#Python Twilight
msb-lair · 1 day
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Dragon: Pixiu - Veilspun Obelisk Fathom Male
First Record Second Record
(Obelisk scroll applied on 2021-06-16) (Python scroll applied on 2021-06-16) (Striation scroll applied on 2021-06-16) (Scales scroll applied on 2021-06-16) (Fathom scroll applied on 2024-06-16) (Savannah scroll applied on 2024-06-16) (Safari scroll applied on 2024-06-16)
Purchased For: 25,000 treasure Hatched On: 2021-05-23 ID: 69543483
Parentage: Jasujung/Cernunnos Flight: Nature
Primary: Twilight Fade Basic Python Secondary: Cornflower Blend Basic Striation Tertiary: Sky Capsule Basic Scales Eyes: Common
Comments: Purchased three years ago as a mate for Pixie, my first gen Obelisk. His primary and secondary colours reverse hers, and his tertiary makes their range run all the way up into the blues.
I loved how dramatic of an appearance his initial genetics worked out as.
His name is an auspicious Chinese lion-dragon mythological creature, said to have the head of a dragon, the body of a lion, and feathered wings, which certainly comes close to describing obelisk dragons. It was also in part a nod of the head to China’s successful manned rocket launch that same day; clearly an auspicious event.
And now, exactly three years later, he’s been changed to be one of the new fathom dragons, which kind of throws the lion-dragon connection out the window, doesn’t it?
Fin Jewels
Aqua Deepsea Bulb
Deepwater Fins
Warmwater Wanderers
Seaside Kelpie Mane
Water Aura
Familiar: Dreadtooth Ravager
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Progeny Testing: 
[Test] Pixie
[Test] Pixie
Nested with Pixie on 2021-06-17, 2 eggs [Clutch]
Joined with Pixie on 2021-07-25, 2 eggs [Clutch]
Matched with Pixie on 2021-09-10, 2 eggs [Clutch]
Mated with Pixie on 2021-12-07, 2 eggs [Clutch]
Bred with Pixie on 2022-03-04, 3 eggs [Clutch]
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waterspoutskies · 1 year
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So anyway
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rblc · 10 months
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Kb. másfél éve foglalkoztat egy ábrázolásos koncepció. Apránként hozzá- meg hozzáteszek, csak közben meg kell ugranom egy csomó technikai buktatót. (Kezdjük mindjárt azzal, hogy másfél éve adatokat még csak Excelben gyurmáztam, úgyhogy készségekre is gyúrni kellett.)
Az egész egy sima napkelte-napnyugta diagramból indult, de kíváncsi voltam, hogy nézne ez ki körkörösen ábrázolva. Az megvolt, hogy nyilván olyan lenne, mint egy főtt tojás kettévágva, de nem voltam benne teljesen biztos, hogy hogy alakulnak a hullámok - pláne különböző szélességi körökön. Úgyhogy ez lett a Sun Avocado Project. (A tojás túl snassz.)
Túl azon, hogy ez a nyamvadék Föld gömbölyű geoid, ami felvet problémákat, még a polárkoordináta-rendszerekben való ábrázolás sem olyan csettintésre menős, mint elsőre gondoltam. Nem csak a szögek miatt, de a mindenféle pythonos meg R-es ábrázolós könyvtárakra épített kódok is gyorsabban bogarasodnak, ha kilépek a Descartes-féle XY-tengelyekből. Végül a Plotly-val jutottam el legtovább. Bevallom, a múltkor sem a földrengések érdekeltek. Pont semmi értelme órák szerint ábrázolni az elmúlt 28 év rengéseit, viszont az egyszerűbb volt, mint ez a körkörös vonaldiagram. Így a fokozatosság elve alapján előbb azon téptem ki a hajam, mielőtt ennek végre nekiugorhattam.
És most, másfél - nem folyamatos - év tökölés után eljutottam oda, hogy avokádóm nincs, viszont van kétszer négy koncentrikus krumplim. Ez pedig kb. az első lépés abban a projektben, amit apránként meg akarok csinálni.
Viszont van kétszer négy koncentrikus krumplim! Ez egy akkora dopaminlöket volt tegnap este, hogy csak ültem és megigézve bámultam őket. Rájöttem, hogy még így, kontextusból kiragadva is tök jól néznek ki.
