#Pyo Chang-won
k-star-holic · 1 year
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Shin Dong-yup danced for the first time in 'immortal' history...Jo Hye-ryun won the championship
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stuff-diary · 1 year
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Movies watched in 2023
Dream (2023, South Korea)
Director & Writer: Lee Byeong Heon
I'm gonna be very honest: I hate football/soccer and, initially, I only wanted to watch this because I adore IU. So, color me surprised, cause I enjoyed it a lot. I should have seen it coming tbh, cause I've always liked this type of inspirational-underdog storylines. Anyway, the characters were engaging, the script was really funny and witty, and the whole cast was great. IU does steal the show, proving that she has a natural knack for fast-paced comedy and one-liners (I swear I'm not being biased here). But all the other actors do an amazing job too! My only real complain is that the movie felt a tad too long, and the final act dragged a bit. But, besides that, I had a lot of fun watching it and I would definitely recommend it!
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alltomevibes · 4 months
Hello~ anything more that you'd like to share about the midnight romance in hagwon? Its audience on Tumblr (for now) is not big now. The lack of comments is killing me because I think we had various topics to discuss on in 2 episodes.
i used to like, really analyze and get really obsessed with shows but it wasn't really healthy for me tbh and that habit kinda stopped when i got deeper into my faith.
i still notice stuff tho so:
midnight romance in hagwon is not a show for people who are not into character-driven pieces. every character in this show has a story and, even if they are not as central to the story as the main characters, every one has a history and everyone gets their due. all the characters matter in this show and there is no such thing as a filler scene because every scene is meant for the viewer to understand the world that is currently being built. as someone who can only really write character-driven stories, this is my jam and butter. also, people who like shows that tell you to your face what's going on will not like this show. these people are ACTORS. every micro-expression matters. every glance of the eye is meant to signal a change in thought. people are obsessed with wi ha joon (as they should be tbh), but jung ryeo won EATS as the female lead and alot of people are kinda hating on her after the second episode. if you don't know media literacy, please do not watch this show. actually scratch that. this is a great show to learn about media literacy. if you dont CARE about media literacy, pls do not touch this show. this is not a show for foreigners - this is clearly a korean drama and everything is interconnected. the romance is in the background for now and we are smack-dab in education system jargon. as someone who knows nothing about the education system in korea, i still can pick up context clues and i am willing to listen to viewers who either experienced the education system or j know their research for things that don't make sense to me. if you are not willing to be patient, don't want a background romance (at this point), idk don't want the plot to be about the actual setting (which is so weird ngl yall), then this might not be the show for you.
okay enough with the rant.
the visuals of this show are absolutely beautiful. people, places, the way things are shot - everything is meant to feel real and like slice of life because we are literally watching someone's life!!! there's not much of a focus on the past rn, which i LOVE, because the viewer is forced to be present with the characters!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME SCREAAAAMING RN??
as for actual topics in the show like my thoughts on pyo sang sub, the incident that seo hye jin clearly went through and talked around in episode 2, lee jun ho's motivations to wanting to become an instructor, the lowkey beef between lee jun ho and choi sung gyu (?), then like. i need more time. but i would love to talk about those topics because they interest me so much! are there any topics you wanted to talk about in particular? i would love to dive into them with you :)
thanks for asking me about midnight romance in hagwon btw!! its lowkey underrated rn and i think the show itself is going against the grain (or trend) for what people are looking for (lovely runner, queen of tears, more shows that i simply can't think of rn....). i think this show is brave, is the complete opposite of dare to love me despite the same premise of noona romance, and i am extremely excited to see where this show goes 😊
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Okay friends, everyone get your spoiler tag filter on, please, because we’re doing this: The Eighth Sense, episodes 7 and 8.
Let’s establish ground rule #1 first: Eun Ji and Tae Hyung, go fuck yourselves.
Ground rule #2: Ae Ri and Joon Pyo, MVPs.
(Ground rule #3: This all might still be Fight Club-dreamlike shit -- I am still holding out a bet that we might be getting punked, but I’m analyzing this right now as if it’s not in Jae Won’s head.)
In these rules, I want to note @respectthepetty‘s excellent post on tradition in this show. Especially in episode 7, we saw:
1) Eun Ji and Tae Hyung demanding of the freshman that they respect their sunbaenims, despite the DESPICABLE behavior of the seniors (except for sweet Yoon Won, wub you). 
