#au- familiar faces
crimsonlyinglilly · 5 months
Day 14- Alt “You’re pathetic.”
Picking an alt for day 14 for whumpril but hopefully with this i'll have caught up
Familiar Faces set Season 3 ep 14, set after Day 13 Angry tears and before Day 10 Adrenaline
The Mikealson ball goes on, Elijah is not enjoying it before he gets dragged into being part of the hosts
Elijah bit back the urge to curse out loud as he saw Elena enter the ball despite his pleas that she stay away from Esther, why couldn’t his sibling just listen to him, before he could make his way to her and try to get her to leave he was stopped by another sibling.
“Elijah.” Finn called as he stepped into his path, Elijah had managed to avoid him and Klaus since he arrived, mostly staying at Jenna’s side or speaking with Kol and he flickered around the room to greet all the guests, likely on mother’s order. 
He stopped, not that he had much choice as Finn stood in front of him, he hated the fact he had to look up to meet Finn’s eyes at this closeness.
“This is a new start.” Finn tried to reason with him as he glared back, at least he didn’t need to explain to Finn why he was angry at him.
“She’s the one who failed us,” he snapped back, reminding his brother.
“Elijah we all need to-” his brother started but Elijah cut him off with a laugh.
“Change” he finished before stepping away“and yet you return to the same place you have always been, at mother’s side, clinging to her skirt.”
He frowned as Finn following him forcing him to step further away from where he had left Jenna and Elena who he noticed was joined by both his other brother, the Salvatore could at least keep his self sacrificing twin with the witch with a habit of using doppelganger blood
“Tell me brother who has placed the job of minding our siblings since i’m not returning to the role?” he asked, covering his annoyance as he realised he was being shepherded away with a taunt he knew would push Finn’s patience.
“Mother wants to see you.” Finn admitted as Elijah realised he had been led away, not just from his family but to a side door, one clearly closed off for guests. 
As much as he wanted to remind them he was just a guest here and pull away from Finn to return to his family, he could also feel Klaus on the other side of the door.
It was rather clear this ‘choice’ only had one answer.
“Of course, always the errand boy.” he signed as he gave in, he would have left it if he hadn’t noticed the shift in Finn’s expression a mix of pleasure and getting what he wanted and fulfilling mother’s request, “You’re pathetic.” he smiled coldly at his brother before turning away and barely glancing at Klaus as he met him on the other side of the door.
After months living in this house as it was renovated, and the last kept them as little more than house arrest he knew where they were going.
He isn’t surprised to find Esther standing of the otherside in the living room waiting for him, he is however to find Kol and Rebekah also waiting there, so this was planned, he didn’t glance at either of them in betrayal for not warning, he understood.
It's just he no longer cared about Esther’s wishes.
So had she called him here to humiliate him in front of them as a warning to them or was this an attempt for her to remind him of the full family, to use his siblings against him.
Unfortunately for her, his complete family didn’t include her and he would love to see what would happen if she attempted to ban his siblings from seeing him.
“How can I help you Mrs Mikaelson?” he asked the image of a polite guest, ignoring as Finn and Klaus followed him into the room.
She sighed heavily as if he had disappointed her.
“Elijah, I expect you to deal with your petulantance.”she told him “I understand the emotional issues returning to a younger body and reliving childhood could have confused you, I’ve watched over you, I understand what you have gone through from this curse.”
He choked at her words, refusing to let the panic he felt at the thought of her watching from the other side as he worked on the street, as he crawled after Tristan and cried himself to sleep for the first few years he was in the hospital praying his uncle would come back for him.
“May I suggest getting yourself checked out at the hospital.” he offered turning his choking into an amused scoff, “either your hearing is going for your having memory issues but I told you this morning you're not my mother.” he repeated.
Elijah didn’t look away from her but he heard his siblings shift around the room, clearly uncomfortable at the tension or that he hadn’t given in.
Maybe that was why hse had chosen to do this in front of an audience she was hoping he’d give in to spare them of the discomfort, he had never really liked conflict in his first life.
Turns out that’s something he had learned to, some point over the last thousand years.
“Elijah, do not embarrass me.” she snapped.
“I’m sorry,” he demurred, looking down but watching from the corner of his eyes as she relaxed before speaking again “but your continued existence is an embarrassment to Niklaus reputation.”
“Hey!” Klaus snapped from the side only stopped by her hand wave.
