#Prudence Archiviste
callilemon · 1 year
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Prudence recounting his birth like 😂💀
Twitter made me do it, I swear (not really, I'm just easily convinced once I get an idea LOL)
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messiahzzz · 6 months
oc meme
tagged by: @galedekarios. thank uu hun 💕
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- Full name: Caoimhee ("beloved, gentle, kind, graceful") Laira (“soul, spirit, light”) Thirfaen (“wandering, drifting”). Previously Ahren (“mountain of strength”)-Sgéin (“achiever of greatness”) - Gender: Female - Sexuality: Demi/Pansexual - Pronouns: She/her
- Family: Ahren-Sgéin, farmers and merchants -> Father: Eduard Sgéin -> Mother: Julianna Ahren -> Adoptive Mother/Caretaker: Rauha Thirfaen - Birthplace: Greenest - Job: Archivist - Records management + Preservation - Phobias: Athazagoraphobia, Catagelophobia, Cleithrophobia, Phonophobia - particularly the sound of marbles - Guilty pleasures: Coming up with new culinary atrocities, poofy dresses, word scrambles, murder mysteries & trashy novels (less guilty on the last one) - Hobbies: Reading/writing, history, poetry, collecting, arts & crafts (quilling, embroidery, jewelry making, sculpturing)
- Alignment: Neutral Good - Sins: Sloth, Envy - Virtues: Prudence, Humility, Reliability, Compassion
T H I S  O R  T H A T
- Introvert / Extrovert - Organized / Disorganized (on both ends of the spectrum simultaneously) - Close-minded / Open-minded - Calm / Anxious / Restless - Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between - Cautious / Reckless / In between - Patient / Impatient / In between - Outspoken / Reserved / In between - Leader / Follower / Flexible - Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between - Optimist / Pessimist / Realist - Traditional / Modern / In between - Hard-working / Lazy (she contains multitudes)
- OTP: Gale/Caoimhee — Best friends. Birds of a Feather. Soulmates. - Acceptable Ships: None - OT3: None - Brotp: Yes -> Karlach/Caoimhee — Caoimhee is the yin to Karlach’s yang, they balance each other out perfectly. Caoimhee relishes in Karlach’s impulsivity, go-getter attitude, and particular brand of chaos, while her rational and reflective input helps Karlach with navigating her restlessness and staying grounded. Both are very protective of each other. -> Shadowheart/Caoimhee — They relate to each other on a deep level, even with differing circumstances. Caoimhee greatly appreciates Shadowheart’s snark and dry humor, as well as the kind heart underneath. While Shadowheart is pleasantly surprised by Caoimhee’s patience and understanding, deeming her a calming and trustworthy presence. They continue to seek each other out for advice. - Notp: Any combination that isn’t Gale/Caoimhee
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tagging: @promakodriver, @say-lene, @ra-scheln, @senualothbrok, @dreamingofthewild, @villainanders, @laserlope, @eilistraaee, @tinleafart, @leofrith and anyone else who wants to do this!
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genesysofthestars · 4 months
Genshin Impact OC Info: Augustine
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Picrew Link: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1472643
Vision: Hydro Vision - Ousia
Nation: Fontaine
Weapon: Catalyst
Affiliation: Knights of Favonius
Constellation: Tempus Prudentia (Time of Prudence); Pocket Watch
Build: 4 Star - Sub-DPS/DPS
“A Moment of Clarityˮ Skill: Summons a series of water spheres; will explode around the enemies upon command. DMG increases when there are fewer enemies.
ˮA spark of inspiration…ˮ
ˮA moment of clarity!ˮ
“The Eleventh Hourˮ Burst: Crowd Control - cast out a field of water that traps enemies around him, slowing them down almost like there are frozen; long term hydro application. Increases Elemental Mastery of the team for a short time.
ˮNot much time left!ˮ
“Hear my story!ˮ
Idle Animation:
Brings out his pocket watch, letting it swing in his hand before checking the time.
Crosses his arms and closes his eyes as if thinking. A water spirit of a lady appears behind him and pokes him. She disappears when he turns around.
Character Info
Scriptwriter of a Theater Troupe at the start of his writing career
Migrated to Mondstadt for inspiration
Works as an Archivist for the Knights, sometimes works as an assistant for the Investigation Division.
Writes short stories for The Steambird
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rowangriffiths · 2 months
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { ROWAN GRIFFITHS } walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { HE } is/are ? they kind of look like { FIONN WHITEHEAD } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { 22 } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { YEAR }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { SHERLOCK HOLMES } from { SHERLOCK HOLMES }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { PALMVIEW UNIVERSITY } as a { STUDENT }. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { ARCHIVIST } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { ARROGANT } at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { INGENIOUS } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { 2 BEDROOM } apartment beside me over in { HARBORVIEW RESIDENCES, UNIT 1C }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you!
The Basics:
Name: Rowan Griffiths
Age: 22
Birthday: December 31st
Gender: Cis-man
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Gray-aro/ace
Occupation: Full-time student at Palmview University, studying... Well. No one really knows what he's studying. He transferred here and doesn't seem to have declared a major and bounces between engineering, math, language, and arts classes.