2) A procedural demonstration by the disciplinary committee to potentially punish Jae Won for giving Tae Hyung what he fucking deserved punching Tae Hyung.
3) Jae Won’s teacher bringing Jae Won back to his chaebol responsibilities and covering his ass for needing to narc on Jae Won.
4) We see Ae Ri in episode 7, and Ji Hyun in episode 8, POPPIN’ OFF AT THE DAMN SENIORS, SNAPPING BACK.
AND, AND: We see the utterly lovely boss of the restaurant encouraging Ji Hyun. This’ll play into my analysis of Ji Hyun and Jae Won’s final conversation at the end of episode 8 in a second, but for now:
What does that boss represent? 
She’s a divorcée. An older lady, maybe even an ahjumma, who got divorced, and set out for Seoul on her own, and opened her own business.
And she’s telling Ji Hyun: you’re in love? Well. GO GET YOUR MAN. Stop living in fear. Young people living in fear these days, the birth rate is low. GO HAVE FUN. COJONES, HONEY. GO LIVE AN HONEST LIFE.
And Ji Hyun is hearing this AFTER he sassed the HELL out of fucking Eun Ji! So we know he has it in him to go out and sass and fight for what he wants. No more mouse -- it’s superman time.
So, okay, putting this all together. It’s been about a month since Jae Won and Ji Hyun’s surf trip. There was indeed a life-threatening accident, and Ji Hyun is fine. Jae Won disappeared after Ji Hyun woke up. Jae Won wasn’t at school. I assume, as I did previously at other points in his life, that Jae Won may have needed to be hospitalized. He’s severely depressed. People like his professor and fucking Tae Hyung keep reminding Jae Won of his lineage and chaebol responsibilities. 
Ji Hyun comes back a changed man. “Physically, I’m better.” He sasses Eun Ji, he comes out to Joon Pyo. He’s being ignored by Jae Won now.
Ji Hyun drinks against the advice of his doctors. At the end of the episode, he tells Jae Won that he might be going crazy, thinking about Jae Won. He wants to know if what happened on the surf trip was real.
Jae Won’s in denial, Jae Won is walking away from it all. 
Ji Hyun is changed, yes, but also saying things and doing things that are concerning, à la Jae Won from earlier (is Ji Hyun on meds after the accident? is that why the doctors said to avoid drinking?)
But I’m still pumped for him. I don’t believe he’s despondent after Jae Won walks away at the end of episode 8. I think Ji Hyun is still determined to get his man. I just don’t want him to lose his mind over it.
Jae Won is just...done. Cooked. All of this was likely just too much for him to take. (Besides the accident, I’ll include fucking Eun Ji inserting herself back into Jae Won’s life and saying they’re going out. GURL. CHECK YOURSELF.) He even stopped going to his therapist for a hot second. (Oh, dear @emotionallychargedtowel, I SO WANT TO KNOW what you think of the therapist in episode 7, LOL! I CANNOT BELIEVE what the therapist said this time about her rent, ha! I’m in shock!)
Jae Won is just back and forth, in and out of reality, still in his dreamlike state. He goes toward Ji Hyun, he retreats. Like a wave.
I take their engagement to be a balancing between the two of them. What’s pulling them together, like the tide, and what’s separating them, like an opposite magnetic force. 
Kind of like that agwa shot the boys took at that cocktail bar (sounds like something I need to try the next time I’m in Vegas, ha). The two liquids of an agwa shot aren’t supposed to meet until they’re mixed together in one’s mouth, giving off fireworks and energy. Now THAT’S a sassy read for Ji Hyun and Jae Won, ha, but: that bartender was making a point. You don’t let the liquids mix until you force them to do so.
What’ll be the force to make Jae Won meet Ji Hyun, to make them mix? Could it be an unavoidable gravitational pull that makes waves hit the beach? Could it be the beginnings of the breaks from tradition that Ji Hyun is beginning to represent? 
Could it be that Ji Hyun himself might break from reality, as he might be teasing at the end of episode 8? Is that what it’s going to take for Jae Won to meet Ji Hyun?
It might be. It might take something drastic to snap Jae Won out of this. I don’t know what it’ll take, but I think, I THINK, what we’re seeing is a gearing up of Ji Hyun to take control of his destiny. I THINK. 
