#Prostitute! Au
preet-01 · 13 days
Since we're getting into fall weather here, I've been watching period pieces. So here's part one of a maxiel renaissance au with artist max
note: I have very little idea of how money worked in renaissance rome so some suspension of belief is needed for that. though it is a very interesting topic to study based on the little research I did - there were so many types of coins in Italy's history and vary based on the duchy
cw: dubious consent, prostitution
word count: 3287
part one ||| part two
Daniel sighs as he looks at the pouch of coins – ten florins and five grossi. It wouldn’t be enough to get groceries, medicine for Mark, and supplies for Oscar’s apprenticeship.
He would need to ration, Mark’s medicine was a necessity. For all Mark says his leg doesn’t pain him, the doctor had been clear that if they wanted Mark to heal properly then the medicine was necessary. It would take four florins to get all the medicine and bandages – leaving him with six florins and five grossi. 
Five florins would get him the supplies for Oscar’s apprenticeship. Signor Cordiani provides most of the materials Oscar needs, but he would need to get his own paper and drawing materials. It also meant that they would need to continue buying the materials as Oscar runs out of them, which left him with one florin and five grossi. 
He could get some vegetables and hopefully, he’d be able to make a stew with the few ingredients they had at home. That should last them a few days. They would have two grossi left which Daniel could give to Oscar just in case he would need to buy snacks whilst at his apprenticeship during the day. 
The journey from the market to their small home is quick. Neighbors greet him with smiles as they have seen him grow from babe in his mother’s belly to the man he now is. Girls giggle and wave, while men either avert their gazes or leer. Though the girls will do no more than giggle and wave, he is handsome, yes, but he has no money. Or at least not enough to entice any girl into marriage with him. And certainly not when he’s dedicated much of his adulthood so far to taking care of his brothers – marrying him would mean helping him take care of a younger brother who was being apprenticed and an older, bedridden brother. 
Oscar is already home when Daniel gets there. Busy mending his cloak, he doesn’t notice Daniel until the door shuts. Scraps of fabric and thread rest on the table next to Oscar, Daniel will need to buy stronger thread and warmer fabric soon as the warm sunny days become cold dark nights sooner and sooner with each passing day. 
“I’m sorry,” Oscar mumbles when he looks at the meager groceries and abundant supplies for his apprenticeship with Signor Cordiani.
“Don’t be,” Daniel says. He tries to smile at his little brother so he may reassure him that everything is fine and they are not extremely tight on money at the moment. He needed to be the strong one among the three of them, he needed to take care of his brothers. Mark’s injury kept him chained to the bed with only a few moments of walking every day and Oscar was yet young but the only one of the three of them who had the potential to make a name for himself. So he needed to be strong and work whatever jobs he got to provide for his brothers. “Signora Carini will be giving me an advance on my monthly wages soon,” he lies. It won’t be an advance on anything since Daniel does not have a set wage, he gets paid based on how many clients he has, on how many jobs he takes. “Could you go get water from the well? It was not on my way here,” he asks. 
Oscar nods and goes to get some water. Meanwhile, Daniel heads to Mark’s room with the medicine and bandages in hand. Mark is where he had been when Daniel went to work in the morning. Though able to walk a few steps with a cane, the pain in his leg kept him stuck on the bed. 
“You didn’t need to buy that. My leg barely even hurts anymore,” Mark grumbles when he sees the items in Daniel’s hands, “the coin could’ve been spent on something else.” Daniel simply raises his brow when Mark winces as he tries to sit up on the bed. Mark had turned to metal work instead of becoming a vendor when their parents were still alive – metalworkers made more money than vendors. 
The accident happened a few months ago. 
A scalding pot filled with liquid metal had fallen on Mark’s leg. Though the liquid metal hadn’t touched his skin, the heaviness of the pot had broken Mark’s leg and it had burned his skin. The healing process, the doctor has told them, would be slow. Their household had gone from two incomes to one at possibly the worst time ever, not that Daniel would say such a thing to his brothers. 
He couldn’t bear to witness their guilty looks or have Oscar not follow his dreams to help Daniel. 
Without another word, Daniel peels back the bandages he had done in the morning with the little bit of medicine they had left. Slowly, he cleans the wounds, trying his best to not hurt Mark or worsen the injury. “I spoke to Lucia,” Daniel brings up.
“Oscar’s apprenticeship starts soon and you will need someone to help with your leg,” Daniel says, “she’s agreed to come by once every day to check in and make sure you do your daily walk.” 
