peony-flowerking7 · 10 months
Their both lego btw OC animatic
THE IRONY AHAHHAHAH Just Zhihao arguing with her bestie soon to be enemy ya know? girly things.
I have no name for them but this is their redesign they were raise by Sun Wukong himself and also taught by Master Subodhi himself. Although as you know being raised by sun wukong would lead to IMPULSIVENESS!
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gkscanonline · 5 months
Grupo Hacker invade sistema de clínica de cirurgia plástica e divulga imagens íntimas de pacientes
A extorsão para não divulgar imagens teria acontecido por meio de contas falsas no Instagram e e-mails com origens desconhecidas Um grupo de hackers invadiu o sistema de uma clínica de cirurgia plástica do Rio Grande do Sul e do Paraná e divulgou imagens íntimas de pacientes na deep web (páginas da Web que os mecanismos de pesquisa não conseguem identificar). Também foi publicado prontuários de…
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animedonkey · 2 years
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the rest of my trading cards for work, we cut the list short but that means i’ll have more for later events
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design-law · 1 year
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Does this bike infringe this design patent? That’s the claim in this recently-filed complaint.
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comfect · 2 years
A side effect of following people for their fanfiction is that as they shift into new fandoms and discussing their finer points, I get to see a bunch of posts that initially make no sense but gradually coalesce into logic.
But it also makes me want to troll the world and just post random fake fandoms with fake nicknames and ships.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Unveiling the Mythical Legacy: The Significance of Historical Dragons in China and the Auspicious Year of the Dragon 2024
Celestial Dragons
Tianlong (天龍) Shenlong (神龍)
Fuzanglong (伏藏龍)
Dilong (地龍)
Yinglong (應龍)
Jiaolong (蛟龍)
Panlong (蟠龍)
Huanglong (黃龍)
Feilong (飛龍)
Qiulong (虯龍)
Zhulong (燭龍)
Chi (螭龍)
Tianlong (天龍):
Known as the Celestial Dragon, Tianlong symbolizes heavenly forces and divine protection. It is associated with the sky and cosmic order, signifying the connection between mortals and the divine realm.
Shenlong (神龍):
Shenlong, the Spirit Dragon, is revered as a benevolent deity bringing rain and ensuring fertility. It represents harmony with nature and the vital role of water in agricultural prosperity.
Fuzanglong (伏藏龍):
Fuzanglong, the Dragon of Hidden Treasures, guards hidden wealth and precious gems. It symbolizes the rewards of diligence, patience, and the hidden potentials waiting to be discovered.
Dilong (地龍):
Dilong, the Earth Dragon, is deeply rooted in Chinese mythology as the guardian of the earth's treasures, including minerals and underground water sources. It embodies the essence of stability, foundation, and prosperity drawn from the earth.
Yinglong (應龍):
Known as the Responding Dragon, Yinglong is associated with justice, righteousness, and the protection of the innocent. It symbolizes the triumph of truth over falsehood and the reward of virtuous actions.
Jiaolong (蛟龍):
Jiaolong, the Flood Dragon, represents the elemental force of water and its potential for both chaos and renewal. It embodies adaptability, resilience, and the cyclical nature of life.
Panlong (蟠龍):
Panlong, the Coiling Dragon, is depicted winding around mountains and rivers, symbolizing control over water and weather patterns. It represents authority, leadership, and mastery over natural forces.
Huanglong (黃龍):
Huanglong, the Yellow Dragon, is associated with the Yellow Emperor, a legendary figure in Chinese history. It symbolizes imperial power, sovereignty, and the mandate of heaven.
Feilong (飛龍):
Feilong, the Flying Dragon, embodies freedom, transcendence, and spiritual enlightenment. It represents the human quest for higher knowledge and liberation from earthly constraints.
Qiulong (虯龍):
Qiulong, the Horned Dragon, is often depicted with antlers or horns and is associated with strength, virility, and fertility. It symbolizes vitality, vigor, and the relentless pursuit of goals.
Zhulong (燭龍):
Zhulong, the Torch Dragon, is a mythical creature associated with fire and illumination. It symbolizes enlightenment, inspiration, and the transformative power of knowledge.
Chi (螭龍):
Chi, the Chi Dragon, is a mythical creature often depicted with the body of a snake and the horns of a deer. It symbolizes protection, prosperity, and longevity, guarding against malevolent forces.