BECAUSE I ACTUALLY HAVE NO IDEA, DESPITE ALL THESE WONDERFUL CLUES AND METAPHORS AND COLORS AND FONTS AND CHARACTERS AND MUSIC. And frankly, I don’t care at this point, because no matter what, this show is still SPECTACULAR, and analyzing it from sun-up to sundown is fucking phenomenally fun. 
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bengiyo · 1 year
The Eighth Sense Eps 3 & 4 Stray Thoughts
Last time, we all lost our minds at the inherent queerness of this show, and how distinct it feels in the world of BL. We met Ji Hyun, a new resident of Seoul from the countryside who recently started school, and Jae Won, a senior returning from military service and son of a wealthy family. Ji Hyun is struggling with city life, and Jae Won is struggling with everyone's expectations of him. These two met and felt instantly drawn to each other, and are now engaged in intricate rituals in the surfing club. We left them on the beach before what felt like a kiss.
Episode 3
Okay so it was a kiss! That was not tentative at all.
Oh, I'm not a fan of pressuring new members to binge drink. Relieved others are pushing back, but still it's gross.
Why is Ji Hyun being brave about the drink? Is it to distract himself from the kiss and abrupt separation? Is it to end the tension of the moment and save the girls? Is he getting drunk enough to be taken care of by Jae Won?
This dude is so annoying every time he gets drunk. Tae Hyung definitely wants to fuck Jae Won, and it's embarrassing.
Ah, of course Jae Won has built up a history of getting drunk and kissing people. He needed to build that mask.
Hey, that was a beautiful shot of the beach.
Not a fan of Ji Hyun potentially going out into the water alone, but it is intriguing that he tried to suit up on his own in maybe the wrong size. He's not comfortable anymore.
Oh, Jae Won. You can't just ignore the boy like this. This is also unfortunately familiar.
I have questions about the person running a bar in Korea that can't understand enough Korean to take orders.
I get Jae Won feeling more comfortable with Yoon Won after all this time because she feels grounded.
Jae Won, you can't smile fondly at his art after ignoring him!
Damn, the freshmen just casually clocking Yoon Won as a lesbian.
There's a lot of drinking in this show.
I don't think the roommate's assessment is totally off. If Jae Won is signalling that he doesn't want to interact with Ji Hyun anymore, it's probably best to just let it go. Does beg whether Ji Hyun knows he's queer.
If Ji Hyun doesn't want this girl to attach to him too much, it would be ideal to introduce her to the definitely straight friend.
I like Joon Pyo.
Oh, I like experiencing the therapy session through the distorted reflection
I love the bar owner. Ji Hyun definitely needs encouragement.
Here Jae Won goes with the meaningful looks again. Not sure how I want to read them having an interaction right after a therapy session.
I liked this episode. I like Ji Hyun taking his angst and confusion in stride. I also like how many people encourage him.
Episode 4
Gosh, seeing these two recognize that there's something special about just being near each other in silence is just...wow.
Wonder what changed for Hae? Is it because it's night time. Don't send me back to my beauty in the dark phase.
I like Jae Won learning how to draw. It's really sweet to see them learning the other's passion. We also get to see Ji Hyun smile and laugh.
"Do you want to eat ramen with me?" *I understood that reference.*
Again the tension between these two when Jae Won adjusts Ji Hyun's bag. These two are delivering.
I love Ji Hyun's briefcase. I hope there isn't a plot point involving it going missing.
I'm obsessed with Ae Ri. She looked at Jae Won and Ji Hyun and was like, "Ah, gays," and immediately covered for Ji Hyun. Then, she goes on to show Ji Hyun how obvious things appear, and to keep his wits about him, before making clear she does not desire him. I hope she gets everything she wants.
Here these dudes go again meddling in Jae Won's affairs with Eun Ji.
If Eun Ji does something cruel to these boys because she saw them bonding in the stacks....
I'm not a therapist, nor have I been in much therapy, but it feels like Jae Won can be honest with his.
Here Eun Ji goes being mean to Ji Hyun.
Oh my goodness. That was a low-key read. "I didn't say you broke it intentionally. But if you broke it, is it that hard to apologize to the person fixing it?" She doesn't know why this girl is bullying Ji Hyun, but she is not going to let it slide.