Apartment: Harborview Residences, Unit #1C with one roommate.
Counterpart: Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock Holmes. (All of them. A pseudo, franken-Holmes stuffed into the body of a modern college student. Yes, this includes Frogwares'. Yes, this includes Sherlock & Co. Woe be upon us all)
The Personality:
Enneagram: 5w6
Temperament: Choleric
Zodiac: Capricorn sun, Sagittarius moon, Gemini rising
Virtue: Prudence
Sin: Pride
The Headcanons:
Rowan is the youngest of three brothers and two sisters
His parents run a very successful multi-national business and are heavily involved in politics and Hollywood. They're a pretty famous family.
He absolutely cannot function in the morning without a minimum of two cups of coffee
His library is massive and comprised entirely of cheap paperbacks
He wanted to be an astronaut as a child before he became infected with a fear of the void
He was in speech and debate in school and tried to run for student president. His campaign went over like a lead balloon
Rowan's allergic to shellfish
He speaks five languages: English, French, Russian, Arabic, and Mandarin Chinese.
He genuinely regards his roommate as a friend
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notknickers · 1 year
Dear Archivist
I think the Institute should have had an advice column for people who could not make it there in person. I also think if Jon had been the Instutute's Dear Prudence, he would have been incredibly harsh, dismissive and would not have spared barbed comments and final advice to seek psychiatric or substance abuse help, but in that very british and poisonous passive aggressive way that bears nothing but ill will. I think genuine letters would have dwindled, in favour of trollish ones aimed at riling him up and making even more of an arse of himself, all in public writing. At some point, Elias would have had to go down to the archive section to have a talk with his employee, only to try to save their weekly publication by replacing him with Martin, who would probably be a little more delicate and, anyway, as far as archival assistants go, Jon himself would not miss to have under his supervision. In fact, I think Jon would suggest Martin himself: get rid of someone he considers useless, while abdicating a position he hates that Elias forced on him to increase the number of interactions by survivors of the paranormal with the Institute. As if trying to make sense of the utter chaos Gertrude left were not enough of a sysiphean task! The swap would be kept from the public, of course, who would still think to be in direct contact with the Head Archivist himself, not with a mere assistant - and an allegedly incompetent one, at that. But the sudden shift in tone and unexpexted kindness - or at least politeness - would raise questions that would remain unanswered. After a while, the advice column would expand into a tea-reviewing column of which martin is in charge and who, this time, will be encouraged to use his own name to pen his poetic waxings about tea.
With both columns succeeding, they would have a little archival assistants editorial to close the week, A Day in the Life, where Sasha and Tim describe their work, injecting a bit of humour and making the ominous, dark money Institute look more approchable and friendly. --- I think Elias would go so far as to put cheesy adverts around London, without letting Jon know in advance. Write the Archivist, they would say in a friendly font. When challenged about misuse of his personal image, Elias would claim that he was within his rights to do as he did and if Jon still has grievances about it, he should consult a copy of his contract with the Institute. Jon would take Elias on on the offer on the spot, knowing full well no such clause existed when he took the promotion to Head Archivist. And yet, upon perusing the documents - enough times that words started losing all meaning - there it was! The unexpected clause that gave the Institute and, thus, Elias, partial rights over his image. grumble grumble, but nothing concrete to object, Dear Archivist.
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christophe76460 · 8 months
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Ésaïe, 36:1 - La quatorzième année du roi Ézéchias, Sanchérib, roi d`Assyrie, monta contre toutes les villes fortes de Juda et s`en empara.
Ésaïe, 36:2 - Et le roi d`Assyrie envoya de Lakis à Jérusalem, vers le roi Ézéchias, Rabschaké avec une puissante armée. Rabschaké s`arrêta à l`aqueduc de l`étang supérieur, sur le chemin du champ du foulon.
Ésaïe, 36:3 - Alors Éliakim, fils de Hilkija, chef de la maison du roi, se rendit auprès de lui, avec Schebna, le secrétaire, et Joach, fils d`Asaph, l`archiviste.
Ésaïe, 36:4 - Rabschaké leur dit: Dites à Ézéchias: Ainsi parle le grand roi, le roi d`Assyrie: Quelle est cette confiance, sur laquelle tu t`appuies?
Ésaïe, 36:5 - Je te le dis, ce ne sont que des paroles en l`air: il faut pour la guerre de la prudence et de la force. En qui donc as-tu placé ta confiance, pour t`être révolté contre moi?
Ésaïe, 36:6 - Voici, tu l`as placée dans l`Égypte, tu as pris pour soutien ce roseau cassé, qui pénètre et perce la main de quiconque s`appuie dessus: tel est Pharaon, roi d`Égypte, pour tous ceux qui se confient en lui.
Ésaïe, 36:7 - Peut-être me diras-tu: C`est en l`Éternel, notre Dieu, que nous nous confions. Mais n`est-ce pas lui dont Ézéchias a fait disparaître les hauts lieux et les autels, en disant à Juda et à Jérusalem: Vous vous prosternerez devant cet autel?