“I mean how come you fail to make sure she stays dead but Zach does.” he called over as if the use of his brother’s name so carelessly didn’t hurt, he rolled his shoulder well aware that his looser postured made Klaus uncomfortable a reminder that he wasn’t just his responsible controlled older brother.
“Zachary Salvatore is on the other side,” Esther spoke softly, soothing, Elijah froze as something crawled its way up his throat. “He wouldn’t want this for you-”
Right, it was repulsion in his throat, at the idea she could use Zach against him. That anyone could use Zee against him when Zee was his, only his, they were all each other had. 
Stop living for others, you're free. Live however you want EJ, Zee’s last words for him, going to his death but more concerned Elijah would lose himself in the afterwards.
She was smiling so sure that had swayed him.
“Since Klaus failed to make your stay there permanent, maybe I can try.” he smiled back, ignoring the way all his siblings flinched.
He wasn’t surprised by the sudden movement from the edges of the room.
Finn and Klaus, Mother’s golden boys. He really needed to deal with the unfortunate refresh of his childhood feelings that the age of his body had brought and Esther’s return had empowered.
Two hands grabbed him at the same time both very much going to leave bruises, the hand on his right catching his shoulder thumb pressing onto his collar bone while the other vice like hand curled around his forearm, he didn’t look away from Esther’s eyes keeping a smile on his face but he noticed the taller one was on his right, Finn’s grip was the one threatening to break his collarbone with the grip tighter than Klaus.
Seemed Klaus has learned a little.
“BOYS STOP!” she shouted after a moment’s delay, was that shock at her son’s attacking the normal peacekeeper or had she wanted Elijah to get a warning from it, Elijah tried not to wonder anymore, he didn’t care about anything Esther wanted. “I expect you to be civilised,” he bites back the comment over learning that from the Gilberts, “not act like animals” he heard his own teeth click as he swallowed another comment over her taste in lovers, he had brought Klaus into this once already.
“Fine, what do you want?” he sighed, rolling his shoulders as he did, the sooner he agreed to whatever she wanted, the sooner he could leave and get away from her.
“You’re to stand with the family during the toast.” she told him, the frown on her face, this had clearly not gone how she wanted.
“Why?” he asked, know there was more to it but unable to see what
“The town knows you,” she smiles and he hates that he knows it means she won, “they trust you, it will help us settle in peacefully.”
He agrees with annoyance he doesn’t let himself show.
He downs the drink the moment the toast is raised, the glass cracking in his grip.
How dare she! Airing his family secret, his adoption, to the town just so she could claim him, at least it was only his birth he brought into question.
That she had let Elena alone.
Still he’d take Isobel over Esther.
Fine, she wanted to be his mother in the eyes of the town, she could have it. The town was going to have questions and they would go to Elijah first, he was the one they knew, he’d grown up with these people, he knew just the ones that would spread the story faster than Esther could.
Elijah was going to be honest, as honest as he could and she couldn’t blame him if it was the truth, it was her own fault if it embarrassed her. 
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month
*Shrinks Down To The Size Of Fairy Moon And Hugged Him* Oh Moon.... I'm Sorry.... They're Okay.... Lunar's Okay Resting And Sun's Safe. I Promise.
speaking of Sun...
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You have a Visitor.
(also i fixed some of the stills from the last comic cuz I forgot to make Moon's eyes match the moon phase QwQ fixed here and on AO3)
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
How I imagine Tim encountering Batman for the first time went
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Au is by @phoenixcatch7 and you need to go give them love! Comment on their drabbles, reblog their posts, shower them in affection as they deserve <3
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Introducing familliar Sun and Moon!
Another witch themed thing because i am normal about witchcraft more info under the cut!
These are definetly not their real bodies... they are just using the vessel provided by their witch as the means to manipulate the world around them... they could also manifest into this world but why bother with that if your witch is already giving you cute vessels? also they dont want to freak the witch out by showing them even a fraction of their real manifestation... they are scary
Yes Moons "base" is also a straw man but he just always catches fire so the witch has to give him new vessels all the time (though the straw burns for a surprisingly long time as Moon can control it rather well... his vessels could last forever if he wanted that but he likes the special treatment he gets when the witch makes him a new one so he just pretends that the straw is bourning out)
They are literally just chilling and making their witch practice basic self care...
