#Quigley Quagmire hcs
ven10 · 4 months
Hc that Quigley is a nightmare to watch fantasy shows with bc he’ll pause the TV every 2 minutes to map out the locations
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cotton-candy-vodka · 2 months
Hi!! Do u have any trans hcs for ASOUE? :)
Howdy anon! Thanks for the ask! I do indeed have some gender headcanons
The Henchperson of Indeterminable Gender - … this is self-explanatory, i fear
Isadora Quagmire (MTF) - also somewhat self-explanatory, but if you haven’t heard of this headcanon/theory I’ll explain: in the books the Quagmires are mentioned to be identical triplets. It’s impossible for triplets to be identical if one of them is the opposite sex of the other two (at least, i believe so? Im recounting this off the top of my head so cut me some slack). Thus, Isadora is likely a trans girl. It doesn’t make much sense if you watch the show because Isadora barely looks like her brothers, but in the official book artwork she just looks like her brothers with longer hair.
Quigley Quagmire (demiboy): This actually stems off of another headcanon I have for Quigley: bro is autistic (several studies show that autism and gender discomfort can be linked together). I think they struggle with their gender for at least a couple years. They only tell their siblings at first, unsure of what is happening to them and wondering if something is wrong. Isadora shows him a few resources involving gender and gender dysphoria and tells him that its okay to feel like this, acting as a guiding hand throughout his journey because she already transitioned. Duncan is a little confused, but he’s got the spirit!
Quigley begins by presenting a bit more femininely, stealing his sister’s clothes and his mother’s makeup and meshing it with his own stuff. The clothes throw them off a bit, but they find makeup to be really fun with Isadora’s help! He asks his siblings and the Baudelaires (because thEY ARE FAMILY TO HIM GOSH DARN IT) to refer to him with they/them pronouns for a bit.
It takes them a long time to settle into a way of presenting themself that feels right. But when they find it? He has never been happier! Probably into his late teens or early adulthood he officially identifies as a demiboy and uses he/they pronouns. And his family couldnt be prouder!
Sunny Baudelaire (any pronouns) - Sunny is young but I can already tell girl was made to rage against the label and binary machine. People can’t assume your gender if you’re off the spectrum entirely!
Once again, thank you for asking. Have a splendid day!
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afterthegreatunknown · 6 months
Hi!! Do you have any hcs about the Quagmire triplets? :))
Hello anon! I have headcanons for the Quagmires triplets, book-verse and Netflix show, being different continuities.
As I am in a Netflix ASOUE mood today, the headcanons about the Quagmires triplets headcanons are for the Netflix show. It's rather long, so it's going to go underneath the cut after Duncan's headcanons.
I do hope you enjoy my Netflix-based headcanons!
Duncan Quagmire
Alongside wanting to be a journalist, Duncan has a habit of writing down interesting history facts in his commonplace notebook.
Has terrible handwriting. Worse, Duncan sometimes eats when writing, so there’s food stains on a few pages that smudges his already messy handwriting.
As there is evidence of a low-key romance between Violet and Duncan in the books (very low-key), Duncan has a crush on Violet, thinking he’s subtle with it (he’s not).
Gets close to Hector during post-TVV. Duncan isn’t sure why, but he thinks it may be due to both of them being close on the verge of crying when they feel like it.
Even though he’s the oldest, Duncan is the timidest of his siblings, and would prefer to avoid any means of confrontation. Duncan stopping Carmelita bullying the Baudelaires was him taking assertive action for the first time.
While not really a night owl, Duncan can survive the day with only five hours of sleep without getting (too) cranky and snapping at someone.
Always likes to keep his hair short as well as neat. Duncan doesn’t mind long hair (he even grew it out once to match Quigley for an April Fools prank), but he personally thinks the long hair image is not for him, for he is neat and organized.
Would never think about using physical force in any way or form, even if the person probably deserves it; Duncan is a true pacifist.
Is not a swearer, because he doesn’t know many swears words/too polite.
Duncan has perfect vision (or at least better than Isadora’s vison). As such, he’s the first to spot Quigley at the ruins of Anwhistle Aquatic.
Isadora Quagmire
Alongside her interest in poetry, she has a love of cursive. Isadora can also copy other people handwriting. She can’t copy Duncan’s handwriting though.