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b2bcybersecurity · 22 days
Wer nicht zahlt: Ransomware-Gruppen machen mehr Druck
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Ein neuer Report zeigt, wie die Ransomware-Gruppen Informationen zu halblegalen Aktivitäten aus gestohlenen Daten nutzen, um die Opfer zur Zahlung zu zwingen. Der Dark-Web-Report "Turning the Screws: The Pressure Tactics of Ransomware Gangs" deckt auf. In seinem neuen Dark-Web-Report "Turning the Screws: The Pressure Tactics of Ransomware Gangs" deckt Sophos wichtige Erkenntnisse auf. Im Report beschreiben die Security-Spezialisten detailliert, wie Cyberkriminelle gestohlene Daten als Mittel einsetzen, um den Druck auf zahlungsunwillige Zielpersonen zu erhöhen. Zu den Druckmitteln gehören die Weitergabe von Kontaktdaten, das Veröffentlichen von Informationen über Familienmitglieder von CEOs und Geschäftsinhabern oder die Drohung, Informationen über illegale Geschäftsaktivitäten, die in gestohlenen Daten aufgedeckt wurden, an die Behörden zu melden. Der Sophos X-Ops Bericht zeigt zudem, dass Ransomware-Banden ihre Zielpersonen als „unverantwortlich und fahrlässig“ bezeichnen und einzelne Opfer, deren persönliche Informationen gestohlen wurden, dazu auffordern, einen Rechtsstreit gegen ihren Arbeitgeber zu führen. Zahlen oder Verrat von illegalen Geschäftsaktivitäten „Im Dezember 2023, im Zuge des MGM Casino Breach, stellte Sophos die Tendenz bei Ransomware-Gruppen fest, dass sie die Medien als eines ihrer Werkzeuge versuchen zu instrumentalisieren. Auf diese Art und Weise können die Cyberkriminellen nicht nur den Druck auf ihre Opfer erhöhen, sondern die Kontrolle über die Story übernehmen und die Schuld abschieben. Zudem beobachten die Sicherheitsspezialisten, dass die Banden die Führungskräfte der Unternehmen, die sie für die Ransomware-Attacke verantwortlich machen, ins Visier nehmen. In einem Post veröffentlichten die Angreifer ein Foto eines Geschäftsinhabers mit Teufelshörnern zusammen mit dessen Sozialversicherungsnummer. In einem anderen Posting forderten die Angreifer die Mitarbeiter auf, von ihrem Unternehmen eine „Entschädigung“ zu verlangen, und in anderen Fällen drohten die Angreifer damit, Kunden, Partner und Konkurrenten über Datenverletzungen zu informieren. Dieses Vorgehen schafft eine Art Blitzableiter für Schuldzuweisungen, erhöht den Druck auf Unternehmen für das Zahlen von Lösegeldern und verschlimmert möglicherweise den Imageschaden aufgrund eines Angriffs für das Unternehmen“, sagt Christopher Budd, Director, Threat Research bei Sophos. Angreifer posten, wie sie die Daten finden Sophos X-Ops hat außerdem mehrere Posts von Ransomware-Angreifern gefunden, in denen sie ihre Pläne beschreiben, wie sie nach Informationen in gestohlenen Daten suchen, um diese als Druckmittel zu verwenden, wenn Unternehmen nicht zahlen. In einem Posting weist der Ransomware-Akteur WereWolves beispielsweise darauf hin, dass alle gestohlenen Daten „einer strafrechtlichen, einer kommerziellen und einer Bewertung im Hinblick auf Insider-Informationen für Wettbewerber“ unterzogen werden. In einem anderen Beispiel stellte die Ransomware-Gruppe Monti fest, dass ein Angestellter eines Zielunternehmens nach Material über sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch suchte und drohte, mit den Informationen zur Polizei zu gehen, wenn das Unternehmen das Lösegeld nicht zahle. Diese Nachrichten spiegeln den allgemeinen Trend wider, bei dem Kriminelle zunehmend versuchen, Unternehmen mit sensiblen Daten über Mitarbeiter, Kunden oder Patienten zu erpressen – beispielsweise psychiatrische Daten, medizinische Daten von Kindern, Informationen über sexuelle Probleme von Patienten oder Bilder von nackten Patienten. In einem Ransomware-Fall postete die Qiulong-Ransomware-Gruppe die persönlichen Daten der Tochter eines CEO sowie einen Link zu ihrem Instagram-Profil. Ransomware-Banden scheuen keine persönliche Attacke „Ransomware-Banden werden immer invasiver und dreister darin, wie und was sie als Waffe einsetzen. Um den Druck auf Unternehmen zu erhöhen, stehlen sie nicht nur Daten und drohen mit deren Weitergabe. Sie analysieren zudem intensiv die Daten und Informationen, um den Schaden zu maximieren und neue Möglichkeiten für Erpressungen zu schaffen. Das bedeutet, dass sich Unternehmen nicht nur um Unternehmensspionage, den Verlust von Geschäftsgeheimnissen oder illegale Aktivitäten von Mitarbeitern sorgen müssen, sondern auch um derartige Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Cyberattacken“, so Budd.     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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nyxthyst · 1 year
Some facts about Siaw Ostrung (my books universe)
●Magic IS present, but its dying, only a handful of people even know it still exists.
