt down and collected him in a tight hug. "And Aunt Molly missed you so much. She ate a lot of chocolate and cried sometimes."
You watched Bob glance up at Molly with such a lovesick expression, you had to turn away. "I missed you too, Ev," he replied. "And I missed your Aunt Molly and the baby. I heard you shared your candy with her."
"I did," he said proudly as you walked dinner over to the dining room table. Bradley pulled Bob into a brief hug, and then you kissed him softly on the cheek.
"How was your deployment? Uneventful, I hope?" you asked him with a smile.
"Another woman kissed him," Molly said, casually slipping into her usual seat and scooping food onto her plate as you gasped. "He doesn't understand how handsome he is."
"Mo," Bob groaned, sliding down in the seat next to her while his cheeks flushed pink. "Why are you telling them this?"
You made eye contact with Bradley across the room, and he shrugged, just as confused as you were. "Is everything okay?" you asked cautiously. 
But Bob was kissing Molly's fingertips as she ran her nose along his cheek as if she hadn't just made that announcement to the room. They still looked as in love as they always did, and Molly's face was placid as she started scooping dinner onto Everett's plate. 
"Everything's fine," Bob said, nodding at you. "I had no idea anything like that could even happen. I'll be more proactive in the future."
"Yes," Molly agreed. "No more gray sweatpants on deployments. We both learned our lesson."
"Gray sweatpants?" you asked as you sat down across from Molly. "You wore gray sweatpants in front of someone other than Molly?"
Bob cradled his face in embarrassment, pinching his nose just below his glasses. "I did. I told you it was a bad idea from the start, Honey," he whispered to Molly. 
"You wore them in public?!" Bradley nearly shouted. "Bob, that's bedroom attire."
"I know that now," Bob bit back. "Nothing happened. Nothing else is ever going to happen. Can we eat dinner and stop talking about it?" he asked, wrapping his arm around Molly's shoulder. "I missed being here. I'm happy I made it back in time for Bradley and Everett's big day. I just want to be with my family."
Molly pecked him on the cheek. "You're hot, Cowboy Bob. You can't afford the luxury of making late night friends on deployments. It doesn't matter who they are, they probably want to fuck you."
"Molly!" you growled, tossing your fork down and glaring at her as you nodded to Everett. 
But your son just shrugged. "It's okay. I already heard dad say it before. I know it's an adult word. It's cool."
Bradley noisily dished more food onto everyone's plates as you shook your head at him. "This is delicious, Kitten. Wow, you've outdone yourself. You want more, Molly? Have some more."
You closed your eyes and sighed. Bradley and Molly were more similar than they'd like to think. And Bob was definitely a catch even if he didn't feel like one. And you were too thankful for all of them to put up much of a fuss. "After we eat, let's talk about a game plan for tomorrow."
"Adoption day," Everett said, all smiles for Bradley. 
"I love you, Ev," your husband told him, scooping a little more food onto his plate. You could tell your son would never get tired of hearing that, and neither would you.
"Are you guys nervous?" you asked as Bradley pulled into the municipal parking lot behind the courthouse.
"Nope," Bradley and Everett replied in unison. Bradley was ready for this. Any apprehension he'd felt leading up to this afternoon was related to Danny, but your lawyer assured you that there would be no contest over the state of Everett's adoption. 
"I'm a little nervous," you muttered, wrapping your hand around Bradley's after he turned the key in the ignition. "Why aren't Molly and Bob here yet?"
"We're early, Kitten," he muttered, leaning across the seat to give you a kiss. He turned around to smile at Ev, sitting in his booster seat. They were wearing matching blue dress shirts and jeans, and Everett was holding his Phillies cap. "Hey, kiddo. When I drop you off at school tomorrow, I'll bring the paperwork so they know it's okay for you to write Everett Bradshaw on your homework, okay?"
Everett nodded in response. "And do you think my teacher will change the name tag on my desk? I don't like my old name anymore."
You unbuckled your seatbelt and snuggled against his chest as Bradley said, "I'll make sure it gets changed. It's not going to be an issue."
The three of you sat there for a couple minutes as Bradley rubbed your back. He answered every question Everett asked him.
"What was your dad's name again? And didn't he have a call sign too? Was your mom's last name Bradshaw? How many Bradshaws are there?"
If only they could be here today, Bradley was sure he would get to see his mom doting on Everett. Goose would have been all too happy to spread the Bradshaw name around. He knew his parents would be proud of him. "My dad was Nick Bradshaw, and his call sign was Goose." Everett giggled, and Bradley laughed too. "It's even sillier than Rooster, huh?"
"I like my call sign better than the bird ones," Everett said. 
"Me too," Bradley whispered, registering that you were wiping your eyes. "Goose would have liked it the most." 
"Grampa Goose would have liked my call sign?" Everett asked in surprise, and Bradley nodded silently, taking a few breaths to steady himself. 
"Grampa Goose would have liked everything about you."
"Bradley," you whispered, squeezing him tight. His heart could only take so much before he started crying, too. So he kissed your forehead and wiped your cheeks.
"Let's start heading inside," he whispered. "Molly and Bob will be here soon, I'm sure."
When he opened his door and stepped out into the afternoon sunlight, Bradley's eyes met Danny's from several cars away. He tried to ignore your ex husband as he scooped Everett out of the booster seat and set him down. He tried his best to avoid him until everyone went inside. But as you walked around the Bronco and took Ev's hand in yours, Bradley heard Danny laugh sardonically. 
"It's about time. I was worried you were backing out of getting this kid off my hands. I really don't feel like paying child support."
Bradley's vision wavered. He could hear a high pitched buzzing in his ears. He wanted nothing more than to permanently wipe that smirk off of Danny's face as he slammed the driver's door closed. 
"What did you just say to me?" Bradley snarled, rolling his neck as he strolled toward Danny. 
"You heard me just fine," he replied, squaring his shoulders and smirking. "But I wouldn't have blamed you for backing out. She's an annoying handful even without the kid. Should have used two condoms." But when Bradley got right up into his personal space, Danny started to look a little scared. 
Bradley had some weight on him, and he could take a few punches, no problem. His jaw flexed and he curled his hands into fists as he said, "Don't you fucking dare talk about my family like that." 
Chest to chest, he pushed Danny back against an SUV. Bradley could hear you calling his name, panic lacing your voice, but he couldn't stop now. Rage flowed through his body. If Danny didn't punch him, he was most definitely going to be the one to do it. 
"Your family is a joke," Danny said softly. "You tried sleeping with her sister yet?"
That was it. Bradley shoved him with his left hand as he drew back his right fist, but before he could do much of anything else, strong arms wrapped around him from behind and pinned his arms to his sides. Bob's voice was in his ear as he tried his best to pull Bradley backwards. 
"Come on, Rooster. You don't want to do this. Ev is watching."
Bradley let Bob yank him a few more feet away from Danny, and then he turned to see you, Ev and Molly all standing by the Bronco looking terrified. 
