#Quick. I need to think of something filthy šŸ˜‚
electronicwitchcollection Ā· 11 months
request written for @stygianoir for ā€œlove at first sight fluffā€ starring Szayelaporro, Mayuri, Aizen and Adult Uryu. I added the prompt ā€œkiss meā€ because Iā€™ve been wanting to use it for a while šŸ˜‚ had to do it as headcannon(esq) otherwise it wouldā€™ve been 30k and taken me three/six weeks. Aizen is also written slightly different, I couldnā€™t match his personality with the pure emotion of love šŸ™ƒ First time writing for three of these, theyā€™re not my usual, so I struggled, hope I didnā€™t disappoint šŸ’œ
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*When Szayelaporro first laid eyes on you, you were bound tightly, bag covering your face
Aizen had entered his lab, dragging you along behind him, ignoring the muffled protests coming from you.
* "Aizen sama? To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence in my laboratory this morning?"
*"a gift"Ā  you were thrown forward, hitting the ground loudly"to do with as you please "
*Intrigued and almost giddy with the prospect of a new body to experiment on, Szayelaporro lifted you easily in his arms, dropping you unceremoniously to the large metal operating table situated in the middle of his lab.
*Pulling the bag from your head "let's see what we have under here" his whole world stopped spinning on his axis when his eyes caught your own. A defiant gleam in your eyes overshadowed the unknown fear as you stared him down
* You were magnificent. A truly breathtaking specimen. Every curve of your face, the rose colour tint of your lips as they bit down over the fabric gagging you to silence. Perfection personified.
* His heart froze, tightly pinching in his chest as the scenery around you blurred into washed out white.
* Fate. He had heard the absurd phenomena used by humans. An unknown series of decisions dictating the direction your life lead. And until that moment, the scientist had brushed it away as unfounded nonsense.
*Until he laid eyes on you. You were made for him, he was sure. No test or experiment could offer physical proof of what he felt in that moment.
*You were his and he was yours. He fell in love in that moment.
*He brought you to live in his palace, warning all the underlings that if any harm came to you, they would be subjected to the most horrific experimentations, they would spend the rest of their days pleading for death
*He came to your room often, showering you with gifts, inventions he had made for you. A synthetic flower he created in a glass jar sat next to your bed. It had arrived the day after you confessed you missed flowers, something unable to grow in the dark barren wasteland of hueco Mundo.
*You talked, late into the nights. Listening intently to his excitement regarding new experiments, sparing you the gory details. Offering your own intelligent insight
*He touched you often. Pushing your hair behind your ear. Hand settling at the small of your back when he accompanied you in strolls. Yet you seemed oblivious to his advances, never returning your own
*"Am I not sufficiently fulfilling your needs?" He asked you suddenly one evening, as you sat together reading
*You closed your book, regarding him with a confused look "Szayelaporro?"
*"why do you not reciprocate my love for you?" He crawled closer to you on the couch, lifting your hand in his own.
*"your love?" Your mind started swimming. He loved you? How have you not noticed? Your eyes scan your room, no longer feeling like a prison.. it hadn't felt that way for weeks..
* The flower he gifted you next to your bed, covered in brightly colours blankets and pillows to bring a pop of colour to the drab space.The piles of books he brought for your entertainment. The sweet human treats you didn't even give thought to how he came in possession of...
*"I have loved you since the first moment I laid my eyes on you. You have burrowed your way into my every waking thought. Every decision I make, I make with you in mind. I yearn to see your smile, that mischievous grin. I..."
*"Szayelaporro,"Ā  you interrupted him breathlessly "kiss me"
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*The 12th gave you the creeps. You hurried down the corridor, following the twists and turns. Trying to ignore the suspicious screaming coming from behind closed doors, the strong aroma of chemicals. Your Captain had asked you to deliver the most recent numbers regarding Hollow attacks, and you were desperate to get in and out as fast as you could
*The door to the main lab opened with a whoosh. The darkened space made it difficult to see as you walked in "excuse me, Captain Kurotsuchi. I have the report from ... ooof"Ā 
*You had walked into something solid, papers falling from your hand to scatter on the floor as you reached out to stable yourself
*Mayuri froze as you gripped onto his captains coat. The instinct to cut off your arm, modify it to chase you around and beat you across the head quickly evaporated as Your warm delicate fingers, seeped your warmth quickly through to his skin. His body rose in temperature, heart burning with desire as he saw your startled face.
*Too soon you let go. Apologies falling from your pretty lips as you knelt on the floor, gathering the reports he couldn't care less about in that moment.
* Embarrassed you gather the repot, laying it neatly on the desk. With a final apology you all but ran from the room
*"Nemu... who is that girl?" Mayuri asked, staring at the space you last were as if by sheer willpower he could materialise you back there
*"YN... from division 3"
*"YN."Ā  He tasted the way your name sounded on his lips "write to the third Captain, I want YN to deliver the reports from now on"Ā 
*"yes, Mayuri sama"
.*You plagued his thoughts for the rest of the week. Your face swimming in his vision in the most opportune times. More than one experiment had ended in an explosion due to his lack of concentration.
*He was obsessed. Head jerking around every time the door opened, heart sinking when it wasn't.
*He gave himself a physical. Jotting down his symptoms. Lack of appetite.. insomnia.. heart palpitations.. sweaty palms.. Hallucinations . He drew blood and analysed it himself. There was no tangible proof of an ailment. No scientific explanation of his behaviourĀ 
*His heart throbbed as he read the results, everything healthy. He didn't dare speak what he already knew. It was absurd. Love. In that one moment he laid his eyes on you he had fallen in love. Pathetic, useless feeling. Held no weight in the world of science.. and yet..Ā 
*He couldn't wait any longer. Summoning a hellbutterfly, he summoned you to his office. He paced the floor, drying his sweaty palms on his clothes. He caught his reflection in a large metal container and stilled...
*while running tests on himself he had removed the white and black makeup he usually wore. He looked so.. human. The thought sent a shiver of disgust through himĀ 
*you knocked on the office door, heart hammering a Mile a minute. You couldn't understand why you would be summoned personally to see the 12th captain,, unless he was mad about you bumping into himĀ 
*the door whooshed open, and you tentatively stepped inside. "Captain Kurotsuchi?" You call into the thankfully well lit roomĀ 
*A handsome man with blue hair spun to face you at your call. You appreciated his defined jaw, subtle rugged hood looks. "Excuse me, do you know where .." you stop... he was wearing the 12th captains coat Ā  "Captain Kurotsuchi?"
*he nodded, mouth suddenly drying of all moisture. He closed the distance to stand before you. "I have called you here because.."
*"I'm sorry" you interrupted "Im sorry I bumped into you."
*"no, that'sĀ  not why I..."Ā  but you cut him off again
*"did I rip the report? I could write it up again for you"Ā 
*"no. Listen. Since the day you came to my office I.."Ā 
*"did I break something?" You worriedly asked, you didn't remember hearing anything break.. but it did and you had to replace it, you didn't much fancy asking your captain for a part of the budget
*"WOMAN! Will you stop interrupting me!" He shouted, throwing his arms up in the air and pacing the office, grumbling to himself "absurd. Love.. maybe I can cure it? Create a drug to stop the processors in my brain."Ā 
*love? Did you hear that right? What has live got to do with your reports? Had someone fallen in love with a hollow?
*"Captain?"Ā  You Interrupt his thinking out loud "I'm afraid I don't understand"
*He walked to his desk to pick up a peice of paper, all but thrusting it under your nose. You took it in your hands reading quickly, blood results.. clear.. symptoms including heart palpitations... loss of appetite? "Are you sick?"
*"you are as enragingly obtuse as you are beautiful "Ā  he muttered under his breath, taking the paper from your hand and throwing it to the floor "these symptoms have been plaguing me since the moment you bumped into me. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't eat, my work is suffering because all I can think about is you. Why? How? How have you entered my thoughts? Why are you all I can think about?"
*You stare, mouth agape at his confessions. You? He was in love with you? The thought didn't scare you as much as it probably should have.Ā 
*"you should test your theory" you whisper
*"how?! I've taken blood, run tests..."
*"kiss me"
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Aizen had everything planned. Every aspect of his plan had a plan and a back up plan. Nothing happened that he didnā€™t foresee. That he didnā€™t sculpt and manipulate to mould to his desires
that was, until he laid eyes on you
You were the great unknown, the one thing he could never foresee, not for himself, not now.
You were perfect, flawless. The crowning jewel on his accent to the top of the world. You were made to be by his side, share with him the new world he envisioned, the new world order he would create and reside over.
