#Pre-owned Luxury Goods Market
cloudshuffle · 1 year
18+, mdni - pre-Wanderer Scaramouche, dubcon
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Scaramouche is obsessed with what it means to be human.
Which, rather, goes without saying. You know this better than anyone - his preoccupation with the gnosis, his complex with being made, not born - all this and more being variables to sway his mood this way and that, and by extension, your quality of living.
Recently, he seems interested in something more specific.
At first you thought it a fluke, a misjudgement on your part of his expressions. Scaramouche, staring at a happy family with something less than murderous intent in his gaze? Surely you must be mistaken.
Until you both get home from your trip to the market, and he has you pinned to the bed, relentlessly, possessively, and showing no signs of stopping.
Your vision blurs as he closes his teeth on the skin behind your ear, purring, biting down hard as he pushes his hips into you. The feeling that raises goosebumps on your arms treads the line between pleasure and pain, and you utter a strangled cry that has Scaramouche smiling into your skin.
"Feels good?" he murmurs breathlessly, kissing what you know is going to be a vicious mark when he's done with you. You whimper out a protest, breaking off into a gasp when he presses his thumb into somewhere sensitive between your legs. His finger comes away sticky. You can hear it - feel it - making the most obscene sounds every time he moves, that heavy warmth buried deep into you, so deep you think you might be feeling it throughout your whole torso.
He shifts his weight more comfortably, and his length nudges into someplace inside you he hasn't yet battered, drawing a quiet moan from you.
"Oh? Not done yet?" Scaramouche's eyes flash in the dimness, and you feel his grin rather than see it as he rolls his hips, torturously slow. You're too full, it's too much; your mouth moves, but you feel so heavy, so slow. A little sound escapes you. Your eyes flutter shut.
"Nobody told me humans were this eager to have children. Greedy little bitch."
His lips taste like you as he leans in and gives you a lush, salty kiss, the promise of many hours, and many, many more attempts at this experiment to come. Yes - surely, an artificial form of life wouldn't be denied the luxury of creating its own life, would it?
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pep-the-artemis · 1 year
I have sat in some really nice cars and some really dingy trains but I've never once sat in a train and thought 'I wish I was in a car right now'
I'm serious, if trains were invented today by Elon Musk they would be described as the greatest invention of all time.
Trains are amazing on so many accounts,
Safer - its amazing how vehicles traveling along pre-ordained paths controlled by experienced workers is safe.
quieter - Outside of trains they're so infrequent that most of the time it's quiet. Inside of trains its jus quieter physically and also is a more consistent, its like white noise so I find it almost pleasant.
faster - trains go vroom vroom
efficient - both in fuel consumption and movement of people/goods.
smaller footprint - a train track is about 1.5m wide while. a single lane road is about 3.5m (ignoring pavements) and due to their higher efficiency you don't need as many multiple lanes. Also for every car sold its estimated 3 car parking spots are built which take up so much space.
luxurious - this is an opinion but i think its a strong one; in trains you're able to stand up do to it being safer and no need of seatbelts; you don't have to do anything except get on and off (in cars you have to do a thing called drive); trains travel at constant speeds so the journey is less jerky; access to small or sometimes large tables; more legroom; etc...
night trains - some trains which run overnight have beds which aren't the best but lying flat is luxuries when trying to sleep.
cheaper - cost of fuel, workers, maintenance is spread across all users and so is cheaper than cars which you have to pay for all of the above.
You may be thinking, trains are pretty cool but you can't just build train tracks through the middle of cities like roads; well let me introduce you to a marvellous invention, baby trains (trams). they are the inner city version of trains and full of there own advantages.
disability friendly - due to the tracks being imbedded into the ground they pose little tripping risk especially for elderly and disabled. Also less cars is just safer overall.
human friendly - due to there slow speeds and preordained paths, they're very easy for people to avoid and so can coexist in areas with people. This is a stark contrast to cars which dominate and own any surface they touch.
retake the streets - without cars streets return to the people meaning; children can play outside again, existing outside is better, more space for stuff like public markets.
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thegalaxys-edge · 1 year
full hearts
The Bad Batch x GN!Reader (pre- established relationship, reader is referred to as Doc)
a/n: i started writing this 5 months ago and finally got around to finishing it. really i just want to give these boys forhead kisses and ramen, so this is that. ⋆˙⟡♡
sum: after a long mission, you decide to cook the Batch a good meal (pre o66)
warnings: none, just fluff :)
wc: 4k
-✰- reblogs are appreciated! -✰-
You sigh, depositing your small duffle at the entrance as the door slides shut; sagging your body back, you rest your head on the durasteel behind you, letting it cool your mind and the headache pounding at your temples. 
The apartment is fairly warm and midafternoon sunlight gleams through the small window, heating a well worn, second hand couch. It isn't much and it’s far from luxurious, but the small throw blankets and odd wall decorations made it feel like home.
You’d honestly meant to be back yesterday when you got in from a long series of missions as the field medic with Clone Force 99, but a quick, frantic call from a friend in the medical center had those plans changing rapidly. Instead of catching up on sleep (that you desperately needed), you ran to pick up two shifts, working from the late hour of night when you arrived until noon the next day, when a supervisor insisted you take some time off. And then you stayed another two hours. 
Removing yourself from your slumped position on the wall, you haphazardly drag your duffle and gear to one of the two bedrooms in the apartment and sling it onto a low-to-the-floor, but quite comfortable, bed.
The apartment was actually one you shared- as if anyone could afford to live on Coruscant alone, even in the mid-levels. Your other three roommates are a few field medics who you’d met in basic training, before you each got paired with your individual squads, and currently they are all off-world on separate assignments. In a way it’s disappointing to come home to a completely empty space, but right now you welcome the silence.
Your bed is calling your name after having no sleep in maker-knows how long, but the stronger part of your mind tells you that you need a shower and food desperately. 
You grab a set of clean civvies and head to the ‘fresher to scrub the dirt and dust and blood of the last mission from your skin. The soft smelling soap being luxury you dearly missed. 
By the time you feel sufficiently clean (plus several minutes to just enjoy the hot water) you towel off and get dressed, feeling slightly less exhausted and slightly more motivated to grab food. You know without looking that the pantry and chiller will both be near empty, a result of the constant circulation of late-shift workers not wanting to cook and the equal desire to not come back to the smell of spoiled food after a long mission. 
Slipping on socks and a pair of boots, you grab a bag and some credits to head to the nearby market. Ideas of pasta seem to float to the front of your mind as you lock the apartment behind you and walk out of the complex.
The sun is not fully set on Coruscant, leaving the lower area in a dim haze. The air is cooling down, but overall refreshing with a not completely pleasant, but familiar scent. It felt like home, or as close to home as you could have. 
You clutch your bag close under your arm and let yourself focus on the bustle of the city around you. It was very overwhelming when you first moved to Coruscant, with its nearly infinite cityscape and trillions of individuals with their own lives swirling around you, but now your feet move on autopilot with your understanding of the sectors layout, and instead you can enjoy the excitement constantly thrumming in the streets.
In a small gap in the crowd, you spot a familiar color scheme that has you pausing your sure-footed stride. Through the passing bodies, you could spot none other than your squadmates, picking their way past a large group of vendors. You’re almost hesitant to interrupt their time off and instead plan to slip back into the crowd, hopefully unnoticed, when you lock eyes with Hunter, who had been dutifully surveying their surroundings while his brothers were locked in discussion.
You awkwardly raise a hand in greeting and offer him a small smile, which he returns. Seeing the shift in Hunter’s focus quickly grabs the attention of the rest of the squad. Wrecker’s face lights up as he barrels his way through the crowd of pedestrians, who desperately dodge to clear a path for him, and wraps you in a tight hug.
Your hands scramble to find purchase on his shoulders as he lifts you well off the ground and you let yourself tuck your face into his neck to disguise your wide grin. By the time he releases you, you can feel a gentle heat rising in your cheeks, and you let a sly greeting slip out.
“Long time no see, eh?” You calculate it had been roughly 17 standard hours.
Crosshair is, surprisingly, the first to respond.
 “You look well,” he snarks in a tone that clearly teases the opposite. You scoff at his comment, but in all honesty, you probably are a sight to behold right now- haphazardly dressed, hair still damp from the shower, smiling like an idiot in the middle of a Coruscanti market. 
“Maker, thanks Cross-“ you start, unable to stop the laugh bubbling up at the sight of Echo swatting his arm.
“You’re a di’kut, Cross.” 
Said di’kut removed the toothpick that, til recently, resided at the corner of his mouth, and flicked in back at Echo, whose face scrunched into a, frankly adorable, frown.
“So,” Hunter started, clearly over the antics of his brothers, “what are you doing out? Thought you had plans to ‘sleep until our next mission.’” He quoted your last conversation back at you.
Well, that had been the plan. 
“Plans change.” You didn’t need to tell them you haven’t slept since the mission, “What are you doing out?”
“Looking for some good food!” Wrecker burst with a clap on your back.
“That time isn’t it? I'm out for the same thing. Where are you headed?”
“We are currently unsure, most Coruscant establishments are..” Tech hesitated, choosing his words, “Less than welcoming.”
You frown, tamping down the anger that quickly sparked in your chest. You are well acquainted with the prejudice that cropped up in all sectors of the city. Hells, there were more shops allowing droids than clones at this point, and both the GAR and the Senate seem disinclined to stop the blatant discrimination. But falling into a rant about that wasn’t productive right now. You had more than enough experience avoiding discriminatory stalls to know the best food joints that were open to all, and your primary mission shifted to getting these boys some good food. And then your mouth was moving faster than your brain could filter.
“Well I could probably point out a few stands or-“ you paused, catching your words in time. You could cook for them. That seemed too forward. Sure you all got along well, even Crosshair had shifted from outright mean to more lighthearted jeering in your conversations, but that doesn’t mean they’d want to spend their limited time off with you. That, and they’d be in your apartment, which somehow felt quite personal, despite the limited time you spent there. Anxiety twists in your stomach.