“Please, just go along with it for my sake? I worry,” Daniel cuts him off. Mark sighs but nods. Daniel knows that Mark isn’t happy about it, but for Daniel’s sake will do it. 
Daniel had wanted to explore. 
With a desire for adventure and a wish to see the world, Daniel spent much of his younger years studying cartography. He had been good at it. 
He’d been sixteen when their parents died. It had started as a fever spreading through the city. They’d all gotten it at one point or another, but while they pulled through, their parents hadn’t. Mother was the first to die and his father’s will to survive had lessened until he joined her. 
All hopes of his dreams and aspirations died along with them. There really was no other option. 
Oscar was just a child, barely eight years old and unable to understand what had happened to their parents. Mark, while older, had to work even more than he previously did. With longer hours and more time spent working, he couldn’t raise Oscar. Nor could they afford to pay someone to look after Oscar. 
So Daniel stowed his maps in a chest. Hiding them out of sight but unable to part from something he had loved so much. He’d suppressed his wanderlust and turned his attention to raising his little brother. 
He took menial jobs while Oscar was at lessons with other children in their neighborhood. Three to five-hour jobs with little stability so he could earn some money to lessen Mark’s stress and take care of food expenses. He’d done that until he landed on the doorstep of Signora Carini’s artists’ workshop. 
It’d started innocently. Signora Carini needed a male model for her workshop and he fit the ideal description. Classes at the workshop only lasted a few hours and there was stability. A consistent flow of coins helped them save money for Oscar’s tuition as he grew older. They couldn’t afford anything extravagant, but life was comfortable. 
Everything was okay until Mark’s accident. Daniel had thought about returning to his cartography and contacting his old tutor. He’d started to dream again of leaving the streets of Rome to see the world beyond what he knew. 
But leaving Rome was not in Daniel’s destiny. He was never going to escape the streets he grew up in. Not anymore. He knew that now. 
“Artists are romantics,” Signora Carini had told him when he went to her after Mark’s accident, “and you, my dear, are very pretty.” 
She had caressed his cheek like his mother used to do when he was younger and led him into a private room some artists rented out when they wanted to work without all the noise. 
Ophelia, one of the other models, was in the room. Moans and the smell of sex filled the room as Matteo, one of the regular artists at the workshop, fucked Ophelia. “What?” Signora Carini kept him there as Matteo fucked Ophelia and left her there with five florins — three more than they earned for being models. 
Matteo was the first to take him. Unlike there had been with Ophelia, there were no pretenses about what would happen when they were in the private room. The canvas went untouched as Matteo painted Daniel’s bare skin with bruises and cum. 
At least Matteo was handsome. Daniel could pretend that it was just another dalliance he had — no different from the men Daniel slept with before. 
Others were not so handsome. Nor did they let Daniel pretend like it was just another casual fuck. They wanted more control. They wanted him to smile prettily and let them move his limbs all under the guise of setting him in the perfect pose for a painting that would take thrice the time it should to be finished. 
“You’re much prettier than the girls the Signora has,” the man, Lorenzo, says between grunts. Daniel doesn’t say anything, just fakes a moan as he thinks of all he would need to do once he gets home. Mark should be taking his evening nap and Oscar off at his apprenticeship, giving Daniel enough time to bathe and wipe away any evidence of the things he’d done. If he was fast enough, he’d be able to have dinner on the table before Oscar got home. 
Thankfully the man doesn’t finish inside of him. Most did not listen to that request, too lost in taking their own pleasure. “Same time next week,” the man says when he’s leaving. Five florins rest on the table next to Daniel when he finally has the wherewithal to get up and wipe himself clean for the time being. 
Depositing the coins in his pouch, he goes about cleaning the room and storing the half-complete sketch for next week. 
Daniel is setting up the easel when his next client is let in. “No need for pretenses,” the man says, stopping him. “How many clients have you had today?” He questions. 
“Four already, Master Alberto,” Daniel answers. 
“Oh Daniel, my brightest pupil,” Alberto says, reaching forward to caress his cheek before pushing off the robe. “You would have made an excellent cartographer, but being a whore is your true calling,” he continues. 
Daniel doesn’t moan this time around. Just lays there as the man once meant to teach him the ways of cartography now charts a course of bruises and bites on his skin. He had never liked Daniel making much noise — not when Daniel was his student and certainly not now that he’s his favorite whore. 
Master Alberto always liked to enter Daniel when he was on his back, wanting to see the moment his cock breached the most private part of Daniel. He’d keep Daniel on his back for a few thrusts as his arousal grew at the sight of his once star pupil taking his cock. But sooner than later, he’d take Daniel like a dog takes a bitch in heat, pounding into him with little care about anything other than reaching his completion. 