A pinky brush into hand holding? We stay winning.
"A beer in your dorm room. Aren't we moving too fast?" Sir, you kissed and then avoided him!
I no longer like Joon Pyo. We had everything. A hand on a leg, a secret romantic desire expressed, and a lean in for a kiss. Then he runs in to spoil the moment!
I'm really glad they give us two episodes a week. I'd have been really frustrated to only get episode 3 with Jae Won avoiding him only to end on the subway would have been annoying. Instead we're seeing this support network grow around Ji Hyun and the obvious relationship blossoming between these two. I'm curious to learn about this secret desire Jae Won is afraid to voice.
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Ji Hyun is being so brave, and so honest, and I'm so proud of him. And Jae Won is so, so afraid, and my heart is breaking for both of them.
Over and over in episodes 7 and 8, Ji Hyun has shown that he has changed for the better through this experience-- not just through the accident, but through knowing Jae Won, and through their relationship and the growing feelings they have.
He teases Joon Pyo, and JP points out that he seems to have learned sarcasm. He thanks Joon Pyo, and lets himself be relaxed and playful with him, no more distancing himself and pretending they aren't besties.
He brushes off Hedwig guy from class (with an assist from Ae Ri, besties who hate the same people you do are the best).
He's relaxed with Bit Na and Ae Ri, joking and not tiptoeing around what happened to him, or around the idea that Bit Na didn't like him.
He openly smiles at Jae Won, he keeps reaching out.
He comes out to Joon Pyo, and talks about being confused, but trying to understand Jae Won. He declares he's going to get him back.
He basically murders Eun Ji.
He talks to the disciplinary committee.
He confronts Jae Won and confesses his feelings.
And Jae Won can't even look at him. He can't face anything to do with Ji Hyun, or their relationship, because he's so convinced that he hurt him. That it was his reaching out for the safety Ji Hyun provided him that put him in the hospital.
And oh boy, every scene with Jae Won by himself without Ji Hyun in it is so dark, because Ji Hyun was bringing the light back to Jae Won, but now he won't let himself have that, and that hurt me A Lot.
I am a mess. But I have faith in these two, and in their little group of cheerleaders (and I'm holding out for Eun Ji getting slapped just once, please). But oh how it hurts my heart.
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lurkingshan · 1 year
The Eighth Sense 9&10
Gosh Jae Won looks so sad
Yesssss therapist call him out. Avoiding Ji Hyun is not helping anyone. Hurting and confusing someone because you want to avoid hurting and confusing them - this logic never holds up.
Joon Pyo calling him narcissistic 🤣 You’re right though, Ji Hyun
Ae Ri giving such good advice you truly are a queen👑
Ji Hyun has the best friends. They’re kind, empathetic, supportive. He’s lucky to have found them so quickly.
No Ji Hyun don’t let Eun Ji get into your head!
The hands!!! I am screaming
Yoon Won really feels clueless sometimes, geez. Can she not see that her friend is traumatized? Why is she making him relive the trip? And yeah clearly she is going through her own stuff but ma’am look outside yourself. Even in the state he’s in, Jae Won sees her pain and responds and I wish she could do the same for him.
Jae Won please stop letting this girl hang all over you, she is so manipulative and you must know exactly what she’s doing. Also pretty disgusted with her trying to get him into bed when he’s in this state. She’s despicable.
Oh poor Ji Hyun, that was awful
Yes Jae Won you are being cruel to Ji Hyun at this point. Sit with it, process it, do something about it. That little smile when he stops in front of Ji Hyun’s restaurant - that felt like him making a decision.
Detective Joon Pyo!
Ji Hyun giving him a camera and a sketch 😭
Time to dump her, Jae Won! Yesssss I knew it
She really was a cheater, huh? I’m not surprised.
I like that Jae Won has snapped out of it and now recognizes that allowing himself to slide back into things with Eun Ji was him actually being out of his mind, whereas being with Ji Hyun was real.
LOVE Jae Won going to boss lady for advice. He seems so much lighter just having ended it with Eun Ji.
Not Ji Hyun flashbacks my heart can’t take it
Omg I’m crying he went to him!!!