“Or?” Tech prompted, clearly not willing to let your sentence end prematurely. The Batch was looking at you expectantly, but there was something else. They looked… happy. Relaxed in a way that you never saw on missions. Maybe you were overthinking it, it would just be dinner, and you trust them to say no if they aren't interested. Besides, with how much work they have over endless missions, it might be nice to enjoy a warm meal.
You purse your lips and summon some courage.
“Well, if you’d like, you could come over to my place and I could cook something up.” You will yourself not to shy away from their gaze. 
“Really!?” Wrecker all but yells, voice overlapping with Hunters' attempt to reject your offer.
“We wouldn’t wanna trouble you, it’s not exactly easy to feed five troopers.”
“It wouldn't be any trouble, I wouldn't have offered if it would be. But if you aren’t interested, I understand, I don't want to impose or anything…”
Hunter studied you for a moment, hand absentmindedly scrubbing the back of his neck; he must have found what he was looking for because he turned to exchange glances with the rest of the squad, each of them giving a subtle nod, barring Wrecker who looked quite eager. He turned back to you, apparently satisfied.
“Well then, what’s for dinner, Doc?”
You grinned at him, letting the nerves shift into excitement.
“Well,” you considered for a moment, “I was thinking ramen would be great.” 
At Hunters’ agreement, Wrecker practically knocks Tech over to lift you up into his arms again. By the time your feet touch the ground, Echo has his lips pursed with concern.
“What is ramen?”
“It is a savory broth and noodle dish served in many stylized ways, often with various meats, proteins, and vegetables,” Tech states, adjusting the rims of his goggles before looking up from his data pad.
You nod in agreement, “I’ll need to pick up a few things, but there's an outdoor market just nearby.”
Falling into a pod-like formation, you lead the group a few streets over, all the while listening to Echo recount some of the worst foods he's suffered through during his time with the 501st, including an especially slimy seafood soup. He concluded that he was not particularly fond of dishes that look back at you.
Together you meander your way through several stores, picking out broth, noodles, a protein that Hunter seemed particularly interested in trying, and various vegetables, all of which Tech was keen on discussing. At some point you linked arms with Echo, who insisted on carrying the grocery bag. 
When all the supplies have been collected, you pick your way back to the apartment complex. It’s a short walk away and all the while you exchange easy conversation with the squad. On missions, you try to stay professional and keep your focus in the way you were taught during basic training, despite the Batch’s often successful attempts at breaking down your walls. However, without the tension of impending injury or death clouding your thoughts, you let yourself relax. 
You point out your building to the group, scanning your key card to get in. A sharp prick of nerves rocks your stomach as you make your way into the lift, dampening the lighthearted mood that had gathered during your time at the market. Logically, there was no reason to worry, after all, you’ve already sacrificed all privacy and personal space when you crowd on the Marauder for missions. That never made you nervous, in fact, you've even teased your squad, mostly Tech, about how you were claiming partial ownership over his pride and joy of a shuttle; but somehow this felt more personal, like you were letting them into a new part of your life. Which, in a way, you were.
Crosshair, having either impeccable timing or just catching onto your nerves, slides an arm to the railing on the opposite side of your body, placing him close behind you, and effectively shifting your mind from any worries you were having to the way he was nearly wrapped around your body. Then, without any warning, he jams his boney fingers into your side, causing you to yelp in surprise. Immediately turning around, you smack your hand into hard plastoid armour and glare up at him. He only shrugs back at you, a smirk playing on his face.
“You’re in your head mesh’la.” You pause for a split second. That nickname was new. 
“Yeah, well you must be out of yours. If you don't keep your hands to yourself, Cross, you won't be eating.” 
He raises his hands in mock surrender as his brothers jeer at him, but the glint in his eye told you he was going to be trouble.
You unlock your apartment, the door sliding open with a hiss, and step aside to let them in. 
“Feel free to make yourselves at home,” you smile and gesture to the open-concept living space and kitchen in a way that is hopefully not as awkward as it feels. 
Echo turns to you, “Mind if we ditch some armour?”
“Of course, go ahead.”
Warmth spreads through your face as they each remove the top half of their armour, Tech retaining his vambraces, and spread out around the room. You try not to let your eyes linger on how their tight fitting blacks cling to their impressively built frames, with limited success.
Quickly pushing that thought from your mind, you grab the controller to switch the holoscreen to the first thing you could find: some cheesy reality dating show. Wrecker sprawls on the couch and lolls his head back, Tech joining him at the opposite side. Crosshair perches on a barstool at the kitchen counter with a good vantage point of both the kitchen and the holo. You quickly shoo Echo away from where he was unpacking the groceries in the kitchen and he joins his brothers on the couch. Hunter saddles up beside you in the kitchen while the others settle in, resting his hand on your back. When you look up at him, you find him already watching you.
“Nice place you’ve got here,” a soft smile slants across his face. 
“‘S more of a mess when my roommates are around.” He nods in understanding, his roommates are a bit of a mess as well.
“Thanks for having us over, Doc.” The sincerity of his gaze sends sparks through your body and you can only hope that his senses don't pick up on the stuttering of your pulse.
“Don't thank me yet, you don't know if the food is any good. It shouldn't take too long, you can go sit down for a bit.”
 He’s probably been just as busy as you since getting back, between mission reports and making sure his brothers were all cared for. For a second it seems like he might protest and insist on helping, but then he gives your waist a quick squeeze and goes to sit in the mismatched chair near the couch.
With the Batch relatively settled, you begin to work on pulling out cookware and heating up the broth in a pot. You give the vegetables a rinse and pull out a knife and chopping board to start cutting, quickly abandoning the task when the broth heats to the correct temperature. With a plan to cook two packages of noodles at a time to maintain a good cooking temperature for the noodles, you start the first batch, before dropping a pad of butter into the pan for the vegetables. You turn to keep chopping, only to see Cross had taken over the task quite dutifully. It was very…domestic. A fuzzy feeling was creeping back through your body at the sight.
Rather than try to move the ridiculously stubborn man back to the couch and ruin a genuinely sweet moment, you just skirt behind him, dragging your hand gently across his shoulder blades and offering a  soft thanks as you gather some of what he's already cut to sauté. You grab a second pan for the meat.
The rest of the cooking is a quick blur of setting out bowls and alternating between cooking and dishing out batches of ramen, setting aside an extra batch for when Wrecker is inevitably still hungry. By the time the last bowl is full, the kitchen is a bit of a mess, but the meal in front of you is nothing short of mouthwatering.
You rap your knuckles twice on the counter closest to the living room, “Dinner!”
The Batch files in, Echo and Tech invested in an almost heated debate over the bachelors in the holo, with Echo vehemently protesting Tech’s pick to win as being shallow and Tech retorting about how his pick obviously had the highest probability of winning, regardless of his shortcomings.
Wrecker seemed to be nearly bursting with joy as he grabs a bowl and you hand him a set of chopsticks. His free arm slings around your shoulders and he drops a kiss to the top of your head, along with a gleeful ‘thank you.’
“There’s also forks on the counter if you’d prefer,” you gesture to where you'd set extra silverware, doubting that any of them had much experience with chopsticks.
The rest of them each follow suit, grabbing bowls and chopsticks and offering you thanks, to which you duck your head in quiet acceptance of their praise.
They all migrate back towards the couch with full bowls, sans Echo, who instead moves to the counter due to his inability to hold the bowl and wield utensils simultaneously. You opt to join him with a bowl of your own.
You scoop a large bite of noodles, almost groaning at the taste, stomach growling in appreciation. You'd nearly forgotten how long it's been since you ate. Both your escapade with the Batch in the market and cooking dinner had taken much longer than the quick dinner you had anticipated having alone. 
Glancing over at Echo, you see him grasping hopelessly at the chopsticks. He met your gaze with an almost guilty grin that told you he was about to make a stupid joke.
“Mind givin’ me a hand?” He raised his scomp-link for emphasis.
Maybe it was the tiredness truly setting in or maybe it was the joy of seeing the usually-tense ARC Trooper letting his guard down, but laughter swelled out of you at the idiocy of a pun you certainly should have seen coming. His smile widened, crinkling the corners of his eyes, which only made you smile to match him, before scooting your stool so you were shoulder-to-shoulder to give him a quick run-down.
Across the room, Tech seemed to have given a similar demonstration about chopstick technique, resulting in Wrecker grabbing one of the forks you had left out to expedite the process of food consumption.
The room was rather quiet, excepting the holoscreen, once everyone became fully invested in their meals. The sun had long since set, and everything was cast in the flashing from the light from the holoshow, as well as the standing lamps around the room, which your roommates all agreed was preferable to the abrasive fluorescent fixtures. Echo and Tech continued to comment on the dating show, with Crosshair chiming in every so often to comment on how ridiculous the whole thing was (though his concentration on the screen revealed he was rather invested). At one point you got up to refill Wreckers bowl and join the rest of the group on the couch with Echo in tow. You end up squeezed between Wrecker and Echo, with Tech on the other side of Wrecker and Cross tucked on the broad arm of the couch. Hunter looked as if he was melting into the armchair.
By the time the episode ended (on an overdramatized cliffhanger), you were almost asleep leaning on Wreckers arm. The bowls gently clink together as Hunter gathers them up to bring into the kitchen. With a yawn, you move to stand and start the dishes but Echo reaches in front of you to prevent you from getting up, meeting your bewildered look with a retort about how you invited them over and cooked and how dishes were ‘the least they could do’. You stammered in response, which Crosshair snorted at, cracking his eyes open and shifting his head from where it was leaned against the wall. He looked exhausted. They all did. 