Sometimes — when Daniel had taken many clients beforehand — he’d reach his peak quickly. Daniel hated those days. Not because he wanted his former tutor fucking him for longer. Rooms were rented based on hours, not orgasms. 
On those days, he’d have Daniel warm his cock. He’d keep it in Daniel’s mouth until he was hard again and then fuck Daniel again. So Daniel hated those days and prayed that Master Alberto would run out of his time. 
Daniel had wanted to explore the world. He had wanted to make maps and find new places. He had been good at it. The best student of Master Alberto — sixteen and filled with so much promise. 
Daniel would model for one of the workshop classes at the start of every week. It was the one day that Signora Carini wouldn’t schedule any private modelings for him. 
That is always Daniel’s favorite day. He’s not always naked on those days and the artists are there to perfect their craft, not have an excuse to fuck him without suspicions of being sodomists. 
One artist from the British Isles would always tell him a story of some far-off place he’d visited before coming to Rome. Stories of exotic people in the east and the vast seas in the west filled the classes. 
At the end, he’d always thank Daniel and say his goodbyes. Never once had he requested a private session or touched Daniel in any manner that wasn’t respectable. 
Daniel had always liked him best, just as he liked the start of the week best. 
“But I have the workshop?” Daniel asks, confused by Signora Carini guiding him toward the private room. He doesn’t earn more than two florins, but he likes earning those two florins. He likes starting the week with the handsome man from the British Isles who tells him stories and is kind. 
“Signor Verstappen is paying a lot and he requested you,” she tells him, “Ophelia will model for today’s workshop.” 
Inside the room, Signora Carini orders him to strip and put on the robe most of the models wear for private sessions. “Be good for him Daniel, he may be Dutch but he is very wealthy.” 
Daniel is tying the robe tightly across his waist when a blond-haired man steps into the room carrying his own canvas and paints. 
Handsome and foreign. Daniel could do this. He just needed to smile prettily and moan. 
“Ah, you must be Daniel. I’m Max Verstappen” the man, Signor Verstappen, says with a thick accent that makes his name sound unfamiliar. “Lewis spoke wonderfully about you,” he continues. 
Daniel had many clients ever since Mark’s accident, but he doesn’t remember any Lewis. There was Matteo, Alberto, Lorenzo, Cosimo, and Alexander, just to name a few of them. But no Lewis. 
“Lewis?” Daniel asks, wondering if one of the men has given a false name. He wouldn’t be surprised, some of the things they liked doing with him could ruin lives if even rumors spread of them.
Lewis, Max tells him, is the man from the British Isles who would tell Daniel tales of his travels. Max just keeps talking as he sets up his canvas and supplies. Daniel isn’t entirely sure of what he is saying, but Daniel just nods along. None of the other clients cared much about conversation unless it was to tell him how he’s prettier than some of the girls they’ve seen or how to pose to capture the light just right. 
“You are, of course, perfect for this,” Max says as Daniel zones back into the conversation. 
“Huh?” Daniel questions. 
“For Bacchus,” Max replies, “oh good, there’s oil.” The vial of oil rests on the table where artists would leave coins for him. 
For the next three hours, Daniel has his oddest day of work. 
Max doesn’t fuck him. Doesn’t touch him in any manner that would be considered blasphemous by the Church. Doesn’t make any comments about how pretty he is or how good he would look with a cock in him. 
Absolutely nothing except sketching his pose on the canvas. He talks and talks and talks, but all of it concerns the painting or how different Rome is from Amsterdam. 
The same happens the next day. Daniel goes to the workshop and Signora Carini leads him to the private room where a robe and fruits are laid out on the bed. Wine and a laurel wreath rest on the table with the vial of oil. Pillows and draperies are nearby in a basket. And at the center of it all is Max Verstappen setting up his canvas and paints. 
Nothing happens, except Max spreads the oil across his chest and moves his limbs in the perfect position. He places the grapes and other fruits around Daniel, covering Daniel’s bare and oiled skin. 
For three hours Max paints him. 
“Do you like being a model?” Max questions. 
“It is a job,” Daniel says noncommittally. It’s not exactly what he had wanted, but it helps provide for his family and allows Oscar to achieve his dreams. If there was another option, he wouldn’t choose this, but this was his only option as he had never been able to hone his skills in any other line of work due to stopping everything when he was sixteen. All he had was his face and body – two things a lot of people wanted to pay a lot for. 