Minden egyes ívmásodpercükben benne van egy halom tanulás, egy halom kudarc és egy halom újrakezdés. Ráadásul egész meglepő dolgokat tanultam útközben. Olyanokat, amiket máshol simán használok is a gyakorlatban. Köszi, Avokádó Krumpli.
Szóval úgy döntöttem, kiteszem ezt most így félkészen századkészen, még akkor is, ha különösebben nincs rajta sok látnivaló. Mondjuk a "külső" éjfél korongját rajtahagyhattam volna. De ez most már ilyen. Ilyen ütemben még egy-másfél év, és szerintem kész lesz a teljes. Ja és hogy mi értelme van ennek az egésznek?
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faline-cat444 · 11 months
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Whatever TV era this is if it's a decade definer or "classics" as a whole
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vintageseawitch · 2 years
Edward during this scene once Aro is done reading all about him: "...so get on with it then."
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Me trolling in the background with a bad Scottish accent: "Yes! Gi' on with it!"
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bigfoursandotherlists · 3 months
The Anti Soap Opera no convoluted traumatic back stories or jump the shark plot twists just straight forward entertainment with insight
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lauretblog · 10 months
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the-moon-files · 7 months
Linked Universe Incorrect Quotes (ft. Masc!You)
Your many, many nicknames: Guide, Hero's Guide, Lead, Star (Guiding Star), Princey, Prince
Reader: (he/him)
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(This gif got chosen bc i fully believe they could get goofy enough to act like the monty python campaign sometimes)
Wars, wistfully: I love hearing my Guide shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change.
You: Listen, listen, the ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a magic gun.
Hyrule, looking at your unconscious body: I need a moment alone to heal him.
The Rest of the Chain: Of course, take care of him please.
Hyrule, leaning over you: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not asleep.
You, sitting up: Yeah, no shit.
Sky: Ha! Don't you know the trappers trap can trap the trapper??
Sky: ...I must be losing it, I'm quoting Star.
(dead quiet in camp, everyone knowing the look on your face when you get annoyed at their reckless/self-sacrificing actions)
You: When I die, I want every Link here to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.
(explosion of arguing and several "Hey wait a minute-!"s)
Time, accidentally forgetting never to ask his Guide for advice: If this plan goes down the drain, where should we regroup?
You: The afterlife, I guess.
You: Why is it that I always lose things as soon as I need them?!
Four: Actually, it's not that you lose things when you need them. You lose them a while before. It's just that you LOOK for things when you need them.
You: Okay yeah thanks so much Link, that's great to hear, now, WHERE'S THE FUCKING FIRST AID KIT??
Legend: But what do I get out of it Princey?
You: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Legend: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one tho.
You: It won't be you.
Legend: I'll get my rings.
You: Why are you guys acting like this??
Twilight: Oh, we're not acting. We really are like this.
Link: Cause your pretty and your smart, and your ignoring me so your obviously my type.
You, who was distracted: I'm sorry- what were you saying?
Link: Perfect.
Thanks for reading this shitpost lmao
I just needed smth more my flavor of reader, and reader/Chain so I made this snack to satisfy me for now
Ill probably be making a fic in the future but for now bs like this will have to do
(Might use some of these quotes in it acc lol)
Peace out,
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All tributes (With the exception of hellsite-hall-of-fame, God, Jesus, Tarlton, and Wallace) were chosen randomly, as were the pairs (Again, with the exception of 1, 18, and 32)
Information about the polls will be out a little bit before the polls themselves
Polls will open February 14th in the afternoon/evening (EST)
Second Wave will be announced sometime around 6pm EST
Tribute List under cut
@hellsite-hungergames vs. @hellsite-hall-of-fame
Vace (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist) vs. Herobrine (Minecraft)
Regulus Black (Harry Potter) vs. Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Merlin (Merlin) vs. Florida Man (American Mythology)
Gary the Gadget Guy (Club Penguin) vs. Sunny (Omori)
Benoit Blanc (Knives Out) vs. Ridley (Metroid)
Animal (Muppets) vs. Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson (Hamilton)
Clint (Stardew Valley) vs. Data (Star Trek)
Skunk Ape (Florida) vs. Daniel the Manager (Anon's manager)
Waluigi (Mario) vs. Timmy Turner (The Fairly OddParents)
Meta Knight (Kirby) vs. Castiel (Supernatural)
Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) vs. Prince Caspian (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Katsuya Suou (Persona 2: Eternal Punishment) vs. King Arthur (Monty Python's The Holy Grail)
Squidward's Hopes and Dreams (Spongebob Squarepants) vs. Spiders Georg (Tumblr)
Anya Forger (Spy x Family) vs. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal) vs. Campbell Bain (Takin' Over the Asylum)
Jasper (Steven Universe) vs. Star Butterfly (Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
Tarlton (A completely real fandom) vs. Wallace (Wallace the Living Wall)
Mikhailo "Mickey" Aleksandr Milkovich (Shameless) vs. Dimitri Blaiddyd (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Duck (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) vs. Everyone from Cats the Musical (Cats the Musical)
Jay Walker (Ninjago) vs. Miles Vorkosigan (Vorkosigan Saga)
Illyria (Angel: The Series) vs. Evan "Buck" Buckley (9-1-1)
Haymitch Abernathy (The Hunger Games) vs. Richard Gansey III (The Raven Cycle)
Ronald McDonald (McDonald's) vs. Amelia Bedelia (Amelia Bedelia)
Matt (Wii Sports) vs. Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)
Edward Nygma (Gotham) vs. Tumblr Anon Icon (Tumblr)
Gillion Tidestrider (Just Roll With It) vs. Jedediah (Night at the Museum)
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) vs. Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard) vs. Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots/Shrek)
Jessie Prescott (Jessie) vs. George Costanza (Seinfeld)
Leon Scott Kennedy (The Resident Evil Franchise) vs. Han Solo (Star Wars)
God (Universe fandom/Deadbeat dads fandom) vs. Jesus (Christianity fandom)
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noneorother · 5 months
Share your GOS2 bibliography with me
How crazy is it that season 2 has basically forced me to go back to university. I’ve done more reading and critical analysis and historical research than I have in years. I bite my thumb at you, Neil (affectionate).
And as I’m sure I’m not alone in this, I’d love to see your bibliography of all of the references or reading/watch lists. I’m sure to pick up a few good ones! I’ll go first.
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Movies + TV Arrival - Denis Villeneuve Clue - Jonathan Lynn I Know Where I'm Going - Powell & Pressburger The Ball - Magnus Dennison and Katja Roberts Every Day - Michael Sucsy About Time - Richard Curtis The Red Shoes - Powell & Pressburger The Small Back Room - Powell & Pressburger The Tales of Hoffmann - Powell & Pressburger Stairway to Heaven - Powell & Pressburger Ill Met By Moonlight - Powell & Pressburger The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse - Steve Bendelack Monty Python's Life of Brian - Terry Jones Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones The Twilight zone (The Arrival) Boris Sagal The Twilight zone (The Hitch-Hiker) - Alvin Ganzer Staged (Seasons 1 and 2) - Simon Evans & Phin Glynn Books The Crow Road - Iain Banks The Bridge - Iain Banks The Scholars of Night - John M. Ford Symbols of Sacred Science - René Guénon Catch-22 - Joseph Heller A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens The Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett Night Watch (Discworld) - Terry Pratchett Parlement of Foules - Geoffrey Chaucer The language of the birds - Farid ud-Din Attar Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen Persuasion - Jane Austen Midnight Days - Neil Gaiman Negative Burn #11 - Neil Gaiman Chivalry - Neil Gaiman Other Les contes d'Hoffamann - opera, Jacques Offenbach Don Giovanni - opera, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The Line, the Cross and the Curve - musical, Kate Bush The book of Enoch - Ethiopian Apocryphal trs. Rev. George Schodde, PhD
I'm sure there will be more... sigh. Spoiler alert: there are more! Donnie Darko - 2001, Richard Kelly Nothing Lasts Forever - 1984, Tom Schiller The Ghosts of Berkley Square - 1947, Vernon Sewell Brazil! - 1985, Terry Gilliam No Bed for Bacon - 1941, Caryl Brahms and S. J. Simon Don't, Mr Disraeli! - 1949, Caryl Brahms and S. J. Simon Murder Mysteries - Neil Gaiman The Man Who Was Thursday - 1908, GK Chesterton Small Gods - 1992, Terry Pratchett Ipomadon - Medieval - Trs. Richard Scott-Robinson
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insomniac-arrest · 2 years
Not to shake my fist at the sky like an old man, but I genuinely believe those dogshit Twilight parody movies/superhero parody movies/300 parody movies from the 2010s killed the genre of the film parody. 
Parodies are allowed to have utter nonsense in them, but the saving grace is always some level of being clever about it too. They can’t all be Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) or even Airplane! (1980), but I really do think we could have a proper go at killing the superhero genre if someone would make fun of it better. 