He had to have you, the moment he laid eyes on you, you were his. There was no one who could match your beauty, your grace. None were fit to call you their own, no one but him
The time had come to leave soul society, create his kingdom, his loyal army in hueco mundo, with the help of the Ā Hōgyoku
You were tightly held by Tosen, his loyal subordinate during the great accent.
The moment you arrived to your new kingdom, you were freed, crumbling to a heep on the floor
He knelt in the dirt before you, large hand caressing your soft cheek, directing your tear filled eyes to his cool gaze
ā€œbecause I love you, YN. From that very first moment I saw you, I knew, you belonged to me Your place is here, at my side. You will be queen, my dearā€
ā€I will never join you Aizenā€¦ā€
ā€my dear YN, youā€™ll have no choiceā€
Adult Uryu
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You screamed, suspended in thin air, a tight, invisible grip around your middle. The rancid hot breath of a monster you were unable to see, the vicious sound of teeth snapping together closing in on your faceā€¦
You heard the snap of a bow, the whoosh of an arrow slicing through the air. An ear splitting scream and suddenly you were falling
strong arms caught you, pulling you to a hardened chest. The pale, chiselled face of your saviour the last fleeting image before you blacked out
Uryu held you close as he made his decent, could feel the moment you went limp in your arms
he laid you down on the ground and pushed your hair away from your face. All the air got sucked from his lungs the moment he saw you for the first time. You were beautiful. Soft features, unblemished skin. Truly a vision of the purest beauty he had seen.
His heart beat rapidly in his chest, hand quivering over your face, tracing the bruise left by the hollow on your cheek
He knew in that moment, he needed to hear your voice, know your name
that you would be the one he would spend the rest of his life with. He had to see your face everyday for the rest of his life
He stayed with you until you woke. Explained about hollows and Quinceyā€™s.
You thanked him for saving you, threw yourself at him in a hug that set his body alight. He wrapped his arms around you, vowing to never let you go
every day he would visit you. Get to know you little by little, fall deeper in love with every tiny detail you shared about yourself
And he exposed his heart to you, every fear, every dream.
The usual knock came at the usual time. Uryu had come to see you again. The biggest smile on your face as you opened the door, letting him into your home
ā€so, is it usual for Quinceyā€™s to visit everyone they save?ā€ You had asked him teasingly
ā€œnoā€ he answered seriously, wetting his lip nervously ā€œI just canā€™t seem to stay away from youā€
You couldnā€™t make sense of his confession, didnā€™t understand the burning passion behind his eyes
ā€œwas it something the hollow did?ā€ You ask worried, what if that monster did something to you?
ā€no, itā€™s you.ā€ Your breath caught in your throat
ā€œme? But I havenā€™t done anything ā€
ā€itā€™s not what youā€™ve done. Itā€™s who you are. The way your smile takes my breath away. The way your laugh fills my chest so fully Iā€™m afraid itā€™ll burst. How for the first time, I fear death, because I finally have something Iā€™m too afraid to loose. I canā€™t imagine my life without you by my side YN.. Iā€™m in love with you ā€
Your heart swells with emotionā€¦ finally having a word to describe the feelings you had; Love
ā€œI love you tooā€
Quicker than you thought possible, he had you in his arms, holding you just as tight as that first time he held you
ā€œUryu..kiss meā€
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meowzfordayz Ā· 1 year
NSFW Alphabet ā€” Uzui Tengen
Authorā€™s Note: for my own sanity, only some of these headcanons include Hina, Makio, and Suma. šŸ˜† As w/ all hcs, these are simply my opinions in this exact moment of writing, and are subject to change depending on the context/my mood! šŸ˜‰
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NSFW Alphabet ā€” Uzui Tengen
Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~3,100
CW: 18+NSFW, ass!play, cream!pie, degrading language, explicit language, Fem!Reader, oral, public
Aftercare? what theyā€™re like after sex
Tengenā€™s aftercare can beā€¦ overwhelming. šŸ¤­ Water and cuddles are appreciated, but do you really need a three course meal? An entire change of bedsheets? A steamy bath complete with petals and/or bath salts? A full body rubdown? Occasionally, the answer is YES! šŸ˜Œ But oftentimes, the answer is: ā€œTengen, Iā€™m not going to make it through the appetizer, let alone whatever else youā€™re planning.ā€ šŸ˜“ Because as grateful as you are to be thoroughly pampered and cherished, sometimes the best aftercare is simply a quick rinse followed by promptly passing out.
Body Part? their favorite body part(s)
Tengenā€™s obsessed with your tits. šŸ¤¤šŸ˜ I mean, have you seen Hina, Makio, and Suma?! *cue that ā€œYou six are the most important things to me.ā€ ā€œSix? But Lord Tengen, there are only three of us.ā€ ā€œI said what I said.ā€ meme* šŸ˜‚ Sensitivity matters more to him than size or shape; if he canā€™t elicit a soft gasp from brushing his fingertips across your nipples, then whatā€™s the point? ā˜¹ļø Heā€™d be your personal bra if youā€™d let him, glued to your back 24/7, hands cupping your tits. If you have smaller tits: ā€œBut Tengen, theyā€™re not even that big. I donā€™t need a bra!ā€ ā€œOkaaay, but I come with heating and massaging services! šŸ„ŗā€ If you have larger tits: ā€œHoney, do you need help? ā˜ŗļøā€ ā€œHelp? šŸ¤Øā€ ā€œIf theyā€™re too heavy, I happen to know a strong man who can ease your burdens.ā€ *cue Tengen winking exaggeratedly at your tits*
Tengenā€™s arms and thighs are to die for. He can hold you up against a wall, biceps flexing as your nails dig into his skin, cock thrusting steady and deep into your pussy, hardly out of breath, until youā€™re whimpering T-too much, g-gonna cum a-again. He can also keep you in place while you grind your clit against his thigh, forearms toned and unyielding as you melt into his chest, whining as you near your orgasm, unable to rest under his gentle, unforgiving guidance. ā€œMm, such a pretty thing, getting off on my thigh,ā€ squeezing your waist in warning as you try to slow down, ā€œWhat a pathetic whore, so anxious to cum the moment she sits on my lap,ā€ grinning smugly as your body shudders, ā€œThereā€™s no stopping now, babygirlā€™s gotta finish what she starts, gotta make a mess on my thigh, then, maybe, Iā€™ll let you go.ā€ If you really think heā€™s letting you go after slipping your panties aside to feel your wetness seep through his pants, casually lifting youā€”with one arm, of courseā€”just enough to fuck rough fingers into your clenched heatā€¦ think again. šŸ˜ƒ
Tengen prefers cumming in your pussy or on your ass. When heā€™s feeling intimate, finishing in your pussy feels like the ideal ending; itā€™s heavenly, sexy, and the perfect amount of lewd when you spread your folds so he can watch himself drip out of your stretched hole. If heā€™s feeling dominant, cumming on your ass satisfies his urge to claim and mark you in a more degrading manner; ā€œMy filthy fucking bitch,ā€ as his cum coats your asshole, dribbling down the backs of your thighs, making a mess of the sheets below, ā€œWearing my cum so beautifully, what a slut.ā€
Dirty Talk?
Uzui Tengen aka King of Dirty Talkā„¢ļø. Mind you, Kingā„¢ļø doesnā€™t mean everything he murmurs into your ear is mouthwatering, panty dropping, orgasm inducing, but it does mean he talks. A lot. Constantly. ā€œYou close to cumming? Close to squeezing the life out of my cock? Canā€™t wait to die by your pussy, mmm, yes darling, kill me.ā€™ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ šŸ’€ To be fair, 9 out of 10 times he says something thatā€™s actually pleasurable. šŸ˜† ā€œYou hear that babydoll? The sound of your greedy pussy squelching around my cock? Look down gorgeous, look at how well you take me. Look and listen, tell me what you think, hm?ā€ Spoiler alert: thereā€™s no way youā€™re telling him what you think, because fucking you speechless happens to be his specialty.
Experience? their level of experience
Factoring in Hina, Makio, and Suma, Tengenā€™s quite experienced. They donā€™t have foursomes too often (coordinating four schedules is a nightmare lmao), which actually benefits his sexual familiarity and comfortability, because 1-on-1 with three different women means plenty of consistent variety and opportunities to experiment/learn/grow. Toss you into the mix (theyā€™re all very happy to get to love and be loved by you šŸ„°), and fivesomes are even rarer than the elusive foursome. Omitting Hina, Makio, and Suma? Tengenā€™s still experienced, but sexual experience doesnā€™t necessarily equate to emotional or romantic maturity. Does he know how to bring his sexual partners to world shattering climax? Yeah. Does he know how to nurture intimacy and depth beyond carnality? ~Eventually! He isnā€™t inherently closed off to the idea or concept of closeness ā€” he just needs the right person (you, heh) to feel like taking that next step is worth his time, energy, and investment.