Max makes jokes more often than not. He makes his jokes and looks at Daniel from where he’s sat behind the canvas, and then doesn’t laugh until Daniel laughs. He asks questions about Daniel’s brothers – gives Dutch pain remedies when Daniel talks about Mark’s injury and listens intently as Daniel talks of how talented Oscar is. Max talks a lot about his painting and how he had searched everywhere for the perfect muse, the perfect model to embody Bacchus. 
It goes like that. Max asks him random questions while Daniel wonders when the other man would get it over with. Wondering when the other shoe would drop and Daniel would need to fulfill Max’s desires. Everything seems too normal. It makes him feel not like the whore his usual clients sought, but an actual artist’s model and muse he’d thought he would be when he first stepped through the doors of Signora Carini’s workshop. 
He breaks on the eighth day. After seven days, a week, of laying on the small bed with fresh fruits adorning his naked body, a glass of wine in hand, and oil on his chest instead of coating his hole, Daniel finally asks Max when he’ll fuck him so they could get it over with. 
“Wha-What??” Max sputters, his typically steady hand wavering as he holds the paintbrush just centimeters away from the nearly completed canvas. “Why would- what???” 
“You’re not here to fuck me?” Daniel questions, the grapes resting on his crotch falling as Daniel sits up. “Just to paint?” He grimaces when he sees traces of grape juice staining his skin. 
“Of course, I am here to paint. It is a workshop,” Max replies. 
Daniel just looks at him. Artists didn’t take private rooms to just paint. They didn’t fondle models and request oil to be on all the tables just to paint. They didn’t spend a fortune in the workshop almost every week just to paint. Daniel had seen more than his fair share of painting that would never be completed because the so called artists would rather fuck the models than hone their craft. 
Artist’s workshop was just another name for a brothel, only this way they didn’t have to worry about it impacting the lives they lived outside of these four walls.
He was not the crazy one for asking why Max just kept painting him instead of doing what every other man did. He wasn’t. 
“I have to go,” Daniel says. Rushing to get up, he feels the juice of all the fruits squeezing and oozing underneath his limbs, but he does not get up. He needs to be away from here and from Max who doesn’t want to fuck him and just wants to paint him. People don’t want to paint him, they want to fuck him. He’s not a muse or anything like that, just the favorite whore. 
“Daniel-” Max starts to say, but Daniel doesn’t wait around to hear it. 
Part 2 (Max POV) will be posted in about a week
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
hi, first off i really love your art. the h/c and warmth really hit me where i live and your illustration style is fantastic. lately i've been obsessed with the post where an unwell milek thinks geralt will leave him behind. was that an ingrained insecurity, assuming his super-witcher dad wouldn't have time for a sickly human kid?
[MASTERPOST] - Ahh, thank you for the ask! Yes, this scene.. I actually saw this a bit differently! It's not about Milek fearing Geralt will leave him behind, he actually wants him to. They need to find his Pa!! I think he often feels like a burden; Jaskier knows this, but Geralt isn't aware of this yet. Milek just wants to pull his weight, especially with Jaskier. A little sneak peak to their struggles regarding this:
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Meanwhile Jaskier continues to struggle with his omega status.
#jaskier#the witcher#geraskier lovechild#julian alfred pankratz#omegaverse#there are various things happening here! a. Milek never really had to fear that Jaskier would leave him he knows he never ever would#b. Jaskier said again and again that he'll always care for him and loves him and that he doesn't have to pull any weight at all#c. Jaskier actually became the parent that just wants his kid to be educated and study and learn#(maybe because he knows Milek won't be able to do hard labour but also because he knows what Milek really wants to do)#(filed under: things I haven't drawn yet but they had their big fallout because of oxenfurt and university - things to come in the future)#d. Milek has watched Jaskier working his ass off in various jobs that he didn't like#(and he thinks that prostitution is the worst but only because they didn't properly talk about it before)#e. Jaskier is struggling with how he is percieved - which I think was never that much on his mind when he was travelling with Geralt#being a carefree bard and giving everyone the middlefinger who had some wrong ideas about what he could do and what not#but this is definitely an AU in which he doesn't have a good relationship with his father and he can still hear him say he'll become#'an unbonded omega with a bastard child working on the streets' and I think sometimes it gets to him#(because Jaskier is king of hating his parents ever being right about him)#that Jaskier kind of wants to spare Milek and quietly hopes we won't become an omega - even if he feels bad about it - shall become plot#(one dayyyy)#anyway that was a very long rant about Mileks complex relationship with him feeling like a burden
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strscrossed · 1 month
introducing — the victorian serial killer au!