Ésaïe, 36:8 - Maintenant, fais une convention avec mon maître, le roi d`Assyrie, et je te donnerai deux mille chevaux, si tu peux fournir des cavaliers pour les monter.
Ésaïe, 36:9 - Comment repousserais-tu un seul chef d`entre les moindres serviteurs de mon maître? Tu mets ta confiance dans l`Égypte pour les chars et pour les cavaliers.
Ésaïe, 36:10 - D`ailleurs, est-ce sans la volonté de l`Éternel que je suis monté contre ce pays pour le détruire? L`Éternel m`a dit: Monte contre ce pays, et détruis-le.
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marjaystuff · 2 years
Guest Review:  Death at the Falls by Rosemary Simpson
Death At The Falls
A Gilded Age Mystery Book 7
Rosemary Simpson
Kensington Books
Nov 29th, 2022
Death at the Falls by Rosemary Simpson is an historical mystery that brings to life the Gilded Age.  This time the main characters, Prudence MacKenzie and ex-Pinkerton Geoffrey Hunter, travel to Niagara Falls for a dangerous assignment.
“I have been there twice.  I wanted to take Geoffrey and Prudence out of New York City.  I gave the characters the feelings I had of the mist in the air, leaning on the railings, with a titillating “what if.” It was a very famous vacation spot especially for celebrities. The Falls was making a transition from a touristy place to a center of hydroelectricity. It has always attracted oddities including those who wanted to be the first person to go over the Falls. This is where Crazy Louie came from.”
The mystery has a seventeen-year-old woman, Rowan Adderly, due to inherit millions when she turns eighteen.  Her father and mother disappeared seven years ago but before he went missing put valuable newly purchased land into a trust for Rowan.  The problem is that her grandmother, Myra, attempts to block the inheritance, claiming the girl’s mother was promiscuous and she’s another man’s child. Myra falsified documents and has threatened the lives of those close to Rowan, intending to prove her son and the mother of Rowan were never married.
Rowen’s life was like Cinderella. “Yes, she was, even though that image did not pop into my mind, the mean grandmother replaced the mean stepmom.  When I wrote this book and needed a character to center the attempted fraud, I thought of a young Irish soprano singing Irish ballads that I heard. She is composed, intelligent, too trusting, and feels she does not belong.” 
Newly minted lawyer Prudence and her partner Geoffrey are more private investigative agents then lawyers. They have been asked by Prudence’s Aunt Lady Rotherton to help her friend Lady Ernestine Hamilton who wants to protect Rowen. During their investigation, they try to connect the dots when a barrel sent over the Falls supposedly containing a sheep has a dead man inside, the corpse of a surveyor’s assistant who suspected collusion between corrupt government officials and those seeking profits from Niagara land. As Prudence and Geoffrey dig deeper into the region’s undercurrent of opportunistic greed, their investigation is impeded at every turn by murder and attempted murder. They will have to work quickly to solve a convoluted case before a determined killer sends one of them on a fatal plunge. Needing more help, they call their team to Niagara to help in the investigation. Amos Lang working undercover is tasked to sidle up to Crazy Louie to see if he was behind the assistant surveyor’s death. Josiah Gregory is in his element, acting as a cataloguer/archivist at the Hamilton estate, whose job is to find the records that Myra wants hidden. 
Historical descriptions of Niagara Falls are a treat. A book quote explains, “Niagara Falls State Park is the oldest state park in America, established in 1885,” it’s like the wild, wild west. As they say, “There’s gold in them thar hills,” which translates to prescient folks realizing that harnessing the power of the awesome Falls will fuel hydro-electric plants.” Crazy Louie represents all those who went over the Falls in a barrel, trying to build barrels, hoping to become the first human to traverse Niagara Falls successfully.
The mystery was riveting with twists and turns. The characters and story were believable. The descriptions and historical events described in the book are very captivating that anyone who has not traveled there should want to go.
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You might have noticed I stopped publishing my homebrew on DMs Guild a while ago, there's multiple reasons for this that I can elaborate on if someone asks.
Since nothing else will be added to it, I decided to set the price of the Everything Bundle, a bundle containing all of my paid homebrew, at a nice round 10$, meaning you save 4$ when buying it.
The Everything Bundle contains the following 16 homebrews:
Abyssal Tieflings: 8 new Tiefling subraces, based on the demon princes of the abyss
Ancient Dragon Patron: A warlock subclass that gives you dragon-based powers, including elemental eldritch blasts and draconic wings
Bonder: A sorcerer subclass based on the bonders of Ikoria from MTG. Bond with a monster and see it mutate and become stronger alongside you
Calls to Adventure: Bridge the gap between background and class by giving you features based on how exactly you got into adventuring
Circle of the Sea: Druids that protect the ocean and use its power to heal, turn into aquatic beasts, and drown their enemies
Circle of the Vampire: Druids that use vampiric powers to protect nature. Grow fangs, bite your enemies, and summon the creatures of the night.
