f1-motogpobsessed · 1 year
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Along For the Ride - Chapter One - They Meet (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1301822023-along-for-the-ride-chapter-one-they-meet?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=embie3&wp_originator=yKLOuvkyI%2Fjdu4PR3Nhfkk66krR0TvVrrGlGdA5C2fHnuIMi6mUWOIPbFpTTLVga9%2B0Ob%2FDNtc1NlBi%2BB5wucHxVTwwmVjUazu6UtEfLoNIcGfxVrdHlB%2F2DlH1wGhml When they met she had no idea who he was. This was perfect for him, giving him a chance to be himself first and famous racer second. But with a life of her own, will she follow him around the world or is balancing their lives too hard.
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leathercollectionus · 2 years
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Monster Energy Race Suit
Show your presence by wearing this Monster Energy Race Suit, a replica suit designed from the Fabio Quartararo suit, he wore in MotoGP 2021 season from the Yamaha monster energy team.
Monster Energy Race Suit
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bikerspiritmagazine · 7 months
Fabio Quartararo: “Η Yamaha έχει πολύ λίγο χρόνο για να με πείσει να μείνω μαζί της”
Ο Γάλλος αναβάτης έκανε το ντεμπούτο του με τη Yamaha στη δορυφορική ομάδα Petronas SRT το 2019 και κέρδισε τον τίτλο με την εργοστασιακή ομάδα το 2021, τερματίζοντας μια επταετή ξηρασία για τη Yamaha. Continue reading Untitled
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muchoneumatico · 2 years
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Dani Pedrosa: Fabio Quartararo necesita un milagro en Valencia
Dani Pedrosa es el piloto con más victorias en Valencia. El catalán ganó siete veces el Gran Premio de la Comunidad Valenciana: una en la categoría 125 (2002 con Honda), dos en la 250 (2004 y 2005), cuatro en la MotoGP (2007, 2009, 2012 y 2017). Es un verdadero experto del circuito dedicado a Ricardo Tormo y acaba de hacer unas declaraciones muy interesantes a los medios internacionales, a pocos días de la última etapa de la temporada 2022.
Lee el post completo >>>
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poroskota · 2 years
Hasil FP2 MotoGP Aragon 2022: Jorge Martin Terdepan, Fabio Quartararo Kedua, Bagnaia Top 5
Hasil FP2 MotoGP Aragon 2022: Jorge Martin Terdepan, Fabio Quartararo Kedua, Bagnaia Top 5
POROSKOTA.COM– Simak hasil FP2 MotoGP Aragon 2022 yang berlangsung pada hari ini Jumat (16/9/2022) malam WIB. Jorge Martin berhasil menjadi yang tercepat di FP2 MotoGP Aragon 2022 dengan catatan waktu 1 menit 47.402 detik. Fabio Quartararo ngekor di belakang Jorge Martin lalu disusul oleh Johann Zarco di posisi ketiga. Enea Bastianini dan Francesco Bagnaia secara berurutan menempati posisi…
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Quartararo et Zarco sur les 1res marches du Grand Prix d’Allemagne
Pour la deuxième fois depuis le début de la saison, après le Grand Prix du Portugal, ce sont deux pilotes français qui ont été mis à l’honneur. Il s’agit de Fabio Quartararo et Johann Zarco qui ont remporté la première et deuxième place du podium au Grand Prix d’Allemagne.
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Crédit Photo : Juanbcn de Pixabay
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slutforpringles · 20 days
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via: Daniel Ricciardo, Fabio Quartararo and the selfie that sparked an unlikely friendship | Fox Sports Australia
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kingofthering · 21 days
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flyingfabio · 20 days
did not expect daniel ricciardo to drop batshit insane lore about fabio today tbf
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bezzplaining · 1 month
Gay is okay ☝️
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lecsainz · 1 year
Secret Crush
pairings: 2022 grid x driver!reader / fabio quartararo x driver!reader
warnings: grid of 2022, drivers being gossipers and acting like older siblings, seb as the father figure of the group and pierre being intrusive.
authors note: i started watching motogp not long ago, but I think it turned out great, and i can really picture this scene of them bothering Y/N and wanting to know who the boy was. just imagine them helping her get ready for the date and interrogating fabio about his intentions with Y/N. and I tried to include all the drivers but it's almost impossible 😭
word count: 2.6K
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Y/N had always been a fan of Fabio Quartararo, the young frenchman who was making waves in the MotoGP world. So when she got a message from him on Instagram, she was over the moon.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, he just messaged me!!" Y/N exclaimed to herself, pacing back and forth in her motorhome at the paddock.