"You're not fucking worth it, you piece of shit," Bradley told Danny who was still smiling like a prick. 
"Thanks for giving me the best day of my life," he replied, straightening out his shirt and winking. Bob kept a good hold on Bradley until Danny was inside the courthouse.
"You okay?" he asked, and Bradley shook him off. The thing was this really was the best day of Bradley's life. Or maybe the second best. Either way, he didn't want to ruin it now.
"Yeah," he replied, his voice rough with emotion. And then he was scooping Everett into his arms. "I'm sorry, kiddo. I didn't mean to scare you."
"I don't like my old dad," he replied softly, wrapping his arms around Bradley's neck. 
"I promise, this is the last time you'll ever have to see him." Everett nodded against Bradley's shoulder as he leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours. "I'm sorry, Kitten."
"I don't want you to get in trouble, Bradley," you said, voice shaky. "He's not even worth it."
"I know," he replied softly, kissing your cheek and nodding at Bob. "He's so horrible, I can't understand how Ev is perfect."
You kind of shrugged and said, "It's like he was never there, Coach. It was like we were just waiting for you the whole time. You were tailor made for us."
Bradley wore those words with pride as Bob held the door open, and he carried Everett inside the courthouse behind you and Molly. He didn't even look at Danny again. Instead he focused on his son and his wife. He let Molly distract him. He kept his arms wrapped around Everett until the judge called them all up to the front of the room. 
And then it was scary how fast everything moved. It was unsettling how easily Danny announced to the entire fucking room that he wanted nothing to do with Everett. He didn't want his own son. Bradley listened to him say, "I contest nothing. I relinquish all of my rights." 
And even though Bradley knew Everett was excited that he was being adopted, those words from his biological father packed a punch. Maybe Everett didn't understand their full meaning yet, but Bradley definitely did. 
When the judge asked Bradley to confirm that he wanted to adopt Everett, he reached for Ev's hand. This perfect kid was looking right up at him with innocent, trusting eyes and a worried expression. Bradley felt your hand on his back, and he could hear you crying softly. 
"Do you want to adopt your wife's child?" the judge asked again.
Did he want to? More than anything. He could hardly believe he was even allowed to do something so grand and meaningful. It was hard for him to acknowledge that Everett wanted him. 
"Yes, I want to adopt you, Everett. I can't wait to be your dad. It kind of feels like I've already been your dad for months and months, kiddo."
That sweet face erupted into a bright smile. "Yeah, it's been a good couple of months, Coach."
Bradley laughed in spite of himself, and he felt your hand drop down to lace fingers with him. "The best. And now it's going to be forever. Yes, I want to adopt you." Then he turned to kiss your forehead before looking at the judge. "Yes, I want to adopt Everett."
"And you'll take full, permanent legal custody?"
"Yes. Happily." He smiled down at Everett before scooping him up with his right arm while still holding your hand with his left. He felt his eyes prickle with the feeling of unshed tears when Ev wrapped his arms around his neck, just knowing he'd be safe and loved. 
"Then I grant Bradley Bradshaw full legal custody." 
Even though Bradley expected to hear those words today, he felt his tears finally give way. "I love you," he whispered, burying his face against Everett. "Thanks for letting me be your dad."
Then Bradley's lips were on yours, and you wrapped your arms around both of them. And Bradley hadn't felt this much love since he was a little boy. He was getting a second chance at having a perfect little family of three. And he'd do everything he could to keep this feeling. 
"Thank you, Kitten," he gasped, letting you wipe his tears away with your soft fingertips. Bradley was vaguely aware that Danny had quickly signed a few papers and turned to stroll out of the courtroom, just going along with his day like none of this was important. But it was important to Bradley. And it was important to Everett. And he refused to release his grip on you or his son as he signed his own set of paperwork a little awkwardly fumbling the pen a bit.
"That's it?" he asked the clerk who collected the paperwork. "I'm his dad now, for real? He can change his last name to Bradshaw?"
And Bradley got the perfect response. "That's it. He's your son."
"He's my son!" Bradley shouted, releasing your hand and hugging a happy, giggling Everett. "He's my son." He carried Everett across the room to where Molly had tears streaming down her cheeks as she held Bob's hand. 
"You know, I'm not even going to call you a turd for the rest of the day," she sobbed, reaching up to give Bradley a kiss on the cheek. "I'm happy for you, Ev," she told her nephew. "We were pretty good before, but we're better with Bradley."
"And Uncle Bob," Everett added, reaching out to give Bob a high five.
"Yes," Molly agreed, "and Uncle Bob." She looked up at her boyfriend with adoration. "I love my family."
Bradley loved this family, too. And he was never going to stop talking about it. And he was never going to set Everett down. And he was never going to stop doting on the two of you. 
"I can't believe you're really ours now," you whispered as tears shone in your eyes. "Officially."
"You're the loves of my life, Kitten. Both of you."
As Bradley settled into a chair at the table with the paper tablecloth and crayons, he kept Everett on his lap. He didn't need to look at the menu. You already knew what kind of pizza and beer everyone liked. When the waitress came to take the order, Bradley added, "And some apple juice for my son, please."
And next thing he knew, Molly was crying in the seat across from him, insisting they were all just happy tears. And then Nat showed up with a bunch of balloons that said #1 DAD. And you kept calling him Everett's father and leaning in to kiss him. 
"Stop, please," Bradley said, holding a napkin underneath the piece of pizza that Everett was eating. He caught the sauce before it dripped onto Ev's lap and added, "I can only take so much before I start crying again."
He had cried in the Bronco on the way to the restaurant. Then he cried harder when Everett asked him, "Why are you crying, dad?" And now he felt those same happy tears once again. 
"I think it's sweet," you told him with a soft smile. "All the tears."
"I'm barely holding it together, Kitten," he whispered, catching more of Everett's sauce on the napkin. "It's overwhelming."
When everyone was finished eating, there was a battle over who was going to pay. Bradley watched everyone pull out their wallets and credit cards, a cacophony erupting about why each person wanted to treat him to his first dinner as a dad. But he stood up, still holding onto Everett. "I want to pay!" he said, letting Everett stand on the empty chair next to him. "Because until very recently, I never knew how badly I needed to treat my family to a pizza night." He took a deep breath and sighed. "Nat, you've been my friend and family for the longest. And I love you for that."
She smiled at him and nodded. "Love you too, Bradshaw."
Bradley reached out a hand to fist bump Bob. "And then Bob became a friend that morphed into family, all because of tee ball. And now I have a sister-in-law who likes to pick on me relentlessly. You better marry him, Molly."
She just kind of shrugged, but Bradley didn't miss the coy smile on her lips. "We'll see."
Then Bradley turned to you and leaned down to kiss your lips. "I never thought I'd have a sister-in-law, because I never thought I'd be lucky enough to get married in the first place. But I love you, Kitten. I'm gonna love you forever. Both of you."
"You're the best thing that ever happened to us, Coach," you whispered, brushing your lips against his again. 