● QiuLong (horned dragons of chinese mythology) used to rule S.O, but after the death of The White Mother's two oldest children and her youngest leaving to live with the humans, she secluded herself in the mountains, leaving S.O to self govern.
● Augen is the only naturally Matriarchal society, having a council of ten nobility/scholars, and a female Monarch, who will inevitably pass down the title to her daughter. In the event that a Monarch did not have children, she may appoint the next Monarch or the people will vote from current nobility.
● In Keeje, should an arranged marriage be disagreed on from either party, they may duel for freedom of their hand. Men will duel either the father of the bride, or any older male sibling, and women may duel either their husband-to-be, or any man of the house. As such it is common practice for women to learn swordsmanship at a young age, regardless of their ambitions.
● While the forest boarder between Augden now starts at the begining of either side if the forest, with the firest itself being a neutral terrrioty, it once belonged entirely to Augden, who agreed to a peace treaty from Emperor Zhu, settling a 100 year war.
● Bastards, or illegitament children, are offically recognized as children of whichever nobility or royalty they come from, in the event that no legitament children are born, unless stated otherwise, they will inherit the title and property of their father or mother.
● bastards are also viable canidates for sucesscion of thrones, as their parent may appoint them above the natural born heir, regardless of age or social status. As such many are raised in the same manner, ensuring that the child is well learned and well mannered.
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adeptiiii · 2 years
Hitman!AU Lore Explanation:
This is a brief explanation of the Hitman!AU world. It does not go in depth and is only meant to make your reading experience a little easier. For extensive and detailed info, click on the links under the cut.
World System:
9 Dragon Kings rule over the world. They are as ancient as the world itself. They are brothers and each have their own territory.
Brothers (in descending order):
Long Wang
More information about them here:
They are naturally Chinese dragons, but choose to take on humanoid forms to make it easier for their civilization. In their base form, they can span up to several mountains long, and could end the world whenever they choose.
Even with such power, the majority of them are humble and selfless. They serve the people and loathe the hierarchy system that's been put in place. They've tried abolishing the system, but society bit the hands that fed them.
Each brother has their respective territories, rules, and titles. There are no restrictions when it comes to immigrating. People are free to live in whichever region best suits their interest.
Hierarchy system:
In ancient times, Long Wang created the landscape of the earth with his bare hands. He also created humans with different traits. They were titled "Lesser Lords" and they had their respective animal counterparts. This includes mythological creatures such as mermaids, griffins, and phoenixes.
The hierarchy system was made when the Lesser Lords started to argue amongst themselves about who was the strongest and who deserved the most respect.
Whoever died first would be placed lower in the system, and thus, a millenia war took place.
6 Lesser Lords remained at the end, deciding on a truce. However, they each disappeared one by one. Either they went mad, or passed away. Finally, one Lesser Lord remained, and his name was Muzan. He is a kitsune who is power-hungry. Dragons still remained at the top, and Long Wang soon put an end to Muzan's schemes.
Biology/Species system:
Pure-bloods are respected the most, and in order to be a pure-blood, one must have at least 80% of the species' genes. Anything below that would be considered a half-blood.
When it comes to half-bloods, the stronger gene is what they are assigned at birth. For example, they might have 60% Griffin genes, and 40% Phoenix genes. They would be assigned a Griffin.
Half-bloods also have issues with powers and appearances. Most often, it's a gamble. One could look purely dragon but have no dragon powers. Or one could look like a human, but have kitsune powers. It leads to several cases of bullying and harassment, especially from pure-bloods.