Tengen LOVES foreplay, but he also LOVES penetrative sex, so itā€™s a perpetual, inner debate for him. šŸ˜– Does he bask in the glory of you giving him head while heā€™s gaming with Kyojuro and Sanemi, or does he go afk (away from keyboard) to bend you over the bed and fuck you between rounds? šŸ¤“ On that note, he prefers receiving, primarily because itā€™s easier for you to randomly suck his dick than it is for him to randomly perform cunnilingus. 11/10 has calender anniversary reminders for all the various places youā€™ve blown him i.e. 1/27 Bar Bathroom Blowjob šŸ»; 4/19 Changing Room Blowjob šŸ‘•; 10/31 Halloween Party Blowjob šŸŽƒ. Besides blowjobs and cunnilingus, heā€™s a sorry sap for making out (when he supports the back of your head/neck and kisses you deeply UNF) and pinching your nipples until youā€™re begging him to play nice.
Goofy? their sense of humor
Ever seen movie/tv show bloopers where actors laugh while trying to film a serious/sad/etc scene? Thatā€™s Tengen during sex. He isnā€™t consciously silly, but his intensity/somewhat domineering attitude occasionally misses the mark. To his credit, heā€™s generally aware of your mood and what the ~vibe is, but sometimes all he wants to do is spank youā€”ā€Can you be good for me? Can you count? From one to ten, can you count out your punishment?ā€ā€”and all you end up doing is giggling and sassing off: ā€œCan I count from one to ten? Why, yes, yes I can!!!!!ā€ *cue unstifled laughter* šŸ¤Ŗ
Hair? pubes maintenance
Short of zero maintenance, Tengen has next to no preference about his pubic hair. If you want him clean shaven? Heā€™ll do his best (shaving his balls only scares him ~a tad). If you appreciate ~some hair? Heā€™ll literally have you sit on the bathtub beside him while he grooms, and rely on you to tell him when to stop. And if you also have next to no preference? He falls into a monthly trim routine.
Intimacy? their degree of intimacy
Sex with Tengen tends to lack toe curling intimacy. Your toes will certainly curl for other reasons, but he isnā€™t really a stare-into-my-eyes-as-I-whisper-sweet-nothings lover; heā€™s a, ā€œLook at me while I fuck your pretty cunt,ā€ firm thumb lifting up your chin, ā€œI said look at me,ā€ fucker. If you ask for more intimate sex, then heā€™ll certainly try his best, but all it takes is a few clenches of your walls around his cockā€”your eyes rolling backward, soft whine pushed from your chest, as he buries himself balls deepā€”for him to dissolve into his usual demanding demeanor.
Jack Off? masturbation
Including Hina, Makio, and Suma, he hardly ever masturbates. Sex isnā€™t a givenā€”he doesnā€™t take anyone for granted, nor assume that someoneā€™ll be available whenever heā€™s hornyā€”but he doesnā€™t want any of you to feel rejected or neglected either. Itā€™s a careful balance between respecting his right to privacy and personal time, as well as him not constantly declining sex because, ā€œOops, I already masturbated today.ā€ Excluding Hina, Makio, and Suma, he tends to masturbate/initiate sex more days a week than not. If you arenā€™t in the mood, then he still checks in that youā€™re alright with him satisfying his needs alone, because again: he cares more about you feeling desired and taken care of than he cares about immediately fulfilling his sexual urges. Heā€™s less so asking permission to masturbate, and more so ensuring nobody feels left out.
Kink? ~specific turn ons
Tengen enjoys shibari, but only when thereā€™s enough time for it to be artistic and sexual. Bondage satisfies him too, but thereā€™s a distinct difference between tying your wrists and ankles to four corners of a bed versus having you kneel and move in front of him as he creates fluid, silky knots and patterns across your body. Both forms involve you trusting him to a degree that riles and soothes his desires to control and protect you, just as both forms typically end with him cumming in your pussy, hands clutching your hips as he trembles, feeling his slick squelch out from the fullness of his cock inside you, balls soon sticky and messy. However, shibari is more meditative and collaborativeā€”a mutual danceā€”whereas bondage leans toward leading and followingā€”precisely choreographed (and heā€™s the choreographer). P.S. Heā€™s definitely the type to own a sex swing. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
Location? where they prefer to have sex
When it comes to penetrative sex, Tengen prefers the bedroom (or living room) ā€” nothing like knowing thereā€™re solid walls to hold and fuck you against, as well as a soft and comfy bed (or couch) for less effortful/more creative positions ā€” the bed/couch provides cushioning for potential falling/mishaps when trying something new. But oral sex? Tengenā€™s happy to receive a blowjob practically anywhere, anytime (so long as youā€™re comfortable). Heā€™d much prefer he be caught with his pants down than you, and has likely had to laugh off one or two ~interruptions. šŸ˜…
Motivation? ~general turn ons
Modeling clothing and sleeping in his shirts! šŸ˜ You could model a winter coat and snow pants, and Tengen would still be eager to ā€œfindā€ your breasts beneath the thick layers of polyester and fleece, as well as squeeze your now thoroughly padded ass. šŸ¤Ŗ And if you model lingerie, swimwear, or anything remotely revealing? Heā€™s 100% chugging water and fanning himself, legs parting as he not so subtly grabs his crotch, ā€œI think we need to do a sit test before you buy those,ā€ while patting his thigh. Are some of his reactions exaggerated? Yeah. šŸ˜‚ But does he do it all to hype you up and because heā€™s attracted to you? Also yeah. ā˜ŗļø On a different note, wear his clothing, and heā€™ll immediately offer to let you keep it for forever. ā€œWearing my shirt?ā€ he grins slyly. ā€œMhm.ā€ ā€œKeep it,ā€ he declares. Eyebrows raising, you tilt your head, ā€œWhat?ā€ ā€œI just want you to have sweet dreams!ā€ he winks. ā€œAnd wearing your shirtā€¦ā€ ā€œWill obviously grant you sweet dreams.ā€ ā€œSurrre,ā€ you drawl, arms crossing amusedly. ā€œAaand youā€™re absolutely gorgeous.ā€
No? turn offs
Unless itā€™s with his cock, Tengen isnā€™t huge on breathplay. Light choking? Sure, if you ask nicely. But more serious breathplay? Heā€™s just a little too informed about the dangers of cutting your brain off from oxygen to properly enjoy it. šŸ˜•
Oral? giver or receiver
Tengen prefers receiving oral sex, mostly because he canā€™t get over how stunning you look with his cock in your mouth. As beautiful as you lookā€”and feelā€”cumming while his tongue flicks rapidly at your clit, it just isnā€™t the same from between your thighs; your head tilts backward, pretty eyes disappearing from view, legs suffocating him and his view. But you, tracing the tip of his cock with your glistening tongue, one hand shoved between your legs, the other clutching his thigh, struggling to balance bringing yourself to orgasm and coaxing shudders from him? That is a sight heā€™ll never tire of.
Position? their favorite position(s)
For cumming in your pussy, Tengen adores having you on top. Make no mistakeā€”heā€™s happy and able to do most of the work (grabbing your hips and thrusting upward into your cunt)ā€”thereā€™s just no better way to watch your tits bounce. Make him suck on your fingers before playing with your nipples, and heā€™s liable to cum much sooner than anticipated. For cumming on your ass, Tengen doesnā€™t really care what position youā€™re in; heā€™s focused on chasing his orgasm and keeping his thrusts as hard and precise as possible. If youā€™re on your back, then heā€™ll simply flip you over when he needs to cum, impatiently waiting to paint a lil heart on your ass with his cum (he cums first, and then uses it as ~paint ā€” his swollen tipā€™s the paintbrush).Ā 
Quickie? a fan or not-a-fan
Tengen isnā€™t the hugest fan of quickies. He considers sex a privilege, an indulgence, an experience, and rushing it means less time to reach its potential. That being said, if heā€™s in the mood and thereā€™s only time for a quickie, then he wonā€™t hold offā€” he has the stamina to chase immediate gratification and enjoy his time (with you) ~later too. šŸ˜Œ
Risk? their risk tolerance
Despite his flashy persona, Tengen would rather partake in safe, ā€œtameā€ sex than put his partner(s) at risk of bodily/emotional harm. Regarding himself, heā€™s less reserved. In other words, if someoneā€™s going to be caught with their pants down, then heā€™d prefer it be himself than his partner(s). Even if you tell him, ā€œGetting caught sucking someoneā€™s dick can still be as embarrassing as getting caught having your dick sucked!ā€ heā€™s unlikely to acknowledge his double standard ā€” youā€™d really have to push to be the one undressing in a ~risky situation.