And then Bradley turned his attention to Everett. "But you've made me feel complete, kiddo. A son? On top of everything else? It doesn't seem possible. But I can't wait to do all the father and son stuff."
Then Everett simply said, "I love you, dad." 
"I love you, too."
Bradley paid for dinner and carried his son out to the parking lot. And the whole way home, he held your hand. "What do the two of you think about Disney World for winter break? Or we could go to Phillies spring training? But we don't want to risk missing Ev's cousin being born. So I was thinking a trip to Philadelphia next summer instead? Maybe catch a Phillies doubleheader, meet the Phanatic, and eat some cheesesteaks. Just the three of us."
"Yes!" Everett cheered from the backseat, pumping his fists in the air. "I can get the Phanatic to sign my baseball card!"
"Well?" Bradley asked you as he pulled into the driveway while Everett sang the Phillie Phanatic song. "What do you wanna do, Kitten?"
You unbuckled yourself and crawled across the seat, wrapping your arms around his neck, and Bradley melted into your touch. Your lips brushed his, and he smiled as you said, "Anything. As long as it's the three of us."
THE BRADSHAWS! It has been a pleasure writing and posting this series for the past seven months! I loved all of the comments and reblogs and feedback. Part 33 will be the epilogue! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and thank you for the banner @mak-32
Don't forget to check out Bob and Molly in The Curveball!
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Two: Second Chance Paulies
Summary- 3.5k Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. Finishing out the week with an invite from some of the fellow teachers for a night at Paulie's, you take them up on a night out of the apartment. Curtis was still firmly on your mind after the field trip and you were looking for the welcome distraction since there was no way a man like that could possibly be interested in a woman like you. Right? Wrong, seems like fate had other plans and Paulies Bar was made for second chances.
Warnings- Some body image issues
A/N- Thank you so much to everyone who has shown such interest and support for this! It really has shocked me and given me confidence in what I'm doing. So thank you, thank you, thank you! A million times. Special thank you to @what-is-your-plan-today for reading this and editing it. I'm a messy writer, so it is much appreciated. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics. Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed the fic. 🐝🍯
Chapter One / Masterlist
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Friday night and you managed to doll yourself up a bit for a night to a bar called Paulies. You would be lying if you did not admit that you had spent all week thinking about Curtis from the train yard, and a bit bummed knowing that you probably wouldn’t see him again. It wasn't like you would go seek him out, you were sure that he had long forgotten about you. Men like that wouldn’t be interested in a woman like you. You stared at yourself a bit longer than usual in the mirror, picking out the flaws you saw in yourself. Yes you had a ‘cute’ face as you have been told, but you were too much everywhere else. Your ex certainly made that comment to you all the time. 
You stepped back and turned to your side, brushing your hand down your back and over the curve of your ample curved ass. Fuck your ex, you broke up with him for a reason. And you looked damn good, you had the ass to prove it. Your pep talk made you smile, you certainly remembered the way his breath hitched when he saw you, so maybe you were being a bit too hard on yourself. 
It didn’t matter, Curtis was a passing moment and how unprofessional would it be for you to just show up at his work because you thought that maybe he was attracted to you. It was obvious, you needed a night out to get him off your mind. This had been going on all week and you needed at least a break from the back and forth debate on what chemistry there was or wasn’t going on at the freightyard. 
So when one of the teachers you had made friends with named Claude offered a night out at one of Duluth's secret little hidden treasures, you decided that it was the perfect distraction you needed. Leaning into your mirror, you perfected your eyeliner as much as you were going to be able to, giving a smokey eye look, added a touch of color to your lips and took a step back to make sure the whole look went fine with the off the shoulder top and flowing skirt. All you had left to do was put on your pair of boots with a slight bit of heel and you would be good to go. 
A buzz from your phone dropped your gaze, clicking on the screen to bring up the notification ~Ready to head out? I’m downstairs in the metallic gray car. 
You glanced up from your phone but couldn't be bothered to answer, instead you grabbed your boots to slip on and jacket. Within seconds you were out the door and down the stairs to go out onto the street. Slipping into Claude's car, your exuberant coworker was checking herself in the mirror before turning to you. 
“Y/N! Girl, you clean up nice. I wish I could get my eyes to stand out as much as you can.” She reached over to fiddle with a piece of your clothing and gave a bit of a sigh. “You look so pretty tonight.” 
You imagined what the words she left unsaid were, -for that body. She didn't need to, you were used to these kinds of things all your life. Always just a little too much of you for someone to be okay with. Over the years you managed to hide the churning of discomfort these thoughts caused, inside you were trying to shrink yourself, outside you easily flashed Claude a smile of thanks to her compliment. 
Claude didn't say anymore, but instead turned on the radio and within a short period of time she was pulling into a parking lot with other cars you recognized from the school. “Okay, no talk of school, students or parents.” She grabbed at her purse while laying out the rules. “Tonight is about having fun!” 
“I’m down for that.” You moved to step outside and glanced at the rather unimpressive building. “It looks… charming?” 
Claude came around the car, shrugging. “The outside isn’t much, but I promise you are gonna have a good time. Also some good looking singles hang out here.” She hooked her arm through yours, leading you up to the front door.  
You chuckled and shook your head softly while going inside. “No, really this is more my speed, I promise.” 
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Curtis held open the door while Edgar and Grey filed into the bar. “Come on, Paulie really wants to start a dart-throwing team, I think we should make a team. We can get matching shirts.” Edgar rambled on excitedly, having spent the whole day at work trying to get Curtis and Grey to commit to doing a team with him. 
Curtis was absolutely not going to wear a matching team shirt. 
“We can join in on a tournament. Maybe make some extra spending money.” 
Grey led them up to the bar. “And what would we call ourselves Edgar?” He asked while glancing at what was on tap that night. 
“I don't know, something cool though. Piercers? Cause like… Darts have that pointy end?” Edgar drummed his hands against the bar, whining. “Come on Paulie, we're dehydrated over here, and is the kitchen open tonight? Cause we're also starving.” 
A man at the end of the bar looked frazzled as he worked on making drinks. “Hold yer horses, fuck. It’s just me for now. Serve yerselves, you always do anyways.” Even appearing rushed, Paulie still had a good natured tone welcoming to him, like he thrived on the chaos of serving all the people filling the bar's edge. 
Grey took it as an invitation to hop over the bar and draw out three glasses while Edgar turned back to Curtis. “So… what do you think about it, we could be the Piercers!” he made finger guns towards Curtis with an hopeful look.
“Not going to happen.” Curtis muttered as he took the beer Grey offered him and took a drag from it, wiping the foam that got caught on his in the hair of his upper lip away. Grasping the pitcher that was handed over next, he sought out a table near the dart wall where they planned to spend their time. 
“Told you man, if you just kept it simple and to the point, he might have been on board.” Grey came back around the bar with another pitcher, joining Curtis who was gathering enough darts for all three of them. 