The hierarchy system is cruel, and most often, the lowest ranks become bottom-feeders. They get the least respect, and often don't survive past a certain age. The Dragon Kings try their best to take in these bottom-feeders and nourish them. But it's simply impossible because of their numbers.
Hitman!AU cast:
Hex Jeffalstein/李秀臣 (Li Xiu Chen)
Species: Half-blood (Dominantly human, possesses dragon powers.)
Gender: Female
Role: Protagonist, Hitman
Patch/Francis Moreau
Species: Half-blood (Dominantly lizard, possesses some human traits.)
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist, Singer/Celebrity
Hashihime (橋姫)
Species: Pure-blooded Skull Demon
Gender: Female
Role: Brief mentions (Blue horns), Hex's colleague
Species: Pure-blooded Hellhound (Now part Skull Demon due to pact with Hashihime.)
Gender: Male
Role: Not apart of the story, Hashihime's bodyguard
Species: Pure-blooded angel (Fallen)
Gender: Male
Role: Supporting character, Patch's best friend, exotic dancer
(For more Hashihime, Volker, and Judas content, check out Hellraisers):
Huanglong (黄龙)
Species: Pure-blooded chinese dragon. The youngest of the 9 Dragon Kings.
Role: Supporting character, Hex's best friend, Dragon King
Fuzanglong (福藏龙)
Species: Pure-blooded chinese dragon. The 4th brother of the 9 Dragon Kings.
Role: Deuteragonist, Hex's boss, Dragon King
Species: Pure-blooded Basilisk
Role: Important to Hex's backstory, Hex's former adoptive father, Leader of the Asylum
Species: Half-blood (Dominantly maine coon, possesses feline claws, has human blood)
Role: Antagonist, Patch's ex-girlfriend, Actor/Celebrity
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Off-Road Motorcycles Market Estimated to Expand at a Robust CAGR By 2032
The Global Off-Road Motorcycle Market was valued at US$ 14.3 Bn in 2021 and is expected to reach US$ 27 Bn by 2032, finds Future Market Insights (FMI) in a recent market survey. A new market research report by Future Market Insights on the Off-Road Motorcycle market includes global industry analysis for 2017–2021 and an opportunity assessment for 2022–2032. As per the findings of the report, motocross motorcycles will remain pivotal for the market as the bulk of revenue will be generated through this category.
Motocross remains the leading category owing to the increasing popularity of Motocross events
Motocross as a sport has been growing in popularity, with a resultant increase in demand for motocross motorcycles. Innovations in both motorcycles and events as a whole have boosted their popularity. This category witnessed a CAGR of 6.1% in 2017-2022 and has a forecasted CAGR of 5.6% in the forecast period of 2022-2032.
Off-Roading Apps encouraging the use of Off-Road motorbikes through Safety, community and trail-planning features
A multitude of apps and Websites catering to Off-Road Bikers have emerged over the past two decades. Features such as trail planning, Community Interaction options, and safety alerts have led to a change in the perception of Off-Road Motorcycling, making consumers feel more secure in planning both group and solo trips.
Technological improvements and preferential policies for electric vehicles are driving demand.
Preferential policies such as purchase tax exemptions for electric vehicles as well as the reduction in prices of Lithium-Ion batteries, a key component for Off-Road Motorcycles, are positively affecting market demand.
Defence Sector to boost demand for electric Off-Road Motorcycles
Stealth operations require vehicles that can move through difficult terrain, remain hard to track by having little to no detectable smell or emissions and can wait in complete silence. Off-Road Motorcycles, particularly those of the electric variety are proving to be a popular solution.
North America to Command the Larger Proportion of demand for Off-Road Motorcycles throughout the Analysis Period
With abundant suitable terrain and well established biking communities and infrastructure, North America as a whole leads the demand with the 2021 market share being 41.4% and the predicted market size of US$ 11.1 Bn in 2032.
“Off-Road motorcycle providers are closely working on developments in electric forms of Off-road motorcycles in order to harness the growing demand and preferential legislature.” comments an analyst at Future Market Insights.
Off-Road Motorcycle Market: Competition Insights
Off-Road Motorcycles manufacturers are largely aiming at creating new design concepts, harnessing new technologies, developing lower-cost models to attract wider audiences, and creating more environmentally efficient versions of their products. The key companies operating in the Off-Road Motorcycles market include Harley-Davidson Incorporation, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A., Honda Motor Co., Ltd., and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Some of the recent developments by key providers of Off-Road Motorcycles are as follows:
In May 2022, Chongqing Qiulong Technology Co., Ltd, launched SUR-RON, an electric off-road motorcycle in China.