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megumi-fm · 5 months
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this week on megumi.fm ▸ coding and coffeeshops
📋 Tasks
💻 Internship ↳ lab meet!!! got to learn about the other projects in the lab ↳ got work from home approved!! ↳ optimize protein seq code // account for missing residues ✅ ↳ add on a binding site identifier function for code using 4.5A distance threshold ✅ ↳ optimize binding site code // reducing time complexity for large PDB file inputs ✅ ↳ download and extract alphafold human protein repository and analyze pdb file formats ↳ set up progress tracker and upload code on colab ✅ 🎓 Uni ↳ Final Project: update images quality according to changes mentioned ✅ ↳ renew uni email for extra credit classes ✅ ↳ extra credit classes started this week! 🩺Radiomics Projects ↳ call with teammates to discuss next steps ✅ 📧 Application-related ↳ finished masters application form for 1/1 Uni (waiting on my referee reports) ✅ ↳ finalize referee report from my profs ✅
📅 Daily-s
🛌 consistent sleep [7/7] 💧 good water intake [5/7] 👟 exercise [5/7]
Fun Stuff this week
🍻 met up with my bestie @muakrrr <3 it was a stressful tuesday so meeting him for lunch was super comforting! he bought this cute purple drink and I got myself some ginger ale and the waiter served us the wrong drinks (gender and expectations something something) and it was amusing to watch them get confused when we corrected them 🎂 mom's b'day this week!! went out for dinner with her!! 🛒 went shopping with relatives who I haven't seen in years. bought myself a book! (rip my bookshelf) ☕ went out for coffee and dinner with my girlies (the same besties who I exchanged mugs with). we're trying to spend as much time together as possible before we leave to different countries for our masters 🎮 continuing the beginner's guide 📺 ongoing: Marry my Husband, Cherry Magic Th, Last Twilight 📺 binged: KinnPorsche The Series
📻 This week's soundtrack
Love Wins All by IU (been crying over this music video for days now. it's beautiful) KinnPorsche theme by Slot Machine: Kinn's theme [aka Phiang Waichai; TH] | Porche's theme [aka Free Fall; Eng] (first of all this is one of the catchiest theme songs to exist second only to SPECIALZ aka the JJK s2 op i'm also particularly losing my mind over how the two themes are love letters to the main characters from each other... the narrative parallels of it all are driving me insane sldkhlaksjkshs) Dum Dum by Jeff Satur + the Live Unchained version where his vocals are heavenly (maybe im so drawn to this song because the chorus is similar to the melodic motifs of the KPTS themes/soundtrack, either way, the show introduced me to him and god. I've been voraciously consuming his discography.) Ghost by Jeff Satur (on repeat all week. thoroughly obsessed with this song- the lyricism, his voice, the storyline in the MV, his acting, everything. wow. truly.)
[Jan 22 to 28 ; week 4/52 || I. love. my. internship. like. I have been having the most fun time problem solving and troubleshooting. it's also super satisfying to see the outcome of my code. it's been a while since I used python (I've been coding on C) so I forget that python has a lot of inbuilt functions that would do the same tasks I inadvertently entrust my nested loops with, and finding out about them is always so joyous (although it means I have to scrap off several chunks of code). i am a bit annoyed though, because the other intern isn't really doing any work that we're entrusted with so I'm having to carry the team and it's taking me too much time. but oh well. I've suggested we split tasks from next week, hopefully that'll make things better.
I've also been procrastinating a lot when it comes to my masters applications and it really hit me this week when I had to run to uni several times to get things approved and completed. Now that I'll get to work from home I need to set up a proper schedule to get application work completed wayy in advance. also need to resume my GRE prep from next week.]
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crazylittlejester · 6 hours
Saw that you were feeling bad so have some Wars headcanons !!!!
- He would 1000% love watching or participating in drag races in a modern au
- He's very good at braiding hair from having a lot of sisters and sometimes views the chain as siblings and helps Wild with his hair if it ever gets too much
- Another modern au but him, Time, and Twilight sometimes like to get together, get drunk, and watch a bunch of Month Python films
- Sometimes the feeling of his blankets or scarf wrapped around him gives him panic attacks
- Affectionately teasing people is his love language
- He likes making daisy chains with Four (idk they seem like the type to do that)
- He likes it when younger members of the chain come up to him to just talk about random things
- He has definitely gotten drunk before and given someone a full makeover with no recollection of it aside from his makeup supplies being slightly messed up and many pictographs from Wind and Wild
I hope you feel better soon !!