Due to having long hair, Isadora likes to experiment with different hairstyles, usually with her mother’s help. The main style she likes the most is her default down look.
Isadora doesn’t like to use physical force, so more often than not Isadora will try insulting a person to their face. That said, Isadora almost throws a punch at Carmelita when the girl tried to bully Duncan and got him close to crying, but stop due to Duncan’s insisting
Is bi, like her namesake (Isadora Duncan). Isadora has crush on Klaus. For a while, she had a crush on Carmelita until the ‘bullying Duncan’ incident made Isadora do a 180.
Isadora’s favorite meal of the day is breakfast. Her favorite type of breakfast food is pancakes (with fruit), so she’s always extra happy when it’s being served.
Definitely know some swear words. Isadora learns them all through tutors and visitors to the household who believed were swearing in private, when the reality is Isadora was eavesdropping on them.
While having a great relationship with her brothers, Isadora wishes that she has a sister she can talk to. There are things Duncan and Quigley will never understand completely.
Isadora likes to doodles random things in her commonplace notebook. As she is not the greatest artist, Isadora’s doodles sometimes look similar to cursive handwriting.
Isadora has a fear of heights, so her climbing up the Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home was super scary. Living in it is such, a challenge for her, but she managed.
Quigley Quagmire
Alongside his interest in cartography, Quigley has a minor interest in photography. He really likes to take photos of the night sky, especially if the moon is full.
Is a prankster, but only if he’s in the mood to cause trouble. He roped Duncan in the past for April Fools due to being identical to one another and has no regrets.
Despite being the youngest, Quigley is mistaken for the oldest because he’s much more assertive than Duncan, which creates the ‘oldest triplet’ impression.
Messy Eater™. At times, Quigley will eat with the wrong utensil or eat by hand if there are no utensil around for him to use.
Always has the wish to grow out his hair. It’s not like Quigley hates his short and neat hair, he just wants a look that reflects him being a messy and disorganized person. As such, Quigley post-Quagmire fire didn’t bother to cut his hair to live out his dream.
Is not only a light sleeper, but Quigley also has difficult falling to sleep. If he’s disturbed by any noise, it’s hard for him to go back to sleep with ease.
Quigley once tried taking accordion lessons, but dropped it because it was much more difficult than he imagined. Reading about Snicket made Quigley wish he continued it.
Honestly did not except himself to get a crush on Violet after knowing her for a few hours, but Quigley has no regrets with their implied first kiss.
Hates himself for looking inside the Sugar Bowl. He wished he never look inside it.
Quigley only knew Hector for a few minutes, but he 100% trusts the handyman.
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localfanbaselurker · 1 year
Hey! 👋 do you have any headcannons about the Quagmire triplets from asoue?
YES!! Okay okay
for order of birth they’d definitely be boy, girl, boy, because they’d mirror the Baudelaires, and a lot of the siblings surrounding vfd tend to mirror one another’s (there’s also almost always 3)
but in specifics it would be Quigley, Isadora, Duncan.
Quigley would be the more sporty one out of all of them, he just gives that vibe yk?. Since he’s a cartographer, I feel like he’d like geography and ancient world history, like how the world was like before, earlier maps, Pangea, etc. His aesthetic, if I had to choose one, would be light academia mixed with casual chill.
Isadora would definitely play lots of instruments, while I feel they all know how to play the piano, and/or a violin family instrument (violin, viola, cello, bass)—though Isa and Duncan might want to stay away from them after TAA—Isadora would know how to play the most instruments out of all of them (if u ever make a band au just know im here) Her aesthetic would be dark academia mixed with coquette
Duncan would definitely be on the debate team or the school council and he’d be in charge of the school newspaper or the morning announcements. He’d be really good at math but would prefer English either way. He definitely cried at titanic. His aesthetic would be writer’s aesthetic (yes ik that sounds unoriginal but nothing else fit my idea according to google/pinterest so) mixed with early 20th century paper boy.
General hcs
they all cried when they found Quigley, but Duncan almost cried so hard he passed out.