In December 2021, Harley-Davidson’s electrical motorcycle brand LiveWire was separated and made public through a merger with the acquisition corp AEA-Bridges Impact Corp.
In December 2021, India Kawasaki Motors launched M Y22L KLX450R, a purpose-built off-road motorcycle with a 4 stroke engine and higher amount of low-end torque.
In October 2021, Volcon, who manufactures off-road electric motorcycles had an IPO, listing on the Nasdaq with “VLCN” as their symbol.
More Insights Available
Future Market Insights, in its new offering, presents an unbiased analysis of the Off-Road Motorcycle Market, presenting historical market data (2017-2021) and forecast statistics for the period of 2022-2032.
The study reveals extensive growth in Off-Road Motorcycle in terms of Type (Motocross Motorcycles, Enduro Motorcycles, Trail Motorcycles, Track-racing Motorcycles), and Sales Channel (Retail Sales, Institutional Sales) across five regions (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa).
For More Info@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/off-road-motorcycles-market
About Future Market Insights (FMI)
Future Market Insights, Inc. is an ESOMAR-certified business consulting & market research firm, a member of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce and is headquartered in Delaware, USA. A recipient of Clutch Leaders Award 2022 on account of high client score (4.9/5), we have been collaborating with global enterprises in their business transformation journey and helping them deliver on their business ambitions. 80% of the largest Forbes 1000 enterprises are our clients. We serve global clients across all leading & niche market segments across all major industries.
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peony-flowerking7 · 10 months
Timelapse oc
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She is most definitely a lmk oc because I got plans
I will put more onto her design and this is only testing
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transplanarrpg · 3 years
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[Image ID: Øka Hyye from Transplanar RPG is justified left, with "Transplanar, Arc Four, Episode 1" justified right. End ID.]
Our party arrives in Qiulong, where one of their own is a wanted criminal... with a 100,000 gold bounty on their head.
Transplanar RPG is an all-trans, POC-led D&D show set in an original noncolonial, antiorientalist world. Our campaign is about broken people rebuilding a broken world.
Art by @pisharpart. Commissions open!
Arc Four debuts THIS SATURDAY! Tune in on September 4th at 3pm CST on Twitch!
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ask-zhongguo · 3 years
for the mun or 2p nyo china, how did Lin Zerui's name come about? (is it a reference to Lin Zexu except with different characters?...)
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"As countries we often have to go through different names since if the same name keeps being used for centuries it's bound to raise suspicion, especially in our case where language evolved. The others say I'm bad at naming myself so the only input I really had in this was what surname I wanted to take and what kind of meaning I wanted. Lin is a relatively common surname and Ze is also a relatively common sound, there are two main characters with this sound that people use in names I think."
(longer explanation from mun under the cut dsjhgklsdafk)
// mun here!! 2p nyo! china was the first Chinese character I've ever named I think. She's had a long history of different names. iirc the first name I gave her was 林秋龙 (Lin Qiulong), qiu meaning autumn and long meaning dragon. the autumn part was supposed to kind of parallel the spring used in Chunyan, the common fannon name for nyo China. But tbh both of these names are kind of direct? Nothing wrong w/ that but often more 'educated' people give their children less direct names with references to poems and stuff. Now none of my china's have names referencing poems, but I did try a lot more names in the name of being sophisticated/natural so to say.
Anyways, Lin was Lin just bc it's a commen surname, sadly there's no deeper meaning behind it. Ze is there bc it's a common ish sound, (ex: Lin Zexu 林则徐 like anon said, or Wu zetian 武则天, Mao Zedong 毛泽东) so that's how I decided it would sound 'normal' I chose 泽 over 则 bc I felt the meaning of 泽 (pool/luster) sounded prettier, but on second thought 则 (standard/rule) would also suit her well. The last part is rui 瑞, I've also seen this used in some real people's names (be it this character or a homonym) and I like the meaning! (Directly refers to a token of jade but also has the meaning of lucky, suiting since she has a jade hairpin in one of the first aus I mused her in lol). None of my Chinas’ names are really ‘out there’ imo, just bc they need to blend in with the population. 