Tengen can go for hours, primarily because he can stave off cumming for hours. Sometimes you have to beg him to cum, as in, beg for him to cum, because your pussyā€™s swollen and sore and the copious amounts of lube arenā€™t enough anymore. ā€œTengen, please,ā€ you whimper, mouthing weakly at his neck, body folded sweaty and exhausted atop his chest. ā€œWhat is it?ā€ he murmurs, only slightly breathless, slow thrusts continuing as he kneads your ass, ā€œPlease what?ā€ ā€œPlease cum,ā€ you groan, folds stinging from the relentless friction, ā€œI swear if you donā€™t cum soon-ā€ Smirking, he rocks his hips sharply upward, eyes closing as he drawls, ā€œThen what?ā€ ā€œThen youā€™re pulling out and cumming in your fist.ā€ That changes his pace real quick ā€” best believe heā€™s cumming in your pussy, or not at all. As for his actual refractory period, heā€™s capable of multiple orgasms throughout the day, but the more he cums in a day, the more days heā€™ll need to recharge afterwards. šŸŖ«
Tengen may or may not dedicate a sizeable portion of his income to sex toys, especially factoring in Hina, Makio, and Suma. While he appreciates being called a Sex Godā„¢ļø, heā€™s a relatively humble god šŸ™ƒ, and is fine acknowledging the usefulness and efficiency of dildos, vibrators, etc. He definitely researches options of intrigue before buying, and only purchases well reputedā€” oftentimes more expensiveā€”toys. If any of you (ā€œyouā€ being Hina, Makio, Suma, and you) request a custom dildo of his penis, then you bet heā€™s making four of them!!!!! šŸ˜ƒ Why would he squander the opportunity to watch all four of his partnersā€”all at the same timeā€”fuck themselves with ~his cock? šŸ˜¤ If youā€™re into anal sex, then he might splurge even further and make eightā€¦ because why would he squander the opportunity to watch all four of his partnersā€”all at the same timeā€”stuff all of their holes? Does this mean heā€™d technically need twelve if weā€™re counting mouths as well?
Unfair? how they feel about teasing/being teased
Tengen loooves teasing, but isnā€™t fond of being teased himself. šŸ˜¬ You can tease himā€”he isnā€™t a jerk about it/wonā€™t promptly shut you downā€”but he will flip the tables sooner rather than later. Verbal banter goes over better with him than physical playfulness, because itā€™s just too easy for him to manhandle you. If youā€™re dominant/switch leaning, then heā€™ll occasionally relinquish his reins, but doing so absolutely requires lengthy discussion and upfront negotiation/explanation (of your needs) prior.
Tengen murmurs lowly and grunts loudly; a combination of seductive, filthy, and sometimes nonsensical dirty talk + guttural, staggered noises as he nears his climax. If heā€™s cumming multiple times in a day, then heā€™s definitely shouting, ā€œFuck, fuck, fuckfuck, FUUUUUCK!!!!!ā€ by his last orgasm ā€” similar to shouting through a difficult part of a workout, because cumming multiple times in a day is šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø.
Wild Card?
Tengenā€™s contemplated getting his dick pierced more than once, but hasnā€™t followed through with it because heā€™s afraid of the pain. Donā€™t get him wrong!!! šŸ˜  Heā€™s tough!!!!! šŸ˜” Just not that kind of tough. šŸ« 
A show-er for sure, almost 8 inches when fully erect, and as thick as youā€™d expect (very). Proper preparation and lube are generally a mustā€”another reason Tengen isnā€™t super into quickiesā€”but heā€™s fairly straight with minimal veins, aka no wicked curves or texture that require further adjustment. The head of his cock is relatively small, so getting through the initial squeeze and fullness isnā€™t the hardest part; itā€™s a ~journey all the way down to his balls. šŸ¤ 
Yearning? sex drive
Goes through periods of initiating sex every other day to not feeling anything in particular about sex for like, a week. With four wives, that neutral period is important for resetting himself and getting shit done ā€” taking care of himself + four partners sexually can take up a lot of time! Of course, you can obviously pleasure yourself + each other too (permutations, math, 5 numbers), and heā€™s more than content to watchā€”or hear about it laterā€”when heā€™s not quite up for participating himself.
Instead of crashing immediately after sex, Tengen crashes immediately following aftercare. He has plenty of energy to go ~overboard with aftercare, and precisely no energy once he knows youā€™re both comfortably grounded and sated (if you let him, then he will cook you that three course meal mentioned in Aftercare, and he will start nodding off at the dining table once youā€™ve taken your last bite šŸ„±). Heā€™s pretty indifferent about how you sleep after sex; just donā€™t roll over to the complete opposite side of the bed without even a pinky toe or finger touching him šŸ„² ā€” heā€™ll fall asleep thinking heā€™s upset you, but too tired to actually ask. šŸ„ŗšŸ˜“
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changbinsboobs Ā· 1 month
dw for being honest. and yes I get the same ick feeling sometimes when reading certain idols nsfw posts but its still inruiging because in a way it reflect how he performs on stage. same i dont know if id get along with seungmin or lee know even as a scorpio i find them a bit too hit or miss like ur not quite sure what version u would get if u were going to meet them. but im sure theyre nice just to have a conversation with and i bet theyve got loads of thoughts on varying topics that they maybe are unable to discuss with others and such yh i love chans talent and his producing skills is amazing just maybe not in the sexual producing sense haha.
i also kinda get the feeling that he is much more comfortable or skilled with performing but u would kind of have to teach him things outside of what he does in the idol world cause i think idols in general rely so much on staff that they might not know much else besides what they do they might have an interest in something else but u would have to instruct them a lot bc in the idol world they kinda kept in their own bubble so to speak. for instance maybe cooking or yknow domestic stuff like that. i think the same about mingi and how he would suit someone whos wealthy yet skilled enough to take care of him.
if possible can u do only for the older members of skz would they want kids if so how many? cause I cant imagine basicslly having to lead 7 other kids then later on bangchan would still want his own but i still think he would be a great father maybe just not right now in this current time period cause he would still want to do his idol activities as long as he can.
Yeah i get what you mean with that hit or miss with lee know and Seungmin. Even tho Lee Knows my second bias after ChangbinšŸ˜‚
And the thing about the idols needing teaching and assistance/guidances is actually very on point i have noticed that before in some idols. Not necessarily with skz but just in general. It must have its effect being closed up in a very limited world from your teen or even childhood years and having so much of your life being watched snd controlled and having things done and given to you etc. Im not necessarily getting that feeling with chan but im getting it a bit with Changbin, i think this may also be because of him growing so filthy rich, i remember him saying recently that he has NEVER went grocery shopping alone. Excuse me what?!šŸ„²
Anyways here's the reading, it was very fun and interesting actually i love having a look into such topicsšŸ„° i hope you enjoy it too.
Deck used is the 3rd Eye TarotšŸŒ¼šŸŒø
*for entertainment purposes only!
Skz Hyung-Line do they want Kids? How many?
Chan - Knight of Cups, Page of Swords, The Empress, 5 of Pentacles
Wow ok so chan does want kids and he wants to have kids a lot and he wants many at that! His poor, poor wife. Im seeing like 4-5 little buggersšŸ˜‚
Lee Know - Page of Cups, The Hierophant, Ace of Wands
Lee know doesn't seem too eager and wants to keep him and his wife (partner) and their love young. The decision would be probably more in the hands of his wife (im just gonna use that as im seeing very clearly a woman being presented in the energy) as he doesn't mind having a childless mariage. As i said he would love having the extra time with his wife to keep themselves young and explore new hobbies and the world and themselves. But if it came up to it and his wife made a conscious choice of having a child they they would probably have just one.