I don’t think they actually died when they got attacked by the eagles, because lemony is kinda an unreliable narrator, he could’ve just not researched it too much because he was busy with the Baudelaires lives. I think that they would’ve fallen into the ocean a little after finding quigley, and would’ve ended up on briny beach like the Baudelaires ended up on the island. Thoug of course, with more damage because they fell out of the sky into the ocean, because somewhere in the “an incomplete history of secret organizations” official book based off the netflix series, it states something along the lines of “two sets of friends (something, something) will meet again on briny beach”
they’d be those kids at school that you wouldn’t know were siblings until you see them together and realize how similar they look or notice they’re the only ones in school with their last name.
you can kinda guess what I think they’re favorite colors are here, but I feel like Quigleys is yellow they just don’t have it here.
that’s all I can think of as of now I might have more tho !!
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 6 months
Hi! Could you please do 🎭 and 😶 for the Quagmire triplets for the ask game? :D
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
All three of them lie about having eaten up snacks. The most normal question in the Quagmire household is "Who ate up the -snack of choice-?!" and all three, whoever it must have been, just go "not me".
😶 A random headcanon!
One time at age 8 they decided they could drive the car. Quigley was behind the wheel, Isadora had a stick pressing the pedals and Duncan sat in the backseat in terror (I hc asoue took place before you had safety belts in the backseat).
They drove 10 meters before accidentally driving down a small ditch. No one got hurt and they blamed the crash on the wind.
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drowninginredink · 7 months
Hey 👋 Do you have any hcs or thoughts about any of the Quagmire triplets? :)
(Idk if u like asks so feel free to delete this if u don’t want to answer! :) )
I love asks! That said, not really! I'm not big into the Quagmires. I honestly only remember the Quagmires even exist because of how much the fandom likes them. Like, I think the fact that I've never cared about the Quagmires should have been a tip off to me that I was aromantic and aplatonic because they very much were only written to serve as the Baudelaires' friends and love interests, and I don't care about those two things! I think that's a lot of why I'm still obsessed with this series, honestly. It's a lot of weird relationships that can't really be labeled, and also family, and I am weirdly not afamilial. I do have a soft spot for Quigley because God, his story. I love Quigley and Jacques. But even then most fic with the Quagmires is very much romantic fic so I am solidly uninterested.
I feel like in terms of fic, this fandom really has 3 genres/circles: the Quagmire people, the sugar bowl gen people, and the violaf/klolaf people. I really am not a Quagmire person (all power to y'all, I'm just too aroapl for it). Most of what I write—okay, let's be honest, most of my ASOUE ideas are either only on FFN and not uploaded to AO3 yet or aren't written at all and are only in my head. But. If we look at that, I write a lot of stuff that's really just about the Baudelaires, which I feel like there's not quite enough of to form its own subgenre, but God I love it, and a lot of sugar bowl gen stuff. And then as for the Olaf shipping side, I do really love to read it, because I am absolutely a sucker for unhealthy relationships and putting characters through pain, but I doubt I'll ever write any of it. Other writers have covered and will continue to cover that ground really thoroughly and I have nothing to add. But I am aware that because I don't write it people might be like "oh, don't worry, it's not part of *that* side of the fandom" and like, no, I do in fact like problematic stuff.
I do have my fair share of ASOUE headcanons, though! There's the aroace Bertrand one I've posted here; Lemony having picked up smoking from Kit (who picked it up from Olaf); Jerome and Esme very much being a lavender marriage; I'm the one person who thinks we should keep referring to the Henchperson of Indetermine Gender with the it/its pronouns from the book because dammit, that's sort of it/its representation and I want to reclaim it; I absolutely following the school of thought some fic writers have that absolutely everyone in VFD was sleeping with each other because like... How else do you cope with knowing that you're going to die young and are embroiled in a fight that started before you were born and will continue after you die? (although granted, that one may be aroallo bias, as I'd love to be sleeping with everyone all the time with no solid relationships anyway). So I love ASOUE headcanons, and you can bug me about them all day, but not necessarily Quagmires. I'm always glad to watch people be enthusiastic about things, though, so I'm very glad people love them so much.
Anyway idk, I kinda just wanted an excuse to talk about my 3 main types of ASOUE theory. So thank you for that!