I can also see a drunk Twi and Wars yelling at each other while playing Mario Kart or some shit
thank you for these 🫶
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pixies-love-envy · 3 days
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Chapter 3: Cricket
My shift ends in two hours, and a freak storm brews outside, a stark difference from the perfect summer weather this morning. They refuse to send the staff home and close early. Apparently, the weather plays into the lowly, down-on-their-luck band of travelers' fantasy. I finish mixing a “Dungeon Master’s Delight” for a very talkative, very proud, level 26 halfling paladin called Cormo Rumblesurge.
“Thanks much, barkeep!” he bellows as he takes his drink.
“The pleasures all mine, fearless adventurer!” I say, copying his Monty Python-esque accent. I don’t have to respond like this, but I want to do the job well if I'm getting paid. A few minutes later, a lull at the bar signaled to Harlow and me that it was time to sneak over to the bathroom and waste time. If you excel at your job, you have more wiggle room to do what you want.
The bathroom is single-stall. We lock it to ensure our privacy. Harlow passes me the joint she rolled this morning, and I open the bathroom window, careful not to touch the strange yellowish-brown substance on its sill. I reach into my bra to retrieve my special lighter. Her name is Zelda. She’s a gold zippo with the lovers tarot card engraved on the front. My lighter is due for a flint and wick replacement soon. I might even have to take some time to maintain its finish. I flip it open, light the perfectly rolled joint, and take two puffs, but I do not pass it to Harlow. She doesn’t do drugs or even drink, for that matter. It’s not for lack of trying. She just doesn’t react well to them. It’s almost like she’s allergic. Harlow is, however, the resident joint roller because I suck at it, and she’s a good friend.
“You remember that episode of The Twilight Zone with the author?” she asks. I know I’m the high one, but she always manages to come up with the goofy high-people questions.
“Gonna have to be more specific, Babe.” I have literally never seen an episode of The Twilight Zone, and I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that to her.
“He's cheating on his wife and gets exposed when she comes home early, but it turns out his mistress is a fictional character he created. Come to find out, his wife is actually also a fictional character who was initially perfect but deviated from his description, which is why she came home early in the first place.”
“I feel like I-” I wheeze, breaking into a series of hacking coughs that made my body jerk. “would just make my character wife polyamorous.”
“Yeah, but if she's gained sentience, you can't make her do anything, and you certainly can't make her want to be with you anymore.”
“Damn, I guess I write her a new wife, and I write myself a husband because men have no standards.” the joke makes me laugh, and I send myself into another coughing fit.
“I think I just wouldn’t use the magic.”
“Wow, you’re so lame.” I cup my hand over the joint to hide the glow of the cherry and protect it from the breeze let in by the window. I take a drag. If this wind picks up, I fear, oh how I fear, that I will have to stay here at the inn. I would rather sit on a hot grill. “Also, what you meant to say was sapience, not sentience. All animals are sentient, but humans are sapient.”
She punches the shit out of my shoulder. “You’re so freaking irritating.” I launch the roach out of the window, and we depart.
In the time it took us to leave and come back, the guests from the Inn all came down to the tavern. They’re not dressed in their best costumes anymore, but they dressed up enough for me to respect their commitment to the bit. A loud bang, like metal on glass, comes from my left. The whole room turns to look. A street sign has blown into the tavern’s window and bounced off. Looks like we’re staying here tonight. I go to take a set of room keys from behind the bar, but the rack is empty.
“No, no, no” this can’t be. There were three fucking keys here when we left. Under the counter. They must be under the counter, under the cups, in the cash register, or something. They have to be here somewhere. Harlow puts her hand on my shoulder.
“The inn is full, honey,” and there are no rooms left. The staff is trapped. “I guess we’ll have to sleep in the tavern.”
“Harly, I can’t sleep in the tavern.”
“Yes, you can.” she models taking deep breaths in and out with her hands and chest. “It’ll be okay. I’ll snatch up the nicest, cleanest booth we’ve got. You know, the one in the corner, and all night we’re gonna laugh at that bitch Michelle because her big sasquatch ass is gonna have to sleep on the floor.” Damn, she’s funny. I hate to say it because it makes me seem like an asshole, but the jab at Michelle is pulling me out of my panic attack. I chuckle, and Harlow lets out a sigh of relief.