Changbin - 3 of Pentacles, 8 of Wands
Changbin wants 3 and he wants them quick. I feel like he would love to have girls, probably all 3 of them being girls. I think he would find it really cool if they were triplets or something. Or their first being twins and the third little one being their little sis or brothers and so everyone of their children feels supported and protected among themselves too with the oldest ones having each other and the younger one having their sisters. I also get the feeling that his swimmers are also very potentšŸŒ so a pregnancy might come unexpected actually. He would love to keep it tho. He really really want to have children quick and fast (if its with the person he loves). Its like he can't wait to already settle down in his family life. I might just be picking on his soul tho, idk if his conscious self is currently on the same wavelenghtšŸ˜… Oh and i think he would be a very devoted father and want to spend lots of time with his kids and teach them things, and go explore and have adventures with them and have them teach him new things like slang, and what happened at school and how Amanda got pink highlights or whateveršŸ˜‚ like middle school tea yk. He would love that!
Hyunjin - 6 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles
For hyunjin im seeing just one kid. He doesn't seem too eager for kids but he's open to it and sees it as something thats just part of life and being an adult. I think he would be good with his child too, but it will be more of a calmer dynamic and i think it might be a bit of a struggle to actually get that kid. Maybe it would be a while or the acquiring of the child will be a long and tiring process, like maybe something like adoption. I actually see him with an older child too, like him giving something to an older child thats already like 3-7ish. And i also feel the vibe of him being alone with that kid, as in his partner isn't there with him. Kind of explains the calm, devote of excitement energy. I don't feel very comfortable getting into that to be honest so im just gonna leave it as it is and not get any confirmation on anything.
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slashingdisneypasta Ā· 1 year
Evil Queen / Hag x Reader || Excerpt
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Plot: šŸ§«šŸ§Ŗ The scene where she cooks up the potion šŸ§«šŸ§Ŗ and transforms into a Hag šŸ§«šŸ§Ŗ *just something quick while I'm watching OUAT!
Warnings: Her ugliness šŸ˜‚
Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , @ryantryan6969 and @spookiifi . I hope you like this! ^^ xo
You're sat on Hilda's work bench in a spot free of dusty books and dangerous vials as she potters around. Well, more than potters. She's very busy, creating a drink that would make her a hag; make her unassuming, and unrecognisable.
When she told you that this was her plan, that she would go to Snow in the woods and treat her with a special apple... you were sad, because an innocent girl would die and there was nothing you could do about it (opposing the Queen is never was wise, not even for her love. You're always half afraid that she'll throw you away, no matter how many times she proves that you matter), but you were also excited. Callous, you're aware. But you loved to watch her in her true element. Watching her at her dressing table was one thing, but this? Hidden away in the grotty, lonely dungeons she barely uses because she rathers executions (Loose ends... she always says); This was your favourite.
Thick dust flies off of her spell book (From the others, not from it) when she pulls it out of the shelf and her fingers run smoothly over the crisp pages, her poisonous eyes gliding over the words she's already so familiar with. You know that she's combed through these pages before a million times; It's her before bed book, it's her breakfast book, it's the book she obsesses over for days on end and writes notes upon notes about. The potion she cooks boils and bubbles and changes colour and the smell burns your nostrils, but she doesn't flinch.
You love to see her here. She's beautiful and she thinks it's the most important thing about her... but it's not. This is what makes her amazing; makes her set your blood on fire when you think about her.
As she takes a sip of the drink, under the light of the moon slipping in through the bars in the tiny window here, you watch her beauty dissapear. It's torn from her, by her own hand, and your love doesn't flicker for a second.
Hilda's lovely black hair turns grey and splits at the ends, her cute little nose grows out from her face and develops a curve as well as nasty boils, her fingernails grow and turn yellow and chip, her fine clothes wither away to rags and the skin left on her bone's sag. Once it's all complete, leaving Hilda a weathered and beaten old hag, she takes a moment to 'admire' herself.
"I'm a worthless, ugly old crone!" With a delighted cackle, fully amused by her new look and taking pride in her magic, Hilda turns to you with those new deep-set, harrowing bug-eyes. She points a knobbly finger your way, an unkept nail almost scraping your cheek. "And you, dear- tell me, how do I look? Beautiful, hm?... "
... staring into that wrinkled old face and the smile there which is almost toothless, your grin twists downwards, a filthy taste on you tongue. "... love, you're positively gruesome."
"Agh- " She clutches her chest, and takes a moment to breath. You know that everything in her is at odds - her need to be fair and her desire to excel in her chosen profficiency, - , hearing a statement like that- especially from you. It's a small betrayal. "... painful to hear, but for my purpose today; perfect."
"Thats my girl."
... here, Hilda rolls her terrifying eyes at you. She gives a 'puh' sound, shakes her head, and shuffles off to prepare Snow's 'treat'.
She picks out a round, yellowing apple - mkdway between ripe and moulding, - and ties a strand of string around the stem. Then she dips it into a bubbling green couldron thay looks like if you stood too close, your eyeballs might burst directly inside their sockets. It sizzles and fizzles, and dissapears.
The most beautiful apple, round and ruby red, surely juicy with an excellent and crisp crunch... and extra zing... comes out.
"Mm," Your mouth waters just looking at it, but you straighten up in an effort to not get any closer to it. "Uh, looks delicious.
"Oh it will be- just not for long." You watch the woman hobble right past you then, almost tripping on her shroud. "I'm off to poison a princess!!~ " She sings, her voice a freaky, shrill sound and giggling as she places the fruit in a basket. "Hehehe!~ "
Lord, she reminds you of Rumplestiltskin right now. Instead of telling her that though, you go with an old faithful. "Love you, darling~ "
"Yes, whatever!"
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definitelynotshouting Ā· 7 months
(The explanation I spared you before.) Okay so I've been drawing art, right? and I keep struggling with backgrounds. It suddenly occurred to me, oh hey, I have a game where I can make something similar-ish to the scenes I picture in my head, and then I can use screenshots as a reference! (I think the reason I started with trying to do Hunger AU is because it's in a small space with a lot of environmental storytelling?) But yeah funny thing is, when you try to recreate something in the Sims 4, all of a sudden you realize all the bits of the floor layout that you don't know. Figured you wouldn't mind me poking you about it. Wasn't expecting you to already have a diagram, though! 'Twas a nice surprise.
Some very quick screenshots just from me really quickly throwing together a quick build in the Sims 4:
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I'm probably going to change stuff to get the details better, but it's getting late now and I have actual Productive Adult things that need to be done before I can go to bed guilt free.
Also, fun fact, the next Hunger AU fanart's background is now confirmed completely wrong, but, oh well. XD
(Also to any keen-eyed Sims 4 fans who see this, yes, there is one (1) piece of CC in these screenshots, and it's from Ravasheen's Filthy Fabulous set. Vanilla Sims 4 doesn't have small coffee tables and it fits the vibe imo.)
The vibes of these are SO GOOD im fucking speechless like HELLO....... im glad i was able to provide a floorplan for you WKDNWNSJSJSJ hopefully that will make your life easier šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ i absolutely do not mind you poking me about it at all!!!
O7 TO YOUR PRODUCTIVE ADULT THINGS, I HOPE YOU GET TO BREEZE THROUGH THEM!!!!! :D this is so incredible, thank you for sharing!!!
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blackberrysummerblog Ā· 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I dream of someday having the energy to make a banneršŸ˜‚. I should probably worry more about finishing my WIPs though! Thank you for tagging me this morning @hushed-chorus!
I wrote a little more following the bit of my crucible marriage au posted on Sunday, which I would link to but Iā€™m on my phone just before work. Anyway, this is the next morning, Simon POV. It needs some cleaning up as I wrote it without doing any editing, but Iā€™m still having fun so I hope you enjoy! Excerpt and tags under the cut :)
Merlin, I feel rested. Iā€™ve felt rested every morning since coming here. Iā€™ve got to remember to ask Baz about this bed. There must be some charm on it because Iā€™ve never been an easy sleeper.
I should be sore, too, after the beating I took from the river trolls. I know there must have been a bruise on my face when I came home last night. (Home, ha.) I remember feeling my jaw throb as I thumped my way upstairs. Thereā€™s nothing there now.
Iā€™m kneeling up on the bed and touching my face in confusion when Baz steps out of the en suite and ruins my life by being dressed only in a towel. ā€œOh,ā€ he says, freezing in place under my slack-jawed stare. ā€œI thought youā€™d still be asleep.ā€
Fuck. Itā€™s weird to think how often Iā€™ve felt his bodyā€”pressed up against me in the hallway or the bed, or under me in the grass, over me on the couchā€”heā€™s so familiar that my hands actually feel warm from the memory when I look at him, and yet itā€™s new to see him half-naked.