tw: murder, graphic descriptions of said murders, and prostitution
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this will deal with some pretty dark topics and I have put the triggers above.
the gist of it
mikasa is a prostitute, working at one of the higher end brothels. one day a strange but handsome young man comes along and starts demanding her nights. very rarely does he request sex, most nights he just wants to lay with her, let his heart bleed out in front of her, and feel her warmth. at first he’s just another client, until he becomes a fixture in her nights. he cares for her, so he claims. and her heart melts at the sweet little promises he whispers to her in the dark.
all this as a killer starts prowling the street, leaving prostitutes dead and dismembered. Eren promises mikasa that nothing will happen to her. he promises. whatever that means.
the leads
eren: the son of a well off doctor and belongs to a respectable family in the upper echelons of society. however there is a dark secret about his family — his mother was a former prostitute and she was eren’s whole world until she died. and when he uncovers why, it unlocks a very dark side of him. a loner by nature, he keeps his truth well-guarded secret and no one suspects him. he starts prowling the red light district when he catches sight of mikasa, a prostitute at a high end brothel and she becomes the only exception to his twisted thrill. he starts visiting her almost every night after killing.
mikasa: a fairly popular prostitute at a high-end brothel. a quiet, shy girl by nature, she keeps mostly to herself. she knows how to fake a smile and play a man. her life story is fairly tragic one, having lost her parents young, growing up in an orphanage, and then selling her body to put food on the table. it’s become mechanical to her. until one dr. eren jaeger shows up in her life and makes her cold world just a little warmer, just a little more beautiful. but, something isn’t right about him, and she can’t place her finger on it…
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virtu4l-archieve · 5 months
and this, your living kiss || opal_bullets
rating: explicit
audio length: 7 hr. 5 min.
ship: dean/cas
tags: poetry, writer!dean, professor!castiel, college au, john winchester's a+ parenting, mentions of past prostitution, mentions of cancer, angst with a happy ending
summary: after years of no longer writing poetry under the name jack allen, dean begand to crave a sense of being alive again. he suddenly decides to move in with sam and elienne, along with their son jack. searching for answers dean reaches out to his old mentor, missouri moseley, who recommended dean to audit an advanced college course in poetry taught by professor castiel novak. who happens to not only be devastatingly handsome and see something in dean, but happens to also be academic’s expert on jack allen.
um does anyone have any poetry recommendations? i’m searching for the similar highs i get from hearing jack allen’s poems. read this fic. read this fic. read this fic. actually- listen to it instead! atylk is known as a classic deancas fic- AND ITS FOR A REASON! i loved it found myself shrieking and talking to myself out of pure excitement as i listened. (god bless podfics!) i’ll definitely listen to it again in the future. xx
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kaynes-secret-blog · 5 months
Oh dear
Monsterfucker Arthur reminded me of an idea I had a while ago... Might turn into an AU
Now that I think about it... It's going to be 2 hyperfixations joined together....... I'm definitely turning this into an AU
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So how of prostitution working for ya?
Adam: *eye roll* Well I can’t lay on my back because of my broken wing right now, but I can still — HEY WHY IM I ANSWERING THIS?!
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Come Alive
Author: delires
Rating: M
Status: Completed in September 2022
Word Count: 34,204
Summary: Newly-wed junior advertising exec Blaine Anderson finds a missing piece to his puzzle in the back room of a Manhattan bar. Mad Men era AU.
Tropes/Genre: historical!Klaine, AU, prostitute!Kurt, Mad Men AU, romance, 1960s
Lynne's review: Excellent. So well written. The imagery of the period is spot on. A wonderful read.
Read at: AO3
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crimsonlyinglilly · 7 months
Familiar faces - Elijah past life notes.
Elijah Mikaelson - Original Vampire, born around 977. Cursed by the ancestors, to suffer his body burning his soul in 1822 in return for the attack on the witches Klaus had caused to cover his and Kol's bloodbath.
Klaus kills many witches before manage offered to help, she came up with the plan to remove his soul then remove the curse before return Elijah's soul.
The ritual was interrupted by an apparently suicidal Witch who stole the amulet that held Elijah soul, she was found shortly after he dragged her back with the amulet where it was found that most of Elijah's soul was missing.
She gloated about returning it to the earth to relive as a human, Klaus killed her shortly after it was found they couldn't fix it unless they had the new human Elijah.
Eight years later Celeste in her newest body stole the amulet back and the piece of Elijah soul in it.
Currently his soul is spilt in three pieces, a small piece within the Original Body, the piece within the amulet and most of it living as a human. the three pieces are still connected so channelling the smaller pieces lashes back on the human life.