“She really is fucking huge.” I’m laughing so hard Harlow can barely understand me “She’s like Hagrid in a mini skirt.” She joins in my laughter, and I remember why she’s my best friend.
Harlow puts me in a friendly headlock. “It’s all gonna be alright, Jiminy. It's not gonna be like when you were a kid.”
“Yeah, I know it’s gonna be fine,” I say with a smile. “Because I’m going to pick up one of these nerds and sleep in a nice, warm bed tonight.”
“Are you serious? You’re resorting to prostitution now?”
“I am!” I reply very loudly and matter-of-factly. Then I stalk off in search of my new man.
The guys who come here aren’t usually very ugly, but they're still not preferable. Occasionally, we get a semi-attractive man who roleplays as a prince fighter hero, half-elf, or something or other. Unfortunately for me, it seems we’ve got a bad batch in here tonight. There’s a man in with really nice arms, but he’s got a wedding ring. After a good look around, I saw three viable options. The first is a burly man with heavy green face paint, the second is a tall, lanky blonde orc, and the third is a ginger, who looks like a sixteen-year-old, who I know for a fact is 23 because I carded him. I’m about to go for the blonde orc at the end of the bar when, out of the corner of my eye, I see him—a pretty boy dressed in standard 21st-century garb. He’s got brown floppy hair and bright blue eyes with a yellow center almost like a sunflower. They go perfectly with his warm and inviting peachy complexion. Looking at him genuinely is an experience. Obviously, he’s the one.
Okay, Cricket, it’s game time. I reach behind the bar and take a swig from the bottle of my favorite cinnamon whiskey. I went into this thinking I wouldn’t have to try very hard, but if I’m going to turn tricks, I figure I should turn them for a man of substance. It’s a good thing I have this corset on. I look freaking amazing. I walk right up and sit across from him in his booth.
“Alright, what’s your story, pretty boy? What on earth is someone like you doing in The Chipped Tea Cup?”
“Yeah, no. Welcome to my booth, I guess, Miss—” He pauses to read my name tag. “Tiploft.” He puts on a genuine smile. “Just trying to escape the rain. I’m at the tail end of a road trip, actually.” That was kind of obvious, and I’m not sure why I asked. The road trip is news, though.
I rest my elbows on the table and lean in to show off my cleavage. “Oh, so you’re a true adventurer. Where are you going?”
“I got a new apartment uptown, just a few miles from here. I’ve traveled through six states to get here.”
“Uptown? Are you, by chance, a student.”
“Yep, going to Redwood University. Working at the Research Lab of The Adjustment Of Phenology,” I give him a quizzical look. “The study of seasons. I’m gonna help solve climate change,” he says proudly.
“Huh, I would’ve guessed business major. Men who look like you want to work on wall street and like fuck people over.”
“Glad to break the stereotype, Thelda.”
“Oh, shit, no, that’s not my name. This is my work cosplay.” I hope to god I don’t look like a Thelda. “What’s your name?”
“It’s March.” he extends his arm for a handshake, “March Starling.”
“Cricket St. James.” I shake his hand. “Let me buy you a drink.”
“Thanks so much for offering, but I don’t drink.”
“Oh, that’s nothing to be embarrassed about. My best friend’s allergic to alcohol, too.” I have never come across another person with an allergy like Harlow’s. If I’m being honest, I’ve never even considered that there are other people like her. I guess I just thought she, of all people, would have such an obscure trait.
“No, I don’t drink of my own volition.” he pauses and furrows his eyebrows. “I’m also pretty sure no one is allergic to alcohol.”
“You’re telling me that you’re a sexy environmentalist who doesn’t drink.”
He smiles to himself, “Better than your average drunken pollutant.”
“Ha ha, very funny.” I tease. “What do you do for fun then?”
“Well, sometimes back home, when I would get bored, I would sneak into the abandoned buildings on the other side of town.” I nod my head, encouraging him to go on. “And I would hand out snacks to the homeless, and we’d have great conversations.”
“Oh, wow, you really are just a nice guy.”
His cheeks start to redden. “What are you then, Cricket?” he asks.
“I’ll tell you later,” I say, changing the subject. “So, will you be staying the night, March, or are you thinking of braving the storm to get to your new place?” If I had a drink, I would twirl its straw and flip my dreads, but I went into this half-cocked.
“I’m staying. Got the last available room, apparently.” This motherfucker took my room.