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pipbellerophon · 3 years
why are duncan and isadora, triplets, in different grades at prufrock
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asoue-sideblog · 6 years
another “why not” headcanon for tonight: "Fernald” and “Quigley” are both real life surnames, not given names, so both those characters are named after their mother or father’s birth surname (whichever wasn’t passed down to them)
Monty’s parents both happened to have the birth surname of “Montgomery” so they just decided to stick to that naming scheme anyway and ruin his life to be cute
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Hey! 👋 Do you have any nonbinary headcannons for asoue? 🟨⬜️🟪⬛️
Hello new mutual!
Unfortunately (no pun intended) I don't specifically headcanon any of the charecters as nonbinary, although I have seen people have that hc for fiona and I can definately see that :)
now that I think abt it it's actually pretty ironic considering I myself am nonbinary, lol, but I can give you some of my other gender/sexuality headcannons I have!
Isadora I definitely see as trans, given that she's the only girl in a set of supposedly identical triplets. Idk if that's technically a headcannon since so many people believe it that it's basically canon at this point lol. She's also gay, but sometimes she uses the term sapphic just because she likes it's connection to the famous poet. (also, she kinda has this joke where whenever someone asks where she's from she says she's from the isle of lesbos and her brothers will just be laughing so hard in the background sinse they're the only ones who know what it means.)
Duncan I don't really have any gender specific hcs for but I do have this headcannon that when the triplets where around 4 or 5 they all snuck into they're parents room to play with their mom's makeup when they were supposed to be napping. They put it all away immediately after they heard her coming but they forgot to actually take the makeup off, which was super funny.
Mrs. Quagmire: where you three playing with my makeup box?
4 yr old quagmire triplets, with lipstick and eyeliner smeared all over their faces: .................... no.
and they all just generally enjoyed wearing makeup, so their parents started letting them wear it in family photos. that had almost nothing to do with what you asked and took very long so im so sorry, anyways!
Quigley is bi because I say so and also because someone else said so and I liked it so ya. I think that he has a preference for girls, but guys make him a lot more nervous, wich isadora teases him for and jokes that she's glad she's the only one not attracted to men because it looks exausting. And also quigly's a demiboy. "will you elaborate on that?" no.
Fiona i now headcanon as nonbinary, but using she/her pronouns, and also omniromantic (pref for girls) and demisexual. it just seems to fit. Also, in a modern au fiona is a goblincore and no one can tell me otherwise.
Klaus is gay
Violet is everyone's favorite bi disaster, but she only has eyes for isadora <3 (you don't have to agree on viodora, but you'll have to get used to me taking every operatunity to bring them up.) She also seems like a demi girl to me, and probably ace.
that is absolutely not what you asked for at all and I was just all over the place so sorry abt that lol. I'm also sorry for the amount of times I said lol, that was more than usual for me, but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
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sillysnack · 2 years
modern asoue hc: the quagmire triplets would do tiktoks / quote tiktoks daily
scenario 1, this tiktok:
isadora: doc is she going to make it 😢
duncan, holding his laughter: prolly not...
ok thats all bye
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Pretty random ask but what's ur hc for the order of the quagmire triplets (Like which you you think is the oldest/middle/youngest) and also why?
(For me somehow I've always seen it as quigley>isadora>duncan but I saw a post hcing them the other way around so I wanted to know ur opinion) (cuz ur one of the only asoue blogs I know)
thank you so much for asking omfg (i absolutely love being asked about my hcs for snicketverse-)
ok so the way i always saw it was isadora>quigley>duncan. i mostly just hc quigley as the middle child because not a lot of middle children get to be plot relevant, so i thought "hey wouldn't it be cool if-" lol
i also definently get older sister vibes from isadora, but i don't think there's that much of a difference in their ages (since they're triplets), i just feel like isadora seems the type to naturally jump to protect her brothers in a dangerous situation (although i could also definently see quigley being that type of brother).
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ven10 · 3 months
May I request some Quigley hcs pls....... pls sir can i have some more.............. maybe some post-canon perhaps..............
YES!!!!! Quigley my beloved :D!!!!!!!!
(Btw the 1st 4 hcs are quite sad however after that they’re more lighthearted)
1: During his time alone during canon, Quigley developed a habit of talking to himself pretending as if Isadora or Duncan had spoken. [Mainly doing it when he was stressed+wanted to feel less alone, as if he had someone with him who he could rely on.] However even after he’s reunited with his siblings this habit persists, although he tries not to do it.