“At least let me dry!” You raise your voice so Hunter could hear you over the running water, “you don't even know where things go!”
“I believe I could assist with that.” Tech stands, trying and failing to hide his smirk at your losing battle of hospitality.
Meanwhile, Echo enlists Wrecker to keep you from getting up, leaving you with your torso fully wrapped in Wrecker’s arms and your legs draped across Echo’s lap. With no chance of escaping, you resign yourself to lay back into their arms and listen to the sound of Hunter and Tech cleaning up the dishes and the dull chatter of the following episode of the dating show.
When you open your eyes again some time later, Hunter seems rather panicked. His chestplate has been haphazardly reattached and a strong grimace paints his features. 
“Sorry Doc, didn’t realize it was so late,” he shook Crosshair awake, “We’ll be out of your hair and let you get some rest.”
Wrecker and Echo shift to get up, untangling themselves from you. Crosshair waking bearily on the armrest. You stand up too, catching a glance at the chrono displaying half an hour to midnight.
“Are you headed all the way back to the barracks?” You question, almost rhetorically. It seemed ridiculous to trek back across the city this late. You never know what precious limited time there is to sleep before you all ship out for the next mission, but you're certain that the Batch shouldn't have to spend sleeping hours commuting back to uncomfortable bunks. 
“You could just crash here for the night.” Hunter paused from where he was collecting and passing out armour plates.
After an uncomfortable amount of silence, you gesture vaguely to the couch. “It’s a pullout.” The group pauses from the beginnings of reattaching armour plates. “I can grab some spare sheets and blankets, if you don't mind sharing a bed.” A yawn stretches through you, prompting a few more from the group. 
You must have underestimated exactly how tired Hunter is, as instead of politely declining and herding his brothers out like you anticipated, he doesn't even try to argue, nodding slowly in agreement before moving back toward the living room.
Dragging yourself into action, you stretch your limbs high above your head before setting Hunter and Crosshair to figure out the couch while you go in search of extra sheets in the linen closet. You return, handing them off to Tech and Echo before gathering some throw blankets to add to the bedding. 
While your team sets up, you return to your room to change into sweatpants and a sleep shirt. You quickly brush your teeth in the connecting bathroom, then gather what pillows you have on your bed to bring out to the living room.
When you return, the men are all stripped of their remaining armour and left in blacks. The bed is fully made and looks quite cozy, though it will certainly be a tight squeeze. Wrecker crawls in first, settling in the center of the bed with a heavy sigh. Tech follows, leaning in to press a tired kiss on your forehead before crawling to the far side. Echo settles in between Tech and Wrecker, while Cross moves to Wrecker’s other side. Their movements are practiced, as if they had done this a hundred times before. It was quite likely that they had, with time in the field and on Kamino providing little other comfort.
Hunter flips off the lights before slipping an arm around your waist and leaning to speak softly in your ear, his voice gruff.
“Joining us, mesh’la?” You realize that you've just been standing by the side of the bed, watching them all settle in. You had planned to return to your own bed, but leaning into his chest, you feel yourself quickly losing the battle against sleep. And you gave up all your pillows.
“Mmph.” A low laugh rumbles around you and Hunter nudges you toward the couch, tucking you in next to Crosshair, who was quick to pull your back to his chest and tangle up your legs, before pulling himself in behind you. You adjust the blankets in an effort to keep Hunter tucked in with you, knowing full well he would sacrifice his own comfort otherwise. With nearly no space between you, Hunter lets his eyes fall shut and rests his forehead on your own.
“G’night, Doc.” You don't know if you respond out loud, as you lose all grip on the waking world. After months of harsh missions and endless carnage, you were cuddled up, safe, content, and finally asleep.
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experi-sketches · 1 year
Beyond the Endless Day
Part Two
So! A while back I'd mentioned an urge to A) write something that was shamelessly smutty and B) work on a project without becoming obsessive about it. So here's my attempt at that!
Beyond the Endless Day will be a whumpy slave-fic in a modern setting. AIBT is still my primary project, so updates to this story will come as they will. I have no rigid update schedule planned for this story at this time. Chapters will appear as I write them!
This story will be NSFW and will contain explicit dubcon/noncon, so be warned! TWs will be listed for each chapter as they're posted.
If you'd like to be added to a tag list for this story, let me know!
Word Count: 2,838
TWs: drugging, slavery, mentions/discussion of sexual slavery, dubcon nudity
Part One
Derin was going to kill him. 
Not that it mattered, or that he cared. Not really. Derin had made his opinions perfectly clear, and Adam had consented to his wishes because—no matter how much it pained him to admit it, Maker curse him—he was deeply fond of Derin. But that didn't mean they saw eye to eye on every little thing, and they certainly didn't see eye to eye on this.   
The bell chimed and Adamire Sonn exited the elevator onto the Slave Complex's fourth floor, blinking rapidly as the doors parted to harsh, sterile light. The ambience on this floor was particularly antiseptic. There was no color, none of the deep blues of the second floor or violent crimsons of the third. The walls here were a perfectly clean, smooth, uniform white. He supposed that was intentional; the Complex relied heavily on marketing, after all. The white was likely intended to imply a sense of unspoiled purity, or perhaps of otherworldly beauty. To Adam, though, it smacked of a hospital. Still, the design was effective. There was no mistaking what inventory was sold on the fourth floor. White was the color of companion slaves.
The elevator bay opened to a pristine, high-ceilinged antechamber, and he shuffled past the crowd gathered before the open doors. It was surprising to see the companion wing so busy. Pet slaves were not a luxury many could afford, which was why the white floor was sequestered all the way up on the Complex's fourth level. 
The sounds of foot traffic on granite floors echoed off the walls as Adam entered the lobby. A great golden chandelier hung from the ceiling, and there was a long reception desk along the far wall, staffed by grey-clad Complex employees. Adam bypassed the desk. He didn't need reception; he wasn't here to collect a pre-order or place an item on layaway. He was here to browse. Four grand archways dominated the lobby's walls, their fine mason work opening to vast wings beyond. Above each was set a brass sign which labeled the selections contained within. He spotted the one he was looking for and headed in that direction.
This wing was for the male pet-slaves. 
Beyond was a long corridor which broke off into many different showrooms, each with its own theme. The Complex catered to every possible taste. He passed a gallery filled with slender, youthful bodies, and another with rotund, powerful physiques. There were various rooms containing slaves of a particular age, height, ethnicity, or weight. He saw a showroom filled with young strapping men of athletic build, but spared only a glance at their drowsily slumped forms—quite nice, but not what he was on the hunt for. Adam knew his own tastes. Strength and virility were well and good, but they would not scratch the itch which had pestered him for months. They were not what he craved, nor would they sate what Derin had come to refer to as his darkness. An overdramatic expression, if Adam had ever heard one, but that was Derin's nature.
He found a suitable showroom. Inside was a long, dimly-lit hall. Small plastiglass cases lined the pristine white walls, each containing a relaxed body dressed in a standard, ashen white canvas tunic. The bodies here were slight and delicate, elegant despite their drugged haze. The faces were beautiful, but that was to be expected, of course. No one was in the market for an uncomely bed warmer. 
It was an overwhelming number of options. Years had passed since Adam had last been to the Complex, and he'd forgotten what a deluge it was—he hadn't had a need for any new household additions in a very long time. Recent events had changed that, and Adam was a man of flesh of blood, after all. His job kept him quite comfortable financially, but his station wasn't particularly well-suited for maintaining relationships in his day-to-day life. His work was complicated enough; he wanted something simple and straightforward when it came to the bedroom. 
The showroom was a gluttony of riches. Slender, olive-skinned limbs and supple wastelines filled his vision. Pretty faces with tussled dark curls blinked at him blearily. Each slave lay in an artful sprawl within their plastiglass case, dazed on the pacifying drugs fed to them by the Complex. It seemed to Adam, as he walked through the long showroom, that they were all very much the same—until he came across a case about halfway along.
The young man inside was not like the others. He skin was pale, and his hair—straight, just long enough to tangle a hand in for a nice, hard tug—was the color of butter. Adam was surprised to see such a creature on display at all. He was clearly of western blood, and the night-folk weren't particularly well-liked at the moment, given the political climate. Adam looked at the card hanging on the front of the case. It displayed an identification number of 3.57-28.6.1 and nothing more.
The boy's beauty was undeniable. He was stunning, even with red-rimmed eyes and drug-mottled cheeks. He took shallow breaths where he lay slumped inside the case, and for a moment Adam thought the boy seemed on the edge of sleep, but then those tired eyes began tracking him through the plastiglass, suddenly aware of Adam's presence. As Adam watched, the boy shifted clumsily, one knee drawing up to expose a long strip of pale, smooth inner thigh. Adam felt something shift within him, a thrum of interest warming his belly.
"Now this one here is quite the piece," someone said beside him, pulling Adam from his thoughts. "Exotic. You won't find many others like him."
Adam glanced at the speaker. It was one of the showroom's salesmen, a tall man dressed in the Complex's grey uniform. "I can see that. Western?"
"Oh yes. Corsayha. A very rare breed to find this far east." The man extended his hand, smiling. He had the prim, well-groomed appearance of all Complex employees, his short dark hair slicked back into gleaming waves. "Horvath. I'm this piece's handler."  
Not just a salesman, then. Adam shook his hand. "Adamire Sonn. He's Corsay, you said?" Adam looked back that the wispy frame behind the plastiglass. That explained the coloring. Corsayha was as far west as one could go, where the sun's light barely reached. The night-folk were notably pale, living their lives beneath unfading stars in cities built upon frozen tundras. A wretched way to live. "That is quite far. I hope he's received all his vaccinations."
Westerners had a famously weak constitution for the Aswein climate. The constant sun and proximity to the coast made Aswein a hot, humid country year-round. Illnesses which were minor nuisances for Adam and his countrymen tended to be dangerous for the night-folk.