They cannot speak but somehow they can evoke images and concepts in your brain when "talking" to you. So you kinda just know what they want to convey
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yuesya · 2 months
Ember kicks at the sand beneath his feet out of sheer boredom. At the same time, a coincidental passing breeze stretches out the grainy trail of sand in a cloud of golden dust beneath the dawn-pink sky. It’s an unexpectedly pretty sight, and Ember immediately blinks, committing the scenery to memory. A common habit that most everyone in the Iron Cavalry had ended up developing, in quiet hopes that they would be able to share such experiences with their Queen through her dreams.
The Queen’s dreams, after all, were known to be drawn from the Iron Cavalry’s collective memories.
“Sorry, did I keep you waiting long?”
To the eyes of outsiders, the young girl approaching him would appear as his sister; they share the same gray-silver hair, the same blue-violet eyes. But commonality in appearance is something that’s shared through all members of the Iron Cavalry –their Queen included. Which only makes sense, seeing as they were created from slight variations of the exact same template.
AR-214, Aurora, flashes AR-53935, Ember, a small smile.
“Don’t worry about it,” he tells her, shifting his weight on the dry Sigonian sands. “It hasn’t been that long.”
“Idalia and I ran into one of the local tribes while we were resupplying earlier, and got delayed while chatting,” Aurora explains. “I know that we were originally planning to wrap things up for the Sigonia-sightseeing, but it turns out that there’s actually a local festival happening tomorrow!”
“Oh,” Ember blinks. “I take it that we’re staying, then?”
“Yup! The locals seemed pretty flattered that Idalia and I were genuinely interested in hearing about their culture, so we somehow ended up with an invitation,” Aurora laughs. One hand comes up to readjust her glasses as it becomes slightly lopsided from the motion. “So, Idalia is thinking about staying for an extra day or two, if that’s alright with you?”
Ember shrugs, “Yeah, I’m fine with it. Idalia barely leaves Glamoth to begin with, so it’s a good thing that she wants to look around and explore some more.”
“Probably because she’s a Personal Escort model,” Aurora muses. All members of the Iron Cavalry are attached to their Queen, more or less, and Personal Escort models –particularly those who’d served the Queen directly during the Swarm Disaster– definitely lean on the ‘more’ side of things. “I think… I think she wants to share festival memories with our Queen.”
Completely understandable, honestly. “Wait, what kind of festival are we dropping in on?”
“It’s the locals’ celebration of the rebirth of their god!”
“… What?”
Aurora laughs again.
“It’s called the Kakava Festival! See, the Avgins believe that everything that exists on Sigonian land is part of their god’s divine body, and every year it will perish and ascend…”
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god-of-fandoms · 5 months
Here it is - a scene from my familiar faces au! I hope you enjoy it!
Tw: cursing, eye trauma, mentions of arranged marriage
Nya grunts in pain as she's thrown to the floor for what seems like the fiftieth time tonight. Scrap N' Tap is always rough - she has her growing collection of scars to account for that - but tonight seems different. Colder, somehow, and so much harsher than ever before. Her ribs are bruised to hell and the blood filling her mouth indicates that she's lost a tooth. The chuckling of the crew slowly falls silent, and her blood begins to run cold as a shadow looms in front of her.
Of fucking course. Why else would the pirates stop holding back unless he wanted something?
"Oh, my dear," and FSM the way Nadakhan calls her that in his sickly sweet tone just makes her want to throw up, "I can tell you're tiring of all of this. Why don't you just give in and stop all this pain?"
Nya spits out a mouthful of blood (and what she's almost certain is one of her incisors) at the djinn. "For the last time, dickbag," she hisses at his disapproving glare, "I'm not wishing for shit."
Nadakhan sighs as he floats closer, ignoring her attempts to flinch back. One thing she’s learned since being stuck on the misfortune? The captain has no fucking sense of personal space. It’s a trait that makes her shiver with disgust, especially when conversation circles back to the reason theyre stuck in this tango.
Speaking of which…
“My crew have been searching day and night, and your friends are still nowhere to be found.” Nadakhan’s golden eyes steadily burn a hole into her soul. She looks away, favoring the sight of her blood dripping onto the deck over that of the djinn’s face. “It seems that they are particularly good at hiding where I cannot see. But, my dear, you’ll come to find-” he grabs Nya’s throat in a bruising grip, ripping a strangled gasp from between her teeth as she's choking again, she can't breathe she can't breathe she can't breathe - "I always find what I'm looking for eventually. The other ninja will be in my grasp within the month, and once I have them? They will know pain like nothing they have known before, I swear to you."