She quickly composed a reply to Fabio's message, trying to sound cool and casual, but her hands were shaking so much she could barely type.
Y/N: "Hey, what's up?"
She hit send, then collapsed onto her bed, heart pounding with excitement. A few moments later, her phone buzzed with a reply.
Fabio: "Not much, just hanging out at home. Saw your race last weekend, you were amazing! How's the f1 life treating you?"
Y/N couldn't believe it, Fabio had actually watched her race! She started pacing again, muttering to herself.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, he thinks I'm amazing! What do I even say? I have to be cool, I can't sound too eager."
She took a deep breath and composed another reply.
S/N: "Thanks! f1 life is treating me well, but it's tough out here on the road. How about you? How do you deal with all the travel and pressure?"
Again, she hit send, then waited anxiously for a response. It came quickly.
Fabio: "I know what you mean, the travel can be exhausting. But I just try to stay focused on the racing and not let the other stuff distract me. You seem to be doing a great job of that too!"
Y/N couldn't stop grinning he was being so nice to her! She paced around her motorhome again, feeling giddy.
"Oh my god, he's so sweet! Maybe he's interested in me too? No, no, don't get ahead of yourself, Y/N. Just be cool, be cool."
She took a deep breath and composed another message.
S/N: "Thanks, that means a lot coming from you. Maybe we could grab a drink sometime and chat about racing?"
She hit send, then waited nervously for a reply. It came a few moments later.
Fabio: "Sure, that sounds great! I'll be in town for the next weekend race, how about we meet up then?"
Y/N couldn't believe it, she was actually going to meet him in person! She let out a squeal of excitement and did a little victory dance around her motorhome.
"I can't believe this is happening! This is going to be the best weekend ever!" she said to herself, grinning from ear to ear.
As Y/N read his message, she started to hyperventilate. She had just asked him out on a date, and now he was actually interested in meeting up with her. She looked up from her phone to see the other F1 drivers staring at her in confusion.
"What's going on, Y/N?" Charles asked, eyebrows raised.
"Yeah, you look like you've seen a ghost." Lando chimed in.
Y/N blushed and put her phone down, trying to act nonchalant. "Oh, nothing, just messaging with someone." she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
But the other drivers weren't fooled. They crowded around her, trying to get a look at her phone.
"Who are you texting, Y/N? Is it a secret crush?" Carlos teased, poking her in the ribs.
"None of your business, Carlos," Y/N replied, trying to hide her smile.
"Ooh, it is a secret crush!" Lando chimed in, winking at Y/N. "Come on, you can tell us. We won't judge."
Y/N shook her head, still trying to keep the conversation vague. "It's nothing, guys. Just catching up with a friend." she said, hoping they wouldn't push the subject any further.
But the other drivers weren't going to let it go that easily. They bombarded her with questions and guesses, trying to figure out who the mystery person was.
"Is it a driver? A mechanic? A fan?" Yuki asked, grinning.
Y/N swatted his hand away and rolled her eyes. "No, it's just Fabio Quartararo." she said, trying to sound casual. “But please don't make a big deal out of it." she said, biting her lip.
The other drivers looked at each other in confusion. 
"Wait, Fabio Quartararo? As in the MotoGP rider?" Pierre asked.
"Yeah! And I just asked him out on a date." Y/N said, blushing even harder.
The other drivers erupted into laughter. "Y/N, you little devil! I had no idea you had it in you." Daniel said, clapping her on the back.
Y/N frowned at them. "It's not like that! He just wants to talk about racing." she protested.
"Sure, sure, we believe you." Checo said, winking at her.