“Really? That’s so lucky. Most of the staff here are staying in the tavern tonight.” I give him a tiny closed-mouth smile, making it seem like I’m failing an attempt at stoicism.
“That’s awful. I know I can’t help everybody, but you can stay in my room tonight if you would be comfortable with me.” He’s so kind, I don’t even think I’ll have to sleep with him. I guess he just likes helping the homeless, however temporary their homelessness.
“I would love to share a room with you, March.”
Too Sweet Masterlist
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4
Looking for FEEDBACK on my first few chapters. They are really short and are easy reads. Any feedback is welcome. Tell me about anything you think can be improved upon or anything that you liked. Comment on the prose or the dialogue. Literally anything that comes to mind that can help.
@mundanemoongirl @arrowmoose @yourpenpaldee @frostedlemonwriter
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best-tv-theme-song · 7 months
Round 2 Results
Can we get an F in the chat for all the fallen soldiers this round 😔
Round 3 will be posted on Wednesday
Group A
The Addams Family vs. Goosebumps
Wizards of Waverly Place vs. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
The Backyardigans vs. The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Dexter's Laboratory vs. Parks and Recreation
Danny Phantom vs. My Life as a Teenage Robot
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine vs. Little Einsteins
Teletubbies vs. VeggieTales
The Proud Family vs. Steven Universe
Group B
Doctor Who vs. Bob's Burgers
Community vs. Adventure Time
Seinfeld vs. Batman
Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. Friends
Sesame Street vs. Total Drama
Winx Club vs. Looney Tunes
M*A*S*H vs. Pinky and the Brain
One Day at a Time vs. Pokémon
Group C
Gravity Falls vs. Horrible Histories
Neon Genesis Evangelion vs. The Simpsons
The Golden Girls vs. El Chavo del Ocho
Victorious vs. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Good Omens vs. House, M.D.
LazyTown vs. Bob the Builder
Infinity Train vs. Arthur
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh vs. The X-Files
Group D
The Fairly OddParents vs. Monster High
Spider-Man vs. Hunter x Hunter
The Office vs. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
BoJack Horseman vs. Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Taskmaster vs. Yellowjackets
Ouran High School Host Club vs. Yuri on Ice
DuckTales vs. Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
How It's Made vs. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!
Group E
Kim Possible vs. The Legend of Vox Machina
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Animaniacs
Zoboomafoo vs. The Muppet Show
WandaVision vs. Reading Rainbow
Hannah Montana vs. Dragon Ball Z
Inspector Gadget vs. Big Time Rush
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers vs. Futurama
Succession vs. iCarly
Group F
The Magic School Bus vs. Digimon Adventure
Star Trek: The Next Generation vs. Xena: Warrior Princess
Dora the Explorer vs. Carmen Sandiego
Star Trek: Enterprise vs. Sailor Moon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer vs. Death Note
El Chapulín Colorado vs. The Flintstones
Game of Thrones vs. The Nanny
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends vs. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Group G
Bill Nye the Science Guy vs. George of the Jungle
H2O: Just Add Water vs. Star Trek: The Original Series
Drake & Josh vs. Cowboy Bebop
Lilo & Stitch: The Series vs. The Twilight Zone
Rugrats vs. The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius
Psych vs. Twin Peaks
Dragon Tales vs. Stranger Things
W.I.T.C.H. vs. What's New, Scooby-Doo?
Group H
SpongeBob SquarePants vs. Fraggle Rock
Firefly vs. Inuyasha
Bear in the Big Blue House vs. American Dragon: Jake Long
Black Sails vs. The Powerpuff Girls
That's So Raven vs. Ben 10
Cyberchase vs. Malcolm in the Middle
Teen Titans vs. The Owl House
Assassination Classroom vs. Phineas and Ferb
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haljathefangirlcat · 1 month
Now that you mention it, the Volsung-Nibelung-Dietrich cycle would make a good sitcom if you just focused on the zanier parts. The Nibelung siblings Gullrond, Gunther, Gernot, Giselher, Kriemhild, and (maybe) Hagen, with all their pals. Nephews Dankwart and Patavrid; Gunther's incredibly athletic girlfriend Brynhild and her dog and horse; the Nibelungs' best pal and Brynhild's ex Sigurd, who would be the man you wished your man could be if not his moments of random philosophizing or idiotic life decisions despite knowing what was going to happen; Hagen's best pals, Volker the musician and Walther the nerd; local businessman Rudiger and his sweet, cutesy young daughter; socially maladjusted Dietrich and his gang of pals, who always pop up during hangouts despite nobody inviting them... With less murder and more mayhem, it sure would make a good show!