Edgar just rolled his eyes at Grey while setting down the full glasses Grey had handed him earlier on throwaway coasters. “He just doesn't know how to have fun.” 
“My idea of fun and yours are two different things Edgar.” Curtis opened the dart board's casing and went to stand at the line indicating where he was to shoot from, taking aim and flinging the first dart to hit the board. 
“Oh yeah, what's yours?” Edgar snorted in disbelief as Grey prepared for his own darts. He easily sent them hitting near the targets he was aiming for and Edgar groaned, waving a hand at the board. “See, we could kick ass. This bastard gets almost all the targets.” 
Curtis sat himself at the high bar room table, refilling his glass that he half drained earlier. “What do I consider a good time? Fine ass woman in my lap sounds pretty good right now.” 
“Like that teacher you were showing around Monday? We all saw you stick pretty close to her.” Grey shot him a knowing look and Curtis felt the swell in his chest at the mere mention of you. It made his heart race thinking about that sweet smile you gave him when you came off the bus with that sweet smile and damn if he wasn't getting a bit of a hard on thinking about the touch of your hand brushing against him, how your touch would feel all over him. He merely grunted in agreement, letting his eyes roam around the room as it was starting to get busier. 
“Yeah, she was pretty.” Edgar followed up as he made his own attempt to gain points on the board. The conversation continued on, Curtis drifted away from what they were discussing since they wandered from talking about you. 
The bar was picking up, Curtis could hear Paul calling out drink orders to patrons waiting at the bar's edge. That's when his gaze fell on you, standing at the end patiently, clutching a small bag to you while you waited for him to wander back down to your end. Could he really be that lucky? What were the chances you would come to this place? You were just as sweet and soft looking as he remembered. The drape of your skirt hid those curves he got to admire before and this time you had a bit of heel to your boot, making you look slightly taller than before, but not by much. You had on heavier make up, making your eyes look wide eyed as you glanced around the room back towards your table on the other end of the bar. Curtis didn’t believe in fate, but it seemed like the perfect opportunity for him to get to know you better, so maybe it was just a bit of fate and a whole lot of luck. Whatever it was that put you in his path once more, he wasn’t going to let you just walk away again without trying for your number.
“Curtis, it's your turn.” Grey nudged but the game was completely forgotten about. “Curtis?” Grey tried once more thinking Curtis didn't hear him but then he caught sight of you. 
“Where is he going?” Edgar asked, puzzled when Curtis abruptly left his friends waiting for him to play and Grey shook his head. 
“He’s all done man, just the two of us.” 
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You were debating about what you wanted. All the others were doing mixed drinks, but you weren't sure if you were up for that tonight, your goal wasn’t to get completely wasted. A touch to your arm made you jump in surprise, your head turning to a gray henley stretching over a broad chest and then upwards to a familiar set of brilliantly blue eyes and a bearded face. You were amused to see that he still had a beanie stretched over the top of his head, hiding away the soft buzz cut you assumed was underneath. “Curtis!” The mere mention of his name had him break out in a shy looking grin, a soft pink going up his neck. “Oh, I never expected to see you here. How uh- have you been?” 
Curtis leaned against his forearms on the bar, bringing him down more to your level. “Ah, just blowing off some steam after the work week with a few of the guys.” He didn't bother pointing them out but instead moved closer to you, you swore you could feel the warmth radiating off him. “And you?” 
“Letting off some steam as well with a few of the teachers. T-G-I-F you know.” You leaned in a little closer too, drawn closer and seem to forget you were here with your coworkers. “I have never been here, but was told to give it a try. I’m really glad I did now.” 
You felt those crystalline blues studying you for a moment, maybe trying to figure out if you were open to his company, which you very much were. “It’s always good to take that chance, never know when something new is going to pay off.” He moved away from you suddenly to go around the bar. “Pauls a friend.” Curtis assured you when you arched a questioning brow at him. “I was just about to refill my beer, what would you like?” 
You arched to your tiptoes to lean over the bar enough to look at what was on tap. “What are you having Curtis?” 
“Sam Addams tonight.” He admitted as he pulled the tap, leaning the glass just so to keep the foam under control. 
“Same, hook me up with one of those.” You said while admiring him work effortlessly, the henley did him nothing but favors, clinging to his chest and showing the shift in muscles under the soft fabric. Curtis grasped another cup and filled it up. You watched him move around the hustle and bustle behind the bar like he was used to it and for such a massive man, that was a hard accomplishment to stay out of everyone's way. “You want to… find someplace a bit quieter to enjoy these?” 
“Please.” He said relieved as he came back around and glanced around the room. You followed his gaze to see him looking over by the dart boards, two men watching your interaction intently and one even flashed a thumbs up. You swore red flared the tips of Curtis’s ears while his hand came to rest against the small of your back, slightly steering you the other way towards booths lining the wall. His touch was warm and inviting. You didn't try to move away or anything but sunk into it, falling back closer to him when you two approached the booths. 
You could feel the giddy excitement at feeling his very solid frame just behind you steering you towards the quieter section of the bar. “You know, we could have gone back to your friends.” You offered him but fiercely blue eyes darted from them to you and he gave a slight shake of the head. 
A man of few words you thought to yourself and was happy with his choice for a more private setting, that was until you two reached a rather small and tight looking booth’s lining along the bars wall. Once you realized where he was leading you, your steps stuttered, causing his chest to brush against you as he bumped into you. You could just see yourself trying to squeeze into the narrow unmoving bench seat, no room to breathe, trying to suck in your stomach so it didn't press into the table's edge and look like it was going to spill over. Your excitement at spending the evening with Curtis was so quickly taking a complete turn all because of a booth. 
You were bracing yourself for it, that move where you would try to make yourself look comfortable in a too small space. But Curtis wrapped his hand against your side to stop you and look around before by some saving grace there was a single empty table towards the pool tables that had just been vacated. “Mind if we sit over there instead? My legs are just to fucking long to be comfterable at these things. I keep telling Paul he needs to rip them out.” 
You swore you could have kissed that man right there. “Of course.” You said right back in your good mood and you both rushed over to the table to claim its spot. Settling into a seat that you could easily maneuver to fit you, you took a sip off the top of your beer and set it on a cardboard coaster while Curtis made himself comfortable as well. A quick peek under the table showed he wasn't lying, one long leg was stretched out under the table throwing a booted foot practically under your chair. At the booths they would have been knocking knees the whole time. There was an awkward pause of silence, as if neither of you knew where to really start now that you two were alone. 
“So is this-” 
“Do you-” 
You both started at the same time, which you broke into a laugh at the stumble and he cracked a grin too. “Sorry Y/N, what were you saying?” 
“So is this your regular place or did your friends insist on coming here?” You restarted and he nodded. 
“Yeah a regular, a lot of us from the yard come here afterwards. Paulie is an old friend, knew him since we were kids.” 
“Look at the perks, you get behind the bar privileges.” You wiggled your brows and Curtis snorted with a roll of his eyes. 
