otnesse · 7 months
It's pretty obvious in the main movie that Ariel missing her debut was NOT intentional on her part (since she clearly was horrified upon realizing she missed the debut).
That said, for those fans who criticized Ariel for missing her debut and infer that she deliberately did so, I can think of a few reasons why she'd do so that don't come across as her being selfish or spiteful of Triton (also makes her actions in missing the debut significantly more sympathetic as well). Namely, she fears her Siren-esque singing voice and the risk of her brainwashing her audience with it due to not wanting to rob people, or for that matter animals, of their free will.
Think about it: On the third day, Ursula actively used Ariel's singing voice to brainwash Eric when disguising herself as Vanessa. Now, you could argue that it was Ursula's spells that did so, but the problem is that when Ursula's nautilus shattered, it broke Ursula's control over Eric, implying that the source of the mind control on Eric WASN'T directly from Ursula's magic. It instead came from Ariel's own voice. And considering Ariel's actions with her initially being content with letting Vanessa marry Eric DESPITE her own heartbreak (not to mention the circumstances behind the deal) due to thinking at the time Eric willingly chose Vanessa over herself, that would actually indicate Ariel had some level of fear over her singing ability, sort of like Elsa's initial fear over her cryokinetic abilities, not willing to brainwash people with her abilities and rob people of their free will. Granted, there's the bit on why even GIVE Ursula her voice at all even when she had hesitance to the deal, but here's the thing, Ursula had to REALLY sell to Ariel that she reformed (Poor Unfortunate Souls), so while Ariel still had some suspicions, there was nothing indicating Ursula faked being reformed either (Ursula MORE than made sure she avoided indicating to Ariel she was lying. Even the one thing that might have pointed towards her lying that Ariel might have witnessed, her "Now I've Got her Boys!" line, she made sure was done in a whisper to ensure Ariel couldn't hear her.). She definitely would not have agreed to those terms of the deal if she knew Ursula was going to pull that on Eric, and not just because of her taking Eric from her in a blatantly unfair manner like that, but more likely than not she would NOT want her voice used in that manner REGARDLESS.
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lady-embers · 2 months
Gwyn and Azriel 😘
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You legit can't tell me Gwyn and Azriel aren't Ariel and Prince Eric coded. I will die on the hill their story will be a Little Mermaid retelling.
Also, Gwyn and Azriel future daughter is 💯 little Melody coded 🥰
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fatfunnyfriendblog · 10 months
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Not gonna lie, she is my thinspo. Ariel Winter is such a beautiful healthy woman. I wish I could look like her. I never was a skinny bitch, and I know I never gonna be. But I would be so lucky if I only could be this slim.
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iloveisrael · 3 months
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Iron_swords_2024 on Instagram 🇮🇱
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proudzionist · 2 months
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Ariel Bibas turned 5 in Gaza .
The Bibas family did not deserve this .
None of those hostages did nor those who we're murdered by these evil radical terrorists.
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romanticatheartt · 1 month
Sjm was NOT subtle when she said she would love to write "Little Mermaid" retelling and then gave us Gwyn!!
Every time I see an Ariel or Eric & Ariel fanart, the first thing I think of is Gwynriel then I read the caption and realise it's not them...
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vallygirl285 · 2 months
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Just breaks my heart so much. All the hostages are in my thoughts and prayers everyday but these innocent babies is beyond comprehension and just brings me to tears.
Please let all the remaining hostages that are alive be freed immediately and the remains of the poor souls who were murdered by Hamas cowards.
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manta-ray09 · 2 months
Just to have some Israeli music on my blog, one of my favourite songs lately and hopefully all of the hostages would be realised and would go out to the light. So many people that are supposed to be free but they are held captive by hamas.
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goshimissbts · 2 months
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Okay so I wanted to do another drawing for my favorite, “Aim and Ignite”. This time it’s one my favorite details from the story: the charmed picture (because snape is shy about how much he loves his little family) on Sev’s desk of Lily and baby Ariel 🥹.