Elijah's soul isn't human, it hasn't been since 1001, even if his bodies are.
Elijah Todorov, 'Ellis', Born in 1823 to a pair of Bulgarian immigrants.
Born to his parents, in later life, he was the much younger brother to Maria and Aleksandra. His parents died when he was five leaving him to be raised by Maria and her husband afterwards. Sickly child, who needed a crane most of his life, an episode during this life would have lasted days and taken weeks to recover from by which time he was likely to have another.
When he was his sister died given birth three years later, Elijah pretty much ran the house alone after that from age 8 until his brother in law, Sean, overcame the grief.
Mainly called Ellis by Sean unless in trouble and Uncle El by his girls.
Killed his other brother-in-law, Antonio, at twelve, months after Aleksandra's death when he noticed bruises on the niece he wasn't raising and realised his remaining sister's death wasn't an accident.
After that he raised Daria 'Ria' and Minerva 'Minnie', he taught Minnie to paint and helped Ria with her first instrument.
Minnie was a doppelgänger. 
He died shortly before he turned 35, just as his nieces thought he was recovering from the illness, an episode caused him to go down hill quickly.
Years later Ria was forced to sell most of Minnie's painting to raise money after her death, her last painting of Elijah caught Damon attention but was brought by an associate of Klaus who had known Elijah and sent word to him.
Klaus arrived shortly after Damon had visited Ria, after seeing the painting he visited Ria himself.
Klaus arranged to buy all of Minnie's sketchbooks, including many stretches of his brother. He doesn't ask any more, he doesn't want to hear about Elijah life without him or the hardships he faced alone because of Klaus mistake.
He does however arrange a Family mausoleum for Elijah's family, unable to stand the idea of Elijah being buried somewhere he couldn't check.
During moving the bodies, Klaus stole the small crane that Elijah had buried with him, and placed in his 'real' coffin.
Ria is very confused about so much interest in her, at this point long dead uncle.
Elijah Salvatore 'Eli', born 1857 before Lily's 'death', younger brother of Damon and Stefan.
He was Nine nearly ten when he died, to hide it Stefan buried him under his favourite tree, thirty year later his body was found and his half brother had him buried properly without a name on his grave stone.
Stefan was a Doppelgänger
Elijah, 'E' born 1867- farm boy, drowned at age seven after saving his little brother.
Elijah born 1874 - born to well off parents, trampled by horse and died in Klaus arms, he was ten.
Klaus paid the family for the funeral and when he visits the city places hand carved wooden toys on the grave.
He also compelled them to give him any photos they had that contained Elijah, this is the reason Zach couldn't find any photos of Elijah from this life.
His cousin was a Doppelgänger.
Elijah born 1884 - died as a toddler after the frequent series of episodes proved too much for his body.
The reason the Episode were so often and strong was because of Klaus renewed desperation in reaction to just having Elijah die in his arms, ordered his witches to channel the original body in hopes of find his new life.
His mother was a doppelgänger. 
Elijah S. born into a minor noble family in England in 1888, a distance European branch of the Salvatore family.
Arranged to marry his social better by age ten, the pair had a happy marriage as they had no interest in each other but as friends.
Learned the basics of witchcraft when he met another in boarding school.
Didn't want to go to war but was forced to by his father as it was 'his duty' as a member of the nobility, his father died while he was away at war.
Out of all Elijah's past life his is the most documented, since they have his journals, however a few volumes are missing.
Made 'his biggest mistake' during this life when push to his breaking point by his dreams and the trenches. Afterwards and realising he couldn't control what he made he spilt it and sealed it within him and made himself forget it later burning all the pieces of his journals that mentioned witchcraft.
Served in wars, and lived until shortly after turning 70. by the end of his life he had figured most of what was going on with him out.
His great grandnephew was a Doppelgänger.
Elijah - 'Elias' 'Street Kid' born in 1958 to a pair of parents that had no interest in having kids.
Pretty much raised his younger siblings until, in the aftermath of one of his episodes he woke up to his little brother trying to smother him after their parent told him to, 'as a mercy'.
He ran from home shortly after that so his parent couldn't make his brother a murderer.
As a child he was more haunted by the black eyed monster in his mirror than his nightmares.
Started self medicating when he found certain drugs dulled the dreams, turned to selling himself to get them. After a while the dreams did dull but by them the addiction meant he couldn't stop the drugs.
Which is how Tristan found him, he spent a year as Tristan's 'ward/pet/servant' it depended on Tristan's mood.