Ma'va'le's Spellbook: A collection of 18 spells that are all slightly stronger versions of official spells that are just a bit too weak, such as true strike, jump, and vampiric touch
Oath of Prudence: A paladin subclass that seeks knowledge, and uses knowledge-based powers to both support their allies and maximize their damage dealt
Ravnican Races Extended (and Expanded - Weird Edition): 14 new races and one new subrace from the plane of Ravnica that weren't in the Guildmasters Guide such as Giants, Vampires, Shapeshifters, and Kraul
School of Tarot: A wizard subclass that uses the power of Tarot to modify their spells. Includes 78 effects that can happen whenever you cast a spell, based on the 78 major and minor arcana of Tarot
Szarla's Spellbook: A collection of 12 spells that can be described as either "funny" or "needlessly cruel", depending on who you ask, including spells such as Heat Organs, Shape Bones, and Detach Tendon
The Archives of Arastranu: A description of the archives of Arastranu, an institution that attempts to collect all knowledge in the multiverse and tries to make it publically available, and a guide for how to use them in your game
The Archivist: A class of seekers and defenders of knowledge who work for the afformentioned archives of Arastranu. Capable of either using powerful psionics or mastering the arcane arts, depending on subclass chosen
Way of the Ancient: A monk subclass for those who while meditating discovered an ancient, eldritch presence deep within themselves, and embraced it. They are capable of manipulating the minds of their opponents with their strikes.
Weapon Feats and Fighting Styles: Six new feats and eight new fighting styles, focused on improving the use of specific weapons, to encourage you to try out weapons you might otherwise not, and to differentiate weapons that are mostly the same.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Nomos (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Goober by Aletheia
Mr. Rules by Aphrodite and Dione
Age- 38 (immortal)
Location- Queenstown district, New Olympus
Personality- He's a very astute and serious man. The laws of Olympius (and across the other realms) are very important to him. He's also very studious. Even though he can be stiff and straight-laced, he can let loose a few buttons & relax sometimes. He's married.
Being the god of laws, statutes, and ordinances, he has the standard abilities of a god. He also has the innate knowledge of all the laws, bills, & legislations of all the realms. He can also sense when a person is lying.
Nomos first met his wife Aletheia (goddess of truth) during the construction of his latest law school being built in the state of Sporades. There was an immediate attraction, but it was almost four months later after a court meeting where he gathered up the courage to ask her out. Their first date was at a bookstore he rented out. Nomos prepared a home cooked meal of spanakopita, yaniqueques, pollo guisado, & pastelon de platano maduro.
His go-to drink is a cafecito. He also likes roast coffee, whiskey, classic martinis, red wine, & a scotch on the rocks.
A favorite sweet treat of Nomos is chocolate caramel ice cream.
Aside from being a justice on the Grand Olympian Court, Nomos also works closely with his former mentor (& now friend) Coeus (Titan god of foresight, intellect, & knowledge)- being a co-host to the Nocturnal Thoughts podcast. He also works as an archivist at the New Olympus Museum of History as well as overseeing the Law Library of Olympius. Nomos also teaches the constitutional law class at the New Olympus School of Law.
He takes pride in his neat, cursive penmanship.
Nomos' go-to thing to get from The Bread Box is a roast beef sandwich.
Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning) isn't particularly his favorite person, but they do have a mutual respect for each other.
In the townhouse, his wife set aside a room for him, his very own "man cave." In that room, Nomos goes there when he wants to decompress & relax or to catch up on his reading.
In the pantheon, Nomos is friends with Sophrosyne (goddess of moderation, temperance, & restraint); being impressed by her fierce protectiveness of his wife, Pathos (god of emotion), Aion (god of time, eternity, & the zodiacs), Hestia (goddess of the hearth), Alastor (god of blood feuds & vengeance), Neicus (god of debate & appeal), Soter (god of safety), Astraeus (Titan god of dusk), Eikono (goddess of iconography & literature), Soteria (goddess of safety), Horkos (god of oaths), Perses (Titan god of destruction), Sophia (goddess of thought), Favian (god of philosophy), Momus (god of mockery, satire, & ridicule), Axiótimos (god of honor), Ktesios (god of the household), Pallas (Titan god of battle & warcraft), and Epiphron (god of prudence). He doesn't have much of a rapport with his sister-in-law, Pistis (goddess of trust, reliability, & good faith).
In his free time (if he's not with his wife), Nomos enjoys playing chess, listening to music, basketball, tennis, golf, & football (soccer), poker, reading (books & newspapers), bike riding, billiards, playing checkers, writing, & solving crossword puzzles.
"The laws of the land are the laws of life."
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agentargus · 5 years
Finally an updated list of OCs and NPCs!
Agent Pru
Name: Public Relations Unit (P.R.U.)
Aliases: Prudence Jane Doe, Pru, formerly Prototype Unit
Position: Public Relations, Press Secretary,
Mentor: Agent Ginger Ale, Agent Succubus
FC: Daphne Groeneveld (formerly Moriah Poppy)
Technical Officer Alvinne
Name: Erik Winchester Gibson
Position: Archivist Apprentice, cyber-intelligence
Mentor: Agent Archivist, Former Agent Alvinne
FC: Jade Puget
Former Agent Alvinne
Name: Sybelle Blanche
Position: Sensitive (position since made obsolete, responsibilities changed when code name was passed down.)