Daniel suddenly spoke up. "You know, Y/N, our little sister is growing up so fast. It seems like just yesterday you was learning how to drive, and now you’re all grown up." he said, grinning.
Y/N groaned, "Oh god, please don't start with that 'little sister' crap again. It's bad enough that everyone else sees me that way."
But it was too late. The other drivers had already caught on to Daniel's joke, and they started to join in. "Yeah, I remember when we used to have to keep an eye on her in the paddock. Now she's all independent and texting boys." Pierre laughed.
As the group continued to tease her about her crush on Fabio, Y/N suddenly felt a wave of panic wash over her. 
"Guys, stop, please. It's not like anything is going to happen anyway," she said, feeling uncertain.
"What do you mean?" Charles asked, looking at her curiously. "You've got a date with him, right?"
Y/N nodded, feeling her stomach churning with nerves. "Yeah, but I don't know what to do. I've never been on a real date before."
The other drivers looked at her sympathetically, their teasing forgotten. "Hey, don't worry about it." Alex said reassuringly. "Just be yourself and have fun. It's just a date, not a marriage proposal."
Esteban added, "And whatever you do, don't order spaghetti. That's just asking for trouble."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"
Esteban shrugged, "It's messy and hard to eat. Not exactly the most attractive thing to do on a date."
The other drivers nodded in agreement, giving her thumbs up and high fives and Y/N couldn't help but laugh at their silly advice. 
Sebastian noticed Y/N looking a bit nervous and approached her with a gentle smile. "Hey, Y/N, can I give you some advice?" he asked, sitting down next to her.
Y/N nodded eagerly, grateful for his guidance. "Please, Seb, I could use all the help I can get." she said.
Sebastian chuckled. "Well, first of all, just be yourself. Don't try to impress him by being someone you're not." he advised.
Y/N nodded, taking his words to heart. "Okay, I can do that." she said.
Sebastian continued, "And remember, if he's not interested, it's not the end of the world. There are plenty of other guys out there who would be lucky to go on a date with you."
Y/N smiled, feeling a bit more confident. "Thanks, Seb, that means a lot to me." she said.
Sebastian patted her on the back. "No problem, Y/N. You're like a daughter to me, and I want to see you happy." he said, with a warm smile.
Y/N felt a surge of affection for the veteran driver. "Thanks Seb, that means a lot to me." she said, giving him a quick hug.
The other drivers, who had been listening in on the conversation, teased Sebastian. "Aw Seb, you're such a softie." Daniel teased, winking at Y/N.
Sebastian rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a small smile. "Just trying to help out." he said, with a shrug.
Y/N grinned at the group of drivers. "Thanks, guys, you're the best. I'll let you know how it goes." she said, feeling more confident than ever.
But as Y/N was walked away, Daniel and Pierre couldn't resist teasing her a bit more. "So you finally going to make a move on Fabio?" Daniel asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
Y/N blushed and rolled her eyes. "You guys are ridiculous." she said, trying to hide her smile.
Pierre joined in, "Yeah, and don't forget that we see you as our little sister, so we need to approve of any guy you date."
Y/N groaned, "Oh great, like I needed more pressure."
Max laughed, "Hey, we just want to make sure he's good enough for you. And if he's not, we'll beat him up for you."
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at their antics. "Thanks, guys, but I think I can handle it." she said, shaking her head.
Carlos gave her a playful nudge, "Well, just remember that we're here for you if you need us."
Y/N smiled gratefully, feeling lucky to have such supportive friends. 
Y/N couldn't help but mutter to herself as she walked back to her motorhome, "Ugh, I bet the entire paddock already knows I'm interested in Fabio. Gossip travels so fast around here."
As if on cue, she heard footsteps behind her and turned to see George and Lewis walking towards her. "Hey, Y/N, heard you're causing quite a stir around here." George teased, grinning.
Y/N felt her face turning red. "Oh god, please don't tell me everyone knows." she said, feeling embarrassed.
Lewis laughed, "Sorry to break it to you, but word spreads pretty quickly in the paddock."
Y/N groaned, "Great, now I'm going to be the laughing stock of the entire grid."