This bed montage… how am I supposed to recover
Aww Ji Hyun is still scared
Jae Won reassuring him so clearly, these boys have communicated
Joon Pyo gave them the room for the night, what a great pal
They’re so cute how do I live how do I function
Jae Won looking at Ji Hyun with naked adoration, teasing him about using banmal, putting his jacket on him… I may never recover
I love Ji Hyun asking for clarity, and them talking so openly about why they’re happy. Healthy kings!
Aww yay, glad something good happened for Yoon Won.
Not Ji Hyun admitting he doesn’t actually care about surfing 🤣 and calling Jae Won out on pretending to need a lighter 🤣🤣
Ji Hyun is low key a little scared to part from Jae Won and I get it
Yes Ae Ri put it together!!! I love her, she is officially my favorite woman character in a bl
Jae Won looks so much better. Just putting an end to denying himself Ji Hyun has done wonders for his mood.
This asshole is actually asking for an apology from Jae Won? Get fucked, Tae Hyung
Ahh Jae Won you need to cut this toxic friend out of your life. But we can’t expect him to change his entire personality in a day. And I do like this explanation for why Jae Won keeps him around - he is comforted by his lack of filter and mask. He always knows where he stands with him, and maybe admires a little that he’s so open.
Jae Won openly smiling at Ji Hyun in front of everyone, we love to see it
They gotta figure out when their day one is, this is very important in dramas!
Yesss Bit Na drag him!!!!
Jae Won if you did not actually mean to come out to Yoon Won you need to be more subtle than that 🤣
Yoon Won and Joon Pyo… I’m picking up a vibe
Jae Won is so much kinder to Eun Ji than she deserves
“I want to be alone with you” 👀
Ji Hyun’s endless list of cheesy couple stuff he wants to do is honestly so cute
Hahaha I knew it
“I have no time to think about anything but you”
Ji Hyun, gracious in victory. Not totally buying Eun Ji suddenly being this chill in defeat, though.
T8S is unfortunately doing the very common kdrama thing of giving shitty characters unearned redemption at the end. Tae Hyung and Eun Ji deserved to be cut off, not receive forgiveness they absolutely did not earn.
Ahh that ending was nice. Ji Hyun coming into his confidence - emotional and physical - is such such a great place to leave that character.
I absolutely loved this show. Episode 9 was the peak for me - that was such excellent emotional catharsis and every moment of it felt earned. The final episode was not perfect - some annoying kdrama tropes reared their heads and I thought tonally it was a little too celebratory - but overall I am ending this series feeling fantastic. What a great ride.
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mmvixen · 1 year
Thoughts on Ep 7-8 (Mostly 8) of The Eighth Sense
I’m not one to post, but omg, the eighth sense is too good. First of all, we all knew that JiHyun was alive because it’s not the end and there were some streaks of light and little hints here and there of his survival. The light is such a JiHyun thing, like did y’all see that literal singular spot light on the bar table when him and Yoon Pyo sat at it? It was meant for JiHyun.
There’s definitely some guesses we could make as to why JaeWon is ignoring JiHyun and we know it’s more than one; it could be that JaeWon believes that every time he finds a safe “refuge” in a person, they end up dead or seriously hurt, so he believes in a sense that he is dangerous. It could be that he believes the world is against him and happiness isn’t something he is allowed to have, or maybe authenticity and living a life that would be more genuine to him isn’t something he’s allowed to have. And with the scare of the accident and the fear of him being the reason JiHyun got hurt (even though he forgets he’s also the one that saved JiHyun), the rumors of something “strange” going on between the two because they went on a trip also scares him back into the role of straight guy who is the envy of the university because he’s perfect and is supposed to have the most popular friends and the perfect girlfriend.
That might also be a part of why, even though he already explained previously, why he didn’t like Yoon Won because she’s not the typical person that would be popular; personality wise she’s just doesn’t fit the mold that the directors have made for the more “popular” people. (Stan Yoon Won though, she’s the realest)
But I digress. Moving on to Tae Hyung and Eun Ji, how fucking insensitive can you be? Would they have acted the same if JiHyun had actually died? The amount of human indecency I witnessed from their attitude is appalling. I understand being upset about the surfing club status and the fact that neither are close to JiHyun, but they knew him and that should be enough to give consideration and empathy for him because he was seriously and almost fatally hurt. Not only that, but the FOUL comment Tae Hyung made, let’s just be glad JaeWon didn’t kill him. Thankfully, AeRi stood up for him and was there, we literally stan a bestie, she’s the bestest.