The first time Duncan, standing in the doorway behind Quigley (who is bent over a map on the floor;trying desperately to track down the Baudelaires) catches Quigley talking to himself he’s confused so hesitates in the doorway for a few moments, sensing that Quigley hasn’t realised he’s there and wondering why Quigley is addressing him as if he had spoken, muttering something along the lines of “no no Dunc, I don’t think that would work…but if we tried what Isa suggested then maybe-”
Duncan stands still for a moment to process before walking over to Quigley’s hunched form, bending down and just hugging him.
2: When he’s anxious he sleeps with his shoes on, prepared to flee at a moment’s notice. He also always keeps a packed rucksack under his bed for this reason. Before he+his triplets inherit their fortune they have very few belongings so it’s really obvious how Quigley keeps his packed.
3: Also on the topic of shoes, I hc that Quigley wears scuffed boots worn to oblivion, the stitches on the seams begging for release, duct tape wrapped and re-wrapped round the left boot (which got stuck in a jagged rock+ripped out). Also the laces would be triple knotted and mismatched (one is the original purple-Quigley’s favourite colour- the other is black and “borrowed” from Isadora after he somehow managed to loose one of his own laces). 🥾
4: Has inner conflict going on between fearing losing the people he loves if he lets them out of his sight for 0.01 seconds vs being the wildly independent person he became in the absence of others
I imagine Quigley to disregard his own wellbeing in favour of “but this plan will work!” eg, Quigley accidentally kicks a ball onto the roof and without second thought tries to scale the building. Leading to the inevitable breakdown of Isadora+Duncan. ⚽️
Uhhh these were all pretty angsty so here’s some more light-hearted ones~✨✨
5: loves ‘worm on a string’s , they’re so dumb, he can’t get enough of them. Isadora+Duncan will be struggling over homework meanwhile Quigley (who is legally dead and therefore doesn’t have to attend school) will use the invisible string to make the worm slither over their maths equations like the menace he is. 🐛
6: While his triplets prefer English as a subject (from being an aspiring journalist and poet) Quigley is better at maths due to the calculations he does to figure out the right coordinates on maps. If he craves socialisation(/chaos) outside of their usual circle then sometimes Quigley will offer to impersonate Isa or Duncan if they have a maths lesson/test that day. 📚
7: Quigley is an extrovert and befriends people quickly but this by no means means he does so normally. His hyperfixation on cartography extends into an interest in geography+cultural differences between places so whenever he meets a new person+has time for full discussions he interrogates them till he has a full history on them, their extended family+their ancestors regarding the places they have lived in or travelled to. 🗣️ 💬 🌍
8: Post-canon whenever the triplets have reunited and are in search of a competent guardian (deciding to find one themselves bc social services would have them sent to some grim place like Prufrock) Duncan scourges through newspaper archives for information of any relatives they have and puts together a family tree.
As he searches for more articles, Isadora+Quigley take a black sharpie to X off any unsuitable/unavailable/dead guardians. Since they’ve been in the library with the archive for a LONG time, a librarian approaches Isa+Quigley to ask if they need any help before cutting herself off mid sentence and backing away hurriedly with her lips pursed tight. It is only then that Isadora+Quigley look down at their ‘family tree’ and realise it resembles a hit list. 🌳 🖊️
9: Quigley steals other people’s clothes all the time. Usually his triplets’ clothes+some of Violet’s jumpers or jackets but occasionally he’ll borrow some of Klaus’ too. Klaus’s things aren’t really Quigley’s style but he likes watching to see how long it takes Klaus to realise. 🧥👚👕👔👖
10: Quigley+Violet are a lethal combo bc Violet will invent something worthy of a new hazard warning and Quigley will be jumping at the opportunity to test it out. 💡
11: Post-canon Quigley gets a job at a local café to afford rent and does a double take every time someone asks for a sugar bowl. 🥣
12: Quigley is a massive animal lover. Cannot get enough of them. Tries to adopt every stray he sees. Convinced Violet to install a dog flap on their door despite the fact that they technically don’t even have a pet.