He throws her to the floor once again. Her bruised ribs cry out in agony, but the feeling of air entering her lungs again drowns out the now familiar pain. A calloused hand finds its way to her hair, twisting a loose strand, and once again Nya has to fight back the urge to vomit.
"It doesn't have to be that way if you could just tell me where to find them. I can be merciful, and while it cannot be denied that I used to despise you for destroying Djinjago, it was not your intention to do so. Ever since you joined us-" ha, joined as if my only other choice wasn't to let you have him - "I have found it harder to argue against your usefulness. You would make a brilliant pirate, my dear."
Nya gives the djinn no response other than a scoff. She would rather die a million times than to see the day she'd willingly take orders from this son of a bitch. He sighs and turns his back on her, floating towards the center of the Scrap N' Tap arena. She wishes she had a knife to plunge into his spine.
"Your friends would not need to suffer, either, as long as they agreed to cooperate as well. I could let you all help me in my rule over Ninjago. It is... unfortunate that your brother and the nindroid were too late for this deal, but once I have my Delara back and receive infinite wishes I could be persuaded to bring them back-"
Nadakhan freezes. The rest of the crew falls eerily silent as well. Nya has been in control of water long enough to know that this is what it feels like in the calm before a raging storm.
"What did you just say to me?" The djinn asks, his words knife sharp. He turns to face her once again, and shit he's fucking enraged. It takes everything in Nya to glare back at him when her brain is telling her it's not safe run away DANGER RUN-
"His name is Jay, not Delara. I don't give a shit that he looks like your dead fucking fiancee - they could be twins for all I care - that doesn't change the fact that he's his own person. Delara is dead, Captain, and I'd rather gouge out my own eye than let you marry him because you think it will bring her back."
Nadakhan's nostrils flare as he flies towards her, arm outstretched as if to hit her. Nya can't help it - she flinches away, squeezing her eyes shut as she waits for the blow to come.
It doesn't.
After a few tense seconds, she looks up again. Nadakhan floats there, a peaceful look across his face as if he hadn't appeared ready to end her fucking life a moment before. Has he somehow managed to calm himself down
"Let me get this straight, my dear," and nope, he's even more angry than he was before, if the way his words drip with icy venom are a hint of his current emotional state, "Despite what you say about your precious Jay, I'd know my beloved anywhere. He may go on believing that he is not her, but once I have him in my grasp - and I will have him - he'll be whoever I say he is. And once I wed him and gain infinite wishes, I will be able to bring back the soul of my beloved Delara from the departed realm. With her spirit in his body, we will be reunited at last!"
Nya has to actively fight her nausea as she looks at the djinn's dreamy expression. Pure unadulterated horror courses through her. She knew that the djinn wanted to marry Jay under the delusion that he was a reincarnation of his bitchass fiancee, but for him to blatantly admit that he didn't give a single shit about Jay's thoughts and feelings on the matter - to admit to his plan of letting Delara permanently possess his body??? - makes her actively sick.
"You're a monster," she gasps, and it only makes him grin sadistically. "Jay will never marry you! He'll fight back every step of the way, and so will I!"
"My dear, Jay doesn't get a choice. No matter what, I will wed him and we will rule Ninjago together. And as for you..." His grin only grows wider as he looks away from her to admire the gleaming metal of his hook. He gestures to Dogshank and before she knows it the beast of a woman is restraining her, and despite her struggling she won't budge. "You're very against this wedding, aren't you? In fact, if my memory hasn't betrayed me, I recall you saying you'd 'rather gouge out your own eye than let me marry him'.
Nya freezes. The djinn is getting closer, too close, and the way he's gazing at his hook sends a bolt of terror through her. "I - I didn't actually mean that!" she stutters as her efforts in struggling against Dogshank double in intensity. She's completely unable to move, however, and her breathing gets harder and faster as Nadakhan raises the curved blade to just above her left eye. He wouldn't really, would he?
Nadakhan pauses, golden eyes roaming over her terrified face with amusement. "You didn't?" He asks, faux disappointment drowning his voice. He begins to pull away his hook, and the sigh of relief she lets out is embarrassingly audible.
"I guess I'll just have to do it myself, then!"
The hook pierces her eye.
The pain is instant and blinding. it's so much worse than every other injury she's faced as a ninja. It courses through her veins, hot and heavy, with no sign of stopping.