Aside from that, THE ABSOLUTE CHANGE IN DEMEANOR FROM JIHYUN OMGGGG. The SASS?? EXCUSE ME? He’s standing up for him, not taking shit, being sarcastic, playful, but keeping his boundaries, being true to himself, and living genuinely authentic. His skin! Anyone else notice that he used to be so pale but now he’s actually more tan and he looks so healthy and happy to be alive, like he’s living finally! Yes, before he was pretty true to himself and did as he wanted, but there was also something holding him back, and fear had to do with it. After the accident, it’s like he’s been released from all fear cause he went through the most scary thing (in the opinion of the general public): almost losing his life, almost dying. He’s not reserved anymore, he’s speaking his mind, he’s going for what he wants, and he’s living completely! He’s doing things that you don’t expect from him like speaking in front of disciplinary executives and telling the truth about the situation. Of course he would stand up for JaeWon, but at the same time, from reserved JiHyun, you wouldn’t expect him to be so firm in his stance or so direct about it. The change had me completely caught off guard, but I absolutely love it and wish to follow in his footsteps. JiHyun did that! He is that bitch and he is slaying.
Oh! And let’s not forget the fact that he said he’s going to collect his man’s after telling Yoon Pyo about having a crush on JaeWon. (And we stan bestie acceptance and support!!) Like sir??? Who are you? Did you-did you just say he is mine and will be mine?? Did you just say the sneaky little bitch can keep her paws off of JaeWon?? (Ooo she pisses me off so bad smh.)
I could literally go on and on about how JiHyun had been acting in ep 8, but let’s switch gears back to JaeWon because boy is struggling! The things he said to JiHyun (I really was about to start the kill JaeWon initiative for hurting the baby, but we’ll give him a pass this time 👀 ) , the way he’s been staring off, the way he sits depressed and low energy, the way he just kind of goes along with Eun Ji even though he still doesn’t like her, the way he seems to have given up. It’s so unfortunate and makes me think that he is being so hard on himself for the accident. He really, truly believes he’s the reason JiHyun got hurt and the result of that is him believing that he doesn’t deserve a “refuge” or a release or anyone to help him do so because it hurts those he loves and if he has to suffer just to keep JiHyun safe, then he’s willing to do it. Even the tone he used when talking to his therapist when saying that he made the relationship deeper and it ended up with JiHyun hurt, it sounded so…self deprecating, almost like he was actually saying, “God, you idiot! You knew better than to do that and now another person you love is hurt, good job!” It’s so sad to see him like that and to see him denying himself of the fulfilling love, pleasure, safety, warmth, and light he could have makes it even worse. Both JiHyun and JaeWon are down bad for each other, but while one accepts it as it is, the other sinks in fear of what consequences could come of it.
Omg, lightbulb!! A switch y’all! It’s the switch! JiHyun is now, pretty much, fearless while JaeWon is so fearful that he’s stopping what will inevitably happen because JiHyun is dead set on fighting for his man despite what he said at the end of episode eight. Even though it was a front for JaeWon and it isn’t for JiHyun, the comparison of the personalities in the beginning to now is definitely there! I love this series so much because really you can analyze it all you want and also just enjoy the surface level and face value of drama and romance it goes through, it’s so multifaceted!
Okay, I’m going to end here because this is way too long and I didn’t mean to get so into it, but yeah, please let me know your thoughts and what you’ve thought of and if I’ve made you think more about something!!!