Elijah realise much later he lost track of his own age due to the drugs and had just turned eighteen before he died, instead of the nearly twenty he had thought
Elijah Salvatore- 'E.J.' born in 1976, ten month after his 'father's' death, he truly is result of his mother and uncle's grief filled night.
His mom left when he was three to get help with her grief as his episodes were making her unstable, leaving him to be raised by his uncle.
Was Zack's shadow until his nightmares got so bad he couldn't tell being awake and dream apart and started hurting himself by clawing at his skin.
Institutionalised at six, accidently killed a orderly in his early teens and killed himself at sixteen.
Elijah Gilbert, born June 22, 1992 to Isobel and John, younger twin of Elena, adopted by Grayson and Miranda. He was the surprise as until he was born they believed Elena was alone.
Grayson used vampire blood in an attempt to help Elijah during a bad series of episodes when he was seven, while it did lessen the worse of the episodes, it made his nightmares far more violent.
Most people compared the twins to their mom but it was very clear to those in the family that Elijah idealized his dad.
Elijah learned about witchcraft when he was eight, after Miranda took him to Sheila Bennet. mostly yo stop him lighting any unplanned fires.
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Hi! Sorry I replied to a post with a lost fic instead of IM u I was just super excited I found one lol!
I'm hoping u can help me out again with my own lost fic if that's alright?
It's a Mobster Derek AU set in NY stiles lives with Scott and Alison. Meets Derek after someone attempts to mug him and D saves him. Then he starts seeing D around the neighbourhood and people start acting weird around him. D buys him a fur coat as well. Eventually moves out to an apartment building D owns because Alision doesnt want him living there (Chris is FBI and knows D is dodge). Theres confrontations with Deuculion as a rival gangster and Stiles sees D shoot him
Hope this is ringing some bells I'm desperate!!
At first I thought the Tax Evasion series. But it doesn't match. If anyone else recognizes it send me an IM.
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@sw0rdkind and @churkey found this on the waybackmachine!
Close Your Eyes by monroesherlock
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marinerainbow · 10 months
Career swap AU
Shiny is a big crime boss in Toontown. She's most renowned for the distribution of illegal substances and prostitution, but she is not above committing other crimes for the right price. She can very easily be cruel- she has to be to keep her power, but those within her inner circle know how playful and soft she can be. She's also known for having ~relations~ with whoever serves as her right hand. She had to 'fire' her latest confidant, and is on the lookout for someone new. Someone who has a good head on their shoulders, and could help out with paperwork (she does admit, that's not her biggest forte), but also has a heart that wouldn't cast her to the sharks the next chance they get... An added bonus would be if they were a cutie pie.
Poppy fell on hard times since Henry left her to Downtown. She wasn't so lucky to find a clean job here, but managed to find one in the entertainment industry... Even if it is a far different kind of entertainment she's not at all used to. She started out as just a pianist for the burlesque club, part of the band. But her boss has been trying to slowly integrate her in stage performances, knowing that she's too desperate to say no despite her stage fright. Right now, she can be seen as either a backup dancer, or will even have a sole singing performance. This has gained her quite a bit of unwanted attention, and Poppy has become far more wary of people now... The pretty weasel lady that comes in sometimes is nice though.
The weasels all still live together. However, they all managed to take a more lawful path. Smartass stayed in school and got his law degree. Greasy worked his way onto the radio and is constantly trying to convince his boss to let him play more risqué songs on his channel. Wheezy, after the war, started working as a dockworker carrying cargo to and from ships. Psycho always had an affinity with electricity and tinkering, and found a nice job with Toontowns electric company. Just be sure to keep an eye on him while he's in your house. And Stupid... It has been difficult for him to keep a steady job, but he does help around the house while the others are away. Someone's gotta take care of the place while everyone else is bust, right?
I kinda like this idea, though I'm not sure where I'm gonna go with it. So I'll just leave it here.
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lambourngb · 11 months
Chapters: 2/4 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Characters: Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Bill "Cougar" Cortell Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Prostitution, Alternate Universe - Pretty Woman Fusion, Military Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Sex Work, First Time, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Serious Topic Romanticized For Fun, Angst with a Happy Ending, Tropes, Fighter Town Kinktober Summary:
Traditional employment was hard to come by with a dishonorable discharge.
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rosalind-hawkins · 7 months
Rock Bottom: Season Zero, Chapter Nine
Excerpt: the first meeting between Seto and Noah Kaiba
Once Seto'd gotten dressed, he'd pocketed the money and entered the elevator to go back to the ground floor and finally head home for the night. He was about a third of the way down when the elevator stopped, and Seto started. The doors opened, and he was faced with a teen who looked like he could be Seto's twin, even though his hair had been dyed a vibrant neon green.