“He did give me a crash course in how to bartend, I'm actually surprised he hasn't tried tonight since it's Friday and appears he didn’t schedule accordingly.” 
“It really is pretty busy for him to be doing this alone.” You glanced around, and although busy the atmosphere was pretty laid back, everyone seemed to be having a good time. “Maybe he saw you talking to me and didn’t want to bother you?” You offered a hopeful alternative response and Curtis turned back towards you. 
“Maybe, and I'm not complaining. I would rather be in your company anyways. You were really good with the kids the other day. How long have you been at the school?” 
“Not too long, I just moved here from the east coast. I was offered a job and needed to get away, so here I am. Been here since July at this point. It’s nice.” You looked down at your glass, fiddling with it. Curtis seemed to pick on your unease at the mention of you moving and instead turned your attention to the pool table. 
“How about a game? It’s been a while since I've played.” 
You once more lightened up, pushing up to a stand while giving a shrug. “Well I’ve never played, so teach me?” 
“Think I can do that.” He gave a wink and started to explain the game while getting the table ready. 
Turns out pool was just what was needed, you two spent the next couple hours playing the game terribly and teasing one another. A couple pitchers littered your table, leaving you giggling with a buzz and Curtis although still his usual quiet self, a bit more relaxed. He wouldn't hesitate to move up behind you and let his hands rest on your hips to readjust you, lean over and point out the ball for you to shoot for, which whenever you missed, clanking the balls all over the table, you would give a moan of defeat and a sigh. 
They were noises Curtis didn’t seem to mind though, every time you gave them you felt him press in closer, distracting you with the smell of his cologne and a genuine grin that made his whole demeanor brighten up. You finally admitted to defeat when you glanced up at the clock and saw that it was edging on one am. “Shit, I wonder if my ride is even still here.” You giggled as you leaned on Curtis’s side, looking around the room. 
“Who did you come with?” 
“Some coworkers took me out, but they seem to have left.” You felt for your phone, checking to see if Claude happened to text you. Which she did, hours ago. Apparently she had left on a hookup. “Shit.” You muttered, trying to clear your mind from the buzz. “I will just call an uber.” 
“I will just go settle up our tab and wait with you.” He started to dig out his wallet and you protested, digging into the bag you brought. 
“You can get it next time Y/N” Curtis assured you.
“Would you want there to be a next time?” You stopped trying to dig out some cash and Curtis flashed a knowing grin. 
“I’m counting on a next time.” Curtis said with confidence while gathering up the pitchers off the table and your glasses, he brought them over to the bar which Paul came down to gather. You noticed that one of his friends sidled up to him, the two of them falling into a serious looking conversation that had Curtis taking a glance your way. 
You did your best not to look like you were staring at the wide expanse of his shoulders in the Henley shirt.
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Grey came up on Curtis’s other side, also pulling out his wallet to settle up. 
“Headed out with the teacher?” Handing over his card, the men waited for Paulie to finish ringing them out. 
“Just waiting on an uber to pick Y/N up. She came with some coworkers, but they left.” Curtis frowned to himself as he tucked his card back into his wallet and into his pocket. “Dick move for them to just leave her, but whatever. I don’t mind waiting with her.” 
“You seemed to be enjoying yourself.” Grey observed as he did the same with his card. “You should ask her out again.” 
“Hmm… See you Monday.” Curtis cut the conversation short to leave Grey at the bar alone to rejoin you. 
When he came back, you were scowling at your phone, a worried wrinkle in your brow. “It will take forever for an uber to get here. I should have called earlier.” You looked at him and gave an apologetic smile. “You don’t have to wait with me.” 
Curtis shrugged, not bothered by it. “I don’t mind, but I did drive here myself. I can give you a ride home if you want?” 
You seemed to contemplate his offer and Curtis wouldn’t have blamed you if you refused, you didn’t really know him after all but he felt he should at least make the offer. Your answer turned to one he wasn’t exactly expecting, but he was happy with it. “You really don’t mind?”
“Not at all Y/N.” He pulled out his key and pushed open the door for you to go out into the chilly night, beeping his trucks lights so you knew where to head to. 
The ride home you had the window down partially so the cold night air could help clear your head and when he pulled onto your block, he eased up to the set of apartments you directed him too. “I had a good time tonight Curtis, thank you.” You fiddled with your phone and held it up. “Want my number?” 
Curtis had never been so quick to hand his phone over so you could put your number in. He waited as you finished and gathered yourself together to make your way inside. It was minutes before his phone dinged, you assuring him you were safe inside and thanking him once more for the pool lesson. 
Fuck you were so damn sweet, he hoped to find out just how much.
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thornsnvultures · 2 years
open up ♧
Curtis Everett x Thor Odinson x fem!Reader
Summary: The team up no one saw coming! Except now they're coming on you! And by "you" I mean @fineanddandy cause I wrote this for her 3k/35th birthday celebration 🖤🖤🖤 😘😘😘
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: threesome, oral sex (m receiving), hair pulling, choking kink, breathplay, dacraphilia, pet names (sweetheart, pet), degradation kink, vaginal sex (unprotected, creampie), cum eating, anal play, spanking
a/n: holy shit it was so hard getting this out. I hit writers block so fucking hard. I literally have 10 different documents full of ideas for where I wanted this to go and none of it was working. but for some reason !!! tonight my brain went nah I got you, and I typed this out in like 2-3hrs?? so I hope you like it! I'm only sad I couldn't do more tbh 🥺🖤
unbeta'd, edited by me. if you see any errors, no you didn't :)
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"Nope. Hell no. There's no way I'm fitting that thing in my mouth."
Your manicured nail gestures up and down at the monstrosity leaking in front of your face.
"I appreciate the compliment, pet," Thor laughs and leans back on the couch. He rests arms behind his head, making his massive biceps bulge more.
All the machismo and raw power dripping from this man alone should be enough to intimidate you, but you're not easily swayed.
"What am I supposed to do? Unhinge my jaw like a fucking snake?"
"Or you could shut the fuck up and do it already."
The clinking of ice against glass draws your attention to Curtis standing at the penthouse suite's fully stocked bar. You wish he would go back to silently judging you from across the room, the fucking prick.
He sips his drink as you stare daggers.
"You want to come over here and do it then, boss?"
Thor looks his way and tosses up an eyebrow because of course the Big Slut is down.
Curtis grimaces and downs the rest of his drink, leaving it on the bar top.
"No thank you. I'm not interested in a mouthful of protein shake tonight."
He pushes up the sleeves of his gray henley, making his way over to your pouting self as Thor guffaws above you.
"Now c'mon, sweetheart, don't be shy. Open wide."
Curtis yanks the back of your hair with one hand once you're within reach, taking advantage of your open mouth gasping in pain to shove it down over Thor's bulbous head.
"That's it, good girl."
Your jaw is screaming around the blond's girth, tears already pooling at the corners of your eyes.