The hook digs deeper and though she can't hear anything she knows she lets out a scream as she feels it tear through her eye, ripping through nerves and tissue. The pain whites out her brain, she can't think of anything else, she can't breathe, she can't see-
It feels like minutes of agony as the blade twists and digs through her eye socket, hell bent on causing as much pain as possible. It's working. She simultaneously can't feel anything but her eye and feels every inch of her body as all of her nerves echo with pure blinding excruciation.
Then the hook freezes, and she's only given a brief reprieve from the pain before it yanks out of her socket, taking her eye with it.
The blinding pain overwhelms her again as nerves are ripped from the space her eyeball occupied moments before. Through her ringing ears, she can hear someone screaming. A minute later, she realizes that those are her cries.
She's dropped unceremoniously to the floor by Dogshank, where she lies in a growing pool of her own blood. The pain is still coursing though her, but it slowly ebbs... along with her consciousness.
Through rapidly closing eyes - eye, she only has one now - she can see Nadakhan as he floats towards her crumpled form. He lifts her chin gently, seemingly admiring his handiwork. Not has never been this tired. At this point, the pain is set aside as her body shuts down. Nadakhan tuts at her visible exhaustion and wipes away her tears (when did she start crying? She can't bring herself to care).
"Poor girl," he mumbles, his mournful tone a sharp contrast to the (rapidly blurring) smirk on his face. "This wouldn't have had to happen if you had just told me what I wanted to know."
Fuck that. She gathers the last of her strength as she glares at him and rasps, "'m not tellin' you shit".
Nadakhan scowls, but it quickly turns into a self satisfied smile. "Even in a time like this, you still have your fire. Good. And as for you 'not telling me shit', I believe you now. But mark my words, my dear..."
Nya is drifting off; Nadakhan's voice is getting more and more muffled as she sinks into her exhaustion. The last thing she hears are the djinn's parting words to her.
"Jay and the rest of your friends will be mine eventually. In fact, I doubt I'll have to look much longer. I guarantee you that they'll come to me themselves."
this took me a crazy short amount of time compared to most of my writing. I'll have to thank @tornoleander for that because I listened to the girl with one eye (Florence + the machine) like you mentioned when talking abt my au and DAMN it got me in the mindset for this like nothing else lemme tell you. If there were to be a ff!au playlist at some point that would definitely be on it (along with nothing by Emily autumn because that gives me serious jay and nadakhan vibes lol)
Im probably gonna edit this soon because I'm so tired and this is probably shit rn. Bear with me though the typos fam.
anyway I really hope you all like this! Your feedback is always important to me so tell me what you think.
as always, feel free to ask me anything about this fic! I'm always happy to answer your questions :D
Thanks for reading this! I hope it makes you more excited about this au.
Have a lovely day!
-Lee :)
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reineydraws · 6 months
Saw your Mishanks bodyswap art! Very cute and fun! (Mihawk with a genuine smile on his face so so fun)
I imagine Shanks whould have trouble fighting in Mihawk's body at first since it's been years since he's had two arms
yes absolutely, i imagine that too! conversely, i think mihawk would have a little bit of trouble adjusting his balance and reach with a body missing one arm, as well. it's interesting to think about how they both would be forced to change their fighting style, and whether or not they would exchange swords.
mihawk's been seen using yoru with just one hand so he could probably pull it off with shanks's body. also interesting to think about shanks tripping up on having two arms until he naturally slips into his old fighting style again--or would he? because there's also the question of muscle memory, right? would mihawk's body automatically do things that shanks isn't predisposed to doing, and vice versa?
the other thing i find intriguing about body swapping in one piece is the question of whether or not your haki powers would switch as well. they say haki is spiritual presence, so presumably your haki switches if your spirits switch, but if it's the kind of spirit that's tethered to the presence of the body? then consider mihawk having the strongest conqueror's haki out on the blues, or shanks being able to use observation haki at mihawk's level, practically being able to predict the future--or mihawk, able to counter with shanks's haki-kill technique. food for thought!