PS: Anyone else notice the little rainbow on JiHyun’s face when he was sitting up and talking to AeRi on the field? To angle the camera and get the light to reflect so it would make that is absolute genius!! It’s like a symbol for how he’s embracing himself and fully accepting himself! It was so beautiful 🥹🫶🌈
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fansof-heo · 1 year
Surviving Drama Characters:
1. Jang Chil-sung (Psychopath Diary)
2. Kim Jae-sun (The Silent Sea)
3. Wang Jung-cheol (Saimdang: Light's Diary)
4. Drug Dealer (Voice 3)
5. Gangster (Live Up To Your Name)
6. Jang Gil-kang (Big Forest)
7. Samcheonpo Mayor assistant (Reply 1994)
8. Detective Oh (You're All Surrounded)
9. Cho Won-pyo (Bloody Heart)
10. Choi Tae-sung (Adamas)
11. Boss Ma (A Model Family)
12. Condoler (Liver Or Die)
13. Koo Hae-jun (Behind Every Star)
14. Nam Won-seong (Jeong Do Jeon)
Deceased Drama Characters:
1. Jang Deok-su (Squid Game)
2. Kim Hyung-beom (Cross)
3. Jung Ho-young (Tunnel)
4. Royal Assassin (Queen For Seven Days)
5. Sang-bok (Kingmaker: The Change Of Destiny)
6. Matsuura (Different Dreams)
7. Baek Sang-ho (Witch's Court)
8. Seo Tae-seok (Big Bet/ Big Bet 2)
9. Noh Sang-cheon (Decoy/Decoy 2)
Jailed/Sacked Drama Characters:
1. Jang Hae-ryong (WATCHER)
2. Lee Chang-jin (Beyond Evil)
3. Hong Jung-soo (Your Honor)
4. Coach Cheon (Racket Boys)
5. Yoon Byung-wook (Insider)
6. Mr Park (Bride Of The Century)
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goalhofer · 2 years
2023 World Baseball Classic South Korea Roster
#1 Young-Pyo Ko (KT Wijeu/Naju)
#18 Woo-Young Jung (LG Ssangdung-I/Seoul)
#19 Woo-Suk Go (LG Ssangdung-I/Incheon)
#21 Se-Woong Park (Lotte Jaieoncheu/Busan)
#29 Kwang-Hyun Kim (SSG Chaglyugseon/Seoul)
#30 Hyeong-Jun So (KT Wijeu/Suwon)
#34 Won-Jung Kim (Lotte Jaieoncheu/Gwangju)
#45 Yong-Chan Lee (Doosan Gom/Seoul)
#46 Tae-In Won (Samsung Iaionseu/Daegu)
#48 Eui-Lee Lee (Kia Holang-I/Gwangju)
#54 Hyeon-Jong Yang (Kia Holang-I/Gwangju)
#57 Yun-Sik Kim (LG Ssangdung-I/Gwangju)
#59 Chang-Mo Koo (NC Dainoseu/Cheonan)
#61 Gwak Been (Doosan Gom/Seoul)
#65 Cheol-Won Jeong (Doosan Gom/Ansan)
#25 Eui-Ji Yang (Doosan Gom/Gwangju)
#56 Ji-Young Lee (Kiwoom Yeong-Ung/Incheon)
#2 Hye-Seong Kim (Kiwoom Yeong-Ung/Goyang)
#7 Ha-Seong Kim (San Diego Padres/Bucheon)
#10 Ji-Hwan Oh (LG Ssangdung-I/Gunsan)
#11 Tommy Edman (St. Louis Cardinals/San Diego, California)
#14 Jeong Choi (SSG Chaglyugseon/Icheon)
#50 Baek-Ho Kang (KT Wijeu/Incheon)
#52 Byung-Ho Park (KT Wijeu/Seoul)
#17 Hae-Min Park (LG Ssangdung-I/Seoul)
#22 Hyun-Soo Kim (LG Ssangdung-I/Seoul)
#37 Kun-Woo Park (NC Dainoseu/Changwon)
#47 Sung-Bum Na (Kia Holang-I/Gwangju)
#51 Jung-Hoo Lee (Kiwoom Yeong-Ung/Nagoya, Japan)
#53 Ji-Hoon Choi (SSG Chaglyugseon/Gwangju)
Manager Kang-Chul Lee (KT Wijeu/Gwangju)
Hitting coach Ki-Tai Kim (Yomiuri Jaiantsu/Gwangju)
Catching coach Kab-Yong Jin (Samsung Iaionseu/Busan)
Pitching coach Hyun-Wook Jong (Samsung Iaionseu/Goryeong)
Bullpen coach Young-Soo Bae (Doosan Gom/Daegu)
1B coach Min-Jae Kim (Doosan Gom/Busan)
3B coach Min-Ho Kim (Hangug Yagu/Seoul)
Quality control coach Jae-Hak Shim (Hangug Yagu/Seoul)
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k-star-holic · 11 months
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Pyo Chang-won "29 years in Detention" Each room confession
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081003x · 3 years
by me (⌒▽⌒)☆
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ilocke · 4 years
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Upcominda Kdrama of 2020-2021. Take a look at thes visually explosive leads✨
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olivierdemangeon · 3 years
LOVE FORECAST (2015) ★★★✭☆
LOVE FORECAST (2015) ★★★✭☆
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View On WordPress
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nofatclips · 5 years
Sunset dance scene from Beoning (2019) by Chang-dong Lee, featuring Miles Davis’ track Générique (originally in the soundtrack for Ascenseur pour l'echafaud)
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kttendrama · 7 years
Top 10 BROTP List
So as another present for @shiek13 because we never get to talk as much anymore (D:) but we can still pass games to each other (:D) 
Rules are simple. Name your top 10 brotps :D (trust me, it’s hard)