HERES THE PART WHERE I GET MAD THO. I DID A REALLY DETAILED DRAWING OF LILY HOLDING THE BABY AND YOU COULD SEE SO MUCH, BUT THEN I STUPIDLY DOWN SIZED IT AND THE FREAKING PROGRAM MADE IT ALL PIXILY WHEN I TRIED TO ENLARGE IT AGAIN. so I’m sorry, it’s not as detailed as it was supposed to be 😭. (Please tell me u can still see baby Ariel’s tiny pig tails, that was my favorite part teehee)
Anyway… I digress… this is for you @shostakobitchh !!!
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stargirlie25 · 7 months
My top 5 disney couples
5. Ariel and Eric (bc they give gwynriel vibes)
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4. Beast and Beauty (bc they give Elucien)
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3. Mulan and Shang (they give nessian)
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2. Tiana and Naveen (they give quinlar)
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Jasmine and Aladdin. (they give me and some hot arab guy
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Oh and also Simba and Nala they are my everything!! But i decided to put humans haha!
''where's rapunzel and flyn'' not here.
I am doing the OJ's and lets bfr tangled aint all that compared to these masterpieces.
I still love tangled but they are probably 9th place.
That one speech Aladdin said about Jasmines eyes,hair,and smile was all it took me to fall in love.
I love thieves.
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flower1622 · 5 months
Percy and Rachel
(Other Universes)
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otnesse · 1 year
I'll respect anyone who defends Ariel as a character, especially her classic rendition of her, regardless of specific viewpoints or orientations. She's an iconic character, a character who for better or worse did nevertheless save Disney from certain bankruptcy/corporate mergers. And she definitely was very well-rounded and more than earned her place as a popular character for a variety of reasons, controversial or otherwise. I'll also add that Ariel, even if she did help form the Renaissance Princess line and had some traits there, was ultimately closer overall to the Classic line in that she was actually willing to marry a guy and overall was adhering to traditional femininity ultimately, even if a bit unorthodox due to her more eccentric nature.
However, one thing I am definitely not fond of regarding any comments about Ariel (and I'm specifically referring to comments meant to praise or defend Ariel. Obviously any comments that try to diss, belittle, or demonize Ariel using inaccurate and unflattering terms like "boy-crazy" or "spoiled" I'm not going to tolerate. If you must criticize a character, at least make sure your criticisms actually match UP with the character as presented in the source material. That's my motto. If you criticize her as naive, a bit too head-strong, reckless, or anything like that, I'd at least respect that you're criticizing her for flaws she DID possess in the actual film and expanded universe, even if I disagree with the disliking of her.) is claiming that Ariel was a gay allegory. Yes, I know Howard Ashman was gay and played a major influence on her development. But Glen Keane also played as much of a role in her character development as well (not just contributing to her physical design, he also wrote much of the template for what her overall character is like, including rather underappreciated aspects like how, despite not getting along with her father, she ultimately did care for his well-being), and he's firmly straight, and in fact he partly modeled Ariel's iconic design after his wife. And quite frankly, since the whole point of an allegory is to convey a message in an indirect manner while otherwise-and this is the biggest point to be made in the definition-getting the intended message across (case in point, Animal Farm was meant to be an allegorical condemnation of Stalinism due to the events of World War II pretty much making any direct criticism of the Soviet system intenable due their technically being allies in our fight against the Axis Powers. A mistake if you ask me, but I digress...), having a character explicitly fall in love with someone of the opposite sex regardless of differing species or races or ethnicites or what have you is an extremely poor way to do a gay metaphor if you ask me (since the entire POINT of homosexuality is that you're attracted to the same sex. When you have a character who clearly falls for someone of the opposite sex to try and convey gay stuff, you pretty much missed the point of allegory and metaphor.).