#rei replies#one piece#mishanks body swap au#mishanks#akataka#dracule mihawk#shanks#akagami no shanks#red haired shanks#re: the genuine smiling#i also like to think shanks in mihawk's body would have this moment where he realizes his cheeks ache from all the smiling he's doing lol#bc mihawk's facial muscles arent used to doing it#and when they switch back shanks teases mihawk about it ('you exercise so many of your muscles hawky but your cheeks? they're weak!')#and he manages to get a smile out of mihawk that's mihawk's version of a genuine smile and it's softer and less wide but it's honest#and oh shanks is soooooo in love with him hahaha#BY THE WAY ALSO I JUST THOUGHT OF THIS OMG but in this body-swapped au mihawk-as-shanks would 100% shave for shanks#like hell is he gonna let shanks grow *stubble* on *his* face. dracule mihawk with STUBBLE? banish the thought!!!!!!#but shanks doesnt do it up to his standards so there's totally a scene where mihawk and shanks are body swapped in the bathroom#and mihawk is standing too close and shaving his lil pointy sideburns and mustache onto shanks's face#and shanks is having a crisis because that's his own face breathing too close and waaaay to intimately but that look of concentration#is ALL mihawk. shanks can practically his eyes--so familiar from the mirror and wrinkled with laugh lines--glow yellow with how#much mihawk looks like himself right now even in shanks's body.#it's all very strange. shanks has been attracted to mihawk for a long time but it's just blatantly unfair that the first time in YEARS#theyre this close again and it's shanks's own body that he has to look at. on the upside he supposes all he needs to do to ogle#mihawk is to look down. pros and cons pros and cons.#(mihawk isnt having a crisis. mihawk is annoyed that hia beard is easier to do in first person it is to do in the third person.#surely not having to do it reflected in a mirror should be easier and yet for some reason everything feels off! ugh.)#i digress
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anartisticalniche · 9 months
He noticed some commucion one day as he strolled around the plaza looking around for inspiration.
A crowd of some sort had formed around a corner; they were cheering, laughing at something- or someone- that he couldn't really see, due to the amount of people present.
As he approached the cheering citizens, his eyes lit up at what he witnessed.
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A pair of men, two brothers he believed, were performing acts of comedy and telling jokes, keeping the audience they had gathered captivated.
They were foreign, he could tell, as the thick accent reverbted in their joyful voices. Their clothes dirty and broken in places, but the glint in their eyes lightning up whatever state their physical form were at the moment.
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The man remained astonished: he could smell talent a mile away, and he believed he had just stepped a mine full of gold with these two.
After everyone had scattered, he approached, and while they remained wary, he simply clapped cheerfully.
"Bravo! You boys put on quite the show! I'm really impressed!"
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He bowed down, a gleam in his eye: "My name is SMG4, and I'd like to offer you both an opportunity. How would you fine gentlemen like a better stage than the dirty streets of the Mushroom Kingdom?"
Here we go! First prologue of A Corsair Freebooter, aka how the Mario bros met SMG4.
The poor boys were immigrants that performed around the streets for money, and the blue man himself took a bit advantage of it and recruited them for his plays in theater.
(I want to point out that he doesn't straight up become friends with them... he's a bit of an asshole like in the first era in canon, where he mainly focuses on getting famous and popularity through his work...
He'll get there though in terms of friendship, don't worry!)
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
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(Slides into the main tmc tag) heyyyyyy I have a monster au now so. That’s funky-
Anyway here are a couple doodles of the werewolf duo in said au Heehoo
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
What if in Devil Bastard au Alastor's shadow is like Razzle and Dazzle meant to keep Lucifer's *child* safe only Luci never really specified which child and well shadow ended up with Alastor.
That sounds like a fun idea, but to be frank, Alastor's shadow just doesn't seem like something Lucifer would make. His tastes lean a lot more, um...
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I do like the idea of one of Lucifer's creations seeking out Alastor on their own though! Something that, like Razzle and Dazzle, appears small and adorable most of the time but is capable of taking on a bigger, more monstrous form when its charge is in danger. The creature probably was a prototype, or something Lucifer set aside in favor of Razzle and Dazzle and let gather dust. But when it sensed one of Lucifer's children in Hell, on his own, it did what it was designed to do and sought him out! Lucifer never even noticed its absence from his workshop (probably because it had been buried under a pile of ducks).
Personally, I think it would be hilarious if this creation had the appearance of a dog. A more animalistic hellhound than Beelzebub's people. A tiny, cute, fluffy puppy with black fur and six legs and a little set of horns on its head. When it thinks Alastor's in danger, however, it turns into a behemoth, with reptilian legs and a forked, serpentine tail and spear-like teeth that protrude out of its mouth.
