#Pray for the Victims
lady-perpetua · 10 months
Samaritan's Purse has helped countless families in times of natural disasters: floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, flash fires, and tornados. Just to name a few. They've also helped out internationally with many natural disasters such as the Earthquake that devastated Turkey and the flood in Ukraine.
With the devastating fires in Maui, these people need as much help as they can get. Help Samaritan's Purse help those in need in these trying times by donating to their U.S. Disaster Relief fund.
Most importantly pray for the families that've lost loved ones, pets, and items that're most dear to them in the fires. They need comfort in these trying times.
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windblume-wishes · 1 year
❦ 𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤, 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣𝕤 ❦
TW: Mentions of p*do, gr00ming, bullying, h0mophobia, and much more.
I recently found out about the situation involving Elliot Gindi, the English voice for Tighnari in Genshin Impact. My heart goes out to all the victims and others that were affected in their own way. What happened is disheartening and appalling. The actor has been caught doing terrible things to people, many of them minors and for that he should face the consequences of his disgusting actions.
People have already gone above and beyond by coming forward and speaking up about Elliot’s behaviour and for that I applaud you for your bravery. I also applaud the many who have gone and created petitions and emailed HoYo in light of what happened.
My thoughts on Elliot’s “apology”? Simple… it is clear that he is only apologizing BECAUSE he was caught. If one looks clearly at the pile of evidence then one would see that his apology was that of a man who is not truly sorry.
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“Because as evil as it is, a victim has as much to lose as me”
The victim, the bloody victim has just as much to lose as him? I’m sorry, mate, what?! As a victim of SA myself I felt bloody sick, I wanted to v*mit on spot. The victims are not the ones at fault, he is, he is the one slipping into DMs and asking for things I dare not repeat.
The evidence stacked up against him as well as statements from another VA who was bullied by Gindi for being a NPC Voice- being “insignificant” and “not a glamorous position”. Belittling them and just being plain disrespectful.
In the end all we can do is hope and pray that HoYo follows through and recasts Tighnari with a voice actor that is better than Gindi. Fans deserve better, the victims deserve better, we ALL deserve better. Please, HoYo, hear our pleas and follow through with recasting!
“But what are they going to do? Lock me up? I DARE them-”
Mate, I believe you jinxed yourself far in advance with that one line you voiced… You do not need to hate the character, only the voice actor who did wrong. The character is not the VA just as the VA is not the character.
- Windblume
Best wishes to all of you out there who have come forward and spoke your truth, you all are incredibly brave and have done no wrong. Do not let people tell you otherwise and invalidate your pain and suffering. *sends hugs*
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showtoonzfan · 23 days
Heard Viv wants Hazbin to have 6 seasons and pictures it never ending. Lol good luck with that.
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Asian Americans 🤝 Jewish Americans
"Solidarity" from folks not of your demographic... until it's no longer convenient.
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proudzionist · 1 month
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hayabs · 8 months
It is your voice that is likely to reach people who have not considered what Palestinian occupation really means.
And realistically, it is your solidarity that can help shift public opinion in the west.
Please watch Born in Gaza on netflix or motaz_azaiza on instagram 🙏🏼
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
Interesting how the Trident incident is the only moment where people question Joffrey's capacity for cruelty. He is almost universally considered one of the worst asoiaf characters, with no redeemable qualities. No one ever attempts to justify his actions when he abuses Sansa, orders Ned's executions, or any of his other many acts of violence. It's only this moment, a moment meant to introduce us to his cruel nature, that people seem to believe him to be a rational character with limits. It's honestly laughable. It's evident that the people who think like this are just biased against Arya; the majority of these arguments are centered not around Joffrey's violence, but Arya's actions to defend Mycah. People seem to truly believe that the better option would have been to let Joffrey "have his fun" and torment Mycah.
Debating how badly Joffrey would've hurt Mycah misses the entire point of the moment. Joffrey attacks Mycah because he's lowborn, he finds amusement in tormenting others, and he knows he can get away with it. He was quick to pull his sword and draw blood and, from what we know of his character, he undoubtedly would've taken it further. Arya stands up to him because she thinks that Mycah is worth defending which is significant considering she is the only one to do so. She is also the only character who mourns him and is affected by his senseless death, even books later (Ned is affected by his death but I wouldn't say he mourns him, although it is a moment that influences his feelings towards the Lannisters and Robert). Even if, which is a very big if, Joffery hadn't intended to go any further he had already crossed a line by attacking Mycah. The only alternative would be that Arya simply sits by and watches Joffrey further injure Mycah...and that's somehow the "better" option?
The people coming to the conclusion that Arya was the one who escalated the situation (and that it's somehow not Joffrey pulling his sword on an innocent boy) are coming from the perspective of the classist society that they live in. Joffrey attacking a lowborn boy wasn't an issue worth action, but harming a prince is "wrong". Mycah being attacked, and later murdered, is seen as inconsequential to the other characters (and readers) because he is lowborn. That's the thing though. You aren't supposed to look at this situation where a young boy is murdered for no reason and think that the only one who defended should've behaved differently. This moment is a criticism of the classist society these characters live in. It is significant that Arya is markedly less classist than a majority of other characters and cares when no one else does.