"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Sonn. And I can assure you he's in perfect health. We're required to conduct regular physicals on all the merchandise. Let's see here…" Horvath removed a small palm tablet from his pocket and pulled up the boy's file, studying the screen as he scrolled. "Yes, here we go. Up to date on all his vaccinations, of course, and a clean bill of health as of his last exam, just two weeks ago. But why worry about all that? Just look at him." Horvath tucked the tablet away and reached for a small button on the side of the plastiglass case, turning up the lights inside. The young man reacted to the change, turning his face away, his movements slow and clumsy. "If you like your playthings young and pliable, you won't find any better than this. He's quite sweet. And it's not often you see a face like his, don't you think? A set of lips like that?" Horvath raised his eyebrows suggestively.
Adam studied the lips in question. Yes, he did think. But he wasn't going to say that to Horvath. "Price?" 
Horvath tsked, some of his good cheer falling away. "Thirty-seven thousand notes."
Adam looked to Horvath in shock. "What?"
"Don't get me started." Horvath eyed the pet grumpily. "It's a damned steal. I won't go down a cent, so don't even try."
Adam had never heard of a companion being less than forty-five thousand; they were a luxury item, and not casually purchased or sold. Thirty-seven thousand notes was absurd. "That's—no, that's quite affordable already."
"Understand, there's nothing wrong with him. He's an exquisite piece. It's just that no one wants the western look these days. All that business with those damned terrorists—a shame. A year ago this face would have earned me sixty thousand notes, no question. Then some extremists go and blow up a few ships, and suddenly I can't sell anything that looks like it might related to western blood for a song. Let alone this piece." 
Adam clamped his lips shut at Horvath's rather crude interpretation of the disaster at the Bay of Surwen. His office was still up to their chins in litigation over it. Hundreds dead, both military and civilian, and the media coverage of the resulting protests wasn't helping; the constant news reels strained a political climate that was already tense, thanks to Edrijar and Corsayha's recent trade sanctions against the eastern nations. It was all a mess. The stress of it was, in no small part, why Adam found himself here today. He needed a distraction, some source of relief.
Horvath changed the subject, though, turning sharp eyes and a small smile toward Adam. "Ah, but you, sir, look like a man with some taste. Trust me, whatever you like, this one can please you. A sweet temperament, affectionate, eager, well-behaved—and good at what he does. Came to us with a robust skill set to begin with, and of course he's been fully trained in all the Complex's standard proficiencies. I did much of his training myself. This one won't bite the hand that feeds. Unless you tell him too, of course." Horvath grinned. 
Adam didn't need to be sold to. He knew what he liked, and as he studied the lovely face and fine, smooth skin on display behind the plastiglass, he felt that lazy stirring of warmth again. The eyes were an interesting shade of green. Adam wondered what they might look like when the slave was alert, what sort of life might spark within them during any number of private and thrilling acts. "It's a shame you have to drug them."
"Yes. We're required to, of course, but I agree, quite a shame. Take my word for it, the pet is eager to please. If you're considering him, may I offer you a closer look? We have private booths." He gestured towards the back of the showroom, to a closed door.
Adam considered. "Yes, I should like that."
Horvath's grin widened. "Wonderful! I'll have him brought out for you. If you'll head through that door, you may wait in booth five. Feel free to help yourself to anything from the minibar. It's complimentary."  
"Mm." Adam shot one last look to the slight figure behind the plastiglass, then made for the door. 
"Just there will do, Palmon. Thank you." Horvath entered the booth—a small room with the same white walls as the rest of the floor, dimly lit—followed by another grey-clad Complex employee who Adam could only assume was Palmon. A strapping young fellow, Palmon carried the slave in his arms. Adam was sat cross-legged on the long, cushioned bench built into the wall across from the door. A wide padded bench stood free in the center of the room, onto which Palmon gently placed the half-conscious slave. The bench was large enough for the slave to lay down, and once Palmon took his hands away the small creature stayed as he'd been placed, disinclined to move. His eyes lazily swiveled about, squinting against the room's dim light. 
"Perfect. Wait outside. I'll call you when we're finished." 
Palmon gave a quick nod to each of them and left, closing the door.  
Horvath went to the small minibar in the corner, pulling a bottle of amber liquid and two glasses from one of the low shelves. "Can I offer you anything, Mr. Sonn?" He poured two fingers of whiskey into one of the glasses.
Adam wanted a clear head. "No thank you," he said.
Horvath gave a small shrug and took a sip from the glass, leaning a hip against the bar. "Well," he said gently, waving his hand at the slave. "Go on, then. Have a look."
Adam stared at the young man sprawled on the low bench. It had been a long time since he'd purchased a slave, and he'd never technically purchased a companion before. He wasn't sure of the etiquette. "I may touch?"
"Yes, yes, of course," Horvath said. "Do as you like. You can't damage him, of course, but otherwise—as you like." He raised an eyebrow pointedly, grinning. 
Adam considered what Horvath was implying. It didn't appeal to him much—what enjoyment was to be had in using a slave that couldn't feel, or react, or even obey a simple command?—but Adam had agreed to the booth because he wanted to see the slave. To ensure there was no damage to him, of course, but not simply that; the promise of all that fine, exotic skin was too intriguing to resist. "I'd like him undressed," he said. 
"Of course." Horvath set down his glass and saw to it, pulling the plain white tunic over the boy's head, maneuvering him, limbs going where Horvath moved them without resistance. 
Adam stood and went to the low bench, studying the pleasing spread beneath him. The boy was in good shape. His skin was unmarred, his waist trim, the skin stretched taught over his belly where it took quick, shallow breaths. The jutting points of his pelvis were notable but not ungainly—the boy was slight without looking sickly. There was a well-maintained dusting of hair from his navel to his sex, darker than the hair on his head but still quite blonde. His prick, soft against his thigh, was a dusky shade of pink, the skin delicate and smooth.
Adam looked to the boy's face and was surprised to find a pair of green eyes looking back at him. His cheeks were flushed from the drugs. Adam wondered if they would flush the same way while he was being fucked. Something stirred low in his gut. 
"Will you not touch him?" Horvath asked.
Adam shot Horvath a glance before reaching down to touch butter-colored hair. The strands were soft, not coarse like Adam's own dark hair. The slave's expression wavered and he clumsily tried to turn his head away, but Adam took his chin and turned it back, brushing a thumb over the full arch of his lips. Those lips parted, and Adam caught a glimpse of a wet, pink tongue.
He took his hand away. "Turn him over." 
Horvath made an amused sound, but stepped forward. He urged the pet to turn over and the boy obeyed, drug-clumsy though his was, shifting to lay belly-down on the padded bench. A soft noise escaped him as Horvath pressed his golden head down to the padded seat, small and wavering. The breathless sound made the hairs along the back of Adam's neck rise, made his fingers itch.
Horvath moved away again, and Adam inspected the slave's back. There were no scars but for the pet's identification number branded at the nape of his neck. His hips were narrow, his backside as smooth and pale as the rest of him. Adam had an inclination to run his thumb down the crease of him, to feel tender, hidden flesh, to sample the warmth of a pliant body. That familiar darkness stirred within him, pulled low in his gut once again; the urge to claim that pale flesh rose up with sharp need.
He'd never paid his covetous inclinations much thought before—well, before everything. Now he was excessively aware of them, and it annoyed him to no end.
He curled his hands into fists at his sides. 
"Would you like to try—"
"No. No need. I'll take him."
"Oh?" Horvath seemed surprised. "I—well, yes, of course, that's wonderful. I'll have his papers—I have them right here." He pulled the tablet from his pocket again. "I'll draw up a bill of sale immediately."
Adam studied the body beneath him a moment longer, flushed skin, blonde hair, the promise of a sweet, aching voice on those stuttering, drug-hazed breaths. All of it spread before him like an offering, ready to be his. Ready to belong to him.
He went and sat down. "I'll have that drink now," he said.
Tag list: @burntcoffeewhump
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monroeknoxwrites · 5 months
shopping trip for the luskren triplets, please! 👀💖
Early Sunday mornings were exclusively for the trade market. Three floors underground, with a projected morning sky on the ceiling overhead, all the residence of their district gathered to barter goods. No one really had money to spend except on food and essentials.
Everything else could be found here for the proper trade.
Vanith came bearing a blanket and her tools, setting up in her usual corner right on the stone floor. She'd fix things for people in exchange for any interesting gadgets or junk they found. And things for her sisters too.
The market wasn't packed in those first couple hours but she and Vanit still took turns accompanying Vanis on her never-ending search for books she hadn't read a hundred times. Maybe a pretty skirt too. A pretty skirt and a blouse if she couldn't find an interesting book.
On her own, Vanit browsed seemingly without interest or purpose. She didn't know what she wanted until she saw it. Sometimes it'd be a knife, a cooking pot, a pre-invasion era leather jacket. Once she returned to Vanith's repair patch the proud new owner of an unused yet worn makeup hexagon, the different sides opening to eye shadow, lip gloss, perfumed lotion, etc. It was the kind of luxury item no one in their district could afford. Vanit didn't ask how the previous owner found it. She never asked questions and that's why the shadier barterers liked her.
On this outing, Vanith looked up from replacing parts in a practically ancient flashlight, at her sisters return, Vanis's arm hooked around Vanit's and pressed in close, their cloth bag heavy with some prize.
"Three books," Vanis explained, her good mood evident in how she rested her head on Vanit's shoulder and invaded her personal space brazenly. "That old nosy bitch Ms. Drets let them go for gossip from our building."
"Don't know why she cares so much about other people's business," Vanit said.
"Auntie says she's old and living on gossip alone," Vanith said around the screws held between her lips.
Vanit let herself be pulled down to sit by Vanis, clicking her tongue. "She better keep her nose out of our business."
"No secrets in this family," Vanis said, lacing their fingers together. Her leg stretched out to brush Vanith's.