Oh no. Suddenly I remember. ā€œDid I...flop on top of you when I got home last night?ā€
Baz still looks stunned, like a deer in the headlights, but he nods silently just the same. Christ. ā€œIā€™m sorry,ā€ I mumble, tugging at my hair. Itā€™s still so strange that nothing hurts. I always hurt after a mission. ā€œWait. Did you heal me?ā€
Baz shrugs, lifting the shoulder of the hand thatā€™s affixed to the edge of the towel around his waist. A drop of water is sliding down his neck so slowly that itā€™s actually wrecking me. ā€œYou werenā€™t too bad,ā€ he says finally, his voice dry, as though Iā€™m doing something to him, too. I canā€™t be, though, itā€™s just me. And Iā€™m fully dressed anyway, unlike some people I could mention. ā€œMostly you were just filthy, but I spelled you clean as well.ā€
ā€œOh.ā€ I donā€™t know what to say to that, not really. I wish heā€™d get dressed. No, I wish heā€™d just lose the towel and get back in bed. I wish heā€™d throw himself on top of me like I did to him last night. Maybe without the immediately falling asleep part, though. ā€œThanks. And...Iā€™m sorry.ā€
Just like that, whatever unfamiliar discomfort seems to have held him to the floor melts away, and Baz visibly relaxes. ā€œWhat for?ā€ he asks, making for the closet.
ā€œFor collapsing on top of you like a bag of bones,ā€ I say, turning to follow him with my gaze. The closet is beside the bed, so I canā€™t see him once he goes inside. I almost get up to follow him in, but manage to restrain myself. ā€œFor...not taking a shower, at least. For not lying on my own side of the bed.ā€
Baz pokes his head out of the door, one eyebrow raised. ā€œYou never do, Snow. Nothing new there.ā€
ā€œHey! Iā€™ve woken up with you all over me a couple of times as well, you know!ā€
A grin flashes across his face, gone so quick Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve imagined it, but then he winks and disappears inside the closet again. ā€œBe a little less warm and comfortable,ā€ he suggests.
Heā€™s flirting with me. I donā€™t know why it seems bizarre. Baz must like me in that way, at least a little bit, if all the snogging is anything to go by. I sit on the side of the bed, hands gripping the edge of the mattress between my knees. ā€œSo does that mean Iā€™m forgiven?ā€ I ask when he emerges in slim dark trousers and yet another silk shirtā€”today itā€™s a pale pink with grayish green leaves. I try not to smile as he heads straight for me, stopping just shy of nudging up between my legs.
ā€œThereā€™s nothing to forgive.ā€ I canā€™t get over how gently Baz is looking at me, his eyes caressing my cheek moments before his hand follows suit. ā€œI donā€™t like thinking of you hurt, Snow.ā€
ā€œā€˜M used to it.ā€ Itā€™s true enough; I never come back from any of the Mageā€™s missions without at least a few bumps and bruisesā€”or worse, dislocations or breaks. One time, a nearly detached thumb.
Baz frowns, the furrow between his brows so distracting that I almost miss him saying, ā€œI donā€™t like that youā€™re used to it.ā€
ā€œItā€™s what Iā€™m for,ā€ I object, leaning back and shaking his hand away from my face.
ā€œI fucking think not.ā€ Bazā€™s jaw clenches, his eyes dark as storm clouds now in his pale, angular face. ā€œYou donā€™t belong to the Mage, Simon.ā€
Itā€™s him calling me Simon that does it; any time he brings up the Mage Iā€™m ready to fight, but that takes the wind completely out of my sails. My tail had begun twitching back and forth furiously while we spoke, but now it curls around Bazā€™s kneeā€”Iā€™m afraid that since I shook his hand away, heā€™ll leave. I know my voice is barely audible as I look up at him. ā€œWho do I belong to then, Baz?ā€
ā€œMe!ā€ He grimaces and shakes his head. ā€œI didnā€™t mean that. Yourself, obviously. You donā€™t belong to me; I donā€™t know why I said that, Snow.ā€
ā€œBecause youā€™re my husband? Donā€™t we belong to each other now, Baz? At least in some way.ā€
Baz scowls, but he doesnā€™t try to walk away. Instead, he puts his hands on his hips. ā€œFor a certainty I donā€™t need some fool in green tights treating my husband like a disposable rag. You were in a state when you finally dragged yourself in last night, Snow.ā€
I sit up, giving him a half smile. ā€œYou said I wasnā€™t that bad,ā€ I remind him, sliding my hands up his waist in a way that I hope is at least a little soothing. ā€œI know I wasnā€™t good for much when I came in.ā€
Baz throws his hands in the air and makes an exasperated noise. ā€œI donā€™t need you to be good for anything! I need you to be unharmed! I need you to be safe, Simon. Would you like it if our positions were reversed?ā€
Have a great day everyone! Tagging @palimpsessed @cutestkilla @onepintobean @valeffelees @artsyunderstudy @ionlydrinkhotwater @ebbpettier @confused-bi-queer @aceumbrellaheroes @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @letraspal @aristocratic-otter @bazzybelle @sailorblossoms @whogaveyoupermission @ivelovedhimthroughworse @bookish-bogwitch @ileadacharmedlife @thehoneyedhufflepuff @martsonmars @fatalfangirl @facewithoutheart @larkral @theearlgreymage @fucking-gay-frogs and anyone else whoā€™d like to share!
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genderlessghoul Ā· 10 months
If I'm being honest, I don't actually remember writing about half of it. I know I planned on making it longer but I definitely lost motivation šŸ˜‚
1.6k of Phantom being a little creep that likes to listen in, feat. Swiss and my ghoul OC Spark (they/them)
It had become an almost daily occurrence at this point. For Phantom to walk past the couple's door and to hear all kinds of filthy noises coming from the other side. Swiss had been insatiable with his spouse since his return from tour a week ago, always finding any excuse to get them behind a locked door. Preferably their bedroom's but any door did, really. They'd been caught in a supply closet once already.Ā 
And since Phantom's room sat right in front of the couple's, he had front row seats to all the noises they made any time he walked past it. Spark's high pitched whines and pretty moans he'd plucked out of them himself a few times. Swiss' grunts and growls. The creak of the bed frame, the occasional sound of flesh making impact with flesh. Sometimes he could hear wet squelching too, if he really listened closely. Not that he ever did on purpose.
But this time, the sounds are so clear when Phantom makes his way back from the common room, he just has to do a double take. The door is slightly ajar, just enough to deny a barrier to the pretty sounds coming out of Spark's mouth. He knows he shouldn't listen, he knows anyone who walks in the hallway in and out of their own room would catch him red handed. The idea of getting caught sends a twisted wave of arousal straight to his cock. He simply leans against the wall and listens
Spark is letting out quick, high pitched moans accompanied by an occasional gasp, no doubt the result of something wicked their lover just did to them. Swiss lets a low moan every now and then but it sounds muffled. Their voices are accompanied by wet sounds that Phantom can't quite place but they do nothing but fuel the fire slowly building in his guts.Ā 
He can't help it when one of his hands seems to move of its own accord to palm at himself through his pants.Ā 
Spark lets out a barely muffled scream and his dick twitches, now fully up to attention. The hand palming at him finds its way down his boxers and he's stroking himself in earnest now.
On the other side of the door, Swiss has his head buried between Spark's thighs, lapping at their cunt like a man starved. His expert tongue glides in and out of them, comes out to find its way up to their clit and sucks it into his mouth, teeth giving a light nibble before he changes up the pattern.
Your boyfriend's listening in. The words aren't spoken out loud, they're pushed into Spark's mind but they hear them as if they were whispered in the ghoul's ear. They know, of course, they could sense Phantom's presence the second he stopped in front of their door. They both could.
Let him. He's not hurting anyone, he's a good boy.Ā 
Spark had taken a liking to the young quinessence and earth ghoul from the moment they first laid eyes on him, all shriveled up at the center of a summoning circle. It had been two months ago, a couple of days after the Cardinal first left for tour, taking most of the Ministry's ghouls with him. The ones left behind had needed a few extra sets of hands. Phantom had ended up doing a whole lot more than initially requested with his as he grew closer to the fire and quintessence ghoul.
Swiss lets out a chuckle that ripples straight through Spark's core, ripping a desperate whine from their mouth. You let the boy get away with too much.
One of his lover's hands finds its way in his hair and scratches at his scalp through his thick braids. Maybe. I think he deserves it.
Let's give him a show then, shall we?