Further, if Arya were truly in the wrong for her actions then Joffrey wouldn't have needed to lie about what happened. From the very existence of the "trial" and Arya being given the chance to tell her version of events, we know that there wouldn't be any punishment if the truth of the situation had been told from the very beginning. The only reason there was an issue is because Joffrey decided to attack Mycah, and then later lie about what happened. Arya is not responsible for Joffrey's cruelty, Cersei's enabling, or Robert's subsequent apathy. The fact that people can't seem to comprehend this is maddening. I've never seen people have the same attitude towards Sansa for speaking up for Dontos, even though it incurred Joffrey's wrath and would've escalated had Sandor not spoken up. Why are Sansa's actions brave and kind, but Arya's are seen as stupid and reckless? What happened to not blaming young characters for the actions of others?
This is one of those things where the fandom decides for themselves that they know the story being told, without actually looking at how it's written. They would rather debate on (baseless) hypotheticals than look at why George presented the story to us the way he did. It takes an insane amount of misinterpretation to decide that Arya's actions are the reason for Mycah's death and misses a, rather large, point being made by the author. Notably, none of these people can ever provide evidence from the book to support their insistence that Joffrey would've simply left Mycah alone. You would think that since that's the basis of their argument and they're so adamant that their analysis is correct, they would be able to support their reasoning. It's almost as though the books don't support their interpretations...
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 4 months
What I want is a water birth with midwives in a hospital and it’s stupid that individualized birth plans like this aren’t an option everywhere
Hospitals care about bottom line and control, not what’s actually best for moms and babies
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trexalicious · 1 month
Rachel supposedly told to back off about the bullying report🤔Interesting...
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saintslewis · 4 months
Christian Horner, oh my goodness what did you do?
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minthara · 3 months
date with a dude who looks like alligatoah and has a dune cosplay in his hinge profile today. if hes not the one then idk besties
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strawberrystepmom · 6 months
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imlittlebitdie · 8 months
Fellow Jews - try to take care of yourselves right now, exercise a lot of caution and use the block feature heavily. I personally deleted both insta and Twitter from my phone.
No amount of doomscrolling will amount to anything but destroying your mental health.
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wildflowercryptid · 5 months
something that's been weighing on my mind ever since learning about the situation with ezra / toonimal is seeing how these predators will take the active hostility that is frequently directed towards minors in online spaces to their advantage and use it to prey on vulnerable children. i think that we as adults in online fandom should probably come together and maybe rethink the language / manner we go about interacting with kids bc clearly the way things are rn is causing active harm.
like obviously, if you're an adult and aren't comfortable with minors interacting with you or your content, you should be allowed to set that boundary and should be vocal about it, ( especially if the content you create isn't safe for them to consume. ) but i don't think talking to them like they're a blight on all that is good and holy is the way to go about it. maybe just saying you're an 18 plus account will suffice, you don't have to tell them to fuck off.
#i'm opening myself up for ppl to leave the stupidest takes on this post but whatever i need to get this off my mind#before anyone says anything about the kids on that website. they're grooming victims. they're literally kids being taken advantage of#show them some fucking kindness and be understanding that they're the victims in this situation#idk what it is about becoming an adult that causes so many ppl to lose their empathy towards minors it's weird#like yeah kids can be annoying and pushy on online spaces sometimes but a lot of them are old enough to know online etiquette lbr#alot of us were annoying kids on the internet at some point we should understand that you don't just. get a handbook for how to act online#that's shit you learn overtime but ppl seem to forget that#they also seem to forget that talking down to kids isn't gonna teach them shit they're not gonna listen to you if you treat them like idiots#what i'm trying to say is that we really need to talk to minors more respectfully and maybe give them a little grace#( obviously there will be situations where some of them need to be yanked up by the collar but there's ways to go about that >>>#without treating them like shit )#these kids need to know that there's spaces for them to be online safely without having to stumble into places that'll pray on them#we all know how much it sucked to be a kid online we should want better for the ones coming in after us ya know#sorry if this comes across as preachy it just breaks my heart and boils me blood to see kids being taken advantage of like this#especially when there's ways to prevent it idk#how do i even tag this....#mj.txt#there's trigger warning on the linked post btw#tw csa mention
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eternal-echoes · 7 months
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This is such a great way to separate the art from the artist. I hate the fact that he only got a slap on the wrist and it still really disgust me thinking about how he could have done that. And from the looks of it it seems that the Japanese police will never give him the just punishment he deserves. But his actions do not negate the truth of the beautiful message in Rurouni Kenshin: peace, atonement, and redemption.
On another note, I think the English dub cast of Rurouni Kenshin 2023 are really amazing. While I read the Hokkaido arc in Richard Hayworth's voice (Kenshin I mean), I believe Howard Wang and the rest give a fresh take on the series. And it's easier to absorb the action scenes without reading the complex sword styles in the subtitles.
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proudzionist · 2 months
Source : stateofIsrael on Instagram 🇮🇱
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