Plus, it also ends up excluding and even unnecessarily othering quite a few people who are themselves straight, and more specifically straight men, yet have completely high regard for the character for a variety of reasons. Like me for example. I've been very fond of Ariel since I was a boy, and if I viewed Ariel as a metaphor for anything it's the challenges with being on the autism spectrum, including being othered and looked down upon while barely even being given an actual chance to prove yourself, especially when I was language delayed. And I might as well add, I'm straight, and in fact, I actually DREW Ariel naked in my early teens partly because of attraction to her, among other things like how they generally had mermaids not wearing tops at all. And she's far from the only character I drew naked either, nor even the first (I think I started drawing nude girls as early as second grade after watching H2-Uh-Oh, an episode of Robocop Alpha Commando. You'll remember the episode as having Elsa Lustig, a woman who turned into water and spent nearly the entire episode naked as a result). And to this day, I'm still attracted to females. In fact, part of the reason why The Little Mermaid was such a huge success story was because it was marketed towards literally everyone, boy or girl, and it had a lot of aspects people could like about the movie (I for one actually viewed it as one heck of a good action-adventure flick, even with the romance angle, even a bit of a shonen anime if you want.). So trying to claim Ariel as a gay metaphor and exclusively that is just going to drive a lot of fans away due to feeling very excluded (and heterosexuals are pretty much a constant and permanent majority. They'd have to be just to ensure the human species continues to exist as gays/lesbians can't breed. That's simply a fact in life and biology, after all.). It actually disrespects a large part of the audience who DID like Ariel without having any care one way or another about gay stuff. Heck, among eccentrics such as myself (having aspergers/autism), it also comes across as insulting to us when listing her as a gay metaphor since it disingenuously implies just because we have eccentricities we must automatically be gay even if we are straight (that's also another reason I intensely disliked Alex Danvers from Supergirl being made gay and ESPECIALLY why she deduced she might have been that due to "being bad with dates", or a similar rationale with Dr. Okun from Independence Day, more specifically its sequel Resurgence which retconned him as being gay, with it not helping that he admitted in the first movie to not being given much of a chance to be sociable to outsiders until the aliens attacked.).
Ironically, if any Disney Princess character came close to an actual gay metaphor (a bit of a contradiction in terms if you ask me since when you can't even convey the actual point indirectly, it simply isn't a metaphor), it was Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Especially when her overall character arc gave the impression that she wasn't even into guys at all (her song had her hating on how she had to enter marriage at all, with Gaston or anyone else, especially when she gave no interest in any of the men in the village at all, at least none that were single.), and even when she did grow to like Beast, you got the impression she merely viewed him as a friend rather than actually falling in love with him (heck, if it weren't for the "I Love You" scene at the end, you could easily say she probably didn't have that kind of love for him at all). And that's not even getting into the comic stories for New Adventures of Beauty and the Beast where she expressed disdain for having even a minute's interaction with the boys in the village even when her father (probably the only real exception to her inherent dislike of men in that story) told her to play with them. However, just to be clear, I said "came close to", not "IS", as she still ultimately went for Beast/Adam in the end, so she's ultimately straight even there (and even the comics did have her, in a slight foreshadowing of who she ended up with, admitting she might go for a guy, a prince even, so long as he was kind and not boorish and unintelligent), even if she nearly got Beast killed to get out of a jam.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 5 months
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So uh...from the looks of this art for the new Captain America film...they suddenly now covering up Sam's face with a helmet...why? Sam in all his costumes as Falcon and as the new Captain America has never worn a helmet up till this point, why the fuck add a helmet now in his second Captain America costume??? Seriously, why the fuck is this film determined to mess up what was the most comic's accurate costume:
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theautisticcentre · 4 months
Just remembered your ask finally so insync,can you do Summer Serrano-Covey hcs?
He became a Light-Hunter quickly due to his swag and Mathew putting in a good word for him with Rockie
He's basically Mathew's third mom (First is Camila, second is Rockie)
He slanders Disney princesses like Ariel and loves hanging with ones like Tiana
Fell for Alma first, then Booker, then Candy
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snow3dirtyrain · 1 year
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Ariel just stared at him. She felt something warm on her cheeks, something warm and wet, but it was a distant thought, not as important as the look on his face.
“Do you understand what I am saying to you?” he asked, his chest heaving. “I will not leave you — ever. I will never not want you, because you are mine, you ridiculous girl. I have no choice. You need only say the word.”
She felt her heartbeat thrumming in her ears, but the vault of her heart felt so full, so —
“You did it — for her?” Ariel didn’t even realize she’d spoken until Snape’s eyes slid shut. “Even after she Obliviated you?”
“I did it for her,” he sounded like he was clenching his teeth, trying to bite down on the consonants. “And I do it for you. Everything — every fiber of my being — is for you.”
from aim & ignite, by @shostakobitchh
(open for better quality :p)
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proudzionist · 4 months
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It has been 7 months since Ariel and kfir Bibas have seen sunlight 💔💔
Please 🙏 for these babies 🙏
What Hamas did is absolutely sick
Only cowards kidnap children!
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