Mentor: Lilith
FC: Judith Roberts
Washington Avenue Project:
Agent Umbriel
Name: Dara Hadassah Daochin
Position: Space-time field agent
Mentor: Former Agent Nova
FC: Helen Lasichanh
Technical Officer Abali
Name: Amira Alya Albarado
Position: Interdimensional communications
Mentor: Former Agent Nova
FC: Janelle Monae
Agent Agave
Name: Melinda Margarita Medina-Tomas
Aliases: Meli, former Miss Teen Roseville
Position: intelligence-based field agent
Mentor: Agent Champagne
FC: Alexa Penavega
Repubblica Dei Lupi
Agent Dante Alighieri
Name: Padre Vitus Michaelangelo Xaviero
Aliases: Professor X.
Position: Head
Mentor: Former Agent Dante Alighieri
FC: Al Pacino
Agent Virgil
Name: Gemma Selena Angelini
Aliases: Gem, Virge
Position: Head quartermaster, head of technology department
Mentor: Nicholas Flammel
FC: Victoria Cabello
Agent Cesare
Name: Simona Julia Lombardo
Position: Werewolf ambassador, senior field agent
Mentor: Former Agent Cesare
FC: Marisa Tomei
Agent Pantalone
Name: Silvano Giuseppe Bilal Albarado III
Aliases: Papa
Position: Undead specialist, senior field agent
FC: Pharrell Williams
Agent Colombina
Name: Giuliana Maria Argenti
Aliases: Giu, Giu-Giu
Position: field agent
Mentor: Agent Pantalone
FC: Christina Ricci
Agent Alichino
Name: Dante Feliciano Argenti
Position: Field medic
Mentor: Agent Pantalone, Agent Virgil
FC: Davey Havok
Name:Ana Paula Argenti
FC: Olivia Hussey
Name: Unknown
Aliases: Il Dottore
FC: Brian Cox
Name: Andrew Lawrence Rees
FC: Robert Englund
Name: Unknown
Aliases: Ted, Teddy Bear
FC:Gerard Butler
Name: Battle-Integrated Laser Lifeform Intelligence Experiment (B.I.L.L.I.E.) #J-03
Aliases: Billie, Billie Joe Adams
FC: Bryan Dechart (formerly Ash Stymest)
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pope-francis-quotes · 6 years
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4th March >> (@Zenitenglish By Deborah Castellano Lubov) #PopeFrancis #Pope Francis to Open Archives on Pope Pius XII on March 2, 2020. Vatican-provided text of the Pope Francis’ address to those present:
‘I have decided that the opening of the Vatican Archives for the Pontificate of Pius XII will take place on 2 March 2020, exactly one year after the eightieth anniversary of the election to the See of Peter of Eugenio Pacelli’
“I have decided that the opening of the Vatican Archives for the Pontificate of Pius XII will take place on 2 March 2020, exactly one year after the eightieth anniversary of the election to the See of Peter of Eugenio Pacelli.”
With these words, Pope Francis made a long-awaited announcement. The statement came in his address today, March 4, 2019, to superiors, employees and collaborators of the Vatican Secret Archive, on the eightieth anniversary of the election as Supreme Pontiff of the Servant of God Pius XII.
“The figure of that Pontiff, who found himself guiding the Barque of Peter at one of the saddest and darkest moments of the twentieth century, agitated and lacerated by the last world war, with the consequent period of reorganization of the nations and post-war reconstruction,” Pope Francis observed, “has already been investigated and studied in many aspects, sometimes discussed and even criticized (it could be said with some prejudice or exaggeration).”
“Today,” he added, “he has been appropriately re-evaluated and indeed placed in the correct light for his many qualities: pastoral, above all, but also theological, ascetic, and diplomatic.”
The Pope said he assumed this decision after hearing the opinion of his closest collaborators. Francis expressed his certainty “that serious and objective historical research will be able to evaluate, in the proper light and with appropriate criticism, the praiseworthy moments of the Pontiff and, without any doubt, also moments of serious difficulties, of tormented decisions, of human and Christian prudence, which to some might have seemed to be reticence, and which instead were attempts, humanly also very hard-fought, to keep the flame of humanitarian initiatives lit during periods of more intense darkness and cruelty, of hidden but active diplomacy, of hope in possible good openings of hearts.”
Church Not Afraid of History, But Loves It
“The Church is not afraid of history,” the Jesuit Pontiff highlighted, adding: “rather, she loves it, and would like to love it more and better, as God does! So, with the same trust of my predecessors, I open and entrust to researchers this documentary heritage.”
The following is the Vatican-provided text of the Pope’s address to those present:
Dear brothers and sisters,
I welcome you, and am pleased to receive you. I thank Msgr. José Tolentino de Mendonça for the kind words of greeting he addressed to me on behalf of you all. I greet Msgr. Sergio Pagano, Professor Paolo Vian, the new vice-prefect, and you archivists, writers, assistants and employees of the Vatican Secret Archive, as well as the professors of the Vatican School of Paleography, Diplomatics and Archives.