Vanit rolled her eyes but allowed her hand to be held hostage, grabbing a set of glass bottles one-handed out of the bag. They were different shades of light pink.
Vanith leaned in to examine them then remembered to be the disapproving older sister. "Alcohol?"
"I wish."
Vanit sloshed the bottles back and forth, little bubbles forming at the top. She and Vanis' expressions matched as realization dawned in their sister's wide eyes.
"Carbonation!? They banned that. It's banned. How–" Vanith cut herself off with a shake of her head. She dropped her voice to a hush. "Right, no questions. I can't believe you found carbonats! And one for each of us too."
Vanit placed them back in the bag. "I'm not a fan, take mine."
"But it's your find."
Vanis bumped her leg gently. "It's all for you, Van. The fizz is gross going down."
Vanith nearly swallowed the screws. She was bubbly like those pink drinks until Vanit said, "Pay us back by cleaning the bathroom this month."
"You're bribing me with drinks you traded for my repairs." Vanith pointed her screwdriver at Vanit and Vanis in turn, accusatory.
"Shut up, you love them." Vanit showed no remorse.
"You want us to trade them back?" Vanis was no better.
Vanith spat the screws in her lap. "Of course I do and no you won't. Twisty, you're both so twisty sometimes I can't stand it."
Vanis bumped her leg again. "Trapped in that 'responsible big sis' net you built all by yourself, Van. Don't blame us for exploiting it."
Remorseless, Vanit wandered off to find something else and Vanis began her book, head pillowed in Vanith's lap – making her repair work all the harder.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 2 months
Svente Kramer Timeline(s)
(information based on this helpful post, I don't agree with everything said here and I haven't seen Jigsaw so I can't count to anything regarding that, but I appreciate it's conciseness)
CWs: Mention of a miscarriage, mentions of suicide, mentions of torture, mentions of religion, mention of unhealthy relationship.
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Early February 1995 - John Kramer and Jill Tuck divorce due to the strain of Jill’s miscarriage and John’s cancer diagnosis (and subsequent suicide attempt) on their marriage.
Pre-John Kramer (General information) - Cadmus Reeves is a successful but bitter author who, despite “having everything,” treats the people around him as, at best, nuisances, and at worst, pests. It’s an open secret that Reeves is an asshole, but his books sell and that’s good enough for his publishers. Cadmus came from a place of humility but takes his current life of luxury for granted, and this entitled behaviour puts him on John’s hitlist.
August 2005 (3 months after Amanda survives the Reverse Beartrap, 2 months before Adam & Lawrence are trapped in the bathroom) - Cadmus Reeves is abducted by John Kramer and Mark Hoffman and placed in a trap in which he must save himself and another victim using his own blood to complete his latest novel. He is told this other victim is very similar to how he was as a younger man, scrabbling to launch himself into a career he’s very passionate about, and that if Cadmus wants to live, he must dig deep and find sympathy for this person. It is not explained to him what will happen when the time runs out. Cadmus not only manages to finish his novel within the allotted time (24 hours) but also survives the game. Cadmus claims to have had a religious experience during the game while he is in recovery.
December 2005 - After seeing how Cadmus has been reformed after his game, John comes into his life to, in a way, “recruit him to his cause.” Cadmus, in complete awe of John, agrees to become one of his apprentices.
April 2006 - Cadmus has now earned the pet name Svente and is dating John by this point. After spending more and more time with John, his aesthetic has fully swerved into the religious, along with his outright devotion to John’s “work.”
June 2006 - Svente changes his surname to Kramer and he and John consider each other husbands, even if they couldn’t get legally married at the time. They have a private ceremony with the other apprentices and Jill in attendance.
October 2006 - Svente interferes with John Denlon’s game, aware that Amanda has rigged it, saving both Amanda and John from their canon fates.
TIMELINE TWO (canon compliant)
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October 2006 - Svente is arrested after Jeff Denlon’s game and John and Amanda’s deaths. They commit suicide before they can be put on trial.
TIMELINE THREE (butcher's market au)
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Early November 2006 - Following the death of his partner, Svente begins to spiral downwards mentally but manages to stay off the authority’s radar.
January 2007 - Svente begins turning to Mark for comfort in their distress, who obliges only because he’s grown physically attracted to Svente over the years. The lines between their relationship quickly begin to blur.
March 2007 (prior to Bobby Dagen’s game) - Svente holds a “funeral” for John. Mark regularly visits Svente and John’s old home, and their relationship is becoming more obvious to Amanda, Lawrence, and Jill.
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stephensmithuk · 2 years
The Five Orange Pips
ACD likes a shipwreck, doesn't he?
I will leave discussions about the Ku Klux Klan to those with more knowledge on the subject.
A mendicant is someone who generally takes a vow of poverty and relies on charity to survive - such as a wandering preacher. In Christianity, this was often done in deliberate imitation of the Apostles, who were told to rely on others (and by extension God) for their needs. Mendicants having a luxurious club would be a tad hypocritical.
We have two barques referenced here. To repeat my comment from "The Gloria Scott": a bark - or barque - is a type of sailing ship with three or more masts - the first two masts have square sails, the one at the back had them aligned with the hull. They were fast ships that needed a relatively small crew.
The UK's position on the Gulf Stream may keep the place from getting very cold in winter, but it also leaves us open to big storms.
Pince-nez glasses were very popular in this time period.
The area around Horsham does indeed have pretty clay-ey soil that's good for growing crops.
Horsham is a market and commuter town 31 miles from London.
Cheating at cards was apparently the worst thing a gentleman could do. In Ian Fleming's novels, two of the villains are immediately clearly wrong-uns as they're rich guys who feel the need to cheat.
Being "sent to Coventry" is a British expression for being ostracised. Joseph appears to have sent himself to the West Midlands town.
Pondicherry, now called Puducherry, was in fact a French enclave on the south-eastern coast of India and was not in fact transferred to Indian control until 1954.
"London E." was one of the postal divisions of the city at the time - it remains as the E postcode area, split into 22 districts, including two specially for Natwest and News International. Yep, Murdoch has his own postcode.
PC Cook is rather off his normal beat. H Division covered Whitechapel and had, a few years prior to this story coming out, failed to catch Jack the Ripper.
The Embankment here refers to the Victoria Embankment, a road and pedestrian avenue built by the river as part of a land reclamation project earlier in the century. It had the side effect of permanently ending any hope of Frost Fairs - the river now flows too fast to freeze.
I believe this story takes place pretty much entirely in Baker Street.
Lloyd's refers to Lloyd's of London, a very long running maritime insurance marketplace, who also underwrite a bunch of other insurance policies, including film stars' legs. They keep comprehensive records of ship movements for this purposes.
Gravesend is a town in Kent near what is now the M25 and would be a good place to spot a ship before the Thames Estuary widens out - beyond that, you might easily miss a ship in poor visibility from the few communities beyond it.
The transatlantic telegraph cables were firmly in operation by this point. Their successor cables form the backbone of the modern Internet.
Mail was generally transported on the fastest ships i.e. the ocean liners; so you'd be talking around a week to cross the Atlantic at this point. A sailing ship would be looking at three times as long.
Sliced bread - i.e. bread that came pre-sliced when you bought it - was not a thing until 1928.
Please note that those who wish to post orange pips to the United States today will require a permit from the US Department of Agriculture.
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A Complete Guide to Mortgage Companies in UAE
Choosing the right mortgage company in the UAE is a crucial step in securing a home loan with favorable terms. This complete guide will provide you with everything you need to know about mortgage companies in the UAE.
For more information on Dubai's real estate market, visit home loan dubai.
Understanding the UAE Mortgage Market
Market Overview: The UAE mortgage market is diverse and competitive, with a wide range of local and international banks offering various mortgage products. Understanding the market landscape is essential for making the right choice.
Types of Mortgages: Mortgages in the UAE can be classified into fixed-rate and variable-rate mortgages. Fixed-rate mortgages provide stability with consistent monthly payments, while variable-rate mortgages fluctuate based on market conditions.
Eligibility Criteria: Each mortgage company has its own eligibility criteria, including income requirements, employment status, and credit history. Understanding these criteria will help you identify which companies you qualify for.
For more investment options, explore Buy Luxury Property in UAE.
Key Features of Mortgage Companies
Competitive Interest Rates: Leading mortgage companies offer competitive interest rates, helping you save money over the loan term. Compare the rates offered by different companies to find the best deal.
Flexible Loan Terms: Look for mortgage companies that offer flexible loan terms, including various repayment periods and options for early repayment without penalties.
Customer Service: Excellent customer service is essential when dealing with mortgage companies. Choose a company with a strong reputation for providing responsive and helpful support.
Quick Approval Process: The approval time for mortgages can vary between companies. Select a company known for its quick and efficient approval process to avoid delays in your property purchase.
Additional Services: Some mortgage companies offer additional services such as mortgage insurance, property valuation, and financial planning advice. These services can add value and convenience to your mortgage experience.
For mortgage services, visit Dubai Mortgage Advisors.
Steps to Choosing the Right Mortgage Company
Research and Compare: Start by researching various mortgage companies in the UAE. Use online platforms, read customer reviews, and compare their mortgage products and services.
Seek Recommendations: Ask friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into the reliability and efficiency of different mortgage companies.
Consult a Mortgage Broker: A mortgage broker can provide expert advice and help you find the best mortgage deals. They can also assist with the application process and negotiations.
Pre-Approval: Get pre-approved for a mortgage to understand your borrowing capacity and increase your chances of securing a good deal. Pre-approval also makes you a more attractive buyer to sellers.
Meet with Representatives: Schedule meetings with representatives from different mortgage companies to discuss your needs and ask questions. This will help you gauge their responsiveness and willingness to assist.