He had the same lanky form as Seto, same height, same proportions. Even their eyes were the same piercing shade of sapphire blue. The other smirked as he stepped inside the elevator and pushed the button to take him to Gozaburo's office. The doors closed as they stood side by side and the carriage continued its descent.
"So you're my father's little whore."
The smooth voice, the mocking tone, the arrogant attitude, his own physical pain: it was more than enough to make Seto snap.
Seto turned on the other teen, catching him in the jaw with a closed fist. The other looked surprised as he was knocked into the wall of the elevator, as if he wasn't used to physical retaliation. Seto turned to face the elevator doors again, feeling smug.
"You're no better than me, moneybags."
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crimsonlyinglilly · 6 months
Day 3 Shame
Again late for day 3 whumpril
Back to Elias in Familiar faces, Tristan and Lucian have a meeting and toy with Elias.
Warnings for implied Sexual content, Elias doesn't have much of a choice in things but assumes that's normal. Also mentions of drug use.
It was rare that Mr. Martel had him around when he had meetings, the last time he had been blindfolded and kept by Mr. Martel’s side due to the chain attached to the collar he had been given as a gift. That meeting had left Elias mostly smothering the familiar feeling he got from the women’s voice, as he was stuck blind and helpless throughout the meeting. 
This time he was somehow worse despite the lack of chain and blindfold but perhaps that was why as without the blindfold he could see the way Mr Castle, as Mr Martel had introduced him to Elias as, kept looking at him like he wanted to eat him.
Knowing what Mr. Martel was, made it so that wasn’t completely off the table, he found himself leaning slightly closer to Mr. martel without meaning to.
Something they were all aware of as it made Mr. Castle laugh loudly every time and look at him with even more hunger, and Mr. Martel smirked at him as he ran a hand across his cheek.
He was blaming the left over high for the comfort he let himself take from it.
“Surely one night can’t hurt, Tristan.” Mr Castle asked.
Elias' eyes widened as he worked out what he was asking for and he looked at Mr. Martel before he could think better of it.
He really shouldn’t have gotten high this morning.
No, he wouldn’t, it had become very clear the man who had claimed him was possessive, he had broken the arm of the man he had left guarding him for touching him too much.
Elias realised his mistake as Mr. Martel noticed the confusion and concern, his eyes lighting up the way they normally did when Elias failed to completely bit back his pain or any of his reactions.
“One night.” he smiled, waving Elias towards the new man.
Elias moved automatically, he had done this before, he reminded himself, he shouldn’t have let himself get too comfortable with Mr Martel, he cursed himself.
He was a whore, a plaything, a toy, of course Mr. Martel could lend his services to his friends.
“Come along my lord Elijah.” Mr Castle cheers as he stands from the chair, clapping his hands. 
“My name’s Elias.” he corrects, not flinching at the sudden noise but failing to stop himself  wondering if he’d be on the end of a slap that night.
“You can be Elijah for tonight, does your master not play this game?” the man asks cupping a hand on the back of his neck as he steps closer.
“Sir?” Elias turned back to Mr Martel hoping the man would change his mind.
“No permanent damage and I expect him to returned.” Mr Martel says dashing Elias’s hopes and he lets himself be let from the room.
“My lord Elijah” the man hums into his ear as his hand eagerly work to undress him, Elias is suddenly relieved Mr. Martel had chosen a layered dress suit for him to wear today. “I want you to only call me two things during our time tonight.” the man smiled, somehow Elijah knew he wasn’t going to like it.
“Call me brother.” The odd instruction caused him to pause as he was sinking onto his knees, he looked back at the man, whose smile broke into a grin as he traced a hand around Elias’s throat, he prepared to be choked but instead the man let go before speaking again “Tonight I'll be Klaus for you.”
It makes his skin crawl, somehow using those words was worse than the pain and pleasure the man worked to get from him, the sharp burning of fang sinking into flesh, still failed to reach as deep as the feeling those words caused.
Elias has worked on the streets for years, Mr Martel has had him crawling on his knees for praise somedays, but those requests and fulfilling them, fills him with a sickening feeling as he rediscovers shame.
He thought he had killed that feeling with the heroin and the other drugs, yet somehow that managed to bring it all back.
Over thirty years later as he wakes his memories fully finally, Elijah glares at Klaus for his recent and current actions and smothers the urge to heave at what Lucien had made him a part of.
Call me brother. 
Tonight I'll be Klaus for you.
How dare that lowly cretin used his brother to humiliate him.
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