Alastor does not care for the little beast when it first comes to him. He's not scared of dogs, per se, but he certainly doesn't like them. No matter how he tries to shoo or ditch the little creature, though, it won't go away.
Then he gets into his first turf war after the little dog shows up and it unveils its second form, ripping apart Alastor's enemies in moments. And, well...
Sure, he could have taken care of the small fry himself. But far be it from him to turn away a useful minion! So when it comes trotting over in puppy form, blood dripping from its maw, Alastor doesn't turn it away. He decides to name it Nicasius.
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thegraveyardsh1ft · 1 year
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Steel Wool, I'm questioning if you somehow hired a microscopic spy to enter into my brain because your recent Help Wanted 2 announcement trailer SUSPICIOUSLY sounds as if Mike being dragged back into his PTSD triggering moments from Sister Location mixed with corporate bullshit from Macabre Mart
Bonus Theory:
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The game is someone's sweet cartharsis
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crimsonlyinglilly · 11 months
Familiar Faces - Interlude Mikaelson family.
Should be asleep, but Gif set got me inspired, Finn feels.
So how are the Mikaelson's doing without Elijah,
When Finn is finally free of the box he finds his family shattered.
He knows something had happened to Elijah, overheard it while stuck in the box but he doesn’t really understand until he sees the haunted lost look in Klaus and Rebekah’s eyes, finds Elijah’s still and unresponsive in a coffin not unlike his, while purposely not questing why Klaus had a premade coffin for Elijah, but without the dagger.
It was explained by the witch that had offered herself to watch over Elijah in return for Klaus sparing the rest.
Elijah had been cursed to get back at Klaus, his soul had been killing him, burning against the unnatural state of his body, while they didn’t know if it would have actually killed him the experience would have driven him mad or broke him.
Finn knows the box had done both to him and he wouldn’t have wanted that for any of his siblings.
So they came up with a plan to temporarily remove Elijah's soul and return after the curse was broken.
Instead another witch had stolen his soul and released it, leaving it unable to move on as it was still tied to the mortal plane via the body, forcing it to be reborn over and over.
Somewhere out in the world Elijah Mikaelson had been or would be born a human to live a mortal life, grow old, die and repeat.
Finn may have been jealous if not for the fact that it had to be the last thing Elijah would ever have wanted, and had denied Elijah a chance of ever resting. 
Finn knows he’s a replacement, that the sole reason Klaus undaggered him was because he wanted an older brother, and every moment after Finn is a reminder that Finn isn’t the one he wanted.
Finn doesn’t know Klaus as well, doesn’t know the words to sooth his tantrums that Elijah had perfected since Klaus was in single digits, and isn't willing to bit back his venom where Elijah would.
He had held back the comment that Klaus wasn't the brother Finn would prefer either, but he wouldn't take being told that he didn't care.
The first time and only time Klaus accuses Finn of not caring about Elijah, Finn had replied that this wasn’t the first time Klaus had cost him a younger brother.
The wide eyed, almost teary look of hurt and horror was enough to remind Finn of the little boy behind the big bad monster he tried so hard to show everyone.
He wondered if that glimpse was why Elijah had kept going, for his always and forever. If that even knowing that he'd be the one targeted Elijah would have done it anyway.
After that Klaus is far more careful about pushing Finn, they're more likely to end up screaming or throwing each other around than Elijah would have but they do develop a system.
They both ignore the times they come across the other talking to Elijah’s coffin.
Finn doesn’t mention, he knows that sometimes during the worst of their arguments he notices that Klaus pauses sometimes, still expecting, longing for Elijah to step in, the same way Finn wants it.
It was the way they were meant to work, the way he and Elijah had spilt the workload since they were children, Elijah had always known when to take the younger kids away when they had started to get on his nerves.
Now there was no Elijah, just a silent coffin and centuries of time Finn wasn’t there to see how his sibling had grown.
Rebekah is easier, she takes any distraction and is pleased to no longer be the one trying to calm Klaus’ worst impulses alone. She also pushes him to leave with sage after a while, even if she disapproves of his love, later he finds out it was only to get him out the way so he couldn’t interfere with her relationship with Marcellus.
He returns to find her daggered and Klaus alone with Marcel, he makes a reminder not to leave her or Kol trapped for too long and leaves it at that.
The first time Finn had explained to Klaus that he had become aware while trapped in there Klaus had looked shocked, but shrugged.