George put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Nah, don't worry about it. We've all been there before. In fact, I could tell you some stories about Lewis and his love life." he joked, giving Lewis a playful nudge.
Lewis rolled his eyes, "Ha ha, very funny. But seriously, Y/N, don't let it get to you. Just be confident and be yourself. And if it doesn't work out with him, there are plenty of other fish in the sea."
Y/N smiled, feeling grateful for their support. "Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I'll try not to let it get to me." she said, feeling more confident already.
She was relaxing in her motorhome when her phone suddenly beeped with a notification. She quickly picked it up and saw that it was a message from Fabio.
Her heart started racing as she read the message, feeling both excited and nervous. But before she could even finish reading it, she heard Daniel's voice behind her.
"Ooh, who's that? Let me see." he said, trying to peek over her shoulder.
Y/N quickly swiped her phone away, "None of your business, Danny." she said, trying to hide her smile.
But before she could even respond to Fabio's message, another message popped up from him. "Uh oh." she thought to herself, knowing that it couldn't be good news.
Fabio: Hey again! Y/N, I heard something interesting today…
Y/N: Oh really? What's that?
Fabio: Well, Pierre mentioned that he thinks you might have a little crush on me.
Y/N: Oh no, he didn't!
Y/N: 🤦‍♀️ I can't believe he said that. I'm so sorry.
As she read the message, she felt a surge of anger and frustration. Pierre had told Fabio about her crush on him, and she was not happy about it.
"Where is that little weasel?" she muttered under her breath, storming out of her motorhome in search of Pierre.
Daniel and the other drivers watched in amusement as Y/N charged through the paddock, looking like she was ready to murder someone.
"Uh, should we be worried?" Lando asked, raising an eyebrow.
Daniel shook his head, "Nah, she's just on a mission to kill Pierre. Nothing new there." he joked, grinning.
Just as they were all laughing, Pierre suddenly appeared, running in the opposite direction with Y/N hot on his heels.
"Run, Pierre, run!" Charles shouted, laughing.
As the group continued to joke and tease each other, Seb suddenly walked up, looking slightly confused.
"Hey guys, what's going on?" he asked, looking around at the group.
George grinned, "Just Y/N chasing Pierre around the paddock. You know, normal stuff." he said, chuckling.
Seb raised an eyebrow, looking slightly concerned. "Should we do something? Is everything okay?"
Mick shook his head, "Nah, they're just goofing around. Y/N's not actually going to hurt Pierre." he said, smirking.
Seb watched in amusement as they ran past, shaking his head in disbelief. "You guys are all crazy." he said, but there was a hint of a smile on his face.
Seb chuckled, watching as Y/N finally caught up to Pierre and tackled him to the ground. "You know what, I'm actually rooting for Y/N to get Pierre," he said, grinning.
The other drivers laughed, but there was a hint of agreement in their voices. Despite their teasing, they all knew that Y/N was a great catch, and Pierre would be lucky to have her.
"Alright, enough of this." Lewis said, clapping his hands. "We have a race to prepare for, remember?"
The drivers all nodded, reluctantly tearing their attention away from Y/N and Pierre's antics.
As the drivers walked towards their motorhomes, Y/N's phone started ringing. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Fábio. Her heart started racing as she debated whether or not to answer.
The other drivers noticed her hesitation and couldn't resist teasing her. "Go on, answer it!" Charles said, grinning.
Y/N shook her head, feeling flustered. "I can't, I don't know what to say!" she exclaimed.
The other drivers laughed, finding her panic amusing. "Just answer it and see what he wants." Lando said, patting her on the back.
Y/N's hands were shaking as she tried to answer the call, but just as she was about to hit the accept button, the call suddenly dropped.
"NO!" she shouted, frantically trying to call Fabio back.
The other drivers watched in amusement as Y/N paced back and forth, muttering to herself in frustration. "Why does this always happen to me?" she said, shaking her head.
Daniel grinned, "Maybe he's just not that into you." he joked.
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Shut up, Daniel." she said, playfully punching his arm.
Y/N chuckled as she read his message, feeling her phone vibrate in her hand. She quickly typed out a response, trying not to seem too eager.