Review Terms and Conditions: Carefully review the terms and conditions of the mortgage offers. Pay attention to interest rates, loan terms, fees, and any other conditions that may affect your mortgage.
For property management services, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
Popular Mortgage Companies in UAE
HSBC: Known for its competitive interest rates and flexible mortgage options, HSBC is a popular choice for homebuyers in the UAE.
Emirates NBD: Emirates NBD offers a range of mortgage products tailored to different needs, along with excellent customer service and quick approval times.
Mashreq Bank: Mashreq Bank provides personalized mortgage solutions with attractive rates and minimal fees, making it a preferred choice for many buyers.
ADCB: Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) offers comprehensive mortgage products with competitive rates and flexible repayment options.
Dubai Islamic Bank: For those seeking Sharia-compliant mortgage solutions, Dubai Islamic Bank offers a variety of Islamic mortgage products with favorable terms.
For property sales, visit sell house quickly.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Hassan and Fatima, who recently purchased their dream home in Dubai. By working with a reputable mortgage company, they were able to secure a mortgage with favorable terms. The mortgage company provided expert advice, handled the paperwork, and ensured a smooth process from start to finish. This allowed Hassan and Fatima to focus on finding their perfect home without worrying about the complexities of securing a mortgage.
For more insights into Dubai's real estate market, visit home loan dubai.
Future Trends in the UAE Mortgage Market
Digitalization: The UAE mortgage market is embracing digitalization, with many companies offering online application processes, digital document submission, and virtual consultations. This trend is making the mortgage process more efficient and convenient.
Sustainable Mortgages: There is a growing demand for sustainable mortgages that support environmentally friendly and energy-efficient homes. Mortgage companies are beginning to offer products that cater to this demand.
Flexible Mortgage Products: Mortgage companies are increasingly offering flexible mortgage products that cater to the diverse needs of homebuyers. This includes options for expatriates, first-time buyers, and investors.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Property.
Choosing the right mortgage company in the UAE involves careful research, comparison, and consideration of various factors. By understanding the market, seeking recommendations, and evaluating your options, you can secure a mortgage that meets your needs and financial goals. For more resources and expert advice, visit home loan dubai.
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Expert Advice on Buying Your First Home in Dubai
Buying your first home in Dubai is an exciting milestone, but it can also be a complex process. This blog provides expert advice to help you navigate the journey of buying your first home in Dubai successfully.
For more information on home loans, visit home loan dubai.
Defining Your Budget
Assess Your Finances: Start by assessing your current financial situation, including your income, savings, and existing debts. Determine how much you can afford to spend on a property without compromising your financial stability.
Mortgage Pre-Approval: Obtain a mortgage pre-approval to determine your budget and streamline the buying process. A pre-approval gives you a clear idea of your borrowing capacity and demonstrates to sellers that you are a serious and qualified buyer.
Down Payment and Additional Costs: Ensure you have sufficient funds for the down payment, typically 20-25% of the property's value for expatriates. Consider additional costs such as registration fees, agent commissions, maintenance charges, and moving expenses.
For property purchase options, explore Buy Luxury Property in UAE.
Researching the Market
Market Trends: Stay informed about current market trends, including property prices, demand and supply dynamics, and future developments. Utilize online resources, real estate reports, and market analyses to stay updated.
Location Analysis: Analyze different neighborhoods in Dubai to identify areas that align with your lifestyle and investment goals. Consider factors such as proximity to schools, workplaces, and amenities.
Property Types: Familiarize yourself with the different types of residential properties available in Dubai, such as apartments, villas, townhouses, and penthouses. Each type has its own advantages and considerations.
For mortgage services, consider Dubai Mortgage Advisors.
Choosing the Right Property
Location: Choose a location that offers easy access to essential amenities such as schools, healthcare facilities, shopping malls, and public transportation. Popular residential areas in Dubai include Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, Palm Jumeirah, and Arabian Ranches.
Property Condition: Inspect the property for any structural issues, maintenance needs, and potential repairs. Hire a professional inspector if necessary to ensure the property is in good condition.
Developer Reputation: Research the reputation of the property developer. Established developers with a track record of delivering high-quality projects on time are usually a safer choice.
For rental property management, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
Legal and Regulatory Considerations
Title Deed Verification: Ensure the property has a clear title and is free from any legal disputes or encumbrances. The DLD provides title deed verification services to help buyers confirm the property's legal status.
Sales Agreement: Review the sales agreement carefully and seek legal advice if needed. Ensure all terms and conditions are clearly outlined, including the price, payment schedule, and any additional costs.
Residency Visa: Property buyers in Dubai may be eligible for a residency visa. The visa duration and requirements vary depending on the property's value and the buyer's nationality. Consult with the DLD or a legal expert to understand the specific visa requirements and benefits.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Property.
The Buying Process
Property Search: Use online property portals and engage with reputable real estate agents to find suitable properties. Schedule viewings to inspect potential properties and assess their condition.
Making an Offer: When making an offer, consider the current market conditions and the property's value. Be prepared to negotiate and make counteroffers if necessary. Your real estate agent can assist you in negotiating the best deal.
Finalizing the Purchase: Once the offer is accepted, both parties sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining the agreed terms. Pay the initial deposit (usually 10% of the property's value) and proceed with obtaining the necessary approvals from the DLD.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Emily, a first-time homebuyer who successfully purchased her first home in Dubai. Emily conducted thorough research, obtained mortgage pre-approval, and chose a reputable developer. By following the steps outlined in this guide, Emily secured a beautiful apartment in Dubai Marina and enjoys the vibrant lifestyle and amenities the area offers.
Future Trends in Dubai Real Estate
Sustainable Developments: There is a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable properties in Dubai. Developers are increasingly incorporating green building practices and energy-efficient features into their projects.
Smart Homes: The adoption of smart home technology is on the rise. Properties equipped with advanced security systems, automated lighting, and climate control are becoming more popular.
Mixed-Use Communities: Integrated communities that offer a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational facilities are gaining popularity. These developments provide residents with a convenient and holistic living experience.
Buying your first home in Dubai can be a rewarding experience with the right preparation and knowledge. By defining your budget, researching the market, choosing the right property, and navigating legal considerations, you can make a successful investment. For more resources and expert advice, visit home loan dubai.
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bagsbusiness · 4 months
Hermès Reselling: Irrational Investing or Fashion Flipping?
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There is no denying the appeal of Hermès purses. However, some people feel that they are unaffordable due to the exclusivity and exorbitant retail costs. This supports a robust resale market where astute people profit from owning Hermès items.
But is becoming an Hermès reseller a guaranteed path to riches, or a gamble fraught with risk? Let's delve into the world of Hermès resale to see if the profit margins justify the effort.
Remember that you can become an Hermès reseller and sell or buy your original Hermès handbags on Resellers Connector without commissions.
The Hermès Resale Landscape: A Seller's Paradise?
Hermès's controlled distribution strategy creates a constant demand that outstrips supply. This scarcity translates to high resale values for certain Birkin and Kelly styles, especially in exotic leathers or limited-edition colors. Resellers can potentially fetch five to seven times the retail price for these coveted bags.
However, not all Hermès items are created equal. Classic canvas Constance bags or less popular newer models might only retain their retail value, or even depreciate slightly. Understanding the specific Hermès models with strong resale potential is crucial for success.
Challenges on the Hermès Reselling Road
Building Credibility: The luxury resale market is competitive. Establishing yourself as a trustworthy seller takes time and effort. Authenticity is paramount, and potential buyers will scrutinize photos, descriptions, and your reputation before committing. Building a positive online presence through platforms like The RealReal or reputable consignment stores is essential.
Sourcing Hermès: Obtaining Hermès directly from boutiques is notoriously difficult. Sales associates often prioritize long-term clients, leaving resellers with limited options. This can lead to relying on secondary markets or auctions, which introduce risks of inauthenticity and higher competition.
The Hermès Boutique Blacklist: Hermès is known to be wary of resellers. Frequent purchases of popular models might flag you, making it even harder to acquire future inventory directly.
Time Investment: Researching, sourcing, photographing, listing, and negotiating sales takes considerable time. Factor in authentication fees, potential returns, and the time it can take to sell a specific item.
The Math of Hermès Reselling:
Let's consider a scenario. You purchase a pre-owned black Birkin bag for $10,000. After authentication fees and potential repairs, you list it for $20,000. Factoring in a selling platform's commission (typically 15-30%), your profit could be around $5,000-$7,000. This seems lucrative, but remember, it's not guaranteed. The bag might take months to sell, and there's always the risk of not finding a buyer.
Is Hermès Reselling Right for You?
Hermès reselling can be profitable, but it's not a get-rich-quick scheme. Success requires passion for luxury goods, a keen eye for trends, business acumen, and significant time investment.
Alternatives to Consider:
Curated Vintage: Focus on vintage luxury pieces from various brands. This offers a wider selection and potentially avoids the challenges of acquiring Hermès directly.
Freelance Personal Shopping: Utilize your fashion knowledge to help clients find the perfect Hermès pieces, either retail or pre-owned.
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lcftyambiticns · 6 months
you've changed quite a bit since i saw you last.
⚝ ╰    ‘ 𝑨𝑵𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑹𝑬𝑫 ╱ @dalishflame
"Well, that's a rather... modest way of putting it, but indeed. One could say fortune has favored me in recent times —— thanks to my own ambition, of course." Self-important as ever.
Miklaur, his halfling minion assistant, served them tea. Lorroakan didn't even spare him a glance, focusing solely on appraising the elf for a moment.
They looked almost exactly as Lorroakan remembered them. Gods, it's been over a decade. Back then, Lorroakan had been nobody, just another poor wretch who lived in the shadows of Athkatla's splendor ; he used to study magic in secrecy, often resorting to theft or black market dealings to get his hands on spellbooks, and peddled forged magical artifacts to earn some coin —— which he spent soon after for a fleeting taste of luxury. The wizard had always been an arrogant prick, but his attitude had gotten significantly worse when he somehow managed to weasel himself into Athkatla's elite.