1. BTS (aka OT7 aka I could literally watch them hanging out in a room together doing nothing but being stupid together because they love and care for each other so much and it’s so wonderful to see these boys being such good friends :D)
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2. Boys Over Flowers F4 (aka I know they were so toxic to the rest of the school but I’ll always remember how they grew up in rich families but always had each other so it wasn’t so lonely especially how they always banded together against Jun-Pyo’s mum and no matter how much they fight they always come back together YAY)
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3. Monsta X (aka loves of my life aka brotp that is gift that keeps on giving aka we’re so lucky to watch them be friends and awesome together aka can they all just stop being so amazing?? aka actual children high on sugar)
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4. Kim Yeol and Seo Ha Joon from Cheer Up Sassy Go Go! (aka these two boys make me cry so much at what they’ll do to save and protect each other aka that scene where ha joon tries to kill himself and kim yeol finds him and takes him to the hospital and then they’re both blackmailed into doing stuff they hate because they love each other so much aka I’m not crying YOU’RE CRYING)
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5. Chi Ho, Dong Woo and Gyung Jae from Twenty (aka the idiots who have to grow up aka the idiots who fight together die together aka the idiots that made me a friend in real life aka @joy-bangtan ILY lol aka why aren’t there any good gifs for this movie???)
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6. Han Se Joo (past and present) and Yoo Jin Oh from Chicago Typewriter (aka friendship ghost OTP aka friendship never dies aka at the start Se Joo hated him so much but they grew to love each other and understand how they could make peace with the past and it was beautiful!! aka Jin Oh never giving up on his friendship aka that scene at the end where they find each other in the bar again D’:)
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7. Eye Candy (the band) from Shut Up Flower Boy Band (aka BYUNG HEEEE aka the boys growing up and realising that even if they go in different directions they can still be best friends and love and support each other because it’s not the music that’s important but THEM - their history, their love, their friendship aka completely underrated friendship group that deserves more love aka IT’S ALL OF THEM OR NONE OF THEM)
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8. Lin Shu and Prince jing from Nirvana in Fire (aka I have barely started it and I’m so hooked on them aka DON’T TOUCH THE BOW aka I’ll protect him from the shadows aka he never believed su was a traitor BECAUSE THEY WERE BASICALLY BLOOD BROTHERS AND HE KNOWS HIS BROTHER’S HEART aka pray for me while I finish this drama)
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Also not really relevant but...
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9. Noh Ji Wook and Ji Eun-Hyuk from Suspicious Partner (aka they left this friendship so unresolved but in my head Ji Wook forgave him and they lived happily ever after and their kids even were best friends and got married??? aka all the crap they’d been through in their childhood has made them strong and no girl can fully come in between that aka Eun-Hyuk’s tragic regret at everything that’s happened D’: aka EUN-HYUK REFUSES TO GIVE UP BECAUSE THIS FRIENDSHIP IS WORTH EVERYTHING TO HIM)
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10. The Zhi Yi Tech Squad from Love 020 (aka their uncomplicated friendship is life aka squad goals aka achieving your dreams as a BROTP can it get any better?? aka full support for whatever each wants to do w/ side dish of friendly teasing aka WILL GO THROUGH HELL TOGETHER BECAUSE THEY TRUST AND BELIEVE IN EACH OTHER aka totally underrated BROTP that deserves more love aka BROS WHO PLAY TOGETHER STAY TOGETHER)
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So I also tag @joy-bangtan, @thedarkbathtub @narika-a @ho5eokie @orangememory @addictingkdrama and anyone else who wants to share some love :DDD GOOD LUCK! You’ll need it!
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