The occasion of this visit – so shortly after my meeting with you and with the Apostolic Library, on 4 December last – is the happy anniversary, just the day before yesterday, of the eighty years that have passed since the election as Supreme Pontiff, on 2 March 1939, of the Servant of God Pius XII, of venerated memory.
The figure of that Pontiff, who found himself guiding the Barque of Peter at one of the saddest and darkest moments of the twentieth century, agitated and lacerated by the last world war, with the consequent period of reorganization of the nations and post-war reconstruction, has already been investigated and studied in many aspects, sometimes discussed and even criticized (it could be said with some prejudice or exaggeration). Today he has been appropriately re-evaluated and indeed placed in the correct light for his many qualities: pastoral, above all, but also theological, ascetic, and diplomatic.
At the behest of Pope Benedict XVI, since 2006 you Superiors and Officials of the Vatican Secret Archive, as well as of the Historical Archives of the Holy See and of the Vatican City State, have been working on a common project for the cataloguing and preparation of the substantial documentation produced during the pontificate of Pius XII, part of which was already rendered consultable by my venerable Predecessors Saint Paul VI and Saint John Paul II.
I therefore thank you, and through you also the other Vatican archivists, for the patient and scrupulous work you have done over the past twelve years, and which you are still partly carrying out, to complete this aforementioned preparation.
Yours is a job that takes place in silence and far from clamour; it cultivates memory and in a sense it seems to me that it can be compared to the cultivation of a majestic tree, whose branches reach towards the sky but whose roots are solidly anchored in the earth. If we compare this tree to the Church, we see that it is reaching our towards Heaven, our homeland and final horizon, but the roots sink into the soil of the same Incarnation of the Word, in history, over time. You archivists, with your patient effort, work on these roots and help keep them alive, so that even the greenest and youngest branches can receive good sap for their future growth.
This constant and significant effort, on your part and on that of your colleagues, enables me today, in memory of that significant anniversary, to announce my decision to open to researchers the archival documentation related to the pontificate of Pius XII, up to his death at Castel Gandolfo on 9 October 1958.
I have decided that the opening of the Vatican Archives for the Pontificate of Pius XII will take place on 2 March 2020, exactly one year after the eightieth anniversary of the election to the See of Peter of Eugenio Pacelli.
I have assumed this decision after hearing the opinion of my closest collaborators, with a serene and confident mind, sure that serious and objective historical research will be able to evaluate, in the proper light and with appropriate criticism, the praiseworthy moments of the Pontiff and, without any doubt, also moments of serious difficulties, of tormented decisions, of human and Christian prudence, which to some might have seemed to be reticence, and which instead were attempts, humanly also very hard-fought, to keep the flame of humanitarian initiatives lit during periods of more intense darkness and cruelty, of hidden but active diplomacy, of hope in possible good openings of hearts.
The Church is not afraid of history; rather, she loves it, and would like to love it more and better, as God does! So, with the same trust of my predecessors, I open and entrust to researchers this documentary heritage.
While I thank you again for the work accomplished, I wish you continued efforts to provide assistance to researchers – scientific and material assistance – and also in the publication of the Pacellian sources that will be considered important, as you have been doing for some years.
With these sentiments, I warmly impart my Apostolic Blessing to you and ask you, please, to pray for me.
[Vatican-provided text]
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callilemon · 1 year
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How do I even begin to explain this AU 😂
💜 They're married
💙 They have a son (don't ask me how that works)
💜 He has a pet bird
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Cheats for ‘Alien Isolation’ (PS3) - Notes Read
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Search the indicated locations to find all 50 ID Tags. You can view which ID Tags you have collected under the map menu. Each ID Tag has its own name, which allows you to easily keep track of which ones are missing. The ID Tags are saved automatically when you collect them up. Thus, you do not need to collect them again if you die. Use the mission selection to obtain any missed collectibles. Search the indicated locations to find all 10 Nostromo Logs. Collect all 10 Nostromo Logs to get the "Archivist" achievement. You can view which Nostromo Logs you have collected under the map menu. Each Nostromo Log has its own name, which allows you to easily keep track of which ones are missing. The Nostromo Logs are saved automatically when you collect them up. Simply load Mission 16, and ignore the main objective. The reason for doing it this way is that you need all of the tools that are unlocked later in the game. You get the level 3 access tuner in Mission You can only get all Nostromo Log after this point. Certain tools are required to open doors. You can travel between these areas using the train station there is a red sign above each station that says where the train is going. Each of these areas have elevators that take you to the other side areas, such as Seegson Synthetics. When you scroll over an elevator on your map and zoom in, you can see where it will take you. In Mission 2, after checking in with the android at Sevastopol Station, explore the station to find origami foil unicorns in various locations. This is a reference to another Ridley Scott film, Bladerunner , where Harrison Ford finds one at the end of the movie. The part where the "Hide. This is your main objective and unmissable. The Alien will then drop from the vents above. You cannot ever run or it will hear you. Only walk and crouch. Also, use your motion tracker to see the current location of the Alien. All you need to do is grab Morley's keycard from the corpse in Room A, then exit the area. The entire encounter will take around three minutes. You will get the "Hide. Note: If the Alien does see you, or is about to kill you, then quickly restart from the checkpoint. During