Lorroakan had cut ties with everyone at that point. In his eyes, rubbing elbows with the ' riffraff ' would only tarnish his reputation as he sought to carve out a name for himself. Including Atreion. While of noble lineage, they carried a rather unsavory reputation.
"It's good to see you're still among the living in these turbulent times." Lorroakan sounded aloof and not like he actually cared but it WAS good to see Atreion was stil alive.
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"Quite the unexpected visit, I must say, after all this time..." He casually stirred some sugar into his tea. "I gather this isn't purely a social visit for reminiscing over old times, or am I mistaken?"
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niconiconwo · 10 months
I want a w123 diesel wagon so bad. Slow as molasses, but completely indestructible. Wagons are big time price inflated, sadly, but the sedans aren’t bad. W126 diesel is also solidly affordable, although you’ve gotta embrace needless Germanic complexity and do your own preventative maintenance. Pre-1990 ducks most/all of the electronic gizmos that fuck up newer euro cars tho. And you get pleasing amber & green lights and a nothing but knobs and buttons. gonna start stashin cash tbh
I will have a rare moment of fairness and say that German cars while absolutely more complex than necessary are not really that bad for maintenance and not actually overengineered. What kills German cars is that they are the diametric opposite of American design philosophy which is to say they have incredibly tight engineering and manufacturing requirements; why this matters is when they started to build them outside Germany for foreign markets they started to fail way more and way worse and are not very good with aftermarket parts. This is why "Euro" cars (frankly German cars are all we really get in NDM) have the reputation of being overly-complex or hard to repair.
It is incredibly foolish and absolutely self-inflicted which is unfortunate because German automakers have unquestionably pushed technological progress way more than almost any other. This is why I maintain my strong anti-German-car stance, because it's dumb. I actually feel that German vehicles are some of the best at least on paper. If I were in the EDM I would probably prefer them to most anything else tbqh. Or in the old days where they literally did ship German made cars over here, which is why they got the luxury reputation all those decades ago to begin with.
Anyways live your truth brother, quest for the unkillable MB wagon!
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5 Patek Philippe Watches One Must Add To His Collection
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Patek Philippe is one of the most reputed luxury Swiss watch manufacturers worldwide, leading the market since it first stepped foot in the industry in 1839. So, it’s no surprise that the brand has created numerous significant models throughout its history. The watches are instantly recognisable and demarcated with their prominent features and functionalities.
However, asking a Patek Philippe fanatic to name their top references is like asking you to choose your favourite finger, which, apart from being disgusting, is a fundamentally unfair question. Since every Patek timepiece has qualities that deserve to be loved, here are our top Patek preferences that we believe every collector must own!
5 best Patek Philippe watches your collection should have
1. The Nautilus Travel Time Ref. 5990/1A-001
Let’s cut the ribbon with this gorgeous Patek creation coming with Ref. 5990/1A-001. This is the Nautilus Travel Time Chronograph, considered one of the first to bring the chronograph functions to wristwatches. After Patek released the watch in 2014, it has forever been in the spotlight for its striking resemblance to the Nautilus pattern. It has a 40mm stainless steel case, a black gradient dial with date, chronograph, GMT, hours, seconds, and minutes functionalities, and a stainless steel bracelet. The Ref. 5990/1A-001 can display two time zones simultaneously and upholds Patek’s ingenious watchmaking style.
2. Aquanaut Ref. 5168G-010
Technically a larger version of the original Aquanaut, the Ref. 5168G-010 with a 42.2mm case is a real attention grabber. The khaki green dial looks stunning with the luminous hour markers and hands that give it a sporty yet classy outlook. Coupled with that is the matching green rubber strap that sits comfortably on the wrists. All these features make it a watch you shouldn’t avoid any time in the future. Many refer to the dial colour as ‘olive’, and the unusual colours help this watch attract a high value when you sell your Patek Philippe in the secondary market.
3. Calatrava Pilot Travel Time Ref. 5524R-001
A more recent variant is the Calatrava Pilot Travel Time Ref. 5524R-001, which came out in 2015, and people considered it far ahead of its time. Since its debut, the watch has become one of Patek’s most sought-after models, driving a high resale value in the pre-owned market. If you’re looking for an investment, this Calatrava will surely hook a good price when you sell your Patek Philippe. The pilot’s watch has an elegant rose gold finish opposite a warm brown dial featuring bold and big Arabic numerals and a sub-dial at 6 o’clock. Also, stitching the look together is the brown calfskin strap. This watch is the perfect combination of accuracy and class.
Also Read: 5 Best Patek Philippe Watches To Own Before The Year Ends
4. Nautilus Ref. 5711/1A
Getting yourself one of these Patek timepieces is an achievement in itself. Soon after Patek dropped the Nautilus 5711/1A in 2011, the watch became a sensation in the watch industry. Today, it is one of the world's most coveted steel sports watches with a long waiting queue, 10 years to be precise! The model has a 42mm stainless steel octagonal case, elegant curves and a nice blue dial with stick indices. The Ref. 5711/1A incorporates greater water resistance, comfort, and corrosion resistance, commanding a significant value in the market. Moreover, after its discontinuation in 2021, the demand for this Patek increased tenfold.
5. Annual Calendar Chronograph Ref. 5905P
Making its debut in 2015, the Patek Philippe Chronograph Ref. 5905P is a stunning luxury timepiece with a 60-minute chronograph, a day/night indicator, and an annual calendar. The watch boasts a luxurious 42mm platinum case and is available in black, green, and blue dial options. Adding to this, the chronograph pushers and the curved bezel enhance the overall design. The chronograph has always been a prominent feature in Patek’s wide range of complications, and the Ref. 5905P is amongst the most admired by collectors.
The watchmakers at Patek Philippe have always tried to set the records straight with their extraordinary designs and notable complications. While not all of their watches are financial successes, the ones included in our list will surely get you a good value when you sell your Patek Philippe watch in the pre-owned market.
If you’re a beginner, we suggest you inaugurate your collection with any of the above Patek timepieces, worthy of all praise!
Also Read: 7 Most Expensive and Rare Patek Philippe Watches to Collect
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mariacallous · 2 years
(JTA) – The Anti-Defamation League urged sportswear giant Adidas this week to end its partnership with rapper Kanye West over his recent antisemitic comments, while West went on a podcast to brag that “I can literally say antisemitic s— and they cannot drop me.”
The comments came shortly before luxury fashion brand Balenciaga announced Thursday that it had severed ties with West, in a statement to Women’s Wear Daily shortly after publishing its third-quarter earnings results. The brand did not give a reason.
West, who goes by Ye, has been embroiled in controversy ever since Balenciaga’s recent Paris Fashion Week show earlier this month, at which he debuted a line of “White Lives Matter” shirts. Since then, the rapper and fashion mogul has unleashed a slew of antisemitism across social media and in news interviews, including vowing to go “death con 3 on Jewish people” and claiming that he is the target of a “Jewish underground media mafia.” He was locked out of several social media accounts as a result of his posts.
Balenciaga’s break-up with West was especially notable because the brand has had a years-long relationship with him. West first met the company’s lead designer, Demna, in 2014, and the two have regularly corresponded since; he’s spent reported millions of dollars on Balenciaga goods; and he began regularly collaborating with them in 2019 on shows, labels and other projects.
Adidas’ own relationship with West stretches back nearly a decade. In a letter Thursday to the CEO and board chair of Adidas, ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt pushed the company to end it. 
“At this point, what more do you need to review?” Greenblatt asked them, adding that he was “particularly alarmed” that a new shoe collaboration was scheduled to release in the run-up to the anniversary of the Tree of Life Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, in which a white supremacist murdered 11 Jews during Shabbat services. 
Days before Greenblatt’s letter, West appeared on the popular rap podcast “Drink Champs” and bragged that he could maintain his Adidas partnership no matter how many antisemitic things he said.
“The thing about it being Adidas is like, I can literally say antisemitic s*** and they cannot drop me,” he said. “Now what?” (The podcast has since removed its latest West episode, and host N.O.R.E. has apologized for posting the interview, but bootleg versions have been uploaded to YouTube.)
Other groups including Campaign Against Antisemitism joined the ADL in publicly urging Adidas to drop West, who on his podcast appearance also referenced previous antisemitism controversies involving other Black celebrities like Ice Cube and Nick Cannon (both of whom apologized after saying or tweeting antisemitic statements).
Adidas, whose partnership with West brought the company a reported $2 billion in revenue last year accounting for 10% of its total revenue, has kept its plans close to the vest. The company announced Oct. 6 its partnership with the rapper was “under review,” after what it characterized as “repeated efforts to privately resolve the situation,” but it has not publicly commented on West since then. 
The sportswear company was founded in Germany by members of the Nazi Party and turned its shoe factories into Nazi munitions factories during WWII — but had also outfitted legendary Black U.S. runner Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympic games held in Nazi Germany, and Allied goodwill for this connection helped Adidas enter the U.S. market after the war. (Adidas’ own company history glosses over its pre-1949 era.) Last year, the company made a haredi Orthodox Israeli marathon runner the face of a new campaign.
On Twitter, Greenblatt criticized Adidas for dragging its feet on West while having swiftly ended its partnership with French soccer player Kurt Zouma earlier this year after video evidence emerged of Zouma abusing his cats.
Since his outbursts, West has further announced his intent to buy far-right social media site Parler, which has a history of playing host to antisemitism. LeBron James’ HBO talk show “The Shop” also elected not to air an episode West had appeared on, with producers saying he had spouted more hate speech in the interview. 
While some conservatives including Meghan McCain and Ben Shapiro have denounced West’s comments, others have proven to be friendlier audiences, including Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who edited comments West made about Jews out of a recent interview with him.