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angieloveshua · 3 years
“It doesn’t seem to be the ‘Feng Qiuhuang’ dance,” Mingyan said blankly.
“Of course not,” Dan Xi triumphantly put away the thousand spirits around his body, “This is my original ‘Feng Qiulong‘.”
This Vermillion Bird didn’t need to search for his wife, he just wanted to take the big Green Dragon back to his nest.
I love this couple.
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murfeelee · 4 years
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Green Isle - Dragons WIP Pt1
Dragon (龙 lóng) – a mythical, chimeric creature of utmost importance in Chinese mythology and culture. It represents Yang, the Chinese Emperor, masculinity, imperial power, transformation, good fortune, and much more. Dragons wield tremendous power over the natural world and are particularly adept at controlling water and the weather.
Dragons are sometimes divided into four categories: Jiaolong (蛟龙) which are scaled dragons, Yinglong (应龙) which are winged dragons, Qiulong (虬龙) which are horned dragons, and Chilong (螭龙) which are hornless dragons.
-- Immortal Mountain: Dragons
- Green Isle by @crowkeeperthesimmer​
- Dragon & egg retextures in beta by me, because I felt EA’s default textures could use a bit of a facelift in my Green Isle Rainbowmania.
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I actually need help with the dragon eggs, but except for a few minor imperfections everything’s basically ready.
Cuz I’m near the end of my frikkin tether.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Tianlong (天龍) in the 'Sphere of Mars' Talon Abraxas
Unveiling the Mythical Legacy: The Significance of Historical Dragons in China and the Auspicious Year of the Dragon 2024
Celestial Dragons
Tianlong (天龍)
Shenlong (神龍)
Fuzanglong (伏藏龍)
Dilong (地龍)
Yinglong (應龍)
Jiaolong (蛟龍)
Panlong (蟠龍)
Huanglong (黃龍)
Feilong (飛龍)
Qiulong (虯龍)
Zhulong (燭龍)
Chi (螭龍)
Tianlong (天龍):
Known as the Celestial Dragon, Tianlong symbolizes heavenly forces and divine protection. It is associated with the sky and cosmic order, signifying the connection between mortals and the divine realm.
Shenlong (神龍):
Shenlong, the Spirit Dragon, is revered as a benevolent deity bringing rain and ensuring fertility. It represents harmony with nature and the vital role of water in agricultural prosperity.
Fuzanglong (伏藏龍):
Fuzanglong, the Dragon of Hidden Treasures, guards hidden wealth and precious gems. It symbolizes the rewards of diligence, patience, and the hidden potentials waiting to be discovered.
Dilong (地龍):
Dilong, the Earth Dragon, is deeply rooted in Chinese mythology as the guardian of the earth's treasures, including minerals and underground water sources. It embodies the essence of stability, foundation, and prosperity drawn from the earth.
Yinglong (應龍):
Known as the Responding Dragon, Yinglong is associated with justice, righteousness, and the protection of the innocent. It symbolizes the triumph of truth over falsehood and the reward of virtuous actions.
Jiaolong (蛟龍):
Jiaolong, the Flood Dragon, represents the elemental force of water and its potential for both chaos and renewal. It embodies adaptability, resilience, and the cyclical nature of life.
Panlong (蟠龍):
Panlong, the Coiling Dragon, is depicted winding around mountains and rivers, symbolizing control over water and weather patterns. It represents authority, leadership, and mastery over natural forces.
Huanglong (黃龍):
Huanglong, the Yellow Dragon, is associated with the Yellow Emperor, a legendary figure in Chinese history. It symbolizes imperial power, sovereignty, and the mandate of heaven.
Feilong (飛龍):
Feilong, the Flying Dragon, embodies freedom, transcendence, and spiritual enlightenment. It represents the human quest for higher knowledge and liberation from earthly constraints.
Qiulong (虯龍):
Qiulong, the Horned Dragon, is often depicted with antlers or horns and is associated with strength, virility, and fertility. It symbolizes vitality, vigor, and the relentless pursuit of goals.
Zhulong (燭龍):
Zhulong, the Torch Dragon, is a mythical creature associated with fire and illumination. It symbolizes enlightenment, inspiration, and the transformative power of knowledge.
Chi (螭龍):
Chi, the Chi Dragon, is a mythical creature often depicted with the body of a snake and the horns of a deer. It symbolizes protection, prosperity, and longevity, guarding against malevolent forces.
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