Fabio: Don't be sorry! I actually thought it was kind of cute. Is it true? 
Y/N: Well, maybe a little bit...I mean, I do think you're pretty amazing.
Fabio:  Well, I think you're pretty amazing too. In fact, I was planning on asking you out, but you beat me to it! I was so happy when you messaged me first.
Y/N: Really? I had no idea.
Fabio: Yeah, I was trying to work up the courage to ask you out, but then you beat me to the punch. I guess great minds think alike, right? 😉
Y/N: I guess so! I was actually really nervous when I asked you out too. It's funny how even race car drivers can get butterflies in their stomachs.
Fabio: Yeah, I know what you mean. But I'm really glad you did, because I've been wanting to spend more time with you. You're always so focused on your driving that I didn't think you had time for anything else.
Y/N: Well, I do have time for you. I think you're worth making time for.
Fabio: That means a lot to me, Y/N. I feel the same way about you.
Just as she hit send, she noticed the other drivers watching her with grins on their faces. She rolled her eyes and held up her middle finger, playfully flipping them off.
"Hey, that's not very nice." Lewis teased, holding up his hands in mock surrender.
Y/N just laughed and shook her head. "You guys are lucky that I love you." she said.
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leathercollectionus · 11 months
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Best Moto Gloves Fabio Quartararo
A high profile and perfect matching pair of Best Moto Gloves can be matched with Fabio Quartararo MotoGP 2023 suit. Made of vivid and shiny material for an attractive appearance with reliable safety & comfort features.
Best Moto Gloves Fabio Quartararo
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Fabio Quartararo: “Αν κερδίσω έξι παγκόσμια πρωταθλήματα όπως ο Márquez, μπορώ να ζήσω με αυτό. Κυνηγώ νίκες, όχι ρεκόρ”
Fabio Quartararo: “Αν κερδίσω έξι παγκόσμια πρωταθλήματα όπως ο Márquez, μπορώ να ζήσω με αυτό. Κυνηγώ νίκες, όχι ρεκόρ”
Ο Fabio Quartararo ήταν ο μεγάλος χαμένος το 2022, τη χρονιά που είχε το βάρος να προσπαθήσει να υπερασπιστεί τον τίτλο που κατακτήθηκε την προηγούμενη χρονιά στο MotoGP. Continue reading Untitled
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ray935sworld · 1 month
If you ever want to know why I love MotoGP more than F1, it's the mentality.
Don't get me wrong, the fancy F1 style which is mostly professional with some funny moments is perfect. But it's mainly glamorous. It's supposed to be the perfect Monaco sport.
MotoGP has the expensive aspect as well. But they are just a bunch of chaotic man that love motorcycles and no one is trying to change that for the media.
In f1 people get media training about the "Can you wank yet" question. The laugh about "lol" from max or the "if my mom had balls she'd be my dad" quote was quoted way too many times. The webber glass smash or the angry hat through from brocedes is still legendary. Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg being "anything but lovers". I literally can't think of any significant media thing. Sorry.
Motogp is like... Let me post a picture of me touching my balls thorough my race wear. I think it was Quartararo who made a video imply that he's racing in fucking lingerie. They get ass smacks from their team before and after a session. Pecco and Bez are getting referred to as an old married couple. Rider jumping on (and fucking) each other in prac ferme. Jorge said that he'll marry his childhood rival in 2-3 years after they hugged (we know you're touch starved, Jorge but how good was that hig please?). Bez talking to Domizia (Pecco's fiance) and calling Bagnaia "OUR future husband". The Marquez brothers kissed ON THE MOUTH on International live TV. Martin and Aleix E. kissed each other in a club (I think it was them, no idea about the context). And Vale... He proudly said in an interview FFM porn is his favorite and he wants to be a member of the mile high club. I CAN GO ON.
That's why motogp is better. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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kingofthering · 2 months
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endless list of random motogp things - being the gayest motorsport out there (part three)
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flyingfabio · 2 months
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fabio quartararo & enea bastianini on motogp's instagram live during the riders parade at sachsenring 2023
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