Swiss goes back to his task with renewed enthusiasm, sucking Spark's clit back into his mouth and flicking over it with his tongue. The sounds he rips from the small ghoul are truly sinful, they travel straight from his ears to his cock.Ā 
They're whining in earnest now as their legs begin to shake from the effort it takes not to smother the multi ghoul with their thighs. They've been close to the edge for a while but now? With the way Swiss is going at them like there's no tomorrow? They're dancing right on the brink of it and they both know it. Swiss takes two of his fingers up to their cunt, circles their entrance once, twice before he's pushing in so easily with how wet Spark is. He wastes no time finding that sweet spot inside that makes them keen.
"Gonna cumā€¦ oh fuck. Swiss, I'm gonnaā€¦"
It only takes a few thrusts before they come undone, squeezing tight around his fingers, their mouth stuck on a silent moan that's stuck somewhere down their throat. Swiss works them slowly through it before he takes his fingers out and brings them to his lips, moaning at the taste of his lover coating his long digits. His head comes to rest on Spark's thigh as they both take a moment to catch their breaths.
"Are you coming in or do you plan to stand outside for the rest of it?" Swiss calls out, loud enough for Phantom to hear. A choked out whine answers him from the other side of the door. It slowly creaks open, revealing a ghoul blushing up to his ears, eyes glued to the floor. His cock strains against the seam of his pants in what has to be a painful way.Ā 
"Oh don't be so shy, come on in."Ā 
Phantom enters the room, eyes still glued to the floor he does.
"Don't forget to lock it."Ā 
Phantom obeys once again. Swiss pushes himself off the bed effortlessly and walks up to him, naked as the day he was summoned and dick impossibly hard. The quintessence ghoul doesn't dare look up at him but he can feel the piercing gaze of those golden eyes and he feels tiny under it. He loves it. Swiss walks up to one side of him, lets his fingers wander around the other ghoul's still clothed shoulder blades as he walks around to the other side of him. The contact sends sparks all throughout Phantom's body.
"You do quite a number on my mate, you know. They came so hard just from knowing you were listening in."
Phantom eyes shift up to look at Spark, still laying breathless on the bed, not quite recovered from the orgasm that rippled through them less than two minutes ago. Their cunt is on full display, shiny with spit, slick leaking out and still throbbing. He's sure his pants have a wet spot by now from the way he's dripping pre.
"Are you happy just watching? You can take a seat if you'd like." Swiss gestures to a chair sitting in front of a desk as he speaks. His voice is honey sweet, too sweet it feels like a trap. He moves in front of the other ghoul and hooks a finger under his chin, forcing him to lock eyes. "Or you could join us. What would you like to do to them?"Ā  He shakes his head vaguely at his spouse, who's now moving to join their two lovers.Ā 
"Darling, you got him all wrong. It's not what he'd like to do to me. It's what he'd like us to do to him.Ā Isn't that right, moonflower?"
Phantom answers with the smallest nod and Swiss lets out a chuckle "Should've known."Ā 
Spark closes the space between Phantom and them, locking eyes with him as they run their hands down his chest, past the hem of his shirt to make contact with the skin of his lower stomach. He lets out a gasp when warm fingers make their way back up his chest, tucking up his shirt as they do until Spark is able to lift it over his head and send it flying at the foot of the bed. They never break eye contact as their hands make their way back south to work at his pants, popping the button and pulling down his zipper swiftly.Ā 
Phantom knows he's been blushing since he walked in but he feels it creep down chest now with the way he's trapped between one ghoul stripping him out of his clothes and another eating him alive with bright, almost glowing eyes.Ā 
Spark glues themself to Phantom's side once they're done stripping him, head resting on his shoulder, making sure to put him on full display for Swiss to watch. They wrap slender fingers around his flushed cock and watch as his head tips back and his eyes go slightly cross-eyed. He lets out the prettiest moan and Swiss can't help to bring a hand down between his own legs at the sound.
"Told you he's a good boy." The praise makes Phantom dick twitch as Spark gives him a few strokes before letting go.Ā 
"Get on the bed, sweetheart. We'll take care of you." The tone is soft but commanding, he's scrambling towards the bed in a matter of seconds. By the time the two others join him, he's already situated against the headboard, half sitting up against it, half laying down on the mountain of pillows beneath. Spark's gaze holds the same care and affection it always has as they crawl to his side but Swiss' is predatory, like he means to eat him alive. It turns him on so much more than he'd like to admit.
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daemones-angeli Ā· 1 year
You seem like youā€™d be so loyal and loving, you deserve someone to worship you. What would your perfectly imperfect partner be like? (Because nobody is perfect)
So this incredibly sweet, and it makes me happy that you established that connection even though I don't talk/put much out. You got me smiling šŸ–¤
So firstly, if you "worship" me, I'll give you everything I can. I'll try my hardest to make you know how much you mean to me, and how much I want you in my life, and how I want us to be, what I'd want us to accomplish together. To learn from, and with each other, find out how to love one another.
However, to get to that point it takes a lot. Because I'm weird, difficult at times, and definitely on the spectrum so it's difficult for me at times to venture out of the zone of comfort. So, with that, for me to reach the point of giving my all to someone takes time and it'll always, if were to ever happen again, have to start with friendship?
(Quick insite, I've been in 2 serious relationships, both of which fucked me up a bit. Of course through fault of my own at times*, but my emotional and mental availability isnt at it's peak rn)
But in terms of that "person", you've got to make me laugh and match my type of comedy? It's weirdly something so important to me, and i think you can understand a lot about a person!? Next thing is MUSIC. I don't mean having the same taste as such, obviously that's good if you do, but just the same love/passion for it. Wanting to listen, find new music, go see gigs?
Intellect is something that's kind of key? I'm a weird, nerdy, motorsport engineer. So I love talking about cool things, solving problems, learning. I've got such a love for finding out new things, and at times I'll need that stimulation? Not necessarily about subjects I know, or am passionate about, just more than "typical" conversation.
Finally, clearly that has to be physical attraction too, which for me is not exactly "targeted". Like the girls I've been with don't exactly have a common denominator? That said, I definitely have a thing for goth girls with tattoos... But with that partner, I'm a reasonably sexual individual with a fair few kinks, so I would need that "energy" matched. Filthy and disgusting at times, but also loving, compassionate, silly.
Very aware that's not exactly a great answer, but bitch you just exposed me šŸ˜‚
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Hello! It's Winter! I hope you're doing well. This is a fun, little piece.
ā€œYouā€™re in a very good mood today, maman,ā€ Laurence says, knowing the reason for her momā€™s permanent smile and upbeat attitude.Ā 
Emmanuel is due back from his 3-day trip in less than 6 hours. The math has already been calculated. If there are no delays, heā€™ll be walking through the front door at 8:30 PM. And hopefully not a minute later.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m always in a good mood,ā€ Brigitte points out, trying to cover her giggle.
ā€œI know, but youā€™re extra giddy this afternoon. There's nothing to be ashamed about. I know how much youā€™ve missed Manu,ā€ Laurence playfully nudges her mom as the two of them finish setting the dining room table for lunch.Ā 
ā€œAnd based on the number of times your phone has gone off, I would say he misses you too,ā€ she added before pouring the pink lemonade into 12 small cups.Ā 
As the family sits down for their meal, the constant beeping from someoneā€™s phone causes everyone to look at each other accusingly.Ā 
ā€œWhose phone is that? Itā€™s very annoying,ā€ Sebastien asks, looking at his children to make sure their electronic devices are turned off and away from the table.Ā 
After everyone pulls out their phones to prove their innocence, Brigitte blushes, ā€œIt must be mine. I left it on the counter.ā€Ā 
ā€œMaman, Iā€™ll grab it for you. We all know Manu is going to call if you donā€™t respond to his 10 text messages,ā€ Tiphaine laughs while rising from her chair. She quickly dashes off to the kitchen where Brigitteā€™s phone is still beeping. Again. And Again.Ā 
ā€œCould you please tell him weā€™re eating?ā€ Brigitte shouts from the dining room. ā€œJust explain that itā€™s you replying and not me,ā€Ā 
ā€œYeah, sure! Whatā€™s your 4-digit passcode?ā€Ā 
ā€œ2007.ā€ She blushes, realizing sheā€™ll have to change her passcode now that all her kids and grandkids know it.Ā 
ā€œOh, my God!!! No!!!! NO!!!!ā€Ā Everyone stops eating when they hear Tiphaine yell from the kitchen, followed closely by a long and stretched-out, ā€œEwwwwww!ā€Ā 
Brigitte bolts from her chair, ā€œWhatā€™s wrong?ā€
Tiphaine hands the phone over to her mother, speechless and embarrassed at what she just witnessedā€¦readā€¦discovered about her parentā€™s relationship (and sex life). Ā 
ā€œIā€™m sorry, Tiphaine.ā€ Brigitte apologizes to her daughter as she scrolls through her phone, reading every word her husband sent. She allows Tiphaine to go back into the dining room while she types a quick message to Emmanuel: Our youngest read everything.Ā 
ā€œItā€™s ok, Maman,ā€ she says softly, trying her hardest to forget everything.Ā Ā 
ā€œSo, how bad was it?ā€ Laurence asks her sister. "Without going into details, please."