Curtis' grip on your head doesn't loosen but he waits for you to collect yourself. It takes a moment, but soon you're breathing through your nose and drooling on Thor's cock.
"Ah, look how pretty those tears are, my little pet."
Thor's deep baritone rumbles through you, almost like an electric current sending a shock to your cunt.
Your full lips ache as you suckle around his cockhead, the taste of him salty and sweet and pooling on your tongue.
It's uncomfortable but not unpleasant taking him like this, running your tongue over his sensitive head, bobbing as much as you can with Curtis' hand on your head. Your hands envelop what you can't reach, using the copious amount of drool pouring from your lips to ease the glide.
"So cute. Those little hands can't go all the way around, can they?"
You make a show of trying your hardest to touch your fingers to your thumb, but you can't and your tightened grip makes Thor chuckle and groan, more of his slick oozing into your stuffed mouth.
Curtis sees a flash of your smirk at Thor's reaction and pulls you off of his length before shoving you down a few more inches. He growls low in his chest, gripping you tighter as you sputter around the sudden invasion, only having gotten a couple gasps of air into your lungs.
"You think this is a game, little girl. Your instructions were to take his cock down your fucking throat, stop fucking around."
Thor pets your cheek as more tears fall. You'd like to think his aim is to soothe you, but the fucker just spreads those tears around, collects them on his thumb and brings it to his mouth to suck clean.
You're about halfway down his cock with an entire fist still sitting under your lips, your throat pulsing around his tip.
"Suck, sweetheart. Do what good little fuckdolls do and maybe we'll give you a nice bonus."
You distantly hear a zipper coming down.
Just inside your peripherals you see Curtis pulling his thick cock out of his jeans, fisting it so slowly it almost feels menacing.
Your mind is already floating, your eyes struggling to stay open as you force yourself down further, sucking and jerking and rubbing your hand over him. The slick sounds matching Thor's groans and making the wet spot on your panties grow.
Curtis leans down next to your ear, dropping his hand from his cock to wrap around your throat.
"Fuck, sweetheart, look at you. You look so beautiful gagging on cock. Doing what you were made for."
He gives your throat a squeeze. Thor groans above you, the loudest one yet. You stroke his length faster, harder, determined to suck his fucking soul out of his balls.
When all of a sudden Curtis lets go of your hair and you're being lifted up off your knees, your hands falling to Thor's hips to steady yourself.
Thor's cock falls from your mouth and lands with a wet slap on his abs. You cough and sputter, gasping for breath and confused.
"Curtis what -"
You feel the bottom of your dress being flipped up, your panties pulled down to your knees, and in one smooth motion Curtis shoves his cock into your cunt.
You scream, falling forward from the force. Curtis gives you a moment to adjust to his thickness spreading your walls, just like he did with Thor's cock. He's mean but not impatient. He knows you can take it.
Thor's cock bobs in your face like a cobra waiting to strike.
"You did such a good job, darling," Thor's accented praise sends a shiver through you. His meaty paw wraps around his cock and he strokes it, meeting Curtis' gaze over your shoulder for a moment before tapping it on your spit-slick bottom lip.
"Open up. Let me see those pretty lips around my cock again."
You hesitate for just a moment, already feeling sore from taking him the first time.
Curtis lands a quick, hard smack to your ass.
"He said 'open'. Be good. Don't make me hold you down again."
You don't know if you sob or moan but you do listen and take Thor's cock into your mouth once again.
Curtis begins to move then, gripping your hips tight as he slams into you hard over and over. Taking his time opening you up until you're pushing back against him.
Thor's eyes are heavy and lidded as he watches you bounce in Curtis' cock. He reaches for your breasts, your nipples hanging taut and begging to be pinched and squeezed by his thick fingers.
You moan around his cock, the stimulation on both sides is building in your core and Curtis can feel it, can see how creamy your pussy is around his cock as his thrusts quicken.
"So fucking tight. Fucking pussy's like a vice. You gonna come for me? Does she deserve to come?"
Curtis' question to Thor makes your eyes snap open, begging and pleading with your mouth full of his cock to let you come.
"What do you say, pet, should I let you come?"
You're sobbing around his cock, rocking violently in time with Curtis' hips digging into you, slapping against your ass at a brutal pace now.
Thor wipes the tears from your eyes with one hand and pulls his cock from your mouth, using his wet hand to fist his cock.
"Beg, pet. Beg nicely and you'll get my cream as well."
"Please, please let me come. I'll be good. Promise. Want your come, Thor, please."
"Go ahead, pet. Let me see it."
Curtis reaches around and holds your face up by your throat as you fall apart.
Your eyes never leave Thor's as you cry and scream and shake, your juices spurting around Curtis' pounding cock.
Thor's fist flies over his cock until his legs are shaking, his balls tightening and he's growling out, "Open up, pet. Be good and catch all of it."
You come again as Thor paints your face, globs of it catching on your cheeks and nose and mouth. Once he's finished, Thor wipes what remains off your face and onto your tongue. You greedily suck at his digits, moaning on his fingers as your legs shake.
"You look so pretty, pet, covered in my spunk."
"She looks better full of it."
Curtis smacks your ass again and spreads you open, stopping only for a moment to drop a wad of spit on your hole. His hand that was around your throat rubs down your back until he's *there* pressing against your tight bud with his thumb.
You shout as he pushes it in, fucking you with it slowly as he continues to pound into your pussy, his hips grinding, searching for that spot that makes your eyes roll back. Thor leans forward and captures your lips in a powerful kiss. You groan into his mouth as he nudges in with his tongue, searching, tasting.
When Curtis gets the angle just right you shout, coming hard and fast, gripping his cock in a chokehold.
With a shout Curtis is right there with you dumping his hot load into your cunt.
"Fucking shit."
Thor gets up from the couch, leaving you to watch Curtis' jizz leak from your puffy cunt as he pulls out.
"Beautiful, pet, just beautiful."
You fall forward on the couch, not caring that your bare ass is still up in the air.
"Stop staring, you two chucklefucks. Can someone get a towel."
Thor is already on it, producing one from behind the bar and wiping you down with it. When he's done Thor plops himself down on the couch next to your limp body.
"That wasn't too bad, was it, sweetheart?"
You stand on shaky legs and stick your tongue out at Thor as you right your dress.
"This," you gesture to the anaconda hiding in Thor's pants, "was a one time thing."
Curtis is at the bar again having tidied and tucked himself away by now. He pours himself a drink and hands you an envelope.
"Your bonus."
"Oh fuck you were serious."
You snatch it out of his hands and check the contents. Content with your findings you stuff it into your purse and slip your shoes on.
You eye Curtis and Thor one last time as you enter the elevator.
"See you at work, boss. You too, slut."
Thor's raucous laughter is the last thing you hear as the elevator doors close.
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 3 years
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Once again I have read a hell of a lot this month and I'm blaming that on you lot being far too talented that I can't help myself!
Make sure you check out all these fabs stories and give them some love! ✨🥰
The tags last time were a bit iffy so I've organised this one by author instead!