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sakhshimandal · 1 day
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Car in Dubai
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Dubai’s vibrant automotive market offers an impressive range of vehicles, from luxury brands to affordable, family-friendly options. Whether you’re a resident or an expat, the decision to buy car in Dubai can be exciting but also a bit overwhelming. With numerous dealerships, financing options, and models to choose from, it’s easy to make mistakes that can lead to long-term financial strain or dissatisfaction. To help you make a well-informed decision, here are some common mistakes to avoid when buying a car in Dubai.
1. Not Doing Enough Research
One of the biggest mistakes people make when they buy a car in Dubai is not doing sufficient research beforehand. Given the wide variety of cars available in the market, it’s essential to understand which vehicle best fits your needs, budget, and lifestyle. Whether you’re looking at brand-new or used cars, take the time to compare different models, read reviews, and understand the total cost of ownership, including insurance, fuel efficiency, and maintenance costs. Failing to research can lead to purchasing a car that doesn’t suit your needs or stretches your budget beyond what’s comfortable.
2. Overlooking Total Ownership Costs
When planning to buy a car in Dubai, many buyers focus solely on the purchase price, forgetting the additional costs that come with car ownership. Maintenance, insurance, fuel, registration fees, and even parking costs can add up quickly. Dubai's extreme temperatures can also take a toll on vehicles, meaning that more frequent servicing and higher maintenance costs might be required. Always factor in these ongoing expenses to ensure that the car fits your budget in the long run, not just during the initial purchase.
3. Not Understanding the Financing Options
Many people in Dubai choose to finance their car through loans, but a common mistake is not fully understanding the terms of the loan. Car loans can come with hidden fees, high-interest rates, or unfavourable terms that can cost you more in the long run. Always compare interest rates, down payment requirements, and loan terms from different banks or financial institutions before making a decision. Also, ensure that you're aware of the exact monthly payments and whether or not they fit comfortably within your budget. Financing a car without understanding these details can lead to unexpected financial stress.
4. Skipping a Pre-Purchase Inspection for Used Cars
The used car market in Dubai is vast and offers excellent opportunities for buyers, but it also comes with risks. One of the most common mistakes when buying a used car is skipping the pre-purchase inspection. While some sellers and dealerships offer certified pre-owned cars that have been thoroughly inspected, others may not disclose hidden issues or damages. Always have a trusted mechanic inspect the car before committing to the purchase. This can help you avoid costly repairs down the road or the frustration of purchasing a car with mechanical problems.
5. Focusing Only on the Price
While getting a good deal is important, focusing solely on the lowest price can lead to poor decision-making. When you’re trying to buy a car in Dubai, don’t overlook other critical factors such as the car’s condition, warranty, service history, and the reputation of the dealership. A lower price may mean the car has a hidden issue or doesn’t come with essential features like a warranty. In the long term, these compromises can end up costing you more in repairs and maintenance than what you saved on the purchase price.
6. Not Prioritizing Insurance Costs
Car insurance in Dubai is mandatory, but many buyers fail to consider the impact it can have on their overall costs. Insurance premiums in Dubai can vary significantly depending on the type of car, the driver’s age, driving experience, and claim history. High-end luxury vehicles, for example, come with significantly higher insurance premiums. When planning to buy a car in Dubai, it’s crucial to get multiple insurance quotes to understand the cost implications and factor them into your budget.
7. Ignoring Resale Value
Many people tend to overlook the resale value of a car when making their purchase. However, this is an essential consideration, especially in a city like Dubai, where expats frequently buy and sell cars due to relocations. Cars that have high depreciation rates can lead to significant financial losses when you decide to sell. Research which makes and models hold their value better over time and factor this into your decision-making process.
8. Rushing the Decision
Finally, rushing the car-buying process is a common mistake that can lead to buyer’s remorse. Take your time to explore different options, negotiate with sellers, and ensure that all legal paperwork is in order. Dubai's car market is competitive, and while it's easy to be swayed by sales pitches or limited-time offers, it's important to make a well-thought-out decision that fits your needs and financial situation.
When you set out to buy a car in Dubai, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and make decisions that could later lead to regret. By avoiding these common mistakes—doing thorough research, understanding total costs, securing favorable financing, and prioritizing insurance and resale value—you can ensure a smooth and satisfying car-buying experience. Taking the time to plan your purchase carefully will help you enjoy your vehicle without unnecessary financial strain or unforeseen issues down the road.
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Apparel Resale Market: A Sustainable Revolution in Fashion
The apparel resale market has rapidly emerged as one of the fastest-growing sectors within the global fashion industry. Fueled by the rise of conscious consumerism, technological advancements, and shifting attitudes towards sustainability, the resale of clothing, footwear, and accessories is transforming the way people shop. As both consumers and retailers move towards a circular economy, the resale market presents a lucrative and eco-friendly alternative to traditional retail, reshaping the future of fashion.
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Key Trends Driving Growth in the Apparel Resale Market
Sustainability and Ethical Consumerism Today’s consumers, especially Millennials and Gen Z, are more environmentally aware and socially conscious than previous generations. Fast fashion’s detrimental impact on the environment has sparked a demand for sustainable alternatives. As a result, the apparel resale market is thriving by offering a solution that aligns with values of ethical consumption and waste reduction. Buyers can reduce their carbon footprint by purchasing secondhand, ensuring that garments have a longer life cycle.
Technology and Online Marketplaces Digital platforms are at the heart of the apparel resale boom. Apps and websites such as Depop, ThredUp, Poshmark, and Vestiaire Collective have revolutionized the resale space by creating user-friendly platforms where sellers can list items and buyers can browse a wide selection. These platforms offer convenience and accessibility, allowing consumers to buy and sell clothing from anywhere in the world. AI-powered algorithms and personalized recommendations further enhance the shopping experience, helping users discover items tailored to their tastes.
The Rise of Circular Fashion The concept of circular fashion—which focuses on extending the life of garments and keeping them in circulation—has become increasingly popular. The apparel resale market plays a critical role in this ecosystem, encouraging consumers to buy pre-owned items or resell their used clothing rather than discarding them. Brands are also beginning to participate in circular fashion by launching their own resale platforms or partnering with existing ones to promote the resale of their products.
Affordable Luxury Another key driver of the apparel resale market is the availability of high-end, luxury items at a fraction of their original cost. Many consumers view resale platforms as a way to access designer fashion and luxury brands at affordable prices, making high-quality, premium items more accessible. This affordability not only attracts a wider audience but also creates a sense of exclusivity for those looking for rare or vintage pieces.
Growing Acceptance of Secondhand Fashion What was once considered taboo, wearing secondhand clothing is now widely accepted, even celebrated. Thanks to influencers and celebrities openly endorsing vintage and pre-owned fashion, secondhand apparel is becoming mainstream. Consumers increasingly view resale as a way to express individuality and personal style. Moreover, the stigma around pre-owned goods has faded, with many shoppers recognizing the value of high-quality garments that have been lightly used.
Challenges Facing the Apparel Resale Market
Despite its growth, the apparel resale market faces certain challenges that businesses must address to ensure long-term success:
Authentication and Trust Issues One of the primary concerns in the resale market is the risk of counterfeit goods, especially when it comes to luxury and designer items. Consumers want assurance that they are purchasing authentic products, which has led many platforms to implement stringent authentication processes. Companies must invest in technology and partnerships that can guarantee product authenticity to build and maintain consumer trust.
Inventory Management Unlike traditional retail, the resale market operates with unpredictable inventory. Items are often one-of-a-kind, and there is no control over what sellers list at any given time. This presents a challenge in terms of scaling and meeting demand. Marketplaces must develop efficient systems to manage a constantly fluctuating inventory while ensuring that the platform remains well-stocked with desirable items.
Logistics and Sustainability Paradox While the resale market promotes sustainability, the logistics of shipping and packaging can contribute to a company’s carbon footprint. The challenge for businesses is to minimize the environmental impact of their operations, perhaps by adopting green shipping practices, using eco-friendly packaging, and encouraging local exchanges between buyers and sellers to reduce transportation emissions.
Opportunities in the Apparel Resale Market
Expansion into New Categories The success of resale in apparel is leading companies to explore new categories. Accessories, footwear, and even luxury handbags are experiencing growing demand in the resale space. As consumers seek to extend the life of all aspects of their wardrobe, marketplaces have an opportunity to diversify and expand their product offerings beyond clothing.
Partnerships with Brands and Retailers Many established fashion brands are recognizing the potential of the resale market and are entering into partnerships with resale platforms. Brands like Levi’s and Patagonia have launched buyback and resale programs that allow customers to trade in old garments for credit towards future purchases. These initiatives not only provide additional revenue streams but also help brands align with sustainability goals and reduce their environmental impact.
Integration of AI and Data Analytics Resale platforms can enhance customer experiences through the integration of AI and data analytics. By analyzing consumer behavior and preferences, companies can offer personalized recommendations and curated collections. AI can also be used to optimize pricing, ensuring that items are listed at competitive prices that benefit both buyers and sellers.
Subscription and Rental Models Subscription services and rental platforms represent an untapped opportunity within the resale market. Some consumers may prefer temporary ownership over permanent purchases, especially for high-end or occasion-specific items. By offering rental services or subscription-based access to a rotating wardrobe, businesses can attract customers who want to reduce waste and enjoy variety without long-term commitment.
The apparel resale market is on the rise, driven by consumer demand for sustainability, affordability, and unique fashion finds. With the increasing popularity of online resale platforms, circular fashion, and luxury resale, the market is poised for continued growth. However, businesses must navigate challenges related to inventory, logistics, and authenticity to maintain consumer trust and thrive in this competitive space. By embracing technological advancements and forging strategic partnerships, the apparel resale industry will continue to reshape the fashion landscape, offering a sustainable and innovative future for fashion lovers everywhere.
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