ā€œThere were no pictures - thank God. But the texts were dirty. I had no idea Manu spoke like that,ā€ Tiphaine shudders at the thought. ā€œHe seems so prim and proper.ā€Ā 
ā€œYou think you know someone,ā€ Sebastien jokes, listening to his two sisters, secretly relieved that it wasnā€™t he who saw the messages.Ā 
Tiphaine waves her arms in the air, ā€œI am scarred for life.ā€Ā 
Brigitte enters the room, apologizing profusely to her daughter. ā€œI told Emmanuel that you saw the messages and now heā€™s embarrassed to face you.ā€Ā 
ā€œWell, he should beā€¦ā€Ā 
ā€œSweetie, you know we love each other, so those messages shouldnā€™t be a complete surprise,ā€ Brigitte whispers, happy that all the grandchildren are busy eating and not listening to the adults.Ā 
ā€œI know you love each other, I just didnā€™t need all the filthy proof,ā€ Tiphaine blushes, knowing exactly what her stepfather is going to do to her mother tonight. Something about burying his face between her thighs and... No! She can't think about it anymore. ā€œI will say this, heā€™s a very descriptive writer. Heā€™ll have a successful writing career once his presidency is over.ā€Ā 
ā€œYou really think so?ā€ Brigitte grinned, happy at the compliment.Ā 
ā€œDefinitelyā€¦ The smut community will love him,ā€
Helloo Winter! ā¤ļø
Manu, the smut writer. He should definitely come to us šŸ˜‚
The second Brigitte told Tiphaine the code, my mind ā€œšŸšØā€, I could smell something was going to happen hahaha Tiphaine was left traumatized šŸ˜…
2007... reference noted šŸ˜›
Thank you so much, Winter! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
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t-dick-sapphic Ā· 2 months
Itā€™s fun sending asks that I just know will get you hard. ;) But Iā€™ve very much been the sameā€” throbbing and having filthy thoughts constantly. Even when I donā€™t have time to actually do anything about it Iā€™ll find myself slipping away to the bathroom to touch myself, even if itā€™s only for a quick moment. Fuck, one of these days I might just end up dming you. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø
And that makes perfect sense, Iā€™ve experienced the same while sending messages to you! Itā€™s interesting and exciting to see what works for my own gender/sexual expression. Iā€™ve learned a ton about myself over the last couple months, and it seems I continue to do so while sending horny anon messages as well šŸ˜‚
Iā€™m more than happy to help you discover your own desires, I love knowing that being called a good boy got you. šŸ‘€ Itā€™s one of my personal favorites as well haha
Oh šŸ˜³ I liked that last commentā€¦ a lot more than I thought I wouldā€¦ huh. -šŸŒ¾
Oh, I love picturing you making a quick bathroom trip just to touch yourself. Not enough time for anything but a few quick strokes, just till you've taken the edge off your throbbing need. ...Though honestly if it were me, I think teasing myself like that would just make things worse? But it would definitely make the payoff when I'm finally able to really pleasure myself all that much better.
Absolutely no pressure, I'm very happy with sending asks back and forth ā€” something about the anticipation of it, stretching out a conversation over days, is very hot (and so is knowing these messages are public, out in the open for anyone else to get off to) ā€” but if you ever do DM me, just know I have some pics and gifs waiting for you that I think you might like šŸ˜˜
I'm so glad you liked my last comment; it's definitely in the "things I'm learning I like" category. I've been planning to record a little fantasy for a while now about an older transmasc helping a younger one out; I think you'll really enjoy it when I finally do šŸ˜
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thotsforvillainrights Ā· 2 years
Hi!! Thanks for opening up your ask box again so quickly! I love reading all your posts and honestly it's been helping my own writers block a lot too (plz don't mind me lurking on your blog all the time liking all your old posts lol) Do you have any headcanons for what kind of dynamic Kai has with Pops growing up? I wanna write more about Kai myself but I gotta figure out what his family dynamic and background is (Ahhh how I wish we got more deets on Kai's childhood in the series!) Personally, I feel their adopted father-son relationship has always been rocky and that they're never really on the same page with each other, despite caring a lot for each other. I also feel like Kai "grew up quick" in his adolescence and was very mature and stoic for a kid (when he's not angry anyways), so I'm just curious thinking about how Pops influenced/shaped Kai as a person and where their relationship currently stands now (minus the whole putting the boss in a coma situation in canon) Lemme know what your thoughts or person HCs are! I'd like to see if we have similar ideas or if you have something completely different in mind!
(No need for apologies honestly! It makes me feel very validated as a writer and totally motivates me! As far as headcanons about their relationship, I think it might be a little short. Despite this, I think I summed up my opinion below. Hopefully it's not too OOC, but knowing me...it probably will be šŸ˜‚)
~What about Little Kai and Pops~
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-I think he must've been a handful since the day Pops took him in, but the old man could handle it I'm sure. The man was already a father once to his own daughter. He was no stranger to it now. The thing with Chisaki is that the boy wasn't as childish as most kids his age, yet he was at the same time. He usually sported that same stoic face (sometimes replaced by annoyance or anger), but occasionally you can catch his eyes reflecting childlike wonder. I feel like an example of this is maybe they took a trip to an aquarium or something, and I'm sure Kai thought it was maybe pointless when he could just stare at the fish in the Koi pond at home for free. Yet I feel like once he laid eyes on the glow of the jellyfish tank or the sheer size of the Tuna fish he'd just be entranced by them. He doesn't want for much but you bet he wanted a stuffed animal just this once from the gift shop. Pops would be happy to get it for him since the kid rarely asked for things that fit his age.
-Speaking of rarely wanting things that fit his age, Pops probably wasn't the best at celebrating Christmas right away when it came to Kai. He's used to buying toys and various cute items for his daughter, but with Kai it was different. The boy was pretty literate for his age, and his writing was very good (but spelling was off track being that he's a child and all). Kai gave that man a list that consisted of so many books the kids shouldn't be reading. Pops folded and actually got him the Art of War too. Then proceeded to be shocked that Kai sat there and read the thing.
-He wasn't very affectionate. Pops adjusted to the germaphobia to a degree but back then it wasn't as bad as it is now. Still he enjoyed his time that Chisaki spent with him. This was often sitting on the back end of the covered porch playing Shogi in the summer evening. The cicadas played a nice song for them earlier that day; later on silence when the wind blew as the two of them focused. That boy was getting better each and every day. The first time Kai beat him without any help Pops rewarded him by gifting him the old Shogi board passed down from his father to him. Kai cherishes that thing even today.
-Being taken in by the leader of the Hassaikai would have an effect on most small children I think. He's influenced easily by what he's grown up around. He was filthy, alone on that street when Pops had taken him in. The old man housed him, fed him, put him in school, taken the utmost care of him. Chisaki cared more about the old man and the organization more than anything else. That's why he began to get in fights at school. How dare those ingrates talk so lowly of the Shie Hassaikai? Of the organization and the man that took me in when I had nothing left? He sometimes beat the other kids until his fist was sore and dirtied with blood. He got in a lot of trouble one particular day and it took Pops a long time to clear him out. Although Pops saw it as a learning experience, Kai was still determined to gain respect for the Hassaikai even if he had to take it by force.
-He only got worse the older he became. Watching the other organizations around him dwindle down to nothing was a sight to see. The Hassaikai would be next...he knew it, Pops knew it, hell everyone in the group did! Kai was determined to not only keep them out of the downswing but to somehow repay his old man for taking care of him. It's the idea that hit him like a truck when Eri came into the picture. This is where is takes a bitter turn. Pops trusted Kai (his only adopted son) to take care of his only granddaughter. Imagine the heartbreak when Kai kept bringing up his convoluted plan to the old man. On top of that, the boy was losing what little honor he held. The gang fights were aggressive and drug dealing became a thing. No issue for me right? I can wrangle this boy in. I did it once, I'll do it again. Maybe I'll just talk to him. Pops only wanted him to shape up. Kai only wanted to put the Hassaikai on top. Make Pops proud...by any means necessary right?
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