* = series or multi-part fic
✨ @sagechanoafterdark
Hold me closer (Bucky x reader)
✨ @firefly-in-darkness
Life on hold (Bucky Barnes x reader)
Out of love (Sam Wilson x Reader)
✨ @jobean12-blog
After the show (Bucky x reader (Rockstar!Bucky AU)
Tag! You’re it (Bucky x reader)
Attached (Bucky x reader)
The view at the zoo (Bucky x reader)
All shook up (Bucky x Reader)
✨ @navybrat817
Best man (Soft!Dark Bucky Barnes x Female Reader)
Silver and grey (Bucky Barnes x Female Reader x Winter Soldier)
Hands to myself (Chris Beck x Female Reader)
*Visible mark (Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, Steve Rogers x Female Reader, Bucky Barnes x Female Reader x Steve Rogers)
Don’t make a sound (Steve Rogers x female reader)
✨ @tuiccim
*The coupon book (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
*The Geneva convention bed and breakfast (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader x Frank Castle x Billy Russo)
✨ @lex-the-flex
*War of hearts (Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x reader)
White noise (Bucky Barnes x reader)
Milk and honey (Ikaris the Eternal x reader)
✨ @kalesrebellion
*Whispers of the past (Bucky Barnes x reader)
✨ @angrythingstarlight
Pierced through and through (TFAWS Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Cool you down, heat you up (Fireman!Bucky x Reader)
*Just one taste (Beefy Bucky x reader)
As long as I can breathe (Beefy!Bucky x Reader)
Trust me, honey (Mafia lawyer Andy x Reader)
✨ @honeysucklesteve
Stranded (dadsbestfriend!bucky x reader)
Sweet & salty (fuckboy!biker!bucky x reader)
Fade out (dark!serialkiller!bucky barnes x reader)
Golden boy (roommate!steve x reader)
When world’s collide (roommate!bucky x reader x mickey Henry)
Menage a trois (fuckboy!bucky x reader x professor!Steve)
Innocence (priest!bucky x reader)
✨ @world-of-aus
*Stark Hub - The captain, the soldier and their good girl (Pornstar!Bucky x Pornstar!Reader)
✨ @babyboibucky
*The match (CEO!Bucky x Reader)
✨ @barnessupremacy
107 (Soft Bucky x female reader)
✨ @buckycuddlebuddy
Pour some sugar on me (rockstar!bucky barnes x virgin!reader)
*Trilogy (fuckboy!bucky barnes x reader)
✨ @sweeterthanthis
*Something old, something new (Stepdad!Bucky x 18+!Female Reader)
Bad habits (Lee Bodecker x F!Reader)
Rendezvous (Stepdad!Bucky x 18+F!Reader)
✨ @wkemeup
*Play pretend (bucky x reader)
✨ @river-soul
The wedding date (Bucky x reader)
Peaches and cream (Bucky x Reader)
A tender heart (Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader)
✨ @blackvelvetbarnes
Blackbird’s lullaby (Bucky Barnes x reader)
✨ @holacia2
My voice (Bucky Barnes x reader)
*Friends (Ransom Drysdale x reader)
✨ @bemine-bucky
Already gone (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
✨ @vampy-doll
*Bride of Soldat (Bucky Barnes x reader)
✨ @msmarvelwrites
Eat it up (Bucky x Reader)
✨ @syntheticavenger
*Time to run (Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Female Reader)
Good girl (Trucker! Steve Rogers x Female Reader)
Some assembly acquired (Steve Rogers x reader)
*Moment’s silence (Dark! Andy Barber x Female Reader & Frank Adler x Female Reader)
Birthday girl (Andy Barber x Female Reader)
✨ @sweetlyscared
Seed (Dark!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader)
Underwater (Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader)
You found me (Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader)
✨ @belladonnabarnes
Puttin roots in my dreamland (Steve Rogers x reader)
✨ @jurassicbarnes
Recording (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Yes, Mrs Barber (Andy Barber x Reader)
✨ @americasass81
Did you think I wouldn’t find you (Steve Rogers x reader)
✨ @marvelmaree
Indifference (Gray!Sam Wilson x Black Reader)
Late nights (Gray!Sam Wilson x Black Reader x Gray!Bucky Barnes)
✨ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
*Life after snowpiercer (Curtis Everett x You)
*Owned sinfully sweet (Mob!Steve x You x Mob!Bucky)
✨ @autumnrose40
A little gift (Curtis Everett/Female Reader)
✨ @diorcevans
One night stand (andy barber x fem!reader)
✨ @infernal-fire
Love, at first sight (Ransom x you)
✨ @stargazingfangirl18
Caught (Ransom Drysdale x Reader)
Duress (Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader; Andy Barber x Fem!Reader)
✨ @wanderinglunarnights
For real (Ari Levinson x you/female reader)
✨ @fineanddandy
Let’s be roomies / Baby girl (Ari Levinson x black!reader)
✨ @chrissquares
Together (Steve Rogers x f!Reader x Bucky Barnes)
✨ @the-iceni-bitch
Accidents happen (Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader)
✨ @drabblewithfrannybarnes
Habeas copulateus (Andy Barber x wife!(female)reader)
✨ @lokiscollar
All silver & gold (Sugar Daddy!Bucky x Reader)
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
Close My Eyes (5)
I close my eyes and I make believe  You’re the one that’s holding me
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Gif cred. @sdmngifs​
Pairing: WillNE x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k+
Pronouns: She/Her
A/N: Final chapter.