Mission 4: Seegson Communications, you must not attack any of the androids the robots that look like humans or be grabbed, punched, or kicked by one. It is fine if they see you, as long as they do not make physical contact with you. If they do touch you, then start from the last saved game. You can run through most sections, but in some areas it is safer to sneak past the enemies especially at the end. Pay attention to which points in the video you should run and when you should walk or crouch. Try to copy that as closely as possible to avoid any issues. It also does not matter if the Alien from the vents kills you. Using the stun baton on human target counts as a kill; avoid using that weapon when trying to get the "Mercy Or Prudence? The objective is to overcharge the Alpha Core and Beta Core. As soon as you have completed that objective, return to the elevator to exit the area. The game will automatically create a new save when you enter the Reactor Maintenance. In case you die, you can copy back your saved game file, and try it again without having to replay the entire mission. If you are quick enough, you can also restart the last checkpoint when you are about to die. However, there are some spiders in this area that will instantly kill you with one hit, and they are very hard to see because they are very small and move quickly. This is why it is recommended to back up your saved game. There are also some normal Aliens. Grab the flamethrower at the beginning of the Reactor Maintenance to easily kill the spiders and Aliens. Also, burn the Spider Pods before any enemy comes out of them. At the start of Mission 4: Seegson Communications, as you go through the long hallway, you will see a friendly android robot that looks like a human. Attack him a couple of times with the maintenance jack from behind. This will put the android in combat mode, and he will counter all frontal attacks. Run away and hide until the android goes back to his post. Then, sneak up to him again, and perform some strikes from behind. Keep repeating this until he is dead to get the "My Turn Now" achievement. Play the game on the Novice difficulty. Quickly open the menu before you dying in order to continue. If you actually end up dying, do not load the current saved game. Instead, use the second option to load the previous save. Although this will resume the game further back, it prevents the death from counting. To stun androids, you need to throw an EMP mine at them. The blueprints for this mine can be found in Chapter 4: Seegson Communications, in a sideroom of the area where you contact your team you have to access a computer in the area and will see a cutscene. Craft the item through your weapon wheel, and throw it at one of the androids in this area. If you do not have the crafting materials at this point, there will still be many other encounters with androids. Just build an EMP mine when you have enough materials, and keep it in your inventory until you see an android again. Alternatively, you can also do this against humans by throwing a flashbang at them. The flashbang blueprints can be found in Chapter 3, in the area where you retrieve the new Data Cell. The hardest difficulty available was added through a post-release patch, and is not required to get the "Survivor" achievement. Instead, successfully complete the game on the Hard difficulty to get the "Survivor" achievement. Alien: Isolation. PS5 Backward Compatibility. 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butasformeblog · 4 years
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When Harry Truman Pushed for Universal Health Care
Truman felt the middle class was left out when it came to health care coverage and fought to institute a federal health plan paid for through a payroll tax.
Sheila Mulrooney Eldred
BAFMnotes:  Now is the time!  Today conditions mirror those faced during the Great Depression and WWI & WWII.
When Harry S. Truman enlisted in the army in World War I, he was struck by the number of men deemed unfit for service due to poor health.
“He felt it was a reflection of inadequate health care for parts of the population,” says Randy Sowell, an archivist at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum.
Poor people could receive assistance for health care from charity programs, and wealthy people could afford it—but Truman felt the middle class was left out and ill-served, Sowell explains. So shortly after Truman took over the presidency in 1945, he proposed what he considered to be a practical and reasonable solution: health care for all, paid for through a type of payroll tax.
In a draft message to Congress in 1947, Truman wrote: “Healthy citizens constitute our greatest natural resource, and prudence as well as justice demands that we husband that resource. … as a nation we should not reserve good health and long productive life for the well-to-do, only, but should strive to make good health equally available to all citizens.”
The details of the plan, which became the Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill, were never hashed out because it never even made it to a vote. Truman later called it the greatest disappointment of his presidency.\
Truman saw his plan as an expansion of some aspects of the New Deal, a continuation of what he felt President Franklin Roosevelt would have done if he’d lived. But during a time of mounting fear of socialism, the American Medical Association (AMA) campaigned against the plan, concerned about doctors losing autonomy to government.
It even hired a P.R. firm to fight the idea, signaling the beginning of modern political propaganda campaigns, says Beatrix Hoffman, a professor of history at Northern Illinois University and the author of the book Health Care for Some. It was the largest and most expensive campaign of its time. Some of the propaganda took the form of comic strips featuring lines of patients stretching outside clinics and a robot delivering health care.
Although Truman made it clear the U.S. plan would not mirror the National Health Program in Britain, that seed of fear that doctors would become subject to politicians had been planted.
Other medical organizations latched on to the AMA stance, including the American Dental Association (ADA) and the National Physicians Committee. A telegram from May 31, 1947 to “physicians” and “dentists” from the National Physicians Committee warned: “Shall the independent professional status of physicians, dentists, nurses and medical technicians be maintained or—will you become a servant of a government agency taking orders from a departmental bureaucrat?”
It all left Truman steaming, feeling that the plan was completely mischaracterized, Sowell says.