13: Quigley is The Best at water fights. Sunny thinks she’s doing great having dumped a bucket of water on top of Klaus, meanwhile Quigley is sneaking up behind her with a power-hose. 💧
Thanks so much for the ask @cygninae !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE talking about Quigley!!!!!! :))))))
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i’m always like >>>:/ why doesnt anyone have any hcs about the quagmires’ dynamics. why dont we talk about duncan and isadora thinking quigley was dead for MONTHS. but also i have no thoughts
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afterthegreatunknown · 3 months
Appearance hc for the Quagmire triplets? :) [idk how to do the symbols sorry!]
hello anon!
ooh, a good headcanon to ask! believe it or not, i got face claims of sorts on how i see the book quagmires!
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megan liu for isadora (source: i believe it's a headshot for like, a general profile)
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ian chen for duncan and quigley (source: fresh off the boat). i picked two photos instead of one because one is gives duncan energy (the first photo), while the other gives quigley energy (the second photo)
thank you so much for the ask!
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So you like aesthetics? Let me shamelessly promote my asoue aesthetic collections on weheartit. I spend more time than it is healthy making them.
Feeling a deja vu? Yes, I already had a post just like this, but I have since then moved my asoue stuff to a new account because I have issues.
If you want to check the collections on my multifandom account, you can find them here. Under the cut are the links for the new collections in my new asoue-only account.
Who Could It Be At This Hour?
When Did You See Her Last?
13 Suspicious Incidents
Shouldn’t You Be At School?
Why Is This Night Different From All Other Nights?
The Bad Beginning
The Reptile Room
The Wide Window
The Miserable Mill
The Austere Academy
The Ersatz Elevator
The Vile Village
The Hostile Hospital
The Carnivorous Carnival
The Slippery Slope
The Grim Grotto
The Penultimate Peril
The End
Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography
The Beatrice Letters
Armstrong Feint
Beatrice II
Bellerophon Brothers
Bertrand Baudelaire
Carmelita Spats
Cleo Knight
Dashiell Qwerty
Dewey Denouement
Duncan Quagmire
Kind Editor
E. Snicket (Jacques’, Kit’s and Lemony’s mother)
Eleanora Poe
Ellington Feint
Ernest Denouement
Esmé Squalor
Frank Denouement
Friday Caliban
Dr. Georgina Orwell
Geraldine Julienne
Ghede and Gifford
Gregor Anwhistle
Gustav Sebald
Ike Anwhistle
Isadora Quagmire
Jacquelyn Scieszka
Jacques Snicket
Jake Hix
Josephine Anwhistle
Kellar Haines
Kit Snicket
Klaus Baudelaire
Larry Your-Waiter
Lemony Snicket (up to 13 years old)
Lemony Snicket
Dr. Montgomery Montgomery
Moxie Mallahan
Count Olaf
Olivia Caliban (Book version)
Olivia Caliban (Netflix version)
Ornette Lost
Duchess R of Winnipeg
S. Theodora Markson
Sunny Baudelaire
Quigley Quagmire
The Woman With Hair But No Beard
Unknown Arsonists™
Violet Baudelaire
Capt. Widdershins
Baudelaire Parents
Beatrice & Bertrand & Lemony
Carmelita & Isadora 
Charles & Sir
Ellington & Kit
Gustav & Monty
Ike & Josephine
Jacques & Olivia
Kit & Dewey
Kit & Olaf
Lemony & Beatrice
Lemony & Ellington
Lemony & R
Lemony & The Editor
Olaf & Esmé
Olaf & Georgina
Quagmire Parents
Theodora & Sharon
Theodora & The Woman With Hair But No Beard
Families and Groups:
Association of Associates
Baudelaire Family
Baudelaire Siblings
Denouement Brothers
House of Freaks
Inhumane Society
Olaf’s Troupe
Quagmire Triplets
Snicket Siblings
Schism Generation (aka the adults of ATWQ, the unnamed villains, and other people their age)
Sugar Bowl Generation (aka the children of ATWQ/adults of ASOUE)
Unfortunate Generation (aka the kids of ASOUE)
Ancient VFD
Future VFD
Fanon Characters:
Beatrice Baudelaire is Brazilian hc
Fanfics and Fanmade Stuff:
Fire Magic AU (more about it)
Lonely Souls (read it here)
Just Like A Fairytale (read it here)
VFD crack: shitposts, memes, etc.
Volunteers Fighting Disease
“We have eyes everywhere”
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The Quagmire sixtuplets celebrate Pride with Pride!
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