Y/n stared at herself in the mirror. This was finally happening, she was going to get her happy ending. Y/n stared at herself in the mirror, she wore a white gown, her hair and makeup were done. She was going to be Mrs. Lenney later tonight. It had been a couple of years since Will and Y/n got together. They were now in their later 20's. When planning out their wedding, Will had been so kind. Y/n had as much control as she wanted over the wedding. She decided to get married at the Temperate House and Nash Conservatory in Kew Gardens, so that's where they were. "Y/n, someone wants to speak to you!" The h/c bride pulled herself out of her thoughts, turning to see her maid of honor. Gaby was dressed in her bridesmaid gown while she held her phone out to Y/n/ Glancing at the caller ID, Y/n noticed the name 'Will'. She took the phone, muttering a small 'thank you' to her friend. "Hi, Will. Miss me already?" Y/n stepped away from the window, moving to look out the window. "Of course I do," Will could be heard on the call. "Y/n, I know how your engagement ended last time. I just want to make sure that you know you don't have to get married if you don't want to. I hope you don't think I'm trying to force you to marry me, I love you. If you wanna call the wedding because you don't wanna do it, I understand." "You're not getting cold feet on me, are you?" "For you? Never." "Will, do you plan to emotionally, verbally, and physically abuse me?" "Never. I could never hurt you, N/n." Y/n smiled to herself. She knew it was the right choice to carry on with the wedding. "Then I know I want to marry you, William Lenney. I love you. You've always made me feel safe, protected, and loved." "I love you too, Y/n." "I'll see you soon, my husband." Will felt butterflies in his stomach when Y/n said those last two words. He was going to be her husband. He was the happiest he could be. When it was finally time to walk to the pastor and Will, Y/n was excited. She was going to be married to the man she loved. The man she had known since forever. As Y/n stepped out to walk down the aisle, everyone's attention was turned to her. Will could feel himself getting teary-eyed at the sight of her.  She was gorgeous. This was actually happening. He was going to have a future with this woman. The wedding went smoothly. When the couple reached their vows, Y/n had to fight back sobs from how happy she was. Will kept himself from crying, but his eyes were still glossy. As soon as the pastor spoke those final words, "you may now kiss the bride," Will pulled Y/n in for the most passionate kiss he could give her. After the wedding, everyone had left, leaving the newlyweds alone to get a few photos together and to just have time to themselves before their reception. "This all feels so strange," Y/n held her husband's hand in hers as they walked through the garden. "But it's a good strange." "It feels amazing." Will couldn't even focus on the garden, he was much more interested in his wife. "It does. But it's still crazy to think we wouldn't be here if he wasn't an idiot." Will knew exactly who Y/n was speaking about. He was happy she didn't bother to mention his name on their wedding day. "No, I think we'd be here. I think if he never showed up in the first place, we would've been married sooner." Y/n's smile widened. "God, I love you, Will." "I love you, Y/n." After getting their photos taken, Y/n had left Will be to go and change out of her wedding dress into something lighter she'd be able to party in. "How does it feel to be, Mrs. Lenney?" Gaby had helped Y/n out of her wedding gown. "Gaby, I'm so happy. Everything feels right. This is what I wanted in life," Y/n smiled as she picked up a white dress she got when choosing out her wedding dress. "I'm so happy for you, Y/n. You're like a sister to me. You deserve happiness after what that cunt put you through last time." Y/n shuddered at the thought of Everett. "That's the second time he's been mentioned today. I don't think I wanna keep mentioning him, especially today." "Yeah, I'm sorry about that." Gaby let out a short sigh, "I'll put your wedding gown up." "Thank you, Gaby." "Anything for you, Y/n," Gaby smiled at her friend.
When everyone met back up at the reception, Will couldn't help but smile at his wife. "Somehow there isn't a moment when you aren't gorgeous." "I hope you'll still be saying that in 40 years when I'm old and gray," Y/n smiled at her husband, pulling him in for a kiss. "I'll tell you that every day to remind you how much I adore you," Will muttered quickly, leaning his forehead against Y/n's as soon as they ended their kiss. "I think it'd just be easier to remind me how much you love me every day." "I can do that too," Will grinned. After a bit of bantering and getting settled, everyone was seated at their assigned seats. Will decided to make a small speech to the crowd soon after it seemed everyone was ready for the reception to start. "Hello everyone, I'd like to thank you all for coming to celebrate Y/n and my wedding." Will stood up from his seat, an excited grin was spread on his face as he spoke, "I am beyond happy to now be able to call Y/n my wife. She means everything to me. I don't know where I'd be today if I hadn't met her. With every day that goes by, I'm happy to say she's so important to my life. Y/n, I love you. You don't know how lucky I am to have you as my wife." Y/n could feel her eyes water from Will's short speech. She had always felt so loved by him. She had muttered a small 'love you,' to him as she smiled at her husband. As the night continued on, everyone had been served dinner. One thing Y/n had noticed throughout the night was how Gaby and George seemed to be getting really close. Y/n had even pointed it out to her husband. "I think they'll end up hooking up by the end of the night," Will whispered into Y/n's ear during their fifth dance. "As much as Gaby is a hookup type of girl, I think she'll end up wanting to get in a relationship with George. She's been talking about settling down with someone. I think they'd make an amazing couple." Y/n replied, her head was buried in the crook of Will's neck as he held her close. "It'd be interesting to see them in a relationship. They're so different yet they also have a lot in common." "That's what I was thinking," Y/n pulled away from the crook of her husband's neck to look up at him. As soon as the dance had ended, Gaby had appeared on the dancefloor. "Hi Will, I'm gonna have to steal Mrs. Lenney for this next dance." Before Will could respond, Gaby had already pulled Y/n away, placing her hands on Y/n's waist as the next dance began. "You won't believe what just happened to me five minutes ago." "You're pregnant?" "Not yet, luckily. I don't think I'll ever be ready for kids," Gaby blew a hair out of her face. "George asked me out." Y/n grinned, "Will and I were just talking about how close you two were acting tonight." "When did you guys notice?" "We thought you two looked cute when you guys walked down the aisle together before me, we noticed at the reception." "Well I hope we'll be able to have a few more dates after the first, I've always thought George was attractive." Gaby glanced over Y/n's shoulders, making eye contact with the boy they were talked about that very moment. George stood by the tables, speaking to Will, he kept his eyes on Gaby. "How long have you been crushing on him?" "I'm guessing I realized it was a crush about four months ago." "Well, the newlyweds think you two would make a great couple." Y/n giggled, "Thank you for being my friend, Gaby." "Not to steal from your husband's speech or anything, but I don't know where I'd be without you, Y/n." "Remember when we were younger and we made a promise to each other that if we reached 35 and neither of us was married, we get married?" "I guess that's not gonna be happening now." Gaby grinned as she spoke. "Well, maybe you'll end up marrying George," the bride winked playfully at her bridesmaid. "Maybe I will." Gaby smiled at her friend, "But enough about my relationships. On to the next topic I wanted to speak to you about, who are you naming your first kid after, and do I get to be the godparent?" The night followed with Y/n and Will cutting their cake together and a bit more partying. Will had made a couple of jokes about shoving Alex's face into a slice of cake like he had done years ago on one of the first Eboys videos. (He didn't shove Alex's face into cake tonight, don't worry.) But Will also had one more wedding surprise to give to Y/n. While Y/n was able to sort everything she wanted about the wedding, Will had asked for permission to have one surprise for her. When the surprise was ready, Will had asked for everyone to come outside. On their way out, Y/n had tried to figure out what the surprise was. A new car? A celebrity was here? What did will do? For a moment, nothing happened once everyone was outside. But everyone's attention had been pulled to the sky when a firework had been set off. Y/n's face lit up brighter than the fireworks that had started to go off. "I can't believe you did this for me," she smiled, turning to face his husband. "Of course, I did. I know you love fireworks." Will smiled down at his wife, "I love you Y/n Lenney." "I love you, Will Lenney." Y/n felt her lips connect with Will's for another sweet kiss. When the kiss had ended, Y/n had noticed something else. People were holding sparklers now. "I don't know how you've sorted this all out. I'd say I'd marry you for doing this, but I already have." Both of them knew that very moment, there wasn't any chance they wouldn't end what they had. This is all either of them wanted. Y/n wanted Will. Will wanted Y/n. They both had each other. They had their happy endings.
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