“He never really got over that anger at the AMA,” Sowell says. “That seems to have especially rankled him.” At one point Truman wrote to a congressman, “At the proper time, we will take the starch out of them,” referring to the AMA.
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Quatrième signe : ODI Ou DI -MEJI Di 2 fois ou Di en dignité dans sa maison. Arcane majeur de la série Di, il est maitre de la quatrième maison géomancique. Figuration par traits indiciels : I I I I I I Sexe : Féminin Nature : Terre- maléfique Jour : Samedi Correspondance astrologique : Signe du Zodiaque : Capricorne Planète: Saturne Couleurs préférées : le noir et les bigarrures. Le jaune et le rouge quelquefois pour les sacrifices aux femmes. Portraits physiques : Taille moyenne, plutot petite. Forte ou grosse tete, bras courts, fortes machoires, cheveux rudes, cou épais, visage rond,yeux sanguinolents. Caractères : Moralement : caractère dur, Sévère, opinatre, mélancolique et misanthrope. Egoiste et avare, aimant l'argent, restriction, manque de cordialité, méprisé et quelque fois hai. Difficultés d'entourage, entrave, contraite morale et physique. Jeunesse difficile. Humiliations et servitudes. Intellectuellement : Réflexion, ne se décide pas lentement. Concentration, plus d'intéret pour le passé que l'avenir. Intelligence pénétrante et persévérance dans le travail. Préfère la ruse à la violence. Prudence et modération. Professions : Ingénieurs, Chimistes, mathématiciens, astrologues, astronomes, geoliers, fossoyeurs, mineurs, gardiens de nuit, policiers, fonctionnaires sédentaires, archivistes,espions , etc. Rapport physique : Tact, estomac, rate, pieds , os. Maladies : Rhumatismes, constipation varices, Leucémie, fractures, troubles cutanés. Commentaires : Lorsqu'on est sous la dépendance de ce signe, on aura une bonne épouse. La réussite dans la vie est évidente, mais les peines et les difficultés seront nombreuses et de toutes natures. On fait en apparence, contre mauvaise fortune bon coeur et on garde ses peines sécrètes. On a une grande conscience professionnelle et l'on aime le prochain quelque soit son rang social. On aura la confiance des amiset collaborateurs. On éprouvera des contraintes morales ou physiques et enrégistrera des difficultés légales et admininistratives. lenteur ou impuissance à réaliser. La vie sera sombre au départ, mais brillante plus tard. Tantot tout ira bien, tantot tout ira mal. On occupera une place importante dans sa famille et dans son pays où on aura une grande renommée. Interdits : Toute viande ou nourritures consacrée à Nà, Dà qu'on appelle "Nà nu Dà nu", le lièvre, les singes, boeuf, éléphant, lion, léopard, hyène et coq.
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Pope: Vatican Next Year to Open Archives on Wartime Pius XII
Declaring that the church "isn't afraid of history," Pope Francis said Monday he has decided to open up the Vatican archives on World War II-era Pope Pius XII, who has been criticized by Jews of staying silent on the Holocaust. Francis told officials and personnel of the Vatican Secret Archives that the archive would be open to researchers starting March 2, 2020.   Pius was elected pontiff on March 2, 1939, six months before World War II erupted in Europe. Pius died on Oct. 9, 1958, at the Vatican summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, near Rome.   The Vatican usually waits 70 years after the end of a pontificate to open up the relevant archives. But the Holy See has been under pressure to make the Pius XII documentation available sooner and while Holocaust survivors are still alive.   Vatican archivists had already started preparing the documentation for consultation back in 2006, at the behest of Francis' German-born predecessor, Benedict XVI.   The Vatican has defended Pius, saying he used behind-the-scenes diplomacy to try to save lives. Francis indicated he, too, embraced that interpretation.   Pius' actions will be scrutinized as part of efforts underway to decide if he should be declared a saint. Francis indicated that the church was confident that the papacy would withstand the findings by historians' studying the archives, saying Pius was "criticized, one can say, with some prejudice and exaggeration." In Jerusalem, the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial commended the decision and expressed the expectation that "researchers will be granted full access to all the documents stored in the archives."   It noted that it had for years called for the opening of the archives, saying that will "enable objective and open research as well as comprehensive discourse on issues related to the conduct of the Vatican in particular, and the Catholic church in general, during the Holocaust."   Israel's foreign ministry also expressed hopes that there would be "free access to all relevant archives."   Francis expressed confidence it was the right move.   "The church isn't afraid of history, on the contrary, it loves it, and would like to love it even more, like it loves God," Francis told staff at the archive.   "Thus, with the same trust of my predecessors, I open, and entrust to researchers, this patrimony of documentation."   Francis expressed certainty that historical research would properly evaluate Pius' legacy "with appropriate criticism."   He said the Pius papacy included "moments of grave difficulties, tormented decisions of human and Christian prudence, that to some could appear as reticence." Instead, he said they could be seen as attempts "to keep lit, in the darkest and cruelest periods, the flame of humanitarian initiatives, of hidden but active diplomacy" aimed at possibly "opening hearts."         from Blogger https://ift.tt/2HdYfMX via IFTTT
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