When he hadn’t managed to stop himself from begging Klaus not to the next time he had pulled the dagger as a threat, Klaus had looked horrified.
And then never brought the threat or dagger up around him again, not directly, Klaus still couldn't help a few veiled threats a century later.
When Kol is undaggered decades later his anger is turned on Klaus, Finn doesn’t hid his smirk when Kol screams the words Klaus had snapped at him on more than one occasion
“You're not the older brother I want.”
Kol throws himself back into magic at first to find a way to locate Elijah’s new life, Finn finds himself joining in, he and Kol for all they had never gotten along they had both learnt the most from mother in life. When Kol starts looking for ways to make Klaus understand the dagger he had stood by not helping but not telling Klaus either.
Any thoughts or mention of the dagger tended to freeze him.
When Klaus and Marcel found Kol out, Finn stood by then too as Kol was daggered, at least Kol understood not to look to him for help and instead Finn had fled and ended up spending the rest of the night sitting by Elijah’s coffin, speaking to it and still wishing for an answer even if he could barely remember his voice.
Elijah isn’t dead, but he’s taken from them just the same, and still Finn's on the outside as three of them miss the older brother that had carried them for centuries, Finn grieves the years he had lost with his younger brother.
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crimeronan · 1 month
hey for the worst timeline au did you ever establish how exactly belos gets the portal open so he can drag luz off to the human realm? because i had a Thought.
he’d still need a pretty major power source to get that thing up and running, right? but he doesn’t have the collector’s help. but he DOES have whatever he learned about draining magic from the basilisks.
so I’m thinking: variation on the draining spell from canon. takes him a few years longer to work out, and doesn’t hit as hard — it cuts out as soon as the portal’s open and stable. but like. luz does not know this.
so from her perspective, belos mortally wounds hunter and then triggers a spell that seems to be killing everyone else in the castle. he drags her down to the portal past scouts writhing in agony, past coven heads who can’t muster the strength to fight him — raine almost gets a hit in, but to no effect — and out to the human realm.
so luz doesn’t know if anyone is still alive until hunter comes and finds her, weeks later.
no wonder she lets belos get hit by a train.
OOF. god i like this. BIG fan of raine almost getting a hit in. luz reaching out to them for help but not quite able to make contact....
this would explain some of why she doesn't try to get back to the isles, too, besides just pure grief. what's the point of trying to go home to a wasteland??
and it Also triggers a subplot in my head with raine and eda.... raine once again finding themself caught in a painful choice, being like "i Cannot abandon the government in the middle of this much political upheaval. but eda, if you can still get to the human realm, you Have to find her. please"
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
What if Bruharvey but Batman is the eldritch half-human child of Gotham who gave up his humanity and has technically been missing for the last 10 or so years haha....
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Don't have all the AU planned out but it literally came into being just because I want to write a scene of Harvey finding out this being who has lost everything was not only human, but his best friend. His best friend who gave up everything to Gotham, who is so far removed from human now they can barely mimic a humanoid shape.
I do think Bruce still lives in the Cave, but it's more like the whole tunnel system under Gotham, not just the one under the Manor. He's Gotham's Knight still, just with a more Gotham curse-approved form and a few blurry memories due to his mind no longer running like a human's.
Probably takes in the Robins still too, just differently. How that is I currently don't know and am up for ideas lol. Actually I am open to pretty much any ideas you guys have. Gimme anything you got lol
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st4rrmii · 3 months
And if I made a Chaos Theory infection au then what
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h-didanart · 2 months
Final part of runaway
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What is that a rat?
Looks gross
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*tries to run*
No your not going anywhere
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What do we do
Throw it in the river?
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Bloodmoon pov:...solar
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No way it's ours!
A little skip cus eclipse beats them up
*bloodmoon sleeping*
E: well everyone is going to be quiet surprised...
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(To clarify bloodmoon has been gone for ten weeks)
And yea eclipse helps the baby :>
*gasps* final part
NO DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HIM YOU RANDOM NPCS— more people whose spines must be removed
The poor bab :(
ECLIPSE???? Oh that- hmm- that Solar frame, it’s good but damn is it emotional
Eclipse saved the baby :3 the baby is safe, and sick, and likely more traumatized, but they— ten weeks. They were. They were gone for ten weeks? That— ok
This is a very good arc, it was very angsty and heartbreaking and I adored it even if my comments didn’t show that. Very very good work
That child is gonna require a lot of therapy :<
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