You know, one thing I will always be irrationally sad about when it comes to the Sigurd/Siegfried cycle and related legends is that... it just never gets any of the wacky, zany, "how tf did you even come up that" adaptations and reimaginings Arthuriana keeps getting.
I mean, sure, you do have adaptations with some humor in it, and different ways to mesh Norse and Continental and even Wagnerian elements, and very different perspectives on the same characters. But Arthuriana really has anything and everything from Disney movies to anime and manga to Monty Python movies and musicals to kids' cartoons to A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and all its parodies to Young!Arthur/Young!Merlin Slashy Bromance shows to irriverent French sitcoms to loosely-inspired queer YA romance novels to a few recurring and even main characters in "all stories are true" fantasy series like Once Upon a Time or The Librarians. There's even those collector's edition Merlin & Morgana Barbies that were making the rounds on here a while ago!
Meanwhile, the wackiest, less "serious" stuff our Nibelungs get are:
The brief Siegfried & Fafnir cameo in the Mara and the Firebringer movie, where the main mythological figures are actually Loki and Sigyn (can't really say anything about the books, as I haven't read them)
A weird Hungarian (?? iirc??) comedy movie where Siegfried has a talking piglet as his animal companion for some reason and Kriemhild really doesn't like him but she apparently can't just tell him to get lost and stop courting her so she orders Hagen to drive him away from Worms and kill him, which I've only ever managed to "watch" in bits and pieces
The comedic operetta Die lustigen Nibelungen, which I've never managed to find anything about that wasn't in German, so I'm not even really sure what it's actually about
The 70s porn movie The Long Swift Sword of Siegfried, which... tbh, I'd rather stick to fanworks on the nsfw side of things, if the alternative is Siegfried with a pornstache
A Modern/High School AU fantasy romance self-pub I once found where, from what I remember of the summary and excerpt I read, Brunhild is a Mean Girl/Queen Bee who tries to steal Siegfried away from Kriemhild and Hagen is Kriemhild's shitty jealous ex-boyfriend (nothing against High School AUs, or romance novels, or alternative takes on the Kriemhild/Siegfried/Brunhild love triangle, or Hagen/Kriemhild as a ship... but tbh, I'd rather see all those elements handled in vastly different ways XDD)
A couple of old Italian Disney comicbook parodies featuring Donald Duck and his family (but those were mostly Wagner-based, iirc, and then again, an amazing thing about Italian Disney comics is that they will parody literally everything under the sun from the Divine Comedy to Twilight)
... Siegfried (or Sigurd?) showing up in one of the Fate anime series? Or novels? Or games? Not sure. I've only ever watched like two episodes of the Fate/Stay Night anime and then dropped it because I didn't like the normal guy protagonist always rushing to protect his (secretly Fem!King Arthur) supernatural sworn knight just because she was a girl
And... that's it, I think.
And on the one hand, I get it. With Arthuriana, you have adventurous romances and ridiculous (affectionate) quests and so many different bizarre canons and twists on them that even that cartoon where Morgan Le Fay sends an American football team back in time to Camelot (I think that was the plot, at least????) is just another "you know, this might as well happen" situation. I suppose that, at least by comparison, the Nibelungensage & All Adjacent Stuff may appear more grounded and less easy to play with and bring in whatever strange, unlikely new direction you want. Plus, tragic events like Sigurd/Siegfried's death, Brynhild/Brunhild being tricked into marrying a man she doesn't want, and Gudrun/Kriemhild's revenge, or even Dietrich's exile, are just central to it, so that's kind of a downer already, I guess.
... on the other hand, King Arthur's tale literally ends with him and his son killing each other at the end of a bloody civil war. And it's not like anyone's ever had any problem merrily ignoring THAT part to, idk, have everyone in the story be cats.
All this to say, I'd watch the hell out of a Modern AU Nibelung sitcom. Or even just a Nibelung sitcom set in the Middle Ages, or Late Antiquity, or a vague mishmash of the two. The dream for that would be a Galavant-style show with musical numbers and a lot of scenes poking fun at epic and heroic tropes, ngl.
Actually, let's be real: I wouldn't just watch it, I'd probably write fic and make